The Sighting (2015)

- What's up,
chickies and dudies?!
- Hey, Darren.
What's up, buddy?
How you doing?
- Hello, ladies. How are you?
- Awesome. How about you?
Rockin' party, man.
- I'll see you guys
a little bit later, okay? Bye.
- Alright, who do we got here?
I like those pants.
Ah... be careful of him.
He's got herpes over there.
- Oh, fuck you.
Get the fuck outta here.
- It's a small case. Whatever.
Look at her.
Rachel Redwood.
Queen of the forest.
Recently back on the market.
Just broke up tonight.
Who is that jackass
talking to her? Oh!
- Darren!
Darren, are you filming me?
Let me see
what you have on there.
- What?
- Let me see it! Let me see it!
- Dudes... you won't believe it.
Rachel Redwood
is in the bathroom right now.
- Who are you talking to?
- Uh... just trying
to remember something.
I was gonna forget something.
- Is that thing on?
- Um... no.
- No?
- No, I wouldn't film this.
- Oh, that's too bad.
It's gonna be a hot show.
- Yeah. Oh, shit.
Okay, okay.
Bump my love spot
bump my love spot
Bump my love spot
Bump my love spot
Yeah, room's taken!
Dudes! What the fuck?!
Trying to get some poon-poon!
Sammy, is that you?
What the fu...? Who the fu...?
Ah! Ah!!!
- I heard they found a tape?
Did... did you see it?
Last year, when seven
of my friends disappeared...
...I was at that party...
for a little while.
There were...
there were about...
mm, 20 of us.
Luckily, most of us left.
I left before...
I wish...
I wish they had killed me then.
I wish I hadn't left.
I wish I hadn't left.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
If... if I tell you the truth...'ll think I'm crazy.
And the truth is...
...I might be.
I'm not so sure anymore.
Forty-eight hours.
That's... how quickly
it can all change.
Forty-eight fucking hours
and it all went to hell.
- Happy graduation!
- Say cheese.
- Cheese!
Do you want to be in one?
Here, come here.
- I've made
an interesting discovery...
the last couple of days
in the woods.
There... there's a fine line,
a... a very fine line,
between reality...
and imagination.
And that line
has been completely fucked.
We're drinking these whether
they're fermented or not.
That's the deal.:
Give me
that fermented apple juice
I'm good.
- Tell me you did not put
a car alarm on this!
- What? I had it kickin' around.
I thought I'd put it to use.
- It's like putting a chastity
belt on your grandma, dude.
- Fuck you.
Hey. If you see my brother,
tell him I'll be in in a second.
- Hey.
- Travis!
- Hey, Chris!
- Happy graduation to you!
How's my bitch?
Cool. Um, how ya doin', man?
- I'm great, buddy!
- Cool. Cool. How's school?
- Fucking great, dude.
- Hey!
- Oh!
- Congratulations, big bro,
you're officially that guy
who graduated years ago
but still somehow manages
to party with high-school kids.
Nice one.
- Hell ya, dude,
chicks dig college dudes.
- Maybe if I could keep
the Twinkies
out of my mouth
for five seconds,
I'd get some poon myself, huh?
The fat kid needs to get laid!
- C'mon, Nate, I know you got
a girl who's got her eye on you.
- Don't even try, man.
You know self-deprecation
looks good on me.
- Well, uh,
while you guys commiserate,
I'm gonna... Oooh.
I'm gonna go find Jen.
- She's down on the bridge.
- Oh, cool. You saw her?
You talked to her?
- Dude, Jen is so hot.
- Thanks, man.
- Are you fuckin' that?
A little bit?
Dude, you don't have
to say a word,
but seriously,
are you nailing that?
- You're an asshole.
- How can you say that?
- Ah... yeah! Awesome!
Okay, I'm gonna go find Jen.
- Hey! Hurry back, Travis!
I wanna shotgun some beers
with you!
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Found you.
- What's up?
- Warm night, huh?
- Mm. It feels good.
- Kinda wish it was cold
so I could keep you warm.
- Brrr.
- Happy graduation.
- Happy graduation back.
Your mom would be really proud.
- Yeah.
