The Rescuers (1977)

Who will rescue me
Oh, who will rescue me
Who will rescue me
I'm lost at sea
Without a friend
This journey
Will it ever end
Who will
Rescue me
Rescue me
Attention, please.
The economic and social council
will convene in five minutes.
G-Good day, sir.
G-Good day, Mr Ambassador.
How do you do, madam?
Order. This emergency meeting
of the International Rescue Aid Society
is now in session.
Delegates, you have been summoned
from all corners of the globe...
because we have reason to believe
that someone is in distress.
As you know, our society has never
failed to answer a call for help.
Hear! Hear!
We will face the portrait of the beloved
founder of our society, Euripides Mouse.
Delegates, hands over hearts.
R- E-S-C-U-E
Rescue Aid Society
Heads held high
Touch the sky
You mean everything to me
In a fix, in a bind
Call on us anytime
We'll appear from nowhere
Mighty are we
R- E-S-C-U-E
Rescue Aid Society
Honesty, loyalty
we pledge to thee
R- E-S-C-U-E
Rescue Aid Society
Heads held high
Touch the sky
You mean everything to me
In a jam, in a scrape
And you think no escape
Do not fear, we'll be here
Courageous are we
R- E-S-C-U-E
Rescue Aid Society
Heads held high
Touch the sky
Our hearts we pledge to thee
Mouse scouts,
bring in the bottle.
Mr Bernard, if you please.
C-C-Coming through.
Uh, pardon me.
Have a care there.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me, sir.
- Oops.
- Egad!
Delegates, this is
no time for levity.
Serious business, you know.
Serious business.
Now what?
Sir, there are 13 steps
on this ladder.
Oh, superstitious nonsense.
What next?
Oh, um, sorry, sir.
I'll have it out
in a jiffy, sir.
"To Morningside Orphanage, New York."
It's difficult to decipher.
I can't make it out.
"I am...
in terrible...
terrible trouble."
Oh, oh, dear,
it's all watered out.
Help. Penny."
Morningside Orphanage?
Dash it all.
It's not much to go on, is it?
Oh, that poor little girl.
Oh, Mr Chairman, please,
please, may I have this assignment?
You, Miss Bianca?
Dear lady, it's absolutely
without precedent.
I mean, it's not like the old days
when it was a man's world.
However, I suppose
there has to be a first time.
Uh, uh, Mr Chairman, sir.
I-I-I don't think Miss Bianca
should go. It could be dangerous.
I mean, I mean, any...
anything could, could happen to her.
You see, dear lady,
before our janitor interrupted...
I was about to suggest that
you should have a co-agent go with you.
Gentlemen, who will volunteer?
Gentlemen, this is indeed
a most difficult decision to make.
I choose...
Mr Bernard
to be my co-agent.
M-Me? Oh, th-that's,
that's really very, uh...
No, uh, see, I'm... I'm...
I'm a... I'm only a-a-a ja-janitor.
Oh, come on.
We'll be a great team together.
Oh, come on!
Bravo! Bravo!
Ajanitor, my lady?
Oh, good heavens. Bless my soul.
Morningside Orphanage.
Here. H-Here it is.
Three blocks down and...
uh, uh, four blocks over.
Well, why don't we take
the short cut through the zoo?
Uh, gee, uh, Miss Bianca, uh...
I don't know. I mean, it's,
you know, it could be risky.
Oh, come on.
Remember our pledge?
Through storm and rain
and dark of night...
Never fail to do what's right.
All right...
duty calls.
Uh, Mr Bernard, um,
maybe we'd better go back.
It's so dark in there.
Who's a...
Who's afraid of the dark?
Look, you, uh, y-you stay here.
I'll... I'll check it out.
Wait for me!
How... How about trying, uh, three blocks
down and, uh, four blocks over?
What did you do
to make him so mad?
Nothing. He's just a...
just a grumpy old lion.
Well, after all, waking him up
in the middle of the night...
Wouldn't you be grumpy too?
I didn't wake him up
in the middle of the night.
I was walking through the thing,
and he just...
