The Seven-Per-Cent Solution (1976)

It was October 24 in the year 1891,
that I heard for the first time
in four months
from my friend Sherlock Holmes.
On this particular day, a telegram
from his landlady, Miss Hudson,
had been delivered to my surgery,
imploring me to return
to my former rooms without delay.
Oh, Dr. Watson,
thank heavens you've come!
I'm at my wits' end!
Why? What has happened?
Since you left us,
these last few months,
he's been very strange.
He's barricaded himself up there,
he won't take his food,
he keeps the oddest of hours.
I think he's taking...
Mrs. Hudson! I know there's someone
down there with you!
I heard the cab stop before the door.
- He keeps babbling on about some...
- Mrs. Hudson!
If that gentleman answer
to the name Moriarty,
you may show him up
and I will deal with him!
- I better go to him.
- Oh, be careful!
was a name
I'd only known him to mutter
when in the thrall
of one of his cocaine injections.
- Is that you, Moriarty?
- It is I, Watson.
You see it is I.
- Holmes, let me enter.
- Not so fast.
You may be Moriarty in disguise.
- Prove you are Watson.
- How on Earth am I to do that?
Tell me where I keep my tobacco.
Well, as a rule, it's in the toe
of your Persian slipper.
Very well.
I'm satisfied.
I assure you, my dear fellow,
my plight is quite genuine.
What is it?
Have you ever heard
of Professor Moriarty?
You have! You must have!
I can see it in your face!
Holmes, I assure you...
Very well... very well.
But you see how it adds
to the genius of the thing!
That man pervades London,
the western world, even,
and no one has ever heard of him!
That man is my nemesis, Watson.
My evil genius.
Thank you, yes.
Sit down, my dear fellow, sit down.
How have you been otherwise, Holmes?
Never better.
It's almost spring,
have you noticed?
With all this rain and fog,
you'd never think it.
For years past, Watson,
I've been continually conscious
of some power behind the malefactor.
Some deep, organizing power
which guides and inspires
crimes of the most varying sort...
Here you are.
Thank you very much.
Yes, it is rather wet weather.
I was saying it yesterday to Mary...
He's the Napoleon of crime, Watson!
He's the organizer
of half that is evil
and nearly all that's undetected
in this great city,
in the annual of contemporary crime.
You see, he's a genius.
He's a philosopher.
An abstract thinker.
He sits, motionless like a spider
in the center of his web.
But that web has a thousand radiations.
And he knows well
each and every quiver of them.
Oh, his agent may be caught,
but he...
He is never so much as suspected!
Until now, that is.
Until I...
his archenemy...
managed to deduce his existence
and penetrate his perimeters.
And now, his minions,
having discovered my success,
are on my track.
On my... on my track...
they are on my track!
But, Holmes,
What do you propose to do?
Well, for the moment
I think I shall nap.
It would cast an unworthy shadow
on a great man's memory,
for me to detail what effects
this horrible drug
had produced upon his faculties.
I returned home grappling with
Holmes' fantasies concerning Moriarty
when I discovered a gentleman
answering to that name
in my consulting room.
Oh! You startled me.
Dr. Watson, is it?
Professor Moriarty.
To what do I owe the honor
of this late visit?
Oh, I apologize for the hour,
but I wish to be discreet.
My business is urgent.
- Here...
- Thank you.
I... I come to you sir,
because I know
from your published accounts
that you are Mr. Sherlock Holmes'
most intimate acquaintance.
I enjoy that distinction, yes.
Then perhaps you could help me
to avert a scandal.
Your friend is...
persecuting me
is the only way I can put it.
Persecuting you?
I don't know how else to say it.
He follows me about London,
dogs my steps,
waits for me
outside the Roylot School.
I... I'm a teacher in mathematics.
And- Oh, yes!
And he... he sends me these.
"Moriarty, your days are numbered".
That sort of thing.
Doctor, Mr. Holmes is convinced
that I am some sort of...
criminal mastermind
of the most depraved order.
Oh, I know he is a great
and a good man.
All England resounds with his praise.
But in my case,
he fosters a ghastly illusion,
and I've come to you as his friend,
rather than turning the matter
over to my solicitor.
No, no, no,
that'll not be necessary.
My friend is not in health, that is all.
You see, had you known him
when he was in full possession
of his faculties...
Oh, but I did.
- But how?
- I knew both the boys,
Sherlock and his brother Mycroft.
I was their tutor
at Squire Holmes' state in Sussex.
Brilliant lads they were!
Oh, the Holmes brothers.
I should've liked to go on, but...
then came... the tragedy.
What tragedy?
You mean you...
you don't know?
I assure you Holmes has never spoken
of his family or his early life.
I've met his brother, of course.
He lives at his club in Pall Mall.
Oh well, if Master Sherlock
hasn't told you,
then I fail to be- see that I
should be the one to divulge...
- Professor...
- Oh, no, no, no!
I cannot, will not be indiscreet
in this matter.
I only came to you because...
I needed so badly your help
to end this most embarrassing thing.
Good evening, Doctor.
My dear John, what is to be done?
Only one thing, Mary...
Thank you, Jenny.
Holmes, must be weaned
of his cocaine addiction.
There is only one man in Europe
who is in a position to help us.
A doctor in Vienna,
he wrote this article in The Lancet.
I've cabled him regarding Holmes.
He's replied to my cable,
and he agrees to help,
provided we can get him to Vienna.
He will never go there.
You know he does not like
to leave London.
He says it generates an unhealthy
excitement in the criminal classes
- when they learn he's abroad.
- True.
But, we shall provide him
with an incentive he can't resist.
A false trail convincing him that
Moriarty has fled to the continent.
I know how Holmes thinks, you see.
I've sorted it all out.
Of course you have.
Would you please tell Mr. Holmes
to be silent?
I did not know Mycroft Holmes well.
I remember being astonished
when, after seven years,
Holmes informed me of his existence.
Beyond the fact that both brothers
were brilliant, however,
the similarity ended.
Mycroft Holmes preferred to live out
an eccentric bachelorhood
circumscribed by the walls
of his club,
beyond whose confines
he was rarely known to venture.
Dr. Watson, is it?
Indeed I am, sir.
I have not seen you
since that unhappy affair
of the Greek interpreter.
Mr. Holmes.
Tell me, what urgent business
have you that concerns my brother?
What's happened to him?
How do you know
anything has happened to him?
I've not seen you these three years,
and then it was in the company
of Sherlock,
whose doings I know you chronicle.
Suddenly you pay me a visit at a time
when most married men
are at home with their wives...
and you arrive without your alter ego,
and your medical bag,
although I know
from your own statements in print
that you've resumed your practice.
