The Secrets of Emily Blair (2016)

So, what you're sayin
is that you're responsible
for the deaths?
Yes, that's right.
You killed all those people?
I am responsible
for their deaths.
There are two
answers to that question,
the one that's true and the
one that you will believe.
I'm only interested
in the truth.
All right.
No human was responsible
for these crimes.
But, if someone must be
punished, then let it be me.
And that's the truth?
That's the truth.
Then why don't you
tell me what I'll believe.
Paging Dr. Bender.
Paging Dr. Bender, please.
That is so gorgeous.
You didn't help
him pick this out?
All by himself.
And you didn't see it coming?
No, totally surprised.
Mmm. That's a keeper.
I know.
All right, ladies, break it up.
- Emily got engaged.
- Oh, yeah?
Good for you.
Drug test for the homeless
guy in Exam Room 5.
You are such a romantic.
That's me, Dr. Love.
Back to reality.
I need to draw some
blood, is that all right?
You're not going
"bye-bye" just yet.
I need to roll up your sleeve.
What's the hurry?
You just got here.
Okay, you're gonna
feel a little pressure.
Bye-bye, Emily.
Hey, how'd you know my name?
Something's wrong.
Oh, my God.
God's not here, Emily.
I need to get some help.
You're hurting me.
Let go.
I haven't even started.
Help! Somebody
help me!
Stop. Let go of me.
Paging Dr. Bender.
Paging Dr. Bender, please.
Oh, my God.
What in the world...
Emily, what happened? Emily?
Crash cart!
I don't know what happened.
What do you mean?
100-year-old homeless
dude had a heart attack.
Shocker, alert the media.
Yeah, but,
why don't I remember?
I took his blood
and next thing I know,
Fran's yelling at me
to get the crash cart.
Okay, Em, I know this may come
as a bit of a shock to you,
but you're kind of
a sensitive person.
You stuck a guy with a needle,
he had a heart attack,
you had a momentary freak out.
Yeah, I guess.
People dropping dead
is part of the job.
Don't give it another
thought, just go home.
Have crazy fiance sex with Will.
Hey, hey, hey.
Oh, God.
It's just a dream.
You're safe. Huh.
Yeah, okay.
I won't let anything
bad happen to you.
You're stuck with me forever.
Is that your mother?
Welcome to the family.
You gave her a key?
She's my mother.
Sorry, I should've told you.
Yeah, you should have.
There they are,
the happy couple.
Morning, Linda.
Oh, no, no, no, you cannot
call me Linda anymore.
Now, it's "Mom."
Morning, Mom.
- Morning, daughter.
- Mom, it's...
It's 7:00 in the morning...
I know, sweetie.
It's good to see you.
We have got a lot of work to do.
A wedding doesn't
plan itself, you know?
So, firstly, I got all the
new bridal magazines.
Oh, but the first order of business
is we have to choose your colors.
Because we can't even
send invitations out
if we don't know what
colors we're dealing with.
And, oh, the church, of course,
we're gonna do it at St. Mark's.
But we've gotta
call Father Avital
and get you two enrolled in the
marriage courses immediately.
- Marriage class?
- Yeah.
Oh, my God, I almost
forgot the best thing.
You bought a wedding dress?
Mom, we have a...
What? No, I mean, this is what
I wore to marry your father.
I just...
I wanted Emily to have it.
Only if you like it.
It's pretty.
Yes, it's gorgeous,
it's beautiful.
I love it.
Gorgeous. Ooh...
It's so exciting.
My daughter-in-law.
I'm sorry.
Holding you too tight.
Yeah, I'm fine.
Come on, baby.
Let's get coffee. Come
on, let's get to work.
Come on, you two.
Can you call the lab
about the results on four?
It's been over an hour.
I think I can probably
make that happen for you.
Try and work it into
your schedule, will you?
He's so hot, don't you think?
In like a nerdy doctor,
antisocial kind of way.
Ah... I'm sorry, is my fantasy
office romance boring you?
Are you with me here?
Yeah, yeah, sorry, I'm just...
I'm just so spacey, I just
keep drifting off and...
