The Sea Hawk (1940)

The riches of the New World are limitless,
and the New World is ours...
with our ships carrying the Spanish flag
to the seven seas...
our armies sweeping over Africa,
the Near East, and the Far West...
invincible everywhere
but on our own doorstep.
Only Northern Europe
holds out against us.
Why? Tell me.
If you will permit me, sire.
Our depleted treasury.
An army can advance
only to the end of its purse strings.
That is not the real reason, Peralta.
Why not admit it?
The reason is a puny rock-bound island
as barren and treacherous as her queen...
who secretly gives aid to our enemies
while her pirates plunder our commerce.
You know as well as I, Peralta...
we cannot keep Northern Europe
in submission...
until we have a reckoning with England.
It is not yet time, Your Majesty.
Not until the Armada is built.
The destiny of Spain
cannot wait upon the fitness of time.
I have but one life...
and that life is all too short
for me to fulfill that destiny.
- Don Alvarez.
- Sire.
You will proceed at once to England
as my ambassador.
You will assure the queen of my patience
and continued affection...
to allay any suspicion
in regard to our plans.
As you wish, Your Majesty.
With England conquered,
nothing can stand in our way.
Northern Africa,
Europe as far east as the Urals...
then the New World,
to the north, to the south...
west to the Pacific,
over the Pacific to China and the Indies...
will our empire spread.
One day, before my death...
we shall sit here
and gaze at this map upon the wall.
It will have ceased
to be a map of the world.
It will be Spain.
Aloft, there! Hold taut on the bowline.
We're losing the wind!
I regret our slow passage,
Your Excellency...
but it seems our sail
cannot entice the wind.
Then we shall not reach England
by Wednesday.
Perhaps. If the galley holds out.
Capt. Lopez, it is extremely important
my niece be presented to the queen...
before her new maids of honor are chosen.
They say Elizabeth surrounds herself
with beauty...
in the hope that it may be contagious.
Your niece will have no trouble
meeting the queen's requirements.
Maria, you might hit it once
where I can reach it.
You said you needed the exercise, Martha.
I've had it, enough for the whole voyage.
- Ready, Martha?
- Yes, love.
- Lieutenant.
- Sir.
Send another lookout aloft
to the mizzentop.
Yes, sir.
Another lookout aloft to the mizzentop!
Why these extra precautions, Captain?
Isn't the fo'c'sle lookout enough?
I am responsible for your safety,
Your Excellency...
and we are entering the lanes
of the English pirates.
How very interesting.
If your men spy any of their ships,
I wish you'd let me know.
Like hawks, Don Alvarez,
they're on you before you see them.
They say the devil blows in their sails.
Surely you don't believe these myths?
They would hardly dare attack a ship
with His Majesty's ambassador aboard.
It'd be as much as their heads are worth
when news reaches the Queen.
Perhaps. Excuse me, Your Excellency,
but the wind does not serve well.
- Bo's'n!
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Raise the beat eight counts.
- At once, Captain.
There below,
raise the beat of the oars eight counts.
Aye, aye. Eight counts, seor.
Raise the beat eight counts.
- I know where we are.
- You can't tell, William.
We haven't known where we were
for months.
I'm sure this time.
Feel the motion, the groundswell?
Only one place like that.
The English Channel.
The English Channel.
We're in the English Channel.
English ship off the starboard bow!
Bo's'n, have the drummers
beat to quarters.
Master gunner,
have the deck cannon double-shotted.
An attack.
Hold back on your oars. Pretend to row.
Hold back on your oars.
Have your men in position.
To your stations.
Gun crews, to your stations.
Charge your cannon
and stand ready to repel attack.
Send the archers and musketmen
to their positions.
Archers and musketmen,
to your stations!
double the guard at the main hatch.
Double the guard at the main hatch!
Run out your guns.
Train your sights to his rigging.
I must ask you to go below.
You will not be safe here.
The pirates won't dare attack
when they see the King's emblem.
Guns may stop them. Nothing else.
- Raise the beat to 20.
- Aye, aye, seor!
Raise the beat to 20. Get together!
Together, I said. Faster, you British dogs.
Faster. Put some weight on that oar.
Ahoy, Captain. It's Thorpe's ship.
The Albatross.
Thorpe? Why, that's impossible.
Only a month ago he was at San Domingo.
Look, Captain, on the staff.
The banner of the Albatross.
You better take cover below, matey,
or you'll be stopping a cannonball.
She's hauling closer to the wind!
Feast your eyes on that.
The Spaniard mounts 40 guns
if she mounts one.
She's loaded down, too.
Maybe she's too big a bite
for our teeth, eh, Matson?
Ever see a Spaniard
the Captain couldn't swallow whole?
Captain's got the Spaniards bewitched,
that's what he has.
Yes, and didn't we dust off
His Royal Highness' britches in Cdiz, too?
I mind that, me lad...
and the dust was worth 30 shillings
to the ounce.
What a prize.
I don't think she'll get away from us.
The Albatross isn't a barge
you can run away from.
We're sucking the wind
out of the Spaniards' sails.
If it's air they need, we can put a draft
through their bow pretty quick.
Captain, what about it?
Shall we let them have a round?
- You'll fire when I give the word, Mr. Pitt.
- Aye, aye, sir.
- Mr. Preston!
- Aye, aye, sir.
Give them a hail, if you please.
- Suggest they lower their colors.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Seor Captain, lower your flag!
It would be just like that Spaniard
to surrender and spoil our fun.
Perfectly possible, Mr. Pitt.
Once more, Mr. Preston.
You hear me?
Lower your flag!
One Ione cannonball
out of an entire broadside.
Very well, Mr. Pitt.
Show them how to lower those colors.
Aye, aye, sir.
Scott, teach them some etiquette.
Ready, men?
Lay for the foremast and fire on the uproll.
Aye, aye, sir.
- Canons ready for a broadside?
- Primed and ready, sir.
Stand by to come about
on the larboard tack.
Go to your posts.
Gunners, stand by to rake her stern!
Put out the fire.
Heave the dead overboard!
- Now hard at starboard.
- Starboard your helm!
The Spaniard's listing.
We must have hit it below the waterline.
Very good, Burke.
Cease firing.
It's cutlasses now, men.
We're going to board her!
A sharp edge, to cut the gold buttons
off the Spanish captain's doublet.
Nobody's to board her
before I give the word. Is that clear?
All right, Mr. Preston.
Haul into her hard over starboard.
Grappling hooks away!
Over the side, men. Boarders away!
- Your ship's sinking, Captain.
- Then we shall drown together.
Brave but impractical.
We English are a practical people.
I have no intention of drowning with you.
- The trumpeter. Quick, near the fo'c'sle.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Sound the surrender.
Hurry, while there's still breath
in your belly.
I congratulate you, Captain.
Very fortunate moment for the surrender.
You take charge. Muster the prisoners
and stack the weapons forward.
- To the main deck, men. Disarm them.
- Aye, aye, sir!
It's been a lovely day, hasn't it?
Take enough men, go below,
and free the slaves.
Aye, sir.
