The Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming (1966)

- Comrade Lieutenant!
- What's up this time?
There's danger. See?
Comrade Captain! What are you doing?
Show me where we are.
- Here.
- What?
- Comrade Captain!
- Please keep calm.
Permission to speak.
Check our location.
Comrade Lieutenant Rozanov,
l don't need your advice.
This is dangerous. This is an old map.
We are not familiar with these waters.
Comrade Captain! 28 metres.
- Comrade Captain!
- Shut up, Rozanov. You're a fool.
- 28!
- Leave the bridge or l'll put you under arrest!
- lt's 23.
- Why are you not listening?
Rozanov, it's an order.
16 metres.
We're rising. Stop the engines.
How dare you?
- 11.
- What? 11?
- Stop the engines!
- Stop.
Seven... Six... Five.
To hell with it.
To hell with it.
What a shame!
What a shame!
To hell with it.
The United States of America.
Let's go.
They don't care.
People just don't care.
104, 105...
..106, 107,
108, 109,
110, 111,
112, 113,
114, 115...
Go back to bed
and l'll keep the kids quiet.
l never can get back to sleep.
ls there any coffee?
Not finished yet.
Have some orange juice.
This house is damp.
Doesn't it botheryou?
Any house by the sea
is bound to be damp.
No, this house is special.
lt'll always be that damn summer
place on Gloucester lsland.
Two months here, it'll take two
years for my bones to dry out.
Listen to my back. Here.
There, did you hearthat?
l don't hear anything.
There. Huh? Huh.
Tomorrow we'll be going home.
You'll be nice and dry.
Your back won't make a sound.
And we'll never go anywhere again.
We'll go.
Dad, Ma, Dad, hey,
there's some men outside.
- There are what?
- There are men outside.
There are? What are they doing, Pete?
l don't know. They're creeping.
-Are they? Now, listen...
- l think they're creeping up on this house.
- But, Dad!
- Pete, Annie's asleep upstairs.
- They've got guns. l saw their guns.
- Maybe it's an ambush.
Go outside and play some more tennis.
OK. l warned you.
l know.
- Bacon and eggs all right?
- No. l'll get dressed first.
lt's too damp to eat.
Honey, l have to work today.
l really do. What's the plan?
- Do l have to pack?
-You don't have to do a thing.
Alison's coming.
We'll spend the day packing.
l'll keep the kids busy and you can work.
You know Larry's gonna scream.
lf l don't work out that second act...
l said l already had it. l don't even have an idea.
Walter. Now, you will, you know you will.
You know how producers are.
They'll say it's a masterpiece.
And it probably will be.
You get dressed, eat a good
breakfast and just do it.
All right?
Shh. They're hiding
out by the garage now.
And there's this one great
big one, like Uncle Harry.
Like Uncle Harry, huh?
- OK, you keep an eye on them.
- OK.
l'll never get any work done today.
People running around the house...
There are no keys.
Ha! Coca-Cola.
Look. American grain.
- Fool.
- Keep quiet!
- l've found a map.
- Give it to me.
We're somewhere around here.
-We have to get to that place. Glou...
- Glou-shester.
Glou-ches... Glou-chester.
- Glou-kester Harbour.
- Glou-kester Harbour.
We need a car. We have to talk to them.
- Kolchin.
- Da, da?
Speak to me in English.
- Hello, good morning...
- Da, da.
- OK.
- Mm-hm.
- How are you?
-Very good.
-We'll go together. Now, listen.
- Da, da.
We shouldn't scare them.
They mustn't know that we are Russian.
Annie was awake till almost ten. l'll let her sleep.
Toast is burning.
This darn thing! How l ever let
that agent talk me into...
l counted them. There are nine of them.
- Come on, Pete.
- Two have guns.
And they're all talking
some foreign language.
They could be Russians or something.
- Eat your breakfast.
-You don't believe me.
- Pete, just eat, huh?
- OK.
- Someone... Someone at the door.
-You always know everything.
- What do you mean, Pete?
- lt's probably Alison.
- l'll get it.
Alison, this early in the morning? l'll get it.
Ah, good morning, sir.
- A pleasant good morning to you, sir.
- Good morning.
Please permit me to apologise
forthis unusual disturbance,
but we're hoping for some
conversations, please.
Ah, lady and young boy.
Good morning also, my dear lady.
Good morning, young boy.
We are strangers in this island, sir,
and we wish to speak about bots.
- Boats! About boats?
That is most exactly correct. Boats.
Well, l don't understand.
l mean, who are you?
l didn't hear a car. How...
Please not to be afraid. We are nobody.
We wish only to inquire where to find powerboat
for private use for some little
time, you understand, sir?
Sorry, but l still don't understand.
There are no boats around here.
- No boats?
- No.
An island with no boats?
Well, yeah. Well, there are boats,
some boats, but not around here.
ln town. l mean, in the harbour in town.
But there are none around here.
- Big boats. Motor, powerboats.
- All different kinds.
Ask them if they're Russian.
Nice little boy there.
Which way to harbour, please?
Well, it's... it's, er...
Well, it's...five miles down the road.
- Ask them if they're Russians.
- Quiet!
Very clever little boy,
clever to see that we are foreigners,
but not Russians, naturally.
What would the Russians be doing
on United States of America island?
With so many animosities and hatreds
between these two countries,
it is too funny an idea, is it not?
No, we... we are, of course, Norwe-gans.
On a small training exercise forthe NlATO...
- NATO countries. Of course, yes.
To reach place of power motorboat,
it is necessary to make borrowings
of automobile for short time only, sir.
- May l ask you something, please?
- Of course.
Are there nine of you out there?
Are you Russians with machine guns
and does one of you look like
Uncle... l mean, like a wrestler?
Er, l'm sorry to comply with your statement,
but misfortunately,
all of the answers to these questions are yes.
He's got a gun!
Please to step inside the house, please.
Er, no. Wait. Just wait a minute.
-You can't come in here.
-Yes, we can.
Lady, please, not to worry,
for no harm is coming.
Don't be frightened.
There's gotta be some explanation.
- Sorry l didn't believe you, son.
- Keeping calm, please.
l repeat, no harm is coming. Please being sitted.
Take it easy, now. Pete, boy, don't be scared.
- l'm not scared.
- Good. Good boy.
Now, to answer some few questions
very quickly, please,
so that there is no necessity howsoever...
-Whatsoever! Whatsoever!
