The Racket (1951)

Get your morning paper. Read all about it.
Get your morning paper.
Crime commission gonna clean things up.
Sure. Sure.
Get your morning paper.
Get your morning paper. Read all about it. | Get your morning paper. Read all about it.
Read all about it in the paper. | Get your morning paper. Read all about it.
- Governor, Mr. Craig has arrived. | - Have him come in.
Governor, we need your help.
It's no longer a question | of dealing with local crime.
The big syndicate, national in scope,
has already moved into our city | and is starting to operate.
Governor, this is our chief investigator, | Harry Craig.
- How do you do, Craig? | - How do you do, sir?
- Sit down. | - Thank you.
Let's have the dirt.
Go ahead, Harry.
Well, Governor, I don't suppose | you've seen all the morning papers.
I see we made the headlines.
- What's really happening? | - Big stuff.
I'd like to begin by calling your attention | to a small item buried in the back.
It says that Police Captain Tom McQuigg, | has been transferred again,
- this time to Precinct 7. | - Yes.
Captain McQuigg is an honest, | hard-hitting, able police official.
- Not a black mark on his record. | - Proving what?
Official corruption is helping | promote crime.
McQuigg is an honest cop, | therefore an enemy.
Therefore he gets pushed around.
- Who does the pushing? | - The men the underworld elect.
- You have proof? | - We're working on it.
First, there's Nick Scanlon, | the old boss of the rackets.
He's operated in our city for years. | He calls it "his" city.
But now he's part of a big syndicate.
A very smooth, a very big-time operation.
The syndicate, as I explained to you, | Governor,
is run by a man, very powerful, | but unknown,
referred to only as the "old man."
This syndicate hopes to operate | unchecked, as a vast monopoly,
controlling all gambling, all vice, | all rackets
and the millions of dollars that entails.
Thousands of which are to be used | for purposes of bribery.
Right now they've got the assistant state's | attorney in their pocket.
- Mortimer Welsh. | - They're running him for judge.
Once he gets on the bench...
Serious charges, Craig. | You have to prove them.
We need the power of subpoena.
And above all, Governor, our biggest need
is to break our evidence | just before the election
in order to stop this barefaced steal | of the city.
Gentlemen, let me say this. | I'm with you to the finish.
I'll take up the matter of subpoenas | at once.
But in regard to all the rest, | I must have proof, absolute proof!
Give it to me, and you have my word | I'll go with you all the way down the line.
How about the rest of you gentlemen?
Have you anything to add?
- No, Governor. | - That's it, Governor.
All right. Thank you very much.
- How's Nick this morning? | - Kind of restless.
- When did you get in? | - Last night.
- What's Durko doing here? | - Back working for Nick.
You know how burned Nick was | when they sent him up.
- Did the old man spring him? | - No. Nick.
Here we go again.
Listen, Mannick, | did Nick seem to be okay today?
- Outside of being restless? | - Yeah, I guess so.
All right, here's the score card.
That guy, Higgins, | that guy the old man was grooming,
spilled to the crime commission.
- I just got the tip. | - Wow!
Yeah, straight. And it's a cinch | Nick don't know about it yet...
- Where's Tony? | - Just about due, Nick.
- What are you guys cooking up? | - How do you mean, Nick?
We got to think of something.
Nick's going to blow his top | when he hears about Higgins,
now that he's got that old torpedo back.
Nick's got to be softened up some way.
Yes, that's right. The old man will | take care of Higgins his way,
and it'll be neat.
None of this rip-and-tear stuff, providing...
- He's waiting for you. | - I'm right on time.
Always right on time for Nick.
- He doesn't like to wait. He gets nervous. | - Tony.
You've been shaving Nick | a long time, right?
- Sure. Long time. Why? | - You and him, you're pretty close, right?
- Sure, close. Say, I better... | - He's paid you out plenty of dough, right?
- You wanna do him a favor? | - Me do Nick a favor? How?
Look, Tony, nobody can talk to Nick.
Nobody can tell him anything. | You know what I mean?
- Sure, I know. | - Maybe you could.
Mr. Mannick, please, | I mind my own business. I don't...
Off-hand, you know what I mean? | Like barber conversation, yak, yak, yak.
Only it means something, | like how the world's changing,
how things aren't the same anymore,
how a guy's got to be careful | and not keep on in the same old rut.
- Get smart. | - Yeah, Tony, see what he means?
Just conversation. | Nick can't get sore with that.
Yeah, sure, I give him that kind | of conversation all right, but...
- But, what? | - But Nick is no fool.
Tony may be not so smart like Nick, | but he understands.
Oh, no, no, no. I do this for Nick.
You know, I don't seem to get around | as fast as I used to, Nick.
- I got two grandchildren now. | - That so?
Yeah. I got a son married and a daughter.
Sons-in-law, they're all the same, | not like me.
We talk. We talk.
I don't understand.
Yeah? How's that?
Well, the world is changing, maybe. | Too fast. Maybe I stay the same.
My kids are different.
My son-in-law, my daughter-in-law, | she's different.
No, things seem is very easy for them, | hard for me.
- Go ahead, Tony. This is interesting. | - That's all, Nick.
The world has changed. Maybe, | I have trouble because I don't change.
What's the matter?
That's what I say. I'm getting old.
My hand is not so steady like it used to be.
That's too bad. I got a tender skin.
Wait a minute.
Were you talking to Mannick | before you came in here?
- Yes, Nick. | - What about?
What about?
- About me, Tony? | - No.
Tony, when you let guys use you,
be sure they're smart guys.
I'll be back.
Get inside.
- All right. Spill. What is it? | - What is what, Nick?
You got something to say, say it to me. | Don't try to prime Tony.
- Why, that... | - Do you think he had to tell me?
How do you think I got where I did?
Not by being outsmarted | by clucks like you.
It's your story.
Nick, I got to tell you, this Higgins guy.
- Yeah? | - He spilled to the crime commission.
- He did, eh? | - Yeah, straight tip.
Yeah, Nick. And the old man's | sure gonna take care of him.
How, by paying his fare out of town | so he can come back and talk again?
Nick, the old man, he'll...
I guess I didn't spring Durko | none too soon.
- Harry! | - Good morning, Foster.
