The Walking Dead (1936)

Order in the court.
This court will recess for 15 minutes.
That Martin's as good as acquitted.
That judge wants to watch his step
of the Loder crowd.
They're bad babies to play with.
Hey, lady, I bet you 5-to-2
that Judge Shaw lets Martin go.
- Scram.
- Oh, wait a minute.
Aw, skip it.
I'll bet you 10-to-1
that Judge Shaw lets Martin go free.
- Make it 100-to-1 and I'll take it.
- Oh, professional guy, huh?
Boy, this is a fine thing.
Here's a guy who walks into City Treasury,
grabs himself 350,000 bucks...
...and there isn't a judge in town
to give him the rap he deserves.
- What are you nervous about, Martin?
- I'm not nervous.
What's that on your forehead, dew?
If it were any other judge,
I wouldn't be worrying.
- I'm not worrying.
- Well, you're not on trial.
Stop looking guilty.
No judge will send you up,
not even Shaw.
Yes, you can set up an acquittal headline,
and if it isn't used, I'll pay for it.
Rewrite it, sweetheart. This is a feature.
I'll give you the lead as soon as
Judge Shaw comes out of conference.
Roger, you can't go through with this.
There was another telephone call
a half hour ago.
A man said if you convict Martin,
that they'II...
Roger, I'm afraid.
I've been threatened time and again.
It's the oldest trick in the world.
But don't you see,
I've got to do my duty.
Isn't your duty to your children and to me
just as important as your duty to the state?
Roger, I'm afraid.
I wish I was as sure as you are.
What's he calling recess for?
- Oh, stop being a fool.
- What's the matter with you?
He's got the jitters.
You'd think he was on trial.
- Yeah, he's the sensitive type.
- Well, I'm not at all sure.
- Well, you will be.
- Say, I'll bet you...
- I didn't know it was you, boss. I'm sorry.
- Well, what's your bet?
Bet you 10-to-1 Judge Shaw gives Martin
the keys to the city.
If you need money that bad,
I'll take you for 50.
- Fifty?
- Yes, 50-to-500. You made a bet, kid.
Order in the court.
This honorable court is now in session.
Dinner at my house at 8.
We'll celebrate.
The defendant stand up.
Stephen Martin,
this court finds you guilty.
Guilty of the charge of diverting
public funds from the City Treasury...
...and the misappropriation of said funds
as mentioned in the indictment.
It's the judgment of this court...
...that you be imprisoned in the penitentiary
for a period of 10 years.
And furthermore, this court recommends
that no application for parole be considered.
I can only add
that it's the public's misfortune...
...that the law under which you were
convicted doesn't carry a heavier penalty.
The court's adjourned.
This court's adjourned.
And I thought I bet on a sure thing.
Heh, a straight shot and I missed it.
You always miss the straight ones, Nolan.
Your play, Loder.
This isn't the sort of celebration
I had planned for poor Martin.
Don't waste too much sympathy
on Martin.
The only thing that's good about him,
he can keep his mouth shut.
Sentenced to 10 years
in the State Penitentiary.
- It's a long time.
- What are you jumpy about?
Look here, we've gotta do something.
Even if he keeps quiet,
we're still mixed up.
Judge Shaw and his DA are on the warpath.
He'll get us all.
Relax, Merritt, relax.
The DA and his office doesn't worry us.
I'll agree that Judge Shaw
is a serious menace to our organization...
...but Mr. Loder and I
have, uh, decided to give him attention.
I don't get you.
Why do you think we're playing pool
with young Trigger?
Yeah, come on, Trigger, take a shot.
Dig for your dimes, boys.
- This is where I do my stuff.
- What do you mean?
Figure it out.
Take a look at this shot.
Nice shot, Trigger.
Now, if you can just drop
Judge Shaw that easy.
What? You're not going to murder him.
- You get it.
- We can't do that.
Sure we can. I never miss.
That's a pay ball, gentlemen.
Dime, please.
- It will be easy for the DA to trace it to us.
- I can assure you it won't.
Murder, as Trigger will tell you,
is a very fine art.
- Covering up afterwards is even finer.
- Shaw is a hero right now.
The public is never going to stand
for another unsolved murder.
- They'll demand...
- Quite right.
They'll demand a solution and a closed case
and we'll give it to them.
I have a splendid solution.
John Ellman, fresh out of prison,
sent there by Judge Shaw.
- Are you sure it'll work out all right?
