The Slit-Mouthed Woman 0: The Beginning (2008)

[Police Station]
Sorry for making you wait.
We just have a few more questions just to confirm a few things.
Being her sister we can learn from you more about your sister.
Will you go get us some drinks.
- Ah, yes,right away.
I heard your sister Miss Inoue Misato face was burnt when she was younger?
May I inquire as to what happened then?
It was winter,
our parents had gone out. It was only my sister and I home at the time.
I told Misato to be careful when pouring the kerosene in the heater.
Her clothes caught on fire.
Fortunately the fire didn't cause any serious damage.
At that time, she was still young
Don't remember it clearly.
Then at that time your sister was ten years old and you were sixteen years old,
both of your parents died in an unfortunate automobile accident.
Is that right?
You dropped out of high school to go to work.
What happened to your sister?
Sometimes she would go and sometimes not,
Why was that?
I think it was because of the injury to her face,
she developed a slight mental problem and tried to commit suicide.
So you worked to earn money to get your sister plastic surgery.
Was it not.
Then the day your sister was released was when this happened?
I would like to record this.
You're lying.
It's all your fault.
What's wrong?
What happened ?
Kuchisake-onna 0 [ The Slit Mouth Woman 0-The Beginning ]
[ A Few Days Ago ]
Although my dad said this one is better,
but my mom says this one is better.
The prices are similar.
Expensive gifts are always better.
But this wedding ceremony photographer is cheaper.
Which do you think is better?
About the decision,
So the parents can also rest assured
I know.
So Misato is going to be discharged from the hospital today.
So it's finally over.
After a lot of hard work.
Don't say that.
However that is correct, isn't it.
the bandages can be removed now.
What's wrong?
Miss Inoue, what's wrong?
Miss Inoue.
What's wrong?
[ Osan Mountain General Hospital ]
When we get home, we should celebrate your discharge from the hospital.
Let's go and get something delicious to eat.
Still deciding.
Ah, how nice it is to be getting married.
I want to get married too.
Misato, you can also get married.
Sister is very beautiful.
But I can not get married.
That's not so.
Look at my face.
The doctor told you your face has healed.
Not angry.
Eventually we decided whether or not to get married,
-I have never heard of such a thing.
One day we will separate and live our own lives.
Sister, why not me?
It's okay to be angry
Because I'm not angry.
For some reason I am not angry.
Reason ?
Don't know what you're talking about.
[Do Not Enter ]
Misato ,
what are you doing here?
Let's go home.
It's getting dark.
The road home is...
Let's go home.
Let go.
Don't tell me what to do.
Why are you so upset?
I know.
The wound on my face ,sister
was because sister knocked over the kerosene heater.
For some reason you may not remember,
but I remember.
The operation failed.
You will never be allow to get married.
You and I will stay together forever.
I tell you the surgery was a success.
Misato !
Are you alright?
Can you stand up?
It hurts.
I'm going to find someone to help us.
Wait here for me.
Wait a minute.
Over here!
Anyway I will stay here, and wait and explain things to the police.
The hospital we will take her to is in the opposite direction of town.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
Got it.
Are you alright?
Body is uncomfortable.
We are headed to the hospital, if necessary you can come along with.......
Here,take a picture.
[ The Next Day ]
Just come over here.
Miss Inoue
seems to have quit her job.
to take care of her sister.
Her sister seems to really have a problem.
Have no idea.
Have not found her body yet.
Ah, it can be said that it is a high probability
the girl was probably rejected because of her facial injuries.
The resentment of the world.
Stop speaking such nonsense.
But, was the surgery not successful ?
[On the door: Killer monster go die.]
According to police investigation
A man who lives in the fifth floor of an apartment.
Due to loss of balance falls to his death , the incident is still under investigation.
Next in the Osan mountains occurred the murder of a couple.
[Masaaki Ito 50 Yasuko Ito 45]
In the vicinity of Osan Street General Hospital district.
[Masaaki Ito 50 Yasuko Ito 45]
A couple were killed by an unknown assailant.
Event management is responsible for the cleaning of the crime scene.
