The Secret Garden (1949)

You get used to it when you've been out East a bit.
the Cholera, the Plague
it strikes white men and native
Men, women and children, they die by the thousands.
The cholera makes no distinction.
For a long while nobody knows who's dead and who got away to the hills.
Nobody knows but the vultures
circling . . .
Mostly this is what you have afterwards
An empty place with no breathing soul . . .
It's not England, Barney.
I venture to say that you'll get used to it.
You haven't been here long enough
I have . . . .
Sadea and 'er husband, no children identified.
I had tea on this verandah once
John Lennox, Mrs John Lennox
If I'd been a Captain or better they'd have asked me again.
Remember Barney, I told you,
the cholera makes no distinctions.
Who are you?
I might ask, miss, who are you?
My name is Mary Lennox
and you haven't answered my question.
Where's my servant ?
where's cook ?
Sadee said my servant was ill
and then Sadee never came back.
Are you a relative of the Lennox's?
I told you my name was Mary Lennox
My father is Mr John Lennox
and my mother is Mrs John Lennox.
They went away.
They're always going away.
Your servants . .
. some of your servants became very ill
They . . . they died.
The others were frightened,
. . . they ran away to the hills.
I knew it, . . .
I knew they didn't all die.
Mother's right, she says you can't trust natives.
She ran away, didn't I tell you.
Humph !!
. . he's a silly looking man, isn't he?
. . with a silly looking hat.
They was identified Sir.
Well, be certain
Mr & Mrs John Lennox
check it again
They died at the hospital Sir.
No mistake
What's up Sir?
what's in there?
Their little girl.
I never knew they had any children.
Who's he?
Well he's my orderly, his name is Barney.
Why does he look so funny?
You needn't stand up, you're an officer, aren't you?
You'd better stand
I'm not supposed to be in here at all you know
if Mama should catch me, oh ....
You never come in here Mary?
Of course not. Children aren't permitted in the front of the house.
Don't you know anything?
I came here once
I didn't see you. Is that why?
Of course it's why.
She'll never see those . . .
I never even knew Mrs Lennox had a little girl.
Has she any more children?
well can't you see
I'm the only one here in the house.
Oh I meant
home in England perhaps?
Have you a Grandmother ?
Somebody else home in England?
Haven't you any Aunts or Uncles?
What's wrong with that man?
He's a common soldier, he should be standing at attention.
Yes Sir!
He looks funny.
Never mind about Barney.
There's something I've . . . . . . . got to tell you.
I shant be very good at it.
So you'll, . . you'll have to forgive me.
You see, I knew your mother.
She was a very beautiful woman.
I knew your father too. He was a fine man.
But w. w.. what I'm trying to say is
You must trust me
They're dead too
Ma ma didn't go away, she died !
I know how you loved her.
Stop talking!
I know how she must have loved you
Stop talking about her, she's dead!
and whos going to take care of me!
On the boat to England
This is good of you, Nurse
looking after so many of them the whole long voyage to England.
Oh they looked after themselves
they became great friends.
Poor things, all of them orphans
Say goodbye Muriel darling
"Goodbye Muriel" ! Bye . .goodbye . . . bye... goodbye.. goodbye . . bye. .
Her Grandmother hasn't got any money
I heard Nurse say so
I hope my aunt's half a nice as Muriel's grandmother
Your Aunt probably hasn't got any money either
I'm going to live with my Uncle
in a great house in Yorkshire
It has a hundred rooms . .
and I shall have acres and acres of gardens
and a great many servants
My Uncle is Mr. Archibald Craven
and he has a great deal of money.
Your Uncle's a hunchback!
He is Not!
He is, he is , he is
He isn't he isn't!!
I heard Nurse say so!
I'll cut out your gizzard!
No, not just as we are saying goodbye
Can I help you?
These are the orphans from India I presume?
Which one is Mary Lennox?
Are you Mrs Medlock?
This one
Hmmm. . .
Unattractive, isn't she?
Oh .......I wouldn't say that Mrs Medlock, it's just her manner
I'm your uncle's housekeeper.
We've a long journey, come along.
Have you no luggage?
Unattractive, I call her.
Oh God!
Children. . children
Mrs Medlock
Are we crossing the moors?
A bad night Mrs Medlock
Bad indeed Charles, a long and nasty journey
Is Mr Pitcher about?
Yes Maam
Fetch him will you?
Wait here a minute child
Good Evening Madam
Something amiss?
Oh. . oh . . No sir, it's just the children on the boat said that . . . you were a hunchback.
He doesn't want to see her.
So long as I know what's expected of me.
What's expected of you Mrs Medlock is that he doesn't see what he doesn't want to see.
Well and Good Mr Pitcher
He's leaving for London late tomorrow.
Her rooms are ready
Good night Miss Mary
Come along
Why I thought he was my uncle
Mr Pitcher?
He's just Mr Craven's man.
Rules the roost like the high and mighty I might add.
No better than me.
What's down there?
The hundred rooms?
Never you mind what's down there.
Come along
Here's where you play, there's where you sleep.
You might have a bright word
Tore out everything for you, he did.
Painting, furnishing
Trips to London for clothes and such
I had my hands full, I can tell you.
You might say, you're thankful .
What's down that hall?
Now let things be understood,
You play here you sleep there
Down the stairs on the right is the kitchen and the outdoors
All that, youre welcome
But don't you go poking about the house.
Why didn't my uncle want to see me?
I came all the way from India and his lights on
and it's the queerest house I've ever seen in all my life
and he doesn't want to see me
Well you might say he's the queer one
Well I don't want to see him
Hmm you're a queer one too
I heard somebody crying
I told you, no gadding about the house
I wasn't gadding about
I heard somebody crying
I'm sure I heard somebody crying
The wind off the moors , wuthering around the house
and you talk about someone crying
Herrr . . . Thar awake?
