The Search (2014)

Damn ...
What is this shit. whore?
I do not understand anything.
Damn. why it does not work?
Why it works p ...
What a con ... Damn.
There ...
Welcome ...
in a large country of shit. fuck ...
Well. there it is not happening
much because ...
we arrive a little after the battle.
But I will try
to find people.
Well. finally now. you see a little
crappy mood in this country ...
Hi guys!
Ah. there. there is a trick.
We will get closer.
And so. as I said.
welcome to the place
most crappy
in the world!
Where you not want to be.
and you not want to see.
Hi guys!
you will ever see
what happens here.
because our beloved
President will do.
for all that we
foute peace here.
And we do not care for peace
so we make war.
Long live Great Russia
and his brave army!
Hurray. hurray. hurray. whore!
So here you will see
a live interview.
As if you were there.
Comrades arrested
black asses.
Obviously terrorists.
This is a dangerous mission.
Hi guys!
What do you want?
- What I want?
- Yes!
I want to go home. whore!
Live. Kiss. Drinking. whore!
You film what?
Nothing. The war.
The war? So come there.
There. it is for real.
It's not Ryan.
We will show him
What is the war.
- You'll see.
- I watch!
There. they have just arrested terrorists.
The elite of the rebel forces
The elite. whore!
- How do you think?
- He has a good head. whore.
- Do not touch me!
- We're good people!
You are cowards.
you shout on women.
Oh. the shot latte!
You should have target balls!
Right. you're
snipers? Not true?
- You're welcome ...
- Do not touch I told you!
- I am begging you!
- Shut up. bitch!
My son. you also have a family?
Hey. guys. look. He prays!
Look. whore. He prays!
- Are you kidding me?
- You are terrorists!
Shut up!
- Are you kidding me?
- Rebels motherfuckers!
He is mad or what?
Calm the fuck!
What the hell are you doing?
He makes his prayer. that's what he did!
No. but what you do!
You pray?
You pray your God shit?
Go ahead. go ahead!
There. damn. it's me you're going to pray!
Shut up!
- I told you. shut up!
- Come on. come on. shoot!
- Stop! A!
- Tire!
You are murderers!
You are murderers!
Shut up!
There. then. you just saw ...
an anti-terrorist operation
It remains the simplest.
- Query the small.
- We'll interrogate him. yes!
Look at her.
You're welcome!
Go see.
No. please!
I am begging you! Please!
Shut up. bitch!
And here is the end. damn!
You are murderers!
Go see.
No. please!
I beg you. no!
All is well. There's nobody.
There is a Chechen proverb:
"When a bear decided to eat
her baby. before killing him.
"She soaked in the mud."
That's what they did.
They said we were
spies. terrorists.
They took everything we had on us.
The papers. money. gold jewelry ...
Then they ordered us to follow them.
I understood that it was the end for us.
Noura headed towards them
and she begged:
"Boys. what are you doing?
"You do not have a mother?
"What do you want?"
"That's what we want!"
Shouted one of them.
And they started shooting.
I saw the head of Larissa break.
Then I felt a bullet
enter my body
and I lost consciousness.
When I woke up ...
I had a terrible pain in the feet.
It smelled smoke and diesel.
We were under mattresses
I crawled into a cellar.
Old Russian women
lived there. took me with them.
They took care of me.
They saved my life.
There were still people
in our neighborhood ...
I do not know what happened to them.
But I fear the worst
because of "SOBR"
the unity of the Russian army
which controls the entire area
around the "54" school.
It's them ...
It is they who have killed us.
Noura ...
Larissa ...
- Hello!
- Hi!
Carole. your mother called
four times this morning.
I promised that you would remember.
OK thank you.
You told him what?
That if she wanted to date me.
she had to kiss his girlfriend.
That's rock'n'roll.
And she said what?
But you really said that?
Of course not. you're stupid or what?
What are con te ...
I'll have a Coke.
Primed one?
No. thank you.
Here. I'm fast.
Go ahead.
I want a Coke.
You have your papers?
Just a second ...
So ...
what is yours?