- Good morning. | - How did it go?
- Thank you. Fine. | - How was the trip?
- Not bad. | - How'd the Governor take it?
- Like a man. | - And the commission?
Shocked and fighting mad.
- Are they really going to back us? | - Playing rough?
- Get any sleep? | - Not much.
They're meeting here Saturday.
To consider our evidence?
If we can prove it, they'll hang them.
Well, look at Higgins alone. | I figure 126 years.
- Only Higgins? | - Earning for tax reports, $60 a week.
- And banking $600. | - In four different banks.
- What's the plural of bigamy? | - Oh, we can't prove that yet.
His friends even get | their laundry mixed up.
- So Higgins was a romantic? | - Oh, versatile.
You name it, Higgins did it, | and we'll prove it.
Well, this is all fine, but...
- Where does it lead? | - Exactly.
Higgins was up to his armpits | in the Acme Real Estate Company.
- Are you sure? | - We've had two sessions with him.
- Would he talk? | - All lies, but they led to this.
- Well, get him back. | - Oh, he's coming back. Voluntarily.
To explain some little discrepancies. | In about five minutes.
Yes, indeed. A beautiful morning.
- Beautiful for Welsh. | - Our candidate.
Yes, we're giving Welsh | a great opportunity for public service.
You're late, Higgins.
- Connolly, where's the old man? | - He's not in.
- He promised me that judgeship. | - He changed his mind.
- Whoever heard of Welsh? | - That's the point.
All right. Tell the old man I'm through!
He's reconciled to that.
Now, if you will just sign this, please.
- Connolly, I lost my head. I didn't really... | - Just there at the bottom.
- If I do, is everything okay? | - Sign it.
Now, if you'll stamp this, Davis.
- Notary. Your notary stamp, Davis. | - Oh, sure, sure. I'm a notary.
Hello, Higgins.
Why, hello, Mr. Scanlon. | Didn't know you ever came up here.
- Down? | - Hold it, son. This man's going with you.
Thanks, Mr. Scanlon. Thanks.
Blow, shyster.
All settled, Nick, | just as the old man told you it would be.
Signed and witnessed.
You boys got a lot of faith | in human nature.
He talked once before. He'll talk again.
Either a man's the type who talks | or he's not. Higgins is the type.
Now, he may or he may not be. | Anyway this stops it.
So this is the fancy Dan Operation | I've been hearing about.
This is it. | Quite an improvement, don't you think?
Not so much for the coroner to do.
He gets paid.
When we take over | the operation of a city...
This is my city, bright boy!
Just an expression, Nick.
But now that you're associated with us, | you'll be seeing a lot of new techniques.
Like this one?
You'd handle it differently, no doubt.
A little rougher, maybe.
Nick, with our organization, | those methods are no longer feasible.
"No longer feasible," he says.
The old man considers physical violence | outmoded, unnecessary.
What do you know? I think Higgins had | an accident down there.
- He just fell. Like that. | - His heart, maybe.
- Hey, this guy's been shot. | - Shot?
I'm going to beat that light.
Watch it. Copper.
You guys in a hurry or something?
Sorry, Officer. | I got to get these brakes adjusted.
Okay, okay. Go ahead.
Johnson, a guy got shot | just around the corner on Oak.
for a limousine driven by...
I thought so.
Manslaughter. Extortion. Larceny.
And parole.
Get me a wanted report.
This is the kind of thing the old man hates | and is changing.
Too many loose ends. | Too much emphasis on the physical.
I'm quoting, as you know, Turk.
Could you quote some more?
- Policy? | - Yeah, policy. Nick Scanlon.
There's an election coming up. | Maybe after that's over...
The old man moves cautiously. | "Give a man enough rope," he says.
What was the circulation of this report, | all departments?
What district is Johnson in?
What's the matter with Nick?
What's he using for brains? | McQuigg's poison.
Since we're talking about McQuigg,
can't something be done about him? | Can't the old man...
Too much has been done about McQuigg | as it is.
He's been shifted, exiled, you might say, | but he always crops up.
That's what I mean.
McQuigg's got a great reputation.
Do I have to remind you again | about the election?
If we bust McQuigg,
every newspaper in town | will be down on us.
They'll want to know, "Why, why?"
Sure, but newspaper readers forget fast. | It goes in one eye and out the other.
Why can't McQuigg cooperate? | We've given him every chance.
Maybe he's honest.
All right, Turk. This is your baby. | See what you can do with it.
So he says, | "How do you like your new captain?"
I says, "I've been in the army. | I'm used to hard-boiled top kicks."
McQuigg is a good policeman.
I don't know about good,
but he's the toughest so-and-so | I've ever met on the force.
Tears the whole place upside down | in one week.
Well, it needed it.
This ain't a hot spot.
Hey, you a relative or something, | Johnson?
No, I just think policemen should be | tough and honest.
Please, no speeches. It's just a job.
If it's a job, get on it.
- Time for inspection. | - He's got you, too, eh, Delaney?
You a comedian?
Let's go.
Hurry it up, men.
Ready, Captain.
Boys, you don't know me | and I don't know you.
I run a precinct one way.
We might as well understand each other | right now.
I have rules and I make no exceptions.
Our job is protecting the public, | the taxpayer.
Don't ever forget that.
I will not stand for laxity, | slovenliness or second best.
You do your jobs right | or you'll hear from me.
As for dishonesty or shady stuff, | one time and you're out.
There's no excuse for it.
What happens in other precincts | is none of our business.
Our job is to just make sure | that our own house is clean.
If a man breaks the law and you see him, | arrest him.
I don't care who he is | or what influence he's got.
I'll take the responsibility.
Understand that?
- All right. | - Okay, men. Dismissed.
- Johnson. | - Yes, sir.
That was a nice make, Johnson.
- Good work. | - Thanks, Captain.
City hall on fire?
I'm hiding out | from the new crime commission.
- They must know where to start. | - All reformers start well.
Well, at least they got you out | in the daylight.
Your district's safe in daylight.
What's up, Turk?
Your beat man, Johnson, | turned in a good make.
Yeah, I know. I just commended him on it.
What's Johnson like? Ambitious?
In the right way, yeah.
- What else? | - Everything you're not.
That covers a lot of territory.
