The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010)

The war
between sorcerers
was fought in the shadows of history
and the fate of mankind rested with
the just and powerful Merlin.
He taught his secrets
to three trusted apprentices,
Balthazar, Veronica, and Horvath.
He should have trusted only two.
Veronica and Balthazar
witnessed the savagery
of a sorcerer beyond evil,
Morgana le Fay,
Merlin's most deadly enemy.
We are but servants.
- Merlin.
- Horvath!
You betray me?
I am no one's servant.
Well done. Now get the spell.
And so it was. Morgana
gained sorcery's most dangerous spell
known as "The Rising,"
giving Morgana the power
to raise an army of the dead
and enslave mankind.
Veronica sacrificed herself
for Balthazar
by drawing Morgana's soul
into her own body.
But Morgana began to kill her
from the inside.
To save Veronica's life
and to capture Morgana,
Balthazar trapped them both
in the Grimhold,
an inescapable prison.
Over time,
Balthazar fought many sorcerers
who tried to free Morgana,
trapping them in layer upon layer
of the doll.
Eventually, he captured
Horvath as well.
As Merlin lay dying,
he gave Balthazar his dragon ring,
saying it would guide him to the child
who would one day grow
to be Merlin's successor,
the Prime Merlinean.
The Prime Merlinean is the only one
who can kill Morgana.
Balthazar would search for centuries.
And never, it is said,
will Balthazar waver from his quest,
for mankind will never be safe
until Morgana is destroyed
by the Prime Merlinean.
Hey, Tank.
How did you even get up here?
David? Field trip today.
Don't forget to wear clean underwear.
She means me, not you.
You're not supposed to be
doing that, Dave.
That's cool.
...which means that before Ellis Island
and the Statue of Liberty were built...
Pass it to Becky.
Pass it on.
Pass it on.
Pass it to Becky.
Let's go.
Get on the ferry. Get your bags.
Stay close. Here we go.
Hey, stop!
Excuse me, excuse me.
No, lady, don't!
No way.
The second emperor
of the Han dynasty
locked his least-favorite wife
in this urn for 10 years to the day.
They say you open it up,
the same thing will happen to you.
I'm sorry. I'm looking for this note.
Have you seen it?
It kind of just blew into your store.
A note?
It blew into your store.
It was just a...
Yeah, it was just a coincidence.
I have something
I'd like to show you, Dave.
- How'd you know my name was Dave?
- 'Cause I can read minds!
It's on your backpack.
Come over here.
This is very special
and if it likes you, you can keep it.
I better not. My teacher said
I couldn't be gone for long.
She knows I'm here.
You're a bad liar, Dave.
That's good.
Oh, boy.
No way.
I have been searching a very long time.
Magically, here you are.
That ring on your finger
means something, Dave.
It means
you're going to be
a very important sorcerer one day.
And your first lesson begins right now
with your very own Encantus.
Do not move, do not touch anything.
No way.
When am I?
New York City.
Not where. The year.
You are wasting my time.
What happened
to "don't touch anything"?
That's not very sporting of you,
Be quiet.
It's not you. He's been like this
for 1,000 years. I'll explain later.
I need the Grimhold. Where's that doll?
I'll have that doll.
I want that doll.
Leave, Dave! Leave now!
David Stutler! Don't ever leave your...
There's these crazy wizard guys
in there!
They're made of roaches!
No! Don't go in there!
The store's on fire! Don't go in!
Those guys are
You really shouldn't
tell stories. Let's go.
Ew! He peed his pants!
A jar broke. It's just water!
There was a fire!
Yeah, Stutler had a leak.
He's such a geek.
Good morning. What is that? Oh, right.
Good morning, beautiful.
Hey, heads up.
Happy birthday.
Thank you, Bennet.
You're up early.
Professor Heiderman wants me to give
a presentation to his Physics 101 class.
What? Teaching long division
to English majors?
I know. It's like the Peace Corps,
but it's Heiderman's class.
Hey, Bio nerds
are getting drunk tonight.
And we invited cheerleaders
from Princeton.
Oh. So there's smart cheerleaders.
So, seriously, you're saying you don't
want to go out on your birthday?
I got to finish my Tesla coil project
if I want to graduate.
Dave, are you familiar
with the gray wolf?
Oh, no, please, Bennet. Not this again
with the gray wolf. I can't...
The gray wolf is a pack animal.
He must find a mate.
He must hunt and grunt.
He must participate.
You're going to get
booted out of the pack!
Alone. Eaten by a hungry bear.
That's a real pick-me-up pep talk,
and I'm ready to go get the day.
No, no.
Oh, man.
Everything okay down there?
I should just leave, right?
Wait. I'm sorry. Becky?
Becky Barnes.
We were in fourth grade together.
