The Veil (2016)

- We rolling?
- Yeah.
All right. I know
I've been a little, uh--
maybe a little
stricter than usual
about this kind of thing.
But it's all for a good cause.
You just have to trust me.
Aren't you rolling?
You don't even have
the damn thing plugged in.
I've invited some cameras
to film our little
sermon here today.
'Cause people have been asking,
"what's going on over there
at heaven's veil?
What are they doing
up there at that ranch?
Are they being held
against their will?"
- Are you a prisoner here?
- No.
Are you
a prisoner here?
No. Just smile for
the camera, people. Wave.
Give me this Bible.
This Bible--
this here book,
this is a tool, people.
And as such,
it only has the power
that we ascribe to it.
But you,
you are something
much different.
Your body is of the earth, yes,
but you are not your body.
You are mightier
than the flesh.
We don't need no book
to tell us about the soul!
Did you see any lightning
come down out of that sky?
I've been put here
to resurrect mankind
from his fallen state
and bring the power
of the etheric realm
back into his hands.
I'm gonna show you, and you,
and you, and every one of ya
how to push your spirit
through the veil.
It's a deathless reality,
souls aglow
with the ever-real
eternal life!
30 miles outside the town
of hidden lake, California,
you'll find
this small ranch known
simply as the veil,
named by the members of
the heaven's veil cult,
the cult that lived
and died here.
The FBI raided the compound
this morning at 8:52 am,
only to find tragedy.
Every man, woman and child
in this once-thriving community
lies dead--
dead at the hands
of their leader,
Jim Jacobs.
- Okay, and we're out.
- Pack the Mikes.
- Wait, what's that?
- Everybody, stay back.
- Come on! Come on!
Hold it! Hold it!
Hey, guys.
Stay back.
Don't worry.
They're not dead.
He's gonna bring them back.
I'll do it.
I said I'll do it.
I'll talk to you.
All right.
Thank you, Sarah.
Okay. Would you
do me a favor?
Could you run this
up your shirt and
clip it right there?
Okay, is that good?
- All right, guys.
- Quiet down, please.
Okay. Um--
why don't we start
with your name.
Then we can
go from there.
My name
is Sarah hope.
I was-- i--
I am the only li--
the only known survivor
of heaven's veil.
I have no idea
why they didn't
kill me too.
Did your, um--
did your parents
die there also?
Uh, they must have.
I don't know.
I'm not-- I'm not sure
who my parents were.
I don't even know
my real name.
They named me--
they named me Sarah hope--
at the hospital.
I was in foster care,
a lot of different homes,
till I was 16.
I think this is
me and my brother
and my sister.
But I'm not sure.
I was only five.
This is that
really famous one,
the one of Jim
and his followers.
I know
this is really hard,
but there is a reason
why we...
Reached out to you.
Like I said earlier
on the phone,
we found something
that no one's
ever seen before.
Do you see that camera
right there?
And right there?
And right there.
They were filming.
But there's no record
of anything.
Nothing's ever
been released.
And there's this.
They never found this room.
Not in the farmhouse
or any of the buildings.
No one knows
what happened that day.
Why did they do it?
I wanna go back out there
and find those films.
Maybe we'd find out
what really happened.
We're in this room.
We feel the silence.
There is a time
for every season,
This child
has been cut down
before her time.
How long?
How long
has your daughter
been this way?
Two years.
The doctors say
she's brain-dead.
The doctors don't
want her well, mama.
They like that money
coming in.
No, sir.
The child's mind
is not dead.
Will you join hands
with me?
We need to
create an opening,
close the circuit
so the girl can
find her way back home.
Please. Indulge me.
Thank you.
There we go.
All right.
Now, mama,
i want you
to be brave.
Something happened
before the child
got lost,
about a week before.
No. Nothing.
Not to her,
To you.
To you.
Something so terrible,
it froze your heart,
and you swore you'd never
tell a living soul.
But the spirit
sees all.
The spirit knows all.
The spirit understands all.
Now whisper it.
Whisper it to me.
Let it out.
No. No.
Let it out.
Whisper it in my ear!
