The Salvation (2014)

Kresten, it's your father.
Good day.
- Welcome Marie.
- Thank you.
- How nice to see you.
- You too.
Say hello to your uncle, Peter.
Good day.
I'd better go so you don't
lose your place on the stage.
Aren't you going with us?
Uh, no.
Peter likes to stay in
the city sometimes.
- Hello...
- Ma'am..
Where are you going?
My wife doesn't speak the language.
She will learn.
Not only do you look like them.
You also sound like them.
It comes in time.
I'm sorry, there's been a mistake.
You'll have to take the next coach.
- But we paid for this seats.
- I'm sorry, ma'am.
This is no way to
treat newcomers.
We have been
travelling for weeks.
I'm sorry ma'am, but
you'll have to get out.
Let's do as he says.
- Are there many animals?
- Yes, there are many different animals.
There are foxes, there are bears,
there are deer.
Are there bears where we live?
Where we live?
No, there aren't any there.
But if there was one...
Then we shoot it and skin it.
And sell it in the city.
- Is there a town nearby?
- Yeah, not so far from us.
We can be back there in a day.
You shouldn't be worried, right?
It's a really nice place.
And I've built it so there
is room for all of us.
When will I be old
enough to go hunting?
I think actually, tomorrow.
If you like.
Sorry, I haven't had
a drink for years.
I forgot what this
stuff would do to you.
Out here.,
when you're offered
a drink, ma'am...
You drink..
Marie, take a sip.
It's what they do here.
You ain't gotta hell
a lot to say, do ya?
I like that.
My own princess,
she don't talk at all.
She's mute.
The Indians cut her tongue out
when she was a little girl.
I supposed they got tired
of hearing her screaming,
after they killed her parents.
What is your name?
My wife's name is Marie.
That's a beautiful name.
You just come out here?
My wife and my son did. yes..
I've been here for a while.
It's not so easy for anyone, to be
without a woman, for such a long time.
Goddamn!, it's hot here.
You're not used to this heat,
are you Marie?
No, I suppose not.
There is always a solution.
Let's see what you got.
Don't do that!
Such a warm little flower.
Don't do that!
Are you threatening me?
No, I'm telling you to get
your hands off and behave.
Kinda sounds like he's threatening me.
That's the impression I got.
What do say you, Lester?
I'm not trying to threaten
anyone, I'm just trying...
What're you gonna do about it?
You can't do nothing.
Come here!
You can't do a Goddamn thing.
Sit still!
Bite his ear.
Marie, bite his ear.
Don't be afraid.
Kresten, get the gun.
Don't be afraid.
Just take it.
And stay down, Kresten.
No, stay down. Stay down, Kresten!
Lower your gun.
Do it!
Goddamned son of a bitch.
I don't like you much dude.
You got 5 seconds to get out of here.
You understand me?
She ain't dead!
She been fine!
Wait, wait!
She ain't dead.
Wait, wait.
I didn't touch the boy.
Who did it?
I haven't seen them before.
It's a sad day, Mr. Delarue.
But we must bear in mind
that no one in this
peaceful town,
is involved in the gruesome
killing of your men.
Where is my brother?
Your brother?
- Mayor Keane..
- Sir?
Make sure he doesn't stink of booze,
when the princess sees him.
Of course.
You bring him to my house,
I'll make sure he looks his best self.
Take him there.
Did you catch the killer?
Mr. Delarue I can assure you,
it ain't nobody from around here.
I need to know who
killed my brother.
There's no witnesses survived.
Witness with shotgun
was shot dead also.
We lost two lives today.
One, my own blood.
I will give you two hours to
find the man who did this.
And Sheriff...
I want that man alive.
That's impossible.
You are a man of God,
Sheriff Mallick.
I'm sure you've heard
the words of our lord:
A tooth for a tooth...
You have until noon to find
the man who did this.
Or you bring me two of your people.
Mr. Delarue...
You choose two, Mayor Keane...
Or I will take four.
Of course.
I am ready, Father.
The whole town will always
be grateful to you.
Take good care of my
grandson, you hear me?
We'll try the best we can.
I, for one will help the
boy run the store.
This isn't right.
I'm not sure I can make
it without you, Grandma.
Of course you can, my boy.
Please Don't!
Please! Father.
Please help me Please! Father.
My life is not that bad.
I don't wanna die.
I've never been a burden here.
I'm innocent.
I'm innocent. Please Don't!
May God have mercy
on your evil soul.
Everybody, Stay calm!