I'll, uh, I'll take a look around,
see what I can find.
Miss, uh, Miss Bianca, over here.
I-I found something.
- These are Penny's belongings.
- Good work.
Now we're getting somewhere.
Oh, look.
The little girl's treasures.
Boy, the things kids collect.
Do you think she could be
still here in the orphanage?
Sh-She can't be. It says on the box,
"Hold until further notice."
Maybe she's been adopted.
No, because she would've
taken these things with her.
- Mice!
- Cat!
Now, lookee here, you two...
if folks find out
that mice moved in here...
l-I'll get kicked out,
lose my job.
Oh, d-don't worry, Mr Cat.
We won't be here long.
I'm a mite too old
to be chasin' mice.
Uh, sir, could...
could you tell us what happened
to a little girl named Penny?
I sure can. But you ain't
gonna find her around here.
The poor little thing
ran away.
When was the last time
you saw Penny?
Was there anything unusual?
Try to remember.
Let's see now. Uh...
The last time I saw her...
she was sittin'over there
on her bed, all alone.
She looked awful sad,
and so I asked her...
What's wrong, Penny honey?
Oh, come on, now.
Come on. No secrets.
You tell old Rufus, huh?
Well, it was adoption day
at the orphanage.
What happened?
A man and a lady came
and looked at me...
but they choosed
a little redheaded girl.
She was prettier than me.
Oh! Sh-She couldn't be!
Y-You listen to me, darlin'.
You're something extra special.
No, I'm not.
Why, someday a mama and a papa
will come to the orphanage...
Iooking for a pretty little girl
just like you.
- Honest?
- I'll bet my whiskers on it.
But you've got to believe it.
Keep the faith, sweetheart.
- Do you see that bluebird?
- Yes, I do.
Well, faith is a bluebird...
you see from afar.
It's for real, and as sure
as the first evening star.
You can't touch it or buy it
or wrap it up tight...
but it's there just the same...
making things turn out right.
Can't touch it or buy it
or wrap it up tight...
but it's there just the same,
making things turn out right.
But whoever adopts me
has to adopt Teddy too.
Oh, they'll love him.
He doesn't eat much, does he?
Oh, here!
I brought you something.
Land o' Goshen! Catnip snaps!
No! They're ginger snaps!
Well, an old codger like me
could use a little ginger.
I taked two extra ones
for lunch today.
We're not supposed to do that.
Well, you can trust me.
I won't tattletale on you.
I love you, Rufus.
Gee, we'd better hurry,
or we'll be late for supper!
She seemed happy enough, but
the next thing I heard, Penny was gone.
Well, aren't the police
still looking for her?
No, no, no, no.
They gave up weeks ago.
Oh, this is terrible.
That poor little girl.
I just can't believe
that Penny would run away.
Uh, Mr Rufus, please think.
Now, there must be something else.
Well, come to think of it,
there was.
Oh, no, no, it's nothing.
Penny wouldn't get in with her.
Get in what? W-With who?
Oh, a weird lady
tried to give Penny a ride...
but she wouldn't have anything to do
with trashy people like them.
Trashy people? Who?
She and her partner run
a sleazy pawn shop down the street.
Miss Bianca, we must
go down there and investigate.
Suit yourself, but you'd be
wasting your time going down there.
She could be in real trouble.
We gotta find her and help her.
Yeah, but two little mice.
What... What can you do?
Bernard, a child's book!
It's Penny's!
Then, uh...
Then she's gotta be here.
W-What's so funny?
Y-Your tail!
Here, here,
let me help you fix it.
Who could be ringing
at this time of night?
Madame Medusa's
Pawn Shop Boutique.
- Hello, boss.
- Snoops!
Don't tell me, Snoops.
Let me guess. You found it!
You've found the diamond!
Give you time?
You bungler!
You have been down there
for three months.
Bottles? What bottles?
You caught Penny
sending messages in bottles?
You blundering fool!
Can't you control a little girl?
Shut up! I am taking the next
flight down to Devil's Bayou!
This is terrible.
We've got to go with her.
