The Return of Count Yorga (1971)

Cynthia, everyone's waiting.
For what?
- The songs, child.
- Oh.
Oh, excuse me.
Stop that laughing. You were
to rehearse the children
once more before this
evening's entertainment.
- Oh, no, I forgot.
- Is anything wrong?
- Listen.
- What?
The wind.
There isn't any.
You're not listening.
It's faint, but it's there.
Yes, now I hear them.
I wish you hadn't made me.
- You know what they are?
- Yes. The winds of Santa Ana.
And if I weren't totally
certain of our beloved Almighty
they would scare
the life from me.
- You're frightened of the winds?
- I didn't say that.
My only fear is God.
How long before they get here?
Within the day, I imagine.
But who knows.
They come and go
as if to intentionally
catch you off guard.
We better get back
before the little atoms
destroy the orphanage.
Have you seen Tommy?
No. Why?
Rise, my children.
It is time.
The time has come.
When all the world
Hears this song
They will want to sing
Right along
Sing of the sunshine We'll find
When we leave
The rain clouds behind
Tralalala Tralalalalaia
We'll find the sunshine
When we leave the rain behind
When all the world
Hears this song
They will want to sing
Right along
Sing of the treats
We will find...
Tralalala Tralalalalaia
We'll love each other
And we'll leave the words behind
When all the world
Hears this song
They will want to sing
Right along
Sing of the joys We will find
When we love all of mankind
Tralalala Tralalalalaia
Tra la la la la la la
La la la la la la
And think of the joys
We will find
When we leave
The rain clouds behind
Tralalala Tralalalalaia
We'll find the sunshine
When we leave the rain behind
Damn it. Damn it.
Damn the winds, damn
the bridge, damn everything.
You're much
too attractive to be so bitter.
You startled me.
Forgive me.
I am Count Yorga.
Count Yorga?
You mean a real count?
Oh. How marvelous.
- And that isn't a costume?
- No.
Oh. Forgive me,
that was thoughtless.
- Not at all.
- Yes, it was.
I'm Cynthia Nelson.
How do you do?
How were you able to get here
with the bridge out?
I flew.
No, really.
I recently acquired
the old Gateway Mansion.
You're kidding! Then we're
practically neighbors.
I love that place.
Whenever I can't sleep,
I often jump in my car
and drive there
just to look at it.
- Yes, I know.
- Oh?
You look magnificently beautiful
in the moonlight.
Shall we go inside?
- Bravo!
- Bravo!
Very good.
Jason and I are getting married.
Jason, wonderful!
Jennifer dear, have Marie put
the children to bed right away.
No, no! It's much too late.
They can have
their party tomorrow.
- When?
- Soon.
- Where have you been? Hi.
- Hi.
My sister and Jason
are getting married.
- You're kidding.
- No!
- Congratulations!
- Thank you.
- Let's go tell my folks.
- Okay.
Do you like this kind of music?
Only when played well.
Cynthia! Cynthia,
have you seen Mitzi?
No, Joe, I haven't.
Hey, Claret!
Oh, this party's a bust.
Our daughter is marrying a toad.
- Oh.
- Terrific.
Ah, here you are.
David, this is Count Yorga.
The new owner
of Gateway Mansion.
This is David Baldwin,
a psychiatrist
and adored fianc.
How do you do?
I was just telling David
how the Santa Ana winds
may have had something to do
with the bridge collapsing.
Well, perhaps
the count isn't familiar...
The winds of Santa Ana
are world famous.
How do you do?
We haven't met.
I'm Reverend Thomas.
Count Yorga.
Reverend Thomas is
in charge of the orphanage.
It's a pleasure, Reverend.
And this is Jennifer,
without whose help
the orphanage would collapse.
How marvelous!
How is it
you know sign language?
When you've lived as long as I
you gather a bit
of knowledge along the way.
How absolutely marvelous.
- Hey, Moses.
- Coming!
Well, hurry it up.
We need the hard stuff.
Excuse me.
I hope we can talk later.
That would be nice.
- Are you coming?
- Yes, yes! Coming!
- She wants you to dance.
