The Secret of NIMH 2: Timmy to the Rescue (1998)

In the beginning, they were
just ordinary street rats
until they were captured
by man and taken to NIMH,
The National Institute for Mental Health.
They went through experiments.
For some strange reason,
they'd become intelligent.
They found they could read.
So they escaped through the vents.
None of them would have survived
were it not for the bravery
of that great mouse, Jonathan Brisby.
But, alas, he could not save himself.
The wisest of creatures,
the Great Owl once said,
"Jonathan Brisby was the bravest
of them all."
Tonight, we journey to Thorn Valley.
We must leave no evidence
that the rats of NIMH ever existed.
Jonathan Brisby's widow
and family stayed behind
in the home they'd always known.
The prophet, Nicodemus, predicted
that NIMH will thrust its evil on the rats.
And a son of Jonathan Brisby
will be chosen to save them.
-I'm gonna catch up. Watch out, Timmy.
-No way.
Last one back's a load of kitty litter.
Hey, get back here.
-See you, Timmy.
Hey, come back!
Time for a shortcut.
What's going on?
I think we've caught one, Dr. Valentine.
Help! I'm trapped! Martin, help!
I told him to stay on the path.
He never listens.
Martin, help me.
Lift the door.
It has to be one
of the escaped rats, doctor.
He was smart enough to undo the latch.
They must be close.
It's them!
This was our last race together,
and I ruined it.
I'm sorry, Martin.
No. I'll be the sorry one
if something happens to you, hero.
Don't call me that, Martin.
You're the hero type, not me.
-Nicodemus should've chosen you.
-For once, you're right.
I'm older and stronger than you.
If Thorn Valley
wanted Jonathan Brisby's son,
why'd they pick the runt?
It's true.
-I mess up everything.
-Look, I'm sorry, Timmy.
You'll do great. Really.
Come on, or you'll miss your flight.
Wait a minute.
I've got something for you. Here.
-A going-away present.
-Golly. For real?
Teach me.
Wow! What a shot!
Just set your sights,
concentrate on the target,
then let her rip.
Come on, you can do this.
Aim a little high now,
and fire!
That's using your head, hero.
I know you're trying, but remember,
"Some try. Brisbys do."
When I grow up,
I wanna be just like you, Martin.
Yeah, well, I think everybody else
got a different mouse in mind.
I can do it. Just like...
Landing gear down. I said...
I'm hit! I'm hit! Mayday! Mayday!
Prepare for a water landing!
Oh, my!
Are you okay, Jeremy?
I'm okay. No problem.
I'll fly Timmy to Thorn Valley. No problem.
The white zone is for the loading
and unloading of passengers only.
There. Now, son, you listen
to your teachers, Justin and Mr. Ages.
-Okay, but...
What do you do
if you're ever really in trouble?
Run. What else?
I'm to find the Great Owl
just like you did, but...
That's my boy.
But, Mom, I don't wanna go.
We all know what your father
meant to the rats of Thorn Valley.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. He helped them get away
from NIMH. Pop was a real hero.
That's right. And?
And they want me to be like him, but...
But nothing. Okay, hero, let's saddle up.
Come on, Jeremy, time to make tracks.
That's exactly why I'm here.
So, let's hit the road.
When I say road,
I mean that highway in the sky, actually.
Keep it. Someday, you'll figure it out.
-I'll miss you, Martin.
You're the best big brother ever.
Are you sure you know the way, Jeremy?
Piece of cake, Mrs. B.
Thorn Valley is...
You know...
Why, it's...
South by south by south.
Right. Right.
South by... What you said exactly.
As the crow flies.
Bye, Mom.
Bye, Timmy. Be good.
Don't forget to write.
-So long.
-Bye, Martin!
A little momentum.
Hold on to my feathers. Here we go.
Whoa! I lost altitude. My right rudder.
Okay, everybody. We have liftoff! All right!
Watch over our son, Jonathan.
Well, my nephew is off to a grand future.
-What a lucky boy.
-Yeah. Lucky is right.
I'm older and stronger, but...
But he gets to go.
It's not our decision, Martin.
The great Nicodemus foretold it.
Big hairy deal.
-Some old rat says he gets to...
-Don't be rude!
Nicodemus wasn't
just an old rat, young man. He was...
