The Sound of Fury (1950)

I tell you friends,
the world's going to the devil
and the dive bomber!
And you're diving with it!
You've got to change your direction!
You've got to zoom up again!
The Lord knows your sins;
all kinds of sins, brother.
What did the great prophet Isaiah say?
"Look ye blind that ye may see!"
You gotta make the Lord your seeing
eye, just as he is mine!
I can see a better world...
a greater world!
Every man shall bear his own burden!
"Whatsoever a man soweth...
that shall he also reap!"
You gotta sow the right stuff!
You have to look in your
hearts and ask yourself...
if you can answer one thing:
How much is each of you guilty for all
the evil in the world?
Why do you do the things you do?
- Mister...
- What do you want?
You going to Santa Sierra?
No riders.
Come on. Get in.
No thank you.
One of these? Toothpick.
Santa Sierra, huh?
- Have you been there before?
- I live there.
I was looking for work.
I heard they were hiring at
the chemical plant,
They weren't.
- It's rough.
Maybe you should try up North.
Maybe you'll do better up there.
No, I have to stay where I am.
I have a wife and a kid.
And another one on the way.
They sure drop the net over you,
don't they?
Nobody asked me,
but I figure when a guy gets married
young, he should just cut his throat!
Why do they let a guy get married
before he can vote?
It's criminal!
Leave it to the female gender!
They hook you before you've
got good sense.
Take my old lady...and I'm not kidding.
You want her, you can have her!
Hey, fellow...
you're home.
- So long!
- Good luck to you!
Hello, Howard.
Welcome back.
Hello, Mr. Linden.
Did you ask him about his bill?
Tommy, please!
Tommy, stop that!
- Then I won't go to school!
Yes, you will! Stop complaining
and put on that shoe.
Put it on!
When you get back, maybe
we'll go to the zoo.
I don't want to go to the zoo!
- Alright, have it your way.
Hey, Pop! Mom promised me a quarter
for the baseball game.
Now she won't give it to me.
How are you darling?
- Fine.
Can I have a quarter, Pop?
You look tired.
- I didn't sleep much last night.
My whole club is going to baseball
and it costs a quarter.
All the other kids are going!
They are?
Here, will this do it?
50 cents!
You got a job.
Go to the baseball game
and buy two hot dogs.
Gee, Pop. Thanks a lot!
Bye Mom, I'm late!
Tell me what happened.
- Did you go to the doctor?
Forget about that.
Tell me about the job.
Judy, honey, you promised me.
They've got good doctors at that
clinic. The best in town.
Do we really need a doctor yet?
I knew you'd get a job.
Now we can pay for my own doctor.
Tell me what happened.
Tell me about the job!
There isn't any job.
But you just gave Tommy
half a dollar.
Why did you do that?
Because I wanted to.
You wanted to?
- Yes, I wanted to.
My kid can go to a
baseball game, can't he?
Not when we owe money for groceries.
Last night I needed
50 cents more to buy eggs.
We'll do without them. Don't pick on
me now. I've been up all night.
Begging for groceries,
begging doctors.
Is that what we came
to California for?
You know what we came
to California for.
You wanted to come as much as I did.
Can I help it if a million other guys
had the same idea?
I wish we were back home.
At least we weren't beggars.
Judy, don't cry.
Please don't cry!
What I can do?
What do you want me to do?
Saut until tender,
then add the wine.
On a low flame.
Now they're going to have
veal scallopini.
From here to heaven, Mike.
When you get tired of the newspaper,
I've got an apron for you.
You're a natural born chef!
Excuse me while I get this jerk.
Bottle of beer. - I love what you
wrote in your column yesterday...
A priest helping Indians
in their fight against the pirates.
This must have been a town
in those days!
Where do you dig up your info?
You said it, "dig".
To write a column, you need a good
public library and a strong typewriter.
And an occasional idea!
How many newspapers your column in,
Mr. Stanton? A couple hundred?
Something like that.
You're a dime short.
Eastern Beer's two bits.
I didn't want Eastern Beer.
- Why didn't you say so?
Why didn't you ask?
You ever notice, Mr. Stanton?
You got a beer drinker, you got a jerk.
Hmm, I don't know Mike.
The Lord must love the beer drinkers,
he made a lot of them.
See ya.
Okay, kid.
That's enough.
Do you see a pair of shoes back there?
Sure been rolling around the gutters.
Most be getting rusty.
Nothing wrong with that last one!
Yeah, it was alright.
- No, no thank you.
But it still ain't my money game.
If I got to bowl for $25-50 a game,
I'd better sharpen up.
Come on, help yourself.
Why pay bar prices?
No, thanks.
The beer is good.
Make a boilermaker out of it!
That's all beer's good for.
Been a long time since
I had one of these.
Hold this, will you?
What outfit were you in?
Oh, no outfit I guess.
I never got out of Camp Roberts.
- Roberts?
What do you know?
I did basic there.
No kidding?
- Yeah, what a joint!
Couldn't wait to get shipped over.
- You got over, huh?
- Yes
- Pretty rough, right?
That was a rumor
I heard in Paris.
Oh, Paris.
Ola la!
You know what you could get for
one crummy pack of cigarettes?
The markup was terrific!
