The Two Mrs. Carrolls (1947)

Mr. Carroll,
You have a fish
on your line.
Mr. Carroll!
You've caught
a fish.
Mr. Carroll.
didn't you hear Macgregor?
You've caught a fish.
From this distance,
that takes real talent.
throw that whale back!
The way I feel,
I don't want even
fish to be unhappy!
Ha ha!
Look, Sally, I came
to Scotland to work.
When we left
the inn this morning,
How many sketches did
you promise I could make?
And how many
have I made?
Also correct.
Yes, Sally.
I just thought
of something.
Do you realize it's
almost our anniversary?
Yes, of course,
At 4:00, we will have
known each other two weeks.
Two weeks.
Two weeks of the only real happiness
I've ever known.
I love you,
I love you.
Mr. Carroll.
Look lively, if you don't
want miss Morton to get wet.
Look at them clouds.
Mr. Macgregor, it can't rain.
It's been fine
all day.
He's right. It's started already.
In Scotland, that's
always a sign of storm.
Rain comes fast
in this country.
Here, you take
this coat.
Where can we go?
You'll take your Lassie to yon shelter,
And be sharp
about it.
I'll get the rods
and the other gear.
We were lucky
to find this place.
You stay here.
I'll go help Macgregor.
All right.
Oh, darling,
take your coat.
You take these,
Mr. Carroll.
I'll find
my own shelter.
Macgregor, you're a man of tact.
Ha ha ha!
a quaint little man.
Know what he's doing?
What's the matter?
This fell out
of your pocket.
You evidently
forgot to mail it
When we left
the inn.
It's addressed to a
Mrs. Geoffrey Carroll.
My wife.
Why didn't you
tell me?
I tried from the start, but I couldn't.
There's a child,
Are you
That letter was to ask
for a divorce.
Have you been
married long?
We've been together
10 years.
She's been an invalid
since the child was born.
Do you think
I'd marry you?
I'm afraid you don't know me very well.
I know
I love you.
Why didn't you
tell me before?
I didn't want
to lose you.
It would've saved
so much hurt.
Now it's no use.
I don't believe that.
Before I found you,
I was finished.
There was nothing.
I couldn't think.
I didn't care.
We mustn't
lose each other.
We couldn't
if we tried.
No. No!
Miss Morton,
where are you going?
You'll catch your death
of cold.
Do you hear me?
You'll catch your death!
Death, death, death!
You'll have to sign
for this, sir.
Of course.
There you are. Snug as a bug in a rug.
This will be
October the 2nd.
There you are,
Oh, excuse me.
cash chemist.
Horace Blagdon
Oh, hello, Alf.
Who ran second?
Oh. Well, um,
Call me before
the last race.
Out of the money?
As usual.
You see this scar,
Mr., uh, Fleming?
A horse kicked me
when I was 9.
I've been trying to get even with horses
Ever since.
It ain't quite
worked out.
Five shillings,
All right.
Thanks a lot.
Quite all right,
Always glad to be
of service.
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon,
Mr. Fleming, sir.
Hello, father.
Hello, bee.
How's your mother?
About the same.
Not well.
She's resting
I wish there was
something more
We could do for her.
I know.
Any sale today?
Same old routine.
I have what the English
call definite promise,
But that doesn't
pay cash.
It will one day.
You're a genius.
It's a pity
that only you
And your mother and I
recognize that fact.
When you finish this
one, they'll all know.
The angel of death.
You think it's good, huh?
I should say I do.
It's frightening,
of course.
Makes me shiver
But it's so
definitely mother.
Do you think
she'll live
Until you finish
the picture?
Of course.
What do you mean?
We both want her
to live
we love her.
That doesn't mean she
will live, does it?
Come here, bee.
You feel much closer to
mother than me, don't you?
I don't know.
I hadn't thought
of it,
But, yes,
I believe I do.
for one thing,
You've been away
so much.
in Paris,
Then in your own
So many trips.
I suppose
that's true.
I've always been here with mother alone.
Naturally I feel
closer to her.
I suppose so.
You mustn't misunderstand me, father.
I love you, too,
And I admire you
It's just that...
I understand.
I understand.
Time for mother
to have her milk.
I've kept it warm.
I'll do that.
I'll take it
to her.
Good. She likes
to have you do that.
I'm glad.
Put my hat
and coat away.
I won't be
going out.
Certainly, father.
Yes, father?
Starting tomorrow, you're
going to a private school.
School? Tomorrow?
Your mother's done
a wonderful job with you,
But it's time you mingled
with other children.
Oh, I don't mind
the idea of school.
I rather like it.
But with mother ill
and the money...
You let me
do the worrying.
We'll talk it over
with your mother later.
I'll do anything
you say, always,
Because I know
you're doing
What you feel
is right.
sweet lass of Richmond hill
sweet lass of Richmond hill
I'd crowns resign
to call thee mine
sweet lass of Richmond hill
You knocked?
I did. Is Mrs. Carroll at home?
Depends. What name shall I say?
Charles Pennington.
Has a nice flow.
Charles Pennington.
Uh-huh. Might
as well come in.
Thank you.
I heard someone
singing outside.
Was that
Mrs. Carroll?
Oh, might have been.
People sing
in the spring.
What a memory
you must have.
What's that?
Oh, nothing. Just a passing thought.
Hmm. As I
always say,
When you work
for an artist,
You can expect
Wait in here,
if you please.
Mrs. Carroll.
Mrs. Carroll, there's a man to see you,
of Pennington.
Charles Pennington.
I'd crowns resign
to call thee mine
sweet lass of Richmond
isn't it?
What did
you say?
I said it was
Yes, but creepy.
