The Samaritan (2012)

I'm sorry.
If you keep on doing
what you've always done,
you'll keep on being
what you've always been,
I used lo share a cell
with a guy
who had those words
tattooed across his chest
in Japanese characters.
After ten years,
the guy gets out.
A week later,
he gels himself killed
for being what he'd always been.
Those words
are still on his skin,
buried in a box somewhere.
Nothing changes
unless you make it change.
In case you need me,
call this number.
They'll know where I am.
Take care.
Don't leave town.
Don't associate with anyone
with a record.
You so much as jaywalk,
you're back in.
All right, we're done here.
You just let me know
when you find a job,
and I'll file the papers.
Your parole officer can be
your pal or a son of a bitch.
It's your decision. You got me?
J' tell you,
I thought I had it made j'
Rodney around?
No, man.
Rodney's dead.
How about selma?
No. She... she split out west.
I bought the place...
Shit, six years ago now.
You wouldn't happen to keep
a bottle of bowman's
under the bar for luck,
would you'?
So you did know Rodney'
guess old habits die hard'
how you take it'?
' Yeah, before I knew it,
I was a teenager.
Yeah, when...
When I took over, guys would
come in from time to time,
saying Rodney owed 'em money
for this and that,
pulling some shit.
Hasn't happened
in a couple centuries, though.
It's supposed to catch
thieves, not ghosts.
If you've come for the money,
It's all gone now.
I had to pay off a lot of cops
to stay out of prison.
That's a thousand years ago.
Yeah, I figured.
You still in touch
with any of the old crowd?
He's dead. Died in prison'
- Dead too...
- How about sal?
Don'! Tell me he's dead.
- He's not dead.
- Good.
He's in a coma, up at grace.
Pretty high mortality rate
in the old business.
What happened to your hand?
Past caught up with me.
Nobody gets to make
a fresh start.
You know that.
My kids
will be coming home soon.
They don't know anything
about the old days,
I'm glad to see you,
but I don't want you
coming around here, foley.
Who the hell are you?
I'm disappointed.
You don't see it'?
The chin?
I know I've got his eyes.
Yeah, I see it.
You're Eddie's kid, right'?
That's right Ethan,
that's a good memory.
Been a long time.
More than 20 years.
My mistake.
A man does that kind
of hard time,
you don't want to get
the numbers wrong.
I can't blame you
for being suspicious.
I mean, here I am,
sitting in the dark,
waiting for you,
what do you want from me, Ethan?
I just...
I just want to buy you a drink.
I got a 35% stake in this place.
Easy money.
Kind of owe it
to you and my dad.
My mom told me your big plan
was to cash out and open a club.
We wanted to open a bar,
not whatever this is!
Here, let me show you.
Grab a drink.
Talk about the old days,
maybe talk about the new days.
Xaviers here, and he wants
to see you and me in the back,
Come here. Listen.
Take him to my seat.
Everything is on the house.
I'll be right back.
You're alone.
Doesn't seem right.
I'm waiting for someone.
I've been waiting
for someone too.
I just found him.
Thanks, but no thanks.
Ethan told me to stop by'
said he had someone
who'd like to meet me.
Hey! I see you two have met.
You get rid of her'?
Ease up.
Wound that tight,
you'll give yourself a stroke.
I'm not interested
in whatever it is
you're selling.
Well, you can go fuck yourself,
because I'm definitely
not gonna.
You still owe me that gram.
That was something.
I'm leaving.
Look, foley, I'll take you home,
but could you just give me
one minute?
Just hang back a second.
This is what we like to see,
empty bottles
means business is good.
A veuve, dom, cristal..
Very nice, but...
What have we here?
The '96 billecart-salmon.
It's a shame to open this'
Really, it needs
another 10 or 15 years.
But if you're some
hedge fund shithead
trying to pry into the pants
of some poor, unfortunate girl,
well, you need to do
what you need to do.
I had the '59 a few weeks ago.
It was absolutely spectacular.
The minerality weaves
the elements together like silk.
I love champagne,
I drink a lot of it because
I have a lot to celebrate.
Life is good
when my people do their jobs.
This happened on your watch,
It won't happen again.
Xavier, I'm the one that
caught the stupid motherfucker.
And that's why, one day,
if you're a good boy,
I'll let you try the-the '59.
