The Signal (2014)

Which one are you
going for, bud?
The white one?
With goggles?
Okay, I'm gonna show you
how to get there. Okay?
Okay, you're gonna follow
this line till it gets to...
Till it gets to
this circle, okay?
When it hits that circle,
you press the button.
Then you're gonna
follow this bottom line
until it gets to this circle.
Then you press the button,
okay? Got it?
Okay, you got any money?
Okay, well, here's $1.
Good luck.
Nomad's back.
He's messing with us again.
What did he say?
"Your hack into MI servers was legit."
That was fast.
"Ta, ta, ta."
What is that?
"They put that shit on us.
"We almost got expelled."
Who's this Vibes?
Okay, guy.
"We're going to
expose you at DEF CON,
"so you better
watch your back."
Dude, what is that?
What the...
Go into the building.
Get the Pwnie.
All right, let's do this.
Open up a Linux terminal and start an Nmap,
Haley's gonna have
to drive tomorrow.
Hey, focus.
That's what I'm saying,
I won't be able to.
she's the one moving,
so technically
she should be driving.
Is it open yet?
In a sec.
Okay, I'm good.
Okay, type something.
I'm trying to think
of something funny.
"Do androids take
an electric sheet?"
You're stupid.
Okay, read me out the IPs
on the C&C servers.
"192. 236. 19. 147."
Start sniffing connections.
Copy that.
Firing up the listeners.
All right,
this guy's toast.
Dude, we're going
right through Nevada.
We got him.
We got him!
Are you guys being
serious right now?
Well, you're driving
in the morning,
so good night.
I'd like to see you make me,
you Caltech turncoat.
Haley, this fish tank's
leaking something.
It's water, Jonah.
It's gross.
Shut up.
You Caltech turncoats.
Dude, can you stop saying that?
Signal sucks out here.
You're right, it does suck.
Hey, you want one of these?
No, I'm good, thanks.
You want?
Check this out.
What the hell?
Why isn't that working?
Is that my car?
It's a traffic camera.
This guy is so gnarly.
How does he have
a picture of my car?
Hold on a sec.
Why would this guy go to all
the trouble to hack into MIT,
and then, you know,
just taunt us like this?
The same reason anyone does anything.
"I'm better than you,
you're better than me," whatever.
Here, dude, I can't unlock it.
You try.
You guys should just
stop provoking him.
He's probably
just some little kid.
Nic, are we doing this or not?
I can't, dude.
What do you mean, you can't?
I just can't right now.
I get we have to take Haley to California.
But there's no reason
we shouldn't do this, too.
Nomad hacking into MIT is one thing,
but Haley's computer?
No, but it's crazy
not to go after this guy.
Jonah, what's the sales tax?
We're so close.
It's on the way.
You can keep the change.
You guys want something?
Yeah, I'd love a coffee.
There you go.
Yeah, please.
Has Nic said anything
to you about me moving?
No, obviously he's bummed you're
gonna be gone for a year.
It just seems like
he's trying to
distance himself
from me, you know?
Look, you guys
are my best friends,
and I'm just...
I'm the wrongest guy to ask.
Oh, crap.
You all right, bud?
I'm fine.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
I'm gonna get more coffees.
I'm gonna move the car.
Best friends!
Is this one mine?
I already put two in.
I got it.
Nic, I offer to help not
because I think you need it,
but because I know you don't.
Yeah, well, you won't have to
worry about that soon, will you?
Thanks, bud.
We're not really that far from this guy,
are we?
180 miles, give or take.
All right, dude, let's do it.
Let's go.
Now, see, this is
the Nicholas Eastman I love.
You know, just determined,
ruthless, competitive.
Oh, and favors caffeine.
Where's Haley?
I don't know.
I think she walked, uh...
That way.
Haley, look, I'm sorry.
It's just, I've been distracted.
I think you're getting ready
to make a big speech.
I think this whole trip is about
you getting ready to make it.
What are you talking about?
I'm not gonna make a speech.
Haley, you know how many times
I've played this out in my head?
doctor's appointments.
Who knows how many
MRIs and tests.
Eventually a wheelchair.
All the time wondering if
you're gonna break up with me.
Stop. When you're gonna get
tired of this bullshit.
It's not fair to make me the
bad guy without my input.
Haley, that's not
what I'm saying.
I'm just saying I'm not gonna
be the guy who holds you back.
Cool. So, uh...
