The Spiral Staircase (1945)

-It's in there. Number nine.
Don't stand around.
Go on home, all of you.
-What happened, constable?
-...there's been another murder.
-A murder.
There's nothing you can do.
I told you to go home. Go on.
Oh, just a minute, miss.
Are you alone?
You work out at the Warren home,
don't you?
That's nearly two miles from here.
You'd better hurry if you're
gonna get there before dark.
-Got any ideas who did it, constable?
Same fella did the first one.
Same fella did the second one.
But who he is, I don't know.
Somebody in this town.
Somebody we all know.
Somebody we see every day.
Might be me. Might be you.
Why, how could--? I mean...
-...I was here at my desk, anyway.
-Oh, be quiet.
Didn't know you was called,
Dr. Parry.
I wasn't. As I was leaving the office,
I heard about the murder.
Thought I'd see if there's
anything I could do.
Well, there ain't.
Unless, of course...'re good enough
to uncork a miracle...
...and bring the dead back to life.
I don't think I'm that good.
There's no sense in you going up.
She's dead, all right.
Dr. Harvey's up there,
and that's what he says. She's dead.
Well, in that event, constable,
I certainly can't do her any harm.
-Hello, Parry.
-Dr. Harvey.
There's nothing for you to do, unless
you're sightseeing.
-How was she killed?
-She was dead when we got here.
-Who was she?
That lame girl that
worked over at Nelson's.
How awful.
She was just in my office last week.
Did she pay her bill or was this
her way of getting out of it?
I haven't enough experience
to make that sort of joke.
Perhaps not, Dr. Parry.
-I'll run along.
-Oh, just a minute.
I hear you were over
to see Mr. Stover last night.
-Yes, I was.
-Don't you know he's my patient?
I only went because they called me.
They told me that you'd
refused to go until morning.
-I thought it might be serious.
-You've got a lot to learn, young fella.
You've only been here a short time.
I've been here for a good many years.
If I answered all the calls as they
came, I wouldn't get any sleep at all.
Well, that's why I think there's room
for two doctors in this town.
Reckon so, but let the competition
be on an open plane. Ethics.
You get what I mean, Parry?
If ever I'm called on an emergency,
and you're sleeping...
...I intend to go.
That's very noble and ambitious.
Don't let anything discourage you.
Nothing will.
Oh, by the way... might like to see
what the Stovers did... that prescription
you wrote last night.
I'm gonna make some calls, Helen.
I'll take you to the crossroads.
Were you at the hotel?
Wasn't a very nice thing
to have happen on your afternoon off.
I've been pretty busy lately.
I haven't had much of a chance
to drop in and see you.
But I've been thinking
about you a great deal.
You haven't any family, Helen.
No one else to worry about you.
And I got to wondering just
how long you were going on like this.
I mean, doing the work
you're doing at the Warrens'.
You wanted to be
a nurse or a teacher.
You mean, you're going
to give up that...
...without making an effort
to get your voice back again?
Yes, I know, Helen,
you did see a doctor once.
That was a long time ago.
They might have discovered
a lot since then.
There are specialists in Boston now.
I don't want to build
your hopes up, Helen...
...but it seems such a shame
to give up so easily.
You'd rather I wouldn't talk
about it, wouldn't you?
All right, I won't.
You know the words to that tune?
Dr. Parry.
Dr. Parry.
-Hello, Freddy.
-Pa's sick, Dr. Parry, bad.
They didn't send you for me?
Ma sent me for Dr. Harvey,
but Pa wants you to come.
I'm afraid I can't help you out
this time, Freddy.
You don't understand.
Your father's Dr. Harvey's patient.
We'll have to try and find him for you.
I'll call him as soon as I get home.
Oh, please, Dr. Parry, you come.
I want you to come.
All right, come on, get in.
We'll go up and have a look.
I'll run you home afterwards.
Afraid you'll be late?
Are you sure you'll be all right?
You'll go straight home,
won't you, Helen?
Oh, it's you. Thank heavens.
They phoned us about the murder.
For a while I thought
it might have been you.
It's terrible. That's what it is.
As if it isn't bad enough
murdering people...
...but all these defenseless women.
