The Razor's Edge (1946)

[ Man Narrating ]
This story consists of my recollections
of a very unusual young man with whom
I was thrown into contact at long intervals.
In the summer of 1919, while passing
through Chicago on my way to the Far East,
a friend of mine,
Elliott Templeton,
whom I had known
in London and Paris,
invited me to dine with him
and his sister, Mrs. Bradley.
They were giving a dinner party at
one of those sprawling country clubs,
which were so much a part
of the American scene
in the early days
of the postwar boom.
[ Orchestral Playing ]
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening. Mr. Templeton's table?
- Yes, sir.
- Are they here?
They're having
refreshments, sir.
[Music Continues]
- Uh, here you are.
- For the dry martini, sir.
- Prohibition. Of all the bloody nonsense.
- Elliott.
Yes, dear?
Who is this man
that you asked to dinner tonight?
I had to get Sophie at the last minute,
or we would have been 13.
He's an English author. He's quite all right.
In fact he's quite famous.
So, pretend that you've heard of him,
even if you haven't.
That's too much.
Get the other glasses.
Elliott, you must be slipping
if you frequent authors.
Not at all, my dear.
Authors go everywhere nowadays.
Why, in London, I even met actors
and actresses in society.
Ah, here he is now.
My dear fellow,
how very nice to see you.
[Chuckling ] Hello, Elliott.
Let me present you to
my sister, Mrs. Bradley.
- Louisa?
-[ Laughing ]
- Louisa, dear.
- Hmm?
This is Mr. Somerset Maugham.
How do you do, Mr. Maugham?
It's an honor to have you with us.
Thank you.
It's very nice to be here.
What on earth are you doing
in this benighted city?
I'm... I'm just passing through. But you,
Elliott, I thought you never left Paris.
Why should I? In point of fact I came
to see my sister and my niece, Isabel.
- I haven't been back since before the war.
-[ Woman Giggling ]
I hope you don't mind. A few
young things are joining us for dinner.
But, uh, we can leave early.
Why should I mind? I like young things
if they're good to look at.
Incidentally, you'll meet the young man
my niece has got herself engaged to.
His name is Larry Darrell. I might as well
tell you that Elliott doesn't approve of him.
I have nothing against him,
but he hasn't any money.
My sister's not a rich woman by
any means. She needs all she's got.
- I said only this morning...
- Is it necessary for you to tell Mr. Maugham
-all our private affairs?
- We can't all be millionaires, Elliott.
- He hasn't even got a job.
- He can get one, can't he?
- He doesn't want a job.
- Why not?
Because he's bone idle.
That must shock a man like you
who's never earned a penny in his life.
It may have escaped your notice, my dear
fellow, but I am not an ordinary man.
- Cocktail?
- Oh, yes, please.
For the run of mankind,
industry is essential.
I see no reason why this young man, who
my niece has got herself engaged to
should not conform
to the customs of his country.
Ah, here's my niece now.
Oh, Mother.
- Hello, Isabel.
- Hello.
- Mr. Maugham, this is my daughter, Isabel.
- How do you do?
- Where's Larry?
- Late.
Oh, poor sweet. I suppose he forgot
to wind his watch last night as usual.
You wouldn't know
about Larry.
- Say, Mother, you've mixed up the cards.
- Oh, Sophie, dear.
Hello, Sophie.
This is Sophie Nelson.
Mr. Somerset Maugham.
- Sophie's a neighbor of ours in the country.
- How do you do?
- You look charming, Sophie.
- Yes, doesn't she?
Excuse us. Come here.
I want to have a look at you.
Sophie, you look lovely.
It's the dress. You're sure
you don't mind my wearing it?
Of course not.
If you like it, take it as a present.
Oh, Isabel, that's awfully
sweet of you.
Oh, it'd be such a surprise for Bob
to see me decently dressed for once.
Oh, you know Bob's much too much in love
with you to notice what you wear.
He's no more crazy about me
than I am about him.
[Sighs] I don't think anyone ever
loved anyone as I love him.
- Isn't it heavenly to be alive?
- Yes.
- Hi.
- Hello, Gray.
- May I break this up?
- Sure.
- You look lovely. Uh-huh.
- Think so?
- Hello, Sophie.
- Hello.
May I get you one, Miss, um...
Miss Nelson, isn't it?
- Yes, Sophie Nelson. I'd love it.
- Oh, uh...
No. I guess
I'd better not.
- Why, what's wrong with cocktails?
- Oh, nothing.
Only I promised Bob
I wouldn't.
- Who's Bob?
- My boyfriend. He doesn't like me to drink.
He thinks
I'm too fond of them.
- Which is Bob?
- Oh, he isn't here. He's working.
He's putting himself
through law school.
He's going to drop in later
and take me home.
Will you have one of these?
If my man Joseph could see me now,
- I give you my word, he'd faint dead away.
-[ Chuckles]
You're a great friend
of Mr. Templeton's, aren't you?
I wouldn't say that. Elliott
has no friends, only acquaintances.
- He's an awful snob, isn't he?
- Oh, awful.
But he's kind and generous.
People laugh at him behind his back,
but they eat his food
and drink his wine.
Oh, Mr. Maugham.
Mr. Maugham, you're next to Mother.
Sophie, you're next to Gray
at the end of the table.
- That's us, toots.
- Mr. Maugham, Mr. Maturin.
-Isabel? Dinner, my dear fellow.
- Yes?
Oh, yes.
And, uh, who's Mr. Maturin?
Oh, Gray.
He's our millionaire.
His father's a big broker,
and we're proud of him.
- He gives us class, but he's nice.
-[ Chuckles]
I know several girls who'd stop at
nothing short of murder to get him.
- They haven't a chance.
- Why not?
He's so much in love with Isabel,
he can't see straight.
- I see. And she's in love with Larry Darrell.
-[ Chuckles]
I suppose that does
complicate matters.
It does if you're
as high-principled as Gray is.
And Larry isn't here?
Oh, yes. He'sjust coming in now.
Way over there. Look.
Come on. Dinner.
[ Maugham Narrating ]
This is the young man of whom I write.
He is not famous.
It may be that when his life at last
comes to an end,
he will leave no more trace
of his sojourn on this earth
than a stone thrown into a river
leaves on the surface of the water.
Yet it may be that the way of life
he has chosen for himself,
may have an ever-growing influence
over his fellow men
so that long after
his death, perhaps,
it may be realized
that there lived in this age,
a very remarkable creature.
You're very late, Larry.
-[ Chuckling ] I'm sorry.
- Sophie, where's Mr. Maugham?
Evidently, Larry hasn't learned that
punctuality is the politeness of kings.
- Elliott. Mr. Maugham, this is Larry Darrell.
- How do you do?
When can we start dinner
and get this over with...
Mr. Maugham's a novelist.
- Oh?
-[ Chuckles] I may as well tell you
-that Larry's very stupid and uneducated.
- Hmm.
He knows nothing
about anything except flying.
But when he came back,
he looked so lovely in his uniform,
I camped on his doorstep
until he consented to marry me.
The competition was awful.
Don't believe
a word she says, Mr. Maugham.
Isabel's not a bad girl,
but she's a terrible liar.
- Oh, yes.
- I've seen you before.
Oh? When?
I happened to have a job of work to do,
and I went into the library.
I saw you when I went in there
early this morning.
When I came back
from lunch, you were still there.
- To tell you the truth, I forgot about lunch.
- I couldn't help admiring
-your power of concentration.
-It was that kind of a book.
My dear fellow, you're at the end
of the table with my sister.
- Hello, Gray.
- Hi, there.
Say, Dad tells me you turned down
that job in the office.
Oh, Larry.
Why have you done that?
I thought it over, and I figured
I'd be a disappointment to Gray's father.
- So, I decided I'd better refuse.
- Sorry, old man.
It would have been swell,
us working together.
[Waltz Playing]
Hi, brown eyes. Looks as if tall, dark
and legal is standing you up.
I'd like to catch him trying it.
- You're old friends?
- We grew up together.
I used to play shortstop
on his baseball team.
We used to think we could lick
any 10 kids our size.
- Could you?
- We tried.
Oh, here comes
my young man now.
- Oh, here you are.
- Hello.
This is Mr. Maugham.
Bob MacDonald.
- How do you do, sir?
- How are you?
He's the one who seems to think
he wants to marry me.
I can't see why,
but there it is.
I just happen to be
crazy about the girl.
I wouldn't like him to know,
but just between you and me,
I rather like him myself.
Let's dance.
[ No Audible Dialogue]
- Hello, Isabel.
- Hello.
Larry, why didn't you tell me
that Mr. Maturin had offered you a job?
-[ Gasps ]
- Larry, why didn't you tell me
that Mr. Maturin
had offered you a job?
Answer me.
Answer me.
I thought I'd better not till
I made up my mind one way or another.
- You mad?
- Darling, that's the horrible part about you.
However aggravating you are,
one can't really be angry with you.
Oh, can't they?
Did you see those looks
Uncle Elliott was giving me at dinner?
After all, Larry,
a man must work.
The longer you put it off,
the harder it'll be.
I've got a foolish notion I want to do
more with my life than just sell bonds.
All right, then.
- Go into a law office.
- I don't want to do that either.
What do you want
to do then?
I don't know.
Loaf maybe.
Oh, Larry, don't be funny.
This is serious.
I'm not being funny.
I think it's very serious.
I wouldn't make you miserable
for anything.
But you are
making me miserable.
You see, I love you.
And I love you, Isabel.
[Women Laughing ]
[ Chattering ]
[Music Continues]
Look, Larry, let's be sensible.
A man must work.
It's a matter of self-respect.
This is a young country, and it's a man's
duty to take part in its activities.
Why, Gray's father was saying
only the other day,
that we're beginning an era that will
make the past look like 30 cents.
He said that he could see
no limit to our progress
and that by 1930, we'll be the greatest
and richest country in the whole world.
- Don't you think that's terribly exciting?
- Terribly.
Why, there never was
such a chance for young men.
I... I'd have thought you'd be proud
to be a part of it.
It's such
a wonderful adventure.
I'm sure
you're right, Isabel.
The Armours and the Swifts
will pack more and better meat,
McCormicks will turn out
more and better harvesters,
Henry Ford will make
more and better cars,
-and everybody will get richer and richer.
- What's wrong with that?
Nothing at all. It... ltjust happens
that sitting in an office
and making a lot of money doesn't
interest me as much as it should.
Oh, Larry, don't talk like a fool.