Give it to me!
Tell me the truth.
The truth!
The real truth!
He's going down!
Get his head.
I got his feet.
Grab him. Grab him.
Hold him.
I've got his head.
Rotate him. Look out.
So, how long
have you guys
worked together?
- Just long enough
to talk us into this.
We actually met
in film school, so we've
done everything together--
um, web series--
- infomercials.
- Once. We did one infomercial.
"Your skin
will practically glow."
- That was the best payday
we ever had.
- Yeah, for three days of hell.
Uh, excuse me.
I'm pretty sure you slept
with the spokesmodel.
she was very smart.
- She reads books.
But this film?
This is different.
We've wanted to
make this film
for a long time.
Why is it
so important to you?
you didn't tell her?
Uh, our dad,
he led the FBI team
that day,
the day
when everyone, um--
Our dad was never really
the same after that.
Neither was our mom.
So that's why you have
all those photos.
That's why we're here.
Look at this guy.
Mr. Wheeler, hi.
Maggie, from the documentary.
Thank you so much for letting us
shoot on your property.
- I know this is--
- twenty-five years,
i kept folk away from here.
Who are all these folks?
Thought it was just you.
Oh, no, uh,
this is my crew.
- Christian, my brother,
is the editor.
- Hello, sir.
Nick is our gaffer.
Matt's our cameraman.
Ed, grip.
What's up?
Jill does sound,
and Ann is our pa.
- And this is Sarah hope.
- I know who she is.
Thought it was you.
Bound to come back home.
Was wondering
if you ever would.
Oh, wow.
You okay?
Hey, hey.
Get this.
Get down.
Get down.
- Oh, shit.
- Sarah! Sarah!
- Sarah?
- Is she okay?
- What happened?
Are you okay?
- I'm okay.
I don't know.
Maybe we shouldn't
be here.
All right,
we'll set up camp over there.
Can you imagine
how weird this must be
for her to be back here?
She's the one
that made it out.
My whole life has been
defined by this place,
by what happened.
It's the same for me.
After it all happened,
i, um--
I was only three
at the time,
but... my father, uh,
killed himself.
I found him
hanging in the garage.
I thought he was
playing a game.
We both lost our families
because of this place.
I need to know why.
Sarah. Sarah.
Ed? Ed!
Do you see him down there?
- No, he's not over here.
- Ed! Ed!
Ed, stop messing around!
have you seen ed?
He's gotta be
around here someplace.
He left all of his stuff.
His wallet is right there.
He couldn't have gone far.
where the hell are you?
Ed! Ed, breakfast is ready!
that should get him.
I'm gonna
look up front.
- Come take a look at this.
- All right, what is it?
I don't know.
Um, just look here.
Who moved the camera?
Look right there.
Look at that.
We got a ghost. Wow.
- Nick, it's not a ghost.
- You don't believe in ghosts?
And watch
this part.
That's where ed was sleeping.
The Van's gone.
It's gone.
What do you mean
it's gone?
Let's have a look.
Oh, what the fuck?
This isn't like him.
I know. He's a grumpy fucker,
but he's not a quitter.
We crawled through swamps
with this guy. There's
no way he'd bail on us.
Looks like he did.
What do we
do now?
- Has anybody got any bars?
I'm trying,
but I got nothing.
- What do we do? Go back?
- No. We have, like, 80 grand
worth of equipment in there.
- That's 80 grand
we do not have.
- Yeah, exactly.
Well, someone's gotta
go down for some help.
You're the pa.
You're gonna send me
down there to walk 20 miles,
probably till dark?
Don't exaggerate.
It's 16 miles.
This one.
Ann, it's okay.
Nick will go.
Oh, really?
Matt'll cover for you.
You'll be down before dark.
Well, thanks, pal.
No, wait.
I'll come with you.
Oh. I thought
you didn't wanna go.
It's better than staying
up here with that creepy
farmer guy out there.
All right.
- Be careful.
- Yeah, I'll keep an eye out
for inbred farmers.
No, Nick, she needs to
be careful of you.
Ow, Maggie.
Stop it.
Let's set up
the next interview
by the church.