- Oh, yeah?
He's mine.
Would you care for some punch?
No. No, thank you.
How long have you been
at the orphanage?
Most of my life.
- And have you never traveled?
- Yes.
I visited a few places,
but I keep coming back.
This is as close to purity
as I can get.
Purity? Purity of what?
Love. Life.
That matters to you?
Yes. Very much so.
Unfortunately, I find it
difficult to evaluate
life and love
on the basis of purity.
However, truth.
Cold unemotional truth...
One's loss of innocence
holds it.
Excuse me.
I should be telling you
over and over again
how elegantly beautiful you are.
Instead, my cynical philosophy
jumps to defend itself.
An old Bulgarian cure.
Time for the winner!
Time for the winner!
Gather around, please.
Come, come.
- Gather around, please.
- Mitzi!
I can't remember
when I've had such fun.
You must live
a very exciting life.
Oh, another vampire.
- Where are your fangs?
- Where are your manners?
The winner of the best costume
for this evening's
festivities is...
- Cynthia?
- Wait a minute, Reverend!
- Cynthia...
- Tommy.
- I can't sleep.
- You can't?
You see? It's the winds.
Can I stay at
your house tonight?
- Bad dreams?
- I don't know.
- I just can't sleep.
- Sure you can.
Go on and get ready.
Jennifer will take you
to the house in her car.
- Thank you.
- Good night.
The winner is...
...Michael Farmer
as Count Dracula.
Sorry, old buddy.
Wouldn't it he something
if vampires did exist?
Are you kidding?
I'd love it.
- They do.
- David.
No, they do. Not in the
classical sense, of course
but there are those
who thirst for blood.
- Thrive on it, in fact.
- He's right.
There might be
a few isolated cases
where some have used it
in ceremonies, but...
Why do you discount
the possibility
of a classical vampire?
Oh, come on! Well, even
to consider it is absurd.
Twentieth century,
man on the moon, remember?
Well, you are joking
with us, aren't you?
Well, let me point out
that nobody has ever seen one.
Perhaps, you haven't.
But there are scores of people
all over the world who have.
- Have you?
- Yes.
- David.
- I'm sorry.
You don't expect me
to take him seriously, do you?
Mr. Baldwin, I suggest
you seriously anticipate
the possibility of anything.
One never knows when one might
encounter some of the more
unusual truths
that exist in our world.
Hold it!
Ah! Ah! Oh! Oh! Come!
What is it?
What is it?
What happened?
- Mitzi?
- What happened?
- Mitzi.
- Is she all right?
Did you see it happen?
No, when I came in she...
Well, I found her like this.
please stand back.
Please don't crowd!
Shouldn't we
call a doctor?
- Joe, did she drink much?
- No. Maybe two.
- What's that mark there?
- Where?
- On her throat.
- I don't know.
Wait a minute.
She's coming to.
Mitzi, how do you feel?
Mitzi, can you
tell us what happened?
All right, all right now.
Just relax.
Everything's going to be fine.
Take it easy.
You too?
Well, you have to admit
that something's odd
if all three of us
are this edgy.
Oh, all I'm asking is why.
What is it?
- A feeling.
- That's right.
- Oh, come on!
- It's a feeling.
Oh, boy, I tell you!
Marcia, I think we raised
ourselves a couple of scared? cats.
- I'm on their side.
- Oh, I forgot.
- Listen.
- What?
I grant you that night winds
do stir the imagination.
But you three are behaving
like summertime in the ghetto.
Don't you sense a strangeness?
An unwanted curiosity?
Unwanted curiosity?
Now what
kind of talk is that?
Something's out there.
I better secure
those shutters upstairs.
- No, Bill.
- Oh, honey.
- Don't leave us.
- Oh, come on, honey.
you're trembling.
Listen, Ellen, go get
your mother a shawl
and I want you to wake Tommy,
and bring Jennifer in here.
Tommy, darling,
couldn't you sleep?
- No.
- Come here.
Sit beside me.
Cynthia, give Tommy
some hot chocolate.
- Sure.
- There. How's that?
Now, you just relax
and the hot chocolate
will make you sleep.
