The Saratov Approach (2013)

All right. can go through with this.
Yeah, I think so.
Can you?
Propst, if this thing goes south
It's not going to.
All right.
You grab the iron
and lay with your back facing the door
so he can't see you, okay?
I'll take the sheet
and I'll climb up on the table
where he can't see me.
And when you're ready,
I'll call him in,
put the sheet over his head.
That's when you take the iron...
All right.
Then we'll get his gun,
we'll cuff him,
and if he gets up
or if anything goes wrong...
It's him or us.
Have you even shot a gun before?
Yes. I've hunted.
You've hunted?
They are gonna kill us.
Are you ready to go through with this?
Yeah, we have to, right?
One of these days,
we're gonna win.
Ah, well, maybe if you
sharpen up your defense.
You all right?
Katya is very beautiful.
Katya is very beautiful.
Very good.
Propst is not handsome.
Propst is not handsome.
It was a long day today.
Did it feel long to you?
Felt amazing to me.
- That's what I meant.
- You know what I mean?
At the end of the day,
you're completely drained.
You spend all your energy doing
some sort of good in the world.
Feels good.
Was that today?
Best feeling in the world.
Yeah, it is.
Are we gonna do this or what?
I thought you'd never ask.
All right.
A year ago today,
I left my family, my friends,
a full-ride scholarship,
all my Beatles albums,
and countless female admirers...
to come to Russia,
a place that is cold, miserable,
and where I couldn't speak
the language to save my life.
Now I've been here a year.
I've served in four different cities.
I've had six different companions.
I've been spit at.
I've been yelled at, cursed at.
I've been hit by three cars
and countless vodka bottles.
And somehow I still can't speak
this language to save my life.
You're not that bad,
I'm telling you.
Somehow, I've come to love
this crazy place
and love these people.
I'm glad to be here with you, Tuttle.
With that,
I take one shirt and burn it
to signify one year gone
and one year left.
And may your success continue
through the coming year.
Where did you buy this?
I didn't buy it.
I found it, in the cupboard.
I think it's fermented.
I doubt he's even gonna be there.
Well, I've never had anybody
come up to me and just ask me
ask me to teach him like that.
Yeah. Yeah, right.
That was odd.
I don't think it was odd.
It''s awesome.
There's missions that the guys
teach more in a week
than we do an entire month.
Yeah, I don't know.
It's just...
The only thing is, I got
a little bit of a weird vibe from him.
Oh, I didn't.
I think he seemed interested.
He seemed genuinely interested
in what we had to teach him.
It's not every day somebody
comes and seeks you out.
I mean, how long
was he waiting at the door?
Take it if we can get it, right?
- It's a discussion.
- Yeah.
Do you have a Book of Mormon
with you?
No. I thought you packed one.
I gave my last one away
and forgot to grab another one.
Oh, seriously?
Well, let's just come back.
There's no point in teaching
without a book.
He's waiting for us.
If we don't teach him now,
we may lose our opportunity.
No, I think we go now,
and we teach him,
and we can tell him about it
and then bring him
another one tomorrow.
That'll be an opportunity
to set up another appointment.
Okay. I just think we should be
a little more prepared.
This is gonna be great.
I'd like to share a message with you
about a book
that will change your life.
We didn't bring one with us,
but we promise it's awesome.
We'll just stick to God and prophets.
Okay. Yeah, that works.
God speaks to prophets,
writes those words down
in sacred books
like the Bible
and the Book of Mormon.
No, no, we didn't bring one.
I know.
We're less effective.
That's broken.
You coming?
I'm just saying we should
come back later when we're prepared.
This is ridiculous.
You're being dramatic.
Fine. Whatever you say.
- Say it?
- Sure.
Dear God, our Heavenly Father,
we're grateful for the opportunity
we have to teach today.
Please bless and send the Spirit
with us as we do
and please protect us
from any harm or accident.
We say these things in Jesus' name.
- Amen.
- Amen.
It's loud.
It sounds like a quality program.
Hate to interrupt.
Shut up and don't move!
Please, God, help us.
This...This can't be happening.
I can't be here.
