The Secret Garden (1987)

(birds chirping)
ARTISAN ENTERTAINMEN (children laughing)
I never had any friends.
When will it be spring?
You'll be driven out
back from the Garden of Eden.
Oh, I shall wear it always.
You're supposed to come
when I call you.
(woman laughing)
I'll fix Said in the morning.
I'll put a snake in her millet.
I'm going to read you
this lovely story
about a Raja and a tiger.
I just had the most
marvelous idea.
After the Governor's Ball,
why don't we go
for a breakfast picnic
along the river?
Oh, yes.
I don't think I should
feel like a picnic
after dancing all night.
Besides, I shan't be going
to the ball.
Steven has booked me
a passage to England.
He says there's some kind
of plague in
the provinces.
Oh, there's always
some kind of plague
in the provinces,
Mrs. Crawford.
I wouldn't let that stop me
from going to the ball.
I don't know what's got
into the servants.
could you see why they
aren't answering the bell?
(horns blowing)
(woman sobbing)
Where are you?
(flies buzzing)
Said is dead
and there's no one to dress me
or give me breakfast.
(flies buzzing)
(distant sobbing)
I'm sick.
(horse whinnying,
people yelling)
The servants may have
taken the child with them.
She's here, Colonel.
She's alive.
Of course I'm alive
but Said is dead,
so I shall need a new ayah.
Poor child.
I'm not a poor child.
I'm Mary Lennox
and my father has a very
important position
at Government House.
She doesn't know, Colonel.
I'm afraid there's
no easy way
to tell you
this, child.
I'm very sorry,
my dear
but your parents
are dead.
My doll!
My doll!
No, give me my doll!
She doesn't
understand, Colonel.
Awfully surprising.
Look, we'll take you
to Mrs. Crawford.
She can look after
you until other
arrangements are made.
Give me my doll!
No, give me my doll!
Get her up
here, Simon.
My doll...
(distant church bells tolling)
(voices murmuring)
Mary, you haven't
touched your tea.
Are you not hungry?
Mrs. Crawford.
Yes, she's just
over there, madam.
Mrs. Crawford?
You must be
Mrs. Medlock.
Please, do sit down.
Thank you.
Mary, this is
Mrs. Medlock
who is going to take you
to Yorkshire tomorrow.
Mr. Craven said to thank you
for bringing the little girl,
Oh, it would have been
unkind not to
since I was returning
to England anyway.
Will you have some tea?
No, thank you.
And what time will you be
calling for Mary tomorrow?
The train leaves at 7:00,
so I'll be here at 6:00.
So early?
Uh, Mary, will you be
good enough to ask
the desk clerk to send
the porter for your trunk
a little before 6:00?
She's a difficult child,
Mrs. Medlock.
But, to be fair,
it's not entirely her fault.
If her mother had carried
her pretty face
into the nursery more often
Mary might not be
quite so recalcitrant.
Hmm. Neglected
her, did she?
I know that one should not
speak ill of the dead
but Mrs. Lennox was a very
silly and shallow woman.
She was embarrassed
that Mary was plain--
at least in her eyes--
and Mary knew it.
It's kind of Mr. Craven
to take Mary
especially since
they're not related.
Oh, there's no
living relative
but as old Mr. Craven
and Captain Lennox's father
were dear friends
until they both passed on
young Mr. Craven felt obliged
to give the little
girl a home.
(train whistle blows)
I've got some nice
watercress sandwiches.
Would you like one?
I don't like English food,
only Indian.
Well, English food
is all you'll be getting
at Misselthwaite Manor,
so you better get used to it.
Oh, it was different
when Mrs. Craven was alive.
She had Cook make
all sorts of foreign dishes.
They took the recipe
out of books.
Mr. Archibald--
Mr. Craven, that is--
he didn't mind.
Oh, she was such
a sweet, pretty thing.
Nobody ever thought
she'd marry him--
not with that hump on his back--
but she did.
It's like a French
fairy tale I once read--
(speaking French)
It was about a hunchback
and a beautiful princess.
So, there is something
that interests you.
I didn't say I was interested.
These are the moors.
The moors are ugly.
And did your father
ever tell you
about Misselthwaite Manor?
Why should he?
He didn't know he was going to
die and I'd have to live there.
Very well, then.
I will.
Misselthwaite Manor
is a grand place.
It was built ages ago
and has over 100 rooms.
I don't give a tinker's damn
how many rooms there are.
Your manners
could use improving.
I don't have to be
polite to servants.
Mind yourself, missy.
I'm Mr. Craven's housekeeper
and servant to no one.
I'll overlook your
bad manners this once
seeing as how you've been
through so much sadness.
Not that you'll find much joy
at Misselthwaite Manor.
Mr. Archibald still grieves
for his wife
and won't trouble himself
with anyone.
Have a good trip,
Mrs. Medlock?
I've had worse.
Fetch Miss Mary's
trunk and use
the back stairs.
I'll tiptoe all the way.
I wouldn't want
to wake the dead.
You're to take her
directly to her rooms.
He doesn't want
to see her
and he'll be leaving
for London in the morning.
As long as I know what's
expected of me, Mr. Pitcher.
What is expected,
Mrs. Medlock
is that you make certain
that Mr. Archibald
is not disturbed
and that he doesn't see
what he doesn't
want to see.
Well... there's
a revelation.
Come on.
This is where you're
going to live, Miss Mary.
This is your bedroom.
(music playing)
And your sitting room's
just through there.
These rooms were especially
prepared for you.
