The Second Time Around (2016)

[mouthing along
to opera performance]
[phone ringing]
[loudspeaker announcements]
[cell phone ringing]
What did they finally
end up doing?
She broke her hip badly.
Apparently, it's very common
in older people.
They replaced it
with a plastic one.
It's supposed to last longer.
Well, I'll speak to them about
getting her into a private room.
There's no point.
She's gonna be out
in a couple of days.
They need to free up the beds.
I can't take care of her, Roger.
You know how stressful it is
having her living
with us already.
She's gonna need help
with everything.
Going to the bathroom, bathing,
going up and down the stairs.
We'll move her downstairs
to the den for a while.
That's not the point.
You know how busy
I am with work.
I am never home.
Fine, we'll hire a nurse.
The insurance should cover that.
You're not listening to me.
I'm sure Roger's right,
he usually is
in these matters.
The insurance company is gonna
cover all of the costs
and your recovery is going
to be a lot faster.
Well, it'll certainly
make your life easier.
Oh, Helen, please, it's not
a good moment to make a fuss.
The important thing now
is that I get back on my feet
as soon as possible,
you know, get back to normal.
And if that means spending
a few weeks in a nursing home,
-then so be it.
-I told you, Mother,
it is not a nursing home.
It's a very nice
retirement home
that happens
to have facilities
for seniors
that are convalescent.
There's nothing wrong with
most of the people there.
Except that they're all old.
I will come and visit you
as often as I can,
but you know how tough
the housing market is right now.
And Sarah will be popping by.
Now I know
it may seem far away,
but it's actually really easy
to get to, even at rush hour,
'cause you're going
against the traffic.
I'll just go inside
and get you a wheelchair
and I'll be right back.
As you can see...
...there's a whole lot
going on.
That's Tai chi.
It's really good
for your joints,
if you want
to give it a try
once you're on
your feet again.
This is
an assisted living floor,
and where your room is
for your stay with us.
But everyone who's able
shares the same dining room
as the rest
of our residents.
Our independent living units
are also quite nice.
You ought to have a look at them
while you're here.
There's quite the waiting list.
[cell phone rings]
Oh, I'm sorry.
You go ahead, I'll catch up.
This is Helen.
[feeble horn squeak]
Hey, good lookin'.
What you got cookin', eh?
You're new here, aren't you?
Did Marge tell you
about me yet?
I was saving the best
for last, Charlie.
Hi, I'm Charlie.
Oh, Katherine.
Katherine Mitchell.
I'm very pleased
to meet you.
The pleasure, as they say,
is all mine, Katherine.
You here to stay
or just passing through?
Oh, no, I won't be here long,
I'm just convalescing.
So, until I can get back up
on my feet walking.
Walking? What do you want
to do that for
when you can have one of these
perfect little babies over here?
This is the greatest invention
since sliced bread,
only the shoemakers, they don't
want you to know about this
because it is very bad
for business.
Whoops, speaking of business,
I have got to go see
Mr. Johnson
'cause he's got
a hot date tonight
and I have his cologne.
Nice to meet you there,
I hope you enjoy
your short stay with us.
I'm gonna catch you later, okay?
Ooh, Katherine, I've always
liked people named Katherine.
Look, why don't you just make
a list of everything you want
and I'll drop it by tomorrow?
You're bound to have
forgotten a few things.
You're not used to traveling.
I mean being away from home.
Well, this is
certainly no vacation.
-Well, it sort of is, isn't it?
This is the first time
in your life
that you've been on your own
away from your family.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Michael Norris,
Medical Director.
Hi, I'm Helen Cameron.
This is my mother,
Katherine Mitchell.
How do you do?
I heard you'd arrived,
so I thought I'd pop by
and see how
you were getting on.
Thank you.
Would it be possible
to get a private phone
for my mother's room?
We're happy to pay extra.
It's just we've given her
a cell phone,
but she never remembers
to turn it on.
Just check in
at the admissions office.
-They'll take care of you.
-Thank you.
[cell phone ringing]
Uh, excuse me.
That happens all the time.
You are a very lucky lady.
I've been
studying the x-rays
and they did a wonderful job
on that hip of yours.
All we have to do
is get you on your feet
and out of that contraption.
Well, how--how soon
do you think that could be?
Well, that's up to you.
You're in luck,
it's lasagna today.
I've never broken anything.
Oh, but Betty here,
poor Betty,
she broke her ankle
a few years ago,
right here in the lodge.
Oh, my.
What? What?
You broke something?
I didn't know that,
that's terrible.
No, no, no, I was telling her
about Betty's accident.
It was right outside
the front door.
They were bringing us back
from the mall
and as I was stepping out
of the van
my foot got caught on
something and down I went.
I couldn't walk
for three months.
I still get some pain there
That's your arthritis,
it has nothing
to do with the fall.
What are you talking about?
I never had arthritis
until I broke it,
that's when it started.
You have arthritis
in both feet.
You're saying it caused it
in the left one too?
Well, of course not,
but it's much worse
in the right one.
Anyway, I wasn't talking to you.
At least you can walk again now.
I haven't taken one step
on my own yet.
Now, you said that
you went to the opera,
-so you must like music.
-Yeah, I do.
Well, we have a great
line dancing evening, eh,
every Wednesday.
No, you must come out.
Well, when you can walk again,
of course.
I don't think
I'll be doing that.
