The Revenge of Frankenstein (1958)

Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus
fructus ventris tui, lesu.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.
Well, what do you say?
I don't like it.
What is wrong with it?
There's nothing wrong with it.
I just don't like it.
Look here, my old friend.
You are my friend, aren't you?
Well, would I suggest anything
that might go wrong?
You would.
Look at the last time.
You were supposed
to watch in the street.
How was I to know they kept dogs?
I've still got the scars.
I'll show you.
This ain't like that.
We don't have to break in anywhere.
It's all in the open.
Nothing can go wrong.
That's what you said the time before.
I got six months.
I've had enough of it.
All right, then.
All right.
We won't say no more about it.
Forget I ever mentioned it.
If you don't trust me,
that's all right with me.
I'll just have to do it
on me own, that's all.
All right, then.
I'm going home.
Of course, the doctor did say
that I mustn't do anything
that might strain my heart.
I'll see you tomorrow.
And, er...
I shall have the whole
ten marks to meself.
- Ten?
- Ten.
- You said six!
- Ten, I meant.
Still, that don't worry you
no more, does it,
'cause you ain't coming with me.
Ten. Ten marks...
for a dead'un.
Yeah, well, like I say.
You gotta know
where to find these things.
You gotta keep your eyes open.
Take this one, for a start.
He only got planted
this morning, you know.
He'll be as fresh as a daisy.
Who is he?
Or is it her?
An 'er?
No, it can't be an 'er. It only came
from the prison this morning.
Look, don't stand there talking.
Come on, we ain't
got all night, you know.
Come and have a look!
A baron!
shall we get any more for him?
I ain't never seen
a real-life baron before.
Come on, hurry up!
It's a priest with no head!
What if he is a priest?
He's a dead'un, isn't he?
Still worth ten marks to me, isn't he?
Course, er...
the head's a bit of a problem.
Good evening.
I am Baron Frankenstein.
Hear, hear.
- Hear, hear.
- Quite right.
I ask you, gentlemen,
what do we really know about him?
- What do any of us know?
- Nothing at all.
He came here three years ago
and set himself up in practice.
Before then,
no-one had even heard of him.
Where did he study?
Where did he take his degree?
What's his background?
Do any of you know?
- No!
- No. No more do I.
Yet here he is, well-established.
The most popular doctor
in Carlsbrck, by all accounts.
He hasn't applied for a place
on the Medical Council.
I've even heard he says
he can do without the Council.
Looks as though he's right there,
doesn't it?
He's managed
to steal half my best patients.
- And mine.
- And mine.
Exactly! And mine too.
Your wife amongst them,
I understand, sir?
Yes, well, I put a stop to that!
Gentlemen, gentlemen.
Well, the fact remains, gentlemen,
Dr Stein must be made
to join this Council,
or steps must be taken to see
that he is no longer permitted
- to practise in this city.
- Hear, hear! Quite right!
Assuming he refuses to join,
how do you intend
to stop him practising medicine?
Mr President?
well, we have never attempted
to prevent any doctor
from practising in the city.
However, Dr Stein's refusal to join,
er... to become one of us,
is an affront.
- Quite so.
- Are there any suggestions?
- Oh, well, er...
- Send a delegation to see him.
Excellent. Delegation. Yes.
- Made up of, er...?
- Three.
Of course, three.
Yes, three.
Three doctors from the Council here.
- That is what I suggest.
- Seconded.
- All in favour?
- Yes.
- Fine. Fine.
- We ought to make an appointment.
- Hmm?
- He's right.
No-one gets into Dr Stein's surgery
without an appointment.
Oh, he's most charming. So clever.
My dear Dr Stein,
Vera is in great distress!
Indeed, Countess Barscynska.
Please, would you...?
Well, I know that you
insist that she's cured,
- but I see no improvement whatsoever.
- I understand.
She's weak and faint, the movement
of every muscle is an effort.
Raise your head, Vera.
Higher, my child!
You see? No animation, no vitality.
You must revise your diagnosis.
Overhaul her!
Vera, my dear, go and
prepare yourself. Yes, yes.