Oh! I see a little supper's
been laid out for you.
You must be tired, so
eat it and go to bed.
Good night.
You can go anywhere you like
in this wing of the house
but you're not to
go poking around
anywhere else.
Mr. Archibald
won't have it
and neither will I.
Is that understood?
(wind whistling)
(distant wailing)
(wailing continues)
Morning, Mr. Weatherstaff.
Morning, Dickon.
Wishing the day in
with a song?
Just saying hello
to the morning.
If you got a minute
I'll show you a trick
I just learned.
I've work waiting on me
at the Manor.
Guess the work will wait
till I gets there.
Take yourself elsewhere,
(playing music)
Good trick.
Especially the last part.
I'm off. See you
around, Dickon.
See you about, Mr. Weatherstaff.
(clock chiming hour)
Morning, Miss.
Who are you?
Martha Sowerby.
Are you going to be
my servant?
I'm to do a bit
of cleaning up here
and a bit of waiting on you,
though judging by your size
you won't need much waiting on,
will you?
OfcourseI'll need
to be waited on.
Someone has to dress me.
Can you not
dress yourself?
Of course I can.
But in India,
my ayah dressed me.
Well, you're in Yorkshire now
and children dress themselves
as soon
as they're out of nappies.
You'll find some
lovely new garments
in the cupboard--
warm ones, bought
by Mrs. Medlock
on Mr. Archibald's orders.
I thought he troubled
himself with no one.
He don't.
It was Mrs. Medlock who told him
you'd not have proper clothing
for the cold
since you're coming from India.
And it was she who had
these rooms fixed up
all pretty for you.
I know you's wore out
from your journey
so I hope you had a good sleep.
How could I sleep with all
that crying and moaning?
This is a haunted house,
isn't it?
It was the wind you heard
withering across the moors.
It often makes a mournful sound.
You best eat your breakfast
before it gets cold.
I don't like
English food.
I've nine little
brothers and sisters
who eat the table clean
in a minute.
Nine brothers and sisters?
No doubt there'd be more
if me dad hadn't
died in his prime.
Feeding that brood's
hard on me mother
but Dickon's a help.
Who's Dickon?
He's one of our
gaggle of children.
He leaves what food
there is for the others
and he feeds hisself
out in the moors.
He says the wild goats
give him their milk
and there's lovely
greens and berries
all his for the taking.
He sounds peculiar.
He's a rare
boy, Dickie.
He talks to the animals
and they talk back.
That's the silliest thing
I've ever heard.
And when he plays his pan pipe,
wild animals stop and listen.
Animals can't talk,
and theydon'tlisten to music.
I told you Dickie
was a rare boy.
I didn't dismiss you.
You'll be making
your own bed up then.
You have my permission
to go on with your work.
Queen couldn't have said it
better herself.
I have nothing to do.
There's plenty of gardens
you can go and play in
except for the one
that's locked.
How can a garden be locked?
It can if there's
a high wall 'round it.
You'd better dress
up warm if you're
going out.
March can be a cruel month
in Yorkshire.
What are you doing?
Have you got eyes?
I'm turning the earth
for planting vegetables
when the spring comes.
It doesn't surprise me
you're rude.
All the servants here
seem to be rude.
I take it...
you're the little wench
just come from India.
I'mnot a little wench.
I'm Mary Lennox.
You may call me Miss Mary
if you like.
Where are the flower gardens?
The other side.
There are no blooms
at this time of year.
Where's the locked-up garden?
There's no door into it
so you can save yourself
the trouble of looking.
Of course there's a door.
If there wasn't a door
it wouldn't be locked.
Don't go poking your nose
where it's no cause to go.
I think everyone in Yorkshire's
mad as a hatter.
(bird chirping)
You cheeky little beggar.
Has you started courting
this early in the season?
He answered you!
Considers hisself
my friend.
I never had any friends.
Then we're
a good deal alike--
neither of us
and each of us as
sour as we look.
Do you think he'd mind
being my friend, too?
If you'll be my friend,
I'll be yours.
You said that as
nice and human
as Dickon talks to
his wild creatures.
The very...
blackberries and
heather bells know Dickon.
The foxes show him
where their cubs lies.
The skylarks don't hide
their nests from him.
(clears throat)
Off with you.
I've work to do.
I think I'll go look
for the door
into the locked garden.
All you find
is brambles and thorns.
We shall see...
shan't we?
You're Dickon, aren't you?
I was waiting for
you, Miss Mary.
How do you know my name?
And how did you know I was...
going to be here
when I didn't even know, myself?
Sometimes wishing
makes things happen.
The crow is Soot.
The fox is Captain.
The lamb is Lady.
The squirrel is Nut.
And the rabbits
just happened
to be passing.
Those are strange names
for animals.
It's what they
asked to be called.
Animals and birds can't talk.
There's ways of talking
that don't take words.
I've gathered some
wild mustard seeds
for Ben Weatherstaff.
So if you don't mind company
I'll walk back to the manor
with you.
You're sad and lonely now
but in time,
you'll find happiness
in Misselthwaite Manor.
I shall never be happy there.
And I don't want your company,
nor anyone else's.
(wind whipping)
Your bed's turned down,
and the room's all cozy.
Listen to that wind.
I looked for the door into
the locked garden again today
but I couldn't find it.
Why trouble yourself
when there's so many
other gardens you
can go and play in?
I like to know about things.
Why was that garden locked up?
But for that garden,
Mr. Archibald wouldn't
be the way he is.
What do you mean?
You'll not repeat
what I tell you?
