The Train Robbers (1973)

Train's late, Jesse.
It'll be along. Get your clothes on.
What about Grady and them?
They should have been here by now.
Ask me, I say they ain't coming.
Then who's that?
- Hey there, old Jesse.
- Hi, Grady.
Howdy, Grady.
Who's that up there?
Ben, how the hell are you?
Never better.
Me neither,
soon as I get some of this dust off me.
Come on, give me a hand here, Sam.
Come on, get wet all over!
Keep in there, girl.
Okay, Sam, grab hold of her.
Hot damn, that feels good.
Calhoun and Sam Turner.
I've heard of them.
They're good boys, and young.
A lot younger than you, but good.
All right. What's it all about, Jess?
Beats me. All Lane said was
meet him here at the train stop.
- It would be worth it.
- To him or us?
What difference does it make?
It's something to do, isn't it?
Jesse, I get so bored
sitting around doing nothing lately.
- Get to you, too?
- All the time.
Sam? Take them over to the corral.
Turn them loose.
That train Lane's coming in on,
when is it due, Jesse?
Any women in this town?
- One.
- Good, we can fight over her.
It's a long time
since I've seen that big old Lane.
He as bullheaded as ever?
He ain't changed.
Gentlemen, this is Mrs. Lowe.
- We're working for her.
- We are?
That's right.
Doing what?
Ben, would you help Mrs. Lowe
get set up at the hotel?
Yes, sir.
Now, what was that again?
I said, "Doing what?"
I thought that's what you said.
What in the hell did you do that for?
I told you to get me two guns
that would take orders.
Draw your horses and skedaddle.
- Ain't we got a right to know?
- No.
Jesse, how about the pack mules
and supplies?
- Ready to go.
- Good. Dynamite?
- Ben brought two cases.
- That ought to do it.
- What are you fixing to do, start a war?
- Look, Lane.
You still here?
- Damn it, we rode two days.
- That's your problem.
You gonna tell us or not?
Grady, where did you find
these two peckerwoods?
They're standing up to you.
That should prove something.
I don't need them standing up to me.
I need them standing alongside of me.
All we want to know
is what we rode here for.
What a gun rides anywhere for: money.
The more there is of it,
the more chances you take.
What about the woman?
What about her?
- She part of it?
- She's all of it.
What's that supposed to mean?
- None of your damn business.
- Lane!
We've got a right to know
what we're getting into.
A grave, more than likely,
if you come along with us.
Then why should we?
Beats the hell out of me.
Unless you think
gold is worth taking a chance for.
- Gold?
- $500,000 worth.
Already dug?
Already dug.
The hell you say.
- Don't you think it's about time?
- All right.
A train robbery, five years ago.
Ten men rode away with $500,000 in gold.
The fellow that was running the show
figured they ought to hide it...
until things cooled off.
So he took the Fargo box
and two of the men...
and rode south into Mexico.
Came back alone.
Said the other two got killed accidentally.
His name was Lowe.
The woman, she his wife?
His widow.
He had the misfortune of getting shot.
But he told her where the gold was
before he died.
- And she told you?
- No, she doesn't trust me.
All she'll say
is that it's four days south of here.
If there was 10 of them jumped that train,
three of them dead...
- that leaves seven of them still alive.
- And still kicking.
You figure they know Lowe died?
Six of them were pallbearers.
Then why didn't she tell them?
Get her husband's share
and let it go at that?
That isn't what she's after.
When she gets the gold,
she plans to turn it in.
Clear her husband's name.
Why the hell would she do that?
They got a kid, a boy.
She doesn't want him growing up...
thinking his old man
ran around robbing trains.
Kind of high-minded, ain't it?
Not the way she looks at it.
Then why didn't she go to the railroad
and tell them where it is?
That's what she was about to do
when I met her. I talked her out of it.
There's a reward: $50,000.
- Hell, that ain't no $500,000.
- No, and it ain't stolen, either.
- We'll leave first thing in the morning.
- Lane.
Talking that woman
out of going to the railroad...
you might have talked her
into getting herself killed.
You let me worry about the woman.
He ain't changed.
Come in.
Mrs. Lowe?
Join me?
Don't mind if I do.
I've had a few.
Yes, ma'am.
I started thinking about
what I was letting myself in for.
It's not too late to change your mind.
Let you and the others go alone?
Yes, ma'am.
- I told you before, Mr. Lane, that l...
- You don't trust me.
Can't say as I blame you.