So there is no necessity howsoever
why everybody in such a nice American family
should get shot to little pieces.
You understand? Yes. Good.
Now, what else people are in this house?
- Oh, there's only our little girl.
She's asleep upstairs.
But she's only a little baby.
So first is necessary to make
borrowings of automobile.
Where are keys?
ln my purse.
- Bag.
- The bag. Kolchin.
lf you don't mind, please.
Very good.
Da, da.
Now, what is population of island, please?
Uh, well, there's about 200 people here.
- Honey, there's more than that.
-You're thinking of the summer people.
ln West Village, all the farms.
There's much more...
No matter. Not many people.
Please, you know of no boat
except at boat place?
- No boat close to here?
- There just aren't any boats.
Very few questions more.
Don't tell him anything. We'd be traitors.
Pete, be quiet. Just keep quiet. Here, here.
Now, there is no establishment
of US navy or army
or coastal guardians on island,
no US of airforce?
No, there are no bases at Gloucester.
Glockester... Gloucester, huh?
Police constabulary. How many members
of police department here? 20? 40?
There are not that many.
Maybe three orfour.
Don't tell them anything.
He hasn't even tortured you yet.
- Pete, please.
- Listen. No one's gonna be tortured.
Look, couldn't you give us
some idea what this is all about?
- l know it's none of...
..none of my business, but...
lt is necessary foryou
to remain in this house,
l hope most vigorously
for a short time only.
-We're not going anywhere...
- Good!
Please to remain absolutely good behaved
so that this man here,
a marksman of prize-winning calibre,
will not have the necessity
of shooting you to small pieces.
Did you fill up the tank yesterday?
- l meant to...
- Listen.
There isn't much gas in the car.
Gas. Petrol.
- L'essence.
- Gasoline.
- No time for stupid tricks.
Just to keep absolutely good behaved, yes?
Madam, once more, l apologise for all of this.
What did you let him kiss your hand for?
l didn't know what he was doing.
- Could have pulled it away.
- l didn't want to make him mad.
Pete, Pete, no! Come back here!
l'll call the police, that's what.
lt doesn't buzz. They must
have cut the telephone line.
True. Now, please to sit down with
mama and papa. All together, yes?
Listen to me. You're not to try
anything like that again.
- Annie!
- Stop!
Good morning, Mommy.
Good morning, darling.
l'm hungry. l want my breakfast.
All right, Annie.
All right, Annie, you'll have your breakfast.
Hey, guys! An American woman!
Now, that's what you call a body.
Watch the road.
Please, mister and missus,
l am most sinceriously sorry
for incident with little girl.
Suddenness of noise.
What's your name?
Alexei Kolchin.
My name's Annie Whittaker. l'm going to be four.
Where did you come from?
From Soviet navy submarine boat.
A submarine? You're off a submarine?
Da. Last night.
Captain of submarine boat is, um...
is bringing submarine boat
too close to land against order.
He want to look at America.
- What for?
- He never saw it.
All of a sudden it's... Boom!
Submarine boat is becoming fixed on this place.
- Glou-kester lceland.
-You went aground.
Honey, that's it. Their sub
has gone aground. Well, if...
Wait a minute, you need a big motorboat
to try to pull the sub off the sandbar?
Da, da! ls it! ls it!
Well, why did you... Anybody can go aground.
- lt happens all the time.
- Please to disagree.
All are most terrified
of what will happen now.
Why? What will happen?
Unless Rozanov is finding power motorboat,
will be coming many
US of American...air machine!
And... and that war whistle!
Blow up.
No more Soviet navy submarine boat.
Oh, but they wouldn't.
- They couldn't.
- Please?
Just because you've gone aground.
lt wasn't deliberate.
lt was only an accident, wasn't it?
They'd have to be sympathetic...
Comrade Lieutenant, wait.
We're here. We need to get there. March on.
lt's a long way to Tipperary...
lt's a long, long way to Tipperary...
When you get captured, you'll get shot.
And l hope you do.
You don't mean that!
- l do!
- Listen!
- You helped him.
- What do you mean by that?
You told them everything they wanted.
Like Arnold Benedict.
lt's Benedict Arnold, not Arnold...
What are you saying, Pete?
Are you saying you think
yourfather is a traitor?
Yes, l am. l bet l'm the only fourth grader
whose father is a famous trader.
That's trai-tor.
Just stop it, Pete. You're being silly.
Um... Might as well give her a hand.
Here, honey, let me help you with that.
Um... l'm gonna do something.
l'm gonna get that gun from him.
Are you crazy? Don't, Walt!
You heard what Pete said.
He's only a child.
Now you're behaving like a child.
He's bigger and youngerthan you,
and he's strongerthan you.
- He's got the gun!
- He's just as frightened as me.
- Shh, please.
- No, Walt!
Uh... Sailor, as long as you're here,
how about a cup of hot...?
Do not come close with that, please.
- lt's just a little...
- Please! l don't want to hurt anybody.
Not children, not parent also.
l don't think he wants it. Walt...
Who's there?
lt's probably Alison and those men.
- Come in, Alison.
- Who...?
Alison, did your brother...
did Fred come with you?
- Hi, Fred. Come in!
- l got him!
- No!
l got him! Quick, grab it!
Pete, grab it! l got him, Pete!
l got him! l got him!
l got him! All right! All right!
Stick 'em up!
All right, stick 'em up!
No shoot! Nyet, no shoot!
- l can't...
- He's getting away!
But Mr Whittaker! Mr Whittaker!
l'll bet he's hiding somewhere!
- Hah!
- Don't shoot, it's us!
- Oh.
-What are you gonna do?
- Nothing. He ran for it. lt's all over.
- ls everybody all right?
-Who is he? Who was he?
-A Russian sailor.
- Careful, Walt!
- But where did he go?
- He's probably hiding right overthere.
He's gone. Think he'll argue with me
when l've got the gun?
He'll be trying to get back to the submarine.
All right, everybody in the house.
Well, Pete boy, l guess we showed him, huh?
We handled that situation all right, didn't we?
Ah, you just let him get away,
and you didn't even shoot him!
You just let him get away!
Did you hearthat? Did you?
What are you raising, some kind of delinquent?
-Walt, he's only a child.
- He's getting too much.
-Just too much.
- He's a baby! Walt, careful.
-A baby? He's eight and a half.
- Nine and a half.
Go away!
That's those high school kids.
