The Train (1964)

SOLDIER: Achtung!
WOMAN: It was in the
Clouvet collection, wasn't it?
It was.
- Do you like it?
- Need you ask?
This is degenerate art, you know.
As a loyal officer of the Third
Reich, I should detest it.
I've often wondered at the curious
conceit that would attempt
to determine tastes
and ideas by decree.
Many times over the past four
years I have wanted to thank you.
For not being what you'd expected?
For saving all this. Protecting it.
Do you feel free to thank me now because
the liberation of Paris is so close?
- It's not necessary.
- I could have been sent away.
Someone else brought in to
be in charge of the museum.
Perhaps I should thank you.
I was foolish.
I knew of books being burned.
Other things.
I was terrified that
these would be lost.
A book is worth a few francs.
We Germans can afford
to destroy those.
We all may not appreciate artistic
merit, but cash value is another matter.
You won't convince me
that you're cynical.
I know what these
paintings mean to you.
- You are a perceptive woman.
We're removing the paintings.
- Pack them carefully.
- Where are you taking them?
- To a safe place.
- But no place is as safe as Paris.
The city has been declared open.
It won't be bombed or shelled.
I want these at the station tomorrow,
crated and ready to be put on the train.
- What about my train?
- It has been canceled, sir.
- Who canceled it?
- I did.
- Who are you?
- Labiche, Colonel. Area Inspector.
Under my supervision, of course.
Since when does a Frenchman have the
authority to cancel a German train?
We're making up a special
armament train, Colonel.
Highest priority.
- Whose orders?
- Von Rundstedt.
Military Commander, Western Front.
How soon can my train
be cleared to leave?
As soon as I get another order.
It's your army, Colonel, not mine.
You'll get the order. Have the train
ready this afternoon at 3.30.
- Heil Hitler.
- Heil Hitler.
I'm calling for General Von Lubitz.
I want the line for the
Field Command Headquarters.
Yes, immediately!
Field Command Headquarters?
General Von Lubitz's office calling.
Colonel Muller, please.
I tried to reach you,
Colonel Von Waldheim.
The general canceled all appointments
not dealing with the evacuation of Paris.
- Is he in? Alone?
- Yes, Colonel,
but I have orders not
to let anyone in...
- What is it, Colonel?
- A train I ordered was canceled.
I've been advised your personal
authorization is now required.
Signal from General
Von Rundstedt, sir.
The highway between Avranches and
Mortain has been cut by the Americans.
You can make application
through normal channels.
VON WALDHEIM: You once said
normal channels were a trap,
in which to snare officers
who lacked initiative.
What's your cargo?
I don't share your
enthusiasm for art.
Even if I did, it would not be
centered on this degenerate trash.
Nor would I expect priority over
vitally needed war transport.
Good morning, Colonel.
The second SS armored division
has fallen back towards Falaise.
Report on their remaining
effective strength.
Might it not be unwise to leave a billion
gold reichsmarks in the Bank of France?
Enough money to equip
ten panzer divisions?
Make your point, Colonel.
Money is a weapon.
The contents of that train are as
negotiable as gold, and more valuable.
I feel Berlin would prefer it in
the hands of the Third Reich.
I must warn you, Colonel.
If conditions at the front become more
critical, I will rescind this authorization.
When will you be ready?
Train will be ready to leave
tomorrow morning at 9:15, Major.
MAN: Come in. Come in.
This is Mademoiselle Villard from
the Jeu de Paume, the museum.
I brought her with me.
Mademoiselle Villard has a problem.
- I thought your group might help her.
- It's not to help me.
You understand? The
paintings belong to France.
- Paintings?
- The train you are preparing for the Colonel.
He's stealing a load of pictures.
You should hear what they're worth!
- It's not just the money.
- What does she want us to do?
- She wants us to blow up the train.
- Oh, no! No, you misunderstand.
They must not even be damaged.
They could never be replaced.
They're not just...
Here, I have the list.
Renoirs, Czannes, 64
Picassos, 29 Braques.
Degas, Matisse.
He chose very carefully. Only
the best. The national heritage.
- What do you want us to do, madame?
- Mademoiselle.
Well, I thought, perhaps, if
you could just stop the train.
Stopping the train is not
simple, mademoiselle.
- You can get killed stopping a train.
- Especially if you are French,
and the train is German.
I know. I realize.
But soon Paris will be
free, isn't that true?
