The Transporter Refueled (2015)

Yo, boy, you can't park there.
- We're doing business here.
- So are we.
Move it!
You, come.
Tell everyone you know from now on
the prostitution on French Riviera
belongs to me.
Who are you?
Go now.
Anna, smile.
Good girl.
- You wanna work for me?
- Sure.
Good, sweetie.
Come on, girls. Get to work.
Try to enjoy it, Anna.
- Anna?
- Yes.
It's me. It's done.
We're all ready for tonight.
- Everything's set up.
- Good.
- Anna?
- Yes.
Are you sure you want to do this?
We can still cancel everything,
you know?
I can't stop until
I get all the way out.
Okay. We'll do as we planned.
I love you.
I love you, too.
Technology moves so fast, doesn't it?
I mean, as soon as you think
they can't come up with something,
they come up with something else.
It'll be able to drive itself soon.
Makes you wonder if guys
like me will be out of it.
But people always need
guys like me, right?
Hand over the keys, boy!
But the keys won't do you any good.
See, this car only starts
with the driver's unique fingerprints
when I grip the wheel.
Shut up!
You're smart and sharp.
I'm gonna cut you up.
Gimme the keys and blow.
Excuse me.
Now, here's how we're going to do this.
Put your hands on that wheel, and drive.
That's not a very good plan.
Get in the car!
You're gonna make me late.
And I hate being late.
I told you that wasn't a good plan.
You're late.
I'm 38 seconds late.
There's several degrees of early
and only one degree of late.
And that's too late.
- So?
- So what?
So how'd it go?
I thought you didn't ask questions.
I don't ask questions when
I'm on a job, but this is a favor.
Went okay.
So how much did you get?
That sounds like you
did better than okay.
791 euros.
That's my pension from here on.
791 euros a month.
Happy retirement, Dad.
Thirty-odd years of making good money
and not a moment to spend it.
Now I've got all the time in the world
and not enough money to spend.
If you ask me, the system's broken.
Pt de canard.
Good enough for you?
I'll tell you once I taste it.
Maybe you should think about getting
a car of your own, you know.
I have my own car.
Then maybe you should
think about using it.
I enjoy our quality time together.
You do realize I sit
in traffic for a living.
Is that what you do?
I came here to be closer to you.
And England wasn't close enough?
Your mother's buried there.
The island is like a cemetery to me now.
Easy on the drama, Dad, please.
Just promise me you won't
stick me in the ground. Hmm?
Your mother was a good
Catholic and everything,
but when it comes my time to go,
just throw me on the fire
and feed me to the fish.
You gonna get that, Junior?
I don't use the phone while I'm driving.
It's a hard world to get a break in
All the good things have been taken
But girl there are ways
to make certain things pay
Hi, Gina, it's me.
We're all waiting for you.
Please call me.
She's gonna come. Don't worry.
Can you believe these girls?
This is how they show
their appreciation.
By being late for an appointment.
You don't listen to me.
It's rude. What if I was a client?
She wouldn't be late then.
But to meet me, the man
who puts the money in her pockets
and pays her medical bills, she's late.
I'm sure that's her.
It better be.
- Hi, baby.
- Sorry, sorry.
Everyone was worried.
Yeah, traffic in this town's a nightmare
and my cell phone died.
Well, when I see Karasov tonight,
I will tell him to get you a driver.
Now, that we are all here,
let's get this party going.
My sentiments exactly.
Okay. Okay.
Who is she?
I don't know. She was independent.
She died of a hero OD.
- You got the necklace?
- Yes. Do your thing.
- Qiao, ready?
- Ready.
All for one, one for all.
Let's go.
So, what's your plan?
My plan for what?
For the future, Dad.
You must have a plan.
You always have a plan.
Well, I was gonna keep it
as a surprise, but since you asked,
I've been thinking about buying that.
That's a nice fishing boat for a guy
with a worker's pension.
I've been saving for it.
Yeah, I think you miss to travel.
I mean, you've been in some
pretty wild places in your time.
Germany in the '80s,
Colombia in the '90s,
Middle East since then.
Evian is a global brand, and I'm...
Top sales rep.
Yeah, I know. Yeah.
Thirty-odd years working as a rep
for a water company,
and you always seem to find yourself
in the most dangerous places,
the most defining moments.
Fall of the Berlin Wall,
collapse of the Medellin cartel,
- and the Taliban...
- Hmm.
...don't forget the Taliban.
I bet they like Evian in Fallujah.
Well, they don't really care
for sparkling water.
They do prefer the flat.
Okay, Dad.
Junior, I don't think you have
one ounce of wiggle room
to moralize to me about
how I earn my living.
