The Raid 2: Berandal (2014)

It's a question of ambition really.
Let me rephrase that.
It's a matter of limitation.
And the importance of knowing yours.
Your boss, Tama.
He had a reputation, yes.
But he also knew where he stood,
understood how high he should climb.
That's why Bangun
let him be the man he was.
Don't mind them.
I'm a reasonable man.
Like you, I have ambitions.
But you see, in this world of ours,
it's really more of a
"one step at a time" kind of thing.
And you should have been
some fucking steps away
from a meeting like this.
Bangun will--
Bangun is an old man!
He's on his way out.
I gave you a chance.
You chose him.
I guess this brings us back
full circle, ambition...
and limitation.
Bejo. Bejo!
Please don't do this.
I already told you.
- Don't worry.
- No, no!
Don't, Bejo, wait!
You called?
I know who you are.
My brother says
you're someone I can trust.
He's right.
They got you pretty bad.
Yes, sir, they did.
Take him through,
get him treated.
Be careful.
No, wait! Stop!
What the fuck?! No!
What the fuck was that?!
It's okay. Just calm down.
Take a seat. Sit.
Take his jacket, gloves
and any official threads he has.
Dump him far away from here.
He'll float to shore by dawn.
Yes, sir.
Trust me.
He would've never survived
until morning.
This is the only way we can be sure
he won't say a word about you.
About us.
I run a unit that weeds out
crooked cops like him.
And I could do with someone like
you to help me dig out some more.
We're a small division.
But we're small for a reason.
I have evidence.
We could've made a case.
I could've testified.
No, you have hearsay,
and a box of tapes.
I've been down that road before.
All it does is cough up
a few more names to take the heat.
All foot soldiers just like him.
No, if we're going
to clean up this city,
we have to aim higher.
All of them.
Whether or not you like what happened
here today, they will come for you.
They'll do anything to
remove you from the equation.
If we don't act fast,
you'll be gone.
Your family too.
But it doesn't have to
be that way.
Let's say we keep this internal.
If you keep your mouth shut
until everything is taken care of,
I can protect you.
For you,
today never happened.
You were never here.
In their eyes you're still a rookie
for fuck's sake.
They won't even blink an eye
at one name missing from the report.
Is this all of them?
All 18.
No survivors.
What do you think?
I'll keep looking.
I'll take care of it personally.
You have to.
What do you want?
I want you on my team.
You'll be re-trained
until you have better skills.
For the good
of this city. What do you say?
No. Not interested.
Come again?
with all due respect,
I brought him in to do time.
So he could be brought to justice.
And we put a bullet in him
to protect your life!
There's no such thing as a clean
war in this world. Open your eyes!
My eyes are wide open, sir!
We may be after the same thing,
but I'm not going to follow
the same path as you to get there.
Who killed him?
My brother.
His name is Bejo.
He's been on the up
for some time now.
I know the name.
your brother had big enemies.
But they're nothing compared
to what's coming for you.
I can provide safety
for your wife and child.
We can keep them out of reach.
But I need you.
Right now,
this city is carved up
between our local kingpin,
and the Goto family from Japan.
Tama's job is to bribe everyone.
And the police are being bribed
at his office so no one knows.
If we get you close enough
to Bangun,
then sure as fuck we can weed out
the rest of those crooked bastards.
for this to end,
I need those names.
I need evidence that Reza
is connected to Bangun.
So, what's the next step?
Uco, Bangun's only child.
He's serving time in prison.
It's the perfect opportunity.
Get in, get close.
I have to arrest you.
It will only be a few months.
You can't know where I am.
And I can't be seen
anywhere near you or Angga.
But if I don't do this,
I can't protect us this time.
Please understand.
This is the only choice
I have left.
He's out of the hospital now, right?
I heard he was discharged.
Shut your fucking mouth!
You nod here.
Yes or no.
Do you understand me?
So, what did he do?
What did he do?
I need more than that.
He's the asshole son
of an asshole politician.
Can't you just put me in,
lock me up?
Why does this kid have to bleed?
His daddy is the reason
Uco is in prison.
If we're talking earning credibility,
doing this puts you
immediately on his radar.
