The Shape of Water (2017)

If I spoke about it.
If I did.
What would I tell you?
I wonder?
Would I tell you about the time?
It happened a long time ago-
It seems...
In the last days of a
fair Prince's reign...
Or would I tell you about the place?
A small city near the coast
but far from everything else...
Or, I don't know.
Would I tell you about her?
The princess without voice
Or perhaps I would just warn you
about the truth of these facts
and the tale of love and loss
and the monster
that tried to destroy it all...
My Lord Hedak.
So, you are troubled.
Tell me.
I have...
I have sinned.
I've offended the god.
I'm deep in sin, my Lord Hedak.
- Let me judge of that.
I've doubted the ceremony
of the sacrifice.
Did the sirens wake you up?
It was a fire. The chocolate factory.
You smell that?
Oh my...
Toasted cocoa.
Tragedy and delight--
Hand in hand.
Oh dear child.
I'd waste away if you
weren't here looking after me.
I am the proverbial starving.
Watch this.
Bojangles, the stair dance.
That's so hard.
Cagney did it.
Different but beautiful.
I want to do that too.
All right.
Are you ready?
- Yep.
- Come on.
Next time you're going to bring
the rent,
I want you to stay and
see the bible movie, huh.
I got... I got two free tickets here.
You bring your neighbor Charles.
He's a good boy.
Find a movie in comedy?
Nobody's coming to the theater, huh.
I can throw you a free popcorn
and soda.
Oh no, for God's sake!
There's two "S' there.
Come on. Two "S".
Mardi Grass. Mardi Grass.
Elisa, come on.
Come here already!
- You gotta learn to be on time.
- Hey, what you doing?
- Look her in, Dummy.
- Leave her alone, woman.
I was keepin' her place.
I get reported.
I come after you and the mute.
- You do that, Yolanda.
You do that.
My feet are already killin' me.
I made Brewster pigs in the
blanket tonight before leavin'.
Boy, he just ate 'em up.
No thank-yous, no yum-yums,
not a peep-
Man is silent as the grave.
But if farts were flattery
Honey, he'd be Shakespeare.
Then I get home and I make him breakfast.
Eggs, bacon and buttered toast.
I butter the man's toast, Elisa.
Both sides-As if he was a child...
And I don't even get a
Thank You
You'd be grateful, because
you are an educated woman.
But my Brewster, all he had gone for him
was animal magnetism back in the day
And workin' awhile.
What in the same hell?
You boys mind puttin' the trash in the can?
That's what it's that for.
Hard to believe, uh?
That's what it's that for.
- Alright. Alright. Sorry Zelda, sorry.
- I don't know what they're doin'.
Makin' a goddamn
mess, in what I'd say.
- Zelda, stop the chatting please.
- Yes sir.
- There's no call for the blaspheme.
- Sorry, Mr. Fleming.
A moment of your time.
Today, we are receiving a new team
and asset here in T-4.
This is Dr. Robert Hoffstetler,
from our system facility in Galveston.
Now, I don't want to bolster
or overstate the matter but uh
this may very well be
the most sensitive asset
ever to be housed in this facility
- How was your trip?
- Fine.
- Who's security here?
- Just one moment please.
Security. Who's security here?
- Welcome to T-4, sir.
Yes, sir.
I am Flemington, Head of Security...
Get them out.
Help me move the cylinder
into the compressor!
Bring it here.
Bring it here.
Elisa, come on.
What goes on in this place?
Did you see that?
Yes, I'm wearing the hair piece.
How's is it look like?
Careful of the car.
It's not a hair piece.
It's a toupee.
It's eternal, see?
Tantalus never achieved the
escape of death.
There's a fruit on the branches
was just always out of his reach.
And the water in the stream receded
every time he stooped down to drink.
And so that's why
we say things today like
Look at those tantalizing pies.
Thank you, ya'll come back, y'heah?
Yes, pies for breakfast!
Just trust me on this.
Hey folks, welcome to Dixie Doug's.
- I've seen you here before, right?
- Yes, I've been here a couple of times
as a matter of fact.
- Partial to key lime pie?
- Oh yeah, I am. Two to go.
Just go with it, please.
Uh. I-uh. It's a craving I indulge in.
It can't possibly be good for me.
Nothing that I like is...
No, no.
It's a mighty fine pie, key lime.
- You would happen to be the
famous Dixie Doug himself, huh?