You can't live without money.
But I have a little. That's what
gives me the chance to do what I want.
You're making it
very difficult for me.
Sorry, darling.
I wouldn't if I could help it.
You can help it.
The dead look so terribly dead
when they're dead.
- What does that mean exactly?
- Just that.
Are you terribly unhappy, darling?
No. The only thing that makes me unhappy
is making you unhappy.
I don't think I'll ever find peace
until I make up my mind about things.
It's so difficult to put into words.
The minute you try, you feel embarrassed.
You say to yourself, "Who am I to bother
my head about this, that or the other?
"Wouldn't it be better
just to follow the beaten path
and let what's coming
to you come?"
And then I think
of a guy I knew.
A minute before,
he was full of life and fun,
and then,
he was dead.
I've seen many men die,
but this one was different.
It was the last day of the war,
almost the last moment.
He could have saved himself,
but he didn't.
He saved me and died.
So, he's gone,
and I'm here, alive.
Why? It's all
so meaningless!
You can't help but ask yourself
what life is all about
whether there's any sense to it or
whether it's just a stupid blunder!
I hardly know what to say.
It's... It's so unexpected.
Larry, do you think it would help
if you went away for a while?
- I think perhaps it would.
- Then why don't you go?
Because of you.
Larry, let's be frank
with each other.
There's no place in your life
for me just now.
Does that mean you don't want to be
engaged to me anymore?
No, foolish. it means that
I'm prepared to wait.
It might be a year
or even longer.
That doesn't matter.
It might be less.
Where have you
thought of going?
I thought I'd start
by going to Paris.
I went there
several times on leave.
I don't know why, but I've got it
into my head that there,
everything that's
muddled in my mind
will grow clear.
It's a funny place.
It gives you the feeling that you can
think out your thoughts to the very end.
I think over there I may be able
to see my way before me.
And if you don't?
I'll give it up as a bad job,
come back to Chicago,
and take the first work
I can get.
- Oh, my darling.
- Oh, Larry
I love you.
I love you so much.
[ Elliott]
I cannot for the life of me understand
how Isabel could possibly prefer that
young man to a fine chap like Gray.
I grant you he's good-looking
and his clothes fit.
But imagine,
an opportunity to go in
with Gray and his father
on the ground floor.
Home so early?
- What's the matter?
- Nothing.
- Where's Larry?
- Gone. Hello, Mother.
- Did you have a talk with him?
- Yes.
- May I venture to inquire the result?
- He's going to Europe.
I promised to wait for him.
What in the world is
he going to do in Europe?
- Loaf.
- Loaf? Don't be ridiculous, Isabel.
- That's what he told me!
- Really, I have no patience with you.
If you had any spirit, you'd have broken
off your engagement then and there!
What can I do?
I love him.
Come along.
It's all right.
Well, things might be
a great deal worse.
Oh, thank heavens.
Merci, Joseph.
I was just saying, Louisa,
things might be a great deal worse.
- Oh.
- Don't get up. I don't see how.
My poor Louisa,
you have no imagination.
When you're young, your emotions
are violent, but they're not durable.
It's a delusion that absence
makes the heart grow fonder.
With Larry out of the way
and Gray on the spot,
I don't see why Isabel shouldn't
marry him before the year's out.
You've been away
from America too long, Elliott.
You've forgotten that in this country a girl
doesn't marry a man because her mother,
or even her uncle,
wants her to.
That's nothing to be proud of.
As a result of 30 years' experience, I
may tell you that a marriage arranged
with a proper regard
for position and fortune
has every advantage over a love match.
In France, which after all,
is the only civilized country in the world,
Isabel would marry Gray
without thinking about it twice.
Then, after a few months,
if she was still in love with Larry...
That will do. I know what you're going
to say, and the idea doesn't appeal to me.
That's one of the things
I've never understood about you, Louisa.
Though you've lived half your life
in diplomatic society
in half the capitals of the world,
you've remained hopelessly American.
It isn't often that you pay me
a compliment, dear.
- It wasn't meant to be one.
- I know.
I think I'll go to bed.
Elliott, will you lock up?
Yes, dear.
- Good night, Mr. Maugham.
- Good night.
You're very full of worldly wisdom
this evening, Elliott.
Have you ever
known me not to be?
I don't mind telling you
I have a sneaking sympathy for the boy.
He's young, and he wants to sow
his wild oats
before he settles down
to married life.
Very natural and very proper.
I'll keep my eye on him in Paris.
Of course, he must cross
on the Aquitania.
[Elliott Continuing]
I know the captain.
He'll see that Larry sits at his table
and meets the right people.
I'll look for an apartment for him
in a really smart quarter.
- I'll do him proud.
-[ No Audible Dialogue]
I'll give some parties for him.
So many Americans,
when they go to Paris,
get in with the wrong people.
Then they find it no end of a job
to shake them off.
I'll have my chauffeur, Marcel,
drive him about in the Rolls.
I detest the countryside,
but, alas, all Americans
are born tourists,
and no doubt
he'll want to see the sights.
It would be perfect
if I could arrange
for some older woman
to take him under her wing.
- Princess Novemali, for instance.
-[ No Audible Dialogue]
He is young,
and he has a good figure.
I think she'd fail for him
like a ton of bricks.
[ Chuckles ]
In any event,
the busier I keep him,
the less time he'll have
to think about Isabel.
[ Chattering ]
[ Speaking French ]
Anything for Laurence Darrell?
- This wireless came day before yesterday.
- Thank you.
[ Man ] They went through here
about a year ago.
Excuse me. Pardon me. When does
the boat train from the Aquitania arrive?
-11 :30, monsieur.
- Thank you.
-[ Woman ] Vous parlez anglais?
- Why, of course.
[ Chattering ]
[ Isabel ] Larry! Larry!
[Man Shouting In French ]
Oh, Larry!
Oh, Larry,
I've missed you.
I've missed you so much.
May I ask how
he knew you were coming?
Isabel cabled him
from the ship.
- Are they still engaged?
-[ Chuckles ] As far as I know.
- What about Gray Maturin?
- Still faithful.
I don't believe you played your cards
very well, Louisa.
much card sense.
- Mother, here he is.
- Oh, how good of you to come.
- So nice to see you. Hello, Mr. Templeton.
- How do you do?
Uncle Elliott, may Larry come along
to dinner with us?
Larry's given me to understand
he doesn't dine out.
He will tonight, won't you?
I will.
That's very good of you.
I shall be delighted.
We'll meet you at the house.
Taxi! Taxi!
Come along, darling.
I've got a million things to tell you.
I'm afraid I haven't a very good account
to give you of that young man, Louisa.
- Oh?
- When he first came over to Paris,
for Isabel's sake,
I asked him to lunch
to meet the sort of people
he ought to know.
- He told me he didn't eat lunch.
- Perhaps he doesn't.
And then, when I asked him to dinner,
he said he couldn't come
because he had
no evening clothes.
If I live to be a hundred,
I shall never understand
how any young man could come to Paris
without evening clothes.
Maybe he just
didn't want to.
That's the most
incredible reason
for refusing an invitation
I've ever heard in my life.
- And where does he live?
- I haven't a notion.
Isabel writes to him in care of
the American Express.
Like a traveling salesman,
or a schoolteacher on vacation.
My own belief is that he's living
in the Latin Quarter with some bint,
who's no better
than she ought to be.
I'm afraid you'll have to write him off
as one of your failures, Elliott.
It might surprise you
to know it, my dear,
but I've already done so.
[ Speaking French ]
[ Continues ]
- Bonjour, madame.
-[ Speaking French ]
She speaks so quickly,
I can't understand her.
She's telling you
that it's an old French custom.
Everyone has to wear a sprig
of lilies of the valley on May Day.
- They're a symbol of happiness.
-[ Chuckles] Merci, madame.
- Merci.
- May Day. Imagine this being May.
That means I've been here
nearly a month now.
Oh, impossible.
It was only yesterday.
I still don't know a thing about
what you've been doing.
Tell me, Larry. You must know
I've been dying to know.
Nothing very exciting.
I've traveled around, read a lot,
gone to lectures
at the Sorbonne and so forth.
Have you found that peace of mind
you were looking for?
No, but for the first time I'm beginning
to see things in a clear light.
What does that mean?
It's rather difficult
to explain.
Even if I try,
you'll only be angry with me.
How much longer do you think
all this is going to take you?
I don't know. I don't know.
It's hard to say.
And after that, what are you
going to do with all this wisdom?
If I ever acquire wisdom, I suppose I'll be
wise enough to know what to do with it.
- You know what Uncle Elliott says?
- Nothing to my credit, I imagine.
He says you have
a cozy little hideout somewhere.
Come and see for yourself. The cozy
little hideout's only a step from here.
- Bonjour, Monsieur Darrell.
-[ Baby Crying ]
Oh, bonjour, Etienne.
- Monsieur Darrell.
-Madame Duval, Mademoiselle Bradley.
- Bonjour.
-Monsieur Jacques Duval.
You see the looks they gave me?
Ruined my character,
that's what you've done.
{Ia va?
- Mm-hmm.
This is where you live?
- You don't like it?
- No.
It's all right.
It's convenient.
How about a cup of coffee?
Larry, how can you bear
to sit here in a backwash,
when America's living through
the most glorious adventure
the world has ever known?
You've been away a year now,
a whole year out of your life.
You just can't go on
loafing forever, or can you?
- It's possible.
- And what about me?
Am I of no importance
to you at all?
You're of great importance
to me, Isabel.
- I love you, and I want you to marry me.
- When, in 10 years?
- No, now. As soon as possible.
- On what?
- I've got $3,000 a year.
- Oh, Larry.
Lots of people
live on a great deal less.
But I don't want to live
on $3,000 a year.
and I don't see why I should.
We could go down to Capri
for our honeymoon.
In the fall,
we could go to Greece.
Remember how we used to talk about
traveling all over the world together?
Of course I want to travel.
But not like that.
Cheap restaurants, third-rate hotels...
Besides, I want
to have babies, Larry.
[Chuckling ] All right, darling.
We'll take them along with us.
Larry, you're so impractical. You don't
know what you're asking me to do.
I'm young. I want to have fun,
do all the things people do.
We wouldn't have
a friend in the world.
Isabel, stop exaggerating.
We'll do everything that you want to do,
and we'll do it together.
Oh, listen, darling.
If you hadn't a cent to your name
and got a job that brought you 3,000 a year,
I'd marry you
without a minute's hesitation.