Shh, Shh!
The neighbors didn't
even hear us scream, okay?
Nobody is going to help us.
We have to do something ourselves.
We're trapped in here.
Can you get UP?
We have to jump out of this window
or we are gonna die right here, okay?
Wait, wait, wait.
If they see us --
If they see us, they'll kill us.
Either way we're dead, okay?
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay?
- Please --
- Shh!
Where are you going, my friend?
Play drunk.
Help us!
Tuttle, shut up!
They're gonna kill us, I know it.
- They're gonna shoot us.
- Listen to me.
Listen to me
and shut your mouth, okay?
You need to shut your mouth,
and we'll be okay.
Do you hear me?
We're gonna be okay.
How do you know that?
Okay, okay, okay-
Don't shoot, don't shoot.
No, no, no, no!
Don't shoot me! Wait!
Two American missionaries
serving in the town
of Saratov, Russia,
are being reported kidnapped
after a ransom note was found
on a Russian official's door.
Eyewitness News
learned of the kidnapping
of 20-year-old Andrew Lee Propst
and 20-year-old Travis Robert Tuttle
just moments ago.
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints in Salt Lake
has taken immediate steps
to ensure the safety
of all other missionaries
with the Russian Samara mission.
Details of the ransom note
are not being released at this time
until the families of the captured
missionaries can be contacted.
This is Lee.
Yes. I'm listening.
My Son!
They've got my son!
That was just right before he left.
This was him at the airport.
This is the most recent one
that we got.
When's the last time
you talked to him?
We can only talk to him
at Christmas and on Mother's Day.
How do we get it to them?
United States government policy
is to not pay ransoms.
So, what options do we have?
- We can negotiate or rescue.
- Rescue?
We put two agents on a plane
this morning.
When they get to Russia,
they'll meet with the authorities.
I should be there.
We can't actually have you
leave the home.
It's not safe.
We don't know what harm
they could do to you and your family.
Who are these people?
The probability of your son
coming home alive or unharmed
is very low in a case like this.
Don't you dare say that to me!
Don't you dare take away my hope!
This morning, when the phone rang,
I knew it had to be about Travis.
The voice said,
"Brother Tuttle, this is Elder Tingey
calling from Salt Lake."
Then it hit me.
They were gonna tell me
that he'd been..
He'd been killed.
I don't want that call.
Nobody is going to help us.
We have to do something ourselves.
And we'll be okay.
Do you hear me?
We're gonna be okay.
How do you know that?
Most people believe
in a supreme being.
Even though they may call Him
by different names...
we know that God lives.
We are all children
of our Father in Heaven.
We are created in His image.
Because he is the Father of all people,
we are brothers and sisters.
And he provided a way for us
to overcome...
sin and death...
so that we can return to His presence.
He prepared a plan
that will bring us joy...
and the central figure
in that plan is Jesus Christ.
You plan on teaching someone today?
I plan on teaching someone every day.
I hate to break it to you,
but our teaching days are over.
God speaks to His children
by way of prophets and apostles.
They write His words down
in sacred books like the Bible
called scriptures.
Hmun dang zawng aia tlawma
thlawhnaa zin duh tan
biak mai tur a ni e
A thlawnin office/inah
tickets kan dahsak thei
What do you want?
Whatever you want, we'll get you --
money, enough food, passports --
Just...Just tell us.
Are you serious?
Hey, hey, w-we can get you that.
If you let us go,
you take us back to the apartment,
we could get you that today.
We don't have that at the apartment.
Sergei says your church has money.
They're not gonna pay the ransom.
- Why?
- It doesn't work like that.
If they don't pay,
Sergei says the Mormons
will be exterminated.
Mormons exterminated?
- How long do we have?
- What do you mean?
How long will Sergei wait
until we get his money?
I don't know,
but Sergei is not a patient man.
It is probably not the best idea
to antagonize the guys with the guns.
- I think he's our way out of here.
- No!
No, our way out of here is doing
exactly what they ask us to do,
not smarting off to him.
I was just talking to him.
I'm trying to soften him up.
Propst, does he look
like he's gonna soften up?