Who are you?
Why . . . I'm Martha
What does thy think of thy room ?
I hate it
What's so funny?
Well eh
If you don't like it then look out a window
Look at the moors
I hate them
Why you've non seen them yet
Don't say that
. . because they're bare and lonely with the winter time
You wait until it's Spring and Summer
and the gorse and the heather are smelling high with honey
and the Skylarks making noises . . ah
What kind of language are you talking?
Yorkshire Miss
Whom Mrs Medlock
she say I'll be a servant ever what with Yorkshire drooling from my tongue like rancid butter
ha ha ha ha rancid butter
Say but the good Lord knows, I'll never speak a proper language
Are you my servant?
Well there ...
Aye, you might say I'm Mrs. Medlocks servant and then ..
then you might say that Mrs. Medlocks
Mr. Cravens servant and thee are .....
. . thy are Mr. Cravens niece . so in a manner of speaking I'm thy servant.
Aye !
What's so funny?
I'm always laughing
In a minute
In a minute!
Wait . . . eh but thars thin
My pillow's on the floor, pick it up!
What thy needs is exercise
Fresh air , good food and exercise a plenty
That's what my mother says will do for the skinniest
and she should know, my mother, she was raising 10 of us
I said my pillows on the floor, pick it up.
Oh pick it up by yourself and have a bit of exercise
. . for start thee
I want another servant!
In India it's the custom for servants to do as they're told.
and she doesn't laugh!
My servant never laughs ... never!
I hate you !!
My Uncle doesn't want to see me and
. . nobody will do as I say. I can't go anywhere
Aye . . dreadful
Get away from me! GO AWAY !!
There there now ...
Their feels strange here
After thy've had thy porridge and got thy self dressed
Thy can go out and play
My brother Dickon will be coming up to see thee
Your brother ?
Aye . . . . . Dickon . . . thy like Dickon
What a wonder, for growing things and the animals
Half lives on the moors he does
almost like an animal himself
My mother told him to go and play with that poor child, she said
all by herself , up in that great lone house
Thay'll be a right fond of Dickon
I never saw such a servant
Does thoust think I play with thy brother
I ..I mean do you think I play with your brother ?
I hate him I hate him I hate you!
Go away!
Aye . .
Get thee self dressed
Wait a minute
Aren't you going to dress me?
Well in India it's the custom
Thy canna dress thyself ?
Of course I can, it's just . . . .
I do not eat porridge
I said, I do not eat porridge
It's breakfast
I don't want any breakfast, Mrs. Medlock, . . . I'm going for a walk in the garden
Well don't be so cocky about it
Go away go away GO AWAY
That's frightened him
Now be the most quiet
Com on, did she frighten ye
Com on then com on
Thou must be the one from India
I'm Mary Lennox
I'm Dickon
My sister Martha swore they'd be black
at least dark brown
That's frightened him
What are you doing here? Where did you come from?
I came to the moor place
I've watched you go bout the garden
There's no way in
In where?
The 'Secret Garden' .
He locked the gate long years ago
Who locked the gate ?
The master . . . Mr Craven
Thy Uncle
What you know about
I know what's said
He locked the gate and buried the key
and neer a souls been in there since
I don't believe you
you know why I don't believe you, . because there isn't any gate . . . I looked
Yeah so ave I
Com on com on com on then
You know everything, . don't you?
Only what's said
Who cares about an old garden, I don't
That's why thee run about it so often ?
What were you doing, hiding in the bushes watching me
I came to play with thee
My mother said thy might be lonely
Well I'm not
and I don't play with any servants brother
I've never heard of anything so ridiculous
Thar can just go home . . . . I mean you can just go home
Thou must learn not to frighten animals
My mother sends thee a skippin rope
A what?
A skippin rope
Tha can play with a skippin rope
Dickon, I .....
Hey for a young lady that took no porridge for breakfast, are suddenly making up at tea time
I'm not hungry I'm just eating
Give me another biscuit
The rate thou going thy'll soon resemble something lovelier than a slat
Hey . . . . What's that?
A skipping rope . . . any fool knows that
So thy saw Dickon
Did thy ever meet such a lad?
No I haven't
So that's what you do with it
Of course
. . Any fool knows that . . .
Do you mean to tell me in India, they have no skipping ropes?
very undignified
Can you hand me another biscuit
Aye . . . .
Why would someone lock up a garden and bury the key?
So Dickon told you?
I was just wondering
How long it's been locked up ?
I'm just a servant maid, I have no head for such matters
I heard somebody crying last night when I went to the ...
I'm sure I heard somebody cry
It was the scullery maid
Aye it was last night
Yes she had a toothache
What a fearful row
Mrs. Medlock said it was the wind
Oh . . . . She did?
Has my Uncle left the landing yet
He leaves tonight Miss
Why thou ask?
I'm going to see my Uncle. I don't care whether he wants to see me or not.
You'll speak to Mrs. Medlock
This is the funniest house I ever seen in all my life
Gardens locked up, rooms you can't go into
People crying and nobody will say anything
I'll make my Uncle explain things
Child, thy does not know thy Uncle
Mary !!
Mary !!!
Mary ?
Martha !
You !
What you doing here, what you want?
I want to go back to my room
Next time you'll stay where you belong
Mrs. Medlock . . . . . . . I
What was in that room ?
Go to bed
Where have you been ?
No where
Your Uncle wants to see you. He's leaving for London.
I don't want to see him
Mary !
Your Uncle wants to see you
We're keeping him waiting
Miss Mary, Sir.
Come closer
Yes Sir
I hoped you might be beautiful
No Sir
You're welcome in this house
I shall be leaving for London in a few minutes, I spend as little time here myself as possible
You'll be alone
You'll find my being away of no great loss to you . . . .
I'm not amusing, . . . I keep to myself, . . . I have my books,
I drink
I'd hoped you might be beautiful
Is anything particular you want ?