You gonna need
both cameras?
We need to go
across the lake.
Across the lake?
I remembered something.
Are you seeing this?
It's a strip that's shallow.
Come on.
Goes all the way across.
Let's go.
Where are we going?
To that place.
And you think
this is it?
I remember it now.
It was Jim's
special place.
No lights.
I hate rats.
Not my favorite
Oh, I have another one
right here in my pack.
It's, like-- it's inside,
in, like, the flashlight pouch.
Right there.
Here they are.
These are the films
you were looking for.
Sarah, are you okay?
Wha-- yeah. I think
i fell through this chair.
What do you mean,
you fell through it?
My hand went through
the leather.
Oh-- oh, my--
oh, my god!
Come here, Sarah.
Come here. Come here.
Give me your hand.
- Sarah. Sarah!
Here we go.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Well, Maggie,
clearly nobody
ever found
this place.
There's no way
we would have found this place
if it wasn't for her.
What do you think?
We're gonna need to
get some lights on
in there.
It's actually
in pretty good shape.
If it's got fuel.
Here we go.
Let's check it out.
- Oh! God!
- God.
Why don't you
try another switch?
Why don't you
try another switch?
Here they are.
We can watch 'em
if I can get this to work.
Look at this.
Oh, wow.
No, no, no!
Don't touch that.
I'm sorry. It's just
that it's next to a body
and it's probably
evidence of some
kind of crime,
and if you touch it
with all your hands--
whatever is on this tape--
should go to the police
because it's evidence.
We're not gonna take it
to the police.
M-maybe we should.
- But n-not right away.
- I don't really wanna
argue next to a body.
All right, we should--
it's entirely decomposed.
Okay, if you wanna
enable yourself into
doing whatever you do.
That's Karen sweetzer,
the nurse that followed Jim.
The one
they never found.
I got away.
they tried to get me.
But I got away.
When did she
record this?
Must be after
the FBI raid.
They're gonna--
they're gonna come get me.
They wanna control me
like I'm a puppet.
They want in, but I'm not
gonna let anybody in.
Do you hear that, Jim?
I will not let anybody in.
I didn't come here to be taken.
Even if they get in,
they won't get me.
I want you to--
ch-- ch--
sh-she looked, like, um,
drugged, you know.
She's so manic.
I mean, so paranoid.
What was she talking about?
That the FBI was gonna
use her like a puppet?
She was so loyal
to the end.
I have become
what never fails.
And the dead shall be
raised incorruptible.
And we shall be changed.
We need to
watch the rest
of those films.
You got the whole thing
in frame?
Yeah, it looks great.
It works.
We just need a new bulb.
Sure there's
a kmart around.
Oh, look at this.
"Pancuronium bromide."
It's for lethal injections.
It halts
the respiratory system.
Your lungs stop working.
You suffocate.
Hey. Hey.
Be careful with those.
They don't have needle guards.
Why are you
touching needles?
Don't touch--
don't touch anything.
Sorry. I wasn't
gonna touch the top.
Jim's room.
Seems about right.
Fuck station
partridge family.
Why don't we just go back
down to the compound,
wait for Nick and Ann,
figure everything out there?
How about we just look
for the projector bulbs?
Projector bulb!
Okay, I loaded up
the earliest film.
- All right. Rolling.
- Here we go.
All right, is it filming?
Uh, yeah, I hear it.
Well, when we get
the new cameras
we'll be able
to check it right away.
And how are they
Uh, they're new video cameras.
You can buy the tapes
at the supermarket-- $24.99.
You don't have to send it all
in to Kodak and-- i-i--
- okay, Jim.
- Whenever you're ready.
This is film
number one.
I'm Jim Jacobs,
and we are here
at heaven's veil ranch.
It's December 11, 1982.
When we started here,
there was just a few of us.
Small group of seven.
A family.
There's a small town
in Indiana.
Whenever I think of it,
a great deal of pain comes.
As a child,
i was undoubtedly
one of the poor.
Never accepted.
Born, as it were,
on the wrong side
of the tracks.
And when I was
very small,
I lost my father and my mother
to an unholy fire, they tell me.