Our colleague here
won't have that opportunity,
so you thought, what,
that I wouldn't notice?
And I wouldn't notice?
Gonna be kind of tough
to get the money back now.
You'll find a way.
Have a safe flight.
Deal with it.
Foley. Foley.
Just... Give me a
minute, please.
I got out of prison yesterday.
I know.
I know, and I'm sorry for that,
but just listen to me.
I thought that we would go out,
you know'?
Have a drink.
I guess I was just trying to
show you that I'm like my dad.
But the truth is,
I never really knew the guy,
you know, my mom, she was...
What do you want from me, Ethan?
I want to know
why you killed my father.
Still a lot of money
to be made down there.
Just how much do you know
about me and your dad?
Only what my mom told me,
that you were best
friends, partners.
She tell you what we did?
Our work'?
. No.
But I figured it out.
It's everything I could find.
Every article, every picture.
Why would you keep all this?
How else
could I get to know him?
You were grifters,
best in the city, according
to a lot of the old-timers.
Ethan, you need to let this go.
Your dad's been dead
a long time.
No, I need to know.
Foley, put yourself in my shoes.
We were on the grift...
A long con with a volatile mark
but with a high yield
if it played.
And it played.
Till your dad got greedy
and tried to squeeze the mark
loo hard,
I never figured out why.
He was in debt.
He was way over his
head, cards, horses.
Took my mom years
to get out from under it.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Mark was a heavy hitter.
Didn't take well
to being ripped off.
Kill your dad, or I
could die with him.
I'm sorry.
I spent a long time
in a very small room
thinking about
the choices I made that night.
I was young,
younger than you are now,
but I made a choice.
I never broke frame,
and I was punished for it.
What was his name?
The mark'
what's it matter?
He was the mark.
Your dad put us both
in a corner,
and there was only one way out.
Well, if somebody
did that to me,
I'd kill him too.
I'm just saying...
I understand.
You understand?
Yeah, I do,
and I think we can help
each other.
Look at me, Ethan.
25 years of my life are gone.
Now, if you're as smart
as you think you are,
you should go in this room,
rip that shit down
off that wall,
and throw it away!
This isn't the kind of thing
where we got to make small talk,
is it'?
Can I just watch my game?
Pitcher of your cheapest.
Sit anywhere you like.
You think'?
Oh, shit.
Watch it.
I said no. Get off me.
Got to go to the bathroom...
Always choke in the clutch.
' No!
Leave it be.
He's bad business'
No, no.
Please stop.
Shut up.
Please stop.
She said stop.
Get the fuck out of here!
After you.
Hey. Hey. He can't hurt you now.
Put it down. Put it down.
God damn.
It's-it's all right.
It's okay. Hey.
How you know this guy?
I just met him tonight.
He was supposed
to go get me some...
Hey, you're that freak
from the other night.
For your trouble.
What about your cut'?
I wasn't even here.
What about the girl?
She's waiting inside.
Tell her I said good night,
Good to go.
The pipes!
What the hell happened?
I could have been
fucking killed!
Ll don't know.
It was all secure.
I don't give a shit!
You come to work
looking like hell!
You almost killed my guy!
Now, get off my site! Now!
Brother man, hey, look.
I need this job.
Look, I will make it
worth your while.
I will kick back double
what you asked'
this shit could never be
worth my while.
Hey, at least new
you have time for coffee.
Ethan, did you have
anything to do
with what happened back there?
Of course not.
'Cause I need this job
for my parole.
I have to make money.
You have needs? Tell me.
What do you need?
I thought I made myself clear.
Oh, yeah, that's right.
You're going straight.
The same thing
every con says at first.
But you're not every con.
You've got skills,
skills I can use.
What are you talking about'?
I'm putting together a grift
and not just any grift.
I've got the perfect mark
for the samaritan.
That's what I'm talking about.
That's why I need you on board.
That's your grift,
you and my dad.
I'm not your dad, Ethan,
and I don'! Want to be.
You know, my mom was alone
for a long time.
But when I'm 17,
she brings home this new guy,
and he takes us out to dinner,
orders me a steak,
so I know that he sees me
as a man, not a boy,
and they tell me
they're getting married.
What am I supposed to say
to that'?
Well, sure, I'd love a dad
who owns a shitty body shop
and smells of urinal cakes.