I'd cook for you.
I'd make beds.
I wouldn't care what I wore.
I... I'd think it was fun
because I'd know it was only a question
of time until you'd make good.
But this means living like this all our lives,
with nothing to look forward to.
It's asking too much.
Oh, Larry,
you've had your fling now.
For your own sake,
I beg of you to come home with us.
I wouldn't make you happy
if I did.
You see, what you forget is that
I want to learn as passionately as...
Well, as Gray, for example,
wants to make a lot of money.
I came over here
because I was restless,
and because my mind
was muddled.
I came looking for the answers
to a lot of questions.
Some of them I've found.
Others I may never find.
But I can't stop now.
Oh, I know it sounds
vague and trivial compared with...
Well, compared with everything
that's happening at home today.
And I know I'm being
very difficult.
But I can't stop now, Isabel.
I just can't!
But what would happen to America
if everyone did as you're doing?
The answer to that is
that everyone doesn't feel as I do.
Fortunately for themselves,
most people are just content
to follow the normal course
and take things as they are.
Oh, I wish I could, too.
But I know if I tried, I'd just make
a mess of your life, and of mine, too.
what's this all
going to lead to?
I don't know.
It may be that when I'm through,
I will have found something to give
that people will be glad to take.
It's just a chance.
Even if I fail,
I shan't be any worse off than
a fellow's who's gone into business
and hasn't made a go of it.
Then there's nothing more
to be said.
Here you are.
Wear this
on another finger, please.
- We're still friends?
- Of course.
Shall we go?
Well, go on.
Go on.
- I don't believe it.
Louisa, do you realize that
in the two months you've been here,
I haven't won a game?
- Who's winning?
- I am.
- Good.
-[ Chuckling]
I must say,
Isabel's taking it very well.
Has she told you
exactly what happened?
Only that she and Larry talked and came
to the conclusion they'd made a mistake.
- Has she written to Gray?
- I wouldn't know.
I'm not in the habit of opening her mail.
If you ask me,
she's very well out of it.
There's no doubt there was
a strong physical attraction,
-but that's all...
- Here she is.
- Good night, Mother.
- Good night, darling. Don't be too late.
Remember, we have to
catch the boat train in the morning.
you're very dressed up.
- You seem to be going somewhere.
- Yes.
- Where?
- Oh, nowhere in particular.
- Larry and I are going out on the town.
- Larry?
We thought we'd like to spend
our last night together.
"Evening," I trust you mean.
I'm profoundly shocked. If he had any sense
of decency, he'd never have asked you.
But he didn't ask me.
I asked him.
- You should forbid her to go.
- Will you pay any attention if I do, Isabel?
No, darling. None.
In that case, I don't think
there's any point in my forbidding it.
Pretty dress she had on.
I hadn't realized
it was cut quite so low.
I've never seen you so beautiful.
[ No Audible Dialogue]
-[ Speaking French ]
[Orchestral Playing, Up Tempo Music]
[Speaking Spanish ]
[Woman Speaking French ]
-[ Music Ends]
-[ Chattering ]
[Music Resumes]
[ No Audible Dialogue]
[Singing In Russian]
[Singing Continues]
[Music Ends]
-[ Drumming Playing]
-[ Chattering ]
[Jazz Playing ]
[Music Continues]
[Woman Screams]
Well, I guess this is good-bye.
Will you come in
and have one last drink?
It's late.
You'd better go.
Oh, Larry.
For heaven sakes, go!
Please, Larry.
Uncle Elliott!
That was a brilliant performance,
my dear.
I left the door
just a little open.
Shall I get you a drink?
I expect you want it.
You think you're very clever,
I don't think it.
I know it.
Come, come, child.
Be reasonable.
I guessed you were
up to something.
Even your poor mother
noticed the pains you went to
to make yourself
alluring tonight.
You're hateful.
But no fool, my angel.
Am I right in surmising that you thought
if you could get him to come back here,
it was almost inevitable
that the inevitable should happen?
No one could put it
more delicately.
We know
what the consequences may be
when a poor girl strays
from the narrow path of virtue.
Do we?
My guess is that if
your unscrupulous plan had come off,
it wouldn't have been long
after your return to Chicago
before the wretched Larry
got a letter from you,
telling him to come back at once
and make an honest woman of you.
You can be wonderfully disagreeable
when you like, Uncle Elliott.
I know.
It's one of my most cherished gifts.
Why didn't you
go through with it?
into his eyes and saw
he hadn't the slightest idea
I'd set a trap for him,
I couldn't bring myself
to play such a dirty trick.
I couldn't help myself.
I suppose it was
my better nature.
Nonsense. It was your sound,
Middle-Western horse sense.
You'd have been mad
to have married him.
I wonder.
Believe me. When you've put the Atlantic
between you and that young man,
you won't care
two straws for him.
Trust your Uncle Elliott.
He's a very wise old party.
[ Chattering ]
Mr. Maturin, the cake.
[Man Speaking, indistinct]
[Woman ] Here's a knife, Miss Isabel.
I mean, Mrs. Maturin.
- What do I do with it?
- Hey, Gray, get in there. You're in on this.
I told you what, Isabel.
Take her hand, Gray.
Nothing would please me more. You know,
this is the nicest wedding I've ever been to.
- We should have thought of this sooner.
-[ Laughing] Oh, Uncle Elliott,
how do brides
cut their cakes in France?
- With a knife, dear.
-[ Laughing ]
- Now, make a wish, Gray.
- I don't have to. I've got my wish.
You know, I've never been able
to understand why
when there's so much space in the world,
people should deliberately choose
-to live in the Middle West.
- Hmm.
What in heaven's name
is this?
Is it alone?
Doesn't it come with something?
- What is it?
-It could be a pickle fork.
A pickle fork? Huh.
2.98, no doubt, at "Ye Gifte Shoppe."
4.50, Mr. Templeton,
at Obendorfer's.
- We know, because we sent it.
- Charming.
- Is it for use or ornament?
-[ Chuckles ]
- Both.
- Do you remember me? We met in Chicago.
- Oh, I most certainly do, Mr. Maugham.
- Hello, sir.
Sophie. Oh, darling.
How sweet of you
and Bob to come.
Let me see you.
Oh, you look beautiful, Isabel.
- Think so?
- Like a million dollars.
Or should I say 20 million?
- We never see you and Bob anymore.
- Congratulations.
- Where do you hide yourselves?
- I never thought I'd get her, but I did.
For reasons best known to ourselves,
we don't mix with the rich.
- We find it too expensive.
- How's the kid, Bob?
- Fine. Would you like...
- Oh, please, darling. Not now.
I'd love to come in to see you.
Where do you live now?
In a walk-up apartment
on the North Side.
I'd ask you and Gray to dinner, only I'm
afraid you wouldn't care for my cooking.
Don't you believe her.
She's the best darn cook in Chicago.
All's well that ends well.
I must say, they make a very
attractive couple.
-[ Laughing] Oh, no!
- Go halves?
- I hope they'll be happy.
- Why shouldn't they be happy?
They have everything in the world
to make them happy.
Money, position, a nice house...
Gray's father can't live forever.
What about Larry?
Have you heard anything about him lately?
Good heavens, no.
As soon as Isabel and Louisa
went away,
I dropped him
like a hot potato.
A most undesirable young man.
I tried to find him the last time
I was in Paris, but I couldn't.
I wonder what's happened
to him.
Shall I tell you something,
my dear fellow?
I don't care a row of beans.
[Train Whistle Blows]
[Men Singing In French]
[Whistle Blows]
[Singing Continues]
[Whistle Blows]
-[ Speaking French ]
-[ Accordion Playing ]
[ Chattering ]
- Hey, Kosti.
- How about a beer?
- Well, I would like to wash up first.
- Oh, come on.
It's good, clean dirt.
You can wash later.
A couple of beers,
and a deck of cards.
I looked for you last night.
You were out.
Was she pretty?
No. You're wrong.
I went to a lecture at the university.
Missed the last bus.
Had to walk back in the rain.
- It serves you right.
- Why?
is the curse of civilization.
A man who wastes his energy
on knowledge is a fool.
The more he learns, the more he wants
and the more unhappy he becomes.
Tear down the schoolhouses!
Burn the books!
Strangle the teachers.
Then the world will get somewhere.
Ah, the beers.
And the cards.
[ Kisses]
We'll play for the drinks.
Why should a man who wants to
develop his brain work in a coal mine?
Answer me that. You could have gotten
a soft job on the surface.
I wanted to work below.
Hiding out, are you?
Police after you?
- No.
- A woman?
No, I just thought it would do me good
to work up a sweat.
What have the other Poles
told you about me?
Not much. They advised me not to play
cards with you because you cheat.
- Do you think it's true?
- Yes. I know it is.
- Then why do you play with me?
- For the fun of it.
I've been watching you for days,
and I can't see how it's done.
You never will, my boy.
But I shouldn't have thought it worth your
while just for the price of a few drinks?
I like to keep my hand in. What are you
going to do when you get enough of this?
Go back to America?
I will, I suppose,
one of these days.
- And do what?
- Sell bonds.
[ Scoffs ]
You're a rum one, Larry.
But what about the answers
to all those profound questions
you have been asking yourself?
Don't you know, people have been
asking those same questions
for thousands of years?
Yes, but doesn't the fact that people
have been asking those same questions
for thousands of years only go to prove
that they can't help asking?
Very good.
Very good.
You're not altogether stupid.
As a matter of fact,
you sound like a very religious man
who doesn't believe in God.
I'm not sure
that I believe in anything.
Have you ever thought of
going to the East?
India, for instance?
I went there.
I met a strange man,
a man I never thought
to meet in this world,
a saint.
People go from all parts
of India to see him,
tell him their troubles, ask his advice
and listen to his teaching.
And they go away
strengthened in soul, and at peace.
But it's not his teaching
that's so remarkable.
The man himself.
- Did he help you?
- No. [Laughs]
But that wasn't his fault.
It was mine.
How did you ever come
to go to India?
To escape my pursuer.
He followed me there.
I've wallowed in the gutters of half the
seaports of Europe to put him off my track.
He was waiting for me.
[ Chuckles ]
I know however far I flee,
one day he will come up with me,
and I shall feel
that terrible hand
on my shoulder.
Wouldn't it be better to face the issue
and take your punishment?
But you don't know
what the punishment is.
It's not prison or the hangman's rope.
I could face that.
It's mercy,
forgiveness, love.
