The Virginian (1946)

Molly, your books.
- Oh my!
Put them in the trunk.
- I'll study on the train.
Why on earth did you choose
a teaching job in Wyoming?
Mother, you know
the other places wouldn't take me.
I hope you let them know who you are!
They're not getting just anybody.
Your family settled Vermont.
Your grandmother is Molly Stark.
Only 20 minutes till train time,
Mrs. Wood.
Goodbye, Mother.
- Goodbye, Oarling.
God bless you.
If it's dreadful, send me a telegram.
I'll send you money to come home.
It's going to be fine, I know it is.
Goodbye, Oarling. - Goodbye, Molly.
Goodbye, Jane. Take care of Mother.
Cheer up, Sam. You look like it's
a funeral. - It is, practically.
Molly, won't you change your mind?
- Oon't go over it all again, Sam.
It makes everything so difficult.
- Oon't you care for me at all?
Of course! More than any other man.
But it's not enough.
I don't want to settle in Bennington
forever. I couldn't stand it!
It's like being in a squirrel cage.
Oays going by, every one
like all the others.
If I came back in 10 years,
I'd find the same people,
saying and thinking the same things,
wound up like old grandfather clocks.
No, Samuel. I'd be miserable,
and that would make you miserable too.
All aboard!
Please don't be unhappy. - My family's
counting on my marrying you.
Say you found out I'm touched
in the head. - They won't believe that.
My family does. Goodbye, Samuel!
- Goodbye, Molly. I'll write you.
I wouldn't worry about it, Miss.
They don't care out here.
All they ask a teacher is,
can she count up to 100.
We'll be in Medicine Bow
in a few minutes.
Your luggage will be on the platform.
- Thank you.
We ain't in yet! Some cow outfit's
bringing in a herd.
Oon't just stand around!
Get those cows out of there!
Why doesn't somebody shoo them off?
- Those cattle are wild.
They'd trample you to bits.
"I left my darling girl behind,
She said her heart was only mine. "
It's alright. These cattle never
saw a train. They're just curious.
Now they've seen it, so get them
off of there! - Yes, Sir.
Just as soon as
little Agnes finishes her lunch.
I want to get to Medicine Bow and
get some sleep. - You won't get much.
I'm paying my boys tonight.
They tend to keep the town awake.
Get them cattle off the tracks, or
I'll scare them off with my whistle!
I wouldn't do that, Sir.
We haven't lost a steer all the way.
If you stampede them now,
my boys are liable to shoot you.
Steve! - That's right.
Is my whistle that rusty?
Howdy, Virginian!
Only your outfit
would block the railroad this good.
Same old Steve.
Been 3 years, hasn't it? - Yeah.
I thought you worked for Triangle O.
- You know me. I quit.
Like when we rode together.
Some girl's papa ran you out of town.
Not this time. I'm getting old.
I want to see New York before I die.
I don't how, but I saved it.
To see what eastern girls are like.
Get off them tracks! I'm warning you!
I haven't seen my friend in 3 years.
Ain't you got no humanity?
I'm coming through in 1 minute!
Northern Pacific's gettin' feverish.
Give me a hand, will ya? - Sure.
Hope those steers didn't scare you.
- No, it was exciting.
Especially how that man handled them.
- The Virginian?
Oh, he's from Virginia?
- Yeah.
I'm from Kansas, myself.
I see you're from the East.
- How can you tell?
By your fancy luggage.
You wouldn't be getting off here?
I would, if we ever get in.
- Just my luck. I'm heading east.
It'll spoil my whole trip.
Are you visiting? - I've come to work.
You won't have to do anything menial
like that. - I'm the new teacher.
You? A teacher?
- Yes, why not?
Could've sworn you
go to school yourself!
Tell the boys I'll pay them later
in the saloon. - Alright.
Looking for Steve? - Yeah.
- He's staking a claim.
Oh? Sure enough.
- He beat you to her.
The stage stops at the hotel, Miss.
- Thank you.
If I was you,
I'd stay in the hotel until it comes.
These cow towns can get wild at night.
Goodbye, Miss.
No, please. I'll send someone.
Could you tell me where the hotel is?
Oh, let me take you.
- Thanks, I'll find it. - It's there.
With the red front?
- That's the saloon. Further down.
Where the horses are tied?
- That's a saloon too. The other way.
Oh, I see. With the nice curtains?
- No! Oon't go there. I'll take you.
It's alright now, Ma'am.
You're safe.
Thank you...
I'm usually not so silly, but...
Thank you. - It was nothing, Ma'am.
Indeed it was! I don't know
what would have happened.
They say those things can trample you.
- Look at that terrible steer now.
Come back here!
He's such a scaredy-cat, Ma'am.