Well, Sheriff...
A tired old woman and half a man...
That didn't add up.
That man's death...
That's on you two.
Tell me something, Mayor Keane...
How much does Black Creek
pay in protection?
80 dollars every month.
It seems to me you gonna need more
protection with the killer around.
From now on...
that Fee is double.
Oh Mr. Delarue, this is barren land.
We can't generate those numbers.
160 dollars due, at the end of the month.
Every month.
Until you find the man that
killed my brother.
Are we in an agreement?
Yes, yeah.
Yes, we are.
I thought we would be.
Let him rest in peace, princess.
I will find the man
that killed Paul.
And I will personally
make him pay the price.
That's a promise.
I will take care of you now.
Raul, look.
I'll go and talk to the sheriff.
See you in a bit.
Good day to you.
Where is your grandmother?
She is dead.
Delarue shot her.
I'm sorry to hear that.
What can I do for you?
I've got some skins.
Were going west.
So the only two men around here
know how to shoot, are leaving.
I guess so.
Weren't you two soldiers back,
were you came from?
We can use people like you,
If we ever gonna face that murderer.
You know I was a soldier once,
and it taught me a lesson.
Don't get into a fight,
you know, you gonna lose.
Who is that?
It's good to see you
in color for once.
Are you still buying up land?
I do occasionally, Yeah.
- How much will we get?
- Well..
I couldn't possibly
give you more than 145
That's half of what we paid
for the land 6 years ago.
Oh well, like I said,
times are hard.
Since Delarue raised his fees,
there's a lot of people want to sell.
Still, you're a good man,
and I wanna help.
Let's make it a 150?
Or you can bide your time.
Who knows? If they find the man
who killed Delarue's brother..
Well, tempers may calm
and prices may rise.
- What man?
- You don't know?
Delarue's brother just got out
of jail and some lunatic killed him.
Shot everyone on the stagecoach.
Since then it's... well..
- I'll take the 150.
- You won't regret it.
I need you to sign this.
You sign that.
Where will you go?
I'm trying find a
place further west.
I probably do the same,
if I was a young man.
That's for you.
And this is for me.
You'll need to keep that
money somewhere safe.
In your boots, maybe?
There a lot of hungry people out there.
14,15 - deeds at a collected
sum of 3,148 dollars.
And 12 percent,
your entitled to 3,524.
And 76 cents.
Let's make it a dollar.
Madelaine takes pride on making
sure those books add up.
Well, the devil is in the detail...
The company doesn't like
the way things are going.
Are you aware that the
sheriff in Black Creek
wired the federal
government for help.
I manage to blocked the
communication for now.
But you can't go on using the same
methods you used in the army.
These people are not Indians.
Standard Atlantic, is a modern
company Colonel Delarue.
And we need our operations
to look civilized.
Am I making myself clear?
Now, How long before Black
Creek is bought up?
I'll have the whole valley bought up in
a week if you let me do things my way.
Just answer the question.
You keep your cavalry
out of the equation,
I recon it'll take me
3 to 4 months.
That's all I needed to know.
Good day to you.
So they want me to be
civilize, princess.
Hell, I guest I can do that.
As long as we keep
piling up the money.
Alright boys...
I'll take it from here.
Let Pete run...
He wasn't on that stagecoach.
He's not involved in this.
He broke a Deputy Marshall's jaw.
So he's gonna have to take
his legal punishment for that.
Well unfortunately,
things are gonna be...
a little bit different for you.
I already had to send word to Delarue,
that we got you into custody.
I'm sure you're
aware he's been...
making life hard for...
all of us.
I don't know what
happened to him.
He used to be a good man.
I guess killing all those
Indians for us, must've...
Unsettled his mind.
I am sorry for your loss, Jon.
Yeah, I am.
But you seem to have followed him
right down the same path.
If you just.,
showed a little compassion for Delarue's
brother, instead of killing him then.
Mrs. Borowski and Mr. Whisler
and Joe Noleg still be here.
I won't be the last man Delarue
is gonna kill around here.
Probably not.
But your death is gonna
buy us some time.
I already wired for assistance.
Trying to restore some
law and order.
Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a
single sheep, to save the rest.
I'm just a shepherd,
guarding his flock.
They say you are a soldier.
Did you ever fight, in the war?
I did.
Who was the enemy?
You have my respect.
Here he is.
The worthless son of a bitch that
killed your beloved husband.
Your beloved husband,
killed my 10-year-old son.
And he raped my wife.