So I eat my steak,
and I go to work.
Late night calls
to the same number
on his cell bill.
Motel room charges
on his credit card.
Of course, I don'! Say a word.
Let mom figure it out.
And when she does,
I'm on his side.
"Give him another shot,"
which she does.
Until I pay a pro to show up
saying he owes her 200 bucks
for the abortion
he made her have.
The poor bastard.
He had no idea what hit him.
But I knew.
I was my father's son.
Sc, yeah, you're right.
You're not my father.
But I don't need a father.
I need a partner.
Your mom ever find anybody else?
What'? No.
Sorry to hear that.
You have no idea
what I can do for you.
Ethan, stay away from me.
Any fallout
from the other night?
No static on this end,
no cops, no Jake,
but she's been by
every night this week.
I was just leaving.
You're not going anywhere.
I owe you an apology.
Called you a freak.
Apology accepted.
Well, anyway,
thanks for the other night.
I've been raped before.
It's no fucking picnic.
You really put it out there,
don'! You?
I don't know whether
to be charmed or terrified.
Come on.
Be charmed'
So that's it'?
I buy you a bottle
of your liquor of choice,
and you're not even gonna try
and get into my pants?
All right, Ask me
how my day was.
How was your day?
How was yours?
Shitty, There you go.
I'm a little out of practice.
Well, I like a little chatter
or at least a good sob story.
"My wife doesn't understand me."
"You remind me
of my first girlfriend."
1 don'! Have a wife.
Girlfriend, then'
don't have a girlfriend.
I don't have a family.
I don't have a house.
I don'! Have a dog,
I don'! Have any friends.
I don't have anything'
not one goddamn thing'
Me too, pretty much.
Both of my parents died
when I was too little
to remember them.
I was raised by my alcoholic
douche bag grandma
till I could get out
from under her thumb.
Basically, anyone who ever
cared about me is dead.
Only reason
my grandma is still alive
is probably 'cause
I hate her guts.
You think that's funny?
Just a bit.
Well, you got something better'?
I just got out of prison
last week,
after 25 years
for killing my best friend.
Everybody I ever cared about
is either dead,
damn near dead, or
wishes I was dead.
Yeah, you're definitely
more pathetic than I am.
I'm seriously considering
giving you a pity fuck.
Well, what if I don'! Want one?
In case you've been
hit in the head too many times,
I'll be real clear.
This is your big chance'
I'll tell you when it's time
for you to do something.
All right, you can kiss me now.
Got a matching set on this one.
Tried to kill myself.
Couple of times.
That upset you?
Just glad
you didn't pull it off.
I'm a drug addict.
That upset you?
I'm a murderer.
Does that upset you?
I can't remember the last time
I did something I was proud of.
I know what you mean.
You do, actually.
You understand.
Nothing changes
unless you make it change.
Yeah, I know how that sounds.
Every morning,
when I woke up in prison,
I thought about
what it really meant.
I got to go to the bathroom.
Take some stuff.
Else I'll be climbing the walls.
You can leave if you
want, I'll understand,
You don't have to close
the door.
How many of these places
have you ever been to?
You know none.
I buy them at used bookstores.
I read about places
that I could never afford to go,
plan out trips
I could never afford to take.
So if you could go
to any of these places, which...
I'd fly to Rio,
then head 1,000 miles
up the coast to maceio,
so I could see...
This, Why Rio?
Guess it seems
like the kind of place
you could just lose yourself.
You're doing okay.
I had concerns.
Yeah, me too'
I want you to move in,
welcome home.
Smells good in here,
what's the matter?
I feel like this is-
this is real,
like we're making a life here.
We are.
Then there's some shit
we need to clear up.
That night at the Apollo lounge
"with that guy."
It wasn't just a coincidence
you showed up, was it?
What are you talking about'?
Well, Ethan sent you right?
You've known this whole time?
Sort of figured, yeah.
I owe him money.
More than I can pay.
He said if I slept with you,
we'd be square.
Had to do it before.
Not a lot.
Two times.
I don't care about that.
I do.
I told him I'd check you out
and decide.
Guess I was pretending
like I had a choice.
Jake decided
I was just some whore
and he can get a freebie.
I remember laying on
that bathroom floor,
"this could be it for me."
