The Truth Commissioner (2016)

I hope you got some rest.
How long has it been?
12th of May 1992.
Connor Roche's murder.
I see Francis Gilroy
is now a man in a suit.
The last thing we want is for you
to feel exposed at the hearing.
What I want you to do
is remember everything
you can about Connor Roche.
From the very start.
Don't do this.
Don't be stupid, Connor!
- Beckett. Sir.
- Beckett.
- This way, please. Ma'am.
- Thank you.
You're expected at Stormont by ten.
10:30 press conference
with the Prime Minister,
who will introduce you to
local government ministers,
followed by drinks then dinner,
with 12 cross-community leaders.
- The last supper.
- Except you're not Jesus, Henry.
Did I tell you my daughter lives there?
Several times.
You planning on seeing her?
That all depends on her, I'm afraid.
How old is she?
30. Same thing.
REPORTER: The conflict
resolution expert Henry Stanfield
has been appointed in a bid to
lend honesty and transparency
to the stalled
reconciliation process.
The coming months will tell whether
Northern Ireland is ready to face
the truth about its past,
or whether the past is
too present to contemplate.
For CNN, I'm Jesse Wheeler. Belfast.
Stand back, please. Stand back.
Stand back, please. Stand back, please.
Stand back, please. Thank you.
No-one's asking anyone to forget.
We try to get at the truth.
After that, people make up their
own minds, make their own futures,
hopefully for the better.
Thank you.
On the right, Unionist
MLA's leader, Harry Bryson.
On the left, Francis
Gilroy, Sinn Fein Minister.
Behind him, Johnny Rafferty,
Sinn Fein head of communications.
Coppers: Alec Reid, Chief Constable
Police Service Northern Ireland.
- Hello, Henry. - Prime Minister.
- Picked a good day.
Henry Stanfield, son of a Northern
Ireland mother and an English father
is in so many ways the best
that these islands have to offer.
No offence to the Scots and the Welsh.
He brings honesty, integrity
and experience to this job.
We are very lucky to have him.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Truth Commissioner for
Northern Ireland, Henry Stanfield.
- So, how was Libya?
- Well, like everything, it's a process.
- That bad, huh?
- I do firmly believe in the process.
Of course.
Sorry to interrupt, but the PM's leaving.
Laura Darnell, my legal
aid. Minister Francis Gilroy.
- Pleasure to meet you.
- And you.
If you'll excuse us, we
ought to show our faces.
- We'll talk again, I hope.
- Good luck, Mr. Stanfield.
Still bringing the truth
to unbelievers, Henry?
Why am I not surprised to see you here?
I see you've befriended
governor of the year, 1990.
They tell me he's travelled
a long way since then.
He's the coming man, they say.
Who's that?
Don't say your legal aid, please.
She's off-limits.
What are you doing here, Jake?
Not planning another cock-up
like the one in Libya?
I'm an adviser of some sort.
PM, apparently.
On what, pricing tips?
Very good, Henry.
How are you going to survive these people?
Well, they don't look so bad.
Well, don't go lifting stones unless
you know what's underneath them.
Is that a message?
Unless you still want to be
here in 2020, narrow the brief.
- Laura Darnell, Jake Marston.
- Pleasure to meet you. - You too.
- The PM?
- Yes, of course.
REPORTER: The conflict resolution
expert Henry Stanfield has been
appointed Truth Commissioner,
with blessings from both the
UK and the Irish government.
The truth can and will
lead towards healing
- and a lasting peace.
- This eve...
Hi, this is Emma. Leave a message.
Emma, it's your father again.
I was hoping you might have called.
I'm in Belfast, you've got my number.
What's all this?
Police files. Or what
they tell us are the files.
Police dragging their feet?
The usual.
Those are newspaper reports
on the dead or disappeared...
sectarian murder, tribal
division, political assassination,
all scanned, indexed,
cross-referenced, and all
accessible from your desktop.
OK. Thanks.
Henry, the chief constable
is in your office.
Ah. What are we still missing?
Practically everything pre-1994.
Let's go and meet him.
Good morning, Chief Constable.
Truth Commissioner.
I am told that despite repeated requests,
you're withholding crucial evidence.
I don't know who told you that.
Personnel files incomplete,
Special Branch files untraceable...
smacks of history being rewritten.
We do expect you to deliver
the files in their entirety.
Many of them are falling to bits.
They are 35 years old.
Hardly the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Maybe they had a better
class of paper in those days.