How long you been down here?
- Twenty minutes. I just needed
to get out and get some air.
Nate's such a dork. Seriously!
You met Rhonda?
- Yeah.
- I don't know why he thinks
that car needs an alarm.
- He wants people to keep
their hands off his woman.
- He just likes pushing the
little button on his key chain.
It's all sexy. Beep-beep.
Were you planning on telling me
you're going to Canada tomorrow?
- Oh, uh, Jen,
Nate and I are going
to Canada tomorrow.
- You're a smart-ass.
You gonna invite me?
- Mm... no.
- No? Thanks.
So it's a no-girls-allowed
guys' trip.
Except for the girls you guys
find at the bar and bring back.
- Oh, c'mon, Jen,
you can trust me.
I trust you.
- I know.
I found a sucker.
- Ah, brat!
You're a brat!
You're beautiful.
- Thanks.
- I love you.
What's wrong?
- Nothing. Nothing.
- I know when something's wrong.
- No, I'm fine.
- Look at me.
Be honest with me, okay?
I want you to be honest with me.
The last two weeks...
...there's been something wrong
and I need you to talk to me.
- I'm sor...
- What?
- Move your beer.
- Ah-ah-ah. Don't even bother.
Already saw it. C'mere.
You heard about
the open-container law, son?
How 'bout the law that permits
the consumption of alcohol
to persons 21 or older?
You 21 or older?
I didn't think so.
Whose house is that?
- Uh, my house.
I live there.
- Do I look stupid to you?
At least three people up there
told me that house
belongs to a girl.
You... make one ugly girl.
- Okay, Joey,
I think they get the point.
- They'll get the point
once they've paid the price.
It's called cause and effect:
you break the law,
you pay the price.
- May I handle this one?
- I've got it under control.
- Look at 'em, Joey.
I think
they learned their lesson.
- Okay. Sure.
You best be slappin' em
on the wrist.
You better be slappin' em
on the wrist real hard, Radley.
- Joey.
I think he forgets
he was in high school once.
Looks like you have
a pretty good turnout.
- I know.
I'm really, really sorry.
I just invited a few people.
I don't know what happened...
- It's to be expected.
Kids just wanna celebrate.
So, listen, tell everyone
to plan on a sleepover,
because there will be absolutely
no drunk driving tonight.
Okay, I will not put up with it.
And in return,
I'll keep this ticket-book
- Thank you so much,
- Oh, my God, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Okay, then.
I'll just be on my way.
Oh, hey.
Happy graduation.
- Oh, my God.
- So, Nate, what time
d'you get home last night?
- Who says I made it home?
- Seriously, Bill, organic milk?
- What? It's good for ya.
- Hippie.
- Alright. You ready for this?
Gotta go.
- Okay.
- Love you.
- Love you, too.
Getting a late start.
Can I make ya a sandwich?
- No, thanks,
my stomach couldn't handle it.
Too much apple juice.
- Here. Take it.
You'll thank me.
- Thanks.
- Some advice my father
gave to me, Trav:
stay out of seedy places
and stay out of seedy women.
- Oh, look out!
That's funny. And gross.
- I'm serious, buddy.
Be responsible. Be safe.
- I will. I will.
- Here. Take my cell.
- Okay.
- Get on the road ASAP.
- I will.
- Okay.
- Alright.
- Hey.
You'd forget your head
if it wasn't...
- Attached to your neck.
Okay. Let's go, bud.
Fill up on gas?
- Yeah.
- Get your car alarm fixed?
- In a manner of speaking. Yah!
- Hey, Nate,
can I make you PB&J?
- What do you got over there,
crunchy or creamy?
- Uh, it's extra-crunchy.
- Never in a million years,
- Trav, you got the cellphone?
- I got it.
- Okay, cool.
- I love you.
- Love you, too.
Call me when you get there.
- We didn't get on the road
until after 5:00.
My dad was right.
It was late.
Too late.
The sun... the sun seemed
to set quicker that day.
I don't know...
I've always hated the dark.
Maybe, deep down,
I knew that something
was waiting for me in it.
