The Unraveling (2015)

(glass tinging)
(razor scraping on glass)
(swell of ominous ambient music)
(flame whooshing)
(ominous ambient music)
(liquid hissing)
(ominous ambient music with
occasional crackling static)
(tense and ominous
ambient music)
(Michael gasping)
(muffled train horn blaring)
(distant siren blaring)
(woman snoring)
(Michael sighing over
muffled clatter and rattling)
(footsteps thunking)
(Michael sighing)
(muffled traffic humming)
(Emily gasping)
Hey, it's OK!
(Emily gasping)
No, it's OK.
I ca, I can't feel
my legs (panting).
I don't know what's happening.
It's OK, you're just
having a bad trip,
but you're gonna be fine.
(Emily gasping)
You're safe, all right?
You just need to try
to lie down and relax.
Here, let me help you.
(Emily gasping)
(Emily moaning)
(Emily moaning and gasping)
(distant train horn blaring)
(man grunts)
(man sighs)
(Emily gasping over swell
of ominous ambient music)
There you go.
(Emily moaning)
You just need to breathe!
I know (moans).
(distant rattling)
(Emily moaning)
You're gonna be
fine, trust me.
(Michael sighing over
ominous ambient music)
(ominous, pulsing ambient
music with uneasy piano)
(shower hissing)
(pan hissing)
(Michael sighs)
(Jess snivels)
(plate rattling)
Hey, did I wake you?
[Jess] Where were
you last night?
Gary didn't have
enough drivers,
so I had to work a double.
I made you some breakfast.
(plate rattling)
You promised you
wouldn't do this anymore.
I don't have a choice.
(Jess sighs)
This baby is gonna be
here before we know it,
and we still have
a wedding to pay for.
(distant engine roaring)
Stop, please!
(Michael sighs)
Why can't you trust me?
Just be honest
with me, Michael.
You know I'm done
with that shit.
(birds chirping over
distant traffic humming)
What's this?
[Michael] Finally got paid
for all those night shifts.
(bills rustling)
How much is in here?
Six grand.
They paid you $6000 in cash?
If you don't want it, I'm
sure I can find somebody
that would take it off
our hands, you know?
[Jess] No, I didn't say that.
(birds chirping over
distant traffic humming)
(sighs) Just need to work
this job a few more months.
I just really don't like
you being out all night.
I know, and as soon
as this baby comes,
I'm gonna quit, OK?
I promise.
(Jess sighs)
Shit (sighs).
I'm running late, I gotta go.
I love you.
(expressive electronic music)
(lips smacking)
(Jess sighs over expressive but
unsettling electronic music)
(ominous and unsettling
electronic music)
(forklift rumbling)
(wood buckling)
(forklift sputtering)
(door slams shut)
(wheels rattling)
Hey, Mike, you know I did Alan
a favor by hiring you, right?
Yeah, I know.
Show some fuckin'
respect, be here on time!
Got it.
(unsettling ambient music)
(cap rattling over
unsettling electronic music)
(finger tapping on vial)
(Michael sniffing)
(Michael gasps over swell
of ominous ambient music)
(Michael sniffs and gasps over
unsettling electronic music)
(faucet hissing)
(tape crinkling over
whirring machinery)
(machinery whirring)
(traffic humming)
(cardboard thuds into bin)
(Michael grunts)
(lid slams shut over
jarring electronic accent)
(tense electronic swell)
[Thug] Come on!
(Michael grunting)
[Michael] What the fuck?
(Michael grunting and
groaning over muffled chatter)
[Thug] Come on, get his hands!
[Michael] Oh, no, oh, Jesus!
(tires screeching)
Somebody help me!
(trunk slams shut)
unsettling bass tones)
(tires screeching)
(engine rumbling away)
(ominous and unsettling
electronic accent)
(bird chattering)
(engine rumbling)
(engine rumbling
over chirping birds)
(brakes squealing)
(doors rattling over
ominous electronic music)
(Michael panting and groaning)
(fabric rustling)
(Michael gasping)
[Masked Man In Black]
It's time to pay, Michael.
(swell of tense
electronic music)
(John shouts)
(Michael gasps)
(Alan chuckling)
You assholes!
You assholes, what
the hell is this?
This is what happens
when you don't show up
to your own bachelor party.
That's not cool, dude!
(Alan grunts)
Cut me out of
these fuckin' things
and get me outta the trunk!
Wow, seems kind of hostile!
Yeah, I think he
needs time to cool off.
Yeah, I agree.
guys, come on...
(trunk slams shut)
[Alan] (chuckles) All right, let's
set up camp and get a fire going.
(John chuckling)
(owl hooting)
(muffled laughing and chatter)
[John] What's the ETA on
that food, I'm starving!
