The Road to Glory (1936)

What's the bad news this time?
If this outfit likes to fight
this ought to be good news.
Did I say anything
about liking to fight?
Special order for the Captain.
- In there. Be sure and knock.
Come in.
Captain LaRoche?
- From headquarters, sir.
Make yourself at home.
Can I get you a chair?
- No, sir.
That's all.
Tell the Sergeant to come in... exactly 2 minutes.
- Yes, sir.
Is it orders to go back to the front?
- When?
Tonight, now.
- Tonight?
Such a short leave.
It's harder each time you go.
Is it, dear?
It's good to hear you say that.
Monique, I want you
to have something.
This was given to me by...
...someone I love very
much, my sister.
It's lovely.
I'll say prayers to Our Lady
to bring you back safely.
You blessed child.
She knows I'd be lost without you.
You would?
You've been so good, so kind, I...
Is that all?
Paul... tears my heart each time
you go back to the front.
Do you know what you just said?
Say it again.
It tears my heart.
I'll come back.
I always come back. I'm eternal.
Come, dear.
We're moving back up at midnight.
Yes, sir.
Here it is, sir.
Order equipment.
We're in for 3 weeks.
Yes, sir.
Assembly at 11:30.
Yes, sir, but...
- Well?
The replacements,
they haven't reported.
I expect you to see they do report.
Yes, sir.
Is that all, sir?
Is that all, sir?
- Listen.
Light out, fires out!
- Sir, I don't understand.
Don't you hear those motors?
They're German.
Hurry up!
- Yes, sir.
Lights out, to cover everybody!
Lights out!
Lights out! Get under cover!
Keep that door closed!
Come in!
Come in out of the lead.
- How can I?
Step back. I'll push up the grating.
Hurry up, jump. Come on.
One more. Hurry up.
Are you hurt?
- No, I...
I don't think so.
When those things land on
you, you usually know it.
Sit down here.
See if I can get some light in here.
Now we can...
I never expected to find any...
Are you pretty badly shaken?
You'd better have a drink.
Here, try this.
I'll make you more comfortable there.
Poor Fifi.
What a woman she was in her day?
You lie down here.
You'll have to stay here
until all this blows over.
There we are.
You like another drink?
- No, thanks.
It turned out to be a
great war, didn't it?
I mean, that was a pretty narrow
escape you had there.
Gosh I'm awfully glad that you...
I'll be all right.
A little too direct?
Say, I know what I'll do.
I'll play for you.
Are we?
Are we safe here?
I am.
This won't last long.
Lieutenant... did you happen to be here?
I'm establishing a mood.
I'm softening you.
It's the only way to do it, music.
Notice the romance in it?
No, really, how did you
happen to be here?
I came in a few minutes
before you did.
Notice how the music's getting you?
- No?
You just wait.
You'll begin to quiver like
a reed in the storm.
I've never known it to fail.
You see?
I'm sorry, but I...
...feel nothing.
Nothing at all?
To tell the truth I was afraid
of something like that.
If you notice...
...the piano's a little out of tune.
Don't move, I'll squeeze in here.
You may have it all. I'm leaving.
- Not yet.
You don't realize the danger with
this sky full of death, but I do.
You'll stay here until
it's safe again.
Lieutenant, how long have
you been at the front?
Almost two years, child.
I'm a veteran.
And you haven't learned yet
that when the rain comes...
...they go away?
I know that...
...but I was hoping you
didn't. I'm sorry.
I can't understand it.
Nothing I do seems to work.
Perhaps it's because
I'm a veteran too.
Don't go yet. Please,
just for a moment.
It was only that... were very lovely to look at...
...and I didn't want you to go away.
You see, it...
I don't know, a soldier doesn't find
moments of beauty and so...
...when one does come
along be snatches at it.
And why not?
A bomb or a shell may get
either of us tomorrow.
Why not take a moment like this
and sort of make the most of it?
It may be our last.
That was very dramatic.
Yeah, I rather thought so.
You know, that's the
soldier's approach.
Not the enlisted soldier's, you
understand. No, he's more pointed.
The commissioned soldier...
...he uses a little more finesse,
it seems to me...
...and he beats about
the bush a little longer.
And this is your usual approach?
There's a great deal to be said for
the enlisted man's practice of...
Have you finished?
...if you don't want this, you might
have the politeness to slap me...
...because we'll never get
anywhere with your attitude.
It's unfair.
Wait, please. I haven't finished.
I was just preparing to apologize.
- You needn't bother.
Will you tell me your name?
At least your hospital unit.
I don't think I'd better.
Goodbye, Lieutenant.
Captain's quarters?
