The Raven (1935)

You've got to do something.
You've got to save
my daughter's life.
But, my dear sir, we...
You see, Judge Thatcher...
Jerry, if you love Jean,
do something.
The root nerves at the base of the brain...
...something has
impinged on them.
It's impossible...
Stop telling me that!
Dr. Vollin.
Can we get Dr. Vollin?
Dr. Vollin?
Get Dr. Vollin here.
"Suddenly there came
a tapping...
"As of someone
gently rapping...
"rapping at my chamber door.
"Open then
I flung the shutter...
"when, with many
a flirt and flutter...
In there stepped
a stately Raven"
Raven is my talisman.
Curious talisman.
Bird of the ill omen.
A symbol of death.
Death is my talisman,
Mr. Chapman.
The one indestructible force.
The one certain thing
in an uncertain universe.
Uh, Dr. Vollin,
the museum that I represent...
...will pay you a very handsome
price for your Poe collection.
Yes, yes, I know,
but will you tell Dr. Vollin...
...this is a matter
of life and death?
Oh. If you'll hold the line
just a moment, sir.
What is it?
Excuse me, Dr. Vollin, Dr.
Halden is on the phone, sir.
I've told him you didn't
wish to be disturbed, sir...
...but he says it's very urgent.
Yes, Dr. Halden.
But you know that I've
retired from actual practice...
...and I'm doing only research.
Who is on the case?
Well, I'm satisfied. They
can handle it as well as I.
But Dr. Vollin, I...
Let me, Jerry.
Dr. Vollin, this is
Judge Thatcher speaking.
It's my daughter.
She's... She's met
with a serious accident...
...and none of the doctors
in attendance...
That's very flattering,
but no.
No, Judge Thatcher.
I'm sure they can handle it
as well as I.
I'm sorry.
He's hung up.
What's his home address?
Hillview Heights.
I'm going there.
Mr. Chapman, I don't like to
ask you to go, but I'm tired.
If you come again sometime, I
will show you those models I built.
They are down
in my cellar.
I should like to see them.
Next time.
Yes. I've actually built... know, several of those
torture and horror devices...
...that Poe described
in his tales.
The Pit and the Pendulum.
That's the thrill of it,
isn't it?
Well, I certainly look forward
to seeing them.
Imagine building those things.
A very curious hobby.
It's more than a hobby.
Good night, Mr. Chapman.
Good night, Doctor.
But you can't say no.
I have said it.
I'll pay you any amount of money,
Dr. Vollin.
Money means nothing
to me.
But someone is dying.
Your... Your obligation as a
member of the medical profession.
I respect
no such obligation.
I'm a law unto myself.
But have you no
human feeling?
My daughter is dying.
Death, hasn't
the same significance for me... it has for you.
But you're
the one chance she's got.
Doctors Cook and Hemingway
are competent doctors.
It seems that
competence is not enough.
Cook and Hemingway
and Halden...
...they say that
you're the only one.
So they do say
I'm the only one.
Yes. I... I beg you
for my daughter's life.
Very well. I will go.
Start the anesthetic.
You're not only a great surgeon,
but a great musician, too.
Extraordinary man.
You're almost not a man.
A god?
A God with the taint
of human emotions.
The scar is almost gone.
I'm so glad.
When I touch it,
does it still hurt?
A month ago,
I didn't know you.
But now,
I owe my life to you.
I wish there were
something I could do.
There is.
Tell me.
The restraint that we
impose upon ourselves...
...can drive us mad.
I don't know what you mean.
Jerry... Jerry Halden tells me
you've made him your assistant.
It means we can be married
that much sooner.
Now, I owe you
another debt.
You owe me nothing.
I did it to give him something,
to take the place...
...of what he's losing.
They're expecting me
at dinner.
I... I think I'd better
run along.
You're coming to
see me dance tomorrow night?
Nothing can keep me away.
Thanks to you,
I'm able to dance again.
I'm going to have
a surprise for you.
Tomorrow night. Goodbye.
"Once upon a midnight dreary...
"while I pondered,
weak and weary...
"Over many a quaint and curious
volume of forgotten lore...
"While I nodded,
nearly napping...
"suddenly there came
a tapping...
"As of some one
gently rapping...
"rapping at my chamber door.
"'Tis some visitor,'
I muttered...
"'tapping at my chamber door...