I do know you. Dave Stutler.
- Right?
- That's me.
Yeah. You're that kid.
What was that place called?
- Arcana...
- Arcana Cabana?
- So, did you transfer?
- Yeah, I did.
And got some help. Treatment.
Yes, that was weird.
You know what? It turns out
it's just a glucose imbalance.
- Not uncommon in young subjects.
- Ah...
It's a great anecdote.
Hey, Becky.
Becky? Hey, Becky?
So how are you enjoying Physics 101?
My brain
just does not think physics.
So, what does it think, then?
Music, mostly.
So, this is me.
You work at the radio station?
Yeah, I do an afternoon show.
Are you kidding me? That's so cool!
It's just college radio.
Like, seven people listen to it.
I'll be listening. That's one more.
You can round it up to eight.
I think that's our antenna!
- What's going on?
Hey, gorgeous.
The whole mixer is toast,
and Freddy called in sick.
Sorry to bother you.
Where does your engineer
keep his equipment?
Who's this guy?
So, the good news is
you're still transmitting.
The bad news is
your return loss, way too high.
All right, if I know what I'm doing,
we should be good!
- Thank you.
- No, please, it was my pleasure.
I could tell
this is all pretty important for you.
My show is the one thing that...
Well, you know.
Physics. That's my thing.
I'll see you around.
You didn't ask her out!
You just fixed her antenna and you left.
That's not the point.
She will remember me.
"She will remember me"?
Who are you? Braveheart?
Bennet, I blew my shot
at getting this girl 10 years ago.
I can't do it again.
Now get out of here
before you get electrocuted.
... and it's
a miracle we made it on the air tonight.
This show may not matter,
but the music does.
This is Becky Barnes, WNYU Radio,
hoping there's music all around you.
I don't understand. Why did you have
to buy this piece of junk?
Junk? It's an antique!
Antique? It's a piece of junk
from a flea market!
Am I the first one out?
That's a yes.
Our 10 years are up, Balthazar.
When I get the Grimhold
from young David,
I'll tell him you said hello.
Cheerio, Balthazar!
I thought B- was generous.
I've recently been released
from a 10-year sentence,
during which the only reading material
available to me
was your so-called report
on Napoleon Bonaparte
from your school bag.
Your analysis was obvious,
your prose was weak.
- I was nine.
- Irrelevant.
Where's the Grimhold?
That doll you took from the shop.
The doll held something very powerful.
Something very important to me.
You had it last.
I want it back.
Listen, I'm...
- I threw it in the street.
- Where's the Grimhold?
It's been a long time.
I don't actually know where it is.
I'll cut the truth out of you.
Get him.
Wolves? No, no, no, no.
Thank you.
Man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man.
No, no, no.
Oh, no!
Kill him.
Oh, my.
No way.
Where's the doll, Dave?
Him, him.
All right, get up here.
Now! Now! Hurry!
Oh, no!
This is not happening.
This is not happening.
I taste sour in my mouth.
Take it easy, Dave. Deep breaths.
Now that is not happening!
What's wrong?
What is it?
No, no, no, no!
You are not doing this to me again!
Do you have any idea what my life
has been like for the last 10 years?
I've been stuck in an urn
for the last 10 years.
So have I! A figurative urn of ridicule.
Do you know that in certain parts
of the tri-state area,
they still refer
to having a nervous breakdown
as "pulling a David Stutler"?
Did you know that?
Try to be a good listener, Dave.
That doll is called the Grimhold.
It is a prison for the most dangerous
Morganians in history,
each one locked up
in a layer of the doll.
Horvath wants to free his fellow
Morganians and destroy the world.
This must not happen.
Yeah. For sure.
The truth is,
you have a very special gift.
You need to see that.
I just want to be normal.
Normal life. I want to forget about
that day at Arcana Cabana.
I want to forget about magic.
I want to forget everything.
- You should duck.
- What?
You want to forget magic?
Then why did you keep the ring?
I was going to sell that on eBay.
You're still a bad liar, Dave.
I like that about you. It's a good sign.
You have the gift.
No, I have a life.
You're the last person Horvath saw
with the Grimhold.
That puts you on his list.
So unless you want him to turn you
into a pig who just loves physics,
then you better help me
find that doll before he does.
This is crazy.
You see how crazy this is, right?
All right. All right.
You help me get it back, you're done.
- Really?
- You can walk away.
Can you please put my dresser back?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
What are you... Oh, no.
Please don't do that.
What are you doing?
- Whoa. What is that?
- It's my Grimhold tracking device.
Biometric pressure spell displaces
the atmosphere above the doll.
Looks like downtown.
If we can track the Grimhold,
so can Horvath.
- So why don't we just take the eagle?
- Too high-profile for a trip downtown.