- Positive.
I'll make it doubly sure by personally
defending him for Shaw's murder.
- Make the best speech of my career.
- And lose the case.
What name shall I communicate
to Mr. Loder?
Tell him, uh...
Tell him it's something personal.
- Very well, I'll tell Mr. Loder.
- Thank you.
But I do not think
he will look up on you.
Excuse me, sir.
A nameless person to see you, sir.
- Shall I inform him to remove himself?
- No. Tell him to wait.
Thank you, sir.
Trigger, time you got going.
- Skip out the back way.
- Okay.
- Why are you bringing him here?
- He thinks I'm gonna help him.
He'll be a cinch for the job
that Trigger's got for him.
- I'm Loder, did you wanna see me?
- Yes, sir.
My name is John Ellman.
A man told me to come and see you.
He said you're always ready
to help a fellow.
Ellman, eh? Oh, yeah, I remember.
Judge Shaw sent you up
for second-degree murder.
Yes, for 10 years.
- Some woman in the case, wasn't there?
- It was my wife.
- I struck a man, I didn't mean to kill him.
- Sure, sure.
- Well, what can I do for you?
- I want a job, Mr. Loder.
I'm a musician, and a good one too.
Look, I'Il... I'll show you.
That's fine.
I said, that's fine. Cut it out.
Why, you don't look like
you could hold a job if you got one.
You ought to go away somewhere,
get a fresh start.
I know, but I haven't any money.
- If you could lend me some?...
- You guys are all alike.
I can pay it back
just as soon as I get a job.
- Sure, that's what they all say.
- But they said you'd help me.
Sako, get him out of here.
This way.
Got a light, buddy?
Hmm. Thanks very much.
Kind of tough running out of matches.
Say, I remember your face.
Name's on the tip of my tongue.
Aren't you John Ellman,
the fellow they railroaded to prison?
Wait a minute, buddy.
I knew I'd seen you someplace before.
John Ellman. Huh.
- How are things going for you?
- Not so good.
It's tough going after a stretch, isn't it?
How long you been out?
- Two weeks.
- Say, you look kind of cold.
How about coffee to warm you up, huh?
- Sure.
- Draw two, Mike.
Yes, sir, two cups of coffee.
That's right.
If you're having tough luck,
I may be able to help you out.
That's very kind of you.
- Could you use a good job?
- Well, what sort of a job?
Oh, it's on the up-and-up.
Sort of detective work.
I need a man to watch the house
of Judge Roger Shaw.
Judge Shaw?
- Why, he's the man who sent me to prison.
- He did?
- Well, ha, ha, isn't this a small world?
- Well, just what would I have to do?
He's been playing around a little
and his wife wants some evidence.
- I've got to get a man to watch his house.
- Oh, I don't think I could do that.
All you've got to do is watch his house.
Take notes as to when he arrives,
and when he leaves.
Now, there's nothing wrong in that,
is there?
- Well, no, I guess not.
- That's the stuff.
Imagine, Dr. Beaumont keeping this heart
pumping for over two weeks.
I wish he'd do something
about making your heart pump.
Don't be funny.
Jimmy, how many more years of payments
before this ring is really ours?
- Only a few. Is this sterilized?
- Yes. Only a few?
At the rate you're going,
it will probably be 20.
It may not be more that 18.
Oh, ha, ha, Jimmy.
- Are we going out tonight?
- Yes, if I can get away.
He can't keep you.
He's lecturing at the institute.
Tell him you're taking me out.
There he is now.
- Do you love me?
- Yes, of course. Why?
Why don't you say so sometimes?
That's saying it.
- Here's the solution, doctor.
- Huh?
Oh, thank you.
Pretty girl, Nancy.
Very pretty.
- Thinking of getting married?
- Why, yes, we'd like to.
You're not making much money.
That doesn't matter.
We both like working for you.
- We get along.
- Hmm.
Well, in a few years,
you'll be doing big things, Jimmy.
You have a natural feeling
for this work...
...but it will demand all of your time
and thought.
I'm afraid marriage
will interfere with your progress.
Do you think you can postpone it?
We're pretty much used to waiting
by now.
You're supposed to be
at the institute at 8, doctor.
Your lecture.
Oh, ah, yes, yes, yes. Thank you.
Well, how about it, Jimmy?
Do you think you can wait?
- I'm afraid I'll have to, doctor.
- Well, if you do...'re a bigger fool
than I thought you were. Good night.