(owl hooting over
chirping crickets)
(ominous ambient music)
(zipper crunching)
(cap rattling over
ominous ambient music)
(finger tapping on vial)
(increasingly tense and
ominous ambient music)
(Michael sniffing)
(tent rustling)
(John chuckling)
[Shane] Patience,
I'm making magic here.
[Louie] That's
the kind of magic
that'll put you on the
can all night, man.
This coming from the guy
who lives off of animal
crackers and beer.
Hey, man, it's nutritious, OK?
It keeps you regular.
To animal crackers and beer,
(Louie chuckles)
Hey, look who finally
decided to show!
Are you still pissed?
What do you think?
I think you
should get over it.
(men chuckling)
You want a cold one, man?
Sure, thanks.
(cooler rustling)
(fire crackling over
chirping crickets)
(Michael gasps)
Well, bet you're
probably wondering
what you're doing out in
the middle of nowhere,
just freezin' your ass off.
Yeah, where are we?
Would you rather be in Vegas
- gettin' a lap dance right now?
- No.
Yes, please, I would.
(men chuckling)
Yeah, that was a pretty
epic bachelor party.
Except you weren't there.
And now, we are broke,
so welcome to Plan B.
Yeah, well your Plan B
really fucked things
up for me, man.
C'mon, you hate that job.
I'm talkin' about Jess.
(owl hooting)
(scoffs) Dude,
she's on board, man.
What are you talkin' about?
(Alan chuckles)
Man, who do you think
packed your panties for you?
[Michael] Are you kidding me?
I think it's time for a toast.
Gentlemen, for our first
toast, we're gonna do it right.
This bottle was
not cheap, all right?
But these golden
drops have been aging
in oak barrels for
the past 45 years
just waiting for
the right moment...
All right, Shakespeare, I
think we get the idea here.
Let's just drink this shit!
Do you even know what
45-year scotch tastes like?
- Your mailman.
- All right, all right, all right, all right!
All right, all right,
to Michael and Jess.
[All] To Michael and Jess.
(crickets chirping)
(men groaning and gasping)
Is it supposed
to taste this bad?
(men chuckling)
(distant animal hooting
over chirping crickets)
(distant animal hooting
over fire crackling)
[Alan] Dude, how's the
wedding planning going?
It's good, but you
would not believe
how expensive this stuff is.
(liquid bubbling
over muffled chatter)
And we're having, like, 45
people at the wedding (scoffs).
[Alan] That's a lot of cake.
[Michael] You're telling me!
(distant animal hooting)
(fire crackling over
muffled chatter)
Would you pour me
another one, wouldja?
All right.
Aw, here he
goes, here he goes!
[John] Take it easy,
it's meant to be sipped!
Well, I sip quickly.
(scoffs) My God!
(men scoffing)
(men chuckling)
I'm done, man.
- [Alan] What?
- Are you serious?
- I'm done.
- Already?
Yeah, already.
Hey, do you know
your way back home?
And so we set the
record straight,
I never wanted it to
go down like this.
What are you talking about?
(Alan snickering)
[Louie] You know
what I'm talking about!
[John] Why's he
being so dramatic?
I'm not being dramatic,
I'm being honest!
[Shane] Come on,
Louie (chuckles)!
He's always been the
emotional drunk of the group.
He drank half my scotch
in, like, an hour and a half!
Dude, where you goin'?
Just take a leak.
Oh, we're not
done with you yet.
Come back for another drink.
You got it.
(footsteps crunching)
All right.
(crickets chirping)
(finger tapping on vial
over ominous ambient music)
(cap rattling over
ominous ambient music)
(finger tapping on vial)
(ominous ambient music)
(brush rustling over tense
and ominous ambient music)
(ominous and unsettling
ambient music)
Yo, I thought you said we
were the only ones out here.
We are, why?
I thought I saw
somebody out in the woods
when I was takin' a piss.
No, I seriously doubt that.
We're a hundred
miles from anything.
No more drinks for
this guy (chuckles).
I'm not even drunk,
I just, I don't know.
I thought I saw someone.
You should invite him
over for a drink, you know?
We got plenty to
go around, right?
Hey, wanna come over,
anybody out there?
[Louie] Quiet,
I'm trying to sleep!
Good night, Louie!
(scoffs) Guy is wasted!
(men laughing)
(wind howling)
(fabric rustling)
(Louie gasping)
(zipper crunching)
(crickets chirping)
(distant owl hooting)
(footsteps crunching)
(zipper crunching)
(Louie sighing over
pattering urine)
(brush rustling)
(urine pattering on ground
over ominous ambient music)
(footsteps crunching over
ominous ambient music)
(tense and ominous
ambient music)
(brush rustling)
(footsteps crunching)
(swell of tense ambient music)
(Louie gasps)
(Louie grunting over
rustling and thwacking)
(Louie gasps)
Hey, man, I found ya
a lady friend (laughs)!
(men laughing)
You asshole, you almost
made me shit my pants!