Now I'm getting jittery.
- Oh!
- Father!
- Ah! Damn!
- Bill!
Get him into
the kitchen, and wash it.
How did that
damn thing open?
- I thought I'd locked it.
- Are you all right?
I'll just take a
little water, please.
I wish I knew what it was that
you all made me so afraid of.
Marcia, I'm going
to take a look around outside.
- Bill, please stay, don't leave.
- No, daddy, don't go. Please.
What's the matter?
All right, take it easy.
Take it easy.
- Is anything wrong?
- No, darling, nothing's wrong.
Where's Jennifer?
Oh, no! No!
No! No!
This is Count Yorga.
I want you to relax.
Relax completely.
Permitting the innermost
resources of the mind and spirit
to open with unguarded trust.
You are to forget everything
that occurred
in your home this evening.
It will he wiped
from your memory forever.
All you will remember
is an automobile accident.
An accident that occurred
in front of my home.
And that we,
you and I, are
Who's that?
Count Yorga.
Thank you for taking care of me.
It was very kind.
Will I be all right?
The doctor wants you
to rest here for a few days.
Till you gain strength.
My family?
I notified them.
They'll be by tomorrow.
Poor mother.
She's frightened
of the least little scratch.
May I call them?
Not now.
It's late.
For now, sleep and get well.
We'll talk tomorrow.
Thank you.
Good night.
Good night.
I'd like for you
and the boy to wait here.
- I'll stay with them.
- All right.
She says that window was broken.
There were others,
but that one she remembers.
That's been there
for a long time.
She says what
she tells us is true.
There were mutilated
bodies in this room
drenched in blood.
God help us.
A letter to Jennifer.
"Dear Jenny. We received
word that a relative of ours
is critically ill,
so we had to rush."
She says it's a lie.
" we had to rush.
"We'll be back in a few days.
We'll call later.
"Love to you, the reverend,
and the children.
Tell the gentlemen
what we saw this morning.
Tommy, do you know
where the Nelsons are?
They went away.
- Where to?
- I don't know.
Why didn't you tell us
this before, Tommy?
The boy was sleeping.
Why would they leave
you alone, Tommy?
Why didn't they take you
back to the orphanage?
I don't know.
She thinks
the boy must he in shock.
- Did you see them leave?
- Mm-hm.
Now what?
I'm sorry, but we have
to assume everything's okay.
There's no evidence
to the contrary.
Nothing makes sense.
There's discrepancies,
that's for sure.
Jennifer says she saw
massacred bodies, Tommy says no.
I'd hardly call that
a discrepancy.
One or the other
is an insane liar!
How do you accept
a story like Jennifer's?
Question is,
can we afford not to?
Why wouldn't
Cynthia call the reverend
if they were leaving?
Or tell Jennifer? She lives
in the same house.
I answered that one.
It was late, and they probably
thought the boy would tell them.
Are you sure Cynthia never
mentioned having relatives?
Uh-huh. Even
the reverend was surprised.
He never heard of any either.
I feel
so bloody helpless.
Jason, what do you know
about this Count Yorga?
Only that
he's some madman
who believes
in vampires. Why?
Well, I was
just thinking about Mitzi.
Remember those
marks on her throat?
Oh, now, wait a minute.
You're not thinking what I
think you're thinking, are you?
Well, what else
do we have to follow up on?
You better go visit
one of your colleagues.
Jason, of course I'm not
saying I believe in vampires.
But we've got
to begin somewhere.
We can't just disregard
Jennifer's story altogether.
We've got to go
on the assumption
that Jennifer's story is true.
I agree, but I mean,
don't tell me
you're thinking
in terms of vampires.
we don't know, do we?
Well, I mean.
Maybe Count Yorga is right.
Maybe they do exist.
You ever heard
of Professor Rightstat?
He's devoted his life
researching folklore
and the occults.
Well, for 30 years
I've been battling
the impenetrable mystique
that enshrouds
that fabled domain.
I've seen the tatters
of their desiccated flesh,
clinging to wooden stakes
wedged deep
between their
ancient crumbling ribs.
