The Rehearsal (2016)

- Block of wood.
- Yep.
(paper shuffling)
- Oh, he... It's a lovely face.
- Yeah, my note was, um,
You know, a bit...
bit too vulnerable.
- So definitely a maybe,
I think.
- No. Too many maybes.
We'll be here all night.
- She's got the eyes.
- Mm, beautiful.
- Non-speaking role
on Power Rangers,
where she gets to wear
a leather bikini.
Vodafone ads.
- So that's a yes?
- Mm.
- She's interesting.
I just feel that her voice
is just still trapped
in the prison of her throat.
- No. Oh, I like him.
- Which one's he?
- Stanley from Whakatane.
- Country boy.
- Pretty boy.
I wrote down "virginal."
- No, I.
There was something, you know.
- Hmm.
- Repressed outrage.
Mm, I could work with that.
- Oh, God, no. No.
- Enough. Two fingers,
two votes.
One, two, three!
- Um.
(electronic music)
(electronic hip-hop)
- You any good?
- I'm okay. Average.
What about you?
What are you good at?
- Um. Ha.
Um, I just auditioned
for drama school.
- Yeah?
- The Institute?
Yeah, I think I screwed up.
I did a monologue,
Stand Up for Bastards.
- King Lear?
At first I thought it meant,
standing up
for really mean people.
It's funnier that way.
- Yeah.
- This is my stop.
Good luck.
- Oh, thanks.
Hey, good luck
with being average at tennis.
- Thanks.
(man whispering):
You're making me so horny.
Yes, yes.
You're making me...
(woman moaning)
(distant exclamation)
(saw buzzing)
(Livia speaking Maori)
(Livia and Michael
speaking Maori)
(Michael speaking Maori)
(all responding)
(Michael speaking Maori)
(all responding)
- Welcome to this,
your first year
at The Institute.
Our sincere congratulations.
We saw promise in each
and every one of you.
Many of you will have spent your
lives being admired and praised.
We're sorry
that happened to you.
We want to treat you
better than that.
And now it's my great
pleasure to introduce to you
my fellow teachers;
people who inspire...
(door closing)
Tena koe, Hannah.
Hannah Bauer, our...
Head and Head of Acting.
- Two heads.
And eyes in the back of both.
You've probably heard things.
That this first term
is a physical
and emotional undoing,
that you will be forced
to unlearn everything
you have ever learned,
that you will break
or be broken.
This can happen.
I'm not joking.
So what happens here?
What violence is inflicted?
And what can you do
to minimize the damage?
- Don't fuck each other.
- Head of Movement,
Michael Perry.
(quavering opera)
- I want you.
- I can't hear you.
- I want you.
- Well, I feel the same.
Are we meant to, like, move?
- Yes.
Put your scripts down
and please move.
- I want you.
- I can't hear you.
- I want you.
- Is this working?
(all): No.
- No. It feels kind of fake.
- How does that feel, Stanley?
- Pretty horrible.
- Okay, good.
Stay with that.
Acting is not copying real life.
The Greeks knew that.
You have the moment here,
the opportunity to be present,
to create a presence
in the space between you.
Start with that. Start again.
- Ahem.
I want you.
- Just pussying around.
Do you want this?
- Yes.
- That was a long time
before you could answer.
Is there anything you've ever
wanted in your life?
Do you know what want is?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Show me.
- I want you.
- Good.
Why are you looking at me?
It's not about me,
it's between you and her.
Every time you look at me,
you destroy the presence
between the two of you.
You betray her again.
- I want you.
- Where does this desire,
this need, this want come from?
- I'm not sure.
- What is want?
Have you ever wanted anyone?
- No.
(Hannah sighing)
- Imagine
she's a bar of chocolate.
Show me.
- So... she's chocolate?
- Do you like chocolate?
- Yeah, I love chocolate.
- Show me. Let me hear it.
- I want you.
- That's better.
- I can't hear you.
- I want you.
- Well--
- Frankie has a body.
You can touch her.
- I--
- Oh, this is ridiculous.
You're a creep.
A creepy creep creep.
Sit down. Who's next?
- I will.
- Okay, Max.
Just don't bore me
- I want you.
(distant barking)
- What the hell
are you doing here, bro?
- Oh, hey.
I'm here about the--
- I know. I'm William.
I was just thinking
about putting a sleeping chamber
in that tree.
What do you think?
- Yeah, cool.
- Yeah.
Are you psyched for the year?
- Definitely.
- Yeah.
- Are you?
- Oh, I'm not not psyched,
I guess.
Ah, that's the room down there.
- Yeah, cool.
- Yeah.
- How much?
- A hundred and twenty.
My dad's a property developer,
so, I mean, there are some perks
along with all that shame.
- Ahoy-hoy!
- Hey, s'up.
- Yo.
- Um, Theo, this is Stanley.
- Now, I tend to make
a lot of noise.
What... what's your bedtime?
(William chuckling)
Dunno? It's all good.
We'll work it out, eh?
- Yeah. Sweet. No worries.
- Cool.
- Thou, nature, art my goddess.
- Good. That's really good.
I feel like you're just working
a little bit too hard,
do you know what I mean?