- Right in there, sir.
Thank you.
No, no. If it's not here in half
an hour it will be too late.
At ease, men.
I'm the new platoon commander.
- Sergeant Regnier, sir.
How are you, Sergeant?
Captain LaRoche here?
- He's expecting you.
Take care of that for me, will you?
Come in.
Lieutenant Denet reporting, sir.
- You should've arrived 2 hours ago.
I ran into a difficulty, sir.
- Air raid?
In a way, yes.
Let's see. In civil life... were a pianist.
I was a student.
Otherwise your record's not bad.
I see no reason to apologize for it.
What you do in the future will mean
more than you say of the past.
May we'll leave it at that, sir.
Do you know this sector?
Fairly well.
The outfit I was with
took it last June.
We're holding this part
of the valley here.
The enemy has the rest.
Right here is our own
particular little job.
It's a tough sector.
It's bad...
...but it's going to get worse.
Is that what's disturbing you, sir?
That's not bothering me.
I've got a good bunch of men.
A tough outfit.
- I know they're good.
I've heard of this outfit
more that once.
I hope you can live up to them.
The Third Platoon will be yours...
...that's, what's left of it.
Half of it'll be replacements.
Don't you bring back many?
No one regrets my losses,
...more than I do.
I'm sorry, sir.
- The replacements are here.
All right.
This is Regnier, your Sergeant.
At your service, sir.
Say, Sergeant.
Yes, sir.
This outfit...
At ease.
- Yes, sir.
...usually lose half of your men?
Sometimes more. We're known as
Captain LaRoche's hard bargains.
Hard bargains?
Whenever there's a bulge in the line
or a dirty work to be done...
...they always send for us.
- But with half the men.
How long's the Captain
had the company?
Ever since we first came out.
- How many times?
...about eight times, and he's
never even got trench feet.
He's the hardest bargain the lot.
The finest officer in the army.
- But hard.
The finest officer in the army.
- Living on aspirin and cognac.
What the Captain uses is
none of my business.
All I know is...
...he's the finest officer
in the army.
All right, Sergeant.
Ready for inspection, sir.
- Right.
You've been here before?
- Yes.
Is the shoulder well?
- Yes.
Glad to see you back.
- Thank you.
Take off your cap.
How old are you?
- 44, sir.
Real age?
- Please, Captain.
- Yes, sir.
Send this man back.
Yes, sir.
- I...
Your name?
- Dulac, Jean.
- 3.482.
Finest officer...
- Yes, Sergeant, yes, sir.
Soldiers of France... are now members
of the Fifth Company...
...Second Battalion...
...of the 39th Regiment of the Line.
This regiment was created... Bonaparte...
...and served gloriously with
him through many campaigns.
It also served... the Crimea... Indo-China and in Africa.
Since November, 1914...'s been fighting on this front.
Its record of valor...
...has not yet been damaged.
I do not expect any man...
...or any platoon or
an entire company... add stature to that record...
...but I do and will require...
...that no man in it detract
from that record.
At midnight we move
up to the front.
Yes, sir.
Company at ease...
Will you shut up?
I'm sorry, I forgot.
If you've got to whistle,
give us the other tune.
Taking over.
I can't say I'm sorry.
- Anything new?
No, it feels like they're
getting ready.
Two raiding parties out already
tonight, after prisoners.
A bad break in the wire after...
- Wait, wait.
One of your men?
- Yes.
How long's he out?
- Since last night.
Why don't you bring him in?
Look over here.
Those bodies out there are
the men we sent after him.
They couldn't raise that gun
and put him out of his misery.
I'll be out of mine anyway.
I won't have to listen to him.
Good luck.
But I don't care! They let him
hang and suffer and suffer!
Tomorrow it may be any of us.
It may be me!
As you were.
...what about that man?
I can't sleep.
- Shut up.
I prefer to die before hearing that.
- Wait a minute.
Two men can get him out.
You and who else?
I'll go.
And you want to go?
My brother died that way last
year in front of Souchez.
We listened to him two days
before a barrage came.
All right, come along...
...both of you.
Good luck.
But all I owe you is eight francs.
I'll expect the rest, later.
I'll be here.
- All right.
Over you go.
Stand to and cover these men.
Who is he?
- Denet sent after...
...that man on the wire.
- Fools.
Don't do that, sir.
Are you hit?
- I'm not, he is, in the leg.
I don't have to listen
to him any more.
Take him to the rear.
Lend a hand here.
You're a brave man, Denet...
...but you're a fool.
Take over...
...I'm going to the dugout.
Yes, sir.
Jacques... on here.
How many more days?
Five more.
Then we can get out.