"Only this,
and nothing more. '
"Ah, distinctly I remember...
"it was in the bleak December...
"And each separate dying ember...
"wrought its ghost
upon the floor.
"Eagerly I wished the morrow,
vainly I had tried to borrow...
"From my books
surcease of sorrow...
"sorrow for the lost Lenore...
"For the rare
and radiant maiden...
...whom the angels name Lenore"
Did they really like me?
No, not much, they only called
you back 12 times.
Oh, darling,
isn't it wonderful?
I can dance again.
All our children will be dancers,
I can see them.
The 14 Dancing Holdens.
That's what you think.
Here, dear,
take my slippers off for me.
Of course.
Oh, Jean,
you were darling.
...most charming. Not only
charming but dramatic as well.
Thank you so much.
That was marvelous, dear.
What do you call that dance?
You've never
done that before, have you?
I call it
"The Spirit of Poe. "
So that was
your surprise.
Was it a great surprise?
"Whom the angels
call Lenore"
I told you never to come into
this room unless I send for you.
I'm sorry, sir.
Judge Thatcher is here.
Judge Thatcher here.
Yes, sir.
All right, send him in.
Very good, sir.
Good afternoon, Dr. Vollin.
Good afternoon.
Will you step in?
Thank you.
You were
expecting my daughter.
You see, last night,
while Jean was dancing...
I... I observed something
that... That worried me.
Later on, in Jean's dressing
room, I... I felt the same thing.
Then I... I questioned Jean.
And she made a confession.
She's in danger of becoming
infatuated with you.
Of course,
I can understand that.
You... You saved her life,
Dr. Vollin.
You think it's
only gratitude she feels?
Oh, don't say it
that way, Dr. Vollin.
Don't cheat us of the right
to be grateful to you.
Come to the point, Thatcher.
Well, I made it about as
plain as I can without, uh...
Look here, you... You know that
Jean's engaged to young Jerry Halden.
Now we can't let her get
any ideas about you, can we?
You are saying,
Judge Thatcher...
...that Jean has
fallen in love with me.
No, I'm not quite
saying that.
That you do not approve.
You disapprove yourself,
Dr. Vollin.
You don't want a young girl like
Jean falling in love with you.
Dr. Vollin,
I... I came to you once...
...and asked you, when death was near,
to save Jean.
I come to you again.
But this time...
...instead of from death,
you want to save her from me.
I never realized, Vollin.
I'm sorry you feel like this.
Now that you know... still say that your greatest
wish is for her to marry Halden?
More than ever.
There's no point
in saving Jean's life...
...if we're going to
sacrifice her happiness.
You mustn't see her again.
You driveling fool.
Stop talking.
Be careful, Vollin.
Not see her again?
Listen, Thatcher...
I'm a man who renders humanity
a great service.
For that, my brain
must be clear... nerves steady
and my hands sure.
Jean torments me.
She has come into my life.
Into my brain.
Forget it, man. Forget it.
Judge Thatcher,
there are no two ways.
Send her to me.
Do you know
what you're saying?
There are no two ways.
Send her to me.
You're mad.
I am mad.
And I tell you,
the only way you can cure...
I can't talk to you,
I came here with a perfectly
reasonable objection...
...and expected you
to be reasonable.
Instead I find you stark,
staring mad.
Good day, Dr. Vollin.
Send her, Judge Thatcher.
I warn you.
Doctor Vollin.
Home, Hillview Heights.
I want to see Dr. Vollin.
What do you want to see
Dr. Vollin about?
I am Dr. Vollin.
I want to see you.
Come this way.
Come into my office.
You're Edmond Bateman.
Who told you?
Your picture in the papers.
That's no disguise.
That's why I'm here.
He said you could do...
What was it he called it?
I want you should
change my face.
But I'm not
a plastic surgeon, Bateman.
He said you could do it.
That is unnecessary,
Bateman. Put it away.
I can do it.
I can change your face.
Then do it.
It isn't plastic surgery...
...but there is a way.
Any way!
It's all right with me.
First, you must do
something for me.
Like what?
It's in your line.
Like what?
Torture and murder.
That's not my line.
My line is...
You shot your way out
of San Quentin.
Two guards are dead.
In a bank in Arizona, a man's
face was mutilated, burnt.
Cashier of the bank.
Well, he tried to
get me into trouble.
I told him to
keep his mouth shut.
He gets the gag
out of his mouth...