So do you want to turn round
and speak it to me?
Okay, just turn to here. Great.
Okay. So I go: "Fuck you!"
- Fuck you.
- No, just give me the line.
I go... I go: "Fuck you, buddy."
Give me the line.
- Thou, nature, art my goddess.
- But you can be mean to me.
I'm much older than you.
I'm a woman. Slap my hand.
Give me a clap here.
Like, really give me some power.
Okay, look at this hand.
Hold up your hand.
It's actually bigger than yours.
Okay, so I'm going to...
You hit me like that.
Cool, and now hit me...
hit me again, like, harder.
That's not hard!
Come on, what are you, a pussy?
Give... give me a hit.
And now give me the line.
- Thou, nature, art my goddess.
- Cool. And a little bit louder,
'cause I'm going
to come back here.
- Thou, nature, art my goddess.
(Hannah speaking Maori)
(Stanley speaking Maori)
Gisborne does get a few.
Napier mostly fine.
Remember, later on
we'll bring in more cloud
with that trough,
and that could bring
a few of those showers
into evening areas.
But I think much
of the Central Plateau
is looking pretty good after
your frosty start as well.
Get up to about nine
to an even 13.
- A top tennis coach accused of
an inappropriate relationship
with a young player
was today suspended
from the Greenfields
Racquet Club in Auckland.
Police are investigating
whether the alleged offending
began when the player
was underage.
George Saladin, who's coached
several world-ranked players
declined to comment
on the allegation.
A lawyer for the alleged
victim's family said
it was a difficult situation.
- Sit.
(dog growling)
(Stanley): And I had this moment
of incredible fear.
And I just wondered
if... overnight...
...what a thing it would be
if overnight...
...everything you owe
anything to...
(background chatter)
- Ah.
You stay.
Stanley, is that you?
- Uh, do you have a spare tie?
- Uh, yep. Just come in.
Just on the back of the door.
He's so fresh.
- Where are you going?
- Uh, nowhere.
- Nowhere?
Mind if I come?
- Uh, yeah, okay.
- Alright, then.
- Hi!
Oh, sorry.
Uh, we met on the bus.
- Hey, look,
it was good talking to you.
Hey, wait.
- Sorry.
- Oh, sorry. I'm doing
an exercise for school.
- Cool. So you got in.
- Mm, I'm meant to be this dude,
Joe Pitt.
You know, Angels in America?
- Uh...
- Uh, Mormon, gay, uptight.
- Maybe they think
you're gay and uptight.
- Pfft. Probably.
- Are they watching you?
- Um, maybe, yeah.
It's an honesty system.
I think I saw
your tennis club on TV.
- Yeah, my sister
had this weird thing
where she slept with her coach.
He's, like, 40.
And married.
- And he raped her?
- Did they say that?
- Oh. I don't know. Didn't they?
Look, I better go.
- Okay.
- Give me your phone.
Okay. See ya.
- Bye.
- You want me to come in?
- No. It's okay.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- We're fucked now.
- Hey, you going
to the counselling thing?
- I'd let him rape me.
- Oh, my God, that's gross.
Do you think he'll go to prison?
- He's probably
under house arrest.
- How could he do that?
- 'Cause he liked the risk.
It's like gambling.
Sleeping with a minor
is exciting,
because of what you have
to lose,
not what you have to win.
Which in Mr. Saladin's case,
is everything.
What do you think?
She's your sister.
- I was doing Joe Pitt,
but then I saw this...
person I know.
And she's kind of in trouble.
So then I told her
about the exercise
so she'd understand
why I was acting so strange.
- Why you telling me this?
- So that you'd respect me.
I think if someone's prepared
to say "I was wrong,"
isn't that better than lying?
- Do you feel better?
- No.
- I find it really telling
that you had total disregard
for the rules of the exercise.
It's just lazy.
Acting's hard work, Stanley.
- I know.
- Don't say "I know"
when you obviously don't,
or you wouldn't
have made that choice.
You have to earn my respect.
And you haven't.
- I think your classes
are amazing.
- Sergei Paradjanov.
Sentenced to hard labour
by the Soviets.
Pure genius.
(indistinct dialogue)
Oh, ah.
- This is why
I'm not at law school.
Another drink?
- She hates me.
- Who? Hannah?
It's impossible to know
what she's thinking.
- Dude, you're flying
under the radar.
It's not a bad thing.
(funk-rock music)
Have you guys seen...
have you guys seen a clip...
have you guys seen
The First Follower?
(music stops)
- No.
- It's a clip on YouTube.
Um, a bunch of these guys
lounging round on a hillside,
And all of a sudden,
one guy gets up
and just starts
doing all these things,
these crazy moves, yeah?
And then another guy gets up,
and then another guy gets up.
And in less than three minutes,
everyone's up
and everyone's just dancing.
And it's this huge movement,
you know?
It's a movement.
- So...?
- Basically he's saying
leadership's overrated, yeah?
How do you start a movement?
Maybe it's having the balls
to follow someone else.
(man): Three more.
Now we've got momentum.
This is the tipping point,
and now we've got a movement.
As more people jump in,
it's no longer risky.