Oh, my God.
That's why you're getting
married, isn't it?
You're totally knocked up.
No, no, I'm not.
Oh, you denying it proves it.
I know what knocked up
sounds like, and that's it.
Oh, you know what
knocked up sounds like?
- Emily.
Can you assist him with
the suturing in Exam 1?
Sure thing, Fran.
Preggers. You heard
it here first.
And we're done.
There you go.
Emily here is going to
bandage you up, all right?
Well done, Sporto.
How we doing?
Okay, I guess.
You did great.
You're, like, one of the bravest
patients we've ever had.
So, you play baseball?
What position?
Second base.
Well, I love baseball.
So, what's your favorite team?
Mom! Mom! Mom!
Oh, my God! It's okay.
It's all right.
What did you do?
My finger!
My finger!
What did you do?
All right.
Honey, it's okay.
No, it's not okay.
Em, it was an accident, okay?
You've got to pull
yourself together.
Give us a minute?
I'll be outside.
I think we saved the finger.
Oh, God.
And what the hell happened?
I don't remember.
I was talking to him and
he was smiling and then
next thing I know,
he's screaming.
my God, what did I do?
Emily, listen.
The kid moved, okay?
You told him not to but he did,
he moved right
when you were cutting.
It was an accident.
An accident caused by a
squirming child, that's all.
But he didn't.
He did,
if you want to continue
working here as a nurse.
And we need you here, Emily.
I need you here.
You understand me?
Thank you, Dr. BOGAN.
Emily, come on, you're a good
nurse and a good person.
This was just a freak accident that
will never, ever happen again, right?
No. No, it won't.
Now, you need anything, anytime,
you can always
call me. All right?
I'm developing carpal tunnel.
Girl, come on.
Okay, I'm coming out.
Just don't laugh.
It's gorgeous. Really, Em.
I like it, too.
This is without alterations?
This is right out of the box.
I didn't expect it
to be this awesome.
Honestly, me neither.
You sure you should be
wearing white, though?
Shut it.
I'm just saying.
You better watch it,
'cause I haven't picked out
the bridesmaid dresses yet.
Okay, I take it back.
I take it all back.
The last thing I need
is to have to pick out
a peach-colored
potato sack.
With matching shoes.
Lest we forget the shoes.
Don't say that.
No, you, "What?"
Huh? What did you
just say, weirdo?
I didn't say anything.
You totally just
whispered something.
Oh. I guess I was
talking to myself.
Sorry, I'm changing out of this.
It's too weird walking
around in this thing.
I think you should rock that
dress and we should hit the bar.
Okay, well, do what you want.
She's my friend.
What are you saying?
Okay, just stop.
No, she's my friend.
What are you even saying?
Just stop it.
No, you're a liar.
She loves me.
Just stop.
No, just stop it.
She's my friend.
I'm changing.
Jesus, I'm sorry.
I just heard you talking.
Get the fuck out!
I still think
I was overdressed.
No, no, no.
Sweetie, you were perfect.
Happy engagement!
Yay! Happy...
This is incredible, thank you.
- Get some champagne going.
- Hey, congratulations.
Please, just listen, I
just want to say something.
I really hope you two are
gonna start a family soon.
Linda, don't pressure the kids.
Here we go.
Of course, if you guys are
thinking about having a family,
I'm sure your mother
has a lot of good advice.
A lot of advice. Starting right now.
I'm sure she does.
The clock is ticking, right
now, it's gotta be happening.
Uh... Linda. The clock is
always ticking with Linda.
Father Avital.
Oh. So nice
of you to come.
Oh, I wouldn't miss it.
William, great to see you.
It's been too long.
Yes, it has.
Father, this is Emily,
my fiancee.
Father Avital has been my priest
since, well, since I was born.
That makes me feel old.
Oh, please,
you don't look a day older
than the first day you
arrived at St. Mark's.
I wish.
It's a pleasure
to meet you, Emily.
William's mom and dad
speak very highly of you.
Oh, yeah.
They tell me you're in medicine.
She's a nurse at County.
What an honorable profession.
Do you like it?