Combat veteran, | third man in the civil service exams.
Clean record, no relatives, | no pull, no politics.
Poor kid.
- He'll learn. | - No.
It's political pets like you | who will learn from kids like Johnson.
Can I start now?
- Oh, send Johnson in, will you? | - Yes, sir.
Johnson, the Captain wants you.
Johnson, this is Sergeant Turk
of the state's attorney's | Special Investigation Department.
- This is a good make, Johnson. | - Thanks.
- If you're sure it was Durko. | - Positive.
- But you didn't recognize the other man? | - No.
- Even after you'd run the files? | - He's not in the files.
- What's this all about, Turk? | - Our department wants Durko.
Then find him and pinch him.
Yeah, but if your beat men | scare him prematurely...
Murderers in my district will be pinched | on sight!
You tell the state's attorney so from me.
Keep your shirt on, Mac.
Nice work, Johnson.
Captain, am I dumb or is someone trying | to cover up something?
When I think you're dumb, Johnson, | I'll let you know.
Johnson, how would you like | a special assignment on this?
Very much, sir.
- All right, you're relieved of beat duty. | - Thank you, sir.
Captain, who's big enough | to buy Durko out for a job like this?
You just stick to detail. | Let me worry about the rest.
Yes, sir.
Officer, I'd like to file a complaint.
- Well, madam? | - I haven't been kissed all day.
How would you feel if I had the night shift?
Well, I've heard the days can be | very beautiful this time of year.
- Was today beautiful for you? | - I dug up some more stuff on Durko.
- He must have quite a record. | - Yeah.
Manslaughter. Larceny. Extortion.
He killed a policeman in Cincinnati, | they think.
But they couldn't indict him.
How can men like that ever be paroled?
Well, suppose you needed a killer, | where would you go to get him?
- Bob, is it worth it? | - What do you mean?
Risking your neck to arrest men like that
so the higher-ups | can turn them loose again.
Well, this policeman they think he shot | had three kids.
Well, what if we had three kids?
You'd be half done. I want six.
- But, Bob, I'm serious. | - Hurry up with dinner, will you, Lucy?
- Well, what's your rush? | - I've got to get back to the station.
Oh, no. Not tonight.
- We're celebrating. | - I've got to keep moving on this case.
Celebrating what?
Well, what do you think | I've been trying to tell you?
I'll bite. What?
I hope they never make you a detective!
Lucy, darling!
- Is Nick here? | - I'll see, sir.
- Who shall I say is calling? | - McQuigg.
Oh, yes, Mr. McQuigg. Step in, please.
But, Mr. McQuigg, I...
- Hello, Tom. | - Hello, Nick.
Come right in. Don't stand on ceremony.
Butler? Don't stand on ceremony?
- Nick, I hardly know you. | - Been a long time.
Not much like the old 10th Ward, eh, Tom?
Not much, no.
I hear you're living in the same old dump.
- House is the word. | - I like dump better.
I don't think I'd feel comfortable here.
Too much like the lobby | of the Palace Theatre.
Honesty don't pay off, eh, Tom?
- Or maybe it's just dumbness. | - You ought to know all about dumbness.
You think it was smart killing Higgins?
Who's Higgins?
He was just walking down the street | minding his own business. In my district.
- I never set foot in your district. | - Don't.
Of course, as a free citizen | and a taxpayer...
- A what? | - I pay taxes.
I keep books.
For instance, my taxes would pay | the salaries of 10 guys like you, McQuigg.
Public servants.
McQuigg, the public servant.
You and I should've had a little talk | a long time ago, Nick.
I'm all for it.
I never forget a pal.
I've been intending to thank you | for all you've done for me,
like getting me buried in a no-action spot
after I knocked over | those horse parlors of yours.
Why, Tommy? Me?
Then you and the boys decided | you wanted to make an action spot
out of a no-action spot, | but there was McQuigg, eh?
I pinched one of your boys | for criminal assault and got a conviction.
Of course, he never did time.
There was an appeal, this and that, | the old merry-go-round.
But it was inconvenient, wasn't it, Nick?
So I was transferred again.
I should be an inspector by now, Nick,
if you hadn't known me in the old | 10th Ward days and been my pal.
You flatter me.
Let's quit kidding, Nick. | Stay out of my district.
I'm tired of playing horse.
I'm making this a personal thing. | Understand, Nick?
- A personal thing. | - Okay, Tom.
But if I can get you transferred, | I can get you promoted, right?
Just a thought.
- Lady, don't be difficult. | - Get your big paws off me, you...
- Who are you? | - I'm Irene Hayes. What about it?
You're in the wrong apartment.
You may be right, | but I didn't find out till just now.
I've been teaching my fianc | some manners.
- Your what? | - Well, anyway, he was.
I'm not so sure now.
What do you do for a living?
I sing at the Paradise Club. | What do you do?
That's an interesting question, Nick.
Joe, come here.
So, you got engaged, huh?
- I love her, Nick. | - This cheap canary.
Speak up, Junior.
Nothing personal, sister.
- How about a deal? | - Deal?
Let my brother off the hook.
You keep the rock, I'll keep him.
Are you going to take this, Joe?
- Now, listen... | - Shut up!
- Now, listen, Nick... | - "Now, listen, Nick."
You want to marry her, | throwing yourself away on that.
Give me your money.
And your car keys.
I sold my car.
You sold my birthday present | to buy that rock?
Yes, I did. And I'm going to marry her, too.
Now, listen, Joe.
"Now, listen, Joe."
Listen to yourself.
You'll never know what I've done | for that crazy kid.
Give him everything. Money, clothes, cars.
Made a gentleman out of him. | Sent him to four colleges.
The last one I had to buy a chair. | No, not like that.
Endowment, they call it. | Professors graft, and stiff, too!
I had to endow a chair in Civics | to get him his...
- What do you call it? | - Diploma.
Diploma. I got it, okay.
And I kept him out of the racket.
Why, he could marry anybody in town, | society people maybe, even.
Funny, eh?
- Personal you want to make it, right? | - I said my piece on that.
Well, listen.
Somebody better wise you up, McQuigg. | You're two administrations behind.
That district of yours, it's hot now!
The boys need it | with the election coming up.
