The V.I.P.s (1963)

May I have your attention, please?
Trans-Canada Airlines...
- Is it true you discovered Gloria?
- Where did you find her?
- Is it true she followed you?
- Is your relationship entirely professional?
- Is there any future for her without you?
- Is there a future for you without her?
- Mr. Buda.
- Please, could you...?
Aren't you rather overweight?
Overweight? Me?
Oh, the luggage. That all belongs to...
...Miss Gritti. As usual, I travel
with just my toothbrush and a script.
Mr. Joslin.
- Good morning, Mr. Sanders.
- See to these.
Here's today's VIP list.
Everything straightforward except
for Madam Andros and that's well in hand.
- Is she traveling?
- Yes. Landing by helicopter.
Commander Millbank's there now
making the final arrangements.
Look after everybody else who comes.
I've got these awful
film people to see to.
Very good, sir.
Mr. Buda.
This a great pleasure. We met the last time
you traveled by BO AC, remember?
Yeah. Yeah.
Now, if you'll follow me,
I'll take you up to our VIP lounge.
I did so enjoy your last film, Mr. Buda.
"Enjoy"? My dear fellow,
we're not so old-fashioned as that.
It is not the purpose
of the modern cinema to entertain.
Never, no. We use our cameras today
as a surgeon uses his scalpel.
"Entertainment." Really.
Made a lot of money, didn't it?
Money, money, money.
I never concern myself
with these matters.
You must ask my assistant here,
my financial wizard, Dr. Schwutzbacher.
Tell me, with Room With No View,
how much did we gross?
Twelve million, three hundred
sixty-three thousand.
- Without Tokyo?
- Yes.
You brought the agreements?
It's with my Liechtenstein
or the Hong Kong company?
A new one.
The Friendly Isles.
No taxes at all.
No taxes?
Oh, my darling Dr. Schwutzbacher.
Signorina, Miss Potter will look after you.
Please proceed to the top
of the central staircase...
... for customs and passport control...
... all passengers traveling on BA 938.
Why do I have to travel
with this ridiculous bag?
It's like a bottomless pit.
You know, I'm sure I had it
when I left home.
Yes, I'm afraid you can't travel to America
without a vaccination certificate.
Why not? I once came through an epidemic
of blackwater fever in Uganda...
...and I hadn't been
inoculated or anything.
I'm really not afraid of a little smallpox.
Yes, well, I'm afraid
it's a regulation, madam.
Then it's a very idiotic one.
It must be here.
Well, here it is, all the while.
Yes, this is a ration book,
madam, dated 1943.
Don't say so.
Very interesting.
How in the world did that get there?
Apart from the vaccination card...
...l'm afraid I don't seem to be able
to find your name for flight 905.
You did say economy class?
That's the cheapest way
of going to Florida?
- Yes.
- Then that's the way I'm going.
- What was the name again, please?
- Brighton. Like the town.
Well, there's no Mrs. Brighton here.
I'm not "Mrs."
I often wish I were.
Well, there's no "Miss" either.
I'm sure my name is there.
Is everything in order?
Well, not altogether, I'm afraid.
Her Grace is traveling
on flight 905 to Miami.
The Duchess of Brighton.
Oh, yes. It's under D.
Would that be it?
He does mix his tenses, though,
"Would it? Was it?"
- It is.
- I beg your pardon, Your Grace.
Now, about your vaccinations...
You'll find that in your passport.
Passport. It wasn't here
when I looked just now.
I know it wasn't.
Otherwise, I'd have remembered.
Oh, dear.
Well, how clever of you.
The truth is, I'm a little strung up.
It's the first time I've ever flown.
And this morning I had to borrow
one of my maid Armstrong's pep-up pills.
It's pepped me up, all right,
but not just up.
In all directions, it would seem.
So you must forgive me.
Let me introduce you to Miss Potter.
She'll look after you and take you
to our VIP lounge.
How do you do, Miss Potter?
Are you going for a little holiday,
Your Grace?
Oh, dear me, no.
I'm going to work.
I'm going as
assistant social manageress... the Royal Atlantic Hotel,
Miami Beach.
- What fun.
- No, it's not for fun. It's the money.
You see, I have to do this
to keep my home going.
I think that's Mr. Andros
at the controls. Yes, it is.
How long have you been
with him, commander?
- For five years.
- Must be a pretty good job.
I mean, I don't suppose
you regret the navy very much.
It's an excellent job.
He's a very generous employer.
That lovely, lovely wife of his,
so charming too.
- Thank you, commander.
- Madam Andros...
...hope you had a pleasant flight.
Mr. Andros.
I love these things.
I wish I had a fleet of them.
You could always
buy a fleet yourself, sir.
Splendid idea, John. Remind me of it.
Did I make you nervous?
You never make me nervous. Why?
I thought I saw your hands shaking when
you were fixing your makeup over Windsor.
A hangover from the farewell party,
I expect.
- That man is Sanders.
- Yes.
- Madam Andros.
- How do you do?
A holiday in Jamaica, I hear.
Are you making the connection
from New York today?
- No, tomorrow.
- Very wise. Much less tiring.
- Mr. Andros, what a very great pleasure.
- Entirely mutual, Mr. Sanders.
You always remember my name.
Not at all. The best reception manager
of any airline in the world.
Get in, darling.
- Have you got it?
- I've got it.
Bracelet, sapphire and diamonds
set in platinum. Inscription's inside.
Thank you. You'll see to that
for me, will you?
- Yes, I will, sir.
- Thank you, John.
Why, Paul?
In 11 years, have I ever let you go off
anywhere without a little present?
Ten days in Jamaica.
They're an eternity.
Open it.
Why haven't you given me a present...
...when you've gone away...
...sometimes for months?
That's different. Then I reverse the process
and bring you one back.
Yes, you do.
It's very beautiful.
I knew your taste in platinum.
I wasn't too sure about the stones.
Are they all right?
Yes, they're all right.
Thank you very much.
There's a...
There's an inscription inside.
What does it say?
Let's leave that as a surprise.
Little thing like this
out of a Christmas cracker?
I'm sorry.
Let me lead you
through the common herd.
Just a minute.
There's a familiar figure.
Paul. Hello.
You've come to see Frances off?
- No. Is she traveling?
- Yes. Jamaica for a few days.
Frances, look who's here.
Frances, of all people.
- What a pleasant surprise.
- Hello, Marc.
- You're going somewhere, then?
- New York.
- On the lmperial special?
- Yes.
Oh, you and Frances
can gossip your heads off together.
- Switching of seats?
- That can be arranged.
- If I can have your seat number...
- No, actually...
...I thought I'd catch up
on some sleep.
Perhaps later we can meet
in the lounge.
I look forward to it.
Going for any special reason?
Not really. Just a holiday.
- Who's paying for it this time?
- Me.
You don't say.
- Casino been good to you?
- That and a few other things.
Well, come on into the lounge.
VIP stuff, you mean?
No, not me, old boy. I know my place.
But I'll see you on the plane, Frances.
Can I get you for the yacht in April?
- Ischia, Capri, Sicily?
- May I let you know?
Of course.
You want a guest list, I suppose.
How many susceptible
rich countesses onboard...
...and how many millionaires
you can fleece.
That's the form. I'll see you.
You haven't forgotten
your meeting is at 11?
- No, John. Thank you.
- I'll see about madam's boarding card.
I'm sorry about switching seats,
but I thought you liked him.
I told you I wanted to...
Wanted to sleep.
I know he's a fairly shameful character.
Bit of a gigolo and hopeless gambler...
...but he can be amusing and I like him.
I hope you find everything
satisfactory, Mr. Andros.
If there's anything you want,
ask Miss Potter.
She'll see to it for you.
Excuse me, please.
Oh, hello there.
The name's Mangrum, pal, Les Mangrum.
You'll find it on your list there.
The lady's my secretary.
- I'm afraid I can't... Oh, I see.
- Here's Mr. Mangrum's passport.
The visa's on page 24,
and his vaccination certificate.
And his excess baggage
is paid for in advance.
Most efficient. Excuse me one moment.
They're sometimes very careless
about briefing me.
Could you tell me exactly
what Mr. Mangrum's line is?
He's the chairman
of Mangrum Tractors, of course.
Of course. Shall we go in?
Excuse me, dear,
bring me a cup of tea, will you?
- Certainly, sir.
- Make it two. Want some tea?
- Oh, no, I'll stick to bitter lemon.
- Add a bitter lemon.
Have there been any messages for me?
- What would be the name?
- Mr. Mangrum. Mr. Les Mangrum.
Oh, yes, there has been one.
Would you ring Mr. Liggett at Lloyd's Bank?
- Get him, love.
- Yes, Mr. Mangrum.
Going over on business?
Yeah. I'd like to say it was for pleasure,
but I'll only be there about 48 hours.
What lives you tycoons lead.
I'm no tycoon.
Just the one small company.
Matter of fact, as far as concerns go
these days, it's about that size.
But we make good tractors.
And you know why?
Because I learned the job the hard way.
I started life as a farmhand
in Queensland.