Why, I once saw a little child
clutching its slashed throat
ripped loose
by razor-edged fangs.
- Professor...
- Time, time and again
I've offered my life to prove
vampirism to the world.
Professor Rightstat, would you
help me investigate Count Yorga?
Uh, Professor Rightstat?
- I said, would you help me?
- Kelp you?
Uh, no.
Help me. Would you help me?
- Oh, help you!
- Yes.
Uh, with what?
Investigate Count Yorga.
Yoga? Oh, no, no, no!
No, I don't believe in yoga.
Oh, sheer poppycock.
Tried it once about,
oh, 40 years ago.
Got caught in one of those
damned locust positions.
Took three men
to unwind my body.
Well, what's that got
to do with vampires?
You haven't read my book.
Come on, let me play.
Come on, Tommy.
Give me the ball.
I must be
allowed this experience.
I must find out if I can
recapture this emotion
so long kept from me.
You're a fool.
When she discovers what you are
she'll sicken at your name.
She will loathe you.
Kill her.
If you do not, you may
never see another moon.
You must not allow her to live.
Kill her.
Kill her.
Kill her.
I found
these clothes. I...
I hope you don't mind.
Not at all.
What matters is that
you look most beautiful
in what you chose to wear.
Thank you.
Whose are they?
To whom
their belong is unimportant.
Thank you, Brudda.
- You're not eating?
- No.
Brudda told me you were
walking about today.
Oh, yes, it was lovely.
You really shouldn't, you know?
Rest is necessary.
But I-I feel marvelous,
thanks to you.
In fact, I was thinking
about going home tonight.
- Oh?
- Yes, I...
I wanted to call
my mother and father,
but I couldn't find a phone.
Good night, Cynthia.
Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. I really have
enjoyed working for you tonight.
And now I would like to
introduce our next performer
who I know you're going to dig
a lot, Miss Theresa Jordon.
Oh, there are things
about this world
We cannot see or comprehend
Yet they are there
Yes they are there
Think it over, think it over
And then think it over
Once again
Far beyond the mist
Where life is lived
What's the matter, Joe?
I don't like the way you look.
- Let's get you to bed.
- I'll be all right.
- What the hell's that now?
- A fuse?
No, probably a loose wire.
- I can manage, Joe.
- You sure?
No! No!
No! No!
Is that you?
Who is it?
Who is it?
Who's there?
Stop it!
Stop it! Please.
Cynthia! Cynthia!
Cynthia! Cynthia!
Cynthia! Cynthia! Cynthia!
Cynthia! Cynthia! Cynthia!
Cynthia! Cynthia! Cynthia!
Stop it!
Stop it!
Help! Help me!
Help. Please!
Oh, no.
Now, Tommy,
for the last time,
what were you doing
at Count Yorga's house?
I told you, Reverend Thomas,
I wasn't there.
I've never been there.
Why would Jennifer say you were
if you weren't?
I don't know.
I just went for a walk
like I always do.
Why would I lie?
- Why would Jennifer lie?
- I don't know, sir.
But I sure wish she'd stop
accusing me of things.
I like her and all that, but...
Jennifer, are you sure, dear?
Are you all right, Tommy?
Yes, sir. It only hurt
a little bit.
Jennifer, I'm sorry,
but I have to ask you this.
Do you think you might've
imagined these things?
Could it have been a dream?
She says, "Your Ellen is dead.
They are all dead."
Sure wish
she wouldn't talk like that.
Those are terrible things
to say.
Tommy, you better go to bed now.
It's very late.
Yes, sir. Good night.
Good night, Jenny,
and no hard feelings.
Do you know what a vampire is?
No, sir.
What was that for?
David thinks Yorga might be
a vampire.
I'm going to see
Lieutenant Madden.
I'll come with you.
- That's preposterous.
- No, you stay here.
Reverend, can Jason
sleep here tonight?
I'd like him to hang around
and keep watch, just in case.
Yes, of course.
- Okay?
- But vampire?
Keep this with you.
- Oh, come...
- Please!
A vampire?
- How well did you know him?
- A little.
Madden, I've got to talk to you.