You know I have no one
to talk to except you.
All right, then,
but mind you
I'm only telling you
what Mrs. Medlock said.
'Cause this happened long
before I came to work here.
Mrs. Craven had
that garden made
when she first came to
Misselthwaite as a bride.
And she and Mr. Archibald
would shut themselves inside
for hours and hours
like two lovebirds.
Well, if the garden
was such a happy place
why was it locked up?
Because it's where
the accident happened.
There was an old tree
in the garden
with a high branch,
bent like a seat.
And Mrs. Craven--
Lilias was her name--
she loved to climb up
and sit on the branch
and read when
she was alone.
Well, one day,
the branch broke
and she hurt herself so bad,
she died the next day.
And Mr. Craven was
so wild with grief
that he locked up the garden
and threw away the key?
That's what
Mrs. Medlock said.
But how didyouknow?
I didn't.
You just told me.
If there's a key...
there must be a door.
AndIintend to find it.
(disembodied moaning)
Someone must have left the door
open downstairs
to cause
such a terrible draft.
You heard it, too,
didn't you?
I heard what?
Someone crying.
I told you.
The wind often makes
a mournful sound.
No, it wasn't the wind.
It was human.
And if it wasn't human,
it was a ghost.
It was the wind you heard,
wuthering across the moors.
Good night, Miss Mary.
(disembodied moaning)
(moaning grows louder)
Morning, Mr.
From my mother.
She baked
this morning.
My thanks to her.
There's nobody bakes better
bread than Susan Sowerby.
She'll be pleased
to hear that.
Not a day
she don't go looking
for the door
into the locked garden.
But she won't find it.
It is better so.
Have you ever been in the
garden, Mr. Weatherstaff?
We'll not talk
about that garden.
Well, Miss Mary
won't give up.
There's a stubbornness in her.
But there's also a need.
I'm off.
See you about,
Mr. Weatherstaff.
I have nothing to do
when it rains.
Mrs. Medlock has
wool to spare.
You could knit.
I don't know how.
You could read.
I haven't any books.
Oh, there's thousands of books
in Mr. Archibald's library.
Mrs. Medlock said
I wasn't to go anywhere
except in this wing.
The libraryis
in this wing.
But finding it's
a bit tricky
so I'll tell you how.
(crickets chirping)
What are you doing here?
You don't have toshout.
I got lost going to
the library, and...
well, I heard
someone crying.
Old houses are full
of strange sounds.
I know what I heard.
It was someone crying.
Well, perhaps you're right.
Betty, who works
in the scullery
has been carrying on all day
because she has a toothache.
Come, let me take you
to your room.
Morning, Miss.
Who are you?
It's Martha's free day
and she's gone to the cottage to
give her mum a hand.
Is your... toothache gone?
The toothache you didn't have.
Uh, Betty,
Cook wants you in the scullery.
It's terribly muddy out
because of the rain.
I thought we'd go
into the village this morning
and buy you
a sturdier pair of shoes.
It'll be a nice little outing
for you as well.
I know you're lonely.
When Mr. Archibald comes back,
I shall speak to him
and ask him to get
a governess for you.
I had governesses
in India.
None of them
stayed very long.
They didn't like me.
Oh, I'm sure
that's not true.
Idon't lie.
What a dreadful thing to say.
Well, it's true.
You lied to me yesterday
about Betty having a toothache
and there's
behind that tapestry
that you don't want me
to know about., eight, nine
ten, 11, 12
13, 14, 15
16, 17, 18
19, 20, 21
22, 23, 24
25, 26, 27...
I just got
this skipping rope
from Martha
last night
and I'm already
very good at it.
Well, maybe there is
somechild's blood
in your veins, after all.
I've decided to skip a hundred
times without stopping.
One, two...
Pride goeth before a fall.
...four, five
six, seven...
...94, 95, 96
97, 98, ninety--
Have you begun courting yet,
you cheeky little beggar?
Are you looking for food?
The key!
And if there's a key
there must be a door.
(wind howling)
(branch snaps)
(bird chirping)
It's my garden now.
My own secret garden.
Is Dickon good
at making things grow?
He can make things grow
just by whispering to them.
When will it be spring?
Spring comes on sudden
in Yorkshire.
You'll wake up one morning
and the moors'll be
all purple
with heather.
I'll go and turn
your bed down now.
I wish I had
a little spade.
Whatever for?
Well, if I had a spade,
I can make a garden.
A vegetable garden.
I'd make it next to
thebigvegetable garden.
It'd give me
something to do.
There's a shop
in 'Thwaite Village
that has gardening sets
for children.
There's a fork and a spade
and a rake, all tied together.
But it will cost
two shillings.
Oh, I've got more than that.
Much more.
My mother used to give me money
on my birthday
so I could buy a present
for myself
but I never did.
Well, if you give me
the two shillings
I'll give it to the butcher boy
when he comes
and he'll pass it
on to Dickon.
Dickon'll go and get
your gardening set for you.
(flute playing)
I've brought
your gardening set.
If you show me where you
want to make your garden
I'll be pleased
to help you start it.
If I tell you a secret
will you promise
not to tell anyone else?
If it's what you want.
I've stolen a garden.
I had to.
It was locked up
and no one's taken care of it
for ages and ages.
And I'm not giving
it back.
A garden's not for
givin' or takin'.
A garden
belongs to all.
You found the door.
It was meant to be.
I was hoping it would
look different than before
but it doesn't.
Everything still
looks dead.
It's how I thought
it'd be.