Didn't anybody
ever tell you
that I'm an unfrocked priest?
It's not the police
I'm running away from.
I'd kill anyone
who tried to arrest me.
It's God.
[ No Audible Dialogue]
-[ Thunderclap]
- Get out, you fool. I'm going to get drunk.
[ Speaking Foreign Language]
[ Both In Foreign Language]
Sorry we were interrupted.
They're pilgrims.
They come from many places,
some from quite far distances.
What has brought you here,
my son?
I've come to learn.
Ever since the war,
I've been searching for something...
Something that I've...
I've not been able to put into words.
I've been told that from you
I might find guidance.
God is the only guide.
But perhaps if we talk,
he may show me a way to help you.
To my friends, I'm a loafer
afraid of responsibilities.
I can't even make those I love
understand what I'm after.
The fact that you've taken the time to come
this great distance in search of knowledge,
proves that you're not afraid
of responsibilities.
Even to admit that you want to learn
is in itself courageous.
I've studied. I've traveled. I've read
everything I could get my hands on,
and nothing seems
to satisfy me.
Oh, like everyone else, I want
to succeed, I want to improve, but
not necessarily in the terms
of what the world calls success.
Somehow I've lost confidence
in the accepted values.
I try to get excited at the prospect
of settling down,
minding my own business
and making good,
but it only increases
my urge to move on.
I know that if I do find
what I'm looking for,
it will be something
that I can share with others.
But how to find it,
and where?
All your restlessness and confusion
are not unique, my son.
The whole world
is restless and confused.
It will always be so,
as long as men set their ideals
on the wrong objects.
There can be
no real happiness
until men learn that it comes
from within themselves.
I know.
It is written that the wise man
lives from within himself,
which is from God,
from within his own heart.
This is the way of calmness,
compassion, selflessness
and everlasting peace.
- But that's not easy.
- No.
The road to salvation
is difficult to pass over,
as difficult as the
sharp edge of a razor.
But this much we know,
and all religions teach it.
There is, in every one of us, a spark of
the infinite goodness which created us.
And when we leave this earth,
we are reunited with it,
as a raindrop falling from heaven
is at last reunited with the sea
which gave it birth.
- May I stay here with you?
- Of course you may.
Our life's very simple. There are books.
We will talk together.
You can even work
in the fields, if you wish.
We Indians believe there are
three roads that lead to God.
One is the path
of faith and worship.
One is the path of good works
performed for the love of God.
And then there is a third path, which
leads through knowledge to wisdom.
You have chosen
the way of knowledge.
But you'll find in the end, my son,
that the three paths are but one path.
One of my students
will show you where to sleep.
Thank you.
[Siren Wailing]
- Excuse me, please.
- Yes, sir.
Operator, Michigan-7182.
I want to get Mr. Gray Maturin.
- Is Dr. Thompson in there?
- Yes, he is.
We'll hold the hypo for now.
She's doing all right.
You're wanted, Doctor.
I'm Gray Maturin, Doctor.
They sent for me.
- How is she?
- She's conscious now.
She asked about her husband.
Would you tell her?
Tell her? Doesn't she know?
No. She should be told before a possible
shock reaction. You're an old friend.
Hello, Gray.
It was nice of you to come.
I got here as quickly as I could.
[Chuckles] It's such a silly thing to happen.
A bunch of drunks,
they ran into us at an intersection.
We might all have been killed.
It was lucky I was holding Baby in my arms.
Is the car badly damaged?
Where's Bob?
-[ Moans ]
- Careful of her arm.
Where's Bob?
I want Bob.
- Bob!
- You have to stay in bed, Mrs. MacDonald.
- Take it easy, Sophie.
- No. I've got to see Bob and Baby.
- Baby!
- Don't let her get up. I'll get the doctor.
- Sophie, be a good girl and lie down.
- No. Leave me alone, you swine.
Please, Sophie.
Is Bob dead, Gray?
Is he dead?
You can tell me, Gray!
[ $Obs ]
And Baby, too?
Linda. Linda!
-[ No Audible Dialogue]
-[ Crying Continues]
[ Sophie ]
Linda. Wake up, Baby.
Wake up, Baby.
Wake up.
Well, are you ready to
start on your pilgrimage?
- But I'll miss it here. I've been very happy.
- We'll miss you, too.
But you've got
all you can get from books.
It's time for you now to put the world
behind you for a while,
to isolate yourself completely
from everything.
Sometimes very strange things happen
when you're in the mountains,
not a living soul
within miles of you,
nothing above you,
but the sky and God.
What sort of things?
That, my son,
depends on you.
You'll find a little shelter up there at
the very top. Go in. Make yourself at home.
After you've been there
some time, perhaps I shall pay you a visit.
- You've come.
- Let me look at you.
Yes. I see.
You were right.
- Something very strange did happen to me.
- I know.
Tell me.
It was just at that moment
before night ends and day begins,
when the whole world seems
to tremble in the balance.
Gradually, the light began to filter
through the darkness,
like some mysterious figure
stealing through the trees.
And then the first rays
of the sun came up.
The mountains, the mist
caught in the treetops,
I'd never before felt
or seen anything like it.
I know.
I come here often.
I felt that I'd been released from my body,
that I was suspended in midair.
And all the things
that had been confused before,
suddenly became clear to me.
I had a sense of knowledge
more than human.
I felt that I'd broken away
and was free.
I felt that if it lasted
another minute, I...
I'd die.
And yet, I was willing to die if I
could just hold on to it, because
for that one moment,
I had the feeling that...
That you and God were one.
[ Quietly]
I'm sure I could stay here forever
and never tire of it.
You must go back.
You are now ready to go back.
It's not necessary
to leave the world, my son,
but rather to live in the world
and to love the objects of the world,
not for themselves alone,
but for what there is in them of God.
Your place
is with your own people.
You, my son,
are one of the fortunate ones.
By the grace of God, it's been given you
to see the infinite beauty of the world,
which is only the reflection seen through
a glass darkly of the beauty of God.
That sense of joy,
that vision of his beauty,
will remain with you fresh and vivid
till the day of your death.
[ Men And Woman
Speaking In French ]
- Au revoir, mon cher.
-Bien, monsieur. Au revoir.
- Ah. Monsieur Ducat.
-Oui, monsieur?
[ French ]
This crest is not
in the proper place at all.
The crest belongs up here.
Up here.
I'm not running in
the Olympic Games, you know.
It'll all have to be
done over immediately.
Now, about this robe.
It's really dreadful. Dreadful.
And look at this tassel.
It should strike me here, at the knees,
lower, so that when I walk, it'll sway.
As it is now, it just bobbles.
Where are my ties?
[ French ]
It isn't.
By Jove, it is.
- Ah.
-[ Chuckling ] My dear fellow...
- Elliott.
- Wherever have you been all these years?
I've been in the Orient. The last time
I passed through Paris, you were away.
Come in. Come in.
I have a house on the Riviera now.
I've reached the time of life
when I'm prepared to relax,
and enjoy the beauties of nature.
You've always looked on nature
as an impediment to social intercourse.
Paris is not what it was. There's practically
nobody to know here anymore.
But on the Riviera,
there's really some quite nice people.
In fact, the shores of the Mediterranean
are simply littered with royalties.
Heavens knows I'm not a snob, but just
as a matter of interest,
I don't mind telling you that on one
occasion I had two ex-kings to lunch.
- Two.
- How nice.
Elliott, what the devil is that crown
doing over your initials?
His Holiness has been graciously pleased
to revive, in my favor, my old family title.
- Your what?
- Oh, didn't you know?
I'm descended, in the female line,
from the Count de Lauria,
who came over to England with Philip ll
to marry the maid of honor to Queen Mary.
As an American citizen,
I feel it more modest
not to use my title except
on all my personal linen.
I think that's a very pretty
gesture on your part, Elliott.
[ French ]
I don't mind telling you
I take a modest pride
in concealing my rank under the silver
pinstripe of an American gentleman.
You know that Isabel and Gray Maturin
are here with their two children?
Are they? I didn't know.
I've only just arrived in Paris.
- They were wiped out in the crash.
- Yes. I heard that.
Poor Isabel even had
to sell her jewels.
And Gray tried to get a job,
but it appears there was no business.
The result was a nervous breakdown,
and he suffers
from the most frightful headaches.
He couldn't take a job now,
even if he could get one.
Oh, I am so sorry.
I couldn't allow them
to live like pigs.
Isabel without a maid
and no governess for the children,
so I've lent them my apartment here
until Gray can get back on his feet again.
You're the most generous creature
in the world, Elliott.
[ French ]
Nonsense. If I'm taking care
of them, it's because, well...
Noblesse oblige, you know.
Can I drop you somewhere?
What about having
a spot of lunch with me?
I'm expecting an old friend of yours.
I was not aware that I had any old friends
in Paris. And even if I have, I assure you,
nothing would give me less pleasure
than to meet them at this time of day.
Come along. Jump in.
We're meeting at the Dome.
I dislike being hustled.
To the Dome.
And what about you?
Were you hurt in the crash?
"God tempers the wind
to the shorn lamb."
I happened to be in Rome
in September, '29.
My friends strongly advised me
to sell my American securities.
I very sensibly took their advice.
So when the crash came,
you were sitting pretty.
An Americanism, my dear fellow, which I
see no occasion for you to use, but, uh...
it expresses my situation
with a good deal of accuracy.
In fact, I was inspired to sell short,
and made
what you would probably call "a killing."
-[ Snickers] You're a downy old bird, Elliott.
- I have a flair.
I do not like the propinquity
of the hoi polloi.
- Oh! Hello.
- Larry.
- Larry? I thought you were dead.
-[ Chuckles] Sorry to disappoint you.
I'm delighted to see you, Larry.
Where have you sprung from?
-[ French ]
-[ French ]
If you gentlemen will excuse me, I will now
leave you. I find I have an engagement.
- Good-bye, my dear fellow.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
[ Patrons Laughing ]
Did you know Isabel
and Gray are here?
Really? Where are they staying?
In Elliott's apartment.
Their children are with them.
I must look them up.
If you don't want to
scare them out of their wits
and drive their two little girls into
hysterics, you better get a haircut.
- That would be a good idea anyway.
- They've had rather a bad time.
The Maturin Company was wiped out in the
crash, and Gray had a nervous breakdown.
Poor Gray.
Oh, I am sorry to hear that.
- What did you do in India?
- I learned something about myself.
I was very happy there.