I'm not going to be staying here
very long anyway.
That's what they all say.
And you better get used
to the wheelchair too.
I'm sorry, Mr...
Isaac Shapiro.
Call me Isaac.
Mr. Shapiro, my doctor,
Dr. Norris,
he told me
that I would be walking
in a couple of weeks.
And you believed him?
Why wouldn't I?
Because he's a doctor,
that's why.
Look at Carl Jones.
Oh, he was a resident here
for over six years.
And in excellent health.
And the doctors, they say,
"Oh, you need
a hip replacement,"
so they do the surgery
and the next thing you know
he's dead from a stroke.
Oh, that's terrible.
That must have
just been bad luck.
That sort of thing
doesn't happen very often.
It happens all the time.
That's what's so dangerous
about hospitals.
You go in, chances are
you won't be coming out.
That's not really true.
People go in and out
of hospital all the time.
And never trust
what doctors say.
They use us
as guinea pigs
because we're old
and nobody will miss us.
Oh, Isaac,
that's no way to talk.
Not talking to you, so don't--
Well, see,
that's because you're talking
with your mouth full again.
It's garbage!
Don't let it bother you.
He goes on like that sometimes,
especially if he's lost
at cards.
He has a little bit
of a drinking problem,
but we don't mention that.
Is your dad there?
I'd love to ta--
What about your mom?
No, I'll call her
in the morning.
Don't worry.
I know, sweetie.
[TV sounds]
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Took me a little longer
than I thought it would
to get organized
this morning.
You'll get used to the routine,
we all went through it.
That's right.
It was the getting dressed part.
Even with the staff helping me,
I managed to tear the hem
on my skirt.
Oh, don't worry,
Isaac can help you with that.
He was a tailor,
he fixes all our clothes.
He's a fabulous tailor.
You'll fix it for her,
won't you, Isaac?
He's in the craft room
every morning,
and he's usually there
from 3:00 until dinner time
depending on how long
the card game goes.
Thank you,
that's very kind of you.
Read 'em and weep.
Oh, so, Isaac,
when are you gonna tell us?
What's she like?
That new girl at your table.
Yeah, she's a real dish.
What'd I tell you?
Look, she's a nice girl.
Why don't you try being a little
nicer to her for a change.
What's it gonna do, kill you?
What, you're not happy
making deliveries anymore?
Now you're Mr. Matchmaker.
Nobody's matching nobody here.
I'm just saying
she's a nice girl,
she's good lookin',
she's got a good head
on her shoulders,
and they are
very nice shoulders.
-If I was like, what,
maybe 10 years younger
and I could walk,
I would ask her
to go dancing.
10 years ago you were married
and you could walk
and you never took
your wife dancing.
Marriage does that to a man.
Yeah, right.
What did you bring those for?
Ugh, Mom sent them.
She couldn't make it.
She knows I don't like plants.
I just wanted my opera music.
I got that too.
Oh, well.
She gave me the keys
to Dad's car,
which is cool, 'cause I like
to drive to class.
Is that it? She didn't
put in the libretti?
Oh, sorry, Gran, that's--
that's all she gave me.
You know what she's like
with her work.
But I'll bring it
for you next time, okay?
What am I supposed
to play them on?
She said you could use
her portable player.
Oh, there you are.
Which is hilariously old,
but it works fine.
Sound is okay.
All right,
let's put this one on.
All right,
so that's the play button.
-And that's the volume control.
-And that's pretty much it.
How come you
never liked plants?
Because you have
to take care of them.
I prefer cut flowers.
When they die,
you just throw 'em away.
Were you always a tailor?
When I was five years old,
I learned to sew buttons.
It was during the war.
And when Hitler
invaded Poland,
my father took us to a village
far from the border.
He mended farmers' clothes
for food
and we survived like that
for a couple of years.
And then the Nazis found us,
but he was such a good tailor
that the officers made him
their own personal tailor.
That's when I learned to sew.
He needed help.
The needle and the thread
saved my life.
And then what did you do
after the war?
After the war?
Life was pretty miserable
under the Communists.
So when they expelled
the Jews in '68,
I came here.
I earned a good living.
People always need clothes.
I had my own shop
for 30 years.
Six workers at the end.
I never wanted to retire.
It's all I'd ever done.
But... hands,
wore them out.
All done then?
This won't bother you again.
Oh, thank you,
that was so quick.
Thank you so much,
Mr. Shapiro.
This machine is garbage.
Oh dear.
Are you okay?
Well, I'll, uh, see you later.
One down.
Can you believe this?
He always falls asleep right in
the middle of a conversation.
Well, I don't intend
to waste any more of my time.
I've got better things to do,
thank you very much.
I don't know
why she comes down here
pretending to smoke
those stupid cigarettes.
-Oh, Mr. Shapiro--
-Now a cigar,
that's a real smoke.
My son used to bring me
a box of the finest Havanas
-every year for my birthday.
-Mr. Shapiro--
Then I come here
and the doctors say, "Stop!"
As if it makes
any difference at my age.
What the hell do they know?
So I stop and I sit here.
It's still not the same
since Neil died.
He used to smoke
the finest Havanas.
I bought you this plant
as a token
of my appreciation
for mending my skirt.
They really
brighten up a room,
unless you
already have some.
I'm sorry
I can't stay and talk,
but my granddaughter
is coming to pick me up
to go shopping.