On my knees,
in front of some son of a bitch.
Then you walked in.
After you took off,
I told Ethan
I'd find a way to pay him back,
but I wasn't doing
what he wanted.
I went to that bar
because of him,
but everything since
has been because of you,
I just wanted the truth.
I'm sorry.
Promise me
you'll never lie to me again.
I promise you the same.
I promise, and I'm sorry.
Don't be.
Hey, come on in.
Listen, you want a drink?
I got some...
I'm here to talk business.
So you're finally ready
to be partners.
That's good news.
No, no, no, no.
See, you misunderstand.
You and me, we're never gonna
work together.
Never say never.
I'm here about iris.
I know what's been going on.
You do?
I don't know, foley.
You know, I've been
watching you real close,
and I don't think you know shit.
In fact, I think
you're totally fucking clueless.
You remember Jake, right?
Yeah, he sure remembers you,
Sorry about that,
but Jake was kind of pissed
at you.
So... Right about now,
Jake is sitting in a car
outside of iris' apartment,
and if I don't call him
in ten minutes,
he's gonna go upstairs,
fuck her,
and cave her head in with a bat.
Or maybe he'll cave her head in
and then fuck her.
You think I'm gonna-what?
Forgive you for killing my dad?
You owe me, foley,
and I know exactly how
you're gonna pay your debt.
You're gonna make me $8 million.
$8 million is the price
of the bullet
you put
in your best friend's head
to save your sorry ass.
Ethan, listen to me...
No, you listen to me!
I have got a mark
primed and ready to go,
but he does things old-school,
so I need someone old-school
to help me take his money.
You don't want my help.
You want to get me back
for what I did.
No, this is about
what you're going to do,
which is exactly what I say,
or I make sure that iris
finds out something about you
that she really, really
doesn't want to know.
Look, me and iris
already told each other
every fucked-up thing
we've ever done in our lives.
You can't get me like that.
We have no secrets.
Got to know a secret
to tell a secret.
Your old girlfriend,
Tess Armstrong,
told you that she had her
little problem taken care of,
she kept it.
I have a kid?
You got too used
to thinking small,
stuck inside that shitty little
prison cell all those years.
And now, inside
that shitty little apartment
where the two of you
have been playing house.
Except you're the one
who's been played.
She's your daughter.
Iris... "Is."
Your... No, no.
No, no.
Your precious, little baby girl.
I should shoot you right now
for even saying
some shit like that to me.
She's your daughter.
That's a lie!
The night you met iris,
with your own flesh and blood
you had no clue.
No clue.
It was priceless.
You gonna kill me, foley?
Then what'?
How long do you think it'll take
the cops to figure it out'?
No, you're gonna do
whatever I say.
You know all iris' secrets,
So you know that she's had some
close calls with a razor blade.
You know, I wonder
how it'll make her feel,
knowing all this time
she's been fucking her...
That is the last time
you do that.
You know, I almost
feel sorry for you.
After all these years of putting
the frame on your marks,
now who's the mark'?
You got about six minutes
to make up your mind.
Call him.
Excellent decision.
- Shit.
- What?
Nothing. He just...
He's not answering his phone.
Give me your car keys.
If he's touched
her, kill yourself.
Hey, bitch-cakes.
You miss me?
. No!
See that'!
That's from foley.
Eye for an eye'
You all right'?
It's all right. It's all right.
Okay orgy.
All right, all right, all right,
look, I have to get him
out of here,
then I'm probably
gonna have to lay low
in case there's heat, okay?
You mean we're gonna
have to lay low...
You and me, together.
No, no, it's smarter
if we slay apart.
What happened with Ethan?
- I took care of it.
- What does that mean?
It means I took care of it!
You don't have to deal with him
- What's going on?
- Nothing!
Look, iris, I cannot
go back to prison.
I have to get him out of here
before the police come.
Don't say anything to anyone'
I don'! Have anybody to tell.
You're the person
I tell everything.
Come on, piece of...
Xavier's gonna fucking end you.
These are for the guy in 3602.
His car's in the usual spot.
You're out.
You look the same.
Older, but the same.
Celia, do I have a daughter'?
How did you find out'?
You were in prison a long time.
Tess wanted to be rid of you.
When she passed,
I respected her decision.
So what did Tess tell the kid
about who her father was?