- Heck, no. Pies are trucked
throughout the country.
- They call it uh, franchising, see?
- Oh.
They give us the spinners, the signage.
That there's Pie Boy our mascot.
I don't talk like that.
- I'm from Ottawa.
- No.
I completely bought it.
The.. The Little guy.
Is he supposed to be Italian?
- I guess so.
That was very clever.
Y'all come back now, y'heah?
Y'all come back now
Do you think he meant it?
He had noticed me.
You heard that.
This pie is rather sordid.
Don't spit it out.
Next time we go, well try different flavor.
Save it for later.
Dear God, change that awfulness.
I do not want to see that.
I do not want to see it.
That's better. That's better.
Oh. Look at Betty!
Oh. To be young and beautiful
If I could go back,
to when I was eighteen
I didn't know anything about anything.
I'd give myself a bit of advice.
I would say. Take better care of your teeth
and fuck-a lot more.
That's very good advice.
Pretty baby of mine.
Pretty baby of mine.
Will you look at this?
Some of the best minds in our country
peeing all over the floor in this here facility.
There's pee freckles on the ceiling!
How do they get it up there?
Just how big a target do they need,
you figure?
They get enough practice
that's for sure.
My Brewster,
no one ever called him a great mind,
even he... Man he just hits the can
seventy percent of the time.
- Excuse us, sir.
- No, no, no. That's alright. Go ahead.
You ladies seem to be chatting enjoyably.
Girl talk no doubt.
Don't mind me.
Look, don't touch.
That lovely dingus right there
is an Alabama Howdy-do
Molded grip handle. Low-current,
High-voltage electric shock cattle prod.
Name's Strickland, Security.
Fleming's security.
Oh no, no. A man washes his hands
before or after tending to his needs.
That tells you a lot about that man.
If he does it both times,
Points to a weakness in character.
It was very pleasant
chatting with you both.
Short people are mean.
I've never met a short man that stays
nice all the way through.
No, sir, mean little backstabbers,
all of 'em.
Maybe it's the air down there,
not enough oxygen or somethin.
He's losing blood!
- Come on. Come on.
You think the Russians broke in?
I don't think so.
And If they did,
Duane's meatloaf will kill them all, honey.
It was two shots, you hear 'em?
Alright three, and that scream.
Whatever happens in this place?
You two.
Come with me.
Right now, Mr. Fleming, sir?
Any chance we might conclude our dinner?
- Now!
- Ugh.
Oh heavens to Betsy.
We're in a pickle. We're in such a pickle.
You will have exactly twenty minutes,
to render this-this lab immaculate
and so on and so forth.
Twenty minutes.
It's a lot of blood.
I can handle piss,
I can handle poop...
But blood? Mmm.
Blood is just something to me.
Here Hon, help me mop it up.
The sooner we get out of here the better.
It's a finger!
It's two fingers!
Okay, okay.
Put 'em away and just wait here.
I'm gonna get this to Fleming.
Where are these body parts?
The body parts?
No, I believe you, honey.
Are you sure you it was alive?
Because I saw a mermaid once
in a carnival tent.
And it was a monkey sewn to the
tail of a fish. Looked real to me.
Alright, I apologized.
I have a deadline
You know uh...
Corn Flakes were invented
to prevent masturbation.
It didn't work.
Oh, Alice Faye just started...
She was a huge star, huge.
And one day she couldn't take
the bullshit, the backstabbing anymore
and she just walked away from everything.
Ta-da! It's not bad, is it?
For being shit?
Huh, listen.
You eat, you go to bed, you rest.
And when I get paid...
We get pie!
No, we don't get pie.
I get pie. You get whatever you want.
Wish me luck.
You'll never know just how much
I miss you...
You'll never know just how much
I care...
- They want the gelatin to be green now.
- But I was told red.
New concept.
That's the future, now.
Oh. And they want them happier-
the family.
- Happier?
The Father looks like he just
discovered the missionary position
- Giles.
Well uh... What would they
supposed to be happy about?
I want the photographs.
I sold them on this
- It's too bad-this is nice work.
- It is nice, isn't it?
I think it's one of my best.
How are you holding up?
- You drinking?
- No, not a drop. No.
You get any work since you
left Klein & Saunders?
You mean since I was asked to leave by you.
We're not gonna get into this now.
I want to come back, Bernie
We'll see.
Now do this!
What are you doing in there?
Cleaning, huh?
Listen, honey.
