The Return of the Living Dead (1985)

Hey, Frank! Let's wrap it up and go home.
What do you say?
I got another hour's work to do.
The kid'll stay, and I'll show him the ropes.
Okay. Lock up for me before you go?
Fourth of July weekend, buddy boy.
Got to move.
Yeah. You have a nice Fourth,
and I'll see you Sunday at the barbecue.
You'd better believe it.
I'll be there with bells on.
Kid, I wanna tell you something,
and I mean this sincerely.
No matter what happens,
don't name it after me.
Take it easy, Frank.
That Burt's a joker.
- Freddy, follow me and learn something.
- Okay.
We got an order here from
the St. Louis University Medical School.
They want two adult female skeletons
with perfect teeth.
That's a 2-AF-PT.
So you come over here to the "A" section.
That's "A" for adult, see?
Then that's divided up into two sections.
That's divided into the "M" for male
and the "F" for...
- Female.
- Good boy. Now the "PT."
Suppose you think that's "pretty tough."
But no, that's...
- Perfect teeth.
- Very good.
Now you get some excelsior over there
and lay it in that crate.
Make a nice little beddy-bye
for this little lady.
Good work. We want her to be comfortable.
Now help me get her in. Grab her legs.
Now you get some of that
Styrofoam popcorn, spread it all around.
Don't be stingy.
Uncle Burt's paying for this.
More, Freddy. Okay, that's fine.
Now spread it around. That's right.
- You're doing very nice work.
- Thanks.
You'll be fine in the warehouse business.
- Where do we get all these skeletons?
- They come from India.
- India?
- International treaty.
All skeletons come from India.
- No kidding. How come?
- How the hell do I know?
The important question is, where do they
get all the skeletons with perfect teeth?
I'm going to ask you a serious question.
How many people you know die...
with a beautiful, perfect
set of choppers in their puss?
Nobody I can think of.
No. I think there's a skeleton farm
over in India.
Come on, kid. Follow your uncle here.
Here we go. I don't have to tell you
what these are for.
Here we've got the prosthetic devices,
all around here.
- Look under there. Wheelchairs.
- Right. These are great.
Here's something you don't see very often.
You're a privileged person.
These are split dogs
for veterinarian schools.
- We get a lot of orders for split dogs.
- That's really rad.
Don't fool around, you're learning.
Over here, Freddy,
is where we keep the fresh cadavers.
We sell these to medical schools
and to the US Army for ballistic tests.
Say hello.
We usually got more inventory than this...
but we're expecting a shipment on Monday.
How many bodies are in here usually?
You don't want to be overstocked.
Like the restaurant business...
you don't want your inventory
to lose its freshness.
Tell you what I'll do, kid. Teach you
how to fill out these shipping forms.
Look alive.
- We gonna party tonight or what?
- We are gonna party.
- Where we gonna party?
- I don't know. Somewhere.
We can go to the park.
We can't. The cops will
shoot us if we go back to the park.
- I ain't in no mood to die tonight.
- I like death.
- I like death with sex. And you, Casey?
- Yeah, so fuck off and die.
When we gonna party tonight, Tina?
That'd be rad, but I have to meet Freddy
when he's done work.
- Where you supposed to meet him?
- At this medical supply warehouse.
No, he got a job? What a dick.
Shit, why didn't you say so?
Why don't we all go pick Freddy up?
He always knows
where there's a place to party.
Yeah, kid?
What's the weirdest thing
you ever saw in here?
I have seen weird things come,
and I have seen weird things go.
But the weirdest thing I ever saw
just had to cap it all.
Yeah? What's that?
Let me ask you a question, kid.
Did you see that movie
Night of the Living Dead?
That's the one where the corpses
start eating the people, right?
Sure. What about it?
Did you know that movie
was based on a true case?
Come on, you're shitting me, right?
I've never been more serious in my life.
That's not possible. They showed
zombies taking over the world.
They changed it all around.
What really happened was...
back in 1969, in Pittsburgh,
at the VA hospital...
there was a chemical spill...
and all that stuff leaked down
into the morgue...
and it made all the dead bodies
jump around as though it was alive.
- What chemical?
- 245-Trioxin, it's called.
It was to spray on marijuana or something.
And the Darrow Chemical Company
was trying to develop it for the army.
And they told
the guy who made the movie...
that if he told the true story,
they'd just sue his ass off.
So he changed all the facts around.
What really happened?
They closed it all down...
and the army shipped
all that contaminated dirt...
and all those dead bodies out.
And they kept it a secret.
How come you know about it?
A typical army fuck-up.
The transportation department got
the orders crossed...
and they shipped those bodies here...
instead of to the Darrow Chemical Company.
Hi, honey.