No Sir
Is there anything you care to ask me? I shall be gone a long time
Yes Sir, Just . . .
Just what ?
Who's the Lady in the picture?
My wife, she's dead. She died 10 years ago.
This is an excellent house for bitterness
for regret
for anger against the Gods!
It's a poor house for children Mary.
But perhaps you're equal to it
I'm not, goodnight . . .
Bother !!!
Oh !
. . . Hello I'm Mary Lennox from India
Who are you?
I'm Ben Weatherstaff and I'm the head gardener
and I come from here abouts
What was thou doin beside the wall ?
The wall . . er what wall ?
Oh, oh I was just skipping rope, I'm always skipping rope.
Lets see thee skippin
Oh I don't feel like it right now
Mr Weatherstaff, what kind of bird is that ?
Him? A Raven
Has thee never seen a raven before ?
Well in India we have lots of other birds
Oh Look at you . .
Why he likes me !
Thay might say it comes natural
Thar and me, we have faces like pickles
He likes me, he likes thee
Does he live on the other side of the wall ?
Aye . . . . Perhaps
Have you ever been on the other side of the wall Mr. Weatherstaff ?
Why does thar ask ?
Oh I was just wondering
Have you ?
In the old days
How long has it been locked up?
Ten years, . . come Summer
Ten years ?
What of that ?
Oh Nothing
My Uncle just happened to mention
We were having a little talking
and he said Mrs. Craven ....
Gee told thee about it ?
N. n.. not exactly
Let him tell thee the rest of it
Be off !!!
Both of thee !!
Well . . well good day Mr. Weatherstaff . . .
Stop following me . . . . go away !
It's alright as long as you don't make yourself so conspicuous
Bound to be a gate . . somewhere
You're disgusting
Well I suppose we all have to eat sometimes
They could have walled it up, so there isn't any gate
Why should he want to do that ?
No I'm not going to look, I saw what you did last time.
I'm not going to help you
I . I . I was just digging for worms
He was hungry
What's in thar pocket ?
Oh . oh . My skipping rope
That's all, just my skipping rope
One . . . . two . . . . three . . . . four
five . . six . . . seven . . . eight . . nine . . .
You're a ghost !
I'm not at all a ghost
Are you ?
I'm Colin Crane and who are you ?
I'm Mary Lennox
Mr. Craven's my uncle
He's my father
Your father ?
So I have a cousin
But you can't be the one who was making all that noise. . .
When ?
The night Mr. Craven left for London
Oh . .
Oh yes
I was having a tantrum
A tantrum ? Why that's ridiculous. .
Not at all
It is
I've had dozens of tantrums and I've never made that much noise
Course not
Doctor Griddlestone says I have the worst tantrums south of the Scottish border.
It's 85 miles from the Scottish border
I looked it up on the map
Well I never . .
You may ask Doctor Griddlestone
Why hasn't anyone ever told me about you ?
Oh they're not allowed to talk about me
Who won't allow it? Your Father ?
No . . I won't allow it
They have to do what I say
I don't like to be looked at either
A lady looked at me . . . she said once. . .
said poor child and put her face not that far from mine
What did you do ?
I barked like a dog and she ran away !
Well I never in all my life . . .
Why don't you liked to be looked at ?
Because I'm a cripple
Of course you didn't know
Yes I'm a cripple . .
. . . as wood, cripple
Don't you hate it ?
W .. w .. Well I never really thought about it, I really
I can't move my legs
I can't move them an inch !
I'll tell you something else
If I live to grow up . .
I've got a hump on my back !
Horrid isn't it ?
Well I really | Sor alright
I shan't live to grow up . .
How do you know ?
Oh everybody says so . . .
Even though I'm listening
I keep my eyes closed so they think I'm asleep
That's what they say
I'll never live to grow up
I don't believe you !
Well I don't . . . how does anybody know ?
I don't know whether I like you or not
And I don't believe you're going to get a hump on your back
Don't say that !
Well I don't .
If you're going to get one, where is it ?
Don't you dare talk like that !!
Sometimes I can almost feel it !
Go away ! I don't want to see you again never! never !!
No ! Stay here !!
I swear to goodness. . . I've never met anyone like you in all my life
Didn't you ?
Honestly ?
Doesn't anyone ever come to see you ?
Oh . . . my father
He doesn't like to see me though . . . He doesn't come very often
Why doesn't he like to see you ?
Oh he knows when I grow up . . I'll be just like him
He hates me
Course I shan't live to grow up
He knows that too . . .
Do you know what I think you are ?
I think you're crazy
I do . . . you and your father
What was your mother like ?
I don't know . . she died when I was born
Then you're ten years old
How did you know ?
Well your father said that . . well
What ?
Oh . .nothing. . .
Just that she died ten years ago
Do you know anything about a secret garden ?
A garden that's been all locked up . . . and no ones been into for . . .
Oh . . . ten years ?
I never go outdoors
I detest going outdoors !
Well, have you ever heard anyone say
That's silly, if there was any such place I'd made them show it to me
But oh . .
What happened to your mother ?
She was killed
You're a very dull person
Colin, what do you mean she was killed ?
Oh a tree fell down . . or a limb or something
It's an accident
That's her over there
Pull the curtain !
Beautiful isn't she ?
Have you ever seen anyone so . . . strong looking ?
That's enough, close the curtains
People must do as I say, close the curtains !
Don't you want to look at her ?
No I hate her !
You're shocked because I hate my mother . .
I am not
No ?
Most people are shocked
After all she was my mother and she is dead
What's that? I hate mine
Really ?
She never let anyone see me because I wasn't pretty
You needn't think hating your mother's so special
So wicked for you
, after all your mother isn't dead
Oh yes she is !
She is ?
Really ?
You must tell me about yourself someday . . .