Your face is drawn and haggard,
proclaiming a problem of some sort.
And it is not too long a shot to infer
that my brother is
the cause of your distress.
Tell me.
In as few words as possible,
I told him of his brother's condition,
and the promising article
in The Lancet.
When I mentioned the visitor
to my consulting room,
he flushed uncomfortably.
Professor Moriarty?
He appears to know both of you
from the time...
And you believe this Viennese doctor
can help him?
The medical profession, you see,
is willfully ignorant
of the problems of addiction.
He appears to have made
a study of it,
in addition to his other work,
hysteria in children.
Peculiar range of interest, isn't it?
He sounds Jewish.
Mr. Holmes...
time is of the essence!
At the rate your brother
is using cocaine
he'll be dead within the year.
And I have no idea how on earth
we could get him to the continent.
- No idea.
- That, you may leave to me.
And Professor Moriarty as well.
- Do you have his address?
- Indeed, yes.
Ah, Jenkins, we shall need a cab.
Yes, sir.
This'll do, cabby. Stop here, will you?
- Just wait a minute, will you?
- Right, sir.
This is more than a street
from the Professor's house.
If what you say is true, however...
it's as well to be discreet.
You see?
He is keeping watch.
- Now what?
- I don't know.
Wait a minute!
Now, quickly.
- May we come in?
- Yes.
Pray, do not adjust the gas,
My brother may return
at any moment.
Do not do to let him see
any alterations in your rooms.
Oh, very well.
What do you want?
This is the most ungodly hour
to come calling.
I want you to take
a brief leave of absence
from the Roylot school.
No more than three days.
And journey to the address
on that piece of paper.
Three days?
In the memory
of our past association.
But this is far...
We know where it is, sir,
I give you my word.
And when I get there,
what do you wish me to do?
I wish you to disappear completely.
Come back and then resume your post.
- Nothing more.
- Resume my post...
if it's still there.
Really, this is asking really
altogether too much.
I hardly think so.
I have no great desire
to rake up the past, Professor.
But I'm perfectly capable of it.
Well, of course, if you put it like that,
I have very little choice.
When must I leave?
John, dear, this telegram
just arrived for you.
It has begun.
I must bustle.
Can your practice
spare you for a few days?
The game is afoot, and your assistance
will prove invaluable.
Bring Toby to 114, Munrow Road,
Take precautions. Holmes.
What does he mean,
"take precautions"?
But surely that won't be necessary.
I've always followed
his instructions to the letter.
Ask Collingwood to take my rounds
for me, will you?
When will you return?
I can't say. Would you, please?
I'm off to fetch Toby now.
Any further questions?
Just one. Who is Toby?
Toby is a bloodhound.
Readers may recall Toby's
remarkable powers,
from my account of them in
The Sign of the Four,
in which his superior olfactory sense
was materially responsible
for the capture of Jonathan Small
and his horrible companion.
More recently,
Holmes had employed Toby
to trace an orangutan
in the sewers of Marseille.
It was a case which,
though I have omitted to set down,
was not without features of interest.
Where are you, Holmes?
No need to track, Watson.
I'm right here.
- Hello, Toby.
- Oh, good God!
Forgive me, my dear fellow.
But you know I cannot resist
a touch of the dramatic.
And the setting was so perfect,
that I succumbed to temptation.
This way, Watson.
- The Professor has bolted.
- Moriarty?
Non other. This is his house
on the corner.
I've stayed my nights
keeping watch on it.
But last night I made
a fatal error...
and relaxed my vigil long enough
to pay a visit
to the pub at the end of the road.
Mind the vanilla extract!
You mustn't worry.
I've not lost my wits,
but you might have stepped in it.
Now, come forward now,
carefully, now, now!
It is vanilla extract.
Much better than creosote
for following.
Go on, Toby, sniff it, boy, sniff it.
I poured this here when I
so improvidently abandoned
my post last night.
And it worked better than I
could have hoped, you see?
Here is his foot, that stepped
into it as he got into the carriage,
and this narrow slit
is the carriage wheel itself.
Now, Toby, follow the wheel.
Watson, get the bags!
We're off!
Where do you expect
this trail to lead?
I assure you
I haven't the faintest idea.
I only know that at some point Toby
will exhibit some confusion.
That will be when the wheel
of the cab we are following
and the Professor's foot
go their separate ways.
Don't smoke my dear fellow.
The animal has enough
to content with as it is.
Where are we?
Victoria, I think. Yes.
Come on. Come on Toby!
Like Gloucester at the end
of his cliff, eh, Watson?
Yes, yes.
What now?
And now, if you would be so kind,
find out what time the next...
Continental Boat Express...
leaves for Europe.
I, in the meantime, will remove
what remains of this disguise.
I cannot visit the continent looking
like a dustman.
- And the hound?
- Oh, we'll take him with us.
I don't think we've exhausted
his usefulness quite yet.
Straight away!
I fear the fog has delayed us.
Yes, true, true,
but it has also delayed him.
Now, where have they put
my Gladstone?
There it is.
Here you are.
Thank you, sir.
Would you excuse me, my clear fellow?
I'll be back in a moment.
There was no point in remonstrating
about Holmes' use of cocaine.
In fact, until we reached Austria,
I was ironically dependent upon it.
Every time the train stopped,
we provided Toby with the remainder
of the vanilla extract from a bottle,
and proceeded to promenade with him
around the stations,
always without success.
It was at the station of Linz
that an incident occurred
which, though seemingly unimportant
at the time,
was not without significance later.
Saved from a provenation, Watson.
Conductor, whose private coach
belongs to that private carpet?
They all belong to the Amin Pasha,
- The train is leaving.
- And who might that be?
Be? Why, he is the Premier
of the entire Ottoman Empire.
And he's the man who broke
the bank at Monte Carlo.
I hope Toby hasn't made
some ghastly mistake.
Or else this would be the wildest
goose chase in history.
I have every faith in that nose.
In all my working years
as a detective,
I've never known anything like it.
Now, Watson,
wherever our path leads
will take us to Vienna.
I didn't realize Vienna was so lovely.
Charming. It would appear
the Professor engaged a cab.
- Oddly surprising
- But unfortunate.
How can we proceed, Holmes?
I did not lose my faith entirely
in the nose of our singular friend.
I just merely refuse
to get him out until I must.
Now come on, Toby,
earn yourself a Viennese schnitzel.
Surely he can't find him.
Well, you may be entirely correct,
but don't forget that cabs
that cater to the railway trade
invariably return to the terminal
after they've dispensed with their fare.