No, I'll be home in about an hour.
You keep the pot roast hot, okay?
Sure, I love you too, honey.
Yeah. Kiss, kiss.
Wanna see them?
- See them?
- The corpses.
What are you talking about?
- They're down in the basement.
- No.
- Come on.
- No way.
Mind the third step. It's a bitch.
They just brought the bodies here
and left them?
You know the army.
- They've been here all this time?
- 14 years, as I recall.
No kidding?
There they are.
There's bodies in there?
Shit. Look at that.
- You say that thing was alive?
- So they say.
Oh, God.
- Do these things leak?
- Hell, no.
These things were made
by the US Army Corps of Engineers.
- Hello, dear. How was your day?
- The usual, crap.
I'm sorry.
- What's for dinner?
- Your favorite, lamb chops.
I had them for lunch.
It's me checking in
from Station 3 at 1600...
make that 1601 hours.
I'll be home all evening. Right.
It's nerve-racking to live
around that equipment all the time.
They have to be able to reach me
24 hours a day, wherever I am.
- You know that.
- All that microwave stuff affects my oven.
When we find them,
you can have it taken out.
- But when will you find them?
- Christ, Ethel, I don't know.
Maybe we'll never find them.
We've been through all this before.
They could be anywhere.
- Where the fuck are we going?
- To party.
To pick up Freddy.
- What the fuck is Freddy up to these days?
- He got a job.
- No shit? What job?
- He's a stockroom clerk.
That sounds like a shitty job.
It isn't the President of the US,
but he makes money to buy stuff.
- Maybe he'll buy something from me.
- He don't like your kind of stuff, Suicide.
How come you guys only come by
when you need a ride?
'Cause you one spooky motherfucker.
You think I'm spooky?
What the fuck do you think you are?
- Man, what a hideous, ugly place.
- I like it. It's a statement.
- Come on, let's go get the prick.
- No.
- Why not?
- It might freak out his boss.
That's not nice.
What does he think we are,
weird or something?
- What time does Freddy get off?
- 10:00.
- I ain't sittin' here two fuckin' hours.
- We could go drive around.
- I don't got gas. You wanna buy some?
- I was kidding.
- We could go fool around in there.
- You mean that cemetery?
Let's do that.
What do you want to do,
turn over gravestones?
No, I just want to look around
the graveyard.
I ain't never seen one before.
- You never been to a funeral?
- I never knew nobody that died.
I don't think this is a good idea.
- What's that?
- Road flares, ass-wipe.
- What do you want with those?
- I just want to party.
What are the road flares for?
This place is a mess.
- It looks like your pad, Scuz.
- I heard that.
Are you okay, kid?
I don't know. I don't feel so good.
Christ, what a stink.
- What the hell happened to the body?
- It must have melted when it hit the air.
Close the goddamn thing.
Christ, I never smelled anything
like that before.
I think I'm gonna be sick.
I don't guess
we'd better tell Burt about this.
- It makes us look stupid or something.
- I can still smell that stuff.
It must be in my nose
or all over everything.
I'd better spray some deodorant
around here.
What was that?
Sounds like a dog.
A dog?
Wait a second. Listen. You hear that?
What the hell's going on here?
What's wrong with him?
- What are we gonna do?
- We're gonna kill it!
What are you doing? Stop!
- Are we fucked? What's happening?
- The cadaver.
- What's it doing in there?
- I don't know. It sounds sore.
- What are we going to do?
- Lock it in.
Hurry! Jesus Christ!
We gotta think.
Come on, son, get in there!
Jesus Christ!
- Are we going crazy?
- No, it's that crap from the tanks.
The goddamn chemicals,
it's all over everything.
- Stupid asshole!
- Watch your tongue if you like this job.
- Like this job?
- Think!
- We got to tell the cops.
- No, you don't want to call them.
You know what they'd do to the company?
- Who cares about the company?
- Our reputation!
- Fuck your reputation.
- Think!
What about the number on the tank?
- It said, "Call in case of an emergency."
- No, that's the army.
You don't want the goddamn
army around this place. Think!
- What are we gonna do?
- What are we gonna do?
We're gonna call the boss.
Burt? Frank.
We have a little problem.
Do you ever fantasize...
about being killed?
Do you ever wonder about
all the different ways of dying...
you know, violently...
and wonder what
would be the most horrible way to die?
I try not to think about dying too much.
For me...
the worst way...
would be for a bunch of old men...
to get around me...
and start biting...
and eating me alive.
I see.
they would tear off my clothes.
Let's get some light over here.
Trash is taking off her clothes again.
Throw it, baby.
Are you high on anything?
You opened it? You stupid moron.
What's the matter with you?
Haven't I always told you never
even to go near those goddamn tanks?