Said he died in a car crash.
By that time, Tess was sick.
Kids don't question things
when their whole world
is falling apart.
Look, foley,
you're better dead to her.
I know that's hard to hear,
but she's got a life now.
She doesn't need to know
the kind of people
she came from,
could you tell me her name?
I'm not gonna go look for her
or anything.
I just want to know.
Her name is iris.
Thanks, Celia.
What are you doing?
Get out of my house!
What did you tell Ethan
about me?
Who do you think did that to me?
Jesus, foley,
what did he do to you?
I'm sorry.
You disappear for a week.
Not a fucking word to
let me know you're even alive,
but you're sorry?
I spent half my life in prison.
In there, the decisions
are made for you.
All this out here?
It's new to me.
I got things to sort out.
And in order to do that,
I need time.
Time... Time away from all this.
Time... Away from you'
you're lying.
We said no lies.
Iris I know when you're lying'
so you might as well
just tell me the truth.
That is the truth.
You have to trust me.
Look, we can't see each other
right now.
It'd be best if you left
I can'! Tell you why.
Look, if I didn't have to,
I wouldn't ask.
You want me to trust you,
but you won't even trust me
with the truth?
If I told you
it was for your own protection,
you would just tell me
you could protect yourself.
- I can.
- I know.
And I know you can see through
any story I tell you.
You're supposed to be
the one person
I can always tell the truth'
but I can't.
And I'm asking you again...
Please, trust me.
Let's just get out of here'
we'll go somewhere hot,
with beaches
and fat tourists to rip off.
I'll plan every detail.
All you have to do is say yes,
I have money I can give you,
just take it
and go as far away as you can.
Don'! Tell me where.
How long'?
A few weeks. A month, maybe.
Or longer?
Or never'?
No, no, baby, not never.
look, I need your help.
Got myself in a bit of trouble'
I mean, nothing of my doing
but something I can'! Shake.
What are we talking about here?
Local guy,
moves a lot of product.
Could be a big catch.
You want to go informer'?
You're my parole officer, right?
Isn't this
what I'm supposed to do'?
It's Deacon.
You got him?
Yeah, he's right here'
You don'! Have to be
a criminal mastermind
to pay some guy off.
You made your one mistake,
You make any more,
and you're dons.
I want my answer by tonight.
Going lip'...
9... Congratulations.
The good news?
You have a very good
circulatory system,
the bad news is,
I learned some
pretty nasty things in prison.
Did you know a small knife
can cause just as much damage
as a big knife?
Take this one, for instance.
I use it to cut fruit.
But if I press it here
and make a cut
about an inch long,
you'll bleed to death
in almost two minutes.
Listen, foley... No, you listen.
If we're gonna pull this grift
you're gonna have to promise me
two things.
Fuck you, foley.
You're not in control.
Don'! You get it'!
These are my conditions.
First, iris will never hear
a whisper of what you told me.
If you so much as hint at it,
I will kill you.
- You understand?
- Yes.
Secondly, if we pull this con,
you will follow my instructions
to the smallest detail,
no exceptions.
- You got it?
- Yes.
You know,
you don't sound too convincing.
Yes! I-yes, I understand.
Absolutely! Fuck!
- Come on.
- Fuck!
We need to worry about
being disturbed?
No, no, we're fine.
The clinic closed at 7:00,
and I'm here through the night
to make sure the junkies don't-
don't break in.
Are you even a fucking doctor'?
Am I getting stitched up
by a fucking janitor'?
In Serbia, I was a surgeon.
Here, I'm a night watchman'
miro knows what he's doing.
Fixed me up plenty of times
in prison.
Look, you saved my ass
a hundred limes.
This is nothing. I owe you.
Enough with fucking memory Lane!
Just... Just fucking finish.
I've made preparations, foley.
I get taken out,
two things happen'
cops find Jake
with your DNA all over him,
and iris finds out
about her long-lost daddy.
And wherever you've got her
stashed, she can be found.
Here's what I need:
A high-end hotel room
so I can get in shape
and work out
the details of the grift.
I need a woman
to play the catch.
Preferably older, experienced.
I need an I.T. Guy
who can open
international accounts
and walk me through the tech.
And I need a place to stage
the actual grift,
preferably a house...
Big, expensive, isolated.