If they were on the fence
there's no reason
not to join in now.
(dance music)
- Talk to me, if you like,
to find out the context. But--
- Is this a good moment?
- Yeah. Come in.
- 'Morning, all.
(all): Morning. Good morning.
- The end-of-year
devised theatre project
is the most important event
in the first-year calendar.
You will be completely
on your own.
When we sit in that theatre
on the 29th of November,
we want to feel surprised...
I know that it is disgusting
to talk about this too much,
but we've had some success
with our devised pieces.
Some have become
full-blown productions.
They've toured all over Europe,
Also... that night,
all going well,
I will announce the site
for our new theatre
on the waterfront.
- So are we judged individually,
or marked as a group?
- Individually.
- As a group.
- Can we pick our own groups?
- Group One: Thomasin,
Oscar, Frankie,
Stanley, William.
You'll find your rehearsal
spaces on the maps.
Group Two:
Grace, Elliot, Marnie...
- Oh! Ooh!
(indistinct chatter)
- I reckon we should put,
like, a couch here.
- I keep thinking horses.
I don't know.
- Horses, no, yeah.
Write that down.
- And 12-year-old girls.
- Yep, 12-year-old girls.
We bring in an audience...
just of 12-year-old girls.
And, um... No, how about...
how about we...
Our real audience comes in
and they watch us do something
with that audience.
That's the thing.
- Athletes.
- What about them?
- Okay, so are we thinking
devices or, like, content?
- Sex.
- Um, no.
How about audience comes in,
the first thing we do,
round them up, take them
straight back out the door,
put them on a bus, and then
we just drive out somewhere.
- Where?
- Into the bush.
- Don't take this the wrong way,
but I feel like
maybe we're avoiding
actually doing the thing.
Like, shouldn't we do something
that's good enough
not to need--
- No, no, no, no.
I don't want to do something
that's good.
No, no, everyone's gonna
want to do something
that's good, right?
Because everyone wants
to be good and have sparkles.
- No, no, no. This is good.
Keep going.
- So we bring them in.
- Yeah.
- Um, we take their watches
and their phones,
and we put them on this bus,
and we drive out into the wild.
Then the thing is,
we just get lost.
And... and we're lost,
and no one knows where we are.
- Mm, yeah, we can't just take
people's watches.
- You can take people's watches.
Time... time is...
I think that time is the reason
why a lot of people in the world
are depressed.
- Come out.
I'm gonna wrestle you.
- Okay. No, we do have to think
about, like, agents and TV
people that are coming,
and we all want
to be seen as individuals,
and this is acting school
and this is a show.
- Okay, so audience comes in.
At the door,
we take away their phones.
And what we do
is we bury them.
We... we bury them.
- You're a madman.
- It's in there.
- Maybe it'll catch on.
Now all we need
is a First Follower.
- What's that?
- Oh, yeah...
it's a thing.
- No! No! No!
(all screaming)
- Sushi Grande, thanks.
Hey, how far up
does that tattoo go?
- Are you done with these?
- Mm-hmm.
- So you like the course.
- Yeah.
- Oh, that's great.
Look forward to seeing you
on daytime telly.
I'm just teasing you, son.
Look, it'll be great.
A year from now,
you'll be a sensitive,
feeling soul.
But you know we're working
for opposing teams now.
- How's that?
- Well, theatre has its roots
in magic, ritual, sacrifice.
I'm in the truth trade, buddy.
- Well, I guess I thought
acting's a way of getting inside
someone's head.
- So you think actors know
ordinary people better
than ordinary people
know themselves?
- No. But I'm not sure
that psychologists do either.
- Ahem.
Yeah, she hates her job.
But, hey, look,
tell me about you.
You got a girlfriend yet?
- Uh, kind of, yeah.
- Yeah? Alright, well...
- Did you hear
about the tennis coach
who got suspended for molesting
one of his players?
- What,
now you're molesting her?
- Funny.
Uh, I'm actually seeing
her sister.
- Yeah? Good for you, mate.
Does your mum know?
- No.
- Oh. Okay.
What's the number-one cause
of paedophilia in this country?
Sexy kids.
- Why don't you ever get
beaten up, man?
- I know it's terrible.
It's a joke, son. It's a joke.
- Huh!
Tennis grunts.
(funky music)
(funky music)
- How well do you know Stanley?
- I see him when I can.
He was an accident.
Uh, his mother,
we met at a bar.
Uh, she was behind the bar,
and she decided to keep him,
but I was Sydney-based,
so first time I met him,
he was in nappies.
- Sad story?
- No.
- No.
For you.
Stanley, it's a sad story.
You're not being your father;
you are presenting him
for our judgement,
because he wasn't there for you.
Let that go.
This is not about
that wounded boy.
Here, now, this is the man.
How does the man feel?
- I saved his life.
She was going
to call him Gerald.
But he's a good kid.
We swap dirty jokes.
That's our thing.
I have my secretary
look them up.
- What kind of dirty jokes?
- What's the difference between
acne and a Catholic priest?
- Dunno.
- Acne only comes on your face
after puberty.
(exclamations and laughter)
What, too far?
- Tell me a joke
that Stanley's told you.
- Do you like jokes?