First there was the girl
with a scar on her face.
Then that poor
simple-minded creature...
...and now this cripple.
It seems like....
I guess you've had enough
for one afternoon.
Now-- Now, get your wet shoes off
before you catch your death.
And you'd better get up
to Mrs. Warren straightaway.
She's raising a rumpus
with that nurse of hers again.
Won't even allow her
in the room now.
She sent down word for you
to go up the moment you came in.
Is that someone at the front door?
Who's there?
I don't understand.
I closed that window
when the storm started.
I'll get a hammer
and fix that shutter.
It was him!
Carleton, bad dog!
Out all day and only home in time
to get under my feet and break my--
You're a no-good loafer,
that's what you are.
Criminals and murderers loose...
...and you're out courting
the neighbor's dog.
Oh, Carleton, Carleton,
you deserve a good beating.
Guess I better dry you first.
You'll catch your death of cold,
that's what you will.
And if you think this is all
I've got to do, you're mistaken.
I think I better fix that window first.
And I hope that Carleton
is all that came in.
I won't need you.
You'd better get up to Mrs. Warren.
Haven't you gone in
to Mrs. Warren yet?
Hurry along, will you?
It's about time. Mrs. Warren's
been asking for you all afternoon.
She won't let me
do anything for her. Oh, no.
I'm ordered to sit out in the hallway.
Why in the world am I kept on here... nurse someone
who can't stand the sight of me?
But then, I can't stand
the sight of her either.
I've nursed some queer
ones in my time...
...but she's got them all beat.
She's sly too.
Even with her eyes shut, she seems
to be watching you like an evil spirit.
But get in there before she gets
herself into another tantrum.
I got him before he got me.
The tiger, I mean.
I was as good as any man.
You're not only late,
but you're playing games.
Why are you so late?
Never mind. Never mind.
Come here.
I hoped you were never
coming back...
...that you'd run away.
Leave this house tonight
if you know what's good for you.
You understand?
Who's there?
I told you to sit in the hall.
Why must you spy on me?
I'm not spying on you.
It's time for your medicine.
-Helen can give me my medicine.
-I don't know what I'm being paid for.
You're being paid to sit in the hall.
That's all you're good for. Get out.
That was the constable
at the front door, professor.
He wants to see you.
I've asked him to wait
in the living room.
Thank you.
-Put these in order, will you?
-Yes, sir.
-Oh, constable?
-Yes, Professor Warren?
I'll be with you in just a moment.
Blanche, get these ready
as quickly as possible.
Yes, sir.
-Hello, constable.
-Hello, professor.
-Wouldn't you like to sit down?
-Oh, no. No, thanks.
You sure got a lot
of interesting things here.
-What's this?
-That? Plant life.
You mean to say you can write
a whole book about...
-...little stuff like this?
What did you want
to see me about?
Oh, a couple of things, professor.
I hate to bother you
at this time of night...
...but I figure it's important enough.
You know, there's been
another murder.
Yes, so I've heard.
What I want to say is...
...that we've traced
the murderer to this vicinity.
-Are you certain?
-Yes, that's why I've come here.
That's why I'm asking everyone
to be careful.
Keep your doors
and windows locked tonight.
Well, I'll see that your orders
are carried out, constable.
I'm especially worried about
that girl who works for you.
You see, every one
of those girls murdered...
...had something the matter with her.
Something wrong.
You mean some sort
of an affliction?
Yes. Now, my hunch is that this
murderer, whoever he is, is--
I understand exactly what you mean,
and I assure you...
...that I shall be especially
careful about Helen.
As a matter of fact, I'll see that
somebody is with her at all times.
Oh, you scared
the life out of me, Stephen.
I didn't hear you come in.
Don't stop typing.
How many times have I asked you
not to see me when I'm working?
It's so embarrassing.
-Please, leave me alone.
-I can't stay away from you.
Now, when am I going to see you,
and where?
You're not going to see me at all
if you don't let me finish this.
But I'm so bored. I don't know
what to do with myself.
Stephen, you're going to get us
into trouble. Now, please go.
Then I'll just have to finish this
some place else.
Oh, Miss Blanche.
Yes, Mr. Warren.
You remember my stepbrother?