Russians! Russians!
Operator, hur...hurry up!
Guys, take care of this.
But be gentle.
ls that Alice Foss?
Call Chief Mattocks. The Russians have landed!
They're here, do you hear?
The Russians! ln West Village!
- Shh.
-And l'm being attacked!
Stop that. How dare you? Stop that!
- Cut the telephone cable.
-Yes, Comrade Lieutenant.
Help! Help! Help!
Help, somebody! Help! Help! Oh!
What are you doing?
You're being foolish. Let's go.
- lt's Alice Foss, Chief.
- Oh?
- Sorry to botheryou, Chief Mattocks,
but Muriel Everett just called.
What is it? What she want?
She was shouting that l should
call you, because according to her...
Well, Muriel said the Russians have landed.
Wanna give me that again, Alice?
Muriel said the Russians have landed.
Whateverthat means, Chief.
And she said they were
attacking her personally.
Remember when she called
about that Peeping Tom,
you know who that was?
- Luther Grilk's horse.
- l rememberthat, Chief.
You handle it, will you?
Just go ahead and call her.
No, no, that's not a good idea.
Walt, if all those men are in town, with
guns, and they're desperate, somebody could...
l mean, anything might happen.
Ah, nobody's gonna do anything. Nobody!
- Tell the police they took our car.
- l will.
We have to find it before we go. lt's not ours.
While you're there, call the plumber.
-All right!
- Turn off the water. We're leaving...
Now, listen, if l'm not back in 20 minutes...
What? lf you're not back in 20 minutes, what?
lf l'm not back in 20 minutes, nothing.
l'll be back just as soon as... l'll be right back!
Of all the unbelievable... l've got work to do.
l've gotta get that second act finished.
- You look silly on a girl's bicycle!
- Pete...
lf you want to hit him, it's all right with me.
You're riding for a fall, buster.
You're riding for a fall! You are!
- Hit him!
- Now, get back.
Just get in!
You change Annie, l'll start packing.
lf that's the way she wants it,
that's the way it's gonna be.
Vern, why don't you answerthat telephone?
Mattocks here. Who's that?
Awfully sorry to be bothering you again,
but l think something really is happening!
- Did you talk to her?
- l tried, but Muriel's line's dead.
l ain't a repair man. lf you got trouble
with the lines, call up Ed Spooner.
- But Chief, Muriel Everett said...
- l know what she said.
She said that the Russians had landed.
She said the Russians landed in West Village.
Alice, come on, forthe love of...
How could they land in West Village?
Ain't nothing out there but sandbars.
Couldn't they drop in parachutes?
How many lines out?
Oh, the whole circuit. lt's just dead!
All right, l'm up.
l said l'm up. Whatever's going on, l'm up.
Now, while l'm getting dressed,
call Norman and Charlie and Les and Oscar.
Oscar Maxwell. Tell 'em l said
to get overto the office right away.
Oh...Alice. Tell them l said they'd
better bring their guns, all right?
-Yes, Chief. Should l call the state police?
- No, no.
- l don't want them.
- Should l call the coastguard?
No, Alice, nobody. Just...let's find
out what's goin' on first, huh,
if there is something going on,
before we start spreading around lots of lies?
OK, Chief.
The Russians have landed.
They have landed in West Village
and they're attacking the postmistress.
They're attacking Muriel Everett.
Vern. Vern! Where the hell...?
Brrrm! Brrrm!
l'll get it. Will you eat?
- Oscar Maxwell speaking.
- Chief Mattocks wants you right away.
- Bring your gun -that's an order!
- Bring... bring my gun?
- Gun?
- Well, what's happening?
- What's... what's going on?
- Russians!
- Russians?
- Russian parachutists!
Muriel Everett reported
that Russian parachutists...
- A Russian parachutist on Gloucester lsland?
- That's right!
- Russian parachutist?
- Russians!
Get my gun!
Where's my gun? Should be here.
- l moved it.
-You shouldn't have!
Can't you understand this is an emergency?
lt won't be there, those are my things!
You're a great help.
Just get this thing... That isn't right.
l'll get it. Where'd you put my badge?
- lt's here.
- Phew!
Can't get this thing fastened.
l... Ouch!
- Will you watch what you're doing?
- l'm sorry.
Norman? What about me? What should l do?
Just stay at home. Stay in the house.
- But if you're gone?
- My cap. Kids, why do they put these things...
Listen, kids. Pay attention. This is very serious.
There's an emergency.
Chief just called me to the station.
Listen to your mother. Pay attention to her.
Don't go outside,
or nearthe windows, understand?
All of you stay in the cellar. Understand?
- Mm.
- OK.
-Where are my boots?
- Norm, suppose they come here.
Suppose they start burning and looting.
- Norm.
- Suppose they start...raping!
-What? l don't know, Sarah.
Way l see it, you could kick up
a fuss and probably get killed.
Or you could clear out
when you see them coming.
- Clear... clear out?
Norm? Clear out where?
The ferry isn't even running! This is Sunday!
Norman? Norman?
Where are you going, Norman?
- Morning, Norm. What's going on?
- They're reporting the Russians have landed.
- The Russians, and they've landed...
- Russians? Holy jumpin'...
They must be coming in at the airport.
lt's the only way.
Look, will you get out of the way?
Get out of the way. The Chief
just called me. l've gotta get there.
Sarah, get back in the house
with the kids.
- Yes, Norman.
- You too, lsaac.
Did he say they've captured the airport?
The Russians have captured the airport?
l don't know, but there's
some kind of general alarm out. Oh!
Hey, Porter! Do you know what's going on?
They captured the airport!
There's a general alarm out!
- Muriel?
- Muriel?
Muriel? Muriel?
Muriel? Muriel?
Where are you, Muriel?
Wha...? Muriel!
What are you doing up there?
Holy mackerel, girl!
What was it? A stick-up?
- Muriel!
- The Russians, Papa. The Russians!
What you doing
hanging up there on the wall?
Onward Christian soldiers
Marching as to war
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before...
Handel! Handel!
Nyet Handel. Tchaikovsky.
Get a hold of yourself. Calm down.
- Don't pani...
- Chief, what's going on?
- What happened?
Take it easy. All l know is
Muriel called Alice Foss
and told her
the Russians have landed.
She said the Russians had landed,
and they were attacking her personally.
Attacking Muriel Everett?
Why, that's just plain crazy, Chief. That's crazy!
