The Spearhead Effect (2017)

[Evan] It's been said that
for every action,
there is an equal
and opposite reaction.
This creates a pendulum.
And endless back and forth
of blurred causes and effects.
All of our debates,
all of our contentions,
knock against one another
over and over.
This noise creates
our status quo.
This is our rhythm.
But, what if someone
steps outside of this cycle?
What is someone does
something unexpected?
Something revolutionary.
They can destroy
the pendulum.
But in doing so,
they've also created
a new one.
A bigger one.
Size to fit the stakes,
they've said.
This is the Spearhead effect.
[Jake] It's been, uh...
five years,
since it happened.
I don't want to talk about it.
I mean, what's there to say?
- [grunts]
- [gasps]
How am I supposed
to get closure?
The man that did this
is still out there.
I just want to say thank you
for the outpouring of support
after my last video.
I didn't expect it.
But it is good to know
that I am not alone,
that I am not the only
one out there
who feels
frustrated over this.
You know I'm not just talking about
the violent criminals that walk free.
I am talking about the system
that allows it to happen.
Maybe we need to stop talking
about "them", and "they."
Maybe "we" need to step up.
Start taking accountability. Start
cleaning up our own messes,
instead of just reaching
out to the cops and the courts
to solve our problems.
When Officer Bradley
was questioned by superiors,
he claimed that his radio had
been switched off accidentally.
The result
of this investigation,
two weeks paid suspension.
That's called vacation
where I come from.
The individual officers are
short of something to blame,
they betrayed their oath
to protect and serve.
But I can't be the only one
wondering if this behavior
is condoned or even encouraged
down from the path.
Maybe it's time
we stopped asking questions
and found out for ourselves.
[loud club music playing]
[Jake] Oh, yeah.
[all] Cheers!
[Jake] The negligence I
uncovered over and over again
shouldn't come
as a surprise.
Instead of just complaining about
it, we can do something about it.
Step up. Take accountability.
Don't wait to become
a victim. Defend yourselves.
Lead by example.
If an animal is cornered, nobody
is surprised if it lashes out.
Why should you as a human
being be any different?
Those are strong words.
Nine million views,
two police departments
under investigation,
twelve officers
already fired.
Mr. Stetson, do you
consider this a success?
This isn't about me.
Okay, its about making sure
people are held accountable.
About making sure that we don't
have to go through our lives,
fearing that we are gonna
lose someone close to us.
When your online presence
began, shortly after your
own family tragedy,
are you motivated
by justice or grief?
No, I am motivated
by the need for change, Shelby.
Okay, it's time that we
reexamine this archaic system
that provides
little retribution...
No, you're trying to dismantle
the institutions of justice.
No, I am trying to bolster
these institutions
to hold themselves
up to higher standards, sir.
You said that people shouldn't
wait to become a victim
before they defend themselves,
this is a clear call
to vigilante...
I can't control the nuances of
how people interpret my message.
Okay, I am simply
keeping people informed.
- Protected. How they choose to do so...
- Give me a break.
Is of their own accord.
Carrying mace
is one thing,
but what do you think
about all these groups
that have been popping up
all over the country
calling themselves
The Pioneers.
[Ramsey] Well, it seems clear how
people are interpreting his message...
[Jake] Oh, come on, you
can't place the blame
solely on my shoulders
for this.
Well, Mr. Stetson,
do you think this
has gone too far?
I believe that
if these groups
are getting information
that leads to violent criminals
being taken off the streets,
then no, it's not too far.
Okay, I simply see civilians
protecting each other.
Doing what's necessary
to keep the streets...
Now, you call bashing in a
victim's knee caps protection?
Since when do we allow
that in America?
You call a verified felon
trolling the streets
with a firearm a victim?
The police couldn't and
wouldn't have done anything
until after the crime occurred.
Okay, I am simply
watching people
do what's necessary
to keep the world
a safer place.
Definitive action
is a slippery slope.
What about
the burden of proof?
For both of you, what about
the burden of proof?
You're right, sir. That's exactly
what it has become. A burden.
Okay, listen.
Listen, it's simple,
let me explain it to you, you stay
on the right side of the law,
and you have no reason
to fear these pioneers.
Mr. Stetson, are you one
of the men behind the masks?
No, Shelby.
I am not one of the men
behind the masks.
Okay, I can do far
more in public
than I could ever do,
behind one of these
silly masks.
You sit behind
a computer screen
all day, young man.
What do you think
that law enforcement is?
I believe that I am doing
exactly what you do, sir.
I am analyzing,
[overlapping chatter]
Mr. Ramsey, one minute please,
I'd like to ask Mr. Stetson
a question.
I understand, Mr. Ramsey,
Mr. Stetson, regardless
of the controversy
there is no denying
you endured
an awful tragedy with the
death of your mother.
Do you believe yourself to be
in the right state of mind
to face all this attention?
I've never felt better.
[Shelby] Well, your profile
has certainly picked up steam
in the last few weeks.
How have your friends and
family reacted to all of this?
It's... It's great.
It's wonderful to have
support behind me.
It... it... Everyone
has just been... great.
[Shelby] I'd like to thank you, Mr.
Stetson, for being on my show.
[cell phone vibrating]
See the interview yet?
[Mr. Stetson] No, I haven't.
Do you want me to resend
you the link?
[Mr. Stetson] No, no,
don't worry about it.
I support you, Jake, but I don't
support you making yourself a target.
I'm fine, Dad. Okay?
- [Mr. Stetson] Yeah, well, you sleeping okay?
- Yeah.
It's good. Any more of those
nasty emails or threats?
Dad, okay, anybody is...
gets death threats, all right?
