The Seventh Sign (1988)

The fish are dead!
The fish are dead!
The truck. Please, Mr. Huberty.
Quickly, come on.
What do you know about Baal-Dahar, Mr. Huberty?
I was in Jerusalem for a symposium.
I don't even know what I'm doing in here?
Baal-Dahar's is a village, an Arab village.
It's rumored to be a terrorist base.
I should say "was."
This morning we found it destroyed.
What does that have to do with me?
It's how it was destroyed.
That's where we need your help.
My help? I don't know the first thing about terrorists.
I think youve made a terrible mistake.
Please, Mr. Hyberty. Come with me.
You don't understand. You picked up the wrong man.
I can't possibly help you. I'm a meteorologist!
Yes, yes. We know.
Thats why we brought you here.
You see that...
...was Baal-Dahar.
Yesterday, a kibbutz nearby was attacked.
They threw a petrol bomb into the school and locked the doors.
Thirty four children burned to death.
We tracked the terrorists back to here
and found this.
It's incredible.
- Can you explain it?
- It cannot be explained.
- I have clearance.
- You damn well better.
The Vatican.
Im sorry...
...Father Lucci.
Can you explain it?
If I would given the proper equipment, I think...
I don't think so.
Theyll never explain it.
Itll melt in a day or a week
and theyll forget it.
Theyll call it a freak, an aberration.
You don't think it is.
I would, I would Colonel except this kind of thing has
happened here once before.
What are you saying.
Baal-Dahar has stood here for 3,000 years.
Yes, Baal-Dahar but you see,Colonel.
The village was built on the ruins of an older place.
A much older place.
And it too was destroyed.
But you don't want that to explain what happened to it now.
Why is that?
Because that place that was destroyed
was called Sodom.
Destroyed by the wrath of God.
Hows he doing?
Well. Can all I have to tell you, hes still a boy.
- Is he kicking a lot?
- Hes been really active. Moving all over the place.
Thats great. We're getting
some good soccer in our last trimester.
I cant wait. Two months to go.
I want to see you next week.
Im not completely happy with his growth.
And your amniotic fluid
is a little less than normal.
But you said baby is doing fine.
He is. Theres absolutely nothing
to be alarmed about.
But Abby. I cant say definitely that
we not gonna run into the same problem again.
I know this time its gonna be okay.
Ive been eating really well and resting.
Thats good. That's good.
Alright. So Ill see you both next week.
"...have seen the glory
Of the coming of the Lord
"He has trampled out the vintage
Where the grapes of wrath are stored
"He has loosed his fateful lightning
Of his terrible swift sword
"His truth is marching on"
Theyre so adorable.
Would you like to see
the computer room now?
At the Oaks we start them early.
So your husband is a lawyer...
...and you restore fine arts
for the Hirshenson Collection.
- And the babys due...?
- February 29th.
- The 29th?
- It's a leap year.
- Of course.
I notice you didnt write anything under
"Religious Denomination."
Do you mind if I ask why?
Because I don't have any.
Is that a problem?
No, no. I just don't like blanks.
Hi, baby dog.
Ace, be careful. Good boy.
Well, lets see.
What. It's $650, utilities included.
It's a garage apartment.
No, we havn't had any problems with the fumes.
We park our car outside.
It's partially furnished. It's got a a bed
and a table right now, but that's about it.
I see. Well, okay. Sorry.
Hi, sweetness.
Tragedy continues to strike
around the globe... the changing
weather patterns continue.
- Hi, honey.
- Hi.
- Thats nice.
- Thanks.
How did it go today?
The State Supreme Court
denied my appeal.
- Are you kidding?
- I couldn't believe it.
- I thought you had such a strong appeal.
- So did I.
So did I.
The whole petition was based on the fact
that Jimmys trial lawyer was incompetent. And he was.
I mean. Ive told you that. I thought I proved it.
Shit. What are you gonna do?
Appeal again. Fight it.
Anyway, hows our bouncing baby boy?
Good. We had a good day.
I know we talked about it
and decided not to...
...but I went to the Oaks today
and put down a deposit.
It only puts us on the waiting list
for four years.
Why are you doing this?
Honey. I just want to be prepared.
I want you to be realistic.
- I am realistic.