Come on, you!
I told you it was nothing, Ma'am.
Oon't mind him, Miss.
Just a little fun.
Hi, Steve.
Hi, Trampas.
Looks like you're doing alright.
He's helping a lady, Trampas.
- He acing you out again, Virginian?
That's between him and me.
- I guess so,
but I have a leaning towards ladies,
and I might deal myself in too.
It's a free country.
- That's right.
Oon't be scared. They're having fun.
It's when they get quiet.
Then watch out.
Oid you see her?
- A girl like that don't belong here.
She won't hurt you. Baldy's afraid
every woman will put a bridle on him.
Only two things I'm a-scared of:
A good woman and foot-and-mouth.
Alright, now ask me.
- Ask you what?
You rescue the prettiest girl
that ever set foot in Medicine Bow,
then you don't even ask her name.
- Oh, the girl. Well, who is she?
Well, if you're asking polite like,
she's bringin' wisdom to Bear Creek.
New teacher? - You had her on your lap
long enough for a course in grammar.
A fine way to treat a lady!
- Was she a lady? She was with you.
Can I get my wages, Virginian?
- Sure, Honey. Where were you?
Got a good meal.
- Somebody's got sense.
Whiskey on an empty stomach
hits you quicker,
but on a full stomach it lasts longer.
Another drink? - No. - What's wrong?
- I'm keeping an eye on my boys.
When I heard you were a foreman,
I laughed for a week.
I haven't got over it, myself.
We've expected you at every roundup,
Steve. How about it?
I'd have to be plenty broke
before I go back to nursing cows.
Bake all summer, freeze all winter.
Not me. I'm headed for New York.
Won't you ever settle down?
- Not till they catch up to me.
It's our chance to get in the game.
- Not this time.
I'll bet you'll never get to New York.
- 5 will get you 10. - You're on!
Trampas, deal me in. I feel lucky.
- My pleasure.
Is your friend too good for us?
- He's got to keep an eye on the boys.
It doesn't look that way.
Why don't we ask her in for a drink.
- She's a school teacher.
So what? She's human, isn't she?
Come on, let's play.
I'm sorry about your umbrella, Ma'am.
I'm sorry about that and everything.
I'm asking you to forgive me.
You call yourself a man, I suppose.
A grownup, responsible man. - Yes.
You wear a big pistol
and ride a big horse,
yet all you do is play pranks,
like any child.
Yes, Ma'am. - Is that a thing
for a responsible adult to do?
No, Ma'am. But what you say isn't
as bad as what I'm saying to myself.
I'd give my right eye if we didn't get
started off on the wrong foot.
Started off?
This is only the beginning between us.
You must know that, same as I do.
Indeed, I know no such thing!
Where'd she go? - What's it to you?
- Trampas sent the lady this drink.
I'll take it.
There's your drink, Trampas.
Is there anything wrong in offering
the lady a little refreshment?
She wouldn't understand.
She was raised different.
In my long and varied career,
I've found
that people only come
out West for three reasons:
Health, wealth, or a bad reputation.
She looks healthy and rich to me.
Stand up and tell me that's a lie.
With pleasure, you dirty...
When you call me that, smile.
With a gun against my belly,
I always smile.
Now tell me you're a liar.
There doesn't seem to be
any question about it.
That's enough for now.
I wouldn't aggravate the Virginian.
I've seen him shoot.
I knew a man that could shoot
three whiskey glasses in the air.
Pick them up,
toss them...
Say, that's not bad.
Hi, Andy.
- Howdy, Ben.
This is a friend of mine.
Take good care of her. - Oon't fret.
Aren't you the new School Ma'am?
- Yes.
It'll be awful fine having you here,
Miss... - Wood. Molly Wood.
Miss Molly. Some ornery critters here
could use some learning.
And not just the little ones.
Have a nice trip.
- Trip? - To New York.
Oh, that!
I lost my roll in a poker game.
- Already?
It's amazing, isn't it?
But I'm glad I'll still be around.
Then I may see you again.
- You sure will! - Goodbye and thanks.
I think I'll take that job after all.
Hi there, Andy.
You brought her safe, I see.
Let me help you.
- Thank you.
How are you, Ma'am?
How do you do?
You must be tired from the long trip.
- I have an awful lot of things.
So much the better. It means you'll
stay a while. - That's about it.
Thank you and goodbye, Andy.
- Bye, Miss Molly.
I'd like to ask you in, but we're
going right over to your room instead.
There's your school house.
It's brand new. A man rode all the way
from town to help build it.
It's very nice.
What's that?
Just a coyote. - Are they dangerous?
- Only to sheep and chickens.
I've never heard of them harming
a person. - You'll get used to it.
Here we are.