[Masaaki Ito 50 Yasuko Ito 45]
The police still haven't found any clues at to this crime.
They have not found the murder weapon that was used.
In the car with Masaaki and Yaksuto Ito was a sixteen year old girl.
Current whereabouts are unknown.
The police think that this girl might be related to this case and are looking for the whereabouts of this person
Today in Tokyo.....
We're going to the hospital.
Is this the Inoue residence?
My name is Xi.
Excuse me,
You came all the way over and I haven't straightened up the room.
That's alright.
I was born in this house
Now renting an apartment near the university ,
Seldom coming back here.
Did not expect.....
You also can.....
Anyway it has been ten years,
Suddenly just disappeared.
Really appreciate it.
Even though they are the bones of the dead,
didn't expect to be able to meet my wife again like this.
This is a coincidence.
After this your younger sister...
Ah, no.
I read in the newspaper
Hasn't not been found, yet.
Is that so.
[Business Card]
Keian University Department of Psychology Professor Nishioka Masaomi
211 Kawasaki City, Kanawaga Prefecture 1-2-4
Keian University Building B Nishioka laboratory
Extention 14
Keian University Comminucation Undergraduate
Text Psychology Introduction
Masaomi Nishioka
Akemi Hori
Tomohito Tsujioka.
In Japan the rumors of a Kuchisake-Onna form long ago.
But it's not unusual.
But in the Showa era there was a rumor of a Kuchisake-Onna woman.
The legend of Kuchisake-onna began in that period, Qi County in the mountains.
There was an bus accident cause unknown.
The bus drove off from the cliff.
After the accident there was a grisly and gruesome discovery.
The cause of death of the deceased body
was a woman who fell on her head and had a scar from her mouth to her ear.
That's when the rumors began to spread.
How could this have happened.
Where did you go?
I woke up to find two men dead hanging from a tree.
Wanted to go for help.
But I hesitated.
Very tired did not know what to do.
Let's go to the police station.
Those two men might have been killed by me.
They will do a through investigation, it's all right.
I know it was not Misato who did this
I had a dream of killing those two men.
Body started moving Involuntarily,
Scythe constantly stabbing down
Then waking up just like that.
Calm down and get a good night's sleep.
You're not eating well
Let's go to the police station.
[On the wall: trench coat, scythe]
am not what I use to be.
Come in.
What has been learned
Probably just tired.
There is a possibility
These may not be the spirit of the dead.
The truth is that.
Unfortunately, your sister is dead.
Your sister is back in the house In the form of the undead.
That's not possible.
Just said, and your sister were together in the woods and found the body,right?
It is a practice.
Could you please ?
That one.
What ?
It was thirty years ago.
Now there's no need to talk about it anymore.
When my wife disappeared from home
In the new town spread the story the slit mouth woman.
Kuchisake-Onna's story.
Know of it?
Know what?
A woman wearing a mask
talking to people on the street.
Ask others I am beautiful?
Under the mask....
Is a deep gash from the ear to the mouth.
Legend says is if you run away, it will catch you and kill you.
It's hard to say.
At that time my wife started developing mental issues.
Has always had a disturbed personality.
My wife.....
in order to help me with my research,
started collecting data about Kuchisake-Onna.
and she gradually began to believe she was Kuchisake-Onna.
Don't know why she was so convinced.
It may be hard to believe but ,
Both rain or shine she wore that trench coat and the mask.
She began to dress herself up as Kuchisake-Onna.
Then one day just disappeared.
Did you just say Sachiko. What's wrong with her?
Did you see Sachiko's ghost?
I'm not sure.
What can I do ?
What's wrong?
I really regret what happened to your wife.
Misato may have gotten caught up in this.
Have you found your sister?
Kuchisake-Onna may be going around attacking others.
How can that be ?
Tell me what to do.
I must leave now.
Wait a minute.
At the scene where the Osan couple were killed, there was an item found at the scene.
The blind psychics strange and mysterious death.
I was taking a look in your case.
Didn't expect to see you here.
Your sister has not been in touch with you?
What you should know is ,
Your sister is a burden to you.
Starting from a young age
Make a mess of your life
Isn't that so?