- We don't know for sure whether the baby...
I saw Dr. Inness today.
She said Im doing perfect. No problems.
This baby is gonna be fine.
It has to be.
It has to be? What if it isnt? Then what?
I just don't want to lose you, that's all.
Will you die for Him?
Will you die for Him?
What is it?
Whats the matter?
I was in these rooms.
Oh, God, I could feel it coming.
It was just a dream, Abby.
It was just a dream.
It's all right.
It was just a dream.
Russell Quinn?
Penny Washburn. Sorry Im late.
Thats alright. I understand youre quite an expert
on death sentence appeals.
So they say.
What do you know about this case?
So far, not much.
The kid murdered his parents?
He poured gasoline on them and
set them on fire while they were sleeping.
I take it this is not someone
with a lot of remorse.
His parents were brother and sister.
"Executed for the word of God"
is what he said in his signed confession.
- Hows it going?
- Hello, Russell.
This is Penny Washburn.
Shes going to help us with your case.
- Hello, Penny.
- Hello.
- Listen Jimmy.
- Can we talk a minute?
- Yes.
Pennys going to help me
prepare a new appeal...
...but we gonna need your help.
I told you, I do not go to hospital.
Jimmy. I cant help you unless you let me.
Just talk to her,
tell her what happened, thats all.
No hospital.
Listen Jimmy, this is important.
If you go to the hospital,
the doctors may find you incompetent.
Then I can get the court to reconsider your case.
Otherwise, we don't have anything.
I know what is right
and I know what is wrong.
I did nothing wrong.
Jimmy. You admitted killing your parents.
It was not wrong. It was the law of God.
Isnt murder a crime too,
in the eyes of God?
It is not murder to punish the guilty.
Incest may be against the law of God...
...but its the law of California
that we're dealing with.
Theyve sentenced you to the gas chamber!
Do you want to die?
Then go to the hospital and let the doctors
see if you knew what you were doing.
That says I did a crime!
That it was wrong!
If it's gonna save your life, say you're wrong!
What is it gonna matter?
It matters to God!
No hospital.
Goodbye, Penny.
Jimmy, think about it. Please.
- Hello.
- Hi.
My name is David.
David Bannen.
Im here about the apartment.
Oh... Please, come in.
Ace, get down! He usually doesnt do this.
Go on, get down.
It's okay. Hi, Ace.
Get down!
Im really surprised. He never do this.
Ill go get the keys.
Would you like a towel?
Please.Youre soaked.
It's terrible out there, isn't it?
Yes, it is.
If I can just find these keys.
Where are you from?
All over. Ive moved around a lot.
- Because of work?
- Yes.
What do you do?
Im a teacher. Ancient languages.
Over at the university?
Ive been travelling for some time.
Ive really just come back to town.
May I have a glass water?
Sure. Let me get you a glass.
- Use the bottled water, its better.
- Thanks.
Your baby is due in February.
The 29th.
How did you know?
I saw your calendar.
It's kind of nice.
There isn't a 29th except leap year.
Makes it special somehow.
It is a special day.
I am getting so absent-minded.
I hope youre not expecting
something fancy.
This is it.
It's a bit small.
I don't need much room.
I like it.
- If thats all right.
- That's great!
I'd like to talk with my husband,
but I'm sure it won't be a problem.
Why won't you give me a call me tomorrow and
Ill let you know.
- Fine.
- Well talk then.
I do hope this will work out.
Yes. I hope so, too.
Im back.
That didnt take very long.
He didnt need much help.
About all he had was a suitcase.
But he did have
first and last months rent in cash.
Did you invite him to dinner?
I did. He said, "No, thanks."
Of course, he didnt use so many words.
I have to admit. The guy is out there.
Hes a little bit different.
I don't know, I think he's just quiet.
Hes quiet all right.
He doesn't have a stereo or a television.
He doesnt even want us to hook up a telephone.
Really? Thats weird.
Whats weird is that
he got a short-wave radio.
Hey. You think hes a spy?
The spearhead of an invasion force
that will take over and bore us to death!
Youre such a nut. Toss that up.
- Where are you going?
- Im sure you did a great job inviting him.
Looks tossed to me.
- Jesus, you scared me to death.
- You snuck up on me!
I was trying not to scare you.
