The Truth About Emanuel (2013)

My name is Emanuel.
I'm seventeen years old
and I killed my mother.
I had her sliced open,
like a goat for the slaughter,
to get me pulled out.
As she bled, the doctor
pushed air into my lungs,
and pressed his hands
repeatedly onto my chest,
with the same rhythmic,
repetitive motion
that he used to jerk himself
off that very morning.
It worked.
He came and I came...
Back to life.
The fact that my mother
lost her life for this,
for me, is probably
just a side note.
The cost of doing business.
But it's me who pays.
It's on my tab.
And it accumulates interest
with every passing year.
My point is,
there's no place for me.
Because I'm not
supposed to be here.
Maybe if I was some sort of Olympic
athlete, or a genius scientist,
but I'm not.
I'm not any of those things.
I'm just a girl.
A murderer without a motive.
So I serve my time, waiting
for my sentence to be up.
This is delicious.
It's made with aged gouda
instead of cheddar.
That's what gives it
its sharp kick.
What do you think, honey?
Sophisticated is the word
that comes to mind.
Sophisticated, I like that.
How was your day, pumpkin?
Great. I met a boy, and we're dating.
It's pretty serious.
Oh, that's wonderful!
What's his name?
You've just met and it's serious?
Yeah, it is.
Can you pass the broccoli?
Well, I think that's lovely.
I think it's about time that Emanuel
had a nice fellow in her life.
Why? Were you starting to
think that I was a lesbian?
God, no.
Why would you say that?
I had a dream about you last week.
Thought maybe you picked up on it.
No. No, I didn't.
Hmm. It's perfectly normal.
Just some hybrid oedipal,
Electra complex,
nicely tailored for the happy,
modern stepfamily.
Relax. It doesn't mean I
actually want to have...
No offense, but you're not my type.
Emanuel, that's enough.
Ignore her.
She always gets this way
around her birthday.
Emanuel, be more careful, please.
No. I can't.
This isn't your private
jerk off closet.
I know.
It's a rickety ladder
on which I'm moving some
sophisticated equipment.
Hardly consider a penis pump
sophisticated equipment.
Why don't you just try one
and get it over with?
Why is it sticky?
Look. If I had a penis, I'd try it.
It's like if you worked at a restaurant
and they added a new dish to the menu.
You need to try it to know
what you're selling.
Don't want to try the dish.
I'm Claude.
I know.
Says on your bag.
Oh. Uh, this isn't my bag.
Well, I mean, it is,
it's from when I was a kid.
My bag got stolen, so I just pulled
this out from the depths of my closet.
What's that on your arm?
My name.
Isn't that a boy's spelling?
They thought I was
going to be a boy.
But you're not.
Reality is overrated.
So why do you have your
name tattooed on your arm?
Because if I get separated from
my bag, I'll still know who I am.
Next stop, Benovale.
She seems nice.
You know, reserved.
Where's she from?
She got a husband?
I didn't ask, but it certainly
didn't seem like it.
It's just a shame, having to raise a
young baby like that all on your own.
Dad did it.
Look how well I turned out.
You might want to go over there
and give her some pointers.
She did mention that she was
looking for a babysitter,
but I can't think of anyone
off the top of my head.
The Denzel twins have
moved away, right?
I'll do it.
You will?
Yeah, sure.
But you hate kids.
I need the money.
What for?
Decided I'm going to become a collector
of Precious Moments figurines.
She's messing with you.
No, I'm not.
I must have them.
As a constant reminder
of the preciousness of life.
When do I start?
I'll talk to her tomorrow.
Would you mind?
I need to talk to him.
Excuse me.
What did you say to him?
I told him that you'd
gotten me pregnant.
So I decided to get an abortion,
but wanted to tell
you on the train,
surrounded by people,
in case you became violent.
Well that's certainly
one way to liberate a seat.
I'm Emanuel.
Come in.
Something to drink?
Just some water.
How old are you?
Turning eighteen this month.
Oh, yeah.
That's a fun age.
I guess.
College plans?
No. I didn't really
like school very much.
Can't imagine why anyone would
voluntarily sign up for more of it.
But I like learning stuff.
I'm teaching myself
to speak French.
Oh. So you're planning
on doing some traveling.
Well, it would be a pity to speak
French and not go to France.
Well, I've got some
errands to run, so...