If you look deep
you see it still
has a green heart.
Could be others this wick, too.
In Yorkshire,
wick means live.
Even the thorny ones?
They've run wild and
attached themselves
Some will have died.
But the strong ones
will be wick
and once the dead
wood's cut away
there'll be roses.
There'll be roses.
Where haveyoubeen?
Mr. Archibald is back
and he wants to see you.
Why does he want
to see me?
I imagine it's
about the governess.
I mentioned it
to Mr. Pitcher
and he said he'd pass it on
to Mr. Archibald.
Come here.
Don't be afraid.
I know children usually
find me frightening
but I'm quite harmless,
I assure you.
You're too thin.
You resemble your father.
I only met him once
when we were boys
but I remember him.
I envied him because he
was on his way to Harrow
and I was too ill
to go away to school.
I havealwaysbeen ill.
I'm sorry.
Are they taking
good care of you?
You find me repulsive,
don't you?
You look...
you look different
from other people
but not repulsive.
Yes, I look different.
If we met in the dark,
would you scream and run away?
I might
but it would only be
because it's the first time.
Honesty is rare.
I value it.
Are you happy here?
I like India better.
This is a sad house
for a child.
We accept what we must.
Oh, I meant to get
a governess for you.
I forgot.
I'll see to it...
Uh... please, can I go without
a governess for a while?
I'm just getting used
to being here.
And, when I came here,
I wasn't very well
but now I'm getting
it's because I'm out a lot.
And, well, if I had lessons,
I wouldn't be out as much.
And... besides, I'm
ahead on my studies.
Um, I know French.
I'm good at history
and I read a lot.
Very well.
Governess can wait.
Is there anything
you need or want?
Please, could I have
a bit of earth?
To make a garden?
I love gardens.
There was once someone...
someone very dear to me...
who loved gardens, too.
Take your bit of earth,
whatever you...
Go now, leave me.
Thank you.
Miss Mary?
I think he's
the saddest man
I've ever seen.
Like the hunchback
of Notre Dame
who died because
he loved Esmerelda.
(thunder crashing)
(thunder crashing)
(sobbing continues)
Are... are you a ghost?
No. I thought you were.
S-stay away from me.
I'm Mary Lennox.
I came here from India
so Mr. Archibald Craven
could be my guardian.
Are you sure you're not a ghost?
Touch me.
If I'm a ghost
your hand will go
right through mine.
You feel real.
I am.
Who are you?
Colin Craven.
My father is master
of Misselthwaite Manor.
Your father?
Why didn't someone tell me
he had a son?
'Cause no one's allowed
to talk about me.
Because I won't have it.
Neither will my father.
Because I'm going
to have a hump on my back
like he has.
Is that why you
cry all the time?
Don't you ever go
out of this room?
No. If people
look at me
I have a fit
and get a fever.
I'm looking at you, and
you're not having a fit.
I might.
Well, you can save yourself
the trouble.
Now that I know you're human,
not a spirit or ghost
I'm going back to bed.
You'll stay.
I... I have no one to talk to
except my nurse
and she's away on holiday.
I don't have to stay
if I don't want to.
You said you came from India.
I want to know about India.
You can read about
India in books.
Reading makes my head ache.
Well, if I were your father,
I'd make you read
so you could learn about things.
No one can make me do anything.
Why not?
Because I'm sick
and I probably won't live
to grow up.
Do you want to live?
Not if I'm going
to have a hump on my back...
like my father.
You're the cryingest boy
I've ever seen.
I'm going back to bed.
You'll stay
till I say you can go.
You can't make me stay
if I don't want to.
Yes, I can.
Everyone has to do as I say
because I'm going to die.
People who talk about dying
are boring.
I'm going.
You may go now.
But you will come again
I might if I don't have
anything else to do.
You shouldn't have
done it, Miss Mary.
You shouldn't have gone
looking for Master Colin.
Well, if you would
have told me Mr.
Craven had a boy
I wouldn't have
gone looking for
who was crying.
But no one is allowed
to talk about him or see him.
Well, then, how do
you know I saw him?
Because Master Colin
told me.
I'm the one
who has to look after him
when his nurse is away.
I'll be blamed
for telling you
and I'll lose
my place here.
You won't lose
your place here
because I'm not going
to tell anybody
that I saw him
and no one's going
to know except you.
But Master Colin says
if you don't come now
he'll scream and scream
until he brings the house down.
We'll see about that.
You said you'd come.
I said I might.
Might is only maybe
and I don't care
if you scream
till you're blue
in the face.
I suppose as long as I'm here,
I might as well stay.
Bring a stool
and sit next to me.
I never had to do anything
for myself in India.
The English people
are lords and masters there
you know?
No, I didn't know.
You don't know anything,
do you?
You're trying to see
the lump on my back...
aren't you?
Bother your lump.
I'm just thinking
about how different
you are from Dickon.
He's Martha's
If she wasn't so scared of you
she probably would have told you
about him.
Dickon's not like
anyone in the world.
Well, because
he can charm animals and birds.
He talks to them,
and they talk back.
That's magic!
Dickon's my friend--
the first friend I ever had.
Then I shall order him
to be my friend, too.
You don't know anything,
do you?
You can't order someone
to be your friend.
They have to want to be.
How dare you permit
a stranger in the sickroom?
She's not a stranger,
and I want her here.
Calm yourself,
Master Colin.
You know excitement
makes you ill.
You're the one who's
making me so ill.
Go away!
You're to rest now.
I insist.