- Hey!
- Jimmy, are you hurt?
Uh, they smacked the left side of the car.
I'm gonna get that guy.
Bust my fenders. They can't get away
with that hit-and-run stuff.
- Not so fast, Jimmy.
- Oh, it's just my luck.
My insurance ran out yesterday.
Wait. Look.
- Did you get their license number?
- No, they were too far ahead.
Oh, Jimmy, let's go. I'm afraid.
Looks like somebody's been taken
for a ride.
Jimmy, we don't wanna get mixed up
in a thing like this.
Oh, Jimmy.
Listen, you two,
you haven't heard or seen a thing.
Keep your trap shut, understand?
Now beat it.
"Judge Shaw. " Holy smoke!
- It's a lie, a lie. I tell you, I didn't do it.
- Order in the court. Order.
Don't worry.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
these facts cannot be denied.
The accused rented the car.
Night after night, he was seen skulking
around the deceased's home.
Ten years ago, Judge Roger Shaw
did his duty as he saw it...
...and sentenced this man to prison
for an offense...
...the details of which,
out of fairness to the accused...
...I shall not relate.
Today, this man takes vengeance
into his own hands and kills.
If you acquit him,
you jeopardize our entire social life...
...our entire legal system.
Morally, you can not acquit.
Morally and legally, you must convict.
The defense's only alibi...
...of a man and woman who could
step forward, by waving a magic wand...
...absolve the accused of all guilt,
is so fantastic...
...that I shall not presume
upon your valuable time by refuting it.
ladies and gentlemen of the jury...
...the state asks that you find John Ellman
guilty of murder in the first degree.
The state rests.
I can't stand it. I tell you, I can't stand it.
We can't be quiet about this.
- We've got to tell.
- Jimmy, please? Let's get out of here.
Come. Come. Pardon me.
- Hey, buddy?
- Yeah?
- I'll bet you 2-to-1 he's acquitted.
- You're on.
It's a bet, and if I don't win this time...
...I'm gonna go back on relief.
- Yeah.
- This is no ordinary murder trial.
- I don't care.
You can't get mixed up in a thing like this.
It'll ruin your career.
Why, they won't stop with threats.
They'll kill you.
Jim, I love you too much.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury...
...the greatest fault my client possesses
is his firm belief in his fellow men.
He believes, even now...
...that the young couple who have
the power to free him will step forward.
We admit the sedan.
We admit the fingerprints
on the steering wheel.
We admit the prisoner's record.
We even admit that the notes in this book
were written by the defendant.
In fact, we deny nothing but the charge.
Order in the court.
I thought Nolan was defending this bird.
He's pushing the electric chair
right under him.
We only ask you to try,
ladies and gentlemen...
...try and realize that
an unjustly accused man sits in this court.
Sits waiting, not in vain, I pray,
for the young couple to step forward...
...and say the words
that will definitely establish his innocence.
Never mind, son.
Is that you, warden? Is there any news?
Is there any news, warden?
Tell me, tell me, please.
Am I pardoned?
The governor refuses to intervene.
But those two witnesses.
They know I didn't do it.
Why can't they find them?
Why don't they speak?
They have done everything
that can possibly be done.
Let me ask you this, Ellman.
Do you suspect anyone of framing you?
Who'd want to frame me?
Have you any enemies,
anyone who might feel, uh?
No. I have no enemies.
We always come back to this point,
then, Ellman. It seems inevitable.
But you can't kill me
for something that I didn't do.
You can't, I tell you, you can't.
I don't want to die. I want to live.
Well, Ellman, it's within my power
to grant any last request you care to make.
You take away my life
and offer me a favor in return.
That's what I call a bargain.
Anything you want, within reason.
Anything I want.
I'll give you something easy, warden.
I'd like music.
Have you anyone here
who can play a violin or a cello?
I'd like him to play my favorite piece
as I walk out there.
It'll make it easier.
Is that such a strange request, warden?
I always think of heaven like that.
We were the witnesses that night.
He had nothing to do with the murder.
- How do you know?
- We saw two men drag the body...
...into Ellman's car.
He didn't kill Judge Shaw.
- That's very strange.
- Doctor, you've got to do something.
- You keep looking at your watch. Date?
- Oh, lay off, Nolan.
You know what's the matter.
- I won't feel safe until the man's dead.
- Oh, forget it.
There's a Dr. Beaumont
insists on talking to you, sir.