But if the paintings
are not here...
Our latest report is that the Allies
will be in Paris within a week.
Maybe three or four days.
Von Waldheim has to get the
train out before that.
Can we slow it down?
Delay it? What do you think?
We can blow it up. Maybe.
Put some plastique under
the cars and blow it up.
They'd shoot a few hostages,
but that's the price you pay.
- Are your paintings that important?
- She doesn't want it blown up.
London agrees the art is important.
Anything we can do to save it.
But they leave it up to us.
Why not? What can they lose?
This morning we had four
men left in this group.
Now we are three. One, two, three.
- Bernard?
- We started with 18.
Like your paintings, mademoiselle,
we couldn't replace them.
For certain things, we take the risk.
But I won't waste lives on paintings.
But they wouldn't be wasted.
Excuse me. I know that's
a terrible thing to say.
But those paintings
are part of France.
The Germans want to take them away.
They've taken our land, our
food. They live in our houses.
And now they're trying
to take our art.
This beauty, this vision of
life born out of France.
Our special vision. Our trust.
We hold it in trust. Don't you see?
For everyone. This is our pride.
What we create and
hold for the world.
There are worse things to
risk your life for than that.
I'm sorry, mademoiselle.
We can't help you.
The train goes through his
section. It's up to him.
Don't you have copies of 'em?
Excuse me for taking your time.
I respect you for
what you are doing.
I hope none of you will be harmed.
- She's a nice lady.
- What happened to Bernard?
I had a cup of coffee with
him early this morning.
They came into the yards and
picked him up, with some refugees.
I saw the whole thing.
They just came into the
yards and picked him up.
I thought we came here to talk
about the armament train.
It's a big one, huh, Labiche?
When does it leave?
9:15 tomorrow morning, on the dot.
They must be desperate
to risk a daylight run.
Tell me the schedule.
It'll arrive at the yards
at Vaires by 9:45.
Five minutes to switch on the armored
engine and pick up the antiaircraft crews.
It should be on its way by ten
minutes of ten, no later.
It would be nice if it were
delayed for ten minutes.
British planes will hit the yard at
Vaires tomorrow morning at 10:00.
Saturation bombing.
If the train was in the
yard at that time...
Ten minutes? It won't be easy.
Can you do it?
- At the moment, I'm not sure how.
- That's up to you.
The planes will bomb
at exactly 10:00.
Will the train be there or not?
We'll have it waiting.
I wonder where he'll be at 10:00.
Where I'd like to be.
In his office.
- I don't like it.
- Who does?
I mean the art train.
If the Germans want it so much,
maybe we should do something.
Forget the art train. We'll
have enough to do tomorrow.
Which reminds me, I'll need another
engineer for the art train.
- I'll have to give it to Papa Boule.
- Papa Boule?
- Not Papa Boule!
- I have no choice. Who else is there?
It's an easy run. The train
doesn't leave till dark.
It'll be in Germany by morning.
See you later.
Don't just slap the oil
on anywhere, damn it!
Look where the hell
you're putting it.
This machine was running
before you were born.
She's like a woman. If you don't treat her
just right, she'll make your life miserable.
Take this. Do it right,
for God's sake.
Because I'll be back to check
after I've had my coffee.
Now remember. A grease
job is not a bath.
- Papa.
- Mmm-hmm.
A cup.
I see Labiche is finally
giving you a train.
- And all the way to Germany.
- Some train.
You see any artillery? A load
that a man can feel is important?
That might change the war, huh?
Any important shipment
goes to the front.
Have you read what's
in those crates?
I don't believe anything they
write. Paintings! Open a case.
You'll find champagne, perfume and
everything else they stole from us.
I've talked to one of the truck
drivers. These are paintings.
- So what?
- Great art. Picasso. Gauguin. Renoir.
Renoir. I used to know a
girl who modeled for Renoir.
She smelled of paint.
Boule, you are a good engineer,
you have told me so.
But in matters of culture,
you are sadly deficient.
Champagne and perfume
can be replaced. Not art.
- These paintings are important.
- Really?
The glory of France.
Glory of France?
And to think, two days, three at the
most, the Allies should be here.
The Nazis wouldn't have the
train. Maybe even one day...
- Are you the engineer?
- Does he look like an engineer?
You will not leave the station
tonight. Stand by your engine,
ready to leave at a
moment's notice.