- And what you mean by that?
- Oh, nothing.
I'm sure all your clients are movie
stars, captains of industry, dignitaries.
I don't ask, they don't tell.
That should tell you something.
Oh, look, um, Miss Unknown
is calling again.
And what would make you think
that "Unknown" is a Miss?
I'm just guessing.
Is this the Transporter?
That depends who this is.
Hopefully, your next employer.
I don't do business over the phone.
Tomorrow then. 2:00 p.m.
at the bar at the Majestic hotel.
How will I know who you are?
I'll be alone.
You know, in my day, when you wanted
to make a cup of coffee
you just had to boil the water
and strain the grinds.
Now it seems like you need a PhD.
Dad, you have a PhD.
That's a juicer.
You need a woman around the house.
...acting like haters
Haters acting like...
Just, just acting like haters
Yo, repeat my conversation
I talk just 'bout my haters
'Cause haters love my pictures
So now I'm getting' funky
Stackin' money off these hoes
Haters actin' like...
...actin' like haters
Yo, repeat my conversation
I talk just about my haters
Them haters love my pictures
So now I'm getting' funky
Stackin' money off these hoes
Any kind of cash I'm a professional
When it come to ass I'm a professional
When it's getting hot I'm a professional
Murder alien slang extraterrestrial
Bang bang
Since when we work together?
Twelve years.
Fifteen years.
You still don't trust me.
I trust you.
But when it comes to girls,
I'd like to take my time.
Take your time.
- And Yuri...
- Hmm? it true that you live
in your plane now?
Yeah, no customs, no taxes,
free like a bird, man.
- Hold on. Arkady?
- Not now.
There's been an accident.
They're calling it
an electrical malfunction.
His wife identified the bodies.
Then what am I doing here?
He was your accountant, was he not?
Mine and a lot of other people's.
Did you ask all of them to come
down here to see his body?
I didn't ask you to come here
to see his body.
I asked you to come here to see hers.
Who is she?
I was hoping you might tell me.
She appears to be one of yours.
I'm afraid I don't know
what you're talking about.
The Coeur Bris is hardly
a secret, Mr. Karasov.
Even men in my own department
have spent time with your "hostesses."
That is what you call them, no?
I'm a legitimate businessman, Inspector.
I have a lot of people who work for me.
And I can't possibly
account for all of them.
Of course not.
Though what I can't quite figure
is why one of them would want
to kill your accountant.
I thought you said this was
an electrical accident.
That is what the hotel is saying.
They haven't had the benefit
of seeing the .9mm slugs
we pulled from their heads.
- They were shot?
- At close range.
I suspect whomever did this started
the fire to cover their tracks.
And you think I had
something to do with it.
I want to be perfectly clear.
No one is accusing you of anything.
'Cause if you ever do,
you better come with more men.
You think the West Africans from '95
are trying to get back into the skin game?
- They're too smart for that.
- Who is then?
I don't know. But when I find out
who they are,
they'll wish they were someone else.
You called me.
How did you know it was me?
You said you'd be alone.
Well, she's alone.
Oh, she has a dog with her.
Dog people usually
say they're with their dog.
Well, I appreciate you
coming to meet me. I am...
- No names.
- What?
That's the first rule.
Someone asks me who you are,
I have plausible deniability.
Better for me, better for you.
I heard you were like this.
Heard from whom?
Someone you worked with previously whose
name would presumably mean nothing
given your first rule.
You're a quick study.
Are there any other rules
I need to know about?
Once the deal is made,
the deal never changes.
You change the deal, I drive away.
The deal is for one passenger.
You pick me up, drop me off.
Your whiskey, sir.
- Any packages?
- Two.
- Weight?
- 104 kilos in total.
Is that a problem? I was told
that you can transport anything.
As long as I don't know what it is.
That's the last rule.
Plausible deniability.
When's the pick up?
Tonight. 5:00 p.m.
Banque de Monaco in Monte Carlo.
That's in three hours.
You need to take a nap?
5:01 then I'm gone, clear?
I gather my previous employer
mentioned my...
Of course. Your fee.
Half now, half upon delivery.
I'm good at following the rules.
All goes well, perhaps we'll
work together again in the future.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
It's me. He left. You can proceed.
Is there a problem?
No, it's just that
it's a Chteau Cheval Blanc
from the 2005 vintage.
I know, it says so on the label.
But it's 900 euros.
- Really?
- Yeah.
900... 900 euros? Oop!
Perhaps I can point you
toward an excellent,
and more affordable
selection of local vineyards?
I'll be fine.
Do you need anything?
No. I'm good, thanks.