...and starts yellin'
for the police.
I had the acetylene torch
in my hand...
So, you put the burning torch
into his face.
Into his eyes.
Well, sometimes you can't help
things like that.
This job I want done
is in your line, Bateman.
Accept my word for it.
I want you to do this for me.
Then, I change your face.
I got money.
I'll pay for it.
No money.
I don't want to
get into no more trouble.
And they're after me now.
I can take care of that.
You can stay here
after the job is done.
I'll tell you
something, Doc...
...ever since I was born...
...everybody looks at me
and says, "You're ugly. "
Makes me feel mean.
Why are you telling me this?
I am not interested
in your life story.
I'm saying, Doc...
...maybe because I look ugly...
Maybe if a man looks ugly,
he does ugly things.
You are saying
something profound.
A man with a face
so hideously ugly...
Don't ask me to do
this job for you, Doc.
I don't want to do
them things no more.
Fix me so I look good,
will you?
Then maybe I could...
All right, Bateman.
You'll do it, Doc?
You'll change me?
What's that?
You don't need that.
Give it to me.
No, you don't.
I'll keep this.
What's that?
I'm taking you where if
police or anyone should come...
...they can't find you.
Oh, oh, I see
what you mean.
It is to
protect you, Bateman.
You go first.
Of course.
I show you the way.
The operation is
very simple.
In 10 minutes, it's done.
Is that all it takes?
The nerves,
the nerve ends, Bateman...
...the seventh cranial nerve,
which has its root here...
...from this come the nerves that
control the muscles of the face.
If something happens
to these nerve ends... alters your expression.
In other words, I who know
what to do with these nerve ends...
...can make you look
anyway I choose.
Now, loosen your collar.
Lie down.
I will not need you
until Monday.
Thank you, sir.
Have a pleasant holiday.
Thank you, sir.
Ah, you're doing fine,
I will take a look.
It's hard to talk.
That's to be expected.
It will disappear.
Do I look different?
Something's the matter.
My eye.
That will pass, Bateman.
My mouth.
I want to see myself.
All right.
Just wait here.
Are you ready to
do it for me, Bateman?
Fix my mouth.
You're monstrously ugly.
Monstrous ugliness
breeds monstrous hate.
I can use your hate.
You will do this
for me, Bateman.
Fix my mouth.
I'll fix your mouth, Bateman.
Do it. Change me.
I'll change you, Bateman.
You will look good.
The way you wish.
Make me look good.
First you must do
this job for me, Bateman.
I can't use my hand to do it.
Your hand is used to torture.
Your hand must do it.
My brain. Your hand.
Speak up, Bateman.
Do you wish to remain
the ugly monster that you are?
No. No.
Then you will do this job
for me, will you?
You must speak now.
Yes or no.
Put on these clothes...
...and report to me
for further instructions.
Be quick about it.
In an hour,
my guests will arrive.
I wonder if Dad
will be very angry.
Why should he?
He distinctly said no
when we got the invitation.
Don't go
into that again.
We've been
all over that before.
Well, I do agree with him that
Dr. Vollin is a little mad.
Well, aren't we all?
What of it?
You know, uh, you're taking quite
a chance persuading me to go.
He kind of likes me.
Yeah, I'll bet.
All right,
what will you bet?
I'll bet you...
All right. Place your bets.
They're off!
Please notify my horse
the race has started.
Oh, isn't it exciting,
Y- Yes, quite.
I like my horse.
He has such a kind face.
The quarter.
Come on, Number 5!
Number 3. Number 3!
Come on Number 5!
Number 3. Number 3.
Number 3.
Doesn't my horse look
like your father, Pinkie?
I hadn't noticed
the resemblance, my love.
Come on, Azucar!
They're on the home stretch.
I will not let myself
get excited.
I'm afraid to look.
Who's winning?
Number 5 wins.
That's me!
I'm the winner.
Wasn't mine
the brown horse, Pinkie?
No, no. Yours was
the white, my love.
I've been rooting
for the wrong horse.
Oh, Jerry, you idiot,
what're you doing?
I'll be a mess, you fool.
Stop it.
Next race.
Place your bets.
Now, I'll have to go upstairs and
fix my hair. I'm a sight, I know.
Well, don't forget
you owe me two bits.
You know, I like horses,
I... I grew up with them.
Yes, I can see that
when I look at you.
