The Vatican Tapes (2015)

I warn you, what you are about to hear
is very disturbing indeed.
Possession is the coming of a demon,
or an evil force that will take over
a person's mental and physical faculties.
There is so much concern
about the devil's influence on this country
that it has started offering
courses on exorcism.
Italian police are hunting for
thieves who stole a relic
which contains the blood
of Pope John Paul II.
Pope Francis has declared
that the devil is here
and this is not a fairy tale.
What the Bible has taught you,
what you believe in, is the truth.
The demon chooses you.
It watches and analyzes you.
Your strengths and your weaknesses.
The Bible says the Antichrist
will walk the earth and mimic the real Christ.
And the deceived
will worship this false prophet.
And that is the day we most fear.
Dark forces are rising.
The frequency of possession
is increasing all over the world.
Why does the devil choose
one person over another?
There's no explanation.
The devil can choose anyone.
From the day you are conceived,
the devil seeks your destruction,
temporal, but especially eternal,
and doesn't give up until the day you die.
I am troubled.
The world is changing, Cardinal.
We've never seen this acceleration
of the shadows.
The Holy Father knows what we're facing.
I think it's time for us to take action.
I know.
Here is the case I told you about.
A local priest has witnessed
several incidents involving this girl.
I was fine before I saw the doctors.
This place is making me sick.
I'm not staying here.
Angela, you were in a car accident.
Do you remember that?
I want to go home. I want to go home.
I want to go home.
- I want to go home. I want to go home.
- Angela.
I want to go home. I want to go home.
I want to go home!
Did you see that?
- This place is making me sick.
- What are we looking for?
I'm not staying here.
The Antichrist.
- I want to go home. I want to go home.
- Angela.
I want to go...
Get all of the hospital tapes. Get everything.
Okay. Come on, come on.
There we go.
Come on.
- Finally. Jesus.
- Hey.
Hi. Can you see me?
Yeah. I can hearyou, too.
Stop blaspheming.
"Blaspheming"? Nice.
I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm heading to Fort Drum.
I got a commencement, a lunch,
and then back to Benning.
Why are you in a cab?
I'm flying commercial.
I hate flying commercial.
I went through all this trouble
so I could do more than just wish you
a happy birthday over the phone. Again.
It's okay.
No, it's not.
I got you a present.
Yeah? For little old me?
I figured since you already knew
about your "surprise" party,
- I might as well...
- Here we go.
Yeah, go ahead and defend him.
I don't need to.
You see, he can't be defended.
He has a name. "Pete. "
And how can you not like him?
You've never even met him.
He's living with my daughter,
his name's Pete.
It's more than enough reason
not to like him.
Pete is wonderful.
Happy birthday, sweetie. I got to go.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Don't be late for your flight.
All right.
Hey, open sesame.
- Here. And pass it to the back.
- All right.
Angela, are you still working on the article?
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Hola.
- Hola. What are you doing?
I'm video-capturing your ass.
- Where are we going?
- We're going outside.
I need to show you something.
You're not going to believe what I found.
What did you find?
You got to come outside.
What is it?
It's out here.
- It's a mess. It's a crazy mess.
- Where?
Well, I mean, it's no problem.
It's in the garage!
- Oh, my God.
- Surprise!
Hey, honey!
Were you surprised?
I had no idea you guys were here.
- Okay, wait till you see this frosting.
- Okay.
Hey, someone grab the cake, yeah?
All right, I had this special ordered
just for you.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
Oh, my God. Pete, what did you do?
- What are you doing here?
- Come here.
I'm here for your birthday.
- Think I'd miss it? Again?
- Oh, my God.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
- You look so beautiful.
- You look handsome.
- Thank you.
- Come on.
I'll find something to cut the cake.
Check it out!
"Oh, Pete. Wow, what did you do?
Oh, my God. "
Really? Is that what I sound like?
- Really?
- Yeah.
It's just a local anesthetic.
I'll write you a prescription.
