The Snowman (2017)

Mom, Mom! Uncle Jonas is here!
No, it's not Tuesday today.
But it is. He's here.
So, after the Germans surrendered,
when did our King return to
Norway from exile?
June 7th, 1945.
And on what date did the
Norwegian parliament
hold its first election
after the war?
- Um, July 6...
- Don't guess.
August the...
On what date...
did the Norwegian parliament
hold its first election since the war?
Uh... August...
August 12th, 1945.
You have to help him more.
I'm going to tell your wife
that he's your son.
And then, she can tell
the rest of your family.
Then you'll never see me again.
Stop! Please!
- No!
- Jonas!
No! Jonas!
Mom, come on!
We gotta get outta here!
Mom, come on!
Open the door!
Mom, come on!
Open the door!
Don't leave me!
Good morning.
Harry Hole?
Dry rot throughout
the whole building.
And I'm afraid we found
some mold behind the walls.
Toxic and pathogenic.
Your landlord let me in
to spray the apartment.
I'm gonna have to
take all these panels off.
And this is above your bed.
Jesus Christ.
Is there anywhere else
that you could stay?
The air in here is so bad
you're actually killing
your house plants.
I'm not disturbing you, am I?
You are familiar with
Emanuel Vigeland?
The brothers' work was most
likely influenced by their father...
who turned to drink...
had an illegitimate child
with younger woman...
What a tragedy.
Yeah, I didn't know that about him.
You can clearly see
in each artist's case...
the recurring themes of
love perverted and betrayed.
The good news is that with this
new version of the EVISYNC...
from version 3.6 to version 4.0...
allows you to manually push
the data back to the server...
using the cellular network.
The EVISYNC will automatically
upload all the new data...
to the central police server
here every 12 hours.
We've also done some work
on the fingerprint scanning software.
So, you will notice
a significantly faster
opening time after
scanning your fingerprint.
But please make sure
that your fingerprint scans
are done cleanly
and clearly from the start.
If you are experiencing
a high number of false scans,
this is probably because
your fingerprints
were scanned incorrectly
from the start.
That must be nearly a whole
week of mail this time.
Did I miss anything
while I was away?
My uncle died.
Close, were you?
A leave of absence has to be
formally requested in writing.
Doesn't matter who you are.
Backdate it.
But I can't keep covering for you.
I'm dealing with it.
I need a case to work on.
I apologize for Oslo's
low murder rate.
Let's uh...
stick to the uncle story.
You scared my clients away.
I didn't forget Oleg's birthday.
I got him concert tickets.
What did you do?
We took him for a pizza.
Oleg misses you.
He doesn't get along
very well with Mathias.
What about you?
I'm not going to answer that.
He wants to meet his real father.
I don't think he's ready for that.
Thank you for
walking me back home.
See you at the game.
Tell Oleg...
I'm sorry I missed it.
The snowman.
I'll take a picture.
He's beautiful, honey.
- May I borrow your scarf?
- You want my scarf?
I told you
I had to leave by 8:00.
And I told you that
I had to help one of my students.
No, thanks.
It's the smoking room.
Yeah, but it's the only place
I can concentrate, so.
I'm um, I'm Katrine Bratt.
Harry Hole.
I know who you are. We um...
We actually studied
your cases at the academy.
I didn't know
they date back that far.
Yeah, you're up there
with the legends, so.
I don't know who you are.
No, I'm new. I um...
I transferred from Bergen.
Actually, they put me in your office.
Okay. Bye.
Okay, where can I drop you?
I'm on a call.
It's okay. I'm in no hurry.
So, why don't you have a car?
I don't have a license.
Missing persons.
Yeah, it's a woman.
The uh, call just came in.
So, this machine
is called an EVISYNC...
I will record you, so there's
a little camera on the other side.
- Well aware of it.
- Right.
Would you like to
walk me through what happened?