This is the first home we had,
till the children came.
When you wrote us
we set right to work readying it.
We sent to Omaha for that bathtub.
- Mr. Taylor!
Let me take your bonnet.
I pictured you
as a hard-faced old maid.
But you're just... How could those
Vermont men let you get away?
Have you had supper? - Along the way.
- I'll get you something. - I'm tired.
Just a cup of coffee.
- Please, don't bother.
It's no bother. I always have
something on for the hand.
I'm glad you've come, Ma'am.
Mother gets lonely surrounded by men,
and the nearest white woman
10 miles away. - 10 miles?
But the school children?
Oistance don't mean anything out here.
The kids will ride over.
Sorry we didn't
go to meet you in Medicine Bow.
I was alright.
A very nice... cowboy helped me.
I think his name was Steve. He was
with a man they call the Virginian.
Oh, Steve Andrews. I didn't know
he was back in these parts.
They're great friends.
I know them both very well.
What's his name, the Virginian?
- Why, ah...
That's funny. I couldn't tell you.
There you are.
- Thank you.
Mother, what's the Virginian's name?
- I never heard of any other name.
That's curious.
- Not out here.
You don't ask a man his name out here.
He's Jones if he says that's his name.
You'd make a pile of money if you knew
all their names. - Not the Virginian?
No, no. He's alright.
I'm not saying anything against him.
I should hope not! - Careful,
Mother has a soft spot for him.
I have a soft spot for all cow hands.
You used to be one, didn't you?
You better get some rest. Good night.
- Good night and thank you. - Come on.
Good night.
She's not going to stay.
- I have a feeling she has spunk.
She's certainly mighty pretty.
- What do you know?
I picked you, didn't I?
School Ma'am's here!
School starts Monday in Bear Creek.
School starts at Bear Creek, Monday.
Hey, another teacher's here.
School starts at Bear Creek, Monday.
Man or woman?
- Woman. - Save me a seat.
Teacher's come.
School starts next week.
School, Mom!
- Hush! Come on, Tom, let's go.
In a minute. After I lost over
100 calves, I said this is the end!
We're moving to Montana,
where there's law and order.
We can't have men like you,
Tom, leaving the country.
If you and your family would stay...
- Why promise, Judge Henry?
You have to catch the rustlers first.
Even then, the sheriff won't help.
Then we'll do something ourselves.
- You'll have to.
I wish you'd change your mind, Tom.
- I'd stay and fight if I was single.
Tom, we have to make camp
before dark. - Alright, let's go.
So long, boys.
- Sorry to see you go.
That's the third family this year.
- I know. Who are these rustlers?
I have ideas, but I'm not accusing.
We can only keep our eyes open and act
when we know. Thank you, gentlemen.
It might be a good idea, Sir,
to give the new teacher a welcome.
To show that people
want to make a decent life here.
With a get-together and a speech,
you'd give the teacher a good start.
I thought you cow hands were against
settlers with their vegetable gardens.
Well, they're here.
And I reckon the kids need education.
Is the new teacher male or female?
- Female. But that's not the reason.
It's an excellent idea. We'll have
a barbeque and christen the school.
You might send Trampas an invite.
- Trampas? - Sure. Tell him
to bring his men. - Why Trampas?
He doesn't seem a sociable man to me.
With all of us at the barbeque,
I thought somebody
might rustle a few steers.
You're not suggesting? - Nothing.
But I'd send him an invite. Special.
Maybe I will.
You boys getting prettied up
for the teacher? - Hello, Trampas.
Trampas and his men just rode in.
Howdy, Steve. - Hello, Mr. Taylor.
- Glad to see you back. Trampas?
Just fine, thank you.
- Boys, guns and whiskey don't mix.
If you'll be so kind, I'll take them.
There is whiskey?
- Yeah.
Before I contribute, where is it?
- In the barrel over there.
That's a fair exchange. Coming, Steve?
- You bet!
Hi, Nebraska.
- Why are you trailing him?
He's alright.
What are you sour on him for?
Welcome, folks. - How are you,
Mrs. Taylor? Your party looks great.
Go right on in.
She's right inside.
He reads already.
I taught him myself.
Show her, Christopher.
- "Culver's Baking Powder.
Absolutely pure.
This powder never varies.
Unrivalled in purity,
strength and wholesomeness.
Culver's Baking Powder,
94 Williams Street, New York City. "
That's wonderful, Christopher!
- He can read every can in the house.
This one can't read a darn thing.
- He'll learn at school.
Hear that? If you can't read Monday
evening, I'll beat the tar out of you.
Mrs Jasper drove steady 70 miles
just to meet you. - 70 miles?
It was nothing. I wanted
to welcome you to your new home.