- Hi, Colonel.
- Hey.
Did you just cut your finger?
Sweetie, it's pretty deep.
I hate hospitals.
Babe, think about it.
The last time you were a patient
in a hospital, it was 25 years ago.
Are you really that afraid of hospitals?
I'm not going in.
I don't blame you. Nobody likes hospitals.
Not even doctors.
But with a cut like that,
you might want to give it a shot.
Come on. It's going to be fine.
- Who wants cake?
- Daddy!
Daddy always gets the first piece.
- Tradition, right, Dad?
- That's a nice tradition.
Rog, it was a good idea
getting you out here, yeah?
No, Pete, that's not becoming a thing.
Don't call me that again.
Is that what I think it is, Father?
This? Yeah, it was another life.
1 Oth Mountain Division.
I was a military chaplain.
So, you like the cold?
Chaplains don't ink their bodies.
I was a soldier first.
A couple tours in Iraq.
When did you change uniforms?
When I saw enough.
I'll be around.
Hey, we should all hop on the bike.
If you put Angela on that bike, I'll...
- Dad.
- Sorry.
Pete, you're an idiot.
- Come on, let's go eat.
- Great.
So, where are we going?
Sorry, honey, I got to take this.
- Hi. Hi.
- Hi.
What did you do to your face?
My conference call got moved up.
I'm going to stay back.
It might take a couple of hours.
- I'm sorry, honey.
- It's okay.
- I love you.
- I love you, too.
Excuse me. I said, excuse me.
Watch where the hell you're going next time.
- Pardon me.
- Could you just scoot over, please?
- What's the problem?
- Did you see her?
She came down the aisle like a bowling ball.
Hey, are you all right?
My throat is so dry.
- No!
- What was that?
I think it was a bird that just hit the window.
You should have seen your face. Pure terror.
Oh, my God!
You all right?
Hey, hey, wait up.
- That bird bit my finger.
- Are you all right?
- I'm fine. It just hurts.
- Hold on, hold on. Let me see.
- Holy shit.
- Stop it!
It's not that bad.
I'll go to the doctor tomorrow.
That's so infected.
We should go back to the hospital.
- I'm sure it'll be fine by tomorrow.
- Babe...
Eggs, and then we got this chick...
Great. This is yours, Rog.
What a crazy day.
At least we got
some roasted raven coming up.
You're so good to me.
Well, get back to me after we eat it.
What are you doing?
Did my dad say something to you?
Why are you yelling?
Am I being loud?
- Have you been drinking?
- No.
Wait, hold on. Look at me.
You're drunk.
Well, I'm pounding water.
Did my dad say something to you?
Your dad only says, like,
one or two words to me.
It's his face that says everything.
Yeah, well, to my dad, murder and living
with a guy in sin are the same thing.
What, is your dad, like, super religious?
He's Irish Catholic.
He believes in heaven and hell.
Wait. So... So, he doesn't like me?
He's not psyched about us living together.
You have to understand,
my dad is from a different era.
Is he telling you to tell me to marry you?
You think highly of yourself.
He wants me to move out.
I need to take a leak.
"A leak"?
Well, stay away from the wine coolers.
Hey, Ange, where's the...
Where's the steamer?
Did you get lost
on your way to the bathroom?
Hey. Wake up.
I need the steamer.
Ange. Hey.
Ange, wake up.
Roger! Roger!
- What is it?
- I can't wake her up.
She was acting really strange a minute ago.
Go get the pills that the hospital gave her.
And turn the lights on.
Angela, I need you to wake up.
Can you do that for me?
I need you to wake up.
Wake up, wake up, wake up.
Get the pills! Bring me the pills!
There's nothing here
says this is a side effect.
I came back.
I've got you, I've got you, I've got you.
- I came back. I can't breathe!
- Sweetheart, calm down.
I need you to breathe, sweetheart.
I need you to breathe.
Look at me, look at me.
Breathe in. And out.
