The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999)

You... can't...
my daughter.
No! Stay away!
Stay out of here.
Stay out!
She's my daughter!
Stay away!
Stay away!
Stay away!
Stay out!
Mommy, come and play with me
in my room.
Right now, Mommy. Okay?
I got an idea!
No! Let go of me!
No! Who will protect her? No!
Let me go!
Rachel! Rachel!
No! I can't leave her!
I have to protect her! Rachel!
Okay, Rachel,
your mama's gotta go somewhere
to rest, so she'll feel better.
Are you okay?
Is your dad around?
I don't have a dad.
Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna take you someplace nice,
with a nice family,
until we get this sorted out, okay?
Stop it!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Monday morning!
Time to get up and go to work!
But never fear,
the Moneyman is here
to help you through
your Monday morning ordeal with $101...
Sorry, Walt.
- Are you workin' tonight?
- They moved me to the graveyard shift.
Was the dog in the house last night?
He's allowed in the morning.
Daytime's okay, but not at night.
I only let him in this morning.
There's no juice.
We're out of a lot of things.
Rachel, I heard dog noises
when I was trying to sleep.
Walter was not in the house.
That voice!
As long as you're under this roof
you respect us as your parents
and treat us like that.
Take it easy, Boyd.
She might not be with us
much longer.
Your mom's making progress, right?
On her new medication, the Clozaril?
Where are we gonna make up
that 300 bucks a month?
May I be excused?
- Well, hello!
- Oh! She speaks!
Her mouth opens and sounds come out.
She didn't call all weekend.
I figured her voice was gone.
What's wrong?
Foster dad being a pain again?
Why are you so weirdly happy?
Do I look any different?
Do you look any...
Oh, my God! You did it?
You wouldn't believe me if I told you,
so... I'm bringing him to lunch.
You suck!
Oh, love you, too!
Best blood.
Are... you
to... beat-beat?
will dominate
the rest!
Morning, girls.
How you doin' this morning?
What's goin' on?
Get away from me!
According to these new rules,
how many points do I get
if I do that chick?
The fat one? Six.
I did her last week and you gave me five.
And she's not fat.
I figure if he's got the balls to go in
after you, I'm giving him an extra point.
- Hey, guys.
- Oh, Jesse, Jess, that Tracy girl!
You gotta get all over that girl, man.
- She's on my list.
- Definitely fine.
She got an ass stamped BP, baby!
Bulldog property!
Can you develop these at work?
Woof! Woof!
- Total coyote date.
- That's harsh, bro.
It's the truth.
- What's a coyote date?
- You don't know?
That's when you wake up,
some ugly chick sleeping on your arm,
and you'd rather gnaw it off
than wake her up.
God, woman, you come prepared!
Tell me who the special someone is.
All will be revealed in due time.
"Romeo and Juliet",
a tale of star-crossed lovers,
pulled apart by their families,
society, and, some might say, by fate.
Pulled apart by their families,
society, and, some might say, by fate.
Why is it that we are so moved
by love that ends with separation?
What say?
I don't know that I believe in it.
Believe in what?
Well... then you've got bigger problems
than passing this class.
- Who would love her?
- Yes, Arnold?
"Love is 15 seconds
of squishing noises."
Johnny Rotten.
Know what I'm saying?
Dork! Kill that kid.
Are all love stories tragedies? I mean,
unless they die at the same time
all lovers are eventually
separated by death, right?
Then Romeo and Juliet isn't a tragedy.
They could only be together in death.
Very good!
A foul cynic. Most clich.
A true romantic. How refreshing!
Shut up.
Ohh, hello there!
Hey, girls, what's happenin'?
Move out. Thank you.
Oh, Mark Bing wanted me to invite you
to his party Friday night.
- Is Jesse going with anyone?
- I don't think so.
Could you please refrain
from shooting my ass?
Did you see that!
Let's stay back, please!
You better come with me.
A girl just killed herself in the lot.
Stay here.
Best blood.
Oh, my God.
Rachel... come on, back away.
Attention all students.
Report to your homeroom classes.
Report to your homeroom classes.
Oh, man!
Whose car is this?
She was
really happy this morning.
I don't understand why she...
It's okay.
Let it out.
I don't cry.
Miss Snell, please report
to the principal's office.
I have to go.
Rachel, stay here, okay?
I'll be back as soon as I can.