Why? You didn't think
I was Australian, did you?
I guess I had rather guessed.
You had, huh?
Always thought I spoke
as English as Macmillan.
Oh, would you hold on, please?
Mr. Mangrum?
- Yes?
- Your call.
Excuse me, please.
Ta. Don't go away. Listen to this.
Hello, Mr. Liggett. How are you?
You don't have to worry anymore.
Your money's quite safe.
The battle is won.
How did I do it?
When I thought
I was gonna get beaten... friend MacDee pledged
all his shares to me.
So I keep control of my company...
...and the great
Amalgamated Motors is beaten.
It certainly was a close thing,
but you don't have to worry.
All I've got to do is get to New York
this afternoon...
...and sign the deal.
Wha...? Why? Well, because
they won't wait, Mr. Liggett.
Yeah, goodbye. What?
Well, I appreciate the fact
that you were worried, Mr. Liggett.
- He really was scared, you know that?
- He had reason to be, hadn't he?
Oh, I don't know.
Not if he knew what I always knew.
What was that?
That Les Mangrum
just doesn't get beaten.
That's another one of you.
Full page. Look.
Can't open one of these
without finding you. It's a phenomenon.
You won't let them photograph you,
so they take me. That's all.
I have a modest wife
and a very beautiful one.
This doesn't do you justice.
None of them do.
If I'm to make that meeting on time,
I must leave you.
Will you be all right?
- I'll leave John.
- Please don't.
I'm sure you need him in London.
No, I need him everywhere.
I planned for him
to see you safely onboard.
I can get onto an airplane
by myself, Paul.
I'm not half-witted or infirm.
Always a little het up
before flying, aren't you?
- Take care of yourself.
- I will.
No need to see me off.
But I want to.
Make sure I've gone?
You'll drive back with me, then.
Your boarding card.
Thank you, John.
I'm glad the rubies were a success.
Goodbye again.
Enjoy yourself.
Why were you sitting there,
of all places?
I had to sit somewhere.
I didn't know you were using this entrance.
I was well hidden from that one.
Why are you crying?
What idiotic questions
you ask sometimes, Marc.
I'm crying because I was given
a new parting present.
You must admit that... times Commander Millbank
has quite good taste.
I wonder what he had inscribed inside.
Oh, hello.
Oh, Frances,
I don't think you know John Coburn.
Madam Andros.
Can't give you
a greater compliment than to say...'re even better
than your photographs.
Yeah. New York?
- Yes.
- Imperial special?
Fine. I've got the cards with me.
I think six hours will give me time enough
to get revenge for last time...
...and possibly a little profit.
- That's right.
Well, I'll see you on the plane.
I don't think we should be seen
standing here together.
Why not?
In eight hours,
and for the rest of our lives...
...we'll be seen standing
everywhere together.
All right.
"For the rest of our lives."
You make that sound
like quite a long time.
Having doubts?
I'll let you know when I do.
Don't you want the VIP lounge?
Lord, no.
- Who was that man that came up to you?
- A member of my club.
Gin-rummy pigeon of all time.
Rolling in the stuff,
and thinks he can play.
- Two teas, please.
- All right.
Well, it was a close shave
about the seat numbers.
I told you it was a mistake
to get them together.
I know. I'm sorry.
I know it's foolishly sentimental... want to sit next to the man
you're eloping with.
Has a nice old-fashioned
flavor to it, hasn't it?
It makes me feel
as if I had waxed mustaches...
...and a rope ladder
tucked into my raglan.
Oh, thank you.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
Did he notice anything at all?
I don't think so.
But did he say anything?
Yes. He said he liked you.
That you made him laugh.
He wondered why I didn't like you.
He supposed that it was because... were a gigolo.
- A gigolo? The nerve.
Who just paid for these teas?
Have you...
...left the letter for him?
- Yes.
- Where?
Where he'll find it and no one else.
Our usual place for leaving notes.
He'll find it when he gets back
from the meeting.
Do you think he'll look there?
Yes, I told him to.
It's a bit brutal, isn't it?
What I'm doing is a bit brutal, isn't it?
How much do you think he'll mind?
I don't know.
- I just don't know.
- You must know.
I don't know.
We've been married for 13 years.
He always says 11, unless the commander's
there to remind him.
And for most of those 13 years,
I've loved him...
...but I don't know him.
That smoke screen of charm
can be very dense.
They'll be calling us in 15 minutes.
May I have another tea, please?
Clever, clever, clever.
Darling, adorable Schwutzbacher.
As usual, your arrangements
are not only genius, but invaluable.
Yes, maestro. I think this little scheme
is now quite unassailable.
Of course, to make it work at all... was essential for you to be
out of England under the full year.
We were very lucky, very lucky
that you finished shooting yesterday.
- You know...
- One more day, just one...
- One more day, and tax-wise...
- One more day.
...I would've been in the soup.
"I'll expect delivery in 10 days."
Then "Yours sincerely"
and all that stuff.
- Mr. Mangrum, please.
- Yeah?
Kingsford, Brian and Company.
My broker, ta-ta. I'm sorry,
I'm afraid I've given you a lot of work.
Oh, that's all right.
You businessmen.
Hello there, Dave.
What do you want me to tell you?
- I'm terribly sorry.
- It's quite all right.
Don't worry.
Who ratted?
I don't believe it. He's my best friend.
I just don't.
I have his sacred,
solemn promise not to sell.
All right, here's what you do:
You top Amalgamated's offer
by a shilling a share.
A shilling... A shilling a share.
All right, give me the amount.
One hundred and
fifty-three thousand... hundred
and fifty pounds.
All right, now, listen.
You make that deal now.
You'll have my check payable to him
within an hour. Don't argue with me, Dave.
Just do me one favor:
See that the check gets to him
after banking hours.
Make out the check, love.
Yes, Mr. Mangrum.
To the honorable Kenneth MacDee...
Don't leave out "honorable."
Unless you don't want to put your
handwriting to a felonious transaction.
- Don't be silly.
- It's not so silly.
You know the state of my account
better than anybody.
They could easily prove it.
Then I'll join you in jail, won't I?
Be kind of a pleasure, wouldn't it?
I'm afraid your youth and innocence
would get you off, though.
Could always say you acted
under superior orders.
Oh, I never would.
No, I know you never would.
Take that to Kingsford.
Yes, Mr. Mangrum.
It's all right. It's 100 percent all right.
All I gotta do is get to New York...
...tell that board what I had to do,
and the check's covered.
- Yes, Mr. Mangrum.
- They're on our side.
They don't want Amalgamated Motors
to win any more than we do.
Met controller has just reported
visual range 300, decreasing.
Oh, dear. Oh, dear.
I don't like the look of this at all.
- Get me Met.
- Yes, sir.
Blast and confound their flea-bitten souls.
Met? Who have I got there? McLeod?
Here, what about this damn fog?
Visibility how much?
That's enough to ground
every plane at London.
Why the hell didn't you
give us a fog warning?
I have 27 flights due to take off...
...and something like 3000 passengers
on my hands.
Well, how long do you think it'll be?
An hour?
It had better be.
Ladies and gentlemen, I...
Ladies and gentlemen?
I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid all flights
are delayed one hour, owing to fog.
Fog, fog, fog.
In London, always this stinking fog.
Oh, this is nothing.
Look, it's lifting already.
- May I have your attention, please?
- That'll be us.
There is a notice to all passengers:
All flights are delayed by one hour.
All flights are delayed by one hour.
Thank you.
Suppose he goes home
before the meeting?
He won't.
He might have forgotten something.
He'll send the commander to get it,
but he won't have forgotten anything.
- He never forgets anything.
- He might be eager to read your note.
Before an important board meeting?
Are you joking?
- Come on.
- Where?
I don't know, anywhere.
Just for a stroll.
Maybe you should have told him.
Maybe I should have told him.
Maybe we both should have told him.
You know perfectly well why we didn't.
We were both far too scared.
I've got reason to be. But you,
why should you be scared of him?
As a child, I was scared of the dark.
I wonder, could I impose on you
for some questions, Miss Gritti, Mr. Buda?
You've got the billing wrong,
but go ahead.
Well, what about your next film?
Based on the immortal drama
of Schiller, Maria Stuart.
And starring Miss Gritti, of course,
in the title role?
That's a good question, Max.
It's your play, I think. Not that one.
That one.
- How do you know what's in my hand?
- I know what's in your head.
- So I have nothing in my head.
- One more question.
- Don't quote that.
- I'll give you something you can quote.
From Temple, the movie critic.
It said:
"Gloria Gritti is an actress
whose talent is equal to her intelligence."
How unkind.
Gin, I think.
Just one more question, Mr. Buda.
I understand that you're carrying
a British passport.
Oh, yes, I'm British.
My dear old chap,
I am British to the bone.
Then tell me,
why do you live in Switzerland?
- Tax.
- Please.
I live in Switzerland
because I love Switzerland.
- Because he don't have to pay taxes.
- The scenery, mountains, beautiful lakes.
- That's why he loves Switzerland.