I don't care who he was.
I have a destiny, too.
It's just not fair!
-The heck with him.
He always was a rude little piglet.
So, kiddo, how you doing?
-I'm okay.
"Okay"? "Okay"? That's it?
Well, I guess I'm just wondering
why Thorn Valley's so great.
That's easy. I mean...
Thorn Valley's great because...
Well, because...
Because there's nowhere else like it.
Nowhere else comes close.
It's the past, the future.
It's a blast!
It's the most sophisticated city.
In a sleepy village, green.
From the ice age to the mice age,
and everything in between!
Come! Make the most of your life!
Jeremy, this is awesome!
-It's Tim Brisby!
-There he is!
Hello down there!
-There it is, Jeremy!
-I'm coming. I'm coming. Hold on.
Pull up, Jeremy. Pull up!
You wanna relax
Then take what you please
There's candy galore
And it's all made of cheese
Wherever you look
Another surprise
Just stick around
You won't believe your eyes
Come make the most of your life
The finest way, the spicest life
You'll ever spend the micest life
Come on, find out what it's like
You'll want to play ball
And hit a home run
You'll want to play loud
You could be number one
So lie on your back
And float down the stream
Or hold your breath
And shut your eyes and scream!
That's it! That's it!
Come make the most of your life
The wildest acrobatest life
The nicest and the rattest life
Come on, find out what it's like
You wanna invent, you wanna explore
To come up with things
No one thought of before
To aim for the stars
You set your sights high
You won't know if it works until you try
Come make the most of your life
The sorcerer's apprentice
Scientificest rodentest
Come on, find out what it's like
Come on in to the greatest kind of life
To the best and the latest kind of life
The tried and the true
The newer than new
The way that the world should be
Help yourself to the greatest things in life
To the best and the latest things in life
The safe and the sound
What's yet to be found
As far as your mind can see
Why me?
Why now?
What is it I'm meant to do?
The best you can
The answer is up to you
Come on in to the greatest kind of life
To the best and the latest kind of life
The tried and the true
The newer than new
The way that the world should be
The safe and the sound
What's left to be found
The way
That the whole wide world
Should be
Welcome, young Master Brisby.
I'm Justin.
And I'm Mr. Ages. We're here to teach you.
Teach me what, Mr. Ages?
Anything and everything
to help you become the best you can be.
Timmy, you've got
to be ready mentally and physically!
But ready for what?
To fulfill your destiny.
To fulfill my destiny?
But I don't know what I'm supposed to do.
Right now, nobody does.
You've got to adapt and improvise.
All right. Take it on up.
-Swing around, fellas.
-There you go.
Heads up.
Oh, boy!
When your father saved the rats of NIMH,
he didn't know it was his destiny.
But I'm not my father.
Well, let's let history
be the judge of that, shall we?
And don't come back!
Whipsicus silvestrus.
Campanula rotundifolia.
-Reptilicus airbornicus.
-Mr. Ages!
Did you see it, Mr. Ages?
That old snake won't be hunting us
for breakfast anymore.
No, I suppose he won't.
Now I know what happened to the
weather balloon I asked you to get me.
I'm sorry. I was just trying
to help make the valley safe.
The valley is safe as long as it
remains unknown to the outside world.
My boy, what have I been trying
to teach you all these months?
That it's okay for guys to wear
the same underwear three days in a row?
Well, that was just between us.
Now, what else?
I've got to think things all the way through.
If snakes go flying through the air,
humans might find out about Thorn Valley.
And then we might be in real danger.
From who?
-From NIMH.
-What's NIMH?
Let's hope you never find out.
Your father saved us from NIMH.
We wouldn't be here if not for him.
Jonathan Brisby was a great mouse.
And you're his son.
You can be every bit
as remarkable as he was
if you think things through.
Always see the big picture.
I'll never be you.
Never live up to the deeds that you did
Why don't I have you
To show me the way?
You're everyone's hero, I'm only a kid
I never knew you
All that I know is the fame that you've won
I never had you
To show me the way
You're everyone's hero
I'm only your son
One day they'll know me
They'll hear what I've done
I will show the world
I'm my father's son
I'll face any foe
Undertake any quest
Any challenge, any task
I'll prove I'm the best
I'll always have you
I am a part of the tale you've begun
You will be with me
Each step of the way
I'll make everyone's hero
Be proud I'm his son
One day, you'll see
I will equal your fame
I will show the world
I deserve your name
And they'll tell our story
They'll know what we've done
One day, I will show the world
I'm my father's son
One day, I will show the world
I'm my father's son
What did I do now?