That's it. Out. In. Out.
I've got you, I've got you.
I've got you, sweetheart.
I've got you. I've got you.
Okay. Okay, sweetie, I've got you.
It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay. Daddy's got you.
It could certainly be a lot of things,
but everything we did on our end
was standard procedure.
I want to run a couple of tests
to rule out any problems.
I think it's best, Angela,
if we keep you overnight.
Are you okay, sweetie? It's okay.
What's that?
That's strange.
These were perfect a second ago.
What a rip-off. I'm going to toss them out.
No, no, it's fine.
- They're all floppy. Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- Let's go home.
I think we should file for a malpractice suit.
I'm serious. I talked to a buddy of mine.
He's pre-med. He said it's a no-brainer.
- What's so funny?
- Nothing.
Well, you know, my daughter,
she likes to earn her money.
I didn't say that she didn't.
What do you mean?
Malpractice is one of the stupidest ideas
I've ever heard.
Hey, hey. The argument that didn't happen
between you two earlier
is not going to happen now, okay?
We're going to eat and smile and that's that.
- I'm just trying to say...
- Yeah, but don't.
Can you just...
- Hey, Ange, I'm...
- Hon, okay.
I'm fine.
Okay. I'm sorry.
- Ange, what are you doing?
- Angela!
Stop! Stop!
Get away!
Watch out.
- Jesus.
- Bay four.
On the left, sir.
She slipped into a coma.
Get the paddles ready.
10 cc's of epinephrine. Here we go.
Here's what we have.
She's got severe lacerations,
a broken collar bone,
contusions on her right arm
and both her legs,
and increased cranial pressure.
The other passengers
are just suffering minor injuries.
What about the taxi driver?
He still can't recall the incident,
but the girl's father said it was an accident.
You're gonna have to make
an official statement, Doctor.
Of course.
- Well, Father, thanks for joining us.
- Of course.
I know you spent some time with the family.
That's right, I have. Yeah.
Well, this has been very troubling.
How's the dad doing?
Well, let's get into this.
She's been with us for nearly two months.
There are 42 days in the coma, I believe.
- Actually, my report says 40 days.
- Well, my mistake, 40 days.
There's been no brain activity
and she's on full life support.
Then, Father, perhaps it's time
you talked to the family.
You look like an angel.
I know why you're here.
Roger, these things are never easy.
The last rites
are given to those
not only who are about to pass
but also as a celebration of life.
the car crash wasn't an accident.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those
who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
What is that?
It's just the body's normal process
when it shuts down.
Don't let it alarm you, Mr. Holmes.
Hold on a second.
Miss Holmes, can you hear me?
She's breathing.
Are you alive?
Get a cart in here! We have to stabilize her.
Come on!
I can't believe it.
- She's responsive.
- It's a miracle.
Just give her space.
Let her breathe, let her breathe.
I thought I lost you, honey.
Well, it looks like everything is normalized.
Miss Holmes! Miss Holmes!
Get her!
Hold on to her!
I got her. I got her.
- Hold onto her arm.
- I didn't do anything! It wasn't me!
It wasn't me!
- You got her?
- I've got her. Hold her up.
The IT guys, they can't restore
the footage of her walking in and out.
Who left the room unattended?
According to the computer,
those doors were locked
until security opened them.
Who is in Angela's bed?
Obviously, these cameras are out of sync.
We have to get the police involved.
Angela Holmes?
- Hang on, hang on, hang on.
- That's my daughter.
- I understand.
- Officer, that's my daughter.
We just have to ask her a few questions.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Hello, Angela.
My name is Detective Simmons.
I just want to ask you
some questions about last night.
The hospital wants to press charges
against you, Angela.
It's a very serious offense.
Aggravated assault on a minor.
It's a felony.
Do you want to tell me why you did this?
Do you mind?
- Go right ahead.
- Well, thank you.
Hey, sweetie.
What are you doing with that?
What are you doing?