Mr. I pee with my hands on my hips
wants to see us both.
Zelda D. Fuller.
How long have you two
known each other, Zelda?
- About ten years, Sir.
No siblings, Zelda?
- No sir...
That's not common, is it? For your people?
My momma died after me.
After I was born.
What does the D stand for?
Delilah, Sir.
On account of the bible.
She betrayed Samson.
Lull him to sleep, cut his hair.
Philistines torture
him, humiliate him-
Burn his eyes out.
I guess my momma didn't read
the good book close enough
- And you?
Elisa Esposito.
Doesn't Esposito means Orphan?
Our Lady of Sorrows Orphanage in Putnam.
They found her by the river in the water.
It was you...
that found my fingers?
Three hours in surgery.
They rebuilt the first phalanx,
here, sutured the tendons.
Don't know if it's going
to take it or not.
There was mustard on them.
A paper bag.
- It was all we had, Sir.
I answer mostly, on account
that she can't talk.
She can't?
Is she deaf?
Mute, sir.
She said she can hear you.
All those scars on your neck.
That's what that it cut
your voice box, right?
She said since she was a baby.
Who would do that to a baby?
The world is sinful.
Wouldn't you say so, Delilah?
Well, let me say this upfront.
You clean that lab.
You get out.
The thing we keep in there,
is an affront.
Do you know what an
affront is, Zelda?
- Something offensive?
That's right.
And I should know, I've dragged that...
...filthy thing
out of the river muck in South America
all the way here
And along the way we didn't get
to like each other much.
You may think...
that thing looks human
Stands on two legs, right?
we're created in the Lord's image.
You don't think that's what
the Lord looks like, do you?
I wouldn't know, Sir.
What the Lord looks like.
Well, human, Zelda.
He looks like a human, like me.
Or even you.
Maybe a little more like me, I guess.
Well, that's all.
General Hoyt.
Thank you for calling me back, Sir.
- You feel better?
- Oh yes, Sir. Much better.
Pain pills, is all.
- You lost two fingers. You wasn't?
- Two fingers yeah. He got two fingers.
But I still got my thumb, my trigger
and my pussy finger
Sounds to me like you'll be all right.
- Yes, sir, that's right.
Looking forward to your visit, Sir.
Decisions need to be made about the asset. to locations on
Downtown Portermouth.
The Future is here.
Get to rest.
Pick me up on 9:30.
Twenty one hundred and thirty hours.
Yes, Sir.
...that's great to buy.
I'm home.
I made you an omelet!
- Hey Dad! Guess what?
- No pancakes?
I've gone half through the boxes.
I can't find the griddle...
I made you cheese and broccoli omelette,
- Guess what?
How are you feeling?
Does it hurt?
- A little bit. Pills help.
- Guess what?
- What?
- We're burying a time capsule, at the new school.
I wanted to ask you.
Do you think we'll all have jet packs,
in the future?
Believe it son.
- Bus is here.
This is America.
Bye dad!
Finish your omelet and wash your hands
real good and come upstairs, Sweetie.
I kinda like it here.
The kids like the lawn.
Plus, DC is just half an hour away, isn't it?
It's still Baltimore, Elaine.
No one likes Baltimore.
You know what I'm thinking?
I'm thinking.
I need a new car.
Do you need a new car, do you?
How about a Cadillac, Mr.?
Oh, Richard!
Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie.
Your hand is bleeding.
Silence. Don't talk.
I want you in silence.
The sparrow nests on the window sill.
- What?
The sparrow nests on the window sill.
And the eagle takes the prey.
- What?
Hurry! Hurry! Come on.
Swipe it. God, girl.
- You're doing it again, Zelda.
- Oh. Give it a rest, Yolanda!
- Hey, Zelda, you want to smoke?
- That shit's ain't good for you, Duane.
Yeah. But it feel good.
- It does, doesn't it?
C'mon Elisa, just one.
C'mon. C'mon. C'mon
Don't worry about that camera.
We push them off on break time.
This here's a blind spot.
I may have to finish some things in here,
fetch the General, will ya?
Oh. You miss me, huh?
I took a candy break.
This is what scares you, huh?
Jeez, be used to it by now.
There you go again.
Making that god-awful sound.
Is that you crying, huh?
Is that what it is?
Are you hurting? Huh?
Or maybe you're angry?
Maybe you'd like to get another bite at me.
Huh? Go ahead.