Anyway, she hollered to Alice
about getting attacked,
and then her line went dead.
Aah! Aah!
Hey, what... what's going on?
Who are you, boy?
Walt Whittaker. We're staying out at...
Whoeveryou are, you better get moving.
Whole dang island's under attack
by Russians. We're leaving.
-You're what? Wait.
- Can't wait. We're getting out.
Wait a minute. What happened here?
- Those Russians are just...
- They're all over Gloucester lsland.
Those Russians are not...
Hey, wait! Wait a second!
Hey, listen! Listen!
Listen, those...
Hey, listen! Those Russians are not...
- Hey!
ls there anybody...
Why doesn't somebody do something?
- They're at the airport.
-Why doesn't somebody do something?
Suppose, my foot.
There ain't any Russians anyway.
- But just in case there are.
What are we supposed to do, Chief?
My wife is just about outta her mind!
l'll tell you what we do.
We shoot 'em, that's what we do.
No, we're not gonna shoot anybody.
Can you call back, Vern?
What are you trying to do? Start a panic?
There's people all overthe streets already,
running around, screaming.
That's right, Chief. Some even have guns.
lf we can just keep this thing quiet. Quiet...
Look, there's Ed Spooner! He's carrying a .22.
There's Joe Muncell. He's got a shotgun.
Chief, we gotta do something.
We really gotta do something.
Those people are
running around down there with guns!
Well, that's great. That's just great.
l thought all the nuts
went home after Labor Day.
We need a definite plan of action, men.
That's what we need.
And first off,
we've gotta have ourselves a leader.
- Yeah! That's right!
- The democratic way, that's the way l'd be for.
Let's do it the Republican way.
Have nominations and a proper election.
But that might take time.
- Right. Yeah.
- So l'm gonna suggest an alternate.
Anybody who wants to be leader oughta step
up right now, and we'll put it to a voice vote.
You do it, Fendall. You've got the sword.
- Tell us.
- You be leader.
Well, if nobody else wants to do it,
l guess it'll be me.
So if there are no objections,
l'll assume command.
- Wait a minute!
This may be it, men!
This may be it!
All men with firearms,
form a line across the street!
Unarmed men, keep out of the way!
lf an armed man falls,
an unarmed man will pick up his gun!
But don't fire until l give the order!
Men with shotguns, don't fire
until you see the whites...
Get out of the way, it's Agnes Grilk!
Get out of the way!
Get out of the way!
- That was very elaborate.
- And Muriel was mad!
Stop it, Muriel! What are you doing?
lf we can take some prisoners
without a fight, all the better.
And if they want war, men,
if they want war - let it begin here!
Fall in! Make a line, come on,
look lively! On the double!
All right, the armed contingent here - attention!
Now, count off!
- l said count off! Count off!
Morning, Fendall. What's cookin'?
- Holy jumpin'! Haven't you even heard?
- Heard what?
The Russians! The Russians
have captured the airport!
-Anybody seen 'em, Fendall?
-You got any witnesses, Fendall?
Well, speak up. Anybody
actually see any Russians?
Everybody's talking about them.
All right, everybody go on home.
Get off the streets.
- Norm, break it up.
- Break it up!
Listen, Mattocks!
What are you trying to do?
- Lots of people have seen 'em!
- Yeah!
Reports are coming in every minute.
All right, men! Every fourth man,
run and get your car!
- On the double!
- Hold it.
- Fendall, just a minute there.
- Now what do you want?
l'm going to the airport.
You ain't. You're staying here.
- Stay here till l find out the score.
Don't do nothing till l tell you. Got that?
- Now, wait a minute, Mattocks!
You'll foul up the whole detail.
We've got a plan of operation all prepared.
That don't mean you can
tell the police what to do!
The police are governed by the laws of this
town as authorised by the commonwealth,
and unless you got a federal warrant
superseding that, keep yourfat mouth shut,
or l'll throw you in jail for
disorderly conduct, got that?
- Let's take him in, Link.
- Take the fat slob in.
Take me in? Take me in
after l've been elected leader?
l'd like to see you try!
- l dare you!
- Norm, Norm.
Put that thing away, Fendall.
All right, l want all the unarmed men
to stay here in town.
Norm Jones will be in charge
of the town defence.
Norm, stay and get things organised.
- But Chief...
- Don't argue, Norm.
Do like l tell you.
Why do you have to argue all the time?
- Mattocks?
All right, you can come along, Fendall. Go on.
All right, men. We're going!
Just keep your mouth shut
and stay behind this Jeep.
Get your cars, men, and follow me!
Let's go, Bob. Move that car.
Come on, you guys.
Get that Volkswagen out of here.
Come on. Will you get it out of here?
What are you doing, Tom?
What, you're backing overthe gutter?
Holy jumpers! Muriel, you all right?
l think so. What happened?
Agnes. There's the Reverend Hawthorn.
- l'm still in my night things.
-Are you all right?
Why, Miss Everett! You'd better come inside.
The telephone company says the Russians...
Had you heard? Some kind of invasion!
-Where is Arthur Carew?
-Away getting his teeth fixed.
He took the Friday boat.
Go to Arthur's house,
get Millie to lend you the keys to the store.
Everett, you go.
Get all the arms she's got.
We must have more guns!
Slim, go overto Mr Paladini's.
He's got a couple of guns.
All right! All right!
On one condition - everybody pays cash.
A bourbon. ln fact, give me a double bourbon.
Come on, Norman.
They're opening up the bar!
We've just got to get organised!
We've got to get organised.
Hey, Marvin! Marvin, it's Luther Grilk!
Luther? Well, that's the final...
Luther! How'd you get there?
- l didn't know you were there.
- Morning, Marv!
Morning, fellas.
Morning, Luther!
Hey... What's going on?
-What? What?
Hey, what's going on?
What? What?
l can't get anything but church services.
- There's not even any news.
- Maybe they've captured the radio stations!
What about that four-minute warning?
Did anybody get a four-minute warning?
Hey, Norm! Norm!
Double bourbon coming up.
- Norm! Norm! Listen, Norm.
- Not now, Luther, huh?
Can't you see l'm busy?
Go sleep it off somewhere, huh?
Leave space clear in front of that door.
Wait, l've just got an idea.
What if they capture the radio stations?
Ain't that the first place?
Luther, can't you see l'm busy?
l'm trying to get something organised.
Well, we're helping you, Norm.