- Now your time is up.
- Is it?
- Yes. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- For your information...
...the title role of Maria Stuart
will not be played by Miss Gloria Gritti.
It's your deal. Your deal...
Your deal, darling.
Deal, darling.
What's the latest?
Oh, dear. It doesn't look too good.
If it gets any thicker,
even the pigeons will have to walk.
I'll have to notify Catering.
Who'd have my job?
Who in heaven's name would have my job?
- Listen, what's the latest on the takeoff?
- Any moment now, Mr...
Madam Andros, there you are.
I wondered what happened.
I was just taking a little exercise.
Oh, if I'd known, I'd have had someone
escort you over the airport.
- Mr. Sanders, I'm afraid...
- Oh, excuse me, will you?
This might be it.
I'm so sorry.
I have a small disappointment for you.
Ladies and gentlemen?
I'm afraid our hoped-for wind
has been a little late in arriving.
We're issuing you vouchers for lunch.
Well, that's something, anyway.
Oh, I'm very sorry, my dear fellow.
You want to use the telephone?
I'll just be a second.
Operator, this is Mr. Max...
Max Buda.
Frances, what about the letter?
I'm going to call now.
I'll call Mrs. Jones,
the housekeeper whom I trust.
And tell her where to find the letter
and tear it up.
Miss, please.
Madam Andros would like to telephone.
- Yes, I'll get one and plug it in here, sir.
- Thank you.
Then what do we do?
We go on as planned.
I'll write to him from New York.
But I didn't want to do that...
...because he'll be phoning Jamaica
tomorrow for sure.
Find out I'm not there...
...and start a hue and cry.
But now I'll have to.
- Listen, let me use that, will you, dear?
- I'm so sorry.
Oh, I'm sorry. Excuse me.
It's all right. I won't be long.
Thank you.
Grosvenor 7060, please.
Are you sure
you can trust the housekeeper?
Quite sure.
- Won't she think it odd, tearing up a note?
- Yes, she will.
- Isn't she likely to read it herself?
- No.
That she won't do.
It's ringing.
Hello? Hello?
The meeting must have finished early.
You told him New York,
in your note, I mean?
And me?
Something tells me the next hour
is going to drag a bit.
What are we going to do with it?
Have lunch.
- Get through okay?
- Yes, thank you.
Hello, I'd like to place an overseas call
to New York City.
Mr. Wilson, please call the nearest...
Have there been any calls
for Madam Andros?
No, sir, but there's been
an inquiry about her.
Somebody asked if her plane
had taken off.
Didn't give his name.
BOAC flight 563 from Montral...
... has been diverted to Prestwick.
Passengers from this flight
are expected to arrive at Euston station...
... at approximately 1800 hours.
Isn't there any place
we can hide in this damn airport?
Perhaps we could sneak over to Paris
by the night train.
No, Marc, we're not hiding away
or sneaking anywhere.
We've done enough of that
in the past three months.
- Now finish your food.
- No, I couldn't.
Why, this is probably
the safest place, anyway.
He can hardly make a scene in here.
Not even Paul.
Can you see the headlines?
"Andros slugs wife.
Knifes international playboy
in airport restaurant."
- Marc.
- May I have your attention, please?
If Mr...
- Can I help you, sir?
- Yeah, just the one, thanks.
Thank you.
- Hi.
- Of El-Al Space Control...
... to the airline ticket desk, please.
- Would you like a table?
- I'm looking for someone.
Oh, it's all right.
- Mr. Mangrum?
- Oh, hello, dear.
- Sit down, have something to eat.
- Oh, I couldn't.
- You want a drink?
- Oh, I'll have a bitter lemon.
You and your bitter lemon.
How'd you know I was still here?
My car radio, the 12:30 news.
"All planes still grounded."
I turned around and came straight here.
I hope you didn't mind.
No, no. Good on you, dear.
- Nobody I need more in a crisis.
- Yeah.
- Sir?
- Thanks a lot, and a bitter lemon.
Listen, I called young Fordman
in New York. I said:
"Board meeting or no board meeting,
I have to have the check covered."
- And?
- He said he couldn't do it himself.
- He's got to ask his father.
- Well, did he sound hopeful?
Oh, I don't know. You know bankers.
I know one thing, if I'm gonna
get that check covered for sure...
...l've got to get to New York.
May I have your attention, please?
Here's an announcement for all passengers
on BOAC Cunard flight 905 to Miami.
- Must be lifting.
- Will passengers proceed...
... up the central staircase
for passport control...?
This way, duchess.
I didn't expect this.
I haven't got anything ready.
I expect it can all be sorted out
quite easily.
- I haven't even paid for my lunch.
- It's already paid for.
My pills.
You must let me take my pills.
I've got two enormous purple things here
which apparently knock you out flat.
- May I take this?
- Thank you very much.
Your gloves.
Has he ever been jealous of you?
I don't think so.
In the courting days, perhaps.
Yes, come to think of it,
he was good and jealous then.
But never since.
He's never had cause to be.
- Never?
- Not once.
Not once, Marc, in 13 years.
Is that hard for you to believe?
Looking at you, it's not easy...
...but I admit I'm a bad judge,
because up to now...
...l've run my own life
on rather different lines.
Up to now?
That's what I said. That's what I meant.
Oh, Marc, you won't let me down,
will you?
Whatever happens, don't let me down.
Mind if I join you?
I'm sorry about the fog...
...but not even I can arrange
the weather to suit you.
I have a company working on that now...
...something to do
with harnessing cosmic rays...
- You've read my letter?
- Yes.
Yes, I enjoyed it very much.
It's the first practical joke
you've ever played.
I didn't know you liked them.
I love them myself, as you know.
- You remember that time on the yacht...?
- It's not a joke, Paul.
I'm leaving you for Marc.
Oh, yes. Marc Champselle.
I'd forgotten,
that's the funniest part of it all.
It's the truth, Paul.
You might have said Joey the Clown,
I suppose...
...but Marc Champselle wasn't
at all bad.
Let me tell you
the arrangements I've made.
Gatwick hasn't closed down.
My plane will take you to Paris.
Both of us, in fact.
And tomorrow we'll go to Jamaica. That
way, you won't miss one day in the sun.
BOAC announce the departure
of their Imperial special flight...
- That'll be our call, Marc.
...BA 501 to New York.
Will passengers please
collect their hand baggage...
...have their passports ready...
- You're coming with me.
... and proceed to the top of the central
staircase for passport control.
Your call, Mr. Champselle.
So you're not traveling after all,
- Who told you that?
- I did.
A practical joke. He loves them.
- Of course I'm traveling.
- Good. Shall I show the way?
Thank you.
I think he may have a gun.
Final announcement for BOAC Imperial...
... special flight BA 501 to New York.
You're not going through that gate.
I'm not gonna let you go through.
I'll kill you first.
- Go on, Marc.
- No.
Go first.
His face.
I'll never forget it as long as I live.
- Bye-bye. Goodbye.
- Bye-bye. Miss you. Bye.
- May I help?
- Oh, how kind of you.
Thank you very much.
- May I sit here?
- Yes.
Thank you.
Oh, dear.
Thank you.
Oh, how dreadful.
Thank you.
- Oh, no. Conductress. Conductress.
- I don't think there's any room.
- Did someone call something?
- Yes, dear, I did.
- Will you please put this thing in the hold?
- In the hold?
Wherever you do put luggage
that isn't wanted on the voyage.
If you'd wanted this
with your other luggage... should've thought of that earlier,
shouldn't you?
If that is a question to me personally, yes.
If it is a general comment
upon human behavior... is an extremely unoriginal one
and hardly worth making.
Kindly dispose of this hatbox.
But I have no room.
Well, then, you must make room,
mustn't you, dear?
Silly of me to bring other hats at all.
This is the only one I ever wear.
- It's very nice.
- Oh, no, it's a brute.
But it's comfortable and it fits,
and I can wear it in the rain.
Ladies and gentlemen, would you kindly
fasten your seat belts, please?
I haven't brought a seat belt with me.
You must be sitting on it.
Oh, well, have you got one?
- Yes, I have.
- I see. What happens now?
- Now, you should have another part.
- Oh, here it is.
- That's mine, madam.
- I beg your pardon.
Let me.
- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, there we are.
- No, this way.
- I'll leave it to you.
No, you put that through there,
like that.
That through there,
and you're fastened to your chair.
I can't be expected to know that.
What are they going to do,
loop-the-loop or something?
Oh, well, I don't care anyway.
I have two enormous pills
to steady me down.
And with the two pep pills
I took this morning...
...the pep-up pills...
...l'm flying already.
Doesn't look all that much better.
I don't know why we didn't
take off this morning.
I suppose they know what they're doing.
- Maxie.
- Yes?
Is there another
woman's part in Mary Stuart?
- Yes. Yes.
- Good part?
- Who is she?
- Queen Elizabeth.
- Could I play that?
- No.
This way, please.
I don't want to hear any more
of your idiotic excuses.
Those half-wits in Met
told me that it would be clear in one hour.
Look. All aircraft grounded indefinitely.