(John laughing)
(men laughing)
[Michael] She's cute!
Hell yeah, she is, I
picked her out myself.
(Alan sighs)
You guys are dicks, man.
(men chuckling)
(bacon hissing)
(bird cooing)
Damn, dude, you
look like hell!
Thanks, it means a
lot comin' from you.
Did you get any
sleep last night?
No, not really.
Oh, well, lucky for you,
I am makin' the best
hangover food in the world!
All-bacon diet?
Yeah, yeah, we're
goin' caveman style.
We are roughing it.
(Michael scoffs)
Yeah, I think I'm just
gonna have some coffee.
I'm not really that hungry.
You better eat somethin', man,
you're gonna need
your strength today.
(fire crackling)
(footsteps crunching over
pleasant, hopeful guitar)
Woo, look at that!
(men panting over
pleasant, hopeful guitar)
(Michael gasps)
[Alan] You OK?
Fine (panting).
(footsteps crunching)
Let's go, lift with
your legs, ladies!
(pleasant, hopeful guitar)
[Louie] I gotcha, buddy.
Thanks, bro.
(Michael sighs)
Don't tell me this view
wasn't worth the climb.
(bird screeching over pleasant
and hopeful orchestration)
(fire crackling over
chirping insects)
(can rattling)
(owl hooting)
(flatulence popping)
Oh, Jesus!
- Dude!
- Come on, bro!
No, it's OK, just bask
in the glory of what it is.
You are so disgusting, filthy!
This is exactly why
you have your own tent.
Well, my special
mamasita doesn't mind it.
Guess Lindsay did.
(Shane laughing)
You're a dickhead, dude!
Don't mention her name, OK?
We had something special,
she was my white buffalo,
I found her in the
plains, she was...
- [Alan] Dude!
- Your what?
Lindsay was crazy.
(scoffs) Yeah!
- [Louie] What?
- She was pretty nuts, bro.
Really, so you wanna
get into, uh, Rachel,
or whatever the
hell her name was?
How 'bout you, Sarah, really?
That's not even close
to the same thing.
How long did you
two even date for?
Like two weeks.
No, it was about a
month, about a month,
but it was a passionate month.
Guys, let's not dig into
all of our past failures, OK?
We're here to celebrate
a relationship
that is actually working.
True, and we're
all very jealous.
I'm not jealous.
I don't know how you're
gonna raise a kid
in this fucked up world.
Come on, man, don't be an ass.
I'm just sayin'.
(can rattling)
[Shane] Dude, Michael,
where you goin'?
I'm just gonna turn in to bed.
Why are you
being so sensitive?
I'm not being sensitive,
I'm just tired,
man, it's all good.
[John] Dude, you know
I'm happy for you and Jess.
Nice, dude.
I can't make a joke?
(zipper crunching)
(ominous synthesizer)
(zipper crunching over
ominous synthesizer)
(bag rustling over swell
of tense ambient music)
(zippers crunching over
tense ambient music)
(bag rustling)
(bag thwacking)
(panting) Who
went through my bag?
What're you talking about?
Just give it back.
Give what back?
Don't be a prick.
(fire crackling)
Whoa, who's being
a prick right now?
Oh, I'm being a prick...
Dude, calm down, I'm
sure we can find it.
What exactly are you missing?
Yeah, Michael,
what are you missing?
I know it's you, you
little piece of shit.
Yes, Michael, I went
through your fucking bag.
[Michael] Gimme back...
Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey!
(men shouting)
Michael, stop, Michael,
c'mon, stop, relax!
Let go of me!
[Alan] Relax!
What's your problem, man,
it's your fucking
bachelor party!
(sighs) Fuck it.
What the hell?
(Michael sighing over
ominous ambient music)
(fire crackling over
chirping insects)
I think we're gonna need
something a little stronger
than beer if we're gonna
turn this night around.
Knock yourself out.
(liquid bubbling)
No, dude, I'm never
drinking scotch again.
(sighs) You guys
have a good night.
And away he goes.
Have fun with
your lady friend.
[Louie] You're just jealous
'cause I won't
share her with you.
(Louie sighs)
Hey, honey.
Yeah, I'm home.
(footsteps crunching over
ominous ambient music)
All right, I give up.
Hey, leave the
bottle, will ya?
(tense and ominous
ambient music)
(Michael sighs)
(fabric rustling)
(uneasy piano over
crackling fire)
(footsteps crunching)
(sighs) Need a drink?
No, I'm good.
Havin' fun?
Oh, yeah, can'tcha tell?
So, uh, are you gonna say
it, or am I gonna have to?
Say what?
What we're all thinking.
That John's a dick?
No, that you're a
complete fucking mess.
Where the hell have you been
for the past three months?
You don't answer your phone,
you don't show up for
your own bachelor party.
What the hell is goin' on?
I've been busy.
[Alan] With what?