Father, I am sorry. She's
not been feeling very well.
In certain cases, it's the exact
thing that needs to be done.
Mmm. You could
be right.
Can I talk to you for a second?
Yeah, sure.
Emily, what's going on?
What the hell?
I've seen you looking at me.
Emily, Jesus, this is
your engagement party.
What are you thinking?
If you don't want me,
then just tell 'me to stop.
Well, excuse me.
Oh, Jesus.
Emily, what are you doing?
All right, everyone, it's time
for the maid of honor to talk.
And get comfy,
'cause I tend to get a little
chatty after champagne.
Okay, so, I've known Emily since
freshman year of college.
That's when she was going
through what I like to call
her "mom jeans" phase.
But with my guidance she
rebounded from fashion disaster.
Sweetie, dial it back.
When she met Will,
I knew it was special.
She never talked about boys,
so when she brought him up,
I just knew that...
Okay, Em, kind of
doing something up here.
Oh, my God.
- Are you cut?
- Are you okay?
It's bleeding.
You're okay.
Oh, my God.
- Let's get you some water.
- Okay.
You're lucky
you didn't cut yourself.
Are you on something?
No! Of course not.
I just...
I don't know. I guess I just
had too much champagne.
No, I've seen you drunk. I've
never seen you act like that.
That was just plain rude.
I'm sorry.
You were acting
like a crazy person.
Do you want me to call
the whole thing off?
Do you want out?
Well, you don't have to put on a
show, you just have to tell me.
You are my person.
I know I can act
crazy sometimes.
This isn't the norm
Em crazy, this is...
A little elevated?
Yeah, a little.
Hey, I'm not supposed to be there
for 20 more minutes, right?
I know.
Consider this
your reminder call.
I'm sorry, honey, I'm just not thrilled
about Catholic marriage class.
I know, but
it's important to my folks.
Father Avital means a lot to us
and if we want him to do the
wedding, we gotta do the classes.
Okay, I'm walking
out the door right now.
Love you.
Come on.
Emily, it's nice
to see you again.
Uh... Again?
Uh. Father Avital was at our engagement
party, sweetie. I introduced you.
Oh, right, of course. I'm sorry, Father.
It's good to see you again.
You don't remember us meeting?
I'm afraid I celebrated a
little too much that night.
And our talk in the back hallway?
Excuse me.
No. Did we have
a full-on conversation?
I'm sorry, I'm so embarrassed.
What you must think of me.
What did we talk about?
Never mind, never mind.
Let's get started, shall we?
Come on.
I guess, we haven't
really talked about it.
But I've always
wanted kids, I mean...
I guess we both have.
Right, sweetie?
"Fill the earth
and subdue it."
Genesis 1:28.
Do you like it?
That's quite all right.
It is a little intense, I admit.
But, you see,
the Crucifixion is a
violent and gory reminder
of the ultimate sacrifice.
But it is also the
ultimate sign of faith.
What the fuck
are you looking at?
I'm sorry?
Oh, you should be.
He's leering at me.
I am looking at you, Emily.
Tell him to stop
raping me with his eyes!
I don't know what to say.
You don't have to say anything.
It's probably the flu.
Yes, sometimes a fever can
bring on strange behavior.
I want to ask you
a delicate question.
I don't want to upset you.
Is there a history of mental
illness in Emily's family?
Well, you know,
bipolar disorder,
manic depression,
that sort of thing.
She's adopted. Um...
I don't know her family history.
How are you feeling?
I'm mortified.
I'm so sorry, Father.
Oh. Don't be silly.
You're not responsible
for getting ill.
Thank you, Father.
William, why don't you go bring the
car around? I'll walk Emily out.
No, I don't mind.
Go ahead, William.
I think that's
a good idea, yeah.
I'll see you in a few minutes.
Emily, what happened
between you and Dr. BOGAN
the other night at
your engagement party?
What do you mean?
In the hallway.
Did I not introduce you two?
I'm sorry, I'm horrible
at the whole hostess thing.
Emily, I saw you.
You know I saw you.
You saw me what, Father?
I don't... I don't know
what you're saying.
Well, never mind.