- Dr. Beaumont?
- Yes, sir.
Hello, doctor?
Why, I'd be glad to see you.
John Ellman?
What is this, Nolan, a rib?
- Yes?
- I called you as Ellman's attorney.
I tell you,
I have those two witnesses here.
They can absolutely prove
Ellman's innocence.
Oh, Nolan, there isn't a minute to lose.
You must get in touch with the governor.
I can't get in touch
with the governor direct.
I'll have to work
through the DA's office. Yes.
You hold the witnesses there
until I get the DA over.
I'll bring him over
if it's humanly possible.
- Yes. All right, doctor. Goodbye.
- What is it? What's happened?
- Those two kids have shown up and talked.
- I knew it.
- I thought you knew the art of covering up.
- What are we gonna do?
- I don't like to be hurried.
- We can't ignore this. It's too dangerous.
At the right time, I'll get in touch
with Werner. Then it'll be too late.
In the meantime,
let's finish our supper, hmm?
- Step on it. Can't you drive any faster?
- I'm doing the best I can, boss.
I'll bet you 2-to-1
that I'll beat this next stop sign.
- Is the man crazy?
- Traffic light.
Don't stop, fool. There's no traffic.
Even if there was, this is no time to stop.
- You tell me to respect the law, and now...
- Shut up and get going.
They should've been here an hour ago.
Nancy, please.
I don't like the looks
of this whole business.
If these two witnesses
turn out to be phonies, I warn you...
Can't you forget for once
that you're a prosecuting attorney?
It's an innocent man's life at stake.
Ain't you ever gonna get that box tuned?
I still got half an hour.
The man who asked for this is a musician.
It's gotta be done right.
- Okay, I'll tell you when it's time.
- You no have to tell me. I'll know.
- Ah.
- How do you do?
How do you do?
- This is Mr. Werner.
- How do you do?
- These are the witnesses.
How do you do?
May I ask you a few questions?
No, they haven't time for their story.
It's five minutes to 12.
Get the governor, will you? Hurry.
I tried it, but he wouldn't talk to me.
Long distance. Quickly.
It's time, Ellman.
This is District Attorney Werner.
Get me the executive mansion at once.
It's a matter of life and death.
I'll be seeing you.
Keep your chin up.
Show them you can take it, pal.
He'll believe me.
The best pitcher we got on our team
goes out on parole tomorrow.
- Tough luck losing a good man.
- What are you worrying about?
Carr Smith the shortstop's
coming in here pretty soon.
- He's swell. He'd make our team.
- Well, he's due in about a week.
Got himself in a jam.
He's gonna be here about five years.
Hmm, that's good news.
Warden's office.
Yes, sir.
It's... It's too late, governor.
They just gave him the first jolt.
I'll try. Yes, sir.
Werner speaking.
Ellman is dead.
Werner, get the governor back.
- Tell him to call off the autopsy.
- Why?
Never mind why. Don't ask questions,
there's no time to lose. Call him.
Raise the BP three degrees.
Jimmy, it's impossible.
He was electrocuted.
Increase the oxygen.
If Dr. Beaumont doesn't succeed,
I'll never forgive myself.
Steady, Nancy.
Keep that Lindbergh heart pulsating, Nancy.
See that it doesn't stop.
Prepare the respirator.
He's alive.
He will live.
This concludes America's part
in the great international broadcast... honor of the modern miracle
performed by Dr. Evan Beaumont.
All right, England. Take it away.
And we of the medical and scientific fields
in England pay respect to Dr. Beaumont...
...for the most incredible achievement
in the history of medical science.
Now, please, try to remember.
Don't you know your name?
- Uh, name.
- Yes, ye...
Well, do you remember
that I brought you back to life?
- Life.
- Yes.
You were in another world.
Do you recall anything of that world
before you came back?
I don't know.
Oh, but try to understand.
Please, you must.
This is District Attorney Werner,
the man who sent you to the electric chair.
- Chair.
- Yes.
Look at me, Ellman.
Don't you remember me?
I prosecuted you in court.
Do you feel that I'm your enemy?
He sent you to the electric chair for the
murder of Judge Shaw. You remember that?
Can't you remember anything
that happened before you died?
You see, except for this blood clot,
Ellman is apparently sound.
- Is that why he doesn't remember?
- I believe so.
Well, why don't you operate?
Too great a risk. Ellman isn't normal.