I take it you're in favour
of the Truth Commission?
Oh, we all want the truth.
- But?
- But what is it going to cost?
Don't obstruct this
commission, Chief Constable.
Actually, I just came by to let
you know that the missing files
have been recovered.
- They'll be delivered to you here this morning.
- Good.
If there is anything else you
need, don't hesitate to call me.
Thank you.
A little abrasive for day one.
Belfast or Bosnia, the
police protect their own.
Mark their cards early
on, saves time later.
Right, well, you better get reading.
We've got one week till the hearings start.
Did you have dinner with
Jake Marston last night?
Why not ask him?
Did he mention he's MI5?
I guessed he was something
along those lines.
He's not a nice man, Laura.
Spies never are.
Well, thank you for the warning.
Hello? Is anybody there?
How far is Dunmurry, Beckett?
Half an hour, sir.
Take me there, will you?
Yes, sir.
Number 35, sir.
Let's head back.
- Marty is bringing the car around.
- Right.
You were up again in
the middle of the night.
I had that report to read.
You'll end up a physical
wreck if you're not careful.
It's nothing. The Kellys are
having a new kitchen put in.
Car's here.
Christine's pregnant.
Just three months.
Oh, Jesus. Is this why she's
marrying this English fella?
- No.
- Cos we'd look after the child.
She's marrying him because she
wants to, and his name is Justin.
Could she not have told me herself?
She's afraid you would have a heart attack.
A few days' break would do you good.
- I'm working on it, I promise.
- Yeah? Well, I booked it.
Week after next. It's in the diary.
Are you taking a few
days' break, then, Frankie?
- Are you organising my personal life now?
- Of course not, Frankie.
Ricky, it's Christine.
Is my daddy there?
Hi, Christine. Let me just check.
- Your mother told me.
- Do you forgive me? - No.
But you'll come and have
your morning suit fitted?
I'll see how I feel.
And you'll go easy on Justin?
I'm making no promises.
Be there, or I'll not
name the child Francis.
Am I the only one who didn't know?
- Morning.
- Morning.
Are they here for me?
Mother and sister of Connor Roche.
The case is set for next month.
What do they want?
To talk to you.
- I know your daughter, Mr. Stanfield.
- Emma?
She's a colleague of mine.
We teach at the same school.
- I see.
- Of course, she's off now on maternity leave.
Yes, of course.
All we want is Connor back,
so we can put him to rest.
I understand.
- We're not happy with the witnesses you've called.
- I'm sorry?
We want the truth. We've
written everything down...
times, dates, names.
We'd like you to read it.
And if you have time,
I'd like you to look at
- my photograph of him, of Connor.
- Of course.
We'll not take up any more of your time.
Some good news, at least.
You're going to be a
grandfather. Congratulations.
(WHISPERING): Take that lady a
glass of Champagne, would you?
(WHISPERING): From the
gentleman over there.
Mind if I join you?
So, you don't like to
drink Champagne alone?
Can't abide it.
Tom. How do you do?
What brings you to Belfast?
Men. Like you.
Where are you from?
Interesting city.
And you?
Why Belfast?
I'm a lawyer, I have a client.
Are you hungry?
I haven't decided.
You're very beautiful.
Are you married, Tom?
My wife died.
Two years ago.
I know a quiet restaurant near here.
If you'd prefer.
Yes, I'd like that.
Dad, it's Emma. Why am I not
surprised you're not answering?
I saw you on the TV.
"Henry Stanfield brings
honesty, integrity
"and experience to this job."
Did you write that for
her? Sounds like it.
Look, I'm really calling
to say that Maria told me
that you and she had met,
and that she had given you a letter
with all the details
about her brother.
I just wanted to say...
it means a lot to her.
Anyway, call me.
Maybe we can meet up.
The Roche file has been tampered with.
Pages missing, others
substituted after the fact.
He's screwing with us.
Calls me "dear".
He's protecting someone.
Obviously, but who?
DI James Fenton, Special Branch,
retired, and Francis Gilroy.
Gilroy? The Minister?
Maria Roche claims Fenton ran
her brother as an informer,
and Gilroy had him shot.
That may be more truth
than the PM is ready for.
Is that a Jake Marston
line? Sounds like it.
Jake completely supports
the Truth Commission.
Jake and I have been down this road before.
So, what do you want to do?
We call Gilroy and Fenton
before the commission.
- Right. If you're sure.