Never mind.
I don't know, maybe
she does have a fever.
She's in the shower now.
Okay, I'll check
when she's out, but...
Mom, I gotta go.
I want you.
I thought you weren't
feeling very well.
No, I feel amazing.
Don't I look amazing?
What is going on with you?
You just yacked your guts
out all over a priest.
Right after you accused him
of raping you with his eyes.
He was leering at me.
He likes my body.
You don't?
Emily, he thinks you're insane.
Fuck him.
"Fuck him"?
Oh, my...
What is wrong with you?
Please, please, tell me.
Everything is right.
Hey, hey, I'm serious.
What if this is some kind
of bipolar thing? Huh?
Listen, we should talk about it.
No more talking.
What the...
Ow! Damn it.
More sins.
Oh, my God.
Willy, Willy, Willy.
Enough. Enough.
Look at this.
You shredded my back.
I might actually need stitches.
Hey, Em.
Where are you going?
Jesus, Emily.
What are you doing?
Can I sleep with you tonight?
Wait. How did
you get in here?
The door was unlocked.
No. I locked it.
I guess you didn't.
Okay, Emily, I love you, but
you're scaring the shit out of me.
You shouldn't be scared.
You should be horrified.
Why? What do you mean?
You should be horrified because you
know I'm here to hurt you, Tara.
Get out. Emily,
get out of my house.
You should be horrified because you
know that when you look at me,
I'm not Emily.
You're so, so pretty.
Okay. Emily.
It's me.
Emily's not
here to protect you anymore.
Hey, Tara.
What's going on?
I need you to get
over here right now.
She's gone crazy.
Whoa. Slow down. What do you mean?
What's going on?
She's here. She's trying
to break down my door.
I'm calling the cops.
No, don't. Don't.
Don't. Tara, please.
I'm coming over right now.
She wants to hurt me.
Ten minutes, Tara.
I'm walking out right now.
Please do not call the cops.
Let me handle this.
If you're not
here in 10 minutes...
I will be.
Let me in, Tara.
Leave me alone!
Why are you doing this?
Take my hand, Tara.
I'm calling the cops, Emily!
Take my hand, Tara.
Oh, God.
Take my hand!
Tara, I'm not going to kill you.
I'm not going to kill you!
I'm not going to kill you!
Kill you! Kill you!
Kill you!
I'm not going to kill you! Kill you!
Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!
Kill you! Kill you!
Kill you! Kill you!
Kill you! Kill you!
Kill you! Kill you!
Open the door.
I know this is difficult,
but I'm gonna need to
ask you a few questions.
Yes, of course.
Can you walk us through the
events of the evening?
We went to Father Avital's
office, and then...
And then, I'm not so sure.
We were at home,
and Emily decided to come
over to Tara's for the night.
She came here
and then went to bed.
Right, sweetie?
Why did you
spend the night here?
We had a fight.
Would you let her answer?
We did.
We had a fight and...
And I was upset.
So I came over here
and next thing I know,
Will's shaking me awake.
And Tara...
And then Tara just...
She just...
Oh, my God.
Why did you come
over here so late?
Like I said,
we'd had a fight.
And I wanted to make up,
so I came over.
I walked in here
and I found her.
What was the fight about?
That's personal.
Look, I think that's enough
questions here, Detective.
Um. We've had
a rough night.
I'd like to take my fiancee home
so that we can cope
with this tragedy.
You're burning up.
I'll get you an aspirin.
Why would she do that, Will?
I don't know, honey.
She killed herself.
Yeah, I know.
She's going to burn in hell.
You don't believe that.
I know it.
She'll burn and rot.
And there will be no reprieve.
Hey, hey.
What's happening to me?
I have no idea.
I really don't know, sweetie.
Just... Can you
just hold me?
Yeah. Okay.
Tell me...
Just tell me...
I love how you're always
cold, even in the summer.
I love how you say you
like horror movies,
but cover your
eyes the whole time.
I love how you laugh
with your whole body.
And I love that you
like me to tell you
all the things
that I love about you.
Oh, my God.
Help me, William. Help!
Help me, William.