- [Mr. Stetson] It's one way of looking at it.
- Yeah.
Look, you didn't just embarrass those
cunts, you toyed with their livelihood.
Look, Dad, if we're just
gonna talk about this,
why don't I just call you
tomorrow, okay?
[Mr. Stetson] They are not
gonna take that lightly.
Yeah, nor should they.
[Mr. Stetson] Why don't you come up
for a little while? Take a break.
Get your mind off things.
I don't wanna talk about this, you know.
I'll call you tomorrow.
[Mr. Stetson] Jake,
would you just...
Hey, can I get an autograph?
What's up, man?
How you doing, dude?
Ah, you scared
the shit out of me.
You seem like an easy target.
Wait, what are you doing here?
I thought you were still
up at school.
Grad school.
Journalism, right?
Yeah, I graduated like,
- last summer.
- Oh.
Came here looking for a job.
Any luck?
- No. Nothing.
- Well...
I tried calling you. What,
you changed your number?
Stupid thing. You know, you
got to be safe sometimes.
Check out.
I wish you had let me
know you were in town,
we could've got a drink.
Ah, man, I've been slammed anyway,
don't worry about it, you know...
How you... You doing
okay, yourself?
Yeah, I've never been better.
What are you
doing right now?
Want to grab a drink?
Place down the street
has a great Taco Tuesday.
It's Thursday, dude.
That's right, yeah.
I got some research
to do anyway, so...
let's make it tomorrow.
Greenman, eight o'clock?
Yeah, cool. Sounds great.
Leave your hidden camera
at home though, huh.
[laughs] Yeah, good one.
Good to see you, man.
- See you tomorrow.
- All right.
[man on radio] Brings me to
the story Sasha referenced
at the top of the hour
about the newly weds.
A new wife cooked her husband
a roast one night for dinner.
The husband noticed that both ends
of the roast have been cut off.
He asked, "Why?
Why would you cut
the ends off in a roast?"
The wife became defensive
and said,
this is how her mother
always did.
But she was secretly curious,
so the next day she called her
mother asking about the roast.
Her mother said, "Well,
that's just how my mother
always did it."
The young wife then
calls her grandmother.
- And asks about the roast. The grandmother said...
- [cell phone vibrating]
"Well, sweetie, stoves
were smaller back then,
that's the only way
it could fit."
[man muttering on phone] You like
squealing? When is your birthday?
You know, fuck you.
[door squeaking]
[heavy breathing]
[Daniel laughs]
Wedding was a blast.
I just couldn't get over
how fat everybody got.
I'm serious.
It was disgusting.
Ah, it happens I guess,
Everybody was
asking about you.
[Jake clears throat]
[Daniel] I saw your
interview last week.
- Yeah?
- Your dad must be real proud.
My dad thinks
that I went too far.
Made myself a... target.
Maybe he's got a point.
Give me the matches.
Remember this one?
Fucking party tricks, man.
Some things never change, huh?
I don't get it.
What's there to get?
I mean, what's the point?
There doesn't have
to be a point.
What's going on?
Something's up. I can tell.
Somebody broke into
my place last night.
Did you call the cops?
Somehow I doubt
it will be news to them.
What, you think the cops
broke into your place?
Left me a message.
Typical scare tactics.
Has this happened before?
A couple of emails, phone
calls, but nothing this...
Oh, this is serious, man.
This is exactly the type of behavior
I am trying to highlight, okay?
They're practically handing me
motivation and ammunition.
Besides, if they actually
plan on doing anything,
all they do is make
me a martyr.
Maybe you should lay low for a
little while, you know, like,
get out of your house, like, go
stay with your dad or something.
Thank you.
Hey, no, look, I got it.
- I got it.
- It's fine. I can...
Dude, I got it.
I am getting phone calls
for book deals
if you can believe it or not.
Plus I know you got
student loans to pay off.
So, my treat.
Are you sure you feel
safe at your house?
Why don't you crash
at my place?
I got a couch you
can sleep on.
You know, it will
be good to catch up.
My treat.
[Daniel] This is you.
Make yourself at home.
You know...
You got enough books in here.
Yeah, well, you like playing
with fire, I have my interests.
Maybe I like actually
playing with fire
instead of just
reading about it, huh.
You know what?
Oh, and you know, by the way,
try not to broadcast my address
all over the Internet,
you know I prefer my walls
without bloody threats, okay?
All right.
Shower pressure,
the water is little wonky,
but, will be all right.
Yeah, make yourself
at home, man.
Wanna watch a movie
or something?
Ah, dude, I really
got to get to bed, man.
These interviews
are kicking my ass.
I wanna get at least 12 hours
of sleep tonight. You watch.
Yeah. Pretty beat too.
- Yeah, good night.
- Hey...
Meant to ask you earlier.
You never said what you thought
about the videos I post.
No, it's cool, right?
[clears throat]
Good night, man.
Good night.
Thanks again.
- [grunts]
- [gasps]
[clock ticking]
[door opens]
[door closes]
Excuse me, guys.
Thanks, man.
So where did you go last night?
Two o'clock,
I heard you walk out.
Oh, yeah, I...
Couldn't sleep. I felt
a walk would clear my head.
For three hours?
Longer the walk,
clearer the head, you know.
I thought you were getting
laid or something.
You know...
You all right, man?
Yeah, it's fine, it's just...
you know, job interviews
aren't really coming,
still got this debt
on my hands,
and you know, like...
Daniel is always talking
about his student debt.
He never mentions his weekend
trips to the casino, does he?
Dude, I told you that...
And he neglects to mention
his celebrity friends.
Jake, this is Evan.
Evan, this is Jake.
Sure... Have a seat.