Make the necessary announcements.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I'm extremely sorry to announce...
... that at the moment
it is not possible for us to take off.
We will have to disembark you.
I very much regret
that a takeoff is no longer possible...
... and our orders are to disembark you.
British Overseas Airways
have asked me to say...
...that should the delay be overnight...
- Overnight?
...accommodation will be reserved
at one of the airport hotels. Thank you.
Captain, overnight?
Dear captain, surely this isn't true.
- There could be a clearance around midnight.
- Before or after midnight?
A bit before or a bit after,
it hardly matters.
- Just a question of life and death, that's all.
- Is somebody ill?
At the moment, me.
Attention, please. Will all passengers
kindly wait in the lounge...
... until a further announcement.
Bad show, eh?
Well, we still have a way
of passing the time, eh, Marc?
If you get bored.
But I'm sure you wouldn't.
I can't see any possible...
Absolutely charming.
Very tactful man.
Well, we better stay here.
This is only for passengers
who have cleared immigration.
They'll stop him coming in here.
Stop Paul Andros?
Yes. Yes, I suppose it's a bit hopeless.
- Attention.
- I'd better go and face him.
- Not yet. He might have gone.
- BOAC regret...
And if he hasn't,
give him time to calm down.
- Has been further delayed.
Accommodation has been secured
for all passengers at the airport hotel.
I've put a call in to Gatwick.
That's all I can do.
Just let's not lose our heads.
Let's go over it all again.
I need a plane.
I need to charter a plane.
- An air taxi?
- An air taxi.
I've just explained,
there's no air taxi operating here.
- Only from Gatwick.
- Right, sir.
When I ask for a car to this Gatwick... tell me there isn't any.
Listen, I've got to get out of this country... midnight tonight.
Not 10 minutes after,
not 10 seconds after...
...but midnight.
Or I lose $ 1 million
to the British tax collector.
- One million dollars?
- One million.
That's quite a situation
to be in, I must say, sir.
Excuse me. Mr. Mangrum?
- Oh, you're still here?
- I waited just in case.
- I got your room at the hotel.
- Thanks.
Best rooms are on the top floor.
Managed to get you one.
- Fine.
- Your overnight bag's unpacked.
- They'll send it down. I've laid on transport.
- Thought of everything.
I also phoned Mr. Kingsford.
- And stopped send on the check?
- I'm afraid not. It was too late. It's gone.
To be beaten by a bloody fog!
When we get to the hotel,
you must phone New York.
You're capable of persuading
the old Mr. Fordman...
- I'm not capable of persuading anybody.
- Oh, yes, you are.
Now, let's go to the hotel.
I'll get you a nice, strong cup of tea,
and you call New York.
Your Grace. I've arranged your
hotel accommodation for you.
How very kind of you.
Thank you so much.
But what I really need
at the moment is a large brandy.
In fact, a whopper.
Charlie, a large brandy for Her Grace.
- Now, you sit down.
- Oh, can I?
- Yes. There.
- Thank you. I've got that.
- All right?
- Yes. Fine. Thank you.
Thank you. Your health.
What a ridiculous form
of locomotion flying is.
They tie you into your seat
and tell you you're going...
...then they make hair-raising,
scarifying noises with their engines.
Then they untie you
and tell you you're not going at all.
Can you imagine the Queen Mary
behaving like that?
Would Mr. Marc Champselle
kindly come... the BO AC number one
departure counter, please?
This will be about the hotel, I suppose.
This is a problem, darling.
How am I going to fix
adjoining rooms for us...
...without seeming too obvious?
Your past experience
should help you there, shouldn't it?
Have I married a cat?
You haven't married anything yet.
In all but name.
- Not even that yet.
- No. No, true.
My invincible charm
has meant nothing to you, has it?
Don't boast too much.
No. No, I suppose not.
At my age, definitely not.
I suppose I must be the first woman... the 500 or so others...
...who's loved you for yourself alone.
Now, please. Don't talk
like a woman's magazine.
If you must know...
...I hate myself alone. Honestly.
I can't begin to understand
what you see in me.
Would Mr. Marc Champselle
kindly come...
... to the number one BOAC...
...departure counter?
- All right. Coming, you fool.
What do you see in me?
- One word.
- One word?
- Helplessness.
- Helpless? Me?
The most notoriously
self-sufficient character of the age?
I'll have to figure that one out.
Stay here. Don't move. I'll be back.
And keep that lighting on you.
It's very good.
- I'm Mr. Champselle. You called?
- Yes, Mr. Champselle. Come this way.
A gentleman would like to speak to you.
If you don't mind
stepping into my office.
- Thank you.
- Will the Austin car representative...
... come to the general-inquiries
desk, please?
- You won't be disturbed in here, sir.
- Thank you. Good of you.
Not at all, sir. It's a pleasure.
Are you going to use that thing
in your pocket?
I didn't know people
ever really carried these things.
- I thought it was only on television.
- Where do you want to go, Marc?
- What do you mean?
- Cannes is a bit dead in January.
What about the West Indies?
No, of course. You'd miss
your gambling, wouldn't you?
What about Rio?
It's pleasant at this time of year.
I'm going to New York, Paul.
With your wife.
I've made this out for 10,000.
That's at least twice
your nuisance value...
...but I don't enjoy haggling.
You'll stay in Rio for three months
and sign a declaration now to that effect.
Also, you will never see
or communicate with my wife again.
There's writing paper there.
Have you got a pen?
It isn't any good, you know.
You think I'll stop the check?
- I'm perfectly willing...
- I'm not thinking of the check.
I'm thinking of you.
You poor bloody idiot.
Don't you realize that this is how
you've lost your wife?
- I think you'd better have a look at it.
- Look, I'm not insulted.
From all you know of me,
you've a right to suppose...
...I can be bought off.
As a matter of fact, I have been bought off
by a jealous husband before.
Two, come to think of it.
But by neither of them
for as much as 10,000.
For chicken feed.
Ten thousand.
There have been
plenty of times in my life...
...when I'd have sold my soul
for a tenth of that.
But then, you must realize, Paul,
that in those days...
...I don't think I really had a soul to sell.
- And now you have.
- Yes.
- I think so.
- Restored to you by Frances.
I love her, Paul.
The only woman in my life
I ever have loved.
If that sort of love
means I have a soul...
...then a soul is what I have.
And how much more expensive
is this newly acquired soul of yours?
Look, don't waste the paper.
A million couldn't buy me.
I mean it.
What did you mean just now about
something being the way I've lost my wife?
- Anything wrong in being generous?
- Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
I've been on the receiving end
most of my life... I know what I'm talking about.
Generosity is a killer.
Checkbook generosity.
It... It kills your pride, you see.
- I remember...
- We were talking about my wife.
Well, she loved your parting present.
She's loved every present
you've given her that I know of.
And Lord knows,
there have been enough.
- Well?
- Well, it's just that I think...
...that she'd rather have had
the odd toy duck from Woolworths...
...provided she knew
you'd chosen it yourself.
Why you?
I was around.
And I loved her.
Makes no sense.
No, it doesn't make much
to me either, but it's true.
A buffoon.
A professional diner-outer.
- A notorious sponger!
- All right. All right, say it all...
...if it's going to make you
feel any better.
It was all true, anyway, once.
But don't use that thing.
Killing me won't get your wife back.
It would stop it being you
who takes her away from me.
Yes, it would do that.
But isn't it better for you
that it should be me?
Think of the sympathy
you'll get from everyone.
"Not with Marc Champselle.
With anyone else, possibly,
but not with Marc Champselle.
She must be mad."
Like you said, Joey the Clown.
You've got my sympathy too, you know.
I suppose in the circumstances,
that's a dangerous thing to say.
It would almost make me shoot
if I were sitting there...
...but it's true.
...l'm in the mood for truth.
I have your hotel reservation.
On the top floor,
one of the very few suites.
Wickedly overcrowded tonight,
but, of course, as it's you...
- Thank you very much.
- Mr. Champselle, I have a room for you too.
- A single one, I'm happy to say.
- And I'm happy to hear.
If you knew about the crush.
They're having to double up
all single parties.
But I am not a single party.
Oh, is that so?
I rather thought that you were.
Shall I order you a taxi, Madam Andros?
- Well...
- Yes, yes.
Do order a taxi for Madam Andros.
Your husband's gone.
- You saw him?
- Yes.
- Did you speak to him?
- Yes.
But Paul wouldn't have gone. He...
He just wouldn't have given up like that.
- What did you say to him?
- The right things, apparently.
I'll tell them to you later when my heart's
got back some sort of rhythm.
Feel it.
I had the gun to face, you see.
And you know me,
I'm not exactly Wyatt Earp. Come.
- And he's gone?
- How often do I have to tell you?
The danger's over. We're safe.
- Are you sure this is the right hotel?
- Yes, madam.
Thank you.
- Good night.
- Good night, ma'am.
I suppose you'd have no idea
where room 509 is.
Well, some idea, madam, yes.
I mean, it'll be on the fifth floor.
Well, you don't seem very sure.