Sure wish a guy could get a buck
that easy these days.
Things kind of slow, huh?
- They're up and down.
Mostly down. It's tough
getting anything steady.
You can drive a car, can't you?
- Yeah.
Walk me to my hotel. Come on,
it's only a couple of blocks.
Maybe I can put you on to something.
Okay, sure!
- Hold this, will you?
What is your name?
- Tyler. Howard Tyler.
Tyler, eh?
Where are you from, Howard?
- Boston.
Boston, eh?
Throw me that brush, Howard.
One of these days, I'm going back to
Berlin. What a town!
I never could decide between those...
big German frauleins
and those little French dollies.
I gave them all the same break!
Have you ever noticed one thing
all women have in common?
They all like the same color.
Yes, I know what you mean.
Not bad, eh?
Eau de nuit.
Smells good!
- Smells expensive.
$6.50 a bottle!
A guy gotta keep himself in shape.
I used to play a little handball
at the YMCA.
You never know when you're going
to get in a beef!
What size collar do you wear?
15 and a half.
That's too bad.
None of these I can spare, but...
Feel that. Real silk.
Silk makes my skin itch.
Fasten that, will you?
- Sure.
That's platinum, not silver.
You sure treat yourself alright.
- Yeah. Think I need a shave?
No, you look good!
You know what time is it?
Are you going somewhere?
- I have to go home.
Jerry, about that job
you mentioned...
My wife doesn't know where I am.
Keep her guessing. They respect
you more that way.
You like this one?
- Yeah, that's good.
Buddy of mine gave it to me.
I liked it and he took it
right off his neck.
I'll introduce you sometime.
He's quite a character!
He can afford it. He averages
20 bucks an hour, five hours per night.
$20 an hour? What does he do?
Run a diamond mine?
What diamond mine? All he
does is pick up 5 little cards.
Only five little cards.
Only he knows what they are
before he picks them up.
That's some job.
I know another guy that averages
$400-500 a week. Sometimes more.
He'd be willing to split with
the right partner.
He's the guy I was thinking about
for you. - For me?
You just have to drive his car.
Think you'd be interested?
What makes you think he'd want
me for a partner?
My personal recommendation.
All you have to do is drive his car.
He does all the work.
What kind of work?
Oh, you know, rob a gas station maybe
a liquor store. Nothing risky.
Oh no, wait, Jerry, I didn't know
that you were...
talking about that kind of work.
Oh. Is something wrong?
I have done many things
in my life, but...
Suit yourself!
Just trying to give you a break.
You asked me, didn't you?
Yes, I asked, but...
Do you have any
better offer lately?
You guys kill me! The more they kick you
in the teeth, the better you like it!
What are you looking for?
Here's 10 bucks! Live!
Don't get sore, Jerry.
- Who's sore? I feel sorry for you!
Tell your troubles to the 1st National
Bank. They got a Tough Luck Department!
Come on, take the 10 bucks
and out of here!
- Jerry...
- Yeah?
Who's your friend?
Who do you think?
Oh, hello, Howard.
Listen, Mr. Yaeger,
Will you do me a favor?
Can you go over and tell my wife
that I won't be home for dinner?
I've got to see about a job.
Yes, thank you.
Thank you very much, Mr. Yaeger.
There it is.
Are you nervous?
- No. Well, maybe.
So was I the first time.
You get used to it.
Pull up pass the joint.
Keep it in gear.
Stay where you are.
Get over there and drop that rag.
Look who's here, Jesse James.
- Button it up!
Do what he says, Joey!
Are you just as tough with an old couple
when you ain't got that gun?
Shut up.
- Joey, Joey!
He's lucky I didn't kill him!
What about that guy that came in?
Any trouble?
No. I told you, didn't I?
Never have any trouble.
How did you do?
Hello, Mr. Yaeger. Is Judy here?
- Yeah.
We're all watching television.
Come in.
No thanks, tell Judy that
that I want her, will you?
Get out of my way, varmint!
Nobody ever called me varmint and lived!
Mrs. Tyler, your husband wants
to see you.
They're heading up by Cactus Creek!
Tommy, put on your jacket.
- It's not finished!
Come on, put on your jacket.
Good night, everybody.
Gee wiz, Mom!
Why do we have to leave now?
Can I stay a little longer, Pop?
The picture is almost over.
Did you get my note? I didn't know
what time... - That's alright, honey.
Very soon we will have
our own TV.
Howard, you got a job!
Isn't that wonderful!
Tell me. Is it a good one?
- What do you think?
I got an advance on my salary.
Don't you want it?
Tell me about it, Howard.
Well, talk about luck.
I happened to run into this guy...
He's a foreman at the
Santa Sierra Cannery.
He said I can use a guy like you on
the night shift! $50 a week to start!
Oh, you'll be working nights.
- What's the difference?
How about something to eat?
- Oh, baked ham! It's so expensive!
So what? We've got the right to
live a little too!
Oh boy, potato chips!
Son, you still want that two-wheeler?
- And a television too?
When your old man says something
he means it! Don't forget that!
Howard, have you been drinking?
Well, just a couple.
This fellow and me kind of celebrated.
Tommy, wash your hands first.
Alright. They're not so dirty.
We'll put the TV set right here.
- Oh, Howard.