I have a baby coming, and I'm
trying to pay for a wedding.
I don't have time
to fuck around, man!
Then stop fuckin' around!
It hasn't even been
a year since rehab,
and you're already starting to
pull your disappearing acts.
Jess went through hell
for you last time, man!
Shit, we all did!
So this is how it's gonna be?
I fuck up once in
my entire life,
and you get to question
me for the rest of it?
(scoffs) Well, I don't
know what to tell you, man,
because there's
nothin' goin' on, OK?
Sorry to disappoint you.
Have it your way, man.
(dramatic orchestral music)
Thanks for the pep talk!
Hey, that's what the
best man's for, right?
(ominous and dramatic
orchestral music)
(cork popping)
(liquid sloshing)
(ominous and dramatic
ambient music)
(siren blaring over
ominous ambient music)
(throbbing EDM music)
Who the fuck are you?
(throbbing EDM music)
Get the fuck outta here!
hey-hey, wait-wait-wait!
Achilles, Achilles, he's
cool, he's cool, he's with me.
He's totally cool.
I say who's cool, your
words don't mean shit!
I meant no disrespect,
OK, he's money!
(throbbing EDM music)
Look, I can totally
vouch for him, all right?
You sure you wanna do this?
If he plays, he pays.
Of course, all right, yeah.
Dude, I can't believe
you fuckin' made it, man.
- [Michael] Hey.
- Oh, shit, man!
Don't worry about him, man,
could be on his fuckin'
period or something, man.
Why haven't you
called me, huh, huh?
(gate rattling)
[Alan] Hey, hey!
[Alan] You need
to get out of here.
[Shane] It woke me up, I have
no idea where it came from.
[Alan] No, no,
I heard it, too.
You mean up here?
No, no-no-no-no-no,
like, along this treeline.
Maybe he's using the bathroom.
I don't think he's
using the bathroom.
Well, I'm gonna go check.
What's goin' on?
[Shane] I heard
somebody screaming,
I th, I think it was John.
Wait, how do you
know it's John?
I'm tellin' ya, it was John.
Something's not right.
Hey, John!
(wind rustling)
(sighs) We're gonna
have to go look for him.
Let's split up, you
two go that way.
Louie, you come with me.
Man, this better not
be another stupid prank.
[Alan] C'mon.
[Shane] Let's go.
[Alan] C'mon.
(footsteps crunching)
- John!
- Hey John, are you out here?
[Alan] John?
God, dude, it's freezing
out here, let's keep going.
(ominous ambient music)
[Shane] John,
are you out here?
(footsteps crunching over
ominous ambient music)
(Louie sighs)
(wind rustling over
ominous ambient music)
(Louie sighs)
(footsteps crunching over
ominous ambient music)
What are we gonna do?
I don't know, get that
thing outta my face.
Maybe he just went for a walk.
No, no, no,
something's not right.
Each one of us are gonna pick
a direction and spread out.
He could be hurt out there.
No way, I'm not goin'
out there by myself!
I agree.
Well, I guess we should
just call the cops.
My phone's dead.
I don't have any service.
Me neither.
(distant thud)
Someone's in the car.
John, is that you?
(wind rustling)
(footsteps crunching)
John, what are you doing?
(footsteps crunching)
(jarring electronic accent)
(Louie gasps)
John, Jesus, John, hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
(Alan gasping over
jarring orchestral accent)
(plastic crinkling)
[Shane] I-is he breathing?
No, no, he's, he's gone.
- (scoffs) What, what the fuck happened?
- I don't know.
What do you mean,
you don't know?
Somebody murdered John!
What, you don't
think I can see that?
(tense and ominous
ambient music)
(Alan grunting
over muffled snap)
C'mon, c'mon, I
gotcha, I gotcha.
Here we go (grunts).
Shane, grab his feet, Michael,
get in the car, find the keys.
(tense and ominous
ambient music)
Shane, grab his feet, man!
(grunts) C'mon!
C'mon, careful.
[Shane] (gasps)
OK, I'll get it.
(objects rustling)
(trunk crunching)
(men grunting)
C'mon, in, there we go.
(objects rustling)
I can't find the keys.
Look in the glove compartment.
I just did!
What if John has 'em?
(clothes rustling over dramatic,
ominous orchestral music)
Got 'em.
(trunk crunches shut)
Let's go.
[Shane] OK.
(doors slamming shut)
(ignition clicking)
(sighs) You gotta
be kidding me!
(ignition clicking)
Come on, you son of a bitch!
(ignition clicking)
Push down on the brake...
I am, I've got no power!
God, I can't believe this!
(hand thunk against wheel)
(Alan panting and sighing)
[Shane] Where are you going?
I'm gonna go check on the battery.
C'mon, give me a hand.
(hood creaking)
Oh, no, battery
cables are gone.
Well, that's it, we're done.
We're not goin' anywhere.