[ Door Closes ]
- Mr. Maugham, sir.
- Yes, I know.
Hello. Good to see you again.
Isabel told me
she talked with you on the telephone.
Would you tell Mrs. Maturin
Mr. Maugham's here.
Sorry you're under the weather.
It's just one of those things that comes
and goes. I can't seem to get rid of it.
I thought if I came over here,
the change might do me good.
- Mr. Maugham.
-lsabel. This is a pleasure.
- How are the children?
- Oh, wonderful.
Growing by leaps and bounds.
- How is it now, dear?
- Oh, I'm all right.
If you'll excuse me, I always
feel such a nuisance when I'm like this.
- Do you want anything, dear?
-[ Quietly] No.
- Sure?
- Mm-hmm.
Poor boy.
Pity. I was hoping
you and Gray would dine with me tonight.
Oh, I'd love to.
But he really suffers.
- You look very well, Mr. Maugham.
- I am very well.
Larry hasn't arrived yet?
Yes. He lunched with me today. He said
he would drop in on you this afternoon.
Larry in Paris?
Where has he been?
- But I didn't know.
I didn't know
he'd been in India.
Do you realize I haven't
laid eyes on him for...
For years.
- Did you tell him we'd lost all our money?
- Mm-hmm.
It's funny when you
come to think of it,
that we should have exactly
the income that Larry had
when he wanted me to marry him,
and I wouldn't because
we couldn't possibly live on it.
And now I have
two children besides.
I don't think you're
so terribly to be pitied.
-[ Girls Singing "Frre Jacques" Haltingly]
-[ French ]
- Excuse me.
-[ Singing Continues]
[Continues In French ]
- Mr. Darrell.
- Oui, Monsieur.
- Larry.
- Hello, Isabel.
Oh, Larry, I can't believe it.
- Where did they go?
- Who?
Oh, the brood.
Come on, babies.
Come on, darling.
Come back.
Ah, come here.
[ Laughs] What's your name?
- Joan.
- Joan. And how old are you?
- Seven.
- Seven!
This is Priscilla.
It has been a long time.
Yes. A long time.
It's a lovely brood.
Where's Gray?
In the library.
Run along, darlings.
- Hello, Larry.
-[ Isabel ] Come in and see Gray.
Gray, look who's here.
- Hello, Gray. Don't get up.
- Larry. I am glad to see you.
Sorry you caught me like this.
Blinding headache.
Mr. Maugham wants to
take us all out this evening.
I thought we'd dine and do the town.
Do you feel up to it?
Well, that's very nice of you,
Mr. Maugham, but I'm afraid not.
- Larry'll go. Won't you, Larry?
- Oh, poor Gray.
Now, you sail on, all of you.
Don't let me spoil your evening.
Wait a minute.
- Would you let me see if I can help you?
-[ Chuckles] How?
- I mean, I, uh...
-[ Coin Rattling ]
I might be able to help you help yourself.
- All right.
- Here. Sit down.
- What are you going to do?
- Wait.
What's this?
It's an old coin from India.
Close your fingers tightly on this,
palm downward.
Now, don't fight me.
Don't make any effort.
Just squeeze the coin
with your closed fist.
Before I count 10,
your hand will open
and the coin will drop out of it.
One, two, three,
four, five, six,
seven, eight,
-[ Coin Hits Floor]
I didn't let that coin drop.
It fell out of itself.
It's not important.
I just thought
it might give you confidence in me.
You'll see. Here.
- Got it?
- Mm-hmm.
- Excuse me. Here.
- What do you want me to do?
Come back in the corner and sit against
those cushions.
- Get comfortable.
-[ Sighs ]
- Are you comfortable?
- Think so.
- Have you got a watch?
- Yes.
Palm downward.
Thank you.
In 60 seconds,
your eyelids will grow heavy,
so heavy,
that you will be obliged to close them.
Then, you will sleep
for another minute.
At 6:45, you will wake up,
and you will have no more pain.
No more pain.
[Whispering ] Believe it or not,
he's falling asleep.
- You learned that in India.
- There's nothing miraculous about it.
I merely put an idea into his head.
He's doing the rest himself.
- I did doze off.
-ls your head better?
I don't know.
Could be.
You did something.
What did you do?
I didn't do it.
You did it yourself.
- Did I?
- Of course.
That's a new one. A moment ago my head
was splitting wide open from here to here.
- How is it now?
- Well, it's certainly better.
Do you think
you could cure him permanently?
I can't work miracles,
but there's no reason
why he couldn't cure himself in time.
But that was a miracle.
I saw it.
- Well, whatever it was, it sure helped.
- Enough to come along to dinner?
Sure. I'd like to come.
I haven't eaten a thing all day.
- You're coming, Larry.
- I'd love to.
I haven't danced with you for years.
I'd like to find out if I still know how.
We'll see.
I'll go get my things.
Oh, uh, would you like a drink,
Mr. Maugham? Larry? Everything's here.
[ Crowd Chattering ]
Oh, hello. How's your friend
Elliott Templeton?
- Pretty well, I think.
Who was that?
- The Princess Novemali.
- Oh?
Funny fellow, that Larry. He doesn't
look a day older than he did
when he left Chicago
all those years ago.
India changed him.
- Changed him?
- He looks extraordinarily happy to me,
calm, yet strangely aloof.
- Excuse me. Do you have a match?
- Oh, here.
- Did you get the car?
- Not yet.
[ Strikes Match ]
- Thanks.
- Does he dance as well as ever?
I didn't notice.
You aren't going to be so silly as to
fall in love with him again, are you?
I've never stopped loving him.
I've never loved anyone else in my life.
Marriage is a very difficult job,
even when one's in love.
I shouldn't have thought it
much fun when one is not.
One can get on all right
without love.
Gray is such a good fellow.
Be a pity to hurt him.
I'll never do anything to hurt him.
I'm too fond of him for that.
Well, it's your business,
not mine.
Where to now?
How about Les Ambassadeurs?
Oh, no. I'm sick of
all these smart places.
How about the Rue de Lappe? I've never
been there. At least it will be different.
- The Rue de Lappe? In those clothes?
-I can keep my jacket on.
- It'll be fun.
- Okay.
Don't blame us if you don't like it.
Better pull down the blinds if you don't
want a bottle through the window.
[ Both, In French ]
[Accordion And Band Playing, Fast]
[ Both, In French ]
[ Band Slows Down ]
[Tango: Man Singing In French]
You asked for it, Isabel.
Here it is.
I'm not scared.
I like it.
- Look at that.
Police will probably choose
this very moment to raid the place.
I should be thrilled
to the marrow.
[ French ]
[ French ]
[ Band Speeds Up]
Any champagne in Paris is all right, isn't it?
Well, I don't...
- Well, well. Look who's here.
- Sophie!
[ Slurring ]
Who'd you think it was?
Sit down.
Sit down, all of you.
Hello, Gray.
Sit down.
- I'll get you a chair, Sophie.
-[ French ]
[ Both, In French ]
Fancy meeting you all like this.
- Hello, Larry.
- Hi, brown eyes.
- How are you?
- Thirsty.
Come on.
Let's all have a drink!
- Patron!
-[ Man, In French ]
"Do I know them"?
They're my childhood friends.
[ Both, In French ]
Who says I'm drunk?
I know you.
You came to Chicago.
- A bit of a stuffed shirt, aren't you?
- Maybe.
I can't say
you seem so terribly pleased to see me.
I heard you were in Paris.
You might have called me.
I'm in the phone book.
Are you?
- Having a good time over here, Sophie?
- Fine.
- You went bust, didn't you, Gray?
- Mm-hmm.
Tough on you.
I guess it must be pretty grim
in Chicago right now.
Lucky for me,
I got out when I did.
Where are those drinks?
[ French ]
- Here they are, Sophie.
-[ French ]
[Cork Pops]
Here you are, Sophie.
My loving in-laws
kicked me out of Chicago.
Said I was gumming up their reputations.
[ French ]
[ Both, In French ]
Look out, Coco. He's the quiet type.
He'll lay you out cold.
- Shut up!
-[ Gray] Get out of here.
-[ French ]
Is that a friend of yours, Sophie?
Yes. That's a friend of mine, Isabel.
- Are you living in Paris now, Larry?
- Yes, I am, Sophie.
You remember the summer before the war?
- We saw a lot of each other then.
- When?
When you and your mother
were being social.
We used to read poetry together.
Remember, Larry?
You used to write some poetry
yourself in those days.
Pretty good, too, wasn't it?
Not bad for a kid.
It was good.
Well, I better get back to my boyfriend,
or he'll raise the roof.
He's a sulky brute,
but quite a man.
Come and see me, when you've
nothing better to do.
I've got a case of scotch.
So long, folks.
Come again.
I'm here every night.
[Tango: Man Singing In French]
[ Sighs]
I'm afraid that was not a great success.
Some shock to see Sophie.
Boy, was she tight.
- If not worse.
- That's funny. I got the same impression.
- Do you remember her at all?
- Very well. I liked her.
I remember her husband.
You never saw two people
so crazy about each other.
They got to be a regular joke
around Chicago.
What happened?
Didn't you know?
Bob and the baby were killed.
[Gray] A car hit them.
So, that's what it is.
She nearly went crazy.
[ Isabel ] We did all we could to help her,
but it was no good.
If you asked her to dinner,
she'd come in plastered
and pass out before the evening was over.
- At last, we simply had to drop her.
- She became impossible.
Of course, it was a shock, and I was terribly
sorry for her. But a normal person recovers.
If she went to pieces, it was
because she was always unbalanced.
Even her love for Bob was exaggerated.
Aren't I right, Larry?
No. I don't agree
with you, Isabel.
She was as normal
as any person I've ever known.
But remember, I knew her
better than you did.
- Was she in love with you?
- Good heavens, no.
She was only a kid, just a skinny little girl
with a bow in her hair.
I remember her
crying once when...
When I was reading
an ode of Keats
because it was so beautiful.
Girls of that age
are very emotional.
Oh, there was a lot to her
in those days.
She had what Keats probably
would have called a...
A sort of lovely purity.
Would you stop at the next corner?
I want to get out, please.
- You're not going to run out on us?
- My hotel's only a step from here.
- Good night.
- Larry, will we see you?
Of course.
We're going to Vittel on Thursday
with Uncle Elliott.
He wants to take the cure.
We'll be back by the first. I'll call you.
- Fine. Well, good night. Good night, Gray.
- Good night.
- Good night, Larry.