You're well enough
to leave already?
Just make sure you put it
by the window.
They like lots of light.
The look on his face
was priceless.
Anyone who's that grumpy
must be really unhappy.
Well, I did give him
the plant.
You should give him
something nice, Grandma,
something he'd like.
Imagine if you had to spend
the rest of your life here.
I don't think
you'd be very happy either.
Well, I sure wouldn't.
It's another big change
from the life he had.
He told me a bit
about it today.
It almost sounded like
the plot from an opera,
you know, so dramatic.
Bigger than life.
Bigger than my life anyway.
How he survived the war.
Came here, started a new life.
But it was odd, too,
the matter-of-fact way
he spoke of it.
Almost as if it was someone else
he was talking about.
See? Being in there
has taken his life away.
No wonder he's unhappy.
I still don't understand
how I'm gonna listen to my CDs
-on that.
-They're already on here.
They're on there?
I loaded it for you.
What would you like to hear?
I don't know,
is Carmen in there?
Of course.
That's my favorite.
The music's really good
for when I'm drawing,
especially the romantic stuff.
You understand the French?
Not the words anyway,
but the music, yeah.
It's about love, right?
Okay, all right, so,
that's the play button.
And that's how
you adjust the volume.
Here we go.
You have done so many
lovely things for me.
And look.
Oh, my goodness.
That's the opera house
you always talk about, right?
[overjoyed exclamation]
So, there's this really great
special in framing right now.
I can have it done by tomorrow
and pick it up
and bring it to you
after school.
You never cease to amaze me.
I'll be right back.
Thank you.
Ben, are you in or what?
I'll stick.
Ben, you can't stick.
You either have to see
the bet or fold.
Ben, if you have the cards,
stay in,
but remember Al's blitzing
every round.
Where are you going?
To the bathroom
and to rest.
I've had enough.
Oh, here we go again.
Well, at least both ends
are working.
I think we have to re-deal,
we saw his cards.
What about the pot?
We can hold it back
for the next hand.
Oh, well, that's just great.
Not only does he slow up
the game when he's here,
he even ruins it
when he's gone.
It's because he had
a winning hand
you're sore.
He's having an off day, so?
Oh, come on, Isaac.
He's getting worse every day.
Al's right.
He is getting
more senile lately.
What are you talking about?
He's not senile,
he's constipated.
And these
genius doctors here,
they can't do
anything about it.
No, it's the food,
it does the same thing to me.
Oh, not me, it's the taste
I can't stand.
It's not about the taste.
It's about the taster.
Worn out.
If you ask me,
the problem is up here.
Who's asking you?
Well, certainly not you,
my lord.
Are you in or what?
I'm not in the mood anymore.
Looks like we're
gonna have to re-deal.
[Isaac singing
in foreign language]
What about Friday then?
I know how busy you are.
Of course,
Sarah's been so sweet.
She and I always
have a good time.
But I haven't seen you
since I came here.
No, it's okay.
I'll call you tomorrow.
All right, Helen.
Bye-bye, dear.
Oh, my goodness.
How can you smoke these things?
They're terrible.
Women weren't meant
to smoke cigars.
You're not supposed to inhale.
Don't you know?
So, when did you learn
all this fancy
schmancy business?
My father smoked them.
Every night after dinner
he'd get up from the table,
sit in his big
wingback chair,
put his feet
on the leather ottoman,
and light up.
Yeah, I loved watching him.
I must have, you know,
been comforted by the ritual.
And the smell,
this takes me right back.
Mm-hm, things sure have changed.
My wife made me go outside.
I smoked cigars
since I was 16 years old.
In fact,
when I had money,
I bought the finest
Cuban cigars,
that was one
of the few luxuries
that you could still get
in Poland.
But she would nag me
about smoking,
it bothered her eyes.
And she nagged me
about my drinking too.
About anything that gave me
a little pleasure.
She was very religious,
so what can you expect?
And I gather
that you are not?
No, I was too busy working.
I mean, going to synagogue
doesn't help.
I mean, either He wants you
or He doesn't want you.
I lived a very honest life.
I haven't broken
too many Commandments.
How long have you lived here?
Almost three years.
Three years.
Do you like it?
It's not that bad.
The only reason
I complain about the food is,
I miss my wife's cooking.
She was a good cook.
But other than that,
I do a little sewing,
I play some cards,
I watch TV.
What more can you ask
at my age?
A good cigar.
I don't know
what kind this is.
There were so many brands.
I think this might be Cuban.
I was gonna get you some
and then I thought
I didn't know
which ones you liked, so... the next time
my granddaughter
comes to take me shopping,
why don't you come with us?
Then you could
choose your own.
Thank you.
How does she sleep with
all those things on her face?
I guess she takes them out.
Like teeth?
Mr. Shapiro, this is Sarah.
Sarah, Mr. Shapiro.
Now, you ride in the front,
I'm gonna sit in the back.
Oh, no, no, no, no,
I'll be fine.
-I will sit in the back.
-No, no, really, I insist.
I always sit in the front.
I'd be happier
in the back this time.
Why should you be uncomfortable?
You have a sore hip.
No, it's not uncomfortable.
There's no difference, really.
It's just the view is better
in the front seat.
Okay, if there's no difference
I'll sit in the back.
Mr. Shapiro, please.
I have made up my mind.
[Isaac humming]
Okay, you guys are good to go.
