The Smell of Success (2009)

Agent Chestnut, the Federal Trade Commission's interview.
Full Name.
Patrick Fitzpatrick.
Fitzpatrick, Lord ...
Were you aware of Rosen Manure
financial difficulties?
I do not.
Sill Mr.
Rose did was right
selvsti ktenn.
Yritttek to convince me that Mr.
Rose never mentioned then?
You are from sale until
the study is completed.
Months earlier
So elmni ptyi pnttn.
When the tape recorder
went off plt -
pulled from my career and
elmni down the toilet.
Sure, it was kynyt before.
Min I was shit speaker.
I just do not know
how I'd come syvn.
Some have come with manure, and others
have stepped in the manure.
Min unfortunately I happened to
step into someone else's shit.
And how pdyin tnne?
I followed the smell.
Mrk, sticky, lumpy ...
Moist, crumbly ...
Dry, kuivamurenevaa, ashed ...
Structure, weight and smell ...
Says it all ...
what's teidn need roads.
Look at the tt, sir.
Lehm, horse, sheep and chicken
ensimmisell rivill.
Riviss is another exotic lantoja
that are stronger.
I'll tell you something about
what's KNT ympri your world.
Mr. Rosen's own blend.
Or as we call then ...
''Big cat.''Philanthropic sit.
Mit pidtte TMN mirrin smell?
Eik not it lovely?
The aroma is very clear.
Penis comes to mind ...
... Monthly coffee.
is quite complex.
Philanthropic roses ...
I can tell the Group meidn mikn
privately that other company -
providing such a broad range
of laatulantoja than Rose.
We will make your country
as promised.
A creator of the ETT,
it needs to sit.
Customers like the wise tekevt
Rosen manure success.
We appreciate sit.
-Good is then tested.
You will not regret it then, sir.
I told you I was full of shit.
Bullshit, even a bear shit.
Then I sold everything.
Sit What makes Rose's done well as manure.
But I did sit alone.
I was just one of the best myyjist,
which I had ever known.
KVIK kenellkn luck TNN?
-Yeah, I sold the minute
"Great Cat".
Ss did you get 25% ksirahan?
-Oh yeah, it's in the car.
I talked to one maanviljelijlle when
lehmt ryhtyivt edessmme action.
They eivt be shy!
-They live siell!
I was in their pasture, but they
could still demonstrate ways.
You've enemmntynn shit
like my nytesalkkuni.
Hello? -Mr Rose made a tit ...
I went to His office, though
he pidkn penis ...
Meidn pit menn pmajalle.
-What he said?
Dung flew from the fan.
We are escorted by TLL
TNN pomoamme rest.
Mr. Rose vlitti actually we all.
He knew the ETT on the basis of
the American dream begins.
He was a man in the middle of the manure,
a man who lived in the idioms.
Sometimes,''it will have to come
to you to avoid learns to sit.''
''It's better than ymmrt
vhn ymmrt vrin a lot.''
Oman lempisanontani pivn heard when Mr.
Rose hired me:
Nkmme''is longer than Nemme, kuulomme
better than kuulemme''-
''And smell stronger
than the smell.''
Now, when Mr.
Rose is gone, we can
all be sure ...
ETT ...
the grass will be vihremp
the other side.
How are you, Patrick?
Are you okay?
You've now boss.
The new boss!
Who would have guessed ETT shit storm was
forming in the streets of Manhattan.
It was coming toward MEIT.
All of us came ylltyksen ETT was tytr Mr.
Rosella, Rosemary Rose.
Rosen Manure only perij.
Min I had a new boss.
He was.
Good morning.
Min'm Rosemary Rose, Rosen
Manure new owner.
I need time to assess the company's
background and financial situation.
One by one, my assessment of the
way teidt backgrounds com.
Some teist no future.
Thank you very much.
Who the hell was that?
Mit you liked boys?
Hyvnen-time ...
How do they stink!
It went great!
Myyjt waiting ...
Min initially manure.
He does not jttnyt me shit.
Except for the two-million debt.
Nhd funny to you, Rosemary.
Did he lost to college, so I
could pay the debt to Her?
I have the best
osmetiikkatiski -
largest department
store in New York!
Ymmrrn hated, loved all of Mr.
He knew I did not want tt bisnest!
Tt is not even able to myymn!
I have to pay someone, so
they would buy the TMN!