At the very least, it gives
you two something to talk about.
If you really want me
to beat him up,
I mean really beat him up,
I need a better reason.
He's also a major benefactor...
for Bejo.
Rama, listen,
do enough to get inside,
but not enough
to keep you there for good.
Where is he?
I believe Benny and his boys
introduced themselves yesterday?
Which one is Benny?
Now while I'm in here, Benny and
his associates are with me.
Oh, yeah? And who are you?
You'll figure that out at some point.
And when you do, maybe you'll show
me a little more fucking respect.
But for now, I'll be tolerant.
So, what does that mean?
Want me to apologize?
This is my "just in case."
There's never enough walls
to cover your back.
Even you.
Especially after
your little "display."
I'm someone who can
put walls up.
I can cover your back
in any square inch of this place.
You may not know who I am now.
But when you do, you'll
realize how real my offer is.
Join with us
and own this wing with me.
We could use someone like you
fighting on our side.
I'm flattered but--
Just so you know,
I hate rejections.
With all due respect,
I don't really like spending my time
acting tough in toilets.
Excuse me.
In here you'd be wise
to pick a side.
Loners don't tend to last long.
The warden tells me
you've got quite a group here.
I got who I could.
I'm working to get some of our
guys inside to cover your back.
But until I do,
you got to keep a low profile.
- You can't trust any of these fuckers.
- Low profile?
I'm my father's son.
That alone makes me a target here.
All I can do is use that
to protect myself.
Your job is to protect me here.
It would make my job a lot easier
if you'd cool things down here.
When was the last time
you did time, Eka?
Keeping quiet is not an option.
Unless I want to wake up every
morning with a broom up my ass.
Rather than lecturing me,
find out about that guy.
Why's he here?
He wheel-chaired your favorite
politician's kid in Fuazan's club.
Not bad.
His name's Yuda.
He's from the sticks.
He's a nobody.
Well, that "nobody"
took out 15 of my guys.
So he can fight,
so what?
He's clean,
no connections on the outside.
Who the fuck are you?
I'm the guy gifting you
five years of my graft
just so you can say you belong.
Since you walked in
through that door,
they've been eyeballing you. All
trying to get a feel for who you are.
But by me sitting here,
I just made you a somebody.
You can thank me later.
Oh, yeah, who do I thank
for the fucking three years I got?
Huh? Bunawar said
I'd be out in months,
not years.
Did you really think that crook politician
would stop at you being in here?
That it would make things
"even." Fair?
No. You went after his son.
Be glad he didn't come after yours.
I need you to talk to Bunawar--
Ah, heh.
No, I'm just here to show my face.
And I did that already.
Now you're on your own.
Suck it up, don't fuck it up.
I rely on you now
the same way you relied on me.
Those bruises will heal.
How does it feel?
Here, give me that.
No need.
Just give it to me. If I'd parked further
away then, yeah, carry it yourself.
But this, this I got.
It's good to have you out.
I appreciate what you did for me.
You helped me a lot
while I was in there.
Pass on my thanks
to your father.
You can do that yourself.
We're going to his office.
He wants to greet you personally.
He doesn't have to.
Yeah, he does.
Do you know of a man
goes by the name Bejo?
Sounds familiar.
Half-Arab kid, made a name for himself
when he took out Yudi's group.
He's been making waves of late.
Owns a few restaurants,
takes care of problems
for high-profile clients.
The kind that can't afford
to carry a spotlight.
I know him, came to me way back
wanting collateral to set up shop.
I'm getting rumors that he's
looking to expand his operations.
That's where the rumors stop.
But it will be one of ours.
Yes, that's right.
I'm sorry, sir. He cannot
be disturbed momentarily.
Thank you.
How long will my father be?
He'll be done soon.
Excuse the mess.
It could be nothing.
I just thought you'd want to know now.
While one of us can still take
care of a situation like him.
I'll have my men
monitor the situation.
If he steps out of line,
we'll take care of it.
You have nothing to worry about.
Who says I'm worried, asshole?
Heh. Thanks.
It's, "Thank you."
Ah... Mr. Goto.
Ah, there they are.