One of our students died today.
We will observe at exactly 1pm
a moment of silence.
- Lisa Parker may be gone
- Hand me the scorebook.
But she will not be forgotten
by her friends.
She will not be forgotten
by her fellow students.
She will not be forgotten
by her teachers
or by her school.
Her parents are gonna want all this.
Oh, my.
That girl Lisa, right?
That girl Lisa, right?
I was supposed to have lunch
with her today.
You guys thought she was shit, right?
Don't look at me like this.
You thought she was shit.
What did you do?
Nothing. I didn't do anything.
It's just Lisa was acting all happy,
you know, like we were going steady.
I had to break the news to her
that she was just a pump.
You know, a nut.
She didn't mean anything to me.
I guess she couldn't handle it.
Is that your brilliant attempt to fix it?
That's good.
You need all the points you can get.
I don't know why you're erasing them.
That's cold, man.
On Friday the King's University scout
is coming to the game.
If all this gets out... Sex and suicide?
Come on, man.
Catholic schools frown on that shit.
If I don't get into a good school,
my dad's gonna kill me.
But nobody's gonna find out.
Lisa took a picture of us last night.
What if her parents ask questions?
That's a problem.
Oh... shit!
I'll handle it. I'll take care of it.
Relax, man. Come on.
Come on.
- Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you.
- It's all right.
You're Rachel, right?
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm Jesse. English?
Right. The true romantic?
- Yeah.
- Rachel, listen. That Lisa girl?
She had pictures that have
what you might call sentimental value.
I figured 20 bucks ought to cover it.
What do you want, 30?
They're not your pictures, all right?
It's not like she's gonna
pick 'em up, is it?
Cut it out, man.
Rachel, I'll tell you what.
I'll swing by when you get off work,
take you out for a little cruise.
Come on. I don't bite.
Unless you want me to.
I don't think so.
Why not?
Because I'm a dyke.
That's funny.
- Don't laugh, man.
- Just drive.
How you doin' tonight?
"For a moment I thought
someone was actually seeing me
but it was all a lie."
"Eric lied when he said I was special,
and I was lying to myself."
"I believed him."
Rachel, is there anything in there
that strikes a chord for you?
Do you know what Lisa was referring to?
Yesterday she, uh...
She told me she lost her virginity.
Do you know this boy?
Eric Stark.
He's on the team.
Can I talk to you?
Excuse us, Rachel.
Robbie, I had a freshman girl
crying last week.
Five more have been in my office
this semester.
I couldn't get anything out of them,
but... their friends told me
football players slept with them,
then dumped them.
It's not illegal to break a girl's heart.
Eric is 18.
Lisa was 16. That's statutory rape.
That's a stretch.
Let's make it, before someone else's
daughter jumps off a building.
Are you sure you're not still trying
to save a girl that died 20 years ago?
Help me!
Plug it up! Plug it up!
Okay. I'll look into it.
That was great.
The minute man!
Do it, baby! Do it again!
Gimme the book. Gimme the book!
Oh, my!
- He nailed a hottie!
- No, no, an eight.
Is he going back in for double time?
I don't feel good. I'm gonna be sick.
- He's gonna puke!
- Not in my car!
You know, Mark invited me
to his party on Friday.
What are you thinking about?
I asked what, not who.
It's nothing. It's, uh...
Doesn't it bother you that some girl
offed herself yesterday?
Why? She wasn't anybody.
I mean, I didn't know her.
You know, I still don't have
a date for Mark's party.
Hint, hint.
Rachel, stop this.
Hey! Hey! Get back here!
That rotten dog.
Hey! Your dumb dog got out.
Walter! My God!
Stop! Help!
Please stop! Stop!
- Please!
- What happened?
Please help me!
Are you gonna be all right?
For what?
For making you come out here
all this way.
Don't worry about it.
What about my windshield?
How bizarre was that?
I'm sorry about your car.
It wasn't your fault.
It was probably a rock or something.
Walter's banged up pretty bad.
He has broken ribs.
He tore an artery in his front leg.
He's lost quite a bit of blood.
His pressure's stabilised.
He's gonna make it.
- Can I see him?
- Come back tomorrow.
Any time after eight.
Don't worry. It's because
you look like a mass murderer.
What's with the music?
Don't they have anything good,
like Garbage?
- You like Garbage?