W-well, I saw Josephine
in the garden in her pajamas...
and uh, I thought, what is
she doing out in this cold?
So I came over to check.
And she said
she couldn't find her mother.
I tried calling the father, but
apparently, he's away on business.
How long has she been missing?
Two days.
She said she was going to visit her
friend and she never came back.
Why did you come to me?
I've been suspended.
'Cause you're a friend.
And you're a great detective.
But I don't want anyone
knowing about this just yet.
Not yet. I don't
want to go to the police.
Can you tell me...
Was your wife seeing anyone?
I uh, checked her credit card bills.
She'd been to see
a pregnancy doctor.
Well, uh, that's
great news, Frederik.
We haven't shared a bed
in three years.
This is Birte Becker.
Please leave a message.
This is Birte Becker.
Please leave a message.
This is Birte Becker.
Hello, Mr. Donkey.
Can I sit down?
It's a nice place
you've got here, Mr. Donkey.
Did you do this by yourself?
My mom helped me.
Was she in a good mood
when she got home?
And what about your dad?
He was grumpy again
'cause mommy was late.
Did she call
to say she'd be late?
My dad doesn't want me
to have a phone.
She didn't phone the house?
Is he grumpy often?
Has your mother been upset lately?
When your father's been grumpy?
Have you ever seen her cry?
But I saw Daddy cry.
A few nights ago.
He saw me too.
What did he do?
Locked himself in the bathroom.
Where was Mommy
hen he was crying?
She'd gone out
Oh, shit.
Yes, is this Filip Becker?
Uh, yeah, I'm gonna
have to call you back.
I better go. Thank you.
He cried last week.
Why did you build
the snowman facing the house?
I didn't build the snowman.
This is Birte Becker.
Please leave a message.
You want a coffee or something?
Look, you're not gonna
try and sleep with me, are you?
Okay, good.
She'll show up.
She's having an affair.
She left her coat and
her handbag in the house.
And the front door was open.
Even if you're having an affair,
you do not leave
your child like that.
And Harry, she's not the only one.
Look, this is Hege Dahl.
Missing two weeks. Similar age.
Young children.
Unhappy marriage.
Talk to the husband.
411 to dispatch.
Dispatch, do you receive?
- Go ahead, 411.
- Now, I'm in Mount Ulriken.
It looks like a homicide.
Uh, adult female.
It's hard to see from here but,
uh, there's a lot of blood.
A group of school
children found her.
I've got a problem.
Rafto just showed up.
What the hell's he doing there?
He's been suspended.
Yeah, try telling him that.
We sent the kids
down with their teacher.
Make sure there's a
care officer to meet them.
And someone to deal
with the parents.
One of the children heard a noise
and they went to see what it was.
Listen, John, I'm gonna need you
to calm down. Calm down.
It's important that
you answer my question.
Who's in charge?
It gets worse.
Rafto just arrived.
The drunk and the halfwit.
Just keep them apart, will you?
I'll see what I can do.
Where you going?
- We're closed.
- It's all right.
You have something of mine.
It's not yours.
Cold case.
I have clearance to take it out.
You don't.
So what, you gonna report me?
Eli Kvale.
Tell me.
She was married.
She had three children.
The 12th of November,
six years ago, she went missing.
And the day she vanished,
it was snowing.
Hege Dahl disappeared
the 8th of November.
The day she went missing,
it was snowing.
Not unusual, it's winter.
Now Birte Becker.
And the night she disappeared...
- Snowing.
- Yeah.
I think it's the falling snow
that sets the killer off.
And furthermore, they were married,
they all have children.
Did you talk to Filip Becker?
Nine times out of ten,
the husband did it.
He was interviewed,
and his alibi's solid.
He was 100 miles away.
Have you eaten?
I haven't. I'm hungry.
28th, handball.
Josephine's handball match.
The 3rd, 'F. lunch'.
That's lunch
with her friend, Frida.