I hope it doesn't embarrass you
if I say I admire your work.
No. Not at all.
We actually got
to get going.
You got a job
to rush off to?
Yeah, thanks, Evan.
So when can we expect
your next expose?
Waiting for an inspiration
to strike.
How do you two
know each other?
We're in the same book club.
Book club. Really?
What are you reading?
Crime and Punishment.
We have some pretty
lively discussions.
Especially last night.
Last night?
You guys meet pretty late
for a book club, don't you?
You should swing by.
Maybe we can provide you
with some inspiration.
I actually don't think we got
enough room, really, you know.
I mean, no offense, Jake,
but you probably wouldn't
even like it anyway.
Okay, you guys are fucking
with me, right?
Why don't you two
talk about it?
I should get back to work.
All right.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
Okay, what the hell
is that shit?
Sorry, he can be kind
of a douche.
He's a douche?
You're the one
with your panties in a wad.
Like what's the shit about the casino?
I thought you were done with that.
All right, I'm not gonna
get lectured by a guy
who's got half the police
force after him, all right?
Look, I've known you
my entire life, you know,
I just want the best for you,
you trust me, right?
Yeah, of course.
Then just let this one go.
You said you wanted to
lay low for a little while.
Just lay low.
[clock ticking]
[door opens and closes]
What the...
[muffled talking]
[Evan] Fuck you, guys. I'm
not gonna tell you anything.
[man grunts]
[man being hit]
[man] You're gonna have trouble
walking out tonight.
[Evan] Where did you
get the kiddy porn?
[man 2] God, I bought
it from Boyd, all right.
[Evan] You know
where to find him?
[man 2] Yes.
Just... fucking let me go!
[Evan] What do you
guys think?
[man 3] I think
he's full of shit.
[man 4] Let's cut his
fucking junk off.
[man 5] I say
we follow the lead.
It's what we're
here for, right?
[Evan] All right.
If you're leading us
on a wild goose chase...
[cell phone vibrating]
[door opens]
[door closes]
[classical music playing]
[knocking at door]
Yeah, coming.
[clears throat]
Who is it?
[Evan] Who are you?
[Evan] Yeah, open up.
- Hey.
- What's up?
Daniel's not here.
We were supposed to
grab some food.
He's at a job interview.
- A miracle.
- Yeah.
Well, what about you? Hungry?
I am in the middle
of some work.
Yeah, I can use a break.
You and Daniel met in college?
No, we grew up together.
I actually didn't graduate.
Isn't that funny?
Daniel goes
to journalism school,
gets himself
a 100 grand debt.
He can't find a job
to save his life.
And you are just doing it.
He's doing what he can.
He's analog, you're digital,
my friend.
What do you mean?
He played by the rules.
You didn't ask for permission.
You adapted.
Survival of the fittest.
- Daniel is a nice guy...
- Nice guys don't move history forward.
All right.
Look at it this way.
In the 1800s,
if someone wanted knowledge
about a particular subject,
they went to...
the encyclopedia.
Now of course very few people
could afford their own
encyclopedia Britannica sets.
And even a smaller group of people
actually wrote the entries.
The system had limited access,
limited contribution,
limited points of view.
But now,
now we've got Wikipedia.
We've got open source
information. Blogs like yours.
If someone seeks knowledge
about a particular subject,
there are endless options.
Everyone has access.
Everyone contributes.
Now we've seen this evolution play
out in virtually every business,
and human system,
in the western world.
the justice system.
But see what you've done,
you've called upon
the general population
to start making
their own contribution.
To stop outsourcing
their protection.
Everyone knows the saying, "It
takes a village to raise a child."
But what they forget,
it takes a village
to protect one.
You make it sound easy.
And one person can only
do so much though.
In the 1930s,
scientists declared it
it all but impossible to
run a four-minute mile
until Bannister got
it by half a second.
Since then, over thousand
others have done it.
All it takes is one.
What's this?
Uh, just looking
into the place.
It's a rent or...
For your work or something?
- What do you...
- You're not one of those people
who asks, "What
do you do," are you?
Come on, let's go, man.
Let's eat.
Dude, when are you gonna
start locking your door?
Hey! You ditched me.
What! No...
I left you a message.
Hey, how did the interview go?
Good. Very good.
I think...
I hope you're more mean
than that when it really counts.
Hey, no brews?
I'm on a cleanse.
I can run back out
and get some.
- Yeah!
- You just got here.
It's no problem.
I could use a walk.
Clear my head.
- Thanks, man.
- Yeah.
[cell phone vibrating]
[man] You like squealing?
Well, fuck off, huh.
You think this
is getting to me?
You think this is going
to shut me up? Fuck off.
[plastic bag rustling]
[man laughing]
- [man 1] New fish.
- [man 2] Yeah.
- Welcome.
- There he is.
[Evan] What do you think
of our book club?
[Daniel] Put this on.
It's me.
[Evan] I'd like to
introduce you to Boyd.
Boyd here is what you
call a system golden boy.
Aren't you, buddy boy?
[Boyd] And what about you?
You fucking play ball too.
[Evan] Yeah, but you
play literally deformed.
Don't be so hard on him.
It's not easy when
it's complified work
that can be any easier
on the sex offender list.
[Jake] What did he do?
[Evan] Let's show our friend
what's behind door number three.
Is she young enough
for you, huh?
Is she young enough?
[Jake] How do we know
they are his?
[Daniel] We found them on him.
[Evan] Possession is
nine tenth of the law.
And half of this was
strictly speaking, legal.
I mean say we had waited
for a warrant,
Boyd here would have
had plenty of time
to dispose the evidence once he
realized we were watching him.