I wandered out too far
In the middle of a daydream
And lost the sun
And with the darkness
Came the immediate feeling
that I should run
And that's all
That's all I wanna do
The moment I realized
I was alone
And the weight
made my hair stand up
I heard them deep dark voices
calling me
To something
that wasn't love
And that's all
That's all I wanna do
I heard them walk up
This is a stick up
- You've been writing
in that thing forever.
- No, this is a new one, man.
The eighth.
- That's dedication, baby!
So what's today's entry?
- A hit list.
- Oh, yeah? Am I on it?
- Number one.
- Seriously,
what are you writing about?
- Uh, it's just, uh...
something I realized,
talking to Jen last night.
- Oh... that you're hung
like a light switch.
- Yeah.
- No, seriously.
Read it to me.
- Nah.
What town is this?
- I don't know if I'd call
a gas station a town.
- Yes.
- Oh...
Ah... yes!
Gimme that coffee what
Coffee what
Oh, shit.
Ah, shit. Ah, shit.
- Gas?
- Oh. Oh, yeah.
Um... pump number six.
- Only got two pumps.
- I... I know. Uh... joke.
- That'll be, uh...
- Okay, cool.
You have a penny, man?
- Why, yes, I do.
- Ah, you're great.
- Thank you.
You, too.
- Cool.
- By the way, where...
where you going?
- Uh... our car.
- No, where you driving to?
- Canada.
- Canada? Nice.
Fun, huh?
Uh... it's late, though.
The border closes at nightfall.
But you know what?
I can help you out.
There is another port,
about 100 miles northeast...
Open all night.
- Okay. Rosendahl Port, got it.
Cool. Thank you.
- Thanks, man.
- I have a quicker way.
It's an old logging road
and leads straight into Canada,
and it bypasses the border port
- Thanks, we'll hit Rosendahl...
- No. No. Where is it?
- Uh... you drive north,
just past marker 225.
A tiny road...
kind of hidden.
There's a sawhorse
blocking the way,
so you see the sawhorse,
you move it to the side,
follow the road all the way in.
Fifty minutes, you'll be
safe and sound in Canada.
- Two twenty-five. Thanks, man.
- Thanks.
- Have a good evening.
- Oh, man.
I'll tell you something:
that guy did not shower today.
- That guy did not shower ever!
O-oh I went down
To old Joe's bar room
On the corner by the square
The drinks were served
as usual
And the usual crowd
was there
Now on my left
sat Big Joe McKennedy
- Where are we?
- "A logging road.
"Just after mile marker 225.
Goes right into Canada.
It'll save ya loads of time."
- Are you serious?
You're listening to that nutjob?
Ah... you're crazy.
- You're crazy.
- What if it's a dead-end, huh,
smart-guy? What then?
- Canadian beaver
waits for no man, my friend.
- Pull over? I gotta piss.
- No way.
- What do you mean, no way?
I've gotta piss, dude.
- Nope.
- No. I'm serious.
I really need to pee, man.
- This road's creepin' me out
and I'm not fuckin' stopping.
- Well, it's the road you chose,
so please pull over
so your friend can pee.
Okay, Rhonda's getting
a golden shower.
- The fuck she is!
- Who'd build that thing
way out here?
- I dunno,
maybe it's for logging stuff?
- Okay, dude, really, seriously,
pull over, I need to pee.
- Oh, yeah. Let's go kick it at
Freddy Krueger's raping shack.
- Pull over. Stop. Nate, stop.
Cool. Will you pull over?
I'm serious,
my bladder's gonna explode.
- Okay. Chill. I'll stop.
- Okay, you asked for it.
I'm pissing in Rhonda.
- Dude, you piss in my car,
I will piss in your face.
- Stop! You pull over!
- Ow! Jesus.
Ow, ow, ow!
Mother-fuck! Hey!
Easy on the tit-tays!
- Go.
- What?
- Go. Drive.
- What are you talking about?
- I don't know, go! Will you go?
Drive the car, dude!
- Jesus, sorry! What the fuck?
What the fuck, man?
Stop fucking around.
- I heard something.
- Yeah, my horn, dumbass.
- No. Not your horn.
It was something in the woods!