Does anyone want
any more horse races?
Not me.
It's too exhausting
a game for me.
Let's go
and get a drink.
Feel this, my pet.
Just what am I
supposed to feel?
My pulse. It's beating.
I'm going to ask
Dr. Vollin's advice.
Yes, Colonel.
I get the most peculiar sensations,
uh, pains you might call them.
Not exactly pains, but, uh,
they come and they go.
What would you say
they were?
You eat too much, Colonel.
I'm asking Dr. Vollin,
my pet.
You're always trying to get free advice.
Now, now, my pet.
You know, the other evening
we met Dr. Thayor...
...and he turned out
to be a veterinary.
My pet, he gave me some very
good advice about my dogs.
Man to see you.
Excuse me.
Oh, p-please,
don't stand there.
Yes. Move away,
my man, like a good fellow.
Never stand behind people.
Most unfortunate looking
I'm so glad you have come,
Judge Thatcher.
Dr. Vollin,
is my daughter here?
Judge Thatcher,
I'm genuinely sorry...
...for all the stupid things
I said to you the other day.
I want you,
please, to forget.
One can't forget a man
But I... I was
under terrible strain...
...and if you can feel
in anyway indebted to me...
...clear your debts by forgiving me
for what I said.
Well, I suppose a man can...
Oh, I...
You do forgive me.
Now let's go
and... And join the others.
Go upstairs and tell Miss
Thatcher her father is here.
Oh, I'm so glad to see you.
Glad to see you.
Hello, Judge, I was wondering
whether you'd arrived.
That's from upstairs.
Oh, Dad,
I'm so glad you are here.
What happened?
What's the matter?
You look as white as a ghost.
I just had
a terrible fright.
What was it?
I was standing in my room
looking in the mirror...
...when the door opened and an
awful looking man came in.
Oh, you mean,
my servant, poor fellow.
Come on, let's sit down.
I will tell you about him.
I'm sorry, Miss Thatcher,
that my servant scared you.
Please be seated.
All of you, please.
Poor fellow...
...he can't help
the way he looks.
He served
in my regiment.
Arab bandits
took him a prisoner.
They mutilated him
and tortured him.
They have a genius
for devising torture.
It's almost the equal
of Edgar Allan Poe.
Dr. Vollin is
keen about Poe.
Yes, I've noticed.
Why your extraordinary
interest in Poe, Dr. Vollin?
That poem of Poe's,
The Raven.
I say, what is
The Raven?
It's a bird, Pinkie.
A pretty thing to
have around the house.
But isn't the raven
the symbol of death?
It always has been.
What is your interpretation of The Raven?
I will tell you.
Poe was a great genius.
Like all great geniuses...
...there was in him
the insistent will... do something big, great,
constructive in the world.
He had the brain
to do it.
But he fell in love.
Her name was Lenore.
"Longing for
the lost Lenore"
"Longing for
the lost Lenore"
Something happened...
...someone took her away
from him.
When a man of genius is denied
of his great love, he goes mad.
His brain instead of
being clear to do his work... tortured.
So he begins to
think of torture.
Torture for those
who have tortured him.
My interest in Poe...
...the way I speak
about torture and death... people, being laymen,
perhaps do not understand.
As a doctor, a surgeon, I look
on these things differently.
A doctor is fascinated
by death and pain.
How much pain
a man can endure.
But I disagree with you,
Dr. Vollin.
That's not why
I'm a doctor.
You're a doctor
because you want to do good.
Please let's
change the subject.
Let's go to bed.
Why, Colonel, where are your
company manners?
I'm sleepy, my pet.
I'm sleepy, too,
Let's all go to
our nice warm beds...
...on this cold, windy night.
Well, if it isn't rude
to our host.
On the contrary...
I am flattered that you act
as if you were at home.
Thank you. Thank you.
I'm so sorry.
You came into the room
so suddenly.
Please believe I wouldn't
have been frightened otherwise.
Oh, Jean.
Come on, darling.
This is your room,
Judge Thatcher.
Thank you.
Uh, Dr. Vollin, may I see you
for just a minute?
I'd like to know about the drafts
in this house.
You know, I'm very sensitive
about drafts.
I'm certain
you'll be comfortable.
Thank you.
Allow me.
After you, sir.
This man, Vollin is
stark, staring mad.
Why, Dad!
Now, you came here
against my wishes.
All right, it's done.