Mr. Goto.
Ah... We finally meet.
Likewise, sir.
Your son speaks
very highly of you.
Ah... And so he should.
I want you to know we tried
to get you out much sooner.
But you hurt the wrong person.
Let's just say his father made it
damn difficult to get you a pardon.
It's okay.
Besides, what's done is done.
You're out now. We move on.
Yes, sir.
Now take your
fucking clothes off.
I'm sorry?
You heard me.
It's okay, Yuda,
just do what he says.
Uco, come on, wait a--
Shh. Listen.
It's not that I don't trust you.
I just don't trust anybody.
If the worse that happens
during your time with us
is that you suffer the indignity
of an old man seeing your cock,
then I'd say you got off light.
Take them off.
Arms up.
Turn around.
Check them.
All clear.
Turn around.
Burn them anyway.
Give him something new.
Now, it's like this:
I will always appreciate
what you did for my boy.
I'll never forget that.
But it's not a free pass with me.
I've thanked you in person.
And we'll make sure you're
looked after while you're here.
But when it comes to the work,
you're no more special
than anyone else.
If you fuck up, you're out.
I won't let you down.
So this is your place.
You have pretty much
everything you need.
Anything else,
just call
and they'll take care of it.
Bangun gave me
everything I have.
Just like what he's doing
for you right now.
We come from
the same place, you and I.
I hope that's not where
our similarities end.
I'll pick you up
tomorrow at 8:00.
Be ready at 7:00.
It's me.
What happened? We lost you.
You're gonna get me fucking killed.
Day one with a wire?
Are you kidding me?
You're fresh out of prison, they wouldn't--
Yeah, well, he fucking checked me
anyway. They burnt all my clothes.
Do they know?
If I hadn't torn that shit out first,
I'd have been burnt with it.
Don't play games with me,
no more surprises.
If you do that again, I'm out.
Where are you?
No, I'm not disclosing that, and don't
you dare trace this fucking call.
I don't want you or your team
within a mile of this place.
Calm down,
the important thing is you're safe.
I'm fucking serious,
you could have gotten me killed.
This guy, any hint at all,
and he will sniff it out.
From now on, you follow my lead.
I'll leave a pair of shoes at our RV point.
Fix them up and I'll pick them up
when I'm ready.
You'll know I got them
once they start walking.
Hold on, I need time to--
Just get it done.
- Angga, stop doing that.
- I've told you before!
Rama? Where are you?
Are you okay?
I'm safe.
Don't worry about me.
everything just went...
I'm so sorry.
Are you both safe?
We're getting by.
Is that Angga?
Please let me listen to him.
Don't put him on,
I just want to hear him.
Thank you.
- Ears to the ground.
- Eyes everywhere.
With people like these, you can't
predict how they will react.
We could go in smiling
or storm in shooting.
And the reaction
would be exactly the same.
These people are reckless,
they don't have their shit together.
If they did, we wouldn't be side-stepping
puddles of piss to get to them.
Don't let your mind drift.
Not for a second.
Sorry. Can I help you
with anything else?
It's all there in the envelope.
This isn't enough.
Not enough?
But I counted it myself.
It's exact.
Oh, yeah. Go back a month
and you're right.
Just like always.
But this month,
you're short $5000.
Take a seat.
stop shaking around.
It hurts. It's too big.
Fuck this shit. Where the fuck
did you find this guy?
You always bring me hitchhikers.
They have no experience.
find some other people.
Let's shoot this thing,
you fucking loser!
Get on with it! Camera, rolling, shooting.
Just fuck that guy's asshole, you bitch!
I'll go there later.
I don't understand.
You're kidding, right?
Sit down.
For 20 years,
my father has ensured
that not one cop has ever
knocked on your door.
Now you've been free to
operate on our turf
and we've worked together
peacefully throughout.
But these payments
in these envelopes. They only
cover you for cock and cum.
They don't allow for any
I'm hearing rumblings, Topan.
People are talking. Seems
that you and your boys here
are responsible for some powder
circulating in my father's territory.
No, that?
That's just--
You don't have to explain anything.
We already know everything.