- And thanks for the dinner.
[ French ]
- Monsieur Darrell, tlphone.
-Oh. Merci.
Larry. At last.
I've been trying to reach you for hours.
- Aren't you ever in?
- Hardly ever. When did you get back?
This morning. Uncle Elliott insisted on
being here in time for Elsa's soiree tonight.
Poor dear, he's not at all well,
but he will go to all these parties.
How's Gray getting along?
Oh, Larry,
you've simply done wonders for him.
He started to play golf again. He blames it
all on you. And what have you been doing?
Oh, one thing and another.
I've seen a lot of Sophie.
Really? Why?
Well, after all,
she's an old friend.
If you want my opinion, I think
you're wasting your time.
She stopped drinking.
You're the most gullible person
I've ever known.
She'll never stop drinking.
Sophie wallows in the gutter because
she likes it. A blind person could see that.
Well, just the same, I do wish you'd be nice
to her, Isabel. We're going to be married.
- Married?
- Yes, that's right. It's all settled.
You're not serious.
You can't be.
But I am.
- Aren't you going to congratulate me?
- I am not.
I think you're... You're...
What's kept you?
You've been hours.
I came the instant I got your call.
What's happened?
It's about Larry and Sophie.
The idiot. The stupid, blind idiot.
He must be mad.
If you'd calm down, I might make
head or tail of what you're trying to say.
- He's going to marry her!
- Uh... Oh. How do you know?
How should I know? He just
called me on the phone. Oh, I'm frantic.
He even had the effrontery to
ask me to be nice to her.
- Well, it's his own affair, isn't it?
- She's an awful woman.
She's bad, bad, bad!
She's soused
from morning till night.
That doesn't necessarily
mean she's bad.
Quite a number of respectable citizens
get drunk and do silly things.
There are bad habits, like biting one's nails,
but I don't know if they're worse than that.
I call a person bad who lies and cheats
and is unkind.
If you're going to take her part,
I'll kill you.
- I'd prefer it if you gave me a cup of tea.
- Oh, help yourself.
He's seen a lot of her since we were at that
dive that night. He says she's quit drinking.
The fool thinks he's cured her.
- Have you forgotten what he did for Gray?
- That had nothing to do with it.
Thanks. Gray wanted to be cured.
She doesn't.
How do you know?
Because I know women. Do you think
she'll stick to Larry? Of course not.
Sooner or later she'll break out.
It's in her blood.
It's a brute she wants.
That's what excites her.
It's a brute she'll go after.
She'll leave Larry to hell.
It's very probable,
but I don't see what you can do about it.
I can do nothing about it.
But you can.
Larry likes you,
and he listens to what you say.
You know the world. Go and tell him
he can't make such a fool of himself.
Tell him it'll ruin him.
He'd only tell me it's none of my business.
And he'd be right.
- It may not turn out so badly as you think.
- Oh, you make me tired!
She's rotten to the core!
Do you think I've sacrificed myself
only to let Larry fall into the hands
of a woman like that?
How did you sacrifice yourself?
I gave up Larry for one reason only,
because I didn't want to stand in his way.
[ Laughs] Come off it, Isabel.
You gave him up for a square-cut diamond
and a sable coat.
-[ Exhales]
- Oh.
You know, your... Your Uncle Elliott
wouldn't have thanked you
if you'd broken
one of his Crown Derby plates.
They were made for the Duchess of Dorset.
They're priceless.
Pick up that bread and butter!
Pick it up yourself.
And you call yourself an English gentleman.
No. That's one thing
I've never done.
Ooh! Get out of here. I never want to
see you again. I hate the sight of you.
I'm sorry for that, because the sight
of you always gives me pleasure.
Have you ever been told that your nose
is exactly like that of the Psyche
in the Museum of Naples?
And that's the loveliest representation
of virginal beauty that ever existed.
You've got exquisite legs,
so long and shapely.
I can't cease to be surprised at them
because they were thick
and lumpy when I first saw you.
- I can't imagine how you've managed it.
- An iron will.
But of course, your most
fascinating feature are your hands.
They're so slim and elegant.
I was under the impression
you thought them too big.
Not for your height and build.
I'm always amazed at the infinite grace
with which you use them. Ah?
Whether by nature or by art,
you never make a gesture
without imparting beauty to it.
They're like flowers sometimes
and sometimes like birds on the wing.
There are moments
when I don't positively dislike you.
[ Chuckles ]
In fact, sometimes I think
you're rather sweet.
I will not have my face
smeared with lipstick.
If you want to kiss me, kiss me on the lips,
which is what a merciful Providence
provided them for.
Thank you.
Now, what did you want?
- Advice.
- There's only one thing you can do.
Make the best of a bad job.
Larry's in the grip of the most powerful
emotion that can beset the breast of man,
He's got to save the soul
of the wretched woman,
whom he had known as an innocent child.
And there's nothing you or I,
or anyone can do to prevent it.
But he's going to be so unhappy.
You love him very much?
It is a nuisance, isn't it?
But I can't help it.
And you don't want to lose him altogether?
Then make friends with Sophie.
Be as nice to her as you can.
Ask her to lunch.
It would be rather awkward for me
after what I've just said to Larry.
- Will you behave if I do?
- Like an angel of light.
I'll fix it up.
1:00 tomorrow at the Ritz.
What are you thinking?
I don't quite like the look of you.
I'm sorry. I thought that was
the one thing about me you did like.
You haven't got some scheme
you've been hatching up?
Oh, I promise you I haven't.
As a matter of fact, I'm terribly curious
to see what she looks like,
now that Larry's reformed her.
[ French ]
[ Larry] Oh, there you are. Excuse me.
Mr. Maugham's table?
- In the lounge, monsieur.
- Thank you.
Larry, you like it?
You look fine.
[ Pats Hand ] Come on.
- Hello, Larry. How do you do?
- Miss Keith. It's certainly nice to see you.
- Hello, Sophie.
- Oh, hello, Isabel.
- Sophie, I'm so happy for you.
- Thank you.
- Hello, Larry. Here they are.
- Thank you for asking us.
Hello, Gray.
Isabel tells me you're feeling much better.
Better's not the word for it.
I feel great. I haven't had to take a sleeping
pill since the night we went out together.
I'm your press agent. If you ever
hang out your shingle, let me know.
I'll do that.
- Ah. Cocktails.
- No, thank you.
- Here.
- No, thanks.
- You don't mind if we do?
- Oh, no. Of course not.
- Go right ahead.
- Oh, look. Uncle Elliott.
He behaves exactly as if the Ritz
were his private house.
I'm sure he's telling them all
how pleased he is
they were able to accept his invitation.
- I'd rather not discuss it.
-[ Man Speaking French ]
That blabby woman.
How do you do?
It's charming to see you again.
May I offer you my best wishes.
I hope you'll be very happy.
Thank you.
- The same to you.
- Thank you.
Cocktail, Elliott?
No. I would not like a cocktail.
I drink nothing but Vichy.
[ Edna Laughing Loudly]
Look at that.
You all know her, of course,
the Princess Edna Novemali.
You'd never think she was an American.
I knew her before
she came over here from Milwaukee.
And that frustrated,
old maid secretary of hers...
If you ask me,
they look like a couple of fugitives
from Madame Tussaud's waxworks.
[ Isabel And Maugham Laughing ]
And where will you and Larry
go on your honeymoon, my dear?
- Greece, isn't it?
- Mm-hmm.
It ought to be lovely there this time of year.
- How about a liqueur, Gray?
- Yes. I think I will.
- Ah, yes. This. Sophie?
- No, thanks.
You're very foolish, my dear.
It's excellent.
- No, Uncle Elliott. She doesn't want it.
- Gray?
- A little glass for monsieur?
- Uh, bonjour, Albert.
No, alas. It's forbidden me.
My doctors won't let me touch alcohol.
Un peu de Persovka
can do monsieur no harm.
Persovka? Persovka!
[ Chuckles ]
I'll just have a look
at the bottle.
[Maugham ] I'm sorry to hear
you've been ill, Elliott.
You ought to
take care of yourself.
Ah! Persovka.
[ Sniffs ]
It can't hurt me for once.
Just a drop. Mm.
Two drops, perhaps.
We used to drink it at the Radziwill's,
when I stayed with them for the shooting.
[ Laughing ] You should have seen
those Polish princes putting it away.
They'd drink it by the tumbler.
Never turn a hair.
I don't care whether Sophie's on the wagon
or not, she must try this.
It's an experience
no one can miss.
It's like listening
to music by moonlight.
I'd rather not.
- Nice smell.
- Mm.
That's the herbs
they put in it.
Oh! Very good. Can we have some of this
at the apartment?
Certainly. I'll have
a few bottles sent around.
What did you say
it was like, Uncle Elliott?
"Like listening to music
by moonlight"?
It is!
- Yes?
I saw the most divine
wedding dress at Molyneux's.
Let me give it to you
for a wedding present.
- Uncle Elliott and me.
- What?
That's very nice of you, Isabel, but Sophie
has one already picked out.
Don't be stuffy. Let us give her a dress.
I'll arrange a fitting.
- May she?
- Certainly. It's very nice of you.
- Thank you very much, both of you.
- Not at all. Not at all.
Suppose you pick me up
tomorrow at 3:00, at the apartment.
- Larry, you know the address, don't you?
- Yes, I know the address.
Oh, good heavens.
We don't want you!
You're only the groom!
[Chuckles] I'll see you at 3:00.
[ Isabel ] Yes, it was a lovely party.
No, of course I didn't.
I behaved like an angel.
I always do.
Oh, how silly!
Stop imagining things.
I meant every word of it.
Yes. Yes!
Tomorrow. At 5:00.
-[ Hanging Up Phone]
-[ Footsteps]
That was Somerset Maugham
on the telephone.
He always gives me the queerest feeling,
as if he were leading
other people's lives for them.
I daresay that comes
of being a novelist.
- Here.
- Oh!
Mr. Maugham...
[ Laughing ]
I called him a stuffed shirt
that night, didn't I?
What does it matter? That's all past.
You weren't yourself.
Your mind was miles away when I came in.
Where was it? With Larry?
- No. Right here. I was thinking.
- What?
You always wanted
Larry for yourself.
I've always wanted
to see him happy.
You hate me for marrying him,
No. I don't hate you at all.
I'd hate anyone or anything that came in
the way of his happiness.
- I'll be a good wife.
- I hope you will.
- I was before.
- I know you were.