No one asked you to talk.
We will soon find out what
you're made of, soldier.
You're late.
I'll be with you in a moment, Henry.
Can I have his boots?
Go ahead.
You won't be needing these, my friend.
Not where you are going.
I got a christening this morning.
So Sunday Mass gonna
take a little longer.
You give him water
if he asks for it.
And don't get excited.
Can I have some water?
Sorry to turn my back on you..
But the view is better from here.
Got you pretty good, didn't I?
I mean, you were ugly before I
knocked out your teeth...
But now...
I hope you have a
woman that loves you.
'cause you ain't gonna
find one with that face.
You've probably never could gotten
a thing without paying for it.
Not with that stupid
voice of yours.
But it's gonna cost you extra now.
That's for sure.
Shut up!
I actually did you a favor.
I mean it's better now.
Now you don't just sound like a sick mule,
you look like one too.
I said shut up!
People won't be as surprised
to when you open your mouth.
Goddamnit it!
I'm gonna kill you.
It's probably a family thing.
I am sure your whore mother sounded
like a mule when you were conceived.
You know how long, I've
waited for this very moment.
You felt that, didn't you?
Of course you did.
You are so... beautiful.
You know what those.,
what those savages did to you,
taking your tongue.
I know it must've been
horrible for you.
But I see it as a...
a gift...
To me.
When I'm done here...
You and Me we're gonna..
We're gonna get a place in New Orleans.
Oh, you will shine.
You will be the princess of New Orleans.
Get the horses.
Jon! Jon!
I'll be back.
They split up.
Corsican, take half the men
follow this trail.
The rest come with me.
Bring your sister inside the house, Billy!
And take Daddy's gun.
We don't want you here.
You shouldn't drink from the well,
it's full of that sticky oil.
I left you some bread and boiled water
Thank you, Mrs. Whisler.
- Why are you leaving?
- Delarue killed my husband.
I'm sorry to leave you like this.
You wanna come with us?
I'll be fine.
He's gonna kill you.
You know Paul, he...
He saved you from them Indians.
But he never did
straighten you out.
Goddamn it.
Now I gotta kill you.
That's a shame, Henry.
We could take good care of her.
There's nothing wrong
with her body.
Once again...
Good fortune smiles down
upon you, princess.
Once you've all had
your way with her...
Cut her throat.
I would like my boots back.
Your boots?
I kept them here for you.
I kept them nice and clean.
Did you buy Mrs. Whisler's farm?
Yeah, I believe I did.
Have you got her deed?
- What? This is all very confusing...
- What about my deed?
You want your money?
Sure here.
Here it is, Jon.
Take it, take it all.
What were you doing up
at Delarue's place?
Someone had died.
You know..
I mean everyone
deserves a coffin.
Even though they ain't
going to heaven.
- Henry...
- What?
You called him Henry.
Get the lid off that coffin.
I'm an undertaker.
That's what I was doing there.
I mean, Somebody's gotta take
care of these matters.
Get in!
Look.. I'm just trying to make
a good living, you know.
That's all.
I'm a businessman.
You're not even a man.
- Please don't.
- Get in.
- You won't get away with this.
- Get in.
I'm the mayor of this town.
I try to help people.
Nobody wants the land.
Please don't!
No. Please.
No! no please!
Oh God, no.
You're right, Jon.
I don't keep the deeds.
I give them to Delarue.
I need a revolver, a holster and
some ammunition from my Winchester.
Give me a knife as well.
I'll pay for it.
I also need two bottles of kerosene.
I want you to go to Mallick.
Tell him that Keane has been
making money on all of us.
All that land and the
houses he bought...
Wasn't for himself, he's been
selling it all to Delarue.
It's that sticky oil.
Delarue believes that it will
soon be worth thousands.
You think you and your brother are
gonna fight Delarue on your own?
No, my brother is dead.
Let me come.
- You're just a kid.
- I'm not a kid, I turn 16 in May.
I've been practicing my shooting,
I'm not a bad shot.
You don't stand a
chance on your own.
He brought his own coffin.
Burn him.
The barn is on fire!
Do it!
Do it!
I underestimated you, soldier.
You may have killed all my men.
Be sure as hell...
So you did him in.
And all his men.
You know we've been hoping...
That someone like you
would come along..
Save us from our misery.
And that's what you did.
Only good souls left now.
I thought you got them all.
She's coming with me.
You don't wanna go
down that path, Jon.
I want you to leave this place.
May the Lord have mercy
on both your souls.