The Snorkel (1958)

Signora? Signora Decker?
Guilio! Guilio!
Guilio! Guilio!
Ah, Mr. Wilson.
You have been very quick.
You know this lady,
of course?
Mrs. Decker.
Yes, I know her.
That is for
the inquest to say.
But you see, all the doors
and windows taped up,
the gas taps all turned on,
the doors locked
from the inside.
No one can go in or out.
Si, suicide, definitely.
Now this Mrs...
Decker, si. She is English, is she not?
Yes, but she's
not a tourist.
She's been living here
for some time.
Si, si, I know.
We have her papers.
This is her villa, no?
Really, it belongs
to her husband.
He spent a great deal
of money on it.
It was in a bit of a mess
when Decker married her.
Expensive, hmm?
She could afford it.
Mr. Decker,
he is rich, too?
No, no,
I don't think so.
The maid says he is away.
You know where?
No. He often goes away
for a few days on his own.
Do you know of
any reason why...
No, none at all.
They were a happy couple?
Yes, as far as I know.
Well, we'd better
find Mr. Decker.
Yes. Where is he?
He killed her!
I didn't know
there was a child.
Yes. I thought
she was in England.
Where's Paul?
You must find him.
I know he killed my mummy!
I'm Mr. Wilson, Candy,
from the British Consulate.
I knew your mother, and
there's nothing to worry about.
We'll soon find your father.
He's not my father.
My daddy's dead.
Now Paul has killed Mummy,
and you've let him get away.
It's not like that, Candy.
I imagine your mummy
was unhappy. She...
She wouldn't do
a thing like that,
not on the day
I was coming home.
It was Paul, he did it.
And he's got away.
No one has got away,
little girl.
It was necessary
to break down the door.
Since then, there is
someone here all the time.
If he was here at all,
he would be here still.
And you can see he is not.
But he must have been here.
Mummy couldn't
do a thing like that.
I know this has been
a terrible shock for you.
If you'll go downstairs
with this lady here,
I'll be down in a minute. We'll
talk about what we're going to do.
Candy! Candy, my pet, why
did you have to come up here?
I'm Jean Edwards. I've come
from England with Candy.
What a terrible thing
to have happened.
Paul did it, Jean.
He killed Mummy.
Shh, my love! We'll talk
about it downstairs. Come on.
Come on, Toto!
Toto, come on.
You think I'm mad,
don't you?
They all thought I was mad
when I said he killed my daddy.
Poor kid.
She must think her stepfather
is an absolute monster.
Is there anything you
would like me to get you?
No, thank you, Jean.
I must arrange somewhere
for us to stay.
Would you mind very much if
I leave you for a few minutes?
Then I'll just go and
telephone. I shan't be long.
Miss Edwards, please.
One moment,
if you don't mind.
You know the
Decker family well?
Quite well, yes.
We understand, Mr. Decker,
he is away, writing.
You know of this perhaps?
Well, I know he went
away quite often.
Have you any idea
where he is now?
No, I haven't.
Mrs. Decker, she was unhappy? Depressed?
I don't know.
I've only just arrived.
I know she didn't like it
when Mr. Decker was away.
She was very much
in love with him.
And the little girl,
she was perhaps jealous.
Well, it's been
a difficult situation.
She really must
hate her stepfather.
Yes, she thinks that
he killed her father.
Well, why she should
think this?
Well, she saw the
accident, didn't she?
Yes, it was when
she was eight.
They were all on
holiday together.
The two men took
a small boat fishing.
Candy went, too.
There was an accident,
and her father was drowned.
She saw it all.
Of course she must have
been crazy with grief,
but she was convinced
that Mr. Decker was to blame.
Poor child. Now she thinks
he killed her mother, too.
It was suicide?
There's no doubt?
No doubt at all.
Locked doors, all the gas taps
turned on, no doubt at all.
Well, there is nothing
more we can do here.
Thank you for your help,
Mr. Wilson.
That's all right,
I shall leave
a man on duty here
in case the husband
comes back.
