The Reckoning (1970)

You, can put it away.
Want chop?
You know that stinking rotten pheasant or
partridge or whatever it was Moyle gave us?
Why pretend you don't know what it was?
Do you know anyone who actually
likes that muck?
You did a great job with Moyle, darling.
Great... great.
That's what you married me for, isn't it?
Your bacon is burning.
Are they?
Well, a bit surprised. I think we'd
all better watch out.
Alright. Well thanks Brunzy.
Thanks for telling me.
Pathetic little creep.
Yeah, sure. I'll pick you up first thing
in the morning. Bye.
They're after Hazlitt's guts.
I didn't know he had any.
Are you going to let go of my arm?
Bacon fat. Stained sex.
Why don't you have a bath?
Shut it!
Don't you cows ever feel anything?
Belt up then!
Michael. Let's go to bed Michael.
That's what you married me for, isn't it?
You stupid... drunken... Irish peasant.
Morning Brunzy.
You fit?
Fit for anything.
Thanks for the call about Hazlitt.
They're after him you know.
If anyone's going to do my boss, Brunzy,
it's going to be me.
You're an aggressive bastard.
We're going places Brunzy.
Mister Marler Sir.
The battlefield.
Half a dozen mergers, a dozen takeovers,
and two suicides.
Grenfell Industries.
Good morning Mr. Marler.
Good morning darling.
"Mr Robinson wanted on the
telephone at the reception desk please".
"Mr Robinson".
See you for a jar at lunchtime.
Morning Davidson.
"Mr Robinson wanted on telephone
at the reception desk please".
"Mr Robinson".
Morning sir.
Good morning.
Morning sir.
Morning. Morning.
Enjoy your pheasant last night, sir?
Oh your way up, Marler?
Just one below yours, sir.
Do you ever see anything of
Rosemary's mother?
From time to time.
She seems in excellent health.
She's a splendid girl, Rosemary.
Look after her, won't you.
I'll try to sir.
Have a good time in Chicago sir.
Watch out for those violin cases.
Morning, Mr Marler.
Get Hazlitt!
Mr Marler would like to speak to Mr Hazlitt.
Morning Hilda. Is he busy?
He's not in yet?
Well, when he comes in ask him... tell
him I've got to see him.
You look worried Mr Marler.
Get me Griffiths will you.
Griffiths, I want IBM's regional sales
breakdown for the last quarter.
Well, they won't give it to you
if you just ring up.
Go round the back door would you, old son.
That's better, much better.
Tomorrow lunchtime.
Yes, Mr Marler?
Hello there.
How about getting me a couple of nice, sexy
aspirins darling? Just to keep me good.
You start early in the morning Mr Marler.
Hazlitt's arrived. He wants to see you.
Shall we go upstairs?
Hilda... I've had an idea.
What do you want to know?
I want the minutes to a meeting held
in March 1959.
Davidson's first committee.
Very clever.
Let's have a little look.
Come in... morning Michael.
I hear it went very well last night
You're very well informed.
Of course old Moore's always been
rather fond of Rosemary.
Well, he ought to try her.
She'd kill him off within a week.
He went to school with her father.
I had a phone call last night.
Davidson's trying to put the boot in.
Here's the agenda for this afternoon's
big meeting.
To put it bluntly.
They're trying to much up your chances
of taking over when Bailey gets fired.
You're in trouble, aren't you?
I was waiting for this.
Michael, why aren't we selling our larger
accounting machines?
Are you sure it isn't your salesmen?
Our salesmen are the pick of the market.
Advertising top class. Circularizing
regular as clockwork. Servicing excellent.
And the price is... dead right.
Then why are we in trouble?
I hope you realize you're going to have a
good explanation, Michael.
It's your scalp they're after, not mine,
this time Mr Hazlitt.
Perhaps we should ask ourselves what are
they buying instead?
Computers! They are far more expensive.
But they are getting smaller and smaller
and expanding into our solidest market.
We should have gone into computers
years ago.
It wasn't my decision.
There was a committee formed in 1959.
They thought that computers were
just for trips to the moon.
Clearly they underestimated.
Davidson was on that committee.
That's an angle, isn't it?
Well now, Michael.
Let's look on the positive side, shall we.
And what do we recommend?
Bombard borderliners who can't
afford computers.
Offer easy terms, rentals.
Too hell with dignity!
And start producing computer accessories.
Electronic guillotines. splitters,
bursters. All the gadgets.
Go into that meeting with a policy and
show them that you've thought about it.
Splendid... yes.
Look, just write me a report on this
stuff will you.
Four or five pages. Hand out
a few facts and figures.
I'll see what I can do.
Good, good. You're uh..
This won't go unnoticed you know.
Thank you sir.
Mrs Marler phoned.
Well call her back then.
Now then Davidson.
We are going to... get you.