He's got a gun!
He's not gonna soften up!
I don't know
if you remember last night
when they bashed our heads in!
You're exactly right.
We're probably both
gonna die right here
and get buried in the snow.
I'm not trying to fool you or anybody.
We have about
a one in a million chance
of surviving here.
And if this is my last day to be alive,
I'm gonna be myself.
Let's try to cooperate with them,
because if you're right, if...
if we've only got a small chance,
I want to be alive to take that chance,
even if it is one in a million.
Nobody's gonna pay for us.
That's not how this works.
We're alone,
and nobody knows where we are.
I don't know what I'm doing here.
The only thing I know
is to go by my instincts.
Our mission is over.
It ended the second
we knocked on their door.
Now it's about survival.
And you've got to trust me
that I'm doing my best
so that we can survive.
Just don't do anything stupid, okay?
What are you doing?!
I need to go to the bathroom,
like bad.
Nikolai, please.
There's a bathroom
right in there, isn't there?
Please let me go.
I tell you how this works.
I unlock you.
You go to bathroom.
Anything happens,
I shoot your friend.
He talks to me or you,
I shoot you, then him.
Are you scared?
You are scared.
Want a beer?
I do.
I really do.
You too?
- What did I miss?
- Nothing.
Nikolai just said he wants a drink.
Me too. Can...Can we have some?
Can we have some?
You want a beer?
You don't know much about us,
do you?
What do you want -- coffee, tea?
Oh, boy. you have juice or water?
- No water.
- No?
- We have juice.
- Juice.
Juice would be amazing.
Don't look at me like that.
You want a thank you?
He pointed his gun right at me.
I'm telling you,
he's our way out of here.
Lee Propst.
Mr. Propst, this is Senator Gordon
Smith calling from Washington, D.C.
Senator Smith?
Listen, I've been briefed
on your son's situation.
Although I have no more information,
I want you to know
as your senator
and as your brother in Christ,
we are doing all that we can
to ensure a proper return.
So, are you working with the FBI?
No, not yet.
Are you working with
the State Department or the embassy?
Well, we -- we plan to,
uh, but we haven't yet.
Then what are you doing, Senator?
Um...we -- We're gonna do --
We're gonna do all that we can.
I'm...I'm sorry. Uh...
We're just very frustrated here.
We feel pretty helpless.
I can't imagine what you
must be going through right now...
but I believe that the rest of us,
we should do all that we can
to lift each other's burdens.
I know that doesn't sound
like a lot right now,
but I hope you can feel our support.
Well, I appreciate your call, Senator.
Your...Your faith means a lot to me.
You and your family will be
in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you.
I wonder what it will be like
to tell our families about all this.
I wonder if they'll even believe us.
You think they know already?
I hope not.
My mom would be a hysterical wreck,
my dad wouldn't be able to sleep,
and my sisters -- forget about it.
They'd be the ones
who went straight to the media.
My sister's going to prom this week.
I think you're right.
What do you mean?
Nobody's gonna pay for us.
That makes sense.
If the church paid for one hostage...
paid a ransom to any one group,
then everybody in the church --
missionaries and members --
they'd all be targets. So...
So they can't pay a ransom.
Otherwise, all the crazies in the world
would be lining up for a fast payday.
- This is my fault.
- No.
- Don't say that.
- No, it is.
- No.
- If I had listened to you...
...we would never have gone
to Nikolai's apartment.
We wouldn't be here.
We wouldn't have been kidnapped.
We wouldn't be sitting down here
in this disgusting apartment
on this freezing floor,
just waiting to...
-...waiting to die.
- That's not true.
If it wouldn't have been that day,
it would have been another day.
They had it all set up --
the dummy apartment, everything.
If it wasn't us, it would have been
two other missionaries.
No, that's not true.
I...l felt it.
I felt it. It was small, it was quiet,
but it was there.
It was a little voice saying,
"Don't go into that apartment."
But I didn't listen.
I never...
I never listen.
I did exactly what I wanted to do.
I got it in my head that we were gonna
teach one more lesson.
- One more lesson.
- Tuttle, it's not your fault...