In ten days you'll be getting ready
to get back up here again.
Can't you give us the other
one once in a while?
My mistake was by buying
the music box...
...that didn't have but
two tunes in it.
What did you buy that dumb
thing for anyhow?
It was very cheap.
You know what to do with that box?
- What?
Take a hand grenade...
...pull the pin, drop
it inside and run.
But it isn't paid yet for.
- Go on. Go to sleep.
Time for relief, Dupres.
- All right.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Lights out, everybody.
This place sure needs some perfume.
It seems to me we've got too
much perfume here already.
Yeah, but not the right king.
- Shut up.
Sergeant, come here, quick.
- What is it?
Down here, listen.
Do you hear it?
- Quiet.
What is it?
It's a mine, they're digging
right down below us.
They'll blow us all to pieces.
- Shut up!
Shut up!
Go and get the captain, quick.
- Right.
I'm getting out of here.
- Me too.
Quiet everybody, quiet!
What's it?
There's a mine.
- They're going to blow us up.
Why not? What do you think
you get paid five sous a day for?
As you were. Where is it?
- Here.
Captain, what are we going to do?
- Do we go?
Go, where?
Into the next dugout or the next?
They're not trying to blow up us.
If the mine goes off, all of us go.
Suppose I do move you out.
How long would the Boche
take to discover it?
They wouldn't need their mine.
You're in no danger now because
you can hear them digging down.
They'll not blow up their own
sappers. Go on back to bed.
Say, Sergeant.
A double ration of rum all around.
- Yes, sir.
Lieutenant, can't you do something?
Can't you get us out of here?
- He told the truth.
Do we've to stay here?
- Until we're relieved.
What if it blows up before then?
You'll take us out of here?
- Easy.
We'll all get out...
...before it goes.
I certainly could use
some of this rum now.
Me too.
A week ago, before the raids...
...they'd blow up a lot more of us.
I suppose if we moved out now...
- Is just want they want us to do.
Move out.
They wouldn't need their mine.
They could walk right through.
Somebody's got to be here.
Hope it isn't us but it's
got to be somebody.
...told the men that...
...I'd get them out before it goes off.
You told them?
I told them to stay.
You're the hero and I'm the murderer.
I'd like to tell them to get out.
Do you think I want them to blame me?
Be good enough to tell
me how you'll do it.
How are you going to be
able to get yourself out?
Your move.
I laugh when I think about them
Dutchman down there...
...digging all night long.
I laugh when I think of you and that
bread and cheese flying over France.
How many men you got here?
There's enough there. Sign that.
What is this?
Steel helmets.
They've just been issued.
How do you like them?
We're sitting over a mine...
...and they're sending us
steel helmets for our heads.
You're... What did you say?
They're digging a mine down there.
Say, give me that, I got
to get out of here.
Sergeant, a letter for you.
They've stopped digging!
Tell the men to stay at their posts.
- Yes, sir.
They're digging again.
'Lf we don't get a payment on
your music box within a week...'ll find yourself in
a pretty serious situation.
Signed Hercules Bureau
of Collections'.
They should've been
here over an hour ago.
The relief is here, sir.
The relief is here, everybody
out. Now take it easy.
Captain, I'd just like to say that...
...I'd... to apologize for the remark
about the numbers of replacements.
I didn't understand but I do now.
This company has a record of
services such as I never dreamed.
I'm very proud to be with you.
Come on, get going.
Keep moving. Come on.
Come on, come on.
Here's the relief company.
Close it up, men.
Keep going.
Close it up, men.
What's going on up there?
- You'll find out soon.
Quiet up there. Keep moving.
I don't know how they're going
to set it off but...
...I'm afraid it won't be long.
I left you with a wounded
man on the wire...
...and you leave me a mine to sit on.
- Good luck.
How many were there?
Two platoons, sir.
All right, come on.
Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
Hello, Sergeant.
- Hello.
Captain LaRoche, is he all right?
- He's all right.
They'll never get him.
Why bullets curve
around him like that.
He's sleeping.
I can't, no.
No, I can't.
Yes, miss.
He's sleeping now and I've
to get back to the hospital.
Don't disturb him unless
you have to, will you?
Don't you worry, miss.
I'll let him sleep.
Good morning, Sergeant.
Good morning, sir.
- Sit down.
What time is it?
It's just six o'clock, sir.
Six o'clock? Then it's good evening.
Yes, sir, good evening.
Sergeant, where is...
...the hospital in this town, you
know, where the nurses are?
That's in a church, sir,
on the other...
I was afraid you might be
reading something trashy.
No, sir, just keeping
up with civilian affairs.
Just refreshing your memory?