And we'll throw this piece of junk out!
- Don't be silly.
When we get that TV set, you can have
the whole neighborhood here anytime!
You see, Professor, boogie woogie is
the most scientific of musical forms.
It is the only one that allows the
pianist to keep the music going...
with one hand and
feed himself with the other.
Drinks are on the house!
Don't be shy.
Gil, darling...
Dinner looks beautiful!
You look beautiful...
You smell wonderful.
The phone, darling. It is for Hal.
He can use the alcove extension.
And listen, I heard Nicholas barking
down the street.
Vito must be coming back.
Hal, telephone for you.
Why don't you take it in the alcove?
- Oh, thanks.
Vi, I believe that our great
man is almost here.
Honey, shall I invite him over for the
game tomorrow night?
Oh, Vi.
Why not? If he's such
a mathematical genius,
he ought to be able to play
a little bridge!
Time and Space have met!
Isn't it wonderful what the H-Bomb
has done, Professor?
It's made a scientist almost as
important as a good fullback!
Vito, we thought you were lost.
- My humble apologies.
This rascal was chasing a cat!
Nicholas, I thought I told you to
bring the Doctor straight home.
Don't be too hard on him.
There are magnets stronger than beauty.
In addition to the cat, he met
a lovely French poodle.
That call was from Fowler.
There's been another holdup
out on Highway 101.
Did you tell Chuck
to stop the presses?
I can no longer take a position...
removed from the problems
of everyday life.
There are no ivory towers.
Hal, I can not talk business
on an empty stomach.
A recipe that we got in Rome.
Remember, El Greco's?
Before you go, I'll fix you some of
that polenta. With quail.
I'm grateful for that day you and
your men found me.
First honors, Vito.
- Thank you.
The boy was badly slugged.
Why don't we go down there after the
party? You could do a special feature.
On a holdup?
Plates everybody!
Why not? Remember that
liquor store two nights ago?
And the service station stickup
the day before?
Two petty thefts, Hal. Don't try
to talk us into a crime wave.
Maybe we're in one and don't know it.
A crime wave would help our circulation.
Wait a minute, Vi. That's not enough
for you. You're growing girl!
My diet!
I thought you hired me to write
a column, not general news.
Maybe a bonus would interest you?
A bonus?
Did you mean money?
That might make a petty robbery
very significant!
Say you'll do it for me, Gil. You've
got a big following in this town.
With your byline on a special series,
I could really sell some papers!
What are you two plotting? - The boss
is trying to get me to work tonight.
Don't you dare take Gil
back to the office tonight.
I'm just getting used to him being
home nights and I like it.
And besides, we have guests.
- But this is important, Helen!
Do you understand, Doctor?
My mathematical mind suggests
an alternative.
Why couldn't the house guest
accompany you?
This wouldn't interest you, Vito.
Vi, have some mint sauce,
Hal's discovered that we are
in the middle of a crime wave.
On the contrary, all waves interest me:
light, sound, and crime waves.
See darling? I have to work
tonight, just to entertain Vito.
It seems I'm going to be a
headline widow again!
Well, let's live while we can.
Who wants more wine?
If you get a lead Officer, let me know.
We'll get onto this guy.
Lot of out-of-state hoodlums moving
into California towns, fellows.
No, this looks more like some
local roughneck.
Yeah, this guy likes
to leave his trademark.
Smoke, fellows?
- Thanks, Mr. Clendenning.
Yeah, Hal?
Get this, Vito.
The angle we'll take is there's some
Eastern gang operating...
in the community.
That always makes good copy.
That is what is known as
building up the family trade.
When we finish with this, the city
will think that it has been invaded.
Mr. Clendenning, a thought
occurred to me.
Isn't this destructive to
the public health?
This distortion of realistic values?
It's not that I personally go in for
sensationalism. I don't.
If I had my way, I'd minimize
crime as much as possible in the paper.
In that case, wouldn't the digestion
of your readers be greatly improved...
if you put the editorials on
the front page...
and crime news
on the editorial?
How about that, Hal? Where is
your sense of social responsibility?
I have my share, but selling
newspapers is my business.
Good night, Doctor.
And don't forget my invitation!
I'd be happy to show you around
the plant anytime.
- Thanks. Good night.
- Good night, Hal.
Better get some gas while we're here.
They could use the business now.
Joe, fill it up, will you?
- Sure thing.
Gil, tell me something.
Are you not afraid of the effects
this exaggeration of violence...
may have on your readers?
- Hal's little crime wave?
Vito, Hal works with a very
fundamental formula:
people love to be scared to death.
They more you scare them,
the more papers they buy.
If frightened people are the
measure of newspaper sales...
business must be very
profitable today.
Crime Wave!
Read about the crime wave!
Crime Wave!
Read about the crime wave!
I've been thinking about
that job tomorrow night.
It's got me plenty worried.
You're always worried. Listen to
what this guy Stanton says:
"The outbreak of hoodlumism in this
county in the last two weeks...
is described by Sheriff Demig as the
work of a flood of expert gunmen."
How do you like that?
We're a flood of expert gunmen!
We ought to send them our pictures
for the front page, huh?
You know what we can get for it,
don't you?
For what?
- Tomorrow night.