I'll see you in about
an hour and a half.
Oh, please put your
glass in the sink.
Uh, and what about the baby?
Well, that's why you're here.
Well, I know, I mean,
shouldn't we meet before
you leave us together?
Oh, no, Chloe is asleep,
and if I wake her up she's
going to be very crabby.
Just make yourself at home.
There's a stereo in there.
What happens if the baby wakes up?
Baby monitors.
You'll know if she needs you.
How do you like living here?
It's fine, I guess.
I don't really know anywhere else.
There's not much going on.
Hi, guys!
I figured you could use a little
refreshment, in the heat.
There you go.
Very thoughtful of you.
Oh, it was nothing.
Thank you.
Oh, it's looking good.
It's a start.
Well, I don't want to keep
you from your work. So...
Oh, here.
No, no, I couldn't.
Oh, please?
If I put these all in my house
it's going to look like a wake.
Oh, thank you, they're beautiful.
I'll see you in a bit.
So why don't you like your stepmom?
She's fine.
It's just been me and
my dad for so long,
still getting used to
having someone else there.
Where's your mom?
Oh. That's awful.
Could you, um...
Could you pick up these tools and this
tarp and put it back in the shed for me?
Yeah, sure.
False alarm.
She was just stretching, and
making herself feel comfortable.
Uh, I'd love to be able to
take power naps like that.
I have something for you.
Pour toi.
I actually lived
in France for a stint.
Thank you.
Oh, positive. I don't even know
how they got in the moving boxes.
There's a basket of, uh, Chloe's
things in the laundry room.
Could you take them upstairs
to the hall closet for me?
Yeah, sure.
What are you doing?
I thought I heard something,
but now I don't.
I don't hear a thing.
I'll do this load again.
It's fine.
Just come down.
I don't want to mess
with her sleeping schedule.
what are you doing out here?
You must be pretty good by now.
You know, you get that
from your mom.
She soaked up languages
like a sponge.
She dragged me to so many
French films, I can't remember.
Do you ever think about what it would have
been like if I'd died instead of Mom?
I do.
You know, Em, I've been thinking.
Maybe this is the year that you come
with me to visit your mother's grave.
You know, it doesn't have to be on
the actual day of your birthday.
And why would I do that?
I think it's important on the anniversary
of someone's death to pay your respects.
If you want the company,
take Janice.
It's not about company, honey.
It's about you.
Wasn't expecting to see
you until this afternoon.
It's the weekend.
You said you wanted help
organizing your office.
Well, uh, just go ahead. I'll meet
you in there. Chloe's asleep.
Where to start?
This was her favorite.
But we dropped it so many times
it has now been officially retired.
I'm sorry. I just...
I just realized how tired I am.
You know, I think I am going to
take a little nap in the study.
Would you take this
box to my bedroom?
I heard her on the monitor too.
Yes, it's okay.
Oh. I know.
You don't like it when you
do a pee-pee in your diaper.
No, you don't.
It's really the only time
she gets fussy. Can...
I can feed her off schedule, then put
her down to sleep off schedule, but...
She doesn't get her diaper
changed when it's wet,
well, it's pretty much all over.
Oh, can you do me a favor and
get the onesie with the monkeys?
For my little monkey.
Yes, for you.
It's in the dresser in the hall.
Will you get it for me?
Yes, that's better.
That's much better.
Yes. That's better.
That's much better.
Getting cold in here!
Yes we are.
Yes we are.
Gonna get those feet!
I got your toes.
I got your toes.
Yes I do.
Oh, that's the one we like.
Because it is soft and silly.
Just like you.
Want to come over
here and finish?
Well, come on. Come a little closer
and you can see how it's done.
Now, you always have to remember
to support her head a little bit.
You start with the cute
little feet first.
I want to eat those feet
they're so cute.
And then your cute little butt.
Look at that little butt.
Oh, you wiggle worm.
And then we snap you up.
Ooh, and we eat you up.
Yes, we do.
Here, you hold her.
Oh, come on.
She's not gonna bite.
She doesn't even have
her little teeth yet.
There you go.
Herb roasted chicken with
porcini mushroom stuffing.
Well what?
Well, how's it going with,
uh, what, Linda's her name?
It's fine.
Just fine, not good?
Oh, no, no,
this looks delicious.
We're, we're talking
about the babysitting.
Yes, how's that going?