Yeah, come on.
In the suitcase.
Bumbling boob.
He fouls up everything.
Leave him for a few weeks and...
Oh, why won't this
stupid thing close?
Out of my way, you road hog!
All passengers,
please report for flight 614.
Hurry, Miss Bianca! Medusa could be
down at the Devil's Bayou by now.
Oh, I'm sorry, but a lady does
have to pack a few things, you know.
Will MrJenkins report
to the ticket counter, please?
All passengers, please report
for flight 614, now departing.
Flight leaves 6:45.
Oh, no, we missed the flight.
- Miss Bianca, if you hadn't...
- You worry too much.
You know that flights
are always late.
Albatross Flight 13 to Tower.
Albatross 13.
Now, what did I tell you?
We are lucky, Mr Bernard.
Luck? Flight 13?
Maybe we'd better take the train.
Wake up!
Dad-rad it! Somebody answer down there!
Get off the dime!
Hello! Hello!
Is there anybody down there?
Uh, h-h-hello?
Where have you been,
oh, you lazy knucklehead?
W-We-We just got here, sir.
Uh, uh, see, my co-agent
insisted on packing her, uh...
Look, bud, am I clear to land?
Traffic up here is thicker than
fleas on a hound dog's...
Wo-Wow! Dad-blast, you dirty road hog...
road hog... Crazy...
Look... One at a time...
You stupid, lunkheaded...
- What did he say, Mr Bernard?
- I wouldn't dare repeat it.
Well, then give him
the permission to land.
Uh, Captain, you, uh,
you have our permission to land.
Well, it's about time, bud!
Look, look! There he is!
Doesn't he fly beautifully?
And you wanted to take the train,
you 'fraidy cat.
'Fraidy cat?
It's just that, uh...
No, I-I like trains.
I mean, they serve,
uh, Roquefort, uh...
Pull up! Pull up!
Are... Are...
Are you hurt, sir?
One of my better landings, bud.
Oh, great.
Come on. We're...
We're gonna take the train.
Play it safe.
Train? Safe?
Listen here, buster.
- I'm as fit as a fiddle.
- And you look simply wonderful, Captain.
Oh, shucks, just call me Orville,
little lady.
All right, all right,
uh, it's most important
we get to Devil's Bayou.
Well, now,
will you just keep your shirt on?
Flight 13 hits the wild blue yonder
in five minutes.
Eight, nine, ten, eleven...
twelve... Oh, no.
There are 13 steps
on this ramp.
Well, why don't you
jump the last one?
This is your captain speaking.
Welcome aboard, folks.
Fasten your seat belts. No smoking.
Just sit back
and leave the driving to me.
Miss Bianca, be sure
it's fastened good and tight.
I can't.
It'll wrinkle my dress.
Say, bud,
read the checklist to me.
Uh, oh, yeah.
Goggles down.
- Check.
- Wing flaps down.
- Tail feathers.
- Double check.
"If at first you don't succeed...
try, try again."
And here we go!
I sure wish
we'd have taken the train.
Oh, I just love takeoffs!
Captain, you fly beautifully.
It's just like being
on a "roller scoater."
- We just went through a red light.
- Oh, I do that all the time, darling.
Now, come on.
Stop worrying.
Come along
Will there be sunshine shinin'
Will we find a silver linin'
Come along
Sing a song
When today becomes tomorrow
Will we find joy or sorrow
Sing a song
Is it wrong
To put all our hopes together
And wish for somethin'better
Is it wrong
To be loved
To face the future
with another
Who means more than any other
Is to be loved
We'll paint the grey clouds
With pretty rainbow hues
And we'll brush the gloom away
And save it for a rainy day
Rainy day
Oh, today
If troubles cast a shadow
And shadows make the sun
afraid to stay
Why, it's okay
'Cause there'll be
sunshine shinin'
And we'll find the silver linin'
Another day
Uh, listen to this.
It says here Devil's Bayou
is uncharted and hazardous.
Each day's operations...
Hmm, interesting.
Must be...
Good night, dear.
Planned with...
care and...