Now, taking into account
this new enterprise of yours
and the fact you sure as hell
don't want some pig's knuckles
rapping at your door,
the price just went up.
All you have to do is
dig just a little bit deeper.
Then we can forgive you
this minor indiscretion.
Now if you would be so kind,
this envelope,
it's still a little light.
He did good.
Hounded him down
quickly and cleanly.
You'd swear he's been
doing it all his life.
Didn't take a wrong step.
Uco, give this to the kid.
You handled the situation
well today.
They deserved it.
You were right.
Keep it up.
Thank you, sir.
I was wondering,
what with the way things
have been...
Maybe it's time for me to start taking
on a little more responsibility.
Maybe handle
some of our more--
Hold on.
When the time comes,
I'll know. But it's not now.
Not yet.
Anything else?
Okay, thank you, Uco.
Thank you.
Would you like a drink?
No, I'm fine, thanks.
Come on, man, drink a little.
Pour the man a drink.
I'm fine, I've had enough.
If you won't drink, then sing at least.
You've been quiet since you got here.
Don't worry about me,
I'll just watch.
Fuck, you don't drink,
you won't sing. You should have
told me earlier. We could be
at a titty bar hooking up with Uzbeki
girls instead of sweating in here.
They only have cheap skanks.
Hey, who the fuck are you
calling skanks?
I'm better than you, and you
should know that already.
Joanna, don't.
No, no, it's okay.
I'm the kind of guy
that you should be afraid of.
Just look at her.
Oh, yeah?! And who the fuck are you?
It's like this.
The place you work,
the place where you live.
The place where you
fuck your clients,
my father owns all of it.
And it's my job to make sure that
everyone who works in this city
remembers to show
their appreciation.
So you're a debt collector?
Fuck it, I'll sing, give me the mike.
Let her talk. She's a big girl,
she can say what she wants.
Go ahead, keep drinking.
It'll numb the pain for later.
What did you just say?
I said,
it's your turn to sing.
I don't want to sing, I want
to know what you just said.
Just fucking sing! I'm tired
of listening to you, skank!
Yeah, that's you!
Come on, sing!
I'm paying you to either sing or fuck.
Which is it? Pick one!
You wanna sing?
Okay, let's pick a song.
Want me to pick a song?
Where's the fucking songbook?
Quick, we're waiting to sing.
Don't fucking touch that!
Don't you fucking dare!
This is the problem
with this country.
Everyone promises everything.
Everything's yes, yes, yes!
But when the time comes
to collect, it all changes.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. No, no."
But not tonight!
Now, sing.
Is everything okay here, sir?
No, we're all good.
Everything's fine.
Is everything fine?
- You see. We're all happy here.
- Please let me go!
- Close the door on your way out.
- Let me go.
Take the girls with you.
Get out!
is on us, sir.
Thank you.
Are you okay?
I'm fine, I don't care
what some hooker says.
It's that she had the fucking nerve
to think she was allowed to say it.
I'm more than that.
More than all this.
It's my fucking time, Yuda.
And I want my father to know that.
It won't be long now.
Oh, yeah? When?
Wait here.
I've seen many a man fall
before they should.
They could have lasted
a little longer
had they known when to stop.
But they don't.
In the end,
they all end up
in the same place.
The same shallow ditch.
Under the same river.
Fill it with rocks.
That's the proof.
If you choose to follow us,
you follow us.
Simple as that.
They burn out real fast.
I see it in Uco.
I've tried to ignore it,
but it didn't work.
I know Uco has that fire.
I had to lose a lot in my life before I
could truly see that that was important.
I don't want the same
to happen to my boy.
He won't, sir.
The time I've known him, he
speaks nothing but highly of you.
I hope you're right.
But I know what my gut tells me.
Lately you're his shadow.
So take care of him.
If you see anything weird,
you tell me.
Otherwise, it's like I said,
falling in the same ditch
under the same river.
Hm. I hope for your sake
you can swim.
Toss them back in.
Nothing tastes good here.
The main difference between you
and I can be defined by one word.
Every step I take is a step
forward for my group and family.
Every step that you take
is cloaked in the shadow
of your father.