Well/ Not now . . .
Colin ?
Colin, you don't know where it was that your mother was killed ?
You act as if you know something I don't . .
I don't like people who know things I don't know
I don't like secrets
It was somewhere on the grounds, that's all I know
I'm sleepy
You may come and play with me tomorrow
Do you know what you remind me off ?
a young Rajah
A rajah ?
That's a kind of king, isn't it ? In India.
I like that . .
a rajah . . .
What'd you say your name is ?
. . Mary !
You may sing me to sleep, Mary
. . . .That's a strange song . . .
. . . . I must ask you about it some day . . .
Are you Dickon's mother ?
I am
Thou must be Mary Lennox
Oh thank you so much for the skipping rope, Mrs. Sowerby
Do you think if I spoke to Dickon, Dickon would speak to me ?
Thou might try and see . .
He's caring for the little un
Oh . . . what's that ?
A fox cub . . his name's Captain
Is now you're still angry with me ?
When was I ever angry with thee ?
Oh good
Well Dickon, I've got so many secrets, I'm dying, I'm just dying
Theyre seems most healthy
I don't mean that kind of dying, it's just that . . . .
Oh Dickon, I need you terribly, terribly . . .
All you have to do is listen to me
What good's a secret if there's no to tell it to . . .
First you must swear .
I swear
Oh good
There's a secret boy you know
A what ?
A secret boy. . . .he lives in one of those hundred rooms
Nobody ever gets to see him, He's 10 years old and he doesn't go anywhere
and he's Mr. Cravens son
Colin . . the one that can't walk
Why . I thought it was a secret
Well Mary, I've never seen him but he's no secret
My sister, Martha, cares him some
Why I was never so disappointed in all my life
I hate you . . . . I hate you
What's that ?
Thar knows everything . . .
Not a great deal I don't
The Garden
The Secret Garden . .
You found the gate ?
No not yet
Dickon, wait for me . . .Wait for me !
It's bound to be behind those bushes
What if there is no gate ?
What if he sealed the wall up with stone ?
If he'd done that, then why bury the key ?
That's not sensible
Look there
He's always working behind those bushes
It's the only place I haven't had a chance to look
Good Mornin
Go away
go away . . go away
What ails thee ?
Do you know what . .
I'm afraid they sealed the door
Dickon !
Oh Dickon
Thar ?
Ah true . . . . Tis dinner time
The key Dickon !
Oh . . . . Open it up Dickon . . .please
Grand me Mary an none else have seen this in 10 years
How that old bush would bloom with a bit of pruning
Why you could come Dickon, there will be known success
Such Lilacs
What are Lilacs ?
Has never seen Lilacs ?
Mary. . .
In India thy never spied a lilac bush in bloom ?
Thy'll see Lilacs
Dickon !
Dickon look, somethings coming up already
I can't tell you what a daffodils like, except it's yellow
Oh Dickon we can take care of them
Aye, we can come here everyday
We can dig around them and get rid of all those weeds
We can make it just the way it used to be
and nobody would know, just us . . .
Oh, what a secret . .
Aye !
What . . .
two ?
Colin said his mother had an accident
that a tree fell on her or a limb or something
you don't suppose ?
Aye . . .
Just the two of them . .
they were taking their tea . .
Mr. Craven over there
Oh how dreadful . .
He locked up the garden and left things just as they were
Could be . .
I always heard it was her garden
and none came here but just herself
and the master
and ole Ben Weatherstaff
Ben ?
Aye . . he tended it
Just the two of them . . . . .taking their tea. . .
and then
the limb of the tree
fallen from nowhere . . . .
Poor Mr. Craven
What a terrible accident
Dickon !
Oh . . . . . . Mary . . .
I just didn't want to look at it any longer
But he couldn't have. . . .
Colin said how his father loved . .
and it he loved her . . .
it must have been an accident
it just must have . . . .
A man . . . let's say . . .who had done a bad thing
he'd not leave his axe for all to see
Of course he did lock up the garden and bury the key
Well . . . all the same
of the master . . . I've not seen him . . .
but from all I've heard tell . . . he's a shy and a crippled man . .
Thar's met him Mary
would . . thar say he was the sort of a man to . . . .
. . to . .
I don't know Dickon
Mary . . it's ten long years
and I can't put my mind on dead things in the Spring time
I'm not going to think about it either
I'm not going to think about it one bit !
Thou's not such a bad looking lass at that
Why, thou's blushing like a beet
Now we need a hoe
Two hoes, one for you and one for me
You might make a list of what we need
We have to have something to cut away all that dead stuff
I hate dead stuff, don't you ?
Thou's an odd one, Mary
Why I'm not odd, one bit
I don't know what you're talking about
It's lunchtime and I'm hungry
I'll meet you here at two o'clock
Dickon ?
Did you really mean what you said about . . . .
. .that I'm not so bad looking ?
There they were . .
Lions all around me !
I'll finish the story some other time | Mary Lennox!
I told Martha that if you didn't tell me stories this afternoon, I'd have a tantrum !
But if Mrs. Medlock should find out | I'll fire Mrs. Medlock
She has to do what I say, everybody has to do what I say
Now you finish that story
Well the lions attacked me of course
And the elephants ? Well the lions attacked me of course
And the elephants ?
So the elephants were tame, they were helping me
What'd you do ?
Well I hid behind the tree like this . .
and the elephants all lined up in front of me like this . . .
The lions were over there . .
and they all roared like this . .
and the elephants all went with their trunks like this . .
What time is it ?
It's only three o'clock
What . .what happened then ?
Never mind what happened then ?
You're not going to go ? What happened then ?
Well I ran home, the last I heard, the elephants were fighting the lions
Your story doesn't come out very well
Well it's a true story
If it doesn't come out well, I can't help it
I forbid you to leave until you make the story come out better
You forbid me !