- Pig!
- Be careful how you talk to them.
I'm too old to be careful.
- The glory of France.
- Huh? Oh, yes.
The glory of France.
Give me the change in franc pieces.
MAN: Engineer!
Start the engine!
Heil Hitler.
Loaded and ready, sir.
Very good, Schmidt.
- What time do you leave?
- As soon as it's dark, sir.
MAN: Colonel Von Waldheim!
Telephone call, sir.
General Von Lubitz's headquarters!
The officer says it's urgent.
Colonel Von Waldheim speaking.
Yes, Major.
I'm sorry to hear that.
Let's hope the reverses at
the front are temporary.
Yes, of course I understand.
The general explained
it might be necessary
to rescind the authorization
for my train.
Unfortunately, I can't help you.
The train left over half an hour ago,
and is now on its way to Germany.
Please express my
regrets to the general.
In view of the fact that
you've already left, Schmidt,
I think perhaps you'd better get aboard
and order the train out immediately, huh?
- Yes, sir!
- Have a good trip, Schmidt.
Start the train! Start the train!
Move the train!
Boule! Start the train.
Start the train!
Uncouple that engine!
Get it out of here!
Is the armored engine ready?
Yes, sir. The antiaircraft
crews are all aboard.
Move your engine.
Get it out of here!
Hey, you! You pig!
- What?
- Who did that?
The steam is released
or the engine blows up.
- Which do you want?
- You did it on purpose.
What is this?
Take your assigned position.
Back of the cab.
- Everything all right?
- Move your engines...
- It's okay.
- Go back. I want this train out of here!
- What's going on down there, Labiche?
- Sabotage.
Throw five.
LABICHE: Throw eight.
Throw ten.
- Throw ten.
- It's stuck!
Don't force it.
- Stop!
- Hey! Hey!
Hey! Stop!
Stop! You're on the wrong track!
Don't play games with me, Labiche.
I know sabotage when I...
What is it?
But I...
Give me the switch tower.
Dietrich! What the hell
is going on up there?
You idiot! You get those
switches working!
We have got to get this
train out of here!
I'm tired of your
inefficiency, Dietrich!
You can't ride through an air raid!
Watch me! Fire up that engine!
You old goat! Get out of
there and get under cover!
- Get off my train!
- You fool! It'll rain bombs any second!
Get off my train!
- You can't go! The switch is closed!
- Open it!
SCHMIDT: What is it?
What is it?
- What is it?
- The oil line.
Can you fix it?
- Can we run it back to Vaires?
- Maybe, but just the engine.
Where's the phone?
Start the pump.
The repair of my train is to
take top priority, Major.
This whole yard needs repair, Colonel.
I'll see to your engine as soon as I can.
- You'll see to it at once.
- I have my orders. I'll do what I can.
I've given you an order.
I take full responsibility.
- What happened?
- Fault in the oil line.
I'll take care of it.
Hand me the spanner.
Take over the crane engine.
Come here.
Come here!
- Take off the oil caps.
- I'll do it.
He will do it. Go on.
- You can settle the blame for this later.
- One moment, please, sir.
Turn out your pants pockets.
Slick with oil.
Sabotage, Colonel. It's
an old trick around here.
They slip in franc pieces
and cut off the oil supply.
- You should have thrown them away.
- Four francs are four francs.
Major, please. It's not important.
I'll have the engine fixed overnight.
I'll work on it myself.
Take him away.
Colonel! Stop them.
Colonel. He slowed up your train
for a few hours but he saved it.
He took it through the bombs
at the risk of his own life.
He's an old man. He doesn't
know what he's doing.
I'll get your train through for you.
He's just a foolish old man.
His train! His!
It's my train.
I know what I'm doing.
Do you? Huh? You'll help them.
I practically raised you, but
you're no better than they are.
Swine! (SPITS)
Colonel! What can you gain
by the death of one old man?
- What he did can make no difference.
- Achtung! Feuer!
You can stop...
You will deliver that
engine to me personally.
I'm holding you responsible.
Turn on the forced-draft.
Hurry it up! We're working on a
locomotive, not a pocket watch!
Hubert! Take down the grate.
Didont... What are you doing here?
- Where's Hubert?
- I decided to go along as fireman.
You damn fools. You
lookin' to be shot too?
- Papa Boule wanted it stopped.
- Papa Boule! Papa Boule is dead!
- Stop acting like children.