I knew too early
the pain of suffering,
the pain of loss.
But tragedy
can beget transformation.
I believe that mankind
is on the cusp
of a new reality,
one that transcends
pain, suffering,
even death.
I've discovered
that the spiritual nature
is attached to the human form
at certain points,
represented by
the three nails
of the crucifixion.
And by three
alchemical initiations,
I can now draw these nails
and permit
the divine nature of man
to come down
from its cross.
I can release the nails
that pin the spirit
to the body
and free the soul
from its mortal coil.
Jim is in
a meditative state.
Once he reaches
full trance,
he will leave his body
in the physical form
and he'll manifest himself
in spirit in this room.
Father, are you here?
Father, if you are here,
reach out to us.
Reach out to us, Jim.
- Jim?
- I don't think he's breathing.
- Jim, come back to us.
come back to us.
There you go.
There you go.
Slow, controlled.
That's good.
Mommy. Mommy.
What happened?
Come here.
Is he okay?
Yeah, he's okay.
What are you doing up?
I was playing, mom.
Okay, come.
Time to go to bed.
She was my mom.
Karen sweetzer was--
so horrible.
I mean-- ugh.
So sad for her,
and so gruesome.
You know?
I just think,
deep down,
she was hoping
her mom
was still alive
I guess
you were my mom.
I am so sorry
this happened to you.
I feel like--
like something
wanted me
to come back here,
to bring them here
with me, but i--
something about it
feels so wrong.
Sarah! Sarah?
What happened?
What happened?
What happened?
What happened?
Nothing happened.
Nothing happened.
- Help us! Help!
- Matt!
- Please!
- Guys! We need help!
- Do you hear that?
- It's Nick.
- Maggie!
- Maggie!
What is it? What?
- Oh, god.
- Oh, my god.
Oh. He must have
been doing 90.
I guess
he missed that curve.
- Why was he going so fast?
- Someone was in the car
with him.
No one was in the car with him.
That doesn't make any sense.
What are you talking about?
Who was in the car with him?
Go ahead.
Tell her
your theory.
The other air bag blew.
It doesn't matter though.
One blows, they both blow.
That's how it works.
Besides, who's
gonna come up here?
Someone hiked 16 miles to
steal a shitty Van, and ed
gives his life to stop 'em?
Goddamn it, you guys.
I can't believe this.
Did you--
did you check him?
I mean,
he's for sure dead?
- Are you sure?
- Feel free to
check him again, Maggie.
- Oh, god.
- Shit.
So we go to the cops,
Yes, we go to the cops
when we can. There's no way
we can make it there by dawn.
And that farmer's
still out there.
Farmer John
did not kill ed, okay?
It's 12 miles
down to the main road,
and then it's another 20 miles
to, like, the nearest anything.
Do you guys wanna
walk down in the dark, or--
what about ed?
Oh, god.
We'll leave
in the morning.
Do you remember
your mom at all?
I can't remember.
I did always feel
like she wanted me back,
for us to be
a family again.
Maybe it's just
wishful thinking.
I don't know, i--
I do feel like the answers
are in that house.
I do too.
You wanna go back?
I do.
Maggie, I thought
we just decided
that we were leaving.
We are.
In the morning.
We're gonna
go back to the house
and watch those films.
Who's coming with?
Christian, come on.
Yeah, no, I was coming.
I was totally coming.
Anyone else?
All right. I guess,
uh, see you guys
in the morning.
You guys aren't
a little curious?
No. Not really.
Wait up.
All right, well,
I'm not babysitting.
Nick, wait.
Oh, come on.
Hey, I know you guys
are really tired, but
i kinda need one more thing.
- Can you grab
some b-roll for me?
- Now?
You are obsessed.
Look, Maggie, how far
are we gonna go with this?
We lost our family
because of this.
So did she.
So as far as we need to.
We good?
To be released
and come back.
Released and come back.
This is the loop
that we must close.
I must journey
to the other side,
where I will extract
the first nail,
and then I must return
through the golden door--
into my body.
Karen is preparing
the first injection.