- Yes, I am.
Even if Jake isn't.
Mr. Rafferty.
Your man Stanfield is making waves.
He's not my man.
It's an independent
commission, more's the pity.
Your Prime Minister appointed him.
Your Mr. Gilroy, does he know?
Now would not be a good time to tell him.
Francis needs a holiday.
I'm afraid that's your problem.
I'm afraid it's yours.
All right.
You keep Gilroy on the rails,
I'll make sure Stanfield backs off.
NEWS: And as the recently
established Truth Commission
gets underway in Belfast,
families of those
killed in the conflict
will come face-to-face
with those responsible...
...whether these witness
statements will amount to
an admission or an
apology is yet to be seen.
A spokesman for the
victims' families said...
Questions have been asked about
the validity of the process...
We had to do something.
The UVF only took lives
when it felt it had to...
I regret the loss to
his wife and family...
I'm sorry for the hurt
done to this man's family
but I'm not sorry for what I...
I was a soldier fighting in a war.
At that time,
I felt the victim represented
a legitimate target in that war.
I deeply regret the pain and
suffering caused to his family.
Have you anything else to add?
Thank you.
We'll take a 15-minute break.
- Alec Reid.
- Alec?
- Alec.
- You're to be called before the Truth Commission,
the case of Connor Roche.
Why me?
I've been told to talk to you.
Men in suits, people who
don't use their real names.
And what are you to tell me?
They don't want
Gilroy's name mentioned.
I asked you to keep me out of this.
It's not up to me.
If they make me go, I'll
tell the truth, regardless.
- The federation can help you.
- I won't lie.
- You can't use Gilroy's name.
- Is that right?
James, you're the one
who recruited this boy.
Do you want that to be
dragged into the open?
- Are you taping this?
It's a phone, Alec. Stop it.
What the hell is the matter with you?
It's a text from Miriam, look.
Don't make a martyr of yourself, James.
Do what has to be done and
disappear into your retirement.
When is it due?
Next month.
And how is Richard?
Alan. Sorry.
I'd like to meet him.
You probably wouldn't.
Wrong accent, wrong
university, wrong shoes...
This is absolute rubbish.
I thought, Northern Ireland,
I've escaped all of that,
and then you pitch up,
head of the truth police.
I should have gone to Patagonia.
I'm pleased you've found
someone you love, who loves you,
- and I'd very much like to meet Alan.
- Or Richard. - Stop it, please.
Oh, you love the abuse.
I love you. The abuse I can live without.
Well, maybe you shouldn't have
been off in the Congo reconciling
a bunch of murderers when your
wife was at home dying of cancer.
Your mother had thrown me out.
You should have tried harder.
She didn't want me there.
I wanted you there.
I was doing it all on my own.
How stupid are you?
I need your help.
You only need to ask.
Maria Roche, who you met...
I can't discuss the tribunal.
I don't want you to discuss
it. I want you to help her.
Did she tell you what was in her letter?
Well, I didn't ask her for specifics.
Should I have?
I'll do whatever I can to help her.
You'll listen to what she has to say?
I'll try to give her the truth
about her brother, that's my job.
Connor's obviously dead but not...
They need the body home.
And they want those
responsible to be named.
Do this for Maria. It'll mean a lot to her.
And me.
Can I drop you somewhere?
No, thanks.
I'll call you.
Come to bed.
At the time, I believed
the victim, Mr. Lorimer,
represented a legitimate
target in that war.
I deeply regret the hurt and
pain caused to his family.
I am very, very sorry
and beg your forgiveness, Mrs. Lorimer.
Thank you.
Mrs. Lorimer,
would you like to make your final address?
destroyed my life.
My family.
You murdered my man.
You're sorry?! I don't want
to hear the word "sorry"!
You killed my man!
Clear the chamber!
Clear the chamber. Remove
her from the chamber.
I just realised what
it is we're doing here.
Tell the chief constable that we
need a larger security presence
- in the chamber, will you?
- Of course.
Not long till Christine's wedding now.
Two weeks, is it?
What is it, Johnny?
Connor Roche. The Truth Commission.
- Am I called?
- No.
But it could be trouble.
Who for?
All of us.
But you're the Minister now.
Ricky, find out what
that music is, will you?
So, who has been called?
We've found Michael Madden in Boston.
He was only a kid.
He was there.
And all his people are dead.
He can accept responsibility
and go back to the States
as if nothing had happened.
Neither you nor I can do that.