Hello, Junior.
Dad, I don't think I'm going
to be able to make dinner tonight.
Couple of things I need to take care of.
I'm sorry to hear that. I got us
a really good bottle of wine.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I'll just have to find
someone else to share it with.
That sounds like a good plan.
Sounds like a perfect idea.
May I be of some assistance?
Thank you.
- Do you mind holding that?
- Of course.
Expensive taste.
Nice hair.
Always wanted to be a blonde.
Where are the packages?
They're coming.
Ten seconds.
- Okay, all set.
- What's this?
- What?
- What's going on?
Oh, you're asking questions now?
No. I told you once I set the deal,
the deal doesn't change.
And it hasn't.
Here are my two lovely packages.
Gina, 49 kilos, Qiao, 55 kilos.
104 in all.
We should go.
No, I'm canceling the deal.
You should go.
Out of the car. All of you. Now.
No one is getting out of the car,
asshole. Now drive.
You think this is the first time
someone's held a gun to my head?
No, I don't.
But it's gonna be the first time
someone uses it.
Oh, she's a charmer.
Anna, there's a cop.
Okay, we don't have time
to talk about this anymore.
Just show it to him already.
Show me what?
No good deed goes unpunished.
Don't mess this up.
Monaco Police.
Vehicle documents, please.
What is it gonna be, Frank?
Lower the window.
Get out of the vehicle!
Seatbelts, now.
Get my father back on the phone.
I want to talk to him now.
You'll be able to talk to him all you
want as soon as the job is done.
This is a good time to lose them, Frank.
I'm doing my best.
So what's with all the getups?
Questions again?
- What about your rules?
- I don't ask names.
But when someone kidnaps
my father, I ask questions.
I guess you're as good
as advertised, Frank.
All units... Code 3
black Audi S8 in the tunnel.
Look, you'll be delivered as promised,
but if anything happens to my dad...
Stay focused, honey.
Your father will be fine.
What's that?
More company.
Watch out.
You weren't kidding.
Kidding's not really my thing.
- Okay, let's go.
- What are we doing?
We need to change cars. Come on.
Let's go.
Are we going to leave the car
with all the evidence?
Not really.
It's really quite strange,
to tell you the truth.
The Mediterranean Bank has been
robbed before, but never like this.
Let me show you.
You'll see a woman right there.
She said she was Elena Turgin,
wife of one Stanislav Turgin.
Had a passport and his safety
deposit box's keys to prove as much.
That's not Elena Turgin.
And while I didn't know
that at the time,
I refused to allow
her access nonetheless.
As only Mr. Turgin is authorized.
But as you will see, I was coerced.
First girl took my keys.
With both sets, she could open
the security box by herself.
There was nothing
I could do to stop her.
And who was on the security post?
They all look exactly the same.
You cannot tell them apart.
There's one more thing.
Getaway driver.
He picked the one girl up,
and then waited for the two others
to arrive moments later.
The police found the car,
what was left of it.
It was set fire to,
but they were already gone.
Of course they were.
Oh. Excuse me.
Yes? I'll be right there.
An inspector from Nice.
If you'll wait for me just a minute,
I'll be right back.
What do you think?
They're either our girls,
or someone who's trying to pass
themselves off as our girls.
I will do an inventory and check
with the competition.
See if there's anyone unaccounted for.
First Turgin at the hotel, and now this?
Don't worry.
We will find who and make him pay.
Late again, Junior.
You're okay, Dad?
Well, I've been sucker
punched a lot in my time,
but never by a girl.
Stop right there.
How many more of you are there?
She's the last one.
She is Estonian. From Tallinn.
I've done some funky shit in my time
down there, I can tell you.
Actually they've got very,
very good vodka.
That's great, Dad.
If I were armed, you'd know it by now.
Your father sure is.
He's clean.
Here's the rest of what we owe you.
Thank you very much.
Now if you'll untie him so we can leave
and never see you again.
I'm afraid I can't do that.
We're not done with you just yet.
I'm disappointed. I thought
you were all natural blondes.
What do you want?
I wanna make a new deal.
Thanks, but I think I'll pass.
You haven't heard the terms yet.
This should be good.
They're really very simple.
We're going to pay someone a visit,
and you're going to make sure
that we get there and back
without any more incidents.
I'm not sure I see how much
of a deal that really is for me.
The deal for you is that
your father gets to live.
So you're gonna shoot him?
Then what?
You still have me to contend with.
You think we're stupid, Frank?
That hurts my feelings.
I wouldn't do that if I were you.
That touches your skin,
it's nearly as toxic as the dose
your father drank in his beer.