I'm afraid it isn't my home. After
the term, I'm returning to Vermont.
We have a lot of nice boys
who'll see that doesn't happen.
I heard there's one already.
A very handsome one.
Who is it?
- A certain man stood up for her
when something was said
in a saloon in Medicine Bow.
Howdy, Judge. - Hello, Taylor.
- Good to see you, Virginian.
Looks like you got everybody
within 100 miles here. - Yeah, plenty.
A perfect day for rustlers.
- I reckon we can take a chance.
You go ahead. I'll get cleaned up.
- You want me to give her the horse?
Yes. She wouldn't accept it from me.
- I didn't think you were ever afraid.
She certainly needs breaking gentle.
- The horse? - Yes, Sir.
It's no fun in a country
where bulls outnumber cows 100 to 1.
I'm thinking of moving to New York.
- I'll see you there.
You won't get there by nursing cows.
- I'll be flush. You wait and see.
Why wait? There's lots of ways to
make money fast, if you use your head.
Why didn't you wait, Steve?
- It was late, and Trampas came by.
You're not very particular.
I passed by your herd, Trampas.
My compliments on so many calves.
Seems your cows have
whole litters at a time, like a sow.
What should I do about it?
- I'd tell them to get back to nature.
You're talking trouble, my friend.
- Since when was I your friend?
Alright. Have it your way.
- Suits me.
I'm going to wash up. How about it,
Steve? If you can tear yourself away.
Yes, foreman. Be right with you.
He's my boss.
You're letting him get away with that?
- Always keep your temper, Ed.
As my sainted mother used to say:
"One trick at a time. "
Anything on your mind, boss?
Listen. You were away so long,
maybe you don't know the layout.
Trampas is bad company.
- Oon't worry. He's alright.
Times are changing, and you have to
decide who you're lined up with.
You're not reading me scriptures,
Pappy? I'm grown up.
Just giving you a tip-off.
And another thing:
5 will get you 10, I'll take the
new teacher to supper. - No chance!
If I have no chance, double it.
- It's a bet.
I'll be back to collect later.
Hey! Steve, come back!
Virginian, what happened?
- Steve, that double-crossing polecat.
I bet him I could take Miss Wood
to supper, and I'll still do it.
Miss Wood, this is the Virginian.
He's responsible for this celebration.
He is? How thoughtful.
Perhaps you'd help him win his bet.
I haven't sampled that barrel yet.
I was hoping to speak with him alone.
You wanted to talk to me?
I want to know how you got the idea
you have special privileges over me.
Because I made a bet?
- Much earlier.
It seems you appointed yourself
my champion in a barroom quarrel.
Who told you that? - Ooesn't matter.
Everybody knows it, and they think...
I'm able to take care of myself.
You have no proprietary rights to me!
Nobody would think that.
- A lot of people already do.
Oo me a favor,
and keep out of my affairs!
I'm sick of your pranks
and manly protection.
Because I stood up for you? I'd have
done that for an Indian squaw.
Hello, Steve. I was looking for you.
Would you take me to supper?
Sure. I'd be tickled to death.
- Thank you.
You make me feel like a rich man.
- So I understand.
Someday you'll learn.
They just can't resist my charm.
Not that way.
She's at the corral with the judge.
From now on, you don't get a look in.
- 5 will get you 10- I'll take you.
He'll never learn.
Which one is it going to be?
- I can't accept a gift like that.
But you must. Without a horse out here
you're like a fish out of water.
It's so hard to choose.
They're all darlings.
Could I have the pretty yellow one?
Is it good enough for her, Virginian?
- They're all good. - It's yours.
Thank you so much.
Get him out for the lady, Steve.
Oon't hurt him, now.
But he's wild.
- Never been ridden, that's all.
Judge, it's time to start the dance.
- Coming, Miss Wood? - In a minute.
Easy does it.
Get on him, Steve.
Show us how good he rides.
Careful. Oon't hurt him, now.
- If you know so much about it,
why don't you do it? I dare you.
You got a cruel streak in you, Ma'am.
Shall we dance?
Oh, yes.
Say, you learn quick.
- I've never had so much fun.
Can I get you some lemonade?
- Yes, thank you.
Would you like to go outside?
- No, I was just looking.
Oo you suppose the Virginian's back?
- He's half way to Nevada by now.
I'm afraid something's happened.
- He can ride anything with 4 legs.
Miss Molly, we put numbers in a hat
to see who gets you next.
I drew number 1.
- That's fine.
Choose your partners for polka.
- Ma'am?
Please, I feel responsible.
- Alright.
You're a very lucky horse.
You know that?
We just got back.
- Are you alright?
Sure. He's a little tired, though.
I'll take him home and gentle him up.
He'll be eating out of your hand.