If he contacts you, you will
tell me, please? Of course.
And you, too, please,
Signorina. Yes, I will.
I'll take you to a hotel.
You can't possibly stay here.
Thank you,
that would be very kind.
I'll just go and tell Candy.
All right, pet,
we're going soon.
Paul did it, Jean.
I know he did.
We'll talk about it later,
when we get to the hotel.
Come on.
Come on, Toto.
Bad luck, having this responsibility
thrust on you at the start of your holiday.
It isn't exactly a holiday.
I've known the Deckers
for some time.
We have an arrangement.
I take Candy off their hands for
a bit during the school holidays.
It's always
worked very well.
I see.
Hotel Europa.
Well, if there's anything else
I can do for you, just call me.
All right, thank you.
Anyway, I'll drop by
later this evening.
Miss Edwards.
Telephone call for you.
You can take it
in the booth.
All right. Thank you.
Jean Edwards speaking.
How did you get it?
It was delivered to
the house of Mrs. Decker
soon after we left,
addressed to the Signora.
We took the liberty of opening
it. I shall read it to you.
"Dear Madge," it starts, "I miss you
very much, but it is almost worth it.
"The book is coming along
"I hope to finish it by
tonight, but whether I do or not,
"I can't stand being away
from you any longer,
"so I'm going to start back
first thing in the morning.
"In fact, I may reach you
before this letter does.
"Longing to see you,
darling. Your own Paul. "
It's from a little place
across the French border.
If only it could have
arrived sooner.
It's no good wishing that,
I'm afraid.
Look, Inspector, I must get
to the villa before he does.
It'd be awful if he hears
about this from a stranger.
Yes, that would be very kind.
And please tell him I must
see him as soon as possible.
Yes, I'll tell him.
Candy, will you be all right
if I leave you for a bit?
But you promised you were going
to talk to me about everything.
"As soon as we got
to the hotel," you said.
Well, not now, dear. Later. I must
go out just for a little while.
You just stay here quietly.
If Mummy was going to
do a thing like that,
she would have left me
a letter, wouldn't she?
There was no letter, pet.
That's what I mean.
It was Paul. You must
believe me. Please, Jean.
Paul was in France
when it happened.
How do you know?
Have they found him?
Look, darling, I can't
explain. Now I must go.
Now try and get some rest.
I won't be long.
I promise.
They don't believe me, Toto.
Just like
they didn't believe me
when I said I saw him holding Daddy
down when he fell from the boat.
The bubbles kept on
coming and coming,
till there weren't
any more bubbles.
We've got to find out, Toto.
We've got to find out!
Mr. Decker.
What can I say?
I hoped to be here
before you.
I didn't want you
to walk into this.
I'm so sorry.
I can't understand it.
It just isn't possible.
If there was anything
worrying her,
why didn't she tell me?
Why didn't she...
Please, you mustn't torture
yourself with questions.
Nobody really understands why
a person does such a thing.
We must try and think
about the future.
What's to be done
about Candy.
Yes, of course. Poor Candy.
Is she all right?
Yes, she's all right.
I took her to a hotel.
I couldn't let her
stay here.
No, of course not.
I've arranged a room for
you, too. I didn't think...
Thank you, dear Jean. What
would we do without you?
You're so practical.
I must go and see Candy.
The inspector of police wants to
see you when you feel all right.
Ah, yes. Now starts all the
questions and all the talking.
I suppose
it has to be done.
How do you
feel now, pet?
I feel all right,
thank you, Jean.
You look startled.
Something wrong?
Why don't you get undressed
and get into bed?
I could have your supper
sent up. Come on up, Toto.
That would be nice,
wouldn't it?
I'll have mine here,
too, if you like.
Have they found him?
Mr. Decker?
You rang, Signora?
Where is he?
Candy, you've had
a terrible shock,
but we mustn't
let it make us...
Well, we mustn't start imagining
things that couldn't have happened.
I don't imagine things
that I see,
like when Paul
drowned Daddy.
Well, whatever you thought you saw then,
you didn't see anything this afternoon.