The vicar is ailing,
so I'll get on to him
and return tomorrow.
Yes, Doctor.
So, Miss Mary found
our little tyrant.
Master Colin actually
wanted her there.
I always said
what Master Colin needs
is the company
of another child.
What Master Colin needs
is a father who don't treat him
like another plague
that's being visited on him.
Anyway, it's done.
And to tell the truth,
I'm relieved, in a way.
It's been no easy
thing trying to
keep Miss Mary
from finding out
about Master Colin.
Still, it's fortunate
that Mr. Archibald
left for Cornwall
this morning.
Dr. Craven saw Miss
Mary with Master Colin.
He won't tell.
He's Mr. Archibald's cousin
and down to inherit
the manor one day
so he's not about
to get Mr. Archibald angry.
We'll have none of that!
I've known Dr. Craven
since he and Mr. Archibald
were boys.
It was seeing
Mr. Archibald suffer
that turned Dr. Craven
to medicine
so, you just watch yourself,
my girl.
(church bell ringing)
Go and see what's keeping
your brothers and sisters.
Okay, Mam.
Mrs. Medlock.
Morning, Mrs. Sowerby.
How's the little girl
getting on, Mrs. Medlock--
the one that
come from India?
(clearing throat)
Go and help your brother.
There are times when
her rudeness and arrogance
made me wish
she'd never left India.
Still, I suppose
Martha's told you that.
My Martha doesn't gossip
about what goes on
up at the manor.
But she has asked my advice
about how to deal
with the little girl.
I could use your advice,
Mrs. Sowerby.
After all,
you have had ten children.
Not two of them alike.
Yes, but even so.
Well, if it's not
too forward of me
I will tell you
what I told Martha.
A firm hand
is needed.
But there's also the need
to see what's behind it
when a child acts up.
From what
Martha told me
there's a lot of hurt
inside that little girl.
Seems to me she's like
one of those wild creatures
that Dickon finds
out on the moors sometimes
caught in a snare or a trap.
It strikes
out at Dickon
when he's trying
to help them
but in the end, they...
he wins their trust
with his gentleness.
My carriage is waiting,
so I'll be running along.
Good morning,
Mrs. Sowerby.
(bell ringing)
(bell ringing)
How did you get
so much done?
It's been raining
for two days.
I like the rain.
So does the garden.
Come. I've something
to show you.
They bloomed!
Crocuses and snow drops
and daffodils are always
the first to say
spring's on the way.
when will the
roses bloom?
Not till June.
Oh, it's only
the beginning of April.
June's such a long way away.
But when they bloom
there'll be curtains
and fountains of roses.
Curtains and fountains
of roses?
But not unless the
dead wood's cut away.
And the earth is softened
so they can drink the rain.
There's lots to be done.
Well, tell me
what you want to do
and I'll do it.
If you'll clean
the flower urns
I'll bring fresh earth
to put in them.
I'm going to tell you
another secret, Dickon.
There's a sick boy who lives
in Misselthwaite Manor.
And no one's allowed
to see him.
But I saw him.
It's Master Colin
you're talking about.
You know about him?
Did Martha tell you?
Me mother.
Mrs. Craven fell
from the tree
and the fall
brought on her
baby too soon.
Me mother knows midwifing
so she was called in
to help the doctor
with the birthing.
It was a miracle,
me mother said
how Miss Craven held on
to life
long enough to bring her baby
into the world.
You still thinking
about Master Colin?
He says he's going
to have a lump on his back
like his father,
and he'd rather be dead.
I doubt he means that.
Though he probably wishes
he'd never been born.
And that's just as bad.
Those who feel unwanted
scarce ever thrive.
I thrived,
and I didn't feel wanted.
My mother didn't like me.
Did you
like yourself?
That's where liking
has to begin.
I didn't even like myself.
I wasn't pretty.
And I wanted to be
because my mother only
liked pretty things.
Colin thinks
he's ugly, too.
That's why his father can't bare
to look at him
and never comes
to see him.
Poor lad.
There's not
been much joy
in his life.
Have you told
him about your
secret garden?
No, but I'm going to,
It'll give him something
to think about
besides feeling sorry
for himself.
What time do you think it is?
Oh, well, past 3:00.
I've been out all day
without stopping for lunch.
Someone may be looking
for me.
Bring your animals tomorrow.
If they don't want to play
on the moors again like today.
Where's Mary?
Where is she?
I want to see Mary.
Where is she? Mary!
Master Colin is causing
a terrible fuss
'cause you've not been
to see him all day.
I don't have to see him
if I don't want to.
Nurse Boggs is just back
from a holiday
and she's got things
to see to.
You'd be doing her
a kindness.
Where's Mary?
Where is she?!
I waited and waited.
Where were you all day?
With Dickon.
If you go to him
instead of coming to me
I'll have him banished.
Who do you think
you are-- the
Raja of Punjab?
If you don't come,
I'll have you dragged here.
You're mean and selfish.
You're the one
who's selfish!
All you think
about is yourself
and feeling sorry
for yourself.
You'd feel sorry
for yourself, too
if you had a lump
and you were going
to die.
You say things
like that
because you want people
to feel sorry for you.
I was going to tell
you something special
but now I'm not.
I hate you!
Good. Now I don't
have any reason
to come see you,
and I won't!
I'm Master
Colin's nurse.
I feel sorry for you.
If he had a vixen of a sister
like you, he might get well.
I don't care
if he doesn't get well.
If we were in India,
I'd put a snake in his bed.