No. it's not me.
- Do not lie to me!
- I swear.
Lift up your hands!
Empty your pockets.
The second!
That. too. is not you?
That is mine.
Well. perfect.
You're coming with us.
... And chocolate.
Gvozdiov Nicolai!
You know what you risk?
How old are you?
You're still young
to the prison.
And the army. you have nothing against?
You know what?
Wait in the hallway.
I'll see what
I do for you.
Thank you.
Allah is great and powerful.
Lord. have mercy
my father and my mother.
Grant them Paradise.
Make my brothers are alive.
Give me the strength to get them.
Hey. little guy!
Where are you going?
What's your name?
You're what village?
Where are they. your parents?
Well. it's finished negotiating?
You play what?
Bring up this kid. we reparte!
Come quick. kid.
We're leaving.
What's your name?
You remember
what happened?
You understand what I say?
You lost your tongue?
You not tired. you see
he understands nothing.
Poor kid ...
Her parents must be dead.
He will never get out.
Okay. kidding him alone.
the poor.
Come on!
Sir! We can stay here?
I am with my family.
we do not know where to go.
No. here there was more room.
But outside the city.
there is a camp which opened.
But where?
On the road. we saw nothing we.
Do not worry.
we'll tell you where it is.
But why there
people who stay?
Madam. here. there was more room.
It takes only
sick or children
who have no parents.
He. then. it is not mine.
We found it on the road.
He is all alone.
It's an orphan.
Take it.
You are alone?
It not speak.
They are where your parents?
Mom. Papa. Where are they?
He speaks not. I said.
Okay. Come with me.
In general. children are
supported by the community.
Families run by clans.
There is a strong solidarity.
It is rare for children
are delivered to themselves.
but in this kind of conflict
anything can happen.
Many children are lost.
And we do not know why.
one day a kid is doing.
Maybe he's smarter.
or smarter. or just luckier.
But imagine what is
trying to put them in the head.
You mean we manufacture
future fighters?
I do not know.
I try them
to other models.
but I am very worried.
I do not see the Chechens to surrender.
It's been ages since it lasts.
It's just scary.
And if the international community
does not intervene.
how can we
to end this situation?
I agree.
In your opinion.
what is the most urgent?
What the European Union
should act first?
Everything is urgent.
People need everything.
But I know that for people here.
that the world
has not forgotten them. is important.
Of course.
Thank you.
Thank you. And you work in
which department of the EU?
The Commission on Human Rights.
Oh. that's great.
I do not know ...
- Thank you very much.
- Goodbye.
You are alone?
You know where are your parents?
Where are Mom and Dad?
They are there?
They are somewhere?
You know what? It's okay. honey.
It's okay.
It does not matter
if you do not want to say anything.
It's probably you
that right. and more.
It is for you. this sweater?
Sounds too small air!
It is your brother or your sister ?? s?
Where ... where is your brother?
You know where he is?
It's okay. honey.
Take him off.
Hey. what are you doing?
Who are you. then?
What do you do?
Bread. give it!
Give me the bread!
Damn. the pants shit!
What you got to laugh?
Shut up!
Where do you come from?
I'm Novosibirsk. And you?
You did not manage to escape?
What are we talking about?
What was said?
What you frig here
band assholes?
I ... we ...
Shut up!
Clear! Join other!
Move your asses!
Go. go. ny your ass!
Moves! Moves!
Quick! Band Fags!
You. big!
And you. with me!
This asshole was shot.
We must put with others
and note on the plug
he died there. In combat.
What happened?
I am a fuck
what happened.
More ...
it is not dead in battle.
Listen. you not piss me off.
You do what you're told.
Ny and your ass.
Yes. chef.
The stretcher. on the table.
First. you put it in the bag.
Undress it!
And then into the box.
In short. this is how it is done.
We will pretend
he came here with his friends.
You make it a plug.
Here. as for others.
It just puts "Death in battle?"
It asks you a problem?
No no ...
It seems you got a problem?
No. sir.
So it's no problem asking you to write
that homosexual died in combat
and make a hero?
- No. sir.