What're you trying to do, | stand in the way of progress?
I tried to be nice about it | and give you a good steer.
You better get smart, Tom, | or start to duck.
Just stay out.
You're not going back | to the station tonight?
- I look for shenanigans. | - What kind?
Who knows?
The election's close.
Every two years an election.
Never seems to make much difference.
Now don't you be worrying, Mary. | It's just politics.
All right.
But you will be careful, Tom?
Let the hoodlums be careful.
Are you all right, Mary?
- Was that just politics? | - Who knows?
- Are you sure you're all right? | - Positive.
- I'll take you to your sister's. | - You will not.
But, Mary...
Nobody's going to drive me out | of my own home in your district.
You're right, Mary.
Get on with your cleaning | and I'll get on with mine.
Well, boys?
Car 127 is following the car | that didn't look kosher.
Car came out of an alley | back of your house
right after the explosion.
- Drive me down to the station. | - Right.
Mosley, car 133. Okay, go ahead.
They chased the car into a dead end. | The car hit a curb and broke a wheel.
The boys didn't make | any mistakes, Captain.
The guys in the car are hoods. | There's been some shooting.
- Go there. | - Carlin Street, off 32nd.
- Where's your partner? | - He's inside, Captain.
I got a half-look at one of those men. | I think I know him.
He's one of the Scanlon hoods.
Keep these people back.
All right, come on. Back. Everybody, | come on. All the way. Back. Way back.
Come on, back.
What happened?
One of them got away. | The other one went up the stairs, I think.
Get him out of here.
Get back, folks.
All right, move on back. | All right, move back. Move out.
I called the coroner, Captain.
Yeah, one got away, one got killed.
Still not the one I want.
- Where's Nick? | - Mr. Scanlon is not at home, sir.
- I said, where is he? | - I am not empowered to say.
- Does this empower you? | - I don't know, sir.
Honestly, sir.
He had me pack an overnight bag for him | and left an hour ago.
Well, you pack another one and send it | down to the 7th District jail.
What, is he there, sir?
He will be.
Was it bad, Mac? Much damage?
- A fizzer. | - How's the wife, Mac, okay?
Takes more than that to scare her.
Go away, boys. | Read about it in the papers tomorrow.
Ah, Mac, not even a statement?
A guy who plays around with dynamite... | You finish it.
District Attorney Welsh is | waiting for you, Captain.
It's outrageous, Mac. Outrageous!
- You can count on my office. | - Where's Nick?
You got evidence against Nick?
There's never any evidence against Nick. | The evidence always gets lost.
Witnesses disappear, | the record room has a fire.
We haven't even got a picture of him | in our files.
Kids like Johnson don't even know | his face.
No wonder the Governor appointed | a special crime...
- Well, none of this is evidence. | - Well, a confession will be.
Suppose you did pick him up, | he'd have a writ here in 10 minutes.
I'd like to spend 10 minutes | alone with Nick.
- You say yourself he's hiding. | - Not from the old man, he isn't.
You could find him.
I've never seen any connection | between them.
Oh, Welsh, this is me, remember? | McQuigg.
You can save that line for the voters.
Well, maybe after the election.
- There'll be one less honest judge. | - Now look here, Mac. That's pretty strong.
Welsh, there's decency in you. | Why don't you give it a chance?
The old man's making me a judge.
Convicting Nick Scanlon could make you | our next governor.
- No, Mac, you don't understand politics. | - All right, forget that.
Just between ourselves, tip me off. | It won't go any further. Where is he?
Mac, I don't know where he is. | Now, don't do anything reckless, Mac.
I'm conservative. You're the reckless one. | You're playing with fire.
- See if Johnson's still here, will you? | - Yes, sir.
- He'll never help you. | - He could be honest.
- Too much pressure from above. | - Well, I can add a little from below.
- The old man's behind him, Captain. | - Yes, sir.
He'll probably be at the Paradise Club | watching Irene Hayes.
- Yes, sir. | - Pick him up. Quietly.
- What's the charge, sir? | - Vagrancy.
- Yes, sir. | - If he resists,
there's a city ordinance against | expectorating on the public pavement.
That includes expectorating | broken teeth, sir?
Oh, yes, that's very unsanitary.
- Where did she telephone from? | - All I heard was the club, sir.
Then Mr. Joseph went out at once.
And then this perfectly ferocious man | came and roughed me up.
- What did he say? | - I hardly know, sir.
Then he...
- He what? | - Nothing, sir.
I tried to dissuade him, sir, but he was | an extremely determined person.
And I, Mr. Scanlon, wish to give notice.
You what?
I hardly know, sir. I'm very bewildered.
That? To meet Irene Hayes?
- Just an introduction. | - You want a receipt or a mortgage?
- What's wrong with a tip? | - It's so lonely.
Where have you been since Okinawa?
- Bob! | - Dave, how are you, kid?
- It's good to see you. | - Gosh, it's good to see you, too.
I've been taking | very good care of him, Officer!
Yeah, so I see.
Hey, wait a minute. Did he call you officer?
- Since when? | - I'm a police officer.
How about you? | You keeping up with your writing?
City Press. | I'm a reporter now. Cub.
Atta boy! You stick to it.
And leave Irene Hayes for the wolves.
Well, why the face? | You haven't even met her, have you?
Have you?
- I don't need to. | - Four dry martinis.
Where's the boyfriend?
- Oh, now, wait a minute. | - Come on, come on.
Well, he's in her dressing room, | but, please, don't make any trouble.
This is a respectable place.
Oh, sure, sure.
You know, that's real funny.
- Yeah. | - What?
Oh, no.
Oh, Joe, act your age.
- I don't believe it. | - It's true.
Is this your car?
- Yeah, what about it, flatfoot? | - It's stolen.
Get out slow.
You said Nick gave you this car | to make up.
He will. Be quiet.
Do you know who I am?
Do you know who I am?
Yeah, you're an auto thief | carrying concealed weapons.
I'll have you busted for this.
You can't ride with the prisoner,
but the 7th District jail is | only a short walk.
Yeah, come around. | Nick'll have me out in 10 minutes.
Can I help you, Miss Hayes?
City Press.
Thanks, I already subscribe.
Well, you don't understand. I'm a reporter.