Yes. You see?
This is exactly
what I'm talking about, partner'
we're not partners, Ethan.
I had a partner once'
I killed him.
Looking good, foley.
Let me introduce you
to your wife, Helena.
Helena, this is your husband.
Latest husband, anyway.
So you know
how this grift works?
Yeah, first half, anyway.
Ethan's the inside man.
You're the outside man.
I'm the catch...
Coked-up wife of some rich guy,
real estate developer'
So long work's already done'
six months ago, someone stole
some money from the mark.
250 grand.
And that someone
is no longer with us'
So I tell the mark,
"hey, you remember"
that dumb motherfucker
who ripped you off'...
Let her tell it.
Ethan takes me to the mark,
I say, "it's not my fault,
wasn't my idea."
250 got stolen in a drug deal.
Mark wants his money now,
but I've only go!
One way to pay it:
My rich husband.
. See?
I told you she's a pro.
She knows her part.
I know my part,
but who's the mark'?
Are you out of your mind?
You never said we were
pulling this on Xavier.
Yeah, what are you gonna do
about it, bitch?
Are you suddenly in a position
where you can just walk away?
Hey. Don't disrespect her.
When we're on the grift,
our lives
are in each other's hands.
Or do I need to remind you
about the promise you made?
Are you absolutely positive-
I mean, 100% sure...
This money can't be traced?
Twice a year, Xavier flies in
to make sure that his money
is laundered and dispersed
to clean accounts.
He always does it in person.
But he's such a greedy prick
that if he finds out that
he can make an extra percentage
by fucking someone over,
I guarantee you, he will do it.
The grift is not about
taking someone's money.
It's about gaining
their confidence.
The key is to set up a situation
where even though the mark knows
he's fucking me over,
he gets to act
like he's doing me a favor,
like he's running the grift.
That's why it's called
the samaritan.
It's Helena.
I just wanted
to thank you for...
Well, I guess for not being
a son of a bitch.
It's nothing.
Got anything to drink in here?
Ethan send you?
Fuck you. I'm not a whore'
I'm sorry.
I'm here
because I like the look of you.
And like you said,
if this thing falls apart,
we end up dead.
This is not part of the grift.
What do you want, Helena?
I know who Ethan is,
but I don'! Know who you are
or why you're here.
I was gonna do it
the old-fashioned way
and ball it out of you,
but you got all...
so now I just got to
come out and ask.
It's unbecoming.
So Ethan's got you loo?
Hook's in deep.
You really think
if we pull this off,
he'll just pay us off
and cut us loose?
I don't know.
I think he'll just keep
coming back and...
Taking and taking and taking,
we'll get through this.
Ain't no "we," foley.
Thinking any different
will just get you dead.
Does this look like
the kind of place
that a slick-ass
real estate developer
would build for himself'?
How far is this from the club?
17 minutes.
Exactly 17 minutes?
Trust me, I timed it.
And before you say anything,
I fucking drove
at the right time of night,
we got 12 hours left
for any final details.
You absolutely sure
Xavier is gonna drive
all the way out here himself'!
I know him.
He's got a hard-on
for showing me
how to do things right.
If I knock Helena around
too hard,
he'll step in and take control
of the situation'
Hey, come on in.
We're gonna be late
picking up Helena.
What's up, you got one
of your club bitches up in here?
Boy, that's why
I wanted to see you first.
Get you motivated
for the big show.
Come on down and say hi.
Thought you got rid of me?
Couldn't figure out
why you were lying.
Just had to find out why.
But I never thought
you'd blow me off for money.
I don't know
what you think you're doing...
You don'! Get to tell me
what to do anymore,
I cleaned up.
I started to kick.
I did everything right.
But you just wanted me
out of the way
so you'd get right back
to the grift.
You're the real addict here,
Not me.
I need to talk to you alone.
Anything you need to say to me,
you can say in front of him.
Good luck tonight.
Come home rich.
You ready to go to work?
You know, I got no choice here.
She's my leverage
in case you're thinking
of making
some last-minute changes
to the plan.
You're running the angles?
Trying to figure out
how to get her away from me.
But then what?
Then what do you do?
You slay with her?
Maybe you guys
should just be friends.
Ethan. Stop talking.
Helena, you better be ready.
Messy bitch.