- What are we gonna do?
- Tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna be sued by the company,
investigated by the government.
I might become famous,
might lose my business.
I might even go to jail, goddamn it.
That's what I'm gonna do.
On the other hand, we destroy all the
evidence and we keep our mouths shut.
That's it! Let's do that.
That's what we got to do.
One question.
This guy screaming in here,
you're sure he's a dead cadaver?
- Why don't you open the door and find out?
- I'm sorry. I'll take your word for that.
If it is a reanimated body,
we'll have to kill it.
- How do you kill something that's dead?
- How do I know?
- I don't know, let me think.
- It's not a bad question.
In that movie, they destroyed
the brain to kill them. Right?
The brain, right.
- What do doctors use to crack skulls with?
- Surgical drills.
Here, hold this.
Now listen to me very carefully.
Freddy, you'll open that door.
Come here, stand right over here.
Frank, right here.
When it comes out, brain it with the axe.
How am I gonna stop it from moaning?
What's the matter with you?
Come here. Get down there.
Stand by the door.
- It's gonna be all right, son.
- I don't think I can do this.
You damn well better.
You got us into this.
All right, Freddy. 22, right.
Be brave, Frank, goddamn it!
4, left.
10, right.
Get him off!
Hold it!
- What the hell's going on, Burt?
- The brain!
I hit the fucking brain!
Then do something else,
for goddamn-it-to-hell's sake.
Hold him down.
I can't stand this any longer.
- Shit!
- Hold him down now!
What are you gonna do?
- Be a man!
- I can't stand this, you son of a bitch.
Hurry up!
I'll get him.
I got him. Get a rope!
- Where the fuck's a rope?
- I don't know. Get one. Hold him down!
- Hang on to the son of a bitch!
- Christ, it ain't dying.
I thought you said
if we destroyed the brain, it'd die!
- It worked in the movie.
- It ain't working now.
- You mean the movie lied?
- Jesus.
- How are we gonna kill it?
- Maybe you can't. Maybe it won't die.
We just got to destroy it completely
until there's nothing left.
- What kind of acid would dissolve a body?
- Sulfuric acid, maybe.
No, aqua regia, that's stronger.
But what if it doesn't dissolve everything,
like the bones?
What are we gonna do?
Where are you going?
Sometimes Ernie Kaltenbrunner
works late on Fridays.
Who's Ernie Kaltenbrunner?
He's the embalmer
at the mortuary across the street.
- What the hell's he gonna do for us?
- His light's on. He's in.
Ernie's got a crematorium
across the street.
A crematorium, that's beautiful.
- Think you can get him to go along with it?
- I don't know. I've known him for 25 years.
He might do it out of friendship.
What the hell are you gonna tell him?
I mean, can you trust that bastard?
I don't think we have a choice.
How we gonna get this thing over there?
Give me the bone saw.
Why don't you put your clothes on?
The show's over.
What's the matter?
Does it make you nervous?
I'm hot.
- You are hot.
- Scram, wimp.
Nobody understands me, you know that?
I fuckin' bust my ass for you guys,
and what do I get?
"You're spooky."
Fuck you, man. Fuck you all.
I like it spooky.
I got somethin' to say, you know?
What do you think this is all about?
You think this is a fuckin' costume?
This is a way of life!
What's wrong with you, man?
Show some fucking respect for the dead.
Is that Freddy?
- Where?
- Over there, going into that building.
Nope. That is not Freddy.
- How would you know?
- Why would he be going into a mortuary?
What do you say, Ernie?
- Take it easy.
- Sorry, I didn't hear you.
Fast on the draw.
- You are working late tonight.
- Pretty much. Kind of...
What time is it? You want a cup of coffee?
- No, thank you. I'm all right.
- I do, and I need it.
What are you doing there?
Breaking out the rigor mortis.
Come here.
Come on.
You see, rigor mortis starts in the brain.
And it spreads down to the internal organs,
and it finally settles in the muscles.
It loosens up after a while...
but you can break it out manually,
as they say...
by flexing the muscles.
- See that?
- Yeah.
You'll not find that in a book, my friend.
The embalming business is basically
passed on by word of mouth.
I'll tell you, that's fascinating,
that's really something.
He's dead now. And I am bushed.
Buddy boy.
How long we been friends? About how long?
Twenty-five years, give or take.
If I ask you a favor,
could you keep it quiet?
Sure. What is it?
I'm gonna need some help
in a pretty big way, really.
You can depend on me. Why? What's wrong?
I got a couple of my men out here,
you mind if I let them in?
No, that's illegal.
You can bring it on in now, please.
You can put it right over here.
Right here.
What is that?
- Right there, please.
- Here?
I got to...
What the hell's in those bags?