Werner, there are times when I feel
that man knows everything.
Doctor, when he looked at me...
...and denied me as an enemy,
I felt that too.
- Did you?
- It's uncanny.
- Hmm.
- How do you account for it?
I can't yet.
All I know is that for a short time,
the spirit of life left his body.
Now, what happened
during that transition?
What effect did the experience of death
have on his subconscious mind?
- Can he remember?
- Well, that's rather a large order, doctor...
...and I'm afraid a bit beyond
the province of law.
And beyond the province of science too.
But it's a challenge.
And somewhere,
I feel we'll find the key to all this.
If you do, I hope you let me know.
Why, John, you shouldn't have left your...
Oh, please, let me help you...
- Hello, Dr. Beaumont.
- Hello.
I want you to know that the state
has appointed me Ellman's guardian.
- And they've awarded him $500,000.
- Well, that's a fortune.
Though I doubt if any suffering
can be measured in dollars.
A half a million?
At that rate, I'd be willing
to die a little bit myself, ha, ha.
Well, you've worked very hard
for him, Mr. Nolan.
And although he can't express it,
I know that he's very grateful to you.
- Dr. Beaumont.
- Yes.
Ellman. Come quickly, please.
Get out.
- Get out.
- What is it, John? What's the matter?
- Get out.
- The man's insane.
I think you better wait in my office.
You're disturbing him.
Very well.
John, what is the matter?
Mr. Nolan's done everything he could.
Because of his efforts, the state's
awarding you half a million dollars.
He's the best friend you have.
No, he's my enemy.
Why do you say that?
Why do you say Nolan is your enemy?
Tell me.
- I don't know.
- But...
Doctor, a little later, please.
Yes. Take him to his room.
Is he all right?
I wonder what made him act in that way
towards you, Mr. Nolan.
I don't know. You're a doctor.
Maybe you can figure it out.
I wish I could.
He seems to be driven
by strange impulses.
As if he were the instrument
of some supernatural power.
Or why should he show this hatred
towards Nolan...
...who is his friend?
You know, doctor,
I don't believe Nolan ever was his friend.
But he defended him.
The state even appointed him
Ellman's guardian.
It's the work of racketeers who have
everything in the city under their control.
- And Nolan is the brains of that group.
- No.
I'm convinced they framed Ellman
for the killing of Judge Shaw.
You threw a wrench into their machinery
when you brought him back.
Well, I haven't the slightest doubt...
...that even though before death
Ellman knew nothing...
...he knows something now.
If he does, he knows things
of great importance to me.
Hmm. Do you know
the rest of these racketeers?
Oh, yes, very well.
Socially and professionally.
Werner, I'm going to invite
my board of trustees...
...and some distinguished doctors
and scientists to meet Ellman.
I'd like to try something,
and I want your help.
What have you in mind, doctor?
Well, if Ellman shows antagonism
towards Nolan, without apparent cause...
...would he react in the same way to?...
Mr. Merritt.
How do you do?
- Mr. Blackstone.
- Glad to know you, doctor.
Mr. Loder.
How are you?
Mr. Nolan you know.
Of course.
- Glad you could come.
- Thank you.
- I hope we're not late.
You're just in time.
That's just fine.
We hate to miss anything.
I hope you won't.
My secretary will show you where to sit.
- This way.
- Thank you.
Not at all. Delighted. Only too happy.
Here you are, Mr. Nolan.
And you sit here, Mr. Blackstone.
And you sit here, gentlemen.
I still don't see
why we had to come here.
Good thing we had drinks
before we got here.
He certainly has devoted the last 20 years
to his experiments.
He really deserves success.
Jimmy, thank you for the flowers.
They're lovely.
- That's all right.
- Well, you don't seem very cheerful tonight.
- I'm worried about you.
- Why?
You've been working so hard on this case
that we'll have to take care of you soon.
Jimmy, don't you understand?
I feel I must do everything
I possibly can for him.
You're wearing yourself down.
You can't go on like this.
This means everything in the world
to Dr. Beaumont.
- It should mean everything to us.
- It should, but Dr. Beaumont is changed.
He's forgotten everything
we started out to do.
All he thinks of is trying to find out
what Ellman experienced while dead.
- Trying to put his soul under a microscope.
- Beaumont is doing what he thinks is best.
But in the meantime,
we're growing apart.
We don't seem to belong
to each other anymore.
Every time I try to see you,
it's always Ellman, Ellman, Ellman.