I sure do. Haven't seen you
in a long time, Mr. Warren.
Heard you were back. How'd you
leave things over in Europe?
I left everything in order.
They like you to.
-Paris must be quite a town.
-Yes, it is.
Lots of beautiful women.
From what I've seen,
they're not so bad here either.
Always wanted to go there myself...
...but I've been married
since I was 1 6.
Never had a chance.
Must be pretty exciting.
I understand it's been
pretty exciting here for you too.
-Oh, yes, it has been at that.
-Wish there was something I could do.
-Don't think there is.
...the constable wants to know
if anyone left the house today.
Nothing personal, I assure you.
I've been asked
to check up on everybody.
I haven't been out all day,
That's all I wanted to know.
Thank you very much.
Good night.
Don't forget to lock your doors.
I won't.
His stepbrother gave him
an accusing look.
Oh, professor, could I see you
for a moment, please?
Would you mind calling him?
He doesn't know me.
You're not afraid of him, are you?
-I'm sure he loves policemen.
-I'm not in uniform.
All right, Carleton, go away.
-Well, good night.
-Good night.
Anything wrong, Albert? Professor?
I just stopped by to tell them the same
thing I told you in town today, Oates.
-See anything on your way home?
-Well, good night, professor.
-Good night.
-Your hat, Oates.
-Oh, yeah, keep forgetting.
Come along, Carleton.
Evening, Helen.
Helen, I want to talk
to you a moment.
Now, Helen, I don't want
to frighten you...
...but because
of what happened in town...
...we have to be especially careful
for the next few days.
If you should see anything outside
of this house, or even in it...
...that makes you suspicious,
I want you to let me know.
See that someone else
does your outside work.
You stay in the house.
And don't hesitate to come to me
at any hour if you need help.
Now you may go up
to my stepmother, if you wish.
...remember what I told you.
Don't trust anyone.
Leave the fire alone, Helen.
Pack your things,
leave this house tonight.
Too many trees...
...stretch out their branches...
...knock the window...
...try to get in.
When it's dark, they move.
I've seen them.
Creeping up to the house.
Go away, my dear.
You're such a little girl.
I want to take care of you.
If you won't leave the house
as l-- I ask you to... must sleep
in this room tonight.
Don't be afraid of me.
I wanna take care of you.
You see...'re not safe, my dear.
Oh, leave me alone.
You're worse than Nurse Barker.
Stop fussing.
If you won't leave the house
as I ask...
...the least you can do
is to leave me alone.
Go over there and sit down.
Sit down.
Stay where you are.
I don't need your help.
Mind your own business.
Helen, what is it?
Mother must be worse. Get Albert.
Give me the brandy, Helen.
It's empty. Is there any more?
Give me the ether, then.
Don't stand there,
give me the ether.
Why did you have
to come back, Stephen?
-Why didn't you stay in Europe?
There's always trouble
when you come, Stephen.
Always trouble.
Why didn't you stay away?
I want Dr. Parry.
-Dr. Parry?
You said you didn't want
him here anymore.
You and Albert decided that.
I want Dr. Parry.
Mother, we've given him a chance.
You haven't improved any.
I'll never improve
with that ancient Dr. Harvey.
Stupid girl. It's all your fault.
You brought on this attack.
She deliberately refused
to let me have my spectacle case.
Mother, Helen wouldn't have any
reason for refusing to give it to you.
Never mind, never mind.
We won't talk about it anymore.
Get out now, both of you.
Go and call Dr. Parry.
Will you be all right?
After all these years,
you ask me if I'll be all right.
Oh, Stephen.
Get out. Take that ether with you.
Well, Mother, I can see
that you're feeling better already.
I don't like that ether.
I don't think it does any good.
But Dr. Parry and Dr. Harvey
explained to you...
...that, taken in small quantities, it's
a stimulant rather than a depressant.
It did help you, didn't it?
There's been another murder,
hasn't there?
Nobody told me.
Nobody had to.
I always know everything.
Oh, Blanche.
Oh, Blanche, if you don't come here
I'll come over
Yes, I'll come over
Yes, I'll come over
Pale hands I loved
beside the Shalimar
Now, now.