Young Rose can not myyd companies, sill
isukko acquiring big liabilities -
His first of which
is pstv rid of it.
He has already given neljlle actually
we fired less than an hour!
Cleveland, Miss Rose take now.
Hnest tehd the best way is
to get rid of ylimrisest.
Yritn ymmrt improve the company's
strengths and riskitekijt-
to be able to mritell teidn arvonne company.
Is kysyttv?
No, ma'am.
I have 62 different complaints.
invite you to sit 62
yytyviseksi housewife.
Nykk but it makes the TST vhemmn
painful for both of us.
Degrees in chemistry and physics.
-Yes, ma'am.
Why did you sell the manure?
-Teachers called me shithead.
17-year jlkeen Psi finally Mr.
Rosen's office.
MIT, he was really going to ...?
Mr. Fitzpatrick, come sisn!
Sit down.
Tm does not feel that you
can screw up or lpist.
We'll start and continue to personally
taustallanne tyhistoriaan.
You were employed by
the army in 1940-46.
Siting of Baker Island.
What is it?
A separate, water ymprim land.
Thank you.
Army jlkeen you have been
TLL Tiss 17 years.
You've sold thousands of tons of manure
and gotten the best myyjn awards.
Long, it is true, Mr.
Would you like to sit?
Mithn isnne was really going?
-I do not know, ENK vlit.
TLL is a lion.
-Can we go back to the topic?
Its sales figures have fallen by 35%
in ten years ensimmisen jlkeen.
I got married.
Then followed a strong increase
in four years later.
-It was a lucrative firmalle.
All of the women eivt ymmrr
miest stinking manure.
It then sells the ETT, the ETT does not mean
ought to be monitor and smell Silt.
Mit yrittte to say?
Ett, you have a strange bunch.
And the minute I'm going to
clean up the firm's TMN.
lk tt bury firmaa personally
paskanne below.
It will produce enough itself.
Erottiko teidtkin hn?
I'm not going to be tekemisiss
nrkstyneen tyttren with.
I'm sorry.
I would not have imagined because the
thinness of His ilmestyvntnne.
You're just like ISSI.
He did not want to ever
leave the agency.
l Come, Agnes.
TST is syyttminen Him.
The company is not worth minkn.
Mit the heck I'm doing he right?
Mr. Rose ... -I do not want
certain why he described.
Agnes ...
Have you heard of because the thinness of the Nelli Nenst?
Account name is Nostril Damas.
We have him in a huge
amount of debt.
I have not heard a tilist.
Mit where it joins the mafia?
-You think so?
Tm debt meidt kill!
Okay, Agnes.
Help me now with TMN.
Tydell power Rosen manure produces
20 tons of manure pivss.
Pivn done well, perhaps.
Penis ought to be to mobilize
15 to psisimme even levels.
How does it succeed?
Patrick Fitzpatrick.
Firman best shit speaker
who moved the manure.
Agent Chestnut, the Federal Trade Commission.
nilokikirja one.
The research related to manure
Rosen reveal the story smells.
Mr. Rose, lantapohatta,
was a mystery.
To quote His tytrtn:''He
is full of crap.''
2 million in debt, despite the right
ksiss factory could be a gold mine.
Motive for murder?
Penis you can be sure!
Can I help you?
Madame Rose, thank you.
Min I Nelli Nen.
He is TLL! Nelli Nen!
oh no!
Say to him that I am not the Rose,
which he is looking for!
Rose as Rose, he said.
Say, I'm not TLL.
But the sin you're TLL!
-I do not for long!
He is waiting for me?
can I menn sisn?
Miss Rose is coming soon.
Be good and sit down.
Is teill problems?
Min can I expect the whole pivn.
Mr. Fitzpatrick?
Paskanpuhujalle talking shit ...
Mr. Fitzpatrick, I would like
to apologize INVITES.
Was irresponsible and
quite typer me -
firm to get rid of a fair and
productive tyntekijst.
Mr. Rose was involved in teidt
hyvst syyst, I get it now.
Tehk yourselves a favor
and myyk company.
It would be contrary to the will of Mr.
I was hoping something would ET teill hydyllist information -
that could help me pitmn
Rosen Manure successful.
Mr. Fitzpatrick,
tiedttek mit ...?
If you help me pitmn administrator
for a firm's successes -
min confirm ETT will
get a premium penis.