Jeez, what are you... Trent!
What are you doing? Stop it!
Man, stop it! Stop!
Help! Help! Somebody!
Oh, my God.
Code trauma. Code trauma.
I need somebody to call code trauma stat.
You have to understand,
this is only temporary.
This is one of the best facilities
in the state for evaluation.
I'm more than sorry
about what happened to that man,
but my daughter didn't do that.
She didn't touch the guy.
It's an evaluation. As soon as she's clear,
she can go back home.
- I don't understand this.
- I understand.
The hospital is being cautious.
Cautious? She just came out of a coma.
And now what, all of a sudden,
she's supposed to be crazy?
It's just an eval.
She's my daughter.
And I know my daughter.
This isn't Angela. I know her!
Have faith.
I need more than just faith, Father.
I need a...
I'm going to be here every day. I promise.
Roger, God is going to
see you through this.
- She's not even here on time.
- Good morning, everybody.
Thank you, David.
You can sit down. You can sit down.
- Can I start today, please?
- Control freak.
Don, let's not do that, okay?
Everyone gets a turn.
Well, she went first yesterday!
She went first the day before!
Don, we don't label
and we don't raise our voices, right?
Fear not that which kills except
one be born of water and of the spirit.
He cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh
and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Marvel not that I said unto thee,
ye must be born again.
- Are you with us?
- Yes.
So, how are you today?
- Can I have some water?
- Absolutely.
I know sometimes the cameras
can be a little off-putting,
but their only purpose is our purpose,
to provide you
with the best care that we can.
So try and pretend they're not there.
So, how are you feeling today?
I want to go home.
You're safe in here, Angela.
And we're going to take
very good care of you.
- I want to go home now.
- And we will continue to take care of you.
Father Lozano's
worked in our chapel before.
He tells me that he's visited
you and your father often.
I was fine before I saw the doctors.
This place is making me sick.
- I'm not staying here.
- Okay.
You had a car accident, Angela.
- Do you remember it?
- I want to go home.
- I want to go home. I want to go home.
- Angela.
I want to go home. I want to go home.
- I want to go home. I want to go home.
- Angela.
I want to go home!
It's okay.
Mason, we are going to
take her back to her room.
It's too much for her right now.
I'm sorry it took me
so long to come see you.
Can I tell you something?
Yeah, of course.
Do you promise to believe me?
Of course.
I was in a coma, right?
But I could still hear things.
Not what was going on in the room, but...
It's hard to explain.
Just say it.
There were these sounds.
And I heard them over and over again
and it wasn't the doctors.
It wasn't what was going on in the room.
It was...
It was another language,
another way of thinking.
You're not believing me.
No, I am.
No, I can see it in your face.
Angela, I believe you, okay?
It's hard to explain.
Maybe it's another language.
What language?
I don't know. I don't know how to explain it.
Something is coming together,
coming together somehow.
Something bad is gonna happen.
And I don't know what it is.
I feel like something is fighting me to be me.
When I walk and when I talk.
What is wrong with me, Pete?
Ange, listen to me.
If this was me in here,
then we'd have something to worry about.
If something happens to me,
I need you to be there for me.
Why do you think
something's going to happen to you?
When it happens, I need you there for me.
I'm right here.
Listen, there's...
Who is that priest?
Father Lozano.
Who is he?
He's been watching over you.
We met him when you cut your finger.
I don't trust him.
I'm scared of him, Pete.
- Johnny.
- Father.
- You're on the late shift.
- Yeah. So are you.
Can you go back to Angela?
Give me a sec.
What's she doing?
It's almost time.
It's almost time.
Jesus says,
"Though I stand at the door, I knock. "
Do you remember
the medication you were given
when your finger was infected?
Okay. Well, you were taking
extended spectrum beta-inhibitor.
It's a type of antibiotic
normally used while in hospital care.
Why this was given to you, my guess is,
the doctor who administered your stitches
incorrectly feared repercussions.
So he made a mistake?