It's the room I've been allocated,
so I'm told.
Oh, yes, of course, Your Grace.
- Page.
- Yes, sir?
- Show Her Grace to room 509.
- This way, madam.
- Madam Andros?
- Yes.
This is indeed a very great pleasure,
although I can hardly expect you to feel so.
However, if you'll allow me,
I'll show you straight to your suite.
- It's our best, naturally.
- Thank you very much.
- This is Mr. Champselle.
- Yes, you're in 410.
I'll have your things sent up.
Will you follow me, madam?
The line to Borehamwood
is temporarily out of order.
Can somebody please tell me
how it is possible...
...for a telephone
to be disordered by a fog?
- Oh, more frost than fog, I'd say.
- What a country.
A nip of frost, a whiff of fog...
...and chaos is coming in. How much?
- How you know I lose?
- How much?
- He's only kidding you.
- In three hands?
She's a genius.
- I must say, I feel a bit uncomfortable.
- After what the fog is costing me...
...this is a mere drop in the ocean.
- Oh, some business deal you've missed?
- Tax. Full tax. English tax.
- But surely your accountant's...
- My accountant has lost himself...
...somewhere in the woods
called Boreham...
...with his telephone frozen.
Frances, it's Paul.
I've come to take you home.
A joke in the worst possible taste.
My jokes always are.
I thought we might be needing this.
Oh, yes, yes.
They've done Madam Andros proud,
all right.
Well, you'd better appreciate it
while you can.
Mrs. Champselle isn't going to get
this sort of treatment.
Oh, I don't know. That depends
on Mr. Champselle, doesn't it?
You don't expect me
to control banks and steelworks, do you?
Why not? He started from nothing.
- How?
- Oh, don't ask me how.
How do people do these things?
By wanting something enough, I suppose.
Being ruthless enough...
...and charming enough.
Crooked enough?
- I wouldn't know.
- And if you did, you wouldn't say.
Very nice.
No. No, I'm afraid I'm not cut out
to be a Paul Andros...
...and I doubt if the wife
of an aging and penniless gigolo...
...will rate a suite like this.
That word seems to have stuck
in your throat a bit.
"Gigolo" or "aging"?
Not aging. We're all aging.
Yes. "Gigolo" does hurt.
I suppose because it's kind of true.
I have made love to women for...
Not for money.
Really. Really, not for money...
...or for what I could get out of it, but...
- Well...
- Well?
For fun. It's true.
I'm just one of nature's
layabouts, I suppose.
Born into the world with no money...
...a horror of a steady job.
- And...
- Invincible charm.
- I love you very deeply, you know.
- Good.
But you haven't told me why.
You so much want looking after.
And I so much want to look after you.
But you told me
you hadn't a bean of your own.
Is that what "looking after"
means to you?
I didn't mean that kind.
What kind?
- Love.
- Oh, well, that's fine.
It makes the world go round, I'm told.
But it doesn't help us eat.
Yes. A steady job, then?
I'm afraid so. For me too, perhaps.
Certainly not. My wife doesn't work.
And what does she do?
Raise children, love me.
I've got some ideas for myself.
- I've told them to you.
- Yes, you have.
Meanwhile, to tide us over... much loot have you brought?
Just this.
You didn't leave it all behind?
But not all,
not down to the last zircon?
Fur coats?
That one.
Now, isn't that just typical of you.
...I adore you.
Well, you've still got that parting present.
And that.
- I'm not going to sell these.
- No?
Well, you're probably right.
Well, I'll have to think up
something rather quick, then, won't I?
I can still play golf down to scratch.
I wonder if I could turn pro at my age.
What? What's so funny about that?
My father left me 300,000.
- You lying daughter of a...
- Fairly rich businessman.
Why have you always told me
he left you nothing?
Surely you can guess why.
You didn't suspect...
You couldn't possibly have suspected...
I just wanted to make sure.
- I've never been so insulted in all my life.
- Yes, you have.
How do you know I hadn't already
checked up on your father?
I do know, that's all.
Pounds or dollars?
Not that it matters, of course.
Not that it matters, of course.
Now, please. Please stop
making fun of me.
No. That's what I love you for:
That I can make fun of you.
Shall I tell you what I love you for?
Because you are the most beautiful
and desirable woman...
...l've ever known in all my life.
Because you have eyes...
...that are a perpetually
adorable invitation.
Now what?
You have that special lovemaking voice.
Oh, no, no.
You are the most infuriating woman.
I mean it. Damn it, I mean it.
Every word of it.
- Don't you believe me?
- Yes, when you... When you say it like that.
You sound like you again.
I don't know what you mean
about my lovemaking voice.
Oh, you do.
It's the one you use with... That makes
all those countesses swoon.
All right, all right.
So why doesn't it make you swoon?
Because I love you for what you are...
...not for what you think you are.
Very profound.
My feelings are much simpler.
I love you as you look... you look now, this moment.
- Now what?
- Come in.
Madam Andros, the manager thought
you might like to have your dinner up here.
Perhaps if I leave the menu,
you'd care to make your order later?
Fine. Thank you very much.
Darling, I simply have to get
out of this dress and take a bath.
Come back in an hour,
and we'll have supper.
But this time, I might not be
got rid of so easily.
Come back in an hour.
Oh, Marc, you better send a cable
to the Camerons explaining our delay.
Oh, yes, I will.
Oh, I'm sorry, old boy.
I've done it again.
You're too lucky. I can't cope with it.
- I don't always win.
- I've got 26.
Now, well, 26 points. I must say...
Well, that makes...
I thought you'd find me.
- What stakes are you playing?
- Twenty-five cents a point.
- Outrageous.
- Don't you like it?
Suits me fine. Double on the last?
- Right.
- Deal me in.
Schwutzbacher! This is Gloria's bedroom.
I've been waiting for you.
They told me you were here.
- Did they tell you the terrible news?
- There's still a few hours before midnight.
What's the difference?
He's stuck anyway.
- She's right.
- But there's something she doesn't know.
My master plan.
Sign it, maestro.
There's not a moment to lose.
You mean, you found a solution?
Sign right here,
and all your worries are over.
My darling Schwutzbacher!
I knew it. I knew you wouldn't fail me.
Just when the wolves
were tearing me out of my sledge...
...comes my adorable Schwutzbacher
to the rescue.
Just what is this
ingenious little dodge, eh?
You have signed over
all your financial interest... the new film to GGPI.
Gloria Gritti Productions Incorporated.
Schwutzbacher, what are you saying?
Why should she know about it?
Remember also who the accountant
of the new company is.
Well, you. But the money is mine.
How do we get her
to give it back to me?
The human element comes into it.
You persuade her.
How? With a sledgehammer?
With a legal settlement,
fully binding in every court of the land.
Maxie, Maxie...
...a marriage settlement.
Schwutzbacher, are you quite sane?
It need only last for one fiscal year.
One fiscal year is still one year.
And one year with Gritti...
But, maestro, the tax
might be 85 percent or more.
- What's going on?
- Eighty-five percent?
Go ahead, Schwutzbacher,
propose to her.
Congratulations, Gloria.
You are going to get married.
- To whom?
- Me.
- Who said so?
- Schwutzbacher says so.
This is no time for coquettishness.
You always wanted to marry me.
Well, I don't anymore.
You want to play
in my next movie, don't you?
But you always said I couldn't.
For Mrs. Max Buda, darling,
everything is possible.
Hello? Yes. Oh, right. Thank you.
It's your call for Mr. Fordman.
It's coming through.
Thought he was trying to avoid me.
It's the lines.
At this time, they are very busy.
Almost wish it wasn't coming through.
It's our last chance, Mr. Mangrum.
I know it's the last chance, Miss Mead.
Hello? Yes, Mr. Mangrum's here. Hold on.
- Would you like me to go?
- No, I'm sorry.
Stay and hear the performance.
You can tell me afterwards
where it went wrong.
Hello? Hello, Mr. Fordman?
Mangrum here.
Yes, fogbound.
Yes, it is vexing.
Put off the board meeting till tomorrow.
That would be the best idea.
I might hang on till then,
and we can still beat Amalgamated Motors.
Provided I can find cover
for a personal check.
Oh, your son told you about it?
No, it isn't a joke, Mr. Fordman.
In this country, issuing a check...
...without funds to cover it
counts as a felony.
Oh, in your country too.
Well, our countries
have much in common.
No, the payee won't wait.
No, the bank won't wait.
Yes, I'm afraid the word is "incautious,"
but I've done it.
And now the only possible way out
is through you.
So if you could... and instruct
your London office accordingly.
- Pray for me.
- I am.
I see.
No, I quite understand your position.
I'd probably do the same in your place.
Goodbye, Mr. Fordman.
Yes, it is a pity about the fog.
I'm sorry. You're out of a job.
There is one consolation,
Mr. Mangrum.
Give it to me, Miss Mead.
I kind of need it.
Well, you are very young
to be in the position you are.
I like your tactful use of tenses.
To have been in the position
I once was, is what you mean.
No. I mean, you're very lucky
to have so much time ahead of you.