I can't tell.
Are you begging?
'Cause to me it's just the
worst fucking noise I've ever heard.
General Hoyt!
Welcome, Sir!
Everything's ready.
Glad to have you here, Sir!
- Good to see you, son.
- Thank you.
Good God Almighty, Is that it?
A lot bigger than I thought.
Ugly as sin.
You know, the natives in
the Amazon worshipped it as a God.
It doesn't look like much
of a God now, does it?
Well, they were primitive, Sir.
You know they tossed offerings
into the water, flowers, fruits,
crap like that.
Then they tried to stop the oil drill
with bows and arrows.
That didn't turn out too well.
He's bleeding.
What happened?
What happened?
- It's an animal, Hoffstetler.
Just keeping it tame.
Oxygen osmosis and dioxide exchange.
What the hell we got here, Son?
- This creature, Sir
It can alternate between two entirely
separate breathing mechanisms.
- Mudskipper can do that.
- No.
Look. You want to put a man in space.
He's gonna have to endure conditions
the human body just wasn't made for.
This gives us an edge against the Soviets.
How long can it breathe outside the water?
Reality, is, Sir.
We don't know jackshit about this thing.
Well, the Soviets want it.
We know that much.
Those cockeyed bastards.
You know, they let them send a dog up
in the space and we get a good laugh.
Then next thing you know,
they send a human up.
A Ruskie, orbiting our planet,
doing God knows what?
Who's laughing now?
That's it. We let him put a dog in space,
he laughs, puts a commie in space
he laughs, puts missiles in Cuba.
Have we learned nothing?
Sir. We need to get him back in the water
See this Scientist, they are like artists.
They fall in love with their playthings.
Now, right here-you see?
Along the middle?
This creature has a thick jointed cartilage
separating the primary and secondary lungs.
Am I explaining this correctly, Bob?
- Yes, but we have to...
- It makes the X-rays inconclusive.
- In principle, Sir, yes but...
- If we want to get the edge on the Soviets
we need to vivisect this thing.
- No, no, no.
Take it apart. Learn how it works.
- No.
- No. That would defeat the purpose
Sir? He's passed out.
Put him in the tank.
Let him pressurize.
General Hoyt, sir!
You cannot, under any circumstance,
kill this creature.
Count these with me, Son.
There's five of them.
That means I can do
whatever the hell I want.
You wanna plead your case?
I'll listen to it.
But, end of the day,
it is my damn decision.
Then cut and open that thing.
We need clarity in this case.
And give yourself a good
pat on the back, Strickland.
You've done it.
- Thank you sir.
Now hurry up and finish
this job, son.
Absolutely, sir.
Get him out?
What are you talking?
No! Absolutely not!
Because it's breaking the law!
And that's what.
We're probably breaking the law,
just talking about it.
Oh, he's alone.
This mean that...
whenever we go to a Chinese restaurant
you want to save every fish in the tank?
So what if he's alone?
We're all alone.
It's the loneliest thing you've ever seen
Well you just said it, right?
You just said it.
You called it a thing. It's a thing.
It's a freak.
I can understand you.
- Calm down!
God, calm down!
Alright. I will...
I will repeat it to you.
"What I am?
I move my mouth, like him.
I make no sound, like him.
What does that make me?
All that I am,
all that I've ever been
Brought me here to him.
You see, you're saying "him".
It's a "him" now.
It's a...
You just hit me!
Elisa, let go of me.
I'm looking, I'm looking.
You've never... hit me!
When he looks at me,
the way he looks at me.
He does not know what I lack.
Or how I am incomplete.
He sees me for what I am,
as I am.
He's happy to see me
Every time, every day.
And now I can either save him...
...or let him die.
I'm leaving. I have to... no
I have to leave.
Just Elisa, please stop!
Listen to me. Just listen to me.
I have to go! I'm leaving
now because this...
Elisa, this is very important to me.
This is a second chance for me!
I'm sorry, but I have to go.
And when I come back.
We will not talk about this, ever again.
Elisa... there's...
Alright. Alright.
What are we? What are you and I?
What we are? We are nothing!
Nothing. We can't do nothing!
I'm sorry.
But this-this-this is just...
Oh god! He's not even human!
- I've been waiting.
- I know, sorry.
It's okay.
We going in?
You should've just mailed the art.
No! I wanted to show you it
to you and the team and person
It's some of my best work.
And this green as can be!
It's uh...