Matson. Come here.
Aye, sir?
You were very brave,
trying to take this ship single-handed.
Thank you, sir.
Brave but stupid.
By disobeying orders, you risked the lives
of the men behind you.
- Shouldn't you pay for that with your own?
- Yes, sir.
Take this man aboard the Albatross.
Have him put in irons.
But, Captain, I was only doing me duty.
You can't blame a man for that!
By the way...
I'd appreciate it if you'd pass the word
among the officers and men...
that I consider their conduct very gallant.
And yours especially, Mr. Pitt.
Thank you for convincing the trumpeter.
- Looks like a very rich cargo, Mr. Pitt.
- A windfall, Captain, sir.
- Gold, silver, and plenty of barrel stuff.
- Look sharp there, boys.
- Get it up on deck. She's settling fast.
- This door's locked, sir.
Lend him a hand there, will you, Mr. Pitt?
Stand aside.
- Uncle.
- My child.
Now, men, let's look around in here.
If you'd be kind enough
to stand to one side, please.
Are you the captain of these pirates?
Burke, lend Mr. Pitt a hand with this chest.
Throw everything outside
in the passageway. Quickly.
- Couple of extra hands in here, sharp.
- Come on.
- I am King Phillip's ambassador...
- You'll pardon me, sir.
We're pressed for time.
Your ship is sinking.
Mr. Pitt, if you find the ship's papers,
we'll take those aboard, too.
Captain. Not at all bad.
Uncle, my jewels.
Don't you dare touch those jewels.
By heavens, an Englishwoman.
And not too proud of it at the moment.
You know, the last time
I saw an Englishwoman...
You'll have time to discuss that later.
Let's get that sharply out
onto the deck.
Your Excellency, Maria,
these are not typical Englishmen.
- Please don't think...
- Quite right.
They ain't all as handsome as we are.
Sir, if I may suggest...
you and your party
had better go aboard my vessel.
Capt. Thorpe, I demand to know
exactly what your intentions are.
To get you safely aboard my ship.
And to get you off again
as quickly as possible.
- I'll land you at the first English port.
- I'll not go on your ship.
I'd rather drown
than accept your hospitality.
Mr. Pitt, this young lady, I hope,
will change her mind.
If she doesn't, change it for her
and have her carried aboard.
Blessed treasure!
These men are weak.
Get them over the side. See they don't fall.
Easy, there.
Come on, men. Hurry! Over the side.
Come along, ladies.
You heard what the Captain said.
And orders are orders.
Why, Tuttle, it must be four years
since we sailed together.
It's four years since I've trod the deck
of an English ship, sir.
You'll soon be in England now.
Come along, all of you, and I'll see you all
catch up with your rum rations.
Capt. Thorpe,
this is an insult to His Majesty.
I board your ship under protest.
At least you'll find English hospitality
better than they found Spanish.
As soon as the slaves are transferred...
see that the Ambassador and his party
get on board, too.
All right, men. Stand by, ready to move.
Make speed there, men.
Get that stuff loaded below.
Keep those rails clear. Lively, now.
Abandon ship. Everybody over the side.
Now, then, Captain. You heard the order.
With your permission, sir.
I'm still the Captain.
Yes, of course. My mistake, Captain.
Let go of those lines.
Watch your amidships.
I'll have all sails trimmed,
if you please, Mr. Scott.
Haul in your main line
and clear your portholes.
- Hold her steady as she goes.
- Steady as she goes.
Men, from now on,
both crews will lay aside past differences.
Spanish sailors will have full freedom
of the decks...
with the exception
of the powder magazine.
Those of you lately called slaves will have
no further duties aboard this ship.
If there are those among you
who are still for the sea...
we've plenty of berths on this ship
for good and willing men.
By now you know the purpose
of the Sea Hawks:
In our own way,
to serve England and the Queen.
We're free!
Mr. Burke, dismiss all these men
and attend to their needs.
Your Excellency, we'll try to make you
and your party as comfortable...
as this somewhat
overcrowded ship permits.
Mr. Pitt will show you the way.
Are my men to be freed when we land?
Certainly, Captain.
We have no Inquisition in England.
No. We understand
you believe in direct action.
Don Alvarez,
I can appreciate your feelings...
but since fate has thrown us together,
let's make the best of it.
It was a clever strategy, Capt. Thorpe,
to sound the surrender.
Thank you.
Perhaps one of the secrets of victory...
is making your enemy anticipate defeat,
don't you agree?
- More wine, Your Excellency?
- No, thank you.
I must compliment you
on your wine, Captain.
Nowhere have I tasted better.
There is no better wine
than good Madeira, Captain.
Cross, just where did we pick this up?
- From the galleon off Veracruz, Captain.
- No, it wasn't.
It was out of the governor's cellar
at Cartagena.
No, Cartagena's the place we had
all the Portuguese cheeses, remember?
But there's no cheese like Cheshire,
is there, Mr. Pitt?
No place like England for anything, I think.
I was just thinking to myself,
Miss Latham...
weren't you a bit Ionesome
in a heathen country like Spain?
Spain is an old country
with a very rich culture, Mr. Pitt.
In fact, there is much in Spain
that we English could profit by.
Thank you, madam.
We're certainly doing the best we can.
I have also been admiring
your table silver, Captain.
No doubt another
of the Captain's acquisitions.
No doubt. Perhaps if Your Excellency
will examine the design...
you'll recognize the coat of arms
of the Spanish Viceroy of San Domingo.
San Domingo? How interesting.
I should like to propose
that we drink to the health of...
I do not drink with thieves and pirates.
The health I was about to propose
was to Her Majesty, the Queen of England.
Mr. Pitt,
obviously Doa Maria has no wine.
- To Her Majesty the Queen.
- To the Queen.
"Build a fleet. Build a fleet."
Always the same advice.
As if I didn't have enough demands
on my treasury.
If my Lord Admiral is so intent
on building a fleet...
perhaps he will also advise me
where to get the money to pay for it.
Your pardon,
but may I remind Your Grace...
that our privateers
have made substantial contributions...
for the very purpose of providing a navy?
A large fleet is a luxury
England can ill afford.
Tell your friends the Sea Hawks I have
more urgent uses for their contributions.
Besides, there's another risk
which Sir John fails to reckon.
Should England attempt
to vie in sea power...
it may cost her the friendship of Spain.
I believe milord values too highly
something which doesn't exist.
Have we any evidence
of Phillip's friendship?
His forbearance when our privateers
harass his commerce...
and plunder his possessions.
I suspect Phillip forbears only because...
What else can he do?
He can bide his time,
until his great armada is built...
and then he can strike quickly
before we are ready.
I fear Sir John has delusions of danger,
Your Grace.
Spain is a vast empire.
Naturally, she needs a vast fleet
to defend it.
The Armada's no threat to England...
unless, by provoking Phillip,
we choose to make it so.
Let me be clear, Wolfingham.
My reason for refusing to build a fleet...
is to spare the purses of my subjects,
not the feelings of Phillip.
In fact, I have some serious questions
to put to his ambassador.