Sure, but look at the payoff.
What did we get tonight for risking
our necks? $ split!
This way,bang!
Once we're done,
we're on Easy Street!
That is the only reason
I'm going for it.
After that, believe me...
no more.
You ain't going chicken on me, are you?
You'll be there?
I'll be there.
I'll be there, Jerry.
I may be a couple of minutes
late, but I will be there.
Yes, okay.
How do you like the black?
Hey, cowboy!
Now these I do like.
Have these in her size?
- I'll look.
They are very much too fancy!
Where would I wear them?
We are going to step out one of these
Saturday nights! Get them in her size.
I have to get going.
Buy what you want, huh?
- Okay.
- Bye.
So long, partner.
- Gotcha!
- Never do that, Tommy.
Sorry, but you have to be more careful.
You can put someone's eyes out.
- Okay, Daddy.
You're making me nervous!
He may be late.
He may be in there another hour.
No, he's always out by 11:00.
Those folks must set an alarm clock.
Will you relax?
Look Jerry, keep your hands off.
Don't shove me!
Want to stick your chin out for
peanuts the rest of your life?
Don't you want to get some real dough?
To be someone for a change?
I'm here, ain't I?
Yeah, you're here.
What'd I tell you?
Right on time.
Lovely evening!
What's the idea?
I feel like a ride.
Just my style.
Why don't you turn her over?
Let me hear how it sounds.
- Look...
- Turn her over.
Not bad.
Get going!
Straight on Elm.
Where did you get the suit?
The suit, where did you get it?
Around here?
I have them made.
- Around here?
New York.
You guys treat yourselves alright,
don't you?
New York, eh?
How do you like that?
Why tie me up? My wallet's in my
pocket. There's $20 in it!
$20, huh?
You can do better than that.
If we ask your old man nicely,
he will do much better.
Yes, indeed. A lot better.
- What's my father got to do with this?
Say ah.
Open your mouth!
Let me know if it's too tight.
Get in there!
- Johnny, please.
- What do you have to go now for?
I have to go, it's late.
Tell your boyfriend that you
went to the movies.
I told him that last night.
Be nice, Johnny.
It's late, I have to get back.
Fine, have it your way.
Oh, Johnny, wait!
You see me on Thursday, really.
Call me on Thursday.
So there was nobody here
since the war, eh?
Hold his feet.
Aren't we going to take him in there?
- Hold his feet!
If someone comes here one night,
they can come here any night.
Where will we take him?
- Quit talking so much!
This is where we hit the jackpot!
Jerry! Wait!
Jerry, what are you doing?
No, Jerry!
You do that again, and
I'll break you in half!
Are you his brother or something?
Jerry, you never said that you
were going to kill him!
You want him to give our
description to the cops?
I've got more brains than any of them!
I've got more brains than any of you!
Jerry, don't!
You can't kill him just like that!
Come on, help me get his tie.
That's right. And his watch.
I guess you're right. The cops
have our description.
Too bad.
Here's his tie clip. We will
send it with the ransom note.
You're going to still
try to collect?
What are you talking about? You
think I slugged him for the fun of it?
Put it in your pocket!
20 bucks alright.
Let's get him into the water.
Come on, we ain't got all night!
Howard, is that you?
Why aren't you asleep?
You woke me up.
What time is it?
Why are you so late?
Go to sleep.
I was having the most wonderful dream.
I was in the hospital,
having the baby.
And this time, it did not hurt
at all.
She said "Daddy" the minute
she was born.
Rub my back.
- Does it hurt?
Just pressure.
You do want a girl, don't you?
Are you sure there's no pain?
Don't lie to me.
I want to know.
I'm alright. I feel fine.
What's the matter, Howard?
Nothing, why?
Your hands are trembling.
I felt a little cold.
Much better.
She had the biggest blue eyes.
Just like a picture.
I left the hospital and
I took her shopping.
Isn't that funny?
We went to the same store...
I bought the dress in today.
I was buying her a pinafore.
Hey, Gracie...
bring me another order of those
French fried onions.
One bicarb coming up!
Where were you?
I said 5:30.
Lay off, I don't feel so good.
Didn't I tell you to stop slopping down
that shellac? You want to get ulcers?
What'd you eat today?
- I ate.
- What?
- Soup.
Do you call that eating?
Bring him a steak, Gracie.
- No, I don't want it.
- How about a sandwich?
Yeah, give it to him.
Bring him a cup of coffee first.
He don't feel so good.
One cow on a slab.
Here is our insurance policy.
Take a look at it.
Some dividend, huh?
- How about you?
I already talked to Velma.
She's got a date for you!
We'll mail this from Dawson so it
will have an out-of-town postmark.
Give me the tie clip.
What tie clip?
The clip that I gave you last night.
The one we took...
I haven't got it.
What do you mean you ain't got it?
- I don't know. I must have lost it.
- Can't you anything right?
- Don't get sore, Jerry.
- Why do we need that clip?
- Because that was the way...
Sure you don't want some coffee?
Coffee keeps you awake at night.
Come on, dive into it!
Velma is waiting with a girlfriend.
Jerry, I've been thinking about...
the women. It is risky to bring
women into this.
You've been thinking.
What with?
Couple of guys blowing into a strange
town might attract attention.