- Was this your idea?
- I've been instructed to protect you,
to make sure the right things are said.
You mean you're protecting yourself!
Francis, keep your voice down.
You're not planning some kind
of a putsch, are you, Johnny?
All I'm trying to do is to
keep your name out of it.
You cannot appear before that commission.
Just admitting you were
there would be the end of you.
The end of all of us.
O Magnum Mysterium,
Tomas Luis de Victoria, 1572.
I won't have that modern script.
I don't like him calling me Frankie.
- And this bloody waistcoat.
- You look great.
I look like a clown.
It's what Christine wants. We agreed.
Hey, Da, are you ready?
We want to show you something.
They're in high spirits.
What do you think, Frankie?
"Communities Minster shows
"he hasn't forgotten his
roots at daughter's wedding."
I don't see the joke.
No, neither do I.
Come on, Da. We're just pulling your leg.
I don't see the fucking joke.
Christine, take the boys for a
drink. And get rid of that thing.
What is wrong with me, Catherine?
Only you know the answer to that.
I better apologise.
NEWS: Henry Stanfield,
the recently appointed Truth
Commissioner for Northern Ireland,
has called for stronger
security measures
at the commission's hearings.
It follows an incident today
when the widow of murdered
Edward Lorimer violently attacked
one of those who admitted
to her husband's murder.
Mrs. Lorimer launched herself on
him after listening to his apology.
Mr. Stanfield said the
incident was regrettable
but perhaps understandable,
given the years of suffering
endured by many of
the victims' families
who are appearing at the commission.
Krystal's phone.
Um... May I speak with Krystal?
She's gone away.
I see. For how long?
Who's calling?
Thomas Tatless.
She won't be back any time
soon. Do you have a message?
Um... No, thank you.
May I join you?
I asked you not to meddle in this process,
and you completely ignored me.
And I know you are using Laura.
Come on, Henry. She was
hardly going to sleep with you.
What is it you are advising the PM on?
Stability in the institutions,
keeping an eye on the
long-term objective, peace.
Usefully vague.
And is she heeding your advice?
So, how do you think
the commission is going?
Apart from yesterday's incident, not bad.
Unfortunate, that.
The case of Connor Roche
is soon to come before you.
The Roches have asked you
to expand the witness list.
Fully within the terms of my remit.
No-one is disputing that.
Did you tell Laura that calling Gilroy
might be more truth
than the PM had in mind?
God, Henry. You can't account
for every casual remark.
- I'll take that as a yes.
- When is your daughter's baby due by the way?
I understand she and Maria
Roche know one another.
What's so special about Francis Gilroy?
He is not responsible for
Connor Roche's disappearance.
Yes, so Sinn Fein said. Do
you take their word on that?
We all want the Roches to have closure.
It's such a stupid word,
that, don't you think?
So the man who actually
pulled the trigger will attend
the commission but it would be
best if that were the end of it.
What is it you don't want
the world to know, Jake?
Anything that might destabilise
the extremely hard-won peace.
The Roches deserve the truth.
The truth is Gilroy may
have been an idiot once
but compared to most of
them he's Mahatma Gandhi.
The truth is he's one
of the reasons most of us
have enjoyed a bomb-free
existence for ten years.
The truth is none of us
much fancies the alternative.
Is that your advice?
You have a friend named Krystal.
Someone paid her to set you up
but because my interest is stability
in the institutions I intervened.
- Intervened?
- She works here illegally.
She has a six-year-old son. She
wasn't difficult to persuade.
- Where is she?
- That... You don't need to know.
If she contacts you again or refers
to these again she'll be deported.
Did you do this, Jake?
With Gilroy's handlers. They
are keen to make a point.
Well, it'll take more than a few embarrassing
photographs to stop this commission.
Exactly what I told them, which
is why we're not sitting here
watching the live version
of these on YouTube.
Believe it or not, Henry,
I am trying to save lives,
not just protect reputations.
But do try to be a little
more careful with what
passes for your sex life.
For the commission's sake, if not your own.
- Laura.
- Some news. The police have had a change of heart.
They've offered up ex DI James
Fenton though they're denying
- he recruited Connor Roche.
- And Gilroy?
They've named the man
they say shot Connor.
And it's not Francis Gilroy?
Someone called Michael Madden.
Shall I tell the Roches?
No. Not yet.
- You see much of Jake?
- He phoned.
He said you and he had
had a drink together.