You can always get back.
I know you can start again, Mr. Mangrum.
I know you can.
Now, now. No, dear.
The jungle I chose to make my living in... just don't get a second chance.
They don't operate a rescue service.
Once the crocodiles get you,
you stay got, I'm afraid.
Get me Miriam, will you, dear?
Miss Marshall, yes.
- I want an evening out.
- Mayfair 4926, please.
I want the best dinner in London,
and I want champagne.
I want a lot of champagne.
Hello? Miss Marshall?
Yes, this is Miss Mead.
Oh, I'm very well, thank you. And you?
Good. Yes, he is here,
at the airport hotel.
Could you hold on a moment?
Hello, darling.
Oh, you read about it in the papers?
...let's have a wonderful
dinner out tonight.
Well, couldn't you maybe put him off?
No, it's... Well, I've had
a bit of bad news...
...and, I don't know,
tonight of all nights, I'd...
I'd love to be close to you.
Well, just this one night.
All right.
No, I don't blame you.
All right.
I'll give you a call
in the morning, probably.
Good night, dear.
I can't take a trick, can I?
Well, it's dinner here, then.
Good night, Mr. Mangrum.
Shall I call you...?
Would you mind staying
and having dinner with me, Miss Mead?
Oh, well, I...
I'm not gonna be done out
of me champagne either.
You like champagne, Miss Mead?
Well, I... I don't usually drink...
...but perhaps tonight is an exception.
Yeah. I'd certainly call it that.
Darling, I didn't think...
- He's not here, then.
- No.
You alone?
May I come in?
Come in, Paul.
...haven't had time
to get rid of it yet.
I didn't get to London, you see.
I turned the car around halfway.
I don't even know
how I got that far.
It's no good, Paul, you know.
You can rant and rave
as much as you like.
Who said I was going to rant and rave?
I've come here to abase myself.
To grovel at your feet.
- To beg you to forgive me for my sins.
- Sins?
My sins of omission.
I've omitted to tell you how much
I've always loved you, needed you...
...desired you... impossible any kind of life
would be without you.
You're bound to find someone else.
A man like you?
A man like me...
...means me, I, myself.
Me, not some near-mythical tycoon
called Paul Andros...
...who can buy anything he wants
in the world, including love.
It means this body, this mind, this spirit.
These three things need you. Only you.
Please, Paul, don't.
I suppose you think that speech
was given me by Commander Millbank.
Well, it wasn't.
It's from the heart... own heart.
No, Paul.
It's too late now.
Just what can I do to show you
how much I love you?
Only one thing.
Let me go peacefully to New York.
Where will you stay in New York?
The Camerons', at first.
The Camerons. Yes.
They hate my guts.
I don't think so, Paul,
but they are fond of me.
And after that?
- I'll find an apartment.
- And live openly together?
With Marc Champselle?
That's the unbelievable part
of this nightmare!
What can he possibly give you
that I can't?
I'm told he's a very skillful maker of love.
Is he?
I don't know.
- Is he all that much better than me?
- I told you, I don't know.
That... That hasn't come into it yet.
I do not believe you.
I didn't think you would, but it's true.
Well, if it isn't sex, what is it, then?
The words you've been using:
Need and love.
He's incapable of love.
His need... love.
His need is for Charvet ties
and silk shirts.
Your love is too precious to be thrown away
on a Marc Champselle.
There are thousands of them.
Later on, perhaps,
when you're at the right age.
Only, don't let me know in case
I shoot him. At least that will make sense.
But to destroy both our lives...
...for a male whore!
- Paul!
Paul, I think you'd better go now.
Am I supposed to give you a divorce?
- I'd like you to.
- You think I'm going to?
No, I don't. I just said I'd like you to.
Either way, it makes no difference.
You're my wife.
Not any longer, Paul.
Have these 11 years
meant nothing to you?
Thirteen. All right.
All right, that's the kind of husband I am.
I've admitted it
and asked you to forgive me.
I have taken you for granted!
I thought I was giving you enough...
...but I was wrong.
- You wanted more.
- I wanted less, Paul, not more.
I wanted to be treated as a wife,
not an expensive mistress.
- Can't you see that?
- You wanted babies.
- I never said so.
- But you wanted them.
- How do you know it wasn't your fault?
- I don't know. I never blamed you.
He's not gonna give you babies.
Perhaps, unlike me, he can,
but he's not gonna give you babies...
...because he's not
taking you away from me!
- Let me go! Let me go!
- He's not taking away from me...
- Let me go! Let me go! No!
- You belong to me!
You should have gone, Paul.
Yes, I know I should have.
Looks bad.
Better get a doctor.
This is Paul Andros.
My wife has had an accident,
and I must have a doctor to see her at once.
Is there one in the hotel?
How far away is that?
Twenty minutes? That's too long.
I want him here in 10.
Would you tell him that, please? Yes.
An injury to her arm.
Yes. Thank you.
If I'd said you'd cut your wrist, you'd be
on the front page of every newspaper.
As usual, they would jump entirely
to the wrong conclusion.
Sit back.
That's it.
You have blood on your hand too.
I must be careful
not to get it on your clothes.
Do I have to say how sorry I am?
At least now you have some physical proof
of my feelings for you.
Wounded pride, Paul. That's all it was.
Well, whatever it is,
it's quite a bit stronger than me.
Forgive me.
I'll go wait for the doctor.
Twelve boxes. That's 1000.
Well, I'm afraid that's
into four figures now, my friend.
Your cards have been
too good for me, old boy.
Don't worry, I'll win it all back.
It'll have to be some other time.
I've got to go now.
I tell you what.
One more game, six across,
and double the stakes.
What? Now, you can't refuse that.
- Okay. You deal.
- Right.
Well, that seems to be that.
It's... It's quite superficial.
But if I were you, Mr. Andros,
I'd see that your wife has it dressed again...
...when you...
When you get to New York.
I'm not traveling with her.
Well, you'll do that, Madam Andros.
Yes. Thank you, doctor.
Extraordinary accident, huh?
With some of my patients...
...I might have suspected a little,
shall we say, intake?
People can slip and fall
even when quite sober, doctor.
Yes, of course. Of course.
It was just my little joke. Good night.
Oh, Mr. Andros, there's a tip
for Amalgamated Motors.
Shall I buy?
Oh, this takeover deal?
Yes, I should think so.
- Good night. Thank you.
- Good night.
Perhaps we might take the doctor's hint.
I need one.
And I expect you do, even more.
Didn't know you liked whiskey.
It's not my bottle.
Oh, I see.
You think he'll forgive us?
Frances, our honeymoon is taken care of.
Oh, hello, Paul.
I've stolen some of your whiskey.
I hope you don't mind.
Not at all.
What happened? You got lost in the fog?
I was saying goodbye to my...
Goodbye, Frances.
Goodbye, Paul.
It's all right, Marc.
He won't come back.
He gave me his promise.
- He won't break it?
- He won't break it.
I'm sorry, darling, I left you alone.
Please forgive me.
What have you done to your wrist?
Did he...?
No, Marc. No, of course he didn't.
- Then how did the thing happen?
- Well, it... I tripped.
It was an accident.
It happened before he arrived.
- He was terribly helpful with the doctor.
- Are you telling me the truth?
You don't know Paul as well as I do.
Any news of the takeoff?
Yes. Tomorrow morning, 8:45.
That means, Madame Andros,
that if you would care... allow me the pleasure
of a few hours of your company tonight...
Oh, no, Marc.
- "No" is not a word I recognize.
- You've recognized it for three months.
Yes, but tonight is a very, very
special night, my darling.
Tonight, you belong to me.
Oh, don't talk like Paul.
Me? Like Paul?
"You belong to me."
He said that too.
Well, I'm not yours
any more than I am his.
I don't belong to anyone now,
not even you.
- Can't I love you, then?
- Oh, love me, yes.
And need me. Above all, need me...
...but as a person, Marc,
not a possession.
I'm sorry.
Go to bed.
Very well.
Frances, you're not beginning to feel
that you've made a mistake, are you?
I've told you and told you how I feel.
Isn't that enough?
No. No, it isn't enough.
Telling me and telling me isn't enough.
You know who that is?
Could I have a whiskey?
- No.
- Paul Andros.
His wife's on the plane.
Where might I write a letter?
Oh, the writing room's
just around the corner, sir.
He's very young to be
in his position too.
Comparing Andros to me is like...
...comparing Sydney Harbour Bridge
to a pontoon.
I really envy that guy.
I like your hair. When did you change it?
About three weeks ago.
- Well, let's have another go at this.
- Oh, I'll be squiffy.
That I should like to see, Miss Mead,
just once.
What am I talking about, just once?
If I don't see it tonight,
I suppose I never will.
I'd work for you for nothing, you know.
Yeah, I know.
But you're not going to.
I'll try and get Amalgamated Motors
to take you over...
...along with the 3000 other people
in our little family.
Marvelous bunch of people, aren't they?
You know, I've been wondering what the
hell I've been working for all these years.
It's never really been worth it, not really.