- Good.
Because here is the procedure.
It's better for everyone.
We. frankly. who cares.
but it is for his parents.
It would do them no good to know
their son for homosexual
was shot.
This is important. You understand?
Yes. sir.
You sure you got understand?
That's good.
And well. that's it.
You got a new job.
We must leave here. Raisa.
We can not stay.
You see what happens ...
There she is. the girl?
Raisa ... we say we found
a baby in Assinovskaya.
This may be your brother.
Prepare yourself.
Muhammad will take you.
Thank you.
- Live happy.
- May Allah make you happy.
Good trip.
Be free.
May Allah show you the way.
You're what village?
You're Chechen?
What's your name?
My poor ...
You know nothing of it?
Not even his name?
Well. you are well
Overall. both!
You make a good team.
Oh boy! Come back here!
What do you do?
Thank you.
He was wise.
It went well with him.
Muhammad told us
what happened to you.
What are you going to do?
You can not stay here.
the soldiers will return.
I have another brother
I have to find her.
His name is Hadji.
Have you seen this boy?
He had to go with a family.
Everyone from now.
Someone had to take it and take it.
I do not know ...
There was no one
in the village.
It may be on the road.
I can not leave you there.
alone with the boy.
Come with us.
I can not leave.
If it is there. somewhere ...
God knows where he is.
How old is he?
Nine years.
you make a mistake.
If you change your mind.
Tomorrow we leave at dawn.
Hey. shit!
The colonel wants to see you.
Yes. chef.
Come on. magne-toi!
Who do you think you are?
Take your hands!
What you got?
When you are a real soldier.
you will put your hands in your pockets.
little fag.
Kolya ... Gvozdiov Nicola?.
at your service. sir!
I learned that
you wanted out of here.
You made a request to leave.
You got a problem?
No. sir.
You've complained to the hierarchy
because of the other bastard
who committed suicide.
he was a friend of yours?
No. sir.
So. you're completely stupid.
In the army.
it does not work like that.
Here it is a family ...
We are together!
And together we help each other!
That's why ...
I meant that ...
So you want to fight?
I do not know. sir.
If you want to leave.
is that you want to fight.
Yes I want.
You think you are?
For a hero. right?
You think that here. we're stashed?
Hein. right?
You think you have the right
ask for anything?
You think you're in position?
You're a personal friend
President. perhaps?
No. but I ...
Shut your fucking mouth!
You chatty too!
Shut up!
You're full of shit!
I get it!
You little prick!
Fuck your mother!
So? You're shit at you. asshole?
You see you you're shit on it?
You stink of shit!
So where's our hero. huh?
Where is he?
I get it! I get it!
So you wanted to fight you!
Get out of here. homosexual!
Go suck cock!
Get out!
So it went well?
You stay with us. or not?
We know ... Asshole!
It is known that you're a Libra!
You saw a little boy
nine years old?
This is his photo.
Thank you.
Where are they? Where are they?
They declined?
Go into the cellar!
They argued!
They are just there!
Where. right there?
They arrive on both sides. There!
This is not good. that.
I hope they will not
break my windows.
No. but it's hard
replaced. Right.
It's okay.
thou shalt plastic.
No. but they aim not know.
these Russians.
since the time they are there!
You sure it's
your biggest problem?
What is happening?
They are now moving!
See you all over the place!
And then what's going on?
We're leaving. leaving the village!
Take the minimum of things!
Tell everyone! Quick!
Get up. we're leaving!
Take the covers!
They're coming!
We're leaving in three minutes!
Zukhra. you got something
to take home?
Yes. my papers.
Where are they? I'll go.
In the cabinet with mirror.
in the entrance.
I'm on it.
Quick. quick. quick!
What are you doing?
Come on. hurry up!
What happened to you?
Come on. hurry up. Let's go!
I'll get your papers.
Go forward! I agree with you!
Take it all!
Take all my papers!
Someone saw Ruslan?
Where is he?
- You saw Ruslan?
- No. we have not seen.
Come on. get out there!
The truck then he goes!
Climb down there!