- Yeah. Shirley Manson, she rocks.
Lisa loved her.
You two were really close, huh?
I'm really sorry.
I'd see someone from behind
and... I'd know, I'd just
know it was Lisa.
And she'd turn around, and it wasn't.
But sometimes it was.
And now
whenever I see someone who looks
like her and she turns around,
it won't be.
It's gettin' pretty late.
- Can I give you a ride home?
- I can walk.
Yeah, right.
I can hitch. Don't worry.
Then you can go hitch.
Or I could just
wait for my limo.
Yeah, you could do that.
Just wait for your limo.
Come on.
I guess I'll see you in school tomorrow.
You'll let me know how Walter's doing?
And uh
thank you
for everything.
Well, uh... good night.
Good night.
- Dry weather.
- Acrylic sweater.
I shook her hand.
Thank you for your support.
I'd like your vote.
Don't! Don't jump!
Last night I took a look at your file.
Your mom is at Arkham
for schizophrenia?
How's she doing?
She's gonna be fine.
I had a really traumatic experience
in high school.
I tried to help someone,
and it backfired horribly.
No! Stop!
I spent some time at Arkham
as a patient.
Does that shock you?
I guess. I mean, you seem
pretty normal to me.
Yeah, well... I try.
do you visit your mom often?
Is that scary for you?
What do you mean?
It's perfectly normal to be afraid
of turning out like your parents.
Come on!
I know I'm ten times more likely
to get it than most people.
I didn't mean to patronise you.
is that scary for you?
in a way you've lost your mother
and now you've lost a friend.
Losing people close to you can be
very painful and lonely.
- If you wanna talk...
- No!
I'm sorry. I...
I must've knocked it.
I didn't see you knock it.
I know.
I know what you did to her.
As we can see from last year's film
As we can see from last year's film
the Carlin Devils play tough,
smash-mouth football.
Here we see Mr Bing...
- I thought you got the pictures.
- Relax, all right?
Nobody knows.
I'm sure they're at the Photo Mat.
It takes an hour to develop film.
Come on, man.
Mr Bing, on your feet.
- Turn around and drop trou.
- What?
You heard. Drop trou, shorts and all.
Now, son!
If you wanna stay a starter on this team.
You undress like a girl. Let's go.
After that half-assed block,
I wanted to check if maybe you
had a tampon string between your legs.
All right, girls, this Friday it's gonna be
kill or be killed. Let's go!
- Yeah, Bing!
- You ready for the game Friday?
You've never seen,
met or talked to Lisa Parker?
No, sir, never.
Who's this you're hanging on to?
Salvation Army alert.
Look who Jess is talking to.
She's such a bottom-feeder.
You working tonight?
You wanna meet me at the diner?
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Cool. See you there.
So, what did he want?
He asked me out.
- What did you say?
- I said, "Okay. It's your funeral."
Well, okay, pardon me,
but is hanging out with jock-boy
such a hot idea?
I just heard that he's dating
Tracy Campbell, you know.
And she uh...
Right now she's giving you
the look of a thousand deaths.
She's beautiful.
Yeah, duh!
Coach says I'm starting this week.
Coach says I'm starting this week.
What happened in there?
Kelton, man. Somebody told him
I did Lisa and now I'm suspended.
My dad will kill me.
- What about the game?
- Who cares?
Kelton had a picture of Lisa and I,
and talked statutory rape.
Now I face the DA on Thursday.
Relax. It's bullshit, all right?
Your dad will kick your ass, but
he's a lawyer. He'll kill that shit dead.
I'll miss the game of the year.
Football scouts are gonna be there
and I'll be on the bench
with a thumb up my ass.
And that bitch Rachel will be talking
all kinds of shit to anyone who'll listen.
The best defence is a good offence.
- What's that supposed to mean?
- We're gonna do some damage control.
Get it together. He's just a guy.
You are gonna be late.
Forget your keys?
Let's take the front.
Stop it! Stop!
Stop! Stop!
- Rachel...
- Stop it!
What's your favourite scary movie?
Are you naked?
Who is this?
Or are you wearing a little red towel?
It's playtime!
Who the fuck is this?
Why don't I come and show you,
you fuckin' dyke?
What do you want!
Who is this!
Don't you recognise the voice?
Who does it sound like?
Hey, Rachel!
I'm calling the police.
- Rachel! Rachel!