I really-I don't see
the point in doing this.
I won't keep you much longer.
9th, Vetlesen.
He's a doctor.
10th, yoga.
Do you have any idea why
your wife went to see him?
Dr. Vetlesen.
10th, yoga.
Is there any reason
you can think of...
why your wife might
disappear so suddenly?
Your marriage.
Was everything all right?
Were either of you
having an affair?
Come on!
I promised her we'd walk
around the neighborhood
to see if we could
find her mother.
- I'm just getting my jacket, darling.
- Come out!
Come inside.
I thought you wouldn't remember.
Is he still giving you a hard time?
If you want, I can talk to him.
Just have fun tonight.
He misses you.
Hi, Harry.
Good to see you.
Sorry I'm late, honey.
Have you had anything to eat?
No, I'll...
I'll grab something later.
No, no, but I've got vouchers.
- Yeah?
- Yup.
Hotdog or hotdog?
Well, hotdog then.
I'll get something
to eat with Oleg.
So, how are things with you?
- All right.
- Yeah?
A bit tired.
You've been working too hard,
haven't you?
I can't sleep.
You should try Valcetet.
It's a new one.
It'll help you sleep.
I can give you
a prescription right now.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- With that?
- Yeah.
She won't allow me
to try and find my father.
Your mother
should be the judge of that.
She won't listen to me.
She's worried about you.
All she cares about is herself.
All she cares about is you.
That's why she dumped me.
I'm such a bad influence.
She's concerned.
Concerned about what?
The fact that
you'll run away from home.
The fact that
you've been drinking.
So, you're
gonna give me a lecture
about drinking?
Don't be a prick.
Your mom told me
the school's arranged
a father and son
camping trip.
If you want, I can come.
But you're not her
boyfriend anymore.
Yeah. Yeah.
I want you to come.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
So, what's the... the big surprise?
Let's find out.
Someone at work
got me the tickets.
You've got a message.
Let me see what it says.
I've gotta make a call.
Will you stay here?
Harry, there's another missing woman.
In Geilo, this time.
That's not our jurisdiction.
I think we should
have a look at this.
I'm gonna be with you
in two minutes, okay?
Her husband specifically
asked for you.
- Hi.
- Oh.
I didn't expect you so early.
- Something came up.
- Oh.
Hi, Harry.
How was the concert?
Yeah, it was-it was great.
We spoke.
I'm taking him on the
father and son camping trip...
See you.
Take me home.
We'll go in the morning.
Who reported her missing?
Her husband, last night. 20:05.
Sylvia Ottersen, 33 years old.
Married twice.
But no children.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Can I help you?
Yeah, well, we're with the
Oslo police.
We got the missing persons call.
Oh. Who's missing?
Sylvia Ottersen.
I'm Sylvia Ottersen.
What? You're Sylvia Ottersen?
Why... why would your husband
report you missing?
I have no idea.
He's not the kind to
play practical jokes.
- Is he here?
- No.
He's gone to the station
to pick up my sister.
Well, I guess
it must be a crank call.
We didn't know where you were,
so we had a look inside the house.
I turned your music off.
Sorry about that.
Thank you.
Can I just ask you...
Is it just you and your husband?
Or do you have any children?
No, it's just us.
Okay, thank you.
God, what do you think
you're doing?
You know damn well
what I'm talking about.
Calling the police,
telling them I'm missing?
You think that's funny?
Don't you understand?
It's over.
I don't want to see you again.
No, it wasn't your child.
It was mine.
If you call one more time,
I'm going to the police.
HQ to DC Bratt... DC Bratt?
Yeah, speaking.
We've had a missing persons report.
A woman named Sylvia Ottersen.
Oh, no, she's fine.
W-we just left her.
Well, the call came in
two minutes ago.
Her husband asked specifically
for Inspector Hole.
How could...
Turn the car around.
Sorry we're back, Mrs. Ottersen.