I move away for one year
and because you're scared
of what's gonna happen,
you immediately
resort to breaking up?
I'm just saying...
I'm just saying I need to
protect myself.
From what?
Is it your heart
talking or your head?
It's me talking.
But you're the one
that always told me
to run toward something
and not away from it.
Yeah, well, that was
before all this shit.
What are you doing?
You can keep your promises.
I don't want them.
You just take a left up here.
It's about 20 miles or so.
Maybe we should
drop Haley off first.
Can you not talk about me
like I'm not in the car?
Haley, you don't
have to come along.
No, I wanna meet this asshole.
Me, too.
Just keep going.
We still got, like, a quarter mile.
- Stop, stop, we passed it.
- What?
Yeah, back up.
Say, 20 or 30 feet.
Stop, stop.
- I think it's right here.
- You serious?
It's right here.
It's right here.
Don't get us stuck.
Please, Nic.
We're fine.
It's over here.
You should kill the headlights.
Are you sure
you want to do this?
I'm not gonna lie.
This doesn't look right.
What do you think?
We're not gonna know
by sitting in the car.
Come on, let's go.
Get your camera.
Haley, stay in
and lock the doors, okay?
You know all this
is stupid, right?
Where do you think
we went wrong?
What are you talking about?
You know, it must have been,
like, a random IP allocation.
Like, they could be
in Georgia for all we know.
Like, Europe Georgia.
Shut up.
Or they could be
using this as a relay point.
A big mama sat in that chair.
I'm gonna have to say
there's nobody here, Nic.
Dude, Nomad is not here.
Let's take a look.
He's not here.
We'll take a look
and then we'll go.
Let's go find him.
A hillbilly lives here.
This guy has a baby?
Dude, I can see you.
What are you doing?
you're such an asshole!
How funny is this little chair?
It was really facing
the corner like this.
Come on.
There's a basement.
You're such a kike.
Go down.
Screw that, you go down.
Be careful.
What is this place?
Check it out, man.
What are those?
Server racks.
That's weird.
Oh, wait. Haley!
Haley! Haley! Haley!
What the hell?
- What was that sound?
- I don't know.
Why are the car doors open like that?
I don't know!
Oh, my God.
Can you speak?
Where am I?
I can't move.
Can you tell me your name?
Nicholas Eastman.
I'm Damon.
Dr. Wallace Damon.
I'm heading up the transition
team that's going to help you,
help all of us understand exactly
what you've been through.
What are you talking about?
Can you recall for me the first
time you encountered the signal?
The what?
Why can't I move?
What happened to us?
Due to the circumstances
surrounding your condition,
I'm afraid that our information
is extremely limited.
Wait, what's my condition?
What I'm about to tell you, Nic,
you may find a bit disturbing.
You have made
contact with an E.B.E.
Biological Entity.
I want to talk to my parents.
I'm sorry,
that's just not possible.
What are you talking about?
Where's Haley and Jonah?
What happened to us?
Why am I in a wheelchair?
Why are you wearing that suit?
We're not 100% certain about
what we're dealing with here.
The possibility for alien
contamination is very real.
When you say
"alien contamination,"
do you mean microbiological
contamination, as in foreign?
Hold still.
It's just blood.
It's just blood.
I think we'll
stop here for today.
Contact values
at 9-8-47-91-72.
Level 12.
Do we know current value?
Stop! Will you stop?
Stop! Go back!
Can you go back?
What's wrong with Haley?
As advanced as we are,
it's amazing that a tool as crude
as a pen still has its place.
There we go.
I want to talk to Haley.
I'm afraid that's not
possible right now.
She's in good hands,
Nic, I promise you.
The best thing you can do for
her right now is to help us.
Now, will you please
try to cooperate with me?
First I'm going to ask you
some simple control questions.
Do you have 10 toes?
Are you from Earth?
Yes, I am from Earth.
Good, thank you.
Now, this signal that you and
your friends were pursuing,
when did you first encounter it?
You mean Nomad.
He got into our school's security
network and ruined some major servers,
including our personal ones.
Nic, I want you
to watch something.
A big mama sat in that chair.
You definitely
weren't pursuing a hacker.
Oh, my God! Jonah,
where are you?
I don't know.
I'm locked up, I'm in a room.
Me, too.
I'm in a locked room, dude.
Where are we?
I heard them say we're
not allowed above ground
because we were contaminated.
What the hell was Nomad?
What have they told you?
Not much.
I saw Haley.
She's in a coma or something.