Sure, go ahead.
I want to take a blood sample.
I can't do that.
What do you want it for?
- I want to check for something.
- For what?
Human saliva.
You know, there's definitely
signs of a female
having been around the boat.
How informative.
Show me a boat that doesn't have
signs of a female.
What are you looking to prove?
You wouldn't believe me.
Look, Baldwin,
I'm just as bugged with
Jennifer's story as you are.
And I'm willing to
break a few rules,
but give me a decent reason.
And it better be a good one
or forget it.
What the hell are you doing?
I'm on a homicide and you're
playing games with me.
I'm not playing games.
Lieutenant, I know
I can't hack it up.
Oh, really? I wonder why.
Look, just give me
the blood sample
and I'll leave you alone.
No. Vampires.
Well, what do you think
killed him?
Don't tell me, does it fly?
You saw his neck,
you saw his face.
He could be your twin brother,
you wouldn't recognize him.
I know it's only-
I'm sorry, Baldwin,
I got to say no.
All right, let's keep it moving.
Get out!
Tommy, what are you doing up?
You won't get mad if I tell you
something, will you?
- Promise?
- I promise.
I did go to Count Yorga's
like Jennifer said.
Well, why didn't you
tell us that before?
I don't know.
Ellen's there.
- Ellen?
- Mm-hm.
Want me to take you there?
No! No!
The boy.
Hello, Jason darling.
Ellen. My God!
What's happened?
Have you missed your Ellen?
You're frightened.
You don't love
your Ellen any more.
Ellen, stop it!
Stop it!
Come in, Cynthia.
Why do you hold me here?
I've recovered my strength.
Why do you keep me?
Cynthia, I have survived
many, many years.
Count Yorga.
New you appear.
The most fragile emotion
ever known has entered my life.
The one I must fear the most.
It will surely threaten
my ability to survive.
You, Cynthia,
have brought to my life
a gentle pain
which I can only define as love.
Can you love me?
I could destroy you.
Or turn you
into the living dead.
Or let you go.
Let me go.
Relax completely.
You take this?
Yes, sir.
Count Yorga was in that picture.
Who's Count Yorga?
The man I suspect
of being a vampire.
You still on that kick?
What do you mean, he was in it?
He was in the middle
of that group
when that picture was taken.
Where is he now?
That's just it.
We don't know.
Maybe flew away.
He was there when I took it.
And when I developed it,
he wasn't.
You always develop pictures?
He was standing right there.
He raised his arm over his head,
as though he didn't want me
to take it.
And everybody looked at him,
as they're doing there.
Now, will you believe me?
Okay. We'll take it to the lab
and check it out.
Damn it, Madden,
what's to check out?
There's no time.
Let's go to Yorga's
and at least talk to him.
David, surely
you can't believe...
That picture proves something.
I don't believe in vampires
either, but it's possible.
It is possible, isn't it?
I mean, nobody
has proven otherwise, have they?
Yes, Reverend?
Boys, have either of you
seen Jennifer?
- No, sir.
- Not me, sir.
All right, you can go.
We were idiots to have
waited so long.
Jennifer, God bless her.
She did all she could
to warn us.
Just hope we're not too late
for the others.
Take it easy.
We're not even sure
they're there.
They're there.
And when we talk to this
Yorga guy, no accusations.
What are you saying?
We can't let him know
we're there.
If he should be a vampire...
Get off that kick, will you?
Madden, please,
even if you don't go along
with my hunch,
at least give it a try.
We can't let him know
we're there. He'll beat us.
You're asking me
to enter illegally?
At a time like this
even Jesus Christ
would fabricate his intentions.
Lieutenant, please, let's do it
my way. Why take chances?
And what's your way?
Let Reverend Thomas
go to the front door
and work his way in.
Do something
to keep the Count occupied.
Talk about fund-raising
or some damn thing.
I don't know.
Anything to distract him.
While we find another way in
and search the place.
That's a very ingenious plan.
Reverend Thomas,
what a pleasant surprise.
Excuse me, Count Yorga,
it's so very late,
I do hope you don't mind.
Not at all.