Sophie, don't
misunderstand me.
I don't!
What are we getting into?
Coffee? Ice?
No, thanks.
I'm going to have a drink.
Oh, look! Uncle Elliott
sent the Persovka.
The what?
Don't you remember?
He raved about it yesterday.
Oh, yes.
The Persovka.
Poor Uncle Elliott.
He exaggerates about so many things,
but for once he's right.
I love the color. Like the green you
sometimes see in the heart of a white rose.
Poor Sophie.
I haven't had a drink
since that night in the Rue de Lappe.
It must be awful, just
to break off completely, all at once.
when I've been alone, I...
I wanted to shake
the house down!
But I quit...
- Yesterday at the Ritz was tough going.
- I know. I saw it.
Did you? Did I show it?
Only to me, I think.
It meant something to me.
Larry, you mean.
Larry's happiness.
He's good.
He's really good, Isabel.
I was gone.
Lost! Gone.
This is my only chance.
I know that.
- Excuse me. ls the car here?
- Yes, madame.
- Could we talk more?
- Of course. As much as you want.
Will you wait for me? I've got
to pick up Joan at the dentist's.
I promised I would.
Your baby.
- How old is she now?
- Seven.
She's lovely.
Linda would have been
nine in November.
This November that's coming.
- Stay here.
-[ Sobs ]
I'll be back,
and we can talk.
[ Sobbing Softly]
[ No Audible Dialogue]
[Tango: Man Singing In French]
[Singing Continues]
[ Speaking French ]
[ French ]
[Singing Continues]
If you see Sophie MacDonald,
the American, tell her I'll be back later.
-[ French ]
-[ Switching To French ]
[ French ]
[Jaunty Piano Playing ]
[ French ]
-[ French ]
- Persovka, mon chri.
Hi, big boy!
Please. Pass me some Persovka.
Persovka, mon chri.
[Continues In French ]
[ French ]
- L'Amricaine. Au Narghil.
-Where's that? O1] est-ce?
[ French ]
- I speak English from London.
- Very well. Come along.
- Take me.
- Parig:I, mon seigneur.
[ French ]
It's better I do not go in, monsieur.
I will wait for you there.
[Algerian Music Playing ]
[ French ]
Come on, Sophie.
Let's get out of here.
Hello, Larry!
Come on. Join us!
You must try some.
It smells nice.
[ Slurring ]
Like listening to music by moonlight.
Come along, Sophie.
Up you go.
[ Bottles Clattering ]
[ Speaking Native Language]
Come on, Sophie.
Come with me now.
I'll buy you a drink someplace else.
[Groans In Pain]
Take your hands off me!
I don't need you!
I don't need anyone!
[ Sophie Screams]
[Scuffling, Yelling ]
[ Screams ]
[Yelling In French]
A la rue!
[ Screams ]
[ French ]
[Maugham Narrating ] That was the very
last I saw or heard of Sophie MacDonald
for almost a year.
As a matter of record,
it's the very last any of us knew of her.
I settled down at my cottage on the Riviera
near Cap Ferrat to finish my book.
And then, one day, the police
of Toulon sent for me.
[ Men Speaking French ]
Monsieur Maugham.
Bonjour, Monsieur le Commissaire.
Good morning,
Monsieur Maugham.
I see Monsieur Maugham
wears the Lgion d'Honneur.
I have that distinction.
I must apologize
for being obliged to inconvenience,
a person of your distinction.
I assure you, nothing could make me
happier than being of service to you.
Now, about this.
Yes. This is a very dirty business,
It appears that the woman,
Sophie MacDonald,
had a very evil reputation.
She was brutally murdered.
Her body was fished
out of the harbor.
The throat was cut
from ear to ear.
[ French ]
How does it happen
that a person of your age
and respectability should be
acquainted with such a character?
- I knew her very slightly.
- This volume was found in her room.
If you will examine
the autograph page
you will see it hardly suggests
that your acquaintance with her
was as slight
as you claim.
"Mignonne, allons voir si Ia rose..."
- Mignonne?
-"My sweet, let us see if the rose..."
If you're suggesting I was her lover,
you're mistaken.
It would be no affair of mine. And without
wishing to say anything offensive,
I must add that, from what I've heard
of her proclivities,
I should say that
you were not her type.
I'm prepared to take that
as a compliment.
Nevertheless, it is evident that you
would not address a perfect stranger
as, "My sweet."
That line, Monsieur le Commissaire,
is the first of a celebrated poem
by Ronsard,
with whose works I am certain
a man of your education
and culture must be familiar.
Oh! Ronsard!
[ French ]
Of course, I studied
Ronsard at school.
But with all the work I have to do, I must
confess that line has escaped my memory.
As a matter of fact, I assigned this book
for her years ago, in Chicago.
- Hello, Mr. Maugham.
- Why, Larry!
I didn't know you were here.
I thought you were living in St-Henri.
Yeah, they sent for me.
Have they told you?
- Oh, it's dreadful.
- I've just seen her at the morgue.
- I had to identify her for the police.
- Pardon, Monsieur Maugham.
- You know this individual?
- I do.
He's an American citizen.
His name is Laurence Darrell.
And what do you know of
Monsieur Laurence Darrell?
He's a student. A young man
of impeccable character.
Ah! impeccable, eh?
And how long have you known
this young man of impeccable character?
- Approximately 10 years.
- Ah.
Have any arrangements
been made to bury her?
Well, if you are prepared to undertake
the expense of the funeral yourself,
you will receive
the necessary authorization.
- Pardon, monsieur.
-[ French ]
I have here a card of an undertaker,
a personal friend of mine,
who will arrange
the matter for you.
On terms, and with dispatch.
You are a marvel of efficiency,
Monsieur Ie Commissaire.
You atter me beaucoup,
Monsieur Maugham.
- May I see where she lived?
- You have not seen that room before?
- No, I have not.
- Well, en ce cas, monsieur, suivez-moi.
[ Speaking French ]
Par igi, messieurs.
- Who are these people?
- That's her husband. That's her baby.
- Where are they now?
- Dead, monsieur. A long time ago.
May those be buried with her?
- In that frame, monsieur?
- Yes.
As you wish, monsieur.
This is the ode of Keats that I read
to her when she was a very little girl.
I remember you mentioned it that night in
the car, on the way from the Rue de Lappe.
It's something I've always
remembered her by.
"The day is gone,
and all its sweets are gone!
"Sweet voice, sweet lips.
Soft hand, and softer breast.
"Warm breath, light whisper,
tender semi-tone.
"Bright eyes, accomplish'd shape
and lang'rous waist!
"Faded the flower
and all its budded charms.
"Faded the sight of beauty
from my eyes.
"Faded the shape of beauty
from my arms.
"Faded the voice, warmth,
whiteness, paradise.
Vanish'd unseasonably
at shut of eve."
My advice is that you go
and have a good dinner.
I have a card here of one of
the best restaurants in Toulon.
It will assure you
of the patron's attention.
A bottle of wine will do you both good
after this harrowing experience.
I've got to get on to Nice this afternoon.
Elliott Templeton's had a relapse.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
Do Gray and Isabel know?
Yes. I only hope
they'll arrive in time...
I wish you'd come with me.
I'd like to, but I was never
one of Uncle Elliott's favorites
if you remember.
[ Speaking French ]
[ Door Closes ]
- Thank you. Good afternoon, Joseph.
- Good afternoon, sir.
Good afternoon.
I'll let Mr. Templeton know
that you're here, sir.
- How is he?
- Very weak, sir.
The doctors say there's no hope.
May I speak to you on
a very delicate matter, sir?
Of course.
The time is growing short,
and Mr. Templeton
should receive the last sacraments.
I hesitate
to mention it to him.
- Sir, but perhaps...
- I shall be glad to suggest it.
Thank you, sir.
"La cloche dans le ciel
qu'on voit doucement tinte.
Un oiseau sur Varbre
qu'on voit chante sa plainte."
I hear voices.
See who it is.
-[ Knocking On Door]
- Entrez.
Mr. Maugham and Mr. Darrell.
Ah, my dear fellow,
how very nice to see you.
And Larry!
Well, th... This is a surprise.
- Sit down. Sit down.
- Yes.
- Mr. Maugham said you were sick.
- Did he?
Well, I am sick.
But you don't look it.
You look extremely well.
Well, really now,
young Mr. Larry Darrell,
that's the most sensible thing
I've ever heard you say.
Of course, he's right.
It's only a temporary indisposition.
I've got the grand duke lunching with me
on Sunday, and I've told my doctor
he must put me to rights
by then at all costs.
Too bad this should have
happened just now.
It's a particularly brilliant season.
Are you going to
Edna Novemali's party?
[Chuckling ]
Oh, of course not!
- Has she asked you?
- She's asked everybody in Europe.
She's giving a great do.
Fancy dress.
Fancy dress.
She hasn't asked me.
It's a deliberate insult.
Oh, don't be ridiculous. Why should she
want to insult you? It's just an oversight.
I'm not a man
that people overlook.
Perhaps she doesn't know
you're in the South of France.
Don't be ridiculous, Larry. Everybody
knows I'm in the South of France.
It's going to be
the best party of the season.
If I was on my death bed,
I'd go to it!
Never mind, old boy.
It may rain the night of the party.
- That'll ruin it!
-[ Giggling 1
I never thought of that!
I'll pray for rain
as I've never prayed before.
The old witch.
She'd never have got anywhere
if it hadn't have been for me.
Now she doesn't invite me
to the greatest party of her career!
[Sobs] Fireworks, my dear fellow!
There are gonna be fireworks!
Oh, it's so unkind!
[Sniffing, Sobbing ]
I hate them. I hate them all!
They've eaten my food
and drunk my wine.
I've run their errands for them.
I've made their parties for them.
What have I got out of it?
Now, that I'm old and sick,
they have no use for me.
They don't care whether I live or die!
Not one of them!
Oh, it's so cruel!
I wish I'd never left America!
[ Crying 1
[ Softly]
Excuse me.
I'm afraid you're very ill, Elliott.
Much iller than you think.
I was wondering
if you'd like to see a priest.
Do you mean to say
I'm going to die?
Oh, I hope not. But it's as well to be
on the safe side.
I understand.
Don't be upset,
my dear fellow.
Noblesse oblige, you know?
[ Chuckling ]
You... You ridiculous creature, Elliott.
Will you call the bishop and tell him
I'd appreciate if he'd send Father Charles?
- He's a friend of mine.
- I'll go and do that now.