...and this is not over yet.
We are still alive,
and we can get through this.
- We've seen their faces.
- Okay.
We've been gone for two days.
Pretty soon,
the press is gonna break the story.
They're gonna realize
that they're not gonna get a ransom
and the Feds are on to them,
and they're gonna have to cover
their tracks,
and they're gonna start with us.
We are -- We're dead.
This is it. We're dead.
What are you doing?
Nikolai, come in here.
What do we have to do to be let free?
Tell us what we have to do,
and we will do it.
Don't just laugh at us, okay?
Just tell us what we need to do.
You're not in charge.
- Are you?!
- Propst, calm down, man.
Nikolai, wait.
At least could you bring us
some chairs or something?!
Chairs? You want chairs?
Yes, or something.
Thank you.
I asked for chairs.
Do you think we could figure out a way
to make ourselves
a little bit more uncomfortable
while we're here?
Best historical "Dream Team."
Come on.
Anyone, NBA, starting with guard.
Who is it?
Magic, Isiah, The Glove? Who?
No. It's John Stockton,
no question, end of story.
Here we go.
You can't be serious!
Rodman over Malone.
Malone just led the Jazz
to the finals last year,
and he'll do it again this year, I bet.
You know, there's no church policy
that says you have to love
the Utah Jazz.
At least I have a team!
You don't just cheer for the --
whoever's winning.
I'm just saying Rodman?
He doesn't need luck.
He's got crazy.
No, he's got Pippen and Jordan
to ride on.
And Stockton has Malone.
If you're telling me that you would take
Rodman over The Mailman,
that freak over Malone,
you and every bandwagon Bulls fan
are delusional if you really think that.
You can't say you think that.
Delusional is the word
that describes a Jazz fan
who thinks they can win a title
while Jordan is still in the league.
We've gotten to title games.
We...We could do it again.
Yeah, and you choked,
and you will choke again.
Michael Jordan is basketball king.
Nikolai knows what he's talking about.
Hey, Nikolai, wait.
These stools are great, but...
Tuttle's got a bad back.
Is there any way you could cuff us
over by the mattress?
I'm super comfortable here,
but, you know, so his back won't hurt.
I've got a really bad back, so...
Yeah. Good job.
It's a bit disgusting,
but it's comfortable.
Hey, you know what I always say --
if you're gonna get shot,
it might as well be
on a dirty, Russian mattress.
- I don't know.
- Have you said that before?
No, I don't.
So, you never told me.
Did you always want
to serve a mission?
Actually, yeah.
I don't know why. I just --
I always knew I would go.
I was that kid
who as soon as he was big enough
to push a lawnmower
was out in the neighborhood,
making money.
It's like a freaky mix between
Dale Carnegie and Donald Trump.
If you could make money,
I would do it --
anything from delivering paper,
shoveling snow.
I did bake sales, babysitting,
whatever it took to fill up
the mission account, you know?
That's pretty impressive.
I think I spent everything I ever made
on baseball cards and arcade games.
I'm serious.
I don't know. I just --
I guess I felt so lucky, you know,
with my amazing family, friends,
the home I grew up in,
you know, my good looks,
excellent physique...
Not to mention
your charm and humility.
Don't want to forget that.
No, but, seriously, I don't know.
Coming out here
and serving for two years...
it just made sense.
It seemed like the only way
I could even begin to thank
my Heavenly Father
for, you know,
everything He's given me.
How about you?
No, I never really wanted to go.
I think it was in high school
I decided for sure that I wasn't going.
I remember I told my dad, and...
I thought he was gonna be
really disappointed,
but he just sat there...
told me it was my decision.
I really respected him for that.
I was his only son, and...
I'm sure he really wanted me to go.
And what changed --
changed your mind?
I was in this mission-prep class.
I don't even know
why I was there, but...
there was this instructor, Jim.
Jim Goodwin.
Brother Goodwin.
He would drag me
into this class every time.
We were reading the Book of Luke,
where Christ was suffering
in the garden.
And here you had this...
this perfect person,
the one perfect person
who ever lived...
about to suffer for all the pain...
and heartache and sins
of the entire world.