I'll see you in about
a half an hour, okay?
Thank you, sweetheart.
Have fun.
She's off to buy supplies
for some art project
she's doing at school.
I didn't really realize
she was so into art.
Opera was always my passion.
I didn't have a good enough
voice to be a singer,
but I couldn't get enough
of hearing it.
I used to love to listen to
Saturday Afternoon at the Opera
on the radio.
Of course, I couldn't listen
too loudly if Jack was home.
Jack was my husband.
he was a golfer,
so he was out
most Saturdays.
I liked my wife best too
when she wasn't around.
I want you to listen to this.
It's one of my favorite pieces
of music.
It's the trio from Mozart's
famous Cosi fan tutte.
Put the ear buds in.
[operatic singing]
You understand it, don't you?
What's to understand?
It's about love.
Yes, yes, it is.
Most operas are.
Lots of hot mustard
on the smoked meat.
How come she's not eating?
Does she know it's on me?
She's a vegetarian.
It's best not to make a fuss.
She'll eat when she's hungry.
She doesn't know
what she's missing.
This used to be
the best deli in town.
It's changed, all the old timers
are retired, like me.
Sounds like you did nothing
all your life but work.
Well, that's not far
from the truth.
Although there was a time
when I joined
a Yiddish theater company.
I did all kinds
of little things,
but mainly singing.
You were a singer.
Yeah, I got some
good reviews too.
I was going to be a cantor,
that's what my mother
and father wanted,
but life got in the way.
Would you--would you sing
something for me now?
No, anything, anything,
as long as it's from
the old days.
But they're all in Yiddish.
Oh, that's all right.
Just a verse.
Oh, please, please, Isaac.
Well, there was one song
I loved to sing,
made all the girls cry.
Even made me cry.
They'd ask for this song
even when it wasn't in the show.
[singing in Yiddish]
Oh, that was extraordinary.
Yeah, that was
really beautiful.
Did you understand any of it?
Not the words,
but the feeling.
So do you think that
I'm too old for a comeback?
I told you this was
a waste of time.
She's impossible to shop with.
She said she wanted
a new dress.
So I said,
"Why buy retail?
You can come here,
you have a better selection,
and at half price."
That's Isaac for you.
Still sending me customers
after all these years.
However, first time I saw her
I could have told ya,
this is not the place for her.
Here is where
you should be taking her.
How much is this one?
But last week
you said it was $35.
So you should have
bought it last week.
If she wanted price tags,
she should go to a store.
But how about
this lovely lady here?
I've got an outfit for you.
It's sensational.
You'll look terrific in it.
Well, I wasn't thinking
about anything for myself.
Why don't you have a look?
It couldn't hurt.
There's the Friday Night
Family Dance next week.
You could find an outfit
for that.
I don't even know
if I'll be going.
If you buy a new dress,
you'll have to go.
I won't be able
to try it on.
Marvin had you sized up
before you came in the store.
She's wearing it to a dance.
A dance.
You'll knock their eyes out.
What do you think?
I think she likes it.
Did you make your appointment
at the hairdresser's yet?
She gets booked right solid
before Family Dance Night.
No, my granddaughter's
going to pick me up
and take me to get mine done.
And she bought a new dress
to wear.
Yes, Isaac helped me
to get it wholesale.
It's really quite lovely.
Oh, I can't wait to see it.
Neither can I.
I couldn't try it on,
but I was assured that
it would fit perfectly.
If Marvin says
it's a perfect fit,
it's a perfect fit.
I can't wait
to see it on you.
Are you going
to the dance, Isaac?
Of course
I'm going to the dance.
We wouldn't miss it
for the world,
would we, Ben?
I don't believe it!
We have been trying to get him
to the dance for ages.
Never wanted any part of it.
Did you hear that, Alice?
Isaac is going to the dance.
What for?
-You see that one over there?
That one there, lemme tell you,
she got a lot of something
-and I ain't telling you.
-Come on.
Isaac, I think your girlfriend's
lookin' for you.
Holy mackerel, guys--
wait a minute,
wait a minute,
I think I'm in heaven.
'Cause I have just seen
an angel.
Now, that is a sight
for these poor old eyes.
I wish I was
ten years younger.
What would you do
if you was ten years younger?
Mr. Shapiro,
so nice to meet you.
I've heard so much about you
from my mother and Sarah.
Nothing terrible, I hope.
And this is my son-in-law,
Say, that was very nice of you
to get Katherine
a deal on her dress.
Why don't we find a table
and sit down?
Good idea.
I'll look after the drinks.
No problem, there's one
right over here.
And now, it's your turn.
You were going to ask me
to dance, weren't you?
Sure, but I don't have
a wheelchair.
Oh, that's okay,
I've been practicing.
Mother, be careful!
No, no, no, no, no,
I'm fine.
Oh my.
I just need someone
to hold on to.
It's a perfect fit!
It looks so much better on you.
Uh, Mother, are you sure?
Maybe you should stay
-in the wheelchair.
-I am fine.
We've been doing
this sort of thing
in physiotherapy.
You do dancing
in physiotherapy?
Shall we dance?
I thought you'd never ask.
This is my brother, Herman.
Now, he's just turned 90
and he still lives on his own.
-Here, have some almonds.
-Oh, no thank you, I'm fine.
Oh no, they're good for you.
Go on, take one.