Rabid weasels.
What the hell are you doing
with a bunch of rabid weasels?
I was trying to explain it.
They came as a shipment.
They weren't supposed to be rabid,
but you know how these things happen.
I don't. How do they happen?
Watch out, don't get bit.
Anyway, we got them,
and we need your help.
- How?
- We got to get rid of these things.
Why don't you call an animal shelter?
Word'd get out, hurt my business.
You know, that's a bad scene, rabies.
I don't think so.
I mean, so what?
You don't run a pet store.
Some lab animals got rabies.
Come on, take them to the pound.
I just can't do that.
You got to take my word for it.
- What the hell do you want me to do?
- You have a crematorium, right?
- You wanna burn them?
- That's what I had in mind.
- That's cruel.
- I can't think of anything else to do.
You just can't burn animals alive.
It's just too hideous.
At least let me kill them first.
Take them out in the parking lot,
and put 'em out of their misery.
I don't think that'd work.
I don't understand what's going on.
Why not?
- Can you swear to keep a secret?
- At this point, I don't know.
No, you got to swear.
You got to, or I just can't tell you.
- All right, I swear.
- Good.
It's not weasels in the bags.
No kidding. Look here.
Get it off!
I'm sorry.
No, it's all right.
We got a...
We got a long story to tell you.
Great. Some party.
What happened to Trash and Suicide?
Probably getting it on somewhere.
Don't even think it, Chuck.
God, when's 10:00 gonna come?
If you wanna split,
we could both go somewhere.
You'd really like to do it with me,
wouldn't you?
- I mean, a girl like you and a guy like me.
- Go choke a chicken.
Come on, Casey. I was only kidding.
- Great, here's your friend and mine.
- Fuck you, ball buster.
My watch stopped. What time is it?
Going on 10:00.
Fudge. I'd better get over and find Freddy.
He's gonna be getting off any time.
Go ahead, we'll wait for you.
- Don't go anywhere, okay?
- All right.
Come on, Freddy, where are you?
Frankly, I think you acted
precipitously in cutting up the corpse.
You may be right,
I don't know, but I did it.
What are we gonna do about it?
If I let you use the crematorium,
what's in it for me?
What do you want?
The way I see it,
this is a pretty big favor.
You got it! Whatever it is you want,
so help me, I'll do it. I promise.
I'm sorry about that.
Let's take care of your problem.
You're gonna owe me a big one.
You're gonna get rid of everything for me.
Nothing left.
- Is that right?
- Everything'll go.
What about the bones?
Bones are no problem.
The hardest thing to burn is the heart.
- The heart? Why?
- 'Cause it's just one big, tough muscle.
Come on.
We don't want the heart sticking around.
Then I'll turn it up hotter for it.
What about the split dogs? They got to go.
The split dogs will go, too.
Come on, just give me a hand.
It's your mess.
Some big favor.
I can operate that goddamn thing.
You're absolutely certain...
that this will get rid of everything
and do the trick?
- Nothing left?
- Nothing but a little-bitty pile of ashes.
We don't even want the ashes.
Then I'll turn it up higher,
and we'll burn up the ashes, too.
Dust to dust.
- My radio.
- Come on, you guys.
Let's get back to the car. Damn it.
Come on.
Get the fuckin' top! Fuck.
Come on!
- Close the motherfuckin' windows.
- I don't have any windows.
I busted them.
- Hey, my skin burns.
- Me, too. Damn it.
It's that rain, it's like acid rain.
Start the car!
It's all over me.
A towel, somebody give me a towel.
- We ain't got no towel!
- Well, then give me something.
- Give me that.
- No!
Come on, start!
- Suicide, get the car going.
- I'm trying.
Crap, I wonder what's in that rain.
It's coming down like
einen getrunken soldat.
- Is the heart gone, Ernie?
- It's all burned up.
- Are you sure?
- Right up the chimney.
Goddamn, that's all we need.
We're home free, Frank.
We got it made. You just saved our ass,
buddy boy, and I owe you one. Goddamn!
Yes, you do.
Let's go to the warehouse, clean up,
and get the hell out of there.
What do you say, Frank?
Okay, just give me a second to rest
and catch my breath. Then we'll go, okay?
I don't know about you,
but I'm really sick.
What's wrong, Fred?
I feel like hell is what's wrong.
I'm really sick.
I'm sick, too, Burt.
- Sick, like how?
- Like my head's going to bust wide open.
- And I want to puke. And I'm weak, too.
- Me, too. I got the chills.
It's that stuff, Burt.
It's that goddamn stuff we breathed.
What stuff? What are you talking about?
When that canister cracked,
this gas squirted out.
It hit us right in the face.
We breathed it.
It knocked us out.
