The Shepherd: Border Patrol (2008)

Six o'clock.
-Go dark.
-Copy that.
Keep it tight. No sound.
Get down! Get down!
-On your knees!
-Get down!
Jamal Al Din.
Where is Jamal Al Din?
Get up.
You wanna die?
No sweat off my ass.
Jamal Al Din.
You're gonna tell me.
-Stand! Stand against the wall!
Against the wall!
-Get your hands behind your head!
-Come on! Over here! Don't move!
-Turn around.
-Right there, right there!
Jamal Al Din, or you go:
Hello, hombre.
-I'll call you when I get there.
-Sounds good.
Go to your right.
Oh, really? Why don't we get personal
with it, right?
This is Jack Robideaux.
He's joining us
from the Homicide Division...
...of the New Orleans
Police Department.
Looks a little crazy, doesn't he?
Hey, buddy,
what's the rabbit's first trick?
Grab a seat, Mr. Dolittle.
We were just going over
an action-item list from the FBI.
There's a new breed
of smugglers and dealers...
...who are operating in this region.
The guys we're talking about
could be former American military:
Navy SEALs, Rangers, Delta,
some of our best.
Those bloody mercenaries
coming back from the war...
...and something snaps.
Now they're looking
for the biggest available paycheck.
And right now that paycheck
is coming from the drug lords...
...just across the border.
There's one common link:
They've all served with this man.
Now, we don't know his name,
but he is making his mark.
These guys aren't thugs.
They're a well-funded mercenary army
with a sizable bankroll.
And if this escalates...
...this could turn into a real war
on American soil.
Any questions?
Okay, that's all.
Mr. Robideaux,
can you wait a second?
Captain Ramona Garcia. Welcome.
Don't think I'm gonna
cut you any slack because you're new.
This is not New Orleans,
the rules are different...
...and if you can't work with them,
you'll be in deep shit with me.
-There are two reasons...
...for getting into border patrol.
Either you wanna uphold the law...
...or you wanna beat the shit
out of illegals for kicks.
-No, that's not--
-Columbus is a very violent town.
Stay out of trouble with the locals.
Am I making myself clear?
Yes, ma'am.
Good. We'll get you partnered up.
I work best alone.
Not in my unit you don't.
-Your rabbit got a name?
-Yeah. Jack.
Pretty creative on your part.
I would rather spend time
with my aunt Flora...
...than spend another weekend
with you.
Motel Stepburn on Highway 31
four miles outside of town... not a weekend getaway.
-Yeah, yeah, I know.
-Well, why you done that?
Forty hours in a cramped room...
...with stale pizza, horrible lighting
and bad sex.
Shut up, Lexxi!
Good times.
I wouldn't laugh if I were you.
I might just find someone
more interesting.
-What'll you have, cowboy?
-A cheeseburger and a Coke, please.
You hear that, Jed?
He said ''please.''
Now, why can't you be more like him?
Your Coke.
And for your little rabbit.
Thank you.
I'll have your burger in a second.
And if there's anything else you need,
sweetie, I'm Lexxi.
That's quite a bunny
you have there.
Now, that's not very nice,
ignoring me when I'm talking to you.
Especially since you've already shown
what a gentleman you are.
-Shut up, Lexxi.
I think Lexxi likes you,
and that means I don't.
I'm just trying to have a meal.
I'm trying to figure where you get off
making me look bad with my girl.
-Check, please.
I guess not.
-Let's go.
-We need to get going, hon.
Good evening.
But it wasn't my fault.
She asked for my help. I helped her.
Then she comes back at me with that.
What could I do?
Everybody's playing with me, man.
-You need to listen to me.
I told you yesterday
not to mix it up with the locals.
Then you went and kicked the shit
out of four guys at Connie's bar.
I have enough problems
without your bullshit.
Don't mistake these tits
for weakness, Jack.
I have no problem
sending you back to New Orleans.
Yes, ma'am.
This is your new partner,
Agent Pawnell.
He's gonna keep your nose clean,
or I'll kick both your asses.
-Crouching tiger, hidden rabbit.
-Nice to meet you.
It won't happen again.
Agent Pawnell
is one of our more talented officers.
And, Jack, all you need to do
is shut up and listen.
I understand my job, ma'am.
I'll just observe.
Hey, man, she likes you.
That's her way of being friendly?
Yeah. Of course she's hot.
Hottest girl in Columbus. Crazy hot.
I can barely take her anyplace
without causing a scene.
Hell, I'll even introduce you
to her sister. She's a looker.
If you don't mind a little extra meat.
Earth to Jack.
-I'm listening.