Mister Marler for you.
Yes, I do realize that I woke you up.
Yes, I know you're not a cleft stick
for leaving messages.
Look, come to the point, darling.
What was the message?
Poor old sod.
Did it sound..?
Alright now... thank you darling.
You can't!
Sorry, my father's in a bad way.
You mean you're not going to be
at the meeting?
It is my father sir.
Yes, of course. Forgive me.
Sorry to hear about it Michael.
Thank you sir.
Couldn't you just finish that report
for me? It will only take half an hour.
Well, I haven't seen him for five years.
I doubt half an hour longer will worry him.
A decision taken by that committee.
Our American counterparts, who switched
to computers at the time.
Have already taken control of the
British market, and branded..
.. our adding machines as the
poor-man's computer.
So much for Britain's businessmen.
Alright love? Three copies, one
to Hazlitt by two-thirty.
Ring my wife. Tell her I've
gone to Liverpool.
Mick?... Mick!
Hello Ma.
You've come home.
And not before time, neither.
Hello there Kath. You haven't
changed a bit.
Well.,. how is he?
Oh, not too good, Mick.
He'll not be long with us.
Don't be ridiculous Ma..
There's many a man had a heart attack
before now and gone on for donkey's years.
Well, there's the kettle.
You'll take some team, Mick?
How's our Phillip?
God, that one! Gives me a pain.
Not heard much from you, Michael.
Is everything going well with you down there?
Oh fine, fine.
Well... shall I go up and see him?
Well, he's sleeping just now but..
Ask him, would he like some tea.
Hello Dad..
Out of the depth, have I cried
unto thee, oh Lord.
Oh Lord, hear my voice.
Let thine ears be attentive to the voice
of my supplication.
I can't remember any more... sorry
Somebody put the boot in.
Didn't they old fellah?
He won't be needing his tea, Ma.
I'll go for the doctor.
Yes? I can't keep this open
all night you know.
I'm sorry.
Oh... that's alright.
What can I do for you?
Is Doctor Carolan in? It's about
Mr Marler. Urgent.
He won't be long love.
You can go in now, love.
Dr Carolan?
Name please?
Do you not know a Marler
when you see one?
Mick? Mick, isn't it?
Is it your father?
That's right.
Could you come straight away.
Is he dead?
Through this Holy anointing,
and his most tender mercy.
May the Lord forgive you for whatever
sins you have committed. Amen.
In virtue of the faculty given to me
by the Apostolic See.
I grant you a plenary indulgence, with
full remission for all your sins.
In the name of the Father... and of
the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
A pity you missed him, Mick.
I had a long talk with him only yesterday.
A great loss.
Oh... you feel that?
It's not a very fashionable emotion
these days... loss.
A foretaste of Hell, you might say.
Eternal loss.
Don't provoke me Father.
He was worried about you, your father.
About your obsession with getting
on in business.
He felt you liked ideals... that you
turned into an opportunist.
I don't need a debate right now, Father.
He remarked you had no songs left in you.
Father, I never swallowed your stories
15 years ago. You don't expect me to now.
Your father tells me you believe the human
race to be a herd of dumb beings..
.. to be preyed upon.
A sort of predators-and-victims
He's just died Father.
I pray for you Mick.
You said all that, did you?
You cunning old sod.
I'll just do the examination.
He knew me better than anybody,
the old fellah.
I was wondering about those bruises Doctor.
Were you? And how's London?
Oh fine.
Would you say they were accidental?
I would... I'd say he fell.
People do when they have heart attacks.
In pubs especially.
He was a grand old sort, your father.
What was this "accident" Kath?
Oh, he was drinking as usual.
With Cocky Burke and one of his mates.
And was there talk of a fight?
Phillip and I will take Ma home
with us tonight.
Are you staying here?
Can you manage?
I think I'll just slip out for a word
with Cocky.
Go through to Ma, Mick.
I'll not be long.
Hello Cocky.
Mick... Mick, it's good to see you.
How's your dad?
So so.
Oh the poor old fellah took a knock alright.
Oh, but he is a stoater.
Here, what'll you drink?
I'll take a glass of stout.
Two glasses of stout.
Thank you Happy. Come on, give her a proper
Liverpool hand. You can do better than that.
And now ladies and gentlemen, what
you've been waiting for. Bingo time.
Alright, get your lucky pencils out
and your lucky charms.
Because we're going for the first
number and here it is.
Forty! Four-oh. Blind forty.
God, it's a sorry sight to see these
at their pleasures.
It would not be my dad's idea of
a great night out.
Aye, that's the truth. I only come
here myself for the wrestling.
Cocky, what is this story of this
accident that happened to my dad?
You sure you're interested now Mick?
I haven't been away all that long, have I?
Well I tell you..
You see Liam Mooney and myself had come into
some money from the doggies at Pontefract.