- Come on out here, Rachel!
You bitch!
- What are you doing?
- Fuckin' her over like she's fuckin' me.
No way.
What the fuck are you doin'?
I have an emergency!
I'm at 3366 Broad Street!
- It's the parents!
- Let's go! Let's get outta here!
Yeah. I'm still here.
- If she touches you one more time...
- You never liked her.
Everything's okay now.
What's this?
Look at the window.
What the hell happened here?
How should I know?
Ah, Jesus!
Don't go tellin' no stories
about my boy Eric.
Come on!
Why do the innocent
always get hit in a drive-by!
What happened to you last night?
I waited up for you.
- Why don't you tell me?
- What are you talking about?
I waited at the caf for over an hour.
I'll tell you what happened.
What is wrong with this picture?
What does he see in her?
Come on, Trace.
You're caviar, she's Cheez Whiz.
He'll come around. He's letting little Jesse
do the thinking for big Jesse.
I just don't want any part of this, okay?
Let me talk to Mark. I'll work this out.
They were probably drunk
and being stupid.
No, don't.
Maybe all of this isn't such a good idea.
All of what?
Guys like you are supposed
to date girls like Tracy, okay?
That's what this is about?
No. Hold on.
Let me take you out for a date.
A nice mellow one. Tonight.
I'm not going anywhere
until you say yes. Try me.
I mean it. I'm telling you.
Just say yes.
- What was that?
- Okay.
All right!
Rachel, I need to talk to you.
We need to talk.
- What's the matter?
- Did you go by Rachel's?
Yeah. We were just sending her
a little message.
Give it to me next time.
I'll make sure she gets it.
What are you gettin' all bent for?
This girl's a skank.
- You don't even know her!
- What, and you do?
She doesn't deserve to be treated like
that. Who are you to send her a message?
Who am I? I'm a friend who gives a shit
that my boy's goin' down for rape!
I'm gonna do anything
to keep her from talkin'.
Eric's a big boy. You got anything
to tell her, deal with me.
- Deal with you?
- Deal with me.
No. You're gonna have to deal with me.
What is wrong with you, Jesse!
This is us, man! We're all friends here!
No. We just grew up together.
This is just a test that will
let me know how to help you better.
This is just a test that will
let me know how to help you better.
You're wasting your time.
Just answer the statements
true or false.
"There's a man inside the television
who tells me what to do."
Uh, false? I don't see the point.
"Sometimes my thoughts assume
the form of a giant insect."
This doesn't make any sense.
Answer true or false.
"Sometimes my thoughts assume
the form of a giant insect."
"If you want to play the piano well,
you have to practise."
"Large furry animals crawl
on my face while I sleep."
I have a dog.
"Sometimes I can move things
with my mind."
- You can't make me do this.
- Sit down.
I'm trying to help.
- You're not my mother.
- I'm trying to be your friend.
Let go of me!
They're all gonna laugh at you!
They're all gonna laugh at you!
They're all gonna laugh at you!
They're all gonna laugh at you!
Selling used cars is not what I want.
Unless I nail that football scholarship,
that's what I get.
I can't believe I'm telling you this.
I never told anybody this before in my life.
It must be nice not having to be
like everybody else.
It's not so great.
I mean,
sometimes I wish I could just be
one of the shiny, happy people.
Does that surprise you?
Yeah. Yeah.
Everything about you surprises me.
Whoa! Whoa!
I knew this guy once. He did this thing.
He could suck a strand of spaghetti
up his mouth and right out of his nose.
Brain flossing?
He called it a talent.
I bet you're wondering
where I'm going with this, right?
you really have a talent.
You've got football.
It'll get you out of this place.
After that, you can do what you want.
Make your own path.
Write your own book.
Think so?
You wanna come with me?
Uh... your brake.
It's poking me right in the back.
You wanna?
I really don't know how to say this.
I've never...
- And I want it to be special.
- Yeah.
Like, you come to my door
with flowers in your hand.
Oh, well, okay.
What kind of flowers do you like?
- Daisies.
- Daisies.
Okay. I'll have to remember that.
I don't know!
I don't know! I don't know!
I don't know! I don't know!
I don't know! I don't know!
I don't know!
I don't know! I don't know!
I don't know! I don't know!
Mrs Lang, I need to ask you
a few questions about Rachel.
Who is...
- Who is her father?