Are you the type of woman
who can throw her head back
and laugh at a dirty joke?
Because, you know,
a woman who can do that,
really laugh?
(laughing softly)
- Anyone else?
Questions for Stanley's Dad?
- Do you think Stanley
is still a virgin?
- No comment.
No, I'm just fuckin' with you.
- Does Stanley love you?
- Does Stanley love me?
Well, deep down I probably
disappoint him a bit.
He wants to rebel against me,
but he can't.
But I don't make the rules
in his life.
- Does Stanley ever tell you
what he thinks about us?
- Wait. Are you the sexy one?
Or are you just the one
who loves everybody?
Because if you're the sexy one,
I'll tell you later.
- Never introduce me
to your father.
(Stanley chuckling)
How did you do it?
I want the details.
- I wrote something dirty
on a piece of paper,
and put it in my pocket.
- Well, that worked.
It's a glorious feeling,
isn't it?
Read the chapter on risk
in that.
That's where you went today.
- Oh, thanks.
- So he doesn't approve
of your chosen profession?
- Yeah.
- He's right.
Acting is a horrible career.
- You did it.
- How's the devised piece going?
- Great.
- Friction is good,
but don't leave it too late.
You are a special group,
and we have to get
the right eyes on you.
- Thanks.
Is that the new theatre?
- It certainly is.
A thousand seats,
flexible studio space,
a gallery, a bar, a caf.
- Cool.
- The level of shit that's been
thrown at me over it is surreal.
It's fear, basically.
It's all about how badly
you want it.
I saw that in you today.
You wanted it.
- Yeah, I did.
- You have to go all the way,
all the time.
If you pull back even a little,
you'll just disappoint yourself.
(indistinct chatter)
- Well...
I'm gonna go to bed.
- Good night.
(Stanley whistling)
(Frankie chuckling)
- I should leave.
Do you want me to go?
- I want you to stay.
- Mum and Dad have been such
cunts about this whole thing.
(TV playing)
- You've got it better.
- No, I don't.
I always get compared to you.
Whatever I do, you did it first.
- That's balls.
(indistinct TV chatter)
- Who do you think
you're kidding, Mr. Hitler?
- Yeah.
- Have you seen him?
I mean, I don't want him
to go to jail or anything.
- You don't know anything.
- God in heaven.
That's Italian, no?
- Not even. My grandfather
killed heaps of Italians,
when he was
in the Maoris Battalion.
- There's this guy.
His name's Stanley.
- The one you text all the time?
Does Mum and Dad know?
- No.
He's at The Institute.
- Off! No TV till you've done
your homework.
I mean it.
The lasagna's defrosting.
Make a salad, will you?
I'll be home 10:00...
10:30 latest. Bye.
- Bye.
- Bye, Mum.
- Have you two, like,
hooked up yet?
(door closing)
- I'm gonna go to Bryony's.
- I'll be here.
- Bye.
(rock music blaring)
- Oh, that's just Theo.
- Jeez!
(music stops)
- Hi.
- William.
- Isolde.
- Oh, yes.
Strong handshake.
Strong hands.
(rock music playing)
- Oh, do you want to...
- Sure.
- I probably need a picture.
- Yeah.
Have you read all these?
- Uh, no, but that one's
actually about a guy
who falls for a goat.
- An actor in a goat costume?
- No, a goat.
- Do you miss home?
- Uh, I miss the beach.
But it's so small.
Like, everyone knows
everything about you.
- It's quiet here.
- Mm.
- That thing with my sister...
I was the one who saw them.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- So you told your parents?
- No. Well, not... right away.
- Well, what did you see?
- I saw him, my coach...
like, touching this girl.
At first,
I couldn't tell who she was,
because he had her shirt up,
covering her face.
- Yeah?
Was he, like, forcing her?
- No. Not at all.
She wanted it.
You could tell.
Um... I might go.
- Oh.
- I'll see you.
- I found a photograph...
of this other family...
...and then it all came out...
He just left
and I haven't seen him since.
I'm sorry.
- Thank you, Marnie.
William. The T-shirt?
Is that connected
to your most intimate moment?
- Not really... no.
So, um...
I was home from boarding school,
for the Easter holidays.
Or, as I like to call them,
"Jesus was crucified
so you should be too" holidays.
Yeah. And, um, my mum had...
my mum had left this Easter lamb
to marinate,
and when we came back
into the kitchen, um,
the dog had it on the floor
and was sniffing it. Yeah?
Not licking it,
or pissing on it,
or having a little wank on it,
you know.
My mum just screams
this gates-of-hell shriek,
just tears throughout the house.
My dad comes running in
and the dog... just bolts away.
And my mum's just saying,
"Oh, that's it. That's it.
Lunch is ruined.
Lunch is ruined."
You've really got to see my mum
in her high heels,
and her perfect Easter dress,
and her perfect Easter makeup.
And my dad just picks the lamb
up off the floor,
and he just says, uh,
"Here it is. It's fine.
Don't be silly."
Um, and "don't be silly,"
uh, when those words
hit the fan, um...
the shit shortly followed.
And, uh, she just screamed
at my dad about filth,
about germs,
about that fuckin' little dog!