My nephew always sends me
a great big box of them
every year for my birthday.
But I can't chew them.
So I just suck off
the chocolate.
It's okay,
it doesn't hurt?
No, it's fine.
We're not doing too badly,
you and me.
I can't remember
the last time I went dancing.
Neither can I.
The second time around
Just as wonderful
with both feet on the ground
I thought you only sang
Yiddish songs.
The writer is probably Jewish.
-And it's in my range.
-Oh yes.
Makes you think perhaps
that love, like youth,
is wasted on the young
Not too late
for your comeback, you know.
Oh, it was just a dream.
I had to fill my stomach.
It's sad how dreams
get lost along the way.
You know, when I was 15,
I was cast as Sleeping Beauty
in my high school play.
My costume was
this beautiful red dress.
And as I was lying there
waiting for my prince
to awaken me,
all I could think about
was my father.
He died that year
and I missed him so much.
So, I started dreaming
that when I opened my eyes,
he would be there.
But it was always still
Doug Smith,
grinning down at me
with those horrible braces.
You think that would have been
enough to kill that dream.
But years later, I went
to a Rotary Club dance
in a red dress,
and I met Jack.
He was so dashing and handsome
and he swept me off my feet.
We fell in love and...
and we got married.
So it has a happy ending.
This is Michael, my son,
when he graduated
from law school.
He's a very successful
lawyer now,
and this is Michael
in Miami,
he goes every year.
We went with him
a couple of times
before my wife died.
-Too hot for me.
-Yes, it's hot.
And he couldn't come tonight?
He was out of town, business.
And who's that?
That's my wife
just before we were married.
Forty-five years
we were together,
but the last couple of years,
she started getting
these terrible headaches.
The doctor said
they were migraines
and gave her pills,
which didn't do her any good,
and then one day, boom,
she died from a brain aneurysm,
the doctors were wrong,
God damn them.
But she went quickly.
So why didn't you move in
with your son then?
Well, it's different for you,
your daughter's married.
-Michael, he just doesn't
wanna settle down,
he wants to keep traveling
in his job,
and, well, we decided
that it would be better
if I came here
and people did things for me.
Oh, look, look, look, look,
look, look!
This is something
I'm making for Ben
for his birthday present.
Well, don't you have
to measure him first?
I measure him
while he's sleeping.
Isaac, you really are
a good tailor.
I'll have this ready
in about a week.
I used to turn out one of these
every two days, no problem.
He's going to love it.
Would you mind
turning off the lights?
Turn out the lights?
If you wouldn't mind.
Isaac, come here.
It's almost a full moon.
You're so lucky.
You get the moonlight
flooding into your room.
I never noticed before.
-Are you okay?
No, no, no, it's okay,
I just have to sit down
for a moment, whoo!
-Too much dancing, maybe.
-No, it's really not that,
I just have to rest,
I'm a little tired.
Marvin was right.
You knocked their eyes out.
Oh, it's all because of you.
Thank you.
Thank you for singing to me.
Thank you for
this beautiful new dress.
Maybe the new dress
could become a new dream.
-[door thumps]
-Isaac, I saw her, Isaac!
I saw her!
She was in my room!
Christ, Ben,
what the hell are you doing?
-My wife, Isaac, I saw her!
-No, it was a dream, Ben.
-Ben, it was a dream.
-No, no, no, I was awake.
-Remember you told me before?
-But it was so real!
-It was just a dream.
-It was as if I could touch her.
It was just a dream, Ben.
Ben, just like before,
you told me that before.
She came to you
in your dream...
-Is he all right?
-He's fine, I gave him
a little medicine,
put him in bed,
he'll sleep like a baby.
Oh, that's good.
-You--you're going?
-Yes, it's--it's late.
Well, are you worried
about what Ben saw?
-Because he didn't see--
-No, no, no,
it's not that, really,
Thank you for
a wonderful evening.
Thank you for the dancing
and the singing, everything.
Why are you going now?
I need time to think.
I--I don't want to do
anything silly.
You know, we're not
kids anymore, Isaac.
We need to be careful.
Why? We're too old
to be careful.
I'm not leaving
this place tomorrow.
You should be so lucky.
[Katherine laughs]
Now, you don't have to see me
back to my own room,
I know the way.
Are you sure?
Mm, mm...
[Katherine exhales sharply]
[Katherine exhales sharply]
Oh, it's like
riding a bicycle.
You never forget how to do it.
That's really a big help,
I never learned
to ride a bicycle.
Look. You wanna make her happy,
right, Isaac?
Well, what you gotta do is--
is you gotta get things going,
you gotta get in shape
for starters, right?
That's the ticket.
You must get the old blood
flowing again.
So how come all of a sudden,
-you're Mister Expert on this?
-It is not all of a sudden.
Hey, whaddya think,
I just sold newspapers?
I read those newspapers too,
and I happen to know
what I'm talking about.
Look, I'm telling you:
Exercise is the answer.
Everything else
is a waste of time.
Viagra, what good is it?
Unless you wanna have
a hard-on for two days.
I don't know, it just feels
like everything is worn out.
No, no, no, come on,
that's a lot of horse manure.
You know that old couple
lives down the hall from you?
Guy's got, like,
a funny toupee?
They do it three times a week,
regular as clockwork.
They walk three miles a day,
the both of them,
every single day,
you cannot tell me
there's not some kind
of connection goin' on there.