Will you stay sanassanne? -Yes.
Yes I will.
Not tllainen selling success!
Nnnitk-sin ...?
Tmnk why I came back?
-If I counted correctly -
he wants to meidn myyvn 2
200 tons of manure pivss.
It is not possible.
Listen up, boys.
Tiedtte that tm is a new area.
We sell for TLL region.
He is not from Tied he speaks.
He does not pomonne.
Who is pomonne?
Min, or mit? He stands edessnne.
Rose makes the TT a couple of weeks
ago, he renounces the penis -
and leave your the person to whom it really belongs.
Nettek you other TLL?
You do not.
TLL we have just the five.
Tiedttek and why?
Since we are the five best speakers
shit firm's history.
Nelli Nen is co siell?
-He is demanding to meet you.
Rather, kill, Agnes.
Thank you, bye!
Sorry ...
When Madame Rose returns?
I do not know.
Ymmrrn no one want to
face their debt.
Good morning!
Mr. Fitzpatrick.
Miss Rose ...?
Miss Rose, teidnlaisellanne women do not
have that take up the road mitn earth.
Thank you for your concern,
but this is the my company.
I figured tm ETT was
an agreement.
Would you like my driving?
No need.
I can represented with a question?
-Of course.
Do you really believe ET monkey dung is necessary?
Isnne was a brilliant man.
-He was a brilliant
speaker shit.
Tt parts of the country people took
isnne monkey dung very seriously.
22 000 dollar payment of an ape,
which kakkii 50 grams pivss -
not jrkev business.
Those are ptkset estneet tt
COMPANY psemst forward.
ISSI believed in their products, they
are paid back or itsens eivt.
Work as usual, but I want to
observe, to be krpsen roof.
There is no ceiling.
Mit-Tiedtte mean.
Take tm. -What? I do not! Why?
Some are very NIST maanviljelijist
Good is.
As you wish.
But you will get
a permanent TLL.
Good company ...
can you tell me to mit?
TLL holding ...
How to analyze the potential value
of the customer's status?
How did I do.
TSS is about a thousand
an acre of farmland.
Teidntytyy to calculate the sum
of the nette tllaisen status.
Mit are you doing?
I smell.
Mit? -What you smell?
Mit? -What you smell?
Smells of the farm.
Non-farm Rosen.
By day, minute I'm Patrick Fitzpatrick
Rosen Lannalta.
I do not want to bother, but could you
tell from lydn Henrick Hanover?
I can not.
Miss Rose, TM, not customers.
I'm kvellyt one hundred
meters in the mud!
I'm sorry.
I take care of TMN min.
I take care of TMN min.
Excuse me, sir, maybe you can help
me with the problem of ERN.
A few kilometers pss tlt has
many tons of manure Good ...
I receive shall be at least twice
as expensive vied it back ...
Nobody has ordered tnne mitn ...
Good pivnjatkoa, sir.
Mit min said?
How can you use the misleading
sales techniques?
We do not have time
to tell the truth.
Teach me to lie?
I will teach you did talk shit.
So tm works area.
Thank you.
What is a babysitter?
-L, come on.
For example, how do you think
of recurring that He kest?
Not so of recurring than
bringing your sentences.
One of the chicken took 42 of its jlkeen
by day when its neck was broken.
I do not get min.
100 000 siittit sin and
you were the fastest?
Got that?
You have to do to be smarter
than the door.
Sweet dreams, their
own golden images.
Nelli Nen is TLL.
-What do you mean?
Koettelette krsivllisyyttni, madame.
Now will try teidn min.
Hello, hello!
Miss Mr. Fitzpatrick is it?
Oh, God. The Lord then shithead!
Hat and coat according to mennn!
Mennn now!
Envelope contains all
the nutrients -
but people rarely sit syvt. Why?
Because it is tasteless.
Rose gives the taste envelope.
What kind of amount
are we talking?
You do not have the money repimn
selknahastanne, say so.
Sin hydytn bastard!
That is not Good.
Mit tekevsi sin do you think?
-Excuse me.
Come on!
Mit hell are you doing?
vr tactics, I was already hnet.
Just one tllainen rapture viel,
so you can get fired!
Tss tyss do not need
beauty sleep.
Niinhn sin you are saying.
-Maanviljelijt hervt dawn.
I know! You sound like Mr.
Rose lending.
l, then compel me to be
a dick and herttmn you.