- Yeah, deer, maybe?
Ah, Travis. Nasty! Ass wind!
- No, it wasn't me, dude!
I smelled it...
- What the fuck is that?
- Go.
Go. Go. Drive through 'em.
- Drive through 'em?
They're fucking people, man!
- No, those are not people!
Go through 'em!
Go! Drive, drive! Go!
- Fuckers!
Fuck this. This is crazy.
They're coming!
Drive! Reverse!
- Can't see shit!
- Go! Go!
Nate... Nate, Nate wake up.
You okay? C'mon. C'mon, buddy.
Nate, we gotta go,
we gotta drive, okay? Wake up.
Oh, shit! Oh, shit! Shit! Shit!
Drive! Drive!
Come on!
Go! Drive the fucking car!
Drive! Fucking drive!
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
- Nate.
- What the fuck was that?!!
Okay. Okay, okay.
Okay, come on.
There's no service!
Come on, come on. Fuck!
- There's no fucking service!
- So try the antenna!
- Connect, connect, connect,
connect, connect...
Come on! Come on!
Come on. Come on, go.
Come on, baby. Come on.
Fuck you, you fuck!!
Help! Help!
You're gone you're gone
You're gone
You're gone you're gone
you're gone
You're gone
You're gone you're gone
you're gone
You're gone you're gone
you're gone
You're gone you're gone
You're gone
You're gone you're gone
you're gone
- Nate!!!
Nate, answer me!!
I'm sorry.
Come on.
Come on!
Come on!!!
Come on!!
Come on.
Come on, come on, come on.
- Hello?
- Yes!
- 911 Emergency.
- Yeah, my friend was... hear me? Hello?
- 911, what's your emergency?
- Yes, I-I-I'm at a gas...
...mile mark... 15.
Hello? Hello?
- What is your loc...
- Yes, we need help!
I need...
Can you hear me?
Can you hear me?!
- I'm sorry I'm having...
Repeat that, please.
- Ah, fuck! Fuck!
Chris? Chris, hey, it's Travis.
No. No. No, man,
we never got there.
Can you hear me okay?
Okay. Thank God.
Is anyone here?!
I need a phone!
- That happened a few miles
from here.
Why'd ya turn that off?
- What?
- Sound familiar?
They got to you, boy,
didn't they?
- What are they?
- Tell me something.
What did they look like?
- They were...
I don't know. Listen...
do you have a phone?
- No. Let me help you with that.
don't worry, I-i-it's... clean.
It's clean.
- What are those things?
- Sasquatch.
- No.
No, these weren't Sasquatch.
These were... these were people.
they wore fur like clothing.
They weren't...
th-they weren't ape things.
- Yes! Yes!
That's right.
That's right, they're not apes.
What ya been lead to believe
and what is...
...isn't the same.
You saw them.
The Sasquatch.
- How do you know so much?
- Follow me. I'll show you.
We recording?
- All set.
- Thank you.
We are going to discuss
my theory
on the legend of Sasquatch.
Quiet. Quiet.
Okay, let's get started.
Okay, you might be wondering
why the press is here today,
and the reason is because I have
a very special announcement
to make.
But first I want to go
over some specific details,
which will lead
to the announcement.
So please follow me if you can,
Okay, in the early 1500s,
a Spanish conquistador
by the name
of Francisco de Coronado
led an expedition
from New Spain,
which is known
as what present-day state?
Going once, going twice,
going three times. Sold!
To me, Dr. Erik Mitas.
For a cookie.
Now, the answer is...
- Boner!
- Texas. The Lone Star State.
But it wasn't America yet,
mind you.
Seor Coronado had heard stories
of the existence of seven cities
overflowing with gold,
located in the unexplored
northern regions
of the continent.
Now, Coronado wanted
to get rich quick,
so he assembled
a team of 300 men
composed mainly of Spanish
soldiers, Native Americans -
and here's where it gets
really interesting -
Spanish slaves.
Now, historical accounts state
that these slaves
were shackled together
at the wrists and the ankles.
Now, this is where
it gets really fun, alright?
For their sentence,
their tongues had been removed.
Cut off.
- Pfft!