In my life,
I never have
to follow anyone's rules.
No expectations
of who I should become.
No rules to abide by.
My father,
he was a fucking road sweeper.
Shining shoes would have made me
a success story compared to him.
So, yes,
you and I,
we couldn't be more different.
But deep inside,
our ambitions are the same.
After all, you came here
of your own accord.
Now we've eaten well,
drank good wine,
there's one thing
that you should know about me.
If I'm the type of person
who likes to impose my will,
I would've already
pointed a gun at your head.
But no, that's not me.
Not today at least.
Today I'm offering you a gift.
An opportunity.
Something that has never
been given to you by your father.
Those prison gates opened
and not one person
from your group was there
to pick them up.
I was surprised.
how surprised they were when
they found out I picked them up
and brought them here
for you.
That's my gift.
I give you the opportunity...
to claim revenge.
And after that?
We talk business.
Just so you know,
if you need financial help...
I need labor.
Oh, that I can do.
So, what do you want exactly?
I've got my eye on
this patch of land.
Whose land?
That's why I need your help.
There are only
two possibilities.
I'm sorry.
But with all due respect,
if I wanted to rent
a patch of land
fair and square,
I'd be meeting your father.
Not you.
It belongs to the Japanese.
The spot is perfect
for me to start my business.
Then why are you meeting
with me?
It's their land.
My father would never allow it.
He would never do anything
to disrupt the truce.
I'm not interested
in what your father thinks.
I need your support,
and if I can be frank,
it seems you need
my support also.
What do you mean?
I heard the top brass aren't
happy with your father anymore.
Times are changing. The Goto family
is starting to make connections.
Top connections.
When your father leaves the
office, he goes home, he sleeps.
Meanwhile, Goto's boy is taking
Reza to a club and partying.
Just so you know...
It's easy to sway a cop or a politician
with a little cash and a lot of pussy.
What do you want?
Give me your word, and I'll
put an end to the truce.
Put your faith in me and I'll tip the
odds in your favor when the war begins.
Let them all see
how you took charge and made your
family bigger than it's ever been.
And you? What's in it for you?
Everyone has their limit.
After we take over Goto's territory, I just
want a small patch that I can use freely
without having to pay anyone.
No questions asked.
And how do you propose
to start a war between us?
Not a drop of blood has been
spilled in over 10 years.
Well, that would have to change.
- Unh! Unh! Unh!
- Shh, shh, shh.
Shh, shh...
Good boy.
If you expect my father
to put his men to war
with the Gotos,
it'll take a lot more than
just the death of foot soldiers.
I already have someone in mind.
Okay, so same time next month.
Uh, Dwi, wait.
What is it?
What about Karim?
What about him?
you promised.
I said when the time is right.
Not yet.
His friends
come here often, 'Koso.
Do you think he wants to explain
to them that this is his father?
You don't have to do that,
I get it.
But I haven't seen him since he was--
Yeah, and whose choice was that?
Yours, right? You're the one
who chose to do what you do.
To support you.
There are millions of fathers in the
world supporting their families.
Only they don't come home
with blood on their hands.
Do you even realize that what
you do is so fucking disgusting?
I'm not a smart man.
No, you're not.
But you used to be a good person.
That means that I still have
the right to see my son, right?
That's the thing, you don't.
Not like this.
And I don't want to hear anymore
about you wanting to change.
Because it's been 15 years already,
and I barely recognize you anymore.
I'm sorry, I have to go.
As always.
Seems anyone can get in here
these days.
Way back this place had class.
But now you see
white guys walking around in sandals
drinking beer and fucking cheap skanks
in the toilets like fucking animals.
It's a fucking disgrace.
Everything has to be restarted
from the beginning. Starting from us.
Like it was before.
Back then, if my father turned up,
the room would freeze.
They'd fear him
because they knew
he could do anything.
Times change.
They may not fear him
like they used to,
but your father hasn't lost
that fire in his stomach.
He just learned how to control it.
They respect him now.
He doesn't need fear anymore.
He has their respect
and that's what counts the most.
It used to count.
Used to. Not anymore.
Times change faster
than you think.
We got people now who don't
give a shit about back then.