So, we picks up your dad, and off we
goes to the Bricklayer's Arms.
There, we had a few jars.
And then that silly sod Stokes gets
on the old Joanna.
And the snug-bar crowd shouts for
a song from John-Joe.
I never heard such a voice Mick.
As fresh and as clear as mountain water
and as soft as a plover's breast.
Mind you, he hadn't the power
of the old-days.
But he was singing low and sweet.
All that soppy stuff.
"Teddy O'Neil" and God knows
what else besides..
Well now, there we all are Mick,
do you see it?
In the snug of the Bricklayer's Arms and
your dad in great voice.
And all of us in fine spirits after a
great afternoon's races.
Now then..
Your dad had just launched in
on "Kevin Barry".
When in through the door of the snug..
.. comes four or five of your pimply
English teddy-boys and their girlfriends.
Your dad had just reached the line where
the English soldiers are torturing Kevin Barry.
When these yobbos starts giving him
the slow hand-clap.
Your dad looked across at them as if they
weren't there, and carried on singing.
Liam Mooney called on them to desist,
One of these yobbos heaves a glass
over at your dad.
Mouthing a few imprecations against
the Irish immigrants.
Within ten seconds, it was the
"Battle Of The Boyne" all over again.
Why, your poor old dad Mick,
wasn't quite up to it.
One of these young fellahs nutted him,
and then stuck the boot in.
Before Frankie Medlin could clobber him.
It was all over then... we lifted him up.
Folded him into the back seat
of Tobin's rattle-car.
The bogeys arrived just as we were
leaving the car park.
You know who the young fellow was?
I do so! He works in the next shed to me.
Did you tell the police who it was?
I would no more collaborate with
the English bogeys..
.. than I would collaborate with
the Devil himself.
You ought to be ashamed of yourself
Mick Marler for thinking such a thing.
Well Cocky, I think you're going to
have to tell the police.
The old fellah's dead.
God rest his soul.
But listen to me, Mick.
You are not to reveal a word of what
I've said to the English police.
I don't want mixed up in this sort of thing.
That young fellah as good as murdered
my old man, Cocky.
If anything is going to be done Mick,
it won't be the English police doing it.
Remember that.
Five and six. Fifty six.
Six-oh. Blind sixty.
One and nine, nineteen!
Bingo! I can't bloody miss it!
One... two..,. three.
I was sorry to hear about your
father Mr Marler.
Thank you very much.
Mrs Eglington... I am now.
But I wouldn't let that bother you.
Would you like a drink?
I'm with a friend.
My father died this afternoon.
I was too late.
Oh, I am sorry Michael.
Are you still there?... Michael?
When will you be back?
John Hazlitt wanted to know.
I'm staying the night.
I'll... see him in the morning, and you
tomorrow evening, if you're not too busy.
The.. the funeral will be next Saturday.
Oh my God. Have I got to come up for it?
I'll see you tomorrow night.
Goodbye then.
There you go, England! What a carry on.
Why don't we... go somewhere else?
Let's go.
I like being driven.
Would you like a drink?
We haven't got time.
Jack expect me home by half-past ten.
Where would you like to go?
Suit yourself.
I've been imagining... you and me.
Let's get outside.
What's your name, love?
Oh, Joyce.
Well, we've just been at it like knives.
Now we get round to the introductions!
First things first.
What time did you say your husband
was expecting you back?
I don't care really.
Yes sir?
Ten gallons please.
Do you know what I feel?
I haven't got a clue.
When I was little, when my dad was working.
On a Friday night we'd have steamed duff.
It was the white and heavy sort.
With carrots and raisins and jam on top.
Mum knew it was my favorite.
I always got two dollops.
And after..
I would sit in the corner, out of the way.
Enjoyed feeling... warm and heavy inside.
I've never had that feeling since.
Until now..
That's your ten, sir.
A Nancy like our Jack is no good to me.
Two minutes and he's had it!
Not that I've really fancied him for years.
He thinks a woman is someone who pushes
the shopping trolley at the supermarket.
You don't say much, do you?
I wish I could have you regular.
In a proper bed.
Do you?
Change and stamps sir.
Come on then, Mrs Eglington.
Is that him?
That was John-Joe.
He never belonged in this place
no more than I do.
He's got a lovely face.
Well, he was a romantic... a singer.
They don't want to know about his
kind of song anymore.
Before I even went to school,
he filled my head full of the Fenians.
And David Wolftone, the Land League,
a socialist Ireland.
The fight was for Ireland, the enemy
the English middle-classes.
He even thought Adolf Hitler had something
to be said for him in that line.
Then when the other wars rolled up.
Kenya, Egypt, Cyprus and Aden.
He knew he was with.
The enemy was always the same.
The song-less ones, the brutalizers.
The English.