(Alan sighs)
(birds fluttering)
Let's get back in the car.
(hood slamming shut over jarring
electronic accent) Jesus!
Did you fix it?
No, we're stuck.
What, is it the battery?
[Alan] The cables are missing.
- What?
- They're missing, someone took them.
- Fuck!
- OK, now that, guys, that, that's it!
- This is insane, we can't stay here.
- Where are we gonna go?
I don't know, but we can't stay here!
We're sitting ducks!
[Alan] You wanna
run through the woods
in the middle of the night?
No, I don't, but we
can't be trapped here.
- How far is the nearest town?
- I don't know, pretty far, I think.
What are we talkin', like
10 miles, 20 miles, what?
Maybe, I don't know, definitely
too far to run in the dark!
I'd rather take
my chances, man.
Yeah, yeah, me, too.
If we go out there right
now, we're easy targets.
You don't think we're
easy targets here?
How are we even gonna
defend ourselves?
This car is the only
shelter we've got,
and I've got my knife.
There could be
10 people out there
with something much
worse than a knife, man!
You wanna go out there
lookin' for sticks
and rocks and shit?
No, I don't, but I'm
just trying to help, man!
Hey, look, it's only
a few hours til morning.
Let's stay awake, stay alert,
and we'll hike out
at first light.
All right?
All right?
All right (panting), c'mon.
(Alan panting over
rattling doors)
(tense and ominous
ambient music)
(sighs) This is
fucking unbelievable!
(Michael sighing over
unsettling ambient music)
(swell of tense and
ominous ambient music)
(crowd chattering over
throbbing EDM music)
(liquid bubbling)
(crowd chattering over
throbbing EDM music)
[Emily] Hey, will you
pour me one of those?
I could use a drink.
Where are you from?
I can't imagine this
feels too much like home.
You'd be surprised.
Who brought you here?
[Emily] My roommate,
how 'bout you?
I don't have an excuse.
(birds chirping over
rumbling bass tones)
(pounding on window)
Get out here, now!
(door rattling over
ominous ambient music)
Where the hell is John, man?
[Alan] I don't know,
someone picked the lock.
Why would somebody
take his body?
- I don't know.
- We gotta get out of here.
- Well, we're not just gonna leave without John, right?
- We don't have a choice.
Whoever did this could be out
there right now waiting for us.
We need to grab the gear,
and get the hell outta here!
Let's go!
(swell of tense and
ominous ambient music)
(tents rustling)
Man, you OK?
Uh, yeah, I think so.
All right, let's go.
(birds cawing and chirping
over eerie ambient music)
(footsteps crunching over
tense orchestral music)
(dramatic, quietly unsettling
piano over tense ambiance)
[Louie] Hey, can I
see your phone again?
[Shane] There's no service.
(tense and ominous
orchestral music)
[Louie] I just wanna
look, like, really quick.
(Louie groans)
Guys (sighs), can we at least
take a break, then, please?
(panting) Thank you.
(Louie gasping)
Are you sure we're
even going the right way?
I'm just following this trail.
This has gotta lead us
back to the main road.
What are you carrying
in there anyway?
I didn't wanna leave
all the beer behind.
Yeah (gasping),
it's important, dude.
We need it, we could die
from dehydration out here.
Yeah, except alcohol
actually causes dehydration.
Uh, yeah, that
doesn't even make sense.
(can hissing)
You want one?
What are we even gonna
tell the cops, man?
Just gonna tell
'em what happened.
Except for we don't
know what happened.
We don't even know what
happened to John's body.
Well, that's their job, man.
They're gonna have
to investigate that.
We know that, but
what he's saying is
that we don't have any proof.
What if someone
followed us out here?
Have you guys even
thought about that?
Why would anyone ever do that?
I don't know, why would
somebody fucking kill John?
Look, we don't
have time to argue.
We just need to keep moving.
(footsteps crunching over
ominous ambient music)
(ominous and tense ambient
music with eerie melody)
(footsteps crunching over
unsettling melody and ambiance)
(tense orchestral swell)
(footsteps pattering)
(birds chirping over eerie
and tense ambient music)
(door handles clacking)
(Alan panting over eerie
and tense ambient music)
How'd they move the car?
Hey, do you still
have the keys?
I left them in the car.
Should we break the
window, we can hot wire this.
Do you know how to do that?
No, I don't, but we
should at least try!
We can't take the chance.
If the car alarm goes
off, we're screwed.
We gotta get off this trail
and keep heading north
towards the main road.
Shouldn't we just hike
back the way we came
and try to find another
trail or something?
No, if we cut
through the woods,
it'll be harder to find us.
You sure?
We don't have a choice!
(Michael coughs and groans)
Sorry, man, we
gotta keep moving.
It's fine, let's
just keep goin', OK?