Yes, sir.
Where'd you say the hospital is?
It's in a church, at
the east side of town.
Order me a motorcycle
side-car, will you?
Yes, sir.
Will you be finished
with my book soon?
I don't know, Regnier,
it's difficult to say.
To tell the truth, I find I've
to struggle constantly... retain a certain
human quality in myself.
But I might turn into a man
of steel and gun-powder...
...a fighting machine without
any weaknesses whatever.
It's a thing I've to go out against
and I find this helps me.
Yes it...
...helps me immensely.
Can I help you, Lieutenant?
I don't know...
...I'm looking for someone.
The name?
I just joined the regiment and
the name has slipped my mind.
You know him if you saw him?
Instantly. He's covered
with a very peculiar rash.
We haven't had no rashes in today.
This is an entirely new thing.
It's called trench rash.
It turns off and on like
an electric sign.
I'll browse around and look
for him. I know he's here.
I say, nurse.
Is the shave going on all right?
Quite all right, sir.
- Fine, fine.
I never expected to see you again.
I've been through trying to find you.
You shouldn't have come.
Why not? Isn't it all right
for me to be here?
Don't tell me you're a patient here.
No, I'm company. I came to see you.
You'd better go.
Go? I just got here.
Who knows but what I'm sick
or wounded or something.
Nobody check up on things like that?
- You really should go.
About the other night, I'm awfully
sorry for the way I acted.
I never would...
...if you hadn't thought
it'd be successful.
That's right.
You're too young and sweet
to be such a veteran.
Some help, please.
All right.
I'm sorry but I'm very busy now.
- I see.
You mean until later this evening?
No, for the duration of the war.
How much do I owe you?
- It's already paid.
By the officer, over there.
Bring us some more coffee,
will you? Lots of it.
Wonderful coffee they've here.
They say the chef got his recipe...
...from and old paint and varnish store.
If only you weren't so persistent.
I know, isn't it terrible?
Try some of my wine.
What are you thinking?
The things are so different
from the other time.
You glad that we came?
I'm glad and...
...sorry too.
I'm afraid to think about it.
I find that something was happening
that I'd never expected...
...or even wanted.
I'd such a strange feeling tonight...
...when we came in here...
I know I felt it too... though we're coming home.
Isn't that it?
You saw those guns...
...rumbling up the road?
- Yes.
- They're rolling along the front...
...from Switzerland to the sea.
There's no need my telling you
that this is the crisis.
This is the biggest allied push yet.
It's going to make what's gone
before seem like child's play.
If this attack fails... can write your own story.
At midnight we move up.
Lieutenant, would you
make the inspection?
Yes, sir.
Come on, hurry up.
Move on.
Pack inspection, come on.
- What do you want?
Is it true this is the big drive...
...that we're going to the front now?
Tomorrow we'll have breakfast
in Berlin. Into line.
Yes, sir.
Into line!
Come on, inspection, come on.
Been up here before?
- Yes, sir.
Throw that away.
- It's good to eat.
Eat here, don't take it
with you. Throw it away.
Thank you.
Throw it away.
Hello, Chartis.
- Hello, Sergeant.
Throw that away.
- My wife made it.
All the more reason to throw it away.
Throw that away.
Don't salute me.
I'll salute any soldier of France.
Save it for the officers.
Yes, sir.
And don't you call me sir.
No, sir.
What's your name?
Morain, sir. Sergeant.
So you want to be a soldier?
I want to serve France.
That's a good idea.
What's that Bassoon doing here?
- Yes, that fish horn.
Throw it away.
I'll have you know, sir...
...that 45 years ago at Sudan...
...a blast from this fish
horn you call it...
...sent the finest cavalry brigade
in the world into battle.
- The Emperor heard the call.
You've got to throw it away.
I've carried that trumpet
a great many years.
All right, keep it.
Only see that nobody sees it.
Put it in your pack.
You heard what I said.
Throw it away!
Open up.
Throw it away.
War, do you call this war?
Where's your cavalry charges?
And your flags to lead them on...
...and your bugles to
blow them forward?
Why you haven't got any?
All you do is dig holes in
the ground like rabbits.
Soldiers, why you're a
lot of sewer diggers?
Wait till a fine point nine takes
hold of the seat of his pants.
What do you know about war?
What do I know about war?
- Yeah.
I was the trumpeter of
the Six Cuirassiers.
I blew a charge, I was
only 15 when I blew it...
...but I blew a charge
that sent the finest...
...cavalry in the world.
- What you got in here?
What you got in here?
- What for?
In case of an attack.
Come in.
That's all right. Keep your seat.
I wonder if you'd do
something for me.