Nic, they're doing
some weird shit here, man.
My body doesn't feel right.
Nic, I gotta go.
What? Where?
This place is run like a clock.
I can't believe
you're in the vent!
Dude, I'm not in the vent.
I'm not in the vent!
Jonah! Jonah!
Why don't you have
any clocks that work?
Clocks that work?
The one in the hallway is stuck at 12:30.
Which hallway?
Seven windows back.
Left turn.
Four windows. Right turn.
Two windows on the right.
Next to the bathroom with its sign
upside down. It's stuck at 12:30.
Nic, it's a broken clock.
Thank you for bringing it
to my attention.
Can we please proceed
with the shapes and colors?
Screw this.
This is stupid.
What's the matter, Nic?
Can't you do it?
No, I choose not to do it.
You choose not to do it?
That sounds like pride talking.
False and foolish pride.
That's all.
Pyramid, yellow.
And the... Cube, blue.
Sphere, green.
The blue tile
here that says "Zero"
corresponds with the green cube.
The yellow tile here that says
"Six" goes with the cube.
The green tile here that says "Five"
goes with the yellow pyramid.
The green cube goes with
the blue shaped cube.
The yellow written sphere goes
with the green-shaped sphere.
The blue written pyramid goes
with the yellow-shaped pyramid.
"Blue," written in yellow,
"yellow," in green,
correspond the visible colors and
shapes rather than the written words
because the spectral
quality of light
is more objective, so to speak,
than the written English
words of those colors.
I see.
You see?
What do you mean, you see?
You, Nic.
I see you and I
think I'm beginning
to understand
something more about you.
Understand what?
The colors, the shapes,
they have an effect on you.
I'd say it was an emotional effect,
wouldn't you?
I don't care about
the shapes and colors,
they don't mean anything to me.
They don't mean shit to me!
You're the one that's infuriating me,
you quack!
I wanna see Haley
and I'm not gonna say another
word until you let me see her.
Okay, Nic.
There's nothing on here.
She's in a coma, Nic.
There's nothing that can
be done for her right now.
I promise,
as soon as she wakes up,
you'll be
the first one to see her.
Right now we're doing
everything humanly possible.
Nic, this place is insane.
Yeah, I know.
Listen. You were right.
This place is run like a clock.
Listen, I need your help.
I've been keeping
some event sequences...
Nic, it was hard to
put all this together,
but, you know, I think
we're sick, or infected.
Hey, Jonah, stop thinking
like that, man. Seriously.
No, they're trying to keep whatever's
inside us from metastasizing.
Jonah, stop.
Nothing's metastasizing, okay?
We're fine. We're gonna be fine.
No, I'm not.
Just trust me on this.
No, my body is not.
We gotta get out of here.
Yeah, I know. We will.
Okay, I've got
the variables on my keypad.
Now I need you to take back
half the sequences, okay?
Yeah. I'll help.
But my glasses are
messed up, though.
Hey, it's gonna be fine.
It's gonna be fine.
Don't worry about your glasses.
Okay, I'm gonna give it
to you spatially.
Three v three phone style.
Okay, you ready?
Top-middle, middle-middle,
top-left, bottom-left.
You got it?
Bottom-left first.
Middle-middle second.
Top-middle third.
Top-left last.
Nic, I'm having
a hard time handling this.
They made me drink some
weird stuff the other day
and I haven't really been
able to feel my arms.
Your arms?
What? What do you mean?
Oh, God!
Dude, who is it?
I gotta go.
Jonah, hold on a second.
Jonah! Jonah!
Everybody outside.
Recovery team to level 14.
Subject has breached.
Subject has escaped.
Oh, sorry,
I was just looking for the water fountain.
Recovery team to level 14.
Subject has breached.
Can you raise your arm?
What happened in the hallway?
Still no feeling in your legs?
What happened to Jonah?
Look, I know you guys know I can
talk to him through the vent.
What the hell did you
guys do with him?
Yes, Nic, we have
been listening to you,
but the truth of the matter...
The truth of the matter is,
total Mickey Mouse operation here.
Antiquated methodologies,
dinosaurs with government grants.
A whole facility built during
the first wave of Big Science
outdated but allowed to continue
pretending that
you're important.
I feel sorry for you.
It's pathetic. Nic.
"The truth of the matter."
What is the truth
of the matter here?
The only thing
I know for certain is that
you don't know what
you're dealing with.