- I'll have to call you a tow.
- Won't be necessary.
Yeah, but this car's been impounded
for 10 years.
This is low-profile.
She missed me.
I'm going to give you the basics.
Strictly Sorcery 101. Put on the ring.
Nothing's going to happen.
Kidding. You've heard how people use
only 10% of their brains?
Sorcerers can manipulate matter
because they're born with the capability
to use the entire power of their brains.
Which also explains why molecular
physics comes so easily to you.
So, wait. Is sorcery science or magic?
Yes and yes.
For now, all you need
is a basic combat spell.
Making fire.
What causes molecules to heat up?
They vibrate.
Everything we see
is in a constant state of vibration,
thus the illusion of solidity.
But how do we take
that which appears solid
and have it burst into flames?
We will the vibrations to go faster.
Step one, clear your mind.
Step two, see the molecules.
Step three, make them shake.
- Got it?
- No! I definitely don't "got it."
Trust the ring, Dave.
And keep it subtle.
Civilians mustn't know magic exists.
That would be complicated.
Says the guy in the 350-year-old
rawhide trench coat.
I threw it in the street.
It's been a long time.
I don't actually know where it is.
I threw it in the street.
Don't go in there!
Ew! He peed his pants!
The store's on fire! Don't go in!
Those guys are...
It's just water! There was a fire!
I threw it in the street.
But where?
Get out of the way, freak!
I need to pull in there!
Are you addressing me?
Hey, don't mess with me.
Where was I?
This is it. I'll get the Grimhold.
Keep an eye out for Horvath.
Can I help you?
Do you have an appointment?
I'm sorry to trouble you.
I'm looking for a...
Well, it's rather strange.
It's a nesting doll. It's about this big.
Angry-looking Chinese gentleman
on the front.
- Nesting doll?
- Yes.
It's possible. I collect so many objects.
You speak Mandarin.
That was Cantonese, Horvath.
The Grimhold. Where is it?
An old associate of mine
speaks impeccable Cantonese.
He lived about 200 years ago.
Know him? Sun Lok.
Of course you do.
You locked him inside the Grimhold.
Opened it.
Are you all right?
Looks like...
What the...
I'm like one of them.
You should run.
Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry.
Be still.
Oh, God. Come on.
You skipped the first step!
- Clear your mind!
- Skipped the first step.
Clear my mind? Are you insane?
Little bit.
Oh, man.
This is it.
Clear your mind. Believe.
Go Team Magical Stuff!
Did you see that?
Did you see what I just did?
I did it.
It can't be.
Hey, what do you got?
Did you see what happened here?
You know what? Bottle rocket meets
paper dragon in this Asian festival.
Lit it up like a birthday cake.
We got swamped with calls
saying there was a real dragon.
Between you and me, Cap,
I think some of these folks
were hitting the sake pretty hard.
Sake's Japanese, actually.
Carry on.
- "Sake's Japanese"?
- Well, it is.
- I was in character.
- Oh, right.
You may now return the ring to me.
I'm a man of my word.
You helped me, we're done.
Right. Right.
I'd like to learn some more.
We'll need a place to work.
Somewhere under Horvath's radar.
I think I can help with that.
This was originally
a subway turnaround.
They let me work down here
because some of my experiments
skew a bit dangerous.
Oh, my professor has a hookup,
so nobody knows we're down here.
I didn't have a chance
to give you this before.
Your Encantus.
I remember it being bigger.
Pocket edition.
The Encantus is our textbook.
The art and science and history
of sorcery.
Including our recent history as well.
Come on.
See? There you are.
Before we can put Horvath
back inside the Grimhold,
we must first turn you into a sorcerer,
which begins now.
Step back.
- I really was doing stuff.
- Eyes open.
Mouth closed.
This is the Merlin Circle.
It focuses your energy.
Helps you master new spells.
It is where you will learn the Art.
Step inside,
you leave everything else behind.
Once you enter,
there is no going back.
So, I should probably pee first?
Better safe than...
I can hold it.
I am Balthazar Blake,
sorcerer of the 777th degree,
and you are my apprentice.
Your ring is not a piece of jewelry.
It projects the electrical energy
of your nervous system
into the physical world.
Without his ring,
a sorcerer is powerless.
The only other thing a sorcerer needs
is a nice pair of pointy shoes.
Your rubber soles block the current.
Plus it helps to look classy.
These are old man shoes.
Excuse me?
I love them.
A lot.
I haven't seen that cane since I saw
a picture of it when I was a boy.
You've been locked up a long time.
And now I'm out.
And I need soldiers.
I got one kid.
He ain't old school.
One will do.
Your ingenuity and your heart
will give you an advantage
over Morganians.
They rely only
on the power of their magic.