- Don't be mad, Paul. We want to do this.
Listen, you idiots.
The war'll be over in a few
days. Now leave it alone.
You get caught up in something...
You can't leave it alone.
- You know how it is.
- We'll get away with it, Paul.
All contacts have been made except
at Metz, and you have to call Metz.
Maurice won't go along with
us until he talks to you.
Oh, you know Maurice.
He's stubborn.
To hell with you. To hell with both of you.
You wanna be killed, I can't stop you.
We will be killed if you
don't call Maurice.
Labiche! Are you
taking the night off?
It'll be ready in a couple of hours, by
morning. I'll take it through after dark.
When it's ready get it
out of here. Deliver it.
- In broad daylight?
- Deliver it.
That engine has blocked work
on four trains for the front.
The Colonel gave orders for it to
be given top priority. He's got it.
For all I care, it could be shot full of
holes, and his precious train with it.
Move it!
- No! No, Didont!
- Not us! Not us!
Not us! Not us!
This is the last job. The last one.
When we get to Rive-Reine,
I'll make that call to Maurice.
- What happened?
- Allied aircraft, ten miles back.
Any serious damage?
Any serious damage?
Not enough to stop you
from getting to Germany.
Camouflage the engine. Schwartz!
Your engine and your crew.
Was it your clever idea to risk
this engine in a daylight run?
Major Herren was following
your orders to the letter.
I admire your efficiency, Labiche,
and your sense of survival.
I don't suppose you have much
trouble with saboteurs, do you?
Tell me, Labiche.
Do you think there will be
sabotage attempts on this train?
I'm a rail road man, not a prophet.
Prophecy is not required,
only determination.
This train will get through to Germany.
You agree, don't you, Labiche?
What do you want me to do,
Colonel? Give you a guarantee?
I'll settle for a
partial guarantee.
You, Labiche.
You'll drive the engine.
The engineer's been assigned.
My orders are to return to Vaires.
Stay with the engine.
Keep steam up.
You can go now. You're not needed.
I've worked all night
on this engine.
I haven't slept for two days.
I'll fall asleep at the control.
You'll leave at 7:00. I think
you should rest until then.
Take him to the hotel.
He is to stay there until
he returns here at seven.
Sleep well.
My bicycle.
Your transportation to Paris.
- A room for this man.
- Identity card, please.
- 60 francs.
- Pay her.
You pay her. I'm a guest
of the German army.
- He is a rail road man.
- 60 francs.
- Isn't there a discount for rail road men?
- 60 francs.
Top of the stairs, first door on
the right. The sheets are clean.
Thank you.
You heard the Colonel. Seven
o'clock. Get some rest.
Would like to tuck me in?
Call me at 6:45.
One German in the
office with Jacques.
Give me about two minutes.
Where are you going?
Back in the engine.
Use your coal pile.
- What started this?
- We don't know, sir.
You aren't all needed.
Get back to the train.
- Where's Labiche?
- I put him in the hotel, sir.
A few minutes ago.
- Sergeant!
- You two, come!
MAN: Labiche!
Break it down.
Look in the cellar!
- Why are you breaking down my door?
- Labiche, where is he?
Who's your commanding officer?
Mademoiselle, come here!
How long has he been here?
Since soup, cabbage and potatoes.
Thank you.
I don't want your thanks.
If they'd caught me helping
you, I would have been shot.
I know. I'm sorry.
You think you can run in
here and make trouble?
I run a hotel, not a madhouse.
Who's going to pay for
the door and the lock?
Do you think money grows on trees?
- There's a war.
- You talk about the war.
I'll talk about what it costs.
I'll be leaving in a few hours. You
can go back to your good customers.
They pay. That's what
I'm in business for.
You should be paid.
- How much for the damage?
- 100 francs.
How much for saving my life?
Who did it?
I'm not sure. I can't
remember. I was struck!
You're lying!
Enough, Pilzer.
If you tell the truth, you'll live.
Now, what does he look like?
Colonel, I can't remember!
A big man.
A gray suit.
A hat, I think.
Sir, Labiche never left the hotel.
Let him go.
Do you want some coffee?
It goes with the room.
No extra charge.
What's your name?
Labiche, the Colonel is waiting.
Did you get through?
- Jacques, is the track all clear up ahead?
- All the way to Germany.
VON WALDHEIM: Sleep well, Labiche?