(tense and unsettling
ambient music)
(tense and ominous
ambient music)
(bird chattering)
(tense and ominous
ambient music)
(footsteps crunching over
distant birds chattering)
Hey guys, hold up.
You hear that?
(eerie orchestral music)
[Alan] What is it?
Do you hear that?
(birds chattering)
(steadily louder rustling
brush over tense orchestration)
- (jarring orchestral accent)
- Run!
(footsteps thudding over
tense, menacing ambient music)
(brush rustling)
(men panting over
thudding footsteps)
(Louie crunches to the ground)
(tense and menacing
ambient music)
(Louie grunts)
(Louie panting over
eerie ambient music)
Whoa, whoa, whoa-oa-oa!
(footsteps crunching)
Whoa, where's Louie?
He must've fallen behind.
We've gotta go
back for him, man.
(Shane panting over
crunching footsteps)
(Shane gasps over jarring
orchestral accent)
(crunching footsteps)
(both gasping)
(brush rustling)
[Louie] Why'd you guys
leave me back there?
[Michael] (sighs) We
thought we lost you.
No, been hiding in this
tall shitting my pants.
(panting) I lost
Shane's freakin' phone.
(all gasping for breath)
Where's he at,
where's Shane at?
(men panting over
distant bird cawing)
(ominous and tense
ambient music)
(unsettling electronic accent)
No, no, no, no,
Shane, no, no-no, no!
Help me, help me, please!
Push his feet!
[Michael] I'm trying.
[Alan] Just push,
dude, I'll push.
[Michael] Gimme your knife.
(Alan grunts)
(knife swishing)
(Michael grunts)
Hurry, hurry (grunts)!
(knife rattling)
Oh, God (grunts)!
(knife rattling)
[Michael] Aw, fuck
(grunts angrily)!
[Alan] Louie, Louie, help me!
(unsettling electronic music)
Shane (grunts)!
(knife rattling)
Push his feet up!
(Alan shouting over
ominous electronic music)
[Michael] Push him up,
all right, push him up!
I'm, I'm trying!
Louie, what are
you doing, help me!
Grab his feet!
(Alan sobbing and grunting)
Louie, Louie, Louie!
Where are you going?
(footsteps crunching)
(knife tings to the ground)
(both gasping)
(Michael coughing)
There's nothing we could do.
(both gasping)
We gotta go after Louie.
(Michael gasping over
unsettling orchestral music)
Oh, God (gasping).
(footsteps crunching over
unsettling orchestral music)
(distant bird cawing)
Aw, Louie, stop!
C'mon, c'mon!
(Louie shouts)
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon!
(both panting)
(swell of unsettling
electronic music)
(sobs) We're screwed.
These people are toying
with us (gasping).
We're not gonna make it out.
Listen, listen,
listen, listen to me!
Listen to me, we're
gonna make it,
we just need to
find the main road.
We just need to keep heading
north, and we'll be fine.
(eerie and unsettling
ambient music)
(jarring orchestral accent
with clanging percussion)
Hey, Michael!
(shove thudding)
(panting) It's getting
dark, we need to go.
(ominous and unsettling
orchestral music)
(ominous and unsettling
orchestral music)
(Louie gasping)
(footsteps crunching over
ominous orchestral music)
(ominous orchestral music
with unsettling melodic tones)
(owl hooting over
chirping insects)
(insects chirping over
eerie ambient music)
(men panting over
crunching footsteps)
Stop, stop, stop!
You guys, I don't think I can
go on any further (gasps).
We need to find a place
to hide for the night.
(men gasping)
(men gasping)
Follow me.
(footsteps crunching
over chirping insects)
Right here.
(men panting and gasping)
Michael, lay down.
C'mon, man, there, c'mon.
OK, that's good.
(men gasping over
rustling brush)
(insects chirping)
(gasps) Shit!
- What?
- Something's crawling on me.
Just ignore it.
I'm trying, man!
Try harder.
(insects chirping over eerie,
piercing ambient tones)
(lighter snapping)
(liquid hissing over
muffled EDM music)
(syringe squishing)
(muffled EDM music)
(throbbing EDM music)
(eerie ambient tones
over throbbing EDM music)
(piercing high-pitched tones)
(phone buzzing)
(Louie screaming over
jarring orchestral accent)
(tense and unsettling
ambient music)
(Michael gasping)
Alan (gasping)?
(Michael gasping over
eerie ambient music)
(Michael gasping over eerie
and tense orchestral swell)
(Michael gasps)
Shh, shh, this way.
What about Louie?
I don't know, come on!
No, we can't leave
without finding Louie.
He ran off, I
lost track of him.
No, no-no, he didn't
run off, someone took him.
Michael, he ran, we
all did, now come on!
(tense and unsettling
orchestral accent)
(birds chirping
over rustling wind)
(footsteps crunching)
(both panting over
crunching footsteps)
(ominous and unsettling
ambient music)
(both gasping for breath)
This doesn't feel right.