Tomorrow is another day
Good night, Bianca.
How I hope you'll always stay
Penny, answer me!
Snoops, get down here!
W-W-What's up, Medusa?
W-What's going on?
That little brat
has escaped again.
Nero, Brutus,
bring her back, boys.
Why won't it start?
Snoops! What's wrong?
W-W-What's wro... I don't... I don't know.
It was working good yesterday.
Oh, shut up!
Send up flares!
Light up the swamp so I can find her!
Well, folks, we'll be landing
at Devil's Bayou in just a minute.
Your crew thanks you
for flying Albatross Air...
What in the...
Sufferin' sassafras!
My rudder's on fire!
Bail out! Bail out!
Mayday! Mayday!
Sufferin' catfish!
What on earth?
Luke! Luke, wake up!
Luke, get down here!
It's Orville!
Oh, that Orville.
No, Luke, no. He's in trouble!
You get down here right now!
I'm a-comin'.
This new batch
really packs a wallop!
Look out below!
Oh, what a shame.
Here, honey, let me help you.
Say, cousin, you look like
you could use a swig of this.
It's good for what ails ya.
Where are you folks from, anyway?
We're from New Y... New York.
Now, stand back, folks. I ain't gonna
hang around this creepy place long.
Clear the runway!
Great balls of fire!
Holy smoke!
Why don't you
watch where you're goin'!
it's that terrible Medusa.
I'd like to give her a few whacks
with my rollin' pin.
We swamp folks would like to run her
clean out of our bayou.
Hold it. Hold it!
Somebody's comin' this way.
Why did you have to
go and spoil everything?
Nero, don't you dare
get my teddy bear wet.
Oh, it's that poor
little young 'un.
She's tryin' to run away again.
It's Penny.
Oh, how terrible.
Hurry! We've got to find out
where they're taking her!
You'll need a boat. Evinrude's
got the fastest boat around here.
Evinrude, wake up!
Start up your engine, boy!
Send Evinrude back
as soon as you need help.
I'll round up the neighbours!
Evinrude, faster!
You stop that, Brutus.
This fog is awful.
You can't see a thing.
Sl-Slow down, Evinrude.
They gotta be
around here somewhere.
Oh, dear! We've lost them!
Hang on!
Hard to port, Evinrude!
Help me, Bernard!
Help! Bernard!
C-Come on, Evinrude.
Give it all you've got.
Keep trying, Evinrude.
Poor Evinrude.
Your carburettor
is all pooped out.
Bring her right on in, boys.
Come on.
So, you tried to run away.
Well, it didn't work, did it? Huh?
Put me down, Brutus!
Cranky old dragon.
Nice work. Good boys.
W-W-Wait, boys. Steady, boy.
D-D-Down, boys. Heel. Heel!
There, there, Teddy.
I won't let them do that
to you again. Don't cry.
Oh, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Teddy.
Poor Teddy. All she ever thinks
about is that simple bear.
Now, you behave, or I'll let Nero
and Brutus have your old teddy bear.
You will not!
Besides, I'm not scared of'em
like you are, Mr Snoops.
Oh, don't you sass me.
Ah, uh, boys, take this naughty
little girl to her room.
I can go by myself, thank you.
Stick around, Evinrude.
We'll... We'll signal if we need you.
Look out! Here she comes!
Where is she? Where is she?
Ah, eh, w-where is she?
Oh, I-I sent her up to her room.
Why did you let her escape?
What is your alibi this time, nitwit?
Don't blame me, Medusa.
Those leather-headed lizards
of yours, they're supposed
to be patrolling the island.
They let her get away.
Ha! My precious pets.
We know who caught that
ungrateful little brat, don't we, hmm?
It was your brilliant idea to use
the little girl for this caper.
- If you'd left it to me...
- Snoops, you're not thinking.
I know, I know. She's the only one small
enough to squeeze down the black hole.
Yes, but why can't she
find my big diamond?
I don't know, but just look
at these beauties that she
brought up from the cave.
Oh, they'll sell
for a lot of cold cash.