It's not a good time.
Maybe later.
Oh well, sure, no problem.
What would be good time
for you, Bernie?
You painted that?
- Yeah.
Wow!! You're good!
Apparently, not as good
as a photograph.
But it's good, isn't it, huh?
Pfft. I couldn't
paint like that.
Here. On me.
For me?
We don't get many like you in here.
You seem...
very educated.
I like talking to you.
The thing is...
That's the...
The only reason that I come in here is...
- The conversation. And the pie
is mighty fine too, isn't it?
- Yeah. Yeah.
It's no key lime.
But it's good.
You know, I work alone.
And uh...
my best friend is not much
of a conversationalist.
You see? That's part of
being on the job here.
It's like being a bartender.
You serve people pie, you listen
to their problems. Get to know them.
I'd like to get to know you better.
- What the hell are
you doing, old man?
Whoa. Oh-oh.
Hey! No-no-no. Not the counter.
Take out only. You can't sit there.
You want something,
you order, you take it out.
But it's empty...
The counter is-
All reserved. All day.
You don't sit down.
Y'all come back now, Y'hear?
You don't need to talk to them like that.
You should go, too.
And don't come back.
This is a family restaurant.
I have no one.
And you're the only person
that I can talk to.
Whatever this thing is
You need it.
You just tell me what to do.
- "All those things..."
- "As the spring recedes..."
Let's go!
Cadillac DeVille.
Best car ever made.
V8, 390 CID.
Clean and crisp like a fresh dollar bill
- I am just idling around.
- And I'm just talking.
AM radio, air conditioning,
power windows, power breaks,
power steering, power seats
All deluxe interior appointment choices.
143 options.
Now this is...
The Taj-Mahal on wheels.
- I'm not sure about the green.
- Oh, it's not green, my friend, Teal.
- Well, Teal looks green to me.
- But it isn't, see? It's a limited edition.
Twelve coats of paint. Polished by hand.
All authentic chrome detailing.
Four out of five successful men
in America drive a Cadillac.
- Is that a fact?
- This here, is the future.
And you strike me as a man
who is headed there.
- Where?
- Why? The Future.
You are the man of the future.
You belong in this car.
O meu ganz faz chica chica boom chic
P'r eu cantar o chica chica boom chic
Com a cano do chica chica boom chic
Meu corao faz chica chica boom chic
E vem a saudade da Bahia
Onde o samba tem
Canjer tambm
Numa batucada
Chic chic Boom
Chic chic chic chic boom
Chic chic Boom
Chic chic chic chic boom
brasileiro o chica chica boom chic
Com um pandeiro fazendo o chica boom chic
E para terminar chica chica boom chic
Wow, Sir!
That is a beautiful car.
What can I say?
You gotta feel good drivin' that, eh uh?
And what a wonderful shade of green, huh?
- Teal.
- Teal.
So at 5 a.m. I drive my car
down the loading ramp.
And the shifts are changing
How much time do I have?
5 minutes? I'll remember.
5 a.m., 5 minutes.
Five-five. Five-five.
You're going to move the cameras.
And uh. I'm gonna be synchronizing our watches,
just like they do in the movies.
Oh God. I'm so proud of you.
God. You're just... You're not afraid.
You are? Very?
Don't tell me that! I'm terrified.
I think this is some of my best work.
Michael Parker. A good, trustworthy name.
A little butch.
Yes, age fifty-one?
It don't have to be rude.
Fifty seven.
I put the hair on,
I can pull it off.
I can wear this. Or I have to uh...
Or I have this. This
I think this one says Working Man.
Now this. This says with butterscotch "tie
it says casual but with stylish.
So, you like this? I agree. I agree.
I think we're ready.
Mr. Strickland!
Sally, could you call Mrs. Esposito
to clean up this spill?
You know, I can't figure it out myself.
You're not much to look at.
Go figure. I keep thinking about you.
When you say you're mute,
are you entirely silent
Or do you squawk a little?
Some of you squawk.
Not pretty.
I just want you to know.
I do not care about the scars.
I don't mind those scars.
I don't mind that you can't speak, either.
When you come right down to it
I like it.
A lot.
Kind of gets me going.
I bet I can make you squawk a little.
Hey, honey, are you okay?
You hurry up. I want to be home early.
My feet are killin' me.
We need to delay the procedure.
Knock before you enter my office.
This is urgent!
Go back out. Knock.