Help me.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What's happening?
That should hold.
But we're gonna have
to call an ambulance.
Why did you do this?
I was going to hurt you.
I was going to stab
you while you slept.
I went to get the knife and
I stood over you.
I was going to cut you.
I wanted to do it.
He told me
how good it would feel.
Who did?
The demon inside of me.
At first, he just
I could hear him,
but I couldn't make out
what he was saying.
But then...
Then he got louder.
And now...
And now he's overpowering me.
And I can't fight him.
He killed Tara.
And he tried to kill you.
And the only way
I could stop him was
to cut myself.
You're just sick.
Sweetie, you're just sick.
We're gonna fix this.
You and me.
I'm gonna call an ambulance.
We're gonna get
you the best help
that you can possibly get.
I'm gonna go get my phone.
Don't. Stay.
I'm just gonna get my phone
and call an ambulance.
Don't. Don't leave me.
Please don't go.
God, Will, don't.
Will, don't go!
Will, don't go!
Emily, open this door.
Open this door right now!
Emily, what's going on in there?
Open the door.
Bye-bye, bye-bye.
No more Emily.
Your bitch isn't here anymore.
Stop it.
I'm calling a doctor.
He'll take care of you.
You're not calling anyone.
I think you
killed her, you know.
Tara killed herself.
I'm sorry to barge in like this.
It's okay.
You have something
to tell me, yes?
Yes. Um... I'm not
sure how to say it.
Is it about Emily?
I have known you
since you were born.
I christened you. I gave
you first Communion.
I saw you graduate
high school and college.
I love you like my own son.
I hope that is unquestionable.
You've always been
there for me, Father.
Then please take
what I'm about to say
in the spirit that it's meant.
You're having second thoughts.
And I think they're warranted.
She's not the woman you thought she was.
Am I close?
Yes. But it's more than that.
She's changed.
Yes, well, that happens. The good
thing is, you saw it in time.
No, no.
You don't understand.
I do, I do. Look,
these things happen.
And this is why the marriage
classes are so important.
Look, I'm not here
because I am afraid
that I am marrying
the wrong girl.
I'm here because I believe
that someone or something,
something evil, has
control of her, Father.
She's been unfaithful.
No. God damn it.
No. Listen.
I think that...
I think that Emily
is possessed.
God, it smells terrible in here.
Emily, you're
really sick, aren't you?
Let me open the window for
you, and get some fresh air.
I'm gonna fill up
the tub for you.
There must be something
else here at work, Father.
Hold on.
We cannot excuse her
crimes or mental disorders
by screaming
"demonic possession."
You're a priest! You're supposed
to believe in this shit.
At least take a look at her.
I am telling you that the woman I
love is possessed by the Devil.
Now, you say that
you love me like a son.
Well, I'm asking
you for your help.
Not your judgment.
Not your jokes. Help.
will you help me?
Oh, my gosh.
You scared me.
Sweetie, what happened to you?
What did you do?
Why, you poor baby.
Where the hell is William?
He should be here to help you.
Let me get you something, okay?
What's all over the...
No, no.
No! No! No!
No! No!
No! No!
Where is she?
Father Avital is here.
He's gonna help us.
William, don't.
Em, what happened?
Did you hurt yourself again?
What's happened?
Get away from her.
Talk to me.
That's not her blood.
Oh, look.
The marriage coach.
Here to help us
with our cold feet.
Who are you?
You know who I am.
Whose blood is this?
Emily, what have you done?
What I'll do to you.
What I'll do to all of you.
I'll drink your blood
and eat your flesh.
You too, Padre.
Do you believe me now?
I think...
I think we should
call the police.
"The police."
She's hurt someone, William.
Probably killed them, by the
amount of blood up there.
And I think we can assume she was
responsible for Tara's death.
The police won't understand.
What language is that?
What's she saying?
It's ancient phraseology.
A rough translation would be
or something more colloquial.
She's repeating it in Latin.
She doesn't speak Latin.
Look at me.
I never believed in the Devil
or demons, or any of this shit,
but there is something
else controlling her.
Tell me you don't see that.
I do.