-So tell me about you.
Nothing to tell.
Sure there is. For one,
what's the deal with the rabbit?
...don't make a sound.
Pancho Villa himself.
The only place in America
to endure a ground invasion...
...and they put a statue and build
a memorial for the son of a bitch.
Every day we're dodging bullets
from the Mexican side.
These coyotes seem to know
our moves before we even make them.
More guys have died this year
than the previous 10. It's crazy.
Either they're listening
to our coms...
...or they got someone
on the inside.
Hey, Millie's gonna
pick me up tomorrow.
Be careful with the company wheels,
See you at 11.
Action doesn't start until after lunch.
Cool, man.
Who is your friend, Billy?
Hey, baby.
This is my new partner, Jack.
Nice to meet you, ma'am.
Come on, baby.
Jack's gotta be heading back to work.
-Have a good night.
-See you later, man.
-Good night.
-Good night, man.
I have to sleep.
Got a job to do.
We got a potential Code 19
at Highway 11 and Craft Road.
Let's roll.
They'll sneak in
from another direction. Let's go.
Jack. What the hell are you doing?
Trust me.
That was a diversion.
I'm telling you,
they're gonna come through here.
And if they do, we're out of here.
We'll come back
when they get us the right equipment.
What have we here?
What do you see?
About 10 runners and the coyote.
Right in front of us.
-All right, let's go get them.
-I don't think so.
What are we supposed to do,
let them go free?
Look closer.
My wife and kids
need me to come home alive.
Over there.
Don't move. Pawnell?
On your knees! On your knees!
Do it, asshole!
What you have in here? Heroin?
Por favor, what?
Don't move.
Good job, buddy.
Yo, Jack, what you doing, man?
-Pawnell, stay there.
-Put some cuffs on the kid.
And call the bomb squad.
Come on. Move it. They're near.
I need the bomb squad.
Repeat, bomb squad at Highway 11
and Alberta.
-Copy that.
-We're right behind you. Don't move.
I'm on my way.
They're on their way.
-Okay, let's go.
-Let's go. Get them in.
-We're coming.
-All right, you in?
-Hold on.
-Lock it in.
Let's get four.
-You're on standby.
-Coming through.
All right, he's good to go.
Let's move, people.
Oh, boy, I don't believe this.
Sir, you really need to get behind
the safety wall.
-I understand, but--
-This is not a request, sir.
Welcome to Columbus.
Hell of a first day.
Get back.
It's an optical, fiber-based seal
Get down!
Oh, man.
Bring the medics.
-Come on, come on!
Paramedics, man down!
Come on.
Hold on.
Walk carefully.
Everything okay, sir?
It was until you showed up, loco.
Has everything been arranged?
Benito's contact just called.
Vehicles are ready.
Thank you for coming.
Meeting in this barn is not meant to be
a sign of disrespect.
No, my friend,
associate with the common folk.
It keeps me grounded.
The smell of horse shit always
reminds us where we came from.
What is he, your shadow?
I don't like the look he's giving me.
He's got my best interest at heart.
So do I.
I'm here to make you an offer.
We divide the border equally.
An interesting offer.
There's plenty for both of us.
The more we fight amongst
ourselves the less money we make.
What's going on?
Easy, friend. Take it easy.
I just got a message from your boss.
This is highly classified information
straight from Quantico.
Benjamin Meyers currently controls
all of the smuggling in this area...
...and he's ramping up
the shipments.
Over 50,000 illegal immigrants...
...are crossing this section
of the border each year.
Every one of them could be carrying
up to a kilo of heroin... we saw yesterday.
Imagine the flood...
...if even only 10 percent
of these people are carrying.
Great. So now we're gonna need
a goddamn bomb squad... inspect everyone
who slips through the fence.
By incorporating C-4
explosive devices into the equation...
...and using illegal immigrants
in this way... gives him a cheap
and deadly pipeline into the U.S.
C-4, you can shoot it... can cut it in half,
you can step on it...
...and it will not detonate without
some type of remote-control device.
So be careful out there,
but watch for the decoys.
Meyers was KIA in Afghanistan.
Now, we have intel
that by the end of his tour...
...Meyers was heavily involved in
the opium trade with a Sheikh Ahman.
He's in the center.
Now, these men are heavy hitters.
Sir, we getting any new equipment?
National Guard gonna lend a hand?
Yeah, as you know, this is a hot topic
and it's an election year.
Right now,
you men are the only ones on the line.
That's it.
-Nice. Good choice of color, Jack.
-Matches your eyes.
Get yourself a coffee.
Listen, Jack. I thought I'd speak to you
before I speak to--
You okay?