Go there!
Come on. get!
And you. what do
you will do?
Magomed expected. . Go up.
Give the little one.
Do not worry about us. go!
Give little. give it!
Come on. get. Come On!
But what they need? I ...
I can not believe!
She was not alone!
There were commissioners!
For heads of mission!
It ...
Oh ok ...
But if it's the Russians who decide.
we are useless.
Yes. yes. I know. You're right.
Yes ...
The UN representative
will make a statement.
She refuses to give status
humanitarian catastrophe.
Ah. good morning. How are you doing?
Uh ... well!
Are you busy?
I have a small problem
I'd like to talk to you.
Yes ... no. no ...
We have only ...
Talking while walking.
I have lots of things to do
and I have to sleep ...
Go for it.
It's been a few days
I have a kid at home.
it must have 8 or 9 years ...
A boy you've collected?
Yes. well. it's mostly him
who won.
He just ...
He chose to stay.
That's good. It's great.
But I'm not sure
whether it is a good idea.
I'm not sure of getting there.
I know what to do
with this kid.
Or if I can handle it.
And ...
In fact. I am working
all day. and ...
I do not have time.
You see ...
I do not know.
I feel he wants to do nothing.
That nothing interests.
What do you mean.
"Nothing interests"?
That is to say ... I do not know ...
It does not connect. really.
Well. OK. I'm not very good
with children. but it ...
He ... he is not good enough
for you. right?
No no! That's not it.
but I have a lot of work and ...
Well. go back to your job
and bring him to me!
I tried. but he ran away!
This is not really an easy child!
Not an "easy child"?
Well. reject it on the street!
Lock your door
and talk more!
Not easy "?
You realize
of what you say?
No. no. sorry.
That's not what I meant!
I misspoke.
Sorry for my lack of tact. but ...
what do you want
I tell you?
I do not know. I ...
I wanted to know what
you thought. that's it.
I think you would be more useful
to care for a child
who made the move
choose you. you.
All you are doing
is certainly very good. but ...
if it is to end up with a statement
like the one just made by the UN ...
Wait! I work for
the Commission of Human Rights!
And I can tell you that we will
a different position!
I'm sure!
But everyone cares!
A Commission on Human Rights
which defends human rights.
This is not a scoop!
Everyone cares
your relationship. it's just ...
I understand why
you speak to me like that!
I also do what I can!
What is it? A competition?
This is not because
I do not take care of children
my work is useless!
If you say so.
Now. I really
a lot of work.
I'm sorry to have offended you.
I was very rude.
I'm sorry.
but I think everything
I told you.
But damn. what do you do there?
Get your hands on the table!
It is not beautiful. it.
As this too is beautiful!
You have to taste it.
Eat. eat!
Eat. eat. eat!
Coat Carrot!
Viewing carrot!
Coat Carrot.
you eat your family. right?
Hand me a towel!
What you looking at?
Hand me a towel!
You hear me?
Pass it to me!
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You're not taking
for shit. eh?
That way. it's clear.
Well. that's it!
We will play the con!
That's good. we'll have fun.
Come on. we will show you something.
I'm sure you'll like.
Come On!
Take it. here we go.
That's it. that's it. you're done!
Get up. bitch!
You too.
Come on ... Fuck!
- Come On!
- Move your ass. asshole!
Advance! Advance! Come On!
Go forward!
So. girls ...
As the weather is nice.
It's hot. there is the sun.
Enjoy the moment!
Come on. fagots!
It Strip off!
You'll dance a little naked there.
You're going to caress a bit.
Let's see if you're queer or not.
What are we waiting?
Undressing. guys.
They not understand.
No. but look at it!
It not understand!
Really. it has not!
Voil?! Come on.
Show us your ass.
It is known that you're an aunt.
Am not your maid!
Viewing your girlfriend.
she undresses and you do not.
What. you have not understood?
I ask you if you have not understood?
We will not spend the day!
Go! Go! Go!
We did not want it to fuck!
In hair. little whore!
Damn. it's not clear?
I order you to fuck you naked!
D?sapez you!