At least that tends to be the rule
in London.
Let us find out if the same rule
applies in the continent.
Well, Toby?
No, it's hopeless. He's lost the scent.
Very well, Watson, let's go to a hotel.
YES, Toby?
I think he's onto something.
He's found it. He's found it!
Invaluable creature.
Sometime in the last twelve hours,
you picked up a fare here:
small man of advancing years, very pale.
Very well, take us to his destination.
If I can remember where.
Let me refresh your memory.
Now it comes to me.
How fortunate. Watson, the luggage.
Toby, you're a genius.
We are the last thing he expects.
What a confrontation, eh?
Why do you suppose Moriarty's chosen
to visit Vienna of all places?
I have no idea, I assure you.
I say, Watson, you're very pale.
What's the matter? Are you ill?
No, no. I don't think so.
- This is where you brought him?
- Ja, to this house.
Very well.
Well, Watson?
Good boy, Toby.
Good boy.
Holmes, there's something
I think you should know.
Not now, Watson.
We mustn't disturb his concentration.
But, Holmes.
We are here to see Professor Moriarty.
- Herr Professor who?
- This is Sherlock Holmes.
Herr Holmes. Come in.
I will take your coat.
You will follow me, please.
This way.
You come.
- We appear to be expected.
- Yes.
You will wait in here, please,
and I will call Herr Doctor.
I will take der hund,
and give to him the something
to eat, ja?
Thank you, I think not.
Holmes, surely no harm
will come to Toby.
The Professor would never dare
anything so precipitated.
You think not? Perhaps not.
Very well.
But no bones, mind, you understand?
- No bones.
- No bones, ja, no bones.
Come with me, hund.
Come, come.
Well, Watson,
what do you make of it?
I don't know what to make of it.
Do you?
Good morning, Herr Holmes.
And you too, Dr. Watson.
I am happy to welcome you gentlemen
to my house.
You may remove that ludicrous beard,
and kindly refrain from employing
that ridiculous comic operetta accent.
I warn you, you best confess
or it will go bad for you,
Professor Moriarty.
My name is Sigmund Freud.
You are not Moriarty.
But Moriarty was here.
- Where is he now?
- He's in a hotel I believe.
I see.
You knew of this deception
from the first, Watson.
You are the last person
I would have suspected
capable of betraying me to my enemies.
You do your friend an injustice,
Herr Holmes.
He and your brother
paid Professor Moriarty
to journey here,
in the hope that you would follow him
to my door.
- And why did they do that?
- Because they were sure,
it was the only way
that they could induce you to see me.
And why were they so eager
for that particular event?
What reason occurs to you?
Who am I, that your friends
should wish us to meet?
Beyond the fact that you are
a brilliant Jewish physician,
who was born in Hungary and studied
for a while in Paris,
and that certain radical
theories of yours
have alienated the respectable
medical community,
so that you have severed your
connections with various hospitals
and branches of the medical fraternity.
Beyond this, I can deduce little.
You are married, with a child of 5.
You enjoy Shakespeare
and possess a sense of honor.
This is wonderful.
I'm still awaiting an explanation.
But first you must tell me how
you guessed the details of my life
with such uncanny accuracy.
I never guess.
It is an appalling habit,
destructive to the logical faculty.
A private study
is an ideal place for observing
facets of a man's character.
That the study belongs to you
is evident from the dust.
Not even the maid is permitted here,
or she would scarcely have ventured
to let matters come to this pass.
Go on.
Very well.
Now, when a man collects books
on a subject,
they're usually grouped together,
but notice, your King James Bible,
your Book of Mormon,
and Koran are separate-
across the room, in fact,
from your Hebrew Bible and Talmud,
which sit on your desk.
Now, these books have
a special importance for you,
not connected with the general study
of religion, obviously.
The nine-branch candelabra
on top of your desk
confirms my suspicions that you are
of the Jewish faith.
It is called a menorah, is it not?
- Ja.
- That you studied medicine in Paris
is to be inferred
from the great number
of medical texts in that language.
Where else would a German use
French textbooks but in France?
And, who but a brilliant German
could understand the complexities
of medicine in a foreign tongue.
That you're fond of Shakespeare
is to be deduced
from this book
which is lying face downwards.
The fact that you have not adjusted
the volumes suggests to my mind
that you no doubt intend to referring
to it again in the near future.
Not my favorite play.
The absence of dust on the cover
would confirm this hypothesis.
That you're a physician is evident
when I observe you maintain
a consulting room.
Your separation from various societies
is indicated by these blank spaces
surrounding your diploma,
clearly used at one time to display
additional certificates.
Now, what can it be that forces a man
to remove these testimonials
to his success?
Why, only that he has ceased
to affiliate himself
with these various societies,
hospitals, and so forth.
And why do this, having once
troubled to join them all?
It is possible that he became
disenchanted with one or two of them,
but not likely that his disillusionment
extended to all.
Rather, I postulate it is they who
became disenchanted with you, Doctor,
and asked you to resign from all of them.
Why? I have no idea.
But some position you have taken,
evidently a medical one,
has discredited you in their eyes.
I take the liberty of inferring a...
theory of some sort,
too radical or shocking
to gain ready acceptance
in current medical thinking.
Your wedding ring tells me
of your marriage.
Your balkanized accent
hints Hungary or Moravia.
The toy soldier on the floor here
ought, I think,
to belong to a small boy of 5.
Have I omitted anything
of importance?
My sense of honor.
Well, it is implied
by the fact that you have removed
the plaques
from the societies
to which you no longer belong.
In the privacy of your study,
only you would know the difference.
And now I think it is to you
to do some explaining.
In candor, I ask you again
why I have been brought here.
- You cannot guess?
- I never guess.
I cannot think.
Then it is you and not I who is
being less than candid, Herr Holmes.
For you are suffering from
an abominable addiction.
And you choose to wrong
your brother
and your friend, who have combined
to help you throw off its yoke.
You disappoint me, sir.
Can you be the man I've come
to admire not merely for his brain
but for his passion for justice?
In your heart of hearts, surely
you must acknowledge your illness.
And your hypocrisy in condemning
your staunch friends.
I have been guilty of these things...
I make no excuse.
But as for help, you must put it
from your minds, all of you...
I have summoned all my will
to the task, and it's no use.
My feet are on the inexorable path
to destruction.
A man may sometimes retrace
his steps.
Not from the fiendish coils
of drug addiction. No man can do it.
I have.
I've taken cocaine,
and I'm free from its power.
It is now my intention to help others.
If you will allow me, I will help you.
You cannot do this.
I can.
It will take time,
and it will not be pleasant.