(wind howling)
(yelling in distance)
Master Colin's worked himself
up into a terrible state
and I can't calm him.
I'm afraid he's going
to do himself harm.
Get off me!
Go away! Go away!
(both screaming)
Stop it!
It would be a good thing
if everyone ran away
and left you here
to scream yourself to death!
That's better.
If you scream again,
I'll scream, too.
And I can scream
much louder
and much longer
than you can.
I only screamed
'cause I felt the lump
in my back growing bigger.
Can I feel the lump?
Certainly not.
I want her to.
Oh, let her, Mrs. Medlock.
Or there'll be
no end to this.
Turn over.
There's no lump.
Yes, there is.
You've just got
a knobby spine
and knobby ribs
like I have.
So if you ever talk
about lumps again,
I'm going to laugh.
I'm going to die.
Is he?
Well, a specialist
from London said
Master Colin would improve
if he act well
and got out into the air.
You tell her.
You've been frail and sickly
since you were born,
Master Colin.
That's all I know.
I've always hoped
you'd outgrow your ailments.
I still hope.
I'm worn out.
Can you manage without me now?
I want you
to go.
You, too.
Only Mary can stay.
Well, that's up to Miss Mary
to decide.
Will you stay with me, Mary?
Well, since you said please.
But if you scream again,
I'll smother you with a pillow.
And she would, too.
Thank God
Mr. Archibald is still away.
Or we'd be answerable
to him for this brouhaha.
Thank God, indeed.
I just as soon
be spared another
distressing scene.
You said you'd had something
wonderful to tell me.
Will you tell me now?
You don't deserve to
be told... but I will
if you swear not
to tell anyone else.
Nodding doesn't count.
All right, I swear.
There's a secret garden
and I have been in it.
A secret garden?
The door was hidden
and it took me forever
to find it, but I did.
No one had taken care
of it for so long
that it became
a wild tangle.
Everything looked dead.
But Dickon said that
some of the roses
were still alive.
And when they bloom
there will be curtains
and fountains of roses.
The first time I saw it
it was like an evil
witch's garden.
Ugly and scary.
But Dickon and I have
worked and worked
and now it's beginning
to get beautiful.
Everything was gray.
But now...
it's like a green veil
hanging over the garden.
A robin made
its nest there.
In one of the trees.
I call him Beggar.
There are holy men in India
called dervishes
who whirl and whirl
until they go mad.
That's what Colin was like
last night.
It's being lonely
that makes him
act like does.
I was lonely in India
but I didn't have fits
like that.
That's not true.
If my governesses didn't do
what I want
I'd have terrible fits.
No wonder
they didn't like me.
I thought reading
makes your head ache.
I'm just looking
at the pictures.
I told Nurse to bring me
a book on flowers
and she brought this one
from the library
but I can't tell
what the names are.
Oh, flower books always
use the Latin names.
Do you know Latin?
No, but I know a poem
that was first written
in Latin.
"I do not love
thee, Dr. Fell.
"The reason why
I cannot tell.
"But this alone
I know full well.
I do not love
thee, Dr. Fell"
I like that.
Do you know any other poems?
Oh, there are lots
of poetry books
in your father's library.
Will you read some
of the poems to me?
I'll think about it.
You smell nice.
It's the wind from
the moors you smell.
Oh, it's springtime
and out of doors
smells so greatly.
I never heard you
talk that way before.
I've given thee a bit Yorkshire.
There's a Yorkshire lad.
Doesn't understand
Yorkshire talk.
Oh, it's a wonder there is not
a shame to thy face.
Sometimes Dickon forgets
and talks Yorkshire to me.
I like it.
I'd like to hear him
talk Yorkshire.
How can you if you
don't want anyone
to look at you?
I don't think I'd mind
if Dickon looked at me.
You mean that?!
Yes. Yes.
Well, wonders never cease.
Colin, Dickon's here.
(sheep bleating)
(crow cawing)
I brought my creatures.
Speak gently,
and he'll take to you.
Your squirrel
looks sleepy.
I didn't know animals are
so friendly, Dickon.
(birds singing)
You hurt me!
Stop being
such a crybaby!
This is your
first time out
so it's to be
only for an hour.
It'll be for as long
as I want!
Don't stand there like a stick.
Push me.
I hope this isn't a mistake.
I'm all for it.
It's wrong for the boy
to be locked away
like he wasn't
fit to be seen.
John's right, Nurse.
Master Colin can't spend
his whole life
in a world
of his own making.
His making or
his father's?
Oh, it comes
to the same thing.
Well, one thing is sure.
Mary Quite Contrary isn't about
to take any guff
from Master Colin.
All clear?
Safe as churches.
I wasn't really yelling
at you, Dickon.
We talked it over
and decided
if we were nasty
no one would get suspicious.
I figured
that out myself.
Go faster, Dickon.
No. In case someone happens
to see us
we don't want them
to know
we're going
somewhere special.
(birds singing)
(bird singing)
This is a magic garden.
It will make me well
and I'll live forever and ever.
I'm done turning
down the beds
so I'll give you
a hand if you like.
Oh, I'm not about
to say no.
You know, I was looking
at Miss Mary tonight.
She was all plain and scrawny
when she first came here
and now
she's getting quite pretty.
It's all Yorkshire rain.
Makes the flowers
and children bloom.
No, she's changing
in other ways, too.
I mean, she's still haughty
but not nearly as much.
Her airs come from being spoiled
when she lived in India.
No. I think
it was the other way around.
I think it was hurt and neglect
that made her act so bad.