Oh, Steve, I'm so unhappy.
-Where were you this afternoon?
-Those are mine.
-I know.
So you've unmasked me.
Well, I don't know whether
I've unmasked you or not...
...but I don't know why you told him
you weren't out when you were.
Well, to be honest, I didn't want
to discuss it in front of anyone.
Well, how stupid of you.
If anyone had seen you, you would
have made it awkward for all of us.
Where were you?
-Professor, l--
...would you be good enough
to leave us?
Let's stop sparring.
You're angry because
I took Blanche out.
You're angry because
since I've been home...
...Blanche and I have gotten
to know each other pretty well.
You know, Stephen,
you always did smirk...
...even when you were a child.
It's one of the things
my father disliked about you.
He was my father too.
I'm inclined to think that Father
was disappointed in both of us.
Neither of us fitted his concept
of what a real man should be:
A gun-toting, hard-drinking,
tough-living, God-fearing citizen.
He always used to say:
''The strong survive, the weak die.''
How wrong he was, Albert...
...because you and I...
...the meek...
...have inherited the earth.
I'll be honest with you, Stephen.
I don't like you. I never have.
I have never trusted you.
And you're quite right
when you say that I don't like...
...this interest you have in Blanche.
And I'll tell you something else.
I've had the responsibility
of your mother, not mine...
...for years,
and I'm tired and strained.
Therefore, I think
we should make a decision.
Either you make up your mind
to go away permanently...
...or, if you like,
you stay and let me go.
Helen... look as though
you lost your best friend.
You got nothing to worry about.
If anybody tried any of
their funny business on you...
...I'd soon sock them in the jaw.
Look at it this way, Helen.
Murder's like a million-dollar lottery.
Sure, it is. Listen.
You pick up the newspaper.
You see someone's picture
who's won a million dollars.
You pick up another paper.
There's a picture of someone
who's been murdered.
But it's never me and it's never you.
It's always somebody else, isn't it?
There's safety in numbers, Helen.
There's Oates and me
and the professor and Stephen.
-We'll look after you.
-And there's Carleton too.
Shouldn't count too much on him.
And there's Nurse Barker.
She'd be as good as any man.
In fact, sometimes
I think she is a man.
In case you're interested...
...there's someone
at the front door.
-What do you want?
-I was called to see Mrs. Warren.
It's Dr. Parry. Was he called?
Hello, Helen.
I suppose they called
Dr. Harvey first.
You mean Mrs. Warren
asked for me?
Well, I've got me a patient now.
I'm glad I was called, Helen. I've
wanted to have a long talk with you...
...and I'm going to before I leave.
-How are you, Dr. Parry?
-I'm fine. How are you, Mrs. Warren?
Did you know my husband?
No, I didn't, Mrs. Warren.
Of course not. He died years
before you came here.
You're a little like him.
Firm step, strong hand...
...good eyes.
Thank you. I know
you were very fond of him.
He told me I wasn't as beautiful
as his first wife...
...but I was a much better shot.
The only kind of beauty he had
any respect for was strength.
And he had two sons...
...both weaklings.
They hated guns and hunting.
He used to run away
from them, Dr. Parry.
...he got his release from a bottle.
And he died as he lived,
happily, extravagantly.
I'm sorry.
Oh, no. You mustn't be.
You mustn't be sorry for him.
You should try to get some rest,
Mrs. Warren.
Yes, I know. I talk too much.
I talk too much.
-Get Helen out of this house.
Because I know you love her.
Take her away.
Promise me you'll take her
away from here.
Very well, I promise.
Take her away tonight.
If it's money you need,
I'll get it for you.
Get me the ether, Helen.
Did you get it?
I'll go ask Nurse Barker.
Come in, please, nurse.
Will you get me the ether?
Helen can't find it.
It was used about an hour ago.
Where did you put it?
Let's have another look.
It's gone, and you're the only people
who have been in this room today.
-Unless Mrs. Warren--
-You took the ether, Barker.
Why, I did no such thing.
You always make me sit outside.
Never mind. Maybe
Professor Warren will know about it.
I'll go and see him.
Here, where's my brandy?
I finished it for your own good.
Well, I wish you'd stop
doing things for my own good.