For the duration, I've arranged for
both of you to stay here as guests.
Would that be agreeable to you?
It's no use, even now I'm overcome
by this hideous compulsion.
I can reduce this compulsion
for a while.
Do you know anything
of the practice of hypnotism?
You propose to make me bark
like a dog and crawl about the oor?
Through hypnosis, I will banish
your craving when it exerts itself.
In this way, we shall artificially
reduce your addiction
until the chemistry of your body
does it naturally.
Now, I want you to keep your eyes
fastened upon this as it swings.
I want you to think of nothing else.
Nothing else.
Quickly, we must search
his possessions.
Doctor, I think I have it.
Don't be certain.
This is not an ordinary patient.
- It's water.
- Can it be?
Then, where?
Too heavy, too heavy.
Oh, Doctor.
When and where did Herr Holmes
begin using cocaine?
And do you have any idea why?
For as long as I've known him,
he's used it.
I believe he begun by taking it
between cases to relieve the ennui.
- A seven percent solution.
- To relieve the ennui, the boredom?
How did you become interested
in the drug?
It's a sideline of mine, not directly
connected with my researches.
A friend of mine died last year
as the result of its horrible properties.
I was partly responsible.
I wrote a paper on it afterwards.
The piece I chanced upon
in The Lancet.
You are mainly involved
in research, then?
I was trained as a neuropathologist,
with a background
in localized diagnosis,
but there is no formal designation
for what I am now.
I began by mapping
the nervous system,
but I became interested
in charting the mind itself.
I'm interested in an area of the brain
I call the unconscious.
The unconscious?
You are an alienist.
I'm interested in hysterical cases,
and I use hypnosis
to dig into their unconscious mind
where I believe
the hysterical symptoms originate.
For example...
Herr Holmes' dependency on cocaine
strikes me as a symptom.
Not a hysterical one, I grant you,
but nonetheless a symptom.
An effect, rather than a cause.
What makes you say that?
Well, it's elementary my clear fellow.
Knowing something, as I do,
about drugs and drug addiction,
I do not believe that a man succumbs
to their negative appeal
out of mere boredom.
A snake!
A snake!
For pity's sake! Do you see it, Watson?
- What's that noise?
- Don't worry, dear.
Doctor, may I present my wife?
A pleasure, madam.
- Freda.
- Yes, madam.
Watson! Do you see it?
You see it, Watson?
It's a swamp adder.
The deadliest snake in India.
It's there! Get away!
There's a snake here.
There's a snake in the grass.
I'm so sorry.
- I'm so sorry.
- Yes...
You had a dream?
A dream...
I don't often remember them.
But this one you do?
- And it was about a snake?
- Yes.
A snake... that's right.
I dreamt about a case I once
had attempted to solve.
A rather diabolic plot,
to murder a young lady.
You did?
Watson and I...
stood vigilant by her bedside.
The snake came down a bell rope
by her bed,
through a false vent in the ceiling.
Every night, the murderer would...
let it come down...
until, one night...
she most inevitably succumbed to it.
You and Dr. Watson,
you... scorched the snake?
But in my dream,
a very curious thing...
The viper...
turned into Professor Moriarty.
It's odd, don't you think?
Strange, yes.
Professor Moriarty?
Do you place much stock in dreams,
I don't know what dreams tell.
Lately I have been toying
with the idea that...
You see it?
Do you see it?
Watson! Watson!
- Watson, let me go!
- Holmes!
The snake!
You don't understand!
You insufferable cripple!
Sherlock Holmes' attempt to escape
the coils of the cocaine,
in which he was so deeply enmeshed,
was perhaps the most harrowing
and heroic effort
I have ever witnessed.
In both my professional
and personal experience,
in both military and civilian life,
I can recall nothing...
to equal the sheer agony of it.
How long will he have to suffer?
It all depends to what extent he has
saturated his system with the drug.
- Could it be very dangerous, this process?
- Yes.
- How dangerous?
- He can die.
No, no, no!
Herr Holmes, please, go back to bed!
Go back to bed.
Please, you need rest.
Good morning.
A little breakfast, Herr Holmes?
Your fever is broken, and your pulse
is normal today, Herr Holmes.
How do you feel?
Not well.
Yes, you do.
You are much improved.
In fact, today we are going to
force some food into you.
Do you remember Professor Moriarty?
My evil genius.
Yes. What of him?
I know what you want me
to say, Doctor.
Very well, I shall oblige you.
The only time...
Professor Moriarty truly occupied
the role of my nemesis...
was when it took him...
three weeks to make clear to me
the mysteries of elementary calculus.
I'm not so much interested
in hearing you say it,
as in your understanding it to be true.
I understand it.
Watson, is that you?
Come closer.
I don't remember very much of the...
past few hours.
Or was it days?
But I seem to recall...
shouting at you...
terrible things.
Did I do that, or did I just imagine it?
You just imagined it, my dear fellow.
Because... if I did do that...
I want you to know...
that I did not mean it.
You hear me?
I did not mean it.
Come, Doctor,
I think he is going to sleep.
He'll be all right, won't he?
He will need hypnosis
periodically, still.
What troubles you?
We are not being successful?
There is an old maxim that warns
of the cure being worse
than the disease.
Come Doctor, we owe ourselves
an hour or two of fresh air.
In order to effect what
I would describe as a total cure,
it is necessary to trace the origin
of his compulsion.
The reason for his use of cocaine.
If we cannot exorcise the reason,
then he will continue susceptible.
How does one do that?
By, using the same method that
your friend uses
when he solves a mystery...
Jews in Maunberg.
This place has gone downhill
since I was here last.
You haven't been here in quite some
time, sir, that much is evident.
In the last five years,
the Jewish membership of Maunberg
has gone up fifty percent.
This is the same Dr. Freud...
Dr. Freud?
Not the same Dr. Freud
who was asked to leave
the staff of the Algemain Krankenhaus
because of his charming assertion that
young men sleep with their mothers.
By the way, Doctor,
did you sleep with your mother?
If you would step out, mein herr,
my seconds will call upon you
at your convenience.
Your quarrel is with me, sir.
He merely called the challenge.
I've challenged him for myself.
Please, Doctor,
let me fight my own battles.
As you wish, Herr Doctor.
- Do you know who I am?
- I do not know who you are,
but I know what you are.
And that is quite sufficient.
I am the Baron Von Leinsdorf.
And I am the injured party.
The choice of weapons is mine...
and the time is now.
I feel dreadful for getting you into this.
- Can you beat him?
- I doubt it.
But at least we have avoided dueling.
Men must find less violent methods
of resolving their differences.