- It ain't important.
- I knew you'd come back.
- I'm afraid we don't know each other.
We can still get married.
I'll marry you.
- I need to know who he is.
- I'm sorry, that's private.
The hell with them!
What do they know?
Cut it out! She's not Terry!
Now kindly go away.
He's never had a visitor.
Wants to share everybody else's.
Mrs Lang, it's very important
that you tell me who Rachel's father is.
I don't see how that's
any of your business.
I'm trying to help Rachel. She seems
troubled and I'm very worried about her.
You're worried?
Are you very worried?
I am.
You don't have any children,
do you, miss?
No. No, I don't.
Then you don't know. You will never know
how terrifying children can be.
Mrs Lang, I know this is
a really strange question,
but when Rachel was growing up
did you ever see objects
move by themselves?
And did the doctors convince you
it was your imagination?
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord
is with thee. No. I was crazy then.
I thought she was possessed.
I thought the devil was inside her.
Mrs Lang, Rachel needs help.
She may have a disease,
a genetic disorder.
I believe her father
may have passed it on to her.
- Could I have it? Did I give it to her?
- No.
- How do you know?
- The male is the carrier.
Mrs Lang, you must tell me his name.
Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners
now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
I did tell Rachel once how we met.
He said it was love at first sight.
I'll tell you, but don't you dare
hurt my daughter.
I never told her, cos
people around here aren't fond of
Carrie White, cos of what she did.
he was her daddy, too.
His name was Ralph.
Ralph White.
I need you to come with me.
The night of the prom
73 people died.
A few of us survived, but
we've never talked about that night.
That's why I ended up at Arkham,
if you wondered.
I witnessed something
I can't even begin to tell you about.
But look around. See for yourself.
This was the original high school.
I wish they'd tear it down.
It's like some
twisted memorial to that night.
I haven't been here in over 20 years.
Happy homecoming.
You've heard of Carrie White?
Supposedly she set the fire
as some type of
revenge-suicide thing.
Elvis was her date,
and they escaped in a UFO.
I know what happened
to that snow dome on my desk.
It fell.
We both know.
Rachel, is Jesse Ryan pressuring you...
- That's none of your business.
- Look...
I know everything there is to know
about Carrie White.
She did this.
It began with something like the snow
dome and then it got out of control.
I'm leaving.
Rachel, it's...
- It's a genetic recessive trait.
- What are you saying I have?
I'm saying you're not crazy,
and it's not the devil.
It's a trait, Rachel, you've inherited.
Telekinesis. The ability
to move objects with your mind.
For years I didn't believe it existed.
There are places that study it. There's
a lab at Princeton. I can take you there.
With all respect, lady,
you are seriously batshit!
I'm walking back to the real world.
Your mother told me your father
is Carrie's father.
No, my father's name was Bill Kirk.
- He left when I was three months old.
- It's a lie.
My mother wouldn't lie to me.
Believe me, you need help.
Like they helped you?
I can help you to get it under control.
I don't want or need your help.
You're not thinking of
pressing charges against my son?
You're not thinking of
pressing charges against my son?
We're doing more than thinking.
Look, Eric's a good kid. He may be guilty
of some youthful transgressions...
Youthful transgressions?
A girl killed herself, Lou.
Hello, Jay.
Sit. Everybody sit.
I'm just listening in.
Okay, then.
Cards on the table.
My boy isn't going down alone.
Go on.
Mark Bing, Jesse Ryan,
Brad Winters and Chuck Potter.
The most prominent families in this town.
Maybe they've all slept
with underage girls. Who can tell?
And, yes, maybe they made a game of it.
Perhaps Eric can get proof of that.
I agree it would be awful,
but I don't think it's criminal.
There will be scouts
at the game on Friday.
Eric takes a fall, maybe they all will.
You wanna be responsible
for ruining their lives?
That sums it up. Karen, what we
have here is an issue with intent.
- Blue-sheet it.
- Oh, but, Jay...
You don't have evidence enough
to tarnish this boy's reputation.
It's not about evidence, is it, Jay?
It's about elections, right?
That is it, Robbie. That is all.
Lou, thanks for coming by.
I'll walk you out.
Appreciate it.
I hope we see you at the game.
- Hey, is this seat taken?
- No.
- What's goin' on?
- Just studying.
You gonna come to the game Friday?
I don't really do football.