Only at first. You get accustomed to it.
Then you think
it's wonderful.
She was
my mother.
Died less than
two years ago.
I'm sorry.
You needn't be.
We all die.
I've heard a rumor
to that effect.
It isn't exactly
like mother was
Because it isn't
a portrait.
Yet it's
like her.
Father says it's
Represen... father took the very word
Right out
of my mouth.
Are you
a painter?
I'm a lawyer.
Well, we can't all be painters, can we?
from London.
We used
to live there.
It's quite
a change then.
You're only
40 Miles away,
But here in Ashton,
you only see churches.
True, but the churches
are beautiful,
And I love the sound
of the bells.
You look fine. It's good to see you.
Bee, you
needn't leave.
He's an old friend
of mine.
We've already met.
He's nice.
Quite nice.
How old is she? 45 or 50?
Does give that impression.
She's sweet, though.
Sit down.
I'm so excited.
It's been so long.
A year
and six months.
Your wedding is clear in my mind.
Took that long to forgive
me for walking out?
That's all
Is it really?
Now that you come to mention it, no.
I didn't
think so.
I was so wrong.
I shouldn't
have run off
Without giving you
some word,
But when Geoffrey
came back...
I met Geoffrey,
It was simply as if
nothing else mattered.
I understand.
All I have to do
is see you.
You're as happy
as you look?
Do I look
as happy as I am?
That's all
that matters.
He's good to me.
He'd better be.
I'd like
to meet him.
He's upstairs.
I'll call.
I'm not your
only visitor.
A Mrs. Latham
and her daughter...
They're clients
of mine.
Oh, then you didn't come just to see me.
That's what
they think.
Mrs. Latham wanted to see your garden.
I volunteered
to pave the way.
They'll be here
I'll be glad
to meet them,
But I'll have
to change.
Have a drink.
Have a cigarette.
They're over there.
I'll be right back.
In case I wasn't clear,
it's grand to see you again.
Really grand.
In case
I wasn't clear...
Oh, Sally.
Christine, there'll
be other visitors.
Take them to the garden. Tea for five.
Tea for five?
Bread and butter?
Yes, and cucumber
Cakes, too?
If there are any.
We haven't
got any.
Then don't
serve them.
I will.
Geoffrey, what...
What are you doing?
Something I should've done weeks ago.
I'm sick of it.
Sweetheart, you
shouldn't have done that.
Someone might
have bought it.
I don't care what
other people think.
You liked it
I must be slipping.
You can't always
paint masterpieces.
I can always try.
I don't understand
it, Sally.
This fine old house,
The most beautiful
surroundings I've ever known,
And you.
I have
everything here.
Why isn't my work
What's wrong?
Nothing's wrong. You've
been working too hard.
the only way.
No more today.
You've got to change.
What for?
What goes on?
People are coming. Mrs.
Latham and her daughter.
Who are they?
You'll see. Penny's invited them.
He's downstairs.
Who's penny?
Charles Pennington.
I told you all about
him... my ex-fianc.
What's he
doing here?
I'll break
his neck.
Don't be silly. You're
not jealous of penny.
You got some
wrong information.
I'm jealous of anything or anybody
That takes
your mind off me.
I like that.
But we must hurry.
They'll be here
any minute.
Nope. You'll have to
get along without me.
I'm not going
What nonsense.
Of course you are.
You wouldn't
insult my friends.
Friends? You've never even seen them.
I've seen
penny before.
Oh, penny again.
This is the beginning
of a beautiful hatred.
Now, Geoffrey.
If I do see them,
what'll you give me?
What do
you suggest?
A kiss.
But there
isn't time.
You see.
They're here
I don't think that's...
No kiss,
no change.
Oh. Oh, Geoffrey.
Another Duke
of Wellington.
Huh, not bad.
I think our Victor
Hugo's are much better.
Don't you agree
with me?
Yes, mother.
Geoffrey Carroll
has money, hasn't he?
Otherwise he couldn't
afford this.
This is
Mrs. Carroll's house.
Her father
left it to her.
Carroll's doing
well himself.
Had an exhibition
in London recently.
I hadn't heard.
successful, too.
his background?
What part of America
is he from?
He doesn't
talk about it.
If he doesn't
talk about it,
He's not
from Boston.
Uh, green fly.
May I ask why this sudden interest
In Geoffrey
Nothing sudden
about it.
No great
I rather like
his work.
Isn't that
That's why it doesn't sound like you.
Sorry we've kept
you waiting.
Not at all. This is
Mrs. Latham, miss Latham.
Mrs. Latham.
Miss Latham.
My husband,
Geoffrey Carroll.
How do you do?
And Geoffrey,
this is penny.
I don't think I'm going to like you.
Pity. I was just
about to kiss you.
Tea, everybody.
Clear the table,
I'll do it.
Lay the cloth.
Thank you.
Those cakes you wanted if I had any...
There are
none left.
Lovely idea,
having tea outside.
I've never liked it
since a wasp stung me.
Charming, these country servants.
Yes, so
After the town-bred variety.
Has she been
with you long?
Practically came
with the house.
Milk, sugar,
Both, please.
Two lumps.
I don't
take tea.
A cocktail, perhaps,
miss Latham?
No, thanks. I'm guarding my diet.
Guarding it? You've practically
got a deathwatch on it.
It's awful the way
these modern young women
Will torture themselves
for beauty.
my opinion
That beauty is worth any sacrifice.
Any sacrifice?
That's what
I said.
When I say something, I mean it.
Do you always speak the truth?
Geoffrey's the most honest person
I've ever met.
How nice.
That, um, that one-man
show you had recently...
Was it a success?
The critics were kind.