Something personal.
I'm glad to.
I've got a feeling, call it
a hunch if you like... luck's run out, that this
might be my last trip up.
I hope not, sir.
You do?
I can say, Captain, is that...
...I wish you might've the privilege
of serving under yourself.
I'm glad to have you with me.
You're reckless and a bit crazy
but sometimes that helps.
You're a good soldier.
- Thank you, sir.
Sorry for our bad start.
- Let's forget, sir.
Getting back to this other...
...if anything happens why...
...I'd like you to deliver
these to a friend of mine.
That's her name.
I've got her picture in this locket.
Here it is.
She's helping at a
hospital east of town.
I know where it is.
Those papers will explain everything.
There isn't much, but what's
left I'd like for her to have it.
She is...
...been very kind to me,
much kinder than she realizes.
She's filled a great emptiness.
- I see.
Anything I can do for you?
No, thanks, sir.
I have nobody.
Not even a friend?
I said nobody.
That's too bad.
You'll do this for me then?
I only hope I won't need to.
Inspection finished, sir.
- Good.
Coming, Lieutenant?
- Yes, sir.
Soldiers of France...'re members of
the Fifty Company...
...Second Battalion...
...of the Thirty-ninth Regiment
of the line.
It was created by Bonaparte...
...and served with him
through many campaigns.
Since November of 19...
Since November 1914 it has
been fighting on this front.
Its record of valor has
not yet been damaged.
I do not expect any man
nor any platoon...
...or even an entire company
to add stature to that record...
...but I do and will require
that no man in it...
...detract from that record.
Midnight we move out to the front.
Company... ease!
Grandpa... can take that ramrod
out of your breeches...
...he's through talking.
That's the most magnificent
speech I've never heard.
Is a good officer, isn't he?
The finest officer in the army.
- Private Morain... to the Captain right now.
- Yes, sir.
They're making him a general already.
And why not?
France made a young girl
a general once...
...and never regretted it.
Private Morain reporting
to his Captain.
So you changed your name to Morain?
Yes, sir.
How old did you tell them you were?
48, sir.
Who dyed you hair, old Sacha?
Come on, don't stand at attention... old fool.
My son!
My son!
Lieutenant, this is my father.
How do you do, sir?
- Lieutenant...
...think of it, to serve France
under my own son...
...and they wanted to make
a clerk out of me.
Me, who blew the last
charge at Sudan.
Look at me, don't I look fit?
- You certainly do, sir.
I'll tell you a secret.
I'm over 60 years old.
You'd never think it to look at me.
- Never, sir.
Paul, you're going to be proud of me.
You know all this is new to me, I...
What is it? What's the matter?
I'm proud of you.
I'm proud of you for trying...
...but it can't be done.
You'll not send me back.
- I must.
I can soldier with the best of them.
- No, you can't.
No, you don't know.
I was a soldier before
you was born.
You'd know if one man fails
10 others can die with him.
I'll not fail!
- It's a responsibility for me.
I tell I'll not fail.
- You've got to go back.
As your father, I order you to...
- Come to...
...allow me...
You can't.
- Attention!
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Get an order to send
back Private Morain.
Reason, unfit for service
because of age.
Yes, sir.
Come on, Morain.
I couldn't let him stay.
If he'd have failed...
I don't know.
What'd you have done?
Exactly what you did.
Look out for him, will you?
See that he gets supper
before he goes.
I'll be glad to, sir.
I'd be very proud if I had
a father like that.
Don't get up.
Isn't there anything that I can do?
I'm afraid not.
See that Morain gets
some warm supper...
...and do anything to
make him comfortable.
Yes, sir.
Well, what...
I had to come...
...because you didn't come to me.
You go up tonight, don't you?
And the attack is in five days.
How you did know that?
Everyone knows it.
A woman in love learned it.
Just as I learned it.
Five days.
That's half of the days I know you.
- Monique.
Michele, listen...
...there's something
I haven't told you...
...and I want to told you.
- Is this what you want to tell me?
Is it?
Yes, that's it.
He gave them to me to give to you... case he doesn't come back.
Michele, perhaps I
should've told you, but...
...please, try to understand.
Without me...
...he seems to have nobody, nothing.
He's not right somehow he's...
...twisted inside...
...but he's not dead inside.
I told him at first
I didn't love him...
...that some day I might
find someone...
...I might find...
...and he said he'd take that chance.
If you only knew what he's
done for me, for my family.
They lived near here before
the fighting destroyed all we had.
He sent them where they'd be safe...
...and takes care of them still.
Do you understand?
Do you?
Yes, I think I do.
That's what I came to tell you...
...and to tell him too.