They only care about now.
That doesn't mean shit to them.
That ain't new. We faced punks like that
more times than I care to remember.
Trust me,
they don't last.
And when it's your turn to take the
reins, you'll see for yourself.
They'll burn and fall in front of you
just like they did for your father.
That same fire is in you.
I've seen it ever since
you were a child.
Don't ever lose it.
Learn to control it.
If you do, one day you'll become
as great as your father.
you've always been
a good friend to us.
Your father
has always taken good care of me.
To family.
I'll be right back, gotta piss.
The Chinks say they saw the Japs
attacking 'Koso in that alleyway.
Can you believe that shit?
After all this time, they fuck us
like this? We have to respond.
Busting some heads and going to war
are two very different things.
Prakoso's line of work
made him enemies.
Not just the Gotos. Hell, even
the Chinese wanted his head.
This wasn't the first time
he'd been under attack.
Sadly it was the last.
Where the fuck have you been?
What happened?
After everything he did for us,
this is how we repay him?
All 'Koso ever cared for
in the world was his wife
and kid.
He had no time
for making things personal.
So from now, our duty
is to take care of his family.
But we will not retaliate.
Are you kidding me?
Eka, talk some sense into him.
We're losing our hold here.
we have ruled this territory
for over 30 years!
And my decision on this
will see us through 30 more!
Stand down.
Cool off! Relax.
You should remember
your place.
watch over him, take him out,
make him forget about this.
Find him a girl,
so he'll get his mind off this.
Yes, boss.
this is no good.
No good at all.
What's wrong?
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Your father's right.
If you rush into this it won't
help, it will make things worse.
Well, you've grown
all of a sudden.
This is a shitty situation,
but you have to refrain yourself.
I've lost control before,
and look where it got me.
Look where it got you? It got you a
fucking penthouse suite that I pay for.
I'm just trying to help,
I know how much your father--
Shut the fuck up!
Who the fuck
do you think you are? Huh?
You think you know my father?
You mean nothing to him.
We only owed you
and we paid it back.
After that,
we're just going to cut you free.
What? Did you expect more?
Go fuck yourself.
- Did we get the okay?
- Fuck the okay.
Just do it.
Do it.
Time for work.
How many?
A few.
Please, have mercy.
Give me the ball.
That was a mistake.
No, wait, don't!
Where to?
Tanah Abang.
everything has to stop.
Mr. Goto.
Mr. Bangun.
We acknowledge...
this conflict
between your groups
is the first one in 10 years.
There are many casualties.
If this continues,
we will disband
both of your groups.
We only acted in retaliation.
Retaliation? And how the fuck you
explain what happened to Prakoso?
That was never an order of ours.
Those men had no ties
to my father's group.
Oh, yeah. Who was it?
Maybe you know.
with all due respect,
but the man you're talking about
was like a brother to my father
and uncle to me. A man of loyalty
to our family for over 30 years.
If you speak ill of him again,
I swear to God--
Only a fool
argues for the pride
of a dead man.
Mr. Goto,
my apologies.
It's fine.
I accept full responsibility
for all that has happened.
It seems decisions have been made
by members of my organization
who are less intelligent
and less experienced.
For that I can only apologize.
And for all that has
happened this past week.
I will pay all the damages.
To prevent bloodshed
between our families.
Thank you for your swift resolution.
Yeah. Now, gentlemen,
if you'll excuse me.
I have to go back
to my organization.
Of course.
Excuse me.
I heard what happened,
are you okay?
What the fuck is going on?
Why are the cops attacking me?
Who the fuck made that call?
Calm down.
So far everything seems to suggest
this was purely territorial.
Seems Reza has his men
supporting the Goto family.
Pull me out now.
I'm afraid I can't do that.
What do you mean, you can't?
What have I not witnessed?
Murder, extortion, bribery?
You were never investigating
Bangun, you knew that.
We want the cops they pay.
You think you're alone in this?
This isn't your show.
None of us are heroes.
We're all caught in a big fucking web.
Your identity is safe.
- Yuda, where the fuck have you been?
- I've been trying to reach you.