We just wanted to make sure
you were all right.
I'm Ane Pedersen.
Sylvia's my sister.
We're twins.
Who are you?
- Is that enough?
- Yeah, keep going.
Did you find Hagen?
He's at the dinner
at City Hall.
Keep it clear, if you can.
Well, she always liked men.
Ever since we were teenagers.
She was a good person.
She didn't want to hurt anyone.
It's just the way she was.
I know your sister
didn't have any children.
It was just that there was something
in her reaction that when I asked...
She was pregnant.
She wasn't sure
who the father was.
She got rid of the baby
a few weeks ago.
Ladies and gentlemen,
introducing our guest of honor...
King of industry, philanthropist...
and head of Oslo's Winter Games bid...
Arve Stop.
So lovely for you
to be here for us.
I'm not on the list, but
I know many of these
people are supposed
to be on the list.
I'm the most old friend
of Arve Stop's, you see.
There's been some
kind of misunderstanding.
- I have a person named Vetlesen.
- Come right up, yeah you can come in.
He says he's
a friend of Arve Stop.
No, wait, wait.
No, it's fine, No, just relax.
Just relax.
I wonder, with a dozen companies...
when people ask me why...
I've given up so much
of my time to lead this bid.
I tell them, it's because
I never had these opportunities.
When I was a boy, the only
winter sports I engaged in were...
the uphill snow shovel
and the 50-meter firewood carry.
That is why I believe
that this Cup is about
much more than just
publicity for our fair city.
Just missing persons for now.
But the pattern is disturbing.
And... I received this.
It isn't just the letter.
He reported her missing
before he killed her.
He was watching us
the entire time.
- What do you need?
- Small team.
I'll set up a separate
incident room at the mill.
All right. I don't want a word
of this to be leaked to the...
- To the press.
- the press, yeah.
Not until this fucking bid is over.
Try to... Just... try to smile.
Smile, it's good.
Does this strike you as the
proper time and place for this?
What? Arve?
What? No, don't cry.
Listen, why...
Get out.
Get out!
Oi! Hey!
Annette Elden, 33, disappeared
12th of December, 2006.
Her head washed
ashore near Arendal.
The rest of the body
never found.
Forensic report indicates
saw marks on her neck.
Status: Unmarried.
Two children by different fathers.
Harry, I've got the
names and the addresses
of Sylvia Ottersen's boyfriends.
Now, she went to the clinic
the 2nd of November...
but they won't break
patient confidentiality.
They do, however, perform abortions.
What is it?
- Magnus, get me the list.
- What list?
The list of doctors at the Gellion.
I'm thinking that he's going...
- after women that he disapproves of.
- Here.
All the doctors at Gellion
from the last five years.
How did he know?
How did he know
Sylvia Ottersen was pregnant?
Idar Vetlesen.
Birte Becker had an
appointment with the same doctor.
Dr. Idar Vetlesen?
Yes, that's me.
Step in.
Birte Becker and Sylvia Ottersen
were both patients of yours?
Uh, no, they were both
patients at the clinic.
Uh, I never met Sylvia Ottersen.
Can you tell me who treated her?
No, I'm bound
by patient confidentiality.
She's dead.
Oh, no.
Wait... well, doctor confidentiality.
In theory, would it be possible for
you to access her medical files?
Even if you didn't
treat her yourself?
Well, in theory, yes.
The doctors at the clinic have
access to the files of every patient...
should they choose to
look at them, which I did not.
What did you see Birte Becker about?
Well, that is uh, confidential.
How do you know Arve Stop?
- Arve?
- Hmm.
Well, I've known Arve for years.
I do research on premature birth.
We have a small charity, and...
Arve Stop is one of
our biggest supporters.
Huh, I wouldn't have thought a man
who goes on so much about family values
would support a clinic
that specializes in abortion.
Well, we specialize
in many different areas.
And Mr. Stop supports our
research in premature birth.