You know,
my dad doesn't like to hear
anything bad about the dog,
'cause he loves that dog,
more than he loves my mum.
(light laughter)
It was true, by the way.
All of a sudden, uh,
my dad's just had enough.
He goes right up to her face
and he goes really quietly:
"You... are a compulsive,
neurotic woman.
And you're going
to have to accept that."
And, uh,
Mum just ran off to the study.
We were trying
to bring it round,
seeing if there was an organic
butchery still open.
And we couldn't just ring up,
uh, Countdown or New World,
because, you know, we're...
we're a little bit higher class
than all that.
Anyway, Mum comes back in
and she's holding
this stack of A4 paper
that she's printed out
in this huge 36-point font,
And she... she starts
sticking them everywhere.
Like, all on the fridge,
all on the oven,
on all the walls,
on the windows.
They're everywhere,
all these posters.
And, um,
on each one is written:
"You... are a compulsive,
neurotic woman.
And you're going
to have to accept that."
And, um...
thus concludes my story
for the day.
- Stay there!
Why did you choose this
as your most intimate moment?
- Because... that was the day
that I learned about revenge.
- Really? Or is it just easiest
for you to make everyone laugh?
So you just took
the easy way out?
- Yeah.
- Deep trust has been created
in this room.
I do not see...
an iota of trust in you!
Do you have a girlfriend?
Is there any aspect
of that relationship
you would not wish
the group to see?
That is intimacy!
Is it so fucking hard?!
- You should probably
pick that up.
This is the last place I'd share
anything intimate.
(soft music)
I think I might bike up north
for a while.
Go to Hokianga.
- No way.
Not until this is finished.
- Nah...
I'm failing.
- He's not failing.
- If you say that, you will.
That's what my ex-coach says.
- The failure.
- Yeah.
- Okay...
I'll leave you two... kids
to do whatever you'll do.
Have fun.
- You sure?
- Yeah. Yep.
- Thou, nature...
art my goddess.
To thy law...
my services are bound.
(William): Whoo-hoo!
(screaming and laughing)
(down-tempo funky music)
- Hello.
- Can I get a long black?
- Sure.
- What's this music?
- My friend's band.
- I'm out of touch.
- You're that coach.
- Yeah.
- My mother plays tennis.
She says you've been
really misrepresented.
- Oh, I like the sound
of your mum.
- Sorry.
I'll let you have your privacy.
- Sure.
- Are you being prosecuted?
It doesn't seem fair.
I mean, okay,
it might be a personal problem
for your wife and such, but...
seems crazy for the cops
to get involved.
You are married, aren't you?
- Yeah. Yeah, I'm still married.
We're just not living together
at the moment,
till this blows over.
Which it will.
Everyone's just gotta have
their little shake
of the pitchfork.
- Yeah.
I saw the comments thread
under one of the articles
- Yeah. I don't go online
much anymore.
- His wife's left him.
He was totally putting it out.
- To who?
- To me. He wasn't even there.
- Me. I'm gonna kill him.
- Who?
- You know Saladin,
that tennis coach?
He's better-looking than on TV.
I think it's current.
It's generational, it's sick.
- Tennis skirts.
- I heard there were others
and she was just the one
they caught him with.
- Yeah,
but they found her toothbrush.
Maybe it's love.
- Are you shitting me?
She's 15. She was 15.
- So? Haven't you been hot
for a teacher?
- They've been hot for me.
- Mmm...
- Mm. No,
I've been hot for attention.
But I was a teenager.
It's not a cute excuse.
- Oh.
- Hannah would love it.
Don't you think?
- I know her sister.
- What? That's crazy.
How come?
- Ooh. Access, then.
- No. No, no. No access.
She's my friend.
- Friend?
- Oh. A man with a secret.
- She more than a friend.
(softly): Give us the access.
- Oh, is that the tennis girl?
- Mm-hmm. Victoria.
It's not like we have
any better ideas right now.
- She's muscly.
- Alright. Red, you're Victoria.
Black, you're Saladin.
What's she like?
- Uh, I've never met her.
I heard she has a tidy room.
- Well, that's super helpful.
- It is helpful.
- Black.
- Don't show anyone.
Can you pick another card,
- Cool. Prepare overnight.
- Yeah.
- I got the Joker.
- So it can be, like,
a tap dance or...
- Frankie first?
- Frankie first.
(William grunting)
Yeah, bruh.
- This is the song.
I'll be five minutes.
(electronic music)
- I paint in oils
in my spare time,
just as a hobby.
Um, obviously,
I never painted her,
because that would've been
and I'm not that stupid.
But I really wanted to,
because, you know,
when she came,
all the blue map veins
on her sternum and her throat
would rise up to the surface
of her skin just for an instant,
and I knew
that if I could've...
you know, captured her
just at that moment...
(sighing) would've been the best
thing that I've ever done.
- See, they're too relaxed.
If they were doing it,
they'd be way more careful.
- What's this?
- Just... just a YouTube video.
- Did you like it?
You're a bunch of sluts.
That is people who do not
clean up after themselves.
- Hey.
- When are you gonna tell
your girlfriend?
- Soon.