Headaches, vomiting, convulsions,
all leading up to an eventual death.
Soup to nuts, it will kill
a man in 12 hours.
I should kill you right now. All of you.
You could do that, but you'd be
killing your father along with us.
It will take the lab more than
12 hours to find out what it is.
And you have the antidote?
You play ball, your father gets it.
You don't, he dies.
How do I know you're gonna hold up
your end of the bargain?
Did I ever lie to you?
Besides, you don't have
much of a choice.
I got all the girls that most fit
the description on the video.
They're all here?
All but four.
So one of them is the dead girl
from the hotel.
And the others are our thieves.
What did they get
from the safe deposit box?
Some cash, jewelry, documents.
Far as I know, Turgin didn't leave
very much in there.
Still doesn't explain the driver.
You know him, don't you?
We go way back.
- Da.
- Excuse me for disturbing you, sir.
But there are police officers
approaching the yacht.
Tell them I'm in a meeting.
Get Imasov and Yuri on the phone.
All in all, it's not
the worst way to go.
I always thought I'd end up being shot.
Left to rot somewhere.
Excuse me, but now we're partners, maybe
you can tell me what this is all about?
You do what we ask,
I think you'll find that the more
you venture, the more you will gain.
Quoting Alexandre Dumas?
Like, what? You're Count D'Artagnan
and they're the Three Musketeers?
You've read it.
In fact, my favorite line is,
"I'm sure you're very nice,
"but you'd be nicer
if you left me alone."
No deal, Junior. Zip me up.
Mmm. Don't look so sad.
In 24 hours, this will all be over.
And once you understand what
we're up to, you might even like it.
Stop right here.
What are we doing here?
Do you wanna play doctor?
How long have you been working
for the Coeur Bris?
I saw your necklace.
Since I was 12.
I suppose now you understand
how I know your former employer.
Karasov. We didn't exactly
leave things on the best of terms.
I'm surprised he'd recommend me.
He didn't.
But I overheard him
on plenty of occasions
telling other people
that you're the best.
Called the best by one
of the worst on the planet.
I'm not sure how to feel about that.
Hello, who's the anesthesiologist on call?
That would be Dr. Benet.
Right, of course. Can you connect me
with central supply, please?
- Central supply.
- I'm Dr. Smith, calling for Dr. Benet.
We're gonna be operating on a US citizen
and we're running low
on Neroflurax in OR-6.
I'll send someone up.
Yeah, don't bother,
I'm already on my way.
- Dr. Smith?
- That's me.
Neroflurax. You sign here.
- I'll grab it.
- Perfect.
But I also need your stamp right here.
Okay, sure.
Let's go.
Everything okay?
Another shot of vodka?
Your accent, what is it? Meridional?
You can tell it's meridional?
Well, you don't get to hear
the Languedoc much these days
except from rural old farts.
They love their Occitan.
My parents are from the Basque Country
- in the Pyrenees.
- The Pyrenees.
I know the Basque country well.
How do you know it?
Was a big aerospace industry
tucked in all around there.
Warheads, helicopter turbo shafts...
I ran many sorts of parts to all sorts
of places in the Middle East.
Basque people are good people.
I love that poulet basquaise.
You cook?
And you?
But of course.
They got the gas. We're up.
They got the gas.
They got the gas. Okay.
Any of you speak English?
No, no, no.
Any of you want
to make a thousand euros?
Yeah. Sure!
Let's go.
How about a drink?
How about your room?
How the hell did they rob a bank?
They'd have to have his...
He did. They did. Someone did.
I'm calling everyone.
Until I figure out what's going on,
be on the look out
for anything strange. Okay?
Call the pilot. Let's get out of here.
We can't take off. It's too late.
I want to be on the wheels up
the minute regulations allow.
Yes, sir.
Please, make yourself comfortable.
No, you make yourself comfortable.
Get undressed.
Seatbelts, please.
Three girls dressed the same to rob
a bank so no one knows who's who.
Are you asking me or telling me?
See, the thing I can't figure out is
why one of you stays behind
and misses out on all the fun.
In The Three Musketeers,
there were really four.
One of us had to stay behind
and look after dear old dad.
No. No, I don't think that's it.
You could have left him
tied up in the boot.
Maybe we're smarter
than the Three Musketeers.
You're not that smart
if you're calling him "old."
Hey, jerk-off! You can't park here!
I'll swap the tanks and we meet
back here, okay?
Come on. Let's do this.
Hey, you! What you think you're doing?
I got you fresh smoke.
But the guy just changed the tanks.
It's expired. There's a warning
right on the label. Look.
He wasn't feeling well.
Can you give me the key?