But if you're up against the wall,
there's only one weapon of choice,
the plasma bolt.
Nothing. There's nothing.
I got it! I got one! I got one!
That's underwhelming.
Ow! Ow! Ow!
... and invite my soul...
And again.
See? That's what padding is for. Oh!
So, out of a bath full of jewels,
I'm going to emerge, right?
And everyone's going to think I'm me.
I reach into the big top hat
and I pull myself out,
but I'm a woman.
A ball of fire, right, a baby sitting
in a nappy, but I would like a tiger.
If I could get, like,
a tiger jumping out of a leopard.
But not out of its mouth,
that's been done, I'm sure, somewhere.
Gorgeous. Just perfect, darling.
Yeah. Yeah, now,
keep it straight up sinister.
Oh, do tell me this is a joke.
Sorry, are you lost?
So, you're what passes
for a Morganian these days.
Maxim Horvath!
You are one smoking man of...
Will you excuse us, ladies?
Yes, excuse us, ladies.
So, they tell me
you're some kind of entertainer.
Five sold-out shows at the Garden,
plus back end on the pay-per-view.
Did you ever see Morgana
pull a rabbit out of a hat?
Look, my master disappeared
when I was 15, vanished!
Left me with nothing but an Encantus
and some prescription-grade
abandonment issues.
So I improvised.
Well, the time for improvisation is over.
Balthazar Blake may have found
the Prime Merlinean.
He wears the ring?
The best way to defend against fire,
vacuum sphere.
Your turn.
I did it! I did it!
Excellent. Excellent.
- Excellent.
- I just did that.
What's wrong with your Tesla coil?
It seems to be firing on its own.
Really, really funny.
This will be hilarious, then.
Oh, my God!
Beg your pardon.
I haven't eaten in 10 years.
Yeah. Yeah, fair enough.
You mind if I ask
what's so special about this bench?
- No, no, no.
- What?
There's no time for that,
and too much at stake.
That girl,
she's the one, man.
And you're my mentor, Balthazar.
Aren't you supposed to help me
to achieve my personal goals?
Yes! Yes! Except I'm not your mentor.
I'm your master.
And your master says
if Horvath catches you out on the street,
you'll die.
Is she worth that?
Think about it, Dave.
And don't eat my sandwich.
Becky! What a coincidence.
Oh, hey, Dave.
- Going uptown or...
- Are you stalking me?
Not in a threatening way.
Why was I even concerned?
So I listened to your show last night.
- What did you think?
- It was amazing.
I've never actually heard
of any of those bands,
which I think is a good indicator
that they're cool.
I'm glad someone was listening.
This may come as a surprise to you,
I don't get up to much.
Give me the cash. Give it. Come on.
- Give me the bracelet.
- Okay, okay.
- Give me.
Hey, hey, hey.
That was my grandmother's bracelet.
No! Dave, don't!
You just give me
that bracelet back, please.
You better run back to your girlfriend.
Believe me, I wish she was...
You thought she was my girlfriend?
Really? Is that the kind of vibe you got?
You talk too much. Shut up.
What are you doing?
I have no idea what you're referring to.
I honestly...
- You seeing this?
- Heads up.
Up the stairs!
- Are you okay?
- Yeah. Here you go.
Your grandmother's bracelet.
How did you do that?
That guy was huge.
I've been doing a lot
of cardio boxing lately.
Let me introduce Thunder, Lightning.
Something about you seems different.
I'm wearing new shoes.
- Nice.
- Thank you. This your train?
Yes. Thank you.
I just want to tell you that
if you want me to help you
with your midterms,
come by my lab.
- I'll text you the address.
- Yes, yes, that would be great.
- Yeah?
- Tomorrow?
It's a date.
No, no, no. It's not a date!
It's a date like an appointment.
No. A date like an appointment!
Love is a distraction.
Sorcery requires complete focus.
Let's go, Thunder and Lightning.
There's more to learn.
This is perfect.
The Rising will happen here.
We'll use their satellite dishes
on the rooftops.
There, and there, and there.
- Get it done.
- My "Best of" DVD drops next month.
Here we go. All right. Move.
Sorry about that. It's just nice for them
to see a genuine icon like me.
Fortunately, they'll all be dead soon.
And before that,
we need to find the boy.
Well, how do we do that?
We'll wait until he's alone.
Now, focus on control.
Set me down slow and steady.
Dave? It's Becky.
I'll be back shortly.
Could you please hide?
Hide now. Please.
Dave, get back here.
We have important work to do.
Knock, knock.
- Yeah.
- Hi.
- Hi.
We should go. A library, anyplace...
Is that company I hear?
Yeah. Okay. Fine. Becky, this is my...
Uncle. Uncle Balthazar.
Hey, Dave, I'm confused.