I count to three. A ...
Two ...
Three. it's the end for you!
In hair. hurry up!
Brave guy. nice guy!
Are you freak!
Brave guys!
There is a job!
And well. here. you're happy.
You're gonna go home.
Your parents too.
they'll be happy.
Since when thou hast not seen?
Six months?
One year?
I hope at least you wrote them.
You could smile.
At least. you're full.
Because the other. there ...
When they bury one leg ...
It'll make them funny.
Finally. funny ...
It's not funny.
There's nothing funny. actually.
Are you alone?
You talk alone.
I do not know.
Ben ... well yes and no.
And well. damn ...
Do not you shit. you.
Want some?
You want?
And beer?
Quick! Come On!
Come on. quickly. whore!
Quick! Quick!
Quick. damn!
Come. I'll show you something!
Come on. follow me. Quick quick!
Thank you!
You're welcome.
Want one?
I will.
Thank you.
It will do it again.
- Yes?
- Yes.
I am looking for my brother.
It has nine.
It's a little boy.
Ah. it is a child.
Go there.
I can see the photo?
That's it. His name is Hadji.
Wait a second ...
It is to him?
He left.
He fled.
I'm sorry.
I do not know where he is.
How he was going?
Well I do not know.
He did not speak.
But physically.
he did not seem hurt.
I can not let you leave ...
With the small ...
I'll find you a bed
And food.
Hey. guys!
What the fuck?
It was you who killed the dog?
But damn. why you killed him?
It was our dog!
You are idiots or what?
It was nice. that dog!
Band nerds.
you will not eat the dog?
A real band nerds.
Come with me!
By the way ...
you can put your hands
in your pockets.
Nicolai Gvozdiov your orders.
You're going to you.
How are you. sir?
You're going to you.
You go to the front.
Go to your pack.
Thank you. sir!
I turned
and saw a man
running down the street.
The face covered in blood.
torn shirt. the distraught look.
He tore his gray hair.
and repeated:
"Oh Allah. Allah. pity. pity ..."
Suddenly. I understood
it was Mussa. uncle.
I barely recognized.
It was a mild and pleasant man.
His wife died a year later
her marriage 15 years ago.
And he never remarried.
He stood alone.
Maliqa his daughter. whom he adored.
He was running slowly.
like a puppet. and murmured:
"Maliqa. Maliqa. my little girl.
my God. pity ... "
His house was in ruins.
My two brothers pursued him.
Me too.
By repeating the name of his daughter.
my uncle is thrown
on the ruins.
My mother hugged
and tried to calm him.
My brothers and other men
started searching
in the ruins.
Women were
remote space.
Body Maliqa
was found half an hour later.
She was crushed by a wall.
She was dead.
We took her to the mosque.
with other corpses.
In the court.
we heard the first
helicopter returning.
We all fled.
We left.
We left without taking anything.
Nothing at all.
My uncle wanted to stay
to bury her daughter.
When the Russians arrived.
they caught him. and tortured.
But nothing could make it worse
that having lost her daughter.
They gouged out his eyes.
He went mad now.
Because the last thing he saw.
it is the Russian soldiers who were laughing.
My mother says that's the reason
why he went crazy.
This is the last image
he took it away
before plunging into the dark.
Have you news of the
Foreign Affairs Committee?
No. I have not.
I keep calling.
but for now.
impossible to have an answer.
What is terrible is how
people do not care.
That's incredible.
Even in my family.
the only thing that interests them.
This is the New Year.
The year 2000. there
more than that counts.
I know what I'll do!
Oh yes?
Yes. I go to
the family of my boyfriend.
It's his family that takes care of everything.
they have a nice house.
It'll be great!
Sounds good!
We too did a dinner
with both families.
I'm happy. it's going
we change ideas.
I bought a dress
but I have not told him yet.
Me too!
Except me. I told him.
because I can not hide it.
And I bought the French perfume too.
And you know what you gonna do?
I'm going to my sister ?? s.
She also had a party
with her in-laws
and our family.
That's great!
This is unbelievable
to live such a thing.
It's crazy.