Well, I need your help to make sure.
Were you drinking a lot of water
when your finger was infected?
I was dehydrated.
My throat was dry. It still is.
Any other feelings? Anything at all?
I was just tired.
Angela, you've been complaining
about night terrors.
No, I haven't.
If you're hearing voices...
You listen to my conversations?
What did Pete tell you?
Your lack of cooperation
during these sessions
is counterproductive to treatment.
The longer we tiptoe around the real issue,
the longer you're going to be here,
and I know you don't want that.
I just want to be honest with you.
Can you be honest with me?
Can you tell me what you said
to the detective before he killed himself?
All right. It says here
when you walked into the maternity ward,
going off the reading of your lips,
you said that
the babies were in your father's house.
What does that mean,
"in your father's house"?
Angela, I want to be honest with you.
Can you be honest with me?
I can't be honest with you.
You can't be honest with me? Why not?
Because you're not.
I assure you, I am.
You want to feel superior.
You leave work
and go talk to your own psychiatrist
and complain about your patients
and your boy-toy
and how he left you to go be with his wife.
But you screwed him after work.
And last week,
you went down on him
in the parking lot of his daughter's school
while his wife watched the school play.
That's your truth.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
That's okay.
I mean, you're not my first patient
to experience delusional episodes.
It's normal.
I'm so sorry.
I think we're finished for the day.
Dr. Richards prescribed
some happy pills for you.
You're not like the others.
What are you doing?
- Is she okay?
- Yeah, she's fine. Come with me.
- I want to see her.
- No, no, no. Come here. Come on.
- What happened?
- They won't tell me anything.
They're saying that
some orderly died in Angela's room.
She didn't do it.
That's all I can get them to tell me.
Let's just sit down for a second.
How the hell did we get here?
Tell me about Angela's mom.
You never talked about her.
- Well, she...
- It's all right.
She was a call girl.
I wasn't a customer.
I thought I could help her.
We had this
Pretty soon, it became just the two of us.
And then I went to Japan.
And eight days into the transfer,
she calls me
and tells me that she's pregnant.
But she wants an abortion.
I begged her not to.
I sent her money to keep the baby,
but months later, I get a call
from the hospital telling me
my child was born
but abandoned by its mother.
Angela and I have been together ever since.
There are some people at the diocese
that I want to talk to about Angela.
If that's okay with you.
- What's happening?
- Take a look at this.
- Where are they going?
- I don't know.
Move it!
Out of the way!
It's okay. It's okay.
- Mr. Holmes.
- What happened?
I have your daughter's release forms
for you to sign.
Great. Where is my daughter?
I just need to get your signature
and then you can take her home, okay?
Where is she? How is she?
I just need your signature and then...
Stop talking about these forms
and tell me about my daughter.
You're good, you're good, you're good.
I got this.
They're not going to help her here.
We're going to take care of her, okay?
We're going to get her
the help that she needs.
Just sign the papers.
Thank you.
She's downstairs.
- There's nothing more we can do.
- All right, let's go.
- Where is she?
- To your left.
Get her out of that thing.
Have you received the materials
from the American Archdiocese?
Is the threat authentic?
I believe it is.
A raven.
The devil's messenger.
There's a spiritual marker on this girl.
What should we do?
I leave tonight.
I'm coming with you.
Cardinal, I cannot let you go alone.
The priest will assist. You must stay here.
You're the only one who knows the system,
the only one to protect the Archives.
The only one to carry on if I don't return.
This is the only thing we have left.
- An exorcism?
- Yeah.
Are you out of your mind?
Here it is.
How do you feel?
I'm ready for this.
No one is ready for the truth.
What's with the big production?
It helps preserve the integrity
of the church to
disprove possessions for what they are.
Usually some form of mental illness.
You are skeptical about this?
You can say that.
Can you plug this in?
When I was 12 years old,
I was possessed by a demon.