Fucking bitch!
You know, she probably
fucking planned this all along,
just waiting for
the right moment to fuck me!
A woman is dead, Ethan,
yeah, and I'm gonna have
a fucking big, long cry over it
once you tell me
how to fix this!
Well, we're not going to fix it.
This is a three-person grift.
Husband, wife, dealer.
Everything pivots on the catch.
No catch, no grift.
The mark arrives
in about three hours.
We're out of time.
You got to know someone
from back in the day.
I could call Gretchen,
but that finger
you chopped off her hand
might give away the fact
that she's not the coked-up
trophy wife
of a real estate developer.
Fuck you!
You've done a pretty good job
of that already'
fucking yourself too.
We need the catch.
No goddamn way.
What? She's not smart enough'?
Pretty enough? Quick enough?
What's missing that Helena had'?
Not gonna happen.
Not your call, do I
have a choice here?
Or am I just supposed to go
whichever way the wind blows?
of course you have a choice.
Split's 60/20/20.
That's $1.6 million for you.
What do you say?
- Yeah.
- It'll never work.
You know I can do it.
Or is it that I'd be
playing your wife?
Fair enough.
The mark would have to be
pretty stupid
to buy me as your wife,
but I could be your daughter,
the grift
calls for a cokehead wife
getting dirty behind
her husband's back, right?
But it could just as easily
be a wayward daughter
stuffing daddy's money
up her nose,
she's right.
Look, it's not
that you're not pretty enough,
quick enough, or smart enough'
it's just that you're not ready,
and we don't have time
to get you ready.
You don't know the turns.
You don'! Know the backups.
You don't know the gear'
make a mistake,
you can get all of us killed.
You know, there are things worse
than getting killed, foley.
I think you know that.
How much do you owe?
I want to know
how deep you're in this
that you're so willing
to commit suicide to get out.
Like your dad.
We can pull this off.
Ifs over.
I need this.
I can take my cut,
getaway from here-far away.
Don't you think I deserve that?
Come with me.
You know what, foley?
You want out?
Fine. Get the fuck out.
She stays.
Leave with me, right now.
Don'! Listen to him.
No, don't listen to me.
I'm only trying
to make us all fucking rich!
I'm staying.
Everything I touch
turns to shit.
Why do you think that is?
I found him.
Help me.
What did you do?
Did you tell her'?
What did you tell her?
It's the grift.
What are you talking about'?
We started without you,
Xavier thinks that I've gone
to pick up iris'
millionaire daddy
to settle her big fat drug debt.
Hey, neither of us
were just gonna let you
walk away, foley.
This could be your masterpiece.
Wipe all those other clippings
off my wall.
The chances of this working
are slim to none'
Well, then those are the chances
of iris surviving the night.
If we don't do this,
he'll put a bullet in her,
I've seen him do it before
for a lot less.
Why are you doing this to me?
You know why.
I didn't want to kill
your father, Ethan.
I had no choice.
So then you're familiar
with this kind of predicament,
we're talking about
iris' life here,
now is your chance
to finally play daddy.
suit up.
Thought you were gonna shave.
Nobody shaves at night.
A grift is all about
the details.
Here's daddy'
I'm sorry to say
your little angel
has got herself
into a bit of a bind.
Well, unfortunately
this isn't the first time.
How much does she owe you?
Bet you're loving this?
More proof you were right
to send me away.
I sent you away
for your own good.
But you just wanted me
out of the way.
You were never there for me.
When mom died, I had nothing,
nobody wanted me.
This-what's happening here,
right now,
this is your doing!
And in your usual fashion,
you expect me
to pay for your mistakes!
This is not
family fucking therapy.
I want my money now,
Help me.
Daddy, I need help.
My cell phone.
I didn't tell you
to do anything.
I'm sorry.
Had you planned on
cashing a check'?
I'm going to make
an electronic transfer.
So I'm supposed to give you,
what, my account information?
I don't want
your account information'
I don't want to know your name.
I don't want to know
a goddamn thing about you.
I've just moved all the funds
out of one
of my offshore accounts,
except for $250,000.
I've deleted my pass code.
All you need to do
is enter yours.
You'll have full access
to the funds,
and you can transfer them
anywhere you want.
Yes, I need you to check
on immediate activity
in the Belize account.