You seem to have come round to them.
Not entirely.
If I'd have known that one day, I would
grow up to be an English businessman..
I took my stockings off in the car.
Shall we take the lot off?
God!... Jack would kill me.
He really would.
Undo that. There's a love.
You're married, aren't you?
Not so she'd notice.
Don't be too clever.
The time will come when you'll need a
warm back to push up against.
And a round breast to cuddle in the dark.
You might not think so now, but you'll
come to it, before you're much older.
Is that an offer?
If I was you, I'd be careful.
I might say "yes".
We'd be good... we two.
I feel as if I've gone back twenty years.
Just beginning to feel myself again.
Aren't you going to keep me warm?
That's better.
I was seventeen when I left this room.
I was a trainee Jesuit for six months.
I had problems with chastity.
So I left, and conned my way into the Army.
2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant, Captain.
Management Trainee, Junior Executive.
I feel as if I've been play-acting ever
since the minute I left home.
I'm just beginning to feel real again.
I'm real.
Oh, you're the most real thing
I've met in years.
You're an early-bird, Ma.
Sleeping-pill, or no sleeping-pill.
He's alright Ma... he hasn't a care in the world.
You'll take some breakfast?
I'll cook you something.
Well, I'll leave an open cheque,
so that Kath can fix things up.
Only the best, mind.
Here's something for yourself.
Get something to wear.
Oh, you'll be needing that.
What will your wife say?
Will she be up for the funeral,
your Rosemary?
I don't know for sure... I hope not.
Last night, our Phillip,
tells me some story.
Oh I don't know, something about some
lad from Bootle.
Ah, Phillip..
Now, you're to do no such thing.
I don't want any of that.
Okay Ma..
Do you remember the War,
when he was away?
God I do... it was bad enough then.
But now..
You still have me, Ma.
I'm still here.
I'll see you at the... on Saturday, Ma.
Come on Theresa, come on. Hurry up.
I'm coming. I'm coming. Okay.
You're here on time Mr Marler. I hope
everything went alright in Liverpool.
It all seems a very long time ago. Get
me a cup of coffee Joan, would you.
Mr Hazlitt wants to see you at ten sharp.
They've called a special meeting
for this afternoon.
Joan, I'll be there.
Oh Mr Mitchell.
Mr Mitchell from the personnel
department to see you.
Send him in.
Why are you so worried Joan?
He's gone over your head and recommended
somebody for Grimsby.
Oh, has he? Who?
Somebody called "Hammond".
Mr Marler will see you now.
A degree of extroversion, intelligence,
human relations, marital status.
Motivational pattern, job task record.
What the hell does all this crap add up to?
Well, it means he's a well-adjusted
nice chap with good qualifications.
Public school education,
National Service commission.
So you're going to send this middle-class
twit from the Home Counties..
To do business in Cleethorpes, Hull,
Scunthorpe, Doncaster and up to Newcastle.
He's one of our best trainees.
Those hard-nuts up there would eat
Mr bloody Hammond for breakfast.
You don't fancy Grimsby
for yourself, do you Mitchell?
Hazlitt agrees with me.
He would. Have you ever been
to Grimsby, Mitchell?
Well, you'd better get up there and
take a look at the younger chaps.
Who already know the job and choose
one of them. Get off your arse Mitchell.
We have our ways of doing things, Marler.
Well, this isn't going to be one of them!
Now, get the hell out of here and take
this bog paper with you.
Alright... there's no need to
get abusive Marler.
I'll get as abusive as I bloody well
like! It's you lot!
You inefficient, stupid, helpless
bunch of twats!
Hazlitt would like you to go up.
But I can't threaten Benham.
Why not?
Don't be afraid to put the
boot in Mr Hazlitt.
Because if you don't kick their heads
in they'll kick yours.
And Davidson won't bother to
wipe his feet first.
What do you think we should do?
Get Benham in here after lunch, ten minutes
before the meeting and leave it to me.
You come in for the kill.
Don't worry.
I'll nail him.
Would you like a sweet Mr Marler?
Another steak please Mrs Rumbold.
Burnt round edges.
Michael, Mr Benham here is our
senior accountant.
Miss Clanagan had the last word at
this meeting.
Who's side are you on then, Mr Benham?
There's no doubt sales have fallen very
seriously over the last year.
In fact, shareholders are going to be
very concerned indeed, and rightly so.
This could be attributed to your
sales department.
Or you could argue that the decision
not to go into computers by Mr Davidson.
In 1959 is now having it's effect.
At that time Davidson considered the
costs involved were not worth the risks.
He unfortunately misjudged the speed at
which computers have become miniaturized.
Davidson says it's our management. We know
it's his judgment, don't we Mr Benham?
I would emphasize I'm here purely
in an advisory capacity.
You mean you're sitting on the fence. It's
an attitude your profession is noted for.