Is Don Alvarez not due?
Overdue, Your Grace.
I feel some concern for his safety.
Spanish ships are notoriously slow.
He should have come on an English boat.
Eleven bells, and all's well!
Look at him, will you?
He's as tongue-tied as a schoolboy.
He's always the same
when he has to talk to a woman.
Him what's taken fleets of Spanish ships
can't trade words with a slip of a girl.
- I can't figure him at all.
- Ship's the only thing he cares about.
- He hates the sight of blooming women.
- Not the Queen, he don't.
I hear Her Majesty's the only woman
he could talk up to...
without his knees buckling.
That's different. Man to man, I calls it.
Come on, get on with your work.
What are you standing there for?
Good morning.
Have you been comfortable on board?
- Yes.
- Good.
That promontory over there,
the one you're looking at...
it's got a very interesting history.
It got its name from...
I don't remember how it got its name.
Have you been comfortable on board?
- Yes, thank you.
- Good.
Of course, we haven't many of the luxuries
of a galleass...
but she's a fine ship.
We're quite proud of her.
Are you?
At all events,
you'll find her safer from attack...
and you'll get there quicker, too.
We've an old proverb in England. It says:
"Those who sail without oars
stay on good terms with the wind."
You don't care to talk.
I'm not in the habit
of conversing with thieves.
I thought I made that quite clear,
Capt. Thorpe.
Yes, all except your definition.
Tell me,
is a thief an Englishman who steals?
It's anybody who steals,
whether it's piracy or robbing women.
I see.
I've been admiring some of the jewels
we found in your chest...
particularly the wrought gold.
It's Aztec, isn't it?
I wonder just how those Indians
were persuaded to part with it.
Ease your foresheet!
Haul in your spritsail!
- Your Grace.
- Lord Wolfingham.
With Your Grace's permission,
I wish to present to Your Majesty...
His Excellency
Don Jos Alvarez de Cordoba...
Ambassador from the court of Spain.
- Your Majesty.
- Welcome to England, Your Excellency.
Thank you, milady.
May I present my niece,
Doa Maria Alvarez de Cordoba?
Your niece will grace England
by her presence.
You're very kind, Your Majesty.
And you are very beautiful.
Don Alvarez...
my Lord Chancellor informs me
you bring new grievances...
from your much-aggrieved monarch,
King Phillip.
There is nothing my lord and king
desires more...
than an end to grievances
between our two nations...
and the growth of friendship.
Then it may be well to consider
friendship grows slowly...
when nurtured only by complaints.
May I suggest
that the misunderstandings...
between ourselves
and His Excellency's government...
arise from one source alone:
The piratical acts of English privateers.
Reprisals, Lord Wolfingham,
are not piratical acts.
Last year, did not King Phillip
confiscate 12 English ships...
Ioaded with grain in Spanish ports?
Do I understand Your Grace to justify...
this murderous assault on my ship
on the grounds of...
You forget, Don Alvarez,
the Queen needs justify nothing.
However, I had no intention of forgetting
an insult to an ambassador to the court.
How much treasure was there,
Don Alvarez?
Approximately 30,000,
besides the loss of the ship.
And where is Capt. Thorpe?
As soon as I was informed
of the incident...
I took the liberty of summoning here
all the Sea Hawks now in port.
You are very thoughtful, milord.
Admit the Sea Hawks at once.
Capt. Frobisher, Capt. Hawkins...
Capt. Wolfe, Capt. Stanley...
Capt. Logan, Capt. Latour.
Your Majesty.
Where is Capt. Thorpe?
Did you hear me? Where is Capt. Thorpe?
We haven't seen him, Your Majesty.
It appears he disregarded
my Lord Chancellor's summons.
I anticipated that, Your Grace,
and dispatched a castle guard...
to bring him here under arrest.
You show great foresight, milord.
Well, Capt. Hawkins?
Any of us would willingly act as hostage...
to assure Your Grace
of Capt. Thorpe's appearance.
An easy pledge, Capt. Hawkins...
with the castle guards already dispatched
to bring him here.
If I may speak for my associates...
I feel we must share the burden
of your displeasure with Capt. Thorpe.
I see. You approve of his activities.
We share his views, Your Grace...
and, to the best of our ability,
his activities on behalf of England.
Then hereafter you will allow me
to determine...
in what manner England
may best be served!
Who dares to...
Capt. Thorpe begs an immediate audience,
Your Grace.
- Admit him.
- Yes, Your Grace.
Your Majesty.
Capt. Thorpe, why did you fail to answer
Lord Wolfingham's summons?
I was in the castle at the appointed time,
but I had an accident.
- An accident?
- Perhaps not exactly an accident.
I lost something
to which I was quite attached.
Capt. Thorpe, I dispatched a castle guard
to bring you here.
Thank you, milord.
That was very kind of you.
The escort was really not necessary.
I know my way here very well.
I have a more serious charge
preferred against you.
His Excellency, Don Alvarez,
ambassador to this court...
states that you did attack, plunder,
and sink the galleass Santa Eullia...
on which he was a passenger
under the flag and protection...
of his sovereign, King Phillip of Spain.
Is this charge true?
Part of it, Your Grace. Quite a large part.
Part of it? What's the rest?
We also set free many Englishmen
imprisoned as galley slaves on his ship.
Your Grace,
these men referred to by Capt. Thorpe...
were duly tried and sentenced
to the galley by a qualified court.
I submit, Your Grace,
that the court of the Inquisition...
is not qualified to pass fair judgment
on English seamen...
nor to subject them to the cruelties
of a Spanish galley.
Your Grace.
The captain wishes to justify what,
in plain words...
is a desire for plunder
with no respect for the interests of Spain.
The interests of Spain
do not command my respect...
- as they evidently do his lordship's.
- I protest!
Capt. Thorpe, you will at least show
the proper respect for my ministers.
So you have taken it upon yourself
to remedy the defects of Spanish justice?
Insofar as it lies within my power,
yes, Your Grace.
And you conceive it
to be part of your mission...
to assault and loot the ship
of an ambassador to the court?
Capt. Thorpe, do you imagine
that we are at war with Spain?
Your Grace,
Spain is at war with the world.
Enough of this.
Listen to me, every one of you.
Never again
will you dare in my presence...
to condone your crimes
under the mask of patriotism.
No more of such talk, do you hear?
And for the future, let me warn you...
that any unwarranted attack
upon Spanish subjects or their property...
will cost the guilty party his head.
His head, is that clear?
Now you may go.
No, not you, Capt. Thorpe.
I'm not finished with you.
Captain of the Guard...
you will accompany Capt. Thorpe
to my private chamber...
where he will wait my further pleasure.
Don Alvarez, you may convey my regrets
to His Majesty King Phillip...
and assure him that this unhappy incident
will have no recurrence.
My humble thanks, Your Grace.
And may I also inform him...
that the offender in this instance
will be forced to make full restitution?
You will tell him exactly
what I told you to tell him. Nothing more.
So that's where you've been.
What do you mean by running away
and keeping me late for my appointment?
I've got a good mind to pull your tail.