I know I didn't see a letter for
me, and Mummy would have left one.
Candy, you've got to stop
talking like this.
People, normal people,
just don't behave this way.
Do you think
I'm mad, Jean?
Of course not, Candy.
Of course I don't.
But you don't believe me?
Now, look, you'll feel very
differently about this in a day or two.
Now, come on, get your
clothes off and get into bed.
I'm not going to bed
till you tell me about Paul.
I told you, darling. He was in
France. He's only just returned.
I don't believe it.
He can't have.
The police will find out.
The police know
all about it.
Have they seen him?
Have you seen him?
Yes, I have.
Then he's here, isn't he?
I want to see him.
In the morning, sweet.
Hello, Candy.
Didn't she give you enough
money? Was that why you did it?
Please, Jean...
I know I'm right.
Candy, I know something
terrible has happened.
Things will never be the
same for either of us.
I can't give you back
your mummy,
but let me try
to make you happy.
Let me try to...
To take her place for you.
I'd like that.
Where were you
this morning?
I was in France, darling.
Now listen to me, Candy.
I love you.
You're all I've left.
We must help one another.
Won't you try?
We could have such fun,
you and I.
We did have fun a long
time ago, didn't we?
That was before
you killed my daddy.
She didn't do it.
She didn't do it.
She didn't do it.
It had to be suicide. They
couldn't give any other verdict.
I know. It's just that I still
can't believe it happened.
Can I drive you
to the hotel?
Yes, thank you.
My car's over there.
What are you planning
to do, Mr. Decker?
Oh. I shall
close down the villa.
Jean is taking Candy
to her aunt in the States.
Maybe I shall
join them later.
If you give me your passports,
I can arrange that part.
All right, thank you.
How is Candy today?
She's much better. She
wanted to come to the inquest,
but I thought she
should stay at the hotel.
She's a strange child,
isn't she?
You go ahead
and order lunch.
I'm going to see how
Candy is. All right.
Signora, the little girl,
she has gone out.
Out? But...
Well, how long ago?
Since about 10:00.
Mr. Decker.
Now look, Miss...
Brown, Candice Brown.
Ah, si, Candy.
Now look, Candy, sometimes
life is a strange thing.
It makes people do things
we cannot afterwards explain.
Not the expected thing,
you understand?
Like your mother, a happy
woman, she suicides herself.
Why she did this,
we cannot tell.
All we know is that,
that is what happened.
It didn't.
Paul killed her.
Now, Candy,
you have had a big upset.
It is not always easy
to see things clearly.
I do see things clearly.
I always did.
No one thought I was different from
other girls till I saw Paul kill Daddy.
Then they had to explain
what they couldn't believe,
so they said
I was imagining things.
I don't imagine things, and
I'm not imagining things now.
We shall look at facts.
Your mother was
found in a room
with the door locked
on the inside.
The gardener had to
break down the door.
There are no other ways out,
there are no ways the door could
have been locked from the outside.
Then he was inside, hiding.
But he is a man, Candy.
He breathes like you and me.
If he is inside, he takes
the gas, too. He dies.
And where does he hide?
He is not invisible.
There must be a way.
There has to be a way.
If you can show me how a man
can be in a room, invisible,
a room full of gas,
but with air to breathe,
I shall arrest him.
But until then, Candy...
I'll find out, Inspector,
and then I'll come back.
Goodbye, Candy.
Candy. Candy!
Hello, Mr. Wilson.
We've been looking
all over for you.
Go on, get in the car.
Thank you, Inspector.
We were a little worried.
Well, she should be back
at the hotel very soon now.
All right. Let me know
if she troubles you again.
I'm sorry
if you've been worried.
Not just me.
Mr. Decker and Miss Edwards
are out looking for you now.
I went for a walk.
You better tell someone next time
you decide to go out on your own.
Will you do that?
Yes, sir.
Mr. Wilson, how long
can you hold your breath?
Hold your breath,
how long?
I don't know.
About a minute, I suppose.
What's the longest a man
has ever held his breath?