It's the season opener. There's gonna
be some scouts. I need you, for luck.
If he's gonna be seen in public with
someone, he should show some respect.
He should show me the respect
at least to be seen with someone pretty.
Someone cool, someone who counts.
You know, someone.
But instead it's her.
And I just feel totally...
You're being seriously dissed.
I wish there was something I could do
to make him come to his senses.
Mark's got his wheels turning!
Good lift.
Come on. Good lift. Good lift. Good lift.
One more. Push it out, man.
Come on, push it, push it.
Look, man, I'm sorry.
I guess I overreacted.
- Don't fuck with me.
- I'm not, man.
We've been friends since
we were both dumpin' our drawers.
I thought we'd be best friends for ever.
Never figured some girl
would come in the way of that.
Look, I know I'm scum.
I'm prepared to admit that.
I'm lower than scum.
I'm smegma. I'm butt lint.
- Keep going.
- I'm a prick, an asshole.
- Asshole, yeah.
- Is that good?
I'm sorry, man.
I'm not the one
you should be apologising to.
I know.
Karen, watch my counter, please.
- Can I help you?
- Um...
Just... Just looking. Thanks.
Mrs Porter, this is a friend of mine.
I thought she was gonna frisk me.
She does step class with my mom.
So, what are you shopping for?
Oh, nothing. Just looking.
Perhaps something to wear on a date?
With a certain jock hunk we all know?
No... No.
You know, Tracy isn't universally loved.
There's a shocker.
Exhibit A.
She tried to steal Brad from me.
She's a Melrose Place superbitch.
You have got great lips!
Really. Look. This shade will look
very kissable and soft. Come here.
Trust me, okay?
Hold still.
Are you going to the game?
Just blink once for yes.
Great, cos there's a big party
afterwards. I hope you can go.
I don't think so.
Oh, come on. You really should.
For Jesse.
It'd mean a lot to him if we all got along.
Yeah. So you'll go?
Great! See?
Can I ring that up for you?
Sure. How much is it?
Oh, um, maybe next time.
Thanks, Mrs Porter.
I kleptoed it for you.
- Jesse!
- Hey!
Figured out how to make it up
to you and Rachel.
The summer house.
My parents aren't gonna be there.
I figured you wanted to get away
from us idiots for a while.
Have a nice romantic time.
All right?
But you're gonna bring her by my party.
So I can apologise to her, all right?
Then we can all be
one big happy family again.
- All right?
- Okay.
Have a good time, man.
- You look great.
- Thanks.
I really like your hair.
Oh, you can just, you know,
throw those in the back or something.
Mark can be a jerk,
but he's trying. He's got
a party Friday, and he invited us.
- We won't go if you don't want to.
- Let's go.
Um... Uh...
What's wrong?
I'm just
a little scared.
Don't be scared.
I know. I just feel kind of strange.
Look, we don't have to do this tonight.
Whenever you're ready.
God, I must be crazy.
Actually, you're...
about the sanest person I know.
You're sane. You're sane.
I love you.
You're grounded. For a week!
- But I've gotta go to the game...
- You wanna make it two?
You stay in this room.
Am I clear?
Yes, sir.
Come on! Shave it off!
Hey, man!
Hey, you're next! Get in the chair!
- Come on!
- Come on, bro!
Come on, man!
You're gonna ruin the whole effect!
Oh, Jess, where's your sac?
Come on!
You have to tell her who her father is.
- Why?
- Because she'll believe it from you.
Rachel needs to seek treatment
before it's too late.
Too late for what?
Rachel's best friend committed suicide.
I'm afraid Rachel may
harm herself
or others.
And you wanna take me... out there?
He saw me!
Go get 'em, baby!
Welcome to today's match-up
between Bates Bulldogs
and the Carlin Devils.
It's the first game for both teams as the
Bulldogs seek their 7 th championship.
There's a history of bad blood
between these teams
as the Devils have consistently
been a thorn in the Bulldogs' side.
Let's hope the Dawgs can
pull that thorn out once and for all
as the special teams get set
for the opening kick-off.
Number 42 of the Bulldogs,
Chuck Potter, receiving the kick.
Oh, my! He's popped!
Could I have my purse, please?
Just about five minutes to go now
in the second quarter.
A vicious hit by Stark.
Johnson, number 45, isn't getting up.
- What kind of call was that?