What are you gonna do about it?
What would you like me to do?
An exorcism?
Those days are gone.
I need to talk to someone.
You're leaving?
You want answers I don't have.
I need to talk to someone.
Stay away from her, William.
She's dangerous.
I'll be back in a while.
Henry? Have you seen Henry?
He's a janitor.
How are you, Henry?
You've got a lot of nerve.
I wouldn't be here
if it wasn't important.
I'm sure you wouldn't.
What's in the bag?
Peace offering.
You hungry?
I made you a sandwich.
I'm scared.
I don't know what's going on.
I don't know who
you are anymore.
I'm losing you.
Maybe I already have.
I love you.
I love you, Emily Blair.
Help me.
Just tell me how.
I don't know.
I don't know.
What's happening to me?
We're gonna make
it through this.
I promise you.
You have to be kidding me.
You understand it.
You know things I don't.
Don't tell me you believe.
Maybe. Yes.
But you didn't believe back
then, when it mattered.
No, but you can understand...
When you had me excommunicated.
I did what I thought was best.
You weren't about what's best.
Sitting in your ivory tower, passing
judgment from way up above.
That's what you
never understood, Jimmy.
You can't help
people from way up there.
You have to get down in
the dirt and the mud,
and you have to
get your hands dirty.
You have to sacrifice
some of your own comfort,
if you want to help people.
Oh. I've heard this sermon
from you before, Henry.
You went against the Church.
You defied the archbishop.
You fell from grace.
I saved people.
I did more wearing that
collar than you ever did.
And I could have saved more.
What about the ones
you hurt? Hmm?
You forget about them, Henry.
The ones you hurt.
Look, you may have been right,
but you went about
it the wrong way.
The Church has
rules for a reason.
There's no room for mutiny.
We can't have your kind
of chaos and insanity.
And now you need me?
Oh, jeez.
Now you believe?
I need you to
show me how to do it.
Get the fuck out of here.
I'm not going anywhere until you
tell me what I need to know.
You ruined my fucking life!
It was my life, Jimmy.
The past is the past.
Now, right here, in the present
moment, I need your fucking help!
Who is this?
This is Henry Roizman.
He can help us.
Societal obligation's
getting in the way
of your girlfriend's
demon possession?
It's my dad. He's probably
calling to see how Emily is.
I'll let it go to voice-mail.
I think we're out
of the woods, Father.
I spoke to her.
I think she's better.
I told her to come back to me,
and she snapped right out of it.
I think it's all gonna be okay.
Where have you been?
Are you okay?
Will, why am I outside?
Why am I dressed like this?
It's okay.
I'll get you cleaned up, okay?
Okay, yeah.
What the fuck is he doing here?
Get out!
Get out!
Hello, Roizman.
Grab her.
She's not your girlfriend. She's
a fucking demon. Grab her.
Take it up to the bedroom.
Need some rope, a wire.
Need to tie it down.
Come on!
It'll be pissed when it gets up.
You know my fucking name.
William, what are you doing?
Why are you hurting me?
Em? William, please help me.
You know my name.
You know who I am.
You know what I do to your kind.
We'll wait till it's weaker.
Hungrier, tired.
And then we'll
exorcise this motherfucker.
You don't
have the strength, Roizman.
They kicked you out.
You're shamed.
You're right.
I don't have the strength.
But he does.
He doesn't believe.
He'll get there.
And when he does,
he'll purge you back to hell,
where you belong.
It's gonna take
three or four sessions.
I can't tell how
many are in there,
but it's probably just one.
We'll need to tie it down.
Not "it."
Maybe you're not
paying attention
to what's happening
to your girlfriend here.
That thing inside her,
that's a demon that's taking
possession of her soul.
We might be able to
send it back to hell,
but your fiancee
is almost surely dead.
We can save her.
But when we start
driving that demon out,
it's going to start
fighting back hard.
All the powers and dark
forces it can muster.
Men die during exorcisms,
killed by creatures like
that thing tied to that bed.
What's wrong?
Take it easy.
And you're gonna have to
consider something, Jimmy.
You're gonna have to consider
what's in front of you.