With everything that's happening,
it's better that you keep your wits.
I'm never more witty than
when I've had a little nip.
I see better, I hear better,
and I feel much better.
Oates, would you mind coming out
a moment? Bring your hat and coat.
There it is.
Emma, let's be serious for a minute.
I want you to stay awake
until I get back.
Keep an eye on Helen.
I won't be long.
I could keep a much better eye
on Helen if I'd had a little nip.
I can't understand.
Ether was used
less than two hours ago.
Stephen used it.
He said Helen gave it to him.
I have no other supply.
Oates, I'm afraid you'll have to go
into the village for some ether.
It's stormy out.
Does it have to be done?
If it didn't have to be done,
I wouldn't ask.
All right, all right, I'll go.
He won't find any in the village.
I tried to get some.
I have to go to Morristown.
It'll take hours.
I'm sorry, it's an emergency.
We have to have it.
You're sorry, but I have to go.
You should have
some other stimulant at hand.
-Brandy? I'll get a bottle.
-That will do.
-Will you ask Helen to come for it?
Mrs. Oates.
Yes, sir?
Come along with me
while I get a bottle of brandy.
Yes, sir.
Oh, dear, now I've done it.
-Did you bring a match?
-No, sir.
Oh, well, never mind.
Perhaps I have one.
Here we are.
I think it rolled over there, sir.
I'll take it this time, Mrs. Oates.
Your key, sir.
Oh, my.
Did I put one over on him.
Easy as taking candy from a baby.
Take a tip from me, Helen.
If you carry the candle
to the cellar for the professor...
...and you fancy a bottle
of his fine old brandy...
...just throw the candle to one side.
Accidentally on purpose, of course.
Anything can happen in the dark.
Now, I'll just wipe this off...
...and you can take it to Dr. Parry.
Come into the den.
I want to talk to you.
Mrs. Warren's asleep.
Professor Warren's with her now.
I've been thinking things over.
And Mrs. Warren's right.
You should come with me tonight.
You can stay at my mother's place...
...until we can make arrangements
to go to Boston.
My mother will like you.
I don't wanna frighten you, but you
heard Mrs. Warren a while ago.
Her mind's growing steadily worse,
and I'm afraid she may become violent.
She seems obsessed by the idea
that you get out of this house.
And there may be
something back of it.
You'll go with me tonight.
There are doctors in Boston
who'll know all about your case.
I want to take you there.
When I left you this afternoon,
I dropped in at the Fabers'.
They have a guest visiting them
from your hometown.
A Mrs. Lindstrom.
You know her?
...she told me a story about a girl.
A girl who was on her way home
from school one day.
She had good news for her parents.
When she wasn't far
from her home...
...she heard a fire engine
rushing down the street.
She started to run,
and when she turned the corner...
...she saw that it was her home
that was in flames.
There was a crowd outside.
She wanted to scream herself,
but somehow she couldn't.
She tried to rush into the house...
...but was held back
because it was hopeless.
So without being able
to do one thing to help...
...she saw her mother and father
burn to death.
I'm sorry, Helen, but I had to do it.
It's only because
I wanted to help you.
Go over everything
that happened that day.
Have the courage to see it all again.
And by not blocking it out of your
mind, you may find your voice again.
I don't like being an outsider,
and you shouldn't either.
I know what I'm talking about
because I'm an outsider here myself.
A lot of people don't want me.
They want me to quit.
But I won't, because there's at least
one person who wants me here...
...and that's good enough for me.
And there's one person
who wants you to talk...
...and that ought to be
good enough for you. Look at me.
Look at me.
Remember how wonderful
it was when you had a voice?
When you could say ''hello''
or ''thank you''?
When you could yell back
at someone picking at you?
I do it all the time.
You look at me as though you don't
believe it, but I know I'm right.
Try to talk! Try it! Try it!
Excuse me.
My mother is asking for you, Helen.
I'll speak to Professor Warren
about your leaving.
What is this about Helen leaving?
I'll discuss it with your brother.
Is it something you
can't discuss with me?
Why is she leaving?
Where is she going?
Well, I've been doing a great deal
of thinking about Helen.
I know her condition
is due to shock.