I get the fingerprints.
I'll keep an eye out.
- Okay, help me.
- Okay.
Right there.
- They're all out.
- All right.
Okay, baby, it's coming.
All right, I'm in.
I hope the transfer code works.
We're gonna find out.
All right. Let's try.
Here we go.
Okay, hold on.
Yes! All good. Come on, let's go!
Let's get the hell out of here.
Where the hell is he?
It's not nice to keep ladies
waiting alone in a dark alley.
Whoever those ladies are,
tell them I'm on my way.
All right.
Hey, you should have
just given me the key.
- Where is he?
- I don't know!
Is he drinking tea or what?
What took you so long?
There was a couple of babies
I had to put to sleep.
Shit! Seems some of
the babies just woke up.
And they look cranky.
Come on, let's go.
Wait for me here.
And don't touch anything.
Where is he going?
- Shit!
- Anna, stop the car!
He said don't touch anything.
Okay, he's got this. He's got this!
- Gina!
- I don't know if I trust this guy, Anna!
Oh, shit.
No, I think we should
hit the brakes now.
No, he said don't touch anything. No!
Stop the car!
Anna, do it now!
- I can't do it!
- I can try.
Hit the brakes! The gate!
Hurry up!
- Hold on tight.
- Oh, God.
No! No!
We're late.
My dad hates it when I'm late.
What are we waiting for?
It's almost 6:00 a.m.
Well, the captain's
on his way, Mr. Yuri.
We'll be off as soon
as regulations permit.
Oh, God.
Good morning, sir!
Good morning, Mr. Yuri.
Who are you?
I'm your pilot, Captain Martinet.
Captain Guesdon's replacement.
What the hell is this?
Well, this is embarrassing.
I'd assumed that he told you.
Um, he's sick. Food poisoning.
Oysters, I believe he said.
Call him up.
Hello, Mr. Yuri.
I'm told you are sick, Guesdon.
Yes, oysters.
The pilot who has come in your stead,
you vouch for him?
Yes, I highly recommend him.
He is a decorated pilot.
Okay, well, feel better.
Thank you.
I want to be in the air
as soon as possible.
We shall do our very best, sir.
This is the captain speaking,
we are cleared for take-off.
Good morning, Air Star 669.
Please wait for take-off clearance.
Would you like something
to drink, Mr. Yuri?
Champagne? Orange juice?
Ah, well, champagne is good.
Champagne, coming right up.
Leave us. Go away.
Your champagne, Mr. Yuri.
Thank you.
Would you like anything else?
Yeah, tell the pilot to get a move on
and then come and keep me company.
Electrical board checked,
yaw dampers on and operating.
Rudder trimmer checked.
Ready when you are, Captain.
Proceed to main runway.
Good morning,
this is the captain speaking again.
We are third in line for take-off.
Please fasten your seat belts.
We should be in the air momentarily.
What the hell?
Air Star 669.
Please make your way to the main runway.
And wait to be cleared for take-off.
Thank you, Air Traffic Control.
Oh, hang on. We have an alert.
It's probably just a blown fuse.
Probably just a blown fuse?
It's no wonder you're still
in that bloody chair!
Air Star 669 to tower.
We're gonna have to run...
We're good. Let's get off this plane.
Air Star 669 to tower...
Tower to Air Star 669, do you copy?
I repeat, do you copy?
This way!
Tower to Air Star 669,
hold your position!
Mr. Yuri! Everything okay in there?
Mr. Yuri?
I was talking to your friend Gina.
There's a huge aerospace industry
in the Pays Basque region.
In the Pyrenees.
Don't worry. Never mind!
Call security immediately.
Don't say it.
How can you be late?
What kind of Special Forces were you?
Where are you, Dad?
Listen, there's been a complication, son.
We're trapped.
We're in the main
compartment cargo area.
Do you have any idea
how to get us out of here?
Are you towards the front wheel?
No, no, it's the main cargo hatch.
Stop the plane!
I repeat, stop the plane!
Climb in the back.
I'm gonna need you to count for me.
Okay, I'm going to count to five
and you're going to jump.
What do you mean, jump?
What? No! We can't jump!
- Five!
- Five!
- Four!
- Four!
- Three!
- Three!
- Two!
- Two!
- One!
- One!
How bad is it?
It's really bad!
Take the scarf and put pressure on it!
It's not working, we need a doctor.
If we don't outrun these guys, we're
gonna need a bloody good lawyer too.
Tower to Air Star 669,
you are going to crash.
Do you copy? 669, do you copy?
I repeat, you are going to crash.
You need to stop the engine right now!
- Wake up!
- If you hear me,
you need to pull the emergency brake!