Know where I can find a volunteer
for tonight's collection detail?
Where to tonight?
Where humans live,
to collect what they throw away.
We're almost there.
What do I need a whistle for anyway?
To warn us in case Killer shows up.
The meanest,
baddest watchdog around these parts.
Yeah. He could be anywhere,
so keep your eyes open.
Hold it.
Stay here and keep watch.
-But I wanna be in on the action.
-You're not ready.
Don't blow it, kid.
-I mean... You know what I mean.
-But I...
No buts. You're part of a team.
Stay on guard.
Tagalong Timmy.
That's all I'm ever gonna be.
I'm never gonna see any real action.
-Almost there!
-Keep it down.
Don't leave my post.
Who... Who's there?
-What are you doing up there?
-Trying not to starve.
-What are you doing down there?
-I'm standing guard.
Looks more like sitting to me.
My name's Jenny.
I'm Timmy... Tim.
-Thanks for the lift.
-You're welcome, Timmy-er-Tim.
So you from around here?
No. I'm from the...
-What's wrong, cat got your tongue?
Who turned off the lights?
Run for it!
-We've got company.
-He left his post!
I should have listened!
-We're coming.
Are you all right?
-An automatic gate closer.
-You can read?
-Help get this out of the way!
-Of course!
Justin! Brutus! Over here!
Hungry, big guy?
Killer want a cracker?
Just a couple more seconds!
Justin, she can read!
You left your post. You put us in danger.
-But I...
-You must listen.
You think you know better
than everyone else.
I'm sorry. But that doesn't change
the fact that Jenny can read.
Is that true, young lady?
-Can you really read?
-Yes. I was sent here to find you.
To find us? We don't want to be found.
Who knows about us?
My parents, to start with.
And who might your parents be?
The McBrides.
-Well, I'll be...
Two of the lost six.
That's impossible. They were lost
when we escaped from NIMH.
They were swept into the vents,
but they ended up in the basement.
They stayed until the injured healed.
When they tried again to escape,
that's when it happened.
-Run! Hurry!
They were recaptured by Dr. Valentine.
Everything is changed at the labs.
Dr. Valentine is crazier than ever.
My parents and the others
sent me to find you.
-You've just got to help.
-You ask too much, Miss McBride.
Something terrible
is about to happen at NIMH!
No one knows what, but it's something
to do with the next full moon.
The full moon?
O sole meow
The milk is nice
Sing it, Muriel.
Le sento meow
My love is
What the...
Here, kitty, kitty.
Hello. At least someone appreciates talent.
I'm the talented one.
Nice kitty, kitty, kitty.
Stinking, rotting fish.
My favorite cuisine.
Excuse me?
Where are your manners,
you hairball-with-feet?
I'm sorry. After you, my little nightingale.
Wait up, snookums.
Might I have your leftovers?
Over my dead body.
What's taking them so long to decide?
Don't worry. Mr. Ages says,
"Good things come to those who wait."
I can't wait!
You have any idea what it's like at NIMH?
They live in cages,
waiting for the scientists
to do who knows what to them.
How could you know?
I mean, just look at this place.
I bet no one here ever worries
about their family.
Well, I do. I haven't seen them
since I came to Thorn Valley.
They're here.
The answer is no, isn't it?
We're very sorry.
The council decided the risk
to Thorn Valley was too great.
We can't go.
I'm going to have to do it myself.
I'm not going to let anything
happen to my parents!
I can't let you leave.
There are guards everywhere,
watching our every move.
We're trapped!
And I thought NIMH was a prison!
Miss McBride, I've made a bed
for you in the observatory.
I hope you'll be comfortable.
Good night, children.
Sorry to keep you a prisoner.
I've got to get out of here.
It would be easier with help.
They just don't want you
telling anyone on the outside about us.
Wait a second!
How'd you know about Thorn Valley?
When I was little,
a mouse in the cage next to ours
told us how the rats
that escaped from NIMH
had settled in Thorn Valley.