Then I'll let you in and we'll talk.
That's the protocol. Follow the protocol.
Come in.
Will you get the door for me, please?
See? That is the way.
Now we talk.
I need more time.
Don't let the fact that
you feel like a loser now
that your competitive tendencies...
- I'm not competitive!
I don't want an intricate,
beautiful thing destroyed.
This thing dies. You learn.
I leave. Out of here.
Settle down. My family settles down.
Somewhere. Nice. A real city.
This creature is intelligent.
Capable of language,
of understanding emotions.
So are the Soviets, the Gooks
And we still kill them, don't we?
The bottom line is,
this is not a petting zoo.
And I don't want to be in this shithole
any longer than I need.
Do you?
Do you?
No, I don't.
Hey, what are you waiting for?
- Have you seen Elisa?
- Come on, Zelda!
Did you move the camera?
On the loading dock?
Is that where you are taking him?
Through the service tunnels?
That's very smart.
Who do you work for?
Water must be kept at
5 to 8 percent salinity.
Table salt will do.
Mixed one of these in this water.
Every three days.
Raw protein diet is a must.
In five minutes,
I'll meet you at the loading dock.
The lights will go out,
so be prepared.
Mr. Strickland, Sir. 12 hours to
the vivisection of asset. And uh...
I need your signature
here, please.
Hold it, right there.
- Michael Parker. Is that you?
- My whole life.
Are you out of your mind?
Do not do this, Elisa!
Don't do this!
- What's that? What's that vehicle?
- Laundry man?
But it is not scheduled!
- Sir!
- Meet me at the loading dock.
- Sir! What do you...
- Get back up.
Step out of the vehicle, Sir.
- Oh God, I'm not good at this.
Out of the vehicle. Now!
I will not say it again.
- Please don't shoot me.
- Get out!
What are you waiting for?
We're out of time!
Get out now!
We have to go! Hurry!
Oh! Woman we gon' burn in hell!
Come on, push!
I swear, I'm not doing this on purpose!
Mechanical objects and I don't get along...
She's waiting for you at the dock!
Go! Now!
- Okay. Hold on.
Who's that man?
I think he just killed someone!
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Are we ready?
Are we ready?
He's so beautiful!
Did I do that?
I'm just not good at this.
Move! Move!
What are you talking about, Salt?
Israeli Popper.
Do you smell the magnesium?
The Russians hate the Jews,
but they can't get enough of their gadgets
How did they get in?
Forged ID. Fake plates.
And so on and so forth...
And they moved the main
video camera on the dock, Sir.
Well, no one has to know.
We got 24 hours before I bounce out.
I called it in?
Did you called it in?
The moment it happened, I...
Mr. Strickland, Sir.
What is it, Sally?
- Sir, General Hoyt is on the phone.
That thing was our Space Dog, Strickland.
You know that.
Sir, I'm gettin' it back.
I don't-I can't be in a negative frame of mind, Sir.
So you're feeling good?
Feeling strong. Getting it back.
You can get it done. You're gonna get it done.
For me, Son. For me.
Is that when you're
planning on releasing him?
On the tenth?
So what if the rains are late?
What happens with the canal?
All right.
What's that?
Let me see it.
Is that for me?
That's good, keep it up.
Lookin' like you don't know anything.
Lord help me if they ask me if I do.
I am not a good liar.
Except for Brewster.
Takes a lot of lies to
keep a marriage going.
All personnel.
Prepare to present your
ID and entrance card.
Security measures has been...
What in the...?
All personnel.
Prepare to present your ID
and entrance card
You got us in trouble!
In my opinion, we are looking
at a highly trained group, Sir.
I'm thinking, conceivably, Sir.
Special Forces and so on and so forth.
Red Army Special forces?
- Conceivably.
A highly-trained,
well-financed, elite group.
Highly efficient, ruthless,
clockwork precision.
Infiltration took less than five minutes, Sir.
I can sure the estimate of
this Strict Force of at least 10 minutes.
Have you always been alone?
Did you ever have someone?
Do you know what happened to you?
Do you?
'Cause I don't.
I don't know what happen to me.
I don't know.
I look in the mirror, the only thing
that I recognize are these eyes.
In this old man's face.
And sometimes I think I was either both
too early or too late for my life.
Maybe we're both just relics.
I got them.
Zelda, Elisa.
Come in.
Looks like you two, punched out
before the incident.
If you know something about
what transpired here.