You realize if anything should happen
to me on the way...
- It won't.
- But if it should.
We'd be out of a job.
This the stuff
you're planning to wear tomorrow?
- Yes.
- Put it on.
- Now?
- Now.
- But...
- Put it on.
You can turn around.
The pants aren't bad.
That shirt ought to be tighter.
- Take it off and I'll boil it.
- Boil it?
Shrink it up.
I want you to stick out
in the right places...
so that if anybody a long ways off
sees you...
there'll be no doubt you're a woman.
- Mr. Lane, if you're trying to shock me...
- I'm trying to keep you alive, Mrs. Lowe.
If they see you along, they'll know you
haven't told us where the gold is hidden.
And they'll be overcareful
to keep you alive.
At least until we get our hands on it.
- I see.
- No, you don't.
If you did, you wouldn't come along.
But there are only seven of them.
That we know of.
With this much money up for grabs...
likely they've got every two-bit gunman
in the territory along.
Maybe I should go to the railroad.
Maybe you should, at that.
Thanks for the drink. I'll tell the boys.
Can't that wait until morning?
Why should it?
I might change my mind.
I'm a woman.
And I'm out two train tickets
and five friends.
Let's let it go at that.
There's a train due
through here tomorrow.
I'll put you on it.
Good night, Mrs. Lowe.
Mr. Lane.
Boil it.
Yeah. I'll boil it.
- Stay with him, Jesse.
- Come on, Jesse.
Grab him by the tail!
I think them boys will need a hand.
They'll need more than that
if that stuff blows.
Show him who's boss, Jesse.
- Come on, now.
- Hang on to him, Sam!
Whoa, son of a buck.
Don't you think
we ought to put this on a gentle one?
This is the gentle one.
Hold on to him!
Goshdarned mule!
- He's had it. He's all right.
- Okay, I got him.
Do you mean to tell me
you're gonna trust that jackass?
They get kind of rank
when they ain't had a pack on in a while.
- He'll be all right.
- Ain't worried about him. It's us.
He'll settle down.
Here, hold this.
How'd you like
to draw into a pair like that?
Guess you don't
get to town very often, Calhoun.
Go on, take a good look.
But from here on in...
you'd better be looking over your shoulder
if you want to stay alive.
All right, Jesse,
get her on a horse and point her south.
Yes, sir.
- Give him a hand with the mules.
- We ain't no mule packers.
- You will be by the time you get back.
- lf we get back.
Do you see that knot-head
packing that dynamite?
Do what you're told, Cal.
- Yeah, but...
- Calhoun!
There will be one boss.
Now go help with the mules.
Just like old times, huh?
Like hell it is.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Let's go to Mexico.
You afraid of the dark, Jesse?
- Fire's going out.
- Let it.
- Something wrong, Lane?
- Thought I heard something.
I guess not.
Just my old heart pounding.
Gets to doing that
when I'm around a good-looking woman.
- Want some more coffee, Mrs. Lowe?
- Thank you.
Coming up.
Lane tells us you got a little boy.
How old is he?
- Six.
- That's a good age.
What do you call him?
Matt. It was his father's name.
- Sorry, didn't mean to bring it up.
- It's all right.
No, it's not all right. I talk too much.
That's the trouble
with always running around wild.
You get kind of starved
for female attention.
You get near a woman, start talking,
and next thing you know...
you say something wrong
and hurt somebody's feelings.
Shut up, Grady, before you put
your other foot in your mouth.
See what I mean?
Hurt old Jesse's feelings.
Got him all mad at me for no cause.
I've been mad at you
ever since I've known you.
Jesse, that's 10 years.
That's an awful long time
to go around hating a man.
I never said I hated you.
Well, there ain't exactly
any love between us.
I damn sure ain't sweet,
if that's what you mean.
You know, sometimes...
I hate to break up this friendly chatter,
but it's your first guard, Grady.
Jesse, you spell him at midnight.
Don't pay any attention to Grady, ma'am.
He's his own worst enemy.
The hell he is.
It might mean nothing...
but I think I'll take a pass
at our back track.
Ma'am, when you finish that coffee,
you better bed down next to the coals.
Gets kind of chilly long towards morning.
- Jesse?
- Yes, ma'am?
How long have you known Lane?
A lot of years.
Me and Grady rode with him
during the war.
Behind him, I should say.
He was our officer.
We fought together for a couple of years
before he ever knew we had a name.