For six days,
the priest battled the demon inside of me,
steadfast in his belief
that you can kill the evil spirit
and preserve the body.
And how did he do?
I want to see the room.
Why are you putting that up there?
I don't want it to be in the way.
what can you tell me about Angela?
I've never heard her say
an unkind word about anyone, ever.
You see, demons can be
very shrewd and calculating.
They hide in the image of their host.
They lie and deceive using the truth.
We need to know Angela
so that we know what she is not.
Can you please give us a moment
before we begin?
Perhaps you can go check on Angela.
Yeah, sure.
Prepare the Eucharist.
If she accepts the Body of Christ,
a demon does not exist.
- But she's possessed.
- She is.
But we will see what we are dealing with.
- Heavenly Father...
- No.
Just prepare the Eucharist.
But the mass is essential
in preparing the Eucharist.
No mass.
in search of what is an abomination,
we move away from God.
So do as I instruct tonight. Trust what I do.
Because a demon's greatest threat
is not to your body,
but your soul.
Bring her in.
It's okay.
This is Cardinal Bruun.
He's going to help you, sweetie.
Have her kneel.
Come on.
Facing this way, please.
Can you kneel down, sweetie?
- Amen.
- Amen.
Take this body.
Take it and be cleansed.
Take the body.
Take it and be cleansed.
There is an obstruction.
Please, Angela, sit down on the bed.
This will be much easier
if you sit down on the bed.
It's okay. I got you.
I promise.
It's okay.
Now, will you allow me
to remove the obstruction?
Don't. Don't.
What does it mean?
They represent the Holy Trinity.
The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
Run. Run.
- Angela.
- Ange.
Help me get this stuff off her.
- What did she say? What is that?
- I don't know. Aramaic?
- Wait, wait, wait.
- Honey?
- Honey.
- Ange.
It's going to be okay.
Holy water.
Do not remember, O Lord,
our sins or those of our ancestors.
And do not punish us
for our offenses.
We must continue! The cleansing prayer.
Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be Thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, on earth...
- Please help!
- Angela, is that you? it is in heaven.
Is that you?
- Angela?
- Daddy.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm here. I'm here, sweetie.
- Pete!
- I'm here.
- Did it work?
- I don't know.
Did it work?
Where did you get this?
This egg is the symbol of rebirth.
From where did it come?
I don't know what you're talking about.
You revealed yourself, demon.
You can no longer hide behind this girl.
Speak, demon.
Daddy, please help.
- Where did you get this?
- Dad, help me!
Please. Please.
Demon, if you keep hiding,
I will rip out your lying tongue!
Where did you get this?
You seek to make an abomination
of our Lord and Savior,
of His resurrection.
Expose yourself, demon.
Help me!
You mean to desecrate
the works of our Lord and Savior!
God, it's coming back! It's coming back!
Show yourself, serpent!
Enough, enough!
I condemn you to the lake of fire!
Blessed by the Spirit of the Father,
I will kill this evil.
It burns! It burns!
Dad. Pete.
What now?
- Dad, Pete, please, just go.
- We're not going anywhere.
What happens now? What do we do now?
Just leave.
- We're not leaving you!
- What do we do now?
- Cardinal Bruun!
- Cardinal Bruun!
Cardinal Bruun, what do we do?
Hey, it's going to be all right, okay?
It'll be fine. You're going to be okay.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
our God and Lord,
strengthened by the intercession of the
Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God.
Cardinal, what are you doing?
Remember your oath.
You can't kill her.
We must perform the exorcism.
You must perform it.
This is not an exorcism.
You cannot exorcise the blood.
The devil possesses what is already his.
How do you know that?
The devil has searched,
scraped for a chance to walk the earth.
Our Lord Jesus stopped him once,
but now it falls to us.
You said that you would destroy the spirit,
not her body.
That body is the spirit
looking to destroy God's kingdom.
We pull away from God
when we pursue wickedness.
Pulling away from God
moves us toward evil.
I am as close to God
as any man of the cloth.