Please, don't get up.
Thank you.
Make yourself comfortable.
This is, uh...
This is very kind of you
to give your time like this.
You seem distressed?
I do?
Oh, I suppose I am a little.
Excuse me, Reverend.
But it's such a lovely evening.
I thought you might enjoy
a stroll in the garden.
We could discuss your problem
under more
pleasant circumstances.
Oh, I'd like that very much,
very much indeed.
To he blunt, I'm in search of
philanthropic assistance.
Well, then, you've come
to the right place.
What are you doing?
These will be our only weapons.
- You're kidding?
- No, I'm not kidding.
Now, if he comes at you,
you put these two sticks
like so.
He's afraid of crosses.
You're nuts, you know that?
Maybe. Here.
- Here's yours.
- Get out of here.
I'm telling you
they'll be your only protection.
I don't want
two pieces of sticks.
You'll make a cross out them.
I don't care if you make
a star of David out of them...
Take them.
- Come on, Madden.
- Take the sticks.
Look, if I have to hold
two pieces of wood, so do you.
Now, you're sure
you don't want to go with us?
No, we'll cover more ground
if we separate. Let's go.
All right. All right.
Now, don't forget,
no playing a hero.
The first one
that finds the vampire,
- screams his ass off.
- Right.
Chief, he's got you
believing that stuff.
Come on-
$20,000. I can't
tell you how deeply moved I am.
It's my pleasure.
I'll draw a check for you
when we return to the house.
$20,000, I can't believe it.
That's the largest donation
the orphanage has ever received.
It's purely a selfish gesture
on my part, I assure you.
For I believe that the helping
of unfortunate children
cleanses lane's soul.
Don't you think?
Yes, I do. Most definitely.
I hope so.
- Don't push.
- Who's pushing?
Would you care to hear
something amusing?
There's been talk
of your being a vampire.
The whole thing is
utterly ridiculous, of course.
Of course.
You have a rather
strange garden.
I really must apologize.
I haven't had the opportunity
to give it much care.
I've been here
such a short time.
I somehow like it this way.
Wild, unkempt.
It gives you a free feeling.
Count, would you help me please?
I've hit a loose spot.
Count Yorga, please?
I'm having difficulty, please?
Count Yorga,
in heaven's name, please?
You led me to this.
This was your purpose.
In the name of God, man, please?
You devil! You vampire!
You never intended
donating that money.
You sick, tormented monster!
You'll never get away with this.
There, there, you madman!
How do you like that?
Chief, I sure would like
to get the hell out of here.
Yeah? Thought you didn't believe
in vampires.
Wait a second.
Hey, you down there.
We'd like to talk to you.
What the hell are you doing?
Well, let's talk to them,
they might know something.
Yeah, what've we got to lose?
Now, please, don't be nervous
or frightened.
We're not here to harm you.
We're from the police department
and just want to ask
a few questions.
I'm Lieutenant Madden
and this here is my assistant,
Sergeant O'Connor.
And I don't think this
was a very good idea.
Anyway, I must warn you
that the law states
that anything you might say
may he used against you.
And so forth and like it goes.
Chief, I think
we ought to split.
Yes. Good.
What are we
running for?
'Cause we're scared!
Where have you been?
What the hell did you
get us into?
Come on, I can't find Cynthia.
Look out!
- Boy, I think we're in trouble.
- Oh, really?
Thank God.
Thank God you're all right.
Is your family here?
- I don't know.
- Come on.
This place is endless.
Oh, my God!
Easy now.
Hold it right there.
Keep your hands in sight.
I've got to warn you.
We're prepared to open fire.
Oh, my God!
Now do you believe
in vampires?
How do you get out
of this place?
- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I guess so.
Hang on, I'll try
to find a way in.
- O'Connor! O'Connor!
- No!
How are you holding up?
Come on, there's got to
be a way out somewhere.
Dr. Baldwin.
This is Count Yorga.
You are going to die.
You are going to die
a most horrible death.
You've been a fool, Doctor.
And now you are to die.
Let her go, Yorga!
Yorga, do you hear me?
Let her go!
Stop it!