No idea. Three or
four minutes, I think.
That's the longest?
Yes, I think so.
What's this all about, Candy?
I was just wondering.
Look, Toto. Look, Toto.
Look at those things
on those men's backs.
They must hold
lots and lots of air.
Enough to last for days,
I should think.
Candy, where on earth have
you been? We were so worried.
Toto and I went for a walk.
You mustn't do it again
without telling anyone.
We were all looking for you.
Have you had any lunch?
No, I didn't want any,
thank you.
Oh, that's silly. You must
eat. How about something now?
Could I have an ice
cream, please? Strawberry.
I'll just order it.
What are you doing
with the passports?
Look, pet, how would you
like to go on a trip?
Where to?
To America, to visit your
aunt. That'll be nice, won't it?
Well, I thought we'd go
as soon as possible.
In two or three days.
Why? We only
just arrived.
We thought you'd rather
not stay here.
Paul feels you'd be happier
in America with your aunt.
He feels. Oh, I see.
You see what?
I think he's beginning
to be frightened of me.
Now look, pet,
this nonsense
about Paul must stop.
He's only trying to do
his best for you.
Why do people
have passports?
Well, you have to have them if you want
to travel from one country to another.
I know, but why?
So you can
prove who you are,
then the country
can stamp the passport
and they know
where everyone is.
Do they stamp your passport every
time you go in and out of a country?
Yes, they mark it
with the date.
In France? Yes, same as everywhere else.
Now look, pet, I'll just go and
order the ice cream. All right?
Thank you, Jean.
Where's Paul?
Mr. Wilson's out
looking for him.
Now you won't leave your room
again without telling me, will you?
Can I just go
along the hall?
Yes. As long as you
don't leave the hotel.
All right, Jean.
Come on, Toto.
Here! Here!
Now leave things alone, Toto.
We don't want this.
We want his passport so that we can
prove that he wasn't in France at all.
Hello, Candy. Are you
interested in my passport?
Jean told me we were
going to America.
Quite. So you'll need
a visa, won't you?
Like that one.
See here,
it says all about me,
and the rest shows you all the
countries that I've visited.
Lots and lots of them.
Show me.
All right.
Come and sit on the bed.
Now, you see, this is where we
went to Switzerland last year.
You'll have one like that
in your passport, too.
That's a British one.
All those are French.
That's the one where I
went in France last week,
and down here, when
I came back two days ago.
See, the date is
marked very clearly.
That way it can
always be proven
where one has been
any given day.
Interesting, isn't it?
Oh, I just saw
Jean downstairs.
She was ordering you
a huge ice cream.
I expect
she's taking it up now.
Hadn't you better
get back to your room?
Hello, Toto.
Come on.
Come on, go find Candy.
Come along, Toto.
Now, say please, Toto.
There's a good dog. Yeah.
Now, come on,
go and find Candy.
Is suicide a mortal sin?
What do you mean?
Well, if Mummy did
what they said,
will she still be able
to go to heaven?
Of course she will.
But suicide is wicked,
isn't it?
Well, sometimes it is, when a
person does it to escape something.
Something they've done.
But your mummy wasn't like
that. She wasn't wicked.
But there must be a reason.
And she would've
wanted me to know.
She would've left a letter, so that
I'd have known why she had to do it.
Well, sometimes a person
does a thing suddenly,
in what's called
a fit of depression.
Your mummy must've
been very unhappy
with both you and Paul
away like that.
But we'd been away before.
One can't always tell
what goes on inside a person.
You mummy was all alone
in that big, old house.
Why did she stay there,
then? She hated the house.
Surely not, pet.
She did.
She told me she only lived
there because Paul wanted her to.
She wanted to change
everything and make it nicer,
but he wouldn't let her.
She bought
loads of new things.
But he wouldn't
let her change anything.
He wouldn't let her put
the electric light in.
She hated gas.
She was frightened of it.
Are you sure?
She told me.
She said it was dangerous.
But Mummy will go to
heaven, won't she, Jean?