- But if you loose...
- My dear fellow, it's only a game.
Would you wager on the outcome
of this match, Herr Doctor?
I prefer not to cloud the issue.
Spin for sides, please, gentlemen.
One set to the best of five games.
Freud gave up point after point.
Though, as the play continued,
his game improved.
The Baron leads two games to one.
You did rather better that last game.
I hope to do better still.
Have you seen his backhand?
- It's terrible.
- Yes.
His backhand,
his backhand.
Very good.
In a contest as surprising
as any I had ever witnessed,
intellect prevailed over brute strength.
Game, set and match to Dr. Freud.
Very well done. Congratulations.
Is honor satisfied?
Perhaps you would care
for some dessert, Herr Holmes?
Some strudel?
Oh, thank you, no.
I have something for you,
Herr Holmes.
It's not a Stradivarius.
It belonged to an uncle of mine,
but I thought you might like to use it
while you are here.
Thank you for this.
Eat some strudel, Herr Holmes.
Siggy, a special envoy
from the hospital is here.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
He says it's an emergency.
Holmes, really, you must take
some nourishment.
Attempted suicide.
My coat, please.
I'm all right for the moment.
That remains to be seen.
Your craving could reassert itself
at any moment.
I think you'd rather come with me.
It may prove instructive.
Come on, Holmes.
I'll get your hat and coat.
She's lucky to be alive,
if you want my opinion, Dr. Freud.
She threw herself off
the Olgarten Bridge last night
and into the canal
before anyone could prevent her.
We put her under sedation
when she was brought in.
It should be wearing off now.
There she is.
- But isn't that...
- Precisely.
Lola Deveraux, whose head of red hair
was, till recently,
the toast of four continents.
That lady possessed a remarkable
mezzo soprano,
and displayed a fondness for lilies,
did she not?
A passion.
She was surrounded by them.
So much so that she called herself
the Lady of the Lilies.
She was a patient of mine
some months ago.
Remarkable woman.
But see, Herr Holmes,
where the ravages of cocaine lead.
I thought I had cured her.
You did.
I cured her?
She's had a terrible relapse
and tried to destroy herself.
I think I've never seen anything
so fiendish.
Fiendish? What do you mean?
She has not relapsed voluntarily.
See gentlemen, these bruise marks
on the lady's wrists and ankles,
She's been bound hand and foot,
and force-fed with drugs.
Only her own courage
and determination
enabled her to escape confinement.
Note these grind cuts on her feet.
She used them, without shoes,
to break a window in her prison,
and then used the shards of broken glass
to free herself from her bounds.
Second story window.
How did you deduce that, Holmes?
Look at these.
She destroyed them sliding down
to the ground, probably...
holding onto a drain pipe.
But why should she then suicide,
after struggling to free herself?
Elementary, my dear Freud.
Once free, her addiction began
to reassert itself.
To satisfy it meant returning to captivity.
There was only one other method
of dealing with her dependence
on the drug.
We mustn't take what he says
too seriously.
- After all, he's still going...
- I know what you're thinking, Doctor.
I doubt the evidence would sustain
another interpretation.
He's not that sick.
But if his conclusions are accurate...
It's all right, Freulein Devereux,
you're quite safe now.
Oh, Dr. Freud.
Oh, my God.
Freulein Devereux.
Freulein Devereux,
this is Sherlock Holmes.
Ah, yes...
The great English detective.
How do you do?
Freulein Devereux...
can you recall anything
of your abduction?
I was at the station...
On my way to Monte Carlo.
A man arrived with message for me.
A message from whom?
Please feel free to speak,
Miss Deveraux...
being an addict myself, I have
every sympathy for your condition.
From my friend...
the Baron Von Leinsdorf.
He was planning to join me...
in Monte Carlo...
but it wasn't from him.
It was simply a ruse to draw me
out of the station.
Once outside...
I was bundled into a landau with the...
blinds drawn.
I was gagged, tied, blindfolded...
Where I was ta ken, or by whom...
I cannot say.
Or Why?
No idea why.
One last question...
Can you describe your abductor...
the man who approached you
in the station?
It was a little man.
Dark haired...
he wore a bowler.
- It was days ago.
- I know, I know.
But... try.
His skin was very bad...
And his teeth were bad too.
He walked with little nervous...
- jumps.
- How was he dressed?
Like a tradesman?
I really didn't notice.
I haven't seen him since.
Gentlemen, would you leave us
alone for a few minutes, please?
Of course.
your strength is an example to us all.
we have to begin all over again,
Are you afraid?
A woman as beautiful as I,
has seen everything fearful
by age seventeen.
I'm not afraid, only tired.
Very tired...
Herr Holmes, you will be serving me,
Miss Deveraux,
and yourself if you work along
with me in this matter.
- It's impossible.
- Why?
- Work is the very thing you need.
- Dr. Watson is right.
At this point, work will greatly
facilitate your cure.
That may well be, but
have you considered
the effect my condition might have
on Miss Deveraux's case.
No, gentlemen.
Having owned my addiction,
I must also own the time in need
of constant supervision.
Your hypnotic therapy
may be required at any time, Doctor.
In fact I'm not so sure that...
I don't need it now.
No, you best hand this matter over
to the Viennese police.
A man who believes his
mathematics tutor to be the...
- serpent from Eden...
- What?
Serpent from Eden?
Is not the person to grapple
with the intricacies
of Miss Deveraux's abduction.
But, Holmes, you said yourself
the lady's courage was an example.
That I cannot follow, I fear.
- Doctor...
- Herr Holmes,
the Vienna police are no better
than Scotland Yard.
Now, assume you were concerning
yourself with this case...
what would be your next move?
Will you please take me home
and hypnotize me.
I tell you I'm having an attack.
I will hypnotize you right here...
if you answer my question.
You are blackmailing me
into helping your patient?
You are both my patients, and I will
decide what is best for both of you.
Now kindly answer my question.
You leave me no choice.
Very well.
My first move, if I were concerning
myself with this affair.
Would be to follow that man there.
That man? Why on earth follow him?
- What's he to do with it?
- He seems to be waiting for someone.
He's waiting for us.
He followed us here from the hospital.
- How do you know that?
- Because I saw him!
Now, keep your promise.
Why? Why should he be concerned
with us?
Dr. Freud, you see
but you do not observe.
A faculty you must cultivate.
Describe that man to me.
- You can see him yourself...
- Describe him!
He's wearing a bowler...
dressed as a tradesman...
long ragged coat, black shoes,
scarred face...
He's the man who abducted
Freulein Devereux.
- Now... will you keep your promise?