What are you doing?
Look at this. Isnt this wild?
Yeah, it is strange.
Davids in the house.
He changed his mind about dinner.
Maybe hed change it again
if he saw you snooping.
Im not snooping.
Im looking.
So after all that,
the senator wouldn't even see me.
This poor kid will die in the gas chamber
and I get this aide who tells me...
...he doesnt think their involvement
is appropriate.
Because hes a politician.
He doesnt wanna get involved in anything that could ever
eventually can come back and bite his fat ass.
- It's typical.
- It's typical bullshit.
What would you do?
Me? What do you mean?
Would you stop it?
Of course I would, but I have no control.
I cant do anything.
Maybe you can.
She cant do anything, David.
Thats what I'm saying, nobody listens
anymore. I'm the kid's attorney...
...and they wont listen to me.
So they won't listen to Abby.
Maybe you are right.
It's not up to us.
- How about dessert?
- Please.
Jesus Christ! Look at this!
Get a broom.
Please don't!
I wasnt going to hurt it.
Im sorry.
That was weird.
Do you know...
...theres a story about a new-born child
and the sparrow's song.
It's ancient.
They believed that in Heaven...
...Gods mansion has many halls.
And that one of these halls
is the Hall of Souls.
It's called The Guf.
"The Guf"?
They say whenever a baby is born...
...this is where its soul comes from.
As the soul descends from heaven...
...only the sparrows can see it.
So they sing.
So whenever you hear a sparrow singing,
the baby is about to be born?
The Guf. I like it.
Ill get the dessert.
- Would you like some coffee?
- Yes, please.
Wasnt that the sweetest story?
It sounded like a bunch of guff to me.
"The second angel
poured his bowl into the sea.
"And it became as the blood
of a dead man...
"...and every living thing...
"...died that was in the sea."
The prophecies...
...they have begun.
The Guf.
Do you like that?
I do. It reminds me of a story I heard.
It's Italian. Really good quality.
I don't know. Ive spent
so much money already.
But its so cute. Yeah, why not?
You only live once, right?
Will this be on your card?
Mrs. Quinn, are you okay?
Yeah, Im fine.
Excuse me, lady.
What are you doing here?
Im looking for someone.
Theres no one here but the minion.
I followed him in, hes wearing a grey overcoat.
No one came in.
But I followed him in.
Ive been here for ten minutes.
No one has come in lately.
You okay?
Are you okay, lady?
Yes, Im fine.
You better leave now.
We don't want to disturb kaddish.
Excuse me.
Kaddish. The prayer for the dead.
Youre going to be fine.
This wont hurt.
Youll just feel some pressure.
Dont hurt my baby.
- Keep breathing.
- Take a deep breath.
Just take a deep breath. There you go.
Were almost through.
Youre doing just fine.
Just hold still. Breathe.
Take a deep breath.
Breathe. Nice and easy. Nice and easy.
Youre doing a good job.
It's going to come out now.
Good job, good job.
Why does this keep happening to her?
It's gonna be something...
It's too early for Caesarean.
Right. The babys lungs
aren't fully matured yet.
But the immediate threat is over.
The important thing right now is just to to keep her from
going into labor for at least two weeks.
So Ive started her on ritodrine again.
Can I take her home?
No. I want to keep her here for 48 hours.
She needs to rest now as much as possible...
...both mentally and physically.
- Can I see her?
- Sure.
There she is.
How are you feeling?
It's not like the last time.
Dont even think about that.
Just rest.
I know that feeling. It's different this time.
Something else is causing it.
The pain isnt even the same.
It's not coming from the inside.
Listen. Margaret said you can come home
in a couple of days.
Then a couple days in bed,
youll be as good as new.
Why wont she believe me?
Can't she find out what's really going on?
Shes trying, Abby.
I know somethings happening.
It's different this time.
I know it is.
"The third angel poured his bowl
into the rivers, and they became...
There're alarming reports of more fighting near
the Nicaraguan border today.
In the fiercest confrontation of the year,
casualties are mounting on both sides.
Refugee camps have sprung up
in areas considered safe...
...but even these have been inside sniper fire.
I love the news.
- How are you feeling?
- Good.
- You hungry? Want some dinner?
- Want me to cook?