- We were out cold, unconscious.
- Christ!
Shouldn't we get to a doctor or something?
Yeah, I need a doctor.
I'm getting the car and taking
these guys to the emergency ward.
Let's go, Frank. You're gonna be
all right. I'm gonna get you...
Hey, Frank!
Come here, Ernie.
What's the matter? Talk to me.
Get him out of the rain.
I got to call my wife.
I gotta go to the hospital!
You can't run around in this storm.
You're too sick.
Take it easy.
- I'm gonna call an ambulance.
- Paramedics.
It's all right. How do you feel now?
Hello. Yes. Can we get some paramedics
over here right away?
That's the Resurrection Funeral Home...
at 21702 East Central.
Tell them to come around the back,
to the embalming room.
Poison. We have two men poisoned here.
No, we don't know what kind of poison.
Thank you very much. Bye.
Burt, they're on their way.
- This car ain't going nowhere.
- Damn it.
Do you hear something?
Hear what?
- No, I don't hear nothing.
- This roof's leaking.
There's a rip, damn it. Shit.
- Don't do that!
- Sorry.
- Damn it!
- I'm sorry.
Shit, Scuz!
Hello, there?
Freddy? Are you here?
Anybody here?
Who's there?
- I got to get out of here.
- Let's go to where Tina and Freddy are.
- Damn right.
- Fuckin' A.
Live brain.
Come on, quick!
God, my skin's really burning.
Hey, Tina!
Yes, God! Help me!
- That's Tina.
- What's she yelling about?
- What's that sound?
- Through that door!
Watch the fuckin' step!
Help me!
What the fuck?
More brains.
Where the fuck you going?
Help me bar the door! Stupid fuckers!
It's them.
- Who took the poison?
- Right over there.
Stick your tongue out for me.
What did you guys take?
It was some kind of industrial chemical,
something in a tank.
- What tank? Where?
- Well, we're not sure, really.
Can you find out?
Your friends' lives may depend on it.
I got to make some phone calls,
but I can't do that before morning. Sorry.
Let's take some vital signs.
- Can I borrow your stethoscope?
- What's the matter?
- I can't hear through mine.
- Are you sure it's the equipment?
What do you mean?
I'm not getting anything on this, either.
What do you mean? What's wrong?
It's all right. We just need
to double-check a couple things.
- No blood pressure.
- No pulse.
What do you mean,
"no blood pressure, no pulse"?
Take it easy.
- What do you have?
- 70.
- 70 what?
- 70 degrees.
- Well, what's that?
- Room temperature.
Come over here for a second.
I want to talk to you.
What are you guys saying?
- What was that thing down there?
- What are we gonna do?
- Suicide is down there.
- No, he's gone. That thing ate his head.
- I don't hear anything down there.
- We got to call somebody.
- Who?
- The cops.
I don't want to call no cop.
They're just gonna kick our ass.
- Just let's get out of here, okay?
- We gotta call somebody.
Wait a minute, where's Freddy?
Holy shit. We're gonna have to swim
to get over there.
- What the fuck was that?
- Look!
Hey, wait up, you guys!
Wait, I got no shoes!
You have no pulse, no blood pressure.
You have no pupillary response, no
reflexes, your temperature is 70 degrees.
What does that mean?
It's a puzzle,
because technically you're not alive.
Except you're conscious,
so we don't know what it means.
- Are you saying we're dead?
- Let's not jump to conclusions.
Obviously, I didn't mean
you were really dead.
Dead people don't move around and talk.
- What is that?
- The front door.
- What the fuck are they doing?
- I'll find out.
We're gonna get a couple of stretchers.
Just hang in there. We won't be a second.
- Open the door.
- Open the door, please.
- Open the door!
- Hurry up!
- Freeze, or you're dead!
- Don't shoot, man!
Are you crazy? Are you on PCP?
None of us are on any drugs. Let us in!
- All right, come in. But no funny moves.
- Shit, no.
Lock your doors and windows,
call the cops! They're out there!
- Who?
- Don't you hear that?
- What?
- Shut up and listen, man!
- What is it?
- It's dead people screaming.
- What dead people?
- They came from out of the ground.
- And they're after us.
- Out of the ground?
Our friends took off the other way.
They're out there now!
- Trash? Where's Trash?
- Didn't she go with them?
I thought she was with us.
- Do you hear that?
- Hear what?
Christ. Jesus.
- What is that?
- It sounds like people screaming.
You get the stretchers,
I'll get on the radio and phone this in.
- What kind of a problem?
- Take a look at it.
What the hell's going on out here?
That graveyard out there is full
of people coming out the ground.
- "Out of the ground"?
- Out of the ground.
They're horrible, they scream.
- You've got to do something.