Now, let me see. What was
your daughter's original complaint?
Really, Dr Stein!
It started with palpitations,
then dizziness...
- Well, how could you forget?
- She's not my only patient, Countess.
Oh, those women outside.
I know most of them.
They're all in perfect condition.
Nothing wrong with them at all.
You should be my partner.
We could dispose of surgery
in half the time.
That, of course,
would mean half the money.
Oh, I know their fees subsidise
your work at the poor hospital.
I know how good you are
to the poor, Doctor.
But my daughter, Vera,
she's all I have in the world.
Mm-hmm. Of course.
I'm afraid there's very little more
I can do for your daughter.
Doctors are not magicians. We cannot
diagnose maladies which are not there.
You are a man, Doctor!
You can do a great deal for her.
Everything I have goes
to Vera when she marries.
It was her father's last wish.
Now I'm having a musical evening soon.
I so much hope you'll be able to come.
Much as I like music,
I have very little free time.
Ah, poor man!
A life devoted to the needs of others.
No time for a life of your own.
There's always time
for the important things.
- Doctor, I'm ready!
- So am I, Vera. You may come out.
Excuse me.
You see? Just a few steps
and the poor child is exhausted.
Every movement is an effort.
- I'll go wait outside.
- No, please. It is better that you stay.
You always used your ear before.
I still use my ear.
This just magnifies the sound.
- Oh, Mama, it's so cold!
- Stand still, dear.
Now, breathe deeply.
I can't breathe. That thing's so cold.
Can you hear
the palpitations with that?
Wouldn't it be better to use your ear?
There's, erm...
three men to see you, Dr Stein.
They're from the Medical Council.
- They must wait until after surgery.
- Yeah, well, they seemed impatient.
When I've finished!
You're the doctor.
Have them wait in the ward.
- What? In the ward?
- In the ward!
And shut the door!
Oi, you! Tell Dr Stein
I want me rum ration!
Right, I'll tell him.
- Murdering butcher, that's what he is!
- Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk.
He'd better not try and
do nothing with me.
I'll strangle him
with me bare hands, I will!
You're gonna frighten him.
How can I do me dance without me legs?
You'll have to learn to sing!
Ah, this way, gentlemen.
This way.
This is intolerable!
Gentlemen, you must remember
that these are the poor.
The stench is enough to kill me.
Er... Dr Stein says for you to
make yourselves comfortable in 'ere.
- Comfortable! You tell Dr Stein...
- Ooh!
There's Dr Stein, gentlemen.
Looking after the poor and needy.
Look at this. Interesting, isn't it?
Quite a work of art.
- What do you think, gentlemen?
- Er, why, it's, er...
- Very picturesque.
- We didn't come here to...
- You must have it off.
- Have what off?
This arm.
You'll have to strangle him
with one arm, Harry!
He ain't gonna have my arm off,
that's for sure.
If you'd rather die,
it's up to you.
- Let him have it, Harry.
- The arm don't pain me none.
It's of no use to you.
- What do you mean, no use?
- Be quiet.
Five o'clock in the theatre.
Doctor, I won't
be able to work no more.
- What is his work?
- Pickpocket.
Then you'll have to find another trade,
or use the other hand.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
- Is he new?
- Admitted this morning.
- Oi, me pipe!
- What's your trouble?
It... it's me chest, guv'nor.
I'm not surprised.
You use it like a furnace.
It's amazing how dirty
these people are, isn't it?
Keeps them warm, they tell me.
Well, hmm?
What can I do for you?
Well, er... I am the
President of the Medical Council.
At our last meeting, it was agreed
that you should become a member.
Have this new man washed,
then I'll look at him.
- I'm greatly honoured, gentlemen.
- Then you accept?
- No.
- Huh?
Every doctor in the faculty
regards your attitude as an insult.
When I arrived in Carlsbrck,
without means or influence,
and attempted to set up in practice,
I was met by a firm resistance
from the Medical Council,
which apparently exists
purely to eliminate competition.
I have built up a highly successful
practice, alone and unaided.
