The Snare (2017)

- Pop that on the side, there.
Who's that?
With Lizzy?
- Carl.
- Huh.
What's he doing here?
- He's her boyfriend.
- My god, you look
just like her.
Time flies, doesn't it?
- Sweetie, how are you?
- Good, thanks.
- Muah.
- New phone?
- Uh huh.
You name it, I've
got everything.
- Sorry ladies.
What are we waiting for?
Hop on board.
- Yes. Muah.
- Come on, then.
Darling, come on over here.
Would you rather have
seven dirty-ass tramps
take dumps in your mouth,
and all they've eaten all day
is spring onions,
boiled ham and raw eggs,
or would you rather
suck off your old man?
And when I say suck him off
I don't mean give him a
quick jerk under the table.
I mean, you'd have to
seduce him, you know,
to the point where
he's grabbing your hair
and forcing your fucking
face down into his cock
and he thrusts into your throat.
- Take dad.
- What about you?
Would you rather drink a cup
of your nan's period blood
or eat out 90 old shit
out of her ass hole?
- I don't really...
- come on, just pick one.
Time's ticking.
Go, what?
- Nan's period blood?
- Bullshit, you've
got to mean it.
- What?
So, you'd mean it, would you?
- Yeah, that's kinda
how it works, hun.
- So, you're honestly telling me
you're a genuine coprophile?
- The fuck is that?
- Someone who gets an erection
when playing with their own poo.
- She hasn't told you, has she?
- Told me what?
- Where we're going.
- Somewhere quite.
By the sea.
- You two go away a lot, then?
To her dad's places?
- No, not really.
- He's got quite
a few, hasn't he?
Her old man.
Properties and that.
- He's an estate agent.
Doesn't actually own them.
- You know her old
man don't know, right?
The keys.
She nicked them.
- I'm just gonna
go and help Lizzy.
- Here we are.
Doors opening.
Here we are.
- Oh, it's old.
Probably just needs...
- nobody touch it.
- Look, it's not that I
have a problem being trapped
with you lovely ladies...
- we're not trapped, Carl.
Look, I think it's just.
Doors opening.
- Yes.
Aw man, place is
gonna be fucking sick.
- Muah.
- Shot gun, double room.
- All right,
keep your knickers on.
- Carl.
- Piece of shit.
- How about a snack?
- What about yours?
How many bars you got?
- Oh, one sec.
I'm sure...
- Carl!
- Some of those, please, mate.
- Alice?
Alice, do you want anything?
- Maybe, just some fruit.
- Oh, no.
- Come on, you guys have
seen it all before, right?
You're like sisters.
- I never really got that.
- What?
- Like, in porn.
- Yeah?
- Sisters.
- Guys really dig
that shit, right?
- If you're fucking two
pussies at the same time,
who gives a shit?
You know what they say, Liz?
Any hole's a go.
- Man, I'm fucked.
What's this shit?
- Oh, well that's like cheerios,
but not cheerios.
If you get me?
- For fuck's sake!
- Don't look at me.
- Well, somebody's
obviously been here.
- Yes, I can see that.
- Yeah, well who?
You said this place was empty.
- Maybe the caretakers just
locked up for the winter.
- Come on.
- I think you should
call your dad.
Okay, well your brother.
He can look through
your dad's files
and see if there's a
number for the caretaker.
- Fuck.
- No signal.
- Well try him again, then.
- What about yours?
- It's dead.
- Don't you have a charger?
- No.
What about yours?
What about your fucking phone?
- I must have left
it in the car.
- Great, fucking great.
So now what?
Can anyone fucking hear me?!
Is there anyone fucking there?!
- It's dead.
- Fuck.
Fuck, fuck.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- What's it look like?
- Carl, it's not worth it.
- Will you just
shut up for a minute
and let me concentrate?
- It's dangerous.
- I'm just gonna
go down, floor by floor.
- We need to find another way.
- There isn't another way.
This is the way.
- Don't be an idiot.
- Fuck off.
- No one's coming.
- You don't know that.
- No one knows we're here.
- Someone's bound to
come by at some point.
When are your parent's back?
- November.
- What? A month?
- It's their silver
wedding anniversary.
- What about you?
- What?
- Your parents?
- What is this, Jeremy Kyle?
- Well, I don't know.
Perhaps they're expecting
a call from you?
- I doubt it.
- When are you next
due to see them?
- I don't fucking know.
Fucking Christmas.
What about your fucking family?
- Would anyone
like some more tea?
- This is fucking awful.
- I told you.
That inbred fucker
had it in for us.
He's probably the one
that locked us up in here.
- You think someone did this?
You think someone's
fucking with us?
- Well,
the lift, the
door, the landline.
Wouldn't you think
it's a coincidence?
- We haven't seen anyone.
No one knows we're here.
- You ain't seen no one,
but it doesn't mean that
someone ain't seen us.