And if any of us ever escaped,
we should promise to go
and ask them for help. Yeah, right.
But how did you ever find it?
I remember him saying
it was south by south by south.
Martin said that.
You know, I'd forgotten,
but I think that was his name.
How did you know?
Martin's my brother.
My mom's letter said he disappeared.
She had no idea what happened.
Well, he's at NIMH.
No! Martin's at NIMH?
-They captured him. Is he all right?
-I hope so.
The scientists took him away after that.
Wait. Maybe if I tell Justin about Martin...
I mean, I could try...
Tim, you've got to have the courage
to follow your heart.
I'll say hi for you when I get back to NIMH.
You mean when we get there.
I have to save my brother.
Sound the alarm! Sound the alarm!
What in the name of Nicodemus?
She's gone into the canal!
And Tim is with her!
Go! Get the others!
I'll catch them at the bridge!
Okay, party's over!
What the...
Well, what do you know?
We must stop them!
For Thorn Valley's sake!
Spread out. They won't get far.
-I'll take the left!
-I'll go this way!
Well, I'll be.
You sure you've flown
one of these things before?
Hundreds of times.
From the ground.
If we die,
I'm going to kill you.
We're not gonna die. We're on a mission!
Don't worry, Mom and Dad. I'll save you!
Even Dr. Valentine can't stop us!
NIMH, here we come!
I gotta admit, the view's not too shabby.
What was that?
I don't know.
-Hold on!
-I'm falling!
-Look out!
-Here he comes!
It'll be okay!
-Hang on!
-He's coming!
Look out!
He's after me!
What a ride!
I told you, if we died...
Hey, we're still alive.
Not for long.
Any more bright ideas?
Just one. Run!
Hurry, Tim! In there!
And don't come back!
-Is he gone?
-He is now.
What was that?
I don't know, and I don't want to know.
-Anything around here look familiar?
We'll never get to NIMH
before the full moon.
My mom and dad are doomed.
Poor Martin.
We can look for the Great Owl.
That's what my mom said to do.
Birds, bugs and beasts, stir your stumps!
Come and see the Great Owl!
I don't care if you wear flesh,
fins or feathers.
You got a problem,
the Owl's the fowl with the answer.
Not so fast, short stuff.
The way it works is this.
You want something from the Owl,
you gotta have something for the Owl.
How about this?
A twig?
We're in a forest, and you bring a twig?
What's next, a leaf?
Some dirt?
Beat it, kid. Go find a nice trap to play in.
-Who are you, anyway?
-The name's Cecil.
I'm the Owl's
spokesbug, you might say.
You wanna see him, you gotta deal with...
The Owl.
Easy on the tootsie, tootsie.
I paid good money for this pedicure.
In there! Mention my name,
you'll get a good seat.
I'm going in.
This is marvelous.
By the full moon
I'll have an army of animals ready.
Now, you brainless furballs
can be my personal servants.
Pass the hat, cat.
Yes, my liege. Yes, my evilship.
That's Dr. Valentine to you!
Dare I say, it wasn't bad at all, actually.
Yes, Dr. Valentine, sire.
One by one,
the last pieces fall neatly into place.
Back off, bozo.
You know I look lousy in a hat.
Floyd, no! Not that!
No! My hair! Please, no! It's not even my...
Anyone here?
Tim, be careful!
Did you bring your tribute?
Maybe a sparkly?
Then begone with you!
I'm not going away.
You dare challenge the Great Owl?
No. I just need your help.
Who... I mean, who goes there?
My name is Timothy Brisby.
Really? I knew a Timothy Brisby once.
I mean, who is this Timothy Brisby?
That smarts.
How'd that happen?
Help me out of this.
Hi, Timmy. Remember me?
-Yeah, it's me.
Long time, no see.
-Say, could you help me out of this?
-Sure thing.
Run for it, Tim!
Hey, do I look like a piata?
Actually, Jeremy, you do.
Wait. Hold on. You know this guy?
-Yeah, he's my friend.
-All right. I'll take it from here.
What's going on here?
Zipper it before you say something stupid.
Make that "stupider."
And you two, take a seat.
I'm gonna tell you
what the Great Owl can do for you.