Like a baby, Colonel.
I trust this time the
bearings are well-oiled?
Why don't you check them yourself?
Sergeant Schwartz
will ride with you.
The last town before entering
Germany will be St. Avold.
You will stop there for Captain
Schmidt to telephone a report to me.
A pleasant trip, Captain.
Is that clear?
I will stop at St. Avold.
Have you ever been
to Germany, Labiche?
No, Colonel.
You should find the
experience interesting.
A chance to broaden your horizon.
All right, stationmaster.
Just keep out of my way.
Stop at St. Avold, we'll
get our heads blown off.
Get me Commercy, please.
I don't have a direct line.
This is rail road business!
What's the matter?
Your army regulations.
MAN: Hello, Metz? It's on time.
Hello, Metz? Rive-Reine.
Is that you, Maurice?
Where is he?
When will he be back?
Have him call Jacques at
Rive-Reine as soon as possible.
Yes, it's important.
Thank you.
- What time will you be home, Uncle?
- When I get home, I'll be home!
I'm sitting enjoying myself!
Drinking, playing cards,
having a good time.
You can see that, can't you?
Aunt Helene wanted to know.
I'm a bad tempered old man.
Why are we slowing down?
Are you blind? There's
been an air raid.
We slow down for switching.
What are you going to do?
I don't want to stop at St. Avold.
You wanna go to Germany?
Jacques will send word.
This is taking us south.
I said this is taking us south!
You saw the main
tracks are blown up.
We have to go around
the bend in the river.
What's the next town on your map?
Keep your eyes open.
Your horizon's about
to be broadened.
Ah, Maurice.
Mmm. You have a direct
line to Commercy.
Right. Call them.
My wife's cousin has
some cheese for me.
It could be put on the midnight
train when it stops at Commercy.
Yes. Yes, Maurice.
The train will stop,
to unload passengers.
I'll save a piece
of cheese for you.
Railroad business, huh?
Next stop, St. Avold, sir.
Do we run?
Sergeant. Can we stretch our legs?
All right. Get down.
Corporal, watch them.
You! Where's the telephone?
Nobody leaves the train. We will
stop here only for two minutes.
Ja, Captain.
Tell Jacques the
cheese on the train.
And to save a piece
for Pierre and Raoul.
Hello, Colonel.
Colonel, we are at St. Avold.
Yes, Colonel.
What's it like here in St. Avoid?
(SCOFFS) I know what you mean.
I'll be glad to get back to Berlin.
- Schwartz!
- Yes, Captain?
- We go.
- Get up.
Auf Wiedersehen.
We are home, Tauber.
We are in Germany.
- Are you all right?
- Yes, I'm all right.
You're crazy! Why did you mean
speeding into a curve like that?
- But you told me to go ahead, didn't you?
- Yes, but at full speed?
What do you mean?
Hey, you should have signaled
to go slow! How should I know?
You're just as big a fool as your
brother, and he's the worst I ever saw!
Look at my rails!
How close?
Two minutes.
Good luck.
If anything happens,
if we get separated,
I'll meet you at the old
farmhouse above the river.
Take the stick.
- MAN: Halt!
Pilzer! Get Labiche!
Yes, sir.
Get him! Kill him, kill him!
Kill him! Kill him!
Kill him! Kill him!
Kill him! Kill him!
No. No, you can't stay here.
- Fire!
- How soon will the cranes be here?
- Major Herren is on his way now, sir.
Everything that can be done without heavy
equipment will be completed by dark.
Put more men to work.
I want it done faster.
But, Colonel, till the crane
can move the engines...
Yes, Colonel.
Sir! No sign of Labiche, sir.
We searched the woods for hours.
We can't find him anywhere.
- I've had two squads looking...
- I want him!
- He could have gone back to Paris.
- No.
He's around somewhere, I know.
He'll twist and turn. He'll
hide and make his plans.
But he won't leave the train.
I'm beginning to know him.
Keep looking for him!
Search the town.
I've brought you some clothes.
- How's your leg?
- Much better, thank you.
- What's going on out there?
- You should know.
Engines and cars all
over the tracks.
Rails torn.
Any reprisals?
Do you think they'd
declare a holiday?
Jacques, the stationmaster,
and an engineer shot.
Another engineer, the thin one,
was shot trying to escape.
- There'll be others.
Labiche. Have you seen
the man, Labiche?
- Labiche?