- That man seems to have you hypnotized.
- You shouldn't say that.
I'll say what I please
when it concerns us.
If Dr. Beaumont doesn't
come back to earth soon...
...I'm gonna get a self-respecting job
on the back of an ambulance.
Oh, Dr. Beaumont is ready for us, John.
- Hello, Jimmy.
- Hello, John.
I'll see you later, Jimmy.
I'll be waiting inside. There.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
I would like you to meet Mr. Ellman.
But rather than embarrass him... putting him on exhibition
as the man who returned from the dead...
...I prefer to present him to you
as a pianist...
...if that will meet with your approval.
Thank you.
All right, Nancy.
I can't stand that man's eyes.
He looked as though he were
strapping me to a hot seat.
- He got me that way too.
- Listen...
...I won't feel safe till he's sent back
where he came from.
Get hold of Trigger.
What's the matter? Go on back in there.
- I'm not going back.
- Neither am I.
- I'm gonna put Trigger on that ghost.
- What you wanna do, gum up the works?
With the eyes of the world on Ellman?
Fat chance.
We gotta do something.
This is one of Werner's tricks.
He's gonna get all of us.
That's a lot of baloney.
Do you think for a minute that?...
Don't you appreciate music?
Why, sure we do, when it's good.
Gentlemen, your conduct here tonight...
- ...has betrayed you.
- Of what?
If I'm not too inquisitive,
of sending Ellman to the electric chair...
...on a murder charge for which
all of you were responsible.
- Where did you get that fantastic idea?
- It's more than an idea, Nolan.
It seems to me you're getting
a little careless with your talk.
Remember, I'm Ellman's attorney.
That was the most unfortunate thing
that ever happened to him.
You're a smart man, Werner.
What's the matter?
Has Dr. Beaumont's supernatural
hocus-pocus gotten you too?
No, it isn't hocus-pocus.
I don't need the aid of the supernatural
to read the guilt written all over your faces.
It's elemental, my dear Nolan. Elemental.
Why, look at Mr. Merritt's face.
It's an open book.
Oh, he looks like that all the time.
Well, boys, enjoy yourselves.
Go on, get hold of Trigger,
and don't lose any time.
- Maybe you're right.
- What? You all gone crazy?
What are you so panicky about?
Werner hasn't got a thing on us.
The trouble is you all have
a guilty conscience.
I haven't.
Now, keep calm
and nothing is going to happen.
- I'm going to make sure nothing happens.
- Wait.
- Go ahead. We got nothing to lose.
- Leave it to me.
Yeah, you can talk.
Listen, Trigger, I got a big order for you.
And here's the lowdown.
Ellman? Huh, you don't want much, do you?
Can't you get somebody else?
How do you expect me to get near him?
Well, it's worth double the usual rate.
I said triple the usual rate,
and money in advance.
I'll be at your place in half an hour.
Where'd you come from?
Funny, ha, ha.
You and me always seem
to be meeting up at the right time.
Here I've been thinking of
paying you a visit and, heh... save me the trouble by walking in.
Sit down. Make yourself at home.
Keep it. That's all.
How did you know where to find me?
Why did you kill Judge Shaw?
Lay off that stuff.
I never even seen the judge.
That night, I thought you were my friend.
- You took my life.
- Well, I'm gonna take it again.
Unless you got cat blood, no one's
gonna bring you back. Put them up.
You can't kill me again.
Keep away from me, I tell you,
or I'll plug you.
- You can't use that gun.
- Keep back. Keep back.
- You can't escape what you've done.
- Stay where you are, I say. Keep back.
That you, Nolan?
Trigger Smith is dead.
- What?
- What's the matter?
Trigger Smith is dead.
I tell you,
I found him lying dead on the floor.
This is no rib, Nolan.
If you ask me, Ellman had a hand in it.
He'll get all of us.
What? Have you gone crazy?
Come over here and have a drink.
Not me. I'm taking no chances.
I'm leaving town tonight.
- Thank you.
- That's all.
Why, how did you know I was here?
Why did you have me killed?
Why, I... I...
You're mad. He's mad.
"R.I.P." What does that mean?
"- Rest in peace. "
- Good idea, we'll use it.
This is proper. You will find it
to your liking for an occasion like this.
It isn't large enough.
Send a big wreath
of white chrysanthemums.
- Trigger would like that.
- Sunset Hour Funeral Parlors, Trigger Smith.