- Yes.
Devil take him! Come on!
Why a chemist?
Well, think, Watson.
Chemists dispense drugs...
and drugs were the steady diet
of our abducted Miss Devereux.
And the likelihood is,
that whoever held her prisoner
knew of her dependence on them...
and wished to reestablish it.
See, when somebody
has turned into an addict
they turn into a slave.
However, if one is cured
by some miracle,
as Miss Deveraux was,
their addiction is very likely
a secret confined to the past.
Yet, whoever kidnapped her knew of it.
Somewhat intimately.
However, it's dangerous to theorize
in advance of the facts.
Herr Holmes!
Herr Holmes, Dr. Watson
will follow that man!
- I will take you home.
- No! Come on!
He's playing with us.
Ought we to let him go?
I must say, he doesn't look the sort
to initiate such an abduction.
Doubtless you are correct, Watson.
He is merely a supernumerary
in our drama.
Hired by one of the principals.
But who and why?
To have her ransomed by her lover?
Do you know the Baron?
Oh, we had the occasion once
to play a set of tennis.
- Who won?
- Dr. Freud did,
the Baron has no backhand.
No backhand?
That is interesting.
What is this place?
There's no one here.
They're here.
They're here.
Doctor, I think I have need
of your services.
- Now?
- If Dr. Freud would be so kind.
I don't know
if you can see the watch.
I beg you to try.
Yes, yes... sit, sit. Look at me.
Don't cover your face.
Open your eyes!
Concentrate on the watch.
Focus on the watch.
As it swings back and forth,
I want you to think of nothing else.
Now you are getting drowsy.
Now you are falling asleep.
You are falling asleep.
Now you are asleep.
You are fast asleep and the urge
for cocaine is diminishing.
The very thought of cocaine
is making you sick...
They are just horses.
They're not just horses. They're the
most intelligent horses in the world,
and they've been trained to kill!
- Oh, my God.
- Wake up, Holmes!
Bring him out of it, man!
Bring him out of it!
Distract the horses.
I must have some time.
- Wake up, Herr Holmes, do you hear?
- Come on, come on.
Come here.
Come on, come on.
Come on.
Wake up, without your craving
for cocaine. Wake up.
Are you all right?
- What has happened?
- We have entered a trap.
Someone has arranged for us
to get trampled to dead.
Come on, come on.
Come to me.
Come on, come on.
We must make ourselves a target.
This way!
Stand right where you are.
Don't move till I tell you.
Watson, are you all right?
Very well, thank you.
Hurry, man. The hospital.
I fear we may be too late.
Why the hospital?
Is it possible you do not see?
The little man we followed,
his job was merely to lead us astray?
I gather his instructions
were somewhat more specific,
nevertheless astray will do.
It would give them time!
Time to do what?
My dear.
I had no idea.
Oh, darling.
But it's all right now.
Dr. Freud came and told me
where you were.
He didn't want me to see you,
not for a day or two...
but I couldn't wait.
Oh, Carl.
Oh, if you only knew.
Do not speak about it.
It's all over now.
I have come to take you away.
- But, Dr. Freud said-
- I made him change his mind.
After your terrible ordeal
as a prisoner in that warehouse,
the last place you ought to be is a cold,
impersonal hospital.
The warehouse.
Come on, my darling.
It's all over.
Ah, sister.
Freulein Devereux is leaving.
You had better come along with me
and see that she is taken care of properly.
Of course, Herr Baron.
Where are you taking me?
Somewhere safe,
away from all this.
Is something wrong?
Just give me my flowers.
- As I feared.
- It's impossible.
Do you see
what you've done?
Do you know what havoc you've wrought
by forcing me to take this case?
Oh, I bungled it.
Why? Why was I so stupid
just to listen to you?
Why do you insist on taking all the blame,
Herr Holmes?
What is this egocentric streak
of melodrama in you
that does not allow anyone to share
in your triumphs or disasters?
I followed the wrong man!
You are a human being,
not a machine.
Gentlemen, please,
please get a hold of yourselves!
This is not the time
to apportion blame!
A woman is in danger.
Women are always dangerous.
Dr. Watson is right.
There's no time for this discussion.
Where can they have taken her?
Not home, certainly.
Perhaps to her original prison.
No, no, no.
Out of the question.
They have no way of knowing
what she found out about the place
or how much
she might have revealed to us.
We know its location, surely.
And that is reason enough
for not returning there.
Its location?
How do we know that?
Watson, Watson, Watson.
She was found on the Olgarten Bridge
after a heroic escape
down a drainpipe.
As an addict,
how much strength could she have had?
From how far off
could she have gone?
- Dr. Freud.
- Ja?
What buildings front the Danube Canal
by the bridge?
They won't take her there again.
Well, the situation
calls for more than ratiocination.
would you kindly return home
and bring Toby?
Ah, yes, Toby.
I think perhaps
you should accompany me.
You needn't worry, Dr. Watson
will prevent my stealing hospital's
supplies of cocaine.
You underestimate us both,
Herr Holmes.
Time is wasting, Doctor!
Will you bring the dog here
as fast as you can?
I am on the case,
and you have placed me there.
Now you must follow my instructions.
And have the goodness
to fetch Dr. Watson's revolver.
I don't think you ought to
have spoken to him like that.
No sign of a struggle.
Hold on. What's this?
A lily.
Perhaps she had it in her hair.
Hardly with a stem this long,
I think.
Look at this!
Ingenious creature.
She's left us a trail. Come on!
What about Dr. Freud?
Shouldn't we wait for him?
To hang, Dr. Freud!
Come on!
You see?
I was right!
Look there!
There's another, Watson.
IZI Once, yes, once is a lark IZI
lZITwice, though, loses the spark El
IZI Once, yes, once is delicious IZI
[Z But twice would be vicious IZI
IE Or just repetitious [Z
IE Someone's bound to be scarred [Z
IZI Yes, I know that is hard IE
[Z But no matter the vice IZI
IZI I never do anything twice IZI
IZI Je me souviens the abbot IZI
[Z Who worshipped at my feet [Z
lZI Who dressed me in a
wimple and in veils IZI
IZI He made a proposition IZI
IZI Which I found rather sweet IZI
[Z And handed me a hammer
and some nails IZI
IZI In time we lay contented IZI
IZI But he began again IZI
IZI By fingering the beads
around our waists IZI
IZI I whispered to him then IZI
lZI We'll have to say "amen" IZI
IZI For I had developed
more Catholic tastes IZI
IZI Once, yes, once can be nice IZI
IZI Love requires some spice IZI
[Z If you've something in view IE
IZI Something to do, totally new IZI
IZI I'll be there in a trice IZI
IZI But I never do anything twice IZI
Something with red hair,
I think.