We need help, we
have to do something.
(both gasping for breath)
(swell of tense and
unsettling ambient music)
(music grows more
eerie and ominous)
Hold on.
(birds chirping over
ominous ambient music)
(hatchet clanking)
(Michael panting
over chirping birds)
(eerie and ominous
ambient music)
(knife swishing)
(eerie and unsettling
ambient music)
(door rattling)
(door creaking)
(Alan panting over eerie and
unsettling ambient music)
(floorboards creaking over
unsettling ambient music)
(door creaking)
(eerie and unsettling
ambient music)
(tense orchestral swell)
(eerie and unsettling
ambient music)
(floorboards creaking over
tense, unsettling ambiance)
(swell of unsettling
ambient music)
(tarp rustling)
(Alan panting)
(eerie ambient music)
(Alan gasping over eerie and
unsettling ambient music)
(Michael whimpering)
(hatchet thwacks to the floor)
(shuddering and
uneasy ambient music)
(Alan sighing)
We're fucked.
It's all my fault.
(eerie melody over
unsettling ambient music)
What are you talkin' about?
(eerie melody over
unsettling ambient music)
I'm a fuckin' junkie,
and I stole from the one
person that I shouldn't have.
(eerie melody over
unsettling ambient music)
What did you say?
I wanted her to believe in me.
What did you take?
Michael, what did you take?
(eerie and unsettling
ambient music)
(pulsing keyboard over
unsettling orchestral music)
(jarring noise accent)
(Michael gasping)
Alan (sighing)?
(Michael groans)
(rumbling ambient music accent)
(unsettling ambient music)
(phone line buzzing)
Come on, Jess, pick up!
Come on, baby, please pick up!
(Michael panting over
unsettling ambient music)
(phone beeps)
(Michael sighing over tense,
unsettling ambient music)
(phone line buzzing)
(eerie and tense ambient music)
(Michael gasping over
thunking footsteps)
(distant glass shattering)
(Michael gasping)
(door rattling)
(Michael panting over
thudding footsteps)
(Michael panting over
eerie ambient music)
(jarring electronic accent)
(footsteps crunching over
tense electronic music)
(muffled rumbling)
(eerie and unsettling
electronic accent)
(crackling and rattling
over eerie ambient music)
(Michael gasping over
unsettling ambient music)
(birds chirping over
eerie ambient music)
(footsteps crunching
over chirping birds)
(door rattling)
(bird fluttering)
(birds cooing)
(birds chirping over
buzzing insects)
(insects buzzing)
Is there anybody here?
(engine rumbling over
eerie ambient music)
Stop, stop, please!
Please, stop!
(brakes squealing)
Please (panting),
this is an emergency!
I need you to call the police.
Please, I need your help!
(door rattling)
Thank you.
(engine rumbling away)
(eerie and unsettling
ambient music)
We were just camping and
they're all gone.
(engine rumbling over eerie
and unsettling ambiance)
(rumbling ambient music accent)
(eerie ambient music with
vaguely unsettling melody)
(pulsing electronic thumps
over uneasy ambient music)
(engine rumbling)
No, no, no, no.
This, where are you taking me?
This is, what the
hell is this (gasps)?
Hey, what are you doing to me?
No, no-no-no-no-no, no!
Pull this truck over right now!
(Michael gasping)
(engine rumbles to a stop)
(door rattling)
Oh, no (sighs), no.
(Michael gasping)
(door rattling)
(Michael grunting)
(door crunching shut)
(Michael grunting)
(man in hat grunts)
(Michael gasping and grunting)
(engine idling)
(man in hat whistles)
(birds chirping
over idling engine)
(metal rattling)
(Michael thunks into truck bed)
(footsteps crunching
over idling engine)
(birds chirping)
(bouncy country music
over rumbling engine)
(Michael gasping over
piercing high-pitched tone)
(fabric rustling)
(Michael gasping)
Please, don't do
this to me, please!
Please don't do this!
Please (gasping)!
(tinging ambient tones)
(chain rattling)
(Michael gasping over
jarring noise accent)
(buckles rattling over
eerie ambient music)
No, what do you want from me?
(restraints rattling
over tense ambient music)
(Michael groaning and gasping)
What do you want from me?
(Michael gasping over
eerie ambient music)
- What is this?
- [Jess] Are you getting this?
[Michael] Yeah, it's good.
- [Jess] C'mere, give me your hand.
- [Michael] What?
[Jess] Feel, feel, feel.
Where the fuck
did you get this?
[Jess] (laughing) Stop,
turn it off, turn it off.
Don't you fucking touch
her, do you hear me?
(Michael gasping over
ominous ambient music)
She has nothing to do with this.
She has nothing to do with this!
(panting) It was me,
I took the money,
but I can get it
back, I promise!
Just don't, just don't
touch her, please!