Having grown accustomed
to working alone,
I find I prefer it.
- Do I make myself clear, gentlemen?
- Quite clear.
Thank you.
Good day.
- You haven't heard the last of this!
- A lot he cares!
What more can I do?
Well, he won't pick any more
pockets with that arm.
And you'll have the parcel ready
for my messenger when he calls?
Right, Doctor.
- Your supper's all ready in there.
- Good night to you, then.
- Good night, Doctor.
- And thank you.
A masterly dissection, Dr Stein.
You must forgive this intrusion.
Must I?
I wanted to renew our acquaintance.
After a few moments
with you this afternoon,
I was sure I'd seen you before.
That's hardly surprising.
I've been practising here in Carlsbrck
for the last three years.
Before that.
A little more than three years ago,
at the village of Inkstadt,
I was attending the funeral
of Professor Bernstein.
You've heard of him, no doubt?
Everyone has heard of
Professor Bernstein.
I was a last-year student at the university
where he was lecturing when he... died.
- May I offer you some chicken, Dr...?
- Kleve. Hans Kleve. No, thank you.
Perhaps a little cheese?
I can recommend it.
The professor was buried in
the family vault of Baron Frankenstein.
Shall I go on?
Please. Please do.
I'm the first, I suppose,
to recognise you.
For what I am, or what
you would have me be?
No, the resemblance is too striking.
That, and...
Your present activities
lead to only one conclusion.
So, and what if I am
this Baron Frankenstein?
Are you?
Just now, you were telling me.
Now you're asking.
Dr Kleve, why are you so
interested in this gentleman?
I'm in search of knowledge.
Oh, knowledge? Ah, so that's it.
My name is Frankenstein, I'll admit.
But it's a large family, you know.
Remarkable since the Middle Ages
for productivity.
There are offshoots everywhere.
Even in America, I'm told.
There's a town called
Frankenstein, in Germany.
Are you the Baron Frankenstein?
There are the Frankensteins emanating
from the town of that name in Silesia.
Are you Baron Frankenstein?
Yes, Dr Kleve.
I was sure of it!
I told you that I'm
in search of knowledge.
I want to learn more than
any university could ever teach me.
I want to be the pupil
of the greatest doctor,
the finest medical brain in the world.
Your pupil, Baron Frankenstein.
Highly commendable.
And if I refuse?
You won't.
So, either I employ you
in my researches, or...
Surely this is blackmail?
An ugly trait in a doctor.
I see it as an agreement of,
shall we say...
mutual reciprocation?
Your knowledge in return
for my assistance.
And your silence?
- I'm not an easy man to work for.
- Few men are.
And when you've learned
all you want to know,
you might change your mind
about keeping silent.
I wonder if I can trust you.
But then uncertainty is part
of life's fascination, isn't it?
I'll take the risk if you will.
Will you accept me as your pupil?
Where did you study?
Under Professor Anderson in Edinburgh,
Dr Karl Strauss in Vienna,
at the hospital in Paris...
Unlike yours,
my practice is negligible.
When do we start working together?
Now. Incidentally, Hans,
you must exercise great caution
when addressing me.
My name is Stein. Victor Stein.
Yes, of course.
The Austrian or Swiss branch
of that family, Dr Stein?
Let's settle for Switzerland.
It's an exhilarating climate,
if a little heady.
Please, do join me.
After supper, I'll show you
round my laboratory.
- Evening, Doctor.
- Good evening.
The other one's down below,
waiting for you.
Not the best setting for a laboratory,
but it's ideal for my purpose.
It would be a pity
to lose you...
so soon.
Originally, this was a wine cellar.
Karl, this is Dr Hans Kleve.
He is to work with us.
- Do we really need him?
- Oh, yes. I shall need an assistant.
Dr Kleve presented himself
just at the right moment.
The doctor trusts me, Karl.
I hope you will, too.
Oh, this is Otto, our chimpanzee.
Karl, you collected the parcel?
Yes. Yes, Doctor.
It's over here.
That's the arm of the pickpocket!
It is, indeed.
You need sensitive fingers to be
a member of that profession.