What I tell you
stays between us, right?
The night I introduced you to my wife,
she screwed my brains out... we were teenagers.
Eyes closed the whole time.
You know what that means, right?
It means she was thinking about
someone else.
Even if it was you,
I couldn't do anything about it.
Because you had to go
and save my life.
What the hell am I supposed to do?
I don't know, man.
I know you got some money,
my man.
Pull over.
Get up.
Real smart, huh?
You want to go down like this?
Hey, don't shoot.
I got something for you here.
Easy, man.
It's from my boss.
He said, ''Don't work too hard.''
I would expect this from him,
but from you too? Asshole.
Ma'am, we were patrolling--
It's on me.
It has nothing to do with him.
I am gonna kick you all the way back
to New Orleans, to jail in New Orleans.
We don't need this here.
In case you haven't noticed...
...we only have 1841 people
in this town.
Eighteen hundred
and thirty-nine now.
-They were trying to--
-I need every man I have.
But I am willing to lose anyone
that makes trouble.
So who is this new local hero?
I'm.... I'm having a re-election gala
tomorrow night at the civic center.
-You should stop by.
-Thank you.
Hero like you can make
all the difference in an election.
Sort of story the newspapers love.
He can help me convince the voters
Columbus is getting safer.
With crime up 25 percent?
So who are they gonna believe,
the numbers or the hero?
-I'm.... I'm having a re-election gala....
-And what is this?
-Got it today from our friend.
-you should stop by.
Thank you.
Who is this guy?
Why isn't he on our payroll?
Well, he turned us down.
Capped two of our boys.
Not a typical border-patrol agent,
if you ask me.
Keep an eye on him.
Tell me everything you find out.
you are now connected
to the SA T-phone link.
Be advised
that we have received your report...
...and will be in touch with you.
It's all set
to expedite the new shipments.
-Transmission completed.
-Data received.
-Hey, how you doing?
-How are you?
...wanna offer my apologies
for the other day.
-Can I pet your bunny?
I'm glad to see that you boys
are getting along now.
Mr. Jack,
I saw you on the news last night.
A hero in our bar.
Okay, then, sweetie, you can have
whatever you want. You just name it.
A cheeseburger and a Coke, please.
Coming right up.
That's about right. Yeah. No.
Go on, drink it up.
It's on the house, cowboy. Enjoy.
Thank you.
I sure hope you're not
one of those angry drunks.
I don't drink,
but if I don't get my caffeine....
So you never get trigger-happy
on Bourbon Street?
No, ma'am.
Spare me the ''yes, ma'am,''
''no, ma'am'' crap.
Yes, sir.
How we doing?
-Came out to just over 3 tons, sir.
-Oh, that's good.
Real good.
Did you know...
...I was once
an illegal immigrant myself?
When I was 3... father decided
he was done working in dusty fields...
...that never grew anything.
And when he finally came
to get me and my mother...
...he was shot and killed.
I'm sorry.
How did you get in?
I'm just fucking with you.
My father is a patent attorney
in El Paso.
He's a yuppie.
So why the story?
I like to remember,
when we're patrolling the border...
...that we're all travelers
in this world.
And but for the grace of God,
we could be in their shoes.
So, what about you, chilito?
And what's the deal with this rabbit?
He's smaller than a dog
and cuter than a rat.
For a minute,
I thought you were going to be nice.
You sleeping all right?
-Don't bullshit me.
Okay, no.
What keeps you going?
The rabbit.
-That's it. I am walk--
-What are you doing?
-I am walking you home. Come on.
-Nobody walks here.
-Everybody takes their truck.
-We're walking.
Well, don't get any funny ideas.
You're piss-drunk
and I'm holding a rabbit.
So, what time you gonna be
picking me up tomorrow?
Around 11.
Okay, okay. Ten it is.
But what about Aunt Flora?
Exactly how much?
Six thousand
and twenty-three-point-six pounds, sir.
All triple-wrapped in carbon paper...
...and vacuum-packed in titanium
lined with plastic. Now, watch this.
-Thank you, NAFTA.
-Now, this is an airtight seal.
You could put this thing into orbit.
Not that you'd have to.
There is no dog on Earth
that could detect it.
And add to this
the customs agent we purchased...
...we're not gonna have a problem.
And if the shit hits the fan?
Titanium-plated armor,
dual-enforced steel-capped tires.
It's a B-29 Superfortress.
Oh, yes.
My bad.
Hey, where you going, Jack?
Change back to my civvies.
Damn, it's cold.
Even my butt is frozen.