You're deep as a river
and twice as murky.
Mr. Archibald's back.
If you can't bring good news,
don't bring any.
Well, this'll
cheer you.
Mr. Pitcher said
he'd be off again soon.
(baby birds singing)
Oh, stop.
Wait. You're going too fast.
Get away!
Stop! Wait, wait.
You can run faster
than I can, can't you?
Get away!
No, you're not.
(door opening)
Mr. Pitcher
did you find
the sleeping powders?
Fortunately, or there'd be
no rest for him tonight.
Any idea when you'll
be returning?
It may be months.
We're to travel
on the continent:
Italy, Spain,
You'd rather be anywhere
than here?
With good reason.
Well, the trunks
are strapped.
Good-bye, Mrs. Medlock.
Safe journey, Mr. Pitcher.
Thank you.
(door closing)
(birds chirping)
Do you think we'llever
get finished, Dickon?
What's been left
undone for years
can't be done
in weeks.
I wishIcould help.
We're being spied on.
Come in here.
He knows now.
We'll be driven out
like from the Garden of Eden.
This way.
Look at all the work
we've done.
Oh, the hours
you must've put in.
I was up on
the ladder.
Poor, crippled boy.
I'm not a poor, crippled boy.
You stood up.
You're frail.
But you're no cripple.
And you're not dimwitted.
Who said I was dimwitted?
Fools, that's who.
But why have you locked
yourself away?
Well, I thought I was going
to have a lump on my back.
My father hates me.
Your father doesn't hate you,
Master Colin.
Then why doesn't he come
to see me except when
he thinks I'm sleeping?
Maybe it's because he wants to
spare youhispain and grief.
I want you to promise me
that you won't tell anyone else
about our secret garden.
I worked with your mother
to make this garden.
And I'll work again to make
it like it once was.
You mean, you'll help us?
Now I'm the only one
that can't help.
Dig a little spade in the rose
I potted this morning.
Wh-What are you doing?
Dig a hole.
The earth is soft.
Hold it firm
with one hand.
Push the earth around
it, and tamp it down.
Look here, Colin.
You just planted
your first rose.
There's one.
Nurse Boggs tells me
you've been going out every day.
You mustn't overdo it,
Master Colin.
I'll do as I please.
Your father has
entrusted me
with your care,
Master Colin.
Well,Idon't trust
you, so go away.
I'll see you
out, Doctor.
Why does he dislike me so?
I only want him to be well.
It's all I've wanted
since the day
I brought him
into the world
and breathed life into him.
I doubt he truly dislikes
you, Dr. Craven.
Sick children often
vent their anger
on those least...
You're wrong
about Dr. Craven.
He wants you to get well.
He wouldn't let you
be so rude to him
if you weren't
such a poor, pitiful thing.
I'm not a poor, pitiful thing.
I stood up
for a whole minute yesterday
didn't I?
And from now on, I'm going
to try and stand up every day.
And when I'm good at it,
I'm going to try walking.
Well, it's about time.
Pick up your feet, Colin.
It won't work unless
you pick up your feet.
I'm trying.
Try harder.
I'm tired.
Take me back to my chair.
It comes odd
because your muscles are
soft from not being used.
We have a neighbor,
Bob Allworth
whose legs was
all spindly once.
And now... he's a
champion runner.
It came from
the exercises
he'd done.
Could you show me how
to do the exercises?
Could you, Dickon?
Aye, give me your leg.
Now push against me.
Ow! That
hurts, Dickon.
Come on, Colin.
No, Colin.
Colin, you've got
to try harder. Stop.
(birds chirping)
It's nice out.
You're not going to stay in bed
all day, are you, Colin?
Colin doesn't care anymore
if I come to see him or not.
I don't know
what to do, Dickon.
Colin will find his way
and you'll be the one
that helps him find it.
The way will come to you.
What are you doing?
We're just going to go
up and down the corridors
'cause it's raining, and I don't
have anything else to do.
He's been doing so well.
The boy in the picture
looks like you.
That's why I thought
you were a ghost the
first time I saw you.
He's dead, of course,
but you're alive.
I smell roses.
This was
your mother's room, Colin.
She loved
the secret garden
so shemust
have loved roses.
(Colin sniffles)
Sometimes, it's all right
to cry, Colin.
She's beautiful, Colin.
As beautiful as a princess
in a fairy tale.
Why did you let your father
cover her picture?
I'm the one that
had it covered.
I didn't want my mother
to see the lump...
growing on my back.
Oh, Colin,
she would have loved you
even if you did
have a lump.
And I think she wants you
to try and keep on walking, too.
(wind howling)
Till I can walk--
really walk--
no one will know but you.
Well, the roses bloomed.
Even though it's been raining
for days and days.
They knew it was June.
Where you tend a rose
a thistle can not grow.
I'm just thinking about
what Ben Weatherstaff said
about roses and thistles.
He was talking about us.
About us?
Yes, ugly thoughts
are like thistles.
And beautiful thoughts
are like roses.
As long as my head was filled
with ugly thoughts
I didn't have room
for a pretty one.
And I was mean
all of the time.
And as long as
you thought about
a lump growing
on your back
you were nasty and rude.
Thistles and roses.
Thistles and roses.
Hey there.
? He is coming,
my dove, my dear ?
? She is coming,
my life, my fate ?
? The red rose cries,
"She is near, she is near" ?
? And the white rose weeps,
"She is late" ?
? The larkspur listens,
I hear, I hear... ?
And the lily whispers,
"I wait."
Come here,
Hurry up.