Or you want to play with me instead, whichever you choose
I'll play with you some other time. . .
I have to meet Dickon
Who's Dickon ?
Oh a boy I know
I don't like him !
You don't like anything
I do !
I want you to stay here and play with me
Oh Colin, I don't want you to be angry with me . .
but I promised Dickon
Like a not, some common and dirty little boy!
He is not !!!
Common dirty common dirty
Don't you talk that way about Dickon !!
Why he's the most wonderful . . .
..the most... I'm leaving !!
Here I am ill, . . I can't walk . . and you won't stay and play with me
Oh Colin, please stop crying
I can't help it if I cry
I'm not happy
I want somebody to play with me
You won't play with me . . you don't like me !!
Oh stop it, I do like you !
You don't ! You don't ! You don't !!
I can't walk like other boys, I'm ill . .
You don't care, you don't even care if I'll ever live to grow up
Oh stop it, you'll live as long as I will !
I won't I won't !!
You will, you will !!
and in future | Get out of here!!!
Get out of here, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I don't ever want to see you again !!!
Make her go away !
No one asked her here, I can't make her go away !
You good for nothing little scamp
Why I could cut off your head!!
You frightful child, can't you see that he's ill ?
But Mrs. Medlock . . Get out of this room !
I told you to stay away
If I ever find you here again I'll have to talk to your uncle
You understand me !?
You're only living here by your uncle's kindness
Did you hear what I said ?
yes Mrs. Medlock
Oh I'm so ill, Mrs. Medlock
What a wretched child. . .
I'll die Mrs. Medlock
I want to die
There there I've got dear Doctor Griddlestone to see you
She wouldn't go
. . and I couldn't get out of bed . .
Poor boy . .
Our poor helpless boy
We'll never let this happen again
Will we Mrs. Medlock ?
Never !
Never . .
Poor boy . . .
Now . . have you been taking all the medicine I left you last time ?
Oh yes Doctor Griddlestone
And I'm sure that you've kept the windows closed
and the irons . . .
You've kept the irons on the legs . . .constantly ?
Oh Yes Doctor
The pulse is a trifle weak
My garden . . . . . . . . . . my very own garden
Dickon will come back soon
His spelling isn't very good but he'll come back
Then we'll help all we can
Maybe it'll live and grow and have a flower
Just the way we like them
Dickon and I
We may need another hot water bottle . . Hurry Hurry
It's a daffodil
I know
But you don't understand I've never seen a daffodil before
Thou unfeelin child
Did not hear the noise that's being going on since this morning ?
That's a tantrum
Lord have mercy, he'll die of it . . .
He will never die of a tantrum
I know !
Oh Bah !
Get out get out get out !!
I hate you
You're doing all the wrong things
The nerve . . . .
I only said you're doing all the wrong things
Go away child, he's hysterical do you hear . . hysterical
Why of all the nonsense
You act like the children
If you're so clever, go in there yourself
Why I would . . . .
Mary . . Mary Lennox stop where you are !
Mrs. Medlock
You're the one that started him off
your recklessness
Ever since I found you in his room, he's been getting worse and worse
But Mrs. Medlock. And now he says he can feel the bump on his back
And whose fault is that ?
Stop shaking me Mrs. Medlock !
I'll let your uncle know
You'll be sent away !
Youre making me angry Mrs. Medlock !
I'm making you angry ?
Why you cold hearted little animal
What you did to that poor boy
Breaking into his room . . taunting him . . teasing him
But Mrs. Medlock, He likes me
He wouldn't let me go
And now you can't even tell the truth !
Nay nay
I'm in charge of this case !
Get out !!!
I won't get out !!
Push your head off. . . .see if I care
If I have to I'll get out !!!
I hate you !!
Why ?
You lied to Mrs. Medlock
You don't care what you say
You only care about yourself, you're mean and selfish
Stop being so proud of yourself
I'm worse than you are
I hate you, I hate you !!
I hate YOU !!
Everybody hates you !!
Get out get out !!
get out ..... get ooouuuttt !!!
. . youre mean !
Go on , yell your head off !
Get out !
Scream !!
Scream !!
I can scream louder than you can !
I told you so !
Mrs. Medlock
and don't start that crying again
I can scream louder than you can
and I can cry harder too
although I'm not going to . .
Why you never met anyone as bad as I am
You don't care how I'll never live to grow up
Oh stop it, you'll live as long as I will
You say that to make people do as you say
I will die
Don't you dare say that I won't die
Well you're proud that you're going to die
It makes you feel more special, it makes you feel important. .
You're proud !
. . nurse . .
Don't you think I don't know all the tricks
I was worse the day I was born. . than you are this very minute
and don't start that crying
I won't listen
I do want to die, Mary really I do
You shouldn't
There's a bump on my back
I don't believe it
There is . . . . I could feel it this morning
Well it isn't there now
it tis . . .
My father always said . . .
Oh Mary
I don't want to live to grow up
Nurse ?
Show me his back
No !
I don't want anybody to see it
No Please !
I'm not going to hurt you . .
Now there's a good boy, just a minute
There we are . .
. . now turn over . .
come along now. . .
Why there isn't a bump as big as a pin
It's just backbone lumps . . and I had those . . .everybody had
and if you ever say there's a bump coming up
If you ever once say it
Well . . I'll laugh and laugh and laugh . . .
. .make everybody go away. . .
Mary? . . . . . I'm tired
Go to sleep
My father always said that some day I'd be like him
He likely believes it
Grownups can be awfully silly
But let's not think about him
It's been so awfully long since I've seen you
Tell me a story Mary
Tell me a story about what you've been doing
I can't Colin
Well it's a secret
Dickon and I have a secret . .
I never see anybody
I don't have any secrets
Could I meet Dickon someday ?