- Scream?
Yes, they're out there.
There's one of them in that warehouse.
- Which warehouse?
- The medical supply house.
I think things are getting out of hand.
There's 100 of those things out there.
A hundred?
- The cops. We got to call the cops.
- Yeah. No shit.
Phone. Where the fuck is the phone?
There's an office!
Hello, Operator, give me the police.
This is an emergency.
Grab the hammer and nails! Casey!
Quiet! Let's just get the hell
out of here, Ernie.
- You got a car?
- I got a car.
- Get your keys. Let's get out of here.
- My clutch is shot.
We'll use the paramedic ambulance.
- Ernie?
- Yeah?
- Where are the paramedics?
- I'll go get them. Get my own car started.
Oh, my God. What did they do to you?
- What was that shooting?
- God!
- What?
- God!
- What the hell?
- It...
"It" what? What is "it"?
They're all over the cars.
It's horrible. They're out there.
Paramedics are dead.
And we can't take the cars.
We've got to call the police.
Set him down. Easy.
- It's not working.
- Come on.
- What's the matter?
- Dead.
Help me.
You got some hammer and nails?
- Where else can they get in here?
- The windows in the chapel.
Get something to bar these windows with.
I put boards outside the glass.
Rescue 7, come in. This is Dispatch. Over.
Rescue 7, this is Dispatch.
Do you copy? Over.
Come in, Dispatch.
How many fucking windows you got here?
No more windows.
The embalming room has steel shutters.
Let's get the hell back
to the embalming room then.
Man, my arms are dead.
Put that goddamn thing down
before you hurt somebody with it.
How they doing?
- Are you all right?
- It hurts.
What did you do to Freddy?
What's wrong with him? And this man?
It's time you tell us
what the fuck's going on.
- I don't have to tell you anything.
- We think you should.
Tell them, goddamn it!
Tell us!
There was a chemical.
Some chemical soaked into the...
soil of the graveyard
and made the corpses come back to life.
- What fucking chemical?
- I don't know what chemical, goddamn it!
It was ordered by the military,
I think it was.
Would you tell me how
it got all over the graveyard?
I don't know. I just...
All I know is they were stored
over at the medical supply warehouse...
where you were, and these two geniuses
managed to open the goddamn container...
and let the son of a bitch out.
Let 'em out!
- Is that why Freddy's sick?
- I breathed it, Tina.
So did Frank there.
- What did it do to you?
- I'm freezing.
My muscles are stiffening up.
Stiffening up?
Stiffening up how?
First, I got a really fucked headache.
Then my stomach started cramping up.
Now my arms and legs are cramping.
- Let's take a look.
- Oh, God!
Let's get his shirt up.
- What are you doing?
- Oh, God.
The bruises where he's lying down...
that's blood pooling up.
You know,
it looks like rigor mortis is setting in.
Rigor mortis?
What do you mean, rigor mortis?
God, you're dead.
You're dead, and you'll turn
into one of those things.
- Let him go!
- Son of a bitch!
Do you hear that?
- What is that?
- It's another paramedic ambulance.
- Watch out!
- Don't go over there!
They're gonna kill everybody
that comes here.
Watch out,
I'm going to put the board back up.
It's got me!
Get this thing out of here!
Pull her off.
Damn, he's dead. Shit.
What do we do with this thing?
- Just wait there a second.
- Let's get out of here.
- Where the fuck is he going?
- What are you doing?
Let me take it!
- You can let go of it now.
- Are you crazy?
Look at it. She looks better now.
We got to get out of here.
We got to get the fuck out of here.
Leave it.
What are you doing? Goddamn it!
I don't understand what you want with it.
- What are we doing with it?
- I want to examine it.
- You make sure it's tied right.
- It's being tied right.
- It's not gonna get loose, right?
- No, it's not gonna get loose.
They're no stronger than humans.
- Don't be afraid.
- I'll bust it in the damn head.
You sure that thing's tied good?
- You can hear me?
- Yes.
Why do you eat people?
Not people, brains.
- Brains only?
- Yes.
- Why?
- The pain.
- What about the pain?
- The pain of being dead.
It hurts to be dead.
I can feel myself rot.
Eating brains...
how does that make you feel?
It makes the pain...
go away.
Look, man, fuck this.
I got to talk to you. Now.
Come on, I got to talk. We got to talk.
Let's talk out in the hall.
Look, how can we kill those things?
You don't.
What do you mean, "you don't"?
You can't kill them, they're already dead.
They're not living creatures,
they're animated.
You can chop them up into pieces,
they'll still come after you.
All you can do is burn them.
You got to reduce them to ashes,
so there's nothing left to come after you.
How you gonna burn all those things?
- There's 100 of those fuckers.