- It looks like number 33, Stark,
is being ejected
for a flagrant personal foul.
What the hell is he fuckin' doing?
- That was not a flagrant foul!
- 33 has been disqualified.
Why don't I just take
every starter out for you!
Touchdown, Devils!
The Bulldogs are trailing in the second
half as they receive the Devils'punt.
Number 42, Chuck Potter,
takes the kick again for the Dawgs.
And there he goes
cutting across the field,
racing down the sideline!
Fourth quarter action. Here's the snap.
A quick pass to Jesse Ryan,
and, oooh, he was hit hard!
What a pop! He is down.
He is not getting up right away.
Wait a minute. I see...
I see movement.
Yes, he's finally moving now.
He's up.
Shaking it off. And there he goes.
Everything's so different,
so very different.
Things change.
There's Mr Bellows.
Hello, George!
He always had an eye for me.
- Where?
- Right there.
Hello, George!
Devils suck!
It's pretty much do-or-die time now.
The Dawgs down by 4,
with 12 seconds left on the clock.
It's been a struggle for the Dawgs,
trying to move the ball
against the stingy Devils defence.
This is not how
the Dawgs wanted it to come out.
They've had a tough time on defence.
- They're not moving the ball as usual.
- Ryan, come here.
All right, son, trips right,
crazy eight. Let's go.
They're taking their time here.
Probably their last play of the game.
Trips right, crazy eight.
Go! Go, Bulldogs!
Hey, come back here!
Last chance. We'll look for a Hail Mary.
We've got Jesse Ryan set wide.
Bulldogs set. There's the snap.
A long bomb down towards the corner.
Ryan is there. He's under it.
He jumps. He's got it!
Touchdown, Bulldogs!
The Bulldogs win it!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, baby! Yeah!
Yeah! Yeah!
Ryan! Ryan.
College scout wants to talk to you.
Could you tell Rachel to wait for me?
No problem. And hey... good luck.
- Hey, Rachel.
- Hey.
- Hi, Monica.
- Hey!
Jesse's talking with a scout.
- He said to go ahead to the party.
- You hear that?
A scout. Isn't that great?
- Yeah, that's great.
- All right.
I'm goin' with the guys.
See you there.
Come on.
I'll give you a ride to Mark's.
- Thanks.
- Deborah!
Dress. Dress. Dress time!
- Try this.
- Thanks.
Mascara. Mascara!
Done. How do I look?
- Beautiful.
- Thank you.
- You look good.
- You, too.
- You look really pretty.
- You need lipstick.
Yo, check it out.
Goddamn it!
Whoa, that sucks!
They even slashed my tyres.
Further proof the Devils
are just a bunch of pigs, huh?
- Are you looking for Rachel?
- Yeah.
She's at Mark's. You want a ride?
I just have to stop by my place real quick.
- Have you seen Rachel Lang?
- Who?
- Rachel Lang. Was she at the game?
- Oh, yeah. With the tattoo.
I saw her leave with Monica Jones.
I guess they went to Mark Bing's party.
Rachel with Monica?
Just go away!
Todd, get off my butt!
Whoa, bro, what are you doing?
You bust something,
heads are gonna roll.
Yes! Yes!
Rachel, yo.
You could get me into this party, right?
Arnie, we'll come back for you.
I told you.
In a couple of years!
How come she gets to go in, then?
- She's one of us.
- I'll try and get you in, Arnie!
Fuck that. Come on,
let's do some serious doughnuts.
Come on. Hit it! Whoo!
Then the scout said
"I love your aggressive play.
You have that killer instinct."
Great. For you, that's great.
- There she is. You better disappear.
- No problem.
Relax. They just need to get to know you
for who you really are.
- How about a drink?
- Right on.
What can I get you beautiful ladies?
- Some margaritas would be nice.
- Okay.
- B-rad.
- Yo!
- Margaritas.
- Comin'!
- Thanks.
- I'm glad you could make it.
Sorry about the other night.
It was just a bunch of guys
being guys. I'm sorry.
Jesse told us to cool it and explain.
So, no hard feelings? Peace?
Well, as long as you
pour me a drink, all right.
To new friends, then?
- Drink to that.
- Okay.
Tracy, I appreciate the ride, but let's go.
I'm trying to figure out what to wear.
Of course.
Hey, what do you think of this?
- Looks good.