Hnjtti that part out.
Hnjtti much away.
And min, but lhdin away.
Mit member is reading?
Milagro. -What does it mean?
It is a fertilizer company.
It came from?
Mit the heck?
Not bad.
I've tasted worse.
The fertilizer is wonderful.
Can I porkkananne vet attention?
Be Good, but.
Nettek? It is alimittainen.
I promise to ETT, we can increase
the size of the porkkananne.
Mit said yes ylimrisest
seitsemst sentist?
Seven ...?
Seven cent carrot?
Outbred min pitisin!
-We all pitisimme.
Born and raised in Milagro.
The size of the meanings.
Who ky buy all food?
Women ...
then you can touch.
Pidell and then, if you wish.
Do you know ymprysmitan?
Sill is quite ymprysmitta.
Member is quite a carrot.
-Put it back there.
It fits there tydellisesti.
-Like a Glove kteen.
It was a big carrot. -Yep.
Are you so big because the thinness he seen?
ETT Hiritseek you it was so big?
-It was epterveellist size.
Meidntytyy to talk about its size.
-Meidn problem is bigger.
We have had a real competitor.
You are like the shit you had
nhneet the Second Coming.
They drop the stuff from the sky.
Toys and vrityskirjoja.
Our customers believe that the
ETT will pass, all ylhlt pin.
Milagro is Spanish for ihmett.
Write''Milagro''skkiin yhtkki
and we're away pelist.
Modern technology and guarantee
the ammonium nitrate-
vegetables divine potential.
Mit hell does it mean?
-Ett manure sales will
soon be over.
They are damn credits.
And, damn fast.
They myivt two minutes to the measurements
we sell in two weeks.
Mit hell are we doing, Patrick?
We can not compete
with heidn him.
Min figured somethi
g-something Biscuits?
Countries, min said,
and he tasted it.
I did not think that He then taste.
Who is taste?
Patty, Merill is a huge problem.
How huge? -Really big.
Hyvnen time, that's
a big problem.
Do you feel pain or epmukavuutta?
-No, sir.
Are you sure?
Tehk that again.
Yes ...
No, that does not seem to miltn erityiselt.
-Are you one of the Commission
has accepted eptavallista?
Milagro fertilizer.
Last I have seen so big boobs
when I was 4 years old,
I bathed and mentally jlkeenjneen
with my cousin.
Good God, Cleveland.
Sstivtk vett your parents?
Jvtk they tllaisiksi?
-It is eptodennkist.
Glands are swollen, allergic
reaction to poison.
But we can fix it.
Sikytt always brings me to ...
Agent Chestnut, the Federal Trade Commission.
Lanta war development -
due to begin a wide-ranging investigation
of both parties.
Thadeus, stop staring at tits.
They are huge!
So it is tm pullakin, but
then you do not stare.
Will niist milk? -What he said?
I could take ruiskauksen
Hello, Agnes.
-He does not agree to lhtemn.
-You have to do to come back!
Smells like shit.
Check kenknne, boys.
Jimmy St.
James, Milagro fertilizer.
PYT full of sontiaisia.
MEIT sontiaisiksi callin '?
-Tehn pyrittte shit.
You give new meaning
to the sale of shit.
You see that kehityst
can pysytt.
Lehmnpaskalla has its limitations.
As well as teill.
Milagro has a future.
Menk-train crash.
We can help.
-It seems hard to
be a caterpillar.
Born on paskassa, sytte shit and the
best you can hope for is a mit -
krpseksi and expects to become a
horse pern at your next meal.
we piest it out teist.
ETT-Tajutkaa your
actions is over.
Mit they wanted?
Eivt anything.
Meidntytyy a change in strategy
and not tactics.
Meanwhile, Merill not mitn opportunities.
Is hykttv first.
TMN region, they have
already taken.
Tm viel area is open.
Good ETT came! Sit down.
Sin kata northwest
and Chet lunch.
Sorry, but the measurements are you doing?
-Wait for their first tehtvt.
Ettehn planning war?
Sill company is not responsible
for the victims.
You too will become part of tt war.
-War? Not gonna happen!
Should not be mitn war!
Sin wraps.
Sin, it plays a war when you do
not ever sit pssyt experience.
TSS is a country,
as in most wars!
I do not want to play generals
ETT my payroll.
I do not play with the min anything.