Isaac Shapiro, right?
Larry Fine.
My father, Nathan,
he used to be your cutter
when you and Earl Kaufman
were in business together,
way back when.
So what are you doing here?
I haven't seen you in years.
Are you a member?
All right, listen,
we'll talk later.
I'm gonna finish my workout.
I'll catch you
in the locker room,
you can tell me where you been
hiding all these years, huh?
Isaac! There you are.
Come on, let's take a shvitz
and we'll talk.
But I just had a shower.
Well, so you'll have
another one,
it won't kill you.
Come on, they got
a good one here,
it's nice and hot.
Let's go.
Hey, Isaac, how's that
son of yours doing, Michael?
Hey--Paul, is that you?
Larry! Hey, how you doing?
I thought you were in Miami.
I got back yesterday.
Know who this guy is?
Isaac Shapiro.
Yeah, he was partners
with Earl Kaufman.
They ran that shop right
around the corner from you,
you know, just before
it became a dry cleaners.
I thought Ernie Freeman
was Earl's partner.
No, what are you talking about?
Ernie--Ernie didn't even
get into the business
till years later, he was
still in retail back then.
Are you sure?
Hey, Isaac, Isaac.
Holy shit, he fainted!
Here, help me.
-Isaac, you okay?
[echoed, distorted speech]
[machine beeping]
He's gonna be okay, thank God.
Just a few bruised ribs,
but they're gonna keep him
in hospital overnight
-just to be sure.
-How did he do that?
He fainted.
Dehydration was the cause.
He was taking a steam bath.
I didn't know there was
a steam bath at the residence.
No--no, no, no, dear, he was
at the Jewish community center.
If you can believe it,
he was trying
to get in shape.
And you were there with him?
No, of course not.
What on earth
would I be doing there?
Well, I thought you were
with him when it happened.
No--no, Charlie told me
there was an accident
on the phone and I--
I ordered a cab
and I rushed straight down here.
I really wish you had
given me more information
in your message, Mother.
I tried to call you back,
but you wouldn't pick up.
Why do you keep
turning that thing off?
-I'd finished the call.
-But I was racing around
in a panic, worried that
something had happened to you.
I'm sorry, I didn't do it
to worry you.
I'm very concerned about Isaac,
that's all.
I don't know why you didn't
just call the hospital
to see how he was
instead of rushing down there.
I mean,
you hardly know the man.
Please don't lecture me
on how to run my life.
I've managed perfectly well
so far, thank you very much.
I don't wanna argue
with you, Mother,
I was just worried about you,
that's all.
You have a strange way
of showing it.
What is that supposed to mean?
Well, not visiting me,
for one thing.
I mean,
if it weren't for Sarah,
I would never get out
of that place.
Well, why don't you ask
one of your friends
to take you out?
They don't like driving
in the city.
But you got to admit,
it worked, right?
You end up in a hospital
and she runs right up
by your side.
How romantic is that?
You're sweet on her, right?
You're sweet on her.
What is this, like,
major league we're talking?
-You're talking sports now.
-No, no, no, no, no,
I'm only talking about
how serious is it.
Isaac. Is this
the real thing, huh?
Who knows?
I'm getting too old
for this sort of thing.
I thought all this
had passed me by.
Hey. All I know is,
you're not too old.
You are one lucky fella,
because they don't make 'em
like that anymore,
especially around here.
I'm wasting my time,
I gotta go.
Things to do,
people to see.
-She's beautiful, Isaac.
-Thanks, Charlie.
You're welcome.
Hey, Charlie,
what about those tickets
for the game on Saturday?
Don't worry about it,
I'll pick 'em up.
Wh--where's Ben?
He's not here again,
it's getting to be a habit.
Lemme go round him up.
Oh, what's the point?
We should all just let him be.
He doesn't wanna play
and he just slows down the game.
Why, you're in such a hurry
to go somewhere?
It's something for him to do,
-he enjoys it.
-He doesn't enjoy anything.
Oh, it's easy for you,
you don't have to share
a room with him!
He doesn't even
look out the window
and his bed is
right next to it.
That's his choice.
But I didn't have any choice.
He was there first
and now I have to wait
until he gets transferred
or dies
before I can have the window!
That's no way to talk.
I don't care,
it's not fair.
I love to look out the window.
And I can't.
He doesn't
and he's right next to it.
It's not fair!
-Who said life was fair?
-Oh, you sound like my mother,
she said that all the time.
Hey, why are you getting
so worked up?
-Did you take your pills?
-So who are you?
Are you my doctor now?
You're lucky I'm not your vet
or I woulda had you put down
ages ago.
-That's not funny.
-Yes it is.
-It surely is.
I'm so sorry, Isaac.
Charlie told me about Ben.
They were going to send him
to the full care floor
as soon as a bed
was available.
He told me
he didn't wanna end up there
and I don't blame him.
Are you...saying he might have
done this on purpose,
that it wasn't an accident?
He loved his wife so much.
They couldn't have children,
he gave all of his love to her,
then when she died,
he stopped living too.
Now who knows? God knows.
Maybe they're together again.
That's Ben's suit, isn't it?
I want him to look good
at his funeral.
He deserves that.
At first, he tried
to hide it from me.
But it didn't take long
for me to realize
he was very sick.
-Of the pancreas.
It was all over
in six weeks.
Poor Jack.