That we ain't being watched.
What do you think?
- I just think it's an unfortunate
set of circumstances.
- Bullshit.
- Excuse me?
- You're lying.
- We're in a holiday apartment
that's been locked
up for the winter,
under the assumption
that it was unoccupied.
And if I recall,
we we're supposed to be
here in the first place.
- So you think it's all my
fault that we're stuck in here?
- No, I'm just saying...
- and it's also my fault
that the lift is stuck.
- Enough.
- You're the one
that's blaming me.
- I'm not blaming anyone.
- You are saying...
- I just said that
it's an unfortunate...
- you have said, you have said...
- will you shut the fuck up?
- Stop. Stop.
Stop, stop, stop.
Stop, it's me.
It's me.
It's me, it's me.
It' me.
- Come here.
- What happened?
When I found you
out in the hall.
- I don't know.
- What?
- I don't know.
- You were screaming like,
like you were seeing something.
- It was a nightmare.
I panicked.
- Yeah, well let's fuck all that
unfortunate set of
circumstances bullshit.
Was someone in here?
Was someone in the apartment?
Tell me. What did you see?
- It wasn't like that.
- Then what?
- I can't explain it.
- Try.
- I just woke up
and I thought there was
something in my room.
- Woke up?
You said it was a nightmare.
- No, i...
- So, you're seeing things?
- No.
- No? So then you
did see something.
So what? What did you see?
You know something
about what's going on?
Some kind of secret?
You know something about
what's happening here.
You know, I have
a right to know.
Oh, fuck.
What the fuck are
you tying to do?
Poinson me?
- You've been
leaving it out, haven't you?
- Fuck you!
You're not gonna
pin this shit on me.
Even if I had, I don't
have any fucking maggots
and fucking eggs all over me.
- They still
don't know, do they?
- Who doesn't know, what?
- That the keys are missing.
Perhaps no one's asked
to look at the property.
- Perhaps no one gives a shit.
How long has it been
on the market for?
If there is something
wrong with it,
maybe that's why nobody gives
a shit the keys are missing.
- Look, like I said,
someone will notice.
Someone will come.
- Someone better fucking notice
or we're gonna fucking starve.
- That's real handy, Carl.
- Yeah?
Well, we fucking dead, ain't we?
- Look, the more time passes
the more likely it is that
someone will notice and...
- it's already
been a fucking week.
- Yes, so it won't
be long now, will it?
- Oh and they'll know
exactly where to find us
when they do, won't they?
- Why do you have
to be some damn insensitive?
- Why do you have to
be so fucking full of shit?
No one knows we're missing
and no one knows what the
fuck we're doing here.
Fuck me.
- What the fuck's going on?
Get her the fuck
out of here, Liz.
- Why the fuck is the
tap still running?
- You happy now?
- I didn't.
I feel asleep and...
- you're a fucking liar.
Selfish bitch.
You're a fucking lier.
Do I look like a
fucking idiot to you?
Fuck off.
I asked you a fucking question.
Do I look like a
fucking idiot to you?
- Touch her again and
I'll fucking kill you.
- Fuck.
- I promise.
I didn't.
Liz, I didn't.
- It's all right.
Stand up.
Stand up.
That's it.
Good girl.
Take off your dress.
Take off your dress.
Take it off.
Good girl.
That's it.
Oh, you are beautiful.
Oh, you are beautiful, Princess.
That's a good girl.
That's good girl.
Open your legs now.
That's it.
Come on.
Now touch it.
Put your hand down there.
Touch yourself
like I showed you.
Come on.
Do it for mommy.
Make mommy proud for me.
You better do it, Princess.
You know what's
coming if you don't.
Come on, rub it.
Rub it, Princess.
Touch it.
Touch it!
Touch it!
- What's going on?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
What the fuck's going on?
Stop it.
- He's coming.
He's coming.
- Carl.
Grab this.
Come on, go.
The curtains.
Get the curtains.
- Shit.
- I can't eat that.
Can't we boil it, at least?
- Open the door!
Get off her!
- Grab me a dish.
- No!
- What?
- It's fine.
It's nothing.
I'm fine.
- Come here.
- There's something here.
It's all around us.
It's everywhere.
It's watching.
All the time, just watching.
Can you feel it?
It's inside of us,
working its way through us.
That's why we can't leave.
It won't let us.
We're not the first.
Go and look.
- What are you doing?
- Get away from me.
- What are you
doing with my diary?
- Get away from me.
- Lizzy, stop it.
- You did this.
All of this.
- Please, Lizzy.
It's what they
want you to think.
It's trying to turn
you against me.
You have to fight it.
You have to trust me.
- Stay the fuck away from me.
- What do you want?
What do we have to do?
Just let us go.
Speak to me.
What do you want?
What do you...
- no one's coming, are they?
- Hello.
Liz, what's going on?
Doors opening.