Come on.
I have an announcement
to make.
I've decided
that when I grow up
I'm going to do important
experiments with magic.
You know a little bit
about magic
because where you grew up
in India, they have fakirs.
And you can charm animals
so you know
some magic, too.
I'm now going
to show you
my first magic experiment.
This... is my first experiment.
You walked, you walked
all by yourself.
I've been
Every night after Nurse Boggs
went to bed, I practiced.
Praise God.
You're in.
So you might as well come in
all the way.
I was just passing,
and I heard voices.
But never did I envision
what I've just seen.
Master Colin
up and walking.
No cause to worry.
She's my mother, Susan Sowerby.
Since you're Dickon's mother
I guess I don't mind
you knowing I can walk now.
I don't want anyone else
to know.
Surely you want
your father to know?
Well, not yet.
I want to
surprise him.
When he comes home,
I shall walk to him and say
"I can walk now, Father,
and I shall grow up
and make you
proud of me."
It has to be that way.
That's part of the magic.
I never knew it
by that name
but what does
a name matter?
Call it magic,
call it a miracle.
Call it a touch of
the hand of God.
It's the good, big thing,
Master Colin.
And I hope you'll never stop
believing in it.
Oh, he won't.
He won't.
I'll be back
in a little while
to put you to bed,
Master Colin.
I hope Dr. Craven isn't
getting suspicious.
When he was here before
he noticed that my legs
were getting stronger
and that I'm
getting fatter.
Maybe he'll think
I'm bloated.
Sick people get
bloated, don't they?
Dead people get bloated
when they're left
out in the sun.
I once saw
a dead beggar...
In India...
who wassobloated
he looked like a melon
about to burst.
I don't like talking
about dead people
or dying.
I know, but you
used to.
You're not rude
to Dr. Craven anymore either.
I know.
I used to think
that he wanted
me to die
but now I know
he doesn't.
do you like Dickon
more than you like me?
Well, I-I mean, I don't
mind if you like Dickon.
I just want you
to like me.
Oh, I like you
the same...
but different.
(pan pipe music)
I have a present
for you.
It's beautiful!
I picked it out
from a catalog.
And Miss Medlock
ordered it
all the way
from London.
I shall wear it always.
Sir Archibald...
Sir Archibald.
It's time for your medicine,
Mr. Archibald.
Also, this letter just arrived
from your solicitor.
Shall I see what it is?
Another letter
is enclosed.
Shall I read it?
"Dear Sir:
"I am Susan Sowerby,
who is Martha's mother
"who works for you
in Misselthwaite Manor.
"I am making bold
to speak to you.
"Please, sir
"I would come home
if I were you.
"I think you would be glad
you came
"and if you will
excuse me, sir...
"I think your lady
would want you to come
"if she were here.
Your obedient servant,
Susan Sowerby"
What is it?
I dreamed of Lilias.
I've an errand
to run.
So I'm off to
'Thwaite Village now.
You'll come back,
won't you?
You have to push me
back to the house.
Aye, I'll be back.
The game's not played out yet.
I like that.
"The game's not played out."
I'm glad you're
my friend, Dickon.
always be my friend,
won't you?
We'll be parted,
you and me
but remembrance
will keep us friends.
(bird crowing)
why did Dickon say
we'd be parted?
How can he
know that?
Dickon knows things
no one else knows.
almost over.
I know.
What will we do
all winter, Mary?
We'll probably
go to school.
We're both too old
for governesses
and you're well now.
Perhaps we can go
to the same school.
Girls go to girl school
and boys to boys'.
Suppose there's
no help for it.
Better sit down
for a bit.
I wish we didn't have
to go to different schools.
We'll write letters
to each other.
But it won't be
the same.
And we won't be
able to come
to our secret garden.
Oh, our garden will be here
when we come back.
And while
we're away
we can think about
how beautiful it is
and how it's
waiting for us.
Get up.
Get up and walk.
Come on.
You know
you can do it.
You know you can.
Please, Colin.
Come on.
Go... go.
Oh, my boy!
My son!
Don't cry, Father.
I'm well now.
I can walk.
And I'm going
to live forever.
It was the
secret garden
that made me
well, Father.
My mother's garden.
And it was Mary
who made me walk.
Thank you.
Come see our garden.
Ben Webster.
You'll be needing this
to unlock the garden.
it's been so long.
I didn't know you,
you've changed so.
I grew up.
You know about Dickon.
Mrs. Medlock wrote to me.
She wrote with such love,
such compassion.
You touched her heart
and warmed it.
Killed in the war.
In a forest
called the Argonne.
If Dickon had to die
he would've chosen a place
where there were green
and growing things.
But to die so young.
Who was to know?
Dickon knew.
Dickon knew.
Come on.
I'll unlock
the garden for you.
(birds chirping)
I've dreamt
about the garden
but even in my dreams,
it was never this beautiful.
You did it, Ben.
All these years.
They were a promise
to be kept.
As Mr. Archibald lay dying,
he said to me
"Tend the garden, Ben.
"Someday the children
will come back
"and when they do
their garden
must be a magic place."
And it is.
Where you tend a rose
a thistle cannot grow.
I wasn't sure
the hospital
would release you.
Do you think I'd let
a little shrapnel
stop me?
When I was at Oxford
I asked you to marry me.
When I was in France
I wrote to you
and asked you
to marry me.
Why wouldn't you give me
an answer, Mary?
I wanted you to ask me
here in our garden.
I should have known.
Will you marry me,
Mary Lennox?
Of course.