No, no, no... Ill take care of it.
How about some pasta primavera?
- Do you know how long that's gonna take?
- Twenty minutes. Ill go pick it up.
...rescuers can only watch
the great beings gasp for breath...
...away from what had always been,
for them and for us...
...the protective sea.
In the local news there was a different
kind of tragedy today.
A drive-by shooting between rival East Los Angeles
gangs claimed the lives...
...of a woman and her 4-year-old child.
Caught in the crossfire...
The death toll in this latest
terrorist bombing is expected to climb...
Bloodshed in the war
between Iraq and Iran...
...having been raped repeatedly, her body was dumped...
...was apparently set by representatives
of a radical...
Continuing with international news...
...French officials in Paris today announced
they have two suspects... the bombing the restaurant
on the Champs Elysees ...
Im sorry.
It's okay. I thought you were away.
I just came back.
No, please.
I just wanted to...
How do you feel?
Im all right.
You know. I thought I saw you the other day,
in the rain.
I wasnt sure if it was you,
but I thought you might need a ride.
You are very kind.
Thats rare.
Were you there?
So much misery.
Man against man.
They kill each other. They have no faith.
I used to think the world would change...
...but it hasnt.
No, I guess it hasnt.
It's sad.
The course is chosen...
...and it cant be turned.
What do you mean, "course"?
Toward death.
I really don't think well gonna blow ourselves up.
I didnt mean that.
I better go upstairs now.
Excuse me.
Im sorry about the baby.
After all your travels, Father Lucci...
- ...youve come to these conclusions?
- I have, Your Eminence.
You have no doubt, no doubt whatsoever,
regarding the signs?
No doubt at all. They were not signs.
Not to try your patience, Father,
but once again:
The snow in the Negev.
Didnt the Israeli Army report that?
I was there.
I saw a freak,
an aberration of convective showers.
Frigid air from the Balkans
was swept into a cut off low.
It created a storm of such intensity,
it literally sucked the freezing rain from the sky.
It turned everything in its path to ice.
A rare occurrence, yes.
It happens once in 100 years.
But a sign from God?
Everything you saw...
...was either scientifically explainable
or a hoax?
Yes, Your Eminence.
My brothers, all these things I saw
were of the natural world.
There have been no miracles.
These were not signs of the Apocalypse.
I will tell His Holiness.
He will be quite relieved.
He has tickets next week to Faust.
"2-29." Thats the baby's birth date.
This doesn't say anything I can even understand.
What about the babys birth date on it?
We don't have a corner on February 29th.
You don't know that's what that means.
What about that strange writing.
Have you ever seen writing like this?
And what about those horrible clippings?
Russell, I'm telling you. Hes here because of the baby!
You think David is responsible
for whats wrong with the baby?
It's that what you're saying.
Abby! Whats wrong with the baby is called
placental insufficiency!
Youre wrong! I told you, it's different!
It isnt! Nobody is trying to hurt the baby.
It's just like last time.
Abby, what do you want me to do?
You want me to kick him out?
Would that make you feel better
if I'll kick him out?
All right. Hes gone.
Ill tell him as soon as I see him.OK?
Yes? Excuse me.
Im looking for Dr. Ornstein.
Rabbi Ornstein.
You stay.
Are you Dr. Ornstein, the linguist?
Among other things. May I help you?
I hope so. Im Abby Quinn.
Nice move, lady.
- Whatd I do?
- You touched him.
You don't touch a Hasidic rabbi
unless you're his wife.
- Are you serious?
- No. Im making it up.
It's halakah. It's the law.
- I should apologize.
- I wouldn't do that.
Just leave. He wont see you again.
I have to see him.
I need to know what is says, what language this is.
Thats Melachim.
It's Melachim.
It's a secret form of Hebrew, kinda like a code.
In the Middle Ages,
scholars used it to protect their writings.
And you know it?
I hope so. I learned it from him
when I was nine.
Then you can translate it?
I guess so. It's just
a simple replacement alphabet.
Come on. Theres a book Ill need.
Here it is.
So, what is this?
How does this translate? This date.
Thats not a date.
Of course it is. 2-29. February 29th.
- Have you ever read the Bible?
- Well, yeah.
Well, 2:29, its a Bible heading.
Chapter and verse.