I know how you feel
about bureaucracy.
[Boyd] I know
my fucking rights.
[Evan] Which is exactly
the problem here.
The system is more concerned with protecting
your rights than getting results.
But what about her rights?
What about her rights?
[Jake] I mean, why physical
pictures, why, like a paper trail?
With all this NSA shit,
these pedophiles,
they are reverting back
to their old ways.
You can't trace physical
pictures back to an IP address.
Problem is, even when
you find a symptom...
[Evan] You still have to trace
it back to the infection.
You see Boyd here,
he's just spare change,
a tentacle,
another hydrant.
[Boyd] Fuck you.
[Evan] We wanna
find the heart.
I don't know shit.
[man] Yeah, that's what
your friend said.
The one you
sold the pictures to.
But first, that's when we
we didn't ask so politely.
[man 2] He could've
made it easier on himself.
Like you can now.
[Evan] Look, what's this, huh?
You like to be punished, huh?
Is this what you want?
Is this what
you're going for, huh?
You want this?
You like this?
Fuck, fuck.
Okay, okay, okay, I sold.
Okay, I sold the pictures.
[Evan] You sold the pictures.
I didn't have a choice.
[Evan] Had no choice...
- How the fuck else was I gonna get a job?
- [Evan mocking]
I swear, I didn't touch the kid.
- [Evan mockingly]
Touch the kid, huh?
I sold the pictures but I barely
even looked at them, I swear.
Yeah, we can help you out
with a beer.
[man] How'd you like that?
[man 2] Military grade
pepper spray.
[man 3] You gonna talk now?
- Okay.
- [Evan] Who gave you the merchandise to sell?
I don't know.
It was a drop.
He would text me the location,
and I would pick it up.
We never even spoke...
[Evan] Bullshit,
tell the truth.
I don't know. Please.
Please, I don't know.
[Evan] What do you think?
Satisfied he's in this shit?
You think we should
let him go?
[Jake] Yeah, I...
[man] Come on,
speak up, son.
[Evan] Hey.
I don't know that...
He wears a red baseball hat,
low... so you can't
see his face.
[Evan] Where did you meet him?
At the pier.
Tuesday afternoon.
[Evan] Okay, where at the pier?
No set location.
I just wander around it
and he would find me.
[Evan] And he always
wears the red hat?
You can't tell him
I told you, okay?
He knows my name,
he'll kill me.
[Evan] Oh, ain't that
a fucking shame.
Hey, you think he
would've told the cops that?
No. No, he wouldn't. Hey.
That was nice.
It was real nice, young man.
That was real nice.
let me go.
[man] We have to verify
the information first.
We can't just have you
going out.
Warning Mr. Redhat, can we...
You'll tell the police, right?
You'll tell them that I cooperated.
Maybe they'll help me
get a job, you know.
[man] Oh, he's gonna do it.
He's gonna do it.
Oh, yeah!
[indistinct muttering]
[water flowing]
[knocking at door]
- Jake?
- Yeah.
You all right?
Fine. Yeah.
I tried to tell Evan that you
wouldn't want to be a part of this.
It's not that simple.
Maybe it's like you
said in the interview, huh?
You can do more work
without a mask.
I mean if people found out
that you were there tonight,
it would destroy everything
you've accomplished.
People are desensitized.
It would take me doing
something really fucked up
to get them to change
their mind now.
Go back to trusting
the police.
Maybe if I...
filleted someone...
or burned someone
alive, then maybe, but...
even still, as long
as you were guilty.
Yeah, but why risk it?
You know, what if you just kept doing
your thing, and we'll do ours,
and just pretend
you never saw anything.
- What's up?
- All right. Give it in.
- How was that for inspiration, huh?
- Yeah.
Little better than sitting by
the computer screen all day.
- It's different.
- Yeah, it's different.
I mean, shit, you inspired it,
but now you're part of it.
Wasn't I already?
Yeah, but those
were just words.
Words are meaningless
without action.
You guys certainly have
the action part down, huh?
We're fucking nobodies.
All right, you, you got
an audience, a vision.
With us, you could be the
one to change everything.
Why did you slash his eye?
He gave you the information
that you wanted,
you didn't need
to slash his eye.
Okay, so maybe I got
a little carried away
but don't tell me you're
feeling sorry for the guy.
- No.
- If you don't want to be a part of this,
- then I guess we're just...
- I didn't say that, okay.
All right.
We just got a sick fuck
off the street.
Next up is this red-hat guy,
we're gonna have the whole
operation under water.
Yeah, can't argue
with the results.
If you're gonna talk
during the meetings,
you need to be strong,
none of this...
pitter-patter bullshit,
- you know what I mean?
- Yeah.
You need presence.
Give it a shot.
Yeah, just... you know,
try a few things out.
Well, what am I
supposed to say?
I can't tell you that.
Either tell me
what I want to hear...
You got to convince
yourself first.
- Okay? Hey, look at me.
- [clears throat]
Those things that you
push under the surface,
just let 'em come out.
All right?
Just give him some space.
[whispers] Fuck you.
[sighs] Fuck you.
You think the police
can help you now?
Do you think
I give a fuck,
what the cops say?
I am the new law.
I am the one that you
will beg for your life.
And assuming that
I let you keep it,
I am the one that you
will pray to never see again.
Everytime you open your eyes
assuming I let you keep
them in your fucking skull.
I am the one
with the power now.
I am the one that
can make it all happen,
I am the one that will
change everything!
I am the one that
is the guardian!
I want you to beg
for your fucking life!
Because you deserve to die
for what you did!
[water flowing]
[Jake] So we just wait
for this guy now?
No, we split up.