So, do you see each other socially?
Yeah, well, that depends
on how you mean.
It's quite simple, actually.
Do you have friends in common?
Yes, we-we mix in the same circles, so.
W-why are you uh...
To know if you were...
Have you ever practiced in other
parts of the country, Dr. Vetlesen?
Yes, I have in Eidsvoll,
in uh, Lillehammer.
I see you have a picture of
Mon Plaisir pavilion...
- in Bergen.
- Yes, yes, in Bergen.
Do you live alone?
Yes, I uh, I am a reluctant bachelor.
Is there anyone
in the house right now?
Because I thought I saw someone
in the window when I passed.
Well, if you want to take a look around,
I will need to see a search warrant.
In fact, if you don't mind,
I would like to call my lawyer...
before I answer any more
of your questions.
That won't be necessary,
Dr. Vetlesen.
You can bring your lawyer
when we see you next time.
- Hey.
- Hi.
What was that?
- What?
- He isn't a suspect yet.
We needed permission
to search the house.
I know that.
Why'd you ask him
about Arve Stop?
I saw a picture
of them both together.
And it was an innocent question.
Jesus, anyone can see he's
trying to hide something, right?
If you hadn't told me
to look out for it,
I'd have assumed she was
attached to his security detail.
It's her password.
Does this strike you as the
proper time and place for this?
Arve Stop.
She filmed him at rallies...
at restaurants, at home.
Do you want a ride?
The 8:45 train to Bergen
leaving on platform five.
Oh, sorry.
This is the 8:45
service to Bergen
which stops in Gol,
Finse, Voss and Bergen.
The next station is Gol.
Hi, Harry.
Hiding in the playroom, are we?
Don't worry,
I'm getting off at the next stop.
Going far?
Ah, rather you than me.
Then again, I'm attending
a three-day conference on
bio-identical hormone restoration.
I thought you were a plastic surgeon?
Well, you know...
Cosmetic surgery needs
to move with the times, too.
We're swapping the scalpel
for hormone replacement therapy.
If you can slow down
the aging process...
there won't be any
need for face-lifts, will there?
I'll bear that in mind.
So, how's the prescription working?
Sleeping like a baby.
So, you, you canceled the Oleg thing?
The school trip?
Weren't you supposed to...
Oh, shit.
- Shit!
- I'm sorry, Harry, uh...
- I'm sure he's fine.
- Oleg, you coming?
Come on.
He knows how busy you are.
Look, look, y-you're
not his father, Harry.
What does that mean?
Well, uh...
I don't have to be
his father to care about him.
I'm trying to say that...
it's a big enough responsibility
for a real father, isn't it?
Let alone you and me.
I'm sorry, Harry.
Did you hear from him?
Why can't I go?
Can I go with you?
It's done!
Hi, Oleg, it's Mathias.
You know what, uh, I forgot to
check my messages last night, and...
Harry called to say that
he couldn't make your trip.
No, I know.
No, h-he couldn't get through
to you or you mom, apparently.
No, it's totally my fault, Oleg.
Yes... yes... I'm sorry.
Sorry, Oleg... yes...
So, I'll see you in a few days, then...
when I'm back from the conference.
You didn't have to do that.
Ready? That's it.
Hey, Aasen, someone here
to speak to you.
My family owned
all of these buildings.
And that house over there, too.
Arve Stop worked for us back then.
He was uh, bright, ambitious.
My father really believed in him.
The business wasn't going very well,
so we, uh, offered him a stake.
And within a year,
he had forced us out.
Sold the land for a fortune.
Have any of my colleagues
been in touch with you recently?
A young lady?
I look at this picture now...
See Laila staring at him.
I had no idea at the time.
Family man, eh?
Do you remember the name
of your wife's doctor?
Sure. Morton Freiberg.
Did she... ever see someone
called Vetlesen?
Vetlesen? No.
Dr. Idar Vetlesen.