Will protect firm's sales.
It's either us or them.
-Give me the keys.
Cleveland, let the car keys.
ENP-Tied, Patty ...
Thadeus, give me the keys.
Since ksken!
Thank you!
Drive carefully!
He is suppose to take a drink.
Tivoli TST would have to pay.
Tekivtk they TMN? -I think so.
Are you okay?
I am.
They do not, but will there be.
Tm is a war!
They come out of the restaurant.
Hnkvelee jalkakytvll.
Milagro fertilizer.
Do you believe in miracles?
They are our specialty.
Sisn-Come on, boys.
Open to my on my door.
Open my door, or
find another ty.
Tm is jrkyttv!
They had started the war.
Mit ...?
Pitnyt would be nice
to the Indians.
I go over there -
and change to a more
Good is.
Good is ...
Shut up!
They ehtivt first.
Tm-Give them credit.
Menetmme trke area, if we
give them a TMN space.
TM mode is 2 200 an acre.
Tm is not over viel.
Merill can not afford it
loses enemp country.
Your hair and dresses mess.
Come on!
Long both of your mouths shut.
To pass by day!
Mr. and Mrs. ...? -Deal.
Nice to meet you.
Milagro gentlemen who
had just TLL ...
Erittin they are dangerous.
Did they say ETT heidn products
to create a super vegetables?
Yes said.
Min selitn-mit it means.
Nettek His skull shape?
Out your tongue, boy.
Tongue out!
He swallows kieltns, it
is very dangerous.
Milagro selling a product that
causes sikivaurioita.
Can we come sisn?
Thank you very much.
Our son grew Milagro products.
the baby until he was vhn slow.
We nimme ETT something is wrong.
His itins Peaches and min kytimme
Him best lkreill ...
They just tkkivthnt ...
Tests showed the ET Milagro materials-
His brains had been undeveloped
Brains are too big.
Like me, Tad is not with us TLL TRANSIENT.
Yes, I guess.
We hyvksymme MIT Lord gives us.
You have to Aim with it, and
we tiedmme the culprit!
Not mitnht, Tad!
Ht not, son.
Meidn is probably best
to cancel your order.
It would be great if you could
Levitt story neighbors.
We do not have time for
all visiting Kyd.
That is what we are doing.
-Thank you very much.
Peaches? L-excited.
Mr. Roselle bowl victory!
Mr. Rose!
He was a man in the middle
of the manure.
ISSI was really Good for us.
Sill was a mys bad side.
Mr. Rose vlitti teist hard,
but I think No other.
I'm sorry for breeding.
l no, I do not minkn.
Mit sin are you?
I'm hmmentynyt.
Award-winning tiedemiehest
It is never too myhist
grab the bottle.
Good God! -Almost.
I would have imagined
ETT sin re ...
... Kiljuja.
Dealit nyttvt mieltn changed.
Jlkeenjnyt temppunne only
paid 40 000 dollars.
Long sit fines myymisest poison.
Like a lovely woman -
ought to be no smell tlt.
lk think that teidn
paskanne stink.
Firmanne taking into account the economic
situation, you can pit 40 000 ksirahana.
You are willing to myymn.
I do not.
You talk shit if you envision yourself
leading to expect to be able firmaa.
Isnne not done myskn
kummoista tyt.
Would you like to ET sotken FTC thn?
Then you do not want tehd.
lk tehk TST to you I'm No
other more expensive.
Or maybe the lights
go out, pysyvsti.
may God ...
Pst sisn me, I have bedbugs,
really big!
Milagro was in my room, and
they are really angry!
Mit did you expect?
I-ETT they would sit in my room.
They're gone.
Mit if they come back?
Sngyss babysitters with ...
l get too excited.
Mit are pyrensngyn hyvt half?
I do not really Tied.
It's not lhtenyt pyrimn.
You're like a Shar Pei.
Thick, syvt grooves.
Your tongue is black,
and branching ...
... As krme.
Silmsi are like snails.
Tm not lhimainkaan over.
They were the little
lady's room.
Teidntytyy be careful.
They come with a vengeance.
Humanity always needs kyttkelpoista,
renewable energy.
And this is the sit?
Are those geese?
They lentvt eteln.
Run for cover!
watch out!
Merill is day time.
Throw is shall be at least a thousand.
Hundred times more than
the Enemy MEIT.
Mm-meidntytyyy disclosed.