- He'd forgotten how much he enjoyed your company.
- That was kind of him.
- I was quite jealous.
- Good night, Laura.
- Mr. Stanfield? - Sir.
- It's all right, Beckett. Stay where you are.
- My name is Fenton.
- Yes, I know who you are.
- What do you want?
- Strike me from the list?
That's not possible.
I don't want to have to lie.
So tell the truth.
They're not going to let me tell the truth.
They'd destroy me first.
Please, Mr. Stanfield.
We all have to make our
own choices, Mr. Fenton.
This is not my choice.
I heard shots. I ran from the house.
Seamus was lying there in the cold.
Blood was pouring from his forehead.
Two members of the UDA were
convicted of his murder...
...but released after
the Good Friday Agreement.
My family and I would like
to hear what they have to say.
Thank you, Mrs. Benson.
Jake, you told me Krystal
was out of the equation
and now she shows up at the
tribunal. So what is this?
Am I fighting on two fronts here?
Because if you think this is the
way to spare Gilroy's blushes,
trust me, I'll make it a lot
worse for him and for all of you
than a few photos of me making
a bloody fool of myself. Call me.
- Mr. Stanfield? - Yes, what is it?
- I was in at the tribunal.
If you don't mind me saying, you
seem to be in a bit of a state.
I'm not sure what was going on in there
but I don't want my brother's
hearing to be like that.
How do you know Anna
Connelly, the Sinn Fein lawyer?
She came into the chamber
just now with some other woman.
I've met a lot of
lawyers since I came here.
Do you like the truth, Truth Commissioner?
- Truth is rarely pure and...
- And never simple. Yeah, I know.
- But it's what gets me out of bed at the morning.
- Yes, I can see.
I'll make sure Anna Connelly
will not humiliate my family
even if you won't.
I'll see to it that she won't.
It's Henry Stanfield.
I'd like to speak to Francis Gilroy.
So, Michael, I was very sorry
to hear about your mother.
You'll be able to get me back?
You do what we tell you, you'll be
back in Boston before you know it.
The salmon are back.
That was a filthy pond when I was a boy.
Do you know this woman?
- No.
- She turned up at the commission yesterday
- with your Ms Connelly.
- And?
- No, I didn't think you knew.
- This is not my doing. I'm sorry.
Who's Madden?
- He's nobody. He was a boy.
- So why him? - He was there.
And did he kill Connor?
The Roches want a name. A guilty man.
- That's what you promised them, isn't it?
- They seem to want you.
Those photographs are for
Jake Marston's benefit.
- What does that mean?
- They make it seem like
they're serious about protecting me.
- A man Dublin and London could deal with.
- And?
Some of my colleagues
are protecting themselves.
If that's true, why don't you
stop them? I won't name names.
I think you'll let Madden take the rap
because it's the least
worst option for you.
I didn't kill Connor Roche, but you drag me
before the commission,
it'll be as if I did.
No-one will benefit except
those who replace me.
How many times in how many
countries have I heard that speech?
You must do what you
have to do, Mr. Stanfield.
I always knew my job
was a poisoned chalice.
What about yours?
- Interesting.
- He's old school.
He won't be pleased about the photographs.
Send Mr. Stanfield the other images.
- Dad. - Emma.
- Dad, what's it? What's wrong?
- I'm sorry to wake you.
- No, no, I was... What's wrong?
I... I just wanted to hear
the sound of your voice.
Make sure you're all right.
- Well, I'm uncomfortable. I'm fine.
- Right.
- Emma?
- What is it, Dad?
It's... nothing.
Prime Minister, I'm afraid I'm going
to have to tender my resignation.
I have a daughter who's moved
here. She's pregnant, vulnerable.
I cannot guarantee her safety.
I realise your personal investment in this.
Yes, you made it very plain.
This is to be your legacy.
Just let me try to explain.
No, of course not. No, I haven't. Not yet.
Yes. All right. All right.
Yes, what is it?
- Henry, are you all right?
- What is it, Laura?
I'm sorry to pressure you but you
need to make a decision on Gilroy.
You need to know now?
Yes, the Roche case has been
moved forward to Thursday.
Take Gilroy off the list. Let's see
what their star witness has to say.
- You're sure?
- Yes.
OK. Sleep well.
It's the right choice. Believe me.
- Is everything all right? Emma?
- She's fine. There's a guard at the house.
I know the men on duty. Very
discreet. She's in good hands.
I was told to give this to you. It
was left at the commission for you.