Although it is your sister
it is not necessary to shield her.
She is not a minor,
and there was a record of the treatment.
Even if arrested and there is hope.
West Japan JR is investigating the cause of the accident
Next in the news is the killing a married couple that occurred in Osan Mountains.
Near Osan General Hospital ,management is responsible for cleaning the Ito Yasuko and Masaaki murder scene.
At a distance of thirty meters from the body.
Found on the day of the incident of the Ito couple murder was a knife.
Police are trying to confirm if the knife was used as the murder weapon
In addition, near the murder weapon they found a ring that didn't belong to the victims.
We are investigating whether it has anything to do with the prisoners.
Our next story.
It's best not leave the room.
There may be a police officer....
Enough already.
What are you saying?
You know that I killed someone.
Enough already.
What are you saying?
Go to the police station and surrender.
How can you be so stubborn.
You may not have a problem,
But what shall I do?
Neither of us can marry, there will be no work.
And also becoming the sister of a murder.
Is that all right?
I don't want that.
So far I have endured such misery.
Trying so desperately to save you.
This is my home , trying desperately to keep things together for your sake.
In the end why should it be like this?
It was not your fault sister,
You did not kill anyone.
You are not going to the police station.
Look at the situation.
They may soon find the perpetrator.
Enough already.
In fact,
This guy says that you were acting a bit strange.
so tonight I have come to inform and confirm a few things.
Excuse me.
Maybe you've heard it from the news.
Having experienced many difficulties.
This is a very difficult thing to say but,
It is becoming a higher possibility that your sister is guilty of this.
This ring..... is it yours?
The one your sister took?
Excuse me for just a minute
Will you please, be a bit more quiet.
We will be leaving now.
Miss Inoue
Is there someone on the second floor?
But someone just... ....
Where are you hiding?
Come out!
Why do you hate me enough to kill me Misato?!
Why do you hate me?!
What is this?!
Misato ,why?!
Is it my fault?!
Maybe it is ,
but enough of this!
Enough !
Stop doing this!
Don't know if I can take this anymore!
Ah say what? Come out!
Don't take me for a fool!
Miss Inoue.
Is there anyone on the second floor?
then what's this?
What's this?
When was this taken?
Wait a minute.
Don't try to hide it
There's nothing to hide.
My sister is a burden and
I thought that she would not show up again,
and also wanted to kill her.
So, what of it.
This is not unusual ,doing things and taking it for granted.
Don't stare.
Is there any movement?
But nothing has happened so far.
Would you go to the second floor and have a look?
I'm not dead.
Someone is dead.
Can you stand up?
Enough already.
What are you saying?
Nothing's wrong with you.
A change of clothes.
Where to?
wake up a bit.
Try to go over there
Rumors of experiments.
The choice of the subject matter was a modern legend. The necessary elements of an era that can stimulate modern peoples minds.
Miserable memories of the accident involving the slit mouth woman caused great anxiety.
The Kuchisake-Onna story is correct,
rumors are successfully diffused
but it spread to such a degree that it became a bit too scary to be true.
Everyone started feeling uneasy .
So they started the rumor.
In other words it is the subconscious thoughts that became rumors.
The massaccre after the Great Kanto Earthquake is the best example.
There is no smoke without fire.
Allowed to dress as Kuchisake-Onna and walk into the street,
Sachiko had started feeling embarrassed,
so I put her under temporary hypnosis.
But couldn't break the hypnosis.
I couldn't believe it.
It is possible that this environment responsible for Sachiko behavior.
I may have .....
opened a door that should have never been opened.
Sachiko tried to run away.
Although I stopped her.
her strength was amazing.
I put her in the warehouse for a week.
Treatment was not effective, will not take off mask.
gradually changed.
What the hell is happening.
Your mouth.....
cut with the sickle.
[ Book: Originated from malicious rumors ]
How did we get involved in something you did?
Why must we be involved in this?
Am I pretty?
no matter what....
you are beautiful.
I haven't been to school for a long time, shouldn't be late.
Because you woke up late.
It's sisters fault.
Sister , you're looking forward to.
I am preparing for the wedding.