How is it that a child who
had more words at two
than an average first grader suddenly
becomes monosyllabic at eighteen?
Maybe I have late onset autism.
Maybe you've taken on too much.
You look tired.
You know what,
with the job in town,
and now this babysitting...
You know, you really sound
like a woman sometimes.
No offense, Janice.
I am just dying
to meet that baby.
I'm her parole officer and I
need you to leave your seat.
Don't you want to know
what I told her?
Are you okay?
Hey. Listen.
Did I do something to
offend you or something?
I mean,
you seem pretty mad at me,
and I have no idea what I've done.
Oh, really?
You have no idea?
Where were you this morning?
I was on the 6 a.m. train.
I looked for you in all 32 cars.
I missed the 6 a.m. because...
Oh, forget it.
Well, why were you on the 6 a.m.?
Because I wanted to see you.
I'm here now.
It doesn't work like that.
If you're going to be my boyfriend,
I can't have you disappearing on me.
I don't take well to
people disappearing on me.
Oh, please.
You're gonna pretend like you
haven't been thinking about
what it'd be like to hold my hand?
To kiss me?
Well, maybe. I...
Which is it?
Maybe, or yes?
I'll see you on the train tomorrow.
I'm in the kitchen.
She loves waking up to a bath.
Here, you rinse her.
It's her favorite part.
I'm okay.
I want you to get to know her.
I want her to trust you.
Come on.
Put your hand behind
her head like this.
Come on.
There you go.
That's all there is to it.
I think she's pretty well rinsed.
Well then dry her off.
I'm gonna take her
on a sunset walk.
You are?
It'd be good for some fresh air.
We did garden this morning,
but I think it's about time
that she get to know
her neighborhood.
There's a flu that's been going around.
It's really bad.
I don't think you should go introduce
her to new neighbors just yet.
Don't you hear her crying?
I just didn't know what to do.
You rock her back and forth.
And you talk to her,
because she likes that.
She likes to be talked to.
Don't you, Chloe?
Because you're such a good listener.
Yes, you are.
There we go.
Don't worry.
You'll figure it out.
I was so worried when
I brought her home.
Was I gonna be able
to take care of her?
What if I was a terrible mother?
What if I didn't like it?
But then...
It just happens.
It just comes to you as you go along,
and it's like you were
meant to do it.
Like you've been doing it
your whole life.
And then you think
about your life before her.
It was so pointless,
so selfish, and you just can't
imagine your life without her.
No, I can't.
I've decided to go
for a run instead.
Try to lose these last five pounds.
You can never turn
your back on her...
when you have her up
here like this.
I mean,
she's a feisty little one.
We wouldn't want her
ending up on the floor.
Of course not.
It's okay.
I'll be back soon.
Guess we better get you dressed.
Don't take this personally,
I'm not very talkative
to begin with.
So, if we don't really chat a lot,
it's not that I don't like you.
It's more that I like
to keep to myself.
I just wanted to make that clear.
What are you doing here?
I brought cookies.
Linda doesn't want cookies.
Who doesn't want cookies?
That is ridiculous.
She's bone thin.
Oh, you're not gonna let me in?
Linda's not here.
She's gone running.
Oh. Well...
I'd love to see the baby.
You can't.
She's sleeping.
Well, I'll just take a quick
peek at her, in the crib.
Oh, this is...
You know, it's much nicer
than I suspected. She...
God, she really did
the place up quickly.
I mean, what did she do, take
measurements months ago,
and then just arrive with
all the perfect pieces?
How should I know?
No, don't.
Linda's very specific
about disinfecting hands
before touching any
of Chloe's toys.
Well, I'm sure my hands are nowhere
near as dirty as the floor.
No. No.
She's super particular.
Like verging on neurotic.
Where's the kitchen?
That way.
Oh, I like that.
So, you're enjoying
working for Linda?
Yeah, it's fine.
What's she like?
She's nice.
And that's it.
Just, you've been spending
a lot of time together.
I just figured you'd know
her a little better by now.
I don't, really.
But you like her?
I mean, when I saw you two
gardening together,
you seemed to be
having a lot of fun.
You know, talking, and...
Oh, you look like you've
had quite a run.
Ridiculously short, actually.
I brought you some
fresh baked cookies.
That's very sweet of you.
Thank you.
Where's Chloe?