- Can I offer you a drink?
- Thank you. But I'd better get back.
- Good night, sir.
- Goodnight.
When we get there stay close to me.
Keep your head up and look straight ahead.
Keep everything for the commission.
And remember, we're here for
you, shoulder to shoulder.
Maria Roche wants me to call the
man responsible for Connor's death
before the tribunal.
I can't give the Roches what they want.
Why not?
Threats have been made.
What kind of threats?
They've made it plain
that they could hurt you
if I call Francis Gilroy.
The Minister?
- You have to call him.
- Emma...
I'm not risking you or my
grandchild for a truth commission,
- not even this truth commission.
- See this as an opportunity, Dad.
A chance to do something that matters
for those you say matter to you.
I won't make pointless grand gestures.
OK, so when the truth doesn't suit you,
it's a pointless grand gesture.
You owe this to me.
You owe it to my mum.
And if you ever, ever hope to see
him, you owe it to your grandchild.
Do not pass up on this chance.
There won't be another.
Michael and I have been
working on the events that led
to the unfortunate death of Connor Roche.
Connor was passing information
about Republicans to the police.
He'd been seen with the Special Branch
so he was to be taken over the
border and questioned about it.
I drove the car for two
other volunteers, now dead.
He was crying, but no-one heard him.
He freely admitted what he had been doing.
It was decided to set up a press conference
where he'd describe how he
was recruited by the police
and passed information.
But early next morning, he somehow
managed to climb out a window.
I was supposed to be watching him.
I had a gun.
I panicked, I chased
after him into the woods.
I shouted after him that
he'd get me in big trouble,
not to be stupid.
All of a sudden, he was on top
of me, punching and kicking me.
I was on the ground.
I tried to push him off.
But he gets hold of the gun...
He was trying to wrestle it off me.
And then...
- I don't know how...
...but the gun went off.
And he stopped moving.
It was a terrible accident.
I'm sorry for what happened
to Connor. I'm truly sorry.
Very good, Michael.
Can you let me have a
copy of that, please, Anna?
I had no idea they'd put so much
pressure on you not to call Gilroy.
I'm sorry if I...
Where's Francis Gilroy?
They sent him instead.
Sure, he was only a child himself.
- (WHISPERING): They're not sending Francis Gilroy
- (WHISPERING): What's going on?
I'd ask everyone to stand
in silent memory of all those
who lost their lives in the conflict.
Thank you.
I'll begin by asking Maria
Roche if she would tell us
about the events leading up to
her brother Connor's disappearance.
When Connor disappeared,
he was 15 years old.
It was a Thursday night.
He said he was going
down to the boxing club.
He didn't come home.
When another day passed,
we went to the police.
They told us they believed
he'd been abducted by the IRA.
A few days later, word reached us.
A neighbour said that Connor
had been supplying information
to the police and that
he'd confessed it all,
that it was all on tape.
How could Connor work for the police?
What did he know about anything?
Years went by and nobody was able
or willing to tell us anything.
It was as if he never existed.
But we have a right to know, to
have his body back where he belongs.
Thank you, Miss Roche.
The commission calls James Fenton.
Please state your name and
your connection with the case.
James Fenton, Detective Inspector.
Special Branch, RUC.
When did you first encounter Connor Roche?
I can't remember the exact date,
but towards the end of January 1992.
Connor was suspected of
involvement in petty crime,
making a nuisance of himself.
So we picked him up.
He denied any wrongdoing.
We had no evidence, so we...
We gave him a word of warning
and sent him on his way.
And when did you hear he was missing?
May 13th.
His mother came to the station.
No trace of Connor was found.
Sometime later, we learned that
he had been abducted by the IRA.
And do you know the identity
of those who abducted Connor?
Is there anything further you
might be able to add, Mr. Fenton?
I'd like you to think
carefully before you answer.
I'm afraid not, no.
A moment, Mr. Fenton.
I think Miss Roche has some questions.
I want to play a recording
relevant to the case.
We had no prior knowledge of this.
Miss Roche...
is this recording of legitimate
concern to this hearing?
It is.
It was given to me by someone
involved in Connor's abduction.
My mother has identified
this as Connor's voice.
TAPE: Name?
Connor Roche.
If you ever want to
see your mother again,
you're going to tell me who, when,
where, how often and why.
Am I clear?
Why did you do it?
They said they'd get me shot
if I didn't tight for them.
How often did you meet them?