I didn't sell much.
You should have.
It was stimulating.
Thank you.
You saw it,
Yes. In fact, it was then I decided
I wanted Mr. Carroll
to paint my portrait.
Oh, it was then.
Are you
very expensive?
Very, and I always
paint what I see.
Some people find
that embarrassing.
I should love it.
It sounds
so ruthless.
Some other time.
Not right now.
Oh, he'll
get around to it.
People must suggest
ideas to him
he paints them.
Oh? Don't I suggest
an idea to you?
Yes, but nothing
I'd care to paint.
Uh, more tea,
Mrs. Latham?
No, thanks.
I wanted to see
the entire garden,
But it's now
rather late.
Yes, and it's now
rather chilly, too.
Just a few more
minutes, mother.
I've never been
insulted so delightfully.
Have you some
paintings here?
A few.
Would you
show them?
With the utmost
How charming.
Coming, mother?
What for?
Since when have you
wanted a chaperon?
Since I met
Mr. Carroll.
Mrs. Latham,
Please don't misunderstand Geoffrey.
He's just
The artist's privilege
of being difficult.
Oh, my dear,
don't apologize.
I haven't enjoyed
myself so much in years.
Charles, did you
notice Cecily's face
When he said, "with
the utmost reluctance"?
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
Sorry, but we had
to meet this way,
Or it never
would've happened.
What wouldn't
have happened?
Why don't you stop
talking in riddles?
In its place, I like that strong talk,
But you can
forget it now.
We're alone.
Three times I flirted
with you in the village,
And three times,
you ignored me.
Am I that frightening, Geoffrey?
I thought
you came in here
To look at pictures.
This one
caused some comment.
The angel of death.
Yes, I know.
It's fine.
Who was
the model?
Who was
the model?
Oh, my first wife,
shortly before she died.
Strange it should be
displayed so prominently here.
Doesn't your present
wife ever object...
She does not.
To Sally, my work
is just my work.
She's not silly.
I would be.
I don't doubt that.
Here's another one
you may like.
A little
more cheerful.
Ah, the second
Mrs. Carroll.
Very nice.
Very nice,
Tell me,
Do you always marry the women you paint?
Excuse me. Your mother
is waiting in the car.
you're ready.
I was
just leaving.
Thank you,
Mr. Carroll.
It's been most
Good afternoon.
I still want him to paint my portrait.
Be my ally,
Mrs. Carroll.
Try to
persuade him.
I will.
Au revoir.
Delightful having you for
tea. Please come again.
Thank you so much.
Why were you
so rude, Geoffrey?
It was the way
I felt.
I can't blame you
too much.
That girl
annoyed me.
There was
something about her
That got
on my nerves.
You disliked her
so swiftly.
Had you seen her
No, but that
What's wrong,
Oh, nothing.
My nerves are just
a little jumpy.
I'll take a walk.
I'll get your hat.
Want me along?
a promise.
Oh, Sally.
The Latham's, I take
it they're pretty rich.
They sound that way,
don't they?
I wonder
if I'm foolish,
Turning down
that job.
I don't like it, but what do you think?
Oh, I suppose
we could use the money,
Although we won't
starve without it.
It's entirely up to you,
darling, as always.
Gather around! Gather around!
Gather around!
I have an 'orse!
I have an 'orse!
I have an 'orse!
I ain't saying
it might win.
I ain't saying
it could win.
I ain't saying
it should win.
What I'm saying
is it must win,
And I'm staking
my reputation on same.
I know me horses.
10 years in the stables
of lord derby.
Eight years in the stables
of blubber shore.
I know what
I'm talking about.
So what about it?
Excuse me, old boy.
Here's a gentleman
who knows
What he's
talking about.
How much?
To you, a quid.
I'm sorry.
But today, 10 Bob.
I'll have a look.
I know
my gentlemen.
Thank you very much.
I have an 'orse!
I have an 'orse!
I ain't saying
it might win.
I ain't saying
it could win.
I beg
your pardon.
You've overlooked my
change. I gave you a pound.
Of course I did.
Fancy me.
I'll tell you
what I'll do.
Look out!
The cops!
I'm afraid
that's the last
You'll see
of your change.
the horse's name?
He's probably
written it
In vanishing ink.
queer people.
When I visit
a racecourse,
I promise never
to go again.
It's a three-day
a racecourse.
It's a waste of time.
I'm having
a lot of fun.
Besides, you suggested this outing.
That was yesterday.
I should have kept working this morning.
Cecily's portrait
Isn't the easiest
job in the world.
From you, that's
practically a compliment.
Father! Sally!
We just had the most
interesting experience.
Now, bee...
Mr. Pennington
was just
Done in the eye.
I bought a tip.
The tout welshed
with the change.
What was the tip?
We're all
betting on him.
All but me. My ticket's on blue Monday.
Come on!
You can do it!
Come on,
blue Monday!
Come on!
Come on,
blue Monday!
he's winning!
Come on, blue Monday!
Drive him, jockey!
Blue Monday did it!
I told you he'd win.
You did. You're
the only winner
In the party, too.
I'll cash
your ticket.
We'll stay
for one more race.
This time
I'll pick a winner.
I'll be right back.
Do me a favor. Pick a horse for me.
Look out,
Mr. Pennington.
very jealous.
He doesn't like
To do favors for anyone but him.
How lovely
for you.
Like living
in a harem?
I don't mind a bit,
As long as there
are no other wives.
Fancy anything
in the next race?
Ethel k.
Looks good.
A nice price, too.
You know me. If the price is right...
I know you.
It's a nice idea,
us meeting like this.
Gives me
a chance to combine
with pleasure.