I suppose people envy us.
Getting into the big
expense-account cars...
...being escorted into VIP lounges.
I wonder,
do they realize the cost of it all?
No, I don't mean money. I mean...
I mean...
...spirit, you know?
The kind of emotional cost.
Oh, well.
- Here's to better days.
- Better days.
You know...
...I think we got our standards
all mixed up somewhere today.
A hundred years ago, top people were top
people because they were born top people.
- You know something, love?
- Mr. Mangrum.
A hundred years from now, top people will
be top people because they deserve to be.
Les, darling.
Oh, honey.
Oh, it's so wonderful of you to come here.
I'm so grateful.
Oh, it was hell getting down.
I had to tell the hired-car man
that you'd pay double fare.
- Good evening, Miss Mead.
- Good evening.
- Oh, don't leave us.
- If the fog's as bad as you say...
...l'd really better go.
Well, maybe you could make it
as far as Hounslow before it gets worse.
Should I come in
in the morning, Mr. Mangrum?
I think you should, if you don't mind.
Clear your things up.
- Right. I'll get my things upstairs.
- Door's open.
Thank you. Oh, and thank you
for dinner, Mr. Mangrum.
Thank you, dear.
I'm very glad to have had your company.
You're working her overtime.
Who stood who up, you or him?
Me, of course.
I couldn't bear the thought
of you being out here all alone.
You're a darling.
Oh, dear, this fog.
I wanted to look so lovely for you.
- It does terrible things for one's makeup.
- Don't be silly.
You look like an angel to me.
Did you really mean
what you said on the phone?
Yes, I really did.
Tell me about it.
Let's have some more
champagne upstairs.
Mr. Andros?
I don't suppose you've ever
before been approached... a perfectly strange woman
in a hotel lounge asking you...
...for 153,750?
No, I don't think I have.
My name is Miss Mead. I'm the personal
private secretary of Mr. Les Mangrum.
- Who's he?
- The president of Mangrum Tractors.
You've heard of Mangrum Tractors?
Yes, I have, I think.
That's the firm that's being taken over
by Amalgamated Motors.
Well, they haven't. Not yet.
They will tomorrow.
It's not a very big firm,
as far as your standards are concerned...
...but it's a wonderful firm,
and it makes wonderful tractors.
Thank you. That's very good of you.
- Soda, sir?
- No, thank you.
I have no reason to doubt
what you're telling me.
If Mangrum Tractors
wasn't a good firm...
...Amalgamated Motors
would hardly want to take it over.
This is... This is the last balance sheet.
Yes. Very impressive.
I can well see why Mr. Mangrum
wants to keep it as his own.
And he should keep it as his own.
He built it from nothing, and this big
monopoly come by and should be fought.
Yes, I agree, they should be fought.
If you knew the fight
he put up these last three months.
Can well imagine.
To fight Amalgamated Motors would be
quite a battle, Miss Mead, even for me.
And until today,
well, a few hours ago, even, he'd won it.
And then someone let him down
and he had to write a check...
...and there's no money to cover it.
And now this fog.
I feel so sorry for him, Mr. Andros.
He's such a wonderful man
and he's so young.
I'm sorry. You must think I'm mad.
It's just that
we've been through so much.
And tonight, you see,
I had some champagne.
Does he know how much you love him?
Who...? Who said I loved...?
It's... It's the company.
Yes, I know.
They make wonderful tractors.
I had a little company once,
many years ago.
Thirteen years ago, to be precise.
And I had to fight for that too.
Do you know what I did?
Well, I won't tell you
because you'd despise me for it.
But I kept my company.
And then later when all was saved,
the battle won...
...and I had my cargo fleet...
...I made a simple, elementary error...
...and fell in love.
Silly to fall in love
with your own wife, isn't it?
I do hope that you don't know
what I'm talking about.
No, I don't. Really, I don't, Mr. Andros.
Like the loyal secretary you are, you will
forget that I ever said it, won't you?
Now, what was that sum
you've just mentioned?
- One hundred and fifty-three thousand...
- That's enough.
Sounds too complicated a sum
for my somewhat erratic pen.
You can fill it in yourself.
No, this is a terrible thing,
to make out a blank check... a completely strange woman
in a hotel lounge.
Haven't we been all through that before?
But a blank check. I'd never let
Mr. Mangrum sign a blank check, ever.
Quite right. You shouldn't.
You haven't even asked
when it's going to be repaid.
Haven't I?
- Will three days from now be convenient?
- Perfectly.
- You're sure you can wait that long?
- Oh, yes.
I can wait that long.
I can wait...
...much longer.
And now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a letter to write.
Oh, but you must have a receipt.
You can send me the receipt tomorrow.
You make me feel awful.
Checkbook generosity. It's interesting.
It's just something
that somebody told me today.
Make you feel any better,
I'll take it back.
Oh, no. Please.
Good night.
Good night.
Thank you.
- You are Mr. Andros?
- Yes.
The Mr. Andros?
Yes, I am.
Paul Andros.
You didn't lock your door.
All sorts of strange characters
could be prowling around.
Berserk husbands, amorous lovers.
I saw your light was on.
I didn't think you'd sleep.
- Are you angry?
- No. I just came up to say I'm sorry.
- Isn't that for me to say?
- No, for me.
I've got a little confession to make.
I'll make it in one sentence and then go.
In all my life...
...I never really understood
one single woman.
- You?
- Yes, me.
I know that's like Einstein saying
he never really understood figures...
...but it's true.
It's good I made you laugh.
I don't understand all men.
But I think I understand you, Marc.
And I like what I understand.
Good night.
See you tomorrow.
Oh, my poor darling.
Oh, don't worry, my love.
I'll be all right,
just so long as I've got you.
Of course.
Baby? Do you remember those shares
in the company you gave me?
Of course I do. You keep them, darling.
They cannot help me now.
That was sweet of you to think of that.
You mean they're not worth
anything anymore?
On the contrary,
they're gonna go way, way up.
How marvelous.
I thought after all you told me, that I was
going to be just as broke as you were.
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
- Who is it?
- Miss Mead.
Just a minute.
- What do you want, dear?
- I'd like you to endorse a check, please.
- Couldn't it wait till tomorrow morning?
- No, I don't think it could.
Good. I think you should read it,
Mr. Mangrum.
You should never sign things blind.
I better take it.
It has to be in your bank by 10.
Wait a minute. What's this?
I'll tell you in the morning. We don't want
to bother Miss Marshall with business.
- You're not trying to tell me that's real?
- It's real.
He signed it for me downstairs
in the lounge.
I filled in the amount myself.
It is quite correct.
What?! You little beauty!
Oh, Mr. Mangrum! Please!
- You little... You bloody humdinger!
- Mr. Mangrum.
- Have you gone mad?
- I'd better go before the police get here.
No, no, no, stay a little.
I got work to do. Listen.
- Get Fordman Sr. In New York right away.
- Fordman.
After that, Kingsford. Dave Kingsford.
You got his private number?
- I think so. Somewhere.
- Are you going to do business?
Listen, you'll probably have to
extend the options by 24 hours.
- Do you want me to go?
- No, wait a minute.
You'll have to up the price.
If I could get to New York
to the board meeting tomorrow.
- How's the fog?
- It's clearing.
The porters just told me.
Takeoff tomorrow, 8:45, definite.
I... We got them.
- Amalgamated Motors is beaten.
- Yes, Mr. Mangrum.
They've had it. We've beaten them.
- Listen... What's that?
- Miss Marshall, going.
Yeah, well. Listen, third call...
No, on second thought,
we'll use two phones.
You get Fordman on that in New York.
- I'll use the bedroom and get Kingsford.
- All right. Here.
Yeah, thanks.
- Miss Mead?
- Yes, Mr. Mangrum?
I'll say it in the morning.
Get me international, please. New York.
Would you have that posted for me?
The last post has gone, sir.
- Is there any hurry for it?
- No.
No hurry.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you very much indeed, sir.
I shan't need the car tonight.
The fog's lifting.
No trouble getting home.
Report to the commander in the morning.
He'll give you my orders.
- Yes, Mr. Andros.
- Good night.
Good night, sir.
- What, is the airplane leaving?
- No, madam.
No planes are leaving before 7 a.m.
Would madam perhaps
be better off in bed?
Well, I suppose so.
Thank you.
Not in, though. On.
In, and the trumpet of doom
wouldn't wake me.
Try one of these.
- What are they?
- No-Dorms.
- What do they do?
- Keep you awake all night. Useful in my job.
Well, I shall clearly arrive in Florida
in an advanced state of drug addiction.
Florida? That'll be nice now.
I envy you, madam.
- Oh, do you?
- People swimming and lying in the sun... all them bright fancy clothes.
And beach parties
and midnight barbecues...
...and the girls doing the Twist
in their bikinis, as like as not.
You have a vivid imagination, I see,
and some aptitude for the halls.
Thank you, madam.
Yes, I envy you, all right...
...getting away from England
this time of year.
I don't really want to go at all.
I'd much rather stay at home.