- This put them in the same
class with the animals,
leaving them with no speech.
So Coronado took his men
and split them up
into separate groups:
one going up into Canada,
one going
to the Rocky Mountains,
just to save time
and cover more ground.
So something stopped them.
Can anybody tell me what it was?
- Bigfoot!
- No, Todd, it wasn't Bigfoot.
Do not say the "B" word
in this classroom.
The proper term is "sasquatch."
And wrong again on the answer.
Sasquatch didn't even exist
at that time.
Winter is the correct answer.
So one group headed east
toward Kansas.
The other group, further north,
had a more severe predicament.
Freezing weather
and a dwindling food supply
brought Coronado
to an extreme decision.
He abandoned the slaves,
and returned empty-handed
to Mexico.
- Sounds like a nice guy.
- It was brutal and cruel.
They were shackled together
in freezing weather
and sure to die.
Here's where my theory
comes into play.
I believe
these slaves didn't die.
Their will to survive
forced them to adapt
to their new environment.
It is well documented
that in that very same year
mysterious predators
began stealing women
from the Salish and Kootenai
Indian tribes.
These predators
became labelled as?
- Bigfoot?
- Todd,
you're pushing your luck.
Sasquatch is the correct term
in this class.
But you are correct
on your answer,
even though
it was the wrong name.
So Sasquatch took
these stolen squaws
and began breeding
and then inbreeding
for nearly 500 years.
Since speech
was no longer relevant to them,
the parents would remove
the tongues of their offspring
in a bizarre
circumcision-like ritual.
Sasquatch, Todd,
is what the tribes
called this creature:
"Wild man of the woods."
This is the exciting part.
This leads me to my very,
very special announcement, okay?
I am taking
a two-year sabbatical
into this very region
to find one of these creatures,
and prove this to the world.
If my theory is proven correct,
I will be written up
in every anthropology textbook
here to come.
I will make my mark in history!
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Opposite happened.
He never proved anything.
He was a good friend of mine.
He gave me that tape.
He was a good, good man.
Lost all his funding,
his... career.
Everything ruined, everything!
Became a joke
in the anthropology world.
And then one day,
he just... disappeared.
- I think his theory
might be right.
- Nature decided
to give these things a shot.
Gave them
the intelligence of men,
but the instincts of animals,
the ability to reason,
But most importantly,
they learned how to stay hidden.
The result: A neo-human race.
A new branch of humanity
spawning right here
in the caverns
of America's backyard.
- Thanks... thanks for the food,
by the way.
Chris should be here by now.
- You know something?
Your... your friend...
...he... he's gone.
He's dead.
He's dead.
- Why do you say that?
- No one gets out.
You're the only one.
I was wondering, you know...
I always wonder if I rub
this bottle hard enough,
if I could clean
the inside of it.
You need to go out,
find a phone... people, tell people.
- Tell then what?
That... that I was attacked
by Bigfoot?
- Sasquatch.
It's Sasquatch.
- I knew it.
You're the guy in the video.
You're the professor.
You sent us out there.
You knew those things
were waiting for us?
You've been sending people
out there for years,
knowing that those things
are waiting for them!!
- People need to go out there.
They need to find these things.
This needs to be found!
I've spent my whole life...
- My friend is not dead.
- Your friend is dead.
I've seen it over and over...
- My friend is not dead!
You hear me?!
My friend is not dead!
Fuck you! Fuck you!
- You go.
- Hey, Trav. What, uh...
What's going on, buddy?
- We're leaving.
- There's an old guy
on the floor.
- Leave him. Come on.
- You tell them it's real!
- You have the guns?
- Yeah, they're in the truck.
Trav, could you please tell me
what the fuck is going on?
Where's Nate? Where's the car?
- You have the ammo?
- Trav! Talk to me, now!
- We were attacked, Chris.
Last night your brother
was taken into the woods.
- Attacked? By who?
Attacked by who?
Attacked by who, Travis?!
Jesus Christ!
- Stop it!
Apparently, last night, Chris,
we discovered Sasquatch.
- You guys fucking with me?
A stripper gonna jump out?
- No.
- Are you serious?