Bet you thought New Mexico was
toasty all the time, didn't you, Jack?
Good boy. Good boy.
May I see your ID, please?
Where are you headed, Father?
We are going to assist
at the new cathedral in Las Cruces.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Agent Webster, possible situation,
Checkpoint 4. Copy?
He marked us.
Rally up!
Get down! Get down, everybody!
Get down! Get going!
Get down! Get down! Get down!
Get down, everybody!
Get down! Get down! Get down!
Tell everyone to shut up
and hold on.
Shut up and stay in your seats!
Shut up.
All units, multiple automatic weapons,
several casualties reported.
All units, establish blockades in
the northbound lanes of Highway 11... the Main Street bridge.
Let's go.
-Give me a gun up front.
-Get a gun up front.
You heard him! Get up there!
We got him.
Bridge. Let's go for the bridge.
Hold on.
It's that same agent.
The border.
We can't go into Mexico.
Fuck the border.
This is not good.
Check the merchandise.
Are you ready for this?
Let's move.
-I am U.S. agent.
Because of him, the Federales
now have $35 million of my heroin.
So I want him here,
I want him alive...
...and I want him now.
This is all we could find on him, sir.
I have a problem.
Agent Jack Robideaux
and Agent Pawnell...
...disappeared in Mexico
during the chase.
Pawnell's wife is gone
and his house is empty.
What a nightmare.
I need your help.
I'll never understand you Americans.
Can't you fight each other
in su pas?
Why do you have to bring it here?
I can assure the people
of Columbus...
-That's exactly what I'm saying.
-...that I will do everything I can... bring the perpetrators
of this vile crime to justice.
Will you excuse me a moment?
Captain Garcia?
What about our boy...
...Agent Robideaux?
He didn't show up to my party.
He's in a district jail in Palomas.
Well, we better
do everything we can... get him back here
in time for the election.
People are upset.
I'm bleeding votes here.
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know
if I answered all your questions.
Time to leave, muchacho.
Detail, forward march.
Come right, march.
Detail, halt.
Right face.
Parade rest.
This is a day of mourning.
A day to honor those brave agents...
...that have made the ultimate sacrifice
to protect us.
I ask that you please
respect their memory.
God bless America.
Detail, forward march.
Hello? Ramona?
Ramona, is that you?
-S, it's me.
-Where are you?
-I'm not sure. I don't know.
Okay, just relax.
Just tell me where you are.
I think I'm at a place--
Las Palomas.
Stay there.
Just listen to me. Stay right there.
I'm on my way.
Thanks for joining us, Jack.
I've had my eye on you.
I'm certain you wanted to meet me
as well...
...otherwise you wouldn't have
gone to all this trouble.
So, what you gonna do now, hero?
No more bullshit.
It's time for the truth.
You can't just be
a border-patrol agent.
Those guys are like dogs
yapping at the fence.
-I'm a border-patrol agent.
-That's a good one, yeah.
Your partner told me that story.
New Orleans cop,
pretty convenient with the hurricane.
Who can argue with that?
But I'm Special Forces, Jack...
...surrounded by the finest fighters
in the world.
So I know
you're no fucking beat cop.
I'm not a beat cop.
I'm just a border-patrol--
Border-patrol agent. Right.
Who you working for, Jack?
NSA? FBI? Homeland Security?
The State Department?
I'm a border-patrol agent.
He's more stubborn than I thought.
Did they train you
how to withstand torture?
Because they trained me
how to administer it.
Sorry, Jack.
But, you, you deserve this.
Is that all you got, bitch?
Oh, I get that
you don't care about your own life...
...but I have a feeling
you care about others.
Don't listen to him, Jack.
My dad always said
flowers would shut up a woman.
He was wrong.
Your father is a piece of shit.
You tell me who sent you...
...or I swear
I'll blow her fucking brains out.
Three, and she's dead.
Okay. Okay, okay, I'll tell you.
Don't hurt her.
Okay, I will tell you.
I had a family.
And then....
And then... daughter died
from your drugs.
She died because of your greed.
Because of your disrespect
for human life.
She was barely 16.
I buried her three months ago.
At her grave,
I swore I would kill you.
I'm really sorry about your loss,
I must ask, why me?
I don't go
anywhere near New Orleans... you shouldn't have
a personal vendetta against me.
I'm just a little fish in a big pond
full of much bigger sharks.
-For me, it's the same.
-Oh, yeah, I believe you. Yeah.
You're a real American hero.
Just like these guys...
...our fallen brothers
in Afghanistan...
...the soldiers there.
Jack, don't get me started.
-This is my vendetta.
-The war was never about you, man.