Chapter 2, verse 29.
Are you sure?
The whole page is a quote from the Bible.
Book of Joel 2:29.
Can you read it for me?
"Even upon the menservants
and maidservants in those days...
"...I will pour out my spirit.
"And I will give portents in the heavens
and on the earth...
"...blood and fire and columns of smoke.
"The sun shall be turned to darkness,
and the moon to blood...
"...before the great and terrible day
of the Lord comes."
What is "the great and terrible day"?
When God passes judgment
on mankind for its sins.
It's about the Apocalypse.
Come on! The end of the world?
Thats what the portents are.
The sun going dark, the moon turning red.
They foretell the end of the world.
Theres a whole chain of signs,
like a countdown. The Bible is filled with them.
Earthquakes, plagues,
water turning to blood.
All kinds of weird natural disasters.
This things are to happen to tell us that God's wrath
is about to destroy the world.
And thats what this paper's about?
Yeah, the signs of the end.
Didnt at least you go to Sunday school?
Yeah, that was a long time ago. But they taught us
that God was a God of love.
Are you okay?
This doesn't make any sense.
What do Biblical prophecies
have to do with the baby?
Your baby?
Avi, would you translate it anyway,
just to be sure?
Heres my number.
- I guess I could have it for you tomorrow.
- That would be great.
- Bye.
- Okay, Mrs. Quinn.
The Guf, 358.
"In Judeo-Christian mythology,
The Guf is the Hall of Souls.
"Every time an infant is born,
this is where its soul comes from.
"Folklore has it that the sparrows can see the souls
descent and this explains their song.
"But a day will come
when the sparrow sings no more...
"...because there are only
a finite number of souls in The Guf.
"It's when the last soul is used, and
The Guf is empty, that the world will end.
"The first infant born without a soul...
"...born dead as such a soulless child
must be, heralds...
"...the death of the world,
and so is called...
"...The Final Sign."
No. Im trying to get a hold of the governor.
It's urgent.
I told you it has to do
with Jimmy Zaragozas execution.
Russell, its Abby.
Ive already spoken to his aide.
I need to speak to him directly.
Yes, Ill hold. Tell her Ill call her back.
I tried, but shes not at home.
She says she has to speak to you right now.
Alright. Cover for me. Abby, are you all...
Listen up. I was wrong. It's not the baby's birth date,
it's from the Bible.
I knew it hes here because of the baby.
Alright, just slow down.
He thinks its a some king of Bible sign!
Remember, he told us about it,
but not the whole story. Listen to this:
"The first infant born without a soul,
born dead such as a soulless child must be..."
No, its not! He's a religious fanatic!
He thinks if he can kill the baby,
he'll end the world.
- Alright, Abby. Alright. Listen to me.
- Ive got the governor.
Ask him to hold.
Just listen. I want you to go home.
All right? I promise.
Sorry, Russell, sorry. He wouldn't wait.
He said to call him...
Oh, Christ!
Keep working on this
and Ill try him from home.
Russell, Russell. Are you here?
- You not gonna kill my baby.
- Your baby is dying because it has no soul.
- Dont say that.
- Abby. The Guf is empty!
I know what you are trying to do.
I wont let you kill my baby.
Dont you think I cry for man?
Ive tried to intercede, but God has judged!
- Mans sins are...
- Stay away!
I cant die again, Abby. I wish I could.
- Im His messenger.
- You're crazy.
- I was here before.
- Stay away.
It's time for you to know, Abby.
I came as the Lamb...
...and I return as the Lion.
Now I am His wrath.
Strap her down!
This is happening!
Why won't you believe me?
You have to believe me.
Will you die for Him?
Russell. I don't know what you could have done.
This can happen.
I know the delusions seem extreme,
but shes under enormous amount of stress.
Theres incredible amount of guilt involved when...
Well, you certainly know the history.
What do we do now?
This sounds pathetic, but the best
we can do is wait and see. Just watch her.
Look. The babys fine. He's hanging in there.
If this is just an episode,
she can go home in a couple of days.
Will you be able to stay with her?
- Not all the time.
- Then we should get you a nurse to help.
And I think you should go home now
and get some serious rest.
Of course, we believe the God will judge the world.
- It could it be happening now?
- It could happen any time.