All right, Daniel,
you take the boardwalk.
I'll take the parking lot,
you got the arcade.
Think he'll be armed?
He's a kiddy porn peddler, for
God' sake, not Tony Montana.
Yeah, it's a valid question.
Look, if this scares you...
I know you aren't.
So fucking act like it.
[carnival music playing]
[cell phone vibrating]
Coming through.
Excuse me.
Daniel, Evan, he's up here.
He's up here.
I think I got him.
[Evan] Hey.
Jake. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Holy shit, man.
Where the fuck
were you guys?
We thought he
was coming around the...
- I guess not.
- Where are your fucking badges, man, huh?
Aren't you guys gonna
read me my rights?
Yeah. You got the right
to shut the fuck up.
Now, what have you
got for us, huh?
What have you got for us?
What's this, huh?
[keys jangling]
They're not mine, man.
You do the honors.
What are we
gonna do with him?
[Jake] What's that smell?
[man] You'll see.
[Evan] Who are we going after now?
The guy he's reporting to?
[Evan] Don't worry about it.
The camera.
[man] It's on.
[Jake] You guys post any
of these videos online yet?
[Daniel] No, we're waiting
for the big finale.
- What do you mean big...
- [Evan] All right, all right, let's get started.
Who's missing?
[man] Can't a guy get
a smoke break around here?
What the fuck, man!
[Evan] You're not used to being on the
other side of the camera, are you?
Wait a minute.
Let's discuss this, all right?
Clearly you guys think I did something.
I don't know what it is.
But whatever you think it is,
- I promise you it's not...
- [man 1] Oh, not, not.
Not, not, not what we think,
not profiting
from the defilement of this.
You're wrong. You're wrong.
That guy attacked me.
I just panicked.
You saying you wouldn't
do the same thing
if it happened to you,
you wouldn't defend yourself?
He just came at me, man.
[Evan] Why do you
think that is?
I don't know what the fuck
you're talking about,
- but whatever it is...
- [Evan] We can't prove, right?
Anything we found
in truck of your car,
someone else
put it there, right?
Oh, yeah. Sounds right.
[Evan] Well, if the cops ask,
maybe we put it there.
[man 1] Must be us.
Brain juice, so we could
get our rocks off.
[man 2] Oh, I'm hard, baby,
I'm hard.
Have a chance to work
off the little streaks.
- Yeah, get it out.
- That sound about right?
Yeah, sure.
Let's just speak
about this, okay?
We'll have a discussion,
man to man.
[Evan] "Man to man."
You think
you're a fucking man?
You think we all can do
what you do?
[man] Come on, man, answer.
[Evan] You don't even
deserve to speak.
[man] Here we go.
- Come on, now.
- Cat got your tongue?
[Jake] I don't think we need a
confession from this guy, okay,
we have everything
we need in the trunk.
[Daniel] You really
wanna risk that?
What the fuck are you
doing with that?
No, no, no, what
are you doing?
What are you
doing with that?
No. No, no. [screams]
Evan, this isn't on our menu,
okay, I just...
No one's here
to play kit kat.
[man] Tough squirt.
[man] Check it out.
[Evan] Ah, just
another scratch.
- I... I...
- What's that?
You have something you'd like
to get off your chest, huh?
Hey, give me that.
Give me!
Hey, you want to try?
- All right.
- No, no, no, no.
- Here we go.
- No, no, no, no.
[Jake] He just said
he would tell.
[Daniel] What, this is the kind
of guy you want to take easy on?
[all laughing and cheering]
You were saying, huh?
Something about telling?
Did you want help?
Right there.
I want to get out of here.
Do you...
I've got kids at...
I am serious.
I just watch them a little.
They didn't know nothing.
Just thought it was play time.
I am sorry.
I was young.
[Evan] You fucking
piece of shit.
[man] They were young,
you fuck.
[Evan] I know that
was difficult for you.
Purging yourself
off all that filth.
All that filth you spread,
you're just gonna keep
it in your head, could you?
Well, I tell you what.
All that filth you spread,
I think that's
where it belongs.
Inside of you.
We're gonna
help you with that.
Aren't we, boys?
[men laughing]
[man] You were wondering
what that smell is?
[Jake] What the fuck is that?
What are you guys doing?
[man] Well, his mind's
in the gutter,
we figure why shouldn't
his body be.
No, no, no, you have his confession on
film, okay? You don't need to do this.
Take him to the police.
Have them deal with it.
[man] We are just
filming his confession.
[Evan] This guy is a sick fuck.
You saw it for yourself.
Give this guy
some refreshment.
[man] My pleasure.
Get it down.
Get it down there.
Get it down there.
[men chanting]
Chug! Chug! Chug!
[cheering and laughing]
[Jake] Stop!
[Evan] You got
a fucking problem?
This is just torture
for torture's sake.
[Evan] Don't you get
the fucking point here, huh?
Who are you protecting
right now? Nobody.
Who is this guy giving
up right now? Nobody.
[Evan] We can make him
an example.
You do whatever you want,
all right?
I'm not gonna be a part
of this anymore.
Hey! You think we're gonna
let you walk out of here?
With everything you've seen?
[Daniel] I told you
he wasn't right for this.
This isn't right for anybody.
You talk about guys like this
getting off of something sick,
you're no different.
You think real change happens when
you sit back and lecture about it?
No! It happens when you
set a new standard.
An extreme message yields
extreme results.
Set the standard.
Send the message.
That's what I thought.
Maybe you are right.
Maybe we should let him
sit in his own filth,
I mean look at this
fucking guy.
What do you think?
I said what do you...
What the fuck are you doing?
- Get after him.
- [man] Come on, let's go.