Yes, of course she will,
pet. Of course she will.
Now you hurry and
finish your ice cream.
I'll just go
and post this letter,
and then we'll think of something
nice to do this afternoon.
Poor Toto.
I'd forgotten all about you.
Here, have some ice cream.
It's your favorite.
Why did you do it?
what's happened to...
I know why you killed Mummy
and Daddy, but why Toto?
Candy, you mustn't think
I had anything to do with it.
Don't you touch him!
I know you killed him,
and you're going to
have to kill me, too,
because if you don't,
I'm going to kill you!
"You're going to
have to kill me,
"because if you don't,
I'm going to kill you. "
Those were her exact words.
It's terrible. Poor Candy.
I can't forget the way
she looked at me.
It was so abnormal.
I hope it's nothing permanent.
Of course,
she's only a child.
These two things
coming together.
She was beginning
to accept the first.
If only there'd been a
letter, it would have helped.
It's funny
there was nothing at all.
Mr. Decker, Candy said her
mother was afraid of gas.
Does it seem right to you that a
person who was frightened of gas
would use it
to commit suicide?
Did she say that?
Madge wasn't frightened
of anything.
Candy said that you
didn't want Mrs. Decker
to put electricity
in the villa.
No, I didn't.
Madge had already spent
a fortune on the house.
I had to tell her
to stop somewhere.
I wish to heaven I hadn't.
Shall we go for
a walk by the sea?
Well, I don't know.
There's Candy.
Candy'll be asleep by now.
Well, I'll just take
a peek at her,
and then I'll meet you
in the hall.
All right.
Heavenly here,
isn't it?
I want to thank you
for all you're doing, Jean.
Please, what did you
expect me to do,
walk out when
things went wrong?
Of course not,
but you're doing
so much more than
just the right thing.
It's meant very much to me
having you here.
You do believe me,
don't you?
Yes, I believe you.
I'm glad.
It's important to me.
Since you came
to look after Candy,
things have been
very different.
If anything went wrong, there
was always Jean to look after it.
Set it straight again.
I just don't know
what we did before.
You obviously managed.
You seemed happy enough.
Yes, we were happy.
Madge and I had
many things in common.
But there are other things,
you know.
I found myself looking
forward to the school holidays,
when you'd come home
with Candy.
And I used to wonder whether you'd
changed while you'd been away.
I was never away for long.
People can change
in a very short time.
You might have met
someone, some man.
I used to hate the idea that you'd get
married and not come home to us anymore.
And now you're
sending us away again.
But we're doing that for
Candy's sake, you know that.
I know. I was only joking.
I'm not joking, Jean. I'm very
serious, and I want you to believe that.
I do believe it, Paul.
As tomorrow is our last day,
shall we all go on a picnic?
All children love picnics. It might be
good to have a day like that before we go.
Good idea.
That'll be fun.
We'll take the car, go along
the coast, park near the beach.
Good idea.
If Candy's still up when we
get back, you can tell her.
She better hadn't be.
It's nearly midnight.
I thought I'd find you here,
Candy. You've been a naughty girl.
I don't like naughty girls.
It's all right.
She's up here.
Oh, Jean!
Candy! Candy,
it's all right, darling.
There's nothing to worry
about. You're safe now.
Jean, I was so frightened. I didn't
know what was going to happen.
I was so frightened.
Candy, are you sure you
wouldn't like some fruit?
No, thanks.
I'm not very hungry.
She's hardly
eaten anything.
Doesn't matter,
does it?
It's her day,
let her enjoy.
Jean, how do
those things work?
What things, pet?
Those swimming things
you put on over your face.
Like that man over there.
That's a snorkel.
It's simple. You swim along
with your head under the water
and the air goes
through a tube.
That way you can watch all the fish
and things without coming up for breath.
How long before you have
to come up to breathe?
As long as you like,
all day if you wanted.
And all night?
Yes, I suppose.
I'd like to try that.
Have you got your
one here, Paul?
My one, Candy?
Your snorkel.
I haven't got one. I'm sorry.