Listen. You want to do something to help?
Want to do something important?
You know those people
who live out past the dump?
They've got no way
of knowing about the alarm.
We can't get up there without a Jeep.
- So get your horse...
- Beatrice?
Get Beatrice, mm-hm,
and ride up there on horseback
and let them know what's happening.
There are women, kids up there.
You could warn them!
Oh, yeah.
l guess l could.
And l will!
Not that way. This way.
Clearthat door! l told you...
lt's that American.
-What are you d...?
- Got to get to my horse.
Hey, Norm!
Norm, where are you? Norm!
Alison, my things are packed.
You get the children's things.
But the ferry's not running.
l'm not staying with those Russians around.
-You Mrs Whittaker?
- Yes. Could you....?
- My name's Bell.
- Could you help me?
l live in Corner Pocket bay.
- ls your phone out of order?
-Yes. They cut the lines.
Some Russians from a submarine.
l'd explain, but you wouldn't understand.
Are you going to town?
My husband went to call the police
and hasn't come back.
- Did you say Russians?
- Ride into West Village with him.
- l want to come!
- l shouldn't leave.
You go. We'll be all right!
Well...all right.
Pete, stay here with Alison and Annie.
- OK. And l'll get the Tommy gun...
- The what?
-You come with me.
- Wait a minute!
lf you give us a lift, we'd be so grateful.
Alison, we'll be right back.
l can't believe this is happening!
lt's unbelievable!
Come on, Gustav. Good dog.
My name is Walt Whittaker.
Nine Russian sailors came to my house...
What? Norman! Come over here, Norman.
This fella said that...
What? Aren't you that Whittaker
fellow from out at Duck Head Point?
My brother cleaned out
that clogged drain of yours.
Look, l want to report
that nine Russian sailors...
Sailors? You mean their navy's landing too?
- Uh-huh.
- Oh, my God!
- Listen, fellas. Come here.
- No, they were off a submarine!
-What's going to happen?
-A submarine!
lt's not just parachutists.
The Russian navy's landed.
l think they've captured
the west half of the island!
Will you tell me, what's
all this about parachutists?
There's a shore party of nine men
off a Russian submarine, stranded.
Oh, my God! lt's all over.
We haven't got a chance. Not a chance.
- How could such a terrible thing happen?
- Listen...
No! No!
We're surrounded! The navy! lt's the navy!
Excuse me. Say, listen.
- You're in charge, aren't you?
- Right.
One of those Russians, he told us
the other eight are coming here,
through the harbour.
He said they wanted to get a boat!
We've got to do something. Listen,
Sam, call Link and tell him what's happened.
- Link's out at the airport.
- We've got to do something!
- But what?
- Well, listen.
- We've gotta call the President.
- What?
- The President of the United States.
- Good idea.
They've got that there hotline.
He'll either know what's happening,
or he'll get on that there hotline and find out.
The Russians... Just a second!
They just told me they want...
You can't use a hotline!
That's not for us... Hey, ju...
Hello? Hello? Yes?
Oh, yes, it's true, Mr Carmichael.
lt seems that the Russians have landed.
- We need to lighten the stern.
- Yes, Comrade Captain.
Lighten the stern. Quick!
- l wanted to see the locals.
- American planes!
- Ow!
- One small noise, you're dead.
- Believe me?
- Yes, l believe you.
- Hello, Beatrice.
Yeah. Hello, old beauty.
We've got a big job to do.
Now, come here, Beatrice.
Come here, Beattie.
Whoa, whoa. Whoa, there, Beatrice.
Whoa, beauty. Come here, sweetie.
Take it easy, now.
Come here, Beatrice.
- Da!
- Shhhh!
- That looks better.
One small noise, you are dead.
- Where is Kolchin?
- Who?
Oh, l don't know. He ran away.
Well, we had a struggle, you see,
and l took away his gun.
You took Kolchin's gun? You?
Kolchin would not run away.
He would stay near. He was told.
He was? You mean he's still there?
He wouldn't hurt...?
Listen, we have big problem here.
We cannot get boat
except we kill some men...
l don't care! l want to know
would he harm my wife and children?
No, no, no. Kolchin is good boy.
He's doing nothing to hurt anybody.
Not to be worried, only listen!
Has coastal guardians or navy of United States
been told that we're here, yes or no?
l don't know. l don't think so.
Some men in a bar down the street were speaking
about telephoning the President.
- President?
- What is communications with mainland?
- You mean the telephone office?
- Yes.
lt's right upstairs.
Hey, look, is there a battle at the airport?
- The telephone is upstairs?
- Yes.
- Are there parachutists...
- Aah!
Th-there...there are parachutists on island?
No, l mean Russian parachutists.
People...people are saying,
everybody on the island is saying that...
Everybody on island is crazy! Shh.
How many people in office of telephone?
l don't know. Look, can l give you some advice?
You'll never make it down to the harbour.
Why don't you all give yourselves up?
Eitheryou'll kill somebody oryou'll get killed.
Either way, you could start a war!
- What is your name?
- Whittaker. Walt...
Pay mark to this, Whittaker Walt.
We must have boat. Even now may be too late.
This is your island, l make your responsibility.
Help us get boat quickly,
otherwise there is World War lll
and everybody is blaming you!
Permission to speak. Comrade
Captain, she's stranded. We're not moving.
- Load the boat, quickly!
- Come on.
Not this one, the other one.
- Boat to water.
- Be quick.
Hello. Hello!
He said they were trying to get a boat.
- That's what the fella said.
- Hello!
They're trying to get a boat.
Sam, we gotta post men with guns
to watch those boats.
- Do you understand?
- Right!
Put that drink down! You've had enough.
- But l already paid for it.
- Hello, Alice? Where the hell is she?
l don't know whether Mattocks has
alerted anybody, Mr Nelson! Hold on!
Just a minute, please.
Now, all l know is...
Now, Mr Nelson, you've no right
to address me in a tone like that!
You want the who? The President?
- Mattocks!
Let's see what the butcher boy wants, all right.
Well? Well?
Now, hold on a minute.
Now, look, the airport's only half a mile away.
We can't just barge in there
like we're going to the ballpark.
We've got to have a plan.
Now, let's leave the cars here
and, er, sneak up there
and surround them.
Old blood and guts Hawkins.
l thought you wanted
to lead the charge, General.
What's the matter? Getting queasy now, huh?
You've no right to speak like that.