I'm sure a new mental therapy
can restore her voice.
I'd like to take her to Boston.
Aren't you taking
a tremendous responsibility?
Building up her hopes.
Making her think there's some
miracle in store for her.
It's up to her, not you.
What you're doing
is cruel and foolish.
That girl is adjusted to her affliction.
I think you should let it go at that.
Suppose you let me
mind my own business.
It so happens I don't think much
of your business, Dr. Parry.
If there is a solution
to her problem... ought to be in the hands of
someone other than a hick doctor.
The thing that keeps me
from cracking you in the jaw... the almost certain possibility
that it would break your neck.
What's the trouble, doctor?
The good country doctor,
having lost his wits...
...was about to resort to his fists.
Professor Warren, I know you're
interested in Helen's welfare.
I've told you what I've learned.
I've decided it's for her best interest...
-...that she leave here tonight.
She can stay at my mother's
until we can take her to Boston...
...for the examination
first thing in the morning.
Doctor, you know
that I agree with you...
...about the element of hope
that you have for Helen...
...but what's your reason for
suddenly making her leave tonight?
Well, Mrs. Warren feels...
...that she's in danger here.
Surely you don't take the ramblings
of a sick woman seriously.
I take most things seriously.
But, doctor, there are many
other considerations.
Helen needs this position.
It's her only means of support.
No family. It won't be easy--
I've thought of all those things,
I intend to take care of her.
Oh, I see.
Well, I'm very glad for you
and for her.
You're a sentimentalist, doctor.
Are your humanitarian instincts
...only to people
with serious afflictions?
You're very insolent.
Dr. Parry.
Excuse me.
Yes, he is. Just a moment.
-It's for you, doctor.
-Thank you.
...the Wilson boy is sick.
I have to go over there.
Now, here's their phone number.
You can pack while I'm gone.
If you need anything before
I get back, have Mrs. Oates call me.
I'll be back as soon as I can.
Be sure and bar the door
behind me.
And don't let anyone in but me.
Wilt thou obey him...
...serve him...
...Iove, honor and keep him,
in sickness and in health...
...and forsaking all others...
...keep thee only unto him... long as ye both shall live?
Signify by saying, ''I do.''
Say, ''I do.''
Say, ''I do.''
Say, ''I do.''
Say, ''I do.''
Say, ''I do.''
Say, ''I do.''
Say, ''I do.''
Say, ''I do. ''
Say, ''I do. ''
What's the matter, Helen?
Don't you feel well?
I understand you're
going to leave us.
Well, I don't know whether
Dr. Parry is right or wrong...
...but I agree that you should have
that chance to go to Boston.
And I want you to understand if things
don't work out satisfactorily...
...that you're always
welcome to come here.
Now, you run along.
I like to see women cry.
Men like to see women cry.
It makes them feel superior.
Oh, Steve...
...I'm very unhappy...
...and upset.
You dramatize everything, Blanche.
We've been very happy.
At least, I have.
-I don't like your attitude at all.
-I'm sorry.
It's just, I'm-- I'm making trouble
between you and your stepbrother.
I don't like to hide anything I feel.
And you know how I feel about you.
That's very sweet of you, Blanche.
But are you sure
you're telling me the truth?
Truth about what?
Just that I think you're
uncomfortable because of your...
...past relationship with my brother.
-You are a--
-Don't say it.
Just answer my question.
Get out.
Don't be so melodramatic.
I didn't realize you were so strong.
I'm leaving here.
I never want to see you again.
I'll miss you.
A house like this needs charm.
I told you to get out.
You're going to regret this.
I'm sorry to intrude, Helen.
I have a favor to ask of you.
You're leaving tonight,
and I want to go into town with you.
I'm happy for you.
Things will be so different
when you're cured.
I don't know what will become of me,
but I've got to leave this house.
It hasn't been good for anyone here.
I'm only taking a few things with me.
Oates can pick up
my other things tomorrow.
My suitcase is in the basement.
I'll only be a few minutes.
This is the second time
I've closed that window tonight.
I definitely know I did.
Now, if only I knew who opened it.
You're not that clever,
and if you were....
Oh, it's you.
You scared the life out of me.