- What do you feel, old man?
- Red hair.
Oh, I definitely fancy
red hair tonight.
Not quite your color, madame.
All right.
Mademoiselle, ale.
What you see is what is available.
Wait a minute.
Good evening, gentlemen.
Would you like to have a look?
- Really, madame.
- You too.
- Watson.
- It's nice, isn't it?
Voile, gentlemen.
Here is Chloe.
She has red hair.
Something a little more fiery,
don't you think, Watson?
No, I don't see anything in here.
- What's in there?
- You can't go in there.
Come on, Watson.
Watson, the queen wouldn't like it.
Through there!
Dr. Freud.
I see.
It's all right, Herman.
Really, gentlemen,
for this sort of amusement,
you need not come
to my establishment.
How did you get here before us?
By trying to think where
they would hide Freulein Devereux if,
as you posited, they would no longer use
the original hiding place.
Knowing something
of Freulein Devereux's past,
it occurred to me that the safest place
to hide a demimonde
might be among
a bevy of demimondes.
You are beginning
to think like me.
We followed a trail of lilies.
I take it, however, that we have not
found Freulein Devereux.
Not Freulein Devereux.
Doctor, please get up
from the bed very slowly
and move to one side.
Try not to disturb anything.
Watson, lock the door.
She's one of the sisters of mercy
at the hospital.
Precisely. She was probably abducted
along with Fraulein Devereux
to prevent her describing the men
who took her away.
Well done, my dear Doctor.
But it was only one man,
not men.
I found no trace of a struggle.
The ladies accompanied him willingly.
Eliminate the impossible,
my dear Doctor,
and whatever remains,
however improbable,
must be the truth.
- The Baron?
- Bravo! Excellent.
Really, Doctor, I must congratulate you.
Yes, the Baron.
The only person so intimately connected
with Miss Deveraux's present
that he might know
something of her past.
He planned to use this stuff
to keep her tractable.
But why?
Why abduct his own mistress?
We have not yet concluded
our examination.
Throat slit, left to right.
It's a ritual slay.
Common in Muslim rites
and practices.
Sharp, curved blade.
The body is still warm.
Rigor not yet set in.
Muslims? You mean religious differences
at the bottom of all this?
I can't believe it.
Murdering nuns in brothels...
Watson, don't move your foot!
What have we here?
Many people
smoke Turkish cigarettes.
Yes, but only Turks smoke this brand.
The cigarette paper is indigenous
to the Ottoman Empire.
Our Turkish tobacco
is shipped raw
and processed in Europe
and in England.
It must be...
a strand of carpet.
Also Turkish.
I think I know what has become
of our Miss Deveraux.
It's only a theory, mind,
but I venture to suggest it fits the facts.
Doctor, have you ever heard
of the Amin Pasha?
Of course. But what can he have
to do with all of this?
or I am much mistaken.
It is my theory that he was
a ardent admirer of our Miss Deveraux.
As I recall, red hair exercises
a peculiar fascination for the Pasha.
Circassian women
frequently do for Muslims.
No doubt he met her at Monte Carlo,
in the company of the Baron.
the lady is still in danger.
You mustn't succumb.
Don't worry, Watson.
I won't.
- Watson.
- Herr Baron.
The revolver.
You will empty your pockets.
Give all the cocaine you brought
to Dr. Watson. Watson!
Now, I will make
a series of statements,
and you will agree or disagree,
depending on their accuracy.
Is that understood?
Say Yes!
- The Baron-
- I see everything.
The whole thing turns
on two psychological points:
the Baron's compulsive gambling
and the Amin Pasha's fascination
for red headed women.
Bravo, Doctor.
Your powers of observation and inference
would make you a great detective.
The Baron is a compulsive gambler.
- Yes
- He lost a fortune this season
- at Monte Carlo.
- Yes.
The Amin Pasha bought up
all his outstanding notes
in order to control him completely.
Really, Doctor, you positively scintillate.
What next?
He offered to tear up the notes
in exchange for Freulein Devereux.
Whom he wish to add to his seraglio.
- His harem.
- Yes.
The Baron agreed
and hired you to abduct his mistress.
Knowing of her former
narcotic addiction,
you were instructed to revive it
in order to render her pliant
and dependent.
So much for
the psychological point of view.
It's the next series of steps
that confuses me.
Well, if you will permit me,
perhaps I can explain them to you.
Shut up!
All that is necessary is to combine
your methods and my own.
I am all attention.
The Baron's plan is clear.
In another day or so, he could have
turned a perfectly docile woman
over to his creditor.
But she foiled his plans
by escaping.
It was then a race to see
which of them could recover her first.
The Baron was desperate.
Without her, he was lost.
He managed to trace her
to the hospital somehow
and was on the point
of spiriting away this morning.
It was his black carriage
that we passed on our way in.
But something stopped him.
See, I think he recognized you,
from your tennis match.
He ascertained, after we left,
that we had been to see Miss Deveraux.
It was now essential to get us
out of the way for a time,
and this gentlemen here sorted that.
Watson! Grab him!
Sit him down!
The Baron abducted her again.
This time in person.
And she went willingly enough
under the circumstances.
But something arosed her suspicions.
Perhaps it was his insistence
that the nun accompany them.
And she left us a trail of flowers.
He brought her here to hide
while he located the Pasha.
Isn't that true?
- Yes.
- But they were probably dogging
his footsteps from the beginning,
and this is where they overtook him.
The ladies-
They do seem to cause trouble.
Don't they?
Where is the Pasha now?
He told the Baron
he was only in the city for a few days.
Something about
a government conference in Istanbul.
- What?
- What?
Do you recall
a Turkish gentleman leaving here?
The Amin Pasha.
The Amin Pasha.
Yes, of course I remember him.
Though I have missed him.
He commissioned a special-
He has his own cars,
you know.
I put together the train myself,
what, three hours ago.
- Bound for Istanbul?
- Ja.
We also will commission a special.
That one there,
if you don't mind.
there is no need for you
to accompany us.
If you'd sooner depart.
I would not.
That woman is my patient.
- Stout fellow.
- Good!
- Then we are off!
- No, gentlemen, please.
It takes time to commission a train.
And money.
And we must telegraph ahead
to clear the points.
Where was this train
originally heading?
- This is the Dresden Local.
- It is now the Orient Express.
I'll do it!
All right, she's clear!
Come on, Watson.
Let's get some steam up.
Watson, take over.
The man's tired.
We've got to make more steam.
We need your help.
I will not.