I'd better return him to Judge Henry.
He gave him to me. - You do that.
Maybe you'd go riding with me?
- I'm afraid I'll be busy at school.
There's afternoons and Sundays.
I've never ridden Western style.
- I could learn you.
Teach me, not learn me. - Huh?
You teach, I learn.
That's what I said.
I meant grammar. "Teach" is
a transitive verb, taking an object.
"Learn" is an intransitive verb.
- What does it take?
Maybe you'd teach me this waltz.
Sorry, I'm promised for every dance.
- I'll wait till tomorrow. - Tomorrow?
That's when we go riding.
Really, you're impossible!
You take so much for granted.
I don't even know that I like you.
You will, Ma'am.
Just take your time.
What's so funny?
I thought you were woman-broke.
- Quiet down, will ya?
She's got you roped,
hog-tied and branded.
The only difference between you and
that horse is he's got sense to buck.
You like him, don't you?
- I adore him. - You ought to.
The Virginian picks good horse flesh.
- The Virginian?
That's one of the best in his string.
- No. Judge Henry gave him to me.
He did? Well,
strange things do happen.
But the Virginian showed him to me
the day he was born.
What's the matter?
I said I wouldn't ride with him.
I can't think of
a finer man to ride with.
I beat you! - You learn too fast.
I'll be losing my job as teacher.
It's still strange to me,
and a little frightening. It's so big.
I'm used to the cozy green hills
at home. The village street,
and talking to neighbors
over the garden wall.
Stay here long enough, and you won't
want to go back. It'd smother you.
I wonder.
- I tried going back.
On the farm, my brothers were saying
the same things as when I left.
I told my mother what I'd seen here,
and she liked it. Till her death.
For the others, the whole world
was just hogs and turkeys.
I put on my hat and said
I'd look in on them in 50 years
to see if they have any new subjects.
They aren't very ambitious. - You are.
I've had lots of chances
and let them slip. But not anymore.
You're the best chance I ever had.
- Please. I'm not the one for you.
You mean I'm not the right one
for you. But I'm going to change.
I didn't mean that.
- I don't aim to stay here.
I'm going to move west some day,
and do what the judge did here.
Find new land in Utah and Nevada.
Sounds fine.
It wouldn't mean anything to me
unless you were with me.
Oon't, please. - Oon't what?
- Spoil this.
These rides have been perfect.
And I want them to go on so.
I know, but you might as well
ask grain to stay green.
This may be enough for you.
It isn't for me.
If I'm going to go on seeing you...
- You're not.
At least not like this. I can
stay away easier than go on like this.
I won't press you for an answer now.
- Listen.
Oo you hear that?
Sounds like a calf.
Maybe it's hurt. You wait here.
Howdy, Virginian. - Hello, Steve.
- What are you doing out here?
Nothing special.
Oon't burn your fingers.
I'm not doing anything, Pappy.
Just putting Trampas' brand on one of
Judge Henry's calves. - It's a stray.
Sure. Following a Box-H cow.
- That's funny. I didn't see her.
Guess my eyes are getting bad.
- Listen, Steve,
we've done a lot of loco things,
but we've never stolen.
So what's a few calves to the judge?
- I'm not sore at you,
but the ranchers are sick of
rustlers trimming down their herds.
They'll send out posses with ropes.
Not for me. I've got a rope
I've been limbering up for years.
I'm talking straight, Steve.
I'm responsible for these cows.
You take life too serious, Virginian.
You'll have to choose: Quit it or take
the consequences. I won't cover you.
Alright. If that's the way you feel,
I'll make it the hard way.
You'd put me in a tough spot
if you didn't. - Can I keep my job?
See you later.
- You bet.
What was it? - Calf.
- Was it hurt? - Just lost its mother.
Let's go back another way.
I'll take him.
- Thank you.
There's a letter for you from Vermont.
- It's just family. - Not this one.
It's from Samuel Bennett,
Elm Street, Bennington, Vermont.
Bennett? Isn't that the dude back East
that wanted to marry you? - Oude?
Sam's a very nice boy.
I guess I'll have to say goodbye.
- Goodbye?
I won't see you for quite a while.
We'll be rounding up cattle.
I'll be busy, but at least
it'll keep me from worrying about you.
You think it over.
Next time, give me your answer.
I'll try to tell you when I'm coming.
More likely I'll just show up.
The Virginian's rounding
the south side, Steve's in the north.
Take this blanket, but don't snap it
till they meet on the other side.
They'll stampede at the least sound.
We want to be ready first.
Seen anything prowling around?
- No.
Restless. Can't bed them down tonight.
- Maybe a storm's coming up. - Maybe.
When that herd starts,
there's only one way to stop it.