Any idea where I might find the
officer who's in charge of the case?
Rafto? H-he died.
Yeah, h-he died around
the same time.
Detective Rafto.
Can you connect me
to Haukeland hospital?
What is this?
Am I under arrest?
A cake?
I need some information on a patient.
Laila Aasen.
No, I don't-listen to me.
I don't know the admitting doctor.
But perhaps she was there
for an abortion?
Happy birthday to you
Well, then, I'll come down there
with a fucking warrant myself.
Happy birthday,
dear Swensson
Happy birthday to you
- Rafto?
- Idiot.
Incompetent sons of...
- Oi!
- Rafto?
What's he doing?
Get back.
Get back in. Get back in.
Happy birthday to you
I heard he was a great detective.
He was a suicidal maniac.
They were going to
suspend him, anyway.
They found stuff in his drawers.
Items he'd stolen from
various crime scenes.
Is this him?
Where'd you get this?
From a colleague.
Yes, that's him.
He had this cabin
up on the coast.
He used to get up there
to get smashed.
He was probably drunk
when he shot himself.
They look like coffee beans.
Maybe he was trying
to sober up after all.
You didn't check?
The cabin was locked
from the inside.
And he looked like that
when they found him.
There wasn't anything
to check.
Did he have any family?
Wife who left him a year
before he killed himself. Uh...
I think there was a daughter.
You know where is now?
Not a clue.
Is the cabin still there?
What are you doing to my
fucking gun, you idiot?
Where's Harry?
In Bergen.
- Hello?
- Mr. Hole?
This is Harry Hole's phone.
Can I speak to him?
He's not here right now, but
I can take the message for him.
Right, okay. Uh, this is Rebecca,
NRS at Telenor.
We picked up a signal from
a missing person's phone.
Case number MP2.
Um, I don't have any files
in front of me. Um, who's that?
I'll check...
Birte Becker.
- Wha... is it transmitting now?
- Yeah.
Just got it in minutes ago.
Yeah, but, w-wait,
is it moving right now?
I'll send you the coordinates.
No, just, w-what's the address?
Uh, Parkway 1, 0139 Oslo.
You sure that's correct?
Yes, Parkway 1.
Hey, are you all right?
This is Birte Becker.
Please leave a message.
Wednesday, unless you...
- In his own garage?
- Yeah.
Ah, the great Harry Hole.
How many bodies?
Birte Becker and Ms. Dahl.
Where's Katrine?
She got a call telling her
they traced the Becker phone
and didn't think to tell anyone.
I asked you where she was.
That's not my problem right now.
He shot himself straight on.
How'd he do that with a shotgun?
It's too long, you have to angle it.
Pellet marks should be
up there somewhere.
Luckily, we have experts
to determine that.
You sure he was alone?
The garage door was closed.
One set of footprints.
We found two bodies in the house
and Birte Becker's phone.
It was a suicide.
Case closed.
Mathias, listen,
I have no idea where he's gone.
Yes, I've checked my messages,
he hasn't called.
Oh, well, how can you help?
You're at your bloody conference!
Can I keep this?
Can I keep this?
Yeah, sure.
She's not picking up.
Get off me!
I guess congratulations are in order.
You know it wasn't that creep.
Vetlesen didn't commit suicide.
Someone killed him because
we got too close.
Like your father.
My father would never have
committed suicide.
He would never have
left me like that.
Get off me.
Get off me, get off me!
Get off me!
Get off me you fucking drunk!
Get off.
Get off.
I'm a drunk.
Like your father.
Laila Aasen and Arve Stop
were having an affair...
and that's the last thing my father
was investigating before he got killed.
You broke in to Vetlesen's house
because you were afraid
I'd find out this was personal
and take you off the case.
Vetlesen was his pimp.
And they were both in Bergen
when the murders started.
I know how much you want this,
but you can't force the pieces to fit.