It's your obligation to report any detail.
No matter how small
or trivial it may seem.
"Trivial" means "unimportant".
I didn't seem nothin' out of the ordinary.
Or trivial. See?
My feet were hurting...
What about you?
She didn't see anything.
Hoffstetler. Dr. Hoffstetler.
Did either of you see him coming
in or out of the lab?
He works there, doesn't he?
I mean in a different way.
Doing something different.
Something trivial? No sir.
What am I doing?
Interviewing the fucking help...
The shit cleaners...
The piss wipers.
You two, go ahead. Leave.
What did you say to me?
- What did she say?
- I didn't catch it.
- What is she saying?!
- She is saying "Thank you".
There's only one thing left to do.
No! No!
I want to get home early.
Brewster has been in
a bad mood lately...
Holy Jesus!
What are you doing standing in the
shadows of the women's locker room??
They may be watching me,
and there are no cameras here/
For good reason.
What if you caught us in an inconvenient moment?
- I need to know that he is alright.
- He is.
- When will you release him?
- Soon.
When the rain fills the canal
that flows to the sea.
If you need anything.
Release him. Soon.
What did she say?
She said, you're a good man,
Doctor Hoffstetler.
My name is Dimitri.
Honored to meet you.
Hey, dummy!
Phone call for you.
It's urgent.
Don't worry about me. I'm fine.
Believe me, I'm fine.
He ate Pandora,
it wasn't his fault.
He's a wild creature.
We can't ask him to be anything else.
Elisa, Go find him.
Go. Go!
You're lucky.
I stayed awake as long as I could
But I'm not even a young man anymore.
Is he alright? You sure?
Where are you going?
No, no.
Ok. No, no.
Don't play with the kitties.
Don't play with the kitties.
I'm not angry.
You did that. That's okay.
Ooh. I don't think that's sanitary.
Interesting guy.
All personnel.
Prepare to present your
ID and entrance card.
You wanted to see me?
How's it going? The investigation?
- Well, we have a promising lead.
That's good to hear.
You joined us in Galveston.
But where were you before, Hoffstetler?
- Doctor.
Excuse me?
- Doctor.
- Wisconsin. Madison.
- That's right.
You gave up a tenure track position.
Didn't you?
Gave it all up...
For us.
I suppose you're getting ready
to leave us now, then, huh?
Only if the creature isn't found.
What do you think?
You think we will find it?
Well, you said you had a lead.
- I do.
Why you smiling, hon?
Stop looking like that.
What happened?
Does he?
Have a?
Never trust a man.
Even when he looks flat down there.
I just signed up in anthropology.
We're gonna go have classes in
the Amazon Jungle...
in South America.
- South America?
Oh man. You have to get off
early in the morning
That's a long hike.
- We're gonna stay down there.
- We are?
Oh no. You're not coming along too.
This is a gelatin parfait.
You will love it.
Dad, can we watch Bonanza?
Bonanza is much too violent.
You know what I was thinking today?
We get the kids a P-U-P-P...
What is going on?
I've got water pouring into my theater.
I have four paying customers.
I can't afford a refund.
It's probably a pipe.
I'll take care of it.
If you don't fix it. No more renting.
- I will fix it.
Dear God!
I'm toweling my hair.
It's my hair!
And... and... look at the arm.
The wound.
As if it was never there.
Look at them.
You said...
He was worshipped like a god.
Is he a God?
I don't look to him as a God. He ate a cat
So I-I don't know! I don't know!
We have to keep him around, awhile
A little while.
Your water, Sir.
- And, Sir, General Hoyt.
- Uh-mm. Uh-mm.
Tell him I'm not in, tell him I will call
him back. Don't put him through.
No, Sir.
He's in your office.
At this point our only
concern is the asset.
Do you have it?
Still in the wind, sir.
That won't do.
Yes sir.
I know.
You've know me for how long, Sir?
- Thirteen years. Battle of Pusan.
- Yes, sir.
A man is faithful, loyal, efficient
all of his life. All of it
And he is... useful.
And he expects...
He has certain
expectations in return.
And then...
He fails.
Once. Only once.
What does that make?
Does that make him a failure?
When is a man done, Sir?
Proving himself?
A good man.
A decent man.
A man must have the decency
not to fuck up.
That's one thing.
That is real decent of him.
The other kind of decency.
It doesn't really matter.
We sell it.
But it's an export.
We sell it 'cause we don't use it.