Tell him?
Tell him that I love you?
No, that...
...I love you.
You can't do that.
What do you mean?
- You can't.
This is what I mean.
I mean it isn't just
he and I and you...
...two men and a girl...'s more than that.
That's why you can't tell him.
I didn't like'im at first...
...may be I still don't,
I don't know.
At least I know him now...
I know what...
...he's trying to do.
And I know what you mean to him.
I see.
- Without you he doesn't live.
As far as you and I concerned...'s all over, it's finished.
Michele, I...
Let somebody else
break it up, not me.
...haven't you...
...anything more to say to me?
I think you'd better go now.
Are you telling me... don't love me?
You can... it that, if you like.
Will you kiss me and
still say that?
No what.
I won't kiss you.
God bless you, Michele.
Is the car here?
The headquarter car is ready, sir.
Are you tight?
Teeniest possible bit, hardly
enough to interest anyone.
They'll blow it out of you.
- Yes, sir.
Come in.
Take the men up.
I'm going to headquarters.
Assembly at 11:00.
You make the inspection.
Full packs number three
grenades, extra bandeliers.
Yes, sir.
Are you all right?
I'm quite all right.
I look after the equipment.
How was it?
Ask yourself that in two
days from now.
Don't be fresh...'s not the first attack I went
through in the last 3 years.
Are you going to sign for it?
Write something.
'Sweetheart I love you' anything.
- Don't be fresh...'s a kiss for the General.
Is that the order sending me back?
You never can tell...
...they may have transferred
you to the Navy.
'Please acknowledge at
once receipt of...
...8 camels issued to you at
Sidi Bel-Abbes, Algeria...
...on January 18th, 1892'.
I've been getting this order
for the last two years.
It seems that they lost
the camel some place.
Here it is... it is, Grandpa.
'Transfer, effective this
date, to the...
...automobile transportation
section of... '
You really like it to be able
to get away from here.
I don't understand that attitude.
With ten million bullets
aiming at you every 24 hours.
And if this order hadn't come
what would have happened?
No order you stay.
Just this little scrap of paper...
...between me and the field of honor.
Something that the flame of a candle...
...or the fire could
destroy in a minute.
Five minutes, Sergeant.
Little things in life
mean so much to us.
This wind through the door
nearly blew the paper...
...into the fire.
- Yeah.
I mean the paper that is
so important for you.
Yes, I know. And if it had...
...I could have gone to the front.
- Yeah.
You could have gone to the front
I could have gone to the rear.
No, no, Sergeant...
...not if the wind from
the door had blow it there.
That's true.
- Yes.
That's true.
Speaking about little things in life.
Here am I...
...without as much money as to
buy myself a bottle of wine.
You have no money, Sergeant?
- No.
I have some.
But why should you buy me wine?
Because I'm your friend.
...are you friend of mine?
- Yes, indeed.
How much money would you want... buy wine with?
Would the sum of five francs
seem exorbitant?
No, no.
- That's all I need.
The great tragedy with this war... that every soldier always
hasn't got any money.
That's quite true, that's quite
quite true, Sergeant.
That's yours.
- No, now it belongs to you.
Are you trying to bribe me?
No, no.
- Yes you do.
No, no, Sergeant...
...I merely want to serve France.
You'd die for France if necessary.
- I would indeed.
You would?
- I would.
You would.
- I would.
Why refer to is as a bribe?
I didn't at all.
- Yes you did.
The next time be careful
with your tongue.
I swear to you I did not
refer to it as a bribe.
You swear?
- Yes.
You do?
- I do.
That's different.
...supposing the wind
from this door...
...would blow on this little...
It would move just like this.
That's exactly the way it
would happen, Sergeant.
Now supposing... blows just a little
bit stronger... this.
Now suppose it blows...
...very hard...
...that a hurricane.
You mean like this?
Get the men up all right?
There's no causalities, sir.
- Good.
Something else happened.
While we were crossing the area a
shell dropped on the 4th section.
One of the men fell on it in order
to cover it and protect the others.
But it turned out to be a dud.
- Took a lot of nerve.
I've never seen a bravest act.
- I'll recommend him, who was it?
It was Private Morain.
You mean...
- Yes.
Yes, sir.
Didn't I tell you to get him back?
- Yes, but...
I've a good mind to
court martial now.
But the order never come through.
Why didn't you send him back?
- He wasn't there.
He must slipped in the dark...
...but we can watch him.
- Who asked you what we could do?
Is it that I give orders
to hear to mysel.
Who's commanding this company?
Why you, sir.
Where's he?
On sentry duty, sir.
That was a brave work,
Private Morain.