[engine revving]
[cell phone vibrating]
[instrumental music playing]
[cell phone vibrating]
What the fuck.
[woman chattering in distance]
Fuck you, Fuck you. Go back...
[indistinct chatter]
Help you?
Yeah. A room.
What you thinking, one?
Hours. How many you need?
A whole night.
Hey, are you alone?
- Yeah.
- Hey, if you...
want me to introduce
you to some friends,
I could send a girl
your way.
Or a guy.
Just the room. Thanks.
Hey, do I know you?
I swear I've seen
your face before.
Hey, if you want, I'll introduce
you to my friend Molly.
If you want a little line,
just tell me.
Fuck you, prude.
Just trying to make some cash.
[man] If you can just
get out of my way
and let me get do my fucking
job, that would be great.
[Keller] I think
maybe you're with him.
I think that's explanation for so many
hookers coming in and out of here.
[man] No, the explanation
is, because this is a hotel.
Because all I am doing
is checking people in...
[Keller] On an hourly
rate maybe.
- [man] Who cares?
- Listen, no more meth,
hookers, or crack heads,
all right?
You're wearing me out.
Officer, Officer, wait,
wait, look.
Okay, this is gonna
sound crazy,
but I need to report
the kidnapping
of three child pornographers.
Wait, let's go back
to the beginning.
You want to report
a child pornography, right?
No, no, no. I need to report
the kidnapping
of three child pornographers.
You know the guys
that are doing it,
T-t-the Pioneers,
the group of guys that are
going after the criminals?
They are coming after me now.
What'd you do?
I didn't do anything.
Probably be easy to smooth
this out if you...
wanna come down
to the station with me.
No, no, I can't go anywhere
near a police station, okay?
They threatened me
if I went to anyone.
You sure it's the only reason you
wouldn't feel safe in a police station?
What, you think I didn't
recognize you?
You're the flavor
of the month.
I doubt there's a station
anywhere that doesn't
have your picture hanging
on a dartboard.
Now, just wait a second,
I wanna get this straight.
So you go out in the web
with a call of action
for the men and women
of this fine country
to rise up and take the law
into their own hands.
And now that these pioneers
have actually done so,
you wanna report them
to the very people
you set out to criticize.
What's the matter,
they stealing your thunder?
I watched these guys
rip the tooth out
of a man's head.
Child pornographer?
Well, just judging
from the fact
that you got three
of my buddies fired,
for not having in your words,
"The balls to do what
needs to be done,"
that I'm just a little surprised
that you're so dedicated
in protecting
these types of folks.
What are their names?
The guys in the masks.
What are their names?
The main guy,
his name is Evan.
Last name?
Do you know any of the others?
Do you know any
of those names?
Where any of them live?
Everybody was in masks,
okay? I don't know.
I can show you something.
T-t-the house.
Where they took him, what
happened, I could show you that.
This is it?
Yeah, I'm positive.
Thought you said
it was empty.
None of this was here.
There was a "For sale" sign.
- [knocking at door]
- No hammock.
[doorbell ringing]
[man] Coming. Coming.
- Hi, can I help you?
- I am Officer Keller.
Mind if I ask you
a few questions?
I'm sorry to bother you, sir,
but you mind telling me
if you moved in here recently?
I've been here four years
Four years.
Well, is the house
up for sale,
on the market?
- No.
- Hey, is that Luke?
Hold on.
Um, I'm sorry, is there anything that
I can help you with, in particular?
Well, there's been some reports of
vagrant squads in empty houses,
and your neighbor here
thought he saw few of them
coming out
of your property.
Tell you what?
What about loud noises,
you hear any last night?
Around 2:00 a.m., screaming,
something like that.
No, I was in bed by 11:00
and I am pretty sure screaming
would've woken me up.
I'm sorry, you saw people
coming out of where?
Oh, nowhere exactly.
I mean, they're staying low.
Not at sight.
Basements, garages.
You... You got
a garage back there?
Okay, look, he's lying.
Okay? Everything...
These guys have
a lot of talent.
No. No, look,
look, okay, everything...
They must've used the place
without them knowing.
Emptied out
quite like mice, right?
- Well, he is in on it.
- Of course.
Look, I am telling you okay,
you're being played, okay?
No shit.
[panting] Sorry. Look,
you got to believe me, okay.
Believe in what?
You got no names,
no witnesses,
no probable cause,
no crime scene,
and no missing persons reports
filed on any of your
supposed victims.
And for that matter, no reason for
me to believe this is anything
but another sting operation for
your little documentary project.
It's not, I swear
to God, okay?
Don't come back again.
Don't call.
Any phone call traced
back to your number,
will be considered
a prank call.
And will be prosecuted
These guys are after me.
Let me tell you something.
If they are real,
and they are out to get you,
I hope I do find them.
I'll shake their
fucking hands.
[instrumental music playing]
[woman] Oh, my God!
[phone ringing]
[Mr. Stetson] Jake, I've
been trying to call you.
It's one thing to not
see a person for over a year...
- Dad, look I'm...
- You can't just
go silent on me
with everything that's...
I know, Dad,
I'm sorry, okay?
You can't keep annoying the
people who really care.
Jake, you understand?
You know...
Just listen.
Dad, listen.
I'm listening.
Look, I'm ready
to come home.
You are?
Oh, Jake, that's great.
That's great.
There is something
I need to do first.
The same.
You okay once I left?
Yeah, I still have all my
teeth, if that's what you mean.
Look, we have
to act now, okay?
We have an opportunity.
Any names.
Any... Whatever information
you give me, okay?
I can't give you any information
'cause I don't know anything.
Look, I have a platform.
I have a voice.
I can fix this.