Twice a week.
What were their names?
Inspector Fenton.
And DS Briggs.
Where did you meet them?
They'd pick me up in
Belfast and we'd drive.
If I didn't give them information,
they said they'd drop me
where people would be waiting
to give me a head job.
Did they pay you?
TEARFULLY: I didn't do it for money.
What did you do it for?
Cos I was scared.
They kept saying what would
happen if I didn't help them.
I didn't do it for money.
I'm telling the truth.
Can I go home now?
Can I go home now?!
Mr. Fenton, isn't it true that
Connor was working for you?
I didn't say any of those things to Connor.
Is it true that Connor
was working for the police?
We needed information to protect lives.
So you used Connor to
gather that information?
We met him from time to time, in
the same way we met many people.
How many times did you meet him?
Perhaps half a dozen.
I can't remember exactly.
And you paid him?
Small amounts.
Not very much.
So what are we talking about?
Five or ten pounds? More?
I think it was mostly about 10.
He just wanted to talk as much as anything.
We were like...
Connor said he was forced
to supply information.
No-one threatened him or said
that he was going to be shot.
So why do think he said those things?
He was frightened.
He was just telling them
what they wanted to hear.
Mr. Fenton, you were aware of Connor's age?
Look, I don't think you understand
what we were having to deal with.
- I understand that you were dealing with a child.
- Miss Roche...
Please let Mr. Fenton
finish what he was saying.
If you weren't there, if you
hadn't lived through it...
you can't understand what it was like.
Things were falling apart.
When you reported for duty,
you never knew what you
might be having to deal with.
Police officers were handed
caseloads of 200, 250 murders.
Working on them for a couple of months
before they themselves were
murdered. We were in a war.
Things happened that...
...that shouldn't happen.
I want to say that I regret...
...deeply what happened.
I'm very sorry.
Thank you for that.
But you were aware of the fate of
so-called informers, weren't you?
Did he supply you with any
information you considered useful?
So a boy lost his life
supplying meaningless information
in exchange for petty cash?
No further questions.
I didn't kill Connor.
I'm not the person who killed him.
Thank you, Mr. Fenton.
There will be a five minute recess.
Did you know about the recording?
Yes, I did.
Why didn't you say?
Because I couldn't be
sure who you might tell.
TANNOY: Michael Madden to the
Commission Chamber, please.
It wasn't your fault.
That's what happens when you
don't stick to the script.
We've had enough surprises for one day,
so just keep it nice and simple.
The commission calls Michael Madden.
Would you please state your name
and your connection to the case?
My name's Michael Madden.
Mr. Madden?
My name is Michael Madden.
I joined the IRA when I was 17.
Made me feel big.
But I wasn't big. I was an idiot.
A message boy.
In May 1992...
I drove Connor and two volunteers
to a farm across the border,
in County Monaghan.
Connor was dragged into the
house and tied to a chair.
And one of the men began to beat him.
Phone calls were made to Belfast.
It was decided that we'd make a
tape of him admitting what he'd done.
He was told after he'd made the
tape he'd make a press statement.
And then it would all be over.
A couple of hours later,
another man arrived from Belfast.
When he saw the state that Connor was in,
there was a real bust-up
with the interrogator,
who was shouting we
were all soft in Belfast
and too interested in looking
good to get our hands dirty.
Connor was to be kept for a couple of days
until he mended up and could go
back for the press conference.
But some time around dawn,
he escaped.
The commander was
screaming at us to find him.
I was supposed to be keeping watch
so I panicked.
I ran into the woods.
But Connor jumped me.
He was wild.
Kicking and punching.
He was strong.
He got on top of me.
Pinning me down.
But then...
...there was a shot.
Connor stopped struggling.
He collapsed on top of me.
There was arguing about what had happened.
It wasn't meant to happen.
The two senior men were standing there...
...and one had a gun.
tell us now who killed Connor.
Francis Gilroy killed Connor.
Please remain calm.
Order, please.
Order in the chamber.
Call Francis Gilroy.
The commission calls Francis Gilroy.
Anna, how did it go?
He actually named Francis?
I'll call you back.
Listen carefully.
You've got to get out of the
house. Get Alan to take you...
No, stop. We're not in the house,
Dad. We're at the hospital.
- The baby came early.
- What?
- I've had the baby.
- Where are you?
The Ulster Hospital.
That's good. That's very
good. Don't move from there.
Relax, Dad. I'm not moving.