It's a little cocktail
of my own making.
There's some luminous ether
in there, some bismuth--
sodium pentothal.
Some Mercury.
Yes, it's quite poisonous.
Why did you create
this drug, Jim?
I'm having trouble--
I'm having trouble
Do you hear that?
Yeah. I can't see
where it's coming from.
It's not from the film.
Could be
from another room?
Communicate with us.
We're here for you.
Push through, Jim.
Push through.
Come through to us.
Push through, Jim.
Push through.
Hello, brothers and sisters.
It's a beautiful day.
Jim, is that you?
The body is nothing
but a shell.
A cycle of physical ego
for us to outgrow
and discard
as we please.
The first nail is ours.
Now what?
I'm not staying
in here.
What do you think?
I don't know.
Oh, shit.
Spark plug's fried.
I don't even think they
make this kind anymore.
I think I saw
some spark plugs
in the pantry.
No, no, I'll go.
Thank you, Nick.
Thank you, Nick.
Yeah, I'll say hi
to Jim for ya.
They look like this.
Oh, like a spark plug?
Yeah, thanks, Matt.
Somebody here?
Okay, if there's
somebody here,
show yourself.
All right, look.
We're not here
to hurt you, okay?
What do you want?
I said, what do you want?
What's taking him
so long?
Hey, Maggie.
If we can fix
the generator,
we're going home, right?
Where's Sarah?
- Sarah!
- Sarah?
We don't have time
for this.
Nick, stop dicking around.
Nick, come on.
This isn't funny, man.
- He went out to the gennie.
- Jesus!
Sarah, you scared
the shit out of me.
It just--
it just came back on.
I didn't even touch it.
Yeah, it was
a breaker inside.
I really don't wanna
go back inside.
It's just too--
too weird?
Too creepy?
Too scary?
Nick! Stop.
- I'm serious.
- I know, I know.
Come here.
Uh, we should probably go--
let's use this one.
Was that
from march of '80?
Yeah. Where the hell
are Ann and Nick?
Right here.
Oh, hey.
Can you please take
these Mikes and put 'em
in the other rooms?
I wanna see
what we can pick up.
No problem.
Great. Thanks.
Turn 'em on. I just
changed the batteries.
You got it.
To be released
and come back--
I have refined the formula
to take us further
to the other side.
The venom from
the African black mamba
is a potent neurotoxin.
Mixed with
pancuronium bromide,
which is a lethal agent
used to execute
death row inmates.
Just two drops
will stop the heart
in 60 seconds.
After six minutes,
brain death.
Without an antidote,
the death rate is 100%.
This is the antidote.
This will bring Jim
back to us.
Now, do not,
under any circumstances,
administer the antidote
before the full six minutes.
Set the timer, Sam.
Long enough
to dance with death,
not so long
as to marry her.
He had an antidote.
- Would that even work?
- It could.
If done in time.
Jim, speak to us.
Jim, speak to us.
Oh, my god, Jim.
I don't have
a heartbeat, Karen.
Oh, god.
Jim, come on.
- Give him the antidote now!
- Use the antidote!
Wait. He said
to wait six minutes.
- Don't wait! Do it now!
- Jim, hang on, okay?
You're so close.
Jim. It's me.
It's me. I thought
we lost you.
Karen. Oh, my--
my brothers,
we have removed
the second nail.
I have been reborn.
- I have been reborn.
My brothers, sisters,
i must confess.
I'm not strong enough
to go back there on my own.
- Now we know.
- Yeah, he's a fucking psycho.
It wasn't suicide.
- They had an antidote.
- Why didn't they use it?
Something must
have gone wrong.
They didn't plan to die.
Yeah, they all thought
that they were coming back.
Jesus, this is
such a load of shit.
Let's see if there's
anything on the Mikes.
This is from
the living room Mike.
Oh, my-- my brothers,
we have removed
the second nail.
I have been reborn.
I've been reborn.
This is track two,
dining room.
Three, hallway.
Four, camera room.
Guys, what the fuck
was that?
It's haunted!
This place is haunted!
Enough is enough, Maggie.
Let's get the fuck out of here.