I'll buy you one, if you like.
But you have got one.
I've seen it.
No, Candy,
you must be mistaken.
I saw it in your room,
in your wardrobe.
Of course, you're right.
I remember seeing it.
Somebody must have
left it there,
probably the last person
to use the room.
Yes, you may have it when we
get back to the hotel. Remind me.
Look, the man's going in.
Gosh, I can't
see him at all.
You know,
you could go anywhere,
all over the world,
underwater like that.
And no one would know.
Under water, breathing air.
Thank you, Paul. I'd like you to give
me that snorkel when we get to the hotel.
I'd like that special snorkel,
the one in your wardrobe.
Of course.
Thank you for bringing me here. I'm
glad we came. I feel happier now.
I'm going in for
a swim now, Jean.
All right,
not too far out.
This picnic's done her a world
of good. She's a different child.
Yes, she's
a different child.
It's as though she's
suddenly gained confidence.
And it was something quite small
that made the change, something silly.
When you said you'd
give her that snorkel.
Was that it?
Yes. Didn't you notice?
It was as though she suddenly saw
you clearly for the first time.
Mind of a child.
Isn't she a bit far out?
I don't think so.
She's a good swimmer.
There's a tricky
undercurrent around here.
Easy to swim out,
not so easy to swim back.
Candy, come back in!
She's not turning.
She doesn't hear me.
I expect she'll be
all right. Don't worry.
Do you suppose one of us
should swim after her?
I'm sure
she'll be all right.
I'm going after her.
Don't bother, I'll go.
All right, thanks.
Swim will do me good.
Help! Help!
Hang on, Candy!
I'm coming!
Paul, hold on!
All right, I've got her.
All right.
Put her head
between her knees.
She swallowed a lot of water.
She should be all right.
Thank heavens.
There now, pet!
It's just sea water.
There now, it's all right. It's
all right, pet. You're safe now.
There's nothing to be frightened
of anymore. Paul saved you.
He tried to kill me.
You tried to kill me.
He did, Jean.
He grabbed my leg and pulled
me down. He tried to drown me!
Candy! Candy, stop it!
I know too much.
That's why!
He tried to drown me,
like he drowned my...
You shouldn't have
done that, Jean.
She doesn't know
what she's saying.
I know so. So,
she shouldn't say it.
Now, Candy, listen to me.
I'm sick of this nonsense.
Will you stop thinking
about yourself for once?
I know you lost your mother, but did
you ever stop to think about Paul?
He lost his wife.
She's only a child, Jean.
There's no excuse.
Now, listen, Candy,
the only reason you're
safe on this beach is
because Paul swam out
and brought you back.
You're wet, too.
Did you swim out?
Only at the last moment.
It was Paul who saved you.
So that's what went wrong. Jean
got there in time, didn't she?
Candy, if you say
one more word, I'II...
Paul, I'm so sorry.
It's not her fault.
She nearly got drowned.
It's no good making
excuses for her anymore.
There's something wrong.
As soon as we get to America,
she'll see a doctor.
I suppose you are right.
There's nothing else
to do. She's sick.
Just when I thought
it was coming out all right.
She looks so pathetic
standing there.
Thank you.
May I have the snorkel?
No, Candy,
you can't.
Why should Paul give you presents
after the way you've behaved?
But he said... Perhaps
if you said you were sorry
for behaving so badly.
I'm not sorry.
You can't see that I'm telling
the truth because he's fooling you,
the same as everyone else.
But I'm going to prove to you that I'm
right because I know he killed Mummy.
Do you hear, Paul?
I know how you did it.
Stop it, Candy.
Stop it this instant.
I know, Paul,
and I'm going to tell.
Paul, I'm sorry.
Never mind, Jean.
I don't care what she
says anymore. Do you mind?
The sooner
we see a doctor...
It's the only thing to do.
Let's go and have a drink.
I think I shall go away.
There's nothing more
I can do here,
and my presence seems
to make Candy worse.
But we're leaving
tomorrow, anyway.
I know, but I meant tonight,
when Candy is in bed.