- That is the question.
We have a 10-32 from EMS.
Two, repeat, two paramedic vehicles
missing in the East Piedmont district.
Request a 10-51, Code 3.
Available units near the 20,000 block
of East Central, please respond, over.
Do you think they'll rescue us?
They better. That's all I got to say.
But do you think they will?
I never did like you.
Oh, my God, hold me tight.
I think it would be a lot wiser
if we contained Frank and Freddy.
- You know what I'm saying?
- What do you mean, "contained"?
Lock them up, so if they started
acting funny, they wouldn't hurt anybody.
They don't want to hurt anybody.
You bastard!
Why don't you lock yourselves up?
We're not proposing doing
anything to them, for Christ's sake.
We want to lock them up so we can
figure out how to get the hell out of here.
Tina, that really is a good idea.
- Where can we put them?
- Yeah, well, the chapel.
All right, help me with Frank, please.
- Lift his feet.
- Come on.
On the rug.
Lay them on the carpet, gently.
Easy. It's all right. Can you hear me?
Boy, he's gone.
Let's just leave them and get out.
- I'm not leaving Freddy.
- We got to lock the door, you know?
I'm staying.
Okay. Come on.
Dispatch. This is Bravo 751.
We're at the mortuary.
We see two, that is two, paramedic
vehicles parked in the rear parking lot.
The doors on one vehicle are hanging open.
Stand by while we investigate. Over.
I got a man down.
Hold it right there!
Freeze or I'll blow
your fucking brains out!
This place...
Everybody that comes in...
gets swallowed up.
Send more cops.
What do we do?
Stand here,
beating our meat till the corpses bust in?
We can't stop them. We got to get out.
We got to get to the cars.
- There's corpses all over the cars.
- I know.
What are you proposing?
What am I proposing?
I think we all should do some proposing.
The crawlspace in the ceiling.
We could go up, barricade ourselves in.
Only way up is the hatch,
and we could nail that shut.
You must be out of your mind.
I'm not barricading myself in no roof.
I'd rather take my chances with the cars.
We need a way to fight them.
How about this?
What is that?
It's nitric acid.
Pretty much destroy anything.
But there's not enough of it.
It hurts!
- It hurts more than you can imagine.
- I know.
I can finally see...
the one thing...
that can relieve this horrible suffering.
Live brains!
Get the girl!
Put her on the couch.
They got Freddy.
It was horrible, ugly, man.
His face was all fucked up.
He's not Freddy.
Make her shut up.
Shit, he's trying to get out.
Get a bench, come on.
Out of the way!
Bring it against it. It's all right.
- I can't.
- Yes, you can. Get up!
We can't stay here.
It's gonna bust through the door.
We got to run for the cars.
There's zombies all over the cars.
Got to fight our way through them,
there's no other way.
Once we're in the car and moving,
I think we'll be all right.
That's a big fucking "if," man.
I can't walk, much less run.
How bad is your foot?
It's broke.
We get one of the cars,
bring it near the door.
Police car. It should still have
the keys in the ignition.
The motor is still running.
- Good. I'll drive.
- No, I'll drive.
Fuck you.
When we drive up here,
I don't want to hang out there long.
You stand right here.
Put one hand here and another here.
When I say "now," you open the door fast.
The minute we're through,
you slam it hard and lock it.
Get your ass over here at the door.
That favor that you owe me.
Watch your ass out there.
All right, stand by.
You got to get closer. They can't make it.
- We got to split.
- No, we can't split.
They left us, those jerks!
They had to.
Burt will send help.
I know him.
They left us.
- What are you doing? We can't leave.
- They'd have turned the car over.
We'll send help.
- Those are my fucking friends back there.
- I said we'll send help.
- Coward!
- Fuck you!
Hang on, here we go!
- What the fuck are we gonna do now?
- Find a phone, call the cops.
- What the fuck?
- Jesus H. Christ!
Back to the warehouse!
This way, you stupid honky!
That's Spider.
- Where is everybody?
- I don't know.
- Who's he?
- He owns this place.
That fucking car is totaled.
That's all right.
My car is still out there. So is Frank's.
Not anymore.
Where are you?
Forgive me.
Ground, this is Air 4, we got
a bad situation. We got officers down.
We have just witnessed
ground units attacked.
Attention. This is the police.
This area is under police blockade.
All persons within this area wishing
to surrender should make their way...
to the perimeter at once.
It sounds like the shit's
hitting the fan out there.
- We got to let them know we're here.
- You better believe it.
Hey, mister!
Don't go in there.
There's a thing in there.
It ripped out the phone.
There's another in the basement.
The basement's fucked!
You know what's in there?
- What do you mean?
- One of those corpses.
A real ugly one, all black and slimy.