Then one day at Vicksburg,
we were ordered up a hill.
Over a hundred of us.
Only three of us got to the top alive.
Lane, Grady and me.
We've been going up hills together
ever since.
And the others?
Young Ben, he's been along with us
ever since Lane shot him.
Shot him?
Backing out of a bank in Tucson.
Tried his hand at stealing.
Lane broke him from that.
Doctored him back to life,
got the bank to drop the charge.
Calhoun and Sam, them I only just met.
But from what I've heard...
they haven't made up their minds
what side of the law they're on.
That's the trouble with young guns.
It's mighty tempting
to cross over to the wild side.
I don't think they will, though.
Not now. Lane will see to that.
How is it he never took a wife?
He did.
Right after the war.
Me and Grady stood up for him.
I never got so drunk in my life.
A year later, she died.
We went up that hill with him, too.
What the hell was that for?
You were the last man on guard.
- That's right.
- Count the mules.
It must have pulled loose.
And packed itself and walked away.
- They led him off, then rode off with him.
- How many were there?
Four of them I could make out.
Let Sam and me go after them.
We can get that dynamite back.
One stick at a time.
Grady, when this is over...
- What?
- You brought him. Saddle up.
- I'm sorry, Grady.
- You're sorry?
- Go pick him up, Cal.
- Yes, sir.
How in the hell do you figure
that mule got here?
Well, my Spanish is kind of rusty...
but it seems those fellows
that borrowed our mule...
wanted the dynamite
to blow their friends out of jail.
Do you suppose
they'll let Cal have that knot-head back?
I think gladly.
Jesse, you better tell the boys
to hobble the horses.
If we lose them in this storm...
we'll have a hell of a time
getting them back.
- Let me give you a hand, Jesse.
- Thanks.
I'm afraid I'm not sticking out
in the right places.
I mean if somebody far off sees me.
Yeah, well, I don't think
anybody will bother us tonight.
I probably shouldn't say this...
but sometimes I get to thinking
I'm making a mistake.
I already told you that.
I mean about the gold.
What if I didn't turn it in?
What if I didn't go to the railroad?
You'd be a rich woman.
And that boy of yours...
would have a mother
that goes around robbing trains.
You're an honest man.
If you thought that...
you'd be waiting for us
back at that train station.
And what if you all didn't come back?
Well, then you'd know...
that we got to figuring
that maybe we'd made a mistake.
Gold has a way of bringing out
the larceny in all of us, Mrs. Lowe.
That's why I'm along, Mr. Lane.
And that's why I'll stay along.
- He's alive.
- He won't be if we don't get this off him.
- I'll get his head.
- Stay away from him, Cal.
If we pick this tree half off him,
he'll kick himself to death.
- I know that, and you along with him.
- Yeah, but he's my horse.
I know.
- Grady.
- Calhoun!
You've been warned. Make up your mind!
All right, grab a hold. Heave!
He's all right!
That's good.
Now maybe we can get some shuteye.
Soon as you hobble those horses.
Sam, walk him around.
Yes, sir.
I was wrong about you.
How's that?
For hitting you back there
when the jackass got stolen. I'm sorry.
A man gets older, it's harder to say that.
He tries to bully his way through.
I had it coming.
- No, you didn't.
- I was on guard.
So was I, trying to catch you sleeping...
so I could put you in your place
once and for good.
While I was worrying about
kicking your butt...
they stole that ornery mule.
It was as much my fault as it was yours.
I just wanted you to know that.
What's wrong with him?
Not one damn thing.
- We can cross upriver.
- Good.
I didn't say that she didn't say...
that the gold was half a mile
from the river crossing.
What I said...
Slide off and let him swim!
I'm trying to!
What I said is, I don't know
whether this is the right river crossing.
- This is the only one we could find.
- Then maybe...
You think she's drowning?
Sure does look like it.
- Is she all right?
- Come on, give us a hand.
Try to keep her feet higher than her head.
She'll be all right
after she catches her breath.
- Get the whiskey.
- Whiskey?
What are you trying to do?
Save her life or get her drunk?
- I don't swim, you know.
- I do now.
Mrs. Lowe...
if that shirt shrinks up any more,
you're going to be in a little trouble.
But not from you, Mr. Lane.
- What's he up to?
- My last bottle.
I should fall in the river more often.
I haven't felt this good
since I can't remember when.
Can you remember when, Mr. Lane?
I can remember when.
I'll have another.
I drink, you know.