36 hours from now,
this entire episode will be over.
And so will you.
Our universe will have a hole in it
with your outline.
And you will have moved on
to an alternate universe.
A universe of shit.
You will be lost to civilization.
And you will be unborn.
So, go get some real decency, Son.
And unfuck this mess.
Thirty-six hours.
Thirty-six hours.
Deliver. You deliver.
That's what you do.
You deliver, right?
Just how much...
Never know...
Just how much...
I care...
And if I tried
I still couldn't hide
my love for you.
You ought to know
For haven't I told you so
You went away and my heart
went with you
I speak your name in my every prayer
If there is some other way to prove
That I love you
I swear I don't know how.
You'll never know
If you don't know now
What is it, my honey?
This isn't good.
I'm going to call Dr. Hoffstetler
You got to release him tonight, honey.
I'll come back and help you.
He's coming out.
Sir, If you don't mind me saying.
You don't look so well.
Shut up.
Can you smell that?
I think it's your fingers.
They are black.
There he is, Doctor fucking shitbird.
There's no call for cursing, Sir.
Get out of the car.
I'm taking it.
- This is my car.
- Get the fuck out.
- Out of my car?
- Did I stutter?
- Strickland, thank God!
- You were speaking Russian, Bob.
- What's your name?
- Hoffstetler.
Oh no. Don't lie.
You don't need to.
You took a bullet to your gut.
You're dead.
I need the names, ranks and locations
of the entire Strike Team.
- Strike Team?
The ones that took the asset.
This candy. It's cheap candy.
I love it ever since I was a kid.
Some folks favor more sophisticated snacks
Nougat center and all that fu-fu shit.
But not me, Bob.
This is it for me.
Now. Sometimes, if I'm feeling anxious
I just bite right into it
But mostly, I take my time.
I make it last.
Names, ranks and location
of the strike team.
Names! Ranks! Now!
No names
No ranks
They just clean.
Alright Brewster. I'm gonna fix you dinner
and then I'm going to run out
for a little while and help a friend.
- Help with what?
- Helping a friend.
Well, You could well help me
answer the door, Brewster!
You're sittin' right there
just ten feet away from it.
My back is acting up, woman.
You move.
Your back. Your back. Always your back.
Mr. Strickland!
What are you doing here?
- Who's that man, Zelda?
- Where is it?
- What are you talking about?
- Where did you take it?
The thing in the lab.
Where is it?
- Where is what?
- Sit down!
I'm sorry, Sir.
If I knew anything I would surely tell you.
That story about Samson.
I never told you how it ended.
After the Philistines torture him
and blind him.
Samson asks God for the strength he needs
And at the last minute, he is spared.
And the Lord...
Gives him his strength back.
One last time.
And he holds the columns of the temple
with his powerful arms and crushes them
And he brings the whole building
down on the Philistines.
He dies. But he gets every single
one of those motherfuckers.
That is his will.
Do you know what that
particular story means?
For us, Delilah?
It means that if you know something
you're not telling me,
you're gonna tell me.
Either before or after...
I bring this particular temple...
down upon our heads.
Gal stole that thing
right out the lab!
Whatever it is.
You go took it.
I heard my wife.
Talking on the phone about it.
Thank you very much, Mr. Fuller
for your assistance.
- What have you done?
- Zelda!
I got to warn her.
He's going after her
You will do no such thing, Woman.
Why you worry about her?
She broke the laws
Shut up, Brewster!
You shut up!
For years, you don't talk
and now you can't shut your mouth.
Damn you Brewster!
You wouldn't understand.
You couldn't understand.
Not if you tried your whole life
- Hello?
- Giles, that you?
- Yes.
- Put Elisa on the phone.
It's Zelda.
Elisa, honey, make a sound in
the phone if you can hear
Okay, good.
He's coming for you.
You got to go now and
you go to take that thing with you.
We have to go!
Where are you?
Where the fuck are you?!
That's nice.
I do not fail.
I deliver.
You are a God.
If I told you about it
What would I say?
That they lived
happily ever after?
I believe it is.
That they were in love
That they remained in love.
I'm sure that's true.
But when I think
of her, Elisa...
The only thing that comes to mind is a poem
Whispered by someone in love,
hundreds of years ago...
Unable to perceive the shape of You"
"I find You all around me."
"Your presence fills my eyes with your love"
"It humbles my heart"
"For you are everywhere"
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