I thought you and I
were staying in together.
If this is a bad time,
- I can come back.
- Yes, actually.
No. No.
Uncle, you and I have plans for later on.
Becky, let's just get out of here.
You know what? It's all right,
because I just remembered
I have to go into town
to pick up your anti-itch cream.
So, you two stay here.
Pleasure to meet you.
Okay, enough with the studying.
There's something I want to show you.
- What are these things?
- Tesla coils.
I was using them
to generate something called plasma.
The thing is, I got so fixated
on the technical aspects of it
that I almost didn't notice
something kind of
I think you'd better step into my cage.
Okay, it's definitely the first time
anyone has said that to me.
I'm not surprised.
Just hold on to this bar, please.
Both hands. Yep.
Okay, hold on tight and enjoy the show.
Oh, my gosh.
How is this possible?
The coils are firing
at such a high frequency
that the sparks literally create
soundwaves as they fly through the air.
Which is nerdy.
You were listening.
I played this song the other night.
These coils are my life.
Two years I'm down here
working with them,
and they're making their own music
and it was lost on me.
I was never able to appreciate it
until I met you
and heard you talking about music
on your radio show, and...
I'm sappy.
This is me.
So, do you want to meet up later?
8:00? My lab?
Yeah. Yeah, that would be great.
With me?
With you? Yes.
Making sure.
- I got to... Yoga.
- Yeah, I've got to go to the bathroom.
I got a date with a girl
'cause I'm awesome
So, you're the one.
Excuse me?
Prime Merlinean, eh?
You don't look like much.
I don't actually know
what you're talking about.
Cool. Makes this easy.
Can't have anyone
hearing your girly cries, right?
I don't actually know who you are.
Really, you don't recognize me?
Are you in Depeche Mode?
What... What...
- What do you weigh, like a buck 20?
- Whoa! What the...
This is high school all over again.
All right, I tell you what.
Hit me with your best shot,
your most powerful spell.
- Okay.
- Get the ring out. Put it on. Good boy.
- No, I'm joking.
- Nothing is happening.
- Have you cleared your mind?
- Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
- That's nerves and it's the pressure.
- I got nothing happening.
- I'm new at this.
- The ring's on. Take the ring off.
- Take off the ring.
- Take it off.
- Yeah, it doesn't help me...
- Enough, you idiot. Watch the door.
- Hello, Dave.
- Hi.
- So, Dave.
- Oh, man.
I'm going to kill you. Oh, yes,
right here in this dismal bathroom.
It's not very classy, but there you go.
But before we get
to that unpleasantness,
you're going to tell me
where the Grimhold is.
Where is she?
He hasn't told you, has he?
The truth about who's inside the doll?
Sweetheart, you've put your faith
in the wrong man.
Tell me, have you ever been in love?
- I...
- Yeah.
You're in love right now.
I can see it in your eyes.
No, no, no, no. Don't deny it.
I wonder what would happen
if you lost her.
Shut up.
You'd be no better than the rest of us.
Where is the Grimhold?
I don't know.
Oh, Dave, you really are
the most dreadful liar.
That's what I keep telling him.
Want your guy back?
It's been a while since I've seen
the Hungarian Mirror Trap.
I guess I'm just old-fashioned.
Balthazar, look out!
What are you doing here, Dave?
Horvath was trying to kill me.
His moral compass
doesn't exactly point north.
Yeah, well, what about yours? Huh?
You haven't been completely truthful
with me.
That guy called me
the Prime Merlinean.
Balthazar, what is that?
Now, I'm not doing anything else
until you start being truthful with me
about what's going on.
Who is in that Grimhold?
Wake up that moron
in stall number three for me,
would you?
Oh, for heaven's sake.
She was making preparations
for The Rising,
something that would enable her
to enslave mankind
by resurrecting
dead Morganian sorcerers.
So, after the witch girl,
there's another doll
that contains the greatest evil
the world has ever known?
She's in the last doll.
And what does it have to do with this
Prime Merlinean?
Merlin had three apprentices.
I was one of them.
You were Merlin's apprentice?
He cast a spell to keep us from aging
until we found the sorcerer
who would inherit his power.
And his dragon ring.
Some part of you, no matter how small,
must share the same blood.
As Merlin?
Great men have always been called.
This is your calling.
Merlin said,
"The only one who will ever be able
to destroy Morgana once and for all
"is the Prime Merlinean."
So I'm supposed to save the world.
I... I just don't think I'm up for that.
Do you think
I've been teaching you magic tricks
for some little girl's tea party?
When you stepped inside this circle,
I told you there was no going back.
You took an oath!
I have been searching
1,000 years for you.
Fighting Morganians,
protecting the Grimhold.
You're going to set me free.
You have to become
the Prime Merlinean.