Why of course . . . I'll bring him to see you tomorrow
Tell me some kind of story Mary
Well . . . . once upon a time . . it isn't a true story of course . . .
but once upon a time . .
. . there was a secret garden. . .
. . oh it was a lovely garden . . with walls all around . .
. . with vines and flowers . . .
. . and grownups never came there . . only children . .
It was just like the make believe garden . . . only it wasn't make believe
the Lilacs and the Tulips . . .
. . and the Daffodils with the most beautiful flowers of all the world
. . and no one could see them . . . just the children
Oh and the children were so happy
. .they were never mean and they never quarrelled
Sometimes we wished . . . all the children in all the world . .
. . .could have a secret garden . .
. . just like this. . .
Hello . . . this is Dickon
She wants a bit of breakfast
She very starving
It was mean not to feed her sooner
But I thought thar might like to feed her
Yeah . . . . . . . that's right
. . just like a baby . .
What's that ?
It's a fox cub . . . Dickon found it on the moors
His name's Captain
He's what you might call a volunteer. .
Can you keep a secret ?
. .but you've got to swear it on blood or something. .
What secret ?
Here . . swear on this key that you'll never never tell . .
Tell what ?
Well how can I tell you unless you swear
How can I swear unless I know what I'm swearing about ?
We can tell him Mary
It's just about an old garden . . . and that's the key
. . and our own garden . .
. . full of things in bloom . . and lovely smells
. . and no one's been in it for ten whole years . .
. . but just Mary and me ..
The 'Secret Garden' ?
Mary I thought it was just a story you were making up
. . why I dreamt about it last night . .
Aye and Mary and me , we think of nought else, . . since we first found it
We dreamed how fine it could be
. . and the weeds all gone . .
. and the roses pruned . .
. . and none but us to see it. .
We must take you there so thou may see it
Oh that's Dickon, he's always talking Yorkshire
. then he gets me talking . .
Must thou talk Yorkshire ?
no you don't have to do anything
Just swear that you won't tell
. .and then we'll show the garden to you !
I never go outdoors . . .
Servants look at me and . . .
anyway that stupid old Doc Griddlestone's coming this morning
He's bringing another Doctor from London and . . . . they'll probably say I'm worse
Well don't pay any attention to any old doctors
. . and about the servants . . . all you have to tell them is to keep out of the garden
They have to do what you say
You'd do us a big favour
Don't say anything
Swear !
I swear
Oh !
oh !
. never in all my life . .
. . my wig!
. .my wig. .
my wig . . give me my wig
. . my wig! . .
I'm Doctor Fortescue
You'll pardon me my boy but I practice in London
Is all this customary on a rural call ?
I'm beginning to understand why your father thought Doctor Griddlestone needed a little help
. . and if you're the patient and I presume you are
I wonder if you'll live to such a ripe old age.
And what are these for ?
I can't walk
I can believe you my boy . .
If I had to live in this house, I'd want to stay safe in bed too
You're old enough, why don't you just retire ?
Doctor Fortescue, I'm so ashamed
What did you lose ?
What ?
I thought you said this boy was ill ?
I beg your pardon Sir ?
Why don't you sell that stuff to the rag and bone man?
What are you trying to do, build a bridge ?
You speak most unprofessionally Sir !
If you think that what happened this morning to . . . . poor Doctor Griddlestone
. . has ever happened before. . . you're wrong
NEVER in this house !
I assumed such things never happened before, if they had . . he'd be a different boy
If I speak unprofessionally Doctor it's because I haven't the slightest hope of influencing you
It's my safe assumption though that the walls have ears
and that the walls can understand what you cannot
What kind of doctor is this ?
He's mad !
I shall report your conduct to Mr. Craven
You will and he'll back you up, not me
I diagnosed this case, accurately I believe , when I met the father
Examining the child was a formality
How dare you say such things in front of the patient !
I speak in front of the patient with purpose
Fear is a disease. .
. . fear can waste muscles. .
. .destroy men, paralyse nations . .
You're not the first my boy, nor the last
I prescribe fresh air, . . exercise, . . wild animals and children
. . and take off those irons !
I write the prescription on the wind
You ! . . terrible children !
The irons stay on
You can rest assured Doctor, I take my orders from you
Thank you Mrs. Medlock
Tis of course for Mr. Craven to decide. I'll report the whole matter to him
. . without prejudice
Doctor Griddlestone
I'm going outdoors . .
You're not ! . . you'll catch cold
You'll allow me to go outdoors Mrs Medlock or I can make myself quite difficult
You'll tell the servants to stay in the house
Dickon will wheel me
Tell Ben Weatherstaff and the gardeners to work in the green houses
I'll have no one about
Doctor Griddlestone . . .
In India Mrs. Medlock it's the custom to do as you're told
That wretch !!!
Let him have his way . . .
. . poor boy . .
He's had a difficult time of it
I may say I've had a difficult time of it myself. . . .
I'm good, thank you
Oh Doctor Griddlestone, I assure you that this will never happen again
Good day .
Good day Mrs. Medlock . . good day.
Oh no . . .
Not again !
It's right in there behind those bushes
Dickon . . . right now
Before thy goes in
I want to know right now . .
Colin. . .
Go away Ben .
Go to the green houses Weatherstaff. . . . You were told to work in the greenhouses!
You were wonderful Colin
I hoped I might walk
Could you wheel me ?
Aye !
I was so frightened the first time, I could hardly turn the lock . .
These are roses ..
Those are Lilacs . .
See the little lake ?
I shall live forever
I shall live forever . . .
Send the gentleman in . .
Good evening Doctor Fortescue
Good Evening Mr. Craven
Sit down
Brandy ?
No thank you . .
Last Spring you went up to my country place to examine my son
I had your report .
I resented it !
Now after some months you write me a letter
Your fee was paid at the time of the examination
I've assumed that you regarded your services as ended
I resented your report
I regard the letter as outrageous !