But now let's get our things
together and go home.
Let's go home.
But why?
In the talk I had with him the
other day, he said some things...
...that absolutely convinced me
he's not in his right mind.
And just now, the way he talked
about Poe and... And torture...
Oh, talk, that's all it was.
He was being amusing.
Well, I'm afraid there's something
wrong with my sense of humor.
I tell you, it's dangerous
to be under this man's roof.
Oh, Dad, he's not going to cut
our throats while we're asleep.
Well, I think
it's entirely possible.
Grown-up people.
When a perfectly reputable and
distinguished surgeon talks about Poe...
...why get scared?
There's absolutely nothing
to be afraid of.
Come in.
Get out of here.
Judge Thatcher.
What are you doing here?
Go downstairs.
You mustn't
be frightened.
The poor fellow
means nothing.
Probably came up to see if there's
anything he could do for you.
Are you comfortable?
Quite, thank you.
Yes. Thank you, I'm sure
we shall be very comfortable.
Good. Then I'll leave you now.
You're worried
about Jean, aren't you?
Yes, I am.
You're afraid that in the
middle of the night he might...
Don't you think it would be a good
idea if I changed rooms with her?
And what about you?
Well, he certainly isn't
coming into my room.
Well, let me
do that then.
Come on. I'll go change rooms with Jerry.
All right.
Take my bags, dear,
will you?
All right.
Come along, Bateman.
The most unique museum
of torture.
Rare old pieces,
all of them.
But I warn you,
ready for use.
This device is
from one of Poe's stories.
The Pit and the Pendulum.
A man was thrown
into a pit...
...and tied to a slab
like this.
Suddenly he hears some peculiar
noise coming from above his head.
He looks up...
...sees a knife flashing.
Swinging rhythmically... it gradually descends.
These things here
are manacles...
...which are controlled
by that lever.
Clasped around
the wrists and ankles...
...they hold a man
on the slab...
He cannot move.
In 15 minutes,
the knife reaches the heart.
Got you.
Come on, Bateman. Release me.
Release me, Bateman.
And please try to remember,
should anything happen to me... remain the hideous monster
that you are.
Come on, Bateman.
It's all quite simple,
isn't it, Bateman?
Jerry, oh, I'm afraid!
What-What's the matter?
What's happened?
Look in my room.
All right, come on then
if you're afraid.
Darling, that's nothing.
The wind's blown a tree down, it's
fallen against your window, that's all.
Here, put your robe on
or you'll get cold.
Jerry, I saw a man
coming up through the floor.
Darling, I can understand you
imagining all sorts of things...
...but not a man coming up
through the floor.
I'm not imagining it.
I'll tell you what you do, you
sleep in your own room. Come on.
Now you hop
right into bed.
You've got to
get some sleep, you know.
I guess,
Daddy was right after all.
We probably
should have gone home.
Don't be silly.
You all right now?
Yes, dear.
Not frightened anymore?
Good night, my sweet.
Good night, darling.
What do you mean sneaking up
through the trapdoor?
Don't compel me to treat you
like an animal.
You were looking
for the girl, weren't you?
Answer me.
The girl does not
concern you.
Why did you
try to go to her?
Answer me, why?
Who is that?
It's the Colonel.
My wife wants a sleeping powder, Dr. Vollin.
She woke me
out of a sound sleep...
...and told me to go down
and get a sleeping powder.
You know, there-there's
nothing worse...
...than being wakened
from that first sweet sleep.
I doubt if I shall
fall asleep again.
Just wait a moment here.
Oh, pardon me.
I- I'm so sleepy.
Here are two powders.
One for you.
For me? Huh, Dr. Vollin, I
don't know how to thank you.
Such a nice man,
so thoughtful.
It's now 11:00.
The job begins.
Let me go!
Let me go! Help! Help, Jerry!
Help me! Help me!
Help! Let me go!
Judge Thatcher.
What's the meaning
of this, Vollin?
My servant is a little uncivilized,
so I ask your forgiveness.
Now, I see you can
hardly stand on your feet.
Bateman, see that Judge Thatcher lies down.
Make him comfortable,
What's that thing?
A knife.
What's it doing?
What are you
trying to do to me?
Torture you.
Oh, try to be sane, Vollin.
I'm the sanest man
who ever lived.
I will not be tortured...
I tear torture out of myself
by torturing you.
15 minutes.