- May I have your card?
- That won't be necessary. No name.
Just make it flashy.
We don't care about the price.
Give us something
that will knock the mourners' eyes out.
- Mm-hm.
- I understand. Just a moment.
I hope Trigger Smith appreciates this.
- Hello.
- Hello, Merritt.
- Listen.
- What's the matter?
- The DA phoned.
- What is it?
- It's Blackstone.
- What's the matter?
- He was killed last night.
- Killed?
I'm sure Ellman drove him mad.
- That man has supernatural...
- Stop talking like a madman.
You may think I'm crazy,
but he's going to get us.
- Shut up.
- Here we are, sir.
- How you like this?
- That looks very good.
Say, that's great.
But you better make it two
instead of one.
Joe. Hey, Joe.
Where are you? Joe.
- Here we are.
- Where have you been?
Your orders were
to stay outside this door.
- There's funny things going on.
- What?
We've been seeing and hearing things
around here and there ain't nothing.
Yellow, huh? Fine guards I've got.
- We ain't afraid of nothing alive.
- What's the matter?
- We ain't no use to you, and we're leaving.
- You can't. I won't sleep.
You've got to watch my room.
Wait till morning.
No. Come on, Joe, we're quitting.
- But you can't.
- But we are.
Let's go.
This place gives me the heebie-jeebies.
You're telling me.
- Turn off that radio.
- I can't shave without music.
What are you shaving for?
I'm going to bed.
My whiskers keep me awake.
Leave that alone.
Nolan sent me around here
to keep you from cutting out paper dolls.
And if I can't have the comforts
that I have in my home, then I'll quit.
- You can't leave. The guards walked out.
- I don't blame them.
Does it mean too much
to stop playing that radio?
- Oh, all right, I'll shave without music, then.
- Thanks, Betcha.
To show how I appreciate your sacrifice,
this is what I'm going to do.
You were telling me how uncomfortable
your bed was last night.
- Tonight you can sleep in my bed.
- So, what's the gag?
You wouldn't be expecting Ellman
to pay you a social call tonight, would you?
And have him find me in your bed?
Ha, ha.
- No, thank you.
- Just goes to show you.
Try to be decent and make a fellow
comfortable and he thinks it's a gag.
Oh, I'm sorry.
- All right, I'll stay.
- Oh, thanks, Betcha. You're a real pal.
Consider it your room.
You'll find pajamas, cigarettes,
a drink, whatever you want.
- Thanks.
- Good night.
Good night. You haven't got
an old address book around, have you?
How did you get in here?
What are you going to do to me?
Why did you have me killed?
- The others did it. They framed it.
- You were one of them and you know it.
I tell you, I had no part in it.
If you're going to do anything,
get it over with.
Go on, do it.
Don't look at me like that.
I say, don't look at me like that.
Keep away, I tell you. Keep away.
Why, you... Unh!
What do you want? What are you doing?
Your orders were to stay with Merritt.
- He's dead.
- Dead? Who?
- Merritt's dead.
- What are you talking about?
- What happened?
- I don't know.
I heard a window crash
and I run into the room...
...looked out the window
and there he was laying on the sidewalk.
- I turned around and it was Ellman.
- Ellman?
Do you hear that, Loder?
First it was Trigger, then Blackstone,
and now it's Merritt.
I'm beginning to think those deaths
weren't a coincidence.
Whether it was or not, we quit stalling.
Listen, you're Ellman's guardian.
You and I are going
to Dr. Beaumont's office and get him out.
Wait a minute, there's two of us left.
You're liable to get us both in a jam.
We're in a jam already.
It's either him or us, and I'm telling you,
it's not gonna be us.
Dr. Beaumont. Dr. Beaumont.
- I think this is the place.
- John.
Oh, what?... Why, where have you been?
I'm caretaker
at the Jackson Memorial Cemetery.
When I came on duty this morning...
...I found him wandering about
the tombstones.
He seemed to be in a kind of a daze.
I recognized him from his pictures.
- Thank you very much.
- All right.
Oh, John.
Where have you been?
What have you been doing?
Here, sit down here, will you?
Nancy, give him something hot for him.
That's right. Now, then.
Do you know that Smith, Merritt
and Blackstone are dead?
What have you learned that made you think
they sent you to the electric chair?
Do you suspect any others?
- Doctor, after some sleep.
- No, Nancy, I must know.
Please, leave me alone.