You persist in regarding me as the patient as well as my boy
Perhaps I should double my fee . . .
Why did you write that letter ?
I may tell you Doctor Fortescue
. .that when I engaged you, I assumed you were a doctor of medicine . .
Would it be impudent Sir ? . . . .
. . to call a physician of your standing an imposter !
. . and a most dangerous charlatan !
It'd be impudent
I'm an impudent man myself Mr. Craven, I could understand
There is his mother . . . you asked
I may tell that our marriage was the one superbly happy experience in my less than happy life
. . and if you imply otherwise I shall kill you !
I believe you .
For ten years Doctor Fortescue
. . my sanity has been a matter of . .
. . shall we say . .
. . touch and go.
I've walked the most delicate balance between the Gods and lightning
. . between life and the chasm
I have buried certain memories with utter care
I have vilified others . .
I don't enjoy the prospect of going insane
Your letter Doctor Fortescue has made my balance no easier
That was it's purpose
You are a passionate man Mr. Craven
You may leave !
That's a fine boy you have up there, you ought to go and see him once in a while
I said you may leave !
I'm not too concerned with what happened between you and your wife
I'm a doctor, not a detective
I do know though that some kinds of memories won't stay buried . .
. and so we have to bury the patient.
What does concern me is the boy
You said in your letter that I wanted him to die. . .
Did I ? . . . well I'm not too diplomatic a man. .
It's a technical point anyway.
I just suggest . . .
Well perhaps while you were keeping your . . own balance . .
with such care . . you transferred your longing to die to your son.
Leave my house !!!
You ! . .
. . you're a normal man . . .
. . . do you know what it is to be ugly ? . .
. . to be cursed. . and set apart ?
to live in fear . . to be hated for things you can't help ?
. . to be pitied. .
. . to see your curse in every mirror . .
. . prying eyes in every face.
Your son is as normal as I am
You lie !!!
Well . . .
. . I should be going .
It's been a fascinating case Mr. Craven
Give my regards to the children when you see them. I enjoy children.
Good night
Would thou call it an 'Everlast of Summer' , Dickon ?
Aye . .
There's a smell of rain in the air
What a fine summer it's been
What with diggin and weedin and eating your mother's bread and jam, I'm fat like a pig !
Listen to the way thy talk. .
Why , I'm fat too
I haven't got a single wrinkle left in my stocking
Perhaps we shouldn't laugh
Doctor Griddlestone's getting suspicious
He keeps asking me what we've been doing ?
I can hardly get my irons on anymore . .
They aren't big enough . .
It's Mrs. Medlock I'm worried about . .
First she got suspicious because we ate too much . . .
. . and then when we started bringing things from your house . .
. and ate hardly anything at home . .
. then she got more suspicious
She's a suspicious woman
Should I give her the sack ?
No that wouldn't do any good . .
. . your father would just come back from London
Do you know what I think, Colin ?
I think you should have a tantrum
A tantrum ?
What if he doesn't feel like it ?
He doesn't have to feel like it
I don't think I could have a tantrum even if I wanted to . .
Colin? . . . not even for our secret ?
Just like Dickon says, I don't feel like it.
. . miff. .
Thar could have one
. . Somebody has to have a tantrum . . .
Dickon's not the sort . .
fake it
. . oh dear . . .
I don't feel like a tantrum either
. . ohhh. .
What's wrong with us ? . .
What's wrong with him ?
He's angry
It must be the coming of winter ! . .
There !
Run and hide !
I can't . . Dickon ! . . quick !
Open the gate. .
I hate him . I hate him . .
He and the others are discharged !
You have no right to be here, Weatherstaff
Nor has thee . . . . get thee back to the house
I suppose you'll tell Mrs Medlock
I've known where thy was all summer and I've said nought
I beg of thee . . . I beg of thee
. . get back to the house . .
I'll have no one working here who knows
I can't tell you what'd happen if he found me here
If who found you here ?
The father . . .
The father's here with some gentleman from London
Let him not find thee here
I beg of thee
I hate you . . . . . I hate everybody !!
Heaven help me from coming through the hall and getting lost in this ghost trap
Twas easier coming up the vine
Dickon what is it? .. what's happened ?
Can thy find a way to Colin's room ?
. . yes . .
Take hold of me hand Mary .
If I get lost in this wuthering houses, I'll show you what a tantrum is . . .
I thought it was going to be my father . .
Thar hasn't seen him yet ? . . . all this time ?
Then I'm not too late
W.. what are you doing here this time of night ?
What's happened ?
When thar sees the father, say nought about the garden
Of course I wouldn't
I would. . . just the same
. . when I tell you Ben's story . .
Ben Weatherstaff came to me . .
Ben ?
Tonight . . . and me in bed
. . and the wind howling . . and it's Ben off the moors . .
. Dickon .
. Ben . . a mans so afraid I've never seen .
. . afraid to tell . .
. . yet failing to come to thee or Mary, thou they might not listen
. . so he came to me
What did he say ?
Then there was the old table and broken chair . . . and the axe in the old Oak tree
Thy mother . . . .
Mary and me, we knew . .
Never told thee . .
Ben was there . . he told me all
It was an accident Mary, we were wrong to suspect
Suspect what ?
Tis of no importance
Your father loved your mother like none can tell . .
. . or so Ben says.
Twas her garden . . . . and every afternoon they took their tea under the oak
. . and none was there . . . but old Ben tending the roses
. . and then . . .
. . one day . . the limb fell.
The men carried your mother back to the house
. . and there she died after thee was born
Why do you have to tell me about . .
I must Colin
. . the garden . .
Ben stayed in the garden all that night . . he can't say why, he just did
With the sun not up yet, your father came back
His eyes were bloody ghosts from the Weepy ..