Oh, yes, that's because
I don't care
what time it is there.
Are we done?
How much do you keep
in these offshore accounts?
That particular one,
I had a little under $3 million.
Any with more than 8?
I'd like you
to consider a new deal.
I have $8 million
that needs cleaning,
and it seems to me
you run
an excellent maid service,
now, before you decide-Vernon?
Would you get us a little taste?
This is going to be very nice.
Are you building a wine cellar'?
Ll once bought a divorce house
because of the wine cellar.
The wife, who was selling,
took me down
because her
soon-to-be ex-husband's
unbelievable collection
was still there.
'59 lafite.
'61 haut-brion.
'45 brunello.
Absolutely stupendous.
And then my eye
catches the thermostat,
and I say to her, "I don't know
how to tell you this",
"but this cellar
should be at 55 degrees.
This one's turned up to 76."
And she looks at me
with a kind of squint in her eye
and, just ice-cold
she says, "I know."
Yes, I have a '61 lafite
I'm saving
for a special occasion,
it's on its final turn
and the top of the bottle
is going to be tired.
The rest is in the car,
what's going on here?
Watch and learn.
The usual channels
cost me a minimum of 30%,
that's $2.5 million.
This is 8, clean.
What if he tries to...
He won't try anything.
If he does,
we'll change his mind.
It occurs to me
that if you want my help
with your little problem,
it should be worth more to me
than just a return
of my $250,000.
- And your daughter.
- 15%.
And so we agree on 10.
I don't know.
My God!
What the fuck
did you do that for'?
Thought you wanted
to change his mind.
Help me!
No, no, no, no.
The only way you can help
your daughter is to do the deal.
I have to get her to a hospital!
And so you shall
when the business is done.
Sit up. Sit up.
Put pressure on it. Hold it.
What do you want me to do?
The same as before.
You put some funds
into an account for me.
You lake your cash.
We never see each other again.
Do we have a deal?
Do we have a deal?
No deal.
He can't make the deal
because he's not
a real estate developer.
He's a grifter, and
this is a con.
Which makes you the mark.
Why would you tell me this?
Because nothing changes
unless you make it change.
What the fuck
are you talking about'!
I'm telling you because
I don't care about your money.
I just want that piece of shit
to know how close he came
to getting
everything he ever wanted
right before you shoot him dead.
No, not him!
She's lying!
You little shit!
She is his daughter!
I know, Ethan.
He is your father!
I know, Ethan.
You can'! Hurt me anymore.
You know'?
1 went to see Celia.
I have been
in this place before,
and there's only one way
for this to end'
I will tell you
what you want to know,
and if you don't believe
what I say,
then just put a bullet in me.
Just let her go.
Nobody is going anywhere
ever again.
You okay? You stay here.
Stay here. Stay here.
I am not going out
over $8 million.
It's just money!
Take it.
Take the money.
We can do a deal.
Do you know who I am?
I know exactly who you are,
that's why I have to do this.
Let's go! Come on.
We have to get out of here.
Let's go.
Oh, God.
No, God!
Miro, help us, please.
She needs a blood transfusion
but the clinic
has no blood in storage.
- Use me.
- No, no.
We don't have time
to test for blood type.
If I give her the wrong blood,
she will die.
Can we find a relative?
If-if they're related,
we got a better shot.
Miro! Miro!
It'll work.
Miro... I have some money.
This is where to find it.
Take what you need.
And the rest to her.
you will not survive this.
Let me stop the transfusion.
She needs a second chance.
Now, I just need you
to sign here and here, please.
How long will the transfer
take, exactly?
Just a moment.
Exactly that long.
How long did you plan to visit?
I'm not sure.
How long does it take
to get lost?
If you keep on doing
what you've always done,
you'll keep on being
what you've always been.
Nothing changes
unless you make it change.
I know what it sounds like,
but every morning
when I wake up,
I think about
what that really means.
Nothing changes
unless you make it change.
Summer keeps falling
I keep remembering.
When you were lost in the all.
Time wasn't fading,
I keep forgetting.
You were the one that I love.
Soon we'll be riding away
in the night.
Falling till the oceans
are crying.
' Soon you will arrive
in the only all.
Only I'm waiting till someday
I'll be on your right.
To the only one in your life.
And the only one
that I will love.
That's you and I.