- Yes, Labiche!
He was in room five.
He left yesterday!
Yes, he left yesterday.
I know that. I know
he left yesterday!
I want to know if you
have seen him here today!
Labiche, Labiche. Yes,
I've seen Labiche.
I see him every day. And
General de Gaulle too.
They're my best customers and I
keep them cool in the wine cellar.
Why did you come back here?
Do you want everyone killed?
Maybe you think you're a hero.
Maybe you don't care if you live.
What right have you to
do this? Leave us alone.
I knew Jacques all my life.
He and his wife sat with me
when my husband was killed,
the first year of the war.
And now I sit with her.
Men are such fools.
Men want to be heroes
and their widows mourn.
Perhaps men are fools.
There were over a hundred
involved in stopping that train.
Switchmen, brakemen,
yard gangs, stationmasters.
God knows how many will
be shot, like Jacques.
You know what's on that train?
Paintings. That's right,
paintings. Art.
The national heritage.
The pride of France.
Crazy, isn't it?
It's quiet up there.
Where are you going?
Perhaps I can leave now.
You can't take two steps in daylight.
They're looking for you everywhere.
My friend who was with me on
the train, I have to meet him.
He may not even be alive.
It won't help him if you're
killed. Wait until it's dark.
Eat your food.
It's a sin to waste bread.
Ready? Take it up.
Put it on its side over there.
Can't you move any faster?
This is a hell of a mess you
have got here, Colonel.
We're doing the best we can.
I asked for two cranes.
It took an order by staff
headquarters to get this one.
With Von Rundstedt falling back, the army
has other uses for railway equipment.
All Von Rundstedt can lose is men.
This train is more valuable.
It's all right.
At Commercy, they shot
the stationmaster.
At Metz, they took hostages.
Ten of them. Shot them on the spot.
Kids, mostly.
You know Lefevre,
the inspector there?
His kid, the one with asthma?
They cured it for him.
At Chlons, three dead.
That's all I know so far.
Pesquet was right.
This was his last job.
- What about the train?
- Mmm.
It'll be ready to move tomorrow.
Where the hell are the Allies?
What are they taking, the
tourist route to Paris?
I'll believe them when I see them.
In case they don't come.
SPINET: Labiche, it's me!
- Who's with you?
- Robert, Jacques' nephew.
Come in.
I'm glad to see you're still alive.
You're to be complimented.
That was quite a job you did.
Where are the Allies?
What shape is the train in?
It'll be repaired by morning.
Thank you.
- When does it leave Rive-Reine?
- It won't move in daylight.
Where are the Allies?
It has been arranged for a French
division to reach Paris first. A gesture.
A gesture?
They can make gestures?
Let them make one for
Pesquet or Jacques.
That kid of Lefevre's,
he'd appreciate a gesture.
What do you intend to do?
This is what we intend
to do, plastique.
What we should have
done in the first place.
Tomorrow night, no Allies,
we blow the train to hell.
London wants the train saved.
What do they want us to do?
Stop it with our bare hands?
Lay down across the tracks?
Right after dawn, all switching tracks
and trains in the area will be bombed.
The art train is not
to be destroyed.
Orders are to mark it so the
planes will pass it up.
- Mark it?
- White paint,
on the top of the first three cars.
London has decided the
paintings must not be damaged.
Save it?
For Von Waldheim?
Make him a present?
To hell with London.
We started this whole
thing for one reason.
To stop the train because the
Allies were going to be here.
Where are they? Every
day they've been due.
And every day, a man has been killed for
thinking they were just over the hill.
I say to hell with it!
Now they want us to paint the
train? Let 'em blow it up!
It'd be too bad if it got blown up.
That is, if it could be saved.
Papa Boule, Pesquet, the others,
they wanted it saved.
And they're dead,
and they'll never know.
But we will.
White paint. Just the
first three cars.
I can find my way back.
You know what it's like down there?
There are Germans all over the
place. You haven't got a chance!
I'll figure something.
What are you gonna do?
You gonna walk up to the Germans and
tell them you want to paint the train
so it will look nice when
it gets to Germany?
Don't you see? It's hopeless.
Those cars have been needing a coat
of paint ever since the war started.
You crazy bastard.
Who are you gonna get to help you?
Have you thought of that?
Who are you gonna get to help you?
I can fight.
That's two of us. A small army.
- What do you shoot with this?