I wish you wouldn't do that.
She's insane. Utterly mad.
I want that diamond.
I've got to have
the Devil's Eye!
You didn't leave the girl
down in the cave long enough.
She won't take orders.
You are too soft.
But the water was rising
and the tide was coming in...
and all she did down there was fuss
about her teddy bear getting wet.
Snoops, you don't have a way
with children.
You must gain their confidence...
make them like you.
Yeah? How do you do that?
You force them
to like you, idiot!
At the next low tide, I am going
to put her down there myself...
and keep her there...
until she finds it.
It is as simple as that.
Oh, it's as simple as that, is it?
Well, you're the boss, boss.
Now come along, petsy-poos.
We gotta get Penny
out of here tonight.
- Bianca, they smell your perfume.
- Oh, dear.
Oh, no!
Miss Bianca!
Let go, you-you-you,
you big bullies, you!
Brutus! Nero!
Stop that infernal racket!
I mean now!
Snoops! Snoops, a mouse!
Oh, kill it, kill it!
Oh, Snoops, kill it!
There is another one!
Oh, what is wrong with this thing?
Snoops! What's wrong?
I don't...
E-E-Evinrude, over here!
Are you...
Are you all right, dear?
Why, she... she tried to kill us.
That, that, that terrible woman!
Oh, if I was only a ten-foot mouse,
I'd show her.
It's... It's no use, Bianca.
Maybe Rufus the cat was right.
Wh-What can two little mice do?
R- E-S-C-U-E
Rescue Aid Society
But, Bernard,
the Society's counting on us.
We can't quit now.
Oh, and that little girl.
We've just got to rescue her.
Rescue Aid Society
Heads held high
Penny dear!
Auntie Medusa
wants to talk to you!
High tide or not...
that little brat is going
to find me that diamond...
or else!
Come in. Come in.
Did you want to see me, ma'am?
Why, yes, my dear.
Don't be so shy.
Now, I am going to let
bygones be bygones.
Do you know what would make
Auntie Medusa very happy?
Yes, you want me
to find that diamond.
That's right, dear!
But I've tried
hard as I could, honest.
Of course you have.
But we must try harder,
mustn't we?
Then please will you take me back
to the orphanage like you promised?
Penny, don't you like it here?
A big, beautiful boat
all to yourself.
But if I don't get back
to the orphanage...
I'll never get 'dopted.
What makes you think
anyone would want...
a homely little girl like you?
Be brave, little one
Make a wish
For each sad little tear
Hold your head up
Though no one is near
Someone's waiting for you
Don't cry, little one
There'll be a smile
Where a frown used to be
You'll be part of the love
that you see
Someone's waiting for you
Always keep a little prayer
In your pocket
And you're sure
to see the light
Soon there'll bejoy
and happiness
And your little world
Will be bright
Have faith, little one
Till your hopes and your wishes
come true
You must try to be brave
Little one
Someone's waiting
To love
Good night, Teddy.
Sleep tight.
Oh, we almost forgot
to say our prayers.
Please bless Rufus and Teddy...
and all the kids at the orphanage...
Jennifer, Bobby, Mary, Julie.
Please let someone find my bottle.
There's a message in it.
Because running away
isn't working. Amen.
Don't worry, Teddy. We'll...
We'll be all right.
Penny. Penny.
Penny... Penny, dear, now don't cry.
We are here to help you.
We... Hi!
Where'd you come from?
We found the bottle
with, with your message,
and we've come to rescue you.
Did you hear that, Teddy?
Our bottle worked!
Didn't you bring
somebody big with you...
like the police?
Uh, no, there's...
there's just the, the two of us.
But if the three of us work together,
and we have a little faith...
That's what Rufus said.
Faith makes things turn out right.
Penny, I know it's late, but we
have to escape tonight, right now.
But I just got caught
by Brutus and Nero.
Look what they did to my pants.
Yeah, and they're, they're still
down there guarding the gangplank.
Oh, those vicious monsters.
They ought to be locked up in a cage.
I know, I know.
Come on. I'll show you.
See there? The elevator.