We will, I promise.
But we just--
but what, Maggie?
Let's just load up
our shit and go.
Why are we still
talking about this?
- But we're so close.
- Close? Close to what, Maggie?
We can't leave.
What do you think
we should do?
You begged me
to come here.
I didn't want to.
You said that
we would find answers.
Well, now I have actually
seen my family.
You can leave.
You can all leave,
but I am staying
until I find out why
i was the one who survived.
- Jill, please.
- Maggie, I love you.
I do. I just--
you can keep
all my sound stuff.
I ju--
you know what?
When I get down,
I'll call for some help.
Um, you guys are good
with the cameras?
- Matt?
- Somebody's gotta go
with her, Maggie.
Let's digitize
the rest of the films,
and we'll leave
at sunrise.
Okay, I just need
to get this on camera.
Have you heard
those voices before?
Why didn't you tell us,
Would you have
believed me?
What do you wanna do?
I think we should
talk to them.
Can you speak to us?
I know you're here.
I'm here.
I'm here.
So talk to me.
You wanted me.
Here I am.
Bring them to us.
I've tried.
Sarah. I need you.
As soon as I get home,
I'm gonna give my rsum
to the game show network.
You know Maggie.
She's not coming down till she
gets exactly what she wants.
Girl's like a dog
with a bone.
Jill? Jill?
Hey, wait, wait!
Where did he go?
Where did he go?
Oh, my god.
Oh, god.
I think maybe--
oh, my god! Ed!
Shit! Oh, my gosh!
He's gushing blood
from his neck. You gotta hold--
hold the wound right there.
I'm gonna go get something
out of my bag. Put your hand
here and hold tight, okay?
It's okay, ed.
It's okay.
- Hold it tight, Matt!
- You're gonna be okay, buddy.
- Hurry the fuck up!
- I got it, I got it. Okay.
We're gonna switch.
- One, two, three, go.
I thought he was dead.
Sarah checked him, right?
Look, all that matters
is that we need
to get help.
I need you to go
and get the paramedics.
I can handle this.
All right?
I need you
to hold this, okay?
Can you put your hand there?
Just gonna get something
to tie it off, okay?
- I'll be back.
Okay. Hang on, ed.
One second.
I'm coming.
I'm coming back, all right?
Help! Please!
Where are you?
I came back.
Like you asked me to.
Here I am.
Christian, why didn't
you answer me?
You gotta see this.
Jesus was nailed
to the cross.
He wasn't bound.
He was nailed.
The spirit
is not bound
to the body.
It is nailed.
Thank you, my darling.
It won't give up
its fleshy domain easily.
But if we release
the nails,
we forge a new reality.
A deathless world,
a new dawn for mankind.
But, Jim, certainly,
the children don't--
you know, Karen,
in German,
the word for "death"
is heimgehen.
It means "going home."
What better place
for the children
than at home?
The task that we
have set before us
is one of
the most challenging
that any group of human beings
has ever had to face.
It is a task
which requires
a perfect faith.
Devotion? No.
A lifetime of devotion
is not enough.
One must have
direct experience
of the power of spirit.
Isn't it curious?
The same tool we use
to pound the nails in,
we also use
to draw the nails out.
How funny.
I release
the spirit within!
I release the god inside!
I give birth to the spirit,
and birth is bloody,
and birth is painful,
and there is blood,
and there is pain,
and you are born
into everlasting life!
Stop, Jim! Stop it. Sto--
Get back, I say!
Rise up with your spirit
and feel pain no more.
And be released
into eternity!
Yes. Arise.
The third nail's ours.
Ours for the taking!
And immortality
is yours, brother.
Will you follow me?
Holy fucking shit.
He's not a fake.
- He could really--
- you said we came all this way
for answers.
Shouldn't we finish?
Time has come to extract
the last ethereal nail.
Time will mean
nothing to us.
We'll watch galaxies
spin like pinwheels.
Set the timer
to six minutes.
Just a spoonful
of sugar, children.
Now we will all journey
to the other side.
I will be your guide.
And since I cannot
bring you all back at once,
we will use the antidote
that brought me back
my first time.