They'll try to get up front and
turn them. You get in behind, fast.
Cut out as many as you can,
and run them up the ravine.
Ought to get 300 at least.
Get in front and strangle 'em!
Get going!
Cut 'em off!
This has got to stop. They might have
stolen only a hundred cattle,
but we're afraid Steve was lost.
- That's tough, Virginian.
I'd do anything,
but I've got nothing to go on.
Somebody popped a blanket at them.
- Oid anyone see them pop it?
No. - Looks like your boys
fell asleep and some cattle got away.
If I go chasing after every cow
that was lost, I'd never get through.
I'm sorry, Judge.
I'd be glad to act when you
get some proof. Until then, sorry.
I've always been
a faithful servant of the law.
But I'm through backing a sheriff
who refuses to enforce it.
He's been letting cattle thieves go
for 2 years. We got to do something.
I suggest the Virginian head a posse
to run them down. - I'm not sure, sir.
You know this country best.
If we don't make an example of them,
we'll never have peace. Will you go?
Alright, Sir.
Better than herding cattle, isn't it?
- I'm still herding, aren't I?
Oo you think we're sitting
in a New York hotel? - We will be.
Just get these across the line.
200 steers at 50 dollars a head.
- 10,000 dollars.
Not bad, for 3 days' work.
- 1,500 apiece. - Not quite.
You forgot the sheriff.
- What's he done?
Absolutely nothing.
That's worth a slice, isn't it?
Those rocks run for miles.
Anybody following sure will cuss you.
That's what I want.
They'll have to ride plenty to find
tracks. - They'll ride more than that.
We're not taking them across here.
- But this trail is perfect. - Sure.
But we'll take a bath instead.
Get them in the river.
Swim them down to Boulder Creek.
Make sure
they don't leave tracks on the bank.
Not that anyone
will be looking downstream,
but as my sainted mother used to say:
"Always cover your bet. "
Any sign of Steve?
- Boys are still looking for him.
I was in a cattle-run once. They
mowed over a fellow's body all night.
But they found him?
- Yeah.
Never find any tracks there.
- They would take them that way.
We're going to lose a lot of time,
but we have to circle these rocks
till we find the tracks coming out.
Hey, Nebraska. Come here.
Trampas wouldn't take them this way.
It would take him too far north.
That's why he'd do it: Because
we don't expect it. - He's too greedy.
He wouldn't drive them 140 miles
and lose weight. He'd sell 'em fat.
He'd take them south.
- Smart figuring. - There's no tracks.
What if he swam them downstream?
- That's crazy. - It's possible.
That's it. Come on.
Hold it.
See that smoke?
- Yeah.
Come on.
We don't want a fire. - But it's cold.
- Somebody might see you.
Here, quit worrying.
- We should push on.
You want to wear the cattle out.
I'll take a look at our bank account.
- I'll find a soft rock to sleep on.
We're not sleeping till we get rid
of those cows. - Forget it, Shorty.
I can see myself on Broadway,
and all the girls following me.
They say city women go crazy
when they hear the sound of spurs.
Just like catnip to a kitten.
Pretty sure of themselves.
Spread out.
Half of you go around the other side.
That moon's awful bright.
- Shut up. And stop frowning.
Play something cheerful.
Not so loud.
Orop 'em!
What do we do?
- Every man for himself.
Get their guns, Baldy.
Where's Trampas and the rest?
Who do you mean?
We are on a hunting trip.
So are we. Tie 'em up.
Hold it there.
The next one counts.
You always could shoot.
- I hoped I wouldn't find you here.
I know. You said
a posse would be out. But don't worry.
I'll dust out of here fast.
You'll let me go, won't you?
I told you to choose, Steve.
The cattle are in the ravine.
Whoever was on lookout ducked.
Hiya, boys.
Haven't seen you since the stampede.
I caught him in the riverbed.
Tie him up?
Thoughtful of you,
building us a fire.
We smelled it halfway across Wyoming.
- I told him. - Told who?
Told me.
Alright, I shouldn't have lit a fire.
You always were a rotten liar, Steve.
Where'd Trampas go?
There's only us four.
I wouldn't lie to you.
Only the four?
You were drinking coffee from 2 cups?
Get the ropes off their saddles.
Take them to the cabin. Maybe
we'll catch the others by sunup.
Hope somebody's got a deck of cards.
What's worrying you?
- I'm getting a cold. - Shut the door.
Oon't get nervous. You only die once.
- And what's life anyways?
A few winters, waiting for spring.
A few summers, wishing they'd last.
A few bottles of whiskey.
Half a dozen girls you can remember.
Then you're six feet underground
and that's it. Now's as good as later.
No sign of 'em. They got away.
- It'd take an owl to see out there.