It's the trigger on your right.
- Yeah, yeah, I see it.
- Do it now!
- She's convulsing!
- What do we do?
You hold on!
- You see the building, Junior?
- I do.
Well, planes tend to move,
buildings tend to stand still.
- That's what I'm counting on.
- No, no, no, no!
I see what you're thinking.
- And?
- I hate it!
- Holy...
- What the hell?
The unidentified vehicle
has just entered the main terminal.
Come on!
Okay, hold on. Yeah, okay.
You gotta help her.
Don't look at me. I did my part.
I got you there and back.
Now, give me the antidote.
She can bleed out for all I care.
Once the deal is set,
the deal doesn't change.
The deal was my time for the antidote.
There is no antidote!
Excuse me?
It's just water in the vial.
There's nothing in his beer.
We made it up.
So he's not gonna die?
Not from poison.
Be a dear and get me
some rags and water, would you?
Look, the bullet is still in there.
If we don't get it out and the bleeding
doesn't stop she is gonna die.
All right, we've wasted enough time
getting here already.
We all agreed. No doctors.
No. No, we can't just let her die.
We knew it would be dangerous.
Okay, no doctors.
Let's help her ourselves.
Can you pass me that bottle, would you?
Dad, you...
Dad, you can't...
Don't worry, son. It's focus for me.
Okay, here's the water.
Oh, thanks, love.
You know, she's from
Pays Basque. Pyrenees.
Dad, that's great, Dad.
Can you get something
to raise her leg up, please.
See if you can find some perfume,
some tweezers
and if there's any sugar around.
What do you want me to do with it?
All right. Take the rod off
one of those clothes racks
and wrap this around the end.
What to do? To do what?
And swab all the corners of the room.
See how many cobwebs
you can get on there.
- Cobwebs?
- S'il vous plat.
You handle a lot of triage
in your time as a sales rep?
What can I tell you?
Those boys at Evian, they play rough.
You could use the vodka.
Don't be ridiculous, son.
That's a waste of good vodka.
Right, now listen.
She may look like she's out cold, right?
But she's gonna feel this.
I need you to hold her down.
- Okay.
- All right.
Sorry about this, Maria,
but it is the only way.
- You got it?
- It's...
Hurry with the cobwebs!
- All right, thanks.
- Yeah.
What does that do?
The sugar disinfects the wound
and cobwebs coagulate the blood.
It's not exactly the Cleveland Clinic,
but it's going to keep her alive
until we get her patched up properly.
Put some pressure on that,
would you, Junior?
You're okay. Shh, you're okay.
No one's dying today.
Look who's there.
Same girls, different outfits.
How did this happen?
One second everything is fine,
the next I wake up on the floor.
It's some kind of
medical grade anesthetic.
They switched the tank
for the fog machine.
One part I can't quite
figure out though is
why your girls would rob me.
Don't be ridiculous.
Just the same as I heard they robbed
Turgin's safe deposit box.
You can't think
I had anything to do with this.
I'm not sure what to think.
But it appears that someone else
is working with them.
You and he know each other, if I recall.
It's Yuri.
Of course not.
I'll get to the bottom of it.
Yuri got hit as well.
Another Coeur Bris.
Awfully convenient, don't you think?
Two of us get robbed by your girls
and a friend from your illustrious past.
Give me six hours. I'll find them
and I'll take care of it.
Let's go.
Are they broken?
They've been worse.
Let me see.
I'll be okay.
What about your dad?
Looks like they made it up to him.
I can't remember
the last time either of them
slept in the same bed
as the men who pay them.
I don't think he paid.
Something else?
I wanted to thank you
for what you've done for us.
I'm sorry I lied to you
about the poison.
How about being sorry you kidnapped
my father in the first place?
I'm sorry about that, too.
It was wrong for me to use your father,
and it was wrong for me to use you.
Very wrong.
I think our deal is done.
Don't you want to know
what I'm going to do next?
I think I have a good idea.
I'm talking about the future.
Tell me about the future.
I'm going to finish what we started.
How did you get
caught up in all of this?
I come from an impoverished village.
Drinking and drugs killed
the people that guns didn't.
And then when I was 12,
I came home from the factory
where I worked
and my mother introduced me
to a man in a very nice suit.
He said I could come and do work
for him in warm places.
He would give me food and clothes
and introduce me with men for money.
I looked at my mom
and she said it was okay.
"Yeah, go."
And so I did.
It wasn't until later that I found out
that she sold me to him.
For $500.
Jesus, Anna.
I think she could
have gotten $600, right?
You don't need to do this, you know.
You can still walk away.