And then He asked His Father...
if there was some way for Him...
not to have to go through with it.
But then He said,
"Not My will, but Thine be done."
I realized that He didn't want to do it.
He didn't want to be whipped...
or crucified.
But He loved his Father.
And He loved all of us enough...
that He did it anyway.
And I thought, if Christ could make
that sacrifice for His Father...
then the least I could do
is serve a mission for mine.
When I told my dad, he...
he was really happy.
And even though initially
I did it for him,
in the end, it made me happy, too.
I don't think I've ever told anybody
all of that.
- Tuttle?
- Hmm?
I'm glad...
I'm glad you came out.
Yeah. Me too.
It's kind of nice to not be
the one crying, you know,
for the first time.
Hope Nikolai doesn't see me.
Seriously, pull yourself together, man.
You're a mess.
Look at me.
Look at me.
They didn't pay today.
I'm losing my patience.
Hey, are you okay?
Where was all your charm
right there?
- Nikolai.
- Da?
Get the gun!
- Get the gun!
- I can't -- I can't reach it!
I can't reach it!
Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh!
It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Most people believe
in a supreme being.
Even though they may call Him
by different names,
we know that God lives.
We are His children.
He prepared a plan
that will bring us joy.
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me.
Are they fighting again?
No. She locked him
on the balcony.
That's one way to deal with him.
Hey, what are you doing?
Don't feed his addiction.
I'm just being a good neighbor.
We may never teach this guy,
but we can be his friend.
You are good American boys.
My favorite Americans.
Breakfast in bed.
You shouldn't have.
Hey, Nikolai,
thanks for backing me up
with the Bulls yesterday.
When it comes to basketball,
Tuttle doesn't know
how to pick a team.
Your name is Tuttle?
And what is yours?
They're our last names.
Why not use your first names?
We're called elders.
It's from the Bible.
It means ministers or priests.
That other guy who's with you --
Sergei --
he leave you here alone?
How do you know him?
Are you two friends?
What's that tattoo on his hand?
Is that Russian Mafia or something?
You don't know much
about Russian tattoos, do you?
No. I guess not.
- He was a hero.
- A hero to who?
The Russian navy.
But that was a long time ago.
Flowers, cards, yellow ribbons --
well-wishers from across the country
continue to show their support
for the kidnapped missionaries.
A Baptist congregation in Alabama
sent handwritten notes
by their own youth
to comfort
the Propst and Tuttle families.
A candlelit vigil held
by a youth group in Wisconsin
was a token of support
for their fellow Christian believers.
- What is it?
- I don't know.
Who is it from?
I don't know.
What do you mean you don't know?
Well, it's a cashier's check.
It doesn't say.
Someone just left it
on the front porch.
Mary, this could save him.
Lee, we can't.
I know.
- Did you hear that?
- Shh!
Boy, you are worthless.
I told them you're going to die
if they do not pay.
And what happens?
They do not pay.
I tell them you're going to die
if they go to the media.
And what happens?
They go to the media.
Maybe He has forgotten
about you,huh?
You come
from a big American church,
going around town telling people
He loves everybody.
Does He love me?
Tell me what you tell everyone.
Tell me.
We know that God lives.
We're His children...
and we're created in His image...
because He's the Father of all people.
We're brothers.
We're all brothers.
He provided a way for us to...
overcome sin and death...
and return to His presence,
and He prepared a plan
that will bring us joy.
And the central figure
in that plan is Jesus Christ. think He's real?
I feel Him. Yes, I do.
You feel that?
How about this?
Do you feel this?
What about this?
You feel this? Huh?
Is this real?
Do you feel this?
Huh? Do you feel this?
This...This is the only thing
that's real.
Write down your last goodbyes
and tell your parents
it's your last chance to be alive.
Roy speaking.
Is this the Tuttle family?
Who is this?
My name is Mark Larsen.
I'm calling from Denver.
- And what station are you with?
- I'm not from any station.
I, um...
I wanted to talk to you
about what's going through
your son's mind right now.
How would you know
anything about that?
Because I was kidnapped, too.