- Yes, l have.
- With my military experience...
Come on, let's get out of here.
Come on. What are we waiting for?
Come on! Come on!
Hold on! Let me get in here.
Fendall, will you stop
poking me with that sword?
No! Oh, no!
Now, now, lady. Just be calm.
Nice and calm. Just nice and calm.
Don't say a word and we don't kill you, yes?
Nice and calm. Yes.
l think he means it, ma'am.
So please don't scream or anything.
They're kind of desperate.
- Who are you?
- My name is Whittaker.
- Mr Walt Whittaker?
- Didn't you rent the Selwyn place?
- Yes.
l put through your calls to New York.
l'm Miss Foss.
Lady, you and Whittaker Walt,
you have nice conversation
some other day, yes?
Whittaker Walt, you have some idea
of getting men from boat place.
Well, no! Well, unless
you created a diversion.
Diversion? What kind of diversion, please?
Send some men just out of town
to fire their guns in the air.
lt's great idea.
l send my men 50 paces and bluey!
l congratulate you on extreme genius
of this idea.
- Not if you all disguised yourself.
-What? What? What?
With those clothes downstairs
at the cleaners,
you could sneak right through town.
ls good. ls good!
Mr Whittaker! Are you really trying to help them?
-Are you on their side?
- Of course l'm not! How can you...
ljust think it would be pleasanter
if people weren't killed.
All they want is to borrow a motorboat.
- What are they saying?
- l don't know. l'm not with them.
Excuse me, please. l am here still.
Please, you should not
be frighten-ed of me.
Here. You see. You.
l give you gun.
l'm not frightened.
Yourforehead's bleeding.
Where are they? Where are they?
Who? What do you mean? Who?
- The parachutists!
- The Russian parachutists!
What, are you drunk? What?
The Russian parachutists! We got reports!
Quiet! Quiet!
Let's get to the bottom of this.
Now, look here. We know this island
is under attack! Where did they go?
l didn't see anybody.
- Have you been sleeping, Stanley?
- No.
- Come on, now. Admit it!
- No!
Are you trying to tell us nothing happened here?
Mattocks, will you shut up?
- Shut up!
Now think, Stanley. Think!
Oh, there was one thing that happened.
What? Wh...what happened?
My phone, it's out of order.
l just discovered it this morning.
His phone is out of order!
- That could be significant!
- That's right!
All the phones on the west side
of the island are out, Fendall.
- Charlie.
- Where are you going?
We're going overto Muriel Everett's
house and check hertelephone line.
Then we're going to go home.
- Now the rest of you go on home.
- Wait a minute.
- Now, wait a minute!
- Don't shove that thing in my face.
Go home like l told you to.
You're not giving orders
to my detail. We're going too.
You'll stay behind this Jeep
if you're going to follow me!
To your cars, men.
We're moving to West Village.
Emergency. Everybody to get from street.
Emergency. Everybody to get from street.
Well done.
Now, let's repeat it together.
Emergency. Everybody to get...
Nyet. Nyet. Nyet.
- Emergency.
- E-german-cy...
Keep quiet.
Everybody to get from street.
Emergency. Everybody to get from street.
Good. Once again.
Emergency. Everybody to get from street.
Bravo. Bravo. Bravo.
Understood? Let's go!
No. No. No. Shh.
Dear kind lady, sincerest apologies
for what we do here.
Foryou, your equipment, for all of this.
Whittaker Walt,
if you're a man who makes prayers,
this is time for special prayer
that all is going well.
l say goodbye for second time, yes?
What do you... What...
- Miss Foss?
- Mmm?
- Can you hear me?
- Hmm.
When l count to three,
roll overto the wall.
- When l say three, follow me.
- Right.
Here goes. One, two, three...
Get off me! Get off me! Get off!
Annie, go play in the sand.
You'll feel better when you eat something.
Here. l'm sure you'll feel better.
What will become of me?
l must be arrested surely.
What will American place me in prison?
l am...
l confess to you, l have much fear
of what will happen with me.
A Russian seaman in America.
Don't be afraid.
- Nobody's gonna hurt you.
- Huh!
What's your name?
Kolchin. Alexei Kolchin.
-Alexy Kolchin.
Oh, Alexei. Alexei Kolchin.
-What is your name, please?
- Oh, Alison. Alison Palmer.
Alison Palmer.
- Alison.
- Ally-son.
Can l call you Alexei?
l never met anyone called Alexei before.
Here, eat.
All right, now, when l say three.
Press forward.
We're going to stand up.
Whatever you do, don't fall over.
Don't fall over. All right.
One, two... No! Don't fall over!
Don't...don't fall o... Over!
- Everybody to get from street!
- ..street!
Hey, Ma!
Now, just take it easy, Beatrice.
Up! Up! Up! That's it, Miss Foss.
Forward. Not that way. That way.
No, Miss Foss. No, Miss Foss.
Hold it. Hold it! Hold it, please!
Let's try to turn around.
We can hop better
if we face each other l think.
All right, now try turning around.
Here we go!
Miss Foss. Courage.
Let's...let's start hopping.
Here we go. Hop!
Stop the engines.
Put everything back on board!
Come here! Give me the map.
Come on. Give me the map. Quickly!
We have to find Rozanov, Kolchin and the rest.
- Glou-kester Harbour.
- Gloo-kester.
Glou-sester Harbour.
Let's go. Glou-kester Harbour.
Hop! Hop! Hop! Good, Miss Foss!
That way. Not that way.
That way. No, not that way.
Here we go! Wonderful!
Miss Foss, just a moment.
Miss Foss...
we may have a problem here.
- A what?
- l said we may have a problem here.
- What?
- A problem. A problem.
-A problem.
Courage, Miss Foss, courage. Courage.
Let's try, Miss Foss. Now, we're going
to go down one step at a time.
- When l say three, hop.
- Hop.
One, two...
Come on, all you guys.
- Oh!
- Sorry, Miss Foss.
The Russians are down here!
Come on! Down at the jetty!
Walt! Walt!
- We're falling, Miss Foss. We're falling.
Over here! This way!
You're doing beautifully, Miss Foss.
Come down to my step. Just one step.
That's it. One step. One step.
That's fine, Miss Foss.
You're doing fine.
Don't lean that way. Just...
Just one more... Don't lean!
- Oh!
- Oh, Miss Foss!
They're going around the island.
Let's head back to our cars.