You think you can just retract
everything what you've said,
just log in to your webcam,
and say, "Oops I didn't
realize what a slippery slope
it all was," and everything
will just go back to normal?
I mean even if that
would work,
I don't know anybody's name.
I don't know where
anybody lives.
Evan insisted that we all use
burner phones to stay in contact.
He know everybody, but...
he wanted us to all
to stay anonymous,
so we wouldn't get cold feet
and run to the cops.
I talked to them.
The police.
Hey, relax.
Relax, okay?
I kept you out of it.
I took him to the house.
There was someone
living there
and the garage
was filled with stuff,
it was completely changed.
Yeah, they wouldn't
risk going back.
Evan talked about
finding some place new.
Some place where they
could do something bigger.
- More extreme.
- More extreme?
You guys are already
out of control.
This isn't what I meant
to happen.
Hey, you didn't publish
a hand book
when you posted all those
videos, all right?
No, it's like starting
a forest fire
and trying to control
where it goes.
How'd you let it
get this far?
This isn't like you, man.
Started with just
a couple of guys
kicking some ideas around.
Some people saw your videos
and they agreed.
And whenthe first Pioneer
group started showing up,
it just made sense.
I just...
don't think anybody
how it's noble over time.
Haven't you ever felt that?
I mean you're
so caught up in the ride,
that everything up
the window is just...
seems like a blur.
After it happened...
I just drew blame everywhere.
I didn't know
what else to do.
Instead of solving any of my
own problems I was just...
wallowing in misery
for five years.
Fighting for somebody
who isn't here anymore.
It's not a solution.
An obsession.
It's a lovely sentiment.
Can I get you
another drink?
Come on, you thirsty?
I'll take that as a yes.
Fuck you, Evan.
I said, drink.
Grab his phone too.
Do I have to ask again?
Don't you have somewhere
to be or something?
Yeah, I do.
Actually, we all do.
So, you better finish
these drinks.
You know, it's a shame.
I overestimated you.
Some people just are better
behind a computer screen.
You took it too far.
That's the only way
to get people to notice.
You should know that by now.
I can't. I...
- Hmm?
- I can't.
Come on, I know you got a weak stomach,
but at least finish your damn drink.
You two get to be a part
of something special tonight.
We're taking things
in a new direction.
Finish your drink.
Come on, Daniel,
stay with me.
One more.
To the digital age.
[glass shatters]
[Evan] Come on, we're
gonna be late, let's go.
Let's go. Forget him, come on.
Come on.
[Evan] The men before
us, are pedophiles.
Rapists. Traitors.
Men who, if left
to the justice system
to detect and arrest,
would still be free
to continue their activities,
until or if, they
would even stop.
Now, we can't erase the past,
but we can change
the outcome of the future.
We don't do this
because we enjoy it,
we do this, because when the
system needs adjusting,
when the system favors
structure over effectiveness,
someone needs to create
a better way.
And if no one else is willing
to step up to the plate,
we will rise to our duty.
I'd like to take
a moment
to address those who
may question our methods,
call them violent, dramatic,
I ask you this,
why did the Sons of Liberty
board British ships
and throw their tea
into the ocean?
Why not destroy the ship
Because they wanted to catch
people's attention.
They wanted to show
the world just how outdated
the system they'd accepted,
the system, they'd trusted
had become.
All in the name of freedom
and of revolution.
Now, here tonight,
we'll let our new friends,
here wait in the wings.
We'll let them ponder
and reflect
on what brought them here.
We'll give our old friends
one final chance at redemption.
I trust they've learned a lot
in these past few days
of our company.
I guess we'll
find out, won't we?
All right.
What do you think, gentlemen?
[indistinct chatter]
[Jake clears throat] Hey.
How's it going?
I'll watch him.
[clears throat]
[man] This is us, man.
[Jake] Now, get up there.
Go watch the show.
- I got this.
- [man] All right.
[clears throat]
- Please don't touch.
- It's me.
What the hell
are you doing here?
Getting you out of here.
What, do you got,
hacks on your coat?
[man grunting]
- Keys.
- What?
Key. T-t-the key ring.
Who has the key ring?
Who has the keys?
There's 20 guys out there.
All right.
- I'll go get help, okay?
- No.
No, no, no, no, you can't.
I'm next.
You can't leave
me here, please.
Don't leave me.
[panting] Okay.
I can fix this.
I can fix this.
I'll fix this.
[Evan] ...punishment,
do you really just feel we'll
let you walk out of here today?
Lesson learned.
You two will have the chance to plead
privately to my associates here.
If you both admit to your
mistakes and plead guilty,
you'll each receive
fifty milliamps of shock,
which I believe
is a paltry punishment...
[Jake] Where are the keys at?
Got to get him
ready back there.
[Evan] If one of you
pleads not guilty,
while the other pleads guilty,
the innocent party
will receive nothing,
while the guilty party
will receive
seventy five milliamps
of shock.
This is where breathing
becomes labored,
sometimes ceasing entirely.
If both of you
plead not guilty,
you will both receive
100 milliamps of shock,
where of course, ventricular
fibrillation of the heart occurs.
Clearly, it would behoove you
to work together on this one.
Guilty or not guilty.
- [man 1] Not guilty.
- [man 2] You motherfucker!
[Evan] Not guilty.
- You fucking idiot.
- This is all on you.
You did it.
This is on you.
This is all your fault.
It would've never happened
if you didn't make me do this.
This is all you...
[instrument buzzing]
[Evan] The instrument.
What the fuck
is that thing?
Cattle prod?
[Evan] We went over this.
It's a picana. It's intended
for human subjects.
What the fuck is wrong
with you people!