If there are a couple of dames,
just looks like a party.
I guess you're right.
I can't do it.
Well, come on. It's getting late.
We got a 40 mile drive ahead of us.
Hey beautiful, how about a check?
Something wrong with your sandwich?
No, he just don't feel so good.
Now you can go into business
for yourself.
Hey, Cisco.
Look, Cisco! That way!
Cisco, we're surrounded!
Look out amigos or I'll run over you!
What are you doing?
Come on, out, out.
How many times must I tell you
do not touch what is not yours?
Go home. I have to make
a phone call.
And don't touch the car!
I wanted to say:
"Listen, you fat old hag..."
"Why don't you go someplace else
and have your ugly puss worked on?"
I don't see why Paul puts up with her.
She causes trouble every time
she comes in the joint.
And you can't say that
is good for business.
She wouldn't be satisfied
if I made her look like Miss America.
Ooh, baby, take it easy.
Anyway, I've been
thinking about quitting.
Jerry's got some kind
of a deal on.
He won't tell me about it, but from the
way he acts I know it's big!
He keeps sending plenty.
Him and me this;
him and me that.
You know, I told him the other day
I always wanted to go to Havana.
You know what he said?
'Maybe you'll get there yet,"
he said.
"That ain't a bad idea," he said.
"Not half bad."
But it was the way he said.
What's he like?
Jerry? Honey, he's nature's gift
to women! No fooling.
Don't get any ideas now!
He is mine.
All mine.
You know I wouldn't make a play
for your boyfriend.
Thank you.
And besides, I'm saving myself
for the man I marry.
That's sweet.
Did Jerry say anything about
what his friend is like?
No, only that he was nice.
Kind of quiet he said, nut nice.
I like them quiet.
Just hope he's not bald.
Oh, there they are now!
Jerry, honey?
Come in!
Hello, baby.
Hey, you want to knock my breath out,
you big baboon?
Honey, I'd love to knock
your breath out!
Meet Howard Tyler.
- Delighted.
- Hi.
Watch yourself. He's a dog with
the dolls. I don't want no trouble!
Oh, allow me to present
Miss Weatherwax. Mr. Slocum, Mr. Tyler.
Hi! How about a drink before
we get started, honey?
Think you could dust off
some glasses?
They're not dusty, I'll have you know.
How do you do?
- How do you do?
Honey!, Watch your driving!
How you two doing back there?
Don't do anything you would
be ashamed of.
He makes me nervous.
Where are you from, Howard?
Back East?
Oh, yes, Massachusetts.
I noticed you talked different
from folks around here.
I was born in Ohio.
You were?
You're not married,
are you Howard?
I'm glad.
I wouldn't go out with
a married man, you know.
I'm not either.
Married, I mean.
Get me some cigarettes,
will you, Howard?
Take a couple of mine.
Would you get me some cigarettes?
And mail this for me, will you?
I forgot to write to my mother
last week.
Knowing you, it's for a dame!
- Give it to me!
Give it to me!
It's for my Mother.
- I was only kidding.
You do that again,
I'll cock you one!
Look at the wild cat,
this is how I like you...
when you're mad like that,
you really send me!
I'll send you alright.
And it won't be to your Mother!
Aw baby, I was only fooling.
Oh, come on.
Don't be mad at me.
Come on, wipe it up.
Wipe it up.
You big baboon!
Excuse me.
- Alright, help yourself.
Okay, if you don't mind waiting.
My wife had a kid this morning.
Got to let all my friends know.
I never thought I'd be standing
on a street corner mailing...
letters about a kid of mine!
I've been married nine years.
We had almost lost
I suppose you think I'm
acting goofy...
but it kind of bowls you over.
Do you have any kids?
You may be able
to tell me something,
Is it normal for them to cry
all the time?
- Oh sure, they all do that.
- Really?
I've been a little worried about it.
I was ashamed to ask the doctor.
How much he weigh?
6 pounds, 3 ounces.
Boy, is he a whopper!
Well, nice to talk with you.
Good night.
I almost forgot.
Have a cigar?
Thank you.
Any complaints?
Come on, Hazel, will you relax?
The crook lost.
Constance, I'll take this party.
I wish I could!
No offense.
You have good taste.
Sit here.
A little service, please.
That's the idea.
Hey, wait a minute.
What have we got here?
Hey, our silverware!
It is authentic. Directly
Stockwell hotel.
Wait a minute.
Oh, look at this!.
Hey, shake!
That'll teach me
to keep my hands to myself.
If you think I'm screwy,
blame my psychiatrist.
I didn't pay my bill last month,
and he let me go crazy!
Come on, let's dance.
Waiter, bring a couple of Bourbons.
Give these two anything they want.
- I'll have a double bourbon.
- Yes, sir.
Why don't you have some coffee?
I'll be alright when I have a drink.
You've had enough already.
Maybe that's why you don't feel good.
Why don't you have some coffee?
I don't want any coffee.
I want a drink!
I'm sorry.
You have very nice hands.
Did anyone ever tell you?
I ought to know. I'm a manicurist.
You really have lovely hands!
Only you don't take care
of them as you should.
What you need is a
good manicure.
You'd be surprised what a good
manicure would do for you.
Would you care to dance?