I told you not to touch me. Get out.
I'll get out, Mrs. Warren.
Not only out of here...
-...but out of this house.
-Good riddance.
But before I go, you're going
to hear a few things.
I'm tired of being a target
for an evil old woman.
Nobody's asking you to stay.
If you got down
on your knees, I wouldn't stay.
-I don't need this job.
-Why don't you go?
You need a keeper, not a nurse.
I don't care if you never walk again.
You can stay in that bed
for the rest of your life.
I've taken everything,
but I'll not put up with this.
I'm leaving this house tonight.
I'll soon clear them out.
I hate nurses. Always fussing.
Always washing your face.
Did you know there was a girl
murdered here a long time ago?
I saw it.
Upstairs, from the window.
It was getting dark.
I thought it was a tree in the garden.
Stood so still...
...and waited.
Then when the poor, simple-minded
creature came near the house...
...the tree moved...
...threw her into the well.
I was too late.
I couldn't find the rope.
You were that girl, Helen.
Come here.
Come here.
You must go away.
Leave this house.
Go with Nurse Barker tonight.
Don't wait for Dr. Parry.
Don't wait for anyone.
If you won't,
you must do what I tell you.
You must get under the bed.
Do you understand?
You must hide under the bed.
Why won't you do what I tell you to?
Why won't you listen to me?
Why won't anyone listen to me?
Would you mind
letting me have a wagon?
I'll leave it in the village
for Oates to pick up.
Very well. I'll go out with you
and hitch up the wagon.
You're very kind, professor.
I've been walking.
-In this rain?
In this rain.
I wonder if you'd mind doing
something for me, Stephen.
Nurse Barker is leaving us.
And as long as
you're already rather wet...
...perhaps you wouldn't mind
hitching up the wagon for her.
Everybody's leaving
the old homestead.
Like a holiday.
-It'll be a pleasure.
-For both of us.
-Goodbye, Professor Warren.
Oh, Helen, will you tell Blanche
I want to see her in the den?
Have you been here long?
I was outside with Nurse Barker.
I saw the basement door open.
Did you come in that way?
Helen... must forget
everything you've seen here.
Let me handle this.
Do you understand?
Take the candle.
Come with me.
You don't think I did it.
I think I have a match. Yes.
Where could it go?
Hey, there it is.
Let me out of here!
Number, please.
Number, please.
Hello. Number, please.
What on earth are you doing?
What's the matter?
''Blanche murdered''?
I'll take you up
to my stepmother's room.
You stay there with her.
I'll call the constable.
Let me take care of things now.
You've been through enough.
You tried to telephone, didn't you?
Well, I'm glad you couldn't.
You looked in this mirror
once before today.
I watched you.
You had no mouth then.
Just as you have none now.
Look at yourself.
And there's no room
in the whole world...
...for imperfection.
The only person
who could have prevented you...
...from achieving
the quiet that I can give you...
...was Stephen.
And you locked him up...
We're quiet now, Helen.
I'm glad I waited.
Everyone's out of the way.
Mrs. Oates is drunk...
...because I purposely
let her steal a bottle of brandy.
And Oates...
...he's gone to look for ether...
...because I made sure
there was no ether.
And Blanche...
...whom I loved...
...didn't love me... she had to die.
She's dead and at peace.
And Stephen... took care of him for me.
Stephen is weak... I once was.
What a pity my father didn't live
to see me become strong.
To see me dispose
of the weak and imperfects...
...of the world, whom he detested.
He would have admired me
for what I'm going to do.
-Who is it?
-It's me, the constable.
I met Dr. Parry in town.
He said he won't be
able to pick Helen up tonight.
The boy is very sick,
and he has to stay there.
Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
I'll tell her, constable.
Well, I'll be on my way then.
Good night.
You killed them.
You killed them all.
The servant girl in the well.
The others in the town.
Today, the cripple in the hotel.
You killed them all.
Tonight, it would have been Helen.
I heard you.
Get me Stephen.
Now it's been done.
Ten years too late.
Forgive me, Stephen.
I thought it was you.
He always waited
till you came home... I thought it was you.
A doctor. Get Dr. Parry. Hurry!
Dr. Parry.
It's I, Helen.