But... Sasquatch doesn't exist.
- They do.
Come on, I'll tell you
everything on the way.
- Fuck this.
Home base.
- Home base? That thing?
Fuckin' Charlie Manson's
abortion clinic.
- Hey, check this out, Chris.
It locks.
That should keep 'em out.
- So...
are these things fast or...
Can we outrun 'em?
- Let's hope
we won't have to find out.
We should head toward
the mountains, look for caves.
- This thing is useless.
Fucking needle in a haystack.
This can't be happening.
This is not happening!!!
Travis, listen, please, tell me,
you guys, are you joking?
You fucking around with me?
Travis, please,
what the fuck is going on?!
- Get off of me!
It is not a joke, Chris!
Does this look like a joke
to you?! Does it?!
Do you think
I did this to myself?!
Chris, if you don't believe me,
then what the fuck
are we doing out here, man?!
I need you... to help me...
find your brother.
- Yeah.
- Okay?
- Sorry, Travis. Sorry. I just...
- It's okay.
It's okay.
- Hey.
- What?
- Do you think Nate's in there?
- There's only one way
to find out.
You go first.
- Yeah.
Oh, God.
It smells like ass in here.
- Oh, no. No.
It smells like them.
- I can't see a goddamn thing.
- Hang on, hang on.
- Shit, it goes on forever.
- Yeah.
Hey, this is definitely it.
- Home sweet home?
- Mm-hmm, yeah.
- We gotta go deeper.
- I know.
- That really sucks.
- I know.
I hate the dark.
- Trav... what is that?
- Hang on.
Shhh! Chris, stop moving.
- I'm not.
- Make no noise.
Run. We should run.
- Run!!
- Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
- Fuck me! Goddammit! Shit!
Travis! Run!!
Oh, shit. Oh, fuck.
Come on, Trav!
Are you kidding me?!
What are you doing?!
- Yeah, they're big.
- They gone?
- No... they're waiting.
- Travis, don't!
- Shut up.
Okay. I don't see anything.
We gotta make a run
for the truck.
- Oh, shit!
- What the fuck's it holding?
Oh, shit!
- What the fuck? What the fuck?!
I got it.
I got it.
I think I got it.
Come on!! Anyone else
want some more of this?!
- Come on, Chris,
we gotta go, man!
Oh, shit! Oh, shit!
- Come on!
- I'll catch up.
Get the hell outta here!
- I'm not leaving without you!
- Travis,
I'm not fucking around!
- Oh, shit!
You fucker!
- No! No! No!!!
- Shit.
Shoulda done this
the first time.
Oh, shit!
Die! Die! Die!!!
- So you just left him there?
- What would you have done?
- They're both dead?
Both Conway boys?
- Yeah.
- Well, is Chris...
still there at the shack?
Could we send someone out
to get him?
- If they didn't get to him
- Looks like we got a trip
to make.
- I'll go bring the car around.
His father's waiting for him,
I think we've held him here
long enough.
We'll get this all
straightened out, Travis.
Just go get some rest, okay?
- That's quite a story, son.
Quite a story.
Go see your dad.
- Thank you.
- No. Thank you, Travis.
- For what?
- You just made my life
a lot more interesting.
- We found a shoe.
There's a lot of blood,
but no body.
- No severed Nate head.
We found a fuckin' tongue.
- Oh, God.
- Hey, Domain.
Look here what I found
in the glove compartment.
- Good find, Stilwell.
- Wow. They said that?
Those kids have...
...big imaginations.
You know, I, uh...
When you look like this,
people tend to judge you.
- So you did see them?
- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I did see 'em.
For a short time.
They came in for gas.
They didn't say more than...
two words,
then they left.
I'm just trying
to run my business here.
- Sir, do you mind if we take
a look at your basement?
- Sure, sure. Yeah.
A little bit more.
Watch your step right here.
This is it.
- You live here?
- Yes, yes.
I know,
it's... it's messy and...
I live a simple life.
Don't need much.
- Thank you
for your cooperation.
- No problem.
Anything I can do...
for you all.
- Well, have a good day.
- You too. Excuse me.
Y-you guys goin' back up
onto that road?