How would that help me?
Well, look, I mean, | I can protect you, sort of.
It's a rough neighborhood.
How would you know?
Well, I've been around here lots of times.
I drop in to catch your act | practically every night.
All right. Let's protect each other.
- Want us inside, Nick? | - No.
I don't like the looks of this one.
Where's Joe?
Honest, Mr. Scanlon, I told him. | Just like you said.
Where is he? Where'd he go?
Well, I hate to tell you this, Mr. Scanlon. | Well...
- Stop stalling. Let's have it. | - Well, then...
- That thing's getting close. | - So?
This is McQuigg's district, you meathead.
It's gone right on past. Next street.
I was going to fire her, | just like you told me, Mr. Scanlon.
- Where'd they take Joe? | - 7th precinct.
How about the tommy?
She's on her way there now. | Walking, I think.
Cops got Joe, picked him up.
Now, we're going to pick up that tommy.
She's walking to the station, | probably took the shortest way.
You see, he was my sergeant.
He really looked after us, | kind of like an older brother.
Sounds like a scoutmaster.
You sure you were in the Marines?
Got an honorable discharge that says so.
Good. I hope your cop friend's got one. | Maybe they'll take him back.
Oh, no, no, no. He's married now and...
You mean that guy could get him fired?
Why don't we talk about you?
Why me? Why not you?
So you used to catch my act every night.
All I can say is you've got no ear for music.
It wasn't your singing.
Well, at least the boy is frank.
No, no, no, I don't mean that. I mean...
Stick to the newspaper business. | Stay out of nightclubs.
You might get your feelings hurt.
- What's your first name? | - Dave.
You like the newspaper business, Dave?
- You like nightclubs? | - No, I don't.
But I like to eat three times a day.
There she is. Slow her down a little.
- There's a guy with her. | - So there's a guy with her.
- Nick, listen, this is McQuigg's district. | - I know that.
This is not smart, this is Hoosier stuff. | Nick, I'm telling you.
You're telling me. Shut up.
Nick, we'll all go up for this. The old man...
When I say do something, I want it done.
When are you guys gonna learn?
After this, don't argue.
Throw him in the back.
Okay, let's get out of here.
I guess we're done for the evening.
This is where I leave you. Thanks.
Oh, I'm going in, too. | You forget, I'm a reporter.
The only thing is, why are you going in?
We brushed that off a while back.
Don't play Romeo. | It's just a waste of time, believe me.
Receipt for your toys, sonny.
My granddaughter could use that | for a paperweight in her kindergarten.
Grand larceny and concealed weapons. | That's a good pinch, Johnson.
I don't admit stealing that car.
No, we just stole one of the three | Rolls-Royces in the city
and planted it on you.
Maybe a jury will give you damages.
You'll see who gets damaged.
Now, sonny, | you mustn't terrorize the police.
Come see the birdie, pretty boy.
Face to the front. That's it.
What's the trouble, Captain?
- It doesn't involve you, I hope. | - Glad to hear it.
Except as a witness.
Irene, don't talk. | Nick'll have us out in an hour.
Quiet. Talking spoils my focus.
- Me witness against the Scanlons? | - You will, under oath.
I have memory lapses.
Miss Hayes, what have the Scanlons | ever done for you?
Nothing. But they will now.
Nick Scanlon never did anything | for anyone in his life,
except himself.
Or his brother.
You mean you want that punk?
You don't necessarily get | what you want in life,
I always say.
Irene, that depends on what you want.
City Press, sir.
He's a friend of mine, sir, | and another witness.
It's your duty as an honest citizen to try...
Who said I was an honest citizen? | And what would it get me if I was?
Well, it might keep you out of jail | for perjury.
This is great. | I walk in here of my own accord...
I'm only trying to help you.
Well, don't be so helpful.
I've been looking after Irene, that's me, | for a long time.
Lock her up.
- For what? | - Material witness.
I got a right to one phone call.
Captain, is our phone working?
For one call after they're mugged, yeah.
This is terrible, Captain.
Mr. Ames, I'm gonna have | to straighten you out.
All I'm after is Nick Scanlon.
Are you going to keep Miss Hayes in jail?
I wish I could, | but Nick'll have them both out
on a writ by midnight.
He was too smart to call Nick.
- Who did he call? | - Davis Bail Bonding Company.
And, Captain, Davis stalled him.
Said he had no instructions | on Joseph Scanlon.
Where's Welsh?
I hope he's still out chasing votes.
Aren't they going to get Miss Hayes out?
It's an old trick, son. A writ's too public.
Welsh is working on the inside.
Just so somebody gets her out.
I'm holding Miss Hayes as a witness | against Scanlon.
- Is she in danger? | - Not while I'm holding her, she's not.
He's right, Dave.
- When's your next edition? | - About five hours.
Have Mike bring my car around, will you?
I'm going to see Judge Sherman.
Shoot the whole story, son.
Captain, can I leave her name out of it?
Sure, just be certain | my name is very prominent, understand?
I understand.
Hey, Tom, take it easy, will you? | They can bust you for this.
Let them bust. As long as I get Scanlon.
Who's he to talk about Nick Scanlon? | Does he care about anybody but himself?
He's an honest man, Dave.
He's a publicity hound. | You're the one who arrested Joe.
- You want to do me a favor? | - Sure.
Print my name and address, too, | as arresting officer.
- Would it help you? | - It might. It might help a lot.
Listen, maybe I better tell you | the facts of life.
The Captain's setting himself up | as a decoy, you understand?
- But, Bob... | - McQuigg plays rough. I like it.
As soon as that edition hits the street, | I'm expecting callers.
- But, look, Bob... | - Don't argue! Grab the phone.
Paper? Got your picture in it, Captain.
Thank you.
You should've been off hours ago.
How about yourself?
I got Judge Sherman.
They'll never fix him.
- The hearing's on Wednesday. | - Mac, how could you do this to me?
Convicting Joe Scanlon's gonna be | great publicity for you, Mr. Prosecutor.
Joe Scanlon is a boy, | an impetuous youngster.
Expressing his budding personality | by grand larceny?
Juvenile peccadillo.
The owner of that car will not file | a complaint.
Is the old man making him a judge, too?
He's a big contractor. He built city hall.