- Really?
Well, I don't know.
I think it might be a bit much.
Don't you?
We're gonna be late.
Pretty soon she won't care.
What's that?
If she cares about you,
she won't mind if you're late.
- Come on, wench, let's dance!
- Don't you "wench" me!
- Come on, wench, let's dance!
- Don't you "wench" me!
Rachel, let's dance.
I think I'd rather wait for Jesse.
- He'd want you to have fun.
- Come on, have some fun.
Yeah, come on, Rach.
I got you, babe. Come on.
Go, Rachel!
Hey, Mark, I got a little present
for you, right here.
Mark, you like the game footage?
I love the footage. Yes, I do!
Are you talking about today's game?
No, about the other game.
What other game?
- The game that you're in. My turn.
- Yeah?
- The game you played, Rachel.
- Right. What was the score?
Grab that scorebook. I wanna see it.
- Want to see it now? All right.
- Come here, baby.
I wanna show you how you
helped Jesse win the game.
Hut, hut, hut, hut!
Yeah, baby!
Hold it! I gotta get my camera.
- Read off the scores.
- Hold on.
Come on, Rachel! Read the scores!
Let's start with Eric's scores
cos it's gonna be so sad.
Start with poor Eric.
What's the matter? Is there
someone in there you recognise?
Someone you know? Huh?
Ahh, Lisa!
I forgot about Lisa.
Come on down!
There's our brother!
The DA kissed his butt!
- We were just talking about Lisa.
- Oh, Lisa!
How was she?
To be honest,
I just about split her in two!
How many points was she?
Four, but we should deduct those
since she offed herself.
Wait. Think of how many points he'd have
got if he'd done her after she was dead.
- A bit cold, huh?
- Chuck, come on!
Rach, baby, read that.
Open it up to Jesse's page.
I want you to see how many points
Jesse got for you!
I think that'll be about a two-four-six-eight!
Who do we appreciate!
Remember, you said you were a dyke,
so extra points for the conversion.
Oh, the conversion! Two points!
Not two. Thirty!
Thirty?! You gave her thirty?!
She should get extra points,
being so skanky.
Look at that. Look at it.
We didn't think Jesse could do it.
- So he offered to get us proof.
- How do you like Jesse's big play?
Lookie, lookie here, Rachel! Lookie here!
- They're all gonna laugh at you!
- Was it good for ya?
- Is that you?
- They're all gonna laugh at you!
They're all gonna laugh at you!
Was it good, Rachel!
Was it good, Rachel!
They're all gonna laugh at you!
Sucker! Sucker! Sucker!
Hey, is that a zit on your ass?
It is! It is a zit on her ass!
No, that's a mole.
Holy shit.
- Mark, what's going on?
- I have no idea.
Out of my way!
- Hey!
- Brad, you bastard!
- Get out of the way! Move it!
- Shit! It won't open!
Holy shit, dude! It's her doing it!
Somebody put me out! Help!
Oh, God, help me!
Help me!
Oh, my God!
Let me out!
Man, we're missing one killer party.
- Where are the fuckin' keys!
- Hurry!
My stupid dad's always hiding
these friggin' keys!
Tyler! Tyler, get up!
- What's this?
- A spear gun, idiot.
- Give me that shit.
- What will you do with a flare gun?!
It's all my fault.
Let's go! Get outta here!
Oh, shit!
Go on! Through the glass!
Come on!
Get up!
- Pull the cord!
- Where's the fuckin' cord!
Oh, shit!
- Oh!
- Rachel...
What's wrong?
What are you?
You're not my little girl.
No! No, the devil's in you!
- The devil's in you! The devil's in you!
- Mama!
Mama, please! Please, Mama,
don't leave me! Don't leave me!
I don't have anyone!
Please, God,
let me die.
Come on, she's dead! They're all dead!
We have to get out of here! Let's go!
Oh, my God!
Forget about that! Let's go!
You used me.
I had no idea!
Is that all I was to you, Jesse?
30 points?
I'd never do that. Trust me.
I'd never hurt you.
Stop lying!
I believed you. You know that?
I believed you.
Listen to me. Listen to me.
I love you. I do.
- Liar!
- I love you!
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
- Get out. Stay away from me.
- No.
- Please go.
- No.
- I love you.
- What?
I love you.
Hey, Walt. Hey...
You'll get us kicked out of here.