Oh, it's a perfect cage, Penny.
Great idea.
Now, uh, wha-wha...
what can we use for bait?
Oh, they'll eat anything.
- Yeah, I know.
- I've got it.
My perfume. Remember? They'll follow
the scent right into the elevator.
And I'll slam the door.
And would that make Medusa mad.
Brutus! Nero!
Did you let that little brat
escape again?
You're too soft.
Whap! Whap!
Hey, Penny, that's not bad.
That's exactly like Medusa.
Track her down, boys.
Bring her back.
And we'll be so far ahead,
they'll never catch us.
Wait a minute. She... She might
catch us in, in her swamp-mobile.
We'll swipe it.
I've always wanted to drive it.
What if Medusa wakes up
wh-wh-while we're starting it?
W-We're in trouble.
We've gotta stall 'em somehow.
How 'bout Mr Snoop's fireworks?
We'll shoot 'em off in her bedroom.
That will keep her busy.
Oh, Bernard, it's so exciting.
Perfume, crocs, swamp-mobiles.
It's just got to work.
It's our only chance.
But we're gonna need help.
Snoops! Snoops, get down here!
Uh, what's up, Medusa?
What's going on?
Oh, shut up!
High tide or not...
I bet those two are up to something.
Gee, I don't wanna go down
that awful black hole again.
Don't worry about that, dear.
You must hurry and get dressed.
Come on.
We haven't got much time.
E-Evinrude? Uh, up here.
W-We need help.
G-Go get Ellie Mae.
An-And hurry!
Are you ready to help rescue
that little young 'un?
- Sure enough, Ellie Mae.
- Hallelujah!
Luke! On your feet,
you lazy critter!
Shucks, Ellie Mae. I was just a-waitin'
for someone to holler "charge"!
Dagnab it. Let's cut out the jawin'
and get a-goin'!
When old Gramps gets het up,
his nose gets plumb out of joint.
Take it easy, Gramps.
We gotta stay here till Evinrude
brings us word from them mice.
If'n that bug don't get here soon...
they'll put that poor little girl
down the black hole again.
All right, you little brat. Now, you
are gonna go down in that hole...
and you are gonna dig till you find me
the diamond. You understand that?
And no sassing me.
Ah-ah-ah. Snoops,
that is no way to speak...
to our little Miss Penny.
What? Oh.
Okay, boss, okay.
Now, my dear...
you're going to find
the big, shiny diamond...
for your Auntie Medusa.
Aren't you?
Teddy doesn't like it down there.
He's afraid.
Aren't you, Teddy?
Aw. Poor Teddy.
I'll just keep him up here with me,
where he'll be safe.
Give me back my teddy bear!
He's mine! He's mine!
You get down there
and find the big diamond...
or you will never see
that Teddy again!
All right, all right.
I'll go.
Boss, you really
got a way with kids.
Don't worry, Teddy.
I won't be gone long.
I'll find her old diamond.
Oh, what a dreadful,
frightening place.
Yeah, it used to be
a pirates' cave.
How do you know that, Penny?
- Him.
- Ah! Oh, dear!
Come on, girls. Let's-Let's look for
that diamond so we can get out of here.
Oh, I looked there already.
Medusa doesn't want
those little ones.
What... What's...
What's... What's... What's that?
That's where the water comes in.
Ooh, I'm afraid to go over there.
Well, if I was a pirate...
that's just where I'd hide
the Devil's Eye.
I'll, uh, I'll...
I'll go over and check it out.
Uh, come...
C-Come to think of it...
if I was a pirate, I wouldn't
hide anything back there.
Bernard, look!
I can see something.
Come on.
- Come on. Let's see what it is.
- No, no, Bianca.
You... You stay here.
I'll see if I can find
a safe way over.
- Bianca!
- Oh! Hang on!
- Help!
- I'm coming!
- What are you doing down there?
- I'm looking.
Well, look faster.
P-Penny, hold,
hold your lantern up again.
- Holy mackerel. That... That's it.
- The Devil's Eye.
Penny, we found it!
We found it!