He'll solve your problems
He'll tell your future
He'll work it out
So it's bound to suit you
He'll read your stars and read your mind
And he'll find the way you should go
Take the chance of a lifetime
Find out what you should know
A quite sensational, inspirational
Magic mystery show
A fortune-telling, a magic-spelling
A doubt-dispelling
A snake oil-selling
A conjuration
A celebration
So start the party, let's go
Take the chance of a lifetime
Find out what you should know
A revelational, scintillational
Magic mystery show
When life is grim and things are drastic
Just see me and all's fantastic
As for payment, he's elastic
He takes cash or gifts, or plastic
Take the chance of a lifetime
Find out what you should know
A stimulational, excitational
Magic mystery show
What's more perfect for two old hams?
We supply the mumbo jumbo
They supply the clams
-Can you fly us to NIMH?
-Man, feel that groove!
What's a "groove"?
This is cool.
-What did Jeremy say?
-"Man, feel that groove."
He'll solve your problems
He'll tell your future
He'll work it out
So it's bound to suit you
He'll read your stars and read your mind
And he'll find the way you should go
Take the chance of a lifetime
Find out what you should know
A recreational, captivational
Magic mystery show
A fortune-telling, a magic-spelling
A doubt-dispelling, a forest-dwelling
A conjuration, a celebration
So start the party, let's go
Take the chance of a lifetime
Find out what you should know
An elevational, transformational
Magic mystery...
Take the chance of a lifetime
Find out what you should know
A jollificational, jubilational
Magic mystery show
Your wig!
Wait! That was for your own good.
An illusion. Show business.
Thanks, folks. Drive home safely.
Have you no mercy
for a poor, featherless
molting crow?
I mean, owl.
Get that crow!
Yeah! Get that crow!
Get out of Dodge!
Jenny! Tim! Where are you?
Cecil! Jeremy!
Hey, over here!
-My hand!
-Always leave them wanting!
What were you doing in the forest anyway?
We're going to see my parents.
Jenny, this is Jeremy.
He's the one who flew me
to Thorn Valley a long time ago.
Happy to be the pilot.
Would that be first class or coach?
There's some crackers
in the nape of my neck.
This is great, isn't it?
Wind in your face, bugs in your teeth,
not a care in the world.
There it is.
Jeepers creepers.
What a... What a spooky place.
So, where are we anyway?
It's NIMH.
NIMH! What? Anyplace but NIMH!
I should've been told.
Okey-dokey, that's it. Last stop.
Everybody, get off my back.
You are on your own, kids.
What they do to animals in that place...
If I go in there,
I'll never make butterfly.
That's it. I'm not going one feether farther.
One farther further.
One feather farther.
I gotta get out of here.
-I can't get it open.
-Come on, let's go.
Hurry, Tim. We got no time to waste.
This way.
So this is NIMH.
Wow, this is really creepy.
Come on, let's go.
Jenny, look! What happened to them?
Dr. Valentine is mad.
He's turned the humans into dogs.
Come on. Let's find my parents
and get out of here.
-It's so quiet.
-Too quiet.
Someone's coming!
Left, left. Left, right, left.
Those are the biggest rats
I've ever seen in my life.
Yeah, well, keep an eye out.
There are bigger creatures
than that in here.
Come on.
-Run, Jenny, run!
-Hold on, Tim!
-It's okay.
-Justin? What are you doing here?
We decided Jenny's right.
The lost six belong in Thorn Valley.
So we came here to help rescue them.
-Watch our backs.
-Not again!
Will you listen?
Fine. Leave me behind.
I'm going to look for my brother.
Martin? Martin, where are you?
Mom! Dad! You're all right!
Jenny! You shouldn't have come back.
The moon is full tonight.
We're all in danger.
We'll have you all out in a second.
Justin. Is that really you?
To the rescue.
Let's get you out of here.
I'm so sorry. Did I startle you?
-Tim! Cats!
Three blind mice
See how they shan't run...
Man. Why didn't I listen?
No, you don't.
No, my little scrumptious scone.
Come here.
What the...
What are you thinking?
But they make such a lovely stew.
A few carrots, some nice greens...
The good doctor will make a stew out of us
if we hurt them.
I don't want to hurt him.
I merely want to eat him.
I'm sorry, everybody. It's my fault.