Yeah. it's crazy!
I am going!
No no no! Wait!
Wait ...
Get up!
- What do you want me to do?
- Wait!
Get up!
I thought of something.
Why do not you commit?
You could help us
with children.
You would be paid.
Not much. but ...
I do not know.
I do not even know
if my brother is alive.
I understand.
But you have to think
you. Raisa.
This is also your life.
How is it that
you speak English so well?
I wanted to go to America.
You can still do it.
There is no reason
not to go.
You see the little one. there?
He was always alone.
He had skin problems.
he struck black anger.
No one could calm him.
we could barely talk to him.
Everybody thought
he was lost.
And ...
one day. he began to write
stories like crazy.
He could not stop.
And miraculously.
he began to get better.
You know why?
Because ...
gradually. telling his stories.
he began to talk about him.
He shared his story.
And that's how he found
its place in the group.
And he finally found.
despite what happened to him.
That's my job.
Make them understand that
despite everything that could happen.
they are alive! And they are entitled
to a better life.
And that's what I want
that you help me to do.
You think about it?
Come on. motherfuckers!
Move your asses!
We cross the square.
And we take position.
Got it?
Go for it. if it was me who stumbles you!
Get moving. tarlouzes band!
Forward. go!
Go. get yourself fingers ass!
Forward. go. go!
Sales fags!
Come On!
What you did to my son?
Damn ...
Oh my God ...
What I did ...?
Fucking asshole. what are you doing!
- I killed someone ...
- I'm sick assholes!
Poor con!
But who sent me
morons like you?
Listen to me!
You rebuke position.
And you cover the right!
Get it?
- Yes!
- Dark!
Forward. forward. forward!
I'll tell you something. pal.
Why do you think they were there?
By chance?
Forgotten in their home?
It is the Chechens
who put them there!
Sometimes they send little girls
packed with explosives.
What you actually believe.
There's no Chechen innocent!
You have to understand that.
Very quickly.
No mood
with these black asses. believe me.
In any case.
an old man and a kid.
it is very impressive ...
What a picture of hunting!
Next time I'll do better.
For me. it was like ...
a deflowering.
A virginity!
A virginity!
This is the first
Once you kill someone?
We will have a job.
The Committee on Foreign Affairs
auditioned me next week.
I do not know. I'm very scared.
- I'm afraid to be completely isolated.
- No no.
You did a great job.
Yes. but this is not an exam.
If it's just a well-written file
but that came to nothing.
it's all useless.
Yes of course. but
does not rely on you!
It is only a tiny
part of the story.
At least you'll
convince people.
For us it is already extraordinary
that the truth is told.
There was a woman there.
She keeps looking at me.
I do not know what she wants.
Yes. You know them?
She said you have him
stole her necklace and ring!
I know. it is impossible
but she insists.
She wants to know where you got them.
I'm sorry ...
Tell him he does not speak.
It's an orphan.
You think it is
a reason to fly?
You think it's an excuse?
You're right.
I ask you just
not to overwhelm.
That's it.
Do not protect.
It does not help at all.
How will he do
when you distributed?
You should no longer think of him.
Well ...
I better go.
You do not want to come?
Everyone plays except you.
Do not worry ...
If you want. you come.
Excuse me.
there is someone
who wants to talk to you.
A child.
My name is Hadji.
Hadji Saa?ev.
I was nine and a half.
My father. my mother
?? s and my sister died.
They were killed by Russian soldiers.
I also have a little brother. Vakha.
I should take care of him.
but I have not succeeded.
I am too small.
Maybe if he is still alive.
he will forgive me.
We need you to tell
your life before the war.
Your story does not begin there.
You lived with your parents and
your brothers and sisters ?? s. before the war?
You have memories with your parents?
I remember one day
my parents invited people.
They sang and danced.
they were laughing ...
Everyone looked at the ...
they danced very well.
My father especially.
?? S my heart and I was proud of them.
I am sure that they. too.
they were proud of you.
I do not know.
It was my father who heard
the soldiers arrive.
He told us to hide.