Yeah, I suppose he's the one | that gave Joe that pistol.
- Special permit can be issued. | - Dated last Christmas?
Look, the old man wants this settled.
Now, that's funny. | I heard there was no connection
between him and the Scanlons.
Mac, this could cost me my job.
Hello, Mac. | Mr. Welsh, Mr. Connolly wants you.
- Is he here? | - No, in his office waiting.
Well, did they make you city editor | or give you some stock?
They threatened to fire me.
Oh? So what?
I'm worried about that girl.
- Ames, how old are you? | - 23.
That's very proper. | That's the right age to worry about girls.
- The paper wants her name. | - Fine publicity for her.
If you stigmatize a girl's good name...
People just don't change good names | to Scanlon.
She's just young and mixed up.
Captain, can I see her?
Send Miss Hayes up here, please.
And while we're trying to find you,
McQuigg sets the hearing | with Judge Sherman.
I was working for the election.
You may not be in the election.
- I insist on seeing the old man. | - He's not in.
- But the Scanlon boy is guilty. | - I can't help that.
Connolly, do we need Nick Scanlon now?
Nick, I was just joking.
I can get Joe out on a writ.
Any fool can do that.
But unfortunately, he is guilty.
Why does the old man want to make | this dummy a judge?
Let's stick to business, Nick.
My brother is my business.
Listen, Judge.
According to your law books,
no man is guilty | until convicted in a fair trial, right?
My brother will never come to trial.
Nick, that cop caught him with a gun!
- What was that cop's name? | - Johnson. It's in all the papers.
Johnson will not appear.
The old man won't like that, Nick.
And there's this girl.
- Girl? | - Yeah.
She stole that car to frame my brother.
And you, Mr. Prosecutor,
you'll send her where she can't get him | in any more trouble.
Oh, wait, Nick, Connolly...
You want to be a judge | or an ex-prosecutor?
Well, if it's for the good of the party.
You get your case. | Get it ready against that dame.
Let me know how many witnesses | you'll need.
The old man must like them weak.
The old man likes them pliable, Nick. | He likes men who do as he says.
The other kind don't last long.
Davis Bail Bonding Company, | a Delaware corporation.
What took you so long?
Well, there's only one judge | who will touch this.
Did you get the writ?
Yeah, signed by Judge Wicks. | All we do is fill in the date.
Bring it here.
Give me your pen.
But I promised to get her out.
But Nick didn't. He means it, Joe.
Now wait a minute, Davis.
Okay, good luck at the trial.
Okay, get me out.
- You got the story straight? | - Sure. Serves her right.
Don't put that in your pocket.
- Why not? | - It'll stink up your clothes for a week.
Nick will have us out in an hour.
What do you want, my phone number?
You're staying here.
- Didn't he just bail us out? | - Not you.
When do I get out?
What is auto theft now, Lieutenant? | Five years?
Drop me a line from the pen.
You wait. I'll tell them the truth. | The whole business!
I'll give them the works, everything, | even about Higgins!
You'll be sorry for this.
I'll bust the thing wide open, | do you hear me? Wide open!
She's just young and mixed up.
- So you lost your playmate, huh? | - Yeah, I picked up his jacks.
- What happens now? | - That depends on you.
- Can they really frame me? | - If you play their game, they can.
What game are you playing?
Just one. I want Nick Scanlon.
What can I do?
Tell me about Higgins.
For what?
You want to spend | the rest of your life here?
Last night, when he was sore,
Joe was bragging that Nick got Higgins.
How? Who was it that shot Higgins?
- That's all he said. | - Come on, sister.
That's all he said, honest. | He knows all about it.
Either Nick told him | or he overheard what was going on.
Well, it's a little thin, | but pick Joe up again.
Well, I'll be getting along.
To a slab in the morgue?
- They won't bother me, will they? | - Not in here, they won't.
Feed her and make her comfortable, | but don't let her out of your sight.
Irene, I'm sorry.
Get out before you get me hung | with your honesty.
You seem awfully anxious to get rid of me.
Well, I'm anxious for the news.
Bob, are you really glad?
Darling, I hope it's twins.
Well, you know, Dr. Carter isn't sure yet.
You tell Dr. Carter | I already bought the cigars.
- What will you do while I'm gone? | - What does any father do?
Will you be at the station later?
Yeah, in an hour, biting my nails.
- I'll come straight there. | - Good.
Come in.
Bob, why won't McQuigg | release Irene Hayes?
Dave, you've got to grow up. | You're living in a dream world.
Well, what's wrong with trying to help | a girl that needs help?
McQuigg is helping her | to break with the Scanlons.
He's using her to catch Nick.
- Well, she won't be safe until he does. | - Oh, come on, Bob, you're exaggerating.
Well, there were three policemen killed | in this town last year
by the kind of people that play around | with the Scanlons.
Look, you know as well as I do that she...
Well, she just got mixed up in this | by accident.
She's not really the kind | who plays around with people like Nick.
Is Officer Johnson in?
We just came about his insurance.
Yeah, come in.
He's changing his clothes. I'll call him.
Reach! High!
You all right?
A confession would've been better.
I insist on seeing the old man.
All right, all right. What does she say | she knows about Higgins?
She with McQuigg now?
All right, get McQuigg out of there.
I said, get him out of there | for half an hour.
That canary, we got to shut her up.
- Money? | - I can try that first.
Nick, I'd suggest you let us handle this.
If I want any help from you, I'll ask for it.
Only a suggestion, but I'd steer | clear of it myself if I were you.
Send somebody else.
All I got working for me are | a lot of dumbheads.
They got a tough time figuring out | how to get across the street.
Well, at least sit down | and talk it over with yourself.
Right now you're in | the wrong frame of mind.
You know what the old man says,
"Never do anything in anger. | It's inefficient, a thing of the past."
And don't you guys try | to double-cross me.
Could I afford to?
Better have Davis get a writ, just in case.
Is that all?
Yeah, have Miss Hayes sign that, | will you, please?
Busy, Mac?
You may say that as long as | I am privileged to serve the people.
How about a cup of coffee?
What are you after now, | the restaurant vote?
I got problems, Mac, problems.
- Where's the Captain? | - Out getting some coffee.