- It's our next stop.
- Alright. Well, I hope you find
what you're looking for.
- Hey, Greg, come here.
Take a look.
- The other shoe.
- We've got the pair.
Tag it,
then let's go find that cave.
- Come in.
- Did you say come in?
- Yeah.
- Nice to be home?
Is it okay if I have a couple
of quick words with ya?
- Wh-where's my dad?
- Downstairs.
He said it was okay
if I came up for a sec.
- Yeah. Sure.
Could you grab me that water
from over there?
- Yeah.
- Thanks.
- There ya go.
Looks like ya been busy.
- Did you... did you find him?
- No Chris, no Nate.
Just a lot of blood
and a... tongue.
- A tongue?
- It was...
cut out.
Look, Travis, I'm not gonna
beat round the bush with ya.
That story you told
me and Radley
about the... Bigfoots...
It's pretty crazy.
- It's what happened.
- Well, um...
we found this in Nate's car.
I think... it belongs to you.
- That's my journal.
- Your journal. Yep.
And this tells us
a very different version
of what happened to you
and your friends
out there in the woods.
- What are you talking about?
- These are your words, Travis.
"It's been eating me alive,
this suspicion.
"I believe everything
was confirmed yesterday.
"Nate knows I love Jen.
"He knows
I would do anything for her.
"Die for her, kill for her.
- I gotta go.
- "He knows she's mine
and only mine.
"Nate might be placing the nails
in the coffin of our friendship.
God, I hope it's not true."
- I gotta go.
We can't get caught.
- We're not gonna get caught.
Okay, just go inside.
I'll meet you upstairs.
- Hey, don't start anything
you can't finish.
- I said...
...I'll meet you upstairs.
- "Nate and Jen were alone
together on the bridge.
"When Nate met me in the party,
"he seemed nervous and fidgety.
from his guilty conscience,
or perhaps my paranoia."
"Jen looked gorgeous
on the bridge.
"She is so beautiful.
I can't imagine that beauty
belonging to anyone but me."
- Warm night, huh?
- Mm. It feels good.
- Kinda wish it was cold
so I could keep you warm.
- Mm-hmm. Brrr.
- "I kissed her,
taking in her beauty,
"letting it fill me.
"But then I tasted the cigarette
in her mouth, on her lips.
"Jen doesn't smoke.
Never even tried it.
I'm not so sure."
You write all this, son?
- Yes.
- So you suspected
Nate and Jen of...
- Maybe.
I... I didn't know for sure.
What is this?
- Be patient. I was patient.
I listened to your story.
Now you need to show me
the same respect.
"The road to Canada."
"I feign positivity, I smile,
"but this whole issue with Jen
is ripping me apart.
"I keep trying
to bring it up to him,
"I just wanna discuss it.
"This was one of the reasons
I suggested
"we go on this road trip,
to figure all this bullshit out.
"I'm screaming inside...
"and you're oblivious.
"It's festering, this anger.
"I feel like I'm going
out of my mind.
I'm going to erupt."
Journal ends there.
- Yeah.
We were attacked
right after that.
- Nate was attacked.
I'm not so sure you were.
- What?
- This is my theory, kid,
and it's just gettin' good.
- I have to piss.
- What do you want me to do,
hold it for you? Pull over, man.
- No, man,
this road is creeping me out.
Are you sure this is a shortcut?
- Yes.
Dude, I take it every time
I go to Canada.
Trust me.
- Fine. Fuck it.
My teeth are floating.
- Hey, Nate.
When you had Jen,
did you enjoy it?
D'you like fucking her?
I'm fucking you now, Nate!
I'm fucking you now, Nate!
Look what you did.
Look what you did!
- Now ya had Nate
out of the way,
didn't ya, Travis?
On your way back
to the gas station,
you come up with a story.
You and Nate were attacked,
the car was totalled,
you barely escaped
with your life.
Those "Bigfoots"
really messed you up.
You told that story
with such conviction,
it was very believable.
Which is perfect...
for luring your next victim
out to the woods.
- Chris, come here!
Look at this!
Look. Look down.
Watch out for the glass, okay?
You see it?
- What?