I wasn't a team player.
Here you go, boss.
Dr. Valentine!
-More recruits!
-Yes, and we didn't eat any.
-I wanted to make a lovely stew...
-Put a sock in it!
Dr. Valentine, fetch!
Little Timothy,
how you have grown.
You bruise me.
I suppose I have changed a bit.
But for the better, don't you think,
Not quite, brother.
It's me, the new-and-improved Martin.
What's wrong? What's happened to you?
Why, life happened, that's what!
And I made the most of it. Don't you think?
I was far too smart
From the very start
Because our father
Came from NIMH
I began to grow
Little did he know
I had my own plans for him
He thought I was tame
Just my little game
And this all became mine!
They all do as I say
No one stands in my way
Everybody here is happy
Or I have them slightly altered
I can do as I please
I can change things with ease
Horns, hair, fin or feather
I control the wind and weather
We can rule the world together
If you come with me
You'll be happy
Oh, so happy
When you come with me
You'll be king of
Everything of
All that you can see
-Just say yes, hero.
Think what we two can do
You and me, me and you
Buck up, don't look so sad
We'll have more than dear old Dad had
Butterflies and pretty flowers
Sunny skies and super powers
Silver streams and fluffy kitties
Laser beams and rubble cities
Dad wasn't crazy!
Take your chance while you can
Join in my master plan
You won't tell me I'm too nabby
When I'm ruler of Thorn Valley!
All of it will be mine
Every day will be fine
All the trains will run on time
There'll be no more wars and crime
I'll reduce your brain to slime
Unless you say yes!
You'll be happy
Oh, so happy
If you just say yes
Oh, poor fellow
Mind like Jell-O
Such a nasty mess
Come on in to the greatest kind of life
To the best and the latest kind of life
You'll be happy
Nice and happy
Perfect happiness
Beyond measure
Purest pleasure
If you just say yes!
It's our chance to rule, don't let it slip away
Don't be upset, it won't hurt much
You won't regret it if you just say yes
Just say yes
Wrong answer.
I say, I've caught a mouse.
May I devour him, your vileness?
For now, maybe something
a bit more accommodating
for a long lost brother.
I know! A ringside seat.
So you can watch me
unfurl my master plan!
Tonight, the moon is full,
and I attack Thorn Valley!
Your soon-to-be-zapped friends
will be my willing soldiers.
Quite a shock.
No pun intended.
You're insane!
Thank you. Now, she has real spunk.
Not like you, hero.
She has real potential.
Take her to my personal chamber.
Put me down, you feline freak!
She'll make a perfect queen
for my new realm.
Her attitude just needs a slight alteration.
Place the rest with their friends.
After all, they have much in common.
No future.
You'll be happy to note that this cage
was one of our father's particular favorites.
See you soon, brother.
Then again, maybe not.
Martin, don't do this!
This is all my fault.
Why didn't I listen?
One day they'll know me
They'll hear what I've done
I will show the world
I'm my father's...
Bet you're proud of me now, Dad.
What can I do?
What have I done?
I've only managed to hurt everyone
Why did I think I could ever be any good?
Why'd you have me for a son?
What I have done can't be mended
All you've begun I have ended
So much I'll never say
So much to throw away
All I had is gone
So much to say to you
So much to share with you
All I had is gone
All I had
Is gone
Very nice.
You'll make someone
a nice doormat someday.
Cecil? What are you doing here?
Heroes have sidekicks, don't they?
Hero? Me?
Yeah, right.
I'm the one who got us into this mess.
So maybe they won't give you the key
to the city.
But the last time I checked,
no one's perfect.
What did you say?
-"No one's perfect"?
-No. The key.
You never know.
-That key in that lock?
-Can't reach.
Come on.
If I could just get this hinge pin out!
Yeah, right.
Not bad.
So, what are you waiting for?
A candygram maybe?
I've learned to listen.
-I'm thinking things through.
-A plan!
There's a concept.
Roasted rack of rat.
Rodent ratatouille.
Come back!
You almost scared me to death!
You call yourselves cats?
You can't catch me!
Now you've done it!
Let me at him! Where'd he go?
Excuse me. Going down?
-Get him! There he is!
Get him!
Now I have you! Now I have you!
Let me at him!