There's the clock.
You can see it.
Torture waiting.
It will be sweet,
Judge Thatcher.
Jerry, help!
Do not be alarmed.
I've a pleasant surprise
for you.
Jerry! Jerry!
Help me. Jerry!
Jerry! Jerry!
Geoffrey! Geoffrey!
Wake up, Geoffrey!
They've got Jean!
I say!
What is it, old boy?
They've got Jean. Wake Grant.
I couldn't wake
either the Colonel or Mrs. Grant.
They seem to
have been drugged.
Where's Judge Thatcher
and Jean, old boy?
They took Thatcher
through this panel.
They must have Jean, too.
I can't open it.
Here, let me help you,
old chap.
I've looked everywhere.
I'll call the police.
Hello. Hello, operator.
The line's dead.
What's that?
What's what?
Oh, Pinkie!
It's a steel shutter.
There is now
no way of getting in... way of getting out.
Help me! Jerry!
Jerry, please!
Jerry, please!
Uh. Oh.
We can't hear
the wind anymore.
It's as if we were
all in a tomb.
We've got to get through
that panel.
Do you mind if I smoke?
Jerry! Jerry!
Help me! Jerry!
Bateman, tell her to stop.
Jerry, help me!
Help me!
What're you going to do
to Jean?
Oh, I have the most
delightful plan for her.
Help me. Jerry! Help me!
He said stop.
I'm ugly.
He did it.
Dr. Vollin?
Oh, he's mad.
What will he do to me?
He won't hurt you.
Will you help me?
You will help me, won't you?
You'll help me get out of here?
No! No!
Vollin is going... fix my face.
I tell you he's mad.
He won't help you.
I'll help you.
Please get me out of here.
I swear, I'll help you.
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!
I'm going through.
That's what they
want you to do. It's a trap.
Going through all the same.
Got to follow him.
Oh. Oh, Pinkie!
You know what to do, Bateman.
Dad! Jerry!
Please come! Jerry!
Jerry! Oh, Jerry!
It's Jean!
The switch, to open this lock.
It's locked.
The servant
must have the key.
Jean! Jean! Jean!
Don't do it,
he'll kill you.
Bateman, bring him here.
You're just in time to be
witnesses to a wedding ceremony.
Now the ceremony begins.
Too bad, Judge Thatcher
cannot be with us.
But if we speak loudly
enough, perhaps he can hear us.
At any rate,
we can hear him.
At least let my father go.
We will dismiss the question
of your father.
Consider it
well disposed off.
See here, Vollin, things
like this can't be done.
It's no use, Geoffrey.
Look at his eyes.
I'll soon be rid
of my torture.
Rid of it!
And I'll be the sanest man
who ever lived.
I have a pleasant surprise.
Do as I order, Bateman!
The switch.
My gift to you two.
The place in which
you will live.
A humble place, but your love
will make it beautiful.
All right, go in.
Go in.
You will live in this place
forever and ever.
It will be
the perfect marriage.
The perfect love.
You will never be separated.
Never. Bateman!
Come on, Bateman, close it!
Forever and ever.
What a torture!
What a delicious torture,
Greater than Poe.
Poe only conceived it.
I have done it, Bateman.
Poe, you're avenged!
What happens in that room?
Another one
of Poe's devices, Bateman.
It's the room where the walls come together.
...there's nothing we can do.
It doesn't take long, Bateman,
until they're crushed, dead.
That girl...
Why not?
You've killed in your time.
You monster,
you like to torture.
Yes. I like to torture.
You've done nobly, Bateman.
Now, I'll do nobly by you.
You-You'll fix me?
She crushed to death?
What are you doing?
First, I let her go.
If you touch
that switch, Bateman...
I'll not fix you.
You'll stay
the way you are, Bateman.
If you touch that...
I'll get the key.
You go to Thatcher.
Come on, Geoffrey!
I've got the key.
Get that thing
out of the way.
Come on.
It's all right. It's all right, don't worry.
No, it's all my fault.
No, it's not
your fault, dear.
Don't blame yourself.
I'm so sorry.
We're all safe now.
What is it, my pet?
The Colonel. We've forgotten
the Colonel and his wife.
Poor Bateman.
He gave up his life.
Yes, darling, he saved us
from being crushed, all right.
I think I'd better
finish the job, don't you?
Only a little more gently.
So you're
the big, bad raven, huh?