It'll be very useful to me.
Now, come here.
Well, what is it?
- A brain.
- A brain?
If you put your hand too near a fire,
what makes you snatch it away?
- The nerves.
- Exactly.
The nerves of the hand
send a message to the brain,
and the brain activates the muscles
for withdrawing the hand.
But you don't put your hand
too near the fire if you see it first.
The eye recognises fire
as a harmful agent.
Let me demonstrate.
Now observe.
The brain, the hand, the eyes.
Watch the eyes.
Fascinating, isn't it?
So this is a brain.
All this paraphernalia, and capable
of only one simple reaction.
Imagine for one moment
the complexity of the human brain,
the same size, perhaps,
but a million times more efficient.
It controls every action,
every reaction,
stores memories,
it motivates all life,
and this is all I've been able to do.
But you should be proud.
I've never seen anything like it!
Haven't you?
No, I don't suppose you have.
You know that I...
that Frankenstein,
was condemned to death?
- Yes.
- Do you know what for?
But surely everyone knows?
The story's become a legend.
He created a man
who became a monster.
It should have been perfect.
I made it to be perfect.
If the brain hadn't been damaged,
my work would have been hailed
as the greatest scientific
achievement of all time.
Frankenstein would have been
accepted as a genius of science.
Instead, he was sent
to the guillotine.
I swore I would have my revenge.
They will never be rid of me.
This is something I am proud of.
Who is he?
He isn't born yet.
But this time
he is perfect.
Except for a few scars,
he is perfect.
And you made this body
from other bodies?
Yes. My voluntary work at the
poor hospital serves me very well.
All I need is the brain,
and then I can give it life.
You've seen the result of this,
and it's by no means
my first attempt.
I only keep this cumbersome thing
to remind me of the
impossibility of the task,
should I ever think of
trying again.
No, the brain must be a living one.
Unlike the limbs,
life cannot be restored
once life has gone.
The brain is life,
and so a living brain must be used.
But surely that would mean
committing murder?
No, not necessarily.
I have a volunteer.
He's here, in the laboratory.
No, Hans, not you.
No, your brain is
too valuable where it is.
His over there.
- You mean Karl?
- Yes.
We made a bargain.
If he saved me from the guillotine,
I would give him a new body.
Yes, but his paralysis. Surely that
indicates an injury to the brain?
I examined him thoroughly.
The paralysis is due to
a blood clot.
It can be dispersed
during the operation.
Karl has a fine brain.
He's quick, intelligent,
and he's absorbed a great deal of
knowledge since working with me.
Haven't you, Karl?
Dr Stein is welcome to my brain.
As long as he rids me of...
You must have great faith in Dr Stein?
I have.
Are you sure it can be done?
The operation will be
a complete success.
There's a... a young woman
asking for you, Doctor.
She's a real lady.
She's got scent on.
Must have come to the wrong surgery.
Finish dressing that, will you?
- Right, Doctor.
- Where is she?
She's in the Doctor's room.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Er... Dr Stein's not here,
I understand?
No, no. He's at his surgery in town.
- Um... would you like to sit down?
- Yes, thank you.
- You don't mind if I get cleaned up?
- No, please do.
I'm Margaret Conrad.
I shall be working here.
Oh? The Doctor didn't
tell me about that.
My father is the Minister.
Dr Stein has been informed.
I see.
I shall read to the sick.
Shop for them, you know.
Get them things like tobacco,
writing paper, soap.
My dear lady!
They seldom wash,
and they never write.
But I'm sure you'll be able
to find plenty to do.
Thank you.
I won't disappoint you.
Or Dr Stein.
Oh, I...
Oh, Karl, this lady's
going to work here.
Did you want something, Karl?
Er... I... I was to...
No, it can wait.
Oh, well, if it's a
professional matter, I'll leave you.
Er... No, please.
I'll come back.
When I offered him
my hand, I didn't realise.
He seemed quite taken with you.
Is he a patient?
No, he helps Dr Stein.
Oh, there's a very sound brain
in that unfortunate body.
Are you quite sure
you want to work here?