I was in Argentina at the time,
nearly 20 years ago.
We were kidnapped for ransom,
just like your son.
Our first night, we were terrified,
couldn't sleep,
thought we were going to die.
In fact, the whole time,
we thought we were going to die.
Your thoughts start to wander.
You think about your family,
the ones you are serving.
You don't want to cause anyone
to worry.
You think that this kidnapping,
this situation is...
somehow harder
on everyone else than...
it is on you,
so you start to pray.
You're not praying for yourself.
You're praying for everyone else.
And finally, you think about
the ones who have taken you
and what they've done to you
and why.
You begin to worry
about what will happen to them
for all of the things
that they're doing to you.
Then, almost against your will...
you pray for them...
and your heart fills with compassion,
and you plead
that they will feel God's love and...
that they'll change.
I imagine your son is having
some of those same thoughts.
What happened to you?
We put our faith in God.
No matter how bleak
the circumstance seems to be,
no matter...
how horrible,
I want you to remember one thing --
the longer those valiant boys
spend with their kidnappers,
the harder it will be
for them to keep them...
because light
always overcomes darkness.
Hmun dang zawng aia tlawma
thlawhnaa zin duh tan
biak mai tur a ni e
A thlawnin office/inah
tickets kan dahsak thei
We just got this.
It's from your son.
But I think it'd be best if you read it.
"Do not mess around with these guys.
Give them exactly what they want.
They have guns.
We think they have poison.
We think --
Work quickly and work smartly.
If you'll not give them the money,
tell them so we can die."
We could save him.
We could --
We could save our son with this.
We have the power to keep him
from being hurt
and from suffering.
I don't want him to die.
I don't want to sacrifice our son.
More details of the kidnapped
missionaries today.
Ransom photos
of 20-year-old Travis Tuttle
of Gilbert, Arizona,
and 20-year-old Andrew Propst
were released
with the complete text
of the ransom note.
Specific demands were listed,
including directions
not to alert the FSB or media
or the missionaries
would be "exterminated."
Earlier today, the Tuttle family
spoke with Eyewitness News
over the phone.
Right now we really don't know
what is going to happen.
The church has given us updates
as they receive them,
and we've received calls and visits
by some of the leaders.
What would you tell your son
if you could speak to him right now?
I would tell him
that we love him and miss him.
I would tell him
that no matter what happens,
we are proud of him,
and we know that the Lord knows
where he is and what he needs.
Here we go.
Thank you.
You want a beer?
I bet you do.
Yeah, I do.
Help you out.
Tuttle, we're free.
We're getting out of here.
- How did you get --
- Shh!
This ends right now.
Wait, wait, wait.
There are still two guys out there
with guns.
If we mess this up, we're dead.
We've got to come up with a plan
that we both feel good about.
Hey, the plan is simple.
We knock them out,
we handcuff them,
and we take their guns,
and we get out of here.
It's got to be perfect.
We get one shot at this.
Okay. Here.
Sit down, sit down.
Let me show you.
I'll stand here, all right?
And I'll take the sheet.
When he comes in,
put it over his head.
We got to knock him out.
- This.
- Propst!
Sorry. I'm sorry.
If they catch us, we are dead.
Just take a second and remember
that you're not the only one involved.
Now, we need to be absolutely certain
we're doing the right thing.
We got to know what we're doing.
Bow your head.
Our Father in Heaven...
we know we are in Thy care.
And right now, we need that help
more than ever.
Please guide us...
direct us,
keep us from harm...
in the name of Jesus Christ.
All right. can go through with this?
Yeah, I think so.
Ready when you are.
Please help me.
Propst, we've got to do this.
You plan on teaching someone today?
I plan on teaching someone every day.
We know that God lives.
We're His children,
and we're created in His image.
He provided a way for us
to overcome sin and death.
So, what changed your mind?
It hit me that He didn't want
to go through it.
He didn't want to be whipped
and crucified.
But He loved his Father enough
that he did it anyway.
He was a hero.
He prepared a plan
that will bring us joy.
You're not in charge.
Come on.
We've got to do this.
Propst, let's go.
He prepared a plan for us.