OK. OK. I'll be right with you.
You didn't shoot him?
But you did order his abduction?
And you know who did shoot him?
But you won't say who.
Well, whoever pulled the
trigger, Roche had it coming.
It was a war.
Pull yourself together.
Move on.
Christine wants me to
look at seating plans.
And there's someone here to talk to you.
You know why I'm here.
You're here because you
think this is your moment.
I'm here to rescue your
politically embarrassing situation.
And because you think
I won't tell Stanfield
- it was you shot Roche.
- That'll hardly save you.
- Might save the party.
- It's too late now.
Oh. So, what's it to be?
Back to all-out war?
Let's just say we'll put a little
more backbone into the struggle.
Like shooting
15-year-old boys?
He was an informer.
Whereas you're not, Francis.
It's not in your DNA.
It'll stop here with me
but I want Madden left out of it.
Always the hero, Francis.
Madden wasn't to know.
Useless prick couldn't even
get a simple confession right.
It was only luck he named you and not me.
SARCASTICALLY: Yeah, lucky, that.
I can make this difficult for you.
Let him go.
You go quietly,
I'll see to it Madden goes unharmed.
Your statement's been written.
Have you got him?
We got him.
Well done.
Now let him go.
Can I ask why?
Because I say so.
Is that understood?
Be ready in an hour.
He's beautiful.
Your grandfather's name.
How was it today?
I don't think Maria and her
family got what they wanted.
You called Gilroy after all?
I knew you'd help.
Would you like to hold him?
Oh, sorry.
Excuse me, I have to take this.
Congratulations! Becky told
me the good news, Grandad.
You don't think I had anything
to do with Madden's performance?
Not I. Others are less sure.
So, what now?
Despite today's catastrophe, amazingly,
the feeling is it was a minor setback.
Or a minor triumph.
Oh, Henry. You get to call Gilroy.
He'll resign, they'll replace
him with someone less able
and more belligerent.
All because the Roches
had to have the truth.
- The truth is Gilroy is guilty.
- Gilroy is not guilty.
- I pleaded with you not to call him.
- Why would Madden lie?
Thought he was telling the truth.
- What?
- Who was it convinced the Roches that Gilroy shot Connor?
Tried to blackmail you,
forced Madden to take the rap.
Rafferty isn't protecting
Gilroy, he's protecting himself.
He'll be bossing it from here
on in. New Sinn Fein minister.
I've already told the PM I want to
resign. I have to get out of this.
No, you're not washing your
hands of this one, Henry.
All sides are agreed.
It was entirely my fault for
letting Rafferty lead me by the nose.
Stanfield is still the
best man for the job.
PM, pathological optimist, wants
you to put this all behind you.
I wouldn't disappoint her a second time.
Following the serious
revelations concerning a member
of the power-sharing executive,
both the Taoiseach and I are here
tonight to reaffirm our
commitment to the Truth Commission.
And to offer our thanks to Henry Stanfield
who hasn't shrunk from his
task in doing what is necessary,
however painful or politically
challenging, in offering
the truth to a community which
has too long waited for answers.
For those who have inflicted pain,
for those who have endured pain,
the truth can, and will, lead to healing,
and a lasting peace.
Thank you.
No, wait.
Mr. Stanfield, do you have a moment please?
Open the door, Beckett.
You have something to say to me?
From now on, you might think
twice about digging up a past
that you don't understand
and that doesn't concern you.
Like Gilroy?
Unfortunately, Francis had to be got rid of
so we got you to do it for us.
Nothing personal, you understand.
I'll not give up!
In the light of recent accusations
made before the Truth Commission,
it's with a heavy heart that
I have decided to stand down
from my position as Minister
in a government which I fought
long and hard to bring into being.
This has been an extremely
difficult decision.
And though I completely
reject the accusations made,
the credibility of our party is,
and always has been, paramount.
So I stand aside, confident
that those who replace me
will not waver in the
struggle for a united Ireland,
without which, this country
can never fully be at peace.
REPORTER: Do you know where
Connor's buried, Mr. Gilroy?
Recent weeks have shown that
there are those with the courage
and common humanity to face the
consequence of their actions.
The bombing of the Commission
has shown that there are those
who feel threatened by that courage
and will do all in their
power to suppress the truth.
But the Commission will continue
its pursuit of the truth,
however inconvenient, not because
we want to dwell in the past,
but so that our children
and grandchildren
will be free of the past.
Thank you.