Min I refuse!
-We can not win the
kind of army.
It's over, Patrick.
But we will come up
with something
Kk-all fungi germinated.
Milt tastes, boys? Right-hyvlt.
Be hyvt.
Well ...
Mit should be?
Mit-lytyy you, honey?
We allow a lot of fungus.
Coming soon.
Something smells familiar ...
Jimmy St.
James is a TLL.
Go to hnelt orders.
He is so lumoissasi not realize
you're a waiter ETT.
Good God, mushroom?
Syttek you sponge?
you could total well
bite my toes.
Miss waiter is?
We do not wait for
the j service.
I'm sorry. Mit you should be?
Tytntytyy save yrityksens.
ETT-I knew I smelled you.
What's wrong with you?
Captain INVITES kiinnittmn turvavyt
and enjoy the journey.
Lhettk all.
Lhettk then uploads!
Tm is a chemical war nails!
Oh, shit!
They are dead!
They are dead, dead, dead!
You proceed with
me to wait pivi!
I can not wait any
longer I do not!
Tm is ridiculous!
I'm looking for Ms.
Rosen himself. Enchant, Madame!
Search for Rose, meidn lhte pit.
Soon they are tolkuissaan again.
Sin et ymmrr, Rose.
He tried to kill me.
Patrick is ready to lhtemn.
-You will menn without me.
Hnkski lhte without her.
Tiedtke Nen went anywhere? -I do not know!
But he lhti.
Lhti it?
-I am staring at Him
by day three.
I'm not sad ETT hnlhti.
But you might want to hide.
He will probably etsimn me.
Agnes ...
Wait a minute.
RDL sense of ETT you at risk?
RDL ymmrr, he is dangerous!
Agnes? -Yeah?
I'll call you back, Agnes!
How many net? -22 Carrot.
15 onions, cauliflower 17 -
and 22 potatoes.
It is not Good.
Ee-emmek penis could talk to?
beware of tits, boys!
Potatoes ...
Tm is just the beginning.
may God ...
Thn a feeling there is no pill.
Jttilisporkkana showed me.
Hopefully lhitaistelun
needs are now met.
You were lucky not to
become involved.
I think the ETT for me is
getting worse selksauna.
Mit mean?
Have you ever heard
of Nelly Nenst?
Nelli Nenst. -I.
Nytt Silt ETT Mr.
Rose was owed to him.
I do not know it liittyyk mafia.
But now he is my perssni.
I think that He wants
to kill me.
Good evening.
I am an agent Chestnut min.
Agent Chestnut, the Federal Trade Commission's interview.
Full Name.
Rose Mary Rose.
-Esitn lannastanne couple
of questions.
Mik meidn lannassamme
is so special?
We have been told you have sold the
ETT endangered species prints.
Is teill ulostefetissi?
Min tykkn, sometimes,
then rub your chest.
You are selling an endangered species prints.
It may be 10 years of cake.
10 years? Kakan trafficked?
Are you funny boy?
Ye. -I.
lk leikkik paskapt with me.
Good is rillip.
then we play a game.
Min I knew I had chosen the ETT.
selected for digging up
every kauppaaja shit.
Now you will pay the penis.
You get me sick!
TSS is evidence of breeding
was isnne ETT -
sec eptoivoinen ET paskassa shape.
Were you aware of Rosen Manure
financial difficulties?
I do not.
You never know mitn? -I.
Mr. Rose never mentioned then?
It is probably hard to talk when
there is myten paskassa pt.
You have all their operations
until the study is completed.
Close your company?
You can not sit tehd.
It would destroy the firm!
Take a look at it.
you can leave!
Come tnne. All jrjestyy.
You did not tell the bankruptcy.
-The war came to the road.
Aioitko give me 50% tyhjst?
Sin lied to me. -I.
Merill did not have time to truth.
-So you were talking shit to me.
You both talked about shit for us.
Min-I have spoken to you shit.
Not so.
If you were aware of the situation, there would
have been opportunities for our company.
I wanted to, but off its debts.
-And myyd its profit.
You are better than the
crap speakers ISSI.
I'm sorry.
Patty, you're shit co best
in the world orator.
Weeks Later years
Mit shit speaker makes when
the shit talk is over?
Seeking a shit kaupusteltavaksi.
Good morning!
Are you the lady of the house?
sisn can I come?