It's very ungrateful of you.
Do you realize how few monkeys
have a chance to live in a palace?
No, that's wrong.
There's quite a few of you here already.
However, watch your manners,
and if your mistress takes a fancy to you...
just put in a good word for me.
I think I'm going to need it.
Well, what's your excuse this time?
My small friend from Brazil
was so anxious...
to pay his respects to Your Grace
that he selected his own method.
Evidently more anxious than you,
when he paid my court an earlier visit.
So that's where he was. I was looking
for him, Your Grace. That's why I was late.
Why on earth did you bring him here?
I thought he might amuse milady,
which is more than I could hope to do.
- He looks like Wolfingham.
- Yes, Madam.
The teeth, the smile, exactly.
He's very friendly, Madam.
He won't harm you.
You're a rascal, like your former master.
But I'm fond of rascals.
Some of them.
This is the nearest we have to a tree.
Now behave yourself.
- And now to... Capt. Thorpe!
- For you, Madam.
As soon as I saw it,
I thought immediately of you.
I see the light in it,
like a candle in a frosted window.
- A West Indian pearl, is it not?
- Yes, Madam.
By some mischance it was on its way
to Spain when I diverted it.
You might say I came between Phillip
and the oyster.
I fear Wolfingham is right.
You are an incorrigible pirate.
No, Madam.
But I do have a conscience about pearls.
They should only be worn by one
whose throat matches their own luster.
And have you any other scruples?
One only, Madam.
That is never willfully to displease you.
But have you?
I trust not, but one can be mistaken.
I should not advise you
to make a practice...
of diverting Spanish ambassadors.
The ambassador's galleass
was already propelled by English oars.
I merely substituted English sails.
We have moral rights on our side.
Spain has the law on hers.
- Bear that in mind in your future ventures.
- Yes, Madam.
Now to business.
I understand your voyage
was very profitable.
Unusually so, Madam.
An inventory of the treasure,
with the crown's share at your disposal.
Excellent. I shall put it to good use.
If what I've done has pleased Your Grace,
I have a favor to ask.
That our contributions induce you
to begin work on the fleet.
- Fleet. Must I listen to that from you, too?
- The Armada, Your Grace.
- Are you so sure that Phillip will attack?
- Have you any assurance that he won't?
With all the contributions
of the Sea Hawks...
we cannot possibly match
Phillip's vast resources.
Our safety lies in diplomacy, not force.
Madam, suppose Phillip's vast resources,
or at least a large portion of them...
were not to reach him?
Were to be, shall I say, diverted?
What then?
Just what is going on
in that piratical mind of yours?
Your Grace, the lifeblood of Spain
lies in her New World treasure.
Within three months, a year's plunder
in gold leaves Panama, bound for Spain.
- With 10 good privateering ships...
- I forbid it.
An attack on the gold fleet would be
regarded by Phillip as an act of war...
which even I could not explain away.
Very well, Madam.
Let it be a single enterprise.
One ship, the Albatross,
with a picked crew.
Impossible. A Spanish convoy
would overwhelm you.
On the sea, yes,
but I have a different plan, Your Majesty.
Attack them on land,
as they robbed the Aztecs and the Incas.
The treasure's stored in Panama,
near the inland city of Ventacruz.
From there it's taken by mule caravan
to the coastal town of Nombre de Dios.
A distance of 60 leagues.
Look you, Madam, with your permission.
My plan is to sail down into the Caribbean
from the north.
I'll meet fewer Spanish ships that way.
Anchor the Albatross in a secluded inlet,
land my men and supplies.
Camp in the hills
until I find out from the natives...
when the caravan begins moving.
From Nombre de Dios to Ventacruz,
this strip here...
is jungle so thick and dense...
that a small force could attack
from ambush.
Our plunder would be the richest prize
ever brought back to England.
- Could such a plan possibly succeed?
- It would have one chance of success:
If the Spanish were taken
by complete surprise.
Have I your permission to try, Madam?
If you undertook such a venture...
you would do so without the approval
of the Queen of England...
but you would take with you
the grateful affection...
of Elizabeth.
Then, Madam, I shall take with me
that which I prize above all things.
Don't you think, my dear,
we could manage with what we have?
I'd like a few more.
Look, Martha.
Don't you think this one is pretty?
Very pretty,
but you've quite a lot just like it.
There's a different species over here.
It's a little darker. You see?
I see.
- What is it?
- Nothing.
- What are you thinking about?
- I was just thinking about our voyage.
I must say,
I prefer English boats to Spanish boats.
There's more air on them.
You must excuse me, my dear. It's time
for me to go. You better take these.
Don't go, Martha.
- No, no.
- Martha, wait for me.
Don't leave me. Martha!
- May I help you?
- Thank you.
You seem to be very fond of English roses.
My mother told me
about your rose gardens. She was English.
That explains a great deal.
But I prefer the Spanish iris.
Naturally. It has no thorns.
Capt. Thorpe,
I didn't get a chance on the boat...
but I want to thank you
for returning my jewels.
I'm so sorry for what I said
about your robbing women.
If you think it would do any good,
I'd be glad to speak to the Queen.
To tell her how kindly you treated us
and that we don't want you punished.
That's very kind of you indeed.
I think I can stand the punishment,
but I'm very grateful for your concern.
I wonder if you can imagine
how much it means to me.
No, I haven't any notion.
When I saw you first...
I thought you were like a statue.
Beautiful but cold.
Then I watched you
when you saw the slaves...
and the statue seemed to come to life.
I thought perhaps
you'd forgive me one day.
Capt. Thorpe, I have forgiven you.
Is forgiveness all you feel?
Have I led you to believe anything else?
Not by anything you've said...
but I thought I saw something
in your eyes.
No, you're mistaken.
I'm sorry.
You're mistaken.
Perhaps that's as well,
since I'm going back to sea.
- What?
- We'll be gone quite some time.
Are you leaving soon?
Within a week or so,
just as soon as the Albatross is ready.
The roses look different
when you hold them.
In the garden of a convent in Peru,
there's a beautiful statue.
The nuns call it
Nuestra Seora de Las Flores.
That's how I'll always think of you,
as my lady of the roses.
Look sharp here! Get on with your work.
- Where are you bound, mate?
- I'm blessed if I know. Pass it along here.
- You taking on sailors?
- See Mr. Pitt, top of the gangplank.
Lieutenant, here's another one
coming up to sign on.
Pass it along here, boys.
Come along.
Pitt will assign you
to your duties and your quarters.
Michael Sweeney,
and I'll give you my best, sir.
- Jones, sign him.
- Thank you, Captain.
Tuttle, I didn't expect
to see you back so soon.
- I'm a sailor, Captain.
- And a right good one.
Just the kind we need on a trip like this.
Report to Mr. Pitt on the upper deck.
Eli Matson.
What are you doing on board here?
Captain, if you don't mind my asking,
but I suppose after what I done...
there ain't no place for me
on the Albatross?
I might find a berth for you as a cabin boy.
There's always a berth for a good man...
particularly when he's learned
how to obey orders.