Thank you.
I'm proud of you...
...very proud.
I believe you understand...
...the importance of the situation.
I've here a message from
our Corps Commander.
'Officer of the Second Army.
You're on the verge of an attack...
...that'll be the greatest of
the history of warfare.
You'll fight and ground...
...that has been drenched
by the blood...
...of your former comrades.
You'll go forward until you've
taken your objectives.
The fate of France...
...and of civilization...
...rests in your hands'.
Signed, Marchand.
Commanding Second Army.
Zero hour is at six, gentlemen.
Six o'clock.
We'd better synchronize our watches.
We'll use as a mark...
...six minutes...
...after one o'clock.
It is now mark...
...fifteen seconds...
...twelve seconds...
It's now exactly... minus five.
You know your objectives.
Try to keep close contact. Good luck.
Good luck to you.
Good luck.
Good luck, sir.
Before we moved up...
...I give you a package for
Mademoiselle LaCoste.
Yes, if necessary.
It won't be.
Nor shall I ask your services in
any event. Where's the package?
It's in my trunk in relief billets.
I see no reason why you'd
come out of this alive than I...
...possible not as much.
That's all.
Yes, sir.
Zero minus one.
- Yes, yes, sir.
Put that away.
But I want to blow it.
- No, put it away.
Come on!
Come on!
Come on! Forward!
Come on! Forward!
We'll have to blow them out.
We'll use grenades.
Take your men in from the south.
Are you ready?
Yes, sir.
- Let's go!
That's the way, Grandpa...
...that's the way.
You know...
...fear is nothing but imagination.
The man is only afraid
because he thinks he is.
Will you please stop
talking about fear?
But there's no such thing as fear.
It's only in the mind.
If you'll stop reminding
me about fear...
...maybe I can be brave too.
Watch over them...
...and keep them safe.
They accept everything...
...the rain...
...the cold...
...the days without sun...
...and rights without sleep...
...the fear and the pain...
...let them live...
...let them believe...
...that they will live
until the very end.
Let them always have that hope...
Shut up.
We're holding most of the village.
No, they're all around us.
I understand.
It'll be done right away.
What shape's your platoon in?
I've 26 men still able to walk, sir.
It's better than I feared.
Your fath...
Private Morain is safe and well.
Did I asked that?
...thanks just the same.
We've got a nasty job to do here.
Headquarters want us to run
a line through the village...
...beyond the enemy's position... blow up an observation post.
Do you know what that means?
Not many will get through.
The place is alive with snipers
and machine gun nests.
Yes, I know.
It's a volunteer job.
I'll take it.
You'll need about six men.
- I'll be one, sir.
Get five more men.
Get them ready right away.
- Yes sir.
Here's the logical point
where I think we'd start.
Wake up.
What do you want?
Volunteers for a wiring party,
what do you say?
Anything to get out of this grave.
- Come on.
The men are ready.
We're ready.
- Take half the wire with you.
We'll play the rest out
from here. The tools?
Here, sir.
- Here, sir.
See the men have revolvers.
- Yes, sir.
Pardon me, sir...
...your father's rather old...
- He's a soldier in the 39th.
All right...
- Yes, sir.
Get going.
Come on.
Keep them covered there.
- Watch this wire.
All right, quiet now
and keep down low.
Come along, Grandpa.
Bring those tools.
Come on, hurry.
Come on.
Go ahead.
You all right?
Come on, keep going.
The wire's broken.
I'll fix it.
- No you...
We'll get you on the way back.
Get going, boys, keep low.
Come on, Morain.
I can't.
- What's the matter?
I can't go out there.
I can't!
You'll get us all killed.
I'm afraid, Lieutenant...
...I'm afraid.
All right.
Give me the stuff.
You stay here with Regnier.
Hello, hello.
Hello, testing...
...1, 2, 3, 4, 1...
Here they're.
Wire detail reporting.
Post established as ordered.
- Good work.
Leave one man there.
You stay here.
Good luck.
I heard something.
They can't be coming back yet.
Maybe it's the enemy.
Careful take it easy.
Someone's coming.
Might be our boys. Be careful.
- No, no, it's the Germans.
Be sure.
I'm sure.
- Be sure.
It's the Germans.
- Be sure.
It's your own men.
I didn't know...
I didn't know it was you.
I know you didn't
- No.
...tell the captain I
threw the grenade.
I never would have done it.
I never would have thrown it.
- It's too late for that now.
How about getting back?
Can you make it all right?
I'll try, sir.
Come on, give me a hand with Regnier.
Let's get going.
Come on, come on.
Here they come.
Give me a hand here.
Are you all right?
Get some brandy.