No, no...
Good night, Howard.
Or maybe I should say good morning.
It's almost light already.
Well, good night.
Call me up sometime!
Who is it?
Just a minute.
I'm so sleepy. What time is it?
It's not even nine yet.
Won't you come in?
I must look awful!
The place is such a mess.
Haven't you gone to bed yet?
You must be very tired.
Will you sit down?
- Want some coffee?
- No.
Just a drink.
We had a grand time last night.
Didn't we?
- Yeah.
I bet I know why you
couldn't sleep.
You've been drinking too much.
Don't you think you should
take it easy?
I don't like a man who
drinks too much, Howard.
You want me to like you, don't you?
I like you.
You're nice.
You're real nice.
Wouldn't Velma be surprised!
Have you ever been married, Howard?
No. No.
I sure like you.
You're nice even if you do drink.
I guess I'll have to reform you.
That's what I have to do.
And now, a message from
our sponsors to you...
Oh, that radio.
Isn't it awful about that kidnapping?
People who do things like that
should...Well, I dunno.
"Police are intensifying the search for
Donald Miller since his car was found."
- Give me that!
- What is it, Honey?
Sometimes people do things they don't
mean! Things just happen!
You're very tired.
Why don't you lie down?
Put your feet up and rest.
You know what you've got something
in here?
Caught in the cuff of your pants.
It's pretty.
It's a tie clip.
22 carats. That's solid gold.
Give it to me. Give me that.
You said your name was Howard.
What's the DM stand for?
Give me that!
What's the matter with you?
If you're going to behave like this...
I didn't want to take this.
Jerry made me.
Why did he have to kill him?
He just said he would hold him until
he got the money.
He never said
he was going to kill him!
Why did he have to kill him?
Where you going?
Please, Howard. No place!
You're going to the police.
No, Howard.honest.
I like you, Howard.
You were going to tell them!
Let go of me!
I wouldn't hurt you, Howard.
I like you, Howard.
I wouldn't do nothing, Howard!
I've never been in trouble before.
I don't know what to do!
I didn't know he was going to kill him.
Before God, I didn't know!
Oh, Judy, honest I didn't!
What's taking her so long?
- Give her a minute.
Now we have to chauffer her
all over town on Sunday!
She's got a lot of nerve!
He's been gone two days...
and he won't be the first man who walked
out on his wife at a time like this.
Do you want the kid to hear?
And she's pregnant!
Now you know why I never
wanted any kids!
Life's too uncertain.
Those who can't afford kids,
shouldn't have them.
The watchman says they haven't worked
a night shift or weeks!
That's funny.
I bet Howard didn't want you to know
he had been laid off.
That's it.
That's what's been the matter.
He lost his job and didn't
want me to know.
That's why he's been acting
so peculiar!
Sure, with a baby coming...
He's worried himself sick!
- There, Judy. Don't upset yourself.
Perhaps we should go to the police
station. - Oh no, no.
I don't want to go the police.
Just drive me home.
Howard will be there.
I know he'll be back!
Sure he will.
Get right in.
What's going on up there?
- Police cars!
Judy, they are at your house!
- Please hurry, Mr. Yaeger!
Mr. Tyler is in there, officer.
I saw him not more than 10 minutes ago.
He's in there, alright!
Excuse me.
Here is his wife.
What's going on?
- Lady, you'll have to stand back.
It's my home. I live here!.
- Lieutenant!
Here's a lady who says she's
the guy's wife!
Bring her up here!
Please tell me what's the matter.
- Are you Mrs. Tyler?
- Yes, what's happened?
- Your husband is in trouble.
Do you have a key?
Howard, oh no!
Oh, there must be some mistake.
If you have a key, you can avoid
your door being broken in.
Yes, of course.
There he is!
Howard! Howard!
Please don't shoot!
I always told you he was no good!
What did my Daddy do?
- Nothing, son. Can't you keep quiet?
Stay back, folks.
You could get hurt.
Keep it open, men.
Move back, Johnny!
Please don't shoot!
What did he do?
Richardson, come here.
Take care of this lady.
You can get hurt.
Tyler we've got you surrounded.
You haven't got a chance!
Mommy, what did Daddy do?
- I don't know, Tommy.
Come out with your hands up.
Tyler, your wife and boy are here!
You don't want them to see you hurt!
Come out!
Oh honey, what did you do?
Please don't hurt him.
Please don't hurt him.
Sorry to be so long.
I want to get the coroner's report.
This is a gruesome mess.
You should see what they did that
poor kid.
Are such men human?
The war taught us that sometimes
God's children can be inhuman.
Try not to think about it now, darling.
We'll be late.
No, I have to go back to the office. You
go ahead. I'll try to meet you later.
There is Tyler.
He is the one who confessed.
That pitiful creature.
You wouldn't think that if you saw
what they did to Donald Miller.
I know, Vito, pity is a very
nice human emotion.
What they did is
absolutely inexcusable!
Thank you, Mr. Senator. I'm glad
you like the way I'm handling it.
Yeah, it was pretty brutal.
Thank you for calling.
That's the sixth call in half an hour.
Gil, this is the most vivid
piece of writing you've ever done.
I can't get over what they
did to that kid.
You wouldn't do that to an animal,
let alone a human being!