Jesus said the end would come
like a thief in the night.
That belief is fundamental virtually
to every religion.
Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindu.
There are differences amongst them
as to how it will actually happen...
...but we all believe in a Messiah
who delivers Gods wrath...
...upon the world.
Then it could be happening.
I mean. The moon has turned to blood.
I told you about the paper and the fish.
Yes. In Revelation,
it is written that the sea will die.
- Then you do see it?
- With perfect clarity.
I see a young man
with a very large imagination.
What youre forgetting Avi, is that
the prophetic signs are signs.
Theyre symbols.
They're not meant to be taken literally.
Theyre poetry written by the great prophets to describe
the greater concept of divine judgment...
...not to be checked off like a laundry list.
So the moon and the fish?
Coincidence. And youre forgetting
the most important aspect of eschatology.
That when the end comes,
with it comes eternal life...
...for those of us who are saved.
Well, wholl be saved, Reverend?
I mean. The Jew doesnt think
it's gonna be the Muslim.
The Muslim doesnt think
it's gonna be the Christian.
The Christian doesnt think
it's gonnal be the Buddhist.
So, what if nobody is saved?
What if were all wrong?
My God. What if its just
the Hare Krishnas?
- Youre too young to worry about this things.
- That's what my rabbi said.
Believe me, Avi,
someday youll make quite a philosopher.
If there is a someday.
Hello, Mr. Quinn. Shes fine.
I'm sorry. Could you give me that number again?
When? Well, I have to leave.
No, its impossible...
No, shes upstairs resting.
Ill tell her.
I want my baby.
We still house novitiates here, of course.
But we do get quite a few guests, also.
Mostly people passing through
on their way to new parishes.
- Is that what youre doing, Father Lucci?
- Yes, it is.
- Then you wont be staying very long?
- Father Morrell?
May I help you?
No, Father, this is Father Lucci.
Im sorry. I thought that...
But the resemblance is...
I don't believe weve met.
No, it couldn't be. That was long ago.
Very long ago.
If youll excuse me.
But the resemblance...
...its remarkable!
Good night, Father.
Why is this happening?
Gods grace is empty.
Theres nothing I can do.
The signs have begun.
As each passes, the end grows closer.
Then why are you here?
Im its deliverer. I'm its witness.
What if a sign didnt happen?
What if a sign could be stopped before
my baby comes? What would happen?
Please, tell me.
Then the chain would be broken.
But it would take something
you don't have.
How can someone who cared
so little for life...
...give life to the world?
I do care.
Im going to try.
Im going to try.
Any chance at all, sir?
What can you do now that
the federal appeal has been denied?
With less than 24 hours to go,
is there anything you can you do to stop the execution?
"The windows of heaven," Mrs. Quinn...
"...the windows of heaven are open
and the earth is rent asunder.
"It falls...
"...and will not rise again!"
Please, Mrs. Quinn, it doesnt have to be.
How do you know my name?
I followed the signs. They led me to you.
Who are you?
A priest whos come to help you
and your baby. We don't have much time.
I know what youre going through.
I know what's going to happen.
Hey, Mrs. Quinn!
I must know everything hes told you
if I'm to help.
He said if I can stop a sign,
the chain will be broken.
That's what he told you?
Yes, and God would grant the world
a second chance.
Did he tell you which sign to stop?
No, that's what Im trying to figure out.
No, no. Thats impossible.
I don't think the sign can't be stopped.
He wouldn't have told me
if there weren't a way.
Thats why I have to know what the other signs are.
You said you knew them.
God has no secrets.
The signs are contained in The Bible are called the seven seals.
The first four have already begun.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
And their signs are almost over.
- The fifth seal is the death of the last martyr.
- A death could be stopped.
But whose? Where?
- What about the sixth?
- The sun will turn to darkness...
...and the earth will quake
and the stars shall fall from the sky.
"And when the Lamb opened
the seventh seal...
"...there was silence in heaven."
The silence of The Guf, empty.
The stillbirth of the soulless child.
You are the seventh seal.
Im not gonna let my baby die.
One of the signs has to be stopped.
How? Do you know how?
With hope.
Can hope stop an earthquake?
Can it stop a murder
halfway around the globe?
The fourth horseman still rides.