You will put your faith in me.
Angela. Angela.
- Wait, what is he doing with that?
- It's okay, Pete.
- No, you told me to protect you.
- Just let them do this.
No, what are they gonna do?
Why do they have a knife?
It's just for the ritual, right?
- Okay.
- Okay?
Of the blessed Apostles
of the Father and all the saints,
we confidently undertake to repulse
the attacks and deceits of the devil.
I see you.
In the light, your evil is nothing,
instigator of envy,
font of avarice, fomenter of discord,
author of pain and sorrow.
Why, then, do you stand and resist,
knowing as you must
that Christ the Lord
brings your plans to nothing?
Fear Him,
who in Isaac was offered in sacrifice,
in Joseph sold into bondage,
slain as the Paschal Lamb,
crucified as man.
Show yourself!
Please kill this thing inside me!
- Angela!
- Stay back! The demon must show itself.
Stop it! He's killing her!
Show yourself!
Goddamn you!
- Angela.
- Ange.
Honey. Honey.
Father, do something.
Do something!
What did you do?
Roger, no, no, no, no!
Roger, Roger, stop!
He killed my daughter.
Roger, Roger, Roger,
take a look at the signs.
Her 40 days in the coma,
Christ's 40 days of temptation in the desert.
Her mother was a prostitute.
- A perversion of the Virgin Mary.
- No.
- The black raven mocks the white dove.
- No. No!
- Roger, Roger, Angela's gone. She's gone.
- No, no.
- She's gone!
- She's not gone!
Roger! Roger!
Oh, my God.
It's the resurrection.
Omega, Alpha.
Our ending, its beginning.
It's the Antichrist.
Though I walk
through the valley of the shadows of death,
I will show no fear
for thou art with me.
Ange, what are you doing?
I'm not afraid of you.
You tell them I am here.
You tell them I walk the earth.
- Here it is.
- Thank you for keeping the tape secret.
You have witnessed
the rising of the Antichrist.
That's what she wanted.
You are the only one
who has faced the ending and survived.
There's a reason for that.
You're one of us now, a warrior of God.
There's something I must show you.
Come and see.
What is this place?
These are the Archives,
where we keep the records
of the devil's work on earth.
Follow me.
Much has happened during your recovery.
Local officials remain unclear
on the cause of the explosion.
The victims have been identified
as US Army Colonel Roger Holmes,
26-year-old Peter Smith,
and Mattias Bruun,
a Cardinal residing at the Vatican.
A representative said that Bruun's visit
was not connected to Church affairs
and that he was in the US
on a personal vacation.
One of the survivors, Father Oscar Lozano
from the Los Angeles Archdiocese
currently is recovering at
Saint Mary's Hospital from multiple injuries.
Another survivor, Angela Holmes,
was seen by a neighbor emerging
from the rubble without a scratch.
Miss Holmes reportedly has no memory
of the events leading up to the blast.
And then
it began.
Unbelievable event taking place
at the 6th Street homeless shelter.
Multiple miracles have been reported
from the curing
of a young girl with leukemia
to restoring the sight of a man
who lost his sight in an industrial accident.
Hundreds of people
have gathered outside this shelter
in hopes that they, too, can be healed.
At that moment, I could feel my legs again.
This isn't an isolated incident.
This is hundreds ofpeople documented,
restored to health.
There is no medical explanation for this.
So, what is it?
Where does this power come from?
Is it divine?
I don't know.
Ijust want to help as many people as I can.
This only adds to the storm of controversy
surrounding Angela Holmes,
who, in two short months, has inspired
an ever-growing legion of faithful followers.
Some are calling her a saint,
others a charlatan.
But tonight, thousands have gathered
inside this arena
to find out first-hand ifAngela Holmes
is, indeed, a miracle worker.
Miss Holmes? It's time.
The Book of Revelation says,
one will come to mimic the Christ
and the deceived will worship
this false prophet.
And that is the day we most fear.