- You got a duty report? | - Yeah, sure.
- Say, Bob, you gonna be around? | - Yeah, till the Captain gets back.
- Watch the desk, will you? | - Sure.
Well, thanks, Judge. | I'll be getting back to the station.
Mac, can you send Johnson | on immediate vacation?
- So he can't testify against Joe? | - He could leave a deposition.
For you to lose, Mr. Prosecutor? | No, thanks.
Maybe you think you can fix Johnson.
Forget it. He's my kind of policeman.
Then send him away.
How did you know | that Johnson made the arrest?
Don't you read your own press?
No, that was for Nick Scanlon to read.
How do you like that kid stealing | my tricks?
Hello? McQuigg. Is Johnson there yet?
Fine. Keep him there.
Thanks, Welsh. He's safe at the station.
Keep it running.
- Is Captain McQuigg in? | - He'll be back soon. Sit down.
I can't wait.
I want to see Miss Irene Hayes.
- What about? | - It's a personal matter.
- Personal, eh? You a lawyer? | - No, a friend.
A friend of Miss Irene Hayes?
That's the general idea.
Or maybe a friend of Nick Scanlon?
Is that some of your business?
He must hire you cheap hoods | by the dozen.
Well, sit down and wait. | The Captain will be back in a minute.
- You in charge here? | - Yeah, till relieved.
- What's your name? | - Johnson. What's yours?
So, you're Johnson, huh?
- The big, brave cop. | - That's me.
And I got kind of a suspicion | who you might be, too.
What's the matter, Scanlon? | You run out of hoodlums?
Fresh cop, huh? Understudying McQuigg?
- No, I'm not that good. | - You're that dumb, all right.
Where's this girl's cell, flatfoot?
You heard what I told you. | Sit down and wait.
The Captain will take care of you | when he gets back here, you cheap mug.
Better get the doctor, Jim.
McQuigg. Red line flash.
Acknowledge your call, 1-3.
Red line for all units. Red line for all units.
Large black sedan,
license XY2498,
going north on Constitution A venue,
occupants armed and dangerous.
There it is.
Car 43, 4-3, in pursuit of black sedan | going north
on Constitution from Green Street.
They made it. Hit it.
- What happened in there, Nick? | - Shut up and drive.
a challenging statement
to the people of this city.
You will now hear Mr. Welsh's own voice.
that as long as I am privileged...
- Politics. | - Go on through.
Forty-three blocked at Washington.
Black sedan turned west on Central.
it was...
Best young cop on the force.
Honest, decent, plenty of guts.
Seems like they're the first ones | it happens to.
You'll make the arrangements, | won't you, Doc?
Yeah, Mac.
Go get Mary, Jim.
- What about him? | - A little groggy yet, but he'll be all right.
- Did he see the shooting? | - He must have. Probably tried to stop it.
Hello? McQuigg.
Anything on that red line yet?
Tell the boys they killed a cop.
Hello, Lucy.
We've had a little trouble here.
Will you come on in?
- Hit it, I told you. Hit it. | - It's on the floor.
... occupants killed a policeman.
So you bumped a cop? Personal.
And I'm sitting minding my own business.
Shut up.
We've been trying to tell you | and trying to tell you. Now this is it.
Just drive.
- Can you beat that train? | - I could try.
- What do you think? | - They killed a policeman.
Davis will be here with a writ | of habeas corpus.
You will have Nick released immediately.
He must've been crazy.
Perhaps. If so, he may be inclined to talk.
They may not catch him alive.
We don't count on things like that. | Were there any witnesses?
- I don't know. | - Find out!
And, remember, whatever happens, | Nick must not be allowed to talk.
Chief, may I see you?
- Anything on that red line? | - No, sir.
I'll take her home.
Thanks, Mary. I've got lots of work to do.
Do it well, Tom.
- Can you talk yet? | - Sure.
Did you see who did the shooting?
He couldn't. He was downstairs with me.
So you kicked his face in, huh?
You'll get him killed. | You can't even protect your own cops.
And who's trying to protect cops?
Look at them. Three of the finest | that ever walked the beat.
Killed on duty trying to protect | the people of this city.
Just as Johnson himself was killed | here tonight,
probably trying to protect you!
How can any cop protect anybody | without honest witnesses?
So the buzzards are gathering, huh?
- Dave, do you hate me? | - No.
McQuigg's right. I was all for myself.
I never had anyone to be for.
You'll be all right.
Dave, if you talk, they'll kill you.
If you'd have told me | where Nick was last night...
Well, we don't know Nick did this.
So that's the party line, huh?
Who else would kill a policeman | in the station?
- No proof, have you, Mac? | - A confession will be proof.
No, Nick will never confess.
He will to me | before you take him out of here.
Mac, we're here to help.
We'll help each other.
I'll give you the pleasure of hanging him, | Mr. Prosecutor.
We'll stick around, Mac.
They won't stop at anything now.
You think I will?
Here he is, Captain.
Threw his gun away. They're looking for it.
The other man got away, sir.
This is the one I want.
Did that chump driver of mine | pull something in here?
Born with an alibi in your mouth, huh?
What is all this, Tom, a routine roust?
You don't remember, huh? | Maybe I can refresh your memory.
I don't talk without my lawyers.
Your lawyers are probably busy | trying to frame your driver.
- Who was he, Nick? | - Breeze Enright.
Breeze Enright.
I sent him up last winter for 10 years.
He must've got parole. | You know how those things are.
What did it cost you, Nick?
Paroles come kind of high | in election years, they tell me.
It will be worth it | if they hang this rap on him.
Maybe, if I knew what the rap was.
The sooner you know, | the sooner they can put the fix in, huh?
Where've you been?
This may be too smart, Nick.
I got a writ here.
What are you today, Davis?
Just a bondsman, Captain, | and this, a habeas corpus.
Issued before he did it.
It's all legal, Captain.
Habeas corpus, it's the law.
You'll get contempt of court for this. | Get Welsh.
What do you mean coming in here drunk?
And disorderly in a police station?
- And resisting arrest? | - Yeah.
Lock him up till he's sober.
And book him for murder.
Tearing up writs, framing guys,
booking me for murder.
Why you dumb cop!
Big, brave copper.
Someday, maybe I'll get you | on my own grounds.