Come on, guys.
Let's head back to East Shore Road.
- Hurry up. Back to your cars.
- East Shore Road. Come on!
-Are you all right, Miss Foss?
-Yes. l think so.
l think l'm going to faint.
Don't faint! Don't faint
until you roll off me, Miss Foss.
You're squashing me.
Just roll over lightly.
What's the matter?
- Sounds like it's coming from the harbour.
lt's your father! Pete, it's Daddy!
Oh, Walt, are you all right?
-What happened?
- l'm all right.
- Who is she?
- Was it the Russians, Dad?
Walt, what happened, Walt?
Take the gag off and l'll tell you.
- He's OK. He's alive.
- Take her gag off.
Alice, what did they do to you?
Come on! Out!
There's no boat there that could catch that cruiser!
Don't you think l know that?
All of you armed men, follow me.
You unarmed men, clear off the streets.
We'll head out the East Shore Road.
- Keep your eye on the cruiser.
- They'll lead us whereverthey've gone!
A shell.
Go get some more, Annie.
- OK.
- Go find some shells.
ln Union of Soviet,
when l'm only young boy...
many are saying
Americans are a bad people.
They will attack Russia.
So...all mistrust Americans.
But l think that l do not mistrust Americans.
Not really sinceriously.
l wish not to hate anybody!
This make good reason to you, Alison Palmer?
Well, of course it does.
lt doesn't make sense to hate people.
lt's such a waste of time.
But it does not matter now.
Something is gone amiss.
Cos otherwise, Rozanov - he is my officer -
he will have come back for me.
But l think now that everything
is, um, completed for me.
They tried to draw everybody away
from the harbour so they could steal the boat.
They tied us up upstairs...
Where's Annie? Where's Annie?
She's home.
l mean she's at the house. Alison's with her.
You shouldn't have left herthere.
That boy is still there.
- What boy?
- Kolchin!
There's no limit to what they'll do.
They'll be shooting people in the streets.
They'll be grabbing our kids
and using them as hostages.
- Walt!
- Hostages? Come on. We've got to get to Annie!
Get in the car! Get in the car!
Here! What are you doing?
l've got to borrow your car. Hey, give me that.
lt's all right. l'll explain later.
You'll get your car back.
My car!
He took my car.
l can't figure out where they all went to.
- Who?
- The people in West Village!
Who else? Muriel Everett, all of them!
Where'd they go, huh?
Nobody there.
- That Matt Ferguson?
- Yeah. Looked like his car.
- Where does he think he's going?
- Who's that!
Looked like that New Yorkerfella.
You know -took the old Selwyn place this summer.
- Name's Whittaker.
- Oh, that nut!
Hey, there's some bullets!
Want me to load the gun, Dad?
- Sit still. Take those bullets away from him.
- Turn around.
Shouldn't have left them alone!
Those men are desperate. You have no idea.
- You said we'd be safe!
- Who knew they'd...
- Not so fast.
- lt's all right.
Don't panic. Everything's gonna be all right.
He might do anything.
- What do you mean?
- Well, he...
Just don't panic!
Why didn't you stay in the house
where you should have stayed?
You just never listen. You never listen.
Link! Link! They were here!
They were shooting all overthe place!
They stole the senator's cabin cruiser,
wrecked the telephone office,
and killed Alice Foss!
- Where are they now?
- What'd l tell you?
- Where's Norman?
- East Shore Road.
Norm's chasing them. They were here!
Get them! Up the East Shore Road!
East Shore Road!
Gustav! Gustav!
Come back here. Come here, Gustav.
lf l am to be imprison-ed,
will you, perhaps,
come and see me there?
lf you... lf l could be
a little with you, on some occasion,
l think l would say,
um, "So, well, never mind.
"l have my friend...Alison Palmer."
ls permitted to say...
that l have, um...
strong feeling of affection foryou already?
Does this cause offensiveness to you?
You kiss-ed me.
This mean the same
as in Union of Soviet Socialist Republic?
They must be all right.
Who'd want to harm them?
Give me that gun, Pete. Just wait in the car.
Give me those, er...
- What?
- These.
Aah. Just... just stay behind me!
St-stay behind me.
How do you load this darn thing?
Will you just get behind me? Stay
l don't see anybody!
They must be in the house.
Stay behind! Stay behind. Just stay back.
- What are you going to do?
- Just stay back!
- Annie!
- Annie!
Alison! Annie?
Hey! Where's my daughter? Come back!
Stop or l'll fire!
- Stop!
- Mr Walt!
Don't shoot!
Annie! Annie!
- Here, take this.
- l found another bullet!
- You, stop!
- Walt!
Stop! l warn you. Stop or l'll fire!
Where's my daughter? Stop or l'll kill you!
Hello, Mommy!
Always l am saying goodbye to you
and always l am meeting you again.
Alison, where were you?
You better surrender cos my dad has all the guns.
- You better surrender.
- Pete! Are you...?
- Are you hurt?
- l am...
l am wounded in dignity only.
Please, l know everybody
on this island is complete and total crazy.
But you, Whittaker Walt, you are crazy too?
l came back only for Kolchin.
But l thought... We saw
the strange car here, you see?
We thought something happened to Annie,
our daughter.
l'm sorry. l... l wasn't trying to...
Well, l was trying to kill you,
l'll admit that, but it wasn't...
- l mean, it wasn't anything personal.
- Mmm.
- Don't do it no more.
- l promise l won't. Last time l'll shoot anybody.
- Peace.
- Peace.
You're wasting ammunition.
Knock it off! Cease-fire!
Ah, it's no use.
You're wasting your ammunition.
- l tried to tell you...
- You tried to tell me nothing!
Aha! l've finally got you.
We chased them out here.
They're circling the island.
Get in there, Norman. Put that away.
Wait! Hold it!
- Get out of the way, Fendall!
- Mattocks, l'm warning you.
This operation has been a foul-up
and it's yourfault.
- What?
- You brought us here and you let them get away.
- l'm warning you, Fendall...
- You're warning me, you big, incompetent flatfoot?
That's it! That's it!
l'm holding you responsible.
As commander of the civilian forces
in this emergency,
l'm charging you with treason.
Aah! Aaah!
Give me that thing! Give me that!
See that?
That's the the Dexter F Meddels Memorial Sword.
You traitorous fink!
Get out of it!
What's the matter with you?
For God's sake, why can't we
learn to live together?
You're right, Norman.