- Yeah, you keep saying that,
- Well, who said
we're doing this anyway?
- Who says we're not?
(indistinct chatter)
- He calls her Bunny.
- Really?
- Yeah, it's embarrassing.
He's like family to us.
I babysat his kids.
Dad hates him now.
Dad keeps trying to connect.
He just really, really wants
Victoria to start playing again.
about eating together,
as if that solves everything.
We do it like a ritual.
No one touches their food
until everyone's sat down.
And we all thank Mum
and pass the sauce or whatever.
- Sounds normal.
- Yeah.
We're having a barbecue
this Sunday for the new coach,
You should come.
Bring a friend.
Can I pet him?
- Yep.
- Thank you.
What's his name?
- Charlie.
- Oh. Hello, Charlie.
(pop music)
Dance all night
I know you aren't the type
Expect to see him home
by dawn
Pick and choose
Dog friend knows what to do
Dog friend
he's home from school
- Hi.
- Hello.
- Hi. Is Isolde here?
- Hi. Mum, this is my friend,
Stanley. And William.
- William. Stanley.
- Come on in.
- Did you paint that?
- No. No.
Help yourselves to food.
There's loads.
I'm just - excuse me -
grabbing the meat.
- You're excused.
- I'm not sure about that one.
- Yeah, it was amazing.
I mean, yeah.
- He could win the Grand Slam.
He definitely should win.
- Yes, and, uh...
- Do you want a drink?
- Oh, yes, please.
- Yes, please.
Anything with alcohol, please.
(whispering): She's onto you.
- Hello. Hi. I'm Stephen.
- Hi.
- Pleasure... to meet you.
- Are you guys from the club,
are you?
- No.
But I love watching playing.
I love watching tennis.
It's a beautiful game.
- Um, Stanley and William
are at The Institute.
- Oh, that sounds interesting.
- On the table's fine.
- So what does that lead to?
- Fame, fortune.
Oh, hey.
What's that? What's that?
Yes. Come on. Yes.
- More of a rugby man, are you?
- Um, yeah. Yeah.
- Where did you two meet?
(William): Hello!
- Oh, Mum.
- Just asking.
- You got a drink.
- Mm.
(William laughing)
- Come on.
- Just help yourselves
to seconds, won't you, guys?
- Oh, thank you.
(whispering): Hey. Hey.
Come here.
- Hey, how's it going?
- Good.
- Uh, Isolde says
you're a phenomenal player.
- Thanks.
Can I borrow your phone?
- Um, yeah. Sure.
- Thanks.
My sister really likes you.
- What's this?
- Oh, is it?
- Yeah! Good girl!
What's that?
- Please don't. She...
she doesn't eat cooked food.
- Oh, good girl. Oh, hello.
- She'll get sick.
Hi. Could you not?
She really will get sick.
- Hello?
- Must be...
- Hey, are... you okay?
- Yep, um...
I'm... I'm gonna go.
- Do... do you want me
to take you home?
- No, no, no, no, no.
Did you ask her yet?
Did you?
- Are you leaving?
- Yes. But he is staying.
Um. Thank you for, uh, party,
and the, um... the dog.
I love the dog.
- Bye.
He's pretty drunk.
- Yeah.
Hey, um...
Um... I better... split too.
Sorry, I... better go.
See if he's okay--
- It's okay.
- We'll talk later.
- Okay.
- Hey, thanks.
Uh, I had fun.
- Bye.
- Isolde is not here.
- I have a message for you...
from whoever you called.
That guy you rang on my phone,
he called back.
He wants you to call him.
- That's it?
Did he say anything else?
- Well, actually, he said for me
not to say this,
but he changed his mind.
- Well, what do you mean?
- That's what he said:
"I changed my mind."
- Have you told Isolde yet?
- No.
- Please don't.
I just... I don't think
she'd understand, you know?
- Okay.
- Thanks.
And thanks for finding me.
(soft, sensual music)
- Thank you. Thank you.
(background chatter)
Stanley, can I have a word?
- Oh, yeah,
I saw Throne of Blood.
Mifune is incredible.
- Yeah.
How old's your girlfriend?
You were spotted.
- Why?
- If you're having sex
and she's underage,
then one of my students
is breaking the law.
I can't be getting calls
from her school.
Come on. Focus on your work.
Don't blow it
over some schoolgirl.
- Hey.
- Hey.
I need that book back.
It's my teacher's.
Do you have it?
- Uh, no, it's at home.
What? You didn't tell me.
If you're trying to break up
with me, just say it.
- You're really beautiful.
Is it creepy, me thinking that?
- Why would you say that?
- Can I take your picture?
- No.
- Please?
- I'll show you more
if we go somewhere private.
Sorry. It's okay.
(quirky pop music)
(music fading)
(indistinct chatter)
You're no longer small.
And join.
Let skin...
move the skin.
- William's been involved
in an accident.
- Okay, uh, stop, please.
Can you sit up, please?
Thank you.
- I have bad news.
There's been an accident.
William was badly injured
in his car.
I'm... I'm very sorry.
(whispering): The police
are here to talk to you.
- Sorry, wh-what do you mean?
- I'm sorry. William has died.