Thank you for ETT sislle got
to be a beautiful home.
I present you with TMN
vacuum suction.
It defies gravity.
Mattoni, are pretty clean.
Now they are, but always eivt.
Nm chocolates are to inherit
from 15 different countries.
Good choice.
You can smell Tijuana.
Nill products in minutes
to reach your beauty.
I min ... nhd it.
Who siell? -TB, usually ...
For many, this is the Bible.
But it's a lot of Enemy.
It can be read even
the love story.
Take a look.
lk worry, it's manure.
You sormestani hawk.
Teill a stunning face.
Tt-I do not usually rev ...
Min telling the Bible's secret.
Proverbs 7
That is not Good.
Hyvnen time ...
Tell me if I can change
Hh, you would like to
buy an encyclopedia?
No thanks.
The world is not a problem -
Chocolate is not correct.
Agent Chestnut, the Federal Trade Commission.
Syytteist have been abandoned.
The investigations revealed ETT Jimmy St.
James came up with
the crap stuff.
Kuulustelutekniikkani makes everything
he told Milagro -
heidn epreiluista transactions
and dangerous fertilizers.
Penis due to the Milagro pysyvsti
doors are closed.
Tyni TLL has been made.
Syytteist all have
been abandoned.
may, Agnes! Thank you, sir!
Hi, Patrick.
How's it going?
Siinhn it.
ETT wish I had died, I know.
Good, I'm dead.
Treat me like a ghost.
Pyytmn I just came to apologize
and offer you titnne back.
Meidt acquitted of all 32 points.
Milagro staged meidt.
He's right, boys!
Can I talk to you alone?
Sin you're alone.
Mr. Rose vlitti much. teist boys
He just does not vlittnyt me, and I wanted
to take revenge on him in it.
I will give you company.
ETT then I know Mr.
Rose would have liked.
No, it's yours.
Where the speaker goes to shit when
I do not ketn anyone to talk shit?
He goes home.
Mr. Rose, if you had a plan, I
did not know what's it was.
Why do not you tell me?
You were like a mentor is to me.
You gave me a home, and look
at MIT I've done it.
Mink mess I've got time. Sorry.
Maybe you were Kakkonen King, but
to me you were always ykknen.
How's it going?
Siinhn it.
I was in the army trkell island.
Neljnnes Cherokee and a fifth
of vodka, so pdyin there.
Baker Island.
It was covered with shit.
All kinds of guano, and
hylkeit and walrus.
during the five years I had time
to read the Guano Island Act, -
hyyvksyi by Congress in 1855.
Guano was designated farmland
as fertilizer.
Thus, the U.S.
was able to protect valuable prints
and take possession of the islands.
Shit a war to protect.
Mankind has fought syist worse.
ISSI made me feel a
sense of pride -
outbred ETT was then protected by U.S.
Hence, I feel indebted.
Have you found the mitn?
Isni was going really something.
I do not know whether it was Good or bad.
Palapelist missing pieces.
Skatoli is very toxic, -
white, crystalline, organic -
mixture -
with the chemical formula C9H9N.
Sit arises naturally
in the faeces.
Sit produce tryptophan -
niskkn digestion.
Pieness MRSS then has a
mild, floral scent -
and it serves as an excellent
perfume as a fixative.
Kyttnyt'm 25 years trying
to find the connection -
man, who smelled like
a rose garden.
Rose water.
Rose water.
And a lovely tyttreni.
Rose Mary Rose.
The bag has many years of
hard isnne TYN result.
We made a tit in combination
for 25 years.
There is no smell, which I would have smelled.
It almost destroyed nokkani.
Rose water.
The perfume industry
is a million.
Bring a bottle to the customer
will pay $ 50.
Sill isnne square your debt.
So you put tt pllesi shit, so
you do not smell of Silt?
Mr. Rose moved to
shit into gold.
Au revoir, madame!
Mit would you say penis ETT own
the 50% hajuvesiyrityksest?
Sweet smell of success.
TSS have we, and the
member had a story.
So who's talking shit to whom?
European ships transporting
dry manure.
They silyttivt sit below deck.
When manure psee contact
with sea water -
it becomes heavier and
starts kymisprosessin.
It is a by-product generated methane
gas, which caused problems.
When it was discovered, the sailors
siirsivt manure so high -
ylettynyt that the water in it.
SILIT marked with
the letter crap.