I really don't think she
ought to see me anymore.
Where would you go?
There's a little hotel just across the
border in France where I sometimes stay.
I shall go there.
It seems so unfair, allowing
her to drive you away like this.
I'd rather. I really
can't stand much more.
First Madge,
then the inquest,
then this dreadful scene
in the lobby just now.
I don't want
any more of it.
I want to see the
inspector, please. Hello.
I want to see
the inspector.
I'm sorry,
the inspector is not in.
You see, his duty does not
commence until the morning.
There is something
I can do, no?
No, it has to be
the inspector.
Do you know where
I can find him?
I'm sorry. You see, when he's
off duty, he could be anywhere.
Well, could you give him
a message for me? Yes.
Would you ask him to telephone Miss
Candice Brown at the Hotel Europa?
And would you tell him that I know
how a man can be in a room full of gas
and still breathe air.
Do you understand?
Yes, I understand.
You're sure?
Yes, look,
I write it down.
Thank you. Goodbye.
Room full of gas
and he breathes air?
Thank you, and goodbye.
Goodbye, sir.
She's sleeping peacefully.
Good. Jean, are you sure
you'll be all right?
Yes, of course. There's
only tomorrow morning.
Immediately after lunch
we leave for the airport.
And you'll do
all you can for Candy?
And you'll tell me as soon
as she's seen someone?
Yes, of course.
I'll write you from France, and
soon perhaps I'll come to America.
And then, we'll all
be together again.
I shall miss you, Jean.
I'll miss you, too.
Monsieur Decker, bonsoir.
We were just closing.
I'm afraid I'm a little late.
Could I still have a room?
There's always room for you,
Monsieur. The same one as before?
That would be lovely.
I'll just go and get my bags.
I'd like to sleep
late tomorrow.
Please don't call me
before 11:00.
Thank you.
MAN ON PHONE.; Is that
Miss Candice Brown?
I am speaking for
the inspector of police.
He wants you to go to the villa of
Madame Decker as quickly as possible.
Has he found out
But he say not to speak to
anybody, not even Miss Edwards.
All right.
Tell him I'm coming.
Thank you, Miss Brown.
Please hurry.
Hello, Candy. I thought
it was the inspector.
Where is he?
He's on his way. I sent for him
as soon as I found the letter.
Yes, Candy,
from your mummy.
At last I can show you how wrong
you've been about me all this time.
It explains everything.
Where is it?
Show it to me.
It's upstairs
in the living room.
It's for both of us. Shall we go
up, and we can read it together?
Come on, Candy, let's read it
quietly before anyone else gets here.
Did you see anyone at
the hotel when you left?
Was Jean up yet?
No, I don't think so.
Well, then you'll be able to tell
her all about it at breakfast.
In the sitting room.
Come in, Candy.
Sit down.
Where's the letter?
Right here. Sit on the
settee, I'll read it to you.
I found it behind the cushions.
It must have slipped down.
"My two darlings,"
it starts, "Paul and Candy,
"you must forgive me for the
terrible thing I have to do.
"You see, I went to
the doctor today
"and he said that in a very
little while I was going to die.
"He said I would undergo terrible
pain. I could not face that.
"Not because of myself, but for the looks
on your two faces if I were to suffer.
"So it is better to
end it quickly like this.
"Please forgive me for
the unhappiness I cause.
"But a sharp pain is better for both
of you than long weeks of sorrow.
"I know that you'll
take care of each other,
"and that gives me
great comfort.
"You'll have such fun
together through the years.
"Bless you both, and Candy,
"I send you a kiss.
From your mummy. "
Mummy, Mummy!
Here, darling, drink this.
It'll make you feel better.
Thank you, Paul.
Read it again, Paul.
Drink your milk first,
then I will.
I don't want any more,
thank you.
I'll take her.
Is she all right?
She's still breathing.
Thank God we were in time. She
could only have had a little whiff.
I should have
locked her in her room.
I might have guessed she'd
try to do something like this.
She's a pretty bad case.