I don't want you around my house again.
I'll watch it
in the future.
This is the best I can do right now.
Oh. How much?
And the balance?
I'm finishing
a portrait
In about two months, maybe less.
I'm a patient man.
Comes of waiting for
the winners at the races.
Well, good afternoon,
Mr. Carroll.
Good day, sir.
What's the verdict,
Dr. Tuttle?
Can I get up?
Well, yes and no.
What does that mean... yes and no?
As you insist on having
your dinner party,
You should
move about a bit.
I'll get up
at once.
It would be better
for you to be quiet.
Now I don't know
where I am.
Excitement is
bad for you.
If I can get up,
I promise to remain
cool, calm,
and charming.
In that case,
Mrs. Carroll,
No, I wouldn't
advise it.
I don't want
to seem harsh.
We just want you
to get well quickly.
You've been telling me
that for three weeks.
the matter?
What's wrong
with me?
Actually, nothing
very serious.
Then why do I sometimes feel so weak?
Why do I have these splitting headaches?
Just a case
of nerves...
pure and simple.
I'll see you
at dinner tonight.
You're not to worry
your little head.
We'll have you right as rain in no time.
Right as rain.
Ah, Christine.
Been cleaning
the silver?
That's right, doctor.
You've got a great
sense of perception.
How's Mrs. Carroll?
Improved, I'm glad
to say. Much improved.
By the way, have you heard the latest
the burglar?
Last night he...
I know...
Heard all about it.
Oh. Where's
your master?
Up in heaven.
I beg
your pardon?
If you're talking
about my master,
He's up in heaven.
If you're talking about
my employer,
He's in the garden.
he doing there
On a day
like this?
his own business.
Minding his own...
Nosy old fossil.
Drink hearty,
Oh, good morning,
Good morning.
medicinal purposes.
I thought I'd
stave off a cold.
There's quite a chill.
Sure, I know.
Have another.
It might
get chillier.
thanks very much.
in all things...
That's my motto.
Have you heard that the
burglar's on the prowl again?
Yes, I heard.
Oh. Who told you?
told you wrong.
Women never get
their facts straight.
Now, as
I understand it...
If you don't
mind, doc,
There's something more
important I'd like to discuss.
How did
you find Sally?
Better than she's
been for weeks.
I'm glad to hear that.
I've been worried.
I was over
at miss Latham's
Finishing a portrait,
And some people there
mentioned a nerve specialist...
A Dr. Franklin,
I believe.
You mean you'd like
a second opinion?
Would you have
any objections?
None whatsoever.
If it would put
your mind at ease,
I'd welcome another
doctor's opinion.
In that case, we won't have anyone else.
I was testing you.
If you weren't sure,
You'd complain
about another doctor.
Your opinion's
good enough.
Sally swears by you.
Swears at me.
I don't blame her
She hates being ill.
Funny thing,
most women love it.
Don't they, though?
Here you are.
I've already had
my quota...
Just one to keep
out the cold.
Well, have another one.
If you insist. I don't really want it.
Thank you.
That's very good.
Very good.
Well, I must be off.
Mrs. Carroll
Her milk regularly,
of course?
Of course.
The main thing is
for her to be kept
As quiet as possible.
By the way,
that reminds me.
She mentioned something
about a picture
You're doing of her.
No strain, is it?
The posing, I mean.
Picture. Oh, yes.
I'm doing
a portrait of her.
I'm working entirely
from sketches.
She hasn't seen it yet.
It's going to be
somewhat of a surprise.
Good morning,
Dr. Tuttle.
Good morning,
my dear.
How is Sally?
She's much improved
this morning.
I'm so glad.
I'll see you soon.
Sooner than that.
You're giving a dinner party tonight.
I'd forgotten.
I'll see you then.
Remember, you're not to
worry about Mrs. Carroll.
We'll have her right as rain in no time.
What a morning!
What are
you reading, dear?
I'm looking at some famous paintings.
That Van Gogh was marvelous, wasn't he?
He was pretty good.
"Vincent Van Gogh...
Born 1853. Died 1890.
"The last years
of his life were passed
In the shadow
of insanity. "
Isn't a pity such a
brilliant man went insane?
Give me that book.
I haven't...
Give me that book!
Sometimes you say
Rather startling things
for a child...
Possibly because
you're alone so much.
I wish you could play
more with other children.
I would if
the other children
Weren't quite
so childish.
I'm very happy.
Bee, have you seen
Sally this morning?
No. Not yet.
I think you should.
She gets
pretty bored.
Try to cheer her up,
will you?
Certainly, father.
I'll do my best.
May I take my...
Oh. Excuse me.
She'll tell Sally,
I suppose.
I'm sure she won't.
I wouldn't care
if she did.
I would.
Why did you
come here?
Two reasons.
This is
the first one.
You're beautiful...
about you.
You didn't need
the rose.
It's a Victor Hugo...
Mother's greatest
pride and joy,
Except for me,
of course.
And reason
number two
For this visit,
I'm going away.
Back to London?
South America. Rio.
South America? Rio?
I was there
years ago.
It was wonderful.
There was a boy.
He couldn't
speak English,
But then,
of course...
You don't mean that
about going away?
Yes, I do, Geoffrey.
I'm sailing
on Saturday.
Thursday night,
Friday, Saturday...
48 hours.
You're not going
anyplace without me, ever.
I am.
I'm going to Rio.
I can't
stand this anymore.
While you painted,
we were together.
I had some excuse
for watching you,
Hearing you speak,
touching you.
But now what?
Silly dinner parties
like tonight,
A sigh
across a garden...
It's not easy for me.
These things
aren't easy.
Geoffrey, it's
summer down there.