If we stop now, it will have
been for nothing,
everything I went through.
Do you know what it feels like
to be thought of as trash?
He'll kill you, you know.
Without thinking about it.
It's like the Count
said to his Musketeers,
"I don't cling to life
sufficiently to fear death."
Dad. Time to go.
- Excuse me, ladies.
- Mmm. Mmm.
'Cause I'm a fool for you
You know I speak the truth
Whatever you say or do
You know they're doing another job.
Yeah, taking on a Russian crime lord
is more of a suicide mission.
Imagine how horrible your life
has to be to try something like that.
I've seen some horrible things
in some horrible places.
Being sold into prostitution
with death as your only out.
That's about as bad as it gets.
The question is, what are you
gonna do about it?
There's no one else in the car.
I don't have to do anything.
I'm gonna drop you home,
ditch the car at a chopper,
go to Paris for a bit until things
cool down, you know.
That doesn't sound
like the man I raised.
Dad, stop.
All right, stay within the lines,
watch everything play out,
that's exactly what a fobbit would do.
Look, my entire life, I've tried
to do the right thing, you know.
Maybe I wasn't a spy like you,
but I served that fool.
What did it get me?
Shit I didn't deserve.
You said it yourself.
It doesn't mean you stop
doing the right thing.
Send me a postcard from Paris.
- Dad?
- Hello, Frank.
Don't tell me you don't recognize my voice.
It hasn't been that long.
What do you want?
Well, I want to make a deal.
You have some people I want,
three of them to be exact,
and I have someone you want.
Go ahead, say hello.
Drive away. Wherever you are,
just drive away...
Dad... Put him back on the phone.
Well, he's resting now and frankly,
I think he's giving you bad advice.
Anything happens to him...
You'll what? Kill me?
Come on, Frank. I know you.
You were a good soldier.
And you'll do what
a good soldier always does.
You'll follow the orders.
So listen to me very closely.
If you ever wish to see your father alive
again, you'll do exactly what I say.
Son of a bitch!
- A big, black SUV.
- Occupants?
Couldn't stay away?
There's a new deal.
I thought you said you never...
That was before he took my dad.
Listen, I'm in this shit because
of you and so is my dad.
So whether you agree or not
we're going to see Karasov
on his yacht right now with the ledger.
I was all for you,
now I need you to do one for me.
Do we have a choice?
Not really.
We'll help you.
No more games. No more bullshit.
Where's Gina?
She left. Back to her family.
Don't lie to me.
Karasov assumes
that there is only three of us
and that's what he is looking for.
Don't you think?
This is why we always
kept someone separate.
So one of us could get away.
That was our deal.
Let's get your father back.
Welcome back, girls.
Been a long time.
Not long enough.
Still upset about what happened?
A little bit, yeah.
I thought you John Wayne types
just let it roll off your back.
That was the old days.
Now we hold grudges and get revenge.
Revenge for what?
That car of yours is a real step up
from driving a military convoy truck.
You know, you brought this
on yourself, Frank.
Everyone in your platoon played ball,
they made a lot of money.
It would have been easier if you just
went along with the rest, you know.
I wasn't there to make money.
I was there to fight a war.
I don't play ball with people like you.
Well, I can't speak to the arrangements
your country's military
makes to get jobs done.
I'm just happy I was on the side
that profited from it.
Well, let's just hope you get
what's coming to you.
Qiao, Anna, Maria,
glad you could join us.
Where's my dad?
Did one of you bring the ledger?
Now where's my dad?
- I said...
- I heard you.
I assume you have a plan, Junior.
What is this?
You tell us.
What's that supposed to mean?
You called the meeting.
I didn't call anything.
Cut this shit. What's this about?
Well, for one, I found the people
who stole from you.
Right. And he's right there.
Listen, I'm getting pretty sick
of you both accusing me
of something I didn't do.
As a matter of fact, I brought
these people here to kill them.
He's lying.
Who the hell are you?
I'm Anna and I work for him.
He told me to rob you and I did.
We called you here
because he has your money.
Let her talk.
There's no way we're taking
the fall for this.
'Cause he robbed you. Not us.
You lying bitch.
Have him show you. Ask him
to show you the bank account.
I'm not showing anybody shit.
We've been friends for a long time.
Maybe you should.
You'll see he has every penny.
Shut up!
It's not part of your plan,
this, is it, Junior?
I checked the account this morning.
I have just over 120 million.
I'm gonna lower my gun.
Grab that tablet right there.
Show you the account.
You're gonna see for yourself.
That's a fair start.
Come on, baby. Come on.
Thanks for the code, asshole!
$120 million. Just as I said.