I told you there wasn't more of us.
Let's get this over with. - Wait.
You owe me a dollar and a half.
- I'll pay you tomorrow.
Come on.
I'll be glad when this is over.
- It won't be over for me.
I'm heading for the Teton Range.
Only one man is responsible: Trampas.
If we could be sure it was him.
- It's sure enough for me.
Just a minute, Baldy.
I want you to have this money.
Oon't worry, I didn't steal it.
Honey, your old saddle
never was any good.
You'd better take mine.
- Thanks.
I'd like you to have this watch.
It's worth 4 dollars in any saloon.
Thanks, Steve.
Got a pencil?
You've got my gun.
Keep it with this.
Give it to him, later.
We're ready. Bring the horses.
Oon't worry, Shorty.
It's the best cure for a cold.
Oo you want to say anything?
All set?
Steve said I should give this to you.
- Thanks, Nebraska. - Good luck.
"So long, I couldn't have spoken
without playing the crybaby. "
He's alive,
but he's got a bullet in his back.
Mother will take care of him.
She's an old hand at these things.
There isn't anything you can do.
We have to wait till the doctor comes.
His fever seems to be down a little.
- Quit worrying. He'll be just fine.
You'll need a doctor yourself if
you don't rest. - I'm not a bit tired.
Nobody can do two things at once
without getting worn out, except me.
Run along, recess is almost over.
- Yes, I'd better.
Hello, boys. - Hello, Miss Molly.
- I hear the patient's better. - Yes.
Wonderful of you to come over.
- We're sort of interested ourselves.
What about Steve? He's a good friend,
and he hasn't visited. Ooes he know?
He ain't with the Box-H outfit now.
- Yeah, he left some time ago.
If you see him, will you tell him?
And tell him he left his gun here.
I sure will, Ma'am, if I see him.
- Thank you.
Let me go.
- Come on.
I don't want to be a prisoner.
Let me go. - Are you a scaredy-cat?
What are you afraid of?
I ain't afraid of anything.
- Children, what are you doing?
We're the posse.
He's a rustler and we're lynching him.
You might hurt yourselves.
- He said he would.
He said he'd be Steve. - Steve
wasn't afraid when they strung him up.
Steve, strung up? - He didn't cry.
- You don't know what you're saying.
They caught him stealing cattle.
The Virginian had to string him up.
You mean they hanged him?
- Sure.
Is it true?
- Is what true?
That Steve was hanged?
- Who had to tell you that?
Then it is true.
- Since you already know, yes.
Oid he do it? - Somebody had to.
He was in charge. It had to be done.
If we don't put the fear of God
into law-breakers, you couldn't teach,
you could ride, or leave the cabin.
Our lives wouldn't be worth anything.
It's horrible.
- Steve knew what he was doing.
He knew the law out here
and he took his chance.
No reason to feel sorry for Steve.
Feel sorry for him, in there.
He's hurt because of lawlessness.
He did what he had to: His duty.
- His duty to lynch a man?
It wasn't lynching. When you lynch
a man, you take him out of jail,
out of the rightful hands of the law.
Here we have no police, no courts,
no jails.
We have to do things our own way.
It's downright murder. - You respect
the judge. He sent the Virginian.
And he wasn't alone. All decent,
upstanding men, doing what was right.
I suppose out here you become hard,
and lose all sense of decency.
It's our law. The only kind we've got,
and I'm grateful for it.
We're building a country out here,
and there's no place for weaklings.
If that's how you feel,
you better go. You don't belong here.
I will. I'll get out as fast as I can.
- I certainly guessed you wrong.
I thought you had spunk.
When I was your age,
I drove an ox team
1,000 miles to get here.
I shot Comanches, with my father
lying dead across my knees.
My family built a country too.
They worked and died as bravely
as you westerners. Indians!
You think only you fought Indians.
Heard of the Cherry Valley Massacre?
My grandfather was killed in it,
and my grandmother
went 90 miles on foot to get help.
You're proud of them? - Of course.
- Too bad you're not more like them.
I could do everything you did,
but I have a sense of right and wrong.
The boys are stopping the stage coach.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry for how I talked yesterday.
- It's alright.
You've been like a daughter.
Going and coming in the house.
I got impatient,
like you really belonged to me.
I wish you'd change your mind.
- It's best this way.
Oid you tell him I was going?
- Not yet.
I said you were worn out nursing him,
and the doctor ordered you to bed.
Hi, Andy.
- Hi, Taylor.
Someone leaving?
- Yep. Miss Molly. - Oh.
You're not really going?
Yes, I am.
We need you bad here.
Well, goodbye, Miss Molly.
- Goodbye. Goodbye, Mrs Taylor.
Will you ride up here?
Why, certainly.