At night, even
the stars are warm.
You could paint
You'd be free...
From people,
from money troubles.
that's right.
Those are
my plans. I...
48 hours.
The two of us alone.
No. No, not now.
Not yet.
You know why.
I could understand if you
loved Sally, but you don't.
If I left
her now, I...
She'll have to be
hurt sometime.
Do as I ask,
will you?
I swear to you, as soon
as Sally's well again...
No, Geoffrey.
It's useless.
I can't have you
because you're afraid.
That's it.
You're afraid to do anything about it.
Don't you ever tell me
I'm afraid of anything!
Now leave me alone!
Leave me alone!
Mr. Carroll.
What's that?
It's from London
Did you say
I was here?
Why not? You're here, aren't you?
What about the 200?
I told you
not to call me here.
I want the money.
Don't be a fool. Things
aren't settled yet.
I'm not interested.
Get it here!
All right.
I heard you.
Shall I meet you
at the station?
I'll drive in.
What time?
Late this afternoon.
I'll be there.
Who's this?
It's you.
Who? Me?
Oh. That's
very good.
Why did you act that
way with miss Latham?
I'm sorry, father.
I don't like her
very much.
Her visit
was about you.
I wanted to find a good school for you.
She suggested
You like the idea?
Oh, father.
a lovely school...
The best in England.
The secretary of the school phoned.
I'm driving in
to see him.
My, that is something.
When do I leave,
If you make
the arrangements?
Maybe tonight.
Their autumn term
started about a month ago.
You should
be there soon.
Start packing, and
I'll phone you later on.
Yes, father.
May I say
I'm very pleased.
"The Weatherly
For the daughters
of gentlemen,"
If you don't mind.
One more thing...
Don't mention this
to Sally.
The way she's feeling,
it might upset her.
Certainly. I believe
you're right.
We'll tell her about it when I get back.
Open the garage door
for me, will you?
Sally, darling.
What are you doing
down here?
I got tired
of looking
At those
four walls.
You can come look
at four new ones.
Aren't you glad
I came down?
You know I am.
Who was here
this morning?
Oh, you mean
No. I thought I heard
a woman's voice.
There wasn't
anybody here.
You probably heard me
talking to bee.
Oh. Mmm.
This feels good.
I'll bet it does.
You've been
a pretty sick girl.
You've been pretty swell
about it, too.
I don't know
about swell.
Those headaches
make me furious.
Oh, darling,
I suppose
I'm just sick
of being sick.
I don't know whether
he said anything to you,
But Tuttle was
very encouraged.
If they took
The word "nerves"
from him,
He'd be
out of business.
They say he's good,
but don't you think
We'd be safer with
a second opinion?
I asked him about that.
What did he say?
He almost had an attack
of nerves himself.
He didn't like
the idea,
Said it would be
a waste of money.
probably right.
want to make me
Very happy?
What, dear?
Let me see
the picture
You're doing.
But why? I've always seen your work.
Nobody will see this
one until it's finished.
Soon. Very soon, now.
It may be one of those
masterpieces we talked about.
I hope so, darling.
I got a phone call.
I forgot to tell you.
What about?
A job.
A commission?
An important one.
I'm leaving for London
right now.
Oh, darling. I'm so happy for you.
Even if it ruins our
little dinner party.
I'll be back
in plenty of time.
Who's coming?
Mrs. Latham,
The exciting Dr. Tuttle, and penny.
Is he here again?
For a London
He works less
in London
Than any lawyer
I know.
What's he always
here for?
if you must know,
He's still
in love with me.
That's interesting.
you won't be nasty
About penny,
will you?
If you are, I'll be nasty about Cecily.
What do you mean?
You know
what I mean.
You heard me.
What do you mean?
I mean, darling,
That she's
in love with you.
Oh, yes, she is.
Women are never
wrong about women.
She wouldn't hesitate
to take you from me,
If she could,
But she can't,
can she?
Your car has been
in front of the door...
It's good to see you
You're feeling
well again?
Better than I've felt in a long time.
I'd better be going.
Your car's been
out in front.
I put it there
this morning.
How could I forget
a thing like that?
Be careful.
It's a terrible day.
I will. So long.
Good-bye, father.
Anything you want
in London?
Only to have
you come back.
Good luck,
Bee, would you mind
telephoning Mrs. Latham for me?
Ashton 427, please.
Hello. Are you there, Mrs. Latham?
This is bee. One moment, please.
Sally wants to
speak with you.
Thank you, dear.
Much better, thanks.
And you?
Good. May I ask a favor?
Our garden is
absolutely barren.
Could you
possibly spare
A few of
your hothouse roses
For the table tonight?
Oh, the Victor Hugo's
would be wonderful.
You'll send them over?
Thank you so much.
See you tonight, then.
Yes, ma'am.
Was Cecily, uh...
Was miss Latham
here this morning?
No. Not that I saw.
I think
I'll rest now.
Don't call me 'til late this afternoon.
I'm feeling
tired now.
Oh, Christine,
it looks lovely.
It should.
I worked at it
hard enough.
Did you get
some rest?
Yes, thank you.
Mrs. Latham
sent the roses.
I know. I asked
her for them.
Have you seen the child
since this morning?
Bee? No. Why?
She's upstairs,
She's going off
to school.
Didn't you know?
Well, yes,
in a way, but...
It has to do
with a call
Mr. Carroll had
from London.
You'd better
ask the child.
Yes, of course.
That call
from London...
Do you know
who it was?
Yes. He's called
several times before.
His name is Blagdon.
Oh, I see.
I see.
"Blouses, white, six.
Stockings, black cotton,
one dozen pair. "
Oh, dear.