Anytime, anyplace.
And no squawks now | about police brutality.
I was just protecting myself.
Book him.
Have you gone crazy?
Send Nick up here right away, will you?
- You can't tear up a writ of habeas corpus. | - I did it.
The judge will have you suspended.
He'll bless me for saving his neck.
- But this is a court order! | - For a murderer.
How would that look in print | just before an election?
He's got a point, Mr. Welsh.
You haven't proved murder.
You just make yourself comfortable, | Mr. Prosecutor. I'll be right back.
Well, Ames?
Mac, you can't make him | identify Nick Scanlon.
I don't have to make him, he's honest.
- Dave, you can't. | - I've got to, Irene.
if honesty's the style around here, | can I play?
Good girl. Now, listen...
Let Enright take the rap.
He can plead self-defense, | you get him a second degree sentence
and I'll buy him out later | when things quiet down.
It isn't that simple, Nick.
You're paid to make things simple, Judge.
Ready, Mr. Prosecutor?
Cut the comedy and get me out of here.
Right in here, please.
You know this man?
Not his name, but I saw him kill Johnson.
Now, listen, sonny,
take a good look at me. | Maybe you'll change your mind.
I'm not afraid of you.
Wait'll my boys get through with you.
Your boys.
They'll take care of you, too.
Your boys take care of everything for you, | don't they, Nick?
I thought you were so tough.
What's this tommy doing in here?
Fighting with kids. | Is that the way you got your reputation?
Joe didn't think much of you,
but at least he always bragged | about how tough you were.
That was one thing | he never apologized for.
What are you talking about, dime a dozen?
I'm talking about your brother Joe | always apologizing for you.
Joe never apologized for me in his life.
All the time.
And now it begins to look like | you're not even tough.
Why, you cheap, little, clip joint canary.
Hey, brute, | you kicking that kid in the face!
He got in my way.
There's your confession, Mac.
You didn't tell me you had a witness.
You didn't tell me you had a phony writ.
Don't ditch me, Welsh.
Well, one witness isn't conclusive.
They found his gun, Captain.
- Has it been dusted? | - Yes, sir. It's lousy with fingerprints.
Exhibit A, Mr. Prosecutor.
Listen, Judge, better get me out of here.
Phone Connolly.
Captain, I'd like to interview | the prisoner alone.
I'm going to do the same thing.
However, you may have him first.
You two come with me.
Get the old man himself.
Yes, we're trying, we're...
Phone for you, Mr. Welsh.
Going somewhere?
Now, listen, Connolly, I...
Excuse me, sir. | I thought it was Connolly, I...
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Oh, yes, sir. Of course, sir. | He's right here, sir.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Just as you say, sir.
It's the old man. He wants to talk to you.
Yeah, chief.
Yes, sir.
- Did you get the old man? | - Yes, yes, I got him.
Come on, come on. What did he say?
Mac, I've just got to have | a few more minutes.
Make it short.
Nick, the old man says | you got to stand arrest.
- What? | - Just till after the election.
Don't you guys know by now | you can't play games with me?
You know the publicity you'll get.
- Listen, you... | - We can't carry you and the election, too.
You better go back to the old man again | and tell him something for me.
I'm not holding still for any arrest, | especially in the 7th District.
McQuigg, that guy framed me | if he couldn't do it no other way.
It's no use, Nick, I tried.
You tried. You better try harder, Judge, | or you'll all swing.
You understand what I mean?
Who do you think you're dealing with? | A fall guy? A patsy?
What do you mean, Nick?
You know what I mean, you two-bit crook.
Who pays off who and why is what I mean.
Where the big bankroll | and the big boys are.
New York even, shall we say?
- Who'd believe you? | - That crime commission.
I can give them names, | phone numbers, addresses.
- You couldn't prove it. | - I've got it all on paper.
What's the matter with you? | You think I'm stupid or something?
I was running this town
when you cheap jerks were still | eating at diners.
You want to go back to diners | or something worse?
You mean you'd talk, Nick?
And how. About the big graft.
About who the Acme Real Estate Company | is and why.
The old man says I got to stand arrest.
How would the old man like | to stand arrest maybe?
- He may be right, Mr. Welsh. | - Yeah, he may be.
We got to help him.
Yeah, but we got to have an alibi.
That's an alley. It's dark now.
Tear the shade like you went out fast.
- Give me your rod. | - Sorry, I might need it.
Hurry, Nick, hurry.
What's up, Welsh?
- Tell him. | - Wait, wait.
Not me.
Do you think I'd let any lousy politician | tell me what to do?
I'm through waiting.
Now you double-crossers can | double-cross each other.
My boys will go to the polls next week | with orders to let the people vote honest.
Give me that gun.
In the belly if you move.
It was the second one that got him.
Call the coroner, will you?
You know, you gave me a bad minute.
Didn't you have this figured?
Till he grabbed the gun. | I didn't know it wasn't loaded.
Oh, I did that, Captain. Safer.
Well, you might have told me.
Hey, Sullivan.
Just as you thought, Captain.
Well, I hope I haven't made you | our next governor.
You mean you thought this all out?
Sometimes policemen can think.
They always go too far.
Now what?
Don't you think | we can even make a try at it?
I guess you can't blame anyone for trying,
can you?
Are Mr. Welsh and a Sergeant Turk here?
Well, they're pretty busy right now.
Mr. Welsh will see me.
And who might you be?
I've been hoping to meet you | for a long time.
Mr. Welsh, you have callers.
Hello, Harry.
I'm sorry I can't help you boys just now. | I'm very busy.
Perhaps tomorrow?
- One question, Mr. Welsh. | - Well?
When did you become a stockholder | in the Acme Real Estate Company?
Anything more, Captain?
Yeah, a lot more for Welsh and Turk.
The machinery finally caught up | with them.
- Machinery? | - Justice.
It's a kind of machine, slow machine.
People like Turk and Welsh are always | throwing sand in it.
Getting it out of gear.
Why do we let them, Delaney?
You, me, the public. | I get mighty sick and tired of it.
Constant fight, constant struggle.
- Better get some rest, Tom. | - Rest?
Yeah, but tomorrow | it starts all over again.
- Good night, Jim. | - Good night.