You will be pulled from
this shitty little shack
you call a research facility
so fast
that the only thing relevant
to be shown for any of this
is the way it's all exposed,
wrecked, and forgotten.
You have no idea!
You have no clue! Do you?
Have any clue how fast dumb,
lost little kids like me, Jonah or Nomad
could ruin a place like this?
Have it come to a grinding halt
like the stone wheel it is?
You're clueless law in
the Wild West, Damon.
You're a relic protecting ruins.
You're pathetic.
The truth of the matter is, I'm the
only one with any sense around here.
Your friend Jonah
was never here, Nic.
We never recovered him.
I've been talking to him through
the vent this whole time.
Have you really?
Through your vent, Nic?
Three, four, five, six, seven...
God damn it!
How are you feeling?
I had a wonderful dream.
Oh, yeah?
You, um...
You won your regionals.
Hay, wake up.
Wake up.
Stop it, get off of me!
Get off of me!
What the hell are you doing?
Let go of me! Haley!
Haley, wake up!
Hey, let go of me! Stop it!
What the hell do you think you're doing?
Haley, wake up! Haley!
Wake up!
Holy... Holy...
No! What the hell?
What did they do to my legs?
Nic, we are going to
need you to calm down.
Now you understand why we've
been so interested in you.
As you can see,
your circumstances are very peculiar.
And believe me,
we didn't want to shock you with this.
I'm sure by now you can appreciate
where we're coming from.
Now, for your safety and ours,
I'm going to need you to
hook yourself up to that IV.
Right over there.
I need you
to calm down.
Don't do this.
Why didn't you tell me
what happened to my legs?
How could we?
We had just recovered you.
Now listen to me.
It is extremely dangerous
for you up there.
I can only safeguard you
from them down here.
Safeguard me from who?
You okay?
Can you feel your legs?
Come on, we gotta move.
We gotta move.
You okay?
What's happening?
Come on, let's go.
I'm sorry to interrupt,
but do you know how long it
is until the gas station?
Oh, it's just up a ways.
Okay. Thank you.
And where are we exactly?
When our car broke down,
we kind of got lost.
That's okay.
That happens to a lot of
people out in these parts.
I always tell people
they should take
comfort in the thought
that they are always
watching over us.
Did you hear that?
Hear what?
Listen, with your
mouth open, like this.
Excuse me?
Their horns are
watching over us.
I'm sorry.
Who's watching us?
God's little angels.
Who else?
Thanks again for the ride.
You have the rest
of the day nicely.
Just push from the inside out.
Inside out, don't forget.
Okay, thanks.
I'm gonna go use the phone,
I'm gonna get us help.
Stay here.
Don't move.
Haley, sit down.
Sit down.
I'm serious, okay?
I'm serious.
Don't move.
I'm gonna get us
out of here, okay?
Yeah, okay.
The network is
currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
The network is
currently unavailable.
Please try again later.
The two subjects, considered
possibly contagious,
have escaped from a
medical research facility.
Nicholas Eastman
and Haley Peterson
are believed to be traveling on
foot and should not be approached.
Please alert your
local authorities.
Thank you.
Now we'll return to your
regularly scheduled programming.
Stop the truck!
What the hell are you doing?
Get back!
You get back now!
Stop the truck!
Stop it!
Get off my truck!
Haley! Stop the truck!
Get off the goddamn truck!
Get away!
What is wrong with you?
Boy, what's going on
with your leg?
Come on.
You won't get far.
Nic, what happened to your legs?
Haley, I already
explained to you.
Are you feeling okay?
Yeah, I'm okay.
We're gonna be fine.
Just try to relax.
Oh, shit.
Is something wrong, Officer?
Is there some kind of trouble?
No trouble at all, ma'am.
No trouble at all.
Will you accompany me?
It doesn't make any sense.
Where's the rest of the road?
Mirabelle, have you had contact
with any strangers lately?
Oh, yes.
We talked about so many
wonderful things.
But where did you
take them, Mirabelle?
What was your proximity to them?
It is so easy to find.
Always such a nice bit of
color against the dark nights.
Dark nights, dark nights.
Dark nights, dark nights.
Dark nights, nights...
We could have a picnic.
A picnic.
A picnic.
Have a picnic.
In a...
In a...
In a...
On a...
We're coming to get you.
Is that the same canyon?
I don't know.
I thought we already passed it. Before.
Maybe we circled back?
Yeah, maybe. I don't know.
It looks abandoned.
What are you looking for?