I'll show you how to do it.
Come on, little mousy.
I need that tail to use it as a toothpick.
Cecil! Quick!
Hold your horseflies.
I've only got four hands!
Hello again!
-Move it! Gadzooks!
-I'm stuck!
-See you!
-I was just kidding.
I blame you for this, Muriel!
Thanks for the hand.
Don't mention it, sidekick.
How's this for adapt and improvise?
Gotta help the others. Let's go!
Stay away from me!
Go help Justin and the lost six.
I'll go after Jenny. I'm coming!
I'll never be your queen.
Let me go!
-I'm warning you!
Hero! You escaped. How clever.
You're hurting her!
Oh, poo!
I assure you, electrocerebral enhancement
is absolutely painless.
-Look at me.
-Let her go!
Please. I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.
You couldn't hit water
if you fell out of a boat.
I've been practicing.
Quick, Tim. We've got to save my parents.
Look out!
Stand still, will you?
Listen to me.
Whatever they've done to you,
we can make you well again.
How many times must I tell you?
I am not the do-ee!
I am the doer!
Run, Jenny! Save the others!
-You hurt me.
-I'm sorry.
Of course you're sorry.
Everybody's sorry, after it's too late.
Say hello to Dad for me, okay?
-You don't want to do this!
-You're right.
But the new and improved Martin does!
That's for being so evil.
Read them and weep.
Come on, Tim, before he wakes up.
-Someone's coming.
-Quick! Behind the books.
Excuse the interruption.
The men await flight instructions
for the invasion of Thorn Valley.
Tim, you've got to adapt and improvise.
Oh, goody.
Just head north by north by north,
as the crow flies.
And good hunting.
That was great. How'd you think of that?
Well, let's see if it worked.
It did. They're going in the wrong direction.
Come on!
Oh, Martin.
-How will we open the cages?
-Don't worry. I've got a plan.
I'm seeing the big picture.
You finished yet, Cecil?
Just one more second.
-Nice work.
Quickly now. Quickly.
Mom? Mom!
Jenny! Where are you?
-I'm okay.
Nice work, Cec.
Hey, Sidekicks "R" Us.
-Know what I'm saying?
-Come on!
Follow Tim, folks.
Come on, people. To the door.
Let's move quickly.
-Let me help.
-Put your back into it.
Come on. This way!
Let's go.
-Run for cover!
-I'll climb up.
Brutus, the window!
Help them up the rope.
We'll meet at the top.
-Mrs. McBride, you're first.
-Go, Mom.
Come on, move your tail!
That's everyone, Justin!
Cecil, take my hand.
Gee, thanks.
I'll add it to my collection.
Tim, you...
You did a good job.
For a mouse.
Let's get out of here.
After you.
-Promise me something.
Don't come after me.
Tim! Where are you going?
Just what you said! Following my heart!
I love you!
I love you, too!
Surprise! You're mice mousse, mouse.
How many lives
do you guys have, anyway?
Race you to the elevator.
Get him, Floyd!
When I get you, you're going to be mince...
Have a nice trip!
I've always loved you, Muriel!
Shut up, Floyd!
You dropped this.
I'm here, Martin.
You should've skipped a few desserts.
What the...
We better pull back, chief!
Come on, Martin, we can make it.
So, don't you guys know flying
without wings is against the law?
I thought you were scared of NIMH.
Yeah, I used to, but no more now.
Life is to live.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Did the others get out okay?
Their fur may be singed,
but of course they did.
You'll wanna play ball
And hit a home run
You'll wanna play loud
You could be number one
To aim for the stars
You set your sights high
You won't know if it works until you try
Is that him? He looks so grown-up.
You made it home!
He looks so like his father.
-We love you, Tim!
-You were there when we needed you!
-You're my hero!
-Hooray, Tim!
-You did it!
-Doesn't he look great?
-My brother!
-Attaboy! Good job!
Martin, you're back to your old self.
I've got my brother back.
Sorry, hero.
I don't know what came over me.
Forget it, Martin. And don't call me hero.
Why not?
You single-handedly saved Thorn Valley.
Martin is correct, Timothy.
The prophecy of Nicodemus came true.
You have, indeed, fulfilled your destiny.
It's me.
Dad would've been proud, hero.
To the greatest mind