It was painful
to see him fade so fast.
Do you miss being married?
Thank you.
Well...Jack was
a decent husband.
But all he ever wanted
was to be a dentist
in the small town
where he grew up.
A dentist is a very good
business, everybody has teeth.
But I wanted more.
Mostly, I wanted to travel.
I wanted that sense
of adventure and passion
that I saw in the operas.
I asked him if we could
go to Italy for our honeymoon.
I wanted to go to Milan
to hear Maria Callas sing
Nabucco at La Scala.
I even planned to surprise him
and wear the red dress
that I wore the night
he and I met.
But he didn't like Italian food,
so we went to Arizona,
where he could play golf.
Especially on Saturdays.
[Katherine laughs]
Well, he promised
that he would take me one day,
but I don't think
I ever really believed
it would happen.
He and I had--
we had such different dreams.
I was young
when we got married.
I didn't see that then.
Once I did... was too late,
I was already pregnant
with Helen.
...the red dress
stayed in the box,
just like me.
This is special to you,
this place in Milan?
Oh, La Scala is the most famous
opera house in the world.
Verdi premiered many of
his best operas there.
Yes, he's my favorite composer.
Oh, I love others--
Puccini, Mozart, Bizet.
But Verdi is the one
who really touches my heart.
You should go.
You should go!
-You deserve it.
-Oh, I don't know.
I never really thought about
doing anything like that.
You know, going on my own.
Now is the time.
Unless you have a dream
to spend the rest of your life
in this place.
It's like--
it's like they say.
Life isn't fair...
...then it's over.
Mother, are you sure
you don't need
-any help with that?
-No, no, I'm fine.
I thought Sarah was coming
to take me out today.
She has an assignment
at school today,
but she said
that you'd understand.
Well, we were also
going to go to dinner.
We can still do that.
I took the afternoon off.
I thought I'd take you to
that little Italian restaurant
that you like so much.
Well, I don't want
to get back here too late.
Isaac and I have plans
together later.
Roger and I are separating.
-For how long?
-I don't know.
But there's going to be
some big changes, Mother,
and you're not going to be
very happy about them.
-What does that mean?
-It means
the market is very difficult
for me right now.
I'm just not making
the kind of money
I need to be making.
Well, does that have
something to do with me?
[Helen scoffs]
I am on my own now, Mother,
I have to support myself.
You wouldn't understand that
because you've never been
on your own
and you've never had
-to earn a living.
-That's not fair.
I dedicated my entire life
to you and your father.
Yes, you were dutiful, Mother,
but you resented us.
Don't speak to me that way.
-I always loved you, Helen.
-Did you?
What does Roger have to say
about all this?
I trusted him completely
with our finances.
I never saw this coming.
Are you there?
The door's open.
I listened to that opera.
Lot of good tunes.
Katherine, what's wrong?
I can't go back.
Roger and Helen are separating.
I--I knew that
they were having problems.
But I thought
they'd sort them out.
What about you?
They want me to stay here.
Well, if it's just
for a little while
while they work things out,
isn't that okay?
It's more complicated
than that.
Apparently, Roger made
some bad investments
and they have to sell the house.
So Helen doesn't know
where she and Sarah
will end up living...
...but she said that
there wouldn't be room
for me there.
I don't understand.
How could she do that to you?
No, it's my fault, really.
When Jack died, he left me
with plenty of money.
But I...I'd never been
on my own before, and...
...I didn't wanna live
by myself.
I was afraid...
...of being alone.
You are not alone.
I'll stay with you,
if you want.
[Isaac humming]
I was just thinking
about my wedding.
When Jack kissed me
at the end of the ceremony
and I thought,
"Well, that's it.
He's the last man
I'm gonna kiss
for the rest of my life."
Made me feel sad,
in a funny way.
I couldn't live here
forever, Isaac.
Makes me feel old.
You make me feel
like a kid again.
So do you remember
what you said yesterday?
I said a lot of things.
Well, you were right.
That surprises you?
You said I deserved it.
So...I'm going to make
my dream come true.
I've decided to go to Milan.
I'm going to go and hear
the opera at La Scala.
Look, there it is.
Isn't it beautiful?
Then I'm gonna tour
all around Italy
and visit every other
major opera house.
When is this going to happen?
Soon as I can stand up
and walk on my own
without falling over.
But you said you never go
anywhere on your own.
I was hoping
you'd come with me.
-Me, go with you?
Well, why not?
What's keeping you here?
I don't know,
I don't know.
I just--I need some time
to think it over.
All that money
your son invested for you?
What's it for?
I was saving it
for my old age.
[Katherine laughs]
Could I speak
to Michael Shapiro, please?
Do you know
when he'll be back?
No, it's not important,
just tell him his father called.
Hey, Isaac.
The doc is lookin' for you.
So, as you can see,
the erosion only appears
on the x-ray that we took
right after you fainted.
There's no trace of it here
on the one we have
from a year and a half ago.
I'm gonna send you
to Mount Sinai
first thing in the morning
for an MRI.
There's every reason
for optimism.
Catching something like this
this early on
increases the chances
of a positive outcome
[gunshots and hooting from TV]
May I come in?
Isaac, you'll never guess
where I've been.
I went to a travel agency
and I got some wonderful
brochures for our trip to Italy!
I'm not going to Italy.
-What did you say?
-I'm not going to Italy.
But Isaac...I--
I don't understand.