It's right. I can't
do the exorcism.
It's gonna have to be you.
You're gonna have
to go to confession.
Get yourself pure.
Hold yourself
to a high standard.
Like you did me.
Get your Bible
and your purple stole,
and meet us back
here at sundown.
You confess?
You gotta be clean.
I said yes.
All right.
Holy water on all of us.
Bless us all.
May the Lord protect us
as we do his bidding.
The demon inside her,
it has access to
all her memories.
It will tell lies to hurt
you, to piss you off.
It wants you to lose control.
If you want your
girlfriend back,
don't let it get
inside your head.
You read me?
All right, then.
Let's do this.
I'm sorry.
I know.
I know you are.
Move up, both of you.
Face it.
"From all evil,
deliver us, O Lord.
"From all sin, from the
snares of the Devil..."
Cut me loose!
He's here to help you, sweetie.
I'm not your sweetie.
I don't love you,
and I never loved you.
- That's not true.
- Don't listen.
Go on, Jimmy.
"From anger,
hatred and all ill will,
"from all lewdness,
from everlasting death,
"by the mystery
of your holy Incarnation..."
Oh, William.
I have a surprise for you.
"By your baptism
and your holy fasting."
Your mommy came to visit
while you were gone.
We had a little girl time.
Don't listen to her.
Pray, damn it. Pray. Do it.
It didn't end well.
I killed her, and then
I broke her in half.
Your lies will
not move us, Demon.
Why don't you see
for yourself, preacher?
She's right over there.
Don't believe it.
Don't. William, not now!
Do it!
Do it, now!
Don't do it. Don't.
Stay here.
Oh, my God.
"No, no, no. You cannot
call me Linda anymore.
"Now, it's 'Mom.'"
Careful, or you let him win.
You killed my mother.
She begged for her life
while I ripped her in half.
She screamed for mercy,
it was pathetic.
She told me how
much she loved me.
William, stop!
Stop it! Stop it!
It's a shame she won't
be at the wedding.
At least she got to wear
that dress one last time.
Bye-bye, lover.
She killed her.
No, no. Emily did not kill her.
You must remember that.
It was whatever
is controlling her.
We have to stay focused.
We have got to go in there
and finish this.
My fiancee just
killed my mother.
I am not finishing anything.
I am done.
Good evening, Mr. Regan.
Everything all right?
Yeah. No.
Just a bad time.
Seems like it.
Feel like we're interrupting
something here?
Detectives, how can we help you?
- You mind if we look around?
- No!
Wait. No. Um...
Do you have a warrant?
You're a lawyer
or you're a priest?
You have no warrant.
And, really, you have no right
to be in this house without one.
Last night, when
Tara Mendez died,
you neglected to mention she
called your cell phone.
Oh, you didn't see that
one coming, did you?
You had a minute-long conversation
at 1:00 in the morning.
Ten minutes later, she's dead,
and you're in her house.
Can you explain that to me?
Listen, I... EMILY: Help me.
What was that?
Help me.
Wait. Put your hands up.
Put your hands up.
- Just sit down.
- Hey, hey, hey.
I wouldn't go up
there if I were you.
You, shut it.
Sit on the couch, everyone.
On the couch. Now!
Oh, my God.
Help me, please.
Ma'am, don't be afraid.
I'm here to help.
They hurt me.
I know. I know.
Call in backup
and get an ambulance!
Thank you.
Okay. You're safe now.
We need backup and a bus
at 414 Freakin Drive.
Thank you so much.
That girl is dangerous.
Shut up!
You're going to jail.
Cuff them.
Oh, shit, Miller.
Deliver us,
O Lord, from all evil.
Shoot her!
- No, you're wrong.
- From your wrath.
- Can't get a shot!
- Emily!
Deliver us, Lord, from sin.
Shoot her!
Shoot her!
Kill me.
Go ahead.
Kill me.
William, no!
You mustn't say that.
Emily's gone.
I can see that now.
I protected this
evil thing for too long.
Allowed it to kill
way too many people.
So do it.
Just end it.
Kill me!
Where are you going?
Get back here.