- What?
(Frankie sobbing)
(soft music)
- Borrowed his mum's car
and drove it
into Manukau Harbour.
Just heard the news.
They pulled the car out.
- All the trees on campus.
- Oh, wow.
That is so beautiful.
- Mm.
- Did you know
he was on Ritalin?
maybe he'd stopped taking it.
(music playing)
(background chatter)
- Is that the guy?
- Yeah.
- Hey.
(indistinct chatter)
- Should we... get a drink?
- Is that the tennis girl?
- Mm.
falling with the landslide
Life it's is a landslide
There's a river of souls
But right here
it's a landslide
(soft music)
Dust and dirt
Dust and dirt
Dust and dirt
Sea sky and dirt
Sea sky
and dirt
Ocean and dirt
The stars are all dirt
The stars
are all dirt
The stars are all dirt
And God is in the water
God is in the water
- Is that for him?
- No.
(background chatter)
- Hey.
What are you doing?
Can you go away, please?
- Jesus. See ya.
- No, I'm just drunk
I'm sorry. It's nothing.
Please, Stanley.
I really like you.
- What about her?
- I really, really like you.
- I liked you too.
- Then don't.
- You should... you should
probably just go home.
(high-octane music)
(music fading)
(soft piano music)
(Thomasin): Everything's
about eating together now.
We do it like a ritual.
If we'd eaten together
from the beginning,
then Victoria would never have
accidentally on purpose
pressed herself against Saladin
as he adjusted her racquet grip,
and his hand went down,
down, down.
(music stops)
Oh, can I see the photo again?
She's totally into you.
Why? Is it porny?
- No.
- Yes.
If we'd eaten together
from the beginning,
then Victoria would never have
let her tiny buds
rub against his chest
for the briefest half-second.
(soft piano music)
If we'd eaten together,
Victoria would never have
sucked on his fingertips,
or pushed her tongue
down into the V
between his first two fingers...
...and made him gasp.
- Why do you play tennis?
- Hey, did you ditch her
because of the girl,
or because of this?
- I'm-I'm too young
to have a younger girlfriend.
- Okay.
(soft piano music)
(phone chiming)
- Check it out.
(people roaring)
- We had to reapply
for our jobs.
- No way.
- We're in a time
of accelerated progress.
(voice exercises continue)
- So this is a test for you.
For you personally;
each and every single
one of you.
Only four weeks to go,
so no complacency.
I've just heard the school's
going to be on the news.
So we're all on show.
Now I know we may think
these opportunities are endless,
but what if...
this was it?
Do not squander this time.
- I heard we're not having
these weekly meeting anymore.
Is that true?
- Yes.
To free up the teachers to teach
and for you to all train.
- Why weren't we consulted?
- I think it's wrong.
I mean...
what do we stand for
as a school?
Shouldn't there be some
care for the student body?
- He's right.
- Of course... there is care.
- What about William?
- I'm sorry?
Yes? Are you going
to reveal yourself?
We're all raw.
And in the face of tragedy,
it's tempting
to look for a scapegoat.
But whether we like it or not,
William made a choice.
- He was a kid. Here.
Fine, not fine.
Happy, at risk.
Because of things
we can't even guess at.
We add to their load.
- It's called training.
- How can we possibly know
what they're protecting?
- I'm not having
this conversation.
- I don't believe in cruelty.
I was trained with cruelty.
I know it doesn't work.
- Livia!
- I can't support an environment
where the students
don't have a voice.
- Livia.
- Where the board mentality
is basically corporate.
- Livia, calm down!
- Where the whole conversation's
about the new fucking building!
It's toxic!
It's the Hannah Bauer show!
I can't do this anymore.
I'm sorry, my people.
You know I love you.
But I can't do this anymore.
- Thank you.
My door is always open.
- Hey.
- How are you?
You feeding the troops?
- Yep. Meat pies.
- How's it all going?
- Yeah, good.
- Why did you choose
the tennis scandal story?
- Do I have to tell you?
- No, you don't.
It's a great subject, though.
You know,
if you get beyond the obvious
"Lolita in the suburbs" thing.
What's your take?
Will it go to trial?
- Seems like it.
- Well, it's your story now.
Oh, it's great. Agent bait.
- That's awesome.
- How are you coping now?
With William?
Did you see that coming?
I didn't.
- No.
- Now we have to live with it.
When we're tough on you...
it's never personal.
You know that.
- Unless it is to the person
it happens to.
Uh, well. I better get going.
They're waiting.
- Yeah, yeah.
No. No, you're right.
Don't let those meat pies
get cold.
(door slamming)
- ...choice.
- Oh. Sorry, we couldn't wait.
- Get up.
Show me your swing.
Just don't bore me.
- Everyone will get it.
- Mm. Except Hannah.
- Except Hannah.
- You're pussying around.
This is a running sport.
A change-of-direction sport.
Here comes the ball.
(Frankie grunting)
(both): Oh!
(Saladin):... understand
the tennis council's position.
- What a cock.
- Um, there was a lapse
in judgement,
which was regrettable.
I'll cop to that.
The charges, in my view,
they don't accurately, uh,
describe the situation
which was regrettable.