I called the Gellion clinic
and Vetlesen wasn't even working
the day he was supposed
to meet Birte Becker.
They found two dead bodies in his
house and Birte Becker's phone.
Isn't that convenient, then?
So Hagen has his killer
and Arve Stop's safe.
And no questions are asked.
Do you actually think
he killed them?
I don't know.
I don't think either of us
do for sure.
Maybe this will bring your balls back.
I'm gonna need your weapon.
It's right there
in front of you.
Why did he call you Cloudberry?
Because I liked
cloudberry jam with ice cream.
Oleg ran away again.
It doesn't really matter if
we win or lose this bid tonight.
What matters most is that...
we celebrate the way
this has brought us together.
And use that energy to restore
the values that make Noway great.
And so, it doesn't matter if uh...
56 minutes and 33 seconds
from now, but who's counting...
if the World Cup goes to
Beijing or Denver or Montreal.
Because I believe in my heart...
Oslo has already won.
I tried calling.
I thought he might be with you.
He's okay.
He's uh, he's at a friend's house.
Just didn't bother calling me.
What did you argue about?
He doesn't want to leave the city.
I thought that change
would be good for him.
Well, for me too.
Um, Mathias has a house uh,
up in Telemark.
And because he consults
all over the place...
it's not too inconvenient.
I saw him the other day,
he didn't mention anything.
Is that really what you want?
I don't know what I want.
I miss you.
My head says 50/50,
but in my heart, 100%.
Thank you for coming.
Mr. Stop?
Mr. Stop, I'm sorry, I um...
I just want to thank you.
I really liked your speech.
I found it very... very moving.
Well, you see, I uh...
I was an orphan myself, so...
Well, it doesn't have to be
a disadvantage, young lady.
It can motivate us, too.
Well, yes.
I work in Bergen with-
with young people in a care center
and I know how-
how very busy you are.
But if ever you're
ever in the city...
I started my career in Bergen.
Write to me.
I'll see what I can do.
Yes, I'm so sorry, I know...
I know people are waiting
to talk to you. Thank you.
- Not at all.
- Oh.
Mr. Stop wanted me to let you know
how much he enjoyed your conversation.
- Oh.
- It's um, it's room 472.
He'll be free after
the announcement
if there's anything else
you'd like to ask him.
Thank you.
Where are you?
I just tried calling you
on the landline.
I'm at Harry's.
Because I phoned Eric's parents
and Oleg wasn't there either, so...
No, no. I found him.
He was with another friend.
Are you okay?
Yes, I-I'm fine now.
Eh, I've got to run now to one
of those boring dinners, but...
I'll call you in the morning
when I'm back. Okay?
You couldn't have asked
another doctor?
Two minutes,
ladies and gentlemen.
And to all our viewers
around the world, thank you...
No. No!
Stop. No!
Of Beijing, Denver, Oslo
and Montreal.
There can only be one winner.
The 15th Winter Sports
World Cup...
has been awarded to...
Two, one...
Oslo! Oslo! Oslo!
Congrats to us all.
That's the last
of her files to download.
There's nothing after that.
Get me a list of
all the phone calls
and appointments she made
while I was away.
Yeah, sure.
When was this taken?
Two days ago.
- No, no. I'm late...
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
to get her to school.
I have to get to work.
I'm sorry. I have one quick
question I need to ask you.
- We have been over this...
- I know.
hundreds of times.
I know we have been over this
a hundred times,
but I need to sort something out.
Dr. Vetlesen was not
working at the clinic
the day your wife
was supposed to see him.
He wasn't there..
So she got the date wrong.
- How...
- Daddy!
Josephine, in the car.
How the hell am I supposed to
remember what day we saw him?
Sir, I'm just trying to find your wife.
Please help me.
How the hell am I supposed to
remember what day we saw him?
Sir, I'm just trying to find your wife.
Please help me.
How the hell am I supposed to
remember what day we saw him?