Italy is your dream,
not mine,
so go.
But the other night,
you said that--
The only reason
you want me to go
is because you're afraid
to go on your own.
[Katherine sighs]
[TV chatter continues]
[horse whinnying]
[Isaac grunts]
Stupid, stupid.
Isn't it strange
the way she left
in the middle of the night
like that?
Pretty odd.
I mean, where would
she have gone?
she didn't wanna be here,
'cause she thinks she's way
better than the rest of us.
Why did you keep
going on like that?
Well, don't you think
it's strange?
Must be the booze.
Well, as my grandma used to say,
there's plenty more
fish in the sea.
What's up with her now?
She's going fishing, apparently.
She better change her bait.
Actually, it's lovely.
I treated myself to a suite.
Well, I don't think
it's a waste of money.
And besides, I thought
it was time I started
spending a little
of my money on me.
It won't be for very long.
You were right.
You were right about me not
venturing out enough on my own.
I'm going to the opera.
In Milan.
That's right.
By myself.
Hey, Isaac.
You gonna stay in there
all day or what?
[phone ringing]
Oh, hi, Charlie,
what a nice surprise.
Oh, no.
No, I didn't, I didn't know.
It's called multiple myeloma.
I looked it up on the internet.
It's got something to do
with bone marrow
and blood antibodies.
It's pretty serious.
But they say
the prognosis is good.
It's real good
if you get treatment in time.
But what, but what, Charlie?
But you know Isaac and doctors.
He's refusing any treatment.
They're trying to get in touch
with his son.
They thought maybe
he could convince him,
but they've had no luck.
He should've told me.
Well, you know,
he's got a heart of gold, Isaac,
but sometimes that brain
needs polishing.
I think he was just doing that
just to protect you,
Katherine, that's all.
The thing is,
we've gotta convince him
that he's got to take
the treatment
and he's gotta do it now.
I'm gonna talk to him.
Oh, good, good, good.
That's gonna do it, believe me.
Thank you.
He's a pain in the ass.
I didn't mean to wake you.
Um, I'm just here to grab
the rest of Gran's stuff.
And to bring you this.
She wanted it to be a surprise.
You wanna check it out?
I, I loaded it, um,
with Gran's favorite
music already.
You remember that song
you listened to
that first time at the mall?
-You wanna hear it again?
[operatic singing]
Thank you.
[glasses clinking]
Are you sure?
-I mean--
I'm sure.
Milan will come in good time.
Right now, we're going
to rent an apartment,
somewhere near the hospital.
The walk back and forth
every day will do us good.
Maybe we shouldn't plan
so far ahead.
Maybe you ought to have
a little more faith.
When I'm with you, I do.
Well, you're stuck with me.
[speaking in foreign language]
Or something like that.
You know, I'm gonna have
to work on my Italian.
Well, it's one thing ordering
dinner in an Italian restaurant,
but expressing
grand operatic passions,
that is another.
It's easy.
Is it?
That's amore.
Okay, that's it.
Sarah, you can take that right
into the bedroom.
I didn't realize
I packed so much.
Mother, can you please
be careful?
-Let me do that.
-Okay, okay, okay.
Throw out the garbage.
[phone ringing]
It's Charlie, Grandma.
He wants to know
what kind of wine
he should bring on Saturday.
Tell him to bring some bubbly.
It's a celebration.
And from now on, we're gonna be
drinking it every day.
Excuse me.
So, I understand
that your son is a lawyer.
Yes, he's going to try
and make it on Saturday,
but he's very busy,
he's always traveling.
Ah, yeah.
Roger was just like that.
What can you do?
It's his own life, I mean,
he--he doesn't need me
except to nag him
to get married.
But don't you
need him sometimes?
I get by.
But it's a good thing that
you're around for your mother.
I'm just glad you guys
are back together again.
So am I.
Here, hang on.
You said you wanted
to take Isaac one time,
because he's never been,
and my friend's dad
sings in the chorus.
So he gets these comps.
They're sort of
a housewarming gift
since I can't make it Saturday.
La traviata?
Giuseppe Verdi.
He's your favorite, right?
He is. Oh, you are a darling!
Thank you so much.
Oh, Sarah.
He just fell asleep.
Right in the middle
of our conversation.
It's the medication.
It really tires him out.
[operatic singing]
That's from Carmen.
Sarah did it.
I asked her just to change
one of my settings.
Don't look at me like that.
Everything's gonna be fine.
Isaac and I are both adults,
you know.
Is he doing all right?
Better than expected.
And how about you?
I've never been happier.
I'm glad.
-I'll call you tomorrow.
Bye, and thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
She's gone.
You don't have to pretend
anymore, you know.
This gorgeous music we're
listening to from La traviata,
it's called The Drinking Song.
You don't have to
sneak it anymore, Isaac.
I don't mind if you want
to have a drink.
It tastes better that way.
[mouthing along
to opera performance]
[mouthing along
to opera performance]
[operatic singing]
Love is lovelier
the second time around
Just as wonderful
with both feet on the ground
It's that second time
you hear your love song sung
Makes you think perhaps
that love, like youth,
is wasted on the young
Love's more comfortable
the second time you fall
Like a friendly home
the second time you call
Who can say what brought us
to this miracle we've found?
There are those who'll bet
love comes but once, and yet
I'm oh so glad we met
the second time around
Me too.