Captain, there ain't no man on earth
I'd rather serve under.
- I'll make it up to you. Thank you, sir.
- See you do.
- Name?
- Samuel Kroner. Topman, First Class.
- Age?
- 42.
- Last vessel?
- The Dorsey, sir.
- Papers?
- Didn't bring them with me, sir.
I wasn't ready to sign
till I knew where you were shipping.
You weren't?
Don't a man have a right to know
what he's signing on for?
Not on board this ship, he hasn't.
My men follow without questions.
Get ashore. Next.
And I said to myself:
"This isn't the usual preparation.
This voyage is something different."
That's all I could find out, Your Lordship.
Not a man in his crew
knows where he's going.
Kroner, Thorpe's destination
is of vital importance.
We'll have him watched from now
until the day he sails.
The money will be placed at your disposal
by my steward.
Very good, Your Lordship.
Then this pirate is free again to plunder
where he chooses, in spite of the Queen.
Or perhaps for the Queen.
Hereafter we shall do better
to rely on our own devices...
than on the assurances of a clever woman.
Surely she would not neglect
to inform her Lord Chancellor...
of the nature
of such an important voyage?
Her Grace did inform me...
that Capt. Thorpe is undertaking
a trading expedition up the Nile.
I pretended to believe her.
Does that reassure Your Excellency?
Forgive me, milord,
if any suspicion crossed my mind.
His Majesty King Phillip
has implicit confidence...
in your loyalty to his interests.
His Gracious Majesty and I
have an interest in common.
A ruler friendly to Spain
on the throne of England.
Like you, Lord Wolfingham?
Don Alvarez, we serve others best...
when at the same time
we serve ourselves.
Sure you have enough information
on these waters?
Every bay and inlet for harboring a ship,
soundings accurate, not a reef missing.
That's what I want.
I'll send for it on Wednesday.
I'll have it ready for you, sir.
You can rely on me.
I don't want any printing on the chart,
you understand? No names at all.
No names. Very good, sir.
- Good day.
- Good day, Capt. Thorpe.
I'll have it ready for you Wednesday.
- How do you do, gentlemen?
- Are you the chart maker?
- At your service.
- I am Lord Wolfingham.
This is Don Alvarez de Cordoba,
ambassador from King Phillip of Spain.
I am honored, Your Excellency and milord.
I've been boasting to His Excellency
about English chart-making.
I'm anxious for him
to see samples of your work.
Perhaps some charts
you are in process of making?
Certainly, sir.
Would His Excellency
prefer navigation charts or maps?
The charts, please.
My government may wish
to compare them with their own.
Very good, sir.
If you will notice, sir, all my charts
are drawn on the very best parchment...
and mounted on the finest linen.
The numbers every half-inch
along the coastline...
indicate the depth of the ocean in fathoms
at that point.
This is very interesting.
I just finished that
when you gentlemen came in.
Here is a section
of the west coast of Africa.
You will notice it is worked out
with such detail...
that a navigator can sail through
waters unknown with perfect safety.
- Yes, indeed. Excellent work.
- Here are some straits.
Tricky to navigate, and if I may say so,
tricky to chart.
What do the constellations
at the top of the map signify?
Purely a decoration, milord.
I take the constellation that has its zenith
over the charted territory.
Every seaman knows them.
Just like the Southern Cross
over the Strait of Magellan.
Merely a conceit of mine
so that people may recognize my work.
- Quite an original idea.
- Thank you, sir.
This figure
with the dagger pointing down...
- is Orion the Hunter, is it not?
- Yes, Your Excellency.
Then Your Excellency has some knowledge
of astronomy?
Not as much as I should like to have.
They say that even our fortunes
rest with the stars.
You see, gentlemen, the orbit of Orion
is approximately this narrow path...
between the equator
and the 10-degree parallel.
The constellation appears to move
overhead as the earth turns on its axis.
Obviously, the section of land you are
seeking must be somewhere on this belt.
And from your memory of the chart...
it appears this strip is too long
to be an island...
not large enough to be a continent.
Therefore, we may deduce
it is an isthmus.
The only isthmus running
east and west under Orion's orbit...
is this connecting link between
the two continents of the New World.
here is your charted strip of land...
the isthmus of Panama.
Fifty sacks of rice, 50 pounds of raisins,
30 pounds of cocoa...
eighteen hogsheads of vinegar,
50 jars of wine...
Thank you, Mr. Pitt.
I have some rather urgent business
in London, so you'll take charge.
Isn't that rather a sudden decision,
Capt. Thorpe?
No, it's...
Just what are you grinning at, Mr. Pitt?
I couldn't help thinking to myself
that if I were going to London...
I'd certainly make it a point
to see Miss Latham.
- Blast if I wouldn't.
- I daresay you would.
As a matter of fact, I have an appointment,
only she doesn't know it yet.
- Thank you, gentlemen.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Hello, gentlemen.
Is Capt. Thorpe in his cabin?
That he is. He'll be pleased to see you, sir.
This way, sir.
It seems I'm just in time.
- You're looking very fit.
- Thank you, sir.
Are you going ashore?
Yes. I was just going to London.
We don't sail until next week, you know.
That's what I came to see you about.
You couldn't sail sooner, could you?
Why, yes, if there was some reason for it.
There is, Captain, a very good reason.
I have a message
from Her Majesty the Queen.
She'd like you to set sail immediately.
There are certain members of her court
that are asking too many questions...
about your latest trading expedition
up the Nile.
I see.
Very well, Sir John. I'll not go to London.
And will you please inform Her Majesty
we sail with tomorrow's tide?
You are feeling very happy, Uncle.
What? Yes.
Have you had good news?
Excellent news.
Is it a secret?
You wouldn't be interested, my dear.
Excuse me.
Mr. Kroner to see you, Don Alvarez.
Have him come in, Miss Latham.
- Your Excellency. Doa Maria.
- You have news from my lord?
Aye, the best possible news.
Capt. Lopez sailed this morning.
He'll get to Panama before Capt. Thorpe.
Please congratulate His Lordship
and convey my best wishes.
Thank you, seor. Maria.
The English pirate
has plundered his last ship.
Uncle, what will they do to him?
Piracy is punishable with death.
Or, if Spain is disposed to be lenient,
there's the galley.
- Martha.
- What's wrong, my dear?
- Order me a carriage and fast horses.
- My child!
I'm going to Dover.
Yes. I'll order it at once, my dear.
- Can you reach Dover tonight?
- With a change of horses, yes.
As quickly as possible, please.
- Not a word to my uncle.
- Do not worry about that, my dear.
And if you see that big ruffian Carl,
give him my felicitations...
not that he will know what it means.
Drive on.
3:00 and all's well!
Can I help you, milady?
Is that the Albatross?
Yes, milady.
Sailed this evening on the ebb tide.
- Is there anything I can do?
- No, thank you.
Set your course west-southwest.
Capt. Thorpe has arrived, seor.
An inlet 10 miles west of Nombre de Dios.
So, for once they send me
an accurate report...
and on time.
Your orders, General?
You will leave with a small escort
for Nombre de Dios...
at sundown, as scheduled.