Sir, I'm just trying to find your wife.
the hell am I supposed to
remember what day we saw him?
Sir, I'm just trying to find your wife.
- what day we saw him?
- Sir...
- what day we saw him?
- Sir...
Yes, I want all those files.
Give me your car keys.
- What?
- And your phone.
You told me Vetlesen was your
wife's doctor when we spoke.
And that you had no idea
why she'd gone to see him.
But you told my colleague
you both went to see him.
She must have misheard me.
She recorded the interview.
Darling, go back inside.
I'll come in in a minute, okay?
Good girl.
She isn't mine.
Birte and I were trying
for another child.
We thought it might
save our marriage.
We had blood tests done in the
clinic for hormone treatment.
And it came out that...
she wasn't mine.
I am infertile.
Always been infertile.
Can't have children.
But she is mine.
Do you understand?
How can I not love her?
But you didn't see Vetlesen
the day you found out?
No, we saw some
hormone specialist.
Visiting consultant.
Do you know his name?
Just a second.
Damn it.
I said I'm coming.
You never called.
Is Oleg back?
What? Oleg?
He-he's at school.
And Harry?
Is Harry here?
How did he convince you
to give him those pills?
He didn't.
You didn't have to do it for me.
I didn't do it for you.
It was never about you.
I'm outside his house.
I can't reach Rakel.
Send someone to her apartment.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Why do you have Mom's phone?
Come on.
You and I have more
in common than you think.
I didn't know who
my father was either.
Magnus, track Rakel's phone.
Sorry, I...
All right.
Okay, Harry, we just
picked up a signal.
Heading west towards Telemark.
It is a red Volvo, registered to a
Mathias Lund-Helgesen...
Rjukan, 2421.
The house is pretty remote.
There-there's an access
road, but that's it.
And there's a big
lake around it.
Helicopters are grounded
because of the weather.
But Delta is on their way.
Anything on Mathias' family?
Okay, I've got something here.
Jonas Lund-Helgesen, former
police officer, lost his job in '89.
A scandal involving
a woman drowning in a car.
Probable suicide.
She had a son.
Father, unknown.
He was sent to an orphanage.
Who led the investigation
into the woman's disappearance?
Some local talent in village nearby.
What's his name?
Jonas Lund-Helgesen.
Jonas. No.
Please, stop!
We've lost him.
Sit down, Harry.
Pass me the gun.
I didn't think you'd find me.
Perhaps the pills helped after all.
I spoke to Filip Becker.
What's going to happen
when Josephine Becker finds out
he isn't her father?
She'll still love him.
Wrong answer.
Let's try again.
Was it right for Sylvia Ottersen
to kill her unborn child...
simply because she couldn't
keep track of who the father was?
That was her choice.
Too short.
Maybe she was afraid.
What about you, Harry?
You have a woman who loves you.
A boy who's devoted to you.
Why did you abandon them?
They deserve better.
Too easy.
Because I'm selfish.
I'm an addict.
There isn't enough room for them.
You know, when I first saw
your picture in the papers...
with all those medals...
I thought, "That man
must have a perfect family."
And here you are.
Last question.
This boy...
who doesn't even know
who his father is...
who's had to put up with
so many men like you and me...
taking his place.
Does his mother deserve to live?
Why don't you ask him?
You all right?
Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him!
Come on!
I'm ready!
I'm here!
Come on!
I know why you blame her.
You've been wrong
the whole time.
It wasn't her.
It wasn't you mother
who didn't want you.
It was your father.
It would have been better for him...
had you not been born.
The pathologist detected traces
of the drug ketanome.
And the direct cause of death
was drowning...
as the result of blood
filling her lungs.
24 stab wounds were found
in her mouth...
all at regular intervals...
and at the same depth:
seven centimeters.
The pathologist can't determine
what kind of weapon was used.
And he's never seen
anything like it.
I'll take it.