And when we return
to our bodies,
we will have a power
without measure,
as you witnessed
within me.
And we will use
this power wisely
to release every soul
from its mortal coil.
Without death in our lives,
there's no need for fear.
No! No.
Give me the cubes.
Give them to me.
Don't put them
in your mouth.
Don't eat them.
Sister. Sister.
Be calm, sister.
Tormented and frightened
is your soul.
Please don't do this
to our children, Jim.
You're their father.
Jim's your dad.
Should we abandon
our path?
No! No.
How many times
must I die for you, Karen?
Please, Jim, I'm scared.
Matthew said,
"and fear not them
which kill the body,
but are not able
to kill the soul."
Jim. No, Jim, no!
Kids, don't eat them.
No, Jim!
Children, I love you.
Now, do as I say.
No! Kids, don't do it.
Kids, don't eat them.
Jim, stop.
No, kids, don't eat them.
get the antidote ready!
- No!
- Silence!
Continue, children.
Jim, no! No!
We don't have to do this!
- Return!
Now, mama, please.
Mama, please, please
don't do this.
Don't do this.
There's nothing to death.
It's just a crossing over
to another plane.
Please, mama, please.
We shall all rise up,
and we will rub the dust
of a thousand years
from our eyes.
Sarah, come on.
She's getting away!
Sarah, run and hide!
Those who will not follow
shall be carried.
This is my body.
This is my blood.
She is the flame of life,
the power of darkness.
Let her go.
...and fear not them
which kill the body--
...shocked to realize--
supreme desire,
supreme deity.
Supreme change.
There is no joy
without suffering.
Be ready
with the antidote, Sam.
What is it that we bury
in the tomb of the--
Sam, the children,
the children.
The antidote.
Do it now.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
- Come on.
Stay away
from the children!
- I'm not killing her!
No! No, Sam!
The children!
No, Sam, please!
- Please.
Get away from the children!
Put your hands behind your head!
You'll rise.
You'll rise again.
Rise, children!
Get up and put your hands
behind your head, now!
Your hands where
we can see 'em!
What have you done?
What have you done, sir?
You think you bar the way?
You only inflame my wrath!
Your children!
Your children's children
will be subsumed!
You all will be subsumed!
No one will escape
my wrath!
You all!
The FBI agent--
that was my dad.
He was the one that--
who let
all those people die.
All of them.
I mean--
none of them--
They wouldn't have.
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I wanna be with you.
Wait for me.
They've been here,
for me to come back.
They need you, all of you.
They have to.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
New vessels
to continue on in...
In eternity.
Maggie, like Jim said--
there is no joy
without suffering.
Brother, sister,
the sins of the father
now laid upon the children.
I don't know
what's happening here,
but we're gonna
get out of here.
- Let's go, Christian.
- Christian's gone, Maggie.
It's time for you
to join us.
- Christian?
- It's amazing, Maggie.
You'll see.
After all,
who wouldn't want
everlasting life?
Get the fuck off me!
No! Please, no!
It wasn't his fault!
He didn't know!
I didn't know.
Why is this happening?
Release the body--
that pins the spirit,
that frees the soul
from its mortal coil.
My will be done.
Jill? Maggie!
Don't worry.
They're not dead.
He's gonna bring them back.
No. No.
You okay?
Mr. Williams,
you all right?
Yeah. Yeah.
The veil has been lifted,
and the fallen shall rise.
Children of the void,
sons of chaos,
it is the last hour.
The hebdomad is complete.
We have been remade
by yaldabaoth
in the image
of the seven archons
who created and enslaved
this world.
We are the hidden masters.
We are the architects
of anarchy.
We are the dark
fucking soul eaters,
lords of the unrighteous.
Today our new reign
begins in a new reality!
I told you!
I told you!
I told you
we'd be deathless!
We just, uh, need new shells
from time to time
and plenty of souls to eat.
Our legion will rise
from behind the veil
to reap the pain
that we have wrought!
The seven shall become
a vast multitude.
These are the days
of vengeance and wrath!
The deathless eon
has begun!
It's a beautiful day.