A gun, like,
a cell phone or a map or something in here.
Do you wanna wear that?
Come on, let's check it out.
The network is
currently unavailable.
Haley, did you find anything?
Yeah, I found a map,
but there's not much information on it.
"You are here."
But we can't be.
We drove down, right?
Isn't that the same gorge
we just came from?
Then that town, Good Springs,
should be down here, right?
I guess.
I don't get it.
What do you think that sound is?
I don't hear anything, Hay.
What sound?
I think we should
stay here tonight.
Is this my fault?
What? No.
If anything, it's my fault.
I was the one who
wanted to follow Nomad.
I don't remember.
Do they hurt?
It's okay.
So wide.
I hope we can get across it.
Haley. Hey, hey.
We should go inside.
Jonah! Jonah!
No, Jonah! Jonah! It's me!
Jonah, Jonah, Jonah!
Hey, it's Nic! Hey! It's Nic!
Jonah, hey.
Hey, buddy, it's me. It's me.
Hello, James.
Long time no see.
"Hello, James."
I'm trying to locate three individuals.
Two males, one female.
All extremely contagious.
Have you had any
contact with them, James?
What are you doing in my house?
I'm glad to see you're comfortable here,
but is this your house?
Belongs to my mommy.
My brother sleeps right there.
And I sleep right there,
and I have a little kitty.
Your brother,
your mother and your kitty.
Can you remember
their names, James?
your will to survive
fueled by your anger, your fear,
loneliness, frustration.
I admire you.
I don't understand.
It's all right, James.
I'm sorry
I left you guys there.
You know, I swear
someone was helping me,
though I just can't
bring it together.
Jonah, that place was...
That place! This place!
It's all the same, Nic.
It's all the same.
What are you talking about?
Look at your legs, man.
Look at your legs.
Look at us.
Look for the numbers.
For... The tattoo.
Do you have a tattoo?
This isn't an ID number?
It is an ID number,
but it's just not for you.
It's an ID for
this whole area, Nic.
Two, plus three,
plus five, plus 41.
Area 51, Nic.
We're in Area 51.
Jonah, I'm not sure...
No, look at your legs!
I'm looking at my legs!
Watch. Empty.
Everything is empty.
They're testing us, Nic.
We're like little rats.
Now, did you see the maps?
What are you
talking about, the maps?
What are you telling me,
it's not real?
Of course it's real.
There's roads, highways,
cities on these maps.
They don't exist.
We're trapped in a huge
government annex.
Did you meet any of the charming locals?
Jonah, listen to me.
Listen to me.
Haley is really, really sick.
Okay, we have to tell someone.
We have to tell someone.
We have to expose this.
I'm sick, too.
It's hard to explain,
but there's something in me.
There's something that is...
It's like they took something from me, Nic.
Took what?
I feel like I'm...
I feel like I'm full of...
That's exactly what it is.
I mean, not exactly, but,
you know, it's really close.
So you know what I mean?
Jonah, whose blood is that?
Is that yours?
I was trying to get them off.
I was trying to get them off.
Hey, buddy.
We're gonna get somewhere
where we can be seen by
as many people
as possible, okay?
It's the only way to be safe.
They won't come off.
But how would we do that?
From what I've seen,
there's only one road in here.
Well, that's the one we take.
Okay, we're good.
We're good.
Stop right there. Hold up.
Hey, boss. We have
full clearance to pass.
Check it out. Let's go.
Step out of your vehicle, sir.
No. That's okay.
It's time to go!
Block him down.
Block him down.
Shit! Come on!
For God's sake, Nic!
Stay in the truck!
Run, Nic!
what are you doing?
It doesn't fucking type!
Jonah, come on,
let's go! Get in the truck!
Come on! Get back in!
Jonah, get in the truck!
I'm done. I'm done.
Just get in the truck.
Nic, keep up.
Get in the truck.
You put this shit on the accelerator,
go when I yell, "Go."
You go, Nic.
Okay, Nic?
I need you to go.
I need you to go.
Put your seatbelt on.
Nic, I think we should just...
Hold on.
Nic, stop!
I'm sorry.
I love you.
Don't even think about it, Nic.
You can't reach her.
On my side.
Take a look at yourself, Nic.
The perfect integration
of human will
and alien technology.
Our finest achievement.
Nomad, yes.
I brought you here.
But remember, Nic,
you were the one who came looking for me.
So you might want
to ask yourself,
"Did I find what I was
looking for?"