And I'm not asking.
I have a student who's failing my class.
I need his file.
First I'll need to see
your faculty identification card.
You don't need
to see my faculty identification card.
I don't need
your faculty identification card.
"These are not the droids
you're looking for."
Here it is.
He has an unauthorized lab space.
Okay, so, how will I know when I'm it?
The Prime Merlinean?
The Prime Merlinean
will become so powerful within
he no longer needs his ring
to cast magic.
When you can do that,
you're ready to take on Morgana.
Tank! What is he doing here anyway?
This should be good.
Schematic for a fusion spell.
The merging of two souls
into one physical body.
I've only ever seen one sorcerer
successfully pull off human fusion.
And Tank is here for...
Are you telling me
you're trying to possess Tank?
Yeah. I'm not so sure
it's the best idea, either.
Oh, man.
Becky's coming now,
and I'm standing in a puddle of pop.
I need to stop and clean.
We're not done training.
Balthazar, I've been waiting
for 10 years to see this girl again.
Do you have any idea what that's like?
When I come back,
you better be focused.
This is really sticky.
I'm doomed.
Thank you. Thank you.
I command you to stop!
Oh, no. Man.
- Hi.
- Hi. You're on time.
- You forgot?
- No, no, no. I didn't forget.
- Is everything okay?
- What, me?
How are you doing?
I'm good. I'm good.
Would you please stop that?
Will you...
It's probably best for you to leave.
What am I saying?
Okay. Okay, I will go.
Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm having issues.
My coils!
You have abused the sacred art,
and you have abused the Merlin Circle.
Magic isn't a game.
No shortcuts!
Falling in that water
and getting electrocuted,
that's how a sorcerer loses his power!
What rule is that?
Fourteen? Twenty-seven?
I can't even remember!
What difference does it make
if it's obvious
that I can't even control a few mops?
The stronger the man,
the stronger the sorcerer.
Thank you.
Thank you for another useless motto!
I have another one for you.
You will not control your magic
if you will not control yourself.
You need to stop your worrying
and start believing in yourself.
Is that what you do?
- What I do isn't the point.
- I think it is.
I'm convinced you exist purely
to make my life a living hell.
You don't know anything
about a living hell.
- You're making progress.
- No, I'm not making progress.
No ring, right?
No magic.
I can't move the chairs. I can't do it.
It's not me, Balthazar.
I'm sorry! I'm sorry.
I'm not it. I'm not a hero.
I'm not the Prime Merlinean.
I'm just a physics nerd
who looks really, really stupid
in these shoes.
What are you doing here?
I saw you outside the coffee shop,
so I followed you.
You looked a little more distressed
than usual.
That bad, huh?
Did you really think that
one botched date
was going to make me
hate you forever?
I do have to ask you this one thing.
What are you doing up here?
A friend of mine brought me here once.
And the height doesn't bother you?
- Are you afraid of heights?
- A little bit, yeah.
Trust me. Here, come on.
Come on. You're good.
- You're good.
- I don't know.
Yeah. Wow.
Do you remember when you drew
King Kong on the bus window?
And he lined up
with the Empire State Building?
You remember that?
It was cool.
You saw the world in your own way.
I was just trying to impress you.
Well, it worked.
Not bad for a 10-year-old kid.
Yeah, right. What happened?
- What? What do you mean?
- The bitter irony of the fact
that 10-year-old me
is far cooler than 20-year-old me.
I think 20-year-old Dave is...
He's all right.
Like, "all right" all right,
or "all right!" all right?
I think he is somewhere in the middle.
That's a diplomatic answer.
And thank you.
- Hey.
- Hello.
I'm sorry.
I think you and I need to have a talk.
No apology necessary. Let us move on.
You're a diamond, mate.
Surprisingly well done.
Now go find the Grimhold.
You seem to have rather a soft spot
for that boy.
Has Balthazar made a new friend?
I don't see the Grimhold.
That's because you're using your eyes.
Clever Balthazar.
Always up to his little tricks.
Found it.
It's lighter than I remember.
We once fought together, Maxim.
A lot's happened since those days.
- This isn't about that.
- Oh, yes, it is, Balthazar.
It's always been about that.
Veronica chose you instead of me,
the great Balthazar Blake,
my best friend.
Well, I'm going to let you
watch me release Morgana.
Let you watch your world
crumble into nothing!
Drake. Let's go.
- Nice catch.
- I owed you one.
- They got the doll.
- Let's get it back.
Hang on.
Hang on, Tank.
Go left.
Whoa! What the...
He's in here somewhere.
Wait. He has the power
to turn his car into a taxi?
Use your ring
and lock in on the Grimhold.
- Remember, it moves with the ring.
- Okay, yeah. Right, right, right.
Go! Go!