Today, Senator Gordon Smith
of Oregon
met with President Clinton
on behalf of the two missionaries
who have been kidnapped
and are being held hostage
somewhere near Saratov, Russia.
The President pledged full support
of efforts
to bring the missionaries to safety,
though no ransom will be paid.
The President is very aware
of the hostage situation,
and he's concerned
for the safety of the missionaries.
After a brief phone call
with the families of the missionaries,
Senator Smith has taken great strides
to pressure state and national leaders
to do all they can for the missionaries.
Leaders of the Mormon church
are asking members of all religions
to come together in unity
to fast and pray on behalf
of those being held in Saratov.
The unique approach of uniting in faith
has resulted in hundreds,
if not thousands, of small acts
from citizens all across the country.
It's by these actions, they say,
that the hand of God
will be recognized.
Beds comfortable?
Yeah. We're fine.
How's the food?
The portions could be bigger.
Where are we going?
Don't you worry.
I will take care of you.
I will take care of everything.
Were you in the navy?
What do you care?
Your tattoo.
It means Russian navy, doesn't it?
Nikolai said you were
somewhat of a hero.
Did you save someone's life?
Did you earn any medals?
Nikolai talks too much.
Write your goodbyes.
How do you feel?
I feel calm.
So do I.
Bulls won yesterday.
Jordan only had 24 points,
but it doesn't matter.
They win again.
Are you celebrating the victory?
Well, congratulations to you both.
Utah Jazz win, too.
But Maloney only had 23 points.
So Jordan's still better.
I never said he wasn't.
So, no money today?
Sergei said no.
If it does come,
do you get any of it?
You should at least get half of it.
I mean, you're doing all the work.
You deserve --
No. I don't want to be here.
I've been working
at the mechanic shop for six months.
Last week, my girlfriend comes to me
and tells me she's pregnant.
I don't know what I'm to do.
I can't afford a family.
Sergei works there, too.
Tells me,
"You want to make some money?"
I tell him yes.
He tells me to believe in God.
He says, "invite Christian missionaries
to teach you."
Then he shows me a magazine...
showing all the rich Christians
and tells me how to plan to take some.
It was to be so simple.
We take you, they pay us...
we release you.
But they didn't pay.
They didn't come for you.
I want to be done, but Sergei says
he'll shoot me if I let you go.
I don't want the money.
I just want to live.
Why did this happen to me?
You teach of God?
How did He let me end up here?
God doesn't control...
what we choose to do.
It's up to you.
That tattoo...
on Sergei's hand...
it was for a comrade he tried to save.
It means "forever loyal"...
through life and death.
Will you pray for me and my family?
It's time.
Yeah. Yeah.
Where are you going?!
If they change their minds,
I'm not gonna be here.
Thank you!
We're free!
Thank you, God.
Thank you.
Thank you, God, for protecting us,
keeping us alive.
We're going home!
- We're going home.
- We're going home.
Come on.
Hey, hey!
Hey! Over here!
Over here!
- Spasibo.
The families
of the two kidnapped missionaries
received news from officials
of the safe return of their sons.
After being abandoned
by their captors,
Andy Propst and Travis Tuttle
made their way back to Saratov
and showed up
at the local congregation.
They are working with
local authorities, as well as the FSB.
Each is expected
to call home directly.
The victims' families tell us
they have been uplifted by supporters
since the ordeal started five days ago.
The cooperation of government
and church leaders
with Russian officials
has led to the capture
of the two suspected kidnappers.
Within hours of meeting with the FSB,
the missionaries were able
to successfully lead police
to the original apartment
from which they were taken.
I hear something.
- Hello?
- Mom? Mom?
Hey, GUYS-
How are you?
well, I'm here.
Oh, it is so good to hear your voice.
FSB officials used a tattoo
drawn on the hand
of one of the missionaries
to identify and apprehend
one of the suspects.
Andy Propst and Travis Tuttle
were given the option to return home
but have chosen to stay
in their missions.
They will each be relocated
to undisclosed locations
to finish their volunteer
two years of service.
Both say they are grateful
for the faithful approach
and continued prayers of all believers.