What's all this
about school, bee?
What's happening?
Oh, Christine told you.
She shouldn't have.
Why not?
Father said not to bother
you until we were sure.
You seem quite sure.
It's the Weatherly school,
one of the best.
Aren't you happy for me?
Of course, darling.
I'm delighted.
Only I can't understand
why your father...
Well, let me help you.
Do you have
everything you'll need?
Oh, no, not half.
Here's a list from
the last school I went to.
It says, "three serge. "
Well, here they are,
But they've
grown much too short,
Or I've grown
much too long.
We'll get you a complete
new outfit, dear.
For the time being,
these will have to do.
You sound as though you
were leaving tonight.
I'll bet I am.
I know father when it
comes to these matters.
Last time I went,
he decided on Wednesday,
And on Thursday,
there I was, in school.
That was sudden,
wasn't it?
One of the teachers
helped me with my clothes.
Mother was too ill
to do very much.
I know.
Mother had such
wonderful taste.
We did all
our shopping together.
That must have been
fun for you.
Going to all
those shops...
Didn't that
make her very tired?
Tired? Mother?
ever tired her.
She was wonderful
at sports.
She beat father
at tennis often.
Father didn't like
that very much.
I don't understand.
If she was an invalid...
An invalid?
Where did you ever
hear such a thing?
I don't know.
Someone told me once...
Well, I...
I took it for granted.
Oh, no.
You're very wrong.
She was in perfect
health until...
Father's keys.
I forgot
to return them
Before he left.
You haven't
seen father's
New portrait
of you, have you?
Neither have I.
The studio key is here.
Let's steal in
and see it, shall we?
does it hurt you
To talk
about your mother?
No. Not anymore.
Then tell me...
You were saying
She was
in perfect health.
When did
she become ill?
I remember
only too clearly.
It was shortly
after father returned
From a trip.
A trip to Paris...
Or America?
No. It was a short
vacation for him, really.
He'd gone fishing
in Scotland.
When he came back,
He began to paint mother
as the angel of death.
Finest thing
he's done, too.
It was far from easy.
Mother would have
those splitting headaches,
And she'd feel
so terribly weak.
Then she'd be
a bit better,
But not for long.
She... Sally, why do you
ask me these things now?
Oh, there's no special
reason, dear,
Except that... well,
if I know everything,
I won't hurt
your father
By stirring up
unhappy memories.
I... I wouldn't have
mentioned it at all
If I hadn't been ill
But yours is only
a nerve condition, Sally.
Everyone knows that.
Yes. Yes,
that's just it.
I'm really
not sick at all.
Your father is
so considerate...
He's always
been the same.
He insisted on
taking care of mother,
Bringing her
the milk himself,
in every way to...
Where are you going?
You, uh... You don't seem
to have enough handkerchiefs.
I'll get you
a dozen of mine.
You're very sweet.
I'll miss you
when I'm away.
Perhaps you won't
leave that quickly.
Maybe Mr. Blagdon
can't place you.
You'll see.
I know father...
Blagdon? What's he
got to do with it?
He's arranging
things, isn't he?
That horrible man?
He's not the secretary
of the Weatherly school.
But... You do know
a Mr. Blagdon.
Oh, yes. He's been here
several times.
Father always
meets him outside,
And I can
understand why.
I spoke to him once.
He's most unpleasant.
What does
this Mr. Blagdon do?
What's his business?
He's a chemist,
And that proves there
can't be any connection.
What does a chemist
know about schools?
I'll get you
those handkerchiefs.
It's all
very clear now.
It's all very clear now.
It's all very clear now,
isn't it?
The lies, the headaches,
The chemist, the milk.
He poisoned her.
Now he's poisoning you.
No! No!
Don't be a fool.
You know it's true.
He wants Cecily, not you.
He wants
to get rid of you
Like the first
Mrs. Carroll.
No! It isn't true!
It isn't true!
All right, Christine.
I'll take it.
Yes, Geoffrey.
Dear, I'm afraid
I'll be a little late.
The deal's almost set,
But we haven't agreed
on price yet.
Go ahead with dinner.
I'll get home soon.
What? Bee told you?
Oh, I wanted
to surprise you.
When does she leave?
So soon?
Yes, she'll be ready.
She's packing now.
All right.
Good-bye, Geoffrey.
Oh, Geoffrey!
Oh, Geoffrey!
Mr. Santa Claus
in person.
Come in, Mr. Carroll.
I thought you
wouldn't show up,
Which would have been
a deep disappointment
To yours obediently.
Mind how you go.
Take your wet
things off.
Make yourself
at home.
Now, we're busy men,
So let's get down
to business.
Did you bring
the 200?
I brought you this.
Very nice of you.
You're a real
gentleman, I must...
Only a measly
hundred pounds?
You'll have to do
better than this.
That's the best
I can do.
Tell the police,
But you'll have some
things to explain, too.
I thought you
were intelligent.
All I have to say is,
I just found out
about the signature
And reported it accordingly,
like a good citizen.
I wouldn't count on
dragging me into it,
Not if I was you.
What a nice guy
you are, Blagdon.
Let's have
no hard feelings.
We're reasonable men.
Supposing I give you
till, uh...
The week after next to
get the other hundred?
Is it a go?
Where would I get it?
That's entirely
your business,
Only... Get it!
This hundred will wait for
its pal, the other hundred.
What would happen
if I didn't show up?
If I went
somewhere else to live?
Oh, I wouldn't advise that, Mr. Carroll.
The world's a small place, you know.
Uh... So I've heard.
I suppose
you've been losing money
At the races again.
You shouldn't play
so many long shots.
That's a sucker's game.