I-I-I regret...
- Any hurt I've caused my wife
and my children.
- And any broken trust
that has occurred.
Now I firmly believe
that if I am given
a second chance,
or a third chance,
that I will become
a positive influence
on and off the courts.
Now finally, to reiterate,
I am very, very, very sorry.
And I will never, ever, ever...
do it again.
Unless I just can't help myself.
- He's... such a liar.
Both of them.
- Both?
- Stanley came to see me.
I was over him!
(voice exercises)
- Hi. I'm looking
for Stanley Philips.
- Uh, he may be rehearsing.
- Okay.
- In Room 1071
- Thanks.
- What are you doing here?
- I thought you said to come.
- I said call.
So how's the new coach?
- He's okay.
- I'm glad you're playing again.
I want you to win.
But you have to want it.
- Did you miss me?
- Does Pascal do this?
- No.
Why would you say that?
(crying out)
No! No!
(crying out)
(dissonant music)
(soft music)
(background chatter)
- What's that?
- What the hell?
That's my lighter.
- I'll show you more
if we go somewhere private.
(distant barking)
(soft music)
- You've got to have
the ability to forget.
To let it all go.
And that's hard.
That's the hardest thing to do,
'cause when you're playing
a game,
and when you hit the net,
or hit a ball out of play,
you're gonna have a feeling,
And it's going to be a bad one.
And it's going to go right
through your body.
But it's how you respond
to that feeling,
that's what matters.
You know,
if someone were to go to you:
"Ace, ace, ace," and ace you
three times in a row...
What do those three aces
have to do with the next point?
I think that if you can see it
like that,
if you can really...
frame it that way,
I think... I think that's it.
I think
that's where greatness lies.
- Did you win?
- Oh, yeah.
- You did really, really well.
- Stanley's here. Come in.
- Hi.
- Hello, mate.
- Here, have a seat.
- Oh, no, it's fine.
I won't... I won't stay.
- You sure?
(ball bouncing)
(woman crying out)
- Can I talk with you
for a second?
So... this Saturday...
...we're... doing a play.
Um... at The Institute
we came up with an idea.
Well, actually, it's...
it's about what happened
between you and...
you and Saladin.
- What?
- A play? A public play?
- Did you know about this?
- You suck.
- Is this your boyfriend?
- Ex.
- How old are you?
- Eighteen.
- What kind of person
thinks it's okay
to use the details
of someone's private life
for cheap entertainment?
I mean, how is that even
possibly okay?
What are you, stupid! Eh?!
Or as you just
grossly insensitive?
- Stephen.
- Um, I just came to say that...
...we won't do the play.
I promise.
- Good.
You get out of my house.
You stay the hell away
from my daughters!!!
- What exactly
has been going on?
- I know what you're thinking,
but that's not why
I went out with you.
- Hey!
- Hey.
That was stupid.
I've upset them.
- Yeah, they're always upset.
- I'm sorry.
At The Institute, it's like...
everyone has
their special thing...
and that's all I had.
So I used it.
I know.
I love you.
- I guess...
I don't really trust you now,
so... I should get back.
- God. Are you serious?
- It's in two days!
- What are you gonna do
about it?! It's been a year!
- I know. I'm sorry.
- What?! We've been working
on this for a year!
- You have fucked us over, man.
- Are you gonna get us
out of this?
'Cause you fuckin' better.
- I know.
- Can you stop
and talk about this?!
(paper shuffling)
Anyone want these?
We're going down.
Can you believe it?
- Speak for yourself.
I'm going solo.
- Fuck. I can do it. It's fine.
- I know you hate me.
- I hate the situation!
You were so cocky,
and you just used that girl.
- Thomasin.
- "Oh, I'm so hot.
And Mr. Saladin,
a sexual predator,
thinks I'm sexy.
Let's do a play about it."
I didn't mean that.
- You did.
I'm gonna get you.
- No, wait. No. We should...
No, we should get him.
- Yes!!
- Ah!
- Get off.
- Argh!
- Ready?
- Do more forehand ones.
(soft music)
- Run!
- Hey.
- He's back.
- The statue of Apollo
didn't exist to trick people
into thinking
it was really the god,
nor even a true likeness
of the god.
It was simply a site of access.
(background chatter)
I'm excited to announce
we've just signed the contract
on a beautiful
waterfront property.
Phase one of the new school.
And now the moment
we've all been waiting for.
Please welcome to the stage our
talented and wonderful students.
(distant laughter)
How's everything?
How are you?
- Good. I'm good.
- I've organized a dinner
at Coroco afterwards,
so I hope you can join us.
There's a few people
you should meet.
- Thanks.
I'm not too sure where I'll be.
- I hear your coach
pleaded guilty.
- We changed our minds
We're not doing that.
- Yesterday?
(distant applause)
- Well, I'd better go.
- Good luck.
(indistinct chatter)
(soft, dissonant music)
(soft music)
(haunting music)
(down-tempo funk)
(soft music)
(bombastic music)
(beat-heavy electronic music)
(music fading)
(slow music)
(jazzy music)
(up-tempo music)
(down-tempo music)
(soft music)
(beat-heavy music)
(jazzy music)