I'm quite sure.
I did my best to dissuade her,
but it would be inconvenient
if I were forced to leave the hospital
because of her father.
Well, she seems a
very determined young lady.
You get her to wash
one of the patients.
That should frighten her away.
You ready?
Where are we going?
The laboratory.
Tonight, we give Karl his new body.
You wanted to learn. Come on!
Karl, are you ready?
I'm ready, Doctor.
Thank you.
You keep looking at him.
Very soon, that will be you.
This is to preserve the body.
- Embalming fluid?
- Yes.
Keep it steady at 80.
Dr Stein!
Quick, man!
Switch off!
All right.
How long before he
regains consciousness?
An hour or so.
His brain'll take some time
to adjust itself to his new body.
He must have complete rest,
and avoid any sudden
or violent movement.
As a precaution, I shall keep him
strapped for a few days.
It was a superb operation, Doctor.
I learned a great deal from it.
Thank you for your assistance.
This is only the beginning
of our work together.
- Must be Otto's feeding time.
- Yes.
So it is.
That was one of Karl's duties.
I'd better do it for him.
I wonder what he makes of all this.
He'd be very interested,
if he knew.
In my early experiments
with a live brain,
I used reptiles.
I removed the brain
from a lizard
and replaced it with a frog's.
The lizard attempted to jump,
but of course it was
physically incapable.
But it proved my theory.
The brain will continue
its normal function,
regardless of its environment.
Later, I used anthropoids.
I gave Otto the brain of an orangutan.
- Was it successful?
- You can see for yourself.
I want Karl close at hand,
where we can watch him.
We must get him to the hospital.
I've prepared an attic room there.
Won't that be dangerous,
so soon after the operation?
Not if we take care.
Get on!
Please, be calm.
Try to relax.
You're quite safe now.
He's bound to have
a certain amount of pain
as the anaesthetic wears off.
Now, Karl...
Karl, can you hear me?
You've made wonderful progress
in the past week.
These are necessary
for a little while. I'm sorry.
It won't be for long.
- Hans?
- Yes.
Just reflect the light on his
right eye, will you?
Keep it steady.
Now, the left.
Yes, excellent.
Now, Karl,
try and move your left arm.
Now, the right.
There's very little wrong
with you, Karl.
I'm due in the ward now.
Dr Kleve will stay with you.
- You'll see to the straps?
- Yes, of course.
Except for the movement of his right
arm, his reactions are excellent.
Even better than I expected.
Now, talk to him. Don't overtax him,
but keep his mind fairly active.
When he shows signs of fatigue,
give him one of those.
You can leave him to rest then.
I shall go to the laboratory
as soon as I've finished in the ward.
Send for me at once
if you need me.
- You have your key?
- Yes.
You'll be up and wearing
those clothes in no time!
Dr Kleve?
Yes, Karl?
When can I see my new body?
Very soon now.
I think you'll be proud.
Dr Kleve,
what is...
to happen to me, after?
Oh, there are great plans for you.
Doctors and scientists will
come from all over the world
to see you, and to talk to you.
You're a very
important person now, Karl.
Dr Stein intends
to hold student lectures.
They'll see you,
a normal man with a normal body,
side by side with your old body.
All my life I've been stared at.
It will be different now, Karl.
You'll be able to play a great part
in the advancement of medical science.
- Are you in pain?
- No.
I think you'd better rest now.
Not too much excitement just yet.
Drink this.
Hello, Ned.
Still suffering, eh?
- How are you today?
- Better, miss, thank you.
Oh, good. I am glad.
Well, now. Would you
care for something today?
There's some soap,
writing paper, or tobacco.
Oh, well, I'll have it all in tobacco,
if I may, miss.
- No soap?
- I never use it.
- Miss Conrad?
- Yes, Doctor?
I must ask you to keep
out of the ward when I'm on duty.
- Have you anything to do?
- Yes, sir.
- Do it, then.
- Yes, sir.
- He's a moody cove, ain't he?
- Mmm.
I beg your pardon?
Oh, I'm sorry, miss, but, er...
if you knew what I knew... Cor.