But the English will attack.
And you will offer no resistance.
Capt. Thorpe came a long way
for this gold.
We must not disappoint him.
Lieutenant, you have seen
the jungle orchid?
It is a very attractive flower...
that holds out its yellow pollen...
but once an insect is lured
within its petals...
they close like this.
We're on the right track, Captain.
I got it from a native.
They hate the Spanish worse than we do.
Near as I could figure his lingo...
the gold train leaves Ventacruz
at sundown...
- about 20 mules in all.
- How far is Ventacruz from here?
About 20 miles, Captain.
It'll take a mule train most of the night.
Good. Then we'll have time for some sleep
after we set up the ambush.
Spread out along this trail
at intervals of 10 yards.
Burke, I'm stationing you at the rear.
It's a very responsible position.
You'll signal on your whistle
when you see the last man and mule pass.
You all know what to do, men.
I'll stay at this point.
Mr. Pitt, you're across from me,
Mr. Scott, next place down the line.
Men, you better all pick out your nests
before dark.
It's too thick in there.
You can't see what's in it.
Full of snakes and crocodiles, I'll wager.
They say there's plants with arms like
that'll strangle a man if he ain't careful.
Stop that talk, or you'll be seeing ghosts
before you see Spaniards.
It's a funny thing about sailors, you know?
They don't mind a fight
if they can see what they're fighting.
But you take a mosquito, now...
What were you saying about mosquitoes?
There's a whole nest of them here.
The beasts have ears.
Try holding your breath, Mr. Pitt,
and then they won't trouble you.
- Better?
- No. I'd rather have the Spaniards.
Hold it longer.
Dismount, please.
- Disarm him, Mr. Pitt.
- Aye, sir.
Down the line, Scott.
See if everything's in our hands.
This is an outrage. It shall be reported
to His Majesty King Phillip.
The news may be a little delayed
in reaching him...
since I must ask you
to remain my prisoner.
Under protest, Capt. Thorpe.
- So you know my name.
- Why, yes, seor.
Everyone in Spain knows your name,
and respects it.
I'm flattered, but I must warn you
against making any false moves...
or my men will be forced to shoot you.
- Mount, if you please.
- Up.
- Looks like it's come pretty easy, Captain.
- Yes. A little too easy.
- They all disarmed, Scott?
- Aye, Captain.
One thing more, sir...
if we should happen to meet anyone
along this trail...
this is your caravan,
and we're part of your escort.
You understand?
Pass the word. Everything ready to move.
- Ready to move!
- Move up, men.
Quietly. Move on. Forward, men.
- Get back.
- Behind you!
- Take cover.
- It's a trap and no mistake, sir.
Into the swamp.
Out of the swamps.
No one can live in there.
Let's get out of here.
It's too hot.
It's too blooming hot.
They're not following. We can rest here.
Let me see that arm, Tuttle.
It's in me chest, Captain.
A bit of musket lead.
We'll get that out
when we get back to the ship.
Yes, sir.
How did the Spanish know we were here?
That's what I can't fathom.
We'll find out someday.
Wonder if the others got through, Captain?
If they did, they'll head for the ship.
Lads, we'd best be moving.
You'll never get there with me, Captain.
Of course we will, William.
Feel that breeze? That's from the sea.
- We're on the shore.
- The sea!
Stand back.
It's hard news to carry back.
They'll be wondering
to see only the one boat coming.
Some of them might get through yet,
mightn't they, Captain?
It's a miracle any of us are here, Burke.
I can't see the lookout.
They didn't expect us so soon.
It's funny they haven't posted a lookout.
Maybe there's one behind the chart house.
We couldn't see him from here.
I hope
they haven't broken into the ale closet.
I could do with a mug,
if the chimps ain't drunk it all up.
All I'd like to do is sleep for 1,000 years.
Here's one got ahead of you.
Captain, he ain't never going to wake up.
He wanted to go back to the sea.
- Have you sighted anyone on the boat yet?
- Not a blooming soul.
You might give them a hail, Mr. Scott.
We'll need their help when we get there.
Ahoy, there!
Ahoy, mates! Give us a hand.
You lubbers, show your faces.
It's the Captain.
Do you hear me?
What are the fools hiding for?
- I don't like it. Something's wrong.
- No more of that, or I'll have to...
Steady, Mr. Pitt.
Ship your oars.
Make fast.
You stay in the boat, Burke.
Welcome, Capt. Thorpe.
I advise you not to resist.
Those muskets are in the hands
of excellent marksmen, I assure you.
Besides, Captain,
it's my turn to entertain you.
I regret it has to be on your ship,
but you will understand the necessity.
If you draw that sword, Captain,
we shall not have the pleasure...
of taking you and your men
back to Spain alive.
Your prisoners, Captain.
"Item 37:
"You did by sorcery
and other heretical practices...
"then try to enter secretly by night
the Spanish city of Cartagena...
"and did capture the garrison
and force the governor...
"to pay a ransom
in the amount of 30,000 ducats.
"Item 38:
"You did also attack His Majesty's galleass
Madre Dolores at Valparaiso...
"and did seize gold
in the amount of 8,000...
"thirteen chests of coin silver...
"and 1,770 jars of wine.
"Item 39:
"You did also loot and sink the galleass
Santa Eullia del Monte...
"in the English Channel...
"profaning His Majesty
in the person of his ambassador.
"In summary of these offenses,
our records show...
"you did plunder seven cities
in the empire of Spain...
"and did destroy 47
of His Majesty's vessels."
Capt. Thorpe, do you confess to the truth
of these charges?
Your records do us an injustice.
They should read nine cities
and 54 vessels.
You will amend the charges in accordance
with the defendant's statement...
and place his confession on record.
Capt. Thorpe it is adjudged...
you will be handed over
to the military authorities...
under whose direction you will be chained
to the oars of a galley...
in servitude
for the rest of your natural lives.
Capt. Thorpe.
Perhaps we'd better dispense
with the "Captain"...
under the circumstances.
It isn't often we have the pleasure...
of entertaining so famous a pirate
in our galley.
I hope you'll find our hospitality
all that you anticipated.
No doubt we shall.
You Spanish have a gift for hospitality
when your guests are in chains.
We're getting under way.
You'll start the oars at 10 beats.
Drop your oars in the water.
Now pull, you English mongrels!
But are all Spanish songs so sad,
my child?
Only those that speak of love, Your Grace.
You speak of it eloquently, my dear.
I daresay each of us must choose
between loving a man or ruling him.
I prefer to rule.
I don't quarrel with your choice, Maria.
You have your song...
and I have my scepter.
Now sing us one that is gay.
Don Alvarez, is your business so urgent...
that it must intrude
upon my few moments of diversion?
Your Grace, I have just had
a communication from Spain...
that I feel sure
will command your interest.
It concerns the privateer Geoffrey Thorpe.
What about him?
While attempting a raid
on the Panama treasure caravan...
he was captured by Spanish troops...
and is now a condemned prisoner
on one of His Majesty's galleys.
My child.
I'm all right, Uncle.