- Rabbits.
You're not fighting rabbits.
How well do you know the
station in Rive-Reine?
- Have you got a plan?
- Shut up.
- I lived there all my life.
- Can you get some men to help?
Not in Rive-Reine. They're
all working on the tracks.
Even I serve food to the soldiers.
Other towns?
Uncle Jacques had friends there,
rail road men. I can get them.
- And paint?
- Yes. And brushes too.
See about the men and the paint.
Be back an hour before dawn.
With luck,
no one will be hurt.
No one's ever hurt. Just dead.
Paul, have you ever seen any of
those paintings on the train?
I haven't.
You know, when it's over, I think
maybe we should take a look.
Didont, get off! Get off!
Didont! Didont, run, run!
Not thunder, Colonel. Artillery.
How close?
Ten miles, perhaps fifteen.
88s I think. Our guns
falling back, retreating.
When will you be finished?
Half an hour.
Does it matter?
You can't take the
train out in daylight.
The Allies could be
here before night.
Possibly. But a moving
train has no chance.
Colonel, get down! Get down!
The paint, Herren. It's a signal.
They're not going
to bomb the train.
Don't scrape it off.
Leave it there.
It's my ticket to Germany.
After him! Search the woods!
Colonel, while they
search the woods,
Labiche can blow another
section of the track.
And another and another.
Do you suggest he will stop
if we let him run free?
He could have blown up the engine.
The hostages you put
aboard prevented that.
I can have this repaired
in less than an hour.
Keep Labiche away from the train
for the next four or five miles,
till we reach Montmirail, then
we will leave him behind.
Labiche or the train. Which
do you want, Colonel?
Bring over the rails!
Now up! Good!
Come here.
I think I saw something.
Stop here!
I'll ride the front to Montmirail.
Ten miles an hour, no more.
Stop! Stop! Stop!
Yes, Colonel?
Can we get this back on the rails?
The crane is in Paris by now.
Without a crane, impossible.
Nothing is impossible!
Get the men to work!
I want this engine
back on the rails!
If we had ten times as many
men it couldn't be done.
I tell you it will!
Do you hear me? I tell you it will!
It's hopeless, Colonel.
Unload those paintings!
All of you, start to
unload them at once!
Go on, now, Schwartz.
SCHWARTZ: Come on. Get to
work! Unload the crates!
Come on, hurry up!
- Stop! Stop! Stop!
- Get your men off the trucks, Lieutenant.
- Sir, we have orders...
- I want those trucks.
- But, sir...
I don't care about your
orders. Do as I say!
Off the trucks!
Off the trucks!
Come on!
Off the trucks!
- Heil!
- Move back! Back in your trucks!
Back! Move back!
Back in the trucks!
Back in the trucks!
- What the hell's going on here?
- Him.
I need your trucks,
Major. All of them.
I have a cargo to deliver to
Germany. It's of vital importance.
There's a French armored
division just over that hill.
- What about my men?
- I don't care about your men!
I order you to unload those trucks!
Save your orders, Colonel.
In this sector the war is over.
- Back in the trucks!
- I'll have you shot!
Back in the trucks!
Herren! Shoot that man!
He is to be executed for
gross insubordination!
Unload the trucks!
Herren! I gave you an order!
Move! Go! Schnell!
Schnell! Schnell!
We have lost, Colonel.
It's hopeless.
Look at those men.
A defeated army.
Lost, Herren?
Come on!
- You want transport?
- Thank you.
- I have 50 men.
- Tell them to move fast.
Schwartz! Bring the men on the
double! We are moving out!
Grote, get the men in the
trucks. We are moving out.
All of you get in the
trucks! In the trucks!
Drop the paintings and
get in the trucks!
You go on, Herren.
There is nothing to
stay for, Colonel.
You're a good officer, Herren.
I'll be along in a few minutes.
There'll be other trucks.
Here's your prize, Labiche.
Some of the greatest
paintings in the world.
Does it please you, Labiche?
Do you feel a sense of excitement
in just being near them?
A painting means as much to you
as a string of pearls to an ape.
You won by sheer luck.
You stopped me without knowing
what you were doing, or why.
You are nothing, Labiche.
A lump of flesh.
The paintings are mine.
They always will be.
Beauty belongs to the man
who can appreciate it.
They will always belong to
me or to a man like me.
Now, this minute,
you couldn't tell me why
you did what you did.