?? s but my heart wanted to stay
with him and my mother.
I did as my father said.
I hid with my brother.
And I heard the soldiers
screaming on my parents.
And then they killed them.
Once they are gone.
I fled with my brother.
But I did not know how
feed him.
So I had to leave the
front of a house.
But I know that in the house.
it was not the Russians ...
because I listened
their voices first.
Once on the road.
people have taken me
in their truck.
They said I was lost ...
and I could
to live normally.
But in truth. they know nothing.
even if they are large.
For example. they could not
that I would meet you.
They could not know.
You are right.
This is not because they are great.
they know better than you.
It is true that
I abandoned my brother
and also that I stole jewelry.
but that does not mean
I'm bad.
I stole jewelry
so we're even.
Because it's always you
who give me everything. and I nothing.
I thought that
it was good to do so.
That's why I've stolen.
Do not worry. Hadji.
You were right.
You know that it all
is not your fault.
Anyway. it
was stupid woman.
because her jewelry is
Russians will eventually get them.
So it is better that this
either you who repartiez with.
Come with us!
Hi. my brother!
Okay? You've changed. whore!
What you talking about?
Guys. say hello to Kolya.
This is my friend. my brother. damn!
That's Vacia Igor. Cerega!
Kolya. Nice To Meet You.
Okay. you?
And you? How are you?
And well there. there ... It is Paradise!
Thank you for your attention.
I'll tell you about a conflict
happening right now.
across Europe.
in Chechnya.
This war. planned
since a while.
began on September 5
by aviation attacks
Russian on Chechen soil.
followed by the entry of Russian troops
in the territory. on 1 October 1999.
This is indeed an armed conflict.
and not an anti-terrorist operation
as presented by the Russian authorities.
Since mid-October. the troops
Russian advance towards the south.
Advanced accompanying their
massive bombing
without distinction
between combatants ...
and civilian population.
For example.
October 21.
a missile exploded in Grozny. making
more than 150 dead in a mosque.
a market and a maternity ward.
Grozny is now systematically
and massively bombed ...
Massively bombed round the clock ...
despite the presence
of more than 40 000 civilians.
There seems to be no will
target strikes.
The only goals seem to be ...
destruction ...
destruction and death.
No way out
was offered to civilians
wishing to leave the cities
or bombed villages.
In taking
possession of a place.
Russian troops
widely practiced looting ...
and extortion.
Rape ...
and summary executions are held
almost systematically.
The Russian military manufactures
that the trauma
and a need for vengeance
that will not disappear
for several generations ...
if Europe does not act quickly.
Would that for
show Chechens
that the world has not forgotten them.
Finally. the Russians seem to want
fully control the information.
unlike the first
Chechen war.
This means that President Yeltsin
and Prime Minister Putin
will meet
no opposition in Russia.
So they have their hands
totally free to act.
We'll see why
this war is a war
and not a set
anti-terrorist operations.
I am going.
I'm sorry.
I hope you're not disappointed.
No. Do not worry.
Everybody respects your decision.
Good luck.
You will always be welcome.
I apologize for the other day.
- I was a little ...
- No no ...
I was exhausted and I'm happy
you're here.
- It gives me the opportunity to apologize.
- No really ...
You were right
on many points.
I understood that
you meant.
I thought only of myself.
In fact. I came to you because
I made an important decision.
I'll offer me
as a host family
the child whose
I told you.
And I would like to
the official procedure.
You can help me?
Well ...
Where is he?
He waits for me in the yard.
Okay. We can see it?
Of course.
Hadji ...
What is happening?
Hello Hadji.
You have a car?
You can come with me?
I will explain.
Let it go.
Come On! Come On!
Come On!
Damn ...
Damn. why it does not work?
Why does it not work?
What a con ...
There ...
a big country of shit. fuck ...
Chechnya. whore.
Well. there he goes not much ...
because it happens
a little after the battle.
But I'll try to find people.
Well. finally now.
you see a little
crappy mood
in this country. damn.
Ah. I see the world out there.
we will be closer.
Translated From French to English by Sina-Khorramdarreh.