Give it to me.
This doesn't make sense.
Don't have the money, huh?
What the hell did you do?
Exactly what you told me.
I'm gonna rip you up.
Come on.
Say goodbye to your money.
You think you can untie the boat
and get it started?
I'll try!
What's the plan, Junior?
I'll hold them off.
We meet back on the boat in two minutes!
- Can you give me four?
- Okay.
Cover fire!
Oh, you got to be kidding.
Why do you never carry a gun?
You ever think about
being less critical?
Come on, come on, let's go!
Okay. On my count!
Three, two, one! Go! Go! Go!
You jerk!
Gina! No, no, no, no, no.
Stay with me!
It's okay. It's okay.
Stay with me, stay with me.
Stay with me, stay with me.
I'm sorry, Frank.
No, no, no.
- I'm sorry.
- Stay with me.
Faster! Go here!
- Get on the jet ski!
- Yes, sir.
Hold on!
Come on!
Don't move!
Come on!
You should have joined me
when you had the chance, Frank.
Don't move!
You set this up.
You called the meeting on the yacht
and made sure my dad was kidnapped,
so I'd be here
to help you finish the job.
Stay where you are!
And now you're going to shoot me
because I'm a loose end.
The last person left
to name you for your crimes.
I can't stop until I
get all the way out.
The question is, if you were
supposed to kill me then,
why did you save my life?
Please stop.
Your friends died for you, Anna.
Like I would have died for them.
I just hope whatever
you got out of it was worth it.
I'm so sorry.
You'd better go.
That's the deal?
That's the deal.
I'll tell you again,
but it won't be any different.
I work for Evian.
I was delivering water.
I get there, there are
dead bodies everywhere.
Then two guys roar off
on a speedboat and a jet ski.
This one?
On the boat, yeah.
- And the jet ski?
- I don't know!
Because whoever he was,
he will be tried for murder.
Look, I can't tell you what I don't know.
I didn't see the guy.
How convenient.
I guess we're done here, right?
'Cause if not, then please
charge me with something,
otherwise you're wasting both our times.
You can go.
Thank you, Inspector.
Very good of you.
Crime Czar Murdered?
Twelve hours in a police station.
Do you know how humiliating
that is for me?
Why don't you tell me all about it
over a good bottle of wine?
Finally you say something smart.
Maybe we should,
maybe we should knock on heaven's door
We don't need to go to the liquor store
- You give me that high
- Get me high
- It's better than gold
- It's better than gold
- You're making it hard
- You're making it hard
- For me to go slow
- For me to go slow
You give me that high
It's better than gold
You're making it hard
Please, don't you act so ruthlessly
Oh, we're fanatical rabid animals
Please, no one needs your point of view
No, we're fanatical rabid animals
Please, don't you act so ruthlessly
Oh, we are cannibals rabid animals
Please, no one needs your point of view
Oh, rabid animals rabid animals
Rabid animals
Oh, good Lord, life is bitter and sweet
Sometimes on my knees
Sometimes on my feet
- You give me that high
- Get me high
- It's better than gold
- It's better than gold
You're making it hard
- For me to go slow
- For me to go slow
You give me that high
It's better than gold
You're making it hard
Please, don't you act so ruthlessly
We're fanatical rabid animals
Please, no one needs your point of view
No, we're fanaticals rabid animals
Please, don't you act so ruthlessly
Oh, we are cannibals Rabid animals
Please, no one needs your point of view
Oh, rabid animals, rabid animals
Rabid animals
If you ever meet them, don't hesitate.
Red lipstick on your pillowcase
Look at you
You've been down for the chase
Quick as a whip and sharp as a knife
Make you a promise the ride of your life
Doesn't have to make sense
And I'd rather fight back again
All alone, baby, don't you see
If I can't have you, you can't have me
On my own within my fantasies
If I can't have you, you can't have me
Velvet curtains and a fireplace
Leather couches and rose bouquets
Torn by my senses I'm paralyzed
I've gone too far to realize
Doesn't have to make sense
And I'd rather fight back again
All alone, baby, don't you see
If I can't have you, you can't have me
On my own within my fantasies
If I can't have you, you can't have me
Oh, you can't have me
You can't have me
Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, you can't, you can't, you can't
No, you can't, you can't, you can't
No, no
You can't, you can't, you can't
All alone, baby, don't you see
If I can't have you, you can't have me
On my own and in my fantasies
If I can't have you, you can't have me
No, no
No, no
You can't have me
All alone, baby, don't you see
If I can't have you, you can't have me
On my own and in my fantasies
If I can't have you, you can't have me
No, no
No, no
You can't have me
You can't have me