You'll get a nice long
rest out of this.
...much longer...
...than you think, sir...
It was...
...a lovely war.
What happened?
Regnier was hit.
Morain stayed with him.
On the way back, they mistook
us for Germans...
...threw a grenade.
- Who threw it?
Regnier, sir.
Who throw it?
I did, sir.
You're under arrest.
Report to the rear just now.
Yes, sir.
Thanks, Denet.
I appreciate what you tried to do.
Better get that arm fixed up.
Keep an eye on him...
...will you?
- Yes, I will.
- Six.
- 3.326.
Report to the ambulance's officer.
Hello, Major.
- Hello, Denet.
Your arm?
- Yes, it doesn't amount to much.
You're lucky.
I'll take care of you.
- Thank you.
This way.
- Regiment?
Nurse, nurse...
...a hypo there on the
self right away.
Report to the officer.
It's too late.
Get a stretcher and
take that man out.
...may I...
...see his face?
Do you know anyone in the 39th?
Nurse, will you hold this for me?
Hold it!
This is going to hurt but
it's better than an infection.
That's all.
Thank you, Major.
- Monique!
What is it?
Is it bad?
- No, it's just a flesh wound.
I thought that...
- Hand me that sling.
- And fill out a report.
Feel all right?
- Yes, thank you, nurse.
You'll have to tell me...
...when and how it happened.
It was a couple of hours ago.
We were on patrol...
...running a telephone line
for the artillery.
That's all.
I can fill out the rest myself.
...nothing I...
Paul, I...
...Iook at me that way.
I couldn't help it because
I love him.
It's my fault.
- No, that isn't true.
I'm sorry.
We kept away from each other
so's not to hurt you but...'s no good. It won't work.
We love each other
and you might know it.
Here, get some water.
Sit here.
- Captain!
He's in here.
- Message from Headquarters.
Get some bandages too.
- Open it up.
Read it to me.
Read it, you fool.
Can't you see he's blind?
My son is blind.
- Won't you read it?
Let me get a doctor.
- Read it!
'Counter barrage...
...covering the area in sector point
3234 commence at 6:00.
This barrage will be...
...directed from the advance
telephone post...
...that you established'.
- Go on, go on.
'A detail must be sent
here at once... help with communication
with the artillery'.
That's impossible.
- Why?
The telephone post
is in that sector.
The barrage'd fall on it.
- I know. That runner?
Report to Headquarters.
The barrage'll be directed
as ordered.
- Lieutenant...
...your arm taken care o.
- Yes.
Report to the company as commander.
- It's a order.
I think...
- Did I ask you?
- I'll take care of the order.
Will you hurry along that doctor?
...I will.
Are you ready, my boy?
I'll need eyes, father.
I'll be your eyes, son.
We must hurry.
Hello, hello.
There's no answer.
Sure he got the message?
- Yes, sure.
- Two hours ago.
We can't lay this barrage
without observation.
Be careful here.
Wait a minute, wait.
Wait a minute.
We'll have to crawl here, son.
We're here, son.
Be careful. LeDoux has been shot.
Wait here son.
Where's the telephone?
Here, son, here.
Observation post...
- Here he is.
Give it to me.
Yes, already.
First Battalion fire when ready.
First Battalion fire when ready.
Here they go, watch closely.
They're way over!
You're long, you're long.
300 yards over.
You're long by 300...
...300 long.
Long 300.
Long 300.
They're still too far, son.
Too long still.
200 yards.
You're long 200...
...200 long!
When they get the range...
...that means us.
Can I blow the bugle now, son?
...and give it a good one, father.
I wonder if he'd have
written that if...
...he'd known about us.
I'm sure he would.
...even if he hated me.
What will you write to me, Michele?
What will you leave for
me if you dead... take your place in my heart?
- Please, Monique.
I want to know why do you've to go?
What sense does it make?
Who's happier, who's better o.
It goes on just the same without
and without meaning.
Why do you all have to die?
...that question has been asked as
many times as men have died...
...the answer hasn't
satisfied anybody.
Come in.
The replacement are here.
All right.
Company, attention!
Soldiers of France...'re members
of the Fifth Company...
...of the Second Battalion of
the 39th Regiment of the line.
This regiment was created
by Bonaparte...
...served with him gloriously
through many campaigns.
It also served in Indo-China... the Crimea and in Africa.
Since November, 1914, it has
been fighting on this front.
Its record of valor has not
yet been damaged.
I do not expect any man...
...or any platoon, or even
this entire company... add stature to this record.
But I do and will require...
...that no man in it detract
from that record.
We move up at midnight.
- Yes, sir.
Company at ease!