Please, please, don't touch her!
(tapping on syringe)
No, no, no, no, don't,
Don't, don't, (groans) don't!
(Michael gasping and
groaning over eerie ambiance)
No, please (gasps), please!
(Michael gasping)
(grunts) No, no!
No, no, please!
Please (gasps), I'll
do whatever you want.
(eerie electronic accent)
You can kill me, just
please, don't touch her!
Please say something.
(ominous and unsettling
ambient music)
[Jess] Wake up.
(Michael gasps)
(Michael panting over
tinkling wind chimes)
(tape crinkling)
(Michael groans)
(muffled rattling)
(door rattling)
(doors thunking)
(birds chirping)
(footsteps crunching)
(ominous and uneasy
orchestral music)
I bet you could use
a cup of coffee.
(ominous and uneasy
orchestral music)
Take a seat.
(liquid bubbling)
How ya feeling?
Where's Jess?
Jess if fine, we're
gonna focus on you.
Who the hell are you?
My name is Richard, I'm
a recovering alcoholic.
I am the director of this
program, and once upon a time,
I sat in the very same
chair you're sitting in.
(dramatic, vaguely
ominous orchestral music)
Michael, this whole thing
is about transformation.
Our tactics are
harsh, but they work.
This is not a celebrity rehab
where we polish your image
and make you feel
good about yourself.
So all of this was a lie?
What do you think?
I saw their bodies, I...
you saw exactly what
we wanted you to see.
Your friends take
you to the woods.
It's dark, one by one,
they start to disappear
til you're left alone.
It's very dramatic.
Your paranoid mind sees
this and believes it's real,
creates emotion, guilt, fear.
These emotions
are powerful tools
when they're used correctly.
(dramatic orchestral music)
What if this doesn't work?
Then you'd be the first.
(Michael scoffs over
dramatic orchestral music)
So what do I do now?
Now you go home.
I don't know if I can do that.
Yeah, it is gonna
take some time.
You violated a
trust with Jessica,
you have to rebuild that trust.
(phone buzzing)
OK, we got a few details
we need to attend to.
(clears throat) I understand
you stole some money.
- Yeah.
- [Richard] How much?
About $12,000.
[Richard] Do
you still have it?
Most of it, yeah.
OK, our guys back in the city,
he's gonna help you
square all that away,
but as a precaution, we're
going to move you and Jessica
into a new place across town.
Wait, but...
Now, listen to me,
are you fully disclosed
because we cannot
afford any loose ends.
How are you able
to do all of this?
Over the years, we have
helped a lot of people.
Some of them are
very influential.
From time to time,
we call in a favor.
Who knows, maybe one day,
your phone will ring.
(expressive piano over
dramatic orchestral music)
(tires crunching on gravel)
That is your ride.
(Richard clears his throat)
(expressive piano over
dramatic orchestral music)
You got a second chance,
don't fuck it up.
(expressive piano over
dramatic orchestral music)
(car doors rattling
and thunking)
(footsteps crunching)
Are you all right?
Yeah, I'm OK.
Well, let's go home.
(expressive orchestral music)
You all right?
(expressive, quietly
tense orchestral music)
(car doors slamming shut)
(engine rumbling over
expressive strings)
(birds chirping)
(expressive strings and piano)
(door crunches shut)
(expressive strings and piano)
(door rattling)
(expressive strings and piano)
(Jess sighing)
(lips smacking over
expressive strings and piano)
[Jess] Come on.
(expressive strings and piano)
(door creaking)
(expressive strings and piano)
(eerie, pulsing ambient music)
(pigeon cooing)
(engine rumbling)
(unsettling, resonating guitar
over rhythmic percussion)
(trunk rattling)
Get this piece of
shit outta my trunk.
(Michael groans)
(Michael gasping over
unsettling, resonating guitar)
You really think I
wouldn't find you?
(unsettling, resonating guitar
over rhythmic percussion)
Who knows
Where I'm heading
(phone ringing)
Falling in deep
(phone beeping)
[Achilles] What?
No expectations
These dreams
You lucky son of a bitch!
(phone thwacking on ground)
Let's go!
(car doors slamming shut)
But progress means moving
And life, all,
is spinning around
(tires crunching on gravel)
(Michael gasping over
eerie echoing guitar)
(phone ringing)
Sometimes I'm in heaven
Sometimes I'm about to crack
Looks like I'm floating
Can't stay but
I can't come back
I keep it together
And that looks like progress
But progress means moving
And I only thought
you might die
(rhythmic and hazy
psychedelic rock music)
Running around, I
catch a dream on the wave
And I believe it
Running around, I
catch a dream on the wave
And I believe it
Running around, I
catch a dream on the wave
And I believe it
Running around, I catch
a dream off the wave
And I believe it
(rhythmic and hazy
psychedelic rock music)
(hazy, resonating guitar
over thumping percussion)