Your pardon, Majesty.
Say no more, my dear. I quite understand.
You may take Maria to her rooms.
Stay with her as long as she needs you.
My thanks, Your Grace.
You may go, all of you.
Don Alvarez, it appears your news
concerns your niece more than it does me.
Your Grace,
I would have spared her had I known.
Your arrow hit the wrong mark.
As for myself...
I regret Capt. Thorpe's fate
because he is a brave man.
But he is a privateer,
and privateers must take their own risks.
Then, Your Grace, I must speak bluntly.
My sovereign is not convinced
that Capt. Thorpe risked so much...
merely for his own gain.
No? Then perhaps you can suggest
a more likely motive.
Your Grace will recall
she released Thorpe...
after his attack upon my ship...
and that on the heels of this offense
she allowed the Albatross to sail...
presumably to trade in Egypt.
Am I to be held accountable
for Captain Thorpe's change of mind?
Thorpe never intended any project
but the one he undertook...
although by now he might wish he had.
You weary me with your implications.
Come to the point.
I regret that the point
is not an agreeable one.
From the circumstances I've mentioned,
my sovereign is forced to infer...
that Capt. Thorpe
had the approval of Your Majesty...
in an overt act of war
upon the empire of Spain.
Don Alvarez!
Do you question my word?
Unfortunately my government
cannot reconcile your words...
with the acts of your subjects.
Then let Phillip infer what he pleases.
I will not be held accountable
to Phillip for my actions...
or for those of my people.
In that case...
I'm instructed to serve official notice
upon Your Majesty...
that the honor of Spain requires...
that you will immediately disband
and imprison the Sea Hawks...
or face the consequences of an open
conflict between our two nations.
What are you saying?
Do you dare come to me with threats?
Out of my court before I order your arrest!
Remove that man's portrait from my sight.
Hurry! Do as I say.
Go to Lord Wolfingham.
Tell him to summon my council at once.
It's enough I've had to listen
to his tiresome complaints...
without having to look
at his arrogant face.
"The honor of Spain requires..."
Requires, indeed.
Presumptuous fool.
Telling me what I can and can't do...
as if the world were a jewel
that hung around his neck.
Has Phillip gone completely mad?
Does he think he can dictate
to the Queen of England?
Who's to defend us but the Sea Hawks?
Your Majesty, we cannot afford
an open break with Spain.
What makes you think
we will be attacked?
What other reason has Phillip
for building an armada?
But, Your Grace,
these demands are preposterous.
These men are loyal and devoted.
In what way have they offended
but in serving their country?
Spain seeks to strip you
of your one defense upon the seas.
Sir John, we need defense
only if we are attacked.
To disregard Phillip's warning
is to invite an immediate war.
While to heed it is to throw ourselves
at his mercy.
What of that?
He has too many concerns elsewhere
to bother about us.
I believe Phillip's thirst for power...
can only be quenched
in the English Channel.
Even if that were true...
are my Lord Admiral and his privateers
prepared to stop him?
We are ready to try, my lord...
to the last ship and to the last man.
If Phillip is bold enough
to make demands now...
what will he do when the Armada is built?
My lords,
I have considered your opinions earnestly.
My own impulse, like Sir John's,
is to defy Phillip.
But the safety of my subjects
constrains me to caution.
Lord Wolfingham,
you will prepare an order...
authorizing the arrests
of all English privateers...
and the confiscation of their ships
as they put into port.
That will be all, my lords.
My friend, there are times
when a queen must think...
not of right or wrong...
but only of the good of those she rules.
My child, you mustn't weep so.
There may yet be some hope.
What chance is there for a galley slave?
But at least he is still alive, Maria.
Alive like animals in a dark cage.
No air, no sun, no kindness...
no mercy.
Only time and torture.
The hours as heavy as their chains.
Martha, better he were dead
than down there...
waiting only to die.
I am sorry.
And what good will that do now?
I'll never forgive you.
My child, I only did what I had to do.
What I feel towards you
I'll have to feel for the rest of my life.
Maria, you're very young.
Time will make you feel differently.
Only one thing will make any difference.
Uncle, if we could go to Spain
and plead with the king...
There's no chance?
For any other man, perhaps.
Not Capt. Thorpe.
Capt. Mendoza, important dispatch.
Very well.
I'll see that they reach the Madre de Dios...
before she sails from Cdiz.
- On deck.
- Four prisoners assigned to your galley.
We'll put them to good use.
Keep them in irons.
Back to your oars.
We're getting under way.
Drop your oars in the water!
Cross is dead, Mr. Pitt.
Wake up, you.
Pull on that oar. Do you hear me?
I'm tired of your tricks.
He's dead.
Ho! Guard!
I didn't know you at first. I'm Abbott.
- Abbott?
- Yes.
Mark your beat.
Sir John sent me to Spain.
I was taken in Madrid.
The Armada,
moving against England soon.
Sir John wanted proof
to convince the queen.
But Hawkins, Frobisher,
the rest of the Sea Hawks...
do they know?
They're all in prison or hiding.
By orders from Spain.
The queen did it to avert war.
The Armada. Did you find the proof?
The papers are aboard this ship,
being taken to the Madre de Dios in Cdiz.
They had me before I could get them.
They were informed.
The same thing in Panama.
Pitt, pass the word.
Everyone stop when I stop.
- Refuse to start.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Stop when the Captain stops.
Stop when you get the word.
The wind has slackened...
and we must reach Cdiz
before the Madre de Dios sails.
- Can't you raise the beat?
- They can't row above 18 for long, sir.
What time does the Madre de Dios
leave Cdiz?
Before morning, that's all I know,
and we can't risk missing her.
What's happening?
We're slowing down.
The timekeeper's asleep.
Find out what's wrong.
Pick up the beat!
What are you sitting there for?
Bend over it.
Turn around and row.
Pick up those oars!
Rebel, will you?
Thorpe, this is your work.
When we make Cdiz, I'll have you hung.
Pick up your oars and put your backs to it!
Timekeeper, raise the beat to 18!
- Capt. Ortiz has been expecting you.
- Thank you.
Men, you all know what to do.
You men follow me.
The rest of you stand guard.
It appears that you
and the Madre de Dios...
will be paying the last official visit
to England.
- The last friendly visit, shall we say?
- Exactly.
I can't say
that I envy you your commission...
to sail alone into the port of the enemy.
It is my privilege to fetch home
the ambassador before we strike.
Besides, England isn't an enemy
until she knows she is.
Luckily, she'll only know that
when the Armada appears in the Channel.
When will that be, Captain?
According to the information
I am carrying to Lord Wolfingham...
the Armada is almost ready to sail
against England.
- Odd.
- What is it?
The breeze must have freshened.
We're swinging at anchor.
- Yes, I can feel the drift.
- We'd better let you turn in, Captain.
When does the crew come aboard?
They have leave till 4:00. We sail at dawn.
Bon voyage, Capt. Ortiz.
Thank you...
but I look forward more eagerly
to our next voyage to England.
Gentlemen, I drink
to the success of the Armada.
To the Armada.