We mustn't be cross with her
when she comes to. She's sick.
We'll see a doctor
when we get to America.
Poor kid. A mental home
isn't much to look forward to.
The gas will have cleared by
now. We'll get her on the settee.
Am I dead?
No, pet, you're all right.
We got here just in time.
He tried to kill me again.
Yes, pet.
He got me here and promised
to read me a letter from Mummy.
You see how he did it,
don't you, Jean?
Yes, pet, I see.
Paul tried to kill me, Mr. Wilson,
the same way as he did Mummy.
He breathed air
while she breathed gas,
and he wasn't in France
because of the snorkel.
The snorkel?
You believe me,
don't you, Jean?
Yes, pet,
I told you I did.
So all we've got to do now
is to find where he's hiding,
and give him
to the police.
"Where he's hiding"?
Yes, he has to be hiding, in
here, now. Like he did before.
You don't believe me,
do you?
You don't believe
a word I've said.
Well, Candy,
it is a bit...
It's a bit far-fetched,
isn't it?
But I was in here, dying.
Now look, pet. Wouldn't it
be better to tell the truth?
You knew that I'd be in to
see you early this morning
and would guess that
you were up at the villa.
But that's not true.
It is. Remember, we found
you here once before.
You came up here, waited
until you saw us arrive,
and then turned on the gas.
You know, Candy, we might not
have got here in time after all.
I wish you hadn't. I wish I'd died,
then you would have believed me.
He is hiding! He is!
Look, Candy, suppose we could prove
to you that he isn't hiding here?
Would you promise to
forget all these ideas?
But you can't,
because he is hiding.
Supposing we could?
Supposing we look everywhere,
everywhere you say.
If you can prove to me that
he isn't hiding, not anywhere,
then I promise I'll never
say anything again.
Candy, do you
really mean that?
Yes, if he isn't hiding.
Well, wherever he is,
he must be in this room.
This door was all taped up
when we broke in.
Well, the walls seem
to be pretty solid.
Well, he's not in there. And the
communicating door is taped up like that one,
so that means
he's not in the bedroom.
Well, there doesn't seem
to be anywhere else.
But he is hiding!
He is!
Now, Candy,
you promised.
Now, where else
can I look?
Is there somewhere you
think I may have missed?
Behind the cabinet
over there.
Why, Candy, that's ridiculous.
It must weigh a ton.
But he has to be there.
It's the only place.
The only place? Now
are you quite sure? Yes.
Now look, Candy,
if I move that cabinet
and find nothing,
will you be satisfied?
Will you promise not to give
us any more scares like this?
Yes, I promise.
I'll give you a hand.
It's no good, Candy,
there's nothing there.
Come and have
a look for yourself.
No, there's nothing there.
Now will you keep your promise? Yes.
Are you quite happy now, and realize
it was all in your imagination?
Yes. And do what you said,
never mention it again?
I'll keep my promise.
a good girl, Candy.
You know, Candy,
that promise
could make quite a
difference to your future,
couldn't it, Miss Edwards?
No need for any doctors.
That's right.
As long as she keeps it.
I'll keep it.
Yes, I'm sure you will. Let's
go down to the car, shall we?
I'm sorry, Mummy,
I did my best.
I must have one more look.
Let her have
one more look.
Let her be
completely satisfied.
Candy! Is that you?
Candy, help me out.
Do you hear?
Let me out, Candy.
Candy! Do you hear me?
Candy, if you can't
help me, call the others.
I'd rather they
found me here than...
Candy! Do you hear me?
Call them!
Candy. Call them, Candy.
It's just my imagination. You're not
really there. They proved you weren't.
It's just my silly imagination,
and I mustn't believe it.
They made me promise
never to mention it again.
No, Candy! You can't!
Candy, let me out! Candy!
Candy, please help me.
It's just my imagination.
And I must keep my promise.
Candy! Help! Help!
Stop! Stop, please. I want
to get out for a moment.
I said I'd find out
and come back.
Go to the villa and look under
the floor in the sitting room.
You'll see
that I was right.