They're trying to say that our
supervision isn't tight enough.
In other words, we carry the can for them.
Hazlitt is discredited and Davidson
becomes the new managing director.
Then you, Mr Benham won't
want to know us.
I find your comments offensive
and juvenile.
I couldn't give a pennyworth of cold
tea what you feel Mr Benham.
When Hazlitt argues his case, he's going
to need your help.
Because you enjoy a reputation as the
best financial brain in the group.
Are you going to give it?
I have to be impartial. This is a quarrel
between sales and economic planning.
My only interest is in the
accounting aspect.
Men who walk down the middle of the road
ten to get run over.
You're either for us or against us.
There's every chance that we
might win without your help.
In which case Hazlitt here, might
remember your lack of loyalty to him.
You might even end up where you started.
Running a Cost Office in a factory.
On the other hand, we might lose.
But Hazlitt here will still be the
Senior Director of the holding company.
And he could make life very difficult
if he chose.
Not that he'd need to, I'm sure.
Our interests are common.
Aren't they?
I'm sorry Michael was so
aggressive, Stanley.
No, no. Not at all.
I see his point. I suppose I agree.
Thank you Stanley... you won't regret it.
We're due at the meeting.
I suggest you hang on here
for a few minutes.
It would not look good if we went
in as a lobby.
Benham's in there. If he asks for a line,
don't give him one.
You go a bit far sometimes Michael.
Do you have to be quite so blunt?
Yes!... Leave that thing alone!
Go in there and tell him it's out of order,
and stay with him until he leaves.
Let's go into the meeting.
Your hour of triumph is at hand.
It would appear that Mr Davidson's
forecasts were, unfortunately, mistaken.
We are, even now, feeling effects of the
decisions taken at that time.
All the evidence shows that our sales
department is one of the best in the country.
And they are doing as well as can be
expected under the circumstances.
The cause for our present malaise
has to be sought further back.
And it can be directly traced to that
decision made by Mr Davidson back in 1959.
Naturally, he never underestimated the
importance of computers in their own field.
What he did was to underestimate the speed
at which the computers were miniaturized.
And the reduction in costs which now
makes them a direct threat to our market.
It does appear that..
Hilda... oh God, was I asleep?
You look worn out.
I didn't sleep last night.
Hazlitt sends greetings.
The meeting was a personal triumph.
For him.
He sent you down a present.
What is it?
Sorry you're not feeling too good Michael.
I wish there was something I could do to help.
What's worrying you?
I'm expected to kick someone's head in.
To a lad who did my father.
Booted him in a pub.
But can't the police see to that?
There will be no witnesses.
It's like a bad joke about Sicilian
gangsters. For Christ's sake!
It's past the middle of the 20th century,
and I'm expect to kill a yob I don't know.
And don't worry.
If there's any trouble, I'll be round to
your flat in Earl's Court in no time.
I wouldn't t mind.
Wouldn't you?
It might be sooner than you think.
Why don't you go home, Michael?
Yes, that's right... home.
Where squaw?
In bedroom.
Michael! You're home early.
You having an affair with an intellectual?
Or did you think Spinoza was a private eye?
You look tired.
I Am tired.
I'm hungry too.
Hmm, I'd better move.
I gather that the return of the prodigal
wasn't exactly a success?
I'm sorry about your father.
It must have been awful for you.
Well, you didn't seem over-anxious
to rush along to his funeral.
He was the only one in your family who
ever tried to understand me.
Now he's gone, I can't imagine anything more
horrifying than your family at a wake.
Don't I smoke anymore?
Aren't you going to tell me about it?
Well, not much to tell. Thanks to Hazlitt,
by the time I got there, he was dead.
I didn't even talk to him.
And your mother?
Not exactly overjoyed after 37 years.
Don't you ever think of anything else?
Not much.
I've got to get ready.
I haven't seen you for weeks.
Oh, don't do that! You know if you do,
I can't ask you to stop.
So, why fight it?
Not in here!
Nobody's coming, darling.
All those people. Don't you remember?
We're having a party, tonight.
I don't believe it.
Well, you knew about it.
Why didn't you call it off?
How could I?
What kind of pig-iron are you made of?
Don't you ever feel anything?
That old fellah, is lying up there
in Liverpool
In some lousy morgue getting
stiffer and stiffer.
And you expect me to sit around drinking
Camparis with your useless lady golfers?
Your friends are coming too, don't forget!
Rot the lot them. I'm going out!
No you're not! I'm not going to be
lumbered with your dreaded tycoons!
Here's to the wild colonial boy.
Ned Kelly. May his drive increase.
So your old man was a
bit of a singer then, was he?
My old man new more songs
than I've ever heard of.
Then there'd be times when he's swing
me a backhander and I'd hate his guts.
And then he'd sing something,
and the whole world shone again.