Let's get organised here!
- Steady there. Come on!
Now we're going. Now we're swingin'.
We gotta call the coastguard
and the navy. lt's too big for us.
lf it was, they'd be off to sea by now, Chief.
We're still going to call them!
But the phones are out. They're all out!
Then we'll radio them!
Ed Spooner's got a radio.
Stop the engines!
Stop the engines!
- Rozanov!
- Whittaker Walt, this is very bad.
This captain has very bad temper.
- These people should get away!
- What can l do?
Comrade Lieutenant Rozanov,
welcome aboard!
Faster. Come quick.
Comrade Captain, didn't they reach you?
Nyet, nyet.
Why do you think l am here?
Comrade Captain...
Comrade Lieutenant,
get all crew on board immediately.
They're not here.
The Americans are lying. Don't trust them.
They're keeping the sailors under arrest.
Hey, Tommy, let's go up
to the steeple and see what's going on.
- lt's impossible!
- Alison Palmer, listen.
- This is dangerous situation.
- Boat never arrived.
- Captain want all men back.
- He thinks they are captured.
- Seven are missing.
- ln three minutes, he'll destroy this town.
- Walt!
- Well, tell him! He can't...
He can't just... Uh... Captain?
An American. Whittaker Walt.
Walt Whittaker, and he's telling the truth.
You're making a mistake.
You can't shoot here.
He's asking if you're an official.
No, l'm a writer.
- What do you write?
- Well, um, uh...
- He writes musical comedy.
- l'm working on a musical.
Hey, li-listen, you can't!
Don't you realise you could start a war?
- Walt, stop. You'll make him mad.
- What?
- Now, listen...
- Walt!
Listen, have you gone crazy?
You get out of here!
Tell him! Reason with him!
- Honey, think of something.
- What can l do?
The submarine came right up to the port.
What's going... what's going on here?
One at a time, huh?
The sub got free by itself and that captain...
- Who?
- The one with the...
He thinks somebody has his men
and unless they're produced,
he'll open fire on the town.
- He does, does he? That right?
- That's what he says.
Who's that one?
Oh, he's all right.
- What?
- Well, he's with me.
- What?
- He's been to my house.
Been to your what?
What do you say?
He says you have one minute.
- We've got one minute for what?
- Before he begins shooting.
Well. Looks like we've got a situation here.
That's what it looks like.
All right, you tell
the captain he's under arrest.
Tell the captain he's under arrest.
Norman, get the women and kids out of here.
- He's says, er... He's angry, yes?
- Yeah.
He's says, er...
"You stupid idiot,"
er, he will, er, blow up the town.
l'm going overto Ed Spooner's.
l'll radio the air command.
Look out.
All right, let's have your name and address.
tell him this and get it straight.
He's under arrest.
You're all of you under arrest.
You come in here
scaring people half to death...
..and steal cars and motorboats.
And you caused damage to private property...
..and you threatened a whole community
with...with grievous bodily harm
and maybe murder.
Now, we ain't gonna
take no more of that, see.
We may be scared...
l am, anyway...
Or maybe we ain't so scared
as you think we are, see.
Now, you say you're gonna
blow up the town, huh?
Well, l say...
..l say, all right,
you start shooting
and see what happens.
Jerry, watch out!
Hey, Jerry! Help him!
- Who is that?
- Jerry.
Mommy, Daddy.
l'm gonna fall. Get me down.
- Jerry!
- Hang on, Jerry!
Get something to catch him.
- Climb up to him.
- That takes too long.
- We need a rope.
- A ladder.
We make ladder. We make ladder, men.
What were you yelling?
A pyramid for Jerry.
Please, Mommy, Daddy.
They're coming to get you, baby. lt's all right.
All right, get them up, get up.
Get up. Get somebody up.
You get on my shoulders.
Hang on! Hang on!
Keep going, keep going.
Walt, hang on, honey.
- Watch it.
- Push it. Hold it there.
Some more people, please.
Please don't fall.
Hold on, kid.
Daddy, get me down.
Hold on, little one.
- Careful!
- Too slippery.
-We need more men.
- Mommy! Daddy!
Help. Help. Get me down.
Be careful.
Mommy. Daddy. Help me.
Get up, boy. Hold on.
Take boy!
A real hero!
- OK, Norman?
- Yeah, l'm fine.
My shoulder hurts a little.
We got the kid, didn't we?
Let me through, let me through.
Get out of the way. Look out. Let me through.
Let me through here.
Let me through. Quiet! Quiet!
Listen to me! Quiet!
l got 'em! l got the airforce!
And they're calling the coastguard and the navy.
The whole bunch will be here
inside of five minutes.
Now you're gonna see something.
Say, what is this?
Didn't you hear what ljust said?
l got through to them on Ed Spooner's radio.
They're on their way.
-You better get going.
- Not possible.
Not enough time. l still have seven
men in the boat. lt's not possible.
lt isn't fair.
- Well, it isn't fair.
- Well, think of something.
We... we could give them an escort.
l mean, we could use all
the little boats out in the harbour.
A convoy.
An escort. Could we do that, Link?
Go out with them,
take them out of the harbour.
Can we help them get away, Dad? Can we?
Anybody wants to go with them,
- l won't stop them.
- What?
Get to the boats. Get to the boats.
Put flags out. Stay close to the sub.
Charlie, get over here, will you?
Come on, keep moving down.
- Get on board.
- Hurry.
l must go but l promise my word
to you that l see you again.
All right, get that thing out of here.
- Come on, move it out.
- Move it out.
And you and l, Alison Palmer,
we have somehow a long life
of peaceful coexistence.
- That's them.
- They're here, comrade Captain!
- Our boys are back.
- That's our boys.
Hey, you, can you drive
a big boat like this?
Then jump over in it.
Be careful when you jump.
There they are. There they are!
- 'Johnny to Control, Juliet Papa 3-8.'
- 'Roger, 3-8.'
'They're Russians all right,
on the surface heading 090.
'Must be what the Navy was after.
They're being escorted.'
- 'Say again?'
- 'There's an escort.
'There are about 20 small boats
with over 100 people on board.
'Request instructions.'
'Juliet Papa 3-8, return to base.
We'll find out what it's about later.
- 'Somebody oughta know.'
- 'Roger.'
'How about that, Charlie Brown?'
They didn't do anything!
The Russians are coming!
The Russians are coming!
The Russians are coming!