You fuck with me, my business... make it about me.
Now, I want you... beg for her life.
Do it.
...shoot me.
It's not her fault.
That might be the most
suck-filled begging I've ever seen.
You can save the world,
but you can't save her.
Just like your daughter. Oh, yeah.
Wrong detonator.
See, the Federales confiscated
$35 million of my assets.
Guess what.
It is my lucky day.
The American government
and its people go absolutely ape-shit...
...when two Americans
cross the border.
But when real-life heroes,
like ourselves...
...go missing, take a bullet,
does anyone care?
So, what does Uncle Sam see in you
that I don't?
Untie me and find out.
You know, I can take what I want...
...when I want.
Okay, bring him in.
-Sorry, Ramona.
He has nothing to do with this.
Let me show you how this works.
No! No!
The Federales want you back.
There is no guarantee
as to how you'll be returned to them.
Injured, maimed or in body bags.
Do you want that?
They're all yours.
Put them in the wine cellar.
you are now connected
to the SA T-phone link.
I've just heard
some very disturbing news...
-...that you've lost our merchandise.
-It's all under control, sir.
Under control?
Losing a multimillion-dollar shipment
is not an example of being in control.
-I'll get it back.
-you know the rules.
At some point, we will be out
of options. Consider yourself notified.
Can you have a conversation
with Sheikh Ahman?
-And I'll contact you in 50 minutes.
-Data received.
Transmission completed.
I'm real sorry, Jack.
But don't hate the player,
hate the game.
It's all about the money.
Twenty G's to turn a blind eye.
You could've had some too.
But, no, you had to spoil my gravy.
-I can't have that.
-You know that wife of yours?
She's got a reputation.
She likes sex so much...
...she'll suck any cock
bigger than yours.
In fact, if you kiss her... can taste every man in town.
Station 12.
-This is Ramona Garcia.
-Excuse me?
I'm your goddamn head
of border patrol in New Mexico.
-What can I do for you?
-I'll tell you what you can do.
I am at the Casa del Mar,
just south of Las Palomas.
That's in Mexico, ma'am.
Don't tell me I'm in Mexico.
I know I'm in Mexico, motherfucker...
...and I know
you're in the United States.
I need backup right away
and it's the kind that comes with guns.
I don't care how you're gonna do it,
just make sure they send everyone.
I need everything you have.
This is our best chance to bring down
the Meyers cartel.
-What was your name again?
-Connors, ma'am.
Thank you. I won't forget it.
Now do it.
you've been notified and warned.
Do not contact us.
-I repeat, do not contact us again.
-Just give me 24 hours.
Connection terminated.
We gotta wrap this up.
Hey, get some guns down there
It's time to kill the cowboy.
They're emptying out
all of our accounts.
So the only assets we have left
are here.
So you need to start
to load the truck.
Did you see any cars?
There's a hangar over there.
Give me the shotgun. I'll cover you.
Let's go.
Mr. Benjamin Meyers?
Ernesto, this is not a good time.
You're telling me.
We just got orders from the States.
We're sending my soldiers
to rescue the Americans and to...
-...arrest you.
-Fuck them.
How much time do I have?
I will stall as long as I can...
...but I don't think
you have more than 20 minutes.
Thank you.
Hey, amigo...
...don't forget, you owe me.
All right, let's go.
Open the back.
Come on, guys, let's move it.
Guys, let's move.
Go on, get it in there. Quick.
-That one next. All right, all right.
All right, cover what you can.
Hold them off.
You know what, Jack?
Dying ain't such a bad thing,
you know?
I guess that's why I'm still here.
But you should have ran
when you had the chance.
You fuck!
You fuck.
See, going into battle teaches you
a few things about yourself.
You're only truly alive
when you're about to kill.
We both want to live.
-You know that.
But I'm the one holding the gun.
Oh, you're a sick son of a bitch.
Do you know that?
It's time to die.
You got beat by a regular cop.
What took you so long?
I'm sorry. I had to take a little siesta.
Good work, my friends. I've been
trying to clean this town up for years.
Thank you for your help.
A little help, but still help.
We'll find him.
This place isn't that big.
I'm sorry about Emile.
He was a great man.
He was my uncle.
I got him that job
when I made captain.
He didn't want anyone to know
that we were related.
-He always had--
-Had a smile on his face.
So are you gonna tell me
what's so special about this rabbit?
My daughter, Kassie... was hers.
Time to pack.
Time to pack.
Why is his name Jack...
My daughter thought... would be funny.
You know, I think it's time
you go back to New Orleans...
...and put your life back together
-I'm sure your wife is waiting for you.