. . and his mind gone from him .. and an axe in his hand . . the axe
He tried to chop down the tree
He tried to kill the tree that killed thee mother
Chopping . chopping . . . . and the tree's stronger than thee father's crippled back
He couldn't chop it down Colin
. . and he fell to the ground
. . with the axe still in the tree
. . and the tree not dented
. and he wept like a man crazy .
. . and he cursed at Ben when Ben wouldn't finish the chopping
. and then . . twas sun up.
. and thee father got up from the ground
. .and he was a man, different . . and changed
. . and his eyes were like ice .
. yet . . burning
He swore how he'd lock the garden and bury the key
. .and if ever a human being laid eyes on it again
He'd see the garden destroyed . . . forever more
He'd tear out the vines, the roses , the lilacs . .
he'd see the trees cut down and nothing left
He'd mix salt with the earth and blight the dirt
That was what he swore
Our garden . . .
Just ten years ago . . a man can change . .
I can't believe hed still do it
You don't know it!
What kind of a man is it that would kill a growing thing ?
A bush of roses, a lily bulb waiting to bloom . .
I can't believe it
I'm not .
He could he could
I said these things to Ben
. and Ben said, 'But he loved her'.
. . and I said, 'What of that ? '
Is loving somebody a reason to kill ?
. and Ben said 'How old are thee ? '
My father must have loved my mother very much
Mother . . .
I suppose . . . .
I . . I mean, I suppose we are not old enough
There must be an awful lot we don't know . .
. . . I don't want to know . . .
I don't want to grow up !
Mary ..
You told me a story once
. . about a secret garden . .
No one but children could see . .
. . and grownups never came . .
The children were very happy . .
It's a long time . .
. . til we're grownups . . .
We're going to be happy
Nothing's ever going to happen to our garden
No one's ever going to know . . .
My father . . .
. . hide . .
. . You're awake ? . .
Where were you when I arrived this afternoon ? I asked for you . . . no one knew .
I was out of doors . .
I came back as soon as I heard you were here
Mrs. Medlock tells me you've spent much of the summer out of doors, I'm surprised
The house gets stuffy
But what do you do ? You can't run and play. .
I watch the others
Mary Lennox and the neighbour boy
Where do you go ?
Nowhere father . . just out of doors
I'm . . . . taking you to Italy for the winter
To Italy ?
Just you and I . .
I've been a wretched father . I shall try to do better
We'll not come back to England for a long long time . .
I don't want . . . . . . . I mean . . .
Who's to look after the house ?
. . and . .
So I'm selling the house
I've brought a gentleman up from London with me . . .
If he likes the house, he'll buy it, I shall know in the morning
Sell the house ?
The gardens, everything ?
Of course, why not ?
You look at me so strangely, what's the matter Colin ?
I don't want you to sell it !
This is absurd, you've always hated it. Why do you want to keep it now ?
You can't sell it !
Oh stop this nonsense . . I'm trying to help you
I won't leave it I won't !!
Colin, Colin I . .
I'd die I'd die, you can't sell it you can't you can't you can't !!!
Stop it !!!
Oh Colin, my son . . .
We'll go away, we'll rid ourselves of this place and never come back !
I've shared my curse with you . . and I can no . more . cure your poor body than you can cure my mind
But I swear to you, I swear before God, we will be happy together
While there's still time . .
I owe you everything a father . . can owe a son
We'll be very happy Papa
Thank you
We'll leave for Italy in a few days
But I couldn't help wondering while I was poking about . .
. . what stories these old country houses could tell
Century after century . . . . generation after generation . . .
. . what tragedies . . what comedies they've seen . .
Would you say you've poked about sufficiently ?
Forgive me . . I'm a man with a great deal of money and no background whatsoever
. . so that makes me a romantic.
Yes, I think I've poked about sufficiently
Shall we go in ?
Thank you
I'll give you my cheque . . our lawyers in town will arrange the balance and the transfer
Oh thank you
It's understood however that the cheque will be binding ?
It's understood . . .
If you had children . you wouldn't want to part with those gardens
I have a son, he's crippled. . he can't walk
Oh . . . . I'm sorry to hear that
I'll take the cheque . . .
What about the garden that's locked up ?
You may with it, whatever you like
I hardly dared to ask . . but I hoped you might have an outside ghost or something ?
You're a man of old family, you lock up your garden just to protect your valuable plants
I'm a business man and . . I want a . . secret garden and ghosts
If you actually expect valuable plants. . . you'll be disappointed
The garden has been locked for ten years. .
No one has been in it, in that time
It's inhabited in all probability by weeds
I beg your pardon ?
Why it's as beautifully kept a garden as I've ever seen
What ?
You saw it ?
Of course . . there was a ladder . . I climbed the ladder
You're lying . . .
I don't know what's the matter with you Mr. Craven . . . but it's your garden . . .
. . and I tell you it's magnificent !
I tell you . Nobody has been in it . for ten years !
Nobody's been in it for ten years . . . . . . . .
Ben Weatherstaff
Sir !
Get me Ben Weatherstaff !
He's somewhere in the grounds
Yes Sir
Never mind, that's all
I'm selling the house Mr. Gromlet to escape if possible . . the temptation of madness
It would seem that the Gods have arranged for me . . one last chance
I have resisted as long as I can
Mr. Craven Sir
Get away !
You must not go in there . .
Get away or I'll kill you !
The raven Dickon . .
I think it's Ben . . .
Lock the gate !
You !!
Please please Mr. Craven, we were just leaving .
Get away from me !! You can't do it again !
Please . . please Mr. Craven !
Colin !
Colin ?
Father .
It's our garden . . . . . . . please ! . .
Please don't hurt our garden . .
Papa !
oh . . . Colin . . .
You should have come sooner . . you should've seen the lilacs
Thou may see them next year, Sir
They'll be better by far . .
Next year ?
Colin will be helping us prune them . .
Thar may help us too . .