Thank you.
- May I borrow your car for a few moments?
- Of course.
I thought I'd run over
to Princess Novemali's house.
Her secretary's an old Scotch girl
I've known for years,
and I think I can do something
about that invitation.
She's a spiteful woman, Edna.
There'll be a thousand people at that party.
It couldn't have hurt her
at least to ask Elliott.
- Leave that to me.
- Don't worry about the bags, darling.
- Mr. Maugham. Larry!
- Hello.
This is a surprise.
I had no idea you were here.
Hello, Gray.
- How is he?
- I'm afraid you've come just in time.
- Oh, poor Uncle Elliott.
- I think he'd like to see you. Come on.
- Larry, you're not leaving.
- I'll be right back.
- Bonjour, mademoiselle.
-[ Both In French ]
It's more usual to come
in by the door, Larry.
Hello. I thought
the room was empty.
And may I inquire
what you're doing here?
- I'm a burglar, dear.
- Fancy that, now.
And I thought for one happy moment
that you'd come here to attack me.
[Chuckles] No, Miss Keith. No, I came
to steal a card for the Princess's party.
- She hasn't asked Elliott Templeton.
- I know she hasn't.
She crossed his name off
on the list herself.
- He's awfully hurt at being left out.
- Well,
if he wanted to keep in with her, he
shouldn't have said those terrible things
about her and her chauffeur.
[ Chuckling ]
The unfortunate part about it
is that they're all true!
- You have nothing against him, have you?
- Oh, no, no.
He's always been very nice to me.
He's a gentleman, and that's more than
you can say about most of the people
who come here to fill their fat bellies
at the Princess's expense.
Oh, come, Miss Keith.
Be a good sport.
Give me a card.
He won't come.
He's dying, and it'll make
the poor old man so happy.
The cards are on the desk.
I'm going to look out of the window
to observe the beauty of the prospect
and what happens when my back is turned,
neither God nor man
can hold me responsible for.
[ Singing Scottish Ballad ]
Thank you, Miss Keith.
[Stops Singing]
Our poor friend is very low.
He was a good man.
His defects were on the surface.
But he was generous of heart
and kindly toward his fellow creatures.
You may go in now.
-[ Knocking At Door]
- Entrez.
A great honor, my dears.
I shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven
with a letter of introduction
from a prince of the Church.
I fancy all doors
will be open to me.
I'm afraid
you'll find the company very mixed.
Don't you believe it.
There'll be none of this confounded
democracy there.
I shall pick and choose my company,
as I always have.
Please don't draw the curtains.
I always loved
this time of afternoon.
Why don't you have a drink,
my dear fellow?
You always have a drink this time of day.
I have had it.
Thank you, Elliott.
Isabel, if you are going to make a scene,
you will have to leave the room.
I'm a rich man in my way,
and I've left you everything I have.
- Oh, Uncle Elliott...
- Now, now, now. Gray.
Come here.
I understand you have
a job in prospect.
Yes. A roommate of mine in college
has offered me a job in his business.
My idea is to go back
and see if I can raise enough money
to start up my father's firm again.
- It's still in receiver's hands.
- Splendid.
You have the money now,
my boy.
[ Knocks]
A letter for Mr. Templeton, sir.
It's marked "Urgent."
Joseph. You'd better stay.
- Elliott?
- What is it?
For you.
Open it.
What is it?
It's a card
for Edna Novemali's party.
What did I tell you?
- Get a pad and envelope. I'll reply.
-[ Whispering ]
- No, please. Don't bother about that now.
- Why not?
I've always been
a man of the world.
There's no reason why I should
forget my manners as I'm leaving it.
- Are you ready?
- Yes, Elliott.
Mr. Elliott Templeton regrets
he cannot accept
Princess Novemali's kind invitation
owing to a previous engagement
with his Blessed Lord.
The old witch.
Pardon, madame,
but Mr. Darrell wishes to know
if the chauffeur
might drive him to the station.
- Station? He's leaving?
- Yes, madame.
At 10:30, for Paris.
But he didn't say!
- Yes. Yes, of course.
- Merci.
- Leaving!
- He's going to America.
Oh, really?
How wonderful.
He's going to work his way back
on a tramp steamer.
He would do that.
But it doesn't matter.
At least he'll be home.
I'll see him.
I wouldn't do that
if I were you.
But you're not me.
All my life, I've done the things
other people have wanted me to do.
From now on, I intend to do
the things I want to do.
I intend to see as much of Larry
as I possibly can.
It may cause you
a lot of pain, my dear.
I know.
But it's a pain that's heaven.
Oh, Joseph. Tell Marcel
not to bother about the Rolls.
I'll drive you to the station, Larry.
I'll get the roadster.
Fine, thank you.
- You're on your way again.
- Yes. I'm sorry I can't stay for the funeral.
I have to catch a boat.
- So you're going back to America at last.
- That's right.
And what are you going to do?
I thought I might take
a job in a factory or a garage.
I've always liked machinery,
and besides, when I'm washing a car,
or tinkering with a carburetor,
my mind's free,
and at the same time
I feel I'm accomplishing something.
And after that?
I don't know. I, uh...
I might buy a taxi.
A taxi?
Why not? It's a good life.
You're always on the go.
- You meet a lot of different people.
- Oh, Larry, for heaven's sake!
What you need
is a good psychiatrist.
Sometimes I think you're
completely out of your mind.
Just look what you've done with your life.
And with mine!
What in heaven's name
are you trying to prove?
I'd hoped you'd come back
to the States with us.
Gray's going into business again,
and he'll need all the help he can get.
Larry, you've no idea
what you've done for him.
He spoke of it again,
only yesterday.
You can't see the change,
but I can.
When you're around, he's different.
Much like his old self.
Gray's all right.
He doesn't need me.
But suppose he does?
Suppose something goes wrong again,
and he has another breakdown.
You can't imagine
what he went through the last time.
It wasn't just a matter
of headaches and nerves.
He was sick, really sick.
Larry, I've never told this
to anyone before.
But for months and months,
we had to watch him every minute.
It wasn'tjust losing his money in
the business his father had built up,
it was more than that.
He blamed himself for all the things
that happened to those little people
who trusted him
with their savings.
I honestly believe
if it hadn't been
for the children,
he'd have killed himself.
There's nothing so
surprising about that, Isabel.
I don't suppose there's a man or woman
living today who hasn't felt that way
at least once in their lives.
The wonderful thing
about life is that
most of us
get a second chance.
I got a second chance.
Right at the moment when I thought there
was nothing worthwhile living for.
Do you know what it means to see
another man give up his life for you?
Do you? Have you ever thought what it is
to walk the streets at night,
knowing that you're walking
in another man's shoes?
That someone deliberately died
so that you might go on living?
Do you remember that night in Chicago,
when we talked at the country club?
I told you then that I didn't think
I'd ever find myself?
Well, I haven't yet completely.
I found some of the things
that I was looking for.
And someday, I may find
them all. But in any event,
I'm going to keep
right on looking.
It isn't easy,
and it isn't fun.
I've known moments of
futility and frustration. I've...
But that's all passed now.
Passed and done.
I know what lies ahead.
I know where I'm going. And Gray,
in his own way, can do the same thing
because this is
his second chance!
And I know
he'll come through.
All right.
Suppose he does.
And what about me?
Doesn't it mean anything
to you that I love you?
That I've never loved
anybody else but you?
That my children might have
been your children, that...
Oh, why didn't I marry you
when I had the chance?
I could have!
You know I could have.
That last night in Paris,
you were ready enough to
give up all this foolishness for me.
If I'd just had brains enough,
I could have saved you.
But no! I threw you out! I thought
I was being so noble. Remember?
Look at me, Larry.
You know you love me.
You know that
you've always wanted me.
Say it's true.
Say you know it's true.
Oh, Larry!
I love you.
I love you!
Promise you'll come back with us.
Promise you will!
Tell me about Sophie, Isabel.
What about Sophie?
That afternoon
she came to your apartment.
Did she have anything to drink?
- Yes.
- Persovka?
How did you know?
Isn't it strange that she should have
asked for such an unfamiliar liqueur?
She didn't ask for anything.
She just helped herself.
I had to leave to pick up
my daughter at the dentist's.
And when I returned, Sophie was gone
and the bottle was empty.
When you found Sophie gone and
the bottle empty, weren't you surprised?
I thought she got tired
of waiting.
When I noticed the bottle was empty,
I thought the butler had drunk it.
I very nearly
spoke to him about it.
You never were
a very good liar, Isabel.
You don't believe me!
Not for a moment.
Then don't!
All right, if you want the truth, you
can have it. I did it and I'd do it again.
I was determined to stop at nothing
to prevent her marrying you.
Nobody else would do a thing.
They didn't care! I did!
Oh, Larry,
you men are such fools!
I knew that sooner or later
she'd break down. It stuck out a mile.
You saw howjittery she was at the Ritz.
I knew she'd give her soul for a drink.
The idea came to me when Uncle Elliott
made such a fuss about the stuff.
I hated it, but I pretended
it was wonderful.
I knew if she had a chance,
she'd never resist.
That's why I offered to give her
a wedding dress. I made up my mind
that if I found Sophie
had not touched the bottle,
I'd make the best of things
and try to be friends with her.
That's true!
I swear it.
When I came back,
saw the bottle was empty,
I knew I'd been right all along.
That's pretty much
what I thought.
Sophie's dead.
Her body was found
in the harbor at Toulon.
She'd been murdered.
Oh, how horrible!
Do they know who did it?
But I do.
There's no need to be shocked
about Sophie any longer, Isabel.
I've had the feeling all day that Sophie
is where she would want to be most,
with Bob and Linda.
I know it's a very usual
and simple way to look at it, but
it's comforting.
Good-bye, Isabel.
And take good care of Gray.
He needs you now
more than ever.
[ Footsteps]
[Very Softly]
[ Footsteps Dwindle In The Distance]
- He's gone!
- I know.
I've lost him!
Lost him for good.
And I love him.
I love him so tenderly.
Now, I've lost him!
Do you suppose
we'll ever see him again?
It isn't likely.
His America will be as remote from yours
as the Gobi Desert.
It's all so crazy.
So useless!
What is he trying
to do with his life?
What does he hope to find?
My dear, Larry has found what we
all want and very few of us ever get.
I don't think anyone
can fail to be better and nobler,
kinder for knowing him.
You see, my dear,
goodness is, after all,
the greatest force in the world.
And he's got it.