But I can handle it.
"Handle your whiskey
and never feel sorry for yourself."
My father said that.
Good words to live by.
He said it to my brother,
but I never forgot it.
- A lot of things I never forgot.
- Yes, ma'am.
Do you always have to be so damn polite?
Makes it harder on me.
How's that?
You're trying to trick me, Mr. Lane.
Trying to get me to tell you something...
without letting me know...
that I told you what I know.
Yes, ma'am.
- Mr. Lane.
- Yes, ma'am?
I'm the kind of woman...
that, once I made up my mind...
there ain't no turning back.
And I made up my mind.
You know...
once I tell you...
I'll probably never ever see you
or any of the others again.
I'm gonna miss you, Mr. Lane.
You'll probably be glad to get rid of me,
but I'm going to miss you...
very much.
We'll swing west to the Bravo...
follow it on up.
That way we can stay out of trouble...
Mr. Lane!
That was a rotten thing for you to do
last night, getting me drunk!
Yes, ma'am, it was.
I suppose you found out
what you wanted to know.
Yes. Cut those mules loose. There's plenty
of feed. Somebody will pick them up.
Why don't we take them?
No mules, no gold.
No use getting shot for nothing.
- You're turning back!
- That's right.
- But you can't!
- The hell I can't!
When I start plying a woman
with whiskey...
it's time to throw the key
in the water bucket and ride on.
- Even if I tell you where the gold is?
- Even then.
I'll go back to the train stop
and wait for you.
Looks like it's a little late for that now.
Them pallbearers sure as hell grew.
Maybe we ought to jump them.
Thin them out a little.
We'd better get moving out of here!
Cal! You and Sam hang back.
Anybody starts crossing that river
before we're out of sight...
- baptize them.
- Yes, sir.
They're still up on that hill!
Got off their horses
and went to cook coffee.
If we're gonna head west,
now's the time to do it.
- Unpack the mules.
- Hold it!
- I hate to cross you, Lane.
- Then don't.
I've got to. We just ran from a fight.
That's a bad habit for a man to get into
that makes his way with a gun.
- There are 20 of them back there.
- I'd say they were a little shorthanded.
And so would you, if it wasn't
for the woman being along.
Go on.
I tried to warn you and you wouldn't
listen. You said to let you worry about her.
Now you think
I'm worrying too much about her.
- lf we swing west, you are.
- He's right.
Don't make no sense,
riding off without that gold.
- It does to me.
- It won't to them back there.
They're gonna come killing,
no matter what we do.
You're wrong and you won't admit it!
You're just bullying your way through.
Seems like I heard
somebody say that before.
- Mrs. Lowe?
- Yes?
Where the hell is that gold?
- It's a hell of a way to run a railroad.
- What?
I said it's a hell of a way to run a railroad,
without any tracks!
When this wind lays down,
we'll find them.
If you ask me, I say we won't.
I say Lowe lied to the woman.
Why the hell would he do that?
Any man who's gonna steal gold
from one train...
and put it on another train
is liable to do anything.
It struck me as a pretty good idea.
At least he knew
it would be there when be got back.
- Maybe.
- You heard what the woman said.
I'm not talking about the train.
I'm talking about the $500,000.
You wouldn't catch me hiding that much
gold in the boiler of a six-wheeler!
- What?
- The gold is in the firebox of the engine!
What if somebody decided to build up
a head of steam and struck a match to it?
It's been laying upside down
at the bottom of a grade...
along with two flatcars, ever since
timber trains ran in this country...
- and that's a hell of a long time ago.
- I'll believe that when I see it.
Wonder whatever happened
to that old boy.
What old boy?
The one that came riding in back
at the train stop...
laughing and scratching, saying how good
it was to have something to do.
Grady, you're a pain in the neck.
Hell, everybody knows that.
- Get the woman.
- What?
Walk out there, where they can
get a good look at you. Go on.
It rubs me the wrong way,
hiding behind a woman, if you ask me.
Nobody did.
- What if they throw down on us?
- They won't.
But you've thought it all out. Maybe
they haven't. Maybe they haven't even...
- I thought you...
- So did I.
Let's get out of here.
I hope we're not depending on any luck
to get us back to that train stop.
- I think we just ran out.
- Not quite.
I thought somebody said
the gold was already dug.
Keep digging.
That'll get it.
- That's what it's all about.
- I'd say it's time to load the mules.
I wouldn't. We're staying here for a while.
- Staying?