Because now he's gone,
I just want to fight... everybody.
And that Anglo-Saxon bitch.
I could happily smash her face in.
Oh, come on Mick, you've just
had a bit too much.
This is the "moment of truth".
There never was much between us, you know.
About one weekend of pre-marital bliss
at a cottage in the country.
About all we've got to be nostalgic about.
And that bit of romance vanished six
days later at the Fulham registry office.
And now she's ready for a change.
And God knows what to..
Into other women, perhaps?
Maybe even dogs? The silly slut!
I just couldn't care less.
I just want out!
It's a bad thing.
What are you doing tonight, Brunzy?
It's nearly over.
Let's go to the party.
Have a bit of a laugh. Come on,
let's get a couple of bottles.
Our friends!
Get a grip on yourself Mick.
You'll be in trouble with the wife.
If you're Irish, come into the parlor.
There's a welcome there for you.
Brunzy, you old dog. Where's Michael been
hiding you all these months?
Oh. I've been around.
Good evening.
Going awfully well.
Sparkling, indeed.
A very nice evening.
Are you alright? Very well?
Hello Michael.
Good evening.
She drives all the way to Gerrard's Cross
just to take the boy to the catholic school.
Bruce and I haven't got many prejudices,
but really, catholics are... the end.
Oh faith or our fathers, holy faith.
We will be true to thee until death.
Don't bother to apologize, but my old
mother was very close to the late Pope.
And they do say... who knows?
Absolutely stoned.
Poor Rosemary.
Straight off down the side,
with this bobby still on the bonnet!
Got his head on the wall, have you?
Michael, old chap.
Would you excuse me?
Yes, of course.
Put that bottle down!
I'll drop my bottle if you will drop your..
And get your sallow-skinned friend
out of here!
Everything alright mummy?
Lovely party, darling.
You're looking very well Rosemary.
Thank you.
There it is. Bound-shouldered and
lemon titted. Mummy.
The wife's old lady. Seen chatting up
Sir Miles Bishton.
An ornament to the board of the
Grenfell Corporation, and 33 others.
God, give me strength.
I'll have a Bacardi, Michael.
Hello Marler. Mine's a whiskey and soda.
Get your own bleeding drinks.
Are you drunk?
Mais oui.
Telephone Mr Marler.
Did you eat them?
Yes, of course.
It's late.
Am I speaking to Mr Michael Marler
of Virginia Water?
That's right.
Burke here... Aloysius Burke... Cocky!
Cocky! What news?
Your friends, the English police,
be deciding on your father today.
I hope they never have an inquest on me.
What... what's the verdict?
They didn't want to know. You could see
it written all over their faces.
Mr R. J. Bingham, not the standby coroner.
Decided on the advice of creepy Carolan
and the local bobbies.
That your old man died of natural causes.
You must be joking.
By Jesus, I'm not.
I mean, to hear them talk, he dropped
dead watching a football match.
I imagine i's a question of what WE are
going to do about it?
Not forgetting Mick. You're the only
one who can do anything.
I'll see you on Saturday, Cocky.
Thanks for ringing.
Hello Michael.
I see your profits are down
on the half-yearly.
Just pausing for breath.
Putting a bit of method into the
deadbeat firms we bought last year.
That's how we get the kind of
profits that you boys don't.
What exactly do you do
at Grenfells Mr Marler?
I'm the man who does the dirty work.
That lot over there are all gentlemen.
English gentlemen with very clean hands.
And when they tell me to,
I snap my fingers just like that.
And hundreds of yobbos are queuing up on
the dole to keep them in Mercedes.
Freddy says, a little unemployment
never did anybody any harm.
Except my dad.
Except my dad. He was unemployed
for most of his life.
Let me tell you about my dad.
Let me tell you!
Quite early on..
On Monday morning..
High... above.
Shut up!
Leave it!
Mrs Marler asked me to play.
Leave it!
Just a lad of eighteen summers.
And there's no-one can deny.
As he walked to death that morning.
He proudly held his head on high.
Just before they hung young Kevin.
In his lonely prison cell.
British soldiers tortured Barry.
Just because he would not tell.
I never knew you were an Irishman.
Get out!... Get out!
I've just left you.
As he walked to death that morning.
He proudly held his head on high.
Have you gone quite mad?
You assault the director of this company
and behave like a guttersnipe.
And you let yourself run amok
like a drunken navvy.
Bishton is contemplating legal action
you know. and Grenfells are behind him.
Why bring Grenfells into this?
I got drunk. I quarreled with my wife.
I thumped somebody for being plain
bloody rude. It all happened in my house.
It's got nothing to do with Grenfells.
Come to think of it, you may be creating
a dangerous precedent.
You wouldn't be telling me what to do,
would you Marler?
I've been doing that for years.
I don't see why I should stop now.