Cruel, he is.
He cuts 'em up, you know.
Don't talk such nonsense.
What? Here, let me tell you, miss,
he had a new one in the other night.
Horrible state he was in.
All strapped down, he was.
Screaming his head off.
I don't believe a word you're saying.
You can see for yourself.
They keep him in a special room,
an attic.
- All locked up, of course.
- Oh!
Well, then, perhaps
I'd better see him.
Just in case you're telling the truth.
- Would you like to show me the way?
- Well, of course I will.
I know where they keep the master key.
They don't know I know,
but I know a lot of things
that might surprise 'em, eh?
You wait 'ere. I'll go and fetch it.
Oh, er... I might as well
take my tobacco now, eh?
In case I forget it.
Don't forget to lock 'im up
when you're finished.
And let me have the key back, eh?
Oh, I'm sorry. Did I waken you?
Miss Conrad, it's you.
How did you know my name?
I've met you once before.
You wouldn't remember.
Did Dr Stein send you to see me?
No. No, I just came to see if...
if you were comfortable.
Thank you.
- All right, come in.
- Thank you, Doctor.
Oh, really, I...
I didn't intend to, er...
Oh. Well, if you insist.
Here you are.
Thank you, Doctor.
Ooh, that's better.
Just the stuff for a cold day, eh?
If you used that broom a bit more,
you wouldn't feel the cold.
How's the, um...
how's the special patient, Doctor, eh?
- What do you know about him?
- Oh, nothing.
Nothing at all, except he's special.
What's so different about him?
Ain't he got fleas?
If you washed yourself,
you wouldn't have fleas.
What, me, wash? Cor!
I'd catch pneumonia, like as not.
No, I'll have me fleas and
keep me health and strength.
What is your work?
I have no work.
Oh, you will soon get some.
You'll forget all about your illness.
I will help you when you're better.
You must come and see me.
I will write down my address
for you, shall I?
I'll put it in your pocket.
These straps, they hurt.
Oh, they're far too tight.
I'll loosen them for you.
Now, then.
Take the animals in the jungle.
They don't wash none,
and yet they keep 'ealthy.
You never hear of them getting sick.
'Cause why?
Because they are good and dirty.
And what do you know about
the animals in the jungle?
Ah, you'd be surprised.
I'm a great animal fancier.
I know all about their habits.
Because you practise
them yourself, eh?
And what's wrong with that?
They was here before we was,
and they'll be here
a long time after we've gone.
They know how to
look after themselves.
Well, take the monkeys, for instance.
They got a good layer of dirt
to keep 'em warm.
Plenty to eat, plenty to drink.
I bet they laugh at us sometimes,
on the quiet, eh?
Now, if you get hungry,
you have to cook yourself
a meal of meat and potatoes.
Not them, no.
They get hungry,
they reaches out for a banana.
They don't have to worry
about cooking or nothing.
They don't even eat meat.
- They don't, do they?
- Meat? 'Course they don't.
do you mind if I help myself
to another one, Doctor?
No? Thanks.
Did Otto eat flesh
before you operated?
No, I discovered it soon after
the operation. He ate his wife.
Ate another monkey?
What else would he be married to?
Do you mean
he turned into a cannibal?
Yes. I didn't attempt to correct it.
He'd been through enough already,
and he's perfectly happy
and in good health.
But surely...
I mean, couldn't the same thing
happen to Karl?
There's no danger of that,
so long as his brain
is given time to heal.
Otto became agitated
after his operation.
He fractured one of the
cells of the brain.
Does Karl know about
what happened to Otto?
Of course he does.
It's just as well.
He knows what could happen to him,
so he'll take no unnecessary risks.
Hans, I finished something today.
I'd like to show it to you.
What do you think of it?
I thought you'd be interested.
Before we go back to the hospital,
I want you to help me
get him into the tank.
Who's down there?
Where are yer?
You heathen beast!
There y'are!
Afraid I'm gonna bust
your skull in, are yer?
That'll teach you.
Don't hit me, please.
I won't hit you.