She fell asleep in my arms,
so I put her down for a nap.
You know, we would love to have you and
little Chloe over for dinner some night.
Oh, wow.
That would be lovely.
Um, but Chloe goes
to bed quite early.
Well, maybe Emanuel could
stay later one night.
You know,
earn a little extra money.
I don't need extra money.
And I use my nights
to study French.
Well, maybe you could
study your French here.
You know, while the
baby is sleeping?
Yeah. Okay.
Great. It's settled.
How about Friday?
You girls have a great night.
How many calories do you
think each one of these has?
I don't know.
I should really wake Chloe up, otherwise
she's gonna stay up all night.
I'll do it.
You know, so she gets used to me.
Trusts me.
Okay. It's a good idea.
What happened?
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Are you okay?
I was gonna take her
out for some air,
and bumped into the thing,
and I...
Oh, my God.
I'm fine. It's just a little cut.
Oh, that's deep.
No. I'm fine.
Come on. Come on, it's okay.
Come on.
This is gonna sting.
Just for a second.
Look at you two.
You look like sisters.
I hope Chloe grows up to be as
pretty and interesting as you.
You've got so much going
on behind those blue eyes.
I noticed it the moment I met you.
I see myself in you.
Not necessarily a good thing.
What does it look like I'm doing?
I'm solving world hunger.
Very funny.
It's dangerous, that
sort of work, okay?
It's not really fit for a woman.
So why don't you get down and
let me finish up, please?
I got it. I don't want to take advantage
of your manly stacking skills.
Go help up front.
I hate customer interaction.
And Sam won't let me wear
the surgical masks anymore.
He says it sends the wrong message.
Oh. I disagree.
They give you an air of competence.
Emanuel, get down.
Let me do my job.
How do you expect to meet
any women back here?
What I'm saying is, you're looking
very handsome these days,
and it's wasted on me.
Why are you being so nice?
And happy?
Guess I'm just a nice,
happy person.
Doctor said I have lice.
Uh, any chance...
You know, take it on to stationary
land, just for a change?
Okay. Sure.
Well, how about Friday night?
I can't this Friday.
I have to babysit late.
Okay, well...
This Friday night would be perfect.
Can you pick me up at 7:00?
We're up here. Shh.
Oh, thank God you're here.
She's just making me crazy today.
How come?
I don't know. Usually, I can
just sit her in her bouncy chair
and she will entertain herself.
But no, not today.
She wants my undivided
attention at all times.
This is her new best friend.
This is terrible, but sometimes
I just don't want to be a mother.
I just want to push a button
and put Chloe on pause
and just get on with my day.
That sounds awful, doesn't it?
No. Sounds honest.
Do you want me to give her a bath?
No, we've already done that.
You know, actually, the one thing
that would be really helpful
is if you could just honestly tell me
which of these sweaters I need to toss.
Okay, but I'm not
so good with fashion.
Come on, sit down.
I love your style. I mean,
I think it's too young for me,
but I think you
have excellent taste.
So what should I wear to
your house on Friday?
I can't babysit Friday night.
Something came up.
That's okay.
What are you doing?
I sort of have a date.
That's exciting!
Who is it?
Just some boy I met on the train.
Does he have a name?
You should wear this.
Here, try it on.
It's really pretty, but...
Oh, just try it on.
Come on.
Look at you.
You're beautiful.
It's yours.
No. I'll borrow it,
Oh, I haven't worn it in ages.
Actually, I think it's...
I think it's the blouse
I wore the first date
I had with Chloe's dad.
Where is Chloe's dad?
Let's just say,
not all men know how to step up
when it comes to being a dad.
And we couldn't have that.
No. No we couldn't.
I just don't understand why she would
plan her first date with this boy
on the night that we're
having Linda over,
knowing full well that Linda can't
come unless she babysits little Chloe.
Oh, come in.
Hi, I'm Claude.
Dad, Janice, meet Claude.
Claude, this is my dad
Dennis, and Janice.
It's a pleasure to meet you.
I'm Emanuel's stepmother.
Nice to meet you.
Oh, that's such a pretty blouse.
Where did you get it?
Okay, well, this has been fun.
Now let's go. Bye.
Maybe you'd like to join
us next Friday night.
It's Emanuel's birthday
and I'm going to be
making her favorite meal,
chicken pot pie.
Sure. Sounds great.