Now, Ellman, try to think.
I'm positive that Ellman has
some knowledge not given to him by man.
He seems to know that these men were
responsible for sending him to the chair.
I don't know what the solution is, doctor.
But as district attorney,
I can't let Ellman go on like this.
- No.
- Three men are dead. Others may follow.
- It's like taking justice into your own hands.
- Exactly.
Although I suspect these men
of being guilty...
...I've got to get some tangible evidence.
- I'll get it for you.
- How?
I'm going to unlock Ellman's mind.
I shall operate.
What good would that do?
He wouldn't live long enough to tell us.
You said there's only one chance
in a thousand he'd live.
- But, it's worth that chance.
- Why?
Werner, the evidence that Ellman
will be able to give to you...
...will be nothing compared
to the information he'll be able to give me.
Secrets from the beyond.
Things that no man has ever dreamt of
are within my reach. Think of it.
Pardon me, doctor.
Mr. Nolan is waiting to see you
in your office.
All right.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
What can I do for you?
- We've come to take Ellman.
- What?
He's a menace to society
and should be confined to an institution.
He's not normal.
He shouldn't be running around loose.
- As his doctor, I refuse to allow it.
- And as his guardian, I demand it.
Doctor, I advise you
to confine your experiments to animals.
- Just you leave man...
- Stop making speeches.
We got a court order
for Ellman's removal.
- Right.
- May I see that?
Why, sure, take a look at it.
Nothing phony about it, Mr. DA.
You better get wise, unless you want
a murder charge against you and this man.
- We're taking him right now.
- But he's in no condition to be moved.
He's still under my observation.
He needs treatment, and must remain here
until I say he's fit to go.
That makes no difference, doctor.
The court order speaks for itself.
Just a moment, gentlemen.
This order is dated November 17th.
- That still gives us 24 hours.
- What?
- That's right.
- Well, what can we do about it?
We can't do anything for 24 hours.
All right, we'll be back tomorrow.
Just remember, gentlemen, we shall
hold you responsible for Mr. Ellman.
- We'll take that chance.
All right, let's go.
Good day.
Well, doctor?
I shall operate before morning.
- Doctor. Doctor.
- Yes?
- Ellman, he's gone.
- Gone?
I looked everywhere.
He's not in the hospital.
Loder, Nolan, they must have taken him.
I'll notify Werner.
No, no, wait. I...
I think I know where he might have gone.
That girl knows where Ellman is.
Good hunch following her, wasn't it?
I hope you're right.
Hey, you lug.
Why didn't you make that turn?
I could've bet odds
she went straight ahead.
All right, turn and get going.
You had all the time in the world.
Come on, get out of there.
I'll drive this car myself.
I'll bet you I drive...
I'll blow your brains out
instead of Ellman.
Come on, get out of there.
I quit.
Open the door.
Please, open the door.
Oh, John, please.
I've been looking everywhere for you.
Why did you go away?
- John, you're ill.
- No, I'm not.
But we've been so worried about you.
Why did you come back here again?
It's quiet.
I belong here.
- There's her car.
- She must be in there.
Hurry up.
Please. We're only trying to help you.
Of course, Nancy, of course.
You have helped me.
- But you can't stay here like this.
- I must. I must.
I'll call Dr. Beaumont.
Let him have it.
What's the matter with you?
Give it to me.
- Yes, Nancy.
- John has been shot. He's dying.
Please hurry, doctor.
All right, Nancy.
Do what you can for him till I get there.
- I fixed a place for him.
- Thank you.
Quickly, doctor.
What is it, doctor?
One bullet struck the base of the skull
in the area of the blood clot.
If he can only hold out for a little,
we might discover what he learned in death.
Oh, can't you forget your questioning?
You're supposed to be a doctor.
No doctor can save his life now.
But if he could only hold...
Now, John.
John, look at me. Try to remember.
You must.
It's so strange remembering.
What, John?
All the things you wanted to know.
How I knew I had been framed.
But how did you find out?
You knew nothing before your execution.
How do you know now?
It's hard to explain.
Try, John, try.
That's why I brought you back
from death.
Leave the dead to their maker.
The Lord our God is a jealous god.
But, John, what is death?
Can't you put it into words?
Tell me.
Tell me. You must.
What is death?
I think I can.
- After the shock...
...I seemed to feel...
...peace and a...
He's happier now.
It will never be known.
The Lord our God is a jealous god.