Now I'll have to hit you some more,
to make up for all the damage
you just done.
Get up!
But how...?
But he was asleep when I left him.
I gave him a sedative.
How could he have undone the straps?
Why, Hans, not how. Why.
There's always a reason why.
What happened before
you gave him the sedative?
Well, I don't remember.
Pull yourself together, man!
Tell me!
Well, I... I talked to him.
I told him
your plans for his future.
You told him that?
You fool! You stupid fool!
Do you know nothing
of human reactions?
Let me think.
Where would he go?
The laboratory.
He burnt his old body.
The janitor must have disturbed him.
Suppose his brain was
damaged in the fight?
Sooner or later he'll need my help.
He knows that.
Go back to the hospital and carry on
normal routine. I shall stay here.
- But shouldn't we search for him?
- Do as I tell you!
Ah! Thank you, Joseph.
I'm just going in to see the ponies.
Hello, my lovelies.
How about a piece of sugar, hmm?
Piece of sugar for Mama?
How about you, eh?
Come on, I've got a piece for you.
Come over here.
- What are you doing here?
- I... I...
I had to get away.
You said you'd help me.
Does Dr Stein know
you've left the hospital?
No! No, don't tell him, please!
Please don't tell him!
- You'd better come with me.
- No, no, no, let me stay here.
You need looking after.
I must tell Dr Stein.
Well, Karl...
Karl, you cannot remain here.
Not like this.
You've... you've been kind to me.
Please, please, not Dr Stein!
If I promise not to tell him, will you
stay here until I get back?
I won't be long.
Try to rest this
as much as you can, will you?
Yes, Doctor.
Hans, I must speak to you.
It's urgent.
Come and see me again
in a few days' time.
Yes, Doctor.
Look, I found Karl this morning.
He's at my aunt's home, in the stable.
At your...
- I must get Dr Stein!
- Oh, no, no.
Please, Karl's terrified of him.
I'm sorry. I must get him.
Please. The poor man's
nearly out of his mind.
Anyway, I promised him
I wouldn't bring Dr Stein.
- Then I'd better come.
- I have a carriage.
He was in pain.
I thought I was helping him.
Of course you did.
Karl, I brought Dr Kleve.
But he was there!
I left one of the groomers with him.
Joseph. Where's that man
I told you to look after?
I don't know, miss.
I went to water the horses,
and when I came back, he'd gone.
- Dr Stein must be told now.
- Shall I come with you?
No, no.
You stay in the house.
Oh, stop that, can't you?
Well, what are you
getting annoyed about?
What do you think
I'm getting annoyed about?
We've been 'ere
half an hour,
and all you can find to do
is look at a lot of ants.
Well, ants is interesting.
You can learn a lot from ants.
Well, you haven't learned much.
What do you mean?
They've got more sense
than to sit around all night.
They get on with it.
On with what?
Oh, I'm going home!
Good night, Gerda.
Gerda! Gerda!
Is it much further?
We're in the park now.
The Countess' house is about
three miles away on the other side.
Can't we go any faster?
I feel I'm to blame for this.
But I thought it'd be
wiser to go myself.
When Miss Conrad told me
she'd promised...
You should have come to me at once!
These interfering women!
Why have you stopped?
Oh, it's you, Dr Stein.
I'm sorry to trouble you, sir,
but we have to check on
everyone passing this way.
There's been a murder in the vicinity.
Can I be of assistance?
Oh, this is Dr Kleve.
- Good evening, sir.
- Good evening.
Well, sir, if you could
examine the body,
we should like to have a report.
- Certainly.
- Come this way, sir.
- When did this happen?
- About an hour ago, this boy says.
Did you see who attacked her?
All he could tell me was,
when he heard the girl scream,
he shouted,
and then the man rushed off.
If it was a man.
What do you mean?
Well, sir, the boy said
he had a strange shape.
Almost like an animal.
But, of course, he only
caught a glimpse of him.
I think this is more than
just an ordinary murder.
Have you searched the park?
Thoroughly, sir.
Well, there's nothing I can do here.
I'll let you have my report.
Thank you, sir.