Here they come!
What the heck!
Nice one!
- Hey! Well, look at that.
- Hang on.
Oh, my God.
Take the tunnel.
What is that, smoke?
Oh, come on!
Time for a little revenge.
- What the heck is this?
- Yes, we drove through a mirror.
- We're trapped in a reverse world.
- So...
It is, it is. Horvath's payback
for the bathroom mirror.
No, no. We won't die as long as
- we get out of here soon.
- Okay.
- By driving through our own reflection.
- Fantastic.
There. In the window.
- This is it.
No, no, no, no, no. You're not...
- Here we go.
- We're not going to make that!
We're not...
Hello, Balthazar.
Oh, man. Oh, man.
No, no, no.
Back up. Back up. Back up. Back up.
Back up. Back up. Back up. Back up.
Oh, man.
I've got an idea. I've got an idea.
- Dave, don't.
- Please just let me do it.
- What?
- '73 Pinto? This is your idea?
No! No. My idea was to turn their car
into a beater.
- Finish it.
- Right!
I think he stopped.
Hold on, Tank.
Hold on, Tank. I got you, buddy.
Walked away.
I'm sorry.
I thought you were someone else.
Where's Horvath?
Did he get away?
Where's the Grimhold? Who was that?
That was her, wasn't it?
The third apprentice.
For centuries, Veronica, Horvath and I
were the only thing standing
between Morgana
and man's destruction.
Our friendship and our magic were
what Veronica and I depended on.
You fell for her, didn't you?
I fell for her.
Like you,
all Veronica wanted was to be normal.
Normal things, normal life.
I fell.
And so did Horvath.
That's why Horvath betrayed us.
For 1,000 years,
you've been carrying her
around with you.
In the Grimhold.
I was going to give this to her
that night.
I'm sorry.
Okay, Balthazar.
We are going to get Veronica out
and destroy Morgana.
What's happened to you?
You're still a bad liar.
- Why does everyone...
- You know, I am glad she likes you.
No, I am not surprised. Only glad.
There's nothing like it, is there?
Put your old man shoes back on.
We have some work to do.
Are all the satellite dishes
in position?
All lined up.
I chipped my mani, which is not cool.
No, I imagine it's not.
Inside there lies our next coworker.
Abigail Williams,
a little witch who put Salem on the map.
Once she's out,
we're at the Morgana shell.
Now that's going to take a lot of time
and energy to crack.
So what are we going to do?
Have you heard of the Parasite Spell?
Sorry, I forgot
your education's somewhat lacking.
Yeah, I prefer to go more by instinct.
You know, what feels right.
Very good. Well, the Parasite Spell
is a rather nasty piece of business.
It originated in Haiti, if memory serves.
It enables one sorcerer
to steal the energy from another.
Well, you weren't really using it,
were you?
Excuse me?
I'd like to make a request.
I just finished my show.
But maybe next time, okay?
I said I'd like to make a request.
All right.
When Morgana is released,
no matter what happens,
promise me you'll do whatever it takes
to destroy her.
I promise.
And for the record,
you wear the old guy shoes very well.
My feet disagree with you,
but thank you.
Knuckle bump.
Might as well.
Now that I have kidnapped the girl
for you, is it time to release Morgana?
I'll give her your regards.
Mr. Horvath,
have I done something wrong?
Not at all.
I need your power to free Morgana.
I just don't need you.
Well, that's two.
One more to go.
That's horrifying.
Let's just find the Grimhold
and be done with it.
Battery Park. The Rising.
Persian Quickrug.
And he thinks I'm old-fashioned.
Ooh... Uh-huh.
Nothing, nothing.
So that's Morgana.
That was easy.
Come on, Dave. You know the drill.
Give me what I want, and I'll let her go.
Dave, what is going on?
It's gonna be okay.
You're gonna be okay.
No, she's not!
She's going to be ground up
into chunks and fed to the cat
unless you give me Merlin's ring
and the Grimhold.
He's busy admiring the decor.
So what's it going to be?
Take it.
- You're okay?
- Merlin's ring.
It's been a while
since I've been this close to it.
I wonder if it still works.
- You all right?
- Yeah, I think so.
The Grimhold?
I see.
He took my ring.
He was gonna kill Becky.
I'm so sorry, Balthazar.
I would have done
the same thing, Dave.
Where are you going?
Battery Park.
Horvath's going to release Morgana.
Well, you can't take him on
and Morgana at the same time. That's...
- You literally can't.
- I have to try.
Well, then I'm going with you.
Without any magic?
He has your ring.
I'm going alone.
No, that's a normal thing for him.
No one knows
how much time they have
to be with the people
that are the most important.
Enjoy it.
That guy just flew away on an eagle!
- I...
- A steel eagle.