Stop it. Stop it.
Stop it. Stop it.
Did you get the key?
I've done this before.
Now is not the time.
Shut up.
They're gonna smell that.
Of a burning flesh?
[screams in distance]
These are party tricks.
[clears throat]
Who the fuck is this guy?
I don't know.
I can do this. I can do this.
[Evan speaking indistinctly]
Let's bring out number three.
[man] What the fuck
are you doing back here?
You're smoking
through the mask?
- [Jake] Fuck off.
- Whatever.
[chain clanging]
[prisoner grunts]
[Evan] Our friend here,
- is a serial rapist.
- Fuck.
Physically damaging
enough of course,
but he wasn't content
to leave his victims with the trauma
that his actions precipitated.
Perhaps you thought
it's something merciful,
not wanting your victims
to live with the memory,
you thought it's best to end
this suffering and their life.
[indistinct chatter]
Come on.
My God!
Holy shit!
Let's go. Come on.
[grunts] Ah!
Come on.
Walk with me.
[both panting]
[man] What the fuck
are you talking about?
What did he just say?
Forget it.
Got to go. Come on.
[Evan] You drowned them.
You left their bodies
swollen and exposed,
for their families to find.
How does it feel for you
to be exposed?
How does it feel
for you to be faced
with what you try to avoid?
You don't know
what you're saying.
Okay, I never
killed those women!
[Evan] Right. Gentlemen!
[man] No!
You weren't gonna tell me?
I didn't know.
Until the night...
I got this guy.
He was abducting a girl,
went back to his place,
and I found an archive.
Videos too.
Past victims.
My mother.
Did you see my mother?
Get the police.
What are you gonna do?
I need to see this.
[man] No, please!
Stop, I have a family,
please. I have a daughter!
Please, stop!
Let me go!
I mean that,
I swear to God...
[indistinct screams]
[Evan] What we believe,
is that the punishment,
should fit the crime.
with penetration.
[instrumental music playing]
Sorry, I can't. I can't.
It's too much.
Anyone else?
Who's gonna forge a new pair?
Who's gonna be...
[heavy breathing]
[Evan] Take off your mask.
I said, take off
your mask, Jake.
Take it off!
Now look into the camera,
say your name.
Jake Stetson.
[Evan] Say, "My name
is Jake Stetson.
I did what I did, because..."
My name is Jake Stetson.
I did what I did...
I did what I did
to this man
because of what
he did to my mother.
Because this man raped
and murdered my mother.
Is that what you want?
I came here to help you.
Is any of it real?
What's the point?
Extreme message
yields extreme results.
No, no.
No, you can't do this!
You can't fucking do this!
I want you to beg
for your [bleep] life.
Because you deserve to die
for what you did!
I did what I did
to this man
because of what
he did to my mother.
Because this man raped
and murdered my mother.
Wow, that was truly
- Sick, very sick.
- Now, Carole,
you've been following
the Pioneer movement
since the beginning,
is this violent murderous
manifesto possibly the end?
It's difficult to say now,
on one hand, the Pioneer groups
have fallen largely quiet,
still I think there's something
we're not seeing here.
We have seen enough, Carole.
We have seen enough.
- Everyone has.
- [Shelby] We all know you have seen enough.
There's a reason public opinion
has already shifted
wildly back into the favor
of the police.
I don't think it's fair to discount the
entire movement based on that one...
He took the flawed idea to the logical
extreme and that's what it took
for people to recognize what
this movement truly was.
I'm not saying he wasn't
motivated by grief or...
He brutally killed
the wrong man.
The man was incarcerated when
Stetson's mother was killed.
Now yes, he was
a convicted criminal,
but this is beyond anything
that we've seen.
But this is so out of character.
We're not defending Stetson.
This is what I
warned you about
when he was a guest
on your show last.
I didn't know you
warned me about him.
All right, let's go back
to the video.
...but it's preferable
to anarchy, Miss Stone.
Let's go back to...
There we go, right there.
[Ramsey] Okay. Well, look
at the ceremonial aspect.
It's methodical.
Now, this doesn't suggest
the voice of the cause.
This suggests a man
who took sick pleasure
in wrongly
administered justice.
Well, there has been no sign of Stetson since
he posted this video online or otherwise.
[Ramsey] Well, of course not.
He's in hiding
and I would do too
if I were him.
I don't think he's in hiding. Carole,
do you think he's in hiding?
I don't understand why would he post a
video that would force him underground?
- Exactly.
- [Ramsey] Carole, because he's deranged.
The whole movement
is deranged
and this finally proves it.
No, I'm not
defending his actions
I am simply
questioning his motives.
[Ramsey] ...undermines the very
fabric of American justice,
and Carole, you
should be ashamed,
you know this needs principles.
Carole, you said before
that there might be something
we're not seeing here. Are you
implying some kind of manipulation?
[Carole] Yes. Jake Stetson has
been a polarizing public figure.
- [Ramsey] Don't be vague.
- There are absolutely those benefits
- It sounds like she has a crush on Jake Stetson.
- From discrediting...
[Ramsey] Who, who exactly is the
mastermind of your conspiracy?
[Carole] I never said
there was a conspiracy,
I'm simply staying open
to the possibility
that we are not seeing
the whole story.
- [Shelby] I agree.
- It's easy to jump to conclusion.
Things are not always as
obvious as they appear to be.
[Ramsey] Oh, it's pretty
obvious here.
How else could you
possibly see this issue?
Jake Stetson started
the Pioneer movement,
perhaps it's fitting he may
have ended it as well.
But I sit here of course,
wondering the same thing
as everybody else.
Where is Jake Stetson now?
[instrumental music playing]