Sorry to have detained you.
I have nothing against
the English composers, Dr Molke.
It's just that they won't
let themselves go.
- Not even Handel?
- Ah, but he was stolen from Germany.
- Dr Victor Stein, Dr Hans Kleve.
- Oh, Dr Stein, so you came after all.
Countess, I wish to speak to your niece.
It is very urgent.
Ah, but the night is young.
Vera, my dear!
- Excuse me.
- Certainly.
When you found Karl in the stable,
was he the same as when
you saw him in the hospital?
Yes, but he was very distressed.
- Is that the last you saw of him?
- Yes.
- Are you certain he hasn't returned here?
- Yes. I...
Help me.
"Frankenstein, help me!"
Those were his very words.
- And then what happened?
- The poor fellow collapsed, dead.
Stein and young Kleve carried him
from the room, and that's all I know.
I summoned this meeting right away.
You did correctly, Dr Molke.
What we have to decide now, gentlemen:
is this man Frankenstein or not?
Mr President, while I was waiting for the
senior members of this Council to gather,
I spent my time going through the
old records relating to this Frankenstein.
The description of him
given in them
fits our friend,
Dr Stein, very closely.
Dr Stein, I beg you to listen to me!
Get away from here,
across the border!
We can start again somewhere else.
There's no hurry.
But everyone heard Karl
call you Frankenstein!
Molke was there.
He'll report to the Medical Council.
They're bound to take action.
You know the way they feel about you.
This is the chance
they've been waiting for.
There was always the risk
that I might be identified.
- My plans were made accordingly.
- But you can't stay here!
I shall be at the surgery
in the morning at my usual time.
Have you seen your waiting room?
It's deserted.
- The whole town knows who you are.
- Do they?
And I've been summoned before the
Medical Council. What am I to say?
I'll come with you.
That would be madness.
Let me do what I can.
I've nothing to fear from them.
What can they prove?
On our way, Hans,
I have something to tell you.
Gentlemen, I deny it absolutely!
You deny your name is Frankenstein?
Have you ever consulted
a street directory, sir?
Any street directory
for any town in central Europe?
You will find dozens of Frankensteins.
I am a Frankenstein.
Of course I'd heard of
Baron Frankenstein,
who created that monster
some three years ago,
but naturally I didn't wish to
set up in practice here
handicapped by such a name,
so I changed it.
But the resemblance?
The uncanny resemblance?
This is a monstrous accusation,
inspired by jealousy.
Baron Frankenstein?
Dr Stein!
Dr Stein.
How do you explain that wretched fellow
calling you Frankenstein?
For the very same reasons
as your own, I should imagine.
I think a little proof, Mr President,
rather than a lot of gossip,
would be advantageous to us all.
- One moment.
- Excuse me.
I am a busy man. Good day, gentlemen.
Dr Kleve, we have not yet
questioned you.
All right, open the coffin.
- It's a priest's hat!
- Rosary.
We were right.
Frankenstein is not dead.
He asked for proof.
Now we have it.
You were just like
the raw material for him!
- How's the head today, Kleiner?
- Don't lay your filthy hands on me.
Don't be a fool, man.
I've got to look at it.
You heard me.
Keep your murdering hands off me,
Yes, that's what I said.
Fugitive from the gallows.
Murderer. Mutilator.
Doctor, Doctor!
They're killing him in there.
Killing him.
Killing who?
On the bed.
- Hans...
- Don't talk.
It's no good.
You know what to do.
Yes, I know.
What kind of a place is this?
I have a warrant for the arrest
of Victor Stein!
Come in, Inspector.
- Where is he?
- This way.
What happened?
It was his patients at the hospital.
They went mad and practically
tore him to pieces.
I brought him here and operated
in the hope of saving his life.
Well, the body must be taken
and buried in unhallowed ground.
As it should have been
three years ago!
Pray heaven I've got
the skill to do this.
You were an excellent pupil, Hans.
This scar will hardly show.
Your next patient is waiting,
Dr Franck.
Thank you.
Lady Benborough and Wendy.
How nice to see you.