I'd better get to the courthouse.
Where's Vito?
His morning walk.
He should be back.
I've gotten to like him so much.
- Yeah, he's the best!
I've got to go. They're arraigning
Tyler this morning.
Try to be back in time to
take him to the station.
The train leaves at 2:30.
- Right.
Vito! I was afraid I'd miss you!
- Gil, I...
I must talk to you about this.
Hello, Helen.
Can you make it quick?
- You are condemning...
these men without trial,
without an investigation.
All of this is a direct appeal to the
emotions of your readers.
Well... that's the idea, Vito.
But Gil this is wrong.
This can have serious consequences.
As a reporter, you have great
I'm trying to meet them.
The first one is to get the story!
I've got to run.
I'll try and get back in time.
And don't worry, Tyler and his partner
will get a fair trial.
Hey, Mike.
- What?
Where you going?
- Do not ask me, Gil. I can't talk now.
That was a great story you got on Tyler.
- Yeah. You got a lead on Jerry Slocum?
Do not ask me.
Hey, Sheriff!
And don't let anybody take any chances...
- Where are your boys heading?
Where are you going?
- With the boys, to Dawson.
- Wait until it's verified.
Carl, you handle Car 2.
You know I'll let you know as soon
as we have something definitive.
Listen, go easy on this stuff
in your paper.
What are you complaining about? I have
your name in the headlines, right?
We have a problem. I don't want to see
this town worked up, and neither do you.
You know what I mean.
Slocum and Tyler may be guilty...
and maybe not.
Either way, they're entitled to a fair
trial so take it easy.
Okay, Pop!
Just take it easy!
Kirk, where is the Tyler arraignment?
301. Judge McEllroy.
They're just about finished.
Finished? I thought it was for 10:00?
They changed it this morning.
Hello, Stanton.
What are you doing here, Beecher?
Hello, Gertie.
What? This is big stuff, Gil!
- Front page in San Francisco!
Beecher, here come the girls!
Hello, girls. Could you step over here?
We'd like to get some pictures.
Well...I guess that would be alright.
Well... I don't know...
I'll get some pictures, and then
we can lunch together. What do you say?
Now girls, can you just...
just put your arms around each other.
Which one of you did
Tyler confess to?
Well, it was me. But I didn't
know he was married!
Alright honey, now smile.
Oh, honey...
I can't...
Pardon me. Let us through.
Mrs. Tyler, can I get a statement?
- No statement!
But I'm Gil Stanton, of the Journal.
I think you're the last man
Mrs. Tyler would like to talk to.
Some of us came all the way
from San Francisco!
No statements!
Please have some consideration!
Where have you been?
I thought the arraignment
was for 10:00.
They switched this morning.
I wouldn't have known myself if...
I hadn't come here on
some other business.
I had breakfast with the mayor.
He feels like we do.
We're doing a great public service.
He loves your story!
It is time that people realize
we have a job ahead of us here...
cleaning up this town.
I told you I'd make it!
Is Vito packed?
- Yes, he's packed.
That gives us time to talk
before he leaves.
- Vito, I'm sorry...
This is Mrs. Tyler.
Yes. Mrs. Tyler and I met at the...
How are you?
Please excuse me for coming
here like this.
I don't like to bother you.
Not at all.
Mr. Stanton,
I know how you feel
for my husband, but...
Could I get you something?
No thank you, I'm alright.
You see, he's been out of work...
and I'm going to have another baby.
It was on account of me that...
You mustn't blame yourself. Lots of
men get out of work, but they don't...
I hate to say this, Mrs. Tyler, but...
sometimes we don't know the
people we live with.
No, you don't understand.
You don't know Howard.
- Mrs. Tyler...
your husband confessed.
- I know, but...
it isn't just what he did. It's...
it's everything.
Please, Mr. Stanton.
You can help him if you want to.
I'd like very much to
help you Mrs. Tyler, but...
believe me, there is nothing I can
do for your husband.
Oh, you don't know Howard.
He's not a monster like you
called him in the paper.
He wrote to me last night.
Please listen.
"Dear Judy,
I'm writing you this
so you will forget me.
I'm guilty and I deserve to die.
I will die in peace if I knew
you will forget me and forgive me...
for what I've done to you.
You're a good girl and
you deserve better.
I shouldn't have married you
and had a family.
Don't cry for me, baby
because I got what was coming.
I want to get this all
off my chest.
I went with Jerry and stuck up
four or five places.
I can't remember how many now.
I was too drunk.
I've been having bad headaches
and bad dreams.
I keep thinking God is coming after me.
I'm sorry for everything.
I'm sorry for you and Tommy.
I'm sorry for Donald Miller...
and his mother and father.
I didn't know Jerry was going
to kill him.
This is the truth
and may God strike me dead.
I am not...
saying this to save myself,
because it is no excuse.
I'm glad it is all over.
I want to die.
It is no use to live...
when you're no good.
Judy, baby...
I want you to forget me.
You're a good woman and you
can find a decent life.
I am sorry I let you down.
Go back home and forget me.
Howard. "
That's why I begged you this morning...
not to treat this tragic crime
with thoughtless emotionalism.
- But Tyler is guilty.
- Yes, Tyler is guilty.