I'm an optimist. Always
was, always will be.
I got
a red-hot tip...
Put that down,
Mr. Carroll!
It won't help!
I'll give you
the signature book.
I won't have
anything on you!
I'm a reasonable man!
They'll hang you...
Oh! Oh!
Bee, I want to see
that picture. Now.
Your new portrait,
you mean? Oh, good!
Where did I put the keys?
Here they are.
Father's been so mysterious.
Let's not tell him.
It'll be our secret.
Our secret.
I talked
to your father.
You're to leave on the
11:00 train tonight.
See? I know father
pretty well, don't I?
You're to be
all packed.
He'll drive you
to the station.
Christine is
going with you.
His instructions
were very definite.
I'm glad you decided
to see it with me.
I bet it's the most
thrilling thing he's done.
This must
be very special
Because this is
the first time
He wouldn't show...
I can't open this.
Let me try.
No... No. Maybe
it's just as well.
Sally, please, I want so much to see it,
And I'm leaving
tonight. Please.
Somehow, I...
I hate to open
another door.
What do you mean?
That must be it.
Sally, dear!
Sally, dear! Sally!
All right. All right!
You don't have to
knock the house down.
Good evening,
Good evening.
Don't you know
it's unlucky
To enter with
an open umbrella?
I'm not
I am. Ladies, please
remove your wraps upstairs.
The gentlemen will wait
in the drawing room.
Is Mr. Carroll
upstairs, Christine?
Neither upstairs
nor down, miss.
He hasn't come back from London.
Don't worry, dear.
He knew I was coming,
so he'll be here.
Thank you
for coming, mother.
Oh, mustn't forget
my paper.
A newspaper
at a dinner party?
Will you read
a speech?
There's some
very interesting news
In the late edition
about the burglar.
Christine, this miserable
weather and all.
Did you put
whiskey out?
I knew you were coming, didn't I?
Good, good.
I must compliment you.
I feel that if you
were thoroughly polished,
You'd be a rough diamond.
Care for a spot,
No, thanks,
old man.
Look at that paper
I brought.
It seems that
our friend the burglar
May turn out to be
the Yorkshire strangler.
If that's the case,
We're not safe
in our beds... look out!
point that at me.
It's your own fault,
My fault you're fiddling
with a deadly weapon?
All you do is talk
about the burglar.
You've got half
the women
Scared of
their own shadows.
Mrs. Latham insisted
I carry this.
Sorry if
I frightened you.
See what an effect
you're having?
I had no intention
of upsetting...
Oh, Dr. Tuttle.
What is it?
You're wanted upstairs. It's Sally.
Has she
had a relapse?
They want a doctor,
not a lawyer.
She's in her room.
Nice, quiet, little dinner party.
What's wrong
with Sally?
Bee says she fainted
a while ago.
She looks healthy.
no guarantee.
Still in love with Sally,
aren't you, Charles?
Why don't you do
something about it?
It's wrong to come
between husband and wife.
You might
remember that, too.
Sally's in love
with Geoffrey.
Leave it that way.
I hate to leave things
as they are.
You've never tried.
Stop being smug. The
important thing is to be happy.
At whose expense,
Not yours, my sweet.
I ought to be
quite useful to you.
Want to eat your
slightly frosted cake
And still
have it, too?
I don't
understand you.
You will, Charles.
Cecily, you're the most
exasperating woman...
The police are
absolutely helpless.
I'd set a trap
for the burglar...
How's Sally?
What? Fine. Just a slight
attack of nerves.
Minor. Very minor.
I'm going upstairs
to see her.
No need.
She'll be down directly.
Extraordinary fellow.
Reminds me of a patient I had in 1920.
I remember
one day I was...
Oh, it doesn't
matter much.
I think I'll have
a spot of whiskey.
The host in London
and the hostess ill.
Did she say when
Geoffrey might be back?
No, but I think
we'll dine without him.
Pennington, Tuttle,
Sally, you, and I.
Sounds like a jolly evening, doesn't it?
Who is it?
May I come in?
What's the matter,
What happened?
Oh, I...
It's just this
stupid illness.
Are you sure?
You look as if you've
been seeing ghosts.
Do I?
Sally, there's something
frightening you.
Has Tuttle been babbling
about this infernal burglar?
Yes. He harps on it
all the time.
What with Geoffrey away
and the storm, I...
But I'm all right now.
Honestly I am.
Let's go on down.
Later I want to have
a long talk.
It's about you.
Not tonight, penny.
There are things
I must find out
Before we have
our talk,
And my mind would be
ever so much clearer...
Is everything
We're leaving
in a few minutes.
Is Christine ready?
She's waiting
in the kitchen.
No hitch in
the arrangements?
I said everything
was settled.
Where is everybody?
Mrs. Latham and Cecily
are getting their wraps.
You're very late.
The party is over.
Nice time to arrive.
Never mind that.
Have you told anyone
about your sailing?
Mother knows
I'm packing. That's all.
You feel
the same as before?
Of course. Why?
I'm telling Sally
about us tonight.
I'm leaving with
you on Saturday.
I hate to leave.
You've been strange
all evening.
I didn't mean
to be.
What time do
I see you tomorrow?
I don't know.
This burglar scare
is absurd,
But I'm leaving this
with you just the same.
Oh, penny, you make
me feel so ridiculous.
You won't need it,
But perhaps
you'll feel better
Just knowing
it's here.
Oh, Pennington,
old fellow,
We'd better be
toddling along.
The ladies
should be ready.
Good-bye, my dear.
Thank you very much.
I've had a fine time.
I'm glad.
I'm sorry that Carroll
couldn't be with us.
Speak of the
devil, and up he pops.