Get your ass to the office now
and get Uco the fuck out.
I can't hold back Bangun anymore.
Do you realize how many men we lost
just to play your fucking game? Huh?
Everything I've built was for you.
Everything was for you!
And you brought it to the ground.
You destroyed it completely.
And for what?
For what?
Tell me why. Huh? Huh?
Come on, tell me.
For what?
Please, Dad, please--
Listen to me-- Dad, please--
Dad, listen.
For what?
You say you're ashamed of me,
well, I'm ashamed of you!
What the fuck
was that back there? Huh?
Where's your self-respect?
to those motherfuckers.
And in their language,
on our land!
You want to know
what drove me to this?
I'm tired. Tired of waiting.
I'm tired watching you
just sit back and do nothing.
You had your moment. But where's mine?
What the fuck do I get?
Shaking down junkies
for bit change?
That's not the role
of a future boss.
That's not work you give a boss!
You've destroyed us.
You've destroyed everything.
Dad, everything we've lost,
we can get back.
We can get it all back.
Dad, trust in me, I can fix this.
I can fix this.
Okay, that's enough.
Eka, prepare a peace package
for the Gotos.
We'll give them our land
in Menteng and Sabang.
Got it?
Yes, boss.
You can't go in there.
He's in--
Forgive me.
You fucking traitor.
How could you do this, Uco?
Eka, run!
What do you want to do with him?
Take him.
What's that?
Yeah, I understand.
I'll call you back.
Reza was just seen
entering Bejo's restaurant.
I thought we'd secured
his services.
That was my understanding.
Then why the fuck
is he meeting Bejo?
is a fucking nobody,
take care of him now.
As for Reza and the rest of them--
Boss, wait.
Bejo's not alone.
He has Uco with him.
Seems they joined forces
after taking out Bangun.
Point blank to the head.
has serious numbers now.
He's becoming a genuine threat.
Anything is possible.
What should we do?
We go to war!
If he pulled a trigger
on his own father,
he won't hesitate to come for us.
We start over.
I want Uco and Bejo
in the ground by tonight.
Reza and the rest of those crooks too.
Wait a minute,
you can't be serious.
They're not cops anymore.
They're in my world now.
Eka! Eka!
I know who you are.
I know where you're from.
I told you before...
we come from the same place.
I hope...
our fates don't end up the same.
I don't care what they say.
I'm not a traitor.
I'm not a fucking criminal.
There's no end to this.
You try to run...
they hound you down.
They lose a head?
It just grows right fucking back.
If you want out...
you put them down.
All of them.
Eka, wait.
Why the fuck didn't you tell me you had
an undercover in there with Bangun?
What are you talking about?
That piece of shit?
That piece of shit saved my life.
Yeah, he also cost the lives of 10
honest cops when he fed us bad intel.
He went rogue, Rama.
And it never crossed your mind
to mention it to me?
Now's not the time for this.
The commissioner is dead.
Fucking bodies are piling up
all over the city.
There's no such thing as
a clean war, lieutenant.
Maybe not.
But we can trace it to Reza.
We picked him up on Uco's wire.
They're together?
As far as we know.
We lost the signal,
but we're on our way.
I'm going to ask you one question.
And it's the only answer I want.
Is my family safe?
Yes, of course.
Keep them that way.
Wait, Rama, wait--
Watch over me.
Sir, would you like a tissue?
You better come here
if you want your fucking tip.
Yes, sir.
I'm sorry, sir.
Of course we can.
We're the ones
who will set it up.
The important thing
is the reward.
New faces. New prices.
New prices?
Come on, Reza.
Just think of it as
a probation period.
How much did Goto pay you?
That's not a smart
question to ask.
Oh, yeah, and why's that?
Because I'm meeting
you, not him.
Now think up a number.
If it keeps me here after dinner,
then it's enough. Hm?
Hey, sidekick.
You're talkative.
He escaped from the car.
Put the word out.
Whoever finds him will be--
He's here.
He's coming up.
Then hold him off.
Yes, boss.
Everything okay?
Take care of it.
don't worry.
Everything is under control.
They are more than
capable of--
Give me the ball.
As usual.
I'm done.