Okay, great.
Sounds great.
Have fun.
Wanna ride on the back?
It's best if you stand.
It's a little tricky getting on,
but once you're up, you're up.
Unless you crash.
Yeah, that wouldn't be good.
But I won't.
Well, I hope you're hungry.
I am.
Besides, this is the
first dinner we've had
I love how you're trying
to turn Emanuel's
inconsiderate behavior into some
sort of a romantic evening for us.
Janice, don't.
No, no, that's okay.
I know how it goes. "Emanuel is
fragile. You don't know what
"she's been through.
She's not like other kids."
Let's not do this.
And yes, yes, you're her father
and me having no
children of my own,
I couldn't possibly
know how to raise one.
I didn't say that. Honey.
Yeah, but that's how you feel.
Oh, this music.
I wanted to take
you somewhere nice.
What, you don't appreciate this
romantic fluorescent lighting?
Can I ask you something?
It's kind of a personal question.
Do you mind?
No, not at all.
I'll just wait outside.
Sometimes, when I'm on my own,
I imagine myself dying.
Life pouring out of
me like an open tap.
Creates this river of my blood.
My question is, have you
ever noticed me float by?
No. I haven't.
I thought this was all privately owned.
It is.
Looks like you're breaking
all kinds of laws tonight.
Stealing, trespassing.
What's next?
Underage drinking.
My dad used to bring
me here a lot as a kid.
Then it got privatized, and we
started going to the other side.
But he knew I didn't
like it as much.
There's just something
special about this spot.
How come you live with your
dad instead of your mom?
Because she's dead.
That's why I have
this tattoo on my arm.
It's the first and only decision
she got to make for me,
what to name me.
My dad thinks it's probably the
name of some boy she had fling with
when she spent a semester in Paris.
But he went along with it anyway.
I like it.
The tattoo.
It's kind of badass, like you.
You think I'm badass.
Yeah. I do.
It's like you live in
your own private world.
And the world the rest of us
live in has nothing on you
because you don't
belong here anyway.
Did you say the youthinator?
I wish I did, but I
said the eukinator.
Uh, that sounds like you...
Hey, Emanuel.
I've just met your lovely friend Arthur.
What are you doing here?
You're sweating.
Are you okay?
You, you look a little red.
Is Chloe okay?
She's fine, except for this cold.
I just thought I would come and see
if maybe you had a little baby...
Nasal... Aspirator.
Nasal aspirator.
Arthur, go help the lady in aisle three.
She's looking for something.
Oh. So, like I said, you just
be kind of ginger with her,
and this will take care of it, I'm sure.
Uh-huh. Thank you. That is perfect.
Oh, um, your stepmother came by and
invited me to your birthday dinner.
I know you can't very
well babysit Chloe
and attend your own party,
so I thought
maybe there's someone that you
know, who you trusted, who, to...
I can do it.
I'm trustworthy and I like children.
You wouldn't mind?
No. I would not.
I think I'd enjoy it.
Well, that's great.
Sure. Um, when?
Oh, um...
Friday at 7:00.
Friday works.
How much do I owe you for this?
Oh, that's on the house.
That's a gift with purchase.
But this is my actual purchase.
That's correct.
So, it is a purchase
that has now turned into a gift.
For you.
Well, thank you.
Okay, bye.
Okay, bye.
What was that?
My heart pumping blood
to everything else.
Start from the start.
This is the start.
No. The part where
she wakes you up.
She's having contractions.
You walk her around the room.
I'm walking her around the bedroom.
The sun is just rising.
She sits by the window.
The first rays of light
hitting her face.
She smiles at you in a way
you've never seen before.
Like she has a secret
she can't wait to share.
She's beautiful.
I sit by her side
counting the minutes
between contractions.
You help her to her feet.
She tells you she loves you.
That she's just had
the most amazing dream.
She was swimming underwater in
a lake and she could breathe.
It was night, yet she could see.
Because the moonlight made
paths through the water like
fingers pointing the way.
She was happy.
Swimming amongst the fishes.
By the time the doctor arrived,
her face had gone ash white.
Her eyes were distant.
But her grip was still strong.
They cut into her
and pulled you out.
You were blue.
Not breathing.
The cord was still wrapped
around your little neck.
The doctor worked on you.
And as you took
your first breath...
She took her last.
They tried to revive her.