But hatred is not the answer.
It is wrong to treat Tyler
and his accomplice...
as if they weren't members
of the human race.
Men do not live in a vacuum.
They live with one another.
And if a man becomes a criminal,
sometimes his environment
is defective.
We should be able to start
with the child.
That is why I decided
to make my lecture tour.
In my own small way, I've
tried to point out...
that violence is a disease caused by
moral and social breakdown.
This is the real problem...
between nations
as well as people.
It must be solved by reason...
not by emotion.
With understanding, not hate.
Only thus...
can we regain
the moral center of our universe.
Do you not remember how often...
we discussed these things
in the old days?
Of course I remember, Vito.
Of course, you're right.
I used words as criminally
as they used that rock.
It is easy to forget
our humanity.
Hal, please!
Hal, please don't start this run!
Give me 20 minutes to write
another story.
What are you talking about? This is
the biggest story to ever hit this town!
No, Hal! We can't pre-condemn these
men they way we've been doing!
You're crazy.
No matter you figure it...
Tyler and his partner killed
that boy in cold blood!
Whatever they get, they deserve!
It's wrong, I've been wrong!
We can't do to them what
they did to Donald Miller!
Well, looks like we'll have to
re-plate anyhow!
They just brought Jerry Slocum
back from Dawson.
There's a crowd gathering outside
the jail at the courthouse.
Honey, they caught those kidnappers.
Everyone's going to the courthouse!
The Lord knows your
hidden sins!
Come on, they got him!
Wait for me!
Come, come, come on!
Why didn't you stay home?
Why don't you folks
go back home?
What's the matter?
Afraid someone's going to get hurt?
We'll go home when we get
what we came for!
Operator, operator, you cut me off.
I was talking to San Francisco.
Well, here's your party.
How do you like it?
This is not what
I wanted and you know it.
So what?
Does that make it any better?
There's liable to be a lynching
in this town tonight.
Those two guys upstairs might be
murdered, and you'll be responsible.
You and that yellow rag you call
a newspaper!
Now listen, Lem...
- Yeah?
Okay, use the tear gas
if you need it.
Operator, I'm waiting.
I thought I was talking with Frisco.
Get off that phone, Beecher!
I'm going to get you, Howard!
You hear me?
When I get out, I'm going to get you!
I'm going to get you, Howard
if it's the last thing I do!
Do you hear me?
Shut up!
- Pipe down, yellowbelly!
Hey, Jerry!
Give us a crack at him!
I will get you, Howard!
I'm going to get you!
You hear me? I'm going to get you
if it's the last ting I ever do!
Spot all the faces you can
so we'll remember them.
A lot of people will go to jail
for this tonight.
Listen to me!
All of you!
This is Sheriff Demig speaking!
A lot of you are family men.
Most of you are law-abiding citizens.
Go on home all of you.
These men are entitled
to a fair trial.
Let's save the taxpayers money!
We're going to give them the same trial
they gave Donald Miller!
We live in a democracy,
and in a democracy there is no place
for mob violence.
I warn you, every one of you!
You are breaking the law!
There is no law against what's right!
Are you passing laws against justice?
I'm holding you legally responsible...
if anything happens to these men
under my charge.
Hey, jailer!,
Come on, open up!
What about me?
Open these!
Come on, open these!
Quiet down, you guys!
Quiet down!
Open these doors! I dare you!
Open them!
Open them! I dare you!
Open these!
Open these!
Shut up!
Yes, Tyler?
Do you think you'll be able
to hold them off?
I can't lie to you,
it does not look good.
Sheriff, will you see what you can do
for my wife?
Please don't let anything
happen to her.
Nothing's going to happen to your wife.
I promise you.
Would you tell her to go home?
To Massachusetts?
Tell her I have some money.
It's in an old coffee cup
in the shed,
near the toolbox.
I was saving it for the doctor.
I'll tell her.
Anything I can do?
My name's Gil Stanton.
- Gil Stanton, the newspaper guy?
- Yeah.
Look, I do not know how to say this...
I'm sorry.
It's alright, what you said about
me was the truth.
Please, Mr. Stanton, do what you
can for my wife and kid, please!
Yes, I will do everything I can.
Mr. Stanton, when you see them,
will you tell her that I love her?
No, don't tell her I love her.
Tell her to go home
and forget me.
Tell her to forget me!
Quiet! I want 50 guys with guts
to go in and get them!
Let's go!
Seen Clem Demig?
Let's go!
Come on and get me!
Come on!
Come on and I'll kill you!
Come on!
Come on and I'll kill you!
Come on!
Come on and I'll kill you!
There he is!
There he is!
Let's go get them!
Mommy, Mommy.
Tommy, baby.
What's the matter?
I'm scared, Mommy.
I'm scared!
Go to sleep, Tommy.
Go to sleep, baby.
Everything's going to be alright.
Everything's going to be alright.
Helen, stay there!
Sheriff, I...
That sound...
Never forget it.
I'll never let them forget it.
Well...I've got a newspaper to get out.
What are you going to say?
What do you want me to say?
You don't know?
Yes... I know.
Violence is a disease caused by
moral and social breakdown.
That is the real problem.
And it must be solved by
reason, not by emotion.
With understanding, not hate.