- That's right.
Them 20 get up on that rim with rifles...
it could get a little hard to stay alive.
Yeah, but not as hard
as getting caught out in the open.
We've got to make a run for it
sooner or later.
Later, there may not be
so many of them around.
String a picket line over those flatcars.
The rest of you give him a hand.
You unload that mule. Bury the dynamite.
Bury it?
You wouldn't want to get blown
to hell for a stray bullet, would you?
No, sir.
If they see that Fargo box,
they'll hit us, won't they?
Just as hard as they can, Mrs. Lowe.
If you ask me, I say they're not
gonna jump us, not here.
Probably wait at the river
and catch us crossing.
What I'm trying to figure out is why
we're going back the way we came.
Apart from that village,
there's not a whole lot...
to hide behind
between us and that rail stop.
Lane says this is the closest way out.
Besides, we know the ground.
Yeah, we could get buried in it, too.
- Hell, a man can't live forever.
- Not around Lane, he can't.
Come to think of it,
it's the best way, anyway.
- What's that?
- You and me, we can't get old.
What the hell use are we going to be
to anybody in a rocking chair?
- That's a long ways down the road.
- The hell it is.
You're not one damn day older than
you were the first time I ever met you.
Not outside, I ain't,
but it's inside that counts.
Time was I could get drunk
for a week, maybe two.
Now I go on a bender
for six or seven days...
and I get the blind staggers so bad,
I gotta get me to my bed.
When a man can't hold his liquor,
that's the first sign.
- What about your women?
- What about them?
Don't tell me you don't run them
as much as you used to.
Now, I wouldn't want this to get around...
but the last time I was over
to Kate's in Tucson...
I spent the whole night...
listening to a fellow play the piano.
- Could he play good?
- Worst I ever heard!
You just weren't in the mood.
I'm not getting any younger,
that's what I'm trying to tell you.
Neither are you.
What the hell do you want me to do,
just roll over and die?
All I'm saying is, don't get old.
You'll live to regret it.
- Not yet.
- They'll be along.
I hope I don't let you down.
You planning to rob another bank?
No, sir, I mean when those 20 jump us.
- You'll be all right.
- I don't know.
I was thinking a few minutes ago that
I ought to get on my horse and get out.
Get out and never look back.
- Why didn't you?
- I couldn't.
I don't know. Maybe I was afraid
you'd come after me.
- That's not the reason.
- It's not?
I hate to have to tell you this,
but whether you like it or not...
you're a man and you're stuck with it.
You'll find yourself standing your ground,
and fighting when you ought to run...
speaking out when you ought to keep
your mouth shut...
doing things that will seem wrong
to a lot of people...
but you'll do them all the same.
You mean like talking up
for me in Tucson?
- They were wrong.
- Not if I ain't all the things you think I am.
- Not if I turn and run.
- You won't.
You're going to spend the rest
of your life getting up one more time...
than you're knocked down,
so you better start getting used to it.
If any trouble starts, under there.
Cooking coffee again.
Like hell! Get under there.
- Ten men.
- So far.
- Maybe they'll give it up.
- They should.
- They can't shoot worth a damn.
- But they won't.
No, they won't.
Then maybe we should.
Your mind is as changeable
as the weather.
It's not a joke, Mr. Lane.
I tried to tell you that
before we left the train station.
- You wouldn't listen to me.
- Now you won't.
Not to turning it over to the likes of them.
But they're not going to...
I set out to get you and that gold
back to the railroad.
That's what I fully intend to do.
No matter what?
No matter what.
Lane, they'll more than likely
try and run the horses off tonight.
- You and Sam make sure they don't.
- We may need some help.
You won't get it.
The rest of us will be gone.
- Gone?
- To run off their horses.
Ben, dig up the dynamite.
They're running.
Not as fast as their horses.
Ben, you better take care of that leg.
I'll see if the woman's all right.
- What the hell are you doing up there?
- They needed help.
Get down.
Give me that.
You going to knock me
on my butt, Mr. Lane?
Maybe I should, at that.
Don't you think we better
get the hell out of here?
The sooner the better.
- Ben, how's your leg?
- It's getting better.
It'll be all right as long as I don't have
to wrangle that damn mule.
You don't have to worry about that.
As long as she's packing
that gold, we're in love!
- How about you?
- Are there any more rivers to cross?
- Just a little creek.
- I'll make it.
If them pallbearers jump us here,
they'll wish they hadn't.