I don't care how good you are Marler,
but I won't be spoken too like that.
Suit yourself.
There will be a place for me at Acolts,
Van Der Polders, or Veldrums. I'll manage.
Should you decide to give me the boot.
I won't be blackmailed, Marler.
Acolts and Van Der Polders may be business
rivals, but we have our contacts with them.
You'll find it very hard, I promise you.
You're under suspension as from now.
Mr Moyle will see you next Tuesday.
When he gets back from Chicago, and I
have no doubt what his decision will be.
He who lives by the boot will die
by the boot Marler!
You pin-striped git!
Don't! You've done quite enough damage
already Marler.
I hope you die a long, slow, lingering,
painful, death.
So... I'm out.
Hilda, could I..?
I've had the sack.
I'm surprised. Bishton wasn't
all that popular.
I'm suspended until Moyle gets back.
Most of the others would have promoted you.
I don't want you to go you know.
You and I both manage to live very close
to the borders of sanity, Michael.
Last night you went right over.
It frightened me.
You didn't seem to know what you were
doing for the first time since I met you.
You think you really know me, don't you?
You get more and more like
Rasputin every day..
An uncontrollable peasant
come to kill us all!
You know, with you, the class war
becomes something very personal.
That's because we're both traitors in it.
Given a choice, I'd rather be a traitor
for love, than for money.
Get out!
It was love, Michael.
Not the sort you write poems about.
The sort you make.
Well, we made it and we fought and
we stayed ourselves.
We didn't get sludged up in the
old matrimonial soup.
So now we can both get out. Intact.
I'll miss you.
Why don't you stop being so bloody modern
and throw something?
You really did revert to type out there
didn't you?
No... no... no more Mr Marler.
Here's to the old days.
Good morning. I'm looking for a room.
I've got a room for a day or two, but it's
a double. You'll have to pay for a double.
That's okay.
"Commercial", are you?
That's right.
I sell dental equipment to vets.
There's one over there Mr Marler.
The blue one.
Oh that'll be fine.
I've got one or two calls to make
in the area. I'll be back before Monday.
Official is it?
Listen Bottomley.
If it wasn't for me you'd still be a shop
steward arguing the toss for car-washers.
I ain't forgotten Mr Marler.
Here's the keys. Glad to be of service.
I'll pick it up some time tomorrow,
if that's okay.
That's perfectly okay by me, Mr Marler.
Having a bit of run around are you?
Well, while the cat's away..
Hello. Aunt Tess isn't it?
Michael! Oh Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
who'd have known you?
Come on in.
It's Michael.
You know Nellie and Christina from
Ireland, don't you?
Michael, there you are!
Hello, aunt Maggie.
You'll be ready for a cup of tea now.
Don't you bother, I can nip through
and fix it myself.
Not at all..
I insist. Is Katherine in?
Yes, she is.
They're great at making cups of tea,
but not so good at washing up here.
Did you see the inquest in the Echo?
Our noble Dr Carolan didn't distinguish
himself in the face of the enemy then.
Nobody cares. The police least of all.
Carolan does what's expected.
Does this lot know what really happened?
No. Nor does Ma.
Do you?
I can guess. Do you know who it was?
Hey, where you off?
Have no fear. I'm merely escaping the camp
when she's at the theater.
I'll have a word with Carolan because
if he won't change his mind..
If you think you're going to get that fellah
to stick his neck out, you're mistaken.
I can always try.
You want me do something, don't you?
Well, if you don't, I will.
See you later kid.
Hey, be careful Mick.
Now look Michael. You see. I pulled you
into life with these. You see?
Well I don't quite see what that has
to do with it, Doctor. My old fellah..
It's got this to do with it Mr Marler from
London, or wherever you scuttled off to.
I use these hands to bring people into
life. I use this to keep them alive.
If your old man is dead, God rest him. But
who the devil knows what happened to him?
Did he fall? Or was he pushed?
What came first? The punch,
or the heart attack? Who knows?
In his condition he might have dropped
dead bending down to pick up a flower.
So you're covering up. I've a good mind
to report you to the medical council.
You'll do yourself no good that way, Michael.
You're a coward Dr Carolan.
They taught you "spite" in London,
didn't they Michael.
I just say I haven't forgotten it.
They must be hiding in the Snug,
if you can call it such a thing.
I'll have a look.
A brandy please.
He's there alright.
Which one is him?
The fellah with the polo-neck sweater.
That fellah with the red hair?
That's your man.
I don't believe it.
Here's to your dad Mick,
God rest his soul.
Come on.
Mrs Davis, you wouldn't have anything
for a headache, would you?
I suffer it myself. I've got just the thing.
You wait there.
That's marvelous of you.
I suppose I'd better put the car away
while I'm here.
Don't worry about that. The car's okay where
it is. Take those and go straight to bed.