But she was gone.
She was gone.
And I was here.
You were here.
And that's everything.
That is everything.
Do you do this to punish me?
I'm just making sure
you've told me everything.
That you haven't left anything out.
Happy Birthday, Emanuel!
Oh, my little girl is all grown up now.
There's no denying that.
Oh, you'll try.
You have to make the first cut.
You do it.
Uh, it, it's...
It's good luck for the birthday
girl to take the first cut.
I'll do it.
Never say no to some good luck.
Right, Claude?
We would love to
meet little baby Chloe.
Oh, she has such a
terrible cold right now.
Um, but in a couple of days,
maybe, when she's not so cranky,
I'll bring her over.
Oh, we would love that.
I'm glad you've formed such
a close bond with Emanuel.
I've been married to her
father for almost a year now
and, well, I wouldn't
exactly call us close.
It's different.
You're her stepmother.
That's a whole different ballgame.
Yeah, I suppose.
I was just hoping that I'd get to
experience a little bit of, uh,
motherhood, with Emanuel.
But, well, I'm seeing that that's
not really in the cards for us.
Well, it's probably just her age.
She's quite a troubled young girl,
and confused in some ways.
I just need you to know that.
I just don't want her misinterpreting
your fondness for her.
I'm not really sure what you mean.
She has never had a mother.
And I think that that has
created a longing in her,
that's, um, not right.
You know, confused.
I think we were all a bit
confused at that age.
I think it's important that
you make it clear to Emanuel
your interest in men.
You are interested in, uh,
men, are you not?
Claude works in a nursery.
I've seen you a lot in your yard.
Perhaps he could help you,
uh, plant your flowers.
I would love that.
Come in.
Wow, I like your room.
It's so different from
the rest of the house.
I don't know.
Just feels like you.
Is this your mother?
What was her name?
You look a lot like her.
She's got an air of mystery
and intrigue about her,
like someone you've
known for many years,
but you never really knew them.
She certainly pulled that off.
She left nothing behind.
Not a trace.
She left you.
That's a pretty big trace.
Oh, there you are.
Well, uh, it's getting late.
I'm sure Claude needs
to be getting home.
Well, I should probably
be getting home too.
Thanks for coming and
sitting through that.
I'm glad I came.
Yeah. I mean, everyone's
family is a little odd.
If it's not, then it's
not really a family.
So that uncomfortable,
annoyed feeling I get
whenever I walk in the house
is just telling me I'm home.
Yeah, pretty much.
I feel the same.
Same as?
It's stupid, but somehow
every year on my birthday
I have this feeling that this
year I'll feel different.
But it never happens.
Different how?
I don't know.
Doesn't matter.
Well, of course.
Who's that?
He's my friend from work.
He was babysitting.
I'm gonna be landscaping for her.
Yeah. Your dad hooked it up.
You know, because I work at the nursery.
I mean, she may not hire me, but I
think I could do a pretty good job.
Look, I don't necessarily
want to see you all the time.
I mean, you've been in
my house twice already.
I can't get on the train
without you being there
and now I can't even babysit without
you being just outside the window?
Well, if that's how you really
feel, I'll make it easy for you.
You don't have to see me at all.
This one or this one?
Yeah, I agree.
Uh, you're fine with me going
out with Arthur, right?
Yeah. I just don't think he's
boyfriend material for you.
Just dinner. Probably end
up just being friends.
I mean, it's all I can really
handle right now anyway.
Would be kind of nice, though.
Can't be the three of
us forever and ever.
I think she's hungry.
She has really grown a lot
over the last couple of weeks,
don't you think?
I can't believe I'm doing this.
I can tell him you don't feel well,
or that Chloe's sick.
He would totally understand.
It's okay.
I'm gonna be home soon.
This is not going to be a late night.
How do I look?
You look beautiful.
Okay, bye.
I think she's starting to love
me the way she loves you.
That's how it feels.
It's how I've always
imagined it would feel.
Thank you.
It's just the, the
fermenting of a fruit.
Oh, there you are.
Chloe isn't still awake,
is she?
No, she's fast asleep.
Arthur wants to take a peek.
I mean, I had a hard time putting
her down. What if she wakes up?
Just gonna have to be very quiet.
No, don't worry. I'm doing okay.
I think you'd be
really proud of me.
I like your make-up.
Please just stay downstairs.