Get back here, damn it!
Kill me!
Call an ambulance.
No, no.
But... ROIZMAN: No, Jimmy.
No, no, no, no. Jimmy, no.
We have to save her.
She's still alive!
- Emily's gone.
- No.
The demon couldn't kill you.
Emily wouldn't let it.
She's in there.
She needs you, William.
Jimmy can't do it on his own.
She needs you to help free her.
But we can't do it here.
This house is tainted.
We gotta find hallowed ground.
Hallowed ground?
But we gotta go.
We gotta move now.
The police called it in.
Backup's on its way.
We gotta get her to a church
and drag that demon out,
or all of this
will be for nothing.
It wasn't Emily.
It wasn't her.
It was that thing inside her.
Get her inside.
There's two more
bodies upstairs.
One of them is Malach.
We're at the scene.
We've got multiple 187s.
Release APB.
Send backup. Over.
Roger, 1-Adam-12.
We'll triangulate suspect's cell
phone and report. Five minutes.
What's happening?
Stay back.
I've been
waiting for this for so long.
He's breathing.
Be careful.
I know you can hear me.
I know you're in there.
from the heart, William.
Let her know what
she's fighting for.
We're gonna win this.
You and me, together.
You and me, Priest.
Emily, William loves you.
He loves you!
Help us, Lord.
And deliver us from evil.
You will not have him, Demon.
And go to hell.
You first.
"From all evil,
deliver us, O Lord.
"From all sin, from your wrath,
"from the snares
of the Devil, from..."
Roizman was right about you.
Roizman is dead because of you.
What do you know about sin?
You stand on your
moral high ground,
preaching your pathetic sins.
I am the sin that
purges weakness.
I provide sanction for those
deserving of the Devil's rule.
you will pay for your wasted
lifetime of weakness.
My snare is your only salvation.
"From anger and
hatred and all ill will,
"from all lewdness,
from lightning and tempest,
"from the scourge
of earthquakes.
"By the mystery
of your holy Incarnation..."
"You have to
get down in the mud and the dirt,
"and you have to
get your hands dirty.
"You have to sacrifice
some of your own comfort,
"if you want to help people."
I love you, Emily Blair.
I love how you
like to hold hands.
I love how you are with kids.
I love that you ride
your bike in the rain,
and that sunlight
makes you sneeze.
I love you.
I love how you kiss.
"By your
coming, by your birth."
I love how you
always taste so sweet.
"By your baptism
and holy fasting."
"Cross and passion."
I love how you bite your lip
when you're nervous.
"By your death and burial."
William. William!
I'm losing my desire
not to hurt you, William.
"By your purity, by your conviction.
By your carrying your cross.
"By your crucifixion...
"By your death and burial.
By your descent into hell."
I love that you leave
the lights on all day.
"By your
miraculous resurrection."
And I love that
a full moon makes you cry.
It's working.
Police! Open up!
Don't stop!
Don't stop!
"By your
wondrous ascension..."
I love that you
agreed to marry me.
"By the coming of
the Holy Spirit."
I love that you...
"We sinners, we beg you..."
I love
that I now know that
my life is not worth living without you.
"we beg you to hear us."
"That you spare us,
"that you pardon us..."
You make me better.
"...on the glory
of Jeremiah..."
I love you...
I need you to fight now.
"Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
"on earth as
it is in heaven."
Fight for me.
Fight for us!
Open up
this door now. Open up!
Deliver us from evil!
I love you, Emily.
Deliver us from evil.
I love you, Emily.
I love you, Emily!
Put your hands behind
your head right now!
You're under arrest. You
have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can
and will be used against you.
You have the right to an...
Move forward slowly. Slowly.
Don't make any false moves.
I can explain
everything, Officers.
I'm crazy.
Society must be
protected from me.
I know it isn't this simple.
And I know those two kids
had something to do with it.
Why are you taking it all on?
You probably
won't understand this,
but sometimes,
one has to be selfless and make
sacrifices for the greater good.
And what the hell is
that supposed to mean?
You wanna do good in this world?
You gotta get your hands dirty.
I can't say I like what
you've done with the place.