Do you know a village in Sussex
called Thaxmead?
- Thaxmead? No.
- I just wondered.
Wait a minute. I've passed through it
on the Brighton-Lewes road.
- Yes.
- There's a great big red, ugly house there.
- Monster of a house there.
- That's... That's it.
'Tis red, 'tis big,
and it's rather ugly now.
They kept adding to it
in all the wrong periods.
Decidedly, a bit of a monster, but we...
The people who live there love it.
- You live there?
- In a cottage on the estate.
They have a better show of daffodils there
than anywhere in the country, they say.
And there's a tradition
that Shakespeare once stayed there.
...that come before the swallow dares
and take...
...the winds of March with beauty.
I often wondered if
perhaps Shakespeare...
...was thinking of Thaxmead
when he wrote those lines.
It doesn't matter anyway.
All that does matter is that he wrote it.
- Isn't that so?
- Yes, milady.
No, no, no, milady,
please, it's a pleasure.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Number five?
- Shall I press it?
No, I want to speak to Dawkins.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Dawkins, airport director here.
I want the royal lounge made ready
by 1000 hours for the Russian delegation.
Oh, about 20 of them, I think.
Lay on caviar, champagne and cake.
Oh, some kind of Russian-looking cake.
How should I know what makes
a cake look Russian? Use your imagination.
- May I speak to you, sir? It's urgent.
- The Russian takeoff is 10:25.
By 10:45, the lounge must be ready
for the American delegation.
Well, sandwiches, coffee and bourbon.
Their takeoff is 1100 hours.
- Yes! What is it?
- It's my VIP list, sir.
I thought perhaps you might know
who Mr. Lynn Mason is.
Why should I? Your VIP is your own pigeon,
Sanders. I've got my own to look after.
And they're a great deal more important
than your film stars and oil magnates.
- Thank you, sir.
- Sir, sir.
Excuse me. This letter for Madam Andros,
it was left last night for posting.
No sense in wasting a stamp.
Would you give it to her?
- Yes, thank you.
- Thank you.
This is Paul's handwriting, is it?
- Yes.
- Don't read it now.
- Why not?
- He doesn't want you to.
It's addressed to New York.
You can have it the day after tomorrow,
when it would have arrived.
By then you'll be strong enough
to read anything from him and laugh at it.
- Will I?
- I'll see to that.
May I have your attention, please.
BOAC announce the departure
of their flight BA 532 to Los Angeles.
- Mr. Buda, where's the wedding to be?
- Nuptials in England or Hollywood?
Switzerland, probably, or Andorra.
I see. Now, tell me, Miss Gritti,
how did he propose to you?
Well, he just said how much his life
will gain by marrying me.
- That came from the heart.
- How romantic, maestro.
Oh, and, boys,
I have another exciting news.
I'm going to be
in Mr. Buda's next picture.
- Mary Stuart.
- Is a tragedy.
- Is a tragedy, eh, darling?
- Is a tragedy.
Darling, you go through
with the foreigners.
This way for the British.
Come, Schwutzbacher.
Miss Gritti...
Miss Potter.
For heaven's sake, find the duchess.
She's going to miss her plane.
Oh, there she is.
There you are, Your Grace.
I've been looking for you everywhere.
And they lived happily ever after.
Yes. Now, look. All I really want is
your boarding card and your passport.
Well, find them for me, will you?
While I take a couple more
of these purple things.
Oopsie-daisy, here we go again.
Thank you.
- Would you mind?
- Sleep all the way.
I hope so, Your Grace.
Just hold on one sec.
I just want to give her that.
Thank you.
Take care of that.
- Through there. Goodbye.
- Goodbye.
That's it. It's just exactly
what I've been looking for...
...for Mary Stuart. Perfect.
- Who is perfect?
- Not you. The castle. It's absolutely ideal.
Oh, no. Far from ideal, I'm afraid.
We freeze in the winter,
and the plumbing is a disgrace.
- You own this house, madam?
- Yes.
The National Trust were going to
take it over, but they changed their minds.
draw up a contract.
Has it ever been used
as a background to a film?
Well, they did want to once,
but my husband wouldn't agree to it.
- The subject was not suitable.
- Nothing to do with the subject.
They didn't offer
enough money.
- How much did they offer?
- Well, 200, I think.
Ridiculous. We'll make it 3.
It's just what we need.
For Mary Stuart. It's ideal.
You think so?
It wasn't built until Queen Victoria.
- But who's to know that but you and me?
- I could do with the money.
Schwutzbacher here will conclude
the financial arrangements, dear lady.
- Come, Gloria.
- Glad to have met you.
Not so glad as I am.
So Thaxmead House...
...from 1 st of July,
for up to six weeks...
...300 a day.
- A day.
Your plane, Your Grace.
- You did say, "Three hundred pounds a day"?
- Did you wish for more?
Decidedly not. Three hundred pounds
a day will do very nicely.
Well, here we are.
All signed and sealed, Your Grace.
Duchess, please. Your plane.
- Tell it it can go without me.
- Your Grace, are you not feeling very well?
I'm perfectly all right.
Three hundred pounds a day.
I can keep my home now.
I'll get the boarding card.
You go on, darling.
Well, I'll call you
directly after the board meeting.
- Yes, Mr. Mangrum.
- And don't forget to call Kingsford.
No, I won't.
That's what I tried to say last night.
Good morning, Madam Andros.
Have you got your new boarding card?
Mr. Champselle is taking care of it.
Oh, good. Your plane has been called,
but there's still time, so if you'd like...
Thank you.
Haven't you been home yet, Paul?
No. Not home.
Why are you sitting here?
I thought I'd chosen a good place... see and not be seen.
Go away.
Please go away.
Can't I stay for a moment?
No. Go away. I've seen you.
I'll remember you. Now, go away. Please.
- Paul.
- What can I get for you? Tea, coffee?
Nothing, thank you.
Pay no attention.
Drunks cry very easily.
It's only the whiskey.
You must go home, Paul.
Yes, I must...
I'm sorry. Is my tie straight?
Not quite.
That's better.
Forget this happened.
- It wasn't meant...
- I know.
I went out of your life last night
when he came back.
I went out rather well, didn't I?
No more tears. No more self-pity.
No more recrim...
- No more recrim... Recrim...
- Recriminations?
I only really wanted to tell you
that one thing.
I've always loved you with all my life...
...and that I'm sorry for
not having shown it before, when it...
When it really mattered.
Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore now.
So it's home for me.
I'd rather you didn't.
I'll make it all right,
if I don't take it too fast.
It's a question of pride.
BOAC announce the departure
of their Imperial special flight...
... BA 501 to New York.
Will passengers please collect
their hand baggage...
...have their passports ready...
- Goodbye, Frances.
...and proceed to the central staircase...
- Goodbye, Paul.
... for passport control.
Give me Paul's letter.
- Frances, what happened?
- Give it to me.
Marc, I can't go away with you.
I can't read his damn writing.
I never could.
Read it to me. Read it.
"My dearest, you will probably have heard
the news by the time you get this letter.
It is not unusual for a high-pressure
tycoon to be found dead."
- Suicide threat? You're falling for that?
- It's addressed to New York.
- He doesn't mean to do it.
- He does!
"I want you to know, my darling,
that I have made all provisions for you.
I beg you not to blame yourself,
but to go on blaming me...
...for that would be right.
It's just that
I can't face my life without you.
I hope yours, without me, will..."
I'm sorry.
I have to go to him.
- I'm not letting you.
- He needs me.
- It isn't show. He really needs me.
- Do you think I don't?
I know you do,
but at least you'll survive.
How can you be so damn sure?
It's a risk I'll have to take.
Don't you love me at all?
Oh, yes. Yes, I love you, Marc...
...much more
than I think you'll ever know.
But I must leave you.
Now, go and catch that plane.
Think I'm getting on that plane
without you?
I don't know, but it would
be better if you did...
...because... see, you and I can never see
each other again, as long as we live.
- You don't mean that.
- I do.
It's a promise I'm going to make to Paul,
and I won't break it.
Frances, darling Frances,
don't do this to me.
Please, please, don't do this to me.
I can't be alone again. I can't.
Take me home, Paul.
Not out of pity.
- Anything but out of pity.
- Not out of pity.
- What, then?
- Need.
- My need, not yours.
- Perhaps both.
Don't lie, Frances.
For heaven sakes, don't lie.
With the truth, we don't have much hope,
but with lies, we have none.
Come home, Paul.
You mean, you want to
come back to me?
Yes, I mean...
All right, I'll try.
How I'll try.
Being the man I am, I don't suppose
I'll be successful, but at least I'll...
I'll try.
When you do try, you usually succeed...
...being the man you are.
I'll try too, Paul.
I'm so tired.
Take me home.
"Mr. Arakelian, oil.
Lord and Lady Sunningdale." They're easy.
"Johnny Lake, pop singer. Mr. Pou-Pou."
Now, who on earth is Mr. Pou-Pou?
Oh, why don't they ever
brief me properly?
Chief Pou-Pou, a great pleasure.
How do you do? How do you do?