Are you coming?
Oh. She's so pretty.
Isn't she beautiful?
Seems a little stiff.
Not blinking actually.
Like, not real.
Yeah, she is special.
I guess every mother thinks
about their kid like that.
So want to go downstairs
and have a drink?
That's not the baby.
It's fake.
This is a doll.
Where's your actual baby?
Where's my baby?
Where's my baby?
Okay, we're gonna find her.
Where's Chloe?
Don't. I'm sure Emanuel put
her down somewhere else.
Where is she?
Hey, Emanuel?
We'll find her. It's okay.
Where is she?
Where's Chloe?
Hey, Emanuel?
She said she was...
She's supposed to be up here.
Where's Chloe?
In her crib.
Right there.
It's a doll.
Where's Linda's baby?
That's her, Arthur.
This isn't funny, Emanuel.
What do you know, Arthur?
What the fuck do you
know about anything?
Emanuel, please.
Please, where is she?
Answer me!
Where is she?
You answer me right now!
What have you done with her?
Give me my baby!
Okay, okay. Hey, hey! Hey!
Give her to me!
Give her to me!
Hey! Hey! It's okay. We'll find her.
Where is she?
I'll call the police.
Give her to me! Where is she?
All right.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Where is Chloe?
Emanuel, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
Take it slow, now. Okay.
Can you stay here with Linda?
I need to go with Emanuel
to the hospital.
Can you do that?
She shouldn't be left alone.
We've located Linda's husband.
He's flying in.
But I still need you to
answer some questions.
She's in no fit state to
answer these questions.
I think it's time you told
your father about the baby.
Emanuel, pumpkin?
You have to answer
the officer's questions.
She's gone back to the water.
She's with Mom.
I tried to stop her,
but she got away.
They both swam away.
They left me.
All right, that's all for tonight.
I just wish you'd said
something before this happened.
Why would I say anything that
would get Linda pulled out
of her perfect world and into this?
What's so great about this?
I don't want you to cut me out, Em.
This may not be the greatest world,
I may not be the greatest,
but this, it's what you've got.
We've all gotta work
with what we've got.
We don't do that, we're lost.
It's a long way back.
What are you doing with that?
Oh, um...
You can't, uh,
wash an item like this.
It has to be dry cleaned.
If you want to talk
about any of this,
now or whenever, I'm here.
I understand more
than you think I do.
You know, about Linda?
And what she's going through.
I can't have kids.
You know my first husband,
he left me because of it.
And the grief that I felt...
It almost put me over the edge.
Anyway, that's all.
Sorry about the other night.
Trying for a baby was my idea.
Uh, I actually thought it
might fix things between us.
Five years and nearly
$100,000 later,
we finally had our baby.
By then our marriage
was all but over.
And then, uh...
Linda blamed herself.
She was the, uh, she was
the one who found her.
Autopsy was inconclusive, so we'll
never really know what happened.
My wife refused to go to the burial.
She just couldn't.
That's when the doll happened.
I tried to get her committed
and she disappeared.
So that's when I went to the police station
and filed a missing person's report.
What's her prognosis?
Doctors seem less than optimistic.
I want to see her.
You don't want to see her.
Not, not like this.
Besides, it's not possible.
They're only allowing family.
You okay?
Can you get me in to see Linda?
Close the door.
Em, this obsession
with Linda has to stop.
She's not your mother.
She's nothing like your mother.
You hear me?
That doesn't mean she doesn't
deserve to be saved.
I'm sure the doctors are doing
everything they can to help her.
Like they did for Mom!
Her husband is gonna
let her rot in there.
You don't know what's
in people's hearts.
But I know what's in mine.
Thank you for this.
Where's Chloe?
I have her.
Is she okay?
Did you hurt her?
She was already hurt.
Well, I want to see her.
Where is she?
What happened?
What happened?
The tide came up.
I was holding her hand
and it took her away.
Why didn't you hold her closer?
I just couldn't.
Tide was too strong.
It took us to where the water is
the deepest darkest blue
you've ever seen.
And we were happy, swimming
amongst the fishes.
Then Chloe let go of my hand.
And I was scared.
But actually, for me,
not for her.
She knew exactly
what she was doing
and where she was going.
I lost sight of her.
And then the fishes
brought me back here.
Why did they bring you back?
For you.
This is the place.
That's good.