Into the tops, men.
We're getting under way.
Man the helm, Abbott. Fox, at the foresail!
Matson, up with the main!
Mr. Pitt, the mizzen.
Aloft, there! Clear your leech line.
Clear away your mizzen vangs!
Heave taut your halyard!
Slack away your true lines!
Your passport, please.
Very good, Your Excellency.
Sorry to have stopped you.
We're taking precautions
against the privateers, sir.
Drive on.
Maria, there's still time to reconsider.
I can hold the boat at Dover
while we send for your things.
I've made up my mind. I'm staying here.
But if trouble should come
between our country and England...
your position here may become
very difficult.
I'm as much English as Spanish.
Maybe more.
Is that the reason, Maria?
I can't go back to Spain
as long as there's any hope.
Uncle, let's not talk about it anymore.
I'll be Ionely and homesick...
but I know I'll be Ionely wherever I am.
Up oars!
Now remember,
as soon as Don Alvarez comes down...
tell him in Spanish
you'll take him out to Capt. Ortiz.
What do we do when we get him aboard?
Nothing. Just hold him
until further orders.
- How will you get to the Queen?
- I don't know.
Off with you, lads.
Quick as you can to the landing.
- Goodbye, Uncle.
- Goodbye, Maria.
May you find your happiness.
I'm sorry. I thought you might cry out.
I saw your carriage waiting...
and I couldn't help it.
Where did you come from?
How did you get here?
On the ship that came for your uncle.
But you, why aren't you going with him?
He's going to Spain.
And you're staying here? Why?
Don't you know why?
Ever since that day you went away...
I've been in torment thinking
something might happen to you...
and you'd never know.
And then it did happen,
and I've never forgiven myself until now.
I love you.
I've loved you ever since that day
in the rose garden.
Only I kept it to myself then
because I was too proud.
I'm not proud anymore.
Only I can't believe I've found you again.
Geoffrey, can't you say something?
I'm sorry.
I don't seem to have any words.
There were times in Panama,
in the galley...
when I would have given my life
for one sight of you.
And now you're here, close.
I just can't realize it, that's all.
But I am here, and we're together.
Nothing's ever going to separate us again.
Not distance, and not pride.
Not even a large bouquet of English roses.
Curse this fog.
It'll be late before we're in London.
You're still in danger.
That'll be over when I get to the Queen.
They're stopping everybody
at London Gate.
Looking for honest English sailors.
Strange, but it never occurs to me
I'm Spanish and you're English.
- It doesn't seem important.
- It isn't.
I know nothing about war and politics,
but I believe in you...
and whatever you do must be right.
Please let me help you.
If I could only get into the castle
without being recognized, I could...
I'll let you in my entrance.
Miss Latham's waiting to let me in.
But the guards, as soon as I step out...
They'll just think
I'm smuggling in my lover.
After all, it's the truth.
Your pass?
We passed through earlier
taking His Excellency...
the Spanish ambassador to Dover.
There's only his niece inside.
- Can you identify yourself?
- Yes, of course.
There's something the matter.
We're stopping too long.
My lady, I'll have to ask you
to identify yourself.
- Certainly.
- They told me outside you were alone.
I'll have to see your papers, too, sir.
I just came in
on the Madre de Dios, Officer.
- I wasn't expecting to go to London.
- That's unfortunate, but...
My uncle, Don Alvarez, sent him.
- A special mission.
- I'm sorry, my lady.
My orders are no one goes through
this gate without a pass.
Officer, I'm on a special mission
for Lord Wolfingham.
See for yourself.
Very well, then.
Sorry to have delayed you.
Drive on.
When we get inside the grounds...
drive straight to the guardhouse
at the main entrance, and drive fast.
- Don't worry. It'll be all right.
- Geoffrey, darling.
I love you.
In the coach. Officer of the guard!
In the coach. Capt. Thorpe.
Arrest him. Open the door.
Am I in some danger, Officer?
Your pardon, Doa Maria. I thought...
- What's the trouble, Officer?
- He isn't here.
- Where is he?
- There must be some mistake, sir.
He was in here
when we entered the castle gate.
Doa Maria, where is Capt. Thorpe?
Captain Thorpe?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I'm talking about the man who rode
with you from Dover to this castle.
By what right do you question me?
Guard, close the door! Drive on.
Officer, I want you to station guards
at all entrances leading to the queen...
and order an immediate search
of the grounds.
- By whose authority?
- Lord Wolfingham's.
You'll have his written orders soon.
Just one moment, Maria.
Inside, please! Quick, please!
Search every corridor in the palace.
Sergeant, take your men
and go through the left wing.
Now, mind you,
Capt. Thorpe is not to get to the Queen.
Put him under arrest
and take him to the North Tower.
These are Lord Wolfingham's orders.
This way, lads.
The rest of you men, follow me.
- Are you in danger?
- Until I see the queen.
I'll help you.
There's a private corridor to the queen.
Capt. Thorpe, did Carl come back?
Carl always comes back. He's at Dover.
The door's straight ahead.
The first corridor to your left. There.
Delay them as long as you can.
What do you want?
- We have an order to search your rooms.
- Search our rooms? What for?
I'm sorry, Miss Latham,
but I can't take time to explain.
Either you open the door or we break it in.
Break that door in,
and the queen shall hear of it!
The queen will hear of it if we don't.
Very well. Break it in.
Guards! Stop him!
Have you nine lives, Capt. Thorpe?
Surely by now
most of them must be used up.
I was expecting you, Captain,
but not alone...
nor in a Spanish uniform.
You should be wearing it.
Perhaps I shall one day.
You have some dispatches for me?
I have some dispatches for the queen.
I'm afraid I shall have to ask you
not to disturb Her Highness.
That's very thoughtful of you, milord,
but I think she'll wish to be disturbed.
These dispatches bear the seal of Spain.
You won't be as lucky this time
as at Panama.
Stop it. Stop it, I tell you!
Your Majesty.
Lord Wolfingham.
One less enemy of England.
Read these, Your Grace.
Secret dispatches
from Phillip to Wolfingham.
Proof of their plans to send an armada
against England.
Captain Geoffrey Thorpe.
In recognition of your valiant services,
I pronounce you a knight of the realm.
Rise, Sir Geoffrey Thorpe.
Accept by my hand
the homage of your country...
and the gratitude of its queen.
And now, my loyal subjects,
a grave duty confronts us all.
To prepare our nation
for a war that none of us wants...
least of all your queen.
We have tried by all means in our power
to avert this war.
We've no quarrel with the people of Spain
or of any other country.
But when the ruthless ambition of a man
threatens to engulf the world...
it becomes the solemn obligation
of all free men...
to affirm that the earth
belongs not to any one man...
but to all men.
And that freedom is the deed and title
to the soil on which we exist.
Firm in this faith,
we shall now make ready...
to meet the great Armada
that Phillip sends against us.
To this end, I pledge you ships...
ships worthy of our seamen.
A mighty fleet
hewn out of the forests of England...
a navy foremost in the world...
not only in our time...
but for generations to come.
To England and the Queen!