Thank you for giving me a home.
What's the matter?
You don't want to go, Miss Molly.
- Why not? - You're in love.
I most certainly am not.
And I'm going home.
You know,
in this country, once in a while
you run into a mule that's so stubborn
he don't know what's good for him.
He won't eat, won't drink.
Just to be ornery,
he'd stand in one place and starve.
The only way to make him move
is to build a fire under him.
Oh, Andy.
That's better. You could run away,
but you wouldn't be happy.
He needs you now, mighty bad.
You go on back to him.
You don't need to build a fire.
Of course not.
Teacher weds cowpoke tomorrow.
Virginian up and around after
close shave from rustler's bullet.
Nursed by future bride.
Your foreman get here yet?
- You don't see him, do ya?
I thought he might be hiding.
- He don't hide, Trampas.
When he does show up, tell him
I want to see him. I'll be in here.
This would have to happen today.
Will the boys come into town tomorrow?
- They're there already.
You think we're getting married
the right way? No fuss? - Of course.
You've left out your mother.
- She couldn't come out here.
We could go to her.
We could take the train tonight.
No, our new life
has nothing to do with them back East.
Someday we'll go. Not now.
Tomorrow we'll be in the mountains.
There's an island between two streams.
Cool, with the smell of pines.
I've camped there lots of times.
I hope you like it.
- I'm sure I will.
Thought you'd never get here.
- Welcome. The bride sure is pretty.
Looks more like you're
going on a trip than getting married.
Ma'am, can we borrow him?
- Can I trust you to return him?
We'll be good. - Well, pretty good.
- Whom can I believe? - Neither.
I'll change my clothes.
- I wouldn't change them.
Oon't run off with my bag.
- See you in a minute.
You're sure you don't mind if I go?
- Of course not. - I won't be long.
I'll be busy with the dressmaker.
- I'll wait to see your wedding dress.
Not until the ceremony.
It's bad luck.
Then I'll go quick.
I'm not taking any chances.
Go on, the boys are waiting.
What is it?
- Trampas. He's in there.
He wants trouble.
He's drinking and talking plenty.
Let's have a drink.
Across the street.
My last drink with you single.
- Here's to luck.
Someday, maybe I'll step out too.
There's a friend of yours in town.
- Oid he mention he was my friend?
Well, he said a lot of things.
- Forget it. - I always do.
Give us another drink.
He said he'd be back,
if you're interested. - We ain't.
We'll take this off your hands.
- All of us. - No thanks, boys.
Just say the word.
- It's a matter between the two of us.
And I hope he don't drift around.
- You got to think of her.
Who else would I be thinking of?
I'm acting mayor. I could lock him up
till after you're married.
I'm sick of this monkeying around.
You there.
You've been saying
I'm the boss of the rustlers you hung.
Now, tell me.
- No fighting here. - Shut up.
You heard.
I don't want trouble with you now.
No, you've been dodging for years.
You won't do it any longer.
Are you sure you mean that?
Oon't bluff. I'm calling your hand.
- What have you got?
That you're a lying skunk. The country
isn't big enough for both of us.
You've got till sundown to get out.
Too bad you said that, Trampas.
Get out!
Get out by sundown,
or I'll shoot you on sight.
I guess it had to come. - We'll see
that his men don't help him. - Thanks.
The sun will be down
in less than half an hour.
Oo it quick and right. I want to
enjoy the wedding. - Are you worried?
Who, me?
Oon't tell her till it's over.
She wouldn't understand.
Open the door!
It's been awful waiting for you.
I wanted to find you. They told me.
I'm sorry they did.
- Never mind, I've got you now.
I wish you didn't have to wait alone,
but it won't be long.
I gave him a chance
to change his mind, twice.
But he stood to it. He knows
he went too far to go back on it.
He'll have to go to the finish now.
- The finish? You're not going to...
I won't let him shoot me.
But you're not staying here,
now that I know. We can get away.
I have to stay, Molly.
- But why, when there's a choice?
He did the choosing, not me.
If people thought I was a coward...
No one will think you're a coward.
It's just pride, your idea of honor.
It's childish, ridiculous.
If I ran away, I could never
look my friends square in the eye.
Or you, either.
Can't you see how it is?
- No. Perhaps I should, but I can't.
I kept saying to myself, "Hanging
those cattle thieves was his duty. "
But you don't have to do this. When
I think of tomorrow... - Listen. - No.
If you do this, there won't be
a tomorrow. I won't come back again.
Can you look at me and say that?
Can you?
Oon't do this.
For my sake. Please.
I haven't any choice.
I'll go to the post office.
- You haven't finished your drink.
Got him.
Cold as a canned mackerel.
Oarling, you're safe.
It wasn't you.