Becky, I wanted to talk to you
about this.
I just haven't known where to start.
I'm just happy you're okay.
Look, Dave.
If you can just tell me the truth,
then I promise I will do my best
to understand.
Okay. The first thing you should know
about me is that I'm a sorcerer.
I can conjure and shoot plasma bolts
out of my hand.
I can speed time up, slow it down,
varying degrees of levitation.
It's all very magical.
And I thought my last boyfriend
was different 'cause he wore a scarf.
- Baby, I'll just come back. Okay?
- Okay.
- I'll see you in a minute.
- Okay. All right. I'm here.
Bad time, Dave.
Bennet. Thank God you answered.
I got a real emergency on my hands.
I need you to meet me
at my lab right now!
- Becky, I got to let you out.
- What? Let me out?
I think I know how to defeat them
without any magic.
The rings on Horvath's cane.
He put them there to gain more power,
but they make him a better conductor.
Dave, I have no idea
what you're talking about.
All right, Rebecca, here it is.
Many evil sorcerers will be
raised from the dead tonight.
So, basically, Morgana is trying
to destroy the world as we know it.
Oh, just that.
This is really dangerous.
I can't bring you into it.
Well, I think I'm already into it.
And besides, if you blow it,
we're all gonna die anyway, right?
I want to come with you.
You're sexy.
- I got all the Tesla coil remotes.
- Thanks, brother. I appreciate it.
Oh! I found this after we hung up.
It was on the desk.
"Give this to Veronica. Balthazar."
I don't think Balthazar's planning
on coming back.
I don't know
what you're into here, Dave,
but whatever it is,
you are definitely participating!
Thank you, Bennet. I appreciate that.
We should go.
Now is The Rising.
Now is the time.
It's me, Horvath. Morgana.
No need to look so pathetic.
Destroy that thing.
I never want to see it again.
I cannot raise the dead
until the circle is complete.
- No way. Man alive!
- What?
Are you telling me
you honestly don't see that?
No. See what?
I think they're using the satellite dishes
on the tops of the buildings
to direct and amplify
the electromagnetic energy.
All right, we're pulling over.
We're pulling over.
Becky, I need you to do me a favor.
I need you to go up
to the very top of that thing.
You got to move that antenna
and just disrupt the signal.
Okay. Right.
Hey, Becky.
Do you remember that letter I wrote
when we were 10 years old?
Friend or girlfriend?
I never saw what you checked,
so in case I die tonight,
could you please tell me?
Don't die and I'll tell you.
Oh, yeah, okay.
- Enough of your old tricks, Balthazar.
- As you wish.
Time was, things were pretty even
between us, Balthazar.
As you can see,
I've acquired some new jewelry.
I'm coming, buddy.
I'm coming. I'm coming.
All right, what... What is this?
What am I looking at? No!
And a walker. Of course she has a...
Oh, boy.
A matador gored by a bull
can take up to three days to die.
Sounds unpleasant, doesn't it?
The circle is nearly complete.
It must be awful, Balthazar.
All these years,
fighting to stop this one moment
and then coming up short.
That's my car.
Thank you!
We're too late.
Is she...
They're both still with us.
Balthazar, what have you done?
What you did for me.
- Remember your promise.
Balthazar, no.
You'll do whatever it takes
to destroy Morgana.
No. No, I can't.
I won't lock you in this thing.
Neither will I.
How sweet.
Oh, man.
- And now we end this.
- No!
No way.
No ring.
It is you.
The Prime Merlinean!
Now it's my turn.
Is that the best that you can do?
I sure hope not.
And now it's my turn.
Come on.
You have Merlin's powers,
but you don't have his strength
or his skill.
You are still weak.
But I'm not alone.
I brought a little science with me. Now!
I did it! Balthazar, I actually did it!
He's gone.
He completed his quest.
No, no, no, no.
It's not over. He can't die.
I just... Not now.
Come on.
That's not good enough.
Veronica, would you please step back?
If Morgana can stop his heart,
maybe I can start it.
All right, here we go, bud.
Here we go. Listen.
You... You with all your stupid rules!
And all those old man shoes.
And your constantly saving me
with that look in your eyes.
Come on!
Come on.
I had a dream.
You were insulting me, Dave.
Me? That's pretty weird, huh?
No, kind of makes sense.
- Thank you.
- Welcome back, old man.
You're here.
- You did it!
- I know. And I'm still alive.
And, surprisingly, so am I.
I know. Oh, the note. Right.
- Friend or girlfriend?
- I don't care.
Girlfriend. Definitely girlfriend.
Would you like to have breakfast
with me? In France?
Yeah, I got us a ride.
Okay, you're fun.
Becky, there's something I forgot
to mention to you.
I really have no idea
how to land this thing.