Medusa, I found it!
Let me look.
Let me look, Medusa!
Back! Ah, good girl.
Good girl, good girl!
Let's get it up here.
Look, it won't go through.
I can't get it out.
- What's taking so long?
- It's stuck tight.
Stuck tight?
You get that diamond,
or you'll never see daylight again!
No, no, back! Back, Penny!
Oh, Penny, you'll fall!
For... Forget the, the diamond.
Let's get out of here before we drown.
The water's coming in.
Please pull me up.
Not until you get the diamond.
Penny, the... the pirate sword.
Use the sword.
Penny! Penny, help!
I've got it! I've got it!
Hurry! P-Pull me up!
Faster, Snoops. Faster.
- Pulling as fast as I can.
- Ahhh!
At last!
The Devil's Eye!
It's worth millions!
Just look at it.
Filled with power...
for its owner.
May I look at it?
Hey, that wasn't a very good look.
But I know that there's enough there
to cut it into two equal shares.
You idiot!
Cut up a perfect gem?
And it's mine. It's all mine.
All yours? Half of it is mine,
you double-crossing crook!
- Put me down, Brutus!
- It's mine! It's all mine!
Cheap pickpocket.
Cheap crook!
Land's sakes!
It's Evinrude!
Oh, well, sure is a mess.
Where in tarnation you been, boy?
- What's happening?
- Do they want us now?
- Where are they?
- They're on the boat?
Speak up, boy.
Buck up! We mustn't be
quitting now, must we?
Stand back!
Give poor Evinrude some air!
He's plumb tuckered out.
Here, son, this'll make
a new bug outta you.
Charge! Ya-hoo!
We're gonna have us
a ripsnortin' fight.
Yee-hoo! Charge!
Where'd everybody go?
I don't need any help
from anybody!
Charge! Ya-hoo!
Welsher! Swindler! Chiseller!
Shut up, Snoops, and don't move.
If either of you
try to follow me...
you'll get blasted!
You give me my teddy bear.
You promised.
Teddy goes with me, my dear.
I've become quite attached...
to him.
My diamond!
My diamond!
Look out!
Oh, please start.
Advance the spark.
Not the horn, the spark lever.
Digger, hold this.
It's that doohickey
on the steering wheel.
You... You...
and your infernal fireworks!
You... You...
Oh, you dunderhead!
We're not getting any gas.
Fill her up, Luke.
Hurry. All of it!
Look out! The riverboat!
- We did it, Bianca!
- Hooray! Oh, Bernard!
Bernard, you're wonderful!
- We did it!
- We got her!
We sure showed that Medusa!
There goes...
my diamond!
And because of a courageous
little girl named Penny...
the world's largest diamond,
the Devil's Eye...
is now in the Smithsonian Institute.
But what's even
more important, folks...
this little orphan's dream
has come true.
Today she's being adopted.
And here she is
with her new mother and father.
For Penny's a jolly good fellow
For Penny's a jolly good fellow
From Morningside Orphanage
She's got a new mom and dad
Hooray for her mom and dad
- For Penny's a jolly good fellow
- Bernard, I am so happy for Penny.
Yeah, so y-you might say that...
that Penny, uh, brought us together.
You are a darling.
Penny, you were a brave little girl
to do what you did all by yourself.
Oh, I didn't do it
all by myself.
Two little mice from
the Rescue Aid Society helped me.
Mice? Rescue Aid Society?
Yes, they rescued me.
Uh, could I say hello to them?
Hello, Bianca!
Hi, Bernard!
You can talk to these little mice?
All the time.
Mice can talk like anybody.
Didn't you know that?
Well, uh, I didn't,
but I do now, Penny.
Evinrude, what are you doing here?
It's another call for help.
Here, uh, uh...
you're gonna need some volunteers.
B-But, B-Bianca, we just...
Oh, Bernard, adventure, thrills...
intrigue, travel, exotic places.
Oh, come on, darling. Let's go.
I sure wish we'd have taken the train.
Tomorrow is another day
How I hope you'll always stay
Tomorrow is another day