I don't care what's in the basement,
we got to get to that phone.
Blinding them seems to work okay,
doesn't it?
Wait a minute.
Spider, open the door.
I'm going to knock his goddamn block off.
It was wrong for you to lock me up.
I had to hurt myself to get out.
But I forgive you, darling.
And I know you're here...
because I can smell your brains.
Go away!
I'm coming up, Tina.
Now you made me hurt myself again.
You made me break my hand
completely off this time, Tina.
But I don't care, darling...
because I love you.
You've got to let me eat your brain.
Open the goddamn door.
Get him down.
All right, you guys, go.
Get in there, come on, fast. Get in!
Watch it, the step's out.
Jesus Christ.
That's our friend. The Tarman got him.
Give me the police.
It's an emergency, Operator.
Captain, over here.
- Yes, go ahead.
- You've got to help us.
There's a bunch of us inside your barricade,
and we can't get out.
First of all,
what the hell is going on in there?
I lost a dozen good men,
and nobody can tell me jack shit.
There are people in the cemetery
who are stark, staring mad.
They'll kill you and eat you.
It's like a disease, it's like rabies,
only faster.
That's why you got to come in here
and get us out now. Please.
Just a minute, I can't hear.
There's a lot of noise out here.
What the hell's going on?
Halt! I said halt!
- Watch it.
- They're crazy!
- What?
- What is it?
They got the cops.
That means they're breaking out
of the barricade. Jesus Christ.
What's he doing?
What are you doing?
I'm calling the number
stenciled on the tank.
- Your name, please?
- Burt Wilson.
Stay on the line, Mr. Wilson.
You're being transferred.
This is Com-Q, Denver, go ahead.
Denver, this is Wichita. I've got a
CLY priority on a 114. Who's up?
That would be Col. Glover, San Diego.
I'll put you through.
Yes, Captain.
- I see. Very well.
- Horace.
- Put the call through to me.
- What is it?
Yes, put him on.
Mr. Wilson, where are you calling from?
I see. When did this take place?
And when was the tank first breached?
Why didn't you call
this number immediately?
I see. It's understandable.
What happened next?
You did? And what effect did that have?
What did you do then?
And what did they do?
I see.
How many did you say?
And how many acres
does this cemetery cover, sir?
I see.
Yes, I see.
Of course. Thank you
for your assistance, Mr. Wilson.
I'll switch you back to Capt. Turner.
He'll talk to you.
Sir, this is Col. Glover.
I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour,
but we're at Q-2 status.
It looks like we've found
that lost consignment of Easter eggs.
Yes, sir, pretty sure.
They've turned up in Louisville.
I'm getting confirmations on this
from the Louisville Police Department.
Louisville, Kentucky, sir.
It would be good news,
except that the eggs have hatched.
What are they doing?
Hang on a second, would you?
It's weird. These people seem to say
they've been waiting for this to happen.
Apparently, they've got some sort of
contingency plan to deal with it.
- That's great!
- What is this plan?
Sgt. Jefferson, 42nd Special
Mobile Artillery. Yes, sir.
Good morning to you, too, sir.
Yes, sir. Whatever you say, sir.
The code numbers please, sir.
Archimedes. Hotdog. Rhubarb.
Niner. Zero. Niner. Gotcha, sir.
Bearing. Mark 2-2-0.
Bearing, 2-2-0.
Range. Mark 134 miles.
Range, 1-3-4 miles.
Hey, listen.
You hear anything?
Spectacular result, sir.
Very close to optimal placement.
Only 20 square blocks destroyed.
Less than 4,000 dead, General.
I wouldn't worry about the fires, General.
The rain is taking care of that right now.
There have been complaints
about burning skin, but I shouldn't worry.
Minor irritation, General.
The rain will wash everything away.
That's correct, sir.
All should be back to normal by morning.
I understand the President
will visit Louisville tomorrow.
No, we wouldn't want that to happen, sir.
No, this hasn't been
very pleasant for anyone.
Thank you, sir. Goodnight, sir.
More brains!
- What are we gonna do?
- We're gonna kill it!
It's all over everything.
- Stupid asshole!
- Watch your tongue if you like this job.
Like this job?
Burt? Frank.
We have a little problem.
Do you ever fantasize...
about being killed?
- The brain!
- I hit the fucking brain.
- How do you kill something that's dead?
- How do I know?
- I don't know, let me think.
- It's not a bad question.
What do you think this is about?
You think this is a fuckin' costume?
This is a way of life!
- There's 100 of those fuckers.
- A hundred?
Send more cops.
I think things are getting out of hand.
Get it off!
- It worked in the movie.
- It ain't working now.
You mean the movie lied?
It's not a bad question, Burt.