This is railway property you are stealing.
The Amin Pasha is stealing a woman!
She's been carried out of the country
against her will!
Is this true?
And you- you are the police?
My name is Sherlock Holmes.
Out of the way.
The last of the coal, Holmes.
We have burned everything,
Herr Holmes.
I know.
Freulein Devereux is forfeit.
We've lost.
Just a moment.
That isn't true.
Come down,
and do likewise!
Oh, no, no, no.
Please, gentlemen.
No, no, you must not do that.
That is railway property.
- Keep her going!
- No, please, gentlemen.
Please, gentlemen.
What are you doing here?
Get back to the controls.
Let me help you!
Berger, take these
and put them in the firebox.
Don't forget the roof.
Look at this!
What are you doing?
Herr Holmes, look.
The Pasha's special.
Berger, Berger,
you're a wizard!
We are right behind them.
No more points to switch.
Put on all the steam we have!
Open the valves!
We must catch them
before they cross the Danube.
Watson! Watson!
It's the Baron.
They're closing the barriers!
Stop the train!
Ram them.
That's the Baron, all right!
Doubtlessly making sure that his goods
arrive in Istanbul undamaged.
- How is he?
- Flesh wound. He'll live.
Berger, how can we
put on more speed?
Release what we're pulling.
There she goes!
Holmes! Holmes!
Look! He's done the same thing!
Fritz, the brake.
Brace yourself!
He's made a fatal mistake.
Fritz, keep her close.
Pour on every ounce you can.
Watson, I'll trouble you
for the service revolver.
What will you do?
What I can.
Keep her close.
More speed!
Bring her closer!
Well, what are you waiting for?
You are very brave with a revolver,
but are you so confident
with a saber?
If you want the young woman,
shouldn't we fight for her?
- What are you doing?
- To see what's happening.
Freulein Devereux may need me.
- I'm coming with you.
- No. Stay here!
Your leg will not bear!
Keep watch here!
Shoot, Holmes!
Shoot, man!
Throw it down, infidel.
They will die to reach you.
Not before you do.
I do not believe in this manner
of solving problems,
but you leave me no choice.
Call them off.
You haven't the nerve.
I'm finding it.
Tell them
to put down their knives.
Freulein Devereux.
Watch your step, Holmes!
More wood, Berger!
More wood!
No backhand, Holmes!
No backhand!
Are you all right?
Yes, thank you.
Well done, Holmes!
Bloody well done!
Life is going to seem very quiet
after you've gone, Herr Holmes.
You have important work of your own, I know.
We will meet again.
Your hypnotic therapy has saved me
from a terrible addiction.
And beyond that,
your judgment has saved my life.
Your judgment and Watson's here.
For him, there'll be a lifetime
to repay the debt.
What can I do for you?
Let me hypnotize you once more
before you go.
But I tell you I'm cured.
I know, but there is
another part of your mind
to which I would also like
to say farewell.
When did you first start using cocaine?
When I was twenty.
In the university.
I was unhappy.
Why did you become a detective?
To punish the wicked
and see justice done.
Have you ever
known wickedness personally?
Have you?
What was this wickedness?
My mother deceived my father.
She had a lover?
And what was the injustice?
What was the injustice?
No! No!
- He shot her.
- No!
Your father murdered your mother?
And the lover?
What became of him?
He ed.
Who was he?
Who was he?
My tutor.
Professor Moriarty?
Professor Moriarty.
All right.
Sleep now.
Sleep and remember nothing.
Do you understand?
You remember nothing.
- I understand.
- Good. Now sleep.
- The Napoleon of crime.
- What?
Holmes was right about him
from the very beginning.
Professor Moriarty,
I mean.
It becomes clear.
As he himself would observe,
see how much is explained by these facts.
We understand
not only the origin of his addiction
and his hatred of Professor Moriarty,
but also his suspicion of women,
so well recorded by you, Doctor,
and also his choice of profession:
detector of wickedness,
punisher of injustice.
You are the greatest detective of them all.
I'm a physician whose province
is the troubled mind,
which means that, in this case,
I have simply
borrowed some of
your friend's techniques-
- Holmes?
- ...and applied them to himself.
You will recall we spoke of an area
of the mind called the unconscious.
Well, he has led me to it.
He has given me the clues himself.
But how?
I will confine myself to an observation
made by your English playwright.
The one he has deduced
I'm so fond of reading.
We are such stuff as dreams are made on.
Wake up, Herr Holmes.
Did I tell you anything of importance?
I vaguely recall you asking me questions.
It was not very interesting.
We must hurry.
Your train leaves within the hour,
and my wife would like to say farewell.
Also my son, upon whom you have
made a distinct impression.
He speaks of studying the violin.
And I would like you to have this one,
by the way, as a souvenir.
What will become of Miss Deveraux,
I wonder, after all she's been through.
Oh, she will emerge unscathed.
Women are like cats.
Have you never noticed?
they land on their feet.
Oh, come, come. You're unfair.
She's been through a great deal, Holmes.
And not so much as thanked us
for saving her from a deal worse,
to say nothing of enquiring after any hurts
we may have suffered in her behalf.
I've come to a conclusion
about Miss Deveraux.
A theory based on Dr. Freud's techniques.
I believe that a woman
of her caliber- a lady-
would not descend to a life of shame
without a valid cause.
This isn't a train.
It isn't, is it?
We are going back to London.
You are, my dear chap.
I'm not.
At least not for the time,
I need some time to myself, Watson.
A little holiday.
I don't like this, Holmes.
I don't like it at all.
When will you return?
Oh, one day.
In the meantime,
inform my brother of my decision,
and tell Mrs. Hudson
my rooms are not to be touched.
Is that clear?
- Holmes-
- Rest assured, my dear fellow.
It's only that I must complete my recovery.
Give my best to Mrs. Watson.
Good-bye, To by.
But how will you live?
When my arm is better,
you would do well to follow the concert
career of a violinist named Sigerson.
But my readers-
your readers-
What Will I tell them?
Anything you like.
Tell them I was murdered
by my mathematics tutor.
They'll never believe you,
in any case.
Good-bye, Watson!
Good-bye, Holmes!
A chair, sir?
- Oh, yes. Thank you.
- This way, please.
Thank you.
Are you surprised?
Well, I confess I am.
I was not aware that you were
bound for Budapest
or even contemplating going abroad.
It is an odd coincidence.
But I'm not sorry for it.
Journeys alone are always so tedious,
don't you find?
Especially when they are long.
Will this be a long journey?
That all depends.
But I do think it will seem shorter
if there are two of us.
Don't you?
I hope it will not seem too short.