- Chris, I told you to watch out
for the glass, buddy.
You never listen.
What'd ya do that for?!
Say hi to your brother for me,
Ooh... that's gonna be kinda
hard to do without a tongue.
- So why'd you kill Chris?
That was a tough one
for me to figure out.
But I did.
We'll get that soon enough.
"He knew
I would do anything for her.
Die for her, kill for her."
You... you wrote those words.
You okay?
'Cause this story seems
like it's a little upsetting
for ya.
Just a second.
Got this one from your dad.
It covers most
of your junior-high years.
You were a...
a sad, sad kid
after your mom died.
Had a lot of depression.
- You'd forget your head
if it wasn't...
- Attached to your neck.
- A lot of good drawings
in here.
I find... I find this one
especially interesting.
Who... who is this, Travis?
- You're so cute.
- Listen...
Rachel, um, I know...
I know you just broke up
with your boyfriend
and I know this might, uh...
be overstepping some bounds.
Um, but I know if you went out
with me, like, just once...
- Darren?
Darren, are you filming me?
- That's Rachel Redwood.
She was my neighbour.
I had a little crush on her
in eighth grade.
- I'd say you had more
than a little crush on her.
There's gotta be 20 pages
devoted to her in here.
She was at a party a year ago
where seven kids disappeared.
A party you told us
you attended.
- Yeah, I left before...
- Listen to what I have to say.
- What are you doing?
- Which brings us back to Chris.
Chris and Rachel dated
for three years,
according to this...
and you really envied Chris
for that.
You felt like - quote -
"This girl was meant for you
and only you."
Chris and Rachel broke up
the night of that party.
He took off, or you would've
killed him then and there.
Instead, you took everyone
else out, including Rachel.
- You are so wrong.
- Jealousy's a terrible thing
to harbour, Travis.
- That's ridiculous.
- You have no room
to talk about ridiculous, son.
The forest
is an interesting place, Travis.
It gets darker and darker,
the deeper you go.
Sometimes you find something
that's been hiding.
But your mind...
so many more places...
for things... feelings to hide.
When you get lost in there,
some of those things find you,
they can be dangerous.
Way more dangerous
than some bullshit monster.
You know what I'm saying?
You're the monster.
The monster... in here.
- Why don't...
why don't you arrest me?
- It'll happen soon enough.
- No, it won't.
I'm telling the truth.
There were Sasquatch.
They exist.
- Do you think
we're all fucking morons, son?
Go ahead,
keep telling that goddamn story.
I'll keep tellin' my version.
The main difference
is mine's believable.
Sleep well, Travis.
- Travis?! Travis, stop!
- Case closed, Joey Domain.
- Yeah.
Can you hear me?
- Yeah.
Where are ya?
- I'm on the highway.
I found something.
- You find a body?
- Y-y-yeah.
Yeah... um...
I, um...
To be honest, Domain,
I... don't know what this is.
But it's in the exact spot
where Travis described
hitting the thing
with his truck.
- Okay.
Bring it in.
We'll get DNA testing
as soon as possible.
- Yeah, I don't know.
There's a lot of hair and fur,
and I think it could be
clothing or something,
but... I'm not really sure.
Honestly, Domain,
this could make or break
the kid.
Call me crazy,
but... I think I believe him.
You're crazy.
Twenty to one, it's Nate.
He chopped him up...
tore him up a car or somethin'.
- Yeah, I'll take that bet,
- Alright, bring it in.
- Will do.
I just have one more place
to check out.
I'll see you soon.
- Good job, Radley.
Real good job.
- Uh... hi.
Um... my name is Travis Brooks.
It's June 9.
Right before my mother
passed away,
she sat me down...
and she said...
She must've had the feeling
that she was gonna go,
because she said, "Travis...
...the most important thing
you can give to anyone
is to be real...
and be genuine.
Don't ever compromise
who you are."
And I have not.
I never have compromised myself.
There are things in these woods.
And they are as real
as you and me,
and they are taking people.
I'm not a liar.
And I'm...
I don't think I'm crazy.
I know it must... hard for you
to believe what I told you.
So I'm gonna show you.
- Oh, God.