You're late,
old boy.
My apologies.
I'm glad you're home.
Sally's been ill.
Nothing important.
I'm fine.
She's right as rain.
Now that you're here,
how about a nightcap?
The ladies...
Some other time.
Cecily wants
to leave.
I'm driving bee
to the station.
I wouldn't touch another drop anyway.
What is it?
I meant it...
She's been ill.
Any idea
what's wrong?
Nothing definite.
Tuttle frightened her
with blabber
About the burglar being
the Yorkshire strangler.
All I know is,
she's just not well.
I'll look in
on you tomorrow.
I'll be fine.
Good-bye, Sally.
You've been so nice
about everything.
Good night,
Good night.
Thank you again, Sally.
Take care
of yourself.
What is it?
Why are you staring
at me like that?
I wasn't staring,
Christine, bee,
hurry up, will you?
Coming now, father.
I wish bee wasn't leaving.
Not tonight, anyway.
Why not tonight?
What's the difference?
None, I suppose.
Oh, well, I'm ready.
Why we're going in this
weather I'll never know.
I'll get the first
train back tomorrow.
You'll get some rest
If you know
what's good for you,
Which I doubt.
Good-bye, dear.
Good-bye, Sally.
You'll come see me,
won't you?
Just as soon
as I'm able.
I'll look
forward to it.
for our long talk.
It was wonderful.
Talk? What talk?
Woman talk.
Nothing a man
would understand.
Good-bye, Sally.
Good-bye, dear.
I'll be back as soon
as the train leaves.
Who is there?
Who is it?
I changed my mind
about going.
The minute I got
outside I realized
I shouldn't
leave you alone.
Christine's driving.
Sorry you were delayed
so long in London.
Just one
of those things.
Party go off o. K.
Without me?
Yes. It was all right.
Might have been better
if you'd called it off.
Pennington was right.
You're tired.
Don't you think you
should go to bed?
I want to talk to you.
About what?
Well? What is it?
What do you want
to talk to me about?
I'm worried, Geoffrey.
What do you mean?
Well, your...
Your trip
to London today.
You said it was
a commission.
It was really
to arrange
For bee's school,
wasn't it?
Yes. But that's not what
you wanted to ask me.
What's the matter
with you?
What happened today?
must have happened.
You've changed.
I don't know you.
Nothing's happened.
You're imagining things.
I'm not imagining
the change in you.
You hear something
that upset you?
What could
I have heard?
I don't know.
It's a small town.
People talk...
There is one thing
I want to know.
You told me
when we first met
That your wife
Had been an invalid
for many years.
Was that true?
If it wasn't,
I wouldn't have said it.
Then she...
Was an invalid?
Where are you going?
Wait. Bee said she had
a talk with you.
What did she tell you?
I helped her pack.
I'm tired.
I'm going up to bed.
I'll bring your milk
up in a minute.
Then I... I think
I'll have it
Down here,
if you don't mind.
Anything you say.
I'll get it.
Number, please.
Hello. Ashton 134.
I'm sorry I was
out of line before.
It's been a long day.
This rotten weather.
I'll answer it.
No. I'll take it.
That was your friend Pennington.
Just got home. Wanted to
know if you're all right.
I assured him
you were.
All finished?
I'm going upstairs now.
I'm very sleepy.
I'll read
for a while.
Call me if
you want anything.
may I come in?
Sally, are you asleep?
There's something
I forgot to tell you.
What is it?
Get up a second.
I'm so tired,
Geoffrey. Please.
You've locked the door.
Have I? Never mind.
I want to come in.
I've got to come in.
Please don't wake me
this way, Geoffrey.
I'm so exhausted.
I've taken
a sleeping tablet.
Good night,
Open the door!
Open the door!
Number, please.
Hello. Ashton 134.
Hello. Hello, penny.
Listen, get
the police and...
Hello, penny?
Hello. Hello.
You locked the door,
didn't you?
You found out what I was planning to do.
You found out I was
trying to kill you.
That's why
you locked the door.
Let me go, Geoffrey.
You'll never see or hear
from me again.
You can't
go away now.
It would spoil
all my plans.
I won't
spoil anything.
I'll help you...
Anything you want.
you're sick.
Oh, think,
Geoffrey, think.
You can go
to that door.
You can walk
out of this house
Free to do
anything you want.
No one
will ever know.
Oh, no, Geoffrey.
What do you want?
It isn't what I want.
It's what's got to be.
You don't understand. My
painting of you is finished.
Yes, I've seen it.
You have?
I didn't know that.
Then you must understand.
It happened once before,
and then I found you.
You made my work
live again.
Now there's
nothing more from you,
So I must find
someone new.
I've tried to...
Not to hurt you.
You would have
just gone to sleep.
But you wouldn't
have it that way!
Geoffrey, they'll...
Don't worry about me.
I've worked it out.
They'll think
it's the burglar.
Who gave you that?
Open the door
and let me go.
No. I can't
let you go now.
If anyone
ever knows,
It'll destroy
everything I've...
Give me the key.
Give me the key,
are you all right?
If you don't
open the door,
We'll break it in.
Geoffrey, don't!
They'll hang you.
Oh, Geoff...
Sally! Sally!
Open this door!
Open up at once!
Open this door!
But, inspector,
the police
Shouldn't have been
brought into this.
You wouldn't
I had to do this
So I could go on
with my work.
You'd better
come with us, sir.
It isn't right,
I tell you.
We'll talk it all over, sir... quietly.
Sally, are you
all right?
Yes, I'm all right.
I'm all right...
Just a moment.
Before we go,
Would you gentlemen
like a drink?
A glass of milk, perhaps?