The angels have unleashed the winds
from the corners of the earth.
Can you stop that with hope?
Will you die for Him?
Will you die for Him?
You hit him in my dream.
It was no dream.
You were there.
Youre not here to help.
You want the world to end.
Yes, Mrs. Quinn. For a very long time.
You are my deliverance.
Theres nothing you can do.
You can't stop it.
What kind of God are you?
Let me in!
You always were nosy, Harold.
It is you, Morrell.
But that was 70 years ago.
That was just yesterday to me.
But you havent aged.
You havent changed.
In the name of God, how?
In the name of God is how.
I was cursed by Him for what I had done.
I struck a man.
But, of course, He was no man.
He was the Son of God.
I am Cartaphilus.
Pilates gatekeeper?
The Roman soldier who was...
Cursed to walk the earth
until the Messiah returned.
Cursed to live and never die,
not until it was time for the world to die.
And so it has been for 2,000 years.
For me, theres been no escape
from the misery of life.
But I always knew my sentence
would not be eternal.
I know I could count on men on that.
And so, I win!
An end has come! My death is at hand.
I wont be stopped by anyone.
Not her, not you.
I cant allow it.
You understand, don't you, old friend?
Thank you.
Did you see him?
Im gonna die?
I tried, Jimmy. I did everything I could.
They just... They don't wanna...
They don't understand.
Do you think God will forgive them?
I don't know.
So we've got to stop this death.
Whose death?
I don't know.
It's somebody who's a martyr.
- Thats the fourth sign?
- No, I think it's the fifth.
The last martyr, an earthquake and...
look. I don't know. I can't think anymore.
You should know this!
Thats not my book,
it's the New Testament.
Pull over. Pull over there!
- What are you doing?
- Getting us a Bible!
We need a room!
Thirty bucks.
- Got it. Revelation 5. "A Scroll..."
- Read me the sixth sign.
"And I looked when he broke the sixth seal,
and there was a great earthquake...
"...and the sun became black as sackcloth
and the moon became red as blood."
Eclipse.What? The sun turning black. An eclipse.
It's on my calendar for tomorrow.
Are you sure?
Go back to the fifth sign.
"When he opened the fifth seal, I saw the
souls of those whose been slain for the word of God.
"And they cried, O Lord, how long before thou will judge and avenge our blood on those upon on the earth?'
"They were told to rest until the number
of their brethren should be complete...
"...who were to be killed
as they themselves had been."
The death of the last martyr.
It's someone who dies for the word of God,
dies before the eclipse.
Tortured to death? Murdered?
Attorneys were unable to get
a stay of execution for Jimmy Zaragoza...
...the "Word of God Killer,"
whose parents were brother and sister.
He murdered them, he said,
"because it was Gods law."
This morning, Jimmy will die
according to mans law.
Abby, where are you?
I've been looking all over for you.
Russell, listen to me. I know how to stop it.
An eclipse?
Abby, I cant stop the execution.
You have to. He is the last martyr.
Please, believe me. You cant let them kill him.
Theres nothing I can do now.
Just tell me where you are.
Abby. Abby, are you all right?
Look. There isn't time.
I gonna meet you at the prison, okey?
No, no, no! You cant stop...
I gonna leave now.
Penny! Thank God! Youve got to
get me in! Youve got to help me.
Okay, breathe, breathe.
Somebody stop him!
I did it. It's over.
Somebody help us!
Somebody help us!
It's all right, Abby.
God, no!
Sorry. It's all my fault.
It's all right, Abby.
Breathe deeply.
Relax. Breathe.
All right, push.
- Breathe, Abby.
- Push!
Youre fine.
It's all right. You're doing good.
Deep breaths!
Can you do it one more time?
One more time, Abby.
That a girl. Come on, push!
Hold on! The head is out!
Come on, sweetheart, were almost there!
We've lost the baby's heartbeat.
Will you die for Him?
Will you die for Him?
Yes, I will!
I will die for Him.
I will die for Him.
Hes beautiful, Abby...
...just like you said hed be.
You cant see him...
...but you know.
You always knew.
The Hall of Souls is full again.
It was you, Abby.
Just the one person with hope enough
for the whole world.
Remember it all.
Write it down.
Tell it... people will use the chance
she has given them.