You put old Jesse and me
up in that church tower...
with a couple of Winchesters,
they'll never know what hit them.
- We're not staying.
- How the hell come?
Did you ever bury a baby?
Neither have I, and I don't intend to.
Not over gold. Let's move.
Better put some more wood on there.
Not too much. We don't want
them to think we're asking for it.
Can't say that I like this, Jesse.
We've done this once before,
during the war.
Me and Lane got up on the high ground...
left Grady sitting by a fire,
just like this one.
Blankets spread all around,
just like we were all sleeping.
We were trying to scald
them Rebs into the open.
They were driving off a lot of our horses.
- Did it work?
- It's according to how you look at it.
Long about morning,
me and Lane kind of fell asleep.
- When we woke up, Grady was gone.
- Gone?
Yeah, the Rebs sneaked in
and took him prisoner.
Never even fired a shot. If they had,
they wouldn't have got him.
I tried to talk Lane
into letting them keep him.
I think he would have, but he figured
it was our fault that he was took.
They kept him a week and it was
the best seven days of the war.
It's hard as hell to get to like Grady.
- Hell, he likes you.
- He's got to.
Me and Lane are the only ones
who will put up with him.
I've got to admit, though,
he's saved our hide a lot of times.
Jesse, after this is all over with...
do you suppose, maybe me and Sam
could stay along a while?
I figured you two would just roar off
and spend your share of the reward.
We can go together.
Find some women. Get drunk.
That beats the hell out of cold coffee.
- I figure we better get some shuteye.
- Shuteye?
Yeah, Lane will see
that we're not disturbed.
- What if he falls asleep like he did before?
- He won't.
Losing Grady is one thing.
Gold is something else.
Good night.
I hope so.
We better give them a rest.
Ben, you stay aboard.
It don't seem right,
those boys haven't showed up.
- Probably still on foot.
- I doubt that.
If those horses stop running,
they'll start thinking of water...
head for that river.
So many of them,
they won't be hard to track.
Yeah, they double back to the river...
pick up their saddles,
that'll throw them about a day behind.
It shouldn't. No mules to slow them down.
Then where the hell are they?
If I knew that, I could
get some sleep tonight.
Thank you. Hot.
We'll be at the train stop tomorrow.
And then what?
There's a north-bound
due through at midnight.
Any luck, then we can get you
and the gold on it...
before anybody else jumps us.
- You're not coming?
- I'll stay along with the boys.
After this, I'll probably have to buy them
a drink or two.
What about the reward?
You can tell the railroad
we'll drift by and pick it up.
That's all you do, isn't it? Drift.
You could say that.
- Doesn't seem like much of a life.
- It's not.
- Then why do you do it?
- It's what I'm good at.
- My husband was good at robbing trains.
- Your husband was a fool.
Because he got shot in the back
in a whorehouse?
I didn't know that. I'm sorry.
For him or me?
The boy.
No matter how things turn out...
I want to thank you
for all that you've done and...
if you should change your mind
about coming back with me...
- I won't.
- But if you should...
I've got a saddle
that's older than you are, Mrs. Lowe.
Get under the porch.
The Gold!
Lane, come over here!
- Look.
- Get him out of there.
Something new!
Nail him!
- Quit worrying about that damn mule!
- It's not! It's the woman!
Look at that. They can't last
under there much longer.
- We're going to have to rush them.
- What good would that do?
Get the horse.
Come a-running!
- Are you hit?
- No. I'm all right.
Go on! Throw it!
Much obliged.
Go ahead, tell her.
Go on.
Ma'am, it's about the reward.
You see, we've been thinking...
if you go turn that gold in to the railroad...
there ain't going to be nothing left
for you and the boy to live on.
We've decided we want you
to have that $50,000.
I couldn't do that.
It's the only thing you can do.
We've already made up our minds.
- Ain't that right, Lane?
- That's right.
Thank you.
That was very touching, boys,
giving up that reward money.
- Who are you?
- I work for Wells Fargo.
- Pinkerton man?
- That's right.
I've been tracking Matt Lowe
for five years.
- He's dead.
- I know.
I was there the night he got shot
in that, shall we say, house of ill repute?
So was the woman. She worked there.
Mrs. Lowe?
Her name is Lilly, with two L's.
Matt Lowe was never married.
Better luck next time!
With two L's.
One of them must stand for "liar."
Where are you going?
Where the hell do you suppose?
To rob a train!
- To rob a train?
- It's something to do.