Thanks very much. I need to have a rest.,
Hey Jez, get us a couple of half's will you.
Have you got a light?
Is your name "Jones"?
What of it?
Well, I've got one or two things
to say to you, Jones.
What about?
I'll get the others.
I owe you this Jones,
for one old Irish peasant.
Please... don't hurt me mister.
Please... please... don't..
I don't care son. You're the one
who did it to him.
Let us pray.
Grant oh God, that while we lament
the departure of this, thy servant.
We may always remember that we
are most certainly to follow him.
But may be ever watchful that
when Thou shalt call we may..
Enter into Eternal Glory, of
Jesus Christ our Lord.
Let's go Ma..
Oh, I forgot to tell you.
There were some policemen here wanting
to speak to you. I wondered what it was?
They wanted to know where you
were last night.
I told them you were in your bed,
all night.
I wonder what all that was about?
Well thank you Mrs Davis.
It has been a pleasure to stay with you.
Come on Collette, now don't be a drag.
Come on, love.
Oh Michael.
Bye bye aunt Bess.
Bye bye aunt Lucy.
Bye aunt Merrion.
I'm sorry Michael.
God bless.
Come back soon Mick. We miss you.
I'll come and see you off.
Alright Ma.
Goodbye everybody.
Goodbye Mick. Take care.
The police were here.
I saw them go.
You're a bad lad Mick.
I always was.
I like your dress. Silk isn't it?
Now come on Hilda. This is like a wake.
What's the matter?
Nothing's the matter.
You're looking at me even though
you won't speak to me.
Cheers... to us?
Do you mind if I have gin instead?
Have you got any?
Oh yes... I've got some gin.
Why don't you break out, Hilda?
Get plastered every night!
Ransack the pubs for eager young men.
Bring them home and ravage them.
Vomit on the carpet and turn
up late for work.
Let that cool image you have
of yourself shatter.
Come down in the world. Enjoy it.
Is this how you'd really prefer me?
No, I suppose not.
But think of what you are missing.
Am I?
No... no, not here.
Why not? Hmm?
There's too much light.
In the bedroom.
I feel..
I feel dead..
What you thinking?
About leaving Grenfells.
I wish I didn't have to.
Especially now.
Do you have to?
Well, it's either Hazlitt or me.
It's a pity the old sod hasn't made
the odd mistake.
He's made plenty.
Yeah. Plenty.
What kind of things?
Why do you think we lose so many managers?
I don't know.
Hazlitt never pays any attention to
market research.
He just goes ahead. "Instinct" he calls it.
Whenever something goes wrong,
he just fires the manager.
Where's Devereaux now?
Sales manager with Van Der Polder.
Fired by Hazlitt.
And Blain?
Tell me more.
Well, I'm taking a serious view
of this, Marler.
I'd like an explanation.
Well sir.
There was some horse-play at a private
party unconnected with the corporation.
Mr Hazlitt and Miles Bishton have magnified
the incident out of all proportion.
Sir Miles is even taking legal advice.
Fat lot of good that will do
the Grenfell image
Frankly sir, my suspension was inevitable.
Any incident or mistake would have
had the same effect.
You think so?
I'm afraid Mr Hazlitt has come to
regard me as a sort of threat.
To his own position I mean.
In what way?
Well, apart from being a younger
man and so on.
He knows that I'm sick of
covering up for him.
What exactly have you been.. covering up?
Well sir, I've..
Don't worry Marler, it won't get back
to him. You can speak quite freely.
There have been quite a few serious
errors of judgment and foresight.
He tends to act impulsively without
much regard for the figures.
And then the disaster occurs..
And someone else's head goes on the
chopping block to save his.
I did take all the trouble to put this down.
Names, dates and what happened to
them after Hazlitt fired them etc.
I'm not a fool, Marler.
I've known John Hazlitt for seventeen years.
I know his strengths and
I know his weaknesses.
One of them is, he doesn't move
with the times.
Good God! Where did you get all this?
I suppose if you were the new
sales director..
You would want to keep Hilda Greening
on as your secretary, would you?
Not really, sir.
Not very trustworthy, Hilda.
Well, I'm going to make you the new
sales director.
I think you've got the right qualities
for the job.
Really sir?
Well, I wouldn't say no.
Help yourself.
A scotch for me.
I wouldn't worry too much about Hazlitt.
His pension will come to twice your wages.
One way and another.
Well, I'm sure he'll enjoy a break.
In a way, I was rather fond of him.
Is that..?
Fill it up a bit.
I've got great faith in you, Marler.
Thank you sir.
Pity about Rosemary, running off like that.
Yes sir.
I don't see her coming back though.
Oh I think you'll find